Programs & Examples On #Cvs

CVS - Concurrent Versions System - is an open-source version control system

Xcode 10.2.1 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

Xcode -> File -> Workspace Setting -> change Build System to Legacy Build System.

Thats it. Have Fun

Install pip in docker

You might want to change the DNS settings of the Docker daemon. You can edit (or create) the configuration file at /etc/docker/daemon.json with the dns key, as

    "dns": ["your_dns_address", ""]

In the example above, the first element of the list is the address of your DNS server. The second item is the Google’s DNS which can be used when the first one is not available.

Before proceeding, save daemon.json and restart the docker service.

sudo service docker restart

Once fixed, retry to run the build command.

Forward X11 failed: Network error: Connection refused

X display location : localhost:0 Worked for me :)

Easy way to export multiple data.frame to multiple Excel worksheets

I regularly use the packaged rio for exporting of all kinds. Using rio, you can input a list, naming each tab and specifying the dataset. rio compiles other in/out packages, and for export to Excel, uses openxlsx.


filename <- "C:/R_code/../file.xlsx"

export(list(sn1 = tempTable1, sn2 = tempTable2, sn3 = tempTable3), filename)

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type

Determining of root cause is not an issue since Go 1.8; field name now is shown in the error message:

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field of type string

How can I solve the error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol - function?

Check the character set of both projects in Configuration Properties ? General ? Character Set.

My UnitTest project was using the default character set Multi-Byte while my libraries were in Unicode.

My function was using a TCHAR as a parameter.

As a result, in my library my TCHAR was transformed into a WCHAR, but it was a char* in my UnitTest: the symbol was different because the parameters were really not the same in the end.

invalid command code ., despite escaping periods, using sed

If you are on a OS X, this probably has nothing to do with the sed command. On the OSX version of sed, the -i option expects an extension argument so your command is actually parsed as the extension argument and the file path is interpreted as the command code.

Try adding the -e argument explicitly and giving '' as argument to -i:

find ./ -type f -exec sed -i '' -e "s/" {} \;

See this.

Error Code 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value - Mysql

When I received this error I believe it was a bug, however you should keep in mind that if you do a separate query with a SELECT statement and the same WHERE clause, then you can grab the primary ID's from that SELECT: SELECT CONCAT(primary_id, ',')) statement and insert them into the failed UPDATE query with conditions -> "WHERE [primary_id] IN ([list of comma-separated primary ID's from the SELECT statement)" which allows you to alleviate any issues being caused by the original (failed) query's WHERE clause.

For me, personally, when I was using quotes for the values in the "WHERE ____ IN ([values here])", only 10 of the 300 expected entries were being affected which, in my opinion, seems like a bug.

How do I add a project as a dependency of another project?

Assuming the MyEjbProject is not another Maven Project you own or want to build with maven, you could use system dependencies to link to the existing jar file of the project like so


That said it is usually the better (and preferred way) to install the package to the repository either by making it a maven project and building it or installing it the way you already seem to do.

If they are, however, dependent on each other, you can always create a separate parent project (has to be a "pom" project) declaring the two other projects as its "modules". (The child projects would not have to declare the third project as their parent). As a consequence you'd get a new directory for the new parent project, where you'd also quite probably put the two independent projects like this:

|- pom.xml
|- MyEJBProject
|   `- pom.xml
`- MyWarProject
    `- pom.xml

The parent project would get a "modules" section to name all the child modules. The aggregator would then use the dependencies in the child modules to actually find out the order in which the projects are to be built)



That way the projects can relate to each other but (once they are installed in the local repository) still be used independently as artifacts in other projects

Finally, if your projects are not in related directories, you might try to give them as relative modules:

 |- mywarproject
 |   `pom.xml
 |- myejbproject
 |   `pom.xml
 `- parent

now you could just do this (worked in maven 2, just tried it):


How to increase IDE memory limit in IntelliJ IDEA on Mac?

Current version: Help | Change Memory Settings:

Change memory settings

Since IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.4 you can also use: Help | Edit Custom VM Options...:

This will automatically create a copy of the .vmoptions file in the config folder and open a dialog to edit it.

Older versions:

IntelliJ IDEA 12 is a signed application, therefore changing options in Info.plist is no longer recommended, as the signature will not match and you will get issues depending on your system security settings (app will either not run, or firewall will complain on every start, or the app will not be able to use the system keystore to save passwords).

As a result of addressing IDEA-94050 a new way to supply JVM options was introduced in IDEA 12:

Now it can take VM options from ~/Library/Preferences/<appFolder>/idea.vmoptions and system properties from ~/Library/Preferences/<appFolder>/

For example, to use -Xmx2048m option you should copy the original .vmoptions file from /Applications/IntelliJ to ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea12/idea.vmoptions, then modify the -Xmx setting.

The final file should look like:


Copying the original file is important, as options are not added, they are replaced.

This way your custom options will be preserved between updates and application files will remain unmodified making signature checker happy.

Community Edition: ~/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC12/idea.vmoptions file is used instead.

openpyxl - adjust column width size

All the above answers are generating an issue which is that col[0].column is returning number while worksheet.column_dimensions[column] accepts only character such as 'A', 'B', 'C' in place of column. I've modified @Virako's code and it is working fine now.

import re
import openpyxl
for col in _ws.columns:
    max_lenght = 0
    col_name = re.findall('\w\d', str(col[0]))
    col_name = col_name[0]
    col_name = re.findall('\w', str(col_name))[0]
    for cell in col:
            if len(str(cell.value)) > max_lenght:
                max_lenght = len(cell.value)
    adjusted_width = (max_lenght+2)
    _ws.column_dimensions[col_name].width = adjusted_width

Tomcat is not deploying my web project from Eclipse

Have you check your deploy path in Server Locations? May be your tomcat deploy path changed and Eclipse is not deploying your application.

In eclipse.

  1. Window -> Show View -> Servers.
  2. Double click to your server.
  3. In Tomcat Server's Overview.

    3.1 check your Server Path

    3.2 check your Deploy Path

How to resize an image to a specific size in OpenCV?

Make a useful function like this:

IplImage* img_resize(IplImage* src_img, int new_width,int new_height)
    IplImage* des_img;
    return des_img;

Converting Numpy Array to OpenCV Array

The simplest solution would be to use Pillow lib:

from PIL import Image

image = Image.fromarray(<your_numpy_array>.astype(np.uint8))

And you can use it as an image.

I don't have "Dynamic Web Project" option in Eclipse new Project wizard

Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, everything you need should be included inside. This is the most painless way of obtaining Web Development Tools.

If you want to leave your existing Eclipse IDE, you can go to 'Help -> Install New Software' and find WDT to install them, although I haven't personally tried to go this route, so I can't guarantee everything will work out of the box.

Edit: not sure if it's included in Ubuntu's repository. One other way to do it is to download Linux 32-bit (or 64-bit, depending on your machine) version of Eclipse EE, but you'll have to check if it's the source you have to compile yourself, or an already compiled binary.

Eclipse error: "The import XXX cannot be resolved"

In my case it was a broken jar in the Maven repository. Delete jar files in repository and let Maven download them again.

When I ran mvn clean install from the command line, it ran fine, but Eclipse still could not compile the code. When I ran maven install in Eclipse then I saw that Maven complained about bad jar file. So I deleted it and ran maven install again. The problem was gone.

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?

Try a category on UILabel:

Here's how it's used:

myLabel.text = @"Updated: 2012/10/14 21:59 PM";
[myLabel boldSubstring: @"Updated:"];
[myLabel boldSubstring: @"21:59 PM"];

And here's the category


- (void) boldSubstring: (NSString*) substring;
- (void) boldRange: (NSRange) range;


- (void) boldRange: (NSRange) range {
    if (![self respondsToSelector:@selector(setAttributedText:)]) {
    NSMutableAttributedString *attributedText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:self.attributedText];
    [attributedText setAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:self.font.pointSize]} range:range];

    self.attributedText = attributedText;    

- (void) boldSubstring: (NSString*) substring {
    NSRange range = [self.text rangeOfString:substring];
    [self boldRange:range];

Note that this will only work in iOS 6 and later. It will simply be ignored in iOS 5 and earlier.

How to download source in ZIP format from GitHub?

Sometimes if the 'Download ZIP' button is not available, you can click on 'Raw' and the file should download to your system.

OpenCV - DLL missing, but it's not?

As to @Marc's answer, I don't think VC uses the path from the OS. Did you add the path to VC's library paths. I usually add the DLLs to the project and copy if newer on the build and that works very well for me.

SVN (Subversion) Problem "File is scheduled for addition, but is missing" - Using Versions

If you’re using TortoiseSVN…

From your commit window in the “Changes Made” section you can select all the offending files, then right-click and select delete. Finish the commit and the files will be removed from the scheduled additions.

Eclipse and Windows newlines

I had the same, eclipse polluted files even with one line change. Solution: Eclipse git settings -> Add Entry: Key: core.autocrlf Values: true

enter image description here

enter image description here

How is a tag different from a branch in Git? Which should I use, here?

the simple answer is:

branch: the current branch pointer moves with every commit to the repository


tag: the commit that a tag points doesn't change, in fact the tag is a snapshot of that commit.

Ant build failed: "Target "build..xml" does not exist"

Looks like you called it 'ant build..xml'. ant automatically choose a file build.xml in the current directory, so it is enough to call 'ant' (if a default-target is defined) or 'ant target' (the target named target will be called).

With the call 'ant -p' you get a list of targets defined in your build.xml.

Edit: In the comment is shown the call 'ant -verbose build.xml'. To be correct, this has to be called as 'ant -verbose'. The file build.xml in the current directory will be used automatically. If it is needed to explicitly specify the buildfile (because it's name isn't build.xml for example), you have to specify the buildfile with the '-f'-option: 'ant -verbose -f build.xml'. I hope this helps.

How to best display in Terminal a MySQL SELECT returning too many fields?

I believe putty has a maximum number of columns you can specify for the window.

For Windows I personally use Windows PowerShell and set the screen buffer width reasonably high. The column width remains fixed and you can use a horizontal scroll bar to see the data. I had the same problem you're having now.

edit: For remote hosts that you have to SSH into you would use something like plink + Windows PowerShell

What's a good IDE for Python on Mac OS X?

I've been using an Evaluation copy of Sublime Text. What's good is it doesn't really expire.

It's been good so far and was really easy to get started with.

Java properties UTF-8 encoding in Eclipse

Just another Eclipse plugin for *.properties files:

Properties Editor

Saving an image in OpenCV

I suggest you run OpenCV sanity check

Its a serie of small executables located in the bin directory of opencv.

It will check if your camera is ok

How to find list of possible words from a letter matrix [Boggle Solver]

I solved this too, with Java. My implementation is 269 lines long and pretty easy to use. First you need to create a new instance of the Boggler class and then call the solve function with the grid as a parameter. It takes about 100 ms to load the dictionary of 50 000 words on my computer and it finds the words in about 10-20 ms. The found words are stored in an ArrayList, foundWords.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;

public class Boggler {
    private ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();      
    private ArrayList<String> roundWords = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    private ArrayList<Word> foundWords = new ArrayList<Word>();     
    private char[][] letterGrid = new char[4][4];                   
    private String letters;                                         

    public Boggler() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        URL path = GUI.class.getResource("words.txt");
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(path.toURI()).getAbsolutePath()), "iso-8859-1"));
        String line;
        while((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            if(line.length() < 3 || line.length() > 10) {


    public ArrayList<Word> getWords() {
        return this.foundWords;

    public void solve(String letters) {
        this.letters = "";
        this.foundWords = new ArrayList<Word>();

        for(int i = 0; i < letters.length(); i++) {
            if(!this.letters.contains(letters.substring(i, i + 1))) {
                this.letters += letters.substring(i, i + 1);

        for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                this.letterGrid[i][j] = letters.charAt(i * 4 + j);


        this.roundWords = new ArrayList<String>();      
        String pattern = "[" + this.letters + "]+";     

        for(int i = 0; i < this.words.size(); i++) {

            if(this.words.get(i).matches(pattern)) {

        for(int i = 0; i < this.roundWords.size(); i++) {
            Word word = checkForWord(this.roundWords.get(i));

            if(word != null) {

    private Word checkForWord(String word) {
        char initial = word.charAt(0);
        ArrayList<LetterCoord> startPoints = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();

        int x = 0;  
        int y = 0;
        for(char[] row: this.letterGrid) {
            x = 0;

            for(char letter: row) {
                if(initial == letter) {
                    startPoints.add(new LetterCoord(x, y));



        ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterCoords = null;
        for(int initialTry = 0; initialTry < startPoints.size(); initialTry++) {
            letterCoords = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();    

            x = startPoints.get(initialTry).getX(); 
            y = startPoints.get(initialTry).getY();

            LetterCoord initialCoord = new LetterCoord(x, y);

            letterLoop: for(int letterIndex = 1; letterIndex < word.length(); letterIndex++) {
                LetterCoord lastCoord = letterCoords.get(letterCoords.size() - 1);  
                char currentChar = word.charAt(letterIndex);                        

                ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterLocations = getNeighbours(currentChar, lastCoord.getX(), lastCoord.getY());

                if(letterLocations == null) {
                    return null;    

                for(int foundIndex = 0; foundIndex < letterLocations.size(); foundIndex++) {
                    if(letterIndex != word.length() - 1 && true == false) {
                        char nextChar = word.charAt(letterIndex + 1);
                        int lastX = letterCoords.get(letterCoords.size() - 1).getX();
                        int lastY = letterCoords.get(letterCoords.size() - 1).getY();

                        ArrayList<LetterCoord> possibleIndex = getNeighbours(nextChar, lastX, lastY);
                        if(possibleIndex != null) {
                            if(!letterCoords.contains(letterLocations.get(foundIndex))) {
                            continue letterLoop;
                        } else {
                            return null;
                    } else {
                        if(!letterCoords.contains(letterLocations.get(foundIndex))) {

                            continue letterLoop;

            if(letterCoords != null) {
                if(letterCoords.size() == word.length()) {
                    Word w = new Word(word);
                    return w;
                } else {
                    return null;

        if(letterCoords != null) {
            Word foundWord = new Word(word);

            return foundWord;

        return null;

    public ArrayList<LetterCoord> getNeighbours(char letterToSearch, int x, int y) {
        ArrayList<LetterCoord> neighbours = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();

        for(int _y = y - 1; _y <= y + 1; _y++) {
            for(int _x = x - 1; _x <= x + 1; _x++) {
                if(_x < 0 || _y < 0 || (_x == x && _y == y) || _y > 3 || _x > 3) {

                if(this.letterGrid[_y][_x] == letterToSearch && !neighbours.contains(new LetterCoord(_x, _y))) {
                    neighbours.add(new LetterCoord(_x, _y));

        if(neighbours.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return neighbours;

class Word {
    private String word;    
    private ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterCoords = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();

    public Word(String word) {
        this.word = word;

    public boolean addCoords(int x, int y) {
        LetterCoord lc = new LetterCoord(x, y);

        if(!this.letterCoords.contains(lc)) {

            return true;

        return false;

    public void addList(ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterCoords) {
        this.letterCoords = letterCoords;

    public String toString() {
        String outputString = this.word + " ";
        for(int i = 0; i < letterCoords.size(); i++) {
            outputString += "(" + letterCoords.get(i).getX() + ", " + letterCoords.get(i).getY() + ") ";

        return outputString;

    public String getWord() {
        return this.word;

    public ArrayList<LetterCoord> getList() {
        return this.letterCoords;

class LetterCoord extends ArrayList {
    private int x;          
    private int y;          

    public LetterCoord(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public int getX() {
        return this.x;

    public int getY() {
        return this.y;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if(!(o instanceof LetterCoord)) {
            return false;

        LetterCoord lc = (LetterCoord) o;

        if(this.x == lc.getX() &&
                this.y == lc.getY()) {
            return true;

        return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 7;
        hash = 29 * hash + this.x;
        hash = 24 * hash + this.y;
        return hash;

Converting date between DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD?

you first would need to convert string into datetime tuple, and then convert that datetime tuple to string, it would go like this:

lastconnection = datetime.strptime("21/12/2008", "%d/%m/%Y").strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

What are some examples of commonly used practices for naming git branches?

