[javascript] Javascript negative number

I want to check if a number is negative. I'm searching for the easiest way, so a predefined javascript function would be the best but I didn't found yet anything, here is what I have so far but I don't think that this is a good way:

  function negative(number) { 
        if (number.match(/^-\d+$/)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

This question is related to javascript negative-number

The answer is

If you really want to dive into it and even need to distinguish between -0 and 0, here's a way to do it.

function negative(number) {
  return !Object.is(Math.abs(number), +number);

console.log(negative(-1));  // true
console.log(negative(1));   // false
console.log(negative(0));   // false
console.log(negative(-0));  // true

function negative(n) {
  return n < 0;

Your regex should work fine for string numbers, but this is probably faster. (edited from comment in similar answer above, conversion with +n is not needed.)

In ES6 you can use Math.sign function to determine if,

1. its +ve no
2. its -ve no
3. its zero (0)
4. its NaN

console.log(Math.sign(1))        // prints 1 
console.log(Math.sign(-1))       // prints -1
console.log(Math.sign(0))        // prints 0
console.log(Math.sign("abcd"))   // prints NaN

This is an old question but it has a lot of views so I think that is important to update it.

ECMAScript 6 brought the function Math.sign(), which returns the sign of a number (1 if it's positive, -1 if it's negative) or NaN if it is not a number. Reference

You could use it as:

var number = 1;

if(Math.sign(number) === 1){
    alert("I'm positive");
}else if(Math.sign(number) === -1){
    alert("I'm negative");
    alert("I'm not a number");

How about something as simple as:

function negative(number){
    return number < 0;

The * 1 part is to convert strings to numbers.