Programs & Examples On #Uitextviewdelegate

A text view delegate responds to editing-related messages from the text view. You can use the delegate to track changes to the text itself and to the current selection.

How to Correctly handle Weak Self in Swift Blocks with Arguments

**EDITED for Swift 4.2:

As @Koen commented, swift 4.2 allows:

guard let self = self else {
   return // Could not get a strong reference for self :`(

// Now self is a strong reference

P.S.: Since I am having some up-votes, I would like to recommend the reading about escaping closures.

EDITED: As @tim-vermeulen has commented, Chris Lattner said on Fri Jan 22 19:51:29 CST 2016, this trick should not be used on self, so please don't use it. Check the non escaping closures info and the capture list answer from @gbk.**

For those who use [weak self] in capture list, note that self could be nil, so the first thing I do is check that with a guard statement

guard let `self` = self else {

If you are wondering what the quote marks are around self is a pro trick to use self inside the closure without needing to change the name to this, weakSelf or whatever.

What's the difference between "end" and "exit sub" in VBA?

This is a bit outside the scope of your question, but to avoid any potential confusion for readers who are new to VBA: End and End Sub are not the same. They don't perform the same task.

End puts a stop to ALL code execution and you should almost always use Exit Sub (or Exit Function, respectively).

End halts ALL exectution. While this sounds tempting to do it also clears all global and static variables. (source)

See also the MSDN dox for the End Statement

When executed, the End statement resets allmodule-level variables and all static local variables in allmodules. To preserve the value of these variables, use the Stop statement instead. You can then resume execution while preserving the value of those variables.

Note The End statement stops code execution abruptly, without invoking the Unload, QueryUnload, or Terminate event, or any other Visual Basic code. Code you have placed in the Unload, QueryUnload, and Terminate events offorms andclass modules is not executed. Objects created from class modules are destroyed, files opened using the Open statement are closed, and memory used by your program is freed. Object references held by other programs are invalidated.

Nor is End Sub and Exit Sub the same. End Sub can't be called in the same way Exit Sub can be, because the compiler doesn't allow it.

enter image description here

This again means you have to Exit Sub, which is a perfectly legal operation:

Exit Sub
Immediately exits the Sub procedure in which it appears. Execution continues with the statement following the statement that called the Sub procedure. Exit Sub can be used only inside a Sub procedure.

Additionally, and once you get the feel for how procedures work, obviously, End Sub does not clear any global variables. But it does clear local (Dim'd) variables:

End Sub
Terminates the definition of this procedure.

Define a struct inside a class in C++

Something like:

class Tree {

 struct node {
   int data;
   node *llink;
   node *rlink;

Loaded nib but the 'view' outlet was not set

For me all the things stated here were true but still it was throwing error, reason was I created a View class with name ABCView and then deleted it later I added a view controller as ABCViewController so somehow it was referring to old ABCView in new view controller, I had to delete the ABCViewController and add a new one with different name that solved my issue.


How to get the path of a running JAR file?

I'm surprised to see that none recently proposed to use Path. Here follows a citation: "The Path class includes various methods that can be used to obtain information about the path, access elements of the path, convert the path to other forms, or extract portions of a path"

Thus, a good alternative is to get the Path objest as:

Path path = Paths.get(Test.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI());

BAT file: Open new cmd window and execute a command in there

You may already find your answer because it was some time ago you asked. But I tried to do something similar when coding ror. I wanted to run "rails server" in a new cmd window so I don't have to open a new cmd and then find my path again.

What I found out was to use the K switch like this:

start cmd /k echo Hello, World!

start before "cmd" will open the application in a new window and "/K" will execute "echo Hello, World!" after the new cmd is up.

You can also use the /C switch for something similar.

start cmd /C pause

This will then execute "pause" but close the window when the command is done. In this case after you pressed a button. I found this useful for "rails server", then when I shutdown my dev server I don't have to close the window after.

Use the following in your batch file:

start cmd.exe /c "more-batch-commands-here"


start cmd.exe /k "more-batch-commands-here"

/c Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates

/k Carries out the command specified by string but remains

The /c and /k options controls what happens once your command finishes running. With /c the terminal window will close automatically, leaving your desktop clean. With /k the terminal window will remain open. It's a good option if you want to run more commands manually afterwards.

Consult the cmd.exe documentation using cmd /? for more details.

Escaping Commands with White Spaces

The proper formatting of the command string becomes more complicated when using arguments with spaces. See the examples below. Note the nested double quotes in some examples.


Run a program and pass a filename parameter:
CMD /c write.exe c:\docs\sample.txt

Run a program and pass a filename which contains whitespace:
CMD /c write.exe "c:\sample documents\sample.txt"

Spaces in program path:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe""

Spaces in program path + parameters:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo.cmd"" Parameter1 Param2
CMD /k ""c:\batch files\demo.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""

Launch demo1 and demo2:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo1.cmd" & "c:\Program Files\demo2.cmd""


How do I resolve "Cannot find module" error using Node.js?

This error can be encountered if you are requireing a module that has a missing or incorrect main field in its package.json. Though the module itself is installed, npm/node has to use a single .js file as an entrypoint to your module. If the main field is not there, it defaults to looking for index.js in your module's folder. If your module's main file is not called index.js, it won't be able to require it.

Discovered while turning a browserify-based module into a CommonJS require-able module; browserify didn't care about the missing main field, and so the error had gone unnoticed.

Xcode Project vs. Xcode Workspace - Differences

When I used CocoaPods to develop iOS projects, there is a .xcworkspace file, you need to open the project with .xcworkspace file related with CocoaPods.

Files preview

But when you Show Package Contents with .xcworkspace file, you will find the contents.xcworkspacedata file.

Package contents

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   version = "1.0">
      location = "group:BluetoothColorLamp24G.xcodeproj">
      location = "group:Pods/Pods.xcodeproj">

pay attention to this line:

location = "group:BluetoothColorLamp24G.xcodeproj"

The .xcworkspace file has reference with the .xcodeproj file.

Development Environment:

macOS 10.14
Xcode 10.1

How to delete last character in a string in C#?


This does work to remove a single character from the end of a string. But if I use it to remove, say, 4 characters, this doesn't work:


As an alternative, I have used this approach instead:

DateFrom = DateFrom.Substring(0, DateFrom.Length-4);

How to remove extension from string (only real extension!)

Try this one:

$withoutExt = preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/', '', $filename);

So, this matches a dot followed by three or four characters which are not a dot or a space. The "3 or 4" rule should probably be relaxed, since there are plenty of file extensions which are shorter or longer.

CSS display: inline vs inline-block

Inline elements:

  1. respect left & right margins and padding, but not top & bottom
  2. cannot have a width and height set
  3. allow other elements to sit to their left and right.
  4. see very important side notes on this here.

Block elements:

  1. respect all of those
  2. force a line break after the block element
  3. acquires full-width if width not defined

Inline-block elements:

  1. allow other elements to sit to their left and right
  2. respect top & bottom margins and padding
  3. respect height and width

From W3Schools:

  • An inline element has no line break before or after it, and it tolerates HTML elements next to it.

  • A block element has some whitespace above and below it and does not tolerate any HTML elements next to it.

  • An inline-block element is placed as an inline element (on the same line as adjacent content), but it behaves as a block element.

When you visualize this, it looks like this:

CSS block vs inline vs inline-block

The image is taken from this page, which also talks some more about this subject.

Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain

Your gradle wrapper is missing, broken or corrupted.

What is gradle wrapper:
gradlew is the gradle wrapper executable - batch script on windows and shell script elsewhere. The wrapper script when invoked, downloads the defined gradle version and executes it. By distributing the wrapper with your project, anyone can work with it without needing to install Gradle beforehand. Even better, users of the build are guaranteed to use the version of Gradle that the build was designed to work with.

Restoring gradle wrapper:
It used to be that you needed to add a wrapper task to your build.gradle to restore gradle wrapper and all its dependencies. For instance:

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '4.1'

Newer versions of gradle do not require this. It is now a built-in task. Just run:

gradle wrapper

You can also supply additional flags to specify versions etc

gradle wrapper --gradle-version 6.2 --distribution-type all

When you run this task, a gradle wrapper script, and the required jar files are added to your source folders. Properties are stored in gradle/wrapper/

(You may need to install gradle locally to run this. brew install gradle on mac for instance. See more detailed instructions here)

Why was it missing in the first place?
OP seems to have deleted something that gradle wrapper depends on.

But a common reason is that a .gitignore entry prevents wrapper jars from being checked into git. Note that the .gitignore in effect may be in the source folder, or a global one in your user home folder or git global configuration. It is common to have a *.jar entry in .gitignore.

You can add an exception for gradlew's jar files in .gitignore


or force add the wrapper jar into git

git add -f gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar

ref: Gradle Wrapper

Server is already running in Rails

Just open that C:/Sites/folder/Pids/Server.pids and copy that 4 digit value.that 4 digit value is nothing but a PID, which you need to kill to stop the already running process.

then to stop the process use below command

 kill -9 <pid>

once that already running process get stopped then hit

rails s to start the rails server

Query to get all rows from previous month

Here is the query to get the records of the last month:

FROM `tablename`
WHERE `datefiled`

Regards - saqib

How to find whether or not a variable is empty in Bash?

Presuming Bash:


if [ -n "$var" ]; then
    echo "not empty"
    echo "empty"

How to display errors on laravel 4?

Maybe not on Laravel 4 this time, but on L5.2* I had similar issue:

I simply changed the ownership of the storage/logs directory to www-data with:

# chown -R www-data:www-data logs

PS: This is on Ubuntu 15 and with apache.

My logs directory now looks like:

drwxrwxr-x  2 www-data   www-data 4096 jaan  23 09:39 logs/

Group by & count function in sqlalchemy

If you are using Table.query property:

from sqlalchemy import func
Table.query.with_entities(Table.column, func.count(Table.column)).group_by(Table.column).all()

If you are using session.query() method (as stated in miniwark's answer):

from sqlalchemy import func
session.query(Table.column, func.count(Table.column)).group_by(Table.column).all()

Is there a Google Keep API?

No there isn't. If you watch the http traffic and dump the page source you can see that there is an API below the covers, but it's not published nor available for 3rd party apps.

Check this link: for updates.

However, there is an unofficial Python API under active development:

In Java, how can I determine if a char array contains a particular character?

The following snippets test for the "not contains" condition, as exemplified in the sample pseudocode in the question. For a direct solution with explicit looping, do this:

boolean contains = false;
for (char c : charArray) {
    if (c == 'q') {
        contains = true;
if (!contains) {
    // do something

Another alternative, using the fact that String provides a contains() method:

if (!(new String(charArray).contains("q"))) {
    // do something

Yet another option, this time using indexOf():

if (new String(charArray).indexOf('q') == -1) {
    // do something

Python reshape list to ndim array

You can think of reshaping that the new shape is filled row by row (last dimension varies fastest) from the flattened original list/array.

An easy solution is to shape the list into a (100, 28) array and then transpose it:

x = np.reshape(list_data, (100, 28)).T

Update regarding the updated example:

np.reshape([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], (4, 2)).T
# array([[0, 1, 2, 3],
#        [0, 1, 2, 3]])

np.reshape([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], (2, 4))
# array([[0, 0, 1, 1],
#        [2, 2, 3, 3]])

Oracle 'Partition By' and 'Row_Number' keyword

I often use row_number() as a quick way to discard duplicate records from my select statements. Just add a where clause. Something like...

select a,b,rn 
  from (select a, b, row_number() over (partition by a,b order by a,b) as rn           
          from table) 
 where rn=1;

Why should we typedef a struct so often in C?

the name you (optionally) give the struct is called the tag name and, as has been noted, is not a type in itself. To get to the type requires the struct prefix.

