Programs & Examples On #Overlayitem

Android Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x636f7d89 (code=1). How can it be tracked down?

I had this segmentation fault error because of Memory issues. My struct having many variables and arrays, had this Array of size 1024.

Reducing the size to 512, the error was gone.

P.S: This is a workaround and not a solution. It is necessary to find the struct size and dynamic memory allocation is a better option.

How can I start an Activity from a non-Activity class?

Your onTap override receives the MapView from which you can obtain the Context:

public boolean onTap(GeoPoint p, MapView mapView)
    // ...

    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.setClass(mapView.getContext(), FullscreenView.class);

    // ...

Check if a number is odd or even in python

One of the simplest ways is to use de modulus operator %. If n % 2 == 0, then your number is even.

Hope it helps,

How to change the port number for Asp.Net core app?

you can also code like this

        IConfiguration config  = new ConfigurationBuilder()
        var host = new WebHostBuilder()

and set up your application by command line :dotnet run --server.urls http://*:5555

R Not in subset

The expression df1$id %in% idNums1 produces a logical vector. To negate it, you need to negate the whole vector:

!(df1$id %in% idNums1)

Swing JLabel text change on the running application

Use setText(str) method of JLabel to dynamically change text displayed. In actionPerform of button write this:

jLabel.setText("new Value");

A simple demo code will be:

    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Demo");
    frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    final JLabel label = new JLabel("flag");
    JButton button = new JButton("Change flag");
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
            label.setText("new value");

    frame.add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    frame.add(button, BorderLayout.CENTER);

Pod install is staying on "Setting up CocoaPods Master repo"

Nothing above worked for me, so this is what worked:

pod setup
Ctrl +C
pod repo remove master
cd ~/.cocoapods/repos 
git clone master

Once completed it worked.


Array copy values to keys in PHP

Be careful, the solution proposed with $a = array_combine($a, $a); will not work for numeric values.

I for example wanted to have a memory array(128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384) to be the keys as well as the values however PHP manual states:

If the input arrays have the same string keys, then the later value for that key will overwrite the previous one. If, however, the arrays contain numeric keys, the later value will not overwrite the original value, but will be appended.

So I solved it like this:

foreach($array as $key => $val) {

Links not going back a directory?

You need to give a relative file path of <a href="../index.html">Home</a>

Alternately you can specify a link from the root of your site with <a href="/pages/en/index.html">Home</a>

.. and . have special meanings in file paths, .. means up one directory and . means current directory.

so <a href="index.html">Home</a> is the same as <a href="./index.html">Home</a>

Nth word in a string variable

No expensive forks, no pipes, no bashisms:

$ set -- $STRING
$ eval echo \${$N}

But beware of globbing.

When to use extern in C++

This comes in useful when you have global variables. You declare the existence of global variables in a header, so that each source file that includes the header knows about it, but you only need to “define” it once in one of your source files.

To clarify, using extern int x; tells the compiler that an object of type int called x exists somewhere. It's not the compilers job to know where it exists, it just needs to know the type and name so it knows how to use it. Once all of the source files have been compiled, the linker will resolve all of the references of x to the one definition that it finds in one of the compiled source files. For it to work, the definition of the x variable needs to have what's called “external linkage”, which basically means that it needs to be declared outside of a function (at what's usually called “the file scope”) and without the static keyword.


#ifndef HEADER_H
#define HEADER_H

// any source file that includes this will be able to use "global_x"
extern int global_x;

void print_global_x();


source 1:

#include "header.h"

// since global_x still needs to be defined somewhere,
// we define it (for example) in this source file
int global_x;

int main()
    //set global_x here:
    global_x = 5;


source 2:

#include <iostream>
#include "header.h"

void print_global_x()
    //print global_x here:
    std::cout << global_x << std::endl;

Get difference between 2 dates in JavaScript?

I tried lots of ways, and found that using datepicker was the best, but the date format causes problems with JavaScript....

So here's my answer and can be run out of the box.

<input type="text" id="startdate">
<input type="text" id="enddate">
<input type="text" id="days">

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
$(document).ready(function() {

$( "#startdate,#enddate" ).datepicker({
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
firstDay: 1,
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',

$( "#startdate" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy' });
$( "#enddate" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy' });

$('#enddate').change(function() {
var start = $('#startdate').datepicker('getDate');
var end   = $('#enddate').datepicker('getDate');

if (start<end) {
var days   = (end - start)/1000/60/60/24;
else {
alert ("You cant come back before you have been!");
}); //end change function
}); //end ready

a Fiddle can be seen here DEMO

file_put_contents: Failed to open stream, no such file or directory

I was also stuck on the same kind of problem and I followed the simple steps below.

Just get the exact url of the file to which you want to copy, for example: (file to copy)

Then pass the exact absolute folder path with filename where you do want to write that file.

  1. If you are on a Windows machine then d:/xampp/htdocs/upload/test.txt

  2. If you are on a Linux machine then /var/www/html/upload/test.txt

You can get the document root with the PHP function $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].

Does a VPN Hide my Location on Android?

Your question can be conveniently divided into several parts:

Does a VPN hide location? Yes, he is capable of this. This is not about GPS determining your location. If you try to change the region via VPN in an application that requires GPS access, nothing will work. However, sites define your region differently. They get an IP address and see what country or region it belongs to. If you can change your IP address, you can change your region. This is exactly what VPNs can do.

How to hide location on Android? There is nothing difficult in figuring out how to set up a VPN on Android, but a couple of nuances still need to be highlighted. Let's start with the fact that not all Android VPNs are created equal. For example, VeePN outperforms many other services in terms of efficiency in circumventing restrictions. It has 2500+ VPN servers and a powerful IP and DNS leak protection system.

You can easily change the location of your Android device by using a VPN. Follow these steps for any device model (Samsung, Sony, Huawei, etc.):

  1. Download and install a trusted VPN.

  2. Install the VPN on your Android device.

  3. Open the application and connect to a server in a different country.

  4. Your Android location will now be successfully changed!

Is it legal? Yes, changing your location on Android is legal. Likewise, you can change VPN settings in Microsoft Edge on your PC, and all this is within the law. VPN allows you to change your IP address, safeguarding your privacy and protecting your actual location from being exposed. However, VPN laws may vary from country to country. There are restrictions in some regions.

Brief summary: Yes, you can change your region on Android and a VPN is a necessary assistant for this. It's simple, safe and legal. Today, VPN is the best way to change the region and unblock sites with regional restrictions.

Multiple REPLACE function in Oracle

Bear in mind the consequences

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE('TEST123','123','456'),'45','89') FROM DUAL;

will replace the 123 with 456, then find that it can replace the 45 with 89. For a function that had an equivalent result, it would have to duplicate the precedence (ie replacing the strings in the same order).

Similarly, taking a string 'ABCDEF', and instructing it to replace 'ABC' with '123' and 'CDE' with 'xyz' would still have to account for a precedence to determine whether it went to '123EF' or ABxyzF'.

In short, it would be difficult to come up with anything generic that would be simpler than a nested REPLACE (though something that was more of a sprintf style function would be a useful addition).

MS Access VBA: Sending an email through Outlook

Add a reference to the Outlook object model in the Visual Basic editor. Then you can use the code below to send an email using outlook.

Sub sendOutlookEmail()
Dim oApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oMail As MailItem
Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")

Set oMail = oApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
oMail.Body = "Body of the email"
oMail.Subject = "Test Subject"
oMail.To = "[email protected]"
Set oMail = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing

End Sub

Multiple commands on a single line in a Windows batch file

Can be achieved also with scriptrunner

ScriptRunner.exe -appvscript demoA.cmd arg1 arg2 -appvscriptrunnerparameters -wait -timeout=30 -rollbackonerror -appvscript demoB.ps1 arg3 arg4 -appvscriptrunnerparameters -wait -timeout=30 

Which also have some features as rollback , timeout and waiting.

Configure hibernate (using JPA) to store Y/N for type Boolean instead of 0/1

I used the concept from the answer posted by @marcg and it works great with JPA 2.1. His code wasn't quite right, so I'm posted my working implementation. This will convert Boolean entity fields to a Y/N character column in the database.

From my entity class:

@Column(name="LOADED", length=1)
private Boolean isLoadedSuccessfully;

My converter class:

 * Converts a Boolean entity attribute to a single-character
 * Y/N string that will be stored in the database, and vice-versa
 * @author jtough
public class BooleanToYNStringConverter 
        implements AttributeConverter<Boolean, String> {

     * This implementation will return "Y" if the parameter is Boolean.TRUE,
     * otherwise it will return "N" when the parameter is Boolean.FALSE. 
     * A null input value will yield a null return value.
     * @param b Boolean
    public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Boolean b) {
        if (b == null) {
            return null;
        if (b.booleanValue()) {
            return "Y";
        return "N";

     * This implementation will return Boolean.TRUE if the string
     * is "Y" or "y", otherwise it will ignore the value and return
     * Boolean.FALSE (it does not actually look for "N") for any
     * other non-null string. A null input value will yield a null
     * return value.
     * @param s String
    public Boolean convertToEntityAttribute(String s) {
        if (s == null) {
            return null;
        if (s.equals("Y") || s.equals("y")) {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
        return Boolean.FALSE;


This variant is also fun if you love emoticons and are just sick and tired of Y/N or T/F in your database. In this case, your database column must be two characters instead of one. Probably not a big deal.

 * Converts a Boolean entity attribute to a happy face or sad face
 * that will be stored in the database, and vice-versa
 * @author jtough
public class BooleanToHappySadConverter 
        implements AttributeConverter<Boolean, String> {

    public static final String HAPPY = ":)";
    public static final String SAD = ":(";

     * This implementation will return ":)" if the parameter is Boolean.TRUE,
     * otherwise it will return ":(" when the parameter is Boolean.FALSE. 
     * A null input value will yield a null return value.
     * @param b Boolean
     * @return String or null
    public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Boolean b) {
        if (b == null) {
            return null;
        if (b) {
            return HAPPY;
        return SAD;

     * This implementation will return Boolean.TRUE if the string
     * is ":)", otherwise it will ignore the value and return
     * Boolean.FALSE (it does not actually look for ":(") for any
     * other non-null string. A null input value will yield a null
     * return value.
     * @param s String
     * @return Boolean or null
    public Boolean convertToEntityAttribute(String s) {
        if (s == null) {
            return null;
        if (HAPPY.equals(s)) {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
        return Boolean.FALSE;


How to make a parent div auto size to the width of its children divs

The parent div (I assume the outermost div) is display: block and will fill up all available area of its container (in this case, the body) that it can. Use a different display type -- inline-block is probably what you are going for:

JavaScript style.display="none" or jQuery .hide() is more efficient?

Talking about efficiency:

document.getElementById( 'elemtId' ).style.display = 'none';

What jQuery does with its .show() and .hide() methods is, that it remembers the last state of an element. That can come in handy sometimes, but since you asked about efficiency that doesn't matter here.

Could not find server 'server name' in sys.servers. SQL Server 2014

At first check out that your linked server is in the list by this query

select name from sys.servers

If it not exists then try to add to the linked server

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'SERVER_NAME' --or may be server ip address

After that login to that linked server by

EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'SERVER_NAME'

Then you can do whatever you want ,treat it like your local server

exec [SERVER_NAME].[DATABASE_NAME].dbo.SP_NAME @sample_parameter

Finally you can drop that server from linked server list by

sp_dropserver 'SERVER_NAME', 'droplogins'

If it will help you then please upvote.

How to check encoding of a CSV file

If you use Python, just use a print() function to check the encoding of a csv file. For example:

with open('file_name.csv') as f:

The output is something like this:

<_io.TextIOWrapper name='file_name.csv' mode='r' encoding='utf8'>

Transform only one axis to log10 scale with ggplot2

I had a similar problem and this scale worked for me like a charm:

breaks = 10**(1:10)
scale_y_log10(breaks = breaks, labels = comma(breaks))

as you want the intermediate levels, too (10^3.5), you need to tweak the formatting:

breaks = 10**(1:10 * 0.5)
m <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(y = price, x = color)) + geom_boxplot()
m + scale_y_log10(breaks = breaks, labels = comma(breaks, digits = 1))

After executing::

enter image description here

Does Visual Studio have code coverage for unit tests?

