Programs & Examples On #Commandlink

How can I pass selected row to commandLink inside dataTable or ui:repeat?

Thanks to this site by Mkyong, the only solution that actually worked for us to pass a parameter was this

<h:commandLink action="#{user.editAction}">
    <f:param name="myId" value="#{}" />


public String editAction() {

  Map<String,String> params = 
  String idString = params.get("myId");
  long id = Long.parseLong(idString);

Technically, that you cannot pass to the method itself directly, but to the JSF request parameter map.

commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not set/updated

This is the solution, which is worked for me.

<p:commandButton id="b1" value="Save" process="userGroupSetupForm"
                    update="growl userGroupList userGroupSetupForm" />

Here, process="userGroupSetupForm" atrribute is mandatory for Ajax call. actionListener is calling a method from @ViewScope Bean. Also updating growl message, Datatable: userGroupList and Form: userGroupSetupForm.

How to serialize Joda DateTime with Jackson JSON processor?

In the object you're mapping:

@JsonSerialize(using = CustomDateSerializer.class)
public DateTime getDate() { ... }

In CustomDateSerializer:

public class CustomDateSerializer extends JsonSerializer<DateTime> {

    private static DateTimeFormatter formatter = 

    public void serialize(DateTime value, JsonGenerator gen, 
                          SerializerProvider arg2)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {


How to implement custom JsonConverter in JSON.NET to deserialize a List of base class objects?

As another variation on Totem's known type solution, you can use reflection to create a generic type resolver to avoid the need to use known type attributes.

This uses a technique similar to Juval Lowy's GenericResolver for WCF.

As long as your base class is abstract or an interface, the known types will be automatically determined rather than having to be decorated with known type attributes.

In my own case I opted to use a $type property to designate type in my json object rather than try to determine it from the properties, though you could borrow from other solutions here to use property based determination.

 public class JsonKnownTypeConverter : JsonConverter
    public IEnumerable<Type> KnownTypes { get; set; }

    public JsonKnownTypeConverter() : this(ReflectTypes())

    public JsonKnownTypeConverter(IEnumerable<Type> knownTypes)
        KnownTypes = knownTypes;

    protected object Create(Type objectType, JObject jObject)
        if (jObject["$type"] != null)
            string typeName = jObject["$type"].ToString();
            return Activator.CreateInstance(KnownTypes.First(x => typeName == x.Name));
            return Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);
        throw new InvalidOperationException("No supported type");

    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        if (KnownTypes == null)
            return false;

        return (objectType.IsInterface || objectType.IsAbstract) && KnownTypes.Any(objectType.IsAssignableFrom);

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        // Load JObject from stream
        JObject jObject = JObject.Load(reader);

        // Create target object based on JObject
        var target = Create(objectType, jObject);
        // Populate the object properties
        serializer.Populate(jObject.CreateReader(), target);
        return target;

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    //Static helpers
    static Assembly CallingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();

    static Type[] ReflectTypes()
        List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
        var referencedAssemblies = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies();
        foreach (var assemblyName in referencedAssemblies)
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
            Type[] typesInReferencedAssembly = GetTypes(assembly);

        return types.ToArray();

    static Type[] GetTypes(Assembly assembly, bool publicOnly = true)
        Type[] allTypes = assembly.GetTypes();

        List<Type> types = new List<Type>();

        foreach (Type type in allTypes)
            if (type.IsEnum == false &&
               type.IsInterface == false &&
               type.IsGenericTypeDefinition == false)
                if (publicOnly == true && type.IsPublic == false)
                    if (type.IsNested == false)
                    if (type.IsNestedPrivate == true)
        return types.ToArray();

It can then be installed as a formatter

GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.Converters.Add(new JsonKnownTypeConverter());

How to draw text using only OpenGL methods?

This article describes how to render text in OpenGL using various techniques.

With only using opengl, there are several ways:

  • using glBitmap
  • using textures
  • using display lists

Something like 'contains any' for Java set?

There's a bit rough method to do that. If and only if the A set contains some B's element than the call


will modify the A set. In this situation removeAll will return true (As stated at removeAll docs). But probably you don't want to modify the A set so you may think to act on a copy, like this way:

new HashSet(A).removeAll(B)

and the returning value will be true if the sets are not distinct, that is they have non-empty intersection.