GTK+ aside, I'm not sure the tagname is used anything like as commonly as a typedef to the struct type, so in C++ that is recognised and you can omit the struct keyword and use the tagname as the type name too:

    struct MyStruct
      int i;

    // The following is legal in C++:
    MyStruct obj;
    obj.i = 7;

What does "restore purchases" in In-App purchases mean?

You typically restore purchases with this code:

[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];

It will reinvoke -paymentQueue:updatedTransactions on the observer(s) for the purchased items. This is useful for users who reinstall the app after deletion or install it on a different device.

Not all types of In-App purchases can be restored.

Generate GUID in MySQL for existing Data?


UPDATE tablename   SET columnName = UUID()


UPDATE tablename   SET columnName = SYS_GUID();


UPDATE tablename   SET columnName = NEWID();;

Eclipse Indigo - Cannot install Android ADT Plugin

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items
could not be found.  Software currently installed: Shared profile ( Missing requirement: Shared profile ( requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse

Run As Administrator !!!

How to turn a string formula into a "real" formula

Evaluate might suit:

Function Eval(Ref As String)
    Eval = Evaluate(Ref)
End Function

React.js inline style best practices

What I do is give each one of my reusable component a unique custom element name and then create a CSS file for that component, specifically, with all styling options for that component (and only for that component).

var MyDiv = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return <custom-component style={style}> Have a good and productive day! </custom-component>;

And in file 'custom-component.css', every entry will start with the custom-component tag:

custom-component { 
   display: block; /* have it work as a div */
   color: 'white'; 
   fontSize: 200; 
custom-component h1 { 
  font-size: 1.4em; 

That means you don't lose the critical notion of separating of concern. View vs style. If you share your component, it is easier for others to theme it to match the rest of their web page.

Use Font Awesome Icons in CSS

You can try this example class. and find icon content here:

  #content h2:before {
    display: inline-block;
    font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome;
    font-size: inherit;
    text-rendering: auto;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
    transform: translate(0, 0);
    content: "\f007";

Take nth column in a text file

If you are using structured data, this has the added benefit of not invoking an extra shell process to run tr and/or cut or something. ...

(Of course, you will want to guard against bad inputs with conditionals and sane alternatives.)

while read line ; 
    lineCols=( $line ) ;
    echo "${lineCols[0]}"
    echo "${lineCols[1]}"
done < $myFQFileToRead ; 

How to get image height and width using java?

Problem with is that it is really slow. All you need to do is to read image header to get the size. ImageIO.getImageReader is perfect candidate.

Here is the Groovy example, but the same thing applies to Java

def stream = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(newByteArrayInputStream(inputStream))
def formatReader = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName(format).next() 
def reader = ImageIO.getImageReader(formatReader)
reader.setInput(stream, true)

println "width:reader.getWidth(0) -> height: reader.getHeight(0)"

The performance was the same as using SimpleImageInfo java library.

PowerShell says "execution of scripts is disabled on this system."

This solved my issue

Open Windows PowerShell Command and run below query to change ExecutionPolicy

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

if it ask for confirm changes press 'Y' and hit enter.

Combining multiple commits before pushing in Git

There are quite a few working answers here, but I found this the easiest. This command will open up an editor, where you can just replace pick with squash in order to remove/merge them into one

git rebase -i HEAD~4

where, 4 is the number of commits you want to squash into one. This is explained here as well.

What is the difference between localStorage, sessionStorage, session and cookies?

Local storage: It keeps store the user information data without expiration date this data will not be deleted when user closed the browser windows it will be available for day, week, month and year.

In Local storage can store 5-10mb offline data.

//Set the value in a local storage object
localStorage.setItem('name', myName);

//Get the value from storage object

//Delete the value from local storage object
localStorage.removeItem(name);//Delete specifice obeject from local storege
localStorage.clear();//Delete all from local storege

Session Storage: It is same like local storage date except it will delete all windows when browser windows closed by a web user.

In Session storage can store upto 5 mb data

//set the value to a object in session storege
sessionStorage.myNameInSession = "Krishna";

Session: A session is a global variable stored on the server. Each session is assigned a unique id which is used to retrieve stored values.

Cookies: Cookies are data, stored in small text files as name-value pairs, on your computer. Once a cookie has been set, all page requests that follow return the cookie name and value.

ng-options with simple array init

You actually had it correct in your third attempt.

 <select ng-model="myselect" ng-options="o as o for o in options"></select>

See a working example here:

The trick is that AngularJS writes the keys as numbers from 0 to n anyway, and translates back when updating the model.

As a result, the HTML will look incorrect but the model will still be set properly when choosing a value. (i.e. AngularJS will translate '0' back to 'var1')

The solution by Epokk also works, however if you're loading data asynchronously you might find it doesn't always update correctly. Using ngOptions will correctly refresh when the scope changes.

What is the difference between instanceof and Class.isAssignableFrom(...)?

When using instanceof, you need to know the class of B at compile time. When using isAssignableFrom() it can be dynamic and change during runtime.

including parameters in OPENQUERY

Simple example based off of @Tuan Zaidi's example above which seemed the easiest. Didn't know you can do the filter on the outside of OPENQUERY... so much easier!

However in my case I needed to stuff it in a variable so I created an additional Sub Query Level to return a single value.

SET @SFID = (SELECT T.Id FROM (SELECT Id,  Contact_ID_SQL__c  FROM OPENQUERY([TR-SF-PROD], 'SELECT Id,  Contact_ID_SQL__c FROM Contact') WHERE Contact_ID_SQL__c = @ContactID) T)

How to update attributes without validation

Shouldn't that be

validates_length_of :title, :in => 6..255, :on => :create

so it only works during create?

DateTime.MinValue and SqlDateTime overflow

I am using this function to tryparse

public static bool TryParseSqlDateTime(string someval, DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormats, out DateTime tryDate)
        bool valid = false;
        tryDate = (DateTime)System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.MinValue;
        System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime sdt;
        if (DateTime.TryParse(someval, dateTimeFormats, DateTimeStyles.None, out tryDate))
                sdt = new System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime(tryDate);
                valid = true;
            catch (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException ex)


        return valid;

PHP function to get the subdomain of a URL

if you are using drupal 7

this will help you:

global $base_path;
global $base_root;  
$fulldomain = parse_url($base_root);    
$splitdomain = explode(".", $fulldomain['host']);
$subdomain = $splitdomain[0];

jQuery add required to input fields



Checking for multiple conditions using "when" on single task in ansible

You can use like this.

when: condition1 == "condition1" or condition2 == "condition2"

Link to official docs: The When Statement.

Also Please refer to this gist:

Create list of object from another using Java 8 Streams

If you want to iterate over a list and create a new list with "transformed" objects, you should use the map() function of stream + collect(). In the following example I find all people with the last name "l1" and each person I'm "mapping" to a new Employee instance.

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Person> persons = Arrays.asList(
                new Person("e1", "l1"),
                new Person("e2", "l1"),
                new Person("e3", "l2"),
                new Person("e4", "l2")

        List<Employee> employees =
                .filter(p -> p.getLastName().equals("l1"))
                .map(p -> new Employee(p.getName(), p.getLastName(), 1000))



class Person {

    private String name;
    private String lastName;

    public Person(String name, String lastName) { = name;
        this.lastName = lastName;

    // Getter & Setter

class Employee extends Person {

    private double salary;

    public Employee(String name, String lastName, double salary) {
        super(name, lastName);
        this.salary = salary;

    // Getter & Setter

Process escape sequences in a string in Python

The correct thing to do is use the 'string-escape' code to decode the string.

>>> myString = "spam\\neggs"
>>> decoded_string = bytes(myString, "utf-8").decode("unicode_escape") # python3 
>>> decoded_string = myString.decode('string_escape') # python2
>>> print(decoded_string)

Don't use the AST or eval. Using the string codecs is much safer.

Is there a "null coalescing" operator in JavaScript?

Ok a proper answer

Does it exist in JavaScript? Yes, it does. BUT. It's currently as of 2020-02-06 at Stage 3 and is not supported everywhere, yet. Follow the link in URL below and go to the "Specifications" and "Browser compatibility" headers for more info on where it is at.

Quote from:

The nullish coalescing operator (??) is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.

Contrary to the logical OR (||) operator, the left operand is returned if it is a falsy value which is not null or undefined. In other words, if you use || to provide some default value to another variable foo, you may encounter unexpected behaviors if you consider some falsy values as usable (eg. '' or 0). See below for more examples.

Want examples? Follow the link I posted, it has everything.

How do you do relative time in Rails?

Another approach is to unload some logic from the backend and maek the browser do the job by using Javascript plugins such as:

jQuery time ago or its Rails Gem adaptation

How to fluently build JSON in Java?

String json = new JsonBuilder(new GsonAdapter())
  .object("key1", "value1")
  .object("key2", "value2")
    .object("innerKey1", "value3")

If you think the above solution is elegant, then please try out my JsonBuilder lib. It was created to allow one way of building json structures for many types of Json libraries. Current implementations include Gson, Jackson and MongoDB. For ie. Jackson just swap:

String json = new JsonBuilder(new JacksonAdapter()).

I'll happily add others on request, it`s also quite easy to implement one by oneself.

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms'

I had this error with an old webforms app. Turns out there was a line in the markup causing the issue. I removed it and the error disappeared.

<%@ Register assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" namespace="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms" tagprefix="rsweb" %>

How to dynamically add a class to manual class names?

If you're using css modules this is what worked for me.

const [condition, setCondition] = useState(false);

\\ toggle condition

return (
  <span className={`${styles.always} ${(condition ? styles.sometimes : '')`}>

Exception 'open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)' on Android

In addition to all answers, if the clients are using Android 6.0, Android added new permission model for (Marshmallow).

Trick: If you are targeting version 22 or below, your application will request all permissions at install time just as it would on any device running an OS below Marshmallow. If you are trying on the emulator then from android 6.0 onwards you need to explicitly go the settings->apps-> YOURAPP -> permissions and change the permission if you have given any.

Design Patterns web based applications

IMHO, there is not much difference in case of web application if you look at it from the angle of responsibility assignment. However, keep the clarity in the layer. Keep anything purely for the presentation purpose in the presentation layer, like the control and code specific to the web controls. Just keep your entities in the business layer and all features (like add, edit, delete) etc in the business layer. However rendering them onto the browser to be handled in the presentation layer. For .Net, the ASP.NET MVC pattern is very good in terms of keeping the layers separated. Look into the MVC pattern.

Error pushing to GitHub - insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database

chmod should be chown, so the correct line is:

sudo chown -R gituser:gituser objects

How do you use the ? : (conditional) operator in JavaScript?

The conditional (ternary) operator is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands. This operator is frequently used as a shortcut for the if statement.

condition ? expr1 : expr2 

If condition is true, the operator returns the value of expr1; otherwise, it returns the value of expr2.

function fact(n) {
  if (n > 1) {
    return n * fact(n-1);
  } else {
    return 1;
  // we can replace the above code in a single line of code as below
  //return (n != 1) ? n * fact(n - 1) : 1;

For more clarification please read MDN document link

How to get input from user at runtime

you can try this too And it will work:

  a :=: a; --this will take input from user
  b :=: b;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('a = '|| a);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('b = '|| b);

Open a URL in a new tab (and not a new window)

I think that you can't control this. If the user had setup their browser to open links in a new window, you can't force this to open links in a new tab.

