[c++] Read text file into string. C++ ifstream

void docDB(){
     int sdb = 0;
     ifstream dacb("kitudacbiet.txt");
         cout<<"Deo doc dc file"<<endl;
               string a="";
               while((dacb>>a)!= '\n'){


Text file: "kitudacbiet.txt"

\ Dau xuyet phai
@ Dau @
# Dau #
$ Ky hieu $
( Dau mo ngoac
) Dau dong ngoac


I want read firt string of line into dbiet[sdb].kitu and the rest of line into dbiet[sdb].mota

Example: line 1 = \ Dau xuyet phai

dbiet[sdb].kitu = "\" and dbiet[sdb].mota = "Dau xuyet phai"

I would like to read line by line until i met downline character ('\n'). How to do this. Sorry my english not good.Thank

This question is related to c++ ifstream

The answer is

To read a whole line from a file into a string, use std::getline like so:

 std::ifstream file("my_file");
 std::string temp;
 std::getline(file, temp);

You can do this in a loop to until the end of the file like so:

 std::ifstream file("my_file");
 std::string temp;
 while(std::getline(file, temp)) {
      //Do with temp




getline(fin, buffer, '\n')
where fin is opened file(ifstream object) and buffer is of string/char type where you want to copy line.

It looks like you are trying to parse each line. You've been shown by another answer how to use getline in a loop to seperate each line. The other tool you are going to want is istringstream, to seperate each token.

std::string line;
while(std::getline(file, line))
    std::istringstream iss(line);
    std::string token;
    while (iss >> token)
        // do something with token