Toni's answer is very useful, but I thought a quick start for total beginners to test coverage assessment (like I am).

As already mentioned, Visual Studio Professional and Community Editions do not have built-in test coverage support. However, it can be obtained quite easily. I will write step-by-step configuration for use with NUnit tests within Visual Studion 2015 Professional.

  1. Install OpenCover NUGet component using NuGet interface

  2. Get OpenCoverUI extension. This can be installed directly from Visual Studio by using Tools -> Extensions and Updates

  3. Configure OpenCoverUI to use the appropriate executables, by accessing Tools -> Options -> OpenCover.UI Options -> General

NUnit Path: must point to the `nunit-console.exe file. This can be found only within NUnit 2.xx version, which can be downloaded from here.

OpenCover Path: this should point to the installed package, usually <solution path>\packages\OpenCover.4.6.519\tools\OpenCover.Console.exe

  1. Install ReportGenerator NUGet package

  2. Access OpenCover Test Explorer from OpenCover menu. Try discovering tests from there. If it fails, check Output windows for more details.

  3. Check OpenCover Results (within OpenCover menu) for more details. It will output details such as Code Coverage in a tree based view. You can also highlight code that is or is not covered (small icon in the top-left).

NOTE: as mentioned, OpenCoverUI does not support latest major version of NUnit (3.xx). However, if nothing specific to this version is used within tests, it will work with no problems, regardless of having installed NUnit 3.xx version.

This covers the quick start. As already mentioned in the comments, for more advanced configuration and automation check this article.

wampserver doesn't go green - stays orange

If you install WAMPServer before you install the C++ Redistributable, it won't work even after you've installed it because you will miss a critical step in the installation where you tell Windows Firewall to let Apache run.

  1. Uninstall WAMP by running the unins file in the wamp directory
  2. Download and install the vbasic package here []
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Install WAMP again. You should see a message with a purple feather telling you to allow access. Do so, and you should be all good

Eclipse executable launcher error: Unable to locate companion shared library

I encountered this error with the Eclipse 4.10 installer. We had failed to complete the install correctly due to platform security settings and attempted to uninstall but had to do it by hand since no uninstaller was introduced during the failed install. We suspected this corrupted the end result - even after re-installing.

The solution was to use the JVM to launch Eclipse and bypass the launcher executable entirely. The following command successfully launches Eclipse 4.10 (some parameters will change based on the version of Eclipse):

%JDK190%\bin\javaw.exe -jar C:\<fully_qualified_path_to_eclipse>\Eclipse410\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.200.v20180922-1751.jar -clean -showsplash

After using this command/shortcut to launch Eclipse we had no further errors with Eclipse itself but we weren't able to use the EXE launcher in the future. Even after a year of using this version, the launcher continues to display this same error.

To be clear, you'll have to modify your javaw.exe command to match your system specifications on MS Windows.

Naming conventions for Java methods that return boolean

If you wish your class to be compatible with the Java Beans specification, so that tools utilizing reflection (e.g. JavaBuilders, JGoodies Binding) can recognize boolean getters, either use getXXXX() or isXXXX() as a method name. From the Java Beans spec:

8.3.2 Boolean properties

In addition, for boolean properties, we allow a getter method to match the pattern:

public boolean is<PropertyName>();

This “is<PropertyName>” method may be provided instead of a “get<PropertyName>” method, or it may be provided in addition to a “get<PropertyName>” method. In either case, if the “is<PropertyName>” method is present for a boolean property then we will use the “is<PropertyName>” method to read the property value. An example boolean property might be:

public boolean isMarsupial();
public void setMarsupial(boolean m);

How to convert an object to JSON correctly in Angular 2 with TypeScript

In your product.service.ts you are using stringify method in a wrong way..

Just use


instead of


i have checked your problem and after this it's working absolutely fine.

Datatable select method ORDER BY clause

Use"col1='test'","col1 ASC")

Then before binding your data to the grid or repeater etc, use this


That will solve your problem.

How can I shrink the drawable on a button?

Using Kotlin Extension

val drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.my_icon)
// or resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.my_icon, theme)
val sizePx = 25
drawable?.setBounds(0, 0, sizePx, sizePx)
//                            (left,     top,  right, bottom)
my_button.setCompoundDrawables(drawable, null, null, null)

I suggest creating an extension function on TextView (Button extends it) for easy reuse.

button.leftDrawable(R.drawable.my_icon, 25)

// Button extends TextView
fun TextView.leftDrawable(@DrawableRes id: Int = 0, @DimenRes sizeRes: Int) {
    val drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, id)
    val size = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(sizeRes)
    drawable?.setBounds(0, 0, size, size)
    this.setCompoundDrawables(drawable, null, null, null)

Convert integer into byte array (Java)

Simple solution which properly handles ByteOrder:


How can I remove non-ASCII characters but leave periods and spaces using Python?

An easy way to change to a different codec, is by using encode() or decode(). In your case, you want to convert to ASCII and ignore all symbols that are not supported. For example, the Swedish letter å is not an ASCII character:

    >>>s = u'Good bye in Swedish is Hej d\xe5'
    >>>s = s.encode('ascii',errors='ignore')
    >>>print s
    Good bye in Swedish is Hej d


Python3: str -> bytes -> str

>>>"Hej då".encode("ascii", errors="ignore").decode()
'hej d'

Python2: unicode -> str -> unicode

>>> u"hej då".encode("ascii", errors="ignore").decode()
u'hej d'

Python2: str -> unicode -> str (decode and encode in reverse order)

>>> "hej d\xe5".decode("ascii", errors="ignore").encode()
'hej d'

Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher

This is a very old question, but my answer may help someone.

  • In the encrypt method, don't forget to encode your string to Base64
  • In the decrypt method, don't forget to decode your string to Base64

Below is the working code

    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Base64;

    import javax.crypto.Cipher;
    import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
    import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

    public class EncryptionDecryptionUtil {

    public static String encrypt(final String secret, final String data) {

        byte[] decodedKey = Base64.getDecoder().decode(secret);

        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
            // rebuild key using SecretKeySpec
            SecretKey originalKey = new SecretKeySpec(Arrays.copyOf(decodedKey, 16), "AES");
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, originalKey);
            byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(data.getBytes("UTF-8"));
            return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipherText);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error occured while encrypting data", e);


    public static String decrypt(final String secret,
            final String encryptedString) {

        byte[] decodedKey = Base64.getDecoder().decode(secret);

        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
            // rebuild key using SecretKeySpec
            SecretKey originalKey = new SecretKeySpec(Arrays.copyOf(decodedKey, 16), "AES");
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, originalKey);
            byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(Base64.getDecoder().decode(encryptedString));
            return new String(cipherText);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error occured while decrypting data", e);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String data = "This is not easy as you think";
        String key = "---------------------------------";
        String encrypted = encrypt(key, data);
        System.out.println(decrypt(key, encrypted));

For Generating Key you can use below class

import java.util.Base64;

import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;

public class SecretKeyGenerator {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {

        KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");

        SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
        int keyBitSize = 256;
        keyGenerator.init(keyBitSize, secureRandom);

        SecretKey secretKey = keyGenerator.generateKey();



Remove certain characters from a string

UPDATE yourtable 
SET field_or_column =REPLACE ('current string','findpattern', 'replacepattern') 

How can I check if my Element ID has focus?

Write below code in script and also add jQuery library

var getElement = document.getElementById('myID');

if (document.activeElement === getElement) {
        $(document).keydown(function(event) {
            if (event.which === 40) {
                console.log('keydown pressed')

Thank you...

Converting file into Base64String and back again

If you want for some reason to convert your file to base-64 string. Like if you want to pass it via internet, etc... you can do this

Byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes("path");
String file = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

And correspondingly, read back to file:

Byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(b64Str);
File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);

Convert from DateTime to INT

select DATEDIFF(dd, '12/30/1899', mydatefield)

Fixed page header overlaps in-page anchors

This is how I got it to finally go to the proper place when you click on the navigation. I added an event handler for the navigation clicks. Then you can just use "scrollBy" to move up on the offset.

var offset = 90;

 $('.navbar li a').click(function(event) {
    scrollBy(0, -offset);

Remove a symlink to a directory

you can use unlink in the folder where you have created your symlink

Anaconda Navigator won't launch (windows 10)

So none of the above answers worked for me.

I performed the following steps in order to make it work for me : OS : Windows 10 Home 64 Bit

Open Anaconda Prompt

conda remove anaconda-navigator
conda install anaconda-navigator

conda install -c anaconda pywin32 // Had to install since I got a module not found error // with just the above two commands

And it worked for me!!

How to set breakpoints in inline Javascript in Google Chrome?

My situation and what I did to fix it:
I have a javascript file included on an HTML page as follows:
Page Name: test.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="scripts/common.js"></script>
        <title>Test debugging JS in Chrome</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
         <script type="text/javascript">


Now entering the Javascript Debugger in Chrome, I click the Scripts Tab, and drop down the list as shown above. I can clearly see scripts/common.js however I could NOT see the current html page test.html in the drop down, therefore I could not debug the embedded javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">

That was perplexing. However, when I removed the obsolete type="text/javascript" from the embedded script:


..and refreshed / reloaded the page, voila, it appeared in the drop down list, and all was well again.
I hope this is helpful to anyone who is having issues debugging embedded javascript on an html page.

How do I 'overwrite', rather than 'merge', a branch on another branch in Git?

How about:

git branch -D email
git checkout staging
git checkout -b email
git push origin email --force-with-lease

Checking session if empty or not

if (HttpContext.Current.Session["emp_num"] != null)
     // code if session is not null
  • if at all above fails.

How to add facebook share button on my website?

You don't need all that code. All you need are the following lines:

<a href="" target="_blank">
  Share on Facebook

Documentation can be found at

How to scroll up or down the page to an anchor using jQuery?

following solution worked for me:

            var aid = $(this).attr('href');
            aid = aid.replace("#", "");
            var aTag = $("a[name='"+ aid +"']");
            if(aTag == null || aTag.offset() == null)
                aTag = $("a[id='"+ aid +"']");

            $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: aTag.offset().top}, 1000);

PHP date() format when inserting into datetime in MySQL

This is a more accurate way to do it. It places decimals behind the seconds giving more precision.

$now = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP', time());

Notice the .uP.

More info:

R: Plotting a 3D surface from x, y, z

Maybe is late now but following Spacedman, did you try duplicate="strip" or any other option?


Run batch file from Java code

Rather than Runtime.exec(String command), you need to use the exec(String command, String[] envp, File dir) method signature:

Process p =  Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c upsert.bat", null, new File("C:\\Program Files\\\\Data Loader\\cliq_process\\upsert"));

But personally, I'd use ProcessBuilder instead, which is a little more verbose but much easier to use and debug than Runtime.exec().

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/c", "upsert.bat");
File dir = new File("C:/Program Files/ Loader/cliq_process/upsert");;
Process p = pb.start();

How can I "disable" zoom on a mobile web page?

Since there is still no solution for initial issue, here's my pure CSS two cents.

Mobile browsers (most of them) require font-size in inputs to be 16px. So

input[type="password"] {_x000D_
  font-size: 16px;_x000D_

solves the issue. So you don't need to disable zoom and loose accessibility features of you site.

If your base font-size is not 16px or not 16px on mobiles, you can use media queries.

@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {_x000D_
  input[type="password"] {_x000D_
    font-size: 16px;_x000D_

How do I make the method return type generic?

You could implement it like this:

public <T extends Animal> T callFriend(String name) {
    return (T)friends.get(name);

(Yes, this is legal code; see Java Generics: Generic type defined as return type only.)