My personal preference is to delete the branch name after I’m done with a topic branch.

Instead of trying to use the branch name to explain the meaning of the branch, I start the subject line of the commit message in the first commit on that branch with “Branch:” and include further explanations in the body of the message if the subject does not give me enough space.

The branch name in my use is purely a handle for referring to a topic branch while working on it. Once work on the topic branch has concluded, I get rid of the branch name, sometimes tagging the commit for later reference.

That makes the output of git branch more useful as well: it only lists long-lived branches and active topic branches, not all branches ever.

Create a CSV File for a user in PHP

You can simply write your data into CSV using fputcsv function. let us have a look at the example below. Write the list array to CSV file

$list[] = array("Cars", "Planes", "Ships");
$list[] = array("Car's2", "Planes2", "Ships2");
//define headers for CSV 
header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file_name.csv');
//write data into CSV
$fp = fopen('php://output', 'wb');
//convert data to UTF-8 
fprintf($fp, chr(0xEF).chr(0xBB).chr(0xBF));
foreach ($list as $line) {
    fputcsv($fp, $line);

How do I rename all folders and files to lowercase on Linux?

This is a small shell script that does what you requested:

root_directory="${1?-please specify parent directory}"
do_it () {
    awk '{ lc= tolower($0); if (lc != $0) print "mv \""  $0 "\" \"" lc "\"" }' | sh
# first the folders
find "$root_directory" -depth -type d | do_it
find "$root_directory" ! -type d | do_it

Note the -depth action in the first find.

How to build a Debian/Ubuntu package from source?

I believe this is the Debian package 'bible'.

Well, it's the Debian new maintainer's guide, so a lot of it won't be applicable, but they do cover what goes where.

TortoiseSVN Error: "OPTIONS of 'https://...' could not connect to server (...)"

It sounds like you are almost definitely behind a proxy server.

Where this does not work for me behind my proxy:

svn checkout v8-read-only

this does:

svn --config-option servers:global:http-proxy-host=MY_PROXY_HOST --config-option servers:global:http-proxy-port=MY_PROXY_PORT checkout v8-read-only

UPDATE I forgot to quote my source :-)

Subversion ignoring "--password" and "--username" options

I had a similar problem, I wanted to use a different user name for a svn+ssh repository. In the end, I used svn relocate (as described in in this answer. In my case, I'm using svn 1.6.11 and did the following:

svn switch --relocate \
    svn+ssh://olduser@svnserver/path/to/repo \

where svn+ssh://olduser@svnserver/path/to/repo can be found in the URL: line output of svn info command. This command asked me for the password of newuser.

Note that this change is persistent, i.e. if you want only temporarily switch to the new username with this method, you'll have to issue a similar command again after svn update etc.

How to make a class JSON serializable

In addition to the Onur's answer, You possibly want to deal with datetime type like below.
(in order to handle: 'datetime.datetime' object has no attribute 'dict' exception.)

def datetime_option(value):
    if isinstance(value,
        return value.timestamp()
        return value.__dict__


def toJSON(self):
    return json.dumps(self, default=datetime_option, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

What is the Swift equivalent of isEqualToString in Objective-C?

For the UITextField text comparison I am using below code and working fine for me, let me know if you find any error.

if(txtUsername.text.isEmpty || txtPassword.text.isEmpty)
    //Do some stuff
else if(txtUsername.text == "****" && txtPassword.text == "****")
    //Do some stuff

How do I center text horizontally and vertically in a TextView?

And for those wondering how to center it vertically in its TextView element while keeping it on the left (horizontally) :


Getting a link to go to a specific section on another page

You can simply use

 <a href="directry/filename.html#section5" >click me</a>

to link to a section/id of another page by

forcing web-site to show in landscape mode only

While I myself would be waiting here for an answer, I wonder if it can be done via CSS:

@media only screen and (orientation:portrait){
#wrapper {width:1024px}

@media only screen and (orientation:landscape){
#wrapper {width:1024px}

How do I protect Python code?

In some circumstances, it may be possible to move (all, or at least a key part) of the software into a web service that your organization hosts.

That way, the license checks can be performed in the safety of your own server room.

Preventing multiple clicks on button

using count,

    if (clickcount == 1) {}

After coming back again clickcount set to zero.

How do I add a new sourceset to Gradle?

Here's what works for me as of Gradle 4.0.

sourceSets {
  integrationTest {
    compileClasspath += sourceSets.test.compileClasspath
    runtimeClasspath += sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath

task integrationTest(type: Test) {
  description = "Runs the integration tests."
  group = 'verification'
  testClassesDirs = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDirs
  classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath

As of version 4.0, Gradle now uses separate classes directories for each language in a source set. So if your build script uses sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDir, you'll see the following deprecation warning.

Gradle now uses separate output directories for each JVM language, but this build assumes a single directory for all classes from a source set. This behaviour has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0

To get rid of this warning, just switch to sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDirs instead. For more information, see the Gradle 4.0 release notes.

jQuery Loop through each div

$('').each(function() {
   /* Measure the width of each image. */
   var test = $(this).find('.scrolling img').width();

   /* Find out how many images there are. */
   var testimg = $(this).find('.scrolling img').length;

   /* Do the maths. */
   var final = (test* testimg)*1.2;

   /* Apply the maths to the CSS. */

Here you loop through all your div's with class target and you do the calculations. Within this loop you can simply use $(this) to indicate the currently selected <div> tag.

How to create a printable Twitter-Bootstrap page

If you want to keep columns on A4 print (which is around 540px) this is a good idea

@media print {

.make-print-A4-column(@columns) {
    @media print {
        float: left;
        width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));

You can use it like this:

<div class="col-sm-4 col-print-A4-4">

Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker within modal window

try this

#ui-datepicker-div {
  z-index: 100000;

How do I check particular attributes exist or not in XML?

You can actually index directly into the Attributes collection (if you are using C# not VB):

foreach (XmlNode xNode in nodeListName)
  XmlNode parent = xNode.ParentNode;
  if (parent.Attributes != null
     && parent.Attributes["split"] != null)
     parentSplit = parent.Attributes["split"].Value;

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class XXX

As mentioned above, this could be a number of things. In my case I had a statically initialized variable which relied on a missing entry in my properties file. Added the missing entry to the properties file and the problem was solved.

How many bits or bytes are there in a character?

There are 8 bits in a byte (normally speaking in Windows).

However, if you are dealing with characters, it will depend on the charset/encoding. Unicode character can be 2 or 4 bytes, so that would be 16 or 32 bits, whereas Windows-1252 sometimes incorrectly called ANSI is only 1 bytes so 8 bits.

In Asian version of Windows and some others, the entire system runs in double-byte, so a character is 16 bits.


Per Matteo's comment, all contemporary versions of Windows use 16-bits internally per character.

How to use lodash to find and return an object from Array?

The argument passed to the callback is one of the elements of the array. The elements of your array are objects of the form {description: ..., id: ...}.

var delete_id = _.result(_.find(savedViews, function(obj) {
    return obj.description === view;
}), 'id');

Yet another alternative from the docs you linked to (lodash v3):

_.find(savedViews, 'description', view);

Lodash v4:

_.find(savedViews, ['description', view]);

Make a td fixed size (width,height) while rest of td's can expand

just set the width of the td/column you want to be fixed and the rest will expand.

<td width="200"></td>

C# Enum - How to Compare Value

You can use extension methods to do the same thing with less code.

public enum AccountType
    Retailer = 1,
    Customer = 2,
    Manager = 3,
    Employee = 4

static class AccountTypeMethods
    public static bool IsRetailer(this AccountType ac)
        return ac == AccountType.Retailer;

And to use:

if (userProfile.AccountType.isRetailer())
    //your code

I would recommend to rename the AccountType to Account. It's not a name convention.

How merge two objects array in angularjs?

You can use angular.extend(dest, src1, src2,...);

In your case it would be :

angular.extend($, data);

See documentation here :

Otherwise, if you only get new values from the server, you can do the following

for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++){

WPF global exception handler

You can handle the AppDomain.UnhandledException event

EDIT: actually, this event is probably more adequate: Application.DispatcherUnhandledException

JavaScript data grid for millions of rows

"SlickGrid utilizes virtual rendering to enable you to easily work with hundreds of thousands of items without any drop in performance. In fact, there is no difference in performance between working with a grid with 10 rows versus a 100’000 rows."

Some highlights:

  • Adaptive virtual scrolling (handle hundreds of thousands of rows)
  • Extremely fast rendering speed
  • Background post-rendering for richer cells
  • Configurable & customizable
  • Full keyboard navigation
  • Column resize/reorder/show/hide
  • Column autosizing & force-fit
  • Pluggable cell formatters & editors
  • Support for editing and creating new rows." by mleibman

It's free (MIT license). It uses jQuery.

m2eclipse not finding maven dependencies, artifacts not found

I had this issue for dependencies that were created in other projects. Downloaded thirdparty dependencies showed up fine in the build path, but not a library that I had created.

SOLUTION: In the project that is not building correctly, right-click on the project and choose Properties, and then Maven. Uncheck the box labeled "Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects", hit Apply, and then OK. Right-click again on your project and do a Maven->Update Snapshots (or Update Dependencies) and your errors should go away when your project rebuilds (automatically if you have auto-build enabled).

Compute row average in pandas

If you are looking to average column wise. Try this,

df.drop('Region', axis=1).apply(lambda x: x.mean())

# it drops the Region column
df.drop('Region', axis=1,inplace=True)

How do CSS triangles work?

I know this is an old one, but I'd like to add to this discussion that There are at least 5 different methods for creating a triangle using HTML & CSS alone.

  1. Using borders
  2. Using linear-gradient
  3. Using conic-gradient
  4. Using transform and overflow
  5. Using clip-path

I think that all have been covered here except for method 3, using the conic-gradient, so I will share it here:

        width: 40px;_x000D_
        height: 40px;_x000D_
        background: conic-gradient(at 50% 50%,transparent 135deg,green 0,green 225deg, transparent 0);_x000D_
<div class="triangle"></div>

Create CSS Triangles Using Conic Gradient

Android Fragments and animation

I solve this the way Below

Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.slide);
this.fg.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //fg is a View object indicate fragment

System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved:

It's probably caused by a local network connectivity issue (but also a DNS error is possible). Unfortunately HResult is generic, however you can determine the exact issue catching HttpRequestException and then inspecting InnerException: if it's a WebException then you can check the WebException.Status property, for example WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure should indicate a DNS resolution problem.

It may happen, there isn't much you can do.

What I'd suggest to always wrap that (network related) code in a loop with a try/catch block (as also suggested here for other fallible operations). Handle known exceptions, wait a little (say 1000 msec) and try again (for say 3 times). Only if failed all times then you can quit/report an error to your users. Very raw example like this:

private const int NumberOfRetries = 3;
private const int DelayOnRetry = 1000;

public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetFromUrlAsync(string url) {
    using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
        for (int i=1; i <= NumberOfRetries; ++i) {
            try {
                return await client.GetAsync(url); 
            catch (Exception e) when (i < NumberOfRetries) {
                await Task.Delay(DelayOnRetry);

How to filter array when object key value is in array

Old way of doing it. Many might hate this way of doing but i still many time find this is still better in my perspective.


var records = [{
    "fname": "X",
    "lname": "Y"
    "fname": "A",
    "lname": "Y"
    "fname": "B",
    "lname": "Y"
    "fname": "C",
    "lname": "Y"
    "fname": "C",
    "lname": "Y"

var newArr = [1,4,5];


var newObj = [];
for(var a = 0 ; a < records.length ; a++){
 if(newArr.indexOf(records[a].empid) > -1){

The indexOf() method returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present.

Reference -


    "empid": 1,
    "fname": "X",
    "lname": "Y"
}, {
    "empid": 4,
    "fname": "C",
    "lname": "Y"
}, {
    "empid": 5,
    "fname": "C",
    "lname": "Y"

Virtualhost For Wildcard Subdomain and Static Subdomain

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/app1

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/example

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/wildcard
  ServerAlias *

Should work. The first entry will become the default if you don't get an explicit match. So if you had point to it, it would be caught be

How to assign bean's property an Enum value in Spring config file?