Also see Apache Commons Collections

How to edit an Android app?

Generally speaking, a software product isn't your "property already", as you said in the comment. Most of the times (I won't be irresponsible to say anything in open), it's licensed to you. A license to use some thing is not the same thing as owning (property rights) that very same thing.

That's because there are authorship, copyright, intellectual property rights applicable to it. I don't know how things work in United States (or in your country), but it's generally accepted that the work of a mind, a creative work, must not be changed in its nature as such to make the expression of art to be different than that expression that the author intended. That applies for example, in some cases, to architectural work (in most countries, you can't change the appearance of a building to "desfigure" the work of art of the architect, without his prior consent). Exceptions are made, obviously, when the author expressly authorizes such changes (e.g., Creative Commons licenses, open source licenses etc.).

Anyway, that's why you see in most EULAs the typical sentence: "this software is licensed, not sold". That's the purpose and reason why.

Now that you understand the reasons why you can't wander around changing other people's art, let me be technical.

There are possible ways to decompile Java programs. You can use dex2jar, it provides a somewhat good start for you to start looking for things and changes. And perhaps rebuild the code by mounting back the pieces together. Good luck, as most people obfuscate their codes to make that harder.

However, let me say that it's still forbidden to change programs, as I said above. And it's extremely unethical. It makes me sad that people do that with no scruples (not saying it's your case, just warning you). It shouldn't need people to be at the other side to understand that. Or maybe that's just me, who lives in a country where piracy is rampant.

The tools are always out there. But the conscience, unfortunately, not always.

edit: in case it isn't clear enough already, I do NOT approve the use of these programs. I use them myself to check how hard my own applications are to be reverse engineered. But I also think that explaning is always better than denial (better be here).

Select rows having 2 columns equal value

FROM my_table
WHERE column_a <=> column_b AND column_a <=> column_c

c# Image resizing to different size while preserving aspect ratio

This should do it.

private void resizeImage(string path, string originalFilename, 
                     /* note changed names */
                     int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight, 
                     /* new */
                     int originalWidth, int originalHeight)
    Image image = Image.FromFile(path + originalFilename);

    System.Drawing.Image thumbnail = 
        new Bitmap(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); // changed parm names
    System.Drawing.Graphics graphic = 

    graphic.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
    graphic.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
    graphic.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
    graphic.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;

    /* ------------------ new code --------------- */

    // Figure out the ratio
    double ratioX = (double) canvasWidth / (double) originalWidth;
    double ratioY = (double) canvasHeight / (double) originalHeight;
    // use whichever multiplier is smaller
    double ratio = ratioX < ratioY ? ratioX : ratioY;

    // now we can get the new height and width
    int newHeight = Convert.ToInt32(originalHeight * ratio);
    int newWidth = Convert.ToInt32(originalWidth * ratio);

    // Now calculate the X,Y position of the upper-left corner 
    // (one of these will always be zero)
    int posX = Convert.ToInt32((canvasWidth - (originalWidth * ratio)) / 2);
    int posY = Convert.ToInt32((canvasHeight - (originalHeight * ratio)) / 2);

    graphic.Clear(Color.White); // white padding
    graphic.DrawImage(image, posX, posY, newWidth, newHeight);

    /* ------------- end new code ---------------- */

    System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo[] info =
    EncoderParameters encoderParameters;
    encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
    encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality,
    thumbnail.Save(path + newWidth + "." + originalFilename, info[1], 

Edited to add:

Those who want to improve this code should put it in the comments, or a new answer. Don't edit this code directly.

Find the smallest positive integer that does not occur in a given sequence

In PHP I can achieve it from a few lines of code.

function solution($A) {
  for($i=1; in_array($i,$A); $i++);
  return $i;    

What is the actual use of Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver") while connecting to a database?

Pre Java 6 the DriverManager class wouldn't have known which JDBC driver you wanted to use. Class.forName("...") was a way on pre-loading the driver classes.

If you are using Java 6 you no longer need to do this.

Trim to remove white space

No need for jQuery

JavaScript does have a native .trim() method.

var name = "    John Smith  ";
name = name.trim();

console.log(name); // "John Smith"

Example Here


The trim() method removes whitespace from both ends of a string. Whitespace in this context is all the whitespace characters (space, tab, no-break space, etc.) and all the line terminator characters (LF, CR, etc.).

