[c#] How to specify a min but no max decimal using the range data annotation attribute?

I would like to specify that a decimal field for a price must be >= 0 but I don't really want to impose a max value.

Here's what I have so far...I'm not sure what the correct way to do this is.

[Range(typeof(decimal), "0", "??"] public decimal Price { get; set; }

This question is related to c# .net asp.net-mvc data-annotations

The answer is

You can use custom validation:

    [CustomValidation(typeof(ValidationMethods), "ValidateGreaterOrEqualToZero")]
    public int IntValue { get; set; }

    [CustomValidation(typeof(ValidationMethods), "ValidateGreaterOrEqualToZero")]
    public decimal DecValue { get; set; }

Validation methods type:

public class ValidationMethods
    public static ValidationResult ValidateGreaterOrEqualToZero(decimal value, ValidationContext context)
        bool isValid = true;

        if (value < decimal.Zero)
            isValid = false;

        if (isValid)
            return ValidationResult.Success;
            return new ValidationResult(
                string.Format("The field {0} must be greater than or equal to 0.", context.MemberName),
                new List<string>() { context.MemberName });

I was going to try something like this:

[Range(typeof(decimal), ((double)0).ToString(), ((double)decimal.MaxValue).ToString(), ErrorMessage = "Amount must be greater than or equal to zero.")]

The problem with doing this, though, is that the compiler wants a constant expression, which disallows ((double)0).ToString(). The compiler will take

[Range(0d, (double)decimal.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Amount must be greater than zero.")]

If you're working with prices, I'm sure you can safely assume nothing will cost more than 1 trillion dollars.

I'd use:

[Range(0.0, 1000000000000)]

Or if you really need it, just paste in the value of Decimal.MaxValue (without the commas): 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335

Either one of these will work well if you're not from Zimbabwe.

[Range(0.01,100000000,ErrorMessage = "Price must be greter than zero !")]

using Range with

[Range(typeof(Decimal), "0", "9999", ErrorMessage = "{0} must be a decimal/number between {1} and {2}.")]

[Range(typeof(Decimal),"0.0", "1000000000000000000"]

Hope it will help

You can use:


This will impose a required minimum value of 0 (zero), and no maximum value.

You need DataAnnotationsExtensions to use this.

How about something like this:

[Range(0.0, Double.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "The field {0} must be greater than {1}.")]

That should do what you are looking for and you can avoid using strings.

I would put decimal.MaxValue.ToString() since this is the effective ceiling for the decmial type it is equivalent to not having an upper bound.

If you are concerned about the string looking nice you could do this:

    [Range(0, Double.PositiveInfinity)]

This will have a default error message of:

The field SuchAndSuch must be between 0 and Infinity.

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