Was able to achieve results with async/await as well.
Code example below using an async handler with hapi v17 and mongoose v5
method: 'GET',
path: '/api/v1/paintings',
config: {
description: 'Get all the paintings',
tags: ['api', 'v1', 'all paintings']
handler: async (request, reply) => {
* Grab the querystring parameters
* page and limit to handle our pagination
var pageOptions = {
page: parseInt(request.query.page) - 1 || 0,
limit: parseInt(request.query.limit) || 10
* Apply our sort and limit
try {
return await Painting.find()
.sort({dateCreated: 1, dateModified: -1})
.skip(pageOptions.page * pageOptions.limit)
} catch(err) {
return err;