How do I remove the blue styling of telephone numbers on iPhone/iOS?

Try using putting the ASCII character for the dash in between the digit separations.

from this: -

to this: &ndash;

ex: change 555-555-5555 => 555&ndash;555&ndash;5555

Leap year calculation

In Java Below code calculates leap year count between two given year. Determine starting and ending point of the loop.

Then if parameter modulo 4 is equal 0 and parameter modulo 100 not equal 0 or parameter modulo 400 equal zero then it is leap year and increase counter.

static int calculateLeapYearCount(int year, int startingYear) {
        int min = Math.min(year, startingYear);
        int max = Math.max(year, startingYear);
        int counter = 0;
        for (int i = min; i < max; i++) {
            if ((i % 4 == 0 && i % 100 != 0) || i % 400 == 0) {
                counter = counter + 1;
        return counter;

Do we need type="text/css" for <link> in HTML5

The HTML5 spec says that the type attribute is purely advisory and explains in detail how browsers should act if it's omitted (too much to quote here). It doesn't explicitly say that an omitted type attribute is either valid or invalid, but you can safely omit it knowing that browsers will still react as you expect.

How do I separate an integer into separate digits in an array in JavaScript?

Another method here. Since number in Javascript is not splittable by default, you need to convert the number into a string first.

var n = 123;

Windows 7 - 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I am using windows 8. I had the same problem. I added the path "C:\MinGW\bin" to system environment variable named 'path' then it worked. May be, you can try the same. Hope it'll help!

How to trigger HTML button when you press Enter in textbox?

I found howto, their try me page is at the following.

This worked in my regular browser but did not work in my php app which uses the built in php browser.

After toying a bit I came up with the following pure JavaScript alternative that works for my situation and should work in every other situation:

    function checkForEnterKey(){
        if (event.keyCode === 13) {

    function buttonClickEvent()
        alert('The button has been clicked!');

HTML Press the enter key inside the textbox to activate the button.

    <br />
    <input id="myInput" onkeyup="checkForEnterKey(this.value)">
    <br />
    <button id="myBtn" onclick="buttonClickEvent()">Button</button>

Setting up JUnit with IntelliJ IDEA

Basically, you only need junit.jar on the classpath - and here's a quick way to do it:

  1. Make sure you have a source folder (e.g. test) marked as a Test Root.

  2. Create a test, for example like this:

    public class MyClassTest {
        public void testSomething() {
  3. Since you haven't configured junit.jar (yet), the @Test annotation will be marked as an error (red), hit f2 to navigate to it.

  4. Hit alt-enter and choose Add junit.jar to the classpath

There, you're done! Right-click on your test and choose Run 'MyClassTest' to run it and see the test results.

Maven Note: Altervatively, if you're using maven, at step 4 you can instead choose the option Add Maven Dependency..., go to the Search for artifact pane, type junit and take whichever version (e.g. 4.8 or 4.9).

Get list of all tables in Oracle?

I did not find answer which would point to use


so decided to add my version as well. This view actually returns more that DBA_TABLES as it returns object tables as well (

What is the difference between document.location.href and document.location?

document.location is a synonym for window.location that has been deprecated for almost as long as JavaScript has existed. Don't use it.

location is a structured object, with properties corresponding to the parts of the URL. location.href is the whole URL in a single string. Assigning a string to either is defined to cause the same kind of navigation, so take your pick.

I consider writing to location.href = something to be marginally better as it's slightly more explicit about what it's doing. You generally want to avoid just location = something as it looks misleadingly like a variable assignment. window.location = something is fine though.

Error Running React Native App From Terminal (iOS)

For any such problem:

  1. Go to .expo folder
  2. Find apk-cache
  3. Remove that folder

and you are done..

Hope it helps?

How do I call REST API from an android app?

  1. If you want to integrate Retrofit (all steps defined here):

Goto my blog : retrofit with kotlin

  1. Please use android-async-http library.

the link below explains everything step by step.