JavaScript open in a new window, not tab

Why am I seeing "TypeError: string indices must be integers"?

data is a dict object. So, iterate over it like this:

Python 2

for key, value in data.iteritems():
    print key, value

Python 3

for key, value in data.items():
    print(key, value)

Removing viewcontrollers from navigation stack

Swift 5:

navigationController?.viewControllers.removeAll(where: { (vc) -> Bool in
    if vc.isKind(of: MyViewController.self) || vc.isKind(of: MyViewController2.self) {
        return false
    } else {
        return true

How to keep an iPhone app running on background fully operational

May be the link will Help bcz u might have to implement the code in Appdelegate in app run in background method .. Also consult the site for application class Here is link for runing app in background

Fast Linux file count for a large number of files

By default ls sorts the names, which can take a while if there are a lot of them. Also there will be no output until all of the names are read and sorted. Use the ls -f option to turn off sorting.

ls -f | wc -l

Note that this will also enable -a, so ., .., and other files starting with . will be counted.

How to edit incorrect commit message in Mercurial?

EDIT: As pointed out by users, don't use MQ, use commit --amend. This answer is mostly of historic interest now.

As others have mentioned the MQ extension is much more suited for this task, and you don't run the risk of destroying your work. To do this:

  1. Enable the MQ extension, by adding something like this to your hgrc:

    mq =
  2. Update to the changeset you want to edit, typically tip:

    hg up $rev
  3. Import the current changeset into the queue:

    hg qimport -r .
  4. Refresh the patch, and edit the commit message:

    hg qrefresh -e
  5. Finish all applied patches (one, in this case) and store them as regular changesets:

    hg qfinish -a

I'm not familiar with TortoiseHg, but the commands should be similar to those above. I also believe it's worth mentioning that editing history is risky; you should only do it if you're absolutely certain that the changeset hasn't been pushed to or pulled from anywhere else.

Overflow-x:hidden doesn't prevent content from overflowing in mobile browsers

Creating a site wrapper div inside the <body> and applying the overflow-x:hidden to the wrapper instead of the <body> or <html> fixed the issue.

It appears that browsers that parse the <meta name="viewport"> tag simply ignore overflow attributes on the html and body tags.

Note: You may also need to add position: relative to the wrapper div.

Can a PDF file's print dialog be opened with Javascript?

Yes you can...

PDFs have Javascript support. I needed to have auto print capabilities when a PHP-generated PDF was created and I was able to use FPDF to get it to work:

Which .NET Dependency Injection frameworks are worth looking into?

I've used Spring.NET in the past and had great success with it. I never noticed any substantial overhead with it, though the project we used it on was fairly heavy on its own. It only took a little time reading through the documentation to get it set up.

How do you make a div follow as you scroll?

You can use the fixed CSS position property to accomplish this. There is a basic tutorial on this here.

EDIT: However, this approach is NOT supported in IE versions < IE7, and only in IE7 if it is in standards mode. This is discussed in a little more detail here.

There is also a hack, explained here, that shows how to accomplish fixed positioning in IE6 without affecting absolute positioning. What version of IE are you targeting your website for?

Passing multiple variables to another page in url

<a href="deleteshare.php?did=<?php echo "$rowc[id]"; ?>&uid=<?php echo "$id";?>">DELETE</a>

Pass multiple Variable one page to another page

Using ConfigurationManager to load config from an arbitrary location

For ASP.NET use WebConfigurationManager:

var config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~/Sites/" + requestDomain + "/");

"CSV file does not exist" for a filename with embedded quotes

Make sure your source file is saved in .csv format. I tried all the steps of adding the full path to the file, including and deleting the header=0, adding skiprows=0 but nothing works as I saved the excel file(data file) in workbook format and not in CSV format. so keep in mind to first check your file extension.

Selecting fields from JSON output

Assuming you are dealing with a JSON-string in the input, you can parse it using the json package, see the documentation.

In the specific example you posted you would need

x = json.loads("""{
 "accountWide": true,
 "criteria": [
         "description": "some description",
         "id": 7553,
         "max": 1,
         "orderIndex": 0
description = x['criteria'][0]['description']
id = x['criteria'][0]['id']
max = x['criteria'][0]['max']

"The system cannot find the file specified"

I got this error when starting my ASP.NET application and in my case the problem was that the SQL Server service was not running. Starting that cleared it up.

PHP - Notice: Undefined index:

How are you loading this page? Is it getting anything on POST to load? If it's not, then the $name = $_POST['Name']; assignation doesn't have any 'Name' on POST.

Form Submit jQuery does not work

According to

The submit event is sent to an element when the user is attempting to submit a form. It can only be attached to elements. Forms can be submitted either by clicking an explicit <input type="submit">, <input type="image">, or <button type="submit">, or by pressing Enter when certain form elements have focus.

So basically, .submit is a binding function, to submit the form you can use simple Javascript:


Python Finding Prime Factors

Another way of doing this:

import sys
n = int(sys.argv[1])
result = []
for i in xrange(2,n):
    while n % i == 0:
        #print i,"|",n
        n = n/i

    if n == 1: 

if n > 1: result.append(n)
print result

sample output :
python 68
[2, 2, 17]

Xcode 4 - "Archive" is greyed out?

I fixed this today...sort of. Although the archives still don't show up anywhere. But I got the Archive option back by going into Build Settings for the project and re-assigning my certs under "Code Signing Identity" for each build. They seemed to have gotten reset to something else when imported my 3.X project to 4.

I also used the instructions found here:

But I still can't get the actual archives to show up in Organizer (even though the files exist)

Why is this error, 'Sequence contains no elements', happening?

Check again. Use debugger if must. My guess is that for some item in userResponseDetails this query finds no elements:

.Where(y => y.ResponseId.Equals(item.ResponseId))

so you can't call


on it. Maybe try


if it solves the issue.

Do NOT return NULL value! This is purely so that you can see and diagnose where problem is. Handle these cases properly.

Prevent Caching in ASP.NET MVC for specific actions using an attribute

ASP.NET MVC 5 solutions:

  1. Caching prevention code at a central location: the App_Start/FilterConfig.cs's RegisterGlobalFilters method:
    public class FilterConfig
        public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
            // ...
            filters.Add(new OutputCacheAttribute
                NoStore = true,
                Duration = 0,
                VaryByParam = "*",
                Location = System.Web.UI.OutputCacheLocation.None
  1. Once you have that in place my understanding is that you can override the global filter by applying a different OutputCache directive at Controller or View level. For regular Controller it's
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, Location=System.Web.UI.ResponseCacheLocation.None, VaryByParam = "*")]

or if it's an ApiController it'd be

[System.Web.Mvc.OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, Location = System.Web.UI.OutputCacheLocation.None, VaryByParam = "*")]

How to make (link)button function as hyperlink?

you can use linkbutton for navigating to another section in the same page by using PostBackUrl="#Section2"

How to print pthread_t

GDB uses the thread-id (aka kernel pid, aka LWP) for short numbers on Linux. Try:

  #include <syscall.h>

    printf("tid = %d\n", syscall(SYS_gettid));

Including one C source file in another?

You can properly include .C or .CPP files into other source files. Depending on your IDE, you can usually prevent double-linkage by looking at the source files properties you want to be included, usually by right clicking on it and clicking properties, and uncheck/check compile/link/exclude from build or whatever option it may be. Or you could not include the file in the project itself, thus the IDE wont even know it exists and wont try to compile it. And with makefiles you simply just wouldn't put the file in it for compiling and linking.

EDIT: Sorry I made it an answer instead of a reply onto other answers :(

Copy a table from one database to another in Postgres

Using dblink would be more convenient!

truncate table tableA;

insert into tableA
select *
from dblink(' dbname=mydb user=postgres',
            'select a,b from tableA')
       as t1(a text,b text);

Deep copy vs Shallow Copy

Shallow copy:

Some members of the copy may reference the same objects as the original:

class X
    int i;
    int *pi;
        : pi(new int)
    { }
    X(const X& copy)   // <-- copy ctor
        : i(copy.i), pi(copy.pi)
    { }

Here, the pi member of the original and copied X object will both point to the same int.

Deep copy:

All members of the original are cloned (recursively, if necessary). There are no shared objects:

class X
    int i;
    int *pi;
        : pi(new int)
    { }
    X(const X& copy)   // <-- copy ctor
        : i(copy.i), pi(new int(*copy.pi))  // <-- note this line in particular!
    { }

Here, the pi member of the original and copied X object will point to different int objects, but both of these have the same value.

The default copy constructor (which is automatically provided if you don't provide one yourself) creates only shallow copies.

Correction: Several comments below have correctly pointed out that it is wrong to say that the default copy constructor always performs a shallow copy (or a deep copy, for that matter). Whether a type's copy constructor creates a shallow copy, or deep copy, or something in-between the two, depends on the combination of each member's copy behaviour; a member's type's copy constructor can be made to do whatever it wants, after all.

Here's what section 12.8, paragraph 8 of the 1998 C++ standard says about the above code examples:

The implicitly defined copy constructor for class X performs a memberwise copy of its subobjects. [...] Each subobject is copied in the manner appropriate to its type: [...] [I]f the subobject is of scalar type, the builtin assignment operator is used.

How to "properly" print a list?

This is simple code, so if you are new you should understand it easily enough.

    mylist = ["x", 3, "b"]
    for items in mylist:

It prints all of them without quotes, like you wanted.

How do I check if a number is positive or negative in C#?

if (num < 0) {
if (num > 0) {
if (num == 0) {
  //neither positive or negative,

or use "else ifs"

Delete all items from a c++ std::vector

Use v.clear() to empty the vector.

If your vector contains pointers, clear calls the destructor for the object but does not delete the memory referenced by the pointer.

vector<SomeClass*> v(0);

v.push_back( new SomeClass("one") );

v.clear();  //Memory leak where "one" instance of SomeClass is lost

How to check file input size with jQuery?

You actually don't have access to filesystem (for example reading and writing local files), however, due to HTML5 File Api specification, there are some file properties that you do have access to, and the file size is one of them.

For the HTML below

<input type="file" id="myFile" />

try the following:

//binds to onchange event of your input field
$('#myFile').bind('change', function() {

  //this.files[0].size gets the size of your file.


As it is a part of the HTML5 specification, it will only work for modern browsers (v10 required for IE) and I added here more details and links about other file information you should know:

Old browsers support

Be aware that old browsers will return a null value for the previous this.files call, so accessing this.files[0] will raise an exception and you should check for File API support before using it

Return single column from a multi-dimensional array

If you want "tag_name" with associated "blogTags_id" use: (PHP > 5.5)

$blogDatas = array_column($your_multi_dim_array, 'tag_name', 'blogTags_id');
echo implode(', ', array_map(function ($k, $v) { return "$k: $v"; }, array_keys($blogDatas), array_values($blogDatas)));

Pointtype command for gnuplot

You first have to tell Gnuplot to use a style that uses points, e.g. with points or with linespoints. Try for example:

plot sin(x) with points


Now try:

plot sin(x) with points pointtype 5


You may also want to look at the output from the test command which shows you the capabilities of the current terminal. Here are the capabilities for my pngairo terminal:

Redirect stderr to stdout in C shell

What about just

xxx >& /dev/stdout


Parse XML document in C#

Try this:

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

Or alternatively if you have the XML in a string use the LoadXml method.