Have you tried just "TYPE1"? I suppose Spring uses reflection to determine the type of "type" anyway, so the fully qualified name is redundant. Spring generally doesn't subscribe to redundancy!

Can't connect to localhost on SQL Server Express 2012 / 2016

All my services were running as expected, and I still couldn't connect.

I had to update the TCP/IP properties section in the SQL Server Configuration Manager for my SQL Server Express protocols, and set the IPALL port to 1433 in order to connect to the server as expected.

enter image description here

Select from table by knowing only date without time (ORACLE)

Convert your date column to the correct format and compare:

SELECT * From my_table WHERE to_char(my_table.my_date_col,'MM/dd/yyyy') = '8/3/2010'

This part


Will result in string '8/3/2010'

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure,

You need to download the ASP.NET MVC framework on the server hosting your application. It's a quick fix just download and install from here (This is the MVC 3 framework, then boom you are good to go.

Python syntax for "if a or b or c but not all of them"

How about:

conditions = [a, b, c]
if any(conditions) and not all(conditions):

Other variant:

if 1 <= sum(map(bool, conditions)) <= 2:

Multipart File upload Spring Boot

You can simply use a controller method like this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/uploadFile", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> uploadFile(
    @RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {

  try {
    // Handle the received file here
    // ...
  catch (Exception e) {
    return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

  return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);
} // method uploadFile

Without any additional configurations for Spring Boot.

Using the following html form client side:

  <form action="/uploadFile" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="file">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload"> 

If you want to set limits on files size you can do it in the

# File size limit
multipart.maxFileSize = 3Mb

# Total request size for a multipart/form-data
multipart.maxRequestSize = 20Mb

Moreover to send the file with Ajax take a look here:

Copy an entire worksheet to a new worksheet in Excel 2010

If anyone has, like I do, an Estimating workbook with a default number of visible pricing sheets, a Summary and a larger number of hidden and 'protected' worksheets full of sensitive data but may need to create additional visible worksheets to arrive at a proper price, I have variant of the above responses that creates the said visible worksheets based on a protected hidden "Master". I have used the code provided by @/jean-fran%c3%a7ois-corbett and @thanos-a in combination with simple VBA as shown below.

Sub sbInsertWorksheetAfter()

    'This adds a new visible worksheet after the last visible worksheet

    ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)

    'This copies the content of the HIDDEN "Master" worksheet to the new VISIBLE ActiveSheet just created

    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master").Cells.Copy _

    'This gives the the new ActiveSheet a default name

    With ActiveSheet
        .Name = Sheet12.Name & " copied"
    End With

    'This changes the name of the ActiveSheet to the user's preference

    Dim sheetname As String

    With ActiveSheet
        sheetname = InputBox("Enter name of this Worksheet")
        .Name = sheetname
    End With

End Sub

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in milliseconds

Poster is asking for an integer value of MS since Epoch, not a time or S since Epoch.

For that, you need to use NOW(3) which gives you time in fractional seconds to 3 decimal places (ie MS precision): 2020-02-13 16:30:18.236

Then UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(3)) to get the time to fractional seconds since epoc: 1581611418.236

Finally, FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(3))*1000) to get it to a nice round integer, for ms since epoc: 1581611418236

Make it a MySQL Function:



Note: this was all copied by hand so if there are mistakes feel free to fix ;)

Detecting an "invalid date" Date instance in JavaScript

Inspired by Borgar's approach I have made sure that the code not only validates the date, but actually makes sure the date is a real date, meaning that dates like 31/09/2011 and 29/02/2011 are not allowed.

function(dateStr) {
    s = dateStr.split('/');
    d = new Date(+s[2], s[1]-1, +s[0]);
    if ( === "[object Date]") {
        if (!isNaN(d.getTime()) && d.getDate() == s[0] && 
            d.getMonth() == (s[1] - 1)) {
            return true;
    return "Invalid date!";

How to do a for loop in windows command line?

The commandline interpreter does indeed have a FOR construct that you can use from the command prompt or from within a batch file.

For your purpose, you probably want something like:

FOR %i IN (*.ext) DO my-function %i

Which will result in the name of each file with extension *.ext in the current directory being passed to my-function (which could, for example, be another .bat file).

The (*.ext) part is the "filespec", and is pretty flexible with how you specify sets of files. For example, you could do:

FOR %i IN (C:\Some\Other\Dir\*.ext) DO my-function %i

To perform an operation in a different directory.

There are scores of options for the filespec and FOR in general. See


from the command prompt for more information.

Check if a value exists in ArrayList

When Array List contains object of Primitive DataType.

Use this function:

if list contains that value then it will return true else false.

When Array List contains object of UserDefined DataType.

Follow this below Link 

How to compare Objects attributes in an ArrayList?

I hope this solution will help you. Thanks

Which JDK version (Language Level) is required for Android Studio?

Android Studio now comes bundled with OpenJDK 8 . Legacy projects can still use JDK7 or JDK8


String to char array Java

A string to char array is as simple as

String str = "someString"; 
char[] charArray = str.toCharArray();

Can you explain a little more on what you are trying to do?

* Update *

if I am understanding your new comment, you can use a byte array and example is provided.

byte[] bytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(1695609641).array();

for (byte b : bytes) {
   System.out.format("0x%x ", b);

With the following output

0x65 0x10 0xf3 0x29

Scroll part of content in fixed position container

I changed scrollable div to be with absolute position, and everything works for me

div.sidebar {
    overflow: hidden;
    background-color: green;
    padding: 5px;
    position: fixed;
    right: 20px;
    width: 40%;
    top: 30px;
    padding: 20px;
    bottom: 30%;
div#fixed {
    background: #76a7dc;
    color: #fff;
    height: 30px;

div#scrollable {
    overflow-y: scroll;
    background: lightblue;

    position: absolute;

DEMO with two scrollable divs

What programming language does facebook use?

Facebook uses the LAMP stack, so if you want to get a career with them you're going to want to focus on that. In addition they often have C++ and/or Java listed in their requirements as well.

One of the postings includes the following requirements:

  • Expertise with C++ and/or Java
  • Knowledge of Perl or PHP or Python
  • Knowledge of relational databases and SQL, preferably MySQL and Oracle


  • Expertise in PHP, JavaScript, and CSS.


  • Knowledge of Perl or PHP or Python
  • Knowledge of relational databases and
  • SQL, preferably MySQL Knowledge of
  • web technologies: XHTML, JavaScript Experience with C, C++ a plus


Also, do any other social networking sites use the same language?

Some other companys that use PHP/LAMP Stack:

What is a good naming convention for vars, methods, etc in C++?

consistency and readability (self-documenting code) are important. some clues (such as case) can and should be used to avoid collisions, and to indicate whether an instance is required.

one of the best practices i got into was the use of code formatters (astyle and uncrustify are 2 examples). code formatters can destroy your code formatting - configure the formatter, and let it do its job. seriously, forget about manual formatting and get into the practice of using them. they will save a ton of time.

as mentioned, be very descriptive with naming. also, be very specific with scoping (class types/data/namespaces/anonymous namespaces). in general, i really like much of java's common written form - that is a good reference and similar to c++.

as for specific appearance/naming, this is a small sample similar to what i use (variables/arguments are lowerCamel and this only demonstrates a portion of the language's features):

/** MYC_BEGIN_FILE_ID::FD_Directory_nanotimer_FN_nanotimer_hpp_::MYC_BEGIN_FILE_DIR::Directory/nanotimer::MYC_BEGIN_FILE_FILE::nanotimer.hpp::Copyright... */
#ifndef FD_Directory_nanotimer_FN_nanotimer_hpp_
#define FD_Directory_nanotimer_FN_nanotimer_hpp_

/* typical commentary omitted -- comments detail notations/conventions. also, no defines/macros other than header guards */

namespace NamespaceName {

/* types prefixed with 't_' */
class t_nanotimer : public t_base_timer {
    /* private types */
    class t_thing {
    /* public types */
    typedef uint64_t t_nanosecond;

    /* factory initializers -- UpperCamel */
    t_nanotimer* WithFloat(const float& arg);
    /* public/protected class interface -- UpperCamel */
    static float Uptime();
    /* static class data -- UpperCamel -- accessors, if needed, use Get/Set prefix */
    static const t_spoke Spoke;
    /* enums in interface are labeled as static class data */
    enum { Granularity = 4 };
    /* construction/destruction -- always use proper initialization list */
    explicit t_nanotimer(t_init);
    explicit t_nanotimer(const float& arg);

    virtual ~t_nanotimer();

       public and protected instance methods -- lowercaseCamel()
       - booleans prefer is/has
       - accessors use the form: getVariable() setVariable().
       const-correctness is important
    const void* address() const;
    virtual uint64_t hashCode() const;
    /* interfaces/implementation of base pure virtuals (assume this was pure virtual in t_base_timer) */
    virtual bool hasExpired() const;
    /* private methods and private static data */
    void invalidate();
       instance variables
       - i tend to use underscore suffix, but d_ (for example) is another good alternative
       - note redundancy in visibility
    t_thing ivar_;
    /* prohibited stuff */
    explicit t_nanotimer();
    explicit t_nanotimer(const int&);
} /* << NamespaceName */
/* i often add a multiple include else block here, preferring package-style inclusions */    
#endif /* MYC_END_FILE::FD_Directory_nanotimer_FN_nanotimer_hpp_ */

Can I write or modify data on an RFID tag?

RFID Standards:

  • 125 Khz (low-frequency) tags are write-once/read-many, and usually only contain a small (permanent) unique identification number.

  • 13.56 Mhz (high-frequency) tags are usually read/write, they can typically store about 1 to 2 kilbytes of data in addition to their preset (permanent) unique ID number.

  • 860-960 Mhz (ultra-high-frequency) tags are typically read/write and can have much larger information storage capacity (I think that 64 KB is the highest currently available for passive tags) in addition to their preset (permanent) unique ID number.

More Information

Most read/write tags can be locked to prevent further writing to specific data-blocks in the tag's internal memory, while leaving other blocks unlocked. Different tag manufacturers make their tags differently, though.

Depending on your intended application, you might have to program your own microcontroller to interface with an embedded RFID read/write module using a manufacturer-specific protocol. That's certainly a lot cheaper than buying a complete RFID read/write unit, as they can cost several thousand dollars. With a custom solution, you can build you own unit that does specifically what you want for as little as $200.


RFID Journal

RFID Toys (Book) Website

SkyTek - RFID reader manufacturing company (you can buy their products through third-party retailers & wholesalers like Mouser)

Trossen Robotics - You can buy RFID tags and readers (125 Khz & 13.56 Mhz) from here, among other things


Access requires parentheses in the FROM clause for queries which include more than one join. Try it this way ...

    INNER JOIN tbl_netpay
    ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_netpay.emp_id)
    INNER JOIN tbl_gross
    ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_gross.emp_ID)
    INNER JOIN tbl_tax
    ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_tax.emp_ID;

If possible, use the Access query designer to set up your joins. The designer will add parentheses as required to keep the db engine happy.

What's the purpose of META-INF?

I've noticed that some Java libraries have started using META-INF as a directory in which to include configuration files that should be packaged and included in the CLASSPATH along with JARs. For example, Spring allows you to import XML Files that are on the classpath using:

<import resource="classpath:/META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
<import resource="classpath:/META-INF/cxf/cxf-extensions-*.xml" />

In this example, I'm quoting straight out of the Apache CXF User Guide. On a project I worked on in which we had to allow multiple levels of configuration via Spring, we followed this convention and put our configuration files in META-INF.

When I reflect on this decision, I don't know what exactly would be wrong with simply including the configuration files in a specific Java package, rather than in META-INF. But it seems to be an emerging de facto standard; either that, or an emerging anti-pattern :-)

Generating CSV file for Excel, how to have a newline inside a value

In Excel 365 while importing the file:

Data -> From Text/CSV: From Text/CSV

-> Select File > Transform Data:

Select File -> Transform Data

In the Power Query Editor, right hand side at "Query Settings", under APPLIED STEPS, on "Source" row, click the "Settings icon"

Source settings icon

-> In the line break dropdown select Ignore line breaks inside quotes.

Ignore quoted line breaks

Then press OK -> File -> Close & Load

Constantly print Subprocess output while process is running


tried your code and corrected it for 3.4 and windows dir.cmd is a simple dir command, saved as cmd-file

import subprocess
c = "dir.cmd"

def execute(command):
    popen = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,bufsize=1)
    lines_iterator = iter(popen.stdout.readline, b"")
    while popen.poll() is None:
        for line in lines_iterator:
            nline = line.rstrip()
            print(nline.decode("latin"), end = "\r\n",flush =True) # yield line


How to clear or stop timeInterval in angularjs?

var interval = $interval(function() {
  console.log('say hello');
}, 1000);


Controlling Maven final name of jar artifact

The simplest solution:




Which results in:

mvn clean package -DjarName=123 -> target/123.jar

mvn clean package -> target/Example.jar

Remap values in pandas column with a dict

A nice complete solution that keeps a map of your class labels:

labels = features['col1'].unique()
labels_dict = dict(zip(labels, range(len(labels))))
features = features.replace({"col1": labels_dict})

This way, you can at any point refer to the original class label from labels_dict.

How do I remove a library from the arduino environment?

In Elegoo Super Starter Kit, Part 2, Lesson 2.12, IR Receiver Module, I hit the problem that the lesson's IRremote library has a hard conflict with the built-in Arduino RobotIRremote library. I am using the Win10 IDE App, and it was non-trivial to "move the RobotIRremote" folder like the pre-Win10 instructions said. The built-in Libraries are saved at a path like: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\ArduinoLLC.ArduinoIDE_1.8.42.0_x86__mdqgnx93n4wtt\libraries You won't be able to see WindowsApps unless you show hidden files, and you can't do anything in that folder structure until you are the owner. Carefully follow these directions to make that happen:
After hours of frustration, the process above finally resulted in success for me. Elegoo gets an F+ for modern instructions on this lesson.

Convert PDF to clean SVG?

Inkscape is used by many people on Wikipedia to convert PDF to SVG.

They even have a handy guide on how to do so!

Can anonymous class implement interface?

