[youtube] ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one

You can install them by

sudo apt-get install -y libav-tools

Examples related to youtube

Youtube - downloading a playlist - youtube-dl YouTube Autoplay not working How to embed new Youtube's live video permanent URL? How do you use youtube-dl to download live streams (that are live)? How can I get the actual video URL of a YouTube live stream? YouTube: How to present embed video with sound muted ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': https://www.youtube.com !== http://localhost:9000 cast_sender.js error: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED in Chrome Embed YouTube video - Refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'

Examples related to ffmpeg

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: (...) executable file not found in $PATH": unknown Using ffmpeg to change framerate FFMPEG mp4 from http live streaming m3u8 file? ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one How to extract 1 screenshot for a video with ffmpeg at a given time? What steps are needed to stream RTSP from FFmpeg? How to create a video from images with FFmpeg? Download TS files from video stream Best approach to real time http streaming to HTML5 video client Cutting the videos based on start and end time using ffmpeg

Examples related to centos

How to uninstall an older PHP version from centOS7 Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details pip install - locale.Error: unsupported locale setting ssh : Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic) How to change the MySQL root account password on CentOS7? Completely remove MariaDB or MySQL from CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one How to check all versions of python installed on osx and centos Cannot find java. Please use the --jdkhome switch VirtualBox: mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device

Examples related to ffprobe

ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one