[mongodb] How to paginate with Mongoose in Node.js?

I am writing a webapp with Node.js and mongoose. How can I paginate the results I get from a .find() call? I would like a functionality comparable to "LIMIT 50,100" in SQL.

This question is related to mongodb node.js pagination mongoose

The answer is


//requiring asanas model
const asanas = require("../models/asanas");

const fetchAllAsanasDao = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

    var pageNo = parseInt(req.query.pageNo);
    var size = parseInt(req.query.size);
    var query = {};
        if (pageNo < 0 || pageNo === 0) {
            response = {
                "error": true,
                "message": "invalid page number, should start with 1"
            return res.json(response);
        query.skip = size * (pageNo - 1);
        query.limit = size;

            .find(pageNo , size , query)
        .then((asanasResult) => {
            .catch((error) => {


Pagination using mongoose, express and jade - Here's a link to my blog with more detail

var perPage = 10
  , page = Math.max(0, req.params.page)

    .skip(perPage * page)
        name: 'asc'
    .exec(function(err, events) {
        Event.count().exec(function(err, count) {
            res.render('events', {
                events: events,
                page: page,
                pages: count / perPage

In this case, you can add the query page and/ or limit to your URL as a query string.

For example:
?page=0&limit=25 // this would be added onto your URL: http:localhost:5000?page=0&limit=25

Since it would be a String we need to convert it to a Number for our calculations. Let's do it using the parseInt method and let's also provide some default values.

const pageOptions = {
    page: parseInt(req.query.page, 10) || 0,
    limit: parseInt(req.query.limit, 10) || 10

    .skip(pageOptions.page * pageOptions.limit)
    .exec(function (err, doc) {
        if(err) { res.status(500).json(err); return; };

BTW Pagination starts with 0

This is what I done it on code

var paginate = 20;
var page = pageNumber;
MySchema.find({}).sort('mykey', 1).skip((pageNumber-1)*paginate).limit(paginate)
    .exec(function(err, result) {
        // Write some stuff here

That is how I done it.

search = productName,

page = 1

// Pagination
router.get("/search/:page", (req, res, next) => {
  const resultsPerPage = 5;
  const page = req.params.page >= 1 ? req.params.page : 1;
  const query = req.query.search;

 page = page - 1 

  Product.find({ name: query })
    .sort({ name: "asc" })
    .skip(resultsPerPage * page)
    .then((results) => {
      return res.status(200).send(results);
    .catch((err) => {
      return res.status(500).send(err);

A solid approach to implement this would be to pass the values from the frontend using a query string. Let's say we want to get page #2 and also limit the output to 25 results.
The query string would look like this: ?page=2&limit=25 // this would be added onto your URL: http:localhost:5000?page=2&limit=25

Let's see the code:

// We would receive the values with req.query.<<valueName>>  => e.g. req.query.page
// Since it would be a String we need to convert it to a Number in order to do our
// necessary calculations. Let's do it using the parseInt() method and let's also provide some default values:

  const page = parseInt(req.query.page, 10) || 1; // getting the 'page' value
  const limit = parseInt(req.query.limit, 10) || 25; // getting the 'limit' value
  const startIndex = (page - 1) * limit; // this is how we would calculate the start index aka the SKIP value
  const endIndex = page * limit; // this is how we would calculate the end index

// We also need the 'total' and we can get it easily using the Mongoose built-in **countDocuments** method
  const total = await <<modelName>>.countDocuments();

// skip() will return a certain number of results after a certain number of documents.
// limit() is used to specify the maximum number of results to be returned.

// Let's assume that both are set (if that's not the case, the default value will be used for)

  query = query.skip(startIndex).limit(limit);

  // Executing the query
  const results = await query;

  // Pagination result 
 // Let's now prepare an object for the frontend
  const pagination = {};

// If the endIndex is smaller than the total number of documents, we have a next page
  if (endIndex < total) {
    pagination.next = {
      page: page + 1,

// If the startIndex is greater than 0, we have a previous page
  if (startIndex > 0) {
    pagination.prev = {
      page: page - 1,

 // Implementing some final touches and making a successful response (Express.js)

const advancedResults = {
    success: true,
    count: results.length,
    data: results
// That's it. All we have to do now is send the `results` to the frontend.