Once you have it loaded, you can use SelectNodes and SelectSingleNode to query specific values, for example:

XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Company/Email/text()");
// node.Value contains "[email protected]"

Finally, note that your XML is invalid as it doesn't contain a single root node. It must be something like this:

        <Email>[email protected]</Email>

Run a Docker image as a container

For those who had the same problem as well, but encountered an error like

rpc error: code = 2 desc = oci runtime error: exec failed: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "exec: \"bash\": executable file not found in $PATH"

I added an entry point that was worked for me:

docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh for the images without Bash.

Example (from the approved example):

run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh ubuntu:12.04


In C#, why is String a reference type that behaves like a value type?

The distinction between reference types and value types are basically a performance tradeoff in the design of the language. Reference types have some overhead on construction and destruction and garbage collection, because they are created on the heap. Value types on the other hand have overhead on method calls (if the data size is larger than a pointer), because the whole object is copied rather than just a pointer. Because strings can be (and typically are) much larger than the size of a pointer, they are designed as reference types. Also, as Servy pointed out, the size of a value type must be known at compile time, which is not always the case for strings.

The question of mutability is a separate issue. Both reference types and value types can be either mutable or immutable. Value types are typically immutable though, since the semantics for mutable value types can be confusing.

Reference types are generally mutable, but can be designed as immutable if it makes sense. Strings are defined as immutable because it makes certain optimizations possible. For example, if the same string literal occurs multiple times in the same program (which is quite common), the compiler can reuse the same object.

So why is "==" overloaded to compare strings by text? Because it is the most useful semantics. If two strings are equal by text, they may or may not be the same object reference due to the optimizations. So comparing references are pretty useless, while comparing text are almost always what you want.

Speaking more generally, Strings has what is termed value semantics. This is a more general concept than value types, which is a C# specific implementation detail. Value types have value semantics, but reference types may also have value semantics. When a type have value semantics, you can't really tell if the underlying implementation is a reference type or value type, so you can consider that an implementation detail.

Importing Excel spreadsheet data into another Excel spreadsheet containing VBA

This should get you started: Using VBA in your own Excel workbook, have it prompt the user for the filename of their data file, then just copy that fixed range into your target workbook (that could be either the same workbook as your macro enabled one, or a third workbook). Here's a quick vba example of how that works:

' Get customer workbook...
Dim customerBook As Workbook
Dim filter As String
Dim caption As String
Dim customerFilename As String
Dim customerWorkbook As Workbook
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook

' make weak assumption that active workbook is the target
Set targetWorkbook = Application.ActiveWorkbook

' get the customer workbook
filter = "Text files (*.xlsx),*.xlsx"
caption = "Please Select an input file "
customerFilename = Application.GetOpenFilename(filter, , caption)

Set customerWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Open(customerFilename)

' assume range is A1 - C10 in sheet1
' copy data from customer to target workbook
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = targetWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet
Set sourceSheet = customerWorkbook.Worksheets(1)

targetSheet.Range("A1", "C10").Value = sourceSheet.Range("A1", "C10").Value

' Close customer workbook

How do I check whether an array contains a string in TypeScript?

do like this:

departments: string[]=[];
if(this.departments.indexOf(this.departmentName.trim()) >-1 ){

Concat a string to SELECT * MySql

You cannot do this on multiple fields. You can also look for this.

JQuery How to extract value from href tag?

First of all you need to extract the path with something like this:


Then take a look at this plugin:

It will help you handle all kinds of querystring things you want to do.

/Peter F

Change icon on click (toggle)

If your icon is based on the text in the block (ligatures) rather the class of the block then the following will work. This example uses the Google Material Icons '+' and '-' icons as part of MaterializeCSS.

<a class="btn-class"><i class="material-icons">add</i></a>

    if ($(this).find('i').text() == 'add'){
    } else {

Edit: Added missing ); needed for this to function properly.

It also works for JQuery post 1.9 where toggling of functions was deprecated.

Prevent BODY from scrolling when a modal is opened

The accepted answer doesn't work on mobile (iOS 7 w/ Safari 7, at least) and I don't want MOAR JavaScript running on my site when CSS will do.

This CSS will prevent the background page from scrolling under the modal:

body.modal-open {
    overflow: hidden;
    position: fixed;

However, it also has a slight side-affect of essentially scrolling to the top. position:absolute resolves this but, re-introduces the ability to scroll on mobile.

If you know your viewport (my plugin for adding viewport to the <body>) you can just add a css toggle for the position.

body.modal-open {
    // block scroll for mobile;
    // causes underlying page to jump to top;
    // prevents scrolling on all screens
    overflow: hidden;
    position: fixed;
body.viewport-lg {
    // block scroll for desktop;
    // will not jump to top;
    // will not prevent scroll on mobile
    position: absolute; 

I also add this to prevent the underlying page from jumping left/right when showing/hiding modals.

body {
    overflow-x: hidden;
    overflow-y: scroll !important;

this answer is a x-post.

Symbol for any number of any characters in regex?

I would use .*. . matches any character, * signifies 0 or more occurrences. You might need a DOTALL switch to the regex to capture new lines with ..

Can constructors be async?

I use this easy trick.

public sealed partial class NamePage
  private readonly Task _initializingTask;

  public NamePage()
    _initializingTask = Init();

  private async Task Init()
    Initialization that you need with await/async stuff allowed

Delete commits from a branch in Git

Reset on local branch

git reset --hard HEAD~<Number of commit> So git reset --hard HEAD~3

Force push to origin

git push -f origin

Why does this code using random strings print "hello world"?

I wrote a quick program to find these seeds:

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;

public class RandomWords {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        Set<String> wordSet = new HashSet<String>();
        String fileName = (args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "/usr/share/dict/words");
        readWordMap(wordSet, fileName);
        System.err.println(wordSet.size() + " words read.");

    private static void readWordMap (Set<String> wordSet, String fileName) {
        try {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
            String line;
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                line = line.trim().toLowerCase();
                if (isLowerAlpha(line)) wordSet.add(line);
        catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("Error reading from " + fileName + ": " + e);

    private static boolean isLowerAlpha (String word) {
        char[] c = word.toCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
            if (c[i] < 'a' || c[i] > 'z') return false;
        return true;

    private static void findRandomWords (Set<String> wordSet) {
        char[] c = new char[256];
        Random r = new Random();
        for (long seed0 = 0; seed0 >= 0; seed0++) {
            for (int sign = -1; sign <= 1; sign += 2) {
                long seed = seed0 * sign;
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
                    int n = r.nextInt(27);
                    if (n == 0) break;
                    c[i] = (char)((int)'a' + n - 1);
                String s = new String(c, 0, i);
                if (wordSet.contains(s)) {
                    System.out.println(s + ": " + seed);

I have it running in the background now, but it's already found enough words for a classic pangram:

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;

public class RandomWordsTest {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        long[] a = {-73, -157512326, -112386651, 71425, -104434815,
                    -128911, -88019, -7691161, 1115727};
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            Random r = new Random(a[i]);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            int n;
            while ((n = r.nextInt(27)) > 0) sb.append((char)('`' + n));

(Demo on ideone.)

Ps. -727295876, -128911, -1611659, -235516779.

How can I get the behavior of GNU's readlink -f on a Mac?

This is what I use:

stat -f %N $your_path

How do I connect C# with Postgres?

You want the NPGSQL library. Your only other alternative is ODBC.

How to install the Sun Java JDK on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)?

I am assuming that you need the JDK itself. If so you can accomplish this with:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sun-java-community-team/sun-java6

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

You don't really need to go around editing sources or anything along those lines.

How to get name of dataframe column in pyspark?

I found the answer is very very simple...

// It is in java, but it should be same in pyspark
Column col = ds.col("colName"); //the column object
String theNameOftheCol = col.toString();

The variable "theNameOftheCol" is "colName"

docker container ssl certificates

You can use relative path to mount the volume to container:

docker run -v `pwd`/certs:/container/path/to/certs ...

Note the back tick on the pwd which give you the present working directory. It assumes you have the certs folder in current directory that the docker run is executed. Kinda great for local development and keep the certs folder visible to your project.

Python: access class property from string

x = getattr(self, source) will work just perfectly if source names ANY attribute of self, including the other_data in your example.

How to define a preprocessor symbol in Xcode

As an addendum, if you are using this technique to define strings in your target, this is how I had to define and use them:

In Build Settings -> Preprocessor Macros, and yes backslashes are critical in the definition:


And in the source code:

objectManager.client.baseURL = APPURL_NSString;

Smooth scrolling when clicking an anchor link

Never forget that offset() function is giving your element's position to document. So when you need scroll your element relative to its parent you should use this;

     scrollTop: $( $.attr(this, 'href') ).position().top + $('.scroll-div').scrollTop()
     }, 500);       

The key point is getting scrollTop of scroll-div and add it to scrollTop. If you won't do that position() function always gives you different position values.

Check if input is number or letter javascript

you can use isNaN(). it returns true when data is not number.

var data = 'hello there';
  alert("it is not number");
}else {
  alert("its a valid number");

Selenium WebDriver: I want to overwrite value in field instead of appending to it with sendKeys using Java

 WebElement p= driver.findElement("your id name"));
 p.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a"), "55");

Header and footer in CodeIgniter

A simple rewrite of @Landons MY_Loader, to include multiple files for the body, e.i. page unique sidebars...


class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader {
    public function template($template_name, $vars = array(), $return = FALSE)
        $content  = $this->view('frontend/templates/header', $vars, $return);

        if(is_array($template_name)) { //return all values in contents

            foreach($template_name as $file_to_load) { 
                  $content .= $this->view('frontend/'.$file_to_load, $vars, $return);
        else {             
            $content .= $this->view('frontend/'.$template_name, $vars, $return);

        $content .= $this->view('frontend/templates/footer', $vars, $return);

        if ($return)
            return $content;

This works both ways...

Including one file to template:

$data['moo'] = 'my data'];
$this->load->template('home', $data);

Include multiple files to template:

$data['catalog'] = 'catalog load 1';
$data['sidebar'] = 'sidebar load 2';           
$load = array('catalog/catalog', 'catalog/sidebar');        
$this->load->template($load, $data);

understanding private setters

I don't understand the need of having private setters which started with C# 2.

Use case example:

I have an instance of an application object 'UserInfo' that contains a property SessionTokenIDV1 that I don't wish to expose to consumers of my class.

I also need the ability to set that value from my class.

My solution was to encapsulate the property as shown and make the setter private so that I can set the value of the session token without allowing instantiating code to also set it (or even see it in my case)

public class UserInfo
   public String SessionTokenIDV1 { get; set; }


public class Example
  // Private vars
  private UserInfo _userInfo = new UserInfo();

  public string SessionValidV1
    get { return ((_userInfo.SessionTokenIDV1 != null) && (_userInfo.SessionTokenIDV1.Length > 0)) ? "set" : "unset"; }
    private set { _userInfo.SessionTokenIDV1 = value; }

Edit: Fixed Code Tag Edit: Example had errors which have been corrected

How to create a md5 hash of a string in C?