No; an anonymous type can't be made to do anything except have a few properties. You will need to create your own type. I didn't read the linked article in depth, but it looks like it uses Reflection.Emit to create new types on the fly; but if you limit discussion to things within C# itself you can't do what you want.

npm WARN ... requires a peer of ... but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself

"A requires a peer of B but none was installed". Consider it as "A requires one of B's peers but that peer was not installed and we're not telling you which of B's peers you need."

The automatic installation of peer dependencies was explicitly removed with npm 3.

NPM Blog

Release notes of v3

So you cannot install peer dependencies automatically with npm 3 and upwards.

Updated Solution:

Use following for each peer dependency to install that and remove the error

npm install --save-dev xxxxx

Deprecated Solution:

  1. You can use npm-install-peers to find and install required peer dependencies.

    npm install -g npm-install-peers


  2. If you are getting this error after updating any package's version then remove node_modules directory and reinstall packages by npm install or npm cache clean and npm install.

"No Content-Security-Policy meta tag found." error in my phonegap application

After adding the cordova-plugin-whitelist, you must tell your application to allow access all the web-page links or specific links, if you want to keep it specific.

You can simply add this to your config.xml, which can be found in your application's root directory:

Recommended in the documentation:

<allow-navigation href="*" />


<allow-navigation href="http://*/*" />

From the plugin's documentation:

Navigation Whitelist

Controls which URLs the WebView itself can be navigated to. Applies to top-level navigations only.

Quirks: on Android it also applies to iframes for non-http(s) schemes.

By default, navigations only to file:// URLs, are allowed. To allow other other URLs, you must add tags to your config.xml:

<!-- Allow links to -->
<allow-navigation href="*" />

<!-- Wildcards are allowed for the protocol, as a prefix
     to the host, or as a suffix to the path -->
<allow-navigation href="*://**" />

<!-- A wildcard can be used to whitelist the entire network,
     over HTTP and HTTPS.
<allow-navigation href="*" />

<!-- The above is equivalent to these three declarations -->
<allow-navigation href="http://*/*" />
<allow-navigation href="https://*/*" />
<allow-navigation href="data:*" />

Is it possible in Java to check if objects fields are null and then add default value to all those attributes?

This is not to check for null, instead this will be helpful in converting an existing object to an empty object(fresh object). I dont know whether this is relevant or not, but I had such a requirement.

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
static void emptyObject(Object obj) 
    Class c1 = obj.getClass();
    Field[] fields = c1.getDeclaredFields();

    for(Field field : fields)
            if(field.getType().getCanonicalName() == "boolean")
                field.set(obj, false);
            else if(field.getType().getCanonicalName() == "char")
                field.set(obj, '\u0000');
            else if((field.getType().isPrimitive()))
                field.set(obj, 0);
                field.set(obj, null);
        catch(Exception ex)


Loop through files in a folder using VBA?

Dir takes wild cards so you could make a big difference adding the filter for test up front and avoiding testing each file

Sub LoopThroughFiles()
    Dim StrFile As String
    StrFile = Dir("c:\testfolder\*test*")
    Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
        Debug.Print StrFile
        StrFile = Dir
End Sub

Jquery, Clear / Empty all contents of tbody element?

Without use ID (<tbody id="tbodyid">) , it is a great way to cope with this issue


PS:To remove specific row number as following example

$('#table1 tr').eq(1).remove();



Log all requests from the python-requests module

When trying to get the Python logging system (import logging) to emit low level debug log messages, it suprised me to discover that given:

requests --> urllib3 --> http.client.HTTPConnection

that only urllib3 actually uses the Python logging system:

  • requests no
  • http.client.HTTPConnection no
  • urllib3 yes

Sure, you can extract debug messages from HTTPConnection by setting:

HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

but these outputs are merely emitted via the print statement. To prove this, simply grep the Python 3.7 source code and view the print statements yourself (thanks @Yohann):

curl |grep -A1 debuglevel` 

Presumably redirecting stdout in some way might work to shoe-horn stdout into the logging system and potentially capture to e.g. a log file.

Choose the 'urllib3' logger not 'requests.packages.urllib3'

To capture urllib3 debug information through the Python 3 logging system, contrary to much advice on the internet, and as @MikeSmith points out, you won’t have much luck intercepting:

log = logging.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3')

instead you need to:

log = logging.getLogger('urllib3')

Debugging urllib3 to a log file

Here is some code which logs urllib3 workings to a log file using the Python logging system:

import requests
import logging
from http.client import HTTPConnection  # py3

# log = logging.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3')  # useless
log = logging.getLogger('urllib3')  # works

log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # needed
fh = logging.FileHandler("requests.log")


the result:

Starting new HTTP connection (1): "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 3168

Enabling the HTTPConnection.debuglevel print() statements

If you set HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

from http.client import HTTPConnection  # py3
HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1

you'll get the print statement output of additional juicy low level info:

send: b'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: python- 
requests/2.22.0\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n'
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
header: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin 
header: Content-Encoding header: Content-Type header: Date header: ...

Remember this output uses print and not the Python logging system, and thus cannot be captured using a traditional logging stream or file handler (though it may be possible to capture output to a file by redirecting stdout).

Combine the two above - maximise all possible logging to console

To maximise all possible logging, you must settle for console/stdout output with this:

import requests
import logging
from http.client import HTTPConnection  # py3

log = logging.getLogger('urllib3')

# logging from urllib3 to console
ch = logging.StreamHandler()

# print statements from `http.client.HTTPConnection` to console/stdout
HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1


giving the full range of output:

Starting new HTTP connection (1):
send: b'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: python-requests/2.22.0\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n'
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 3168
header: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin 
header: Content-Encoding header: ...

Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript

I know this question is old, but also wanted to accomplish this and came across it while looking. For internet explorer I used code from here to save a Blob. To create a blob from the base64 string there were many results on this site, so its not my code I just can't remember the specific source:

function b64toBlob(b64Data, contentType) {
    contentType = contentType || '';
    var sliceSize = 512;
    b64Data = b64Data.replace(/^[^,]+,/, '');
    b64Data = b64Data.replace(/\s/g, '');
    var byteCharacters = window.atob(b64Data);
    var byteArrays = [];

    for (var offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) {
        var slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize);

        var byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length);
        for (var i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {
            byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i);

        var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);


    var blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: contentType});
    return blob;

Using the linked filesaver:

if (window.saveAs) { window.saveAs(blob, name); }
    else { navigator.saveBlob(blob, name); }

node.js TypeError: path must be absolute or specify root to res.sendFile [failed to parse JSON]

I solve this by using path variable. The sample code will look like below.

var path = require("path");

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/index.html'));

Android Image View Pinch Zooming

I made code for imageview with pinch to zoom using zoomageview. so user can drag the image off the screen and zoom-In , zoom-out the image.

You can follow this link to get the Step By Step Code and also given Output Screenshot.

How can I divide two integers to get a double?

Convert one of them to a double first. This form works in many languages:

 real_result = (int_numerator + 0.0) / int_denominator

How can I determine browser window size on server side C#

You can use Javascript to get the viewport width and height. Then pass the values back via a hidden form input or ajax.

At its simplest

var width = $(window).width();
var height = $(window).height();

Complete method using hidden form inputs

Assuming you have: JQuery framework.

First, add these hidden form inputs to store the width and height until postback.

<asp:HiddenField ID="width" runat="server" />
<asp:HiddenField ID="height" runat="server" />

Next we want to get the window (viewport) width and height. JQuery has two methods for this, aptly named width() and height().

Add the following code to your .aspx file within the head element.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

    $("#width").val() = $(window).width();
    $("#height").val() = $(window).height();    



This will result in the width and height of the browser window being available on postback. Just access the hidden form inputs like this:

var TheBrowserWidth = width.Value;
var TheBrowserHeight = height.Value;

This method provides the height and width upon postback, but not on the intial page load.

Note on UpdatePanels: If you are posting back via UpdatePanels, I believe the hidden inputs need to be within the UpdatePanel.

Alternatively you can post back the values via an ajax call. This is useful if you want to react to window resizing.

Update for jquery 3.1.1

I had to change the JavaScript to:


How to use struct timeval to get the execution time?


struct timeval, tvalBefore, tvalAfter; /* Looks like an attempt to
                                          delcare a variable with
                                          no name. */


struct timeval tvalBefore, tvalAfter;

It is less likely (IMO) to make this mistake if there is a single declaration per line:

struct timeval tvalBefore;
struct timeval tvalAfter;

It becomes more error prone when declaring pointers to types on a single line:

struct timeval* tvalBefore, tvalAfter;

tvalBefore is a struct timeval* but tvalAfter is a struct timeval.

"Are you missing an assembly reference?" compile error - Visual Studio

In my case it was a project defined using Target Framework: ".NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile " that tried to reference dll projects defined using Target Framework: ".NET Framework 4.0".

Once I changed the project settings to use Target Framework: ".NET Framework 4.0" everything was built nicely.

Right Click the project->Properties->Application->Target Framework

Best Timer for using in a Windows service

I agree with previous comment that might be best to consider a different approach. My suggest would be write a console application and use the windows scheduler:

This will:

  • Reduce plumbing code that replicates scheduler behaviour
  • Provide greater flexibility in terms of scheduling behaviour (e.g. only run on weekends) with all scheduling logic abstracted from application code
  • Utilise the command line arguments for parameters without having to setup configuration values in config files etc
  • Far easier to debug/test during development
  • Allow a support user to execute by invoking the console application directly (e.g. useful during support situations)

How to specify a min but no max decimal using the range data annotation attribute?

using Range with

[Range(typeof(Decimal), "0", "9999", ErrorMessage = "{0} must be a decimal/number between {1} and {2}.")]

[Range(typeof(Decimal),"0.0", "1000000000000000000"]

Hope it will help

How to get the month name in C#?

Supposing your date is today. Hope this helps you.

DateTime dt = DateTime.Today;

string thisMonth= dt.ToString("MMMM");


Set mouse focus and move cursor to end of input using jQuery

It will be different for different browsers:

This works in ff:

    var t =$("#INPUT");
    var l=$("#INPUT").val().length;

    var r = $("#INPUT").get(0).createTextRange();
    r.moveStart("character", l); 
    r.moveEnd("character", l); ;

More details are in these articles here at SitePoint, AspAlliance.

How to install plugins to Sublime Text 2 editor?

You need to install Package Control first (from the Python console in Sublime. Visit for more info), and then install emmet from their repository.

C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute

The problem is where you are executing:

rankings[kvp.Key] = rankings[kvp.Key] + 4;

You cannot modify the collection you are iterating through in a foreach loop. A foreach loop requires the loop to be immutable during iteration.

Instead, use a standard 'for' loop or create a new loop that is a copy and iterate through that while updating your original.

Angular ReactiveForms: Producing an array of checkbox values?

Make an event when it's clicked and then manually change the value of true to the name of what the check box represents, then the name or true will evaluate the same and you can get all the values instead of a list of true/false. Ex:


<form [formGroup]="customForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
    <div class="form-group" *ngFor="let parameter of parameters"> <!--I iterate here to list all my checkboxes -->
        <label class="control-label" for="{{parameter.Title}}"> {{parameter.Title}} </label>
            <div class="checkbox">
                  > <!-- ^^THIS^^ is the important part -->


onCheckboxChange(event) {
    //We want to get back what the name of the checkbox represents, so I'm intercepting the event and
    //manually changing the value from true to the name of what is being checked.

    //check if the value is true first, if it is then change it to the name of the value
    //this way when it's set to false it will skip over this and make it false, thus unchecking
    //the box
    if(this.customForm.get( {
        this.customForm.patchValue({[] :}); //make sure to have the square brackets

This catches the event after it was already changed to true or false by Angular Forms, if it's true I change the name to the name of what the checkbox represents, which if needed will also evaluate to true if it's being checked for true/false as well.

Javascript/jQuery: Set Values (Selection) in a multiple Select

Pure JavaScript ES5 solution

For some reason you don't use jQuery nor ES6? This might help you:

var values = "Test,Prof,Off";_x000D_
var splitValues = values.split(',');_x000D_
var multi = document.getElementById('strings');_x000D_
multi.value = null; // Reset pre-selected options (just in case)_x000D_
var multiLen = multi.options.length;_x000D_
for (var i = 0; i < multiLen; i++) {_x000D_
  if (splitValues.indexOf(multi.options[i].value) >= 0) {_x000D_
    multi.options[i].selected = true;_x000D_
<select name='strings' id="strings" multiple style="width:100px;">_x000D_
    <option value="Test">Test</option>_x000D_
    <option value="Prof">Prof</option>_x000D_
    <option value="Live">Live</option>_x000D_
    <option value="Off">Off</option>_x000D_
    <option value="On" selected>On</option>_x000D_

How to get single value of List<object>

Define a class like this :

public class myclass {
       string id ;
       string title ;
       string content;

 public class program {
        public void Main () {
               List<myclass> objlist = new List<myclass> () ;
               foreach (var value in objlist)  {
                       TextBox1.Text = ;
                       TextBox2.Text= value.title;
                       TextBox3.Text= value.content ;

I tried to draw a sketch and you can improve it in many ways. Instead of defining class "myclass", you can define struct.

How can I get the Google cache age of any URL or web page?

you can Use CachedPages website

Cached pages are usually saved and stored by large companies with powerful web servers. Since such servers are usually very fast, a cached page can often be accessed faster than the live page itself:

  • Google usually keeps a recent copy of the page (1 to 15 days old).
  • Coral also keeps a recent copy, although it's usually not as recent as Google.
  • Through, you can access several copies of a web page saved throughout the years.

How to split a string, but also keep the delimiters?