Here are sample apps:



Create a class :

public class HttpUtils {
  private static final String BASE_URL = "";
  private static AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();

  public static void get(String url, RequestParams params, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
      client.get(getAbsoluteUrl(url), params, responseHandler);

  public static void post(String url, RequestParams params, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {, params, responseHandler);
  public static void getByUrl(String url, RequestParams params, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
      client.get(url, params, responseHandler);

  public static void postByUrl(String url, RequestParams params, AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {, params, responseHandler);

  private static String getAbsoluteUrl(String relativeUrl) {
      return BASE_URL + relativeUrl;

Call Method :

    RequestParams rp = new RequestParams();
    rp.add("username", "aaa"); rp.add("password", "aaa@123");
               , rp, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {
        public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, JSONObject response) {
            // If the response is JSONObject instead of expected JSONArray
            Log.d("asd", "---------------- this is response : " + response);
            try {
                JSONObject serverResp = new JSONObject(response.toString());                                                
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, JSONArray timeline) {
            // Pull out the first event on the public timeline

Please grant internet permission in your manifest file.

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

you can add compile '' for Header[] and compile 'org.json:json:20160212' for JSONObject in build.gradle file if required.

Replace \n with actual new line in Sublime Text

Fool proof method (no RegEx and Ctrl+Enter didn't work for me as it was just jumping to next Find):

First, select an occurrence of \n and hit Ctrl+H (brings up the Replace... dialogue, also accessible through Find -> Replace... menu). This populates the Find what field.

Go to the end of any line of your file (press End if your keyboard has it) and select the end of line by holding down Shift and pressing ? (right arrow) EXACTLY once. Then copy-paste this into the Replace with field.

(the animation is for finding true new lines; works the same for replacing them)

enter image description here

How to convert php array to utf8?

In case of a PDO connection, the following might help, but the database should be in UTF-8:

$db = new PDO(
    'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database_name;', 'dbuser', 'dbpassword',
$db->query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");

URL Encode a string in jQuery for an AJAX request

Better way:

encodeURIComponent escapes all characters except the following: alphabetic, decimal digits, - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )

To avoid unexpected requests to the server, you should call encodeURIComponent on any user-entered parameters that will be passed as part of a URI. For example, a user could type "Thyme &time=again" for a variable comment. Not using encodeURIComponent on this variable will give comment=Thyme%20&time=again. Note that the ampersand and the equal sign mark a new key and value pair. So instead of having a POST comment key equal to "Thyme &time=again", you have two POST keys, one equal to "Thyme " and another (time) equal to again.

For application/x-www-form-urlencoded (POST), per, spaces are to be replaced by '+', so one may wish to follow a encodeURIComponent replacement with an additional replacement of "%20" with "+".

If one wishes to be more stringent in adhering to RFC 3986 (which reserves !, ', (, ), and *), even though these characters have no formalized URI delimiting uses, the following can be safely used:

function fixedEncodeURIComponent (str) {
  return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A");

php: Get html source code with cURL

Try the following:

$ch = curl_init("");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
$content = curl_exec($ch);

I would only recommend this for small files. Big files are read as a whole and are likely to produce a memory error.

EDIT: after some discussion in the comments we found out that the problem was that the server couldn't resolve the host name and the page was in addition a HTTPS resource so here comes your temporary solution (until your server admin fixes the name resolving).

what i did is just pinging to see the IP address, replace the host name with the IP address and instead specify the header manually. This however renders the SSL certificate invalid so we have to suppress peer verification.

//$url = "";
$url = "";
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Host:'));
$output = curl_exec($ch);

Keep in mind that the IP address might change and this is an error source. you should also do some error handling using curl_error();.

How can I catch a ctrl-c event?

signal isn't the most reliable way as it differs in implementations. I would recommend using sigaction. Tom's code would now look like this :

#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void my_handler(int s){
           printf("Caught signal %d\n",s);


int main(int argc,char** argv)

   struct sigaction sigIntHandler;

   sigIntHandler.sa_handler = my_handler;
   sigIntHandler.sa_flags = 0;

   sigaction(SIGINT, &sigIntHandler, NULL);


   return 0;    

How do detect Android Tablets in general. Useragent?

Once I have detected Android in the user agent, this is how I differentiate between tablet and smartphone browsers (this is using Python, but is similarly simple for other programming languages):

if ("Android" in agent):
  if ("Mobile" in agent):
    deviceType = "Phone"
    deviceType = "Tablet"

UPDATED: to reflect use of Chrome on Android, as per comments below.

