[spring] @Scope("prototype") bean scope not creating new bean

I want to use a annotated prototype bean in my controller. But spring is creating a singleton bean instead. Here is the code for that:

public class LoginAction {

  private int counter;

  public LoginAction(){
    System.out.println(" counter is:" + counter);
  public String getStr() {
    return " counter is:"+(++counter);

Controller code:

public class HomeController {
    private LoginAction loginAction;

    @RequestMapping(value="/view", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView display(HttpServletRequest req){
        ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("home");
        mav.addObject("loginAction", loginAction);
        return mav;

    public void setLoginAction(LoginAction loginAction) {
        this.loginAction = loginAction;

    public LoginAction getLoginAction() {
        return loginAction;

Velocity template:

 LoginAction counter: ${loginAction.str}

Spring config.xml has component scanning enabled:

    <context:annotation-config />
    <context:component-scan base-package="com.springheat" />
    <mvc:annotation-driven />

I'm getting an incremented count each time. Can't figure out where am I going wrong!


As suggested by @gkamal, I made HomeController webApplicationContext-aware and it solved the problem.

updated code:

public class HomeController {

    private WebApplicationContext context;

    @RequestMapping(value="/view", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView display(HttpServletRequest req){
        ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("home");
        mav.addObject("loginAction", getLoginAction());
        return mav;

    public LoginAction getLoginAction() {
        return (LoginAction) context.getBean("loginAction");

This question is related to spring spring-mvc

The answer is

Your controller also need the @Scope("prototype") defined

like this:

public class HomeController { 


Since Spring 2.5 there's a very easy (and elegant) way to achieve that.

You can just change the params proxyMode and value of the @Scope annotation.

With this trick you can avoid to write extra code or to inject the ApplicationContext every time that you need a prototype inside a singleton bean.


@Scope(value="prototype", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)  
public class LoginAction {}

With the config above LoginAction (inside HomeController) is always a prototype even though the controller is a singleton.

You can create static class inside your controller like this :

    public class HomeController {
        private LoginServiceConfiguration loginServiceConfiguration;

        @RequestMapping(value = "/view", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public ModelAndView display(HttpServletRequest req) {
            ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("home");
            mav.addObject("loginAction", loginServiceConfiguration.loginAction());
            return mav;

        public static class LoginServiceConfiguration {

            @Bean(name = "loginActionBean")
            public LoginAction loginAction() {
                return new LoginAction();

@controller is a singleton object, and if inject a prototype bean to a singleton class will make the prototype bean also as singleton unless u specify using lookup-method property which actually create a new instance of prototype bean for every call you make.

use request scope @Scope("request") to get bean for each request, or @Scope("session") to get bean for each session 'user'

As mentioned by nicholas.hauschild injecting Spring context is not a good idea. In your case, @Scope("request") is enough to fix it. But let say you need several instances of LoginAction in controller method. In this case, I would recommend to create the bean of Supplier (Spring 4 solution):

    public Supplier<LoginAction> loginActionSupplier(LoginAction loginAction){
        return () -> loginAction;

Then inject it into controller:

public class HomeController {
    private  Supplier<LoginAction> loginActionSupplier;  

Using ApplicationContextAware is tying you to Spring (which may or may not be an issue). I would recommend passing in a LoginActionFactory, which you can ask for a new instance of a LoginAction each time you need one.

A protoype bean injected inside a singelton bean will behave like singelton untill expilictly called for creating a new instance by get bean.

context.getBean("Your Bean")

Just because the bean injected into the controller is prototype-scoped doesn't mean the controller is!

By default, Spring beans are singletons. The problem arises when we try to wire beans of different scopes. For example, a prototype bean into a singleton. This is known as the scoped bean injection problem.

Another way to solve the problem is method injection with the @Lookup annotation.

Here is a nice article on this issue of injecting prototype beans into a singleton instance with multiple solutions.




public class TennisCoach implements Coach {

// some code


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