Here's a complete example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#  include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
#  define SHA1 CC_SHA1
#  include <openssl/md5.h>

char *str2md5(const char *str, int length) {
    int n;
    MD5_CTX c;
    unsigned char digest[16];
    char *out = (char*)malloc(33);


    while (length > 0) {
        if (length > 512) {
            MD5_Update(&c, str, 512);
        } else {
            MD5_Update(&c, str, length);
        length -= 512;
        str += 512;

    MD5_Final(digest, &c);

    for (n = 0; n < 16; ++n) {
        snprintf(&(out[n*2]), 16*2, "%02x", (unsigned int)digest[n]);

    return out;

    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        char *output = str2md5("hello", strlen("hello"));
        printf("%s\n", output);
        return 0;

vertical-align: middle with Bootstrap 2

Try removing the float attribute from span6:

{ float:none !important; }

Convert base64 string to ArrayBuffer's answer does not work because of unicode problem in javascript -

I ended up using the function given on Daniel Guerrero's blog:

Function is listed on github link:

Use these lines

var uintArray = Base64Binary.decode(base64_string);  
var byteArray = Base64Binary.decodeArrayBuffer(base64_string); 

Distinct pair of values SQL

if you want to filter the tuples you can use on this way:

select distinct (case a > b then (a,b) else (b,a) end) from pairs

the good stuff is you don't have to use group by.

What is the strict aliasing rule?

Type punning via pointer casts (as opposed to using a union) is a major example of breaking strict aliasing.

Most efficient way to map function over numpy array

I believe in newer version( I use 1.13) of numpy you can simply call the function by passing the numpy array to the fuction that you wrote for scalar type, it will automatically apply the function call to each element over the numpy array and return you another numpy array

>>> import numpy as np
>>> squarer = lambda t: t ** 2
>>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> squarer(x)
array([ 1,  4,  9, 16, 25])

How to use a filter in a controller?

Reusing An Angular.js Filter - View / Controller

This Solution is covering reusing Angular Filters. Which is yet another way to filter data, and Google landed me here when I needed such; and I like to share.

Use Case

If you are already filtering, say in an ng-repeat in your view (as below), then you might have defined a filter in the controller as further follows. And then you can reuse as in the final examples.

Filter Use Example - Filtered Repeat in View

<div ng-app="someApp" ng-controller="someController">
    <table class="table table-striped table-light table-bordered-light">
            <tr ng-repeat="person in data | filter: searchDuplicate:true">

Angular Filter Definition Example

.controller('someController', function($scope, $filter ) {

    $scope.people = [{name: 'Bob', gender: 'male'  , hasDuplicate: true },
                     {name: 'Bob', gender: 'male'  , hasDuplicate: true },
                     {name: 'Bob', gender: 'female', hasDuplicate: false}];

    $scope.searchDuplicate = { hasDuplicate : true };

So, the concept here is that you are already using a filter created for your view, and then realize you would like to use it in your controller also.

Filter Function Use Within Controller Example 1

var dup = $filter('filter')($scope.people, $scope.searchDuplicate, true)

Filter Function Use Within Controller Example 2

Show a Button only if no duplicates are found, using the prior filter.

Html Button

<div ng-if="showButton()"><button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="doSomething();"></button></div>

Show/Hide Button

$scope.doSomething = function(){ /* ... */ };
$scope.showButton = function(){ return $filter('filter')($scope.people, $scope.searchDuplicate, true).length == 0; };

Some may find this version of filtering easy, and it is an Angular.js option.

The optional comparator parameter "true" used in the view and in the $filter function call specifies you want a strict comparison. If you omit, values can be searched for over multiple columns.

Inserting a PDF file in LaTeX

There is an option without additional packages that works under pdflatex

Adapt this code

    \caption{Schematical view of Spearman's theory.}

"diagrama-spearman.pdf" is a plot generated with TikZ and this is the code (it is another .tex file different from the .tex file where I want to insert a pdf)

\newcommand{\at}{\makeatletter @\makeatother}


\tikzset{venn circle/.style={draw,circle,minimum width=5cm,fill=#1,opacity=1}}
\node [venn circle = none, name path=A] (A) at (45:2cm) { };
\node [venn circle = none, name path=B] (B) at (135:2cm) { };
\node [venn circle = none, name path=C] (C) at (225:2cm) { };
\node [venn circle = none, name path=D] (D) at (315:2cm) { };
\node[above right] at (barycentric cs:A=1) {logical}; 
\node[above left] at (barycentric cs:B=1) {mechanical}; 
\node[below left] at (barycentric cs:C=1) {spatial}; 
\node[below right] at (barycentric cs:D=1) {arithmetical}; 
\node at (0,0) {G};    


This is the diagram I included

enter image description here

Serializing/deserializing with memory stream

This code works for me:

public void Run()
    Dog myDog = new Dog();
    myDog.Name= "Foo";
    myDog.Color = DogColor.Brown;

    System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", myDog.ToString());

    MemoryStream stream = SerializeToStream(myDog);

    Dog newDog = (Dog)DeserializeFromStream(stream);

    System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", newDog.ToString());

Where the types are like this:

public enum DogColor

public class Dog
    public String Name
        get; set;

    public DogColor Color

    public override String ToString()
        return String.Format("Dog: {0}/{1}", Name, Color);

and the utility methods are:

public static MemoryStream SerializeToStream(object o)
    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
    IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
    formatter.Serialize(stream, o);
    return stream;

public static object DeserializeFromStream(MemoryStream stream)
    IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
    stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
    object o = formatter.Deserialize(stream);
    return o;

Is there a "do ... while" loop in Ruby?

Here's another one:

people = []
1.times do
  info = gets.chomp
  unless info.empty? 
    people += []

What's the HTML to have a horizontal space between two objects?

You should put a padding in each object. For example, you want a space between images, you can use the following:

   padding: 5px;

That means 5px paddin for ALL sides. Read more at By the way, studying a lot before attempting to program will make things easier for you (and for us).

How to clear cache of Eclipse Indigo

Clear improperly cached compile errors. All Projects Locations in Eclipse

Replace part of a string with another string

std::string replace(std::string base, const std::string from, const std::string to) {
    std::string SecureCopy = base;

    for (size_t start_pos = SecureCopy.find(from); start_pos != std::string::npos; start_pos = SecureCopy.find(from,start_pos))
        SecureCopy.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);

    return SecureCopy;

How to Select Top 100 rows in Oracle?

First 10 customers inserted into db (table customers):

select * from customers where customer_id <=
(select  min(customer_id)+10 from customers)

Last 10 customers inserted into db (table customers):

select * from customers where customer_id >=
(select  max(customer_id)-10 from customers)

Hope this helps....

CSS-moving text from left to right

Somehow I got it to work by using margin-right, and setting it to move from right to left.

Don't know why for this case, margin-right 100% doesn't go off the screen. :D (tested on chrome 18)

EDIT: now left to right works too

Two onClick actions one button

Try it:

<input type="button" value="Dont show this again! " onClick="fbLikeDump();WriteCookie();" />

Or also

function clickEvent(){
<input type="button" value="Dont show this again! " onClick="clickEvent();" />

jQuery Validate Required Select

An easier solution has been outlined here: Validate select box

Make the value be empty and add the required attribute

<select id="select" class="required">
<option value="">Choose an option</option> 
<option value="option1">Option1</option>
<option value="option2">Option2</option>
<option value="option3">Option3</option>

C++ unordered_map using a custom class type as the key

check the following link for more details.

  • the custom class must implement the == operator
  • must create a hash function for the class (for primitive types like int and also types like string the hash function is predefined)

How to change the font color of a disabled TextBox?

I've just found a great way of doing that. In my example I'm using a RichTextBox but it should work with any Control:

public class DisabledRichTextBox : System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
    // See:

    private const int WM_SETFOCUS   = 0x07;
    private const int WM_ENABLE     = 0x0A;
    private const int WM_SETCURSOR  = 0x20;

    protected override void WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
        if (!(m.Msg == WM_SETFOCUS || m.Msg == WM_ENABLE || m.Msg == WM_SETCURSOR))
            base.WndProc(ref m);

You can safely set Enabled = true and ReadOnly = false, and it will act like a label, preventing focus, user input, cursor change, without being actually disabled.

See if it works for you. Greetings

How to programmatically turn off WiFi on Android device?

You need the following permissions in your manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>

Then you can use the following in your activity class:

WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) this.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); 

Use the following to check if it's enabled or not

boolean wifiEnabled = wifiManager.isWifiEnabled()

You'll find a nice tutorial on the subject on this site.

What is sharding and why is it important?

Sharding is just another name for "horizontal partitioning" of a database. You might want to search for that term to get it clearer.

From Wikipedia:

Horizontal partitioning is a design principle whereby rows of a database table are held separately, rather than splitting by columns (as for normalization). Each partition forms part of a shard, which may in turn be located on a separate database server or physical location. The advantage is the number of rows in each table is reduced (this reduces index size, thus improves search performance). If the sharding is based on some real-world aspect of the data (e.g. European customers vs. American customers) then it may be possible to infer the appropriate shard membership easily and automatically, and query only the relevant shard.

Some more information about sharding:

Firstly, each database server is identical, having the same table structure. Secondly, the data records are logically split up in a sharded database. Unlike the partitioned database, each complete data record exists in only one shard (unless there's mirroring for backup/redundancy) with all CRUD operations performed just in that database. You may not like the terminology used, but this does represent a different way of organizing a logical database into smaller parts.

Update: You wont break MVC. The work of determining the correct shard where to store the data would be transparently done by your data access layer. There you would have to determine the correct shard based on the criteria which you used to shard your database. (As you have to manually shard the database into some different shards based on some concrete aspects of your application.) Then you have to take care when loading and storing the data from/into the database to use the correct shard.

Maybe this example with Java code makes it somewhat clearer (it's about the Hibernate Shards project), how this would work in a real world scenario.

To address the "why sharding": It's mainly only for very large scale applications, with lots of data. First, it helps minimizing response times for database queries. Second, you can use more cheaper, "lower-end" machines to host your data on, instead of one big server, which might not suffice anymore.

How to send/receive SOAP request and response using C#?

The urls are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx


  • /acctinqsvc/portfolioinquiry.asmx

Resolve this issue first, as if the web server cannot resolve the URL you are attempting to POST to, you won't even begin to process the actions described by your request.

You should only need to create the WebRequest to the ASMX root URL, ie: http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx, and specify the desired method/operation in the SOAPAction header.

The SOAPAction header values are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx/ + methodName



You should be able to determine the correct SOAPAction by going to the correct ASMX URL and appending ?wsdl

There should be a <soap:operation> tag underneath the <wsdl:operation> tag that matches the operation you are attempting to execute, which appears to be GetMyName.

There is no XML declaration in the request body that includes your SOAP XML.

You specify text/xml in the ContentType of your HttpRequest and no charset. Perhaps these default to us-ascii, but there's no telling if you aren't specifying them!

The SoapUI created XML includes an XML declaration that specifies an encoding of utf-8, which also matches the Content-Type provided to the HTTP request which is: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Hope that helps!

How to change HTML Object element data attribute value in javascript

The behavior of host objects <object> is due to ECMA262 implementation dependent and set attribute by setAttribute() method may fail.

I see two solutions:

  1. soft: = "";

  2. hard: remove object from DOM tree and create new one with changed data attribute.

$.widget is not a function

Place your widget.js after core.js, but before any other jquery that calls the widget.js file. (Example: draggable.js) Precedence (order) matters in what javascript/jquery can 'see'. Always position helper code before the code that uses the helper code.

How to remove the querystring and get only the url?

$val = substr( $url, 0, strrpos( $url, "?"));

Convert JSON String to Pretty Print JSON output using Jackson

I think, this is the simplest technique to beautify the json data,

String indented = (new JSONObject(Response)).toString(4);

where Response is a String.

Simply pass the 4(indentSpaces) in toString() method.

Note: It works fine in the android without any library. But in java you have to use the org.json library.