I would suggest implementing this logic into middleware so you can be able to use it for various routes/ controllers.

Try using mongoose function for pagination. Limit is the number of records per page and number of the page.

var limit = parseInt(body.limit);
var skip = (parseInt(body.page)-1) * parseInt(limit);


you can use the following line of code as well

per_page = parseInt(req.query.per_page) || 10
page_no = parseInt(req.query.page_no) || 1
var pagination = {
  limit: per_page ,
  skip:per_page * (page_no - 1)
users = await User.find({<CONDITION>}).limit(pagination.limit).skip(pagination.skip).exec()

this code will work in latest version of mongo

I'm am very disappointed by the accepted answers in this question. This will not scale. If you read the fine print on cursor.skip( ):

The cursor.skip() method is often expensive because it requires the server to walk from the beginning of the collection or index to get the offset or skip position before beginning to return result. As offset (e.g. pageNumber above) increases, cursor.skip() will become slower and more CPU intensive. With larger collections, cursor.skip() may become IO bound.

To achieve pagination in a scaleable way combine a limit( ) along with at least one filter criterion, a createdOn date suits many purposes.

MyModel.find( { createdOn: { $lte: request.createdOnBefore } } )
.limit( 10 )
.sort( '-createdOn' )

let page,limit,skip,lastPage, query;
 page = req.params.page *1 || 1;  //This is the page,fetch from the server
 limit = req.params.limit * 1 || 1; //  This is the limit ,it also fetch from the server
 skip = (page - 1) * limit;   // Number of skip document
 lastPage = page * limit;   //last index 
 counts = await userModel.countDocuments() //Number of document in the collection

query = query.skip(skip).limit(limit) //current page

const paginate = {}

//For previous page
if(skip > 0) {
   paginate.prev = {
       page: page - 1,
       limit: limit
//For next page
 if(lastPage < counts) {
  paginate.next = {
     page: page + 1,
     limit: limit
results = await query //Here is the final results of the query.

The best approach (IMO) is to use skip and limit BUT within a limited collections or documents.

To make the query within limited documents, we can use specific index like index on a DATE type field. See that below

let page = ctx.request.body.page || 1
let size = ctx.request.body.size || 10
let DATE_FROM = ctx.request.body.date_from
let DATE_TO = ctx.request.body.date_to

var start = (parseInt(page) - 1) * parseInt(size)

let result = await Model.find({ created_at: { $lte: DATE_FROM, $gte: DATE_TO } })
    .sort({ _id: -1 })
    .skip( start )
    .limit( size )        

            let per_page = 5;
            let num_page = Number(req.params.page);
            let max_pages = Math.ceil(data.length/per_page);
            if(num_page == 0 || num_page > max_pages){
                let starting = per_page*(num_page-1)
                let ending = per_page+starting
                res.render('posts', {posts:data.slice(starting,ending), pages: max_pages, current_page: num_page});

Use this simple plugin.



npm install mongoose-paginate-v2
_x000D_ Usage Add plugin to a schema and then use model paginate method:

const mongoose         = require('mongoose');_x000D_
const mongoosePaginate = require('mongoose-paginate-v2');_x000D_
const mySchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _x000D_
  /* your schema definition */ _x000D_
const myModel = mongoose.model('SampleModel',  mySchema); _x000D_
myModel.paginate().then({}) // Usage

If you are using mongoose as a source for a restful api have a look at 'restify-mongoose' and its queries. It has exactly this functionality built in.

Any query on a collection provides headers that are helpful here

test-01:~$ curl -s -D - localhost:3330/data?sort=-created -o /dev/null
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
link: </data?sort=-created&p=0>; rel="first", </data?sort=-created&p=1>; rel="next", </data?sort=-created&p=134715>; rel="last"
Response-Time: 37

So basically you get a generic server with a relatively linear load time for queries to collections. That is awesome and something to look at if you want to go into a own implementation.