The return type will be inferred from the caller. However, note the @SuppressWarnings annotation: that tells you that this code isn't typesafe. You have to verify it yourself, or you could get ClassCastExceptions at runtime.

Unfortunately, the way you're using it (without assigning the return value to a temporary variable), the only way to make the compiler happy is to call it like this:


While this may be a little nicer than casting, you are probably better off giving the Animal class an abstract talk() method, as David Schmitt said.

Your project path contains non-ASCII characters android studio

Your project path contains Chinese characters,

em: F:\??\Yourproject

Please rename the path English characters:

em: F:\Data\Yourproject

How to add header data in XMLHttpRequest when using formdata?

Check to see if the key-value pair is actually showing up in the request:

In Chrome, found somewhere like: F12: Developer Tools > Network Tab > Whatever request you have sent > "view source" under Response Headers

Depending on your testing workflow, if whatever pair you added isn't there, you may just need to clear your browser cache. To verify that your browser is using your most up-to-date code, you can check the page's sources, in Chrome this is found somewhere like: F12: Developer Tools > Sources Tab > YourJavascriptSrc.js and check your code.

But as other answers have said:

xhttp.setRequestHeader(key, value);

should add a key-value pair to your request header, just make sure to place it after your open() and before your send()

Detect if an input has text in it using CSS -- on a page I am visiting and do not control?

<input onkeyup="this.setAttribute('value', this.value);" />



will work :-)


Reset Windows Activation/Remove license key

On Windows XP -

  1. Reboot into "Safe mode with Command Prompt"
  2. Type "explorer" in the command prompt that comes up and push [Enter]
  3. Click on Start>Run, and type the following :

    rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk

Reboot, and login as normal.

This will reset the 30 day timer for activation back to 30 days so you can enter in the key normally.

Bringing a subview to be in front of all other views

try this:

self.view.layer.zPosition = 1;

Non-resolvable parent POM using Maven 3.0.3 and relativePath notation

Here is answer to your question.

By default maven looks in ../pom.xml for relativePath. Use empty <relativePath/> tag instead.

Grouped bar plot in ggplot

First you need to get the counts for each category, i.e. how many Bads and Goods and so on are there for each group (Food, Music, People). This would be done like so:

raw <- read.csv("",sep=",")
raw[,2]<-factor(raw[,2],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,3]<-factor(raw[,3],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,4]<-factor(raw[,4],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)

raw=raw[,c(2,3,4)] # getting rid of the "people" variable as I see no use for it

freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) # get the counts of each factor level

Then you need to create a data frame out of it, melt it and plot it:

Names=c("Food","Music","People")     # create list of names
data=data.frame(cbind(freq),Names)   # combine them into a data frame
data=data[,c(5,3,1,2,4)]             # sort columns

# melt the data frame for plotting
data.m <- melt(data, id.vars='Names')

# plot everything
ggplot(data.m, aes(Names, value)) +   
  geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), position = "dodge", stat="identity")

Is this what you're after?

enter image description here

To clarify a little bit, in ggplot multiple grouping bar you had a data frame that looked like this:

> head(df)
1  1    A  1980   450   338   154    36    13     9
2  2    A  2000   288   407   212    54    16    23
3  3    A  2020   196   434   246    68    19    36
4  4    B  1980   111   326   441    90    21    11
5  5    B  2000    63   298   443   133    42    21
6  6    B  2020    36   257   462   162    55    30

Since you have numerical values in columns 4-9, which would later be plotted on the y axis, this can be easily transformed with reshape and plotted.

For our current data set, we needed something similar, so we used freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) to get this:

> data
   Names Very.Bad Bad Good Very.Good
1   Food        7   6    5         2
2  Music        5   5    7         3
3 People        6   3    7         4

Just imagine you have Very.Bad, Bad, Good and so on instead of X1PCE, X2PCE, X3PCE. See the similarity? But we needed to create such structure first. Hence the freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)).

WindowsError: [Error 126] The specified module could not be found

I met the same problem in Win10 32bit OS. I resolved the problem by changing the DLL from debug to release version.

I think it is because the debug version DLL depends on other DLL, and the release version did not.

Select tableview row programmatically

From reference documentation:

Calling this method does not cause the delegate to receive a tableView:willSelectRowAtIndexPath: or tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: message, nor does it send UITableViewSelectionDidChangeNotification notifications to observers.

What I would do is:

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    [self doSomethingWithRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];

And then, from where you wanted to call selectRowAtIndexPath, you instead call doSomethingWithRowAtIndexPath. On top of that, you can additionally also call selectRowAtIndexPath if you want the UI feedback to happen.

How do I force files to open in the browser instead of downloading (PDF)?

If you are using HTML5 (and I guess nowadays everyone uses that), there is an attribute called download.

For example,

<a href="somepathto.pdf" download="filename">

Here filename is optional, but if provided, it will take this name for the downloaded file.

How can one use multi threading in PHP applications

Depending on what you're trying to do you could also use curl_multi to achieve it.

Pie chart with jQuery

Tons of great suggestions here, just going to throw ZingChart onto the stack for good measure. We recently released a jQuery wrapper for the library that makes it even easier to build and customize charts. The CDN links are in the demo below.

I'm on the ZingChart team and we're here to answer any questions any of you might have!

  "data": {_x000D_
    "type": "pie",_x000D_
    "legend": {},_x000D_
    "series": [{_x000D_
      "values": [5]_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
      "values": [10]_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
      "values": [15]_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="pie-chart"></div>

Controlling mouse with Python

The accepted answer worked for me but it was unstable (sometimes clicks wouldn't regsiter) so I added an additional MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP . Then it was working reliably

import win32api, win32con
def click(x,y):

Java function for arrays like PHP's join()?

There is simple shorthand technique I use most of the times..

String op = new String;
for (int i : is) 
    op += candidatesArr[i-1]+",";
op = op.substring(0, op.length()-1);

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/client/HttpClient

This problem occurs if there are different jar versions. Especially versions of httpcore and httpclient. Use same versions of httpcore and httpclient.

Remote JMX connection

To enable JMX remote, pass below VM parameters along with JAVA Command.                          

Insert a string at a specific index

This is basically doing what @Base33 is doing except I'm also giving the option of using a negative index to count from the end. Kind of like the substr method allows.

// use a negative index to insert relative to the end of the string.

String.prototype.insert = function (index, string) {
  var ind = index < 0 ? this.length + index  :  index;
  return  this.substring(0, ind) + string + this.substr(ind);

Example: Let's say you have full size images using a naming convention but can't update the data to also provide thumbnail urls.

var url = '/images/myimage.jpg';
var thumb = url.insert(-4, '_thm');

//    result:  '/images/myimage_thm.jpg'

Suppress InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made in Python2.6

Per this github comment, one can disable urllib3 request warnings via requests in a 1-liner:


This will suppress all warnings though, not just InsecureRequest (ie it will also suppress InsecurePlatform etc). In cases where we just want stuff to work, I find the conciseness handy.

How to get all files under a specific directory in MATLAB?

I don't know a single-function method for this, but you can use genpath to recurse a list of subdirectories only. This list is returned as a semicolon-delimited string of directories, so you'll have to separate it using strread, i.e.

dirlist = strread(genpath('/path/of/directory'),'%s','delimiter',';')

If you don't want to include the given directory, remove the first entry of dirlist, i.e. dirlist(1)=[]; since it is always the first entry.

Then get the list of files in each directory with a looped dir.

for d=1:length(dirlist)
    % keep only filenames

    % remove '.' and '..' entries
    % or to ignore all hidden files, use filelist(strmatch('.',filelist))=[];

    % prepend directory name to each filename entry, separated by filesep*
    for f=1:length(filelist)
        filelist{f}=[dirlist{d} filesep filelist{f}];

    filenamelist=[filenamelist filelist];

filesep returns the directory separator for the platform on which MATLAB is running.

This gives you a list of filenames with full paths in the cell array filenamelist. Not the neatest solution, I know.

how to declare global variable in SQL Server..?

My first question is which version of SQL Server are you using (i.e 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012)?

Assuming you are using 2008 or later SQL uses scope for variable determination. I believe 2005 still had global variables that would use @@variablename instead of @variable name which would define the difference between global and local variables. Starting in 2008 I believe this was changed to a scope defined variable designation structure. For example to create a global variable the @variable has to be defined at the start of a procedure, function, view, etc. In 2008 and later @@defined system variables for system functions I do believe. I could explain further if you explained the version and also where the variable is being defined, and the error that you are getting.

How can I get city name from a latitude and longitude point?

Here is a complete sample:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Geolocation API with Google Maps API</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
      function displayLocation(latitude,longitude){
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();

        var method = 'GET';
        var url = ''+latitude+','+longitude+'&sensor=true';
        var async = true;, url, async);
        request.onreadystatechange = function(){
          if(request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200){
            var data = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
            var address = data.results[0];

      var successCallback = function(position){
        var x = position.coords.latitude;
        var y = position.coords.longitude;

      var errorCallback = function(error){
        var errorMessage = 'Unknown error';
        switch(error.code) {
          case 1:
            errorMessage = 'Permission denied';
          case 2:
            errorMessage = 'Position unavailable';
          case 3:
            errorMessage = 'Timeout';

      var options = {
        enableHighAccuracy: true,
        timeout: 1000,
        maximumAge: 0


How to set Google Chrome in WebDriver

public void setUp() throws Exception {

 System.setProperty("","Absolute path of Chrome driver");

 driver =new ChromeDriver();
 baseUrl = "URL/";

    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

What are sessions? How do they work?

HTTP is stateless connection protocol, that is, the server cannot differentiate between different connections of different users.

Hence comes cookie, once a client connects first time to a server, the server generates a new session id, which later will be sent to the client as cookie value. And from now on, this session id will identify that client connection, because within each HTTP request it will see the appropriate session id inside cookies.

Now for each session id, the server keeps some data structure, which enables him to store data specific to user, this data structure you can abstractly call session.

Can you remove elements from a std::list while iterating through it?

If you think of the std::list like a queue, then you can dequeue and enqueue all the items that you want to keep, but only dequeue (and not enqueue) the item you want to remove. Here's an example where I want to remove 5 from a list containing the numbers 1-10...

std::list<int> myList;

int size = myList.size(); // The size needs to be saved to iterate through the whole thing

for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    int val = myList.back()
    myList.pop_back() // dequeue
    if (val != 5)
         myList.push_front(val) // enqueue if not 5

myList will now only have numbers 1-4 and 6-10.

Set a path variable with spaces in the path in a Windows .cmd file or batch file

Try this;

  1. create a variable as below

    SET "SolutionDir=C:\Test projects\Automation tests\bin\Debug"**
  2. Then replace the path with variable. Make sure to add quotes for starts and end

    vstest.console.exe "%SolutionDir%\Automation.Specs.dll"

Pass a local file in to URL in Java

Using Java 7:


However, you probably want to get a URI. Eg, a URI begins with file:/// but a URL with file:/ (at least, that's what toString produces).

DNS caching in linux

You have here available an example of DNS Caching in Debian using dnsmasq.

Configuration summary:


# Ensure you add this line
DNSMASQ_OPTS="-r /etc/resolv.dnsmasq"


# Your preferred servers
nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888



Then just restart dnsmasq.

Benchmark test using DNS

for i in {1..100}; do time dig @; done 2>&1 | grep ^real | sed -e s/.*m// | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum / NR}'

Benchmark test using you local cached DNS:

for i in {1..100}; do time dig; done 2>&1 | grep ^real | sed -e s/.*m// | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum / NR}'

IOException: The process cannot access the file 'file path' because it is being used by another process

I had the following scenario that was causing the same error:

  • Upload files to the server
  • Then get rid of the old files after they have been uploaded

Most files were small in size, however, a few were large, and so attempting to delete those resulted in the cannot access file error.