How to find a number in a string using JavaScript?

var regex = /\d+/g;_x000D_
var string = "you can enter 30%-20% maximum 500 choices";_x000D_
var matches = string.match(regex);  // creates array from matches_x000D_

Cross Domain Form POSTing

The same origin policy is applicable only for browser side programming languages. So if you try to post to a different server than the origin server using JavaScript, then the same origin policy comes into play but if you post directly from the form i.e. the action points to a different server like:

<form action="">

and there is no javascript involved in posting the form, then the same origin policy is not applicable.

See wikipedia for more information

c++ exception : throwing std::string

A few principles:

  1. you have a std::exception base class, you should have your exceptions derive from it. That way general exception handler still have some information.

  2. Don't throw pointers but object, that way memory is handled for you.


struct MyException : public std::exception
   std::string s;
   MyException(std::string ss) : s(ss) {}
   ~MyException() throw () {} // Updated
   const char* what() const throw() { return s.c_str(); }

And then use it in your code:

void Foo::Bar(){
    throw MyException("it's the end of the world!");

void Foo::Caller(){
    this->Bar();// should throw
  }catch(MyException& caught){
    std::cout<<"Got "<<caught.what()<<std::endl;

_csv.Error: field larger than field limit (131072)

Sometimes, a row contain double quote column. When csv reader try read this row, not understood end of column and fire this raise. Solution is below:

reader = csv.reader(cf, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

jQuery: read text file from file system

As long as the file does not need to be dynamically generated, e.g., a simple text or html file, you can test it locally WITHOUT a web server - just use a relative path.

Disabled form inputs do not appear in the request

I find this works easier. readonly the input field, then style it so the end user knows it's read only. inputs placed here (from AJAX for example) can still submit, without extra code.

<input readonly style="color: Grey; opacity: 1; ">

Entity framework linq query Include() multiple children entities

How do you construct a LINQ to Entities query to load child objects directly, instead of calling a Reference property or Load()

There is no other way - except implementing lazy loading.

Or manual loading....

myobj = context.MyObjects.First();

Unloading classes in java?

I wrote a custom classloader, from which it is possible to unload individual classes without GCing the classloader. Jar Class Loader

Maintain the aspect ratio of a div with CSS

Just an idea or a hack.

div {_x000D_
  background-color: blue;_x000D_
  width: 10%;_x000D_
  transition: background-color 0.5s, width 0.5s;_x000D_
  font-size: 0;_x000D_
div:hover {_x000D_
  width: 20%;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
img {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: auto;_x000D_
  visibility: hidden;_x000D_
  <!-- use an image with target aspect ratio. sample is a square -->_x000D_
  <img src="" />_x000D_

From Now() to Current_timestamp in Postgresql

You can also use now() in Postgres. The problem is you can't add/subtract integers from timestamp or timestamptz. You can either do as Mark Byers suggests and subtract an interval, or use the date type which does allow you to add/subtract integers

SELECT now()::date + 100 AS date1, current_date - 100 AS date2

JSON post to Spring Controller

Convert your JSON object to JSON String using


or manually. @RequestBody expecting json string instead of json object.

Note:stringify function having issue with some IE version, firefox it will work

verify the syntax of your ajax request for POST request. processData:false property is required in ajax request

    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    data: jsonString, //Stringified Json Object
    async: false,    //Cross-domain requests and dataType: "jsonp" requests do not support synchronous operation
    cache: false,    //This will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser  
     processData:false, //To avoid making query String instead of JSON
     success: function(resposeJsonObject){
        // Success Action


@RequestMapping(value = urlPattern , method = RequestMethod.POST)

public @ResponseBody Test addNewWorker(@RequestBody Test jsonString) {

    //do business logic
    return test;

@RequestBody -Covert Json object to java

@ResponseBody - convert Java object to json

Programmatically set TextBlock Foreground Color

 textBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);

Javascript to display the current date and time

Demo using Console.Log

// get a new date (locale machine date time)_x000D_
var date = new Date();_x000D_
// get the date as a string_x000D_
var n = date.toDateString();_x000D_
// get the time as a string_x000D_
var time = date.toLocaleTimeString();_x000D_
// log the date in the browser console_x000D_
console.log('date:', n);_x000D_
// log the time in the browser console_x000D_