Another candidate solution using a regex. Retains token order, correctly matches multiple tokens of the same type in a row. The downside is that the regex is kind of nasty.

package javaapplication2;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class JavaApplication2 {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String num = "58.5+variable-+98*78/96+a/78.7-3443*12-3";

        // Terrifying regex:
        //  (a)|(b)|(c) match a or b or c
        // where
        //   (a) is one or more digits optionally followed by a decimal point
        //       followed by one or more digits: (\d+(\.\d+)?)
        //   (b) is one of the set + * / - occurring once: ([+*/-])
        //   (c) is a sequence of one or more lowercase latin letter: ([a-z]+)
        Pattern tokenPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)|([+*/-])|([a-z]+)");
        Matcher tokenMatcher = tokenPattern.matcher(num);

        List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<>();

        while (!tokenMatcher.hitEnd()) {
            if (tokenMatcher.find()) {
            } else {
                // report error


Sample output:

[58.5, +, variable, -, +, 98, *, 78, /, 96, +, a, /, 78.7, -, 3443, *, 12, -, 3]

XPath to get all child nodes (elements, comments, and text) without parent

From the documentation of XPath ( ):

child::* selects all element children of the context node

child::text() selects all text node children of the context node

child::node() selects all the children of the context node, whatever their node type

So I guess your answer is:


And if you want a flatten array of all nested nodes:


Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on boolean

prepare return a boolean only when it fails therefore FALSE, to avoid the error you need to check if it is True first before executing:

$sql = 'SELECT value, param FROM ws_settings WHERE name = ?';
if($query = $this->db->conn->prepare($sql)){
    $query->bind_param('s', $setting);
    //rest of code here
   //error !! don't go further

How can I generate an INSERT script for an existing SQL Server table that includes all stored rows?

Just to share, I've developed my own script to do it. Feel free to use it. It generates "SELECT" statements that you can then run on the tables to generate the "INSERT" statements.

select distinct 'SELECT ''INSERT INTO ' + schema_name(ta.schema_id) + '.' + + ' (' + substring(o.list, 1, len(o.list)-1) + ') VALUES ('
+ substring(val.list, 1, len(val.list)-1) + ');''  FROM ' + schema_name(ta.schema_id) + '.' + + ';'
from    sys.objects so
join sys.tables ta on ta.object_id=so.object_id
cross apply
(SELECT '  ' +column_name + ', '
 from information_schema.columns c
 join syscolumns co on and object_name( and OBJECT_NAME( and and c.TABLE_SCHEMA=SCHEMA_NAME(so.schema_id)
 where table_name =
 order by ordinal_position
FOR XML PATH('')) o (list)
cross apply
(SELECT '''+' +case
         when data_type = 'uniqueidentifier' THEN 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''' END '
         WHEN data_type = 'timestamp' then '''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CONVERT(BINARY(8),[' + COLUMN_NAME + ']),1)+'''''''''
         WHEN data_type = 'nvarchar' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         WHEN data_type = 'varchar' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         WHEN data_type = 'char' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         WHEN data_type = 'nchar' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         when DATA_TYPE='datetime' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],121)+'''''''' END '
         when DATA_TYPE='datetime2' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],121)+'''''''' END '
         when DATA_TYPE='geography' and column_name<>'Shape' then 'ST_GeomFromText(''POINT('+column_name+'.Lat '+column_name+'.Long)'') '
         when DATA_TYPE='geography' and column_name='Shape' then '''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''''
         when DATA_TYPE='bit' then '''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''''
         when DATA_TYPE='xml' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + ']),'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END '
         WHEN DATA_TYPE='image' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + ']),1)+'''''''' END '
         WHEN DATA_TYPE='varbinary' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],1)+'''''''' END '
         WHEN DATA_TYPE='binary' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],1)+'''''''' END '
         when DATA_TYPE='time' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''' END '
         ELSE 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),['+column_name+']) END' end
   + '+'', '
 from information_schema.columns c
 join syscolumns co on and object_name( and OBJECT_NAME( and and c.TABLE_SCHEMA=SCHEMA_NAME(so.schema_id)
 where table_name =
 order by ordinal_position
FOR XML PATH('')) val (list)
where   so.type = 'U'

PHP - Getting the index of a element from a array

foreach() {
    if(index($key) == $i){}

Sorting JSON by values

Here's a multiple-level sort method. I'm including a snippet from an Angular JS module, but you can accomplish the same thing by scoping the sort keys objects such that your sort function has access to them. You can see the full module at Plunker.

$scope.sortMyData = function (a, b)
  var retVal = 0, key;
  for (var i = 0; i < $scope.sortKeys.length; i++)
    if (retVal !== 0)
      key = $scope.sortKeys[i];
      if ('asc' === key.direction)
        retVal = (a[key.field] < b[key.field]) ? -1 : (a[key.field] > b[key.field]) ? 1 : 0;
        retVal = (a[key.field] < b[key.field]) ? 1 : (a[key.field] > b[key.field]) ? -1 : 0;
  return retVal;

How to increment a variable on a for loop in jinja template?

You could use loop.index:

{% for i in p %}
  {{ loop.index }}
{% endfor %}

Check the template designer documentation.

In more recent versions, due to scoping rules, the following would not work:

{% set count = 1 %}
{% for i in p %}
  {{ count }}
  {% set count = count + 1 %}
{% endfor %}

How to open URL in Microsoft Edge from the command line?

All the other solutions work for Microsoft Edge (legacy) and on Windows 10 only. As of 2020, it will be discontinued and replaced by Microsoft Edge (Chromium based).

The solution that works with the new Edge on Windows 7, 8 and 10 is :

start msedge URL

Source :

Correct way to quit a Qt program?

If you're using Qt Jambi, this should work:


What is the difference between IQueryable<T> and IEnumerable<T>?

This is a nice video on youtube which demonstrates how these interfaces differ , worth a watch.

Below goes a long descriptive answer for it.

The first important point to remember is IQueryable interface inherits from IEnumerable, so whatever IEnumerable can do, IQueryable can also do.

enter image description here

There are many differences but let us discuss about the one big difference which makes the biggest difference. IEnumerable interface is useful when your collection is loaded using LINQ or Entity framework and you want to apply filter on the collection.

Consider the below simple code which uses IEnumerable with entity framework. It’s using a Where filter to get records whose EmpId is 2.

EmpEntities ent = new EmpEntities();
IEnumerable<Employee> emp = ent.Employees; 
IEnumerable<Employee> temp = emp.Where(x => x.Empid == 2).ToList<Employee>();

This where filter is executed on the client side where the IEnumerable code is. In other words all the data is fetched from the database and then at the client its scans and gets the record with EmpId is 2.

enter image description here

But now see the below code we have changed IEnumerable to IQueryable. It creates a SQL Query at the server side and only necessary data is sent to the client side.

EmpEntities ent = new EmpEntities();
IQueryable<Employee> emp = ent.Employees;
IQueryable<Employee> temp =  emp.Where(x => x.Empid == 2).ToList<Employee>();

enter image description here

So the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable is about where the filter logic is executed. One executes on the client side and the other executes on the database.

So if you working with only in-memory data collection IEnumerable is a good choice but if you want to query data collection which is connected with database `IQueryable is a better choice as it reduces network traffic and uses the power of SQL language.

How do I programmatically set device orientation in iOS 7?

The only way that worked for me is presenting dummy modal view controller.

UIViewController* dummyVC = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
dummyVC.view = [[UIView alloc] init];
[self presentModalViewController:dummyVC animated:NO];
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:NO];

Your VC will be asked for updated interface orientations when modal view controller is dismissed.

Curious thing is that UINavigationController does exactly this when pushing/popping child view controllers with different supported interface orientations (tested on iOS 6.1, 7.0).

How to send an HTTPS GET Request in C#

Add ?var1=data1&var2=data2 to the end of url to submit values to the page via GET:

using System.Net;
using System.IO;

string url = "";

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream resStream = response.GetResponseStream();

Oracle SQL - REGEXP_LIKE contains characters other than a-z or A-Z

Try this:

select * from T_PARTNER 
translate(C_PARTNER_ID, '.1234567890', '.') is null;

How could I convert data from string to long in c#

You won't be able to convert it directly to long because of the decimal point i think you should convert it into decimal and then convert it into long something like this:

String strValue[i] = "1100.25";
long l1 = Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToDecimal(strValue));

hope this helps!

How to convert comma separated string into numeric array in javascript

The split() method is used to split a string into an array of substrings, and returns the new array.


arr =  strVale.split(',');


How to make join queries using Sequelize on Node.js

While the accepted answer isn't technically wrong, it doesn't answer the original question nor the follow up question in the comments, which was what I came here looking for. But I figured it out, so here goes.

If you want to find all Posts that have Users (and only the ones that have users) where the SQL would look like this:

SELECT * FROM posts INNER JOIN users ON posts.user_id =

Which is semantically the same thing as the OP's original SQL:

SELECT * FROM posts, users WHERE posts.user_id =

then this is what you want:

  include: [{
    model: User,
    required: true
}).then(posts => {
  /* ... */

Setting required to true is the key to producing an inner join. If you want a left outer join (where you get all Posts, regardless of whether there's a user linked) then change required to false, or leave it off since that's the default:

  include: [{
    model: User,
//  required: false
}).then(posts => {
  /* ... */

If you want to find all Posts belonging to users whose birth year is in 1984, you'd want:

  include: [{
    model: User,
    where: {year_birth: 1984}
}).then(posts => {
  /* ... */

Note that required is true by default as soon as you add a where clause in.

If you want all Posts, regardless of whether there's a user attached but if there is a user then only the ones born in 1984, then add the required field back in:

  include: [{
    model: User,
    where: {year_birth: 1984}
    required: false,
}).then(posts => {
  /* ... */

If you want all Posts where the name is "Sunshine" and only if it belongs to a user that was born in 1984, you'd do this:

  where: {name: "Sunshine"},
  include: [{
    model: User,
    where: {year_birth: 1984}
}).then(posts => {
  /* ... */

If you want all Posts where the name is "Sunshine" and only if it belongs to a user that was born in the same year that matches the post_year attribute on the post, you'd do this:

  where: {name: "Sunshine"},
  include: [{
    model: User,
    where: ["year_birth = post_year"]
}).then(posts => {
  /* ... */

I know, it doesn't make sense that somebody would make a post the year they were born, but it's just an example - go with it. :)

I figured this out (mostly) from this doc:

Remove tracking branches no longer on remote

Based on Git Tip: Deleting Old Local Branches, which looks similar to jason.rickman's solution I implemented a custom command for this purpose called git gone using Bash:

$ git gone
usage: git gone [-pndD] [<branch>=origin]
  -p  prune remote branch
  -n  dry run: list the gone branches
  -d  delete the gone branches
  -D  delete the gone branches forcefully

git gone -pn    prune and dry run
git gone -d     delete the gone branches

git gone -pn combines the pruning and listing the "gone" branches:

$ git gone -pn
  bport/fix-server-broadcast         b472d5d2b [origin/bport/fix-server-broadcast: gone] Bump modules
  fport/rangepos                     45c857d15 [origin/fport/rangepos: gone] Bump modules

Then you can pull the trigger using git gone -d or git gone -D.


  • The regular expression I used is "$BRANCH/.*: gone]" where $BRANCH would normally be origin. This probably won't work if your Git output is localized to French etc.
  • Sebastian Wiesner also ported it to Rust for Windows users. That one is also called git gone.

How to change color of Android ListView separator line?

Use below code in your xml file


Adding IN clause List to a JPA Query

You must convert to List as shown below:

    String[] valores = hierarquia.split(".");       
    List<String> lista =  Arrays.asList(valores);

    String jpqlQuery = "SELECT a " +
            "FROM AcessoScr a " +
            "WHERE a.scr IN :param ";

    Query query = getEntityManager().createQuery(jpqlQuery, AcessoScr.class);                   
    query.setParameter("param", lista);     
    List<AcessoScr> acessos = query.getResultList();

MS-access reports - The search key was not found in any record - on save

These are the steps which i follows may be it is useful for you,

  1. Go to menu-tools-database utilities-compact and repair database.

  2. when repairing database delete or update that record.

  3. it is working finely.

Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of VALUE_STRING

This is the solution for my old question:

I implemented my own ContextResolver in order to enable the DeserializationConfig.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY feature.




public class ObjectMapperProvider implements ContextResolver<ObjectMapper>
   ObjectMapper mapper;

   public ObjectMapperProvider(){
       mapper = new ObjectMapper();
       mapper.configure(DeserializationConfig.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true);
   public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> type) {
       return mapper;

And in the web.xml I registered my package into the servlet definition...


... all the rest is transparently done by jersey/jackson.

How to style the menu items on an Android action bar

Instead of having the android:actionMenuTextAppearance item under your action bar style, move it under your app theme.

Nginx: Permission denied for nginx on Ubuntu

I just patch nginx binary replacing path /var/log/nginx/error.log and other with local path.

$ perl -pi \
    -e 's@/var/log/nginx/@_var_log_nginx/@g;' \
    -e 's@/var/lib/nginx/@_var_lib_nginx/@g;' \
    -e 's@/var/run/;' \
    -e 's@/run/;' \
    < /usr/sbin/nginx > nginx
$ chmod +x nginx
$ mkdir _var_log_nginx _var_lib_nginx _var_run _run
$ ./nginx -p . -c nginx.conf

It works for testing.

Kubernetes service external ip pending

same issue:

os>kubectl get svc right-sabertooth-wordpress

right-sabertooth-wordpress LoadBalancer "pending" 80:30454/TCP,443:30427/TCP

os>minikube service list




| default | kubernetes | No node port |

| default | right-sabertooth-mariadb | No node port |

| default | right-sabertooth-wordpress | |

| | | |

| kube-system | kube-dns | No node port |

| kube-system | tiller-deploy | No node port |


It is, however,accesible via that

Define make variable at rule execution time

Another possibility is to use separate lines to set up Make variables when a rule fires.

For example, here is a makefile with two rules. If a rule fires, it creates a temp dir and sets TMP to the temp dir name.

PHONY = ruleA ruleB display

all: ruleA

ruleA: TMP = $(shell mktemp -d testruleA_XXXX)
ruleA: display

ruleB: TMP = $(shell mktemp -d testruleB_XXXX)
ruleB: display

    echo ${TMP}

Running the code produces the expected result:

$ ls
$ make ruleB
echo testruleB_Y4Ow
$ ls
Makefile  testruleB_Y4Ow

What is the use of hashCode in Java?


Whenever you override equals(), you are also expected to override hashCode(). The hash code is used when storing the object as a key in a map.