It was not easy to find, however, the solution was as simple as Waiting "for the task to complete execution":

using (var wc = new WebClient())
   var tskResult = wc.UploadFileTaskAsync(_address, _fileName);

"document.getElementByClass is not a function"

    enter code here
var stopMusicExt = document.getElementByClass("stopButton").value;
    stopButton.onclick = function() {
        var ta = document.getElementByClass("stopButton");
        ta.value = "";

// .value will hold all data from class stopButton

Form inside a table

If you want a "editable grid" i.e. a table like structure that allows you to make any of the rows a form, use CSS that mimics the TABLE tag's layout: display:table, display:table-row, and display:table-cell.

There is no need to wrap your whole table in a form and no need to create a separate form and table for each apparent row of your table.

Try this instead:

<div class="table">
    <form class="tr" method="post" action="blah.html">
        <span class="td"><input type="text"/></span>
        <span class="td"><input type="text"/></span>
    <div class="tr">
        <span class="td">(cell data)</span>
        <span class="td">(cell data)</span>

The problem with wrapping the whole TABLE in a FORM is that any and all form elements will be sent on submit (maybe that is desired but probably not). This method allows you to define a form for each "row" and send only that row of data on submit.

The problem with wrapping a FORM tag around a TR tag (or TR around a FORM) is that it's invalid HTML. The FORM will still allow submit as usual but at this point the DOM is broken. Note: Try getting the child elements of your FORM or TR with JavaScript, it can lead to unexpected results.

Note that IE7 doesn't support these CSS table styles and IE8 will need a doctype declaration to get it into "standards" mode: (try this one or something equivalent)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

Any other browser that supports display:table, display:table-row and display:table-cell should display your css data table the same as it would if you were using the TABLE, TR and TD tags. Most of them do.

Note that you can also mimic THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT by wrapping your row groups in another DIV with display: table-header-group, table-row-group and table-footer-group respectively.

NOTE: The only thing you cannot do with this method is colspan.

Check out this illustration:

Vim: How to insert in visual block mode?

Try this

After selecting a block of text, press Shift+i or capital I.

Lowercase i will not work.

Then type the things you want and finally to apply it to all lines, press Esc twice.

If this doesn't work...

Check if you have +visualextra enabled in your version of Vim.

You can do this by typing in :ver and scrolling through the list of features. (You might want to copy and paste it into a buffer and do incremental search because the format is odd.)

Enabling it is outside the scope of this question but I'm sure you can find it somewhere.

How can I check the size of a file in a Windows batch script?

I prefer to use a DOS function. Feels cleaner to me.

CALL :FileSize %1 FileSize
IF %FileSize% GTR %SIZELIMIT% Echo Large file


SET %~2=%~z1


How to convert a single char into an int

You can utilize the fact that the character encodings for digits are all in order from 48 (for '0') to 57 (for '9'). This holds true for ASCII, UTF-x and practically all other encodings (see comments below for more on this).

Therefore the integer value for any digit is the digit minus '0' (or 48).

char c = '1';
int i = c - '0'; // i is now equal to 1, not '1'

is synonymous to

char c = '1';
int i = c - 48; // i is now equal to 1, not '1'

However I find the first c - '0' far more readable.

C# refresh DataGridView when updating or inserted on another form

For datagridview in C#, use this code

MySqlDataAdapter MyDA = new MySqlDataAdapter();
string sqlSelectAll = "SELECT * from dailyprice";
MyDA.SelectCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlSelectAll, con);

DataTable table = new DataTable();

BindingSource bSource = new BindingSource();
bSource.DataSource = table;

dataGridView1.DataSource = bSource;

It works for show new records in the datagridview.

How to stop execution after a certain time in Java?

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long end = start + 60*1000; // 60 seconds * 1000 ms/sec
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < end)
    // run

How to put sshpass command inside a bash script?

Do which sshpass in your command line to get the absolute path to sshpass and replace it in the bash script.

You should also probably do the same with the command you are trying to run.

The problem might be that it is not finding it.

python inserting variable string as file name

you can do something like

filename = "%s.csv" % name
f = open(filename , 'wb')

or f = open('%s.csv' % name, 'wb')

cout is not a member of std

Also remember that it must be:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

and not the other way around

#include <iostream>
#include "stdafx.h"

Get safe area inset top and bottom heights

Swift 4, 5

To pin a view to a safe area anchor using constraints can be done anywhere in the view controller's lifecycle because they're queued by the API and handled after the view has been loaded into memory. However, getting safe-area values requires waiting toward the end of a view controller's lifecycle, like viewDidLayoutSubviews().

This plugs into any view controller:

override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
    let topSafeArea: CGFloat
    let bottomSafeArea: CGFloat

    if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
        topSafeArea =
        bottomSafeArea = view.safeAreaInsets.bottom
    } else {
        topSafeArea = topLayoutGuide.length
        bottomSafeArea = bottomLayoutGuide.length

    // safe area values are now available to use

I prefer this method to getting it off of the window (when possible) because it’s how the API was designed and, more importantly, the values are updated during all view changes, like device orientation changes.

However, some custom presented view controllers cannot use the above method (I suspect because they are in transient container views). In such cases, you can get the values off of the root view controller, which will always be available anywhere in the current view controller's lifecycle.

    guard let root = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController else {
    let topSafeArea: CGFloat
    let bottomSafeArea: CGFloat

    if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
        topSafeArea =
        bottomSafeArea = root.view.safeAreaInsets.bottom
    } else {
        topSafeArea = root.topLayoutGuide.length
        bottomSafeArea = root.bottomLayoutGuide.length

    // safe area values are now available to use

javascript remove "disabled" attribute from html input

To set the disabled to false using the name property of the input:

document.myForm.myInputName.disabled = false;

Passing string to a function in C - with or without pointers?

The accepted convention of passing C-strings to functions is to use a pointer:

void function(char* name)

When the function modifies the string you should also pass in the length:

void function(char* name, size_t name_length)

Your first example:

char *functionname(char *string name[256])

passes an array of pointers to strings which is not what you need at all.

Your second example:

char functionname(char string[256])

passes an array of chars. The size of the array here doesn't matter and the parameter will decay to a pointer anyway, so this is equivalent to:

char functionname(char *string)

See also this question for more details on array arguments in C.

Convert txt to csv python script

You need to split the line first.

import csv

with open('log.txt', 'r') as in_file:
    stripped = (line.strip() for line in in_file)
    lines = (line.split(",") for line in stripped if line)
    with open('log.csv', 'w') as out_file:
        writer = csv.writer(out_file)
        writer.writerow(('title', 'intro'))

Exporting the values in List to excel

Exporting values List to Excel

  1. Install in nuget next reference
  2. Install-Package Syncfusion.XlsIO.Net.Core -Version
  3. Install-Package ClosedXML -Version 0.94.2
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ClosedXML;
using ClosedXML.Excel;
using Syncfusion.XlsIO;

namespace ExporteExcel
    class Program
        public class Auto
            public string Marca { get; set; }

            public string Modelo { get; set; }
            public int Ano { get; set; }

            public string Color { get; set; }
            public int Peronsas { get; set; }
            public int Cilindros { get; set; }
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Lista Estatica
            List<Auto> Auto = new List<Program.Auto>()
                new Auto{Marca = "Chevrolet", Modelo = "Sport", Ano = 2019, Color= "Azul", Cilindros=6, Peronsas= 4 },
                new Auto{Marca = "Chevrolet", Modelo = "Sport", Ano = 2018, Color= "Azul", Cilindros=6, Peronsas= 4 },
                new Auto{Marca = "Chevrolet", Modelo = "Sport", Ano = 2017, Color= "Azul", Cilindros=6, Peronsas= 4 }
            //Inizializar Librerias
            var workbook = new XLWorkbook();
            var ws = workbook.Worksheet("sheetName");
            //Recorrer el objecto
            int row = 1;
            foreach (var c in Auto)
                //Escribrie en Excel en cada celda
                ws.Cell("A" + row.ToString()).Value = c.Marca;
                ws.Cell("B" + row.ToString()).Value = c.Modelo;
                ws.Cell("C" + row.ToString()).Value = c.Ano;
                ws.Cell("D" + row.ToString()).Value = c.Color;
                ws.Cell("E" + row.ToString()).Value = c.Cilindros;
                ws.Cell("F" + row.ToString()).Value = c.Peronsas;

            //Guardar Excel 
            //Ruta = Nombre_Proyecto\bin\Debug

How can I count the number of characters in a Bash variable

Use the wc utility with the print the byte counts (-c) option:

$ SO="stackoverflow"
$ echo -n "$SO" | wc -c

You'll have to use the do not output the trailing newline (-n) option for echo. Otherwise, the newline character will also be counted.

center a row using Bootstrap 3

I use text-align-center in a row like this

<div class="row tac">
    <h1>Centered content</h1>

 .tac { text-align: center}

PostgreSQL error 'Could not connect to server: No such file or directory'

I encountered this error when running on Mac 10.15.5 using homebrew and seems to be a more updated solution that works where the ones above did not.

There is a file called which should is automatically deleted when postresql exits.

If it doesn't do the following

  • brew services stop postgresql <--- Failing to exit before rm could corrupt db
  • sudo rm /usr/local/var/postgres/

How to convert a string to JSON object in PHP

Try with json_encode().

And look again Valid JSON

Git Ignores and Maven targets

add following lines in gitignore, from all undesirable files


### STS ###

### IntelliJ IDEA ###

### NetBeans ###

How to convert a double to long without casting?

Assuming you're happy with truncating towards zero, just cast:

double d = 1234.56;
long x = (long) d; // x = 1234

This will be faster than going via the wrapper classes - and more importantly, it's more readable. Now, if you need rounding other than "always towards zero" you'll need slightly more complicated code.

How to delete an element from an array in C#

Balabaster's answer is correct if you want to remove all instances of the element. If you want to remove only the first one, you would do something like this:

int[] numbers = { 1, 3, 4, 9, 2, 4 };
int numToRemove = 4;
int firstFoundIndex = Array.IndexOf(numbers, numToRemove);
if (numbers >= 0)
    numbers = numbers.Take(firstFoundIndex).Concat(numbers.Skip(firstFoundIndex + 1)).ToArray();

Errors in pom.xml with dependencies (Missing artifact...)

This is a very late answer,but this might help.I went to this link and searched for ojdbc8(I was trying to add jdbc oracle driver) When clicked on the result , a note was displayed like this:

enter image description here

I clicked the link in the note and the correct dependency was mentioned like below enter image description here

Python Flask, how to set content type

You can try the following method(python3.6.2):

case one:

def hello():

    headers={ 'content-type':'text/plain' ,'location':'http://www.stackoverflow'}
    response = make_response('<h1>hello world</h1>',301)
    response.headers = headers
    return response

case two:

def hello():

    headers={ 'content-type':'text/plain' ,'location':''}
    return '<h1>hello world</h1>',301,headers

I am using Flask .And if you want to return json,you can write this:

import json # 
def search(keyword):

    result = Book.search_by_keyword(keyword)
    return json.dumps(result),200,{'content-type':'application/json'}

from flask import jsonify
def search(keyword):

    result = Book.search_by_keyword(keyword)
    return jsonify(result)

Git Clone - Repository not found

On macOS it's possible that the cached credentials in the Keychain that git is retrieving are wrong. It can be an outdated password or that it used the wrong credentials.

To update the credentials stored in OS X Keychain

Follow the instructions at:

If you want to verify this is the problem you can run clone with tracing.

$ GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 git clone

Look for the header line "Authorization: Basic BASE64STRING" .
Take the base64 string and decode it to check what username:password was used.

$ echo <the key> | base64 --decode

Verify it's the right username password you expected to use.

Update int column in table with unique incrementing values

Assuming that you have a primary key for this table (you should have), as well as using a CTE or a WITH, it is also possible to use an update with a self-join to the same table:

SET a.interfaceId = b.sequence
FROM prices a
   SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY b.priceId ) + ( SELECT MAX( interfaceId ) + 1 FROM prices ) AS sequence, b.priceId
   FROM prices b
   WHERE b.interfaceId IS NULL
) b ON b.priceId = a.priceId

I have assumed that the primary key is price-id.