Safest way to get last record ID from a table

One more way -

select * from <table> where  id=(select max(id) from <table>)

Also you can check on this link -

Proxy with urllib2

You have to install a ProxyHandler

        urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': ''})

Can't import org.apache.http.HttpResponse in Android Studio

in case you are going to start development, go fot OkHttp from square, otherwise if you need to keep your previous code running, then add legacy library to your project dependencies:

dependencies {
    compile group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents' , name: 'httpclient-android' , version: ''

Export a list into a CSV or TXT file in R

using sink function :


Get GMT Time in Java



The Answer by Damilola is correct in suggesting you use the java.time framework built into Java 8 and later. But that Answer uses the ZonedDateTime class which is overkill if you just want UTC rather than any particular time zone.

The troublesome old date-time classes are now legacy, supplanted by the java.time classes.


The Instant class represents a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of nanoseconds (up to nine (9) digits of a decimal fraction).

Simple code:

Instant instant = ;

instant.toString(): 2016-11-29T23:18:14.604Z

You can think of Instant as the building block to which you can add a time zone (ZoneID) to get a ZonedDateTime.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = instant.atZone( z );

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to java.time.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

Submit form without reloading page

I guess this is what you need. Try this .

<form action="" method="get">
                <input name="search" type="text">
                <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="return updateTable();">

and your javascript code is the same

function updateTable()
        var photoViewer = document.getElementById('photoViewer');
        var photo = document.getElementById('photo1').href;
        var numOfPics = 5;
        var columns = 3; 
        var rows = Math.ceil(numOfPics/columns);
        var content="";
        var count=0;

        content = "<table class='photoViewer' id='photoViewer'>";
            for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
                content +="<tr>";
                for (c = 0; c < columns; c++) {
                    if(count == numOfPics)break; // here is check if number of cells equal Number of Pictures to stop
                        content +="<td><a href='"+photo+"' id='photo1'><img class='photo' src='"+photo+"' alt='Photo'></a><p>City View</p></td>";
                content +="</tr>";
        content += "</table>";

        photoViewer.innerHTML = content; 

How does one parse XML files?

You can use ExtendedXmlSerializer to serialize and deserialize.

Instalation You can install ExtendedXmlSerializer from nuget or run the following command:

Install-Package ExtendedXmlSerializer


ExtendedXmlSerializer serializer = new ExtendedXmlSerializer();
var obj = new Message();
var xml = serializer.Serialize(obj);


var obj2 = serializer.Deserialize<Message>(xml);

Standard XML Serializer in .NET is very limited.

  • Does not support serialization of class with circular reference or class with interface property,
  • Does not support Dictionaries,
  • There is no mechanism for reading the old version of XML,
  • If you want create custom serializer, your class must inherit from IXmlSerializable. This means that your class will not be a POCO class,
  • Does not support IoC.

ExtendedXmlSerializer can do this and much more.

ExtendedXmlSerializer support .NET 4.5 or higher and .NET Core. You can integrate it with WebApi and AspCore.

MySQL error 2006: mysql server has gone away


Message: MySQL server has gone away

Generally you can retry connecting and then doing the query again to solve this problem - try like 3-4 times before completely giving up.

I'll assuming you are using PDO. If so then you would catch the PDO Exception, increment a counter and then try again if the counter is under a threshold.

If you have a query that is causing a timeout you can set this variable by executing:

SET @@GLOBAL.wait_timeout=300;
SET @@LOCAL.wait_timeout=300;  -- OR current session only

Where 300 is the number of seconds you think the maximum time the query could take.

Further information on how to deal with Mysql connection issues.

EDIT: Two other settings you may want to also use is net_write_timeout and net_read_timeout.

Internet Access in Ubuntu on VirtualBox

it could be a problem with your specific network adapter. I have a Dell 15R and there are no working drivers for ubuntu or ubuntu server; I even tried compiling wireless drivers myself, but to no avail.

However, in virtualbox, I was able to get wireless working by using the default configuration. It automatically bridged my internal wireless adapter and hence used my native OS's wireless connection for wireless.

If you are trying to get a separate wireless connection from within ubuntu in virtualbox, then it would take more configuring. If so, let me know, if not, I will not bother typing up instructions to something you are not looking to do, as it is quite complicated in some instances.

p.s. you should be using Windows 7 if you have any technical inclination. Do you live under a rock? No offense intended.

Convert List(of object) to List(of string)

Can you do the string conversion while the List(of object) is being built? This would be the only way to avoid enumerating the whole list after the List(of object) was created.

Adding a Scrollable JTextArea (Java)

A scroll pane is a container which contains another component. You can't add your text area to two different scroll panes. The scroll pane takes care of the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

And if you never add the scroll pane to the frame, it will never be visible.

Read the swing tutorial about scroll panes.

How to add url parameters to Django template url tag?

This can be done in three simple steps:

1) Add item id with url tag:

{% for item in post %}
  <th>{{ }}</th>
  <td>{{ item.title }}</td>
  <td>{{ item.body }}</td>
    <a href={% url 'edit' %}>Edit</a>
    <a href={% url 'delete' %}>Delete</a>
{% endfor %}

2) Add path to

path('edit/<int:id>', views.edit, name='edit')
path('delete/<int:id>', views.delete, name='delete')

3) Use the id on

def delete(request, id):
    obj = post.objects.get(id=id)

    return redirect('dashboard')

How to force a checkbox and text on the same line?

Try this. The following considers checkbox and label as a unique element:

  .item {white-space: nowrap;display:inline  }
<div class="item">
    <input type="checkbox" id="a">
    <label for="a">aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa a a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaa</label>
<div class="item">
   <input type="checkbox" id="b">
<!-- depending on width, a linebreak NEVER occurs here. -->
    <label for="b">bbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb  b b b b  bb</label>
<div class="item">
    <input type="checkbox" id="c">
    <label for="c">ccccc c c c c ccccccccccccccc  cccc</label>

How to properly set the 100% DIV height to match document/window height?

The easiest way is to add the:

$('#ID').css("height", $(document).height());

after the correct page height is determined by the browser. If the document height is changed once more re-run the above code.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: a (Unsupported major.minor version 51.0)

I had this problem, after installing jdk7 next to Java 6. The binaries were correctly updated using update-alternatives --config java to jdk7, but the $JAVA_HOME environment variable still pointed to the old directory of Java 6.

Soft Edges using CSS?

Another option is to use one of my personal favorite CSS tools: box-shadow.

A box shadow is really a drop-shadow on the node. It looks like this:

-moz-box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.5);

The arguments are:

1px: Horizontal offset of the effect. Positive numbers shift it right, negative left.
2px: Vertical offset of the effect. Positive numbers shift it down, negative up.
3px: The blur effect.  0 means no blur.
color: The color of the shadow.

So, you could leave your current design, and add a box-shadow like:

box-shadow: 0px -2px 2px rgba(34,34,34,0.6);

This should give you a 'blurry' top-edge.

This website will help with more information:

Taskkill /f doesn't kill a process

Running as an admin works for me: cmd in windows

2.right click on cmd select as "Run as administrator"

3.netstat -ano | findstr :8080

4.taskkill/pid (your number) /F

My result

Hot deploy on JBoss - how do I make JBoss "see" the change?

I've been developing a project with Eclipse and Wildfly and the exploded EAR file was getting big due to deploying of all the 3rd party libraries I needed in the application. I was pointing the deployment to my Maven repository which I guess was recopying the jars each time. So redeploying the application when ever I changed Java code in the service layer was turning into a nightmare.

Then having turned to Hotswap agent this helped a lot as far as seeing changes to EJB code without redeploying the application.

However I have recently upgraded to Wildfly 10, Java 8 and JBoss Developer Studio 10 and during that process I took the time to move all my 3rd party application jars e.g. primefaces into Wildfly modules and I removed my Maven repo from my deployment config. Now redeploying the entire application which is a pretty big one via Eclipse takes just a few seconds and it is much much faster than before. I don't even feel the need to install Hotswap and don't want to risk it anyway right now.

So if you are building under Eclipse with Wildfly then keep you application clear of 3rd party libs using Wildfly Modules and you'll be much better off.

How do I convert between big-endian and little-endian values in C++?

From The Byte Order Fallacy by Rob Pike:

Let's say your data stream has a little-endian-encoded 32-bit integer. Here's how to extract it (assuming unsigned bytes):

i = (data[0]<<0) | (data[1]<<8) | (data[2]<<16) | (data[3]<<24);

If it's big-endian, here's how to extract it:

i = (data[3]<<0) | (data[2]<<8) | (data[1]<<16) | (data[0]<<24);

TL;DR: don't worry about your platform native order, all that counts is the byte order of the stream your are reading from, and you better hope it's well defined.

Note: it was remarked in the comment that absent explicit type conversion, it was important that data be an array of unsigned char or uint8_t. Using signed char or char (if signed) will result in data[x] being promoted to an integer and data[x] << 24 potentially shifting a 1 into the sign bit which is UB.

What are the pros and cons of parquet format compared to other formats?

Choosing the right file format is important to building performant data applications. The concepts outlined in this post carry over to Pandas, Dask, Spark, and Presto / AWS Athena.

Column pruning

Column pruning is a big performance improvement that's possible for column-based file formats (Parquet, ORC) and not possible for row-based file formats (CSV, Avro).

Suppose you have a dataset with 100 columns and want to read two of them into a DataFrame. Here's how you can perform this with Pandas if the data is stored in a Parquet file.

import pandas as pd

pd.read_parquet('some_file.parquet', columns = ['id', 'firstname'])

Parquet is a columnar file format, so Pandas can grab the columns relevant for the query and can skip the other columns. This is a massive performance improvement.

If the data is stored in a CSV file, you can read it like this:

import pandas as pd

pd.read_csv('some_file.csv', usecols = ['id', 'firstname'])

usecols can't skip over entire columns because of the row nature of the CSV file format.

Spark doesn't require users to explicitly list the columns that'll be used in a query. Spark builds up an execution plan and will automatically leverage column pruning whenever possible. Of course, column pruning is only possible when the underlying file format is column oriented.


Spark and Pandas have built-in readers writers for CSV, JSON, ORC, Parquet, and text files. They don't have built-in readers for Avro.

Avro is popular within the Hadoop ecosystem. Parquet has gained significant traction outside of the Hadoop ecosystem. For example, the Delta Lake project is being built on Parquet files.

Arrow is an important project that makes it easy to work with Parquet files with a variety of different languages (C, C++, Go, Java, JavaScript, MATLAB, Python, R, Ruby, Rust), but doesn't support Avro. Parquet files are easier to work with because they are supported by so many different projects.


Parquet stores the file schema in the file metadata. CSV files don't store file metadata, so readers need to either be supplied with the schema or the schema needs to be inferred. Supplying a schema is tedious and inferring a schema is error prone / expensive.

Avro also stores the data schema in the file itself. Having schema in the files is a huge advantage and is one of the reasons why a modern data project should not rely on JSON or CSV.

Column metadata

Parquet stores metadata statistics for each column and lets users add their own column metadata as well.

The min / max column value metadata allows for Parquet predicate pushdown filtering that's supported by the Dask & Spark cluster computing frameworks.

Here's how to fetch the column statistics with PyArrow.

import pyarrow.parquet as pq

parquet_file = pq.ParquetFile('some_file.parquet')
<pyarrow._parquet.Statistics object at 0x11ac17eb0>
  has_min_max: True
  min: 1
  max: 9
  null_count: 0
  distinct_count: 0
  num_values: 3
  physical_type: INT64
  logical_type: None
  converted_type (legacy): NONE

Complex column types

Parquet allows for complex column types like arrays, dictionaries, and nested schemas. There isn't a reliable method to store complex types in simple file formats like CSVs.