A hash code is a number that puts instances of a class into a finite number of categories. Imagine that I gave you a deck of cards, and I told you that I was going to ask you for specific cards and I want to get the right card back quickly. You have as long as you want to prepare, but I’m in a big hurry when I start asking for cards. You might make 13 piles of cards: All of the aces in one pile, all the twos in another pile, and so forth. That way, when I ask for the five of hearts, you can just pull the right card out of the four cards in the pile with fives. It is certainly faster than going through the whole deck of 52 cards! You could even make 52 piles if you had enough space on the table.

reference : OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II

How do I initialize a dictionary of empty lists in Python?

Passing [] as second argument to dict.fromkeys() gives a rather useless result – all values in the dictionary will be the same list object.

In Python 2.7 or above, you can use a dicitonary comprehension instead:

data = {k: [] for k in range(2)}

In earlier versions of Python, you can use

data = dict((k, []) for k in range(2))

Copy folder structure (without files) from one location to another

You could do something like:

find . -type d > dirs.txt

to create the list of directories, then

xargs mkdir -p < dirs.txt

to create the directories on the destination.

Simplest/cleanest way to implement a singleton in JavaScript

Following is the snippet from my walkthrough to implement a singleton pattern. This occurred to me during an interview process and I felt that I should capture this somewhere.


// Since there aren't any classes in JavaScript, every object
// is technically a singleton if you don't inherit from it
// or copy from it.
var single = {};

// Singleton Implementations
// Declaring as a global are being judged!

var Logger = function() {
  // global_log is/will be defined in the GLOBAL scope here
  if(typeof global_log === 'undefined'){
    global_log = this;
  return global_log;

// The below 'fix' solves the GLOABL variable problem, but
// the log_instance is publicly available and thus can be
// tampered with.
function Logger() {
  if(typeof Logger.log_instance === 'undefined') {
    Logger.log_instance = this;

  return Logger.log_instance;

// The correct way to do it to give it a closure!

function logFactory() {
  var log_instance; // Private instance
  var _initLog = function() { // Private init method
    log_instance = 'initialized';
    console.log("logger initialized!")
  return {
    getLog : function(){ // The 'privileged' method
      if(typeof log_instance === 'undefined') {
      return log_instance;

/***** TEST CODE ************************************************

// Using the Logger singleton
var logger = logFactory(); // Did I just give LogFactory a closure?

// Create an instance of the logger
var a = logger.getLog();

// Do some work
// Get another instance of the logger
var b = logger.getLog();

// Check if the two logger instances are same
console.log(a === b); // true

The same can be found on my gist page.

How can I remove an element from a list, with lodash?

In Addition to @thefourtheye answer, using predicate instead of traditional anonymous functions:

  _.remove(obj.subTopics, (currentObject) => {
        return currentObject.subTopicId === stToDelete;


obj.subTopics = _.filter(obj.subTopics, (currentObject) => {
    return currentObject.subTopicId !== stToDelete;

Undefined columns selected when subsetting data frame

You want rows where that condition is true so you need a comma:

data[data$Ozone > 14, ]

Change a branch name in a Git repo

Assuming you're currently on the branch you want to rename:

git branch -m newname

This is documented in the manual for git-branch, which you can view using

man git-branch


git help branch

Specifically, the command is

git branch (-m | -M) [<oldbranch>] <newbranch>

where the parameters are:

       The name of an existing branch to rename.

       The new name for an existing branch. The same restrictions as for <branchname> apply.

<oldbranch> is optional, if you want to rename the current branch.

Swift convert unix time to date and time

It's simple to convert the Unix timestamp into the desired format. Lets suppose _ts is the Unix timestamp in long

let date = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: _ts)

let dayTimePeriodFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dayTimePeriodFormatter.dateFormat = "MMM dd YYYY hh:mm a"

 let dateString = dayTimePeriodFormatter.stringFromDate(date)

  print( " _ts value is \(_ts)")
  print( " _ts value is \(dateString)")

Check whether variable is number or string in JavaScript

You're looking for isNaN():


See JavaScript isNaN() Function at MDN.

Javascript / Chrome - How to copy an object from the webkit inspector as code

Follow the following steps:

  1. Output the object with console.log from your code, like so: console.log(myObject)
  2. Right click on the object and click "Store as Global Object". Chrome would print the name of the variable at this point. Let's assume it's called "temp1".
  3. In the console, type: JSON.stringify(temp1).
  4. At this point you will see the entire JSON object as a string that you can copy/paste.
  5. You can use online tools like to prettify your string at this point.

How to check version of a CocoaPods framework

pod --version used this to check the version of the last installed pod

Assignment makes pointer from integer without cast

strToLower's return type should be char* not char (or it should return nothing at all, since it doesn't re-allocate the string)

How can I split a text into sentences?

Also, be wary of additional top level domains that aren't included in some of the answers above.

For example .info, .biz, .ru, .online will throw some sentence parsers but aren't included above.

Here's some info on frequency of top level domains:

That could be addressed by editing the code above to read:

alphabets= "([A-Za-z])"
prefixes = "(Mr|St|Mrs|Ms|Dr)[.]"
suffixes = "(Inc|Ltd|Jr|Sr|Co)"
starters = "(Mr|Mrs|Ms|Dr|He\s|She\s|It\s|They\s|Their\s|Our\s|We\s|But\s|However\s|That\s|This\s|Wherever)"
acronyms = "([A-Z][.][A-Z][.](?:[A-Z][.])?)"
websites = "[.](com|net|org|io|gov|ai|edu||ru|info|biz|online)"

How can I add a line to a file in a shell script?

This doesn't use sed, but using >> will append to a file. For example:

echo 'one, two, three' >> testfile.csv

Edit: To prepend to a file, try something like this:

echo "text"|cat - yourfile > /tmp/out && mv /tmp/out yourfile

I found this through a quick Google search.

"unrecognized import path" with go get

I encountered this issue when installing a different package, and it could be caused by the GOROOT and GOPATH configuration on your PATH. I tend not to set GOROOT because my OS X installation handled it (I believe) for me.

  1. Ensure the following in your .profile (or wherever you store profile configuration: .bash_profile, .zshrc, .bashrc, etc):

    export GOPATH=$HOME/go
    export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
  2. Also, you likely want to unset GOROOT, as well, in case that path is also incorrect.

  3. Furthermore, be sure to clean your PATH, similarly to what I've done below, just before the GOPATH assignment, i.e.:

    export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
    export GOPATH=$HOME/go
    export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
  4. Then, source <.profile> to activate

  5. retry go get

How to retrieve records for last 30 minutes in MS SQL?

Change this (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP-30)

To This: DateADD(mi, -30, Current_TimeStamp)

To get the current date use GetDate().

MSDN Link to DateAdd Function
MSDN Link to Get Date Function

gradient descent using python and numpy

I know this question already have been answer but I have made some update to the GD function :


def cost(theta,X,y):
     ### Evaluate half MSE (Mean square error)
     m = len(y)
     error =,theta) - y
     J = np.sum(error ** 2)/(2*m)
     return J


def GD(X,y,theta,alpha):

    cost_histo = [0]
    theta_histo = [0]

    # an arbitrary gradient, to pass the initial while() check
    delta = [np.repeat(1,len(X))]
    # Initial theta
    old_cost = cost(theta,X,y)

    while (np.max(np.abs(delta)) > 1e-6):
        error =,theta) - y
        delta =,error)/len(y)
        trial_theta = theta - alpha * delta
        trial_cost = cost(trial_theta,X,y)
        while (trial_cost >= old_cost):
            trial_theta = (theta +trial_theta)/2
            trial_cost = cost(trial_theta,X,y)
            cost_histo = cost_histo + trial_cost
            theta_histo = theta_histo +  trial_theta
        old_cost = trial_cost
        theta = trial_theta
    Intercept = theta[0] 
    Slope = theta[1]  
    return [Intercept,Slope]

res = GD(X,y,theta,alpha)

This function reduce the alpha over the iteration making the function too converge faster see Estimating linear regression with Gradient Descent (Steepest Descent) for an example in R. I apply the same logic but in Python.

CSS/HTML: Create a glowing border around an Input Field

This will create glowing input fields and textareas:

    transition: border-color 0.15s ease-in-out 0s, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out 0s;
    border: 1px solid #c4c4c4;
    border-radius: 4px;
    -moz-border-radius: 4px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #d9d9d9;
    -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #d9d9d9;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #d9d9d9;

input:focus,textarea:focus { 
    outline: none;
    border: 1px solid #7bc1f7;
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #7bc1f7;
    -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #7bc1f7;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #7bc1f7;

how to return index of a sorted list?

You can do this with numpy's argsort method if you have numpy available:

>>> import numpy
>>> vals = numpy.array([2,3,1,4,5])
>>> vals
array([2, 3, 1, 4, 5])
>>> sort_index = numpy.argsort(vals)
>>> sort_index
array([2, 0, 1, 3, 4])

If not available, taken from this question, this is the fastest method:

>>> vals = [2,3,1,4,5]
>>> sorted(range(len(vals)), key=vals.__getitem__)
[2, 0, 1, 3, 4]

add class with JavaScript

Here is a method adapted from Jquery 2.1.1 that take a dom element instead of a jquery object (so jquery is not needed). Includes type checks and regex expressions:

function addClass(element, value) {
    // Regex terms
    var rclass = /[\t\r\n\f]/g,
        rnotwhite = (/\S+/g);

    var classes,
        proceed = typeof value === "string" && value;

    if (!proceed) return element;

    classes = (value || "").match(rnotwhite) || [];

    cur = element.nodeType === 1
        && (element.className
                ? (" " + element.className + " ").replace(rclass, " ")
                : " "

    if (!cur) return element;

    var j = 0;

    while ((curClass = classes[j++])) {

        if (cur.indexOf(" " + curClass + " ") < 0) {

            cur += curClass + " ";



    // only assign if different to avoid unneeded rendering.
    finalValue = cur.trim();

    if (element.className !== finalValue) {

        element.className = finalValue;


    return element;

Ajax request returns 200 OK, but an error event is fired instead of success

I have the similar problem but when I tried to remove the datatype:'json' I still have the problem. My error is executing instead of the Success

function cmd(){
    var data = JSON.stringify(display1());
        type: 'POST',
        url: '/cmd',
        contentType:'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        data: data,
        success: function(res){
                  console.log('Success in running run_id ajax')
                   //   type: "GET",
                   //   url: "/runid",
                   //   contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8",
                   //   dataType:"json",
                   //   data: data,
                   //  success:function display_runid(){}
                  // });
        error: function(req, err){ console.log('my message: ' + err); }

Quickest way to convert XML to JSON in Java

I have uploaded the project you can directly open in eclipse and run that's all

Thank You

How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL server?

In SQL Server 2005

  (SELECT N', ' + Name FROM Names FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE)

In SQL Server 2016

you can use the FOR JSON syntax


Emails = JSON_VALUE(
     (SELECT _ = em.Email FROM Email em WHERE em.Person = per.ID FOR JSON PATH)
    ,'"},{"_":"',', '),'$[0]._'
FROM Person per

And the result will become

Id  Emails
1   [email protected]
2   NULL
3   [email protected], [email protected]

This will work even your data contains invalid XML characters

the '"},{"_":"' is safe because if you data contain '"},{"_":"', it will be escaped to "},{\"_\":\"

You can replace ', ' with any string separator

And in SQL Server 2017, Azure SQL Database

You can use the new STRING_AGG function

document.all vs. document.getElementById

Specifically, document.all was introduced for IE4 BEFORE document.getElementById had been introduced.

So, the presence of document.all means that the code is intended to support IE4, or is trying to identify the browser as IE4 (though it could have been Opera), or the person who wrote (or copied and pasted) the code wasn't up on the latest.

In the highly unlikely event that you need to support IE4, then, you do need document.all (or a library that handles these ancient IE specs).

Real escape string and PDO

Use prepared statements. Those keep the data and syntax apart, which removes the need for escaping MySQL data. See e.g. this tutorial.

How to get the total number of rows of a GROUP BY query?

Here is the solution for you

$sql="SELECT count(*) FROM [tablename] WHERE key == ? ";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
echo $rows[0];

Log exception with traceback

Heres a simple example taken from the python 2.6 documentation:

import logging
LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/logging_example.out'

logging.debug('This message should go to the log file')

How to iterate through two lists in parallel?

You want the zip function.

for (f,b) in zip(foo, bar):
    print "f: ", f ,"; b: ", b

Force IE compatibility mode off using tags

As suggested in this answer to a related question, "edge" mode can be set in the Web.Config file. This will make it apply to all HTML returned from the application without the need to insert it into individual pages:

                <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=edge" />

This same step can also be accomplished by modifying the "HTTP Response Headers" using IIS Manager for the IIS server, entire website, or specific applications.

How to tell if UIViewController's view is visible

XCode 6.4, for iOS 8.4, ARC enabled

Obviously lots of ways of doing it. The one that has worked for me is the following...

@property(nonatomic, readonly, getter=isKeyWindow) BOOL keyWindow

This can be used in any view controller in the following way,

[self.view.window isKeyWindow]

If you call this property in -(void)viewDidLoad you get 0, then if you call this after -(void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated you get 1.

Hope this helps someone. Thanks! Cheers.

Distinct in Linq based on only one field of the table

try this code :

table1.GroupBy(x => x.Text).Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault());

How to remove focus border (outline) around text/input boxes? (Chrome)

input:focus {

This will do. Orange outline won't show up anymore.

Python/Json:Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes

Quite simply, that string is not valid JSON. As the error says, JSON documents need to use double quotes.

You need to fix the source of the data.

Iterate through Nested JavaScript Objects

You can create a recursive function like this to do a depth-first traversal of the cars object.

var findObjectByLabel = function(obj, label) {
    if(obj.label === label) { return obj; }
    for(var i in obj) {
            var foundLabel = findObjectByLabel(obj[i], label);
            if(foundLabel) { return foundLabel; }
    return null;

which can be called like so

findObjectByLabel(car, "Chevrolet");

Array initialization in Perl

If I understand you, perhaps you don't need an array of zeroes; rather, you need a hash. The hash keys will be the values in the other array and the hash values will be the number of times the value exists in the other array:

use strict;
use warnings;

my @other_array = (0,0,0,1,2,2,3,3,3,4);
my %tallies;
$tallies{$_} ++ for @other_array;

print "$_ => $tallies{$_}\n" for sort {$a <=> $b} keys %tallies;    


0 => 3
1 => 1
2 => 2
3 => 3
4 => 1

To answer your specific question more directly, to create an array populated with a bunch of zeroes, you can use the technique in these two examples:

my @zeroes = (0) x 5;            # (0,0,0,0,0)

my @zeroes = (0) x @other_array; # A zero for each item in @other_array.
                                 # This works because in scalar context
                                 # an array evaluates to its size.

python selenium click on button

try this:

download firefox, add the plugin "firebug" and "firepath"; after install them go to your webpage, start firebug and find the xpath of the element, it unique in the page so you can't make any mistake.