The derived table, alias b, is used to generated the sequence via the ROW_NUMBER() function together with the primary key column(s). For each row where the column interface-id is NULL, this will generate a row with a unique sequence value together with the primary key value.

It is possible to order the sequence in some other order rather than the primary key.

The sequence is offset by the current MAX interface-id + 1 via a sub-query. The MAX() function ignores NULL values.

The WHERE clause limits the update to those rows that are NULL.

The derived table is then joined to the same table, alias a, joining on the primary key column(s) with the column to be updated set to the generated sequence.

PowerShell script to check the status of a URL

I recently set up a script that does this.

As David Brabant pointed out, you can use the System.Net.WebRequest class to do an HTTP request.

To check whether it is operational, you should use the following example code:

# First we create the request.
$HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('')

# We then get a response from the site.
$HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse()

# We then get the HTTP code as an integer.
$HTTP_Status = [int]$HTTP_Response.StatusCode

If ($HTTP_Status -eq 200) {
    Write-Host "Site is OK!"
Else {
    Write-Host "The Site may be down, please check!"

# Finally, we clean up the http request by closing it.
If ($HTTP_Response -eq $null) { } 
Else { $HTTP_Response.Close() }

How to call base.base.method()?

There seems to be a lot of these questions surrounding inheriting a member method from a Grandparent Class, overriding it in a second Class, then calling its method again from a Grandchild Class. Why not just inherit the grandparent's members down to the grandchildren?

class A
    private string mystring = "A";    
    public string Method1()
        return mystring;

class B : A
    // this inherits Method1() naturally

class C : B
    // this inherits Method1() naturally

string newstring = "";
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
C c = new C();
newstring = a.Method1();// returns "A"
newstring = b.Method1();// returns "A"
newstring = c.Method1();// returns "A"

Seems simple....the grandchild inherits the grandparents method here. Think about it.....that's how "Object" and its members like ToString() are inherited down to all classes in C#. I'm thinking Microsoft has not done a good job of explaining basic inheritance. There is too much focus on polymorphism and implementation. When I dig through their documentation there are no examples of this very basic idea. :(

Python - OpenCV - imread - Displaying Image

In openCV whenever you try to display an oversized image or image bigger than your display resolution you get the cropped display. It's a default behaviour.
In order to view the image in the window of your choice openCV encourages to use named window. Please refer to namedWindow documentation

The function namedWindow creates a window that can be used as a placeholder for images and trackbars. Created windows are referred to by their names.

cv.namedWindow(name, flags=CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) where each window is related to image container by the name arg, make sure to use same name


import cv2
frame = cv2.imread('1.jpg')
cv2.namedWindow("Display 1")
cv2.resizeWindow("Display 1", 300, 300)
cv2.imshow("Display 1", frame)

What is the path for the startup folder in windows 2008 server


Retrieves the full path of a known folder identified by the folder's KNOWNFOLDERID.

And, FOLDERID_CommonStartup:

Default Path %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp

There are also managed equivalents, but you haven't told us what you're programming in.

In C#, what is the difference between public, private, protected, and having no access modifier?

Public - If you can see the class, then you can see the method

Private - If you are part of the class, then you can see the method, otherwise not.

Protected - Same as Private, plus all descendants can also see the method.

Static (class) - Remember the distinction between "Class" and "Object" ? Forget all that. They are the same with "static"... the class is the one-and-only instance of itself.

Static (method) - Whenever you use this method, it will have a frame of reference independent of the actual instance of the class it is part of.

Can comments be used in JSON?

Yes, you can, but your parse will probably fail (there is no standard).

To parse it you should remove those comments, or by hand, or using a regular expression:

It replaces any comments, like:

 * Hey


It replaces any comments, like:

// Hey


In JavaScript, you could do something like this:

jsonString = jsonString.replace(/\/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*\/+/, "").replace(/\/\/.*/,"")
var object = JSON.parse(jsonString);

How to hide iOS status bar

To hide your status bar in iOS7:

Open Your plist-file, then add a add a row called "View controller-based status bar appearance" and set its value to NO.

How to check whether a string contains a substring in Ruby

user_input = gets.chomp

if user_input.include?('substring')
  # Do something

This will help you check if the string contains substring or not

puts "Enter a string"
user_input = gets.chomp  # Ex: Tommy
user_input.downcase!    #  tommy

if user_input.include?('s')
    puts "Found"
    puts "Not found"

How to convert comma separated string into numeric array in javascript


var answerInt = [];
var answerString = "1,2,3,4";
answerString.split(',').forEach(function (item) {

ActionLink htmlAttributes

Replace the desired hyphen with an underscore; it will automatically be rendered as a hyphen:

@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "edit", "markets",
    new { id = 1 },
    new {@class="ui-btn-right", data_icon="gear"})


<form action="markets/Edit/1" class="ui-btn-right" data-icon="gear" .../>

Fetching data from MySQL database to html dropdown list

What you are asking is pretty straight forward

  1. execute query against your db to get resultset or use API to get the resultset

  2. loop through the resultset or simply the result using php

  3. In each iteration simply format the output as an element

the following refernce should help

HTML option tag

Getting Datafrom MySQL database

hope this helps :)

How to do a FULL OUTER JOIN in MySQL?

Using a union query will remove duplicates, and this is different than the behavior of full outer join that never removes any duplicate:

[Table: t1]                            [Table: t2]
value                                  value
-------                                -------
1                                      1
2                                      2
4                                      2
4                                      5

This is the expected result of full outer join:

value | value
1     | 1
2     | 2
2     | 2
Null  | 5
4     | Null
4     | Null

This is the result of using left and right Join with union:

value | value
Null  | 5 
1     | 1
2     | 2
4     | Null

[SQL Fiddle]

My suggested query is:

    t1.value, t2.value
from t1 
left outer join t2  
  on t1.value = t2.value
union all      -- Using `union all` instead of `union`
    t1.value, t2.value
from t2 
left outer join t1 
  on t1.value = t2.value
    t1.value IS NULL 

Result of above query that is as same as expected result:

value | value
1     | 1
2     | 2
2     | 2
4     | NULL
4     | NULL
NULL  | 5

[SQL Fiddle]

@Steve Chambers: [From comments, with many thanks!]
Note: This may be the best solution, both for efficiency and for generating the same results as a FULL OUTER JOIN. This blog post also explains it well - to quote from Method 2: "This handles duplicate rows correctly and doesn’t include anything it shouldn’t. It’s necessary to use UNION ALL instead of plain UNION, which would eliminate the duplicates I want to keep. This may be significantly more efficient on large result sets, since there’s no need to sort and remove duplicates."

I decided to add another solution that comes from full outer join visualization and math, it is not better that above but more readable:

Full outer join means (t1 ? t2): all in t1 or in t2
(t1 ? t2) = (t1 n t2) + t1_only + t2_only: all in both t1 and t2 plus all in t1 that aren't in t2 and plus all in t2 that aren't in t1:

-- (t1 n t2): all in both t1 and t2
select t1.value, t2.value
from t1 join t2 on t1.value = t2.value    
union all  -- And plus 
-- all in t1 that not exists in t2
select t1.value, null
from t1
where not exists( select 1 from t2 where t2.value = t1.value)    
union all  -- and plus
-- all in t2 that not exists in t1
select null, t2.value
from t2
where not exists( select 1 from t1 where t2.value = t1.value)

[SQL Fiddle]

VBA using ubound on a multidimensional array

In addition to the already excellent answers, also consider this function to retrieve both the number of dimensions and their bounds, which is similar to John's answer, but works and looks a little differently:

Function sizeOfArray(arr As Variant) As String
    Dim str As String
    Dim numDim As Integer

    numDim = NumberOfArrayDimensions(arr)
    str = "Array"

    For i = 1 To numDim
        str = str & "(" & LBound(arr, i) & " To " & UBound(arr, i)
        If Not i = numDim Then
            str = str & ", "
            str = str & ")"
        End If
    Next i

    sizeOfArray = str
End Function

Private Function NumberOfArrayDimensions(arr As Variant) As Integer
' By Chip Pearson
Dim Ndx As Integer
Dim Res As Integer
On Error Resume Next
' Loop, increasing the dimension index Ndx, until an error occurs.
' An error will occur when Ndx exceeds the number of dimension
' in the array. Return Ndx - 1.
        Ndx = Ndx + 1
        Res = UBound(arr, Ndx)
    Loop Until Err.Number <> 0
NumberOfArrayDimensions = Ndx - 1
End Function

Example usage:

Sub arrSizeTester()
    Dim arr(1 To 2, 3 To 22, 2 To 9, 12 To 18) As Variant
    Debug.Print sizeOfArray(arr())
End Sub

And its output:

Array(1 To 2, 3 To 22, 2 To 9, 12 To 18)

Why are my PHP files showing as plain text?

You'll need to add this to your server configuration:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

That is assuming you have installed PHP properly, which may not be the case since it doesn't work where it normally would immediately after installing.

It is entirely possible that you'll also have to add the php .so/.dll file to your Apache configuration using a LoadModule directive (usually in httpd.conf).

Differences between contentType and dataType in jQuery ajax function

From the documentation:

contentType (default: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')

Type: String

When sending data to the server, use this content type. Default is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", which is fine for most cases. If you explicitly pass in a content-type to $.ajax(), then it'll always be sent to the server (even if no data is sent). If no charset is specified, data will be transmitted to the server using the server's default charset; you must decode this appropriately on the server side.


dataType (default: Intelligent Guess (xml, json, script, or html))

Type: String

The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. If none is specified, jQuery will try to infer it based on the MIME type of the response (an XML MIME type will yield XML, in 1.4 JSON will yield a JavaScript object, in 1.4 script will execute the script, and anything else will be returned as a string).

They're essentially the opposite of what you thought they were.

How can I run a PHP script inside a HTML file?

Simply you cant !! but you have some possbile options :

1- Excute php page as external page.

2- write your html code inside the php page itself.

3- use iframe to include the php within the html page.

to be more specific , unless you wanna edit your htaccess file , you may then consider this:

Failed to execute removeChild on Node

The direct parent of your child is markerDiv, so you should call remove from markerDiv as so:


Alternatively, you may want to remove markerNode. Since that node was appended directly to videoContainer, it can be removed with:


Now, the easiest general way to remove a node, if you are absolutely confident that you did insert it into the DOM, is this:


This works for any node (just replace markerDiv with a different node), and finds the parent of the node directly in order to call remove from it. If you are unsure if you added it, double check if the parentNode is non-null before calling removeChild.

How can I post an array of string to ASP.NET MVC Controller without a form?

The answer helped me a lot in my situation so thanks for that. However for future reference people should bind to a model and then validate. This post from Phil Haack describes this for MVC 2.

Hope this helps someone.

Setting an environment variable before a command in Bash is not working for the second command in a pipe

Use env.

For example, env FOO=BAR command. Note that the environment variables will be restored/unchanged again when command finishes executing.

Just be careful about about shell substitution happening, i.e. if you want to reference $FOO explicitly on the same command line, you may need to escape it so that your shell interpreter doesn't perform the substitution before it runs env.

$ export FOO=BAR
$ env FOO=FUBAR bash -c 'echo $FOO'
$ echo $FOO

Adding and using header (HTTP) in nginx

To add a header just add the following code to the location block where you want to add the header:

location some-location {
  add_header X-my-header my-header-content;      

Obviously, replace the x-my-header and my-header-content with what you want to add. And that's all there is to it.

What is the equivalent of the C# 'var' keyword in Java?

You can, in Java 10, but only for Local variables, meaning,

You can,

var anum = 10; var aString = "Var";

But can't,

var anull = null; // Since the type can't be inferred in this case

Check out the spec for more info.