Columnar file formats store related types in rows, so they're easier to compress. This CSV file is relatively hard to compress.


This data is easier to compress when the related types are stored in the same row:


Parquet files are most commonly compressed with the Snappy compression algorithm. Snappy compressed files are splittable and quick to inflate. Big data systems want to reduce file size on disk, but also want to make it quick to inflate the flies and run analytical queries.

Mutable nature of file

Parquet files are immutable, as described here. CSV files are mutable.

Adding a row to a CSV file is easy. You can't easily add a row to a Parquet file.

Data lakes

In a big data environment, you'll be working with hundreds or thousands of Parquet files. Disk partitioning of the files, avoiding big files, and compacting small files is important. The optimal disk layout of data depends on your query patterns.

History or log of commands executed in Git

You can see the history with git-reflog (example here):

git reflog

how to set the query timeout from SQL connection string

You can only set the connection timeout on the connection string, the timeout for your query would normally be on the command timeout. (Assuming we are talking .net here, I can't really tell from your question).

However the command timeout has no effect when the command is executed against a context connection (a SqlConnection opened with "context connection=true" in the connection string).

How to use IntelliJ IDEA to find all unused code?

In latest IntelliJ versions, you should run it from Analyze->Run Inspection By Name:

enter image description here

Than, pick Unused declaration:

enter image description here

And finally, uncheck the Include test sources:

enter image description here

Attach (open) mdf file database with SQL Server Management Studio

i don't know if this answer can be found on the links above, but i just run SQL management studio as Administrator and worked. Hope it helps


Defining arrays in Google Scripts

I think that maybe it is because you are declaring a variable that you already declared:

var Name = new Array(6);
var Name[0] = Name_cell.getValue();  //  <-- Here's the issue: 'var'

I think this should be like this:

var Name = new Array(6);
Name[0] = Name_cell.getValue();

Tell me if it works! ;)

How to check if a string contains only numbers?

You may just remove all spaces and leverage LINQ All:

Determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition.

Use it as shown below:

Dim number As String = "077 234 211"
If number.Replace(" ", "").All(AddressOf Char.IsDigit) Then
    Console.WriteLine("The string is all numeric (spaces ignored)!")
    Console.WriteLine("The string contains a char that is not numeric and space!")
End If

To only check if a string consists of only digits use:

If number.All(AddressOf Char.IsDigit) Then

How to navigate to to different directories in the terminal (mac)?

To check that the file you're trying to open actually exists, you can change directories in terminal using cd. To change to ~/Desktop/sass/css: cd ~/Desktop/sass/css. To see what files are in the directory: ls.

If you want information about either of those commands, use the man page: man cd or man ls, for example.

Google for "basic unix command line commands" or similar; that will give you numerous examples of moving around, viewing files, etc in the command line.

On Mac OS X, you can also use open to open a finder window: open . will open the current directory in finder. (open ~/Desktop/sass/css will open the ~/Desktop/sass/css).

Bash: Strip trailing linebreak from output

If your expected output is a single line, you can simply remove all newline characters from the output. It would not be uncommon to pipe to the tr utility, or to Perl if preferred:

wc -l < log.txt | tr -d '\n'

wc -l < log.txt | perl -pe 'chomp'

You can also use command substitution to remove the trailing newline:

echo -n "$(wc -l < log.txt)"

printf "%s" "$(wc -l < log.txt)"

If your expected output may contain multiple lines, you have another decision to make:

If you want to remove MULTIPLE newline characters from the end of the file, again use cmd substitution:

printf "%s" "$(< log.txt)"

If you want to strictly remove THE LAST newline character from a file, use Perl:

perl -pe 'chomp if eof' log.txt

Note that if you are certain you have a trailing newline character you want to remove, you can use head from GNU coreutils to select everything except the last byte. This should be quite quick:

head -c -1 log.txt

Also, for completeness, you can quickly check where your newline (or other special) characters are in your file using cat and the 'show-all' flag -A. The dollar sign character will indicate the end of each line:

cat -A log.txt

ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column

From (the definitive resource outside of Oracle Support):

ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column
Cause: When inserting or updating records, a numeric value was entered that exceeded the precision defined for the column.
Action: Enter a value that complies with the numeric column's precision, or use the MODIFY option with the ALTER TABLE command to expand the precision.

ORA-06512: at stringline string
Cause: Backtrace message as the stack is unwound by unhandled exceptions.
Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. Or you may need to contact your application administrator or DBA.

Where does Git store files?

To be a bit more complete, Git works with:

  • the working tree (the root of which being where you made a git init)
  • "path to the Git repository" (where there is a .git, which will store the revisions of all your files)

GIT_DIR is an environment variable, which can be an absolute path or relative path to current working directory.

If it is not defined, the "path to the git repository" is by default at the root directory of your working tree (again, where you made a git init).

You can actually execute any Git command from anywhere from your disk, provided you specify the working tree path and the Git repository path:

git command --git-dir=<path> --work-tree=<path>

But if you execute them in one of the subdirectories of a Git repository (with no GIT-DIR or working tree path specified), Git will simply look in the current and parent directories until it find a .git, assume this it also the root directory of your working tree, and use that .git as the only container for all the revisions of your files.

Note: .git is also hidden in Windows (msysgit).
You would have to do a dir /AH to see it.
git 2.9 (June 2016) allows to configure that.

Note that Git 2.18 (Q2 2018) is starting the process to evolve how Git is storing objects, by refactoring the internal global data structure to make it possible to open multiple repositories, work with and then close them.

See commit 4a7c05f, commit 1fea63e (23 Mar 2018) by Jonathan Nieder (artagnon).
See commit bd27f50, commit ec7283e, commit d2607fa, commit a68377b, commit e977fc7, commit e35454f, commit 332295d, commit 2ba0bfd, commit fbe33e2, commit cf78ae4, commit 13068bf, commit 77f012e, commit 0b20903, commit 93d8d1e, commit ca5e6d2, commit cfc62fc, commit 13313fc, commit 9a00580 (23 Mar 2018) by Stefan Beller (stefanbeller).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit cf0b179, 11 Apr 2018)

repository: introduce raw object store field

The raw object store field will contain any objects needed for access to objects in a given repository.

This patch introduces the raw object store and populates it with the objectdir, which used to be part of the repository struct.

As the struct gains members, we'll also populate the function to clear the memory for these members.

In a later step, we'll introduce a struct object_parser, that will complement the object parsing in a repository struct:

  • The raw object parser is the layer that will provide access to raw object content,
  • while the higher level object parser code will parse raw objects and keeps track of parenthood and other object relationships using 'struct object'.

    For now only add the lower level to the repository struct.

Difference between Subquery and Correlated Subquery

CORRELATED SUBQUERIES: Is evaluated for each row processed by the Main query. Execute the Inner query based on the value fetched by the Outer query. Continues till all the values returned by the main query are matched. The INNER Query is driven by the OUTER Query


SELECT empno,fname,sal,deptid FROM emp e WHERE sal=(SELECT AVG(sal) FROM emp WHERE deptid=e.deptid)

The Correlated subquery specifically computes the AVG(sal) for each department.

SUBQUERY: Runs first,executed once,returns values to be used by the MAIN Query. The OUTER Query is driven by the INNER QUERY

How to send an email with Gmail as provider using Python?

    import smtplib

    fromadd='[email protected]'
    toadd='[email protected]'

    msg='''hi,how r u'''
    username='[email protected]'

        server = smtplib.SMTP('')

        print("Mail Send Successfully")

        print("Error:unable to send mail")

   NOTE: that                                                         should be enabled

JFrame.dispose() vs System.exit()

System.exit(); causes the Java VM to terminate completely.

JFrame.dispose(); causes the JFrame window to be destroyed and cleaned up by the operating system. According to the documentation, this can cause the Java VM to terminate if there are no other Windows available, but this should really just be seen as a side effect rather than the norm.

The one you choose really depends on your situation. If you want to terminate everything in the current Java VM, you should use System.exit() and everything will be cleaned up. If you only want to destroy the current window, with the side effect that it will close the Java VM if this is the only window, then use JFrame.dispose().

Notepad++ - How can I replace blank lines

By the way, in Notepad++ there's built-in plugin that can handle this: TextFX -> TextFX Edit -> Delete Blank Lines (first press CTRL+A to select all).

System.BadImageFormatException An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

If you use IIS, Go to the Application pool Select the one that your site uses and click Advance Settings Make sure that the Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to True

How to avoid installing "Unlimited Strength" JCE policy files when deploying an application?

Bouncy Castle still requires jars installed as far as I can tell.

I did a little test and it seemed to confirm this:

How to cancel a local git commit

If you're in the middle of a commit (i.e. in your editor already), you can cancel it by deleting all lines above the first #. That will abort the commit.

So you can delete all lines so that the commit message is empty, then save the file:

It should look like this.

You'll then get a message that says Aborting commit due to empty commit message..


You can also delete all the lines and the result will be exactly the same.

To delete all lines in vim (if that is your default editor), once you're in the editor, type gg to go to the first line, then dG to delete all lines. Finally, write and quit the file with wq and your commit will be aborted.

#pragma once vs include guards?

#pragma once has unfixable bugs. It should never be used.

If your #include search path is sufficiently complicated, the compiler may be unable to tell the difference between two headers with the same basename (e.g. a/foo.h and b/foo.h), so a #pragma once in one of them will suppress both. It may also be unable to tell that two different relative includes (e.g. #include "foo.h" and #include "../a/foo.h" refer to the same file, so #pragma once will fail to suppress a redundant include when it should have.

This also affects the compiler's ability to avoid rereading files with #ifndef guards, but that is just an optimization. With #ifndef guards, the compiler can safely read any file it isn't sure it has seen already; if it's wrong, it just has to do some extra work. As long as no two headers define the same guard macro, the code will compile as expected. And if two headers do define the same guard macro, the programmer can go in and change one of them.

#pragma once has no such safety net -- if the compiler is wrong about the identity of a header file, either way, the program will fail to compile. If you hit this bug, your only options are to stop using #pragma once, or to rename one of the headers. The names of headers are part of your API contract, so renaming is probably not an option.

(The short version of why this is unfixable is that neither the Unix nor the Windows filesystem API offer any mechanism that guarantees to tell you whether two absolute pathnames refer to the same file. If you are under the impression that inode numbers can be used for that, sorry, you're wrong.)

(Historical note: The only reason I didn't rip #pragma once and #import out of GCC when I had the authority to do so, ~12 years ago, was Apple's system headers relying on them. In retrospect, that shouldn't have stopped me.)

(Since this has now come up twice in the comment thread: The GCC developers did put quite a bit of effort into making #pragma once as reliable as possible; see GCC bug report 11569. However, the implementation in current versions of GCC can still fail under plausible conditions, such as build farms suffering from clock skew. I do not know what any other compiler's implementation is like, but I would not expect anyone to have done better.)

How to get Wikipedia content using Wikipedia's API?

See Is there a clean wikipedia API just for retrieve content summary? for other proposed solutions. Here is one that I suggested:

There is actually a very nice prop called extracts that can be used with queries designed specifically for this purpose. Extracts allow you to get article extracts (truncated article text). There is a parameter called exintro that can be used to retrieve the text in the zeroth section (no additional assets like images or infoboxes). You can also retrieve extracts with finer granularity such as by a certain number of characters (exchars) or by a certain number of sentences(exsentences)

Here is a sample query and the API sandbox to experiment more with this query.

