[css] CSS to make table 100% of max-width

Given the following for an email template:

  @import url("http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open Sans");

<div style="width:100%; background:#F2F2F2">
  <table style="padding: 25px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:'Open Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Arial';">
    <tr align="center" style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
        <table style="border-style:solid; border-width:2px; border-color: #c3d2d9;" cellspacing="0">
          <tr style="background-color: white;">
            <td style="width: 700px; padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px; color: #000000;">
              <p>Some content here</p>
              <span style="font-weight: bold;">My Signature</span><br/>
              My Title<br/>
              My Company<br/>

The table will be exactly 700px wide is what is needed. However, because its entirely fixed width, it can't resize on devices with less than 700px width. But if I modify the td element to this:

<td style="max-width: 700px; width: 90%; padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px; color: #000000;">
   <p>Some content here</p>
   <span style="font-weight: bold;">My Signature</span><br/>
   My Title<br/>
   My Company<br/>

Then the table is only ~100px wide.

How would I reorder the CSS to make it so that the table is 700px but resizes as the viewport grows smaller?

This question is related to css html-table width html-email

The answer is

max-width is definitely not well supported. If you're going to use it, use it in a media query in your style tag. ios, android, and windows phone default mail all support them. (gmail and outlook mobile don't)


Look at the starbucks example at the bottom

I had to use:

table, tbody {
    width: 100%;

The table alone wasn't enough, the tbody was also needed for it to work for me.

Use this :

<div style="width:700px; background:#F2F2F2">
    <table style="width:100%;padding: 25px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:'Open Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Arial';">
        <tr align="center" style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
                <table style="width:100%;border-style:solid; border-width:2px; border-color: #c3d2d9;" cellspacing="0">
                    <tr style="background-color: white;">
                        <td style=" padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px; color: #000000;">
                            <p>Some content here</p>
                            <span style="font-weight: bold;">My Signature</span><br/>
                            My Title<br/>
                            My Company<br/>

You need to use:

        table-layout: fixed;
        overflow-wrap: break-word;


I have a very well working solution for tables of max-width: 100%. Just use word-break: break-all; for the table cells (except heading cells) to break all long text into several lines:

<!DOCTYPE html>

table {
  max-width: 100%; 
table td {
  word-break: break-all;


<table border="1">
    <td>some text</td>


This will render like this (when the screen width is limited):

I had the same issue it was due to that I had the bootstrap class "hidden-lg" on the table which caused it to stupidly become display: block !important;

I wonder how Bootstrap never considered to just instead do this:

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
    .hidden-lg {
         display: none;

And then just leave the element whatever display it had before for other screensizes.. Perhaps it is too advanced for them to figure out..

Anyway so:

table {
    display: table; /* check so these really applies */
    width: 100%;

should work

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