Changing route doesn't scroll to top in the new page

None of the answer provided solved my issue. I am using an animation between views and the scrolling would always happen after the animation. The solution I found so that the scrolling to the top happen before the animation is the following directive:

yourModule.directive('scrollToTopBeforeAnimation', ['$animate', function ($animate) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function ($scope, element) {
            $animate.on('enter', element, function (element, phase) {

                if (phase === 'start') {

                    window.scrollTo(0, 0);


I inserted it on my view as follows:

<div scroll-to-top-before-animation>
    <div ng-view class="view-animation"></div>

How do I convert an integer to string as part of a PostgreSQL query?

You could do this:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE cast(YOUR_INTEGER_VALUE as varchar) = 'string of numbers'

Select multiple columns using Entity Framework

Why don't you create a new object right in the .Select:

.Select(x => new PInfo{ 
    ServerName = x.ServerName, 
    ProcessID = x.ProcessID, 
    UserName = x.Username }).ToList();

Highlight the difference between two strings in PHP

I had terrible trouble with the both the PEAR-based and the simpler alternatives shown. So here's a solution that leverages the Unix diff command (obviously, you have to be on a Unix system or have a working Windows diff command for it to work). Choose your favourite temporary directory, and change the exceptions to return codes if you prefer.

 * @brief Find the difference between two strings, lines assumed to be separated by "\n|
 * @param $new string The new string
 * @param $old string The old string
 * @return string Human-readable output as produced by the Unix diff command,
 * or "No changes" if the strings are the same.
 * @throws Exception
public static function diff($new, $old) {
  $tempdir = '/var/somewhere/tmp'; // Your favourite temporary directory
  $oldfile = tempnam($tempdir,'OLD');
  $newfile = tempnam($tempdir,'NEW');
  if (!@file_put_contents($oldfile,$old)) {
    throw new Exception('diff failed to write temporary file: ' . 
  if (!@file_put_contents($newfile,$new)) {
    throw new Exception('diff failed to write temporary file: ' . 
  $answer = array();
  $cmd = "diff $newfile $oldfile";
  exec($cmd, $answer, $retcode);
  if ($retcode != 1) {
    throw new Exception('diff failed with return code ' . $retcode);
  if (empty($answer)) {
    return 'No changes';
  } else {
    return implode("\n", $answer);

What is an HttpHandler in ASP.NET

HttpHandler Example,

HTTP Handler in ASP.NET 2.0

A handler is responsible for fulfilling requests from a browser. Requests that a browser manages are either handled by file extension or by calling the handler directly.The low level Request and Response API to service incoming Http requests are Http Handlers in Asp.Net. All handlers implement the IHttpHandler interface, which is located in the System.Web namespace. Handlers are somewhat analogous to Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extensions.

You implement the IHttpHandler interface to create a synchronous handler and the IHttpAsyncHandler interface to create an asynchronous handler. The interfaces require you to implement the ProcessRequest method and the IsReusable property. The ProcessRequest method handles the actual processing for requests made, while the Boolean IsReusable property specifies whether your handler can be pooled for reuse to increase performance or whether a new handler is required for each request.

The .ashx file extension is reserved for custom handlers. If you create a custom handler with a file name extension of .ashx, it will automatically be registered within IIS and ASP.NET. If you choose to use an alternate file extension, you will have to register the extension within IIS and ASP.NET. The advantage of using an extension other than .ashx is that you can assign multiple file extensions to one handler.

Configuring HTTP Handlers

The configuration section handler is responsible for mapping incoming URLs to the IHttpHandler or IHttpHandlerFactory class. It can be declared at the computer, site, or application level. Subdirectories inherit these settings. Administrators use the tag directive to configure the section. directives are interpreted and processed in a top-down sequential order. Use the following syntax for the section handler:

Creating HTTP Handlers

To create an HTTP handler, you must implement the IHttpHandler interface. The IHttpHandler interface has one method and one property with the following signatures: void ProcessRequest(HttpContext); bool IsReusable {get;}

Delete file from internal storage

This is an old topic, but I will add my experience, maybe someone finds this helpful

>     2019-11-12 20:05:50.178 27764-27764/com.strba.myapplicationx I/File: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.strba.myapplicationx/files/Readings/JPEG_20191112_200550_4444350520538787768.jpg//file when it was created

2019-11-12 20:05:58.801 27764-27764/com.strba.myapplicationx I/File: content://com.strba.myapplicationx.fileprovider/my_images/JPEG_20191112_200550_4444350520538787768.jpg //same file when trying to delete it


              Uri uriDelete=Uri.parse (adapter.getNoteAt (viewHolder.getAdapterPosition ()).getImageuri ());//getter getImageuri on my object from adapter that returns String with content uri

here I initialize Content resolver and delete it with a passed parameter of that URI

            ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver ();
            contentResolver.delete (uriDelete,null ,null );

solution2(my first solution-from head in this time I do know that ): content resolver exists...

              String path = "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.strba.myapplicationx/files/Readings/" +
                    adapter.getNoteAt (viewHolder.getAdapterPosition ()).getImageuri ().substring (58);

            File file = new File (path);
            if (file != null) {
                file.delete ();

Hope that this will be helpful to someone happy coding

javascript Unable to get property 'value' of undefined or null reference

You can't access element like you did (document.frm_new_user_request). You have to use the function getElementById:


So getting a value from an input could look like this:

var value = document.getElementById("frm_new_user_request").value

Also you can use some JavaScript framework, e.g. jQuery, which simplifies operations with DOM (Document Object Model) and also hides differences between various browsers from you.

Getting a value from an input using jQuery would look like this:

  • input with ID "element": var value = $("#element).value
  • input with class "element": var value = $(".element).value

How to check for DLL dependency?

In the past (i.e. WinXP days), I used to depend/rely on DLL Dependency Walker (depends.exe) but there are times when I am still not able to determine the DLL issue(s). Ideally, we'd like to find out before runtime by inspections but if that does not resolve it (or taking too much time), you can try enabling the "loader snap" as described on and and briefly mentioned LoadLibrary fails; GetLastError no help

WARNING: I've messed up my Windows in the past fooling around with gflag making it crawl to its knees, you have been forewarned.

enter image description here

Note: "Loader snap" is per-process so the UI enable won't stay checked (use cdb or glfags -i)

Convert ascii char[] to hexadecimal char[] in C

void atoh(char *ascii_ptr, char *hex_ptr,int len)
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < (len / 2); i++)

        *(hex_ptr+i)   = (*(ascii_ptr+(2*i)) <= '9') ? ((*(ascii_ptr+(2*i)) - '0') * 16 ) :  (((*(ascii_ptr+(2*i)) - 'A') + 10) << 4);
        *(hex_ptr+i)  |= (*(ascii_ptr+(2*i)+1) <= '9') ? (*(ascii_ptr+(2*i)+1) - '0') :  (*(ascii_ptr+(2*i)+1) - 'A' + 10);



How to AUTO_INCREMENT in db2?

You're looking for is called an IDENTITY column:

create table student (
  ,sname varchar(30)
  ,PRIMARY KEY (sid)

A sequence is another option for doing this, but you need to determine which one is proper for your particular situation. Read this for more information comparing sequences to identity columns.

How do I run a PowerShell script when the computer starts?


1. Start powershell with the "Run as Administrator" option

2. Enable running unsigned scripts with:

set-executionpolicy remotesigned

3. prepare your powershell script and know its path:

$path = "C:\Users\myname\myscript.ps1"


1. setup a trigger, see also New-JobTrigger (PSScheduledJob) - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs

$trigger = New-JobTrigger -AtStartup -RandomDelay 00:00:30

2. register a scheduled job, see also Register-ScheduledJob (PSScheduledJob) - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs

Register-ScheduledJob -Trigger $trigger -FilePath $path -Name MyScheduledJob

you can check it with Get-ScheduledJob -Name MyScheduledJob

3. Reboot Windows (restart /r) and check the result with:

Get-Job -name MyScheduledJob

see also Get-Job (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs


  1. How to enable execution of PowerShell scripts? - Super User
  2. Use PowerShell to Create Job that Runs at Startup | Scripting Blog

Match at every second occurrence

If you're using C#, you can either get all the matches at once (i.e. use Regex.Matches(), which returns a MatchCollection, and check the index of the item: index % 2 != 0).

If you want to find the occurrence to replace it, use one of the overloads of Regex.Replace() that uses a MatchEvaluator (e.g. Regex.Replace(String, String, MatchEvaluator). Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input = "abcdabcd";

            // Replace *second* a with m

            string replacedString = Regex.Replace(
                new SecondOccuranceFinder("m").MatchEvaluator);



        class SecondOccuranceFinder
            public SecondOccuranceFinder(string replaceWith)
                _replaceWith = replaceWith;
                _matchEvaluator = new MatchEvaluator(IsSecondOccurance);

            private string _replaceWith;

            private MatchEvaluator _matchEvaluator;
            public MatchEvaluator MatchEvaluator
                    return _matchEvaluator;

            private int _matchIndex;
            public string IsSecondOccurance(Match m)
                if (_matchIndex % 2 == 0)
                    return _replaceWith;
                    return m.Value;

Sync data between Android App and webserver

For example, you want to sync table todoTable from MySql to Sqlite

First, create one column name version (type INT) in todoTable for both Sqlite and MySql enter image description here

Second, create a table name database_version with one column name currentVersion(INT)
enter image description here

In MySql, when you add a new item to todoTable or update item, you must upgrade the version of this item by +1 and also upgrade the currentVersion enter image description here

In Android, when you want to sync (by manual press sync button or a service run with period time):

You will send the request with the Sqlite currentVersion (currently it is 1) to server.
Then in server, you find what item in MySql have version value greater than Sqlite currentVersion(1) then response to Android (in this example the item 3 with version 2 will response to Android)

In SQLite, you will add or update new item to todoTable and upgrade the currentVersion

Iteration over std::vector: unsigned vs signed index variable

for (vector<int>::iterator it = polygon.begin(); it != polygon.end(); it++)
    sum += *it; 

Declaring an enum within a class

Nowadays - using C++11 - you can use enum class for this:

enum class Color { RED, BLUE, WHITE };

AFAII this does exactly what you want.

How to get the last element of an array in Ruby?

One other way, using the splat operator:

*a, last = [1, 3, 4, 5]

a: [1, 3, 4]
last: 5

Watching variables contents in Eclipse IDE

You can use Expressions windows: while debugging, menu window -> Show View -> Expressions, then it has place to type variables of which you need to see contents

bundle install fails with SSL certificate verification error

You can download a list of CA certificates from curl's website at

Then set the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable to tell Ruby to use it. For example, in Linux:

$ SSL_CERT_FILE=~/cacert.pem bundle install


How to set a background image in Xcode using swift?

Background Image from API in swift 4 (with Kingfisher) :

import UIKit
import Kingfisher

extension UIView {

func addBackgroundImage(imgUrl: String, placeHolder: String){
    let backgroundImage = UIImageView(frame: self.bounds)
    backgroundImage.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: imgUrl), placeholder: UIImage(named: placeHolder))
    backgroundImage.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.scaleAspectFill
    self.insertSubview(backgroundImage, at: 0)



someview.addBackgroundImage(imgUrl: "yourImgUrl", placeHolder: "placeHolderName")

What is the volatile keyword useful for?

Yes, volatile must be used whenever you want a mutable variable to be accessed by multiple threads. It is not very common usecase because typically you need to perform more than a single atomic operation (e.g. check the variable state before modifying it), in which case you would use a synchronized block instead.

Counting unique / distinct values by group in a data frame

This should do the trick:


This requires package plyr.

How can I color a UIImage in Swift?

For swift 4.2 to change UIImage color as you want (solid color)

extension UIImage {
    func imageWithColor(color: UIColor) -> UIImage {
        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.size, false, self.scale)

        let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
        context?.translateBy(x: 0, y: self.size.height)
        context?.scaleBy(x: 1.0, y: -1.0)

        let rect = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: self.size.width, height: self.size.height))
        context?.clip(to: rect, mask: self.cgImage!)

        let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

        return newImage!