Demo using a DIV

// get a new date (locale machine date time)_x000D_
var date = new Date();_x000D_
// get the date as a string_x000D_
var n = date.toDateString();_x000D_
// get the time as a string_x000D_
var time = date.toLocaleTimeString();_x000D_
// find the html element with the id of time_x000D_
// set the innerHTML of that element to the date a space the time_x000D_
document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = n + ' ' + time;
<div id='time'></div>

Note: these functions aren't fully cross browser supported

Cross-Browser Functional

//Fri Aug 30 2013 4:36 pm_x000D_
console.log(formatAMPM(new Date()));_x000D_
//using your function (passing in date)_x000D_
function formatAMPM(date) {_x000D_
    // gets the hours_x000D_
    var hours = date.getHours();_x000D_
    // gets the day_x000D_
    var days = date.getDay();_x000D_
    // gets the month_x000D_
    var minutes = date.getMinutes();_x000D_
    // gets AM/PM_x000D_
    var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';_x000D_
    // converts hours to 12 hour instead of 24 hour_x000D_
    hours = hours % 12;_x000D_
    // converts 0 (midnight) to 12_x000D_
    hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'_x000D_
    // converts minutes to have leading 0_x000D_
    minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+ minutes : minutes;_x000D_
    // the time string_x000D_
    var time = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm;_x000D_
    // gets the match for the date string we want_x000D_
    var match = date.toString().match(/\w{3} \w{3} \d{1,2} \d{4}/);_x000D_
    //the result_x000D_
    return match[0] + ' ' + time;_x000D_

How to check a Long for null in java

Primitive data types cannot be null. Only Object data types can be null.

int, long, etc... can't be null.

If you use Long (wrapper class for long) then you can check for null's:

Long longValue = null;

if(longValue == null)

How to do a logical OR operation for integer comparison in shell scripting?

And in Bash

 line1=`tail -3 /opt/Scripts/wowzaDataSync.log | grep "AmazonHttpClient" | head -1`
 vpid=`ps -ef|  grep wowzaDataSync | grep -v grep  | awk '{print $2}'`
 echo "-------->"${line1}
    if [ -z $line1 ] && [ ! -z $vpid ]
            echo `date --date "NOW" +%Y-%m-%d` `date --date "NOW" +%H:%M:%S` :: 
            "Process Is Working Fine"
            echo `date --date "NOW" +%Y-%m-%d` `date --date "NOW" +%H:%M:%S` :: 
            "Prcess Hanging Due To Exception With PID :"${pid}

OR in Bash

line1=`tail -3 /opt/Scripts/wowzaDataSync.log | grep "AmazonHttpClient" | head -1`
vpid=`ps -ef|  grep wowzaDataSync | grep -v grep  | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "-------->"${line1}
   if [ -z $line1 ] || [ ! -z $vpid ]
            echo `date --date "NOW" +%Y-%m-%d` `date --date "NOW" +%H:%M:%S` :: 
            "Process Is Working Fine"
            echo `date --date "NOW" +%Y-%m-%d` `date --date "NOW" +%H:%M:%S` :: 
            "Prcess Hanging Due To Exception With PID :"${pid}

How to convert a GUID to a string in C#?

You're missing the () after ToString that marks it as a function call vs. a function reference (the kind you pass to delegates), which incidentally is why c# has no AddressOf operator, it's implied by how you type it.

Try this:

string guid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

How to know that a string starts/ends with a specific string in jQuery?

For startswith, you can use indexOf:

if(str.indexOf('Hello') == 0) {



and you can do the maths based on string length to determine 'endswith'.

if(str.lastIndexOf('Hello') == str.length - 'Hello'.length) {

Notification bar icon turns white in Android 5 Lollipop

This is the code Android uses to display notification icons:

// android_frameworks_base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/
//   statusbar/

if (entry.targetSdk >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
} else {

So you need to set the target sdk version to something <21 and the icons will stay colored. This is an ugly workaround but it does what it is expected to do. Anyway, I really suggest following Google's Design Guidelines: "Notification icons must be entirely white."

