[youtube] YouTube API to fetch all videos on a channel

From https://stackoverflow.com/a/65440501/2585501:

This method is especially useful if a) the channel has more than 50 videos or if b) desire youtube video ids formatted in a flat txt list:

  1. Obtain a Youtube API v3 key (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/65440324/2585501)
  2. Obtain the Youtube Channel ID of the channel (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/16326307/2585501)
  3. Obtain the Uploads Playlist ID of the channel: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?id={channel Id}&key={API key}&part=contentDetails (based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjUlmco7v2M)
  4. Install youtube-dl (e.g. pip3 install --upgrade youtube-dl or sudo apt-get install youtube-dl)
  5. Download the Uploads Playlist using youtube-dl: youtube-dl -j --flat-playlist "https://<yourYoutubePlaylist>" | jq -r '.id' | sed 's_^_https://youtu.be/_' > videoList.txt (see https://superuser.com/questions/1341684/youtube-dl-how-download-only-the-playlist-not-the-files-therein)