How to use

self.imgVw.image = UIImage(named: "testImage")?.imageWithColor(

Excel VBA: Copying multiple sheets into new workbook

Try do something like this (the problem was that you trying to use MyBook.Worksheets, but MyBook is not a Workbook object, but string, containing workbook name. I've added new varible Set WB = ActiveWorkbook, so you can use WB.Worksheets instead MyBook.Worksheets):

Sub NewWBandPasteSpecialALLSheets()
   MyBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name ' Get name of this book
   Workbooks.Add ' Open a new workbook
   NewBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name ' Save name of new book

   Workbooks(MyBook).Activate ' Back to original book

   Set WB = ActiveWorkbook

   Dim SH As Worksheet

   For Each SH In WB.Worksheets



       With SH.Range("A1")
        .PasteSpecial (xlPasteColumnWidths)
        .PasteSpecial (xlFormats)
        .PasteSpecial (xlValues)

       End With


End Sub

But your code doesn't do what you want: it doesen't copy something to a new WB. So, the code below do it for you:

Sub NewWBandPasteSpecialALLSheets()
   Dim wb As Workbook
   Dim wbNew As Workbook
   Dim sh As Worksheet
   Dim shNew As Worksheet

   Set wb = ThisWorkbook
   Workbooks.Add ' Open a new workbook
   Set wbNew = ActiveWorkbook

   On Error Resume Next

   For Each sh In wb.Worksheets

      'add new sheet into new workbook with the same name
      With wbNew.Worksheets

          Set shNew = Nothing
          Set shNew = .Item(sh.Name)

          If shNew Is Nothing Then
              .Add After:=.Item(.Count)
              .Item(.Count).Name = sh.Name
              Set shNew = .Item(.Count)
          End If
      End With

      With shNew.Range("A1")
          .PasteSpecial (xlPasteColumnWidths)
          .PasteSpecial (xlFormats)
          .PasteSpecial (xlValues)
      End With
End Sub

Pass row number as variable in excel sheet

Assuming your row number is in B1, you can use INDIRECT:


This takes a cell reference as a string (in this case, the concatenation of A and the value of B1 - 5), and returns the value at that cell.

Error in data frame undefined columns selected

Are you meaning?

data2 <- data1[good,]



you're selecting columns in a wrong way (using a logical vector of complete rows).

Consider that parameter pollutant is not used; is it a column name that you want to extract? if so it should be something like

data2 <- data1[good, pollutant]

Furthermore consider that you have to rbind the data.frames inside the for loop, otherwise you get only the last data.frame (its completed.cases)

And last but not least, i'd prefer generating filenames eg with

id <- 1:322
paste0( directory, "/", gsub(" ", "0", sprintf("%3d",id)), ".csv")

A little modified chunk of ?sprintf

The string fmt (in our case "%3d") contains normal characters, which are passed through to the output string, and also conversion specifications which operate on the arguments provided through .... The allowed conversion specifications start with a % and end with one of the letters in the set aAdifeEgGosxX%. These letters denote the following types:

  • d: integer

Eg a more general example

    sprintf("I am %10d years old", 25)
[1] "I am         25 years old"
          |        |
          1       10

Calling stored procedure with return value

ExecuteScalar(); will work, but an output parameter would be a superior solution.

How to mention C:\Program Files in batchfile

I had a similar issue as you, although I was trying to use start to open Chrome and using the file path. I used only start chrome.exe and it opened just fine. You may want to try to do the same with exe file. Using the file path may be unnecessary.

Here are some examples (using the file name you gave in a comment on another answer):

  • Instead of C:\Program^ Files\temp.exe you can try temp.exe.

  • Instead of start C:\Program^ Files\temp.exe you can try start temp.exe

How to set a string's color

I created an API called JCDP, former JPrinter, which stands for Java Colored Debug Printer. For Linux it uses the ANSI escape codes that WhiteFang mentioned, but abstracts them using words instead of codes which is much more intuitive. For Windows it actually includes the JAnsi library but creates an abstraction layer over it, maintaining the intuitive and simple interface created for Linux.

This library is licensed under the MIT License so feel free to use it.

Have a look at JCDP's github repository.

What is the boundary in multipart/form-data?

Is the ??? free to be defined by the user?


or is it supplied by the HTML?

No. HTML has nothing to do with that. Read below.

Is it possible for me to define the ??? as abcdefg?


If you want to send the following data to the web server:

name = John
age = 12

using application/x-www-form-urlencoded would be like this:


As you can see, the server knows that parameters are separated by an ampersand &. If & is required for a parameter value then it must be encoded.

So how does the server know where a parameter value starts and ends when it receives an HTTP request using multipart/form-data?

Using the boundary, similar to &.

For example:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="age"


In that case, the boundary value is XXX. You specify it in the Content-Type header so that the server knows how to split the data it receives.

So you need to:

  • Use a value that won't appear in the HTTP data sent to the server.

  • Be consistent and use the same value everywhere in the request message.

How is the java memory pool divided?

Heap memory

The heap memory is the runtime data area from which the Java VM allocates memory for all class instances and arrays. The heap may be of a fixed or variable size. The garbage collector is an automatic memory management system that reclaims heap memory for objects.

  • Eden Space: The pool from which memory is initially allocated for most objects.

  • Survivor Space: The pool containing objects that have survived the garbage collection of the Eden space.

  • Tenured Generation or Old Gen: The pool containing objects that have existed for some time in the survivor space.

Non-heap memory

Non-heap memory includes a method area shared among all threads and memory required for the internal processing or optimization for the Java VM. It stores per-class structures such as a runtime constant pool, field and method data, and the code for methods and constructors. The method area is logically part of the heap but, depending on the implementation, a Java VM may not garbage collect or compact it. Like the heap memory, the method area may be of a fixed or variable size. The memory for the method area does not need to be contiguous.

  • Permanent Generation: The pool containing all the reflective data of the virtual machine itself, such as class and method objects. With Java VMs that use class data sharing, this generation is divided into read-only and read-write areas.

  • Code Cache: The HotSpot Java VM also includes a code cache, containing memory that is used for compilation and storage of native code.

Here's some documentation on how to use Jconsole.

Loop through properties in JavaScript object with Lodash

Lets take below object as example

let obj = { property1: 'value 1', property2: 'value 2'};

First fetch all the key in the obj

let keys = Object.keys(obj) //it will return array of keys

and then loop through it

keys.forEach(key => //your way)

just putting all together

Object.keys(obj).forEach(key=>{/*code here*/})

File to byte[] in Java

//The file that you wanna convert into byte[]
File file=new File("/storage/0CE2-EA3D/DCIM/Camera/VID_20190822_205931.mp4"); 

FileInputStream fileInputStream=new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] data=new byte[(int) file.length()];
BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream=new BufferedInputStream(fileInputStream);,0,data.length);

//Now the bytes of the file are contain in the "byte[] data"

How to remove all MySQL tables from the command-line without DROP database permissions?

The @Devart's version is correct, but here are some improvements to avoid having error. I've edited the @Devart's answer, but it was not accepted.

SET @tables = NULL;
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT('`', table_name, '`') INTO @tables
  FROM information_schema.tables
  WHERE table_schema = (SELECT DATABASE());
SELECT IFNULL(@tables,'dummy') INTO @tables;

SET @tables = CONCAT('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ', @tables);
PREPARE stmt FROM @tables;

This script will not raise error with NULL result in case when you already deleted all tables in the database by adding at least one nonexistent - "dummy" table.

And it fixed in case when you have many tables.

And This small change to drop all view exist in the Database

SET @views = NULL;
  FROM information_schema.views
  WHERE table_schema = (SELECT DATABASE());
SELECT IFNULL(@views,'dummy') INTO @views;

SET @views = CONCAT('DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ', @views);
PREPARE stmt FROM @views;

It assumes that you run the script from Database you want to delete. Or run this before:


Thank you to Steve Horvath to discover the issue with backticks.

Difference between two dates in Python

I tried a couple of codes, but end up using something as simple as (in Python 3):

from datetime import datetime
df['difference_in_datetime'] = abs(df['end_datetime'] - df['start_datetime'])

If your start_datetime and end_datetime columns are in datetime64[ns] format, datetime understands it and return the difference in days + timestamp, which is in timedelta64[ns] format.

If you want to see only the difference in days, you can separate only the date portion of the start_datetime and end_datetime by using (also works for the time portion):

df['start_date'] = df['start_datetime']
df['end_date'] = df['end_datetime']

And then run:

df['difference_in_days'] = abs(df['end_date'] - df['start_date'])

How to run multiple Python versions on Windows

I strongly recommend the pyenv-win project.

enter image description here

Thanks to kirankotari's work, now we have a Windows version of pyenv.

How do I get a human-readable file size in bytes abbreviation using .NET?

This is not the most efficient way to do it, but it's easier to read if you are not familiar with log maths, and should be fast enough for most scenarios.

string[] sizes = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" };
double len = new FileInfo(filename).Length;
int order = 0;
while (len >= 1024 && order < sizes.Length - 1) {
    len = len/1024;

// Adjust the format string to your preferences. For example "{0:0.#}{1}" would
// show a single decimal place, and no space.
string result = String.Format("{0:0.##} {1}", len, sizes[order]);

Swift programmatically navigate to another view controller/scene

Swift 5

The default modal presentation style is a card. This shows the previous view controller at the top and allows the user to swipe away the presented view controller.

To retain the old style you need to modify the view controller you will be presenting like this:

newViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen

This is the same for both programmatically created and storyboard created controllers.

Swift 3

With a programmatically created Controller

If you want to navigate to Controller created Programmatically, then do this:

let newViewController = NewViewController()
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(newViewController, animated: true)

With a StoryBoard created Controller

If you want to navigate to Controller on StoryBoard with Identifier "newViewController", then do this:

let storyBoard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let newViewController = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "newViewController") as! NewViewController
        self.present(newViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Setting the User-Agent header for a WebClient request

You can also use that:

client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "My app.");

What does the symbol \0 mean in a string-literal?

The length of the array is 7, the NUL character \0 still counts as a character and the string is still terminated with an implicit \0

See this link to see a working example

Note that had you declared str as char str[6]= "Hello\0"; the length would be 6 because the implicit NUL is only added if it can fit (which it can't in this example.)

§ 6.7.8/p14
An array of character type may be initialized by a character string literal, optionally enclosed in braces. Sucessive characters of the character string literal (including the terminating null character if there is room or if the array is of unknown size) initialize the elements of the array.


char str[] = "Hello\0"; /* sizeof == 7, Explicit + Implicit NUL */
char str[5]= "Hello\0"; /* sizeof == 5, str is "Hello" with no NUL (no longer a C-string, just an array of char). This may trigger compiler warning */
char str[6]= "Hello\0"; /* sizeof == 6, Explicit NUL only */
char str[7]= "Hello\0"; /* sizeof == 7, Explicit + Implicit NUL */
char str[8]= "Hello\0"; /* sizeof == 8, Explicit + two Implicit NUL */

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes)

128M == 134217728, the number you are seeing.

The memory limit is working fine. When it says it tried to allocate 32 bytes, that the amount requested by the last operation before failing.

Are you building any huge arrays or reading large text files? If so, remember to free any memory you don't need anymore, or break the task down into smaller steps.

jQuery move to anchor location on page load


You can do this using jQuery's .scrollTop() and .offset() method

Check out my sample and this jsFiddle Demonstration


$(function() {
    $(document).scrollTop( $("#header").offset().top );  

More Information

The simplest way to resize an UIImage?

A more compact version for Swift 4 and iOS 10+:

extension UIImage {
    func resized(to size: CGSize) -> UIImage {
        return UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: size).image { _ in
            draw(in: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size))


let resizedImage = image.resized(to: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))

How to use MD5 in javascript to transmit a password

You might want to check out this page:

However, if protecting the password is important, you should really be using something like SHA256 (MD5 is not cryptographically secure iirc). Even more, you might want to consider using TLS and getting a cert so you can use https.