See picture: instruction

browser.find_element_by_xpath('just copy and paste the Xpath').click()

How to commit and rollback transaction in sql server?

Avoid direct references to '@@ERROR'. It's a flighty little thing that can be lost.

Declare @ErrorCode int;
... perform stuff ...
Set @ErrorCode = @@ERROR;
... other stuff ...
if @ErrorCode ...... 

What is console.log in jQuery?

it will print log messages in your developer console (firebug/webkit dev tools/ie dev tools)

Execute a batch file on a remote PC using a batch file on local PC

If you are in same WORKGROUP shutdown.exe /s /m \\<target-computer-name> should be enough shutdown /? for more, otherwise you need software to connect and control the target server.


Seems shutdown.bat here is for shutting down apache-tomcat.

So, you might be interested to psexec or PuTTY: A Free Telnet/SSH Client

As native solution could be wmic


wmic /node:<target-computer-name> process call create "cmd.exe c:\\somefolder\\batch.bat"

In your example should be:

wmic /node:inidsoasrv01 process call create ^
    "cmd.exe D:\\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\\apache-tomcat-7.0.30\\bin\\shutdown.bat"

wmic /? and wmic /node /? for more

A process crashed in windows .. Crash dump location

The location is in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps


HTML5 Video tag not working in Safari , iPhone and iPad

Working around for few days into the same problem (and after check "playsinline" and "autoplay" and "muted" ok, "mime-types" and "range" in server ok, etc). The solution for all browsers was:

<video controls autoplay loop muted playsinline>
    <source src="" type="video/mp4">

Yes: convert video to .MOV and type="video/mp4" in the same tag. Working!

Javascript, Change google map marker color

You can use the strokeColor property:

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    id: "some-id",
    icon: {
        path: google.maps.SymbolPath.FORWARD_CLOSED_ARROW,
        strokeColor: "red",
        scale: 3
    map: map,
    title: "some-title",
    position: myLatlng

See this page for other possibilities.

usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l<nameOfTheLibrary>

There does not seem to be any answer which addresses the very common beginner problem of failing to install the required library in the first place.

On Debianish platforms, if libfoo is missing, you can frequently install it with something like

apt-get install libfoo-dev

The -dev version of the package is required for development work, even trivial development work such as compiling source code to link to the library.

The package name will sometimes require some decorations (libfoo0-dev? foo-dev without the lib prefix? etc), or you can simply use your distro's package search to find out precisely which packages provide a particular file.

(If there is more than one, you will need to find out what their differences are. Picking the coolest or the most popular is a common shortcut, but not an acceptable procedure for any serious development work.)

For other architectures (most notably RPM) similar procedures apply, though the details will be different.

How to split a data frame?

I just posted a kind of a RFC that might help you: Split a vector into chunks in R

x = data.frame(num = 1:26, let = letters, LET = LETTERS)
## number of chunks
n <- 2
dfchunk <- split(x, factor(sort(rank(row.names(x))%%n)))
   num let LET
1    1   a   A
2    2   b   B
3    3   c   C
4    4   d   D
5    5   e   E
6    6   f   F
7    7   g   G
8    8   h   H
9    9   i   I
10  10   j   J
11  11   k   K
12  12   l   L
13  13   m   M

   num let LET
14  14   n   N
15  15   o   O
16  16   p   P
17  17   q   Q
18  18   r   R
19  19   s   S
20  20   t   T
21  21   u   U
22  22   v   V
23  23   w   W
24  24   x   X
25  25   y   Y
26  26   z   Z

Cheers, Sebastian

Convert from days to milliseconds

You can use this utility class -

public class DateUtils
    public static final long SECOND_IN_MILLIS = 1000;
    public static final long MINUTE_IN_MILLIS = SECOND_IN_MILLIS * 60;
    public static final long HOUR_IN_MILLIS = MINUTE_IN_MILLIS * 60;
    public static final long DAY_IN_MILLIS = HOUR_IN_MILLIS * 24;
    public static final long WEEK_IN_MILLIS = DAY_IN_MILLIS * 7;

If you are working on Android framework then just import it (also named DateUtils) under package android.text.format

Is #pragma once a safe include guard?

Using #pragma once should work on any modern compiler, but I don't see any reason not to use a standard #ifndef include guard. It works just fine. The one caveat is that GCC didn't support #pragma once before version 3.4.

I also found that, at least on GCC, it recognizes the standard #ifndef include guard and optimizes it, so it shouldn't be much slower than #pragma once.

How to resolve 'unrecognized selector sent to instance'?

1) Is the synthesize within @implementation block?

2) Should you refer to self.classA = [[ClassA alloc] init]; and self.classA.downloadUrl = @"..." instead of plain classA?

3) In your myApp.m file you need to import ClassA.h, when it's missing it will default to a number, or pointer? (in C variables default to int if not found by compiler):

#import "ClassA.h".

Switch case with fallthrough?

Use a vertical bar (|) for "or".

case "$C" in
"2" | "3")

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.log4j.Level

In my environment, I just added the two files to class path. And is work fine.


Can't import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet

I had the same issue using Spring, solved by adding Tomcat Server Runtime to build path.

Python xml ElementTree from a string source?

You need the xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(text)

from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML, fromstring
myxml = fromstring(text)

How to process POST data in Node.js?

Limit POST size avoid flood your node app. There is a great raw-body module, suitable both for express and connect, that can help you limit request by size and length.

static constructors in C++? I need to initialize private static objects

It certainly doesn't need to be as complicated as the currently accepted answer (by Daniel Earwicker). The class is superfluous. There's no need for a language war in this case.

.hpp file:

vector<char> const & letters();

.cpp file:

vector<char> const & letters()
  static vector<char> v = {'a', 'b', 'c', ...};
  return v;

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen()

The function mb_strlen() is not enabled by default in PHP. Please read the manual for installation details:

How to select clear table contents without destroying the table?

How about:


That will keep your table structure and headings, but clear all the data and rows.

EDIT: I'm going to just modify a section of my answer from your previous post, as it does mostly what you want. This leaves just one row:

With loSource
   .DataBodyRange.Offset(1).Resize(.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count - 1, .DataBodyRange.Columns.Count).Rows.Delete
End With

If you want to leave all the rows intact with their formulas and whatnot, just do:

With loSource
End With

Which is close to what @Readify suggested, except it won't clear formulas.

How do I manually configure a DataSource in Java?

DataSource is vendor-specific, for MySql you could use MysqlDataSource which is provided in the MySql Java connector jar:

    MysqlDataSource dataSource = new MysqlDataSource();

Spring CrudRepository findByInventoryIds(List<Long> inventoryIdList) - equivalent to IN clause

findByInventoryIdIn(List<Long> inventoryIdList) should do the trick.

The HTTP request parameter format would be like so:

Yes ?id=1,2,3
No  ?id=1&id=2&id=3

The complete list of JPA repository keywords can be found in the current documentation listing. It shows that IsIn is equivalent – if you prefer the verb for readability – and that JPA also supports NotIn and IsNotIn.

UILabel is not auto-shrinking text to fit label size

In Swift 3 (Programmatically) I had to do this:

let lbl = UILabel()
lbl.numberOfLines = 0
lbl.lineBreakMode = .byClipping
lbl.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
lbl.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5
lbl.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)

Changing specific text's color using NSMutableAttributedString in Swift

Based on the answers before I created a string extension

extension String {

func highlightWordsIn(highlightedWords: String, attributes: [[NSAttributedStringKey: Any]]) -> NSMutableAttributedString {
     let range = (self as NSString).range(of: highlightedWords)
     let result = NSMutableAttributedString(string: self)

     for attribute in attributes {
         result.addAttributes(attribute, range: range)

     return result

You can pass the attributes for the text to the method

Call like this

  let attributes = [[], [NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 17)]]
  myLabel.attributedText = "This is a text".highlightWordsIn(highlightedWords: "is a text", attributes: attributes)

Entity Framework code first unique column

Note that in Entity Framework 6.1 (currently in beta) will support the IndexAttribute to annotate the index properties which will automatically result in a (unique) index in your Code First Migrations.

How to round up a number in Javascript?

I've been using @AndrewMarshall answer for a long time, but found some edge cases. The following tests doesn't pass:

equals(roundUp(9.69545, 4), 9.6955);
equals(roundUp(37.760000000000005, 4), 37.76);
equals(roundUp(5.83333333, 4), 5.8333);

Here is what I now use to have round up behave correctly:

// Closure
(function() {
   * Decimal adjustment of a number.
   * @param {String}  type  The type of adjustment.
   * @param {Number}  value The number.
   * @param {Integer} exp   The exponent (the 10 logarithm of the adjustment base).
   * @returns {Number} The adjusted value.
  function decimalAdjust(type, value, exp) {
    // If the exp is undefined or zero...
    if (typeof exp === 'undefined' || +exp === 0) {
      return Math[type](value);
    value = +value;
    exp = +exp;
    // If the value is not a number or the exp is not an integer...
    if (isNaN(value) || !(typeof exp === 'number' && exp % 1 === 0)) {
      return NaN;
    // If the value is negative...
    if (value < 0) {
      return -decimalAdjust(type, -value, exp);
    // Shift
    value = value.toString().split('e');
    value = Math[type](+(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] - exp) : -exp)));
    // Shift back
    value = value.toString().split('e');
    return +(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] + exp) : exp));

  // Decimal round
  if (!Math.round10) {
    Math.round10 = function(value, exp) {
      return decimalAdjust('round', value, exp);
  // Decimal floor
  if (!Math.floor10) {
    Math.floor10 = function(value, exp) {
      return decimalAdjust('floor', value, exp);
  // Decimal ceil
  if (!Math.ceil10) {
    Math.ceil10 = function(value, exp) {
      return decimalAdjust('ceil', value, exp);

// Round
Math.round10(55.55, -1);   // 55.6
Math.round10(55.549, -1);  // 55.5
Math.round10(55, 1);       // 60
Math.round10(54.9, 1);     // 50
Math.round10(-55.55, -1);  // -55.5
Math.round10(-55.551, -1); // -55.6
Math.round10(-55, 1);      // -50
Math.round10(-55.1, 1);    // -60
Math.round10(1.005, -2);   // 1.01 -- compare this with Math.round(1.005*100)/100 above
Math.round10(-1.005, -2);  // -1.01
// Floor
Math.floor10(55.59, -1);   // 55.5
Math.floor10(59, 1);       // 50
Math.floor10(-55.51, -1);  // -55.6
Math.floor10(-51, 1);      // -60
// Ceil
Math.ceil10(55.51, -1);    // 55.6
Math.ceil10(51, 1);        // 60
Math.ceil10(-55.59, -1);   // -55.5
Math.ceil10(-59, 1);       // -50


Could not find an implementation of the query pattern

Hi easiest way to do this is to convert this IEnumerable into a Queryable

If it is a queryable, then performing queries becomes easy.

Please check this code:

var result = (from s in _ctx.ScannedDatas.AsQueryable()
                              where s.Data == scanData
                              select s.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                return "Match Found";

Make sure you include System.Linq. This way your error will be resolved.

Java and SQLite

The example code leads to a memory leak in Tomcat (after undeploying the webapp, the classloader still remains in memory) which will cause an outofmemory eventually. The way to solve it is to use the sqlite-jdbc-3.7.8.jar; it's a snapshot, so it doesn't appear for maven yet.

"X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE"

In certain cases, it might be necessary to restrict the display of a webpage to a document mode supported by an earlier version of Internet Explorer. You can do this by serving the page with an x-ua-compatible header. For more info, see Specifying legacy document modes.

Thus this tag is used to future proof the webpage, such that the older / compatible engine is used to render it the same way as intended by the creator.

Make sure that you have checked it to work properly with the IE version you specify.

LINQ: Select where object does not contain items from list

dump this into a more specific collection of just the ids you don't want

var notTheseBarIds = filterBars.Select(fb => fb.BarId);

then try this:

fooSelect = (from f in fooBunch
             where !notTheseBarIds.Contains(f.BarId)
             select f).ToList();

or this:

fooSelect = fooBunch.Where(f => !notTheseBarIds.Contains(f.BarId)).ToList();

How to calculate UILabel width based on text length?

CGSize expectedLabelSize = [yourString sizeWithFont:yourLabel.font 

What is -[NSString sizeWithFont:forWidth:lineBreakMode:] good for?

this question might have your answer, it worked for me.

For 2014, I edited in this new version, based on the ultra-handy comment by Norbert below! This does everything. Cheers

// yourLabel is your UILabel.

float widthIs = 
  attributes:@{ NSFontAttributeName:self.yourLabel.font }

NSLog(@"the width of yourLabel is %f", widthIs);

How can I get the status code from an http error in Axios?

You can use the spread operator (...) to force it into a new object like this:

    .then((response) => {})
    .catch((error) => {

Be aware: this will not be an instance of Error.

WAMP shows error 'MSVCR100.dll' is missing when install

Edit: Since I have encountered the same issue again, I have noticed that my previous solution did not work; as well as any other solution posted here. I am using Windows 7 Professional (64 Bit).

This time, I have placed the 'MSVCR100.dll'file (downloaded as a ZIP, then extracted onto Desktop and then copied) into a C:\Windows folder

and then installer WAMP Server, 64BIT.

Then, I have downloaded and installed:

filename: vcredist_x64.exe

I have only tested it with the PHP from a command-prompt, since I do everything else on a server and not a local-host.

Although it works for what I need to use it


php gives Failed loading php_xdebug-2.2.5-5.5-vc11.dll

php -v -WORKS!

Please let me know if this worked for you or not or if there is something else I need to do to improve the fix.