Simple and powerful pagination solution

async getNextDocs(no_of_docs_required: number, last_doc_id?: string) {
    let docs

    if (!last_doc_id) {
        // get first 5 docs
        docs = await MySchema.find().sort({ _id: -1 }).limit(no_of_docs_required)
    else {
        // get next 5 docs according to that last document id
        docs = await MySchema.find({_id: {$lt: last_doc_id}})
                                    .sort({ _id: -1 }).limit(no_of_docs_required)
    return docs

last_doc_id: the last document id that you get

no_of_docs_required: the number of docs that you want to fetch i.e. 5, 10, 50 etc.

  1. If you don't provide the last_doc_id to the method, you'll get i.e. 5 latest docs
  2. If you've provided the last_doc_id then you'll get the next i.e. 5 documents.

Here is a version that I attach to all my models. It depends on underscore for convenience and async for performance. The opts allows for field selection and sorting using the mongoose syntax.

var _ = require('underscore');
var async = require('async');

function findPaginated(filter, opts, cb) {
  var defaults = {skip : 0, limit : 10};
  opts = _.extend({}, defaults, opts);

  filter = _.extend({}, filter);

  var cntQry = this.find(filter);
  var qry = this.find(filter);

  if (opts.sort) {
    qry = qry.sort(opts.sort);
  if (opts.fields) {
    qry = qry.select(opts.fields);

  qry = qry.limit(opts.limit).skip(opts.skip);

      function (cb) {
      function (cb) {
    function (err, results) {
      if (err) return cb(err);
      var count = 0, ret = [];

      _.each(results, function (r) {
        if (typeof(r) == 'number') {
          count = r;
        } else if (typeof(r) != 'number') {
          ret = r;

      cb(null, {totalCount : count, results : ret});

  return qry;

Attach it to your model schema.

MySchema.statics.findPaginated = findPaginated;

Using ts-mongoose-pagination

    const trainers = await Trainer.paginate(
        { user: req.userId },
            perPage: 3,
            page: 1,
            select: '-password, -createdAt -updatedAt -__v',
            sort: { createdAt: -1 },

    return res.status(200).json(trainers)

This is example function for getting the result of skills model with pagination and limit options

 export function get_skills(req, res){
     var page = req.body.page; // 1 or 2
     var size = req.body.size; // 5 or 10 per page
     var query = {};
     if(page < 0 || page === 0)
        result = {'status': 401,'message':'invalid page number,should start with 1'};
        return res.json(result);
     query.skip = size * (page - 1)
     query.limit = size
     Skills.count({},function(err1,tot_count){ //to get the total count of skills
            status: 401,
            message:'something went wrong!',
            err: err,
                     status: 200,
                     message:'Skills list',
                     data: data,
                     tot_count: tot_count,
                      status: 401,
                      message: 'something went wrong',
                      err: err
        }) //Skills.find end
 });//Skills.count end


Above answer's holds good.

Just an add-on for anyone who is into async-await rather than promise !!

const findAllFoo = async (req, resp, next) => {
    const pageSize = 10;
    const currentPage = 1;

    try {
        const foos = await FooModel.find() // find all documents
            .skip(pageSize * (currentPage - 1)) // we will not retrieve all records, but will skip first 'n' records
            .limit(pageSize); // will limit/restrict the number of records to display

        const numberOfFoos = await FooModel.countDocuments(); // count the number of records for that model

        resp.setHeader('max-records', numberOfFoos);

    } catch (err) {
            message: err

There are some good answers giving the solution that uses skip() & limit(), however, in some scenarios, we also need documents count to generate pagination. Here's what we do in our projects:

const PaginatePlugin = (schema, options) => {
  options = options || {}
  schema.query.paginate = async function(params) {
    const pagination = {
      limit: options.limit || 10,
      page: 1,
      count: 0
    pagination.limit = parseInt(params.limit) || pagination.limit
    const page = parseInt(params.page)
    pagination.page = page > 0 ? page : pagination.page
    const offset = (pagination.page - 1) * pagination.limit

    const [data, count] = await Promise.all([
    pagination.count = count;
    return { data, pagination }

mySchema.plugin(PaginatePlugin, { limit: DEFAULT_LIMIT })

// using async/await
const { data, pagination } = await MyModel.find(...)
  .paginate({ page: 1, limit: 10 })