Add a common Legend for combined ggplots

A new, attractive solution is to use patchwork. The syntax is very simple:


p1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = group)) + 
  geom_point(position = position_jitter(w = 0.04, h = 0.02), size = 1.8)
p2 <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = group)) + 
  geom_point(position = position_jitter(w = 0.04, h = 0.02), size = 1.8)

combined <- p1 + p2 & theme(legend.position = "bottom")
combined + plot_layout(guides = "collect")

Created on 2019-12-13 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

keycode 13 is for which key

key 13 keycode is for ENTER key.

Import error No module named skimage

For OSX: pip install scikit-image

and then run python to try following

from skimage.feature import corner_harris, corner_peaks

How to delete a record in Django models?

If you want to delete one item

wishlist = Wishlist.objects.get(id = 20)

If you want to delete all items in Wishlist for example


javax vs java package

I think it's a historical thing - if a package is introduced as an addition to an existing JRE, it comes in as javax. If it's first introduced as part of a JRE (like NIO was, I believe) then it comes in as java. Not sure why the new date and time API will end up as javax following this logic though... unless it will also be available separately as a library to work with earlier versions (which would be useful). Note from many years later: it actually ended up being in java after all.

I believe there are restrictions on the java package - I think classloaders are set up to only allow classes within java.* to be loaded from rt.jar or something similar. (There's certainly a check in ClassLoader.preDefineClass.)

EDIT: While an official explanation (the search orbfish suggested didn't yield one in the first page or so) is no doubt about "core" vs "extension", I still suspect that in many cases the decision for any particular package has an historical reason behind it too. Is java.beans really that "core" to Java, for example?

How to get process ID of background process?

You can use the jobs -l command to get to a particular jobL

[1]+  Stopped                 guard

my_mac:workspace r$ jobs -l
[1]+ 46841 Suspended: 18           guard

In this case, 46841 is the PID.

From help jobs:

-l Report the process group ID and working directory of the jobs.

jobs -p is another option which shows just the PIDs.

How do I change the text of a span element using JavaScript?

document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = 'newtext';

EventListener Enter Key

Here is a version of the currently accepted answer (from @Trevor) with key instead of keyCode:

document.querySelector('#txtSearch').addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {
    if (e.key === 'Enter') {
      // code for enter

return SQL table as JSON in python

I would supplement The Demz answer with the psycopg2 version:

import psycopg2 
import psycopg2.extras
import json
connection = psycopg2.connect(dbname=_cdatabase, host=_chost, port=_cport , user=_cuser, password=_cpassword)
cursor = connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) # This line allows dictionary access.
#select some records into "rows"
jsonout= json.dumps([dict(ix) for ix in rows])

Styling an anchor tag to look like a submit button

Using CSS:

.button {
    display: block;
    width: 115px;
    height: 25px;
    background: #4E9CAF;
    padding: 10px;
    text-align: center;
    border-radius: 5px;
    color: white;
    font-weight: bold;

<a href="some_url" class="button ">Cancel</a>

How to inherit constructors?

Too many constructors is a sign of a broken design. Better a class with few constructors and the ability to set properties. If you really need control over the properties, consider a factory in the same namespace and make the property setters internal. Let the factory decide how to instantiate the class and set its properties. The factory can have methods that take as many parameters as necessary to configure the object properly.

How to handle windows file upload using Selenium WebDriver?

Below code works for me:

// wait for the window to appear
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);

// switch to the file upload window
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();

// enter the filename

// hit enter
Robot r = new Robot();

// switch back

Javascript event handler with parameters

Given the update to the original question, it seems like there is trouble with the context ("this") while passing event handlers. The basics are explained e.g. here

A simple working version of your example could read

var doClick = function(event, additionalParameter){
    // do stuff with event and this being the triggering event and caller

element.addEventListener('click', function(event)
  var additionalParameter = ...;, event, additionalParameter );
}, false);

See also Javascript call() & apply() vs bind()?

Using scp to copy a file to Amazon EC2 instance?

SCP Commend

Send File from Local To Remote Server

sudo scp -i ../Downloads/new_bb_key.pem ./ [email protected]:~/.

Send File from Remote Server To Local

sudo scp -i ~/Downloads/new_bb_key.pem [email protected]:/home/ubuntu/ Downloads/

Checking during array iteration, if the current element is the last element

Why not this very simple method:

$i = 0; //a counter to track which element we are at
foreach($array as $index => $value) {
    if( $i == sizeof($array) ){
        //we are at the last element of the array

How can I get current date in Android?

Date c = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
System.out.println("Current time => " + c);

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
String formattedDate = df.format(c);

This one is the best answer...

Lock screen orientation (Android)

In the Manifest, you can set the screenOrientation to landscape. It would look something like this in the XML:

<activity android:name="MyActivity"

Where MyActivity is the one you want to stay in landscape.

The android:configChanges=... line prevents onResume(), onPause() from being called when the screen is rotated. Without this line, the rotation will stay as you requested but the calls will still be made.

Note: keyboardHidden and orientation are required for < Android 3.2 (API level 13), and all three options are required 3.2 or above, not just orientation.

Create a list with initial capacity in Python

Python lists have no built-in pre-allocation. If you really need to make a list, and need to avoid the overhead of appending (and you should verify that you do), you can do this:

l = [None] * 1000 # Make a list of 1000 None's
for i in xrange(1000):
    # baz
    l[i] = bar
    # qux

Perhaps you could avoid the list by using a generator instead:

def my_things():
    while foo:
        yield bar

for thing in my_things():
    # do something with thing

This way, the list isn't every stored all in memory at all, merely generated as needed.

Setting the character encoding in form submit for Internet Explorer

If you have any access to the server at all, convert its processing to UTF-8. The art of submitting non-UTF-8 forms is a long and sorry story; this document about forms and i18n may be of interest. I understand you do not seem to care about international support; you can always convert the UTF-8 data to html entities to make sure it stays Latin-1.

Using local makefile for CLion instead of CMake

To totally avoid using CMAKE, you can simply:

  1. Build your project as you normally with Make through the terminal.

  2. Change your CLion configurations, go to (in top bar) :
    Run -> Edit Configurations -> yourProjectFolder

  3. Change the Executable to the one generated with Make

  4. Change the Working directory to the folder holding your executable (if needed)

  5. Remove the Build task in the Before launch:Activate tool window box

And you're all set! You can now use the debug button after your manual build.

Removing page title and date when printing web page (with CSS?)

Try this;

@media print{ @page { margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px;}}

How do I empty an array in JavaScript?

You can easily create a function to do that for you, change the length or even add it to native Array as remove() function for reuse.

Imagine you have this array:

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; //the array

OK, just simply run this:

arr.length = 0; //change the length

and the result is:

[] //result

easy way to empty an array...

Also using loop which is not necessary but just another way to do that:

/* could be arr.pop() or arr.splice(0)
don't need to return as main array get changed */

function remove(arr) {
  while(arr.length) {

There are also tricky way which you can think about, for example something like this:

arr.splice(0, arr.length); //[]

So if arr has 5 items, it will splice 5 items from 0, which means nothing will remain in the array.

Also other ways like simply reassign the array for example:

arr = []; //[]

If you look at the Array functions, there are many other ways to do this, but the most recommended one could be changing the length.

As I said in the first place, you can also prototype remove() as it's the answer to your question. you can simply choose one of the methods above and prototype it to Array object in JavaScript, something like:

Array.prototype.remove = Array.prototype.remove || function() {
  this.splice(0, this.length);

and you can simply call it like this to empty any array in your javascript application:

arr.remove(); //[]

Jasmine JavaScript Testing - toBe vs toEqual

toEqual() compares values if Primitive or contents if Objects. toBe() compares references.

Following code / suite should be self explanatory :

describe('Understanding toBe vs toEqual', () => {
  let obj1, obj2, obj3;

  beforeEach(() => {
    obj1 = {
      a: 1,
      b: 'some string',
      c: true

    obj2 = {
      a: 1,
      b: 'some string',
      c: true

    obj3 = obj1;

  afterEach(() => {
    obj1 = null;
    obj2 = null;
    obj3 = null;

  it('Obj1 === Obj2', () => {

  it('Obj1 === Obj3', () => {

  it('Obj1 !=> Obj2', () => {

  it('Obj1 ==> Obj3', () => {

Unable to merge dex

add commands below:

android {

    dexOptions {

        jumboMode true
        javaMaxHeapSize "4g"


How to change the font color of a disabled TextBox?

I've just found a great way of doing that. In my example I'm using a RichTextBox but it should work with any Control:

public class DisabledRichTextBox : System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
    // See:

    private const int WM_SETFOCUS   = 0x07;
    private const int WM_ENABLE     = 0x0A;
    private const int WM_SETCURSOR  = 0x20;

    protected override void WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
        if (!(m.Msg == WM_SETFOCUS || m.Msg == WM_ENABLE || m.Msg == WM_SETCURSOR))
            base.WndProc(ref m);

You can safely set Enabled = true and ReadOnly = false, and it will act like a label, preventing focus, user input, cursor change, without being actually disabled.

See if it works for you. Greetings

How to escape the equals sign in properties files

Moreover, Please refer to load(Reader reader) method from Property class on javadoc

In load(Reader reader) method documentation it says

The key contains all of the characters in the line starting with the first non-white space character and up to, but not including, the first unescaped '=', ':', or white space character other than a line terminator. All of these key termination characters may be included in the key by escaping them with a preceding backslash character; for example,


would be the two-character key ":=". Line terminator characters can be included using \r and \n escape sequences. Any white space after the key is skipped; if the first non-white space character after the key is '=' or ':', then it is ignored and any white space characters after it are also skipped. All remaining characters on the line become part of the associated element string; if there are no remaining characters, the element is the empty string "". Once the raw character sequences constituting the key and element are identified, escape processing is performed as described above.

Hope that helps.

Delaying function in swift

 NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(NSTimeInterval(3), target: self, selector: "functionHere", userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

This would call the function functionHere() with a 3 seconds delay

ImageView in circular through xml

if you want to set edit icon on to circle imageview than put this below code.


                    android:src="@drawable/ic_upload" />


Force Internet Explorer to use a specific Java Runtime Environment install?

First, disable the currently installed version of Java. To do this, go to Control Panel > Java > Advanced > Default Java for Browsers and uncheck Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Next, enable the version of Java you want to use instead. To do this, go to (for example) C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_15\bin (where jre1.5.0_15 is the version of Java you want to use), and run javacpl.exe. Go to Advanced > Default Java for Browsers and check Microsoft Internet Explorer.

To get your old version of Java back you need to reverse these steps.

Note that in older versions of Java, Default Java for Browsers is called <APPLET> Tag Support (but the effect is the same).

The good thing about this method is that it doesn't affect other browsers, and doesn't affect the default system JRE.

Is there a way to link someone to a YouTube Video in HD 1080p quality?

Yes there is:

Options are:

Code for 1440: vq=hd1440
Code for 1080: vq=hd1080
Code for 720: vq=hd720
Code for 480p: vq=large
Code for 360p: vq=medium
Code for 240p: vq=small

As of 10 of April 2018, this code still works.
Some users reported "not working", if it doesn't work for you, please read below:

From what I've learned, the problem is related with network speed and or screen size.
When YT player starts, it collects the network speed, screen and player sizes, among other information, if the connection is slow or the screen/player size smaller than the quality requested(vq=), a lower quality video is displayed despite the option selected on vq=.

Also make sure you read the comments below.

Applying Comic Sans Ms font style

The httpd dæmon on OpenBSD uses the following stylesheet for all of its error messages, which presumably covers all the Comic Sans variations on non-Windows systems:

810    style = "body { background-color: white; color: black; font-family: "
811        "'Comic Sans MS', 'Chalkboard SE', 'Comic Neue', sans-serif; }\n"
812        "hr { border: 0; border-bottom: 1px dashed; }\n";

E.g., try this:

font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', 'Chalkboard SE', 'Comic Neue', sans-serif;