Formatting numbers (decimal places, thousands separators, etc) with CSS

You could use Jstl tag Library for formatting for JSP Pages

JSP Page
//import the jstl lib
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>

<c:set var="balance" value="120000.2309" />
<p>Formatted Number (1): <fmt:formatNumber value="${balance}" 
<p>Formatted Number (2): <fmt:formatNumber type="number" 
        maxIntegerDigits="3" value="${balance}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Number (3): <fmt:formatNumber type="number" 
        maxFractionDigits="3" value="${balance}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Number (4): <fmt:formatNumber type="number" 
        groupingUsed="false" value="${balance}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Number (5): <fmt:formatNumber type="percent" 
        maxIntegerDigits="3" value="${balance}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Number (6): <fmt:formatNumber type="percent" 
        minFractionDigits="10" value="${balance}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Number (7): <fmt:formatNumber type="percent" 
        maxIntegerDigits="3" value="${balance}" /></p>
<p>Formatted Number (8): <fmt:formatNumber type="number" 
        pattern="###.###E0" value="${balance}" /></p>


Formatted Number (1): £120,000.23

Formatted Number (2): 000.231

Formatted Number (3): 120,000.231

Formatted Number (4): 120000.231

Formatted Number (5): 023%

Formatted Number (6): 12,000,023.0900000000%

Formatted Number (7): 023%

Formatted Number (8): 120E3

How to accept Date params in a GET request to Spring MVC Controller?

This is what I did to get formatted date from front end

  @RequestMapping(value = "/{dateString}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public HttpStatus getSomething(@PathVariable @DateTimeFormat(iso = DateTimeFormat.ISO.DATE) String dateString) {
   return OK;

You can use it to get what you want.

How do I parse a string into a number with Dart?

Convert String to Int

var myInt = int.parse('12345');
assert(myInt is int);
print(myInt); // 12345

Convert String to Double

var myDouble = double.parse('123.45');
assert(myInt is double);
print(myDouble); // 123.45

Example in DartPad

screenshot of dartpad

.NET Excel Library that can read/write .xls files

You may consider 3rd party tool that called Excel Jetcell .NET component for read/write excel files:

C# sample

// Create New Excel Workbook
ExcelWorkbook Wbook = new ExcelWorkbook();
ExcelCellCollection Cells = Wbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1").Cells;

Cells["A1"].Value = "Excel writer example (C#)";
Cells["A1"].Style.Font.Bold = true;
Cells["B1"].Value = "=550 + 5";

// Write Excel XLS file

VB.NET sample

' Create New Excel Workbook
Dim Wbook As ExcelWorkbook = New ExcelWorkbook()
Dim Cells As ExcelCellCollection = Wbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1").Cells

Cells("A1").Value = "Excel writer example (C#)"
Cells("A1").Style.Font.Bold = True
Cells("B1").Value = "=550 + 5"

' Write Excel XLS file

Change default icon

Run it not through Visual Studio - then the icon should look just fine.

I believe it is because when you debug, Visual Studio runs <yourapp>.vshost.exe and not your application. The .vshost.exe file doesn't use your icon.

Ultimately, what you have done is correct.

  1. Go to the Project properties
  2. under Application tab change the default icon to your own
  3. Build the project
  4. Locate the .exe file in your favorite file explorer.

There, the icon should look fine. If you run it by clicking that .exe the icon should be correct in the application as well.

how to instanceof List<MyType>?

If you are verifying if a reference of a List or Map value of Object is an instance of a Collection, just create an instance of required List and get its class...

Set<Object> setOfIntegers = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(2, 4, 5));
assetThat(setOfIntegers).instanceOf(new ArrayList<Integer>().getClass());

Set<Object> setOfStrings = new HashSet(Arrays.asList("my", "name", "is"));
assetThat(setOfStrings).instanceOf(new ArrayList<String>().getClass());

How to use a variable for the database name in T-SQL?

You cannot use a variable in a create table statement. The best thing I can suggest is to write the entire query as a string and exec that.

Try something like this:

declare @query varchar(max);
set @query = 'create database TEST...';

exec (@query);

Make the console wait for a user input to close

You can just use nextLine(); as pause

import java.util.Scanner
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

void Read()
     System.out.print("Press any key to continue . . . ");

However any button you press except Enter means you will have to press Enter after that but I found it better than;

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: (...) executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

Get rid of your quotes around your command. When you quote it, docker tries to run the full string "lsb_release -a" as a command, which doesn't exist. Instead, you want to run the command lsb_release with an argument -a, and no quotes.

sudo docker exec -it c44f29d30753 lsb_release -a

Note, everything after the container name is the command and arguments to run inside the container, docker will not process any of that as options to the docker command.

Logger slf4j advantages of formatting with {} instead of string concatenation

Another alternative is String.format(). We are using it in jcabi-log (static utility wrapper around slf4j).

Logger.debug(this, "some variable = %s", value);

It's much more maintainable and extendable. Besides, it's easy to translate.

Truncate all tables in a MySQL database in one command?

mysqldump -u root -p --no-data dbname > schema.sql
mysqldump -u root -p drop dbname
mysqldump -u root -p < schema.sql

Connect to SQL Server through PDO using SQL Server Driver


    $conn = new PDO("sqlsrv:Server=$server_name;Database=$db_name;ConnectionPooling=0", "", "");

catch(PDOException $e)



How to check if JSON return is empty with jquery

if ( json.length == 0 ) 
console.log("NO !")

Get String in YYYYMMDD format from JS date object?

This is a single line of code that you can use to create a YYYY-MM-DD string of today's date.

var d = new Date().toISOString().slice(0,10);

Angular2 : Can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'form'

I think that this is an old error that you tried to fix by importing random things in your module and now the code does not compile anymore. while you don't pay attention to the shell output, the browser reload, and you still get the same error.

Your module should be :

  imports: [
  declarations: [
export class ContactModule {}

Remove an element from a Bash array

This is a quick-and-dirty solution that will work in simple cases but will break if (a) there are regex special characters in $delete, or (b) there are any spaces at all in any items. Starting with:


Delete all entries exactly matching $delete:

array=(`echo $array | fmt -1 | grep -v "^${delete}$" | fmt -999999`)

resulting in echo $array -> pippo, and making sure it's an array: echo $array[1] -> pippo

fmt is a little obscure: fmt -1 wraps at the first column (to put each item on its own line. That's where the problem arises with items in spaces.) fmt -999999 unwraps it back to one line, putting back the spaces between items. There are other ways to do that, such as xargs.

Addendum: If you want to delete just the first match, use sed, as described here:

array=(`echo $array | fmt -1 | sed "0,/^${delete}$/{//d;}" | fmt -999999`)

insert datetime value in sql database with c#

INSERT INTO <table> (<date_column>) VALUES ('1/1/2010 12:00')

SQL Error: ORA-12899: value too large for column

ORA-12899: value too large for column "DJ"."CUSTOMERS"."ADDRESS" (actual: 25, maximum: 2

Tells you what the error is. Address can hold maximum of 20 characters, you are passing 25 characters.

MySQL LIMIT on DELETE statement

First I struggled a bit with a DELETE FROM ... USING ... WHERE query,... Since i wanted to test first so i tried with SELECT FROM ... USING... WHERE ... and this caused an error , ... Then i wanted to reduce the number of deletions adding
LIMIT 10 which also produced an error Then i removed the "LIMIT" and - hurray - it worked: "1867 rows deleted. (Query took 1.3025 seconds.)"

The query was:

USING tableX , tableX as Dup 
WHERE NOT tableX .id = 
 AND tableX .id > 
 AND tableX .email= 
 AND tableX .mobil = Dup.mobil

This worked.

How to paginate with Mongoose in Node.js?

I'm am very disappointed by the accepted answers in this question. This will not scale. If you read the fine print on cursor.skip( ):

The cursor.skip() method is often expensive because it requires the server to walk from the beginning of the collection or index to get the offset or skip position before beginning to return result. As offset (e.g. pageNumber above) increases, cursor.skip() will become slower and more CPU intensive. With larger collections, cursor.skip() may become IO bound.

To achieve pagination in a scaleable way combine a limit( ) along with at least one filter criterion, a createdOn date suits many purposes.

MyModel.find( { createdOn: { $lte: request.createdOnBefore } } )
.limit( 10 )
.sort( '-createdOn' )

Select columns based on string match - dplyr::select

Within the dplyr world, try:


See the Selection section in ?select for numerous other helpers like starts_with, ends_with, etc.

How to set adaptive learning rate for GradientDescentOptimizer?

Gradient descent algorithm uses the constant learning rate which you can provide in during the initialization. You can pass various learning rates in a way showed by Mrry.

But instead of it you can also use more advanced optimizers which have faster convergence rate and adapts to the situation.

Here is a brief explanation based on my understanding:

  • momentum helps SGD to navigate along the relevant directions and softens the oscillations in the irrelevant. It simply adds a fraction of the direction of the previous step to a current step. This achieves amplification of speed in the correct dirrection and softens oscillation in wrong directions. This fraction is usually in the (0, 1) range. It also makes sense to use adaptive momentum. In the beginning of learning a big momentum will only hinder your progress, so it makse sense to use something like 0.01 and once all the high gradients disappeared you can use a bigger momentom. There is one problem with momentum: when we are very close to the goal, our momentum in most of the cases is very high and it does not know that it should slow down. This can cause it to miss or oscillate around the minima
  • nesterov accelerated gradient overcomes this problem by starting to slow down early. In momentum we first compute gradient and then make a jump in that direction amplified by whatever momentum we had previously. NAG does the same thing but in another order: at first we make a big jump based on our stored information, and then we calculate the gradient and make a small correction. This seemingly irrelevant change gives significant practical speedups.
  • AdaGrad or adaptive gradient allows the learning rate to adapt based on parameters. It performs larger updates for infrequent parameters and smaller updates for frequent one. Because of this it is well suited for sparse data (NLP or image recognition). Another advantage is that it basically illiminates the need to tune the learning rate. Each parameter has its own learning rate and due to the peculiarities of the algorithm the learning rate is monotonically decreasing. This causes the biggest problem: at some point of time the learning rate is so small that the system stops learning
  • AdaDelta resolves the problem of monotonically decreasing learning rate in AdaGrad. In AdaGrad the learning rate was calculated approximately as one divided by the sum of square roots. At each stage you add another square root to the sum, which causes denominator to constantly decrease. In AdaDelta instead of summing all past square roots it uses sliding window which allows the sum to decrease. RMSprop is very similar to AdaDelta
  • Adam or adaptive momentum is an algorithm similar to AdaDelta. But in addition to storing learning rates for each of the parameters it also stores momentum changes for each of them separately

    A few visualizations: enter image description here enter image description here

Basic example of using .ajax() with JSONP?

In response to the OP, there are two problems with your code: you need to set jsonp='callback', and adding in a callback function in a variable like you did does not seem to work.

Update: when I wrote this the Twitter API was just open, but they changed it and it now requires authentication. I changed the second example to a working (2014Q1) example, but now using github.

This does not work any more - as an exercise, see if you can replace it with the Github API:

$('document').ready(function() {
    var pm_url = '';
    pm_url += '/user_timeline/stephenfry.json';
    pm_url += '?count=10&callback=photos';
        url: pm_url,
        dataType: 'jsonp',
        jsonpCallback: 'photos',
        jsonp: 'callback',
function photos (data) {

although alert()ing an array like that does not really work well... The "Net" tab in Firebug will show you the JSON properly. Another handy trick is doing


You can also use the jQuery.getJSON method. Here's a complete html example that gets a list of "gists" from github. This way it creates a randomly named callback function for you, that's the final "callback=?" in the url.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>JQuery (cross-domain) JSONP Twitter example</title>
        <script type="text/javascript"src=""></script>
                $.getJSON('', function(response){
                    $.each(, function(i, gist){
                        $('#gists').append('<li>' + gist.user.login + " (<a href='" + gist.html_url + "'>" + 
                            (gist.description == "" ? "undescribed" : gist.description) + '</a>)</li>');
        <ul id="gists"></ul>

How to format code in Xcode?

Select first the text you want to format and then press Ctrl+I.

Use Cmd+A first if you wish to format all text in the selected file.

Note: this procedure only re-indents the lines, it does not do any advanced formatting.

In XCode 12 beta:

The new key binding to re-indent is control+I. Read timed out under Tomcat

Connection.Response resp = Jsoup.connect(url) //
                .timeout(20000) //
                .method(Connection.Method.GET) //

actually, the error occurs when you have slow internet so try to maximize the timeout time and then your code will definitely work as it works for me.

How to set a selected option of a dropdown list control using angular JS

It can be usefull. Bindings dose not always work.

<select id="product" class="form-control" name="product" required
        ng-options=" as p.shortName for p in products">

For example. You fill options list source model from rest-service. Selected value was known befor filling list and was set. After executing rest-request with $http list option be done. But selected option is not set. By unknown reasons AngularJS in shadow $digest executing not bind selected as it shuold be. I gotta use JQuery to set selected. It`s important! Angular in shadow add prefix to value of attr "value" for generated by ng-repeat optinos. For int it is "number:".

$scope.issue.productId = productId;
function activate() {
     .then(function (response) {
       $scope.products =;

       if (productId) {
           console.log("" + $("#product option").length);//for clarity                       
           $timeout(function () {
               console.log("" + $("#product option").length);//for clarity
               //$scope.issue.productId = productId;//not work at all
           }, 200);

Compare 2 arrays which returns difference

var arrayDiff = function (firstArr, secondArr) {
    var i, o = [], fLen = firstArr.length, sLen = secondArr.length, len;

    if (fLen > sLen) {
        len = sLen;
    } else if (fLen < sLen) {
        len = fLen;
    } else {
        len = sLen;
    for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
        if (firstArr[i] !== secondArr[i]) {
            o.push({idx: i, elem1: firstArr[i], elem2: secondArr[i]});  //idx: array index

    if (fLen > sLen) {  // first > second
        for (i=sLen; i< fLen; i++) {
            o.push({idx: i, 0: firstArr[i], 1: undefined});
    } else if (fLen < sLen) {
        for (i=fLen; i< sLen; i++) {
            o.push({idx: i, 0: undefined, 1: secondArr[i]});

    return o;