// or using Promise
  .then(({ data, pagination }) => {

  .catch(err => {


You can do using mongoose-paginate-v2. For more info click here

const mongoose         = require('mongoose');
const mongoosePaginate = require('mongoose-paginate-v2');

const mySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    // your schema code
const myModel = mongoose.model('SampleModel',  mySchema);

myModel.paginate().then({}) // Usage

You can chain just like that:

var query = Model.find().sort('mykey', 1).skip(2).limit(5)

Execute the query using exec


This is a sample example you can try this,

var _pageNumber = 2,
  _pageSize = 50;

  Student.find({}, null, {
    sort: {
      Name: 1
  }).skip(_pageNumber > 0 ? ((_pageNumber - 1) * _pageSize) : 0).limit(_pageSize).exec(function(err, docs) {
    if (err)
        "TotalCount": count,
        "_Array": docs

Most easiest plugin for pagination.


Add plugin to a schema and then use model paginate method:

var mongoose         = require('mongoose');
var mongoosePaginate = require('mongoose-paginate-v2');

var mySchema = new mongoose.Schema({ 
    /* your schema definition */ 


var myModel = mongoose.model('SampleModel',  mySchema); 

myModel.paginate().then({}) // Usage

Was able to achieve results with async/await as well.

Code example below using an async handler with hapi v17 and mongoose v5

            method: 'GET',
            path: '/api/v1/paintings',
            config: {
                description: 'Get all the paintings',
                tags: ['api', 'v1', 'all paintings']
            handler: async (request, reply) => {
                 * Grab the querystring parameters
                 * page and limit to handle our pagination
                var pageOptions = {
                    page: parseInt(request.query.page) - 1 || 0, 
                    limit: parseInt(request.query.limit) || 10
                 * Apply our sort and limit
               try {
                    return await Painting.find()
                        .sort({dateCreated: 1, dateModified: -1})
                        .skip(pageOptions.page * pageOptions.limit)
               } catch(err) {
                   return err;


The easiest and more speedy way is, paginate with the objectId Example;

Initial load condition

condition = {limit:12, type:""};

Take the first and last ObjectId from response data

Page next condition

condition = {limit:12, type:"next", firstId:"57762a4c875adce3c38c662d", lastId:"57762a4c875adce3c38c6615"};

Page next condition

condition = {limit:12, type:"next", firstId:"57762a4c875adce3c38c6645", lastId:"57762a4c875adce3c38c6675"};

In mongoose

var condition = {};
    var sort = { _id: 1 };
    if (req.body.type == "next") {
        condition._id = { $gt: req.body.lastId };
    } else if (req.body.type == "prev") {
        sort = { _id: -1 };
        condition._id = { $lt: req.body.firstId };

var query = Model.find(condition, {}, { sort: sort }).limit(req.body.limit);

query.exec(function(err, properties) {
        return res.json({ "result": result);

You can write query like this.

mySchema.find().skip((page-1)*per_page).limit(per_page).exec(function(err, articles) {
        if (err) {
            return res.status(400).send({
                message: err
        } else {

page : page number coming from client as request parameters.
per_page : no of results shown per page

If you are using MEAN stack following blog post provides much of the information to create pagination in front end using angular-UI bootstrap and using mongoose skip and limit methods in the backend.

see : https://techpituwa.wordpress.com/2015/06/06/mean-js-pagination-with-angular-ui-bootstrap/

You can use a little package called Mongoose Paginate that makes it easier.

$ npm install mongoose-paginate

After in your routes or controller, just add :

 * querying for `all` {} items in `MyModel`
 * paginating by second page, 10 items per page (10 results, page 2)

MyModel.paginate({}, 2, 10, function(error, pageCount, paginatedResults) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('Pages:', pageCount);

You can either use skip() and limit(), but it's very inefficient. A better solution would be a sort on indexed field plus limit(). We at Wunderflats have published a small lib here: https://github.com/wunderflats/goosepage It uses the first way.

Examples related to mongodb

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Examples related to node.js

Hide Signs that Meteor.js was Used Querying date field in MongoDB with Mongoose SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module Server Discovery And Monitoring engine is deprecated How to fix ReferenceError: primordials is not defined in node UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.62.dylib error running php after installing node with brew on Mac internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:582 throw err DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues when I move my script to another server Please run `npm cache clean`

Examples related to pagination

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Examples related to mongoose

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