Please note that if you want the first paragraph specifically you still need to get the first tag. However in this API call there are no additional assets like images to parse. If you are satisfied with this intro summary you can retrieve the text by running a function like php's strip_tag that remove the html tags.

maximum value of int

I know it's an old question but maybe someone can use this solution:

int size = 0; // Fill all bits with zero (0)
size = ~size; // Negate all bits, thus all bits are set to one (1)

So far we have -1 as result 'till size is a signed int.

size = (unsigned int)size >> 1; // Shift the bits of size one position to the right.

As Standard says, bits that are shifted in are 1 if variable is signed and negative and 0 if variable would be unsigned or signed and positive.

As size is signed and negative we would shift in sign bit which is 1, which is not helping much, so we cast to unsigned int, forcing to shift in 0 instead, setting the sign bit to 0 while letting all other bits remain 1.

cout << size << endl; // Prints out size which is now set to maximum positive value.

We could also use a mask and xor but then we had to know the exact bitsize of the variable. With shifting in bits front, we don't have to know at any time how many bits the int has on machine or compiler nor need we include extra libraries.

How do I convert hh:mm:ss.000 to milliseconds in Excel?

Using some text manipulation we can separate each unit of time and then sum them together with their millisecond coefficients.

To show the formulas in the cells use CTRL + `

Raw data view

Formula view

How to redirect siteA to siteB with A or CNAME records

You can only make DNS name pont to a different IP address, so if You you are using virtual hosts redirecting with DNS won't work.

When you enter in your browser it will use DNS to get it's IP address (if it's a CNAME it will continue trying until it gets IP from A record) then it will connect to that IP and send a http request with


somewhere in the http headers.

TypeError: document.getElementbyId is not a function

Case sensitive: document.getElementById (notice the capital B).

How can I make a TextBox be a "password box" and display stars when using MVVM?

You can make your TextBox as customed PasswordBox by simply adding the following value to FontFamily property of your TextBox control.

    Text="{Binding Password}"

In my case this works perfectly. This will show dot in place of the actual text (not star(*) though).

Using GitLab token to clone without authentication

You can use the runners token for CI/CD Pipelines of your GitLab repo.

git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:<runners token>

Where <runners token> can be obtained from:

or by clicking on the Settings icon -> CI/CD Pipeline and look for Runners Token on the page

Screenshot of the runners token location: Screenshot of the runners token location

Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

Um, that's because Visual Studio is the best IDE. Come back to the darkside.

JavaScript: function returning an object

The latest way to do this with ES2016 JavaScript

let makeGamePlayer = (name, totalScore, gamesPlayed) => ({

JsonMappingException: No suitable constructor found for type [simple type, class ]: can not instantiate from JSON object

Generally, this error comes because we don’t make default constructor.
But in my case:
The issue was coming only due to I have made used object class inside parent class.
This has wasted my whole day.

Find where python is installed (if it isn't default dir)

You should be able to type "which python" and it will print out a path to python.

or you can type:

>>> import re
>>> re.__file__

and it will print a path to the re module and you'll see where python is that way.

How I can check whether a page is loaded completely or not in web driver?

You can take a screenshot and save the rendered page in a location and you can check the screenshot if the page loaded completely without broken images

How to determine if a point is in a 2D triangle?

If you know the co-ordinates of the three vertices and the co-ordinates of the specific point, then you can get the area of the complete triangle. Afterwards, calculate the area of the three triangle segments (one point being the point given and the other two being any two vertices of the triangle). Thus, you will get the area of the three triangle segments. If the sum of these areas are equal to the total area (that you got previously), then, the point should be inside the triangle. Otherwise, the point is not inside the triangle. This should work. If there are any issues, let me know. Thank you.

Load image with jQuery and append it to the DOM

Here is the code I use when I want to preload images before appending them to the page.

It is also important to check if the image is already loaded from the cache (for IE).

    //create image to preload:
    var imgPreload = new Image();
        src: photoUrl

    //check if the image is already loaded (cached):
    if (imgPreload.complete || imgPreload.readyState === 4) {

        //image loaded:
        //your code here to insert image into page

    } else {
        //go fetch the image:
        $(imgPreload).load(function (response, status, xhr) {
            if (status == 'error') {

                //image could not be loaded:

            } else {

                //image loaded:
                //your code here to insert image into page


PySpark: multiple conditions in when clause

You get SyntaxError error exception because Python has no && operator. It has and and & where the latter one is the correct choice to create boolean expressions on Column (| for a logical disjunction and ~ for logical negation).

Condition you created is also invalid because it doesn't consider operator precedence. & in Python has a higher precedence than == so expression has to be parenthesized.

(col("Age") == "") & (col("Survived") == "0")
## Column<b'((Age = ) AND (Survived = 0))'>

On a side note when function is equivalent to case expression not WHEN clause. Still the same rules apply. Conjunction:

df.where((col("foo") > 0) & (col("bar") < 0))


df.where((col("foo") > 0) | (col("bar") < 0))

You can of course define conditions separately to avoid brackets:

cond1 = col("Age") == "" 
cond2 = col("Survived") == "0"

cond1 & cond2

How to run function of parent window when child window closes?

This is an old post, but I thought I would add another method to do this:

var win ="");

var winClosed = setInterval(function () {

    if (win.closed) {
        foo(); //Call your function here

}, 250);

You don't have to modify the contents or use any event handlers from the child window.

Commenting multiple lines in DOS batch file

If you want to add REM at the beginning of each line instead of using GOTO, you can use Notepad++ to do this easily following these steps:

  1. Select the block of lines
  2. hit Ctrl-Q

Repeat steps to uncomment

Java: Replace all ' in a string with \'

You can use apache's commons-text library (instead of commons-lang):

Example code:



compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.8'



How to remove hashbang from url?

Open the file in src->router->index.js

At the bottom of this file:

const router = new VueRouter({
  mode: "history",

How to merge two sorted arrays into a sorted array?

You can use ternary operators for making the code a bit more compact

public static int[] mergeArrays(int[] a1, int[] a2) {
    int[] res = new int[a1.length + a2.length];
    int i = 0, j = 0;

    while (i < a1.length && j < a2.length) {
        res[i + j] = a1[i] < a2[j] ? a1[i++] : a2[j++];

    while (i < a1.length) {
        res[i + j] = a1[i++];

    while (j < a2.length) {
        res[i + j] = a2[j++];

    return res;

Differences between Ant and Maven

Maven is a Framework, Ant is a Toolbox

Maven is a pre-built road car, whereas Ant is a set of car parts. With Ant you have to build your own car, but at least if you need to do any off-road driving you can build the right type of car.

To put it another way, Maven is a framework whereas Ant is a toolbox. If you're content with working within the bounds of the framework then Maven will do just fine. The problem for me was that I kept bumping into the bounds of the framework and it wouldn't let me out.

XML Verbosity

tobrien is a guy who knows a lot about Maven and I think he provided a very good, honest comparison of the two products. He compared a simple Maven pom.xml with a simple Ant build file and he made mention of how Maven projects can become more complex. I think that its worth taking a look at a comparison of a couple of files that you are more likely to see in a simple real-world project. The files below represent a single module in a multi-module build.

First, the Maven file:



    <name>Persistence Layer</name>














And the equivalent Ant file:

<project name="persist" >

    <import file="../build/common-build.xml" />

    <path id="compile.classpath.main">
        <pathelement location="${common.jar}" />
        <pathelement location="${domain.jar}" />
        <pathelement location="${hibernate.jar}" />
        <pathelement location="${commons-lang.jar}" />
        <pathelement location="${spring.jar}" />

    <path id="compile.classpath.test">
        <pathelement location="${classes.dir.main}" />
        <pathelement location="${testng.jar}" />
        <pathelement location="${dbunit.jar}" />
        <pathelement location="${easymock.jar}" />
        <pathelement location="${commons-dbcp.jar}" />
        <pathelement location="${oracle-jdbc.jar}" />
        <path refid="compile.classpath.main" />

    <path id="runtime.classpath.test">
        <pathelement location="${classes.dir.test}" />
        <path refid="compile.classpath.test" />


tobrien used his example to show that Maven has built-in conventions but that doesn't necessarily mean that you end up writing less XML. I have found the opposite to be true. The pom.xml is 3 times longer than the build.xml and that is without straying from the conventions. In fact, my Maven example is shown without an extra 54 lines that were required to configure plugins. That pom.xml is for a simple project. The XML really starts to grow significantly when you start adding in extra requirements, which is not out of the ordinary for many projects.

But you have to tell Ant what to do

My Ant example above is not complete of course. We still have to define the targets used to clean, compile, test etc. These are defined in a common build file that is imported by all modules in the multi-module project. Which leads me to the point about how all this stuff has to be explicitly written in Ant whereas it is declarative in Maven.

Its true, it would save me time if I didn't have to explicitly write these Ant targets. But how much time? The common build file I use now is one that I wrote 5 years ago with only slight refinements since then. After my 2 year experiment with Maven, I pulled the old Ant build file out of the closet, dusted it off and put it back to work. For me, the cost of having to explicitly tell Ant what to do has added up to less than a week over a period of 5 years.


The next major difference I'd like to mention is that of complexity and the real-world effect it has. Maven was built with the intention of reducing the workload of developers tasked with creating and managing build processes. In order to do this it has to be complex. Unfortunately that complexity tends to negate their intended goal.

When compared with Ant, the build guy on a Maven project will spend more time:

  • Reading documentation: There is much more documentation on Maven, because there is so much more you need to learn.
  • Educating team members: They find it easier to ask someone who knows rather than trying to find answers themselves.
  • Troubleshooting the build: Maven is less reliable than Ant, especially the non-core plugins. Also, Maven builds are not repeatable. If you depend on a SNAPSHOT version of a plugin, which is very likely, your build can break without you having changed anything.
  • Writing Maven plugins: Plugins are usually written with a specific task in mind, e.g. create a webstart bundle, which makes it more difficult to reuse them for other tasks or to combine them to achieve a goal. So you may have to write one of your own to workaround gaps in the existing plugin set.

In contrast:

  • Ant documentation is concise, comprehensive and all in one place.
  • Ant is simple. A new developer trying to learn Ant only needs to understand a few simple concepts (targets, tasks, dependencies, properties) in order to be able to figure out the rest of what they need to know.
  • Ant is reliable. There haven't been very many releases of Ant over the last few years because it already works.
  • Ant builds are repeatable because they are generally created without any external dependencies, such as online repositories, experimental third-party plugins etc.
  • Ant is comprehensive. Because it is a toolbox, you can combine the tools to perform almost any task you want. If you ever need to write your own custom task, it's very simple to do.


Another difference is that of familiarity. New developers always require time to get up to speed. Familiarity with existing products helps in that regard and Maven supporters rightly claim that this is a benefit of Maven. Of course, the flexibility of Ant means that you can create whatever conventions you like. So the convention I use is to put my source files in a directory name src/main/java. My compiled classes go into a directory named target/classes. Sounds familiar doesn't it.

I like the directory structure used by Maven. I think it makes sense. Also their build lifecycle. So I use the same conventions in my Ant builds. Not just because it makes sense but because it will be familiar to anyone who has used Maven before.

JQuery - Call the jquery button click event based on name property

    //do stuff

in your case:

    //do stuff

Relative paths in Python

This code will return the absolute path to the main script.

import os
def whereAmI():
    return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__import__("__main__").__file__))

This will work even in a module.