Here is how you can implement it:

If you are using Gradle/Android Studio to build your apps, use build.gradle:

defaultConfig {
    targetSdkVersion 20

Otherwise (Eclipse etc) use AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="..." android:targetSdkVersion="20" />

How to include libraries in Visual Studio 2012?

Typically you need to do 5 things to include a library in your project:

1) Add #include statements necessary files with declarations/interfaces, e.g.:

#include "library.h"

2) Add an include directory for the compiler to look into

-> Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Include Directories (click and edit, add a new entry)

3) Add a library directory for *.lib files:

-> project(on top bar)/properties/Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Library Directories (click and edit, add a new entry)

4) Link the lib's *.lib files

-> Configuration Properties/Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies (e.g.: library.lib;

5) Place *.dll files either:

-> in the directory you'll be opening your final executable from or into Windows/system32

Using cut command to remove multiple columns

The same could be done with Perl
Because it uses 0-based-indexing instead of 1-based-indexing, the field values are offset by 1

perl -F, -lane 'print join ",", @F[1..3,5..9,11..19]'    

is equivalent to:

cut -d, -f2-4,6-10,12-20

If the commas are not needed in the output:

perl -F, -lane 'print "@F[1..3,5..9,11..19]"'

Find the host name and port using PSQL commands

From the terminal you can do:


I would suggest reading a documentation on their exhaustive list of all commands using:


How to move an element into another element?

You can use pure JavaScript, using appendChild() method...

The appendChild() method appends a node as the last child of a node.

Tip: If you want to create a new paragraph, with text, remember to create the text as a Text node which you append to the paragraph, then append the paragraph to the document.

You can also use this method to move an element from one element to another.

Tip: Use the insertBefore() method to insert a new child node before a specified, existing, child node.

So you can do that to do the job, this is what I created for you, using appendChild(), run and see how it works for your case:

function appendIt() {_x000D_
  var source = document.getElementById("source");_x000D_
#source {_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  background: green;_x000D_
  padding: 4px 8px;_x000D_
#destination {_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  padding: 4px 8px;_x000D_
button {_x000D_
  margin-top: 20px;_x000D_
<div id="source">_x000D_
<div id="destination">_x000D_
<button onclick="appendIt()">Move Element</button>

MD5 is 128 bits but why is it 32 characters?

A hex "character" (nibble) is different from a "character"

To be clear on the bits vs byte, vs characters.

  • 1 byte is 8 bits (for our purposes)
  • 8 bits provides 2**8 possible combinations: 256 combinations

When you look at a hex character,

  • 16 combinations of [0-9] + [a-f]: the full range of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f
  • 16 is less than 256, so one one hex character does not store a byte.
  • 16 is 2**4: that means one hex character can store 4 bits in a byte (half a byte).
  • Therefore, two hex characters, can store 8 bits, 2**8 combinations.
  • A byte represented as a hex character is [0-9a-f][0-9a-f] and that represents both halfs of a byte (we call a half-byte a nibble).

When you look at a regular single-byte character, (we're totally going to skip multi-byte and wide-characters here)

  • It can store far more than 16 combinations.
  • The capabilities of the character are determined by the encoding. For instance, the ISO 8859-1 that stores an entire byte, stores all this stuff
  • All that stuff takes the entire 2**8 range.
  • If a hex-character in an md5() could store all that, you'd see all the lowercase letters, all the uppercase letters, all the punctuation and things like ¡°ÀÐàð, whitespace like (newlines, and tabs), and control characters (which you can't even see and many of which aren't in use).

So they're clearly different and I hope that provides the best break down of the differences.

What is a practical, real world example of the Linked List?

Look at Linked List as a data structure. It's mechanism to represent self-aggregation in OOD. And you may think of it as real world object (for some people it is reality)

Why would one omit the close tag?

"Is there another good reason (other than the header problem) to skip the ending php tag?"

You don't want to inadvertently output extraneous whitepace characters when generating binary output, CSV data, or other non-HTML output.

how to run a command at terminal from java program?

I know this question is quite old, but here's a library that encapsulates the ProcessBuilder api.

Java Object Null Check for method

This question is quite older. The Questioner might have been turned into an experienced Java Developer by this time. Yet I want to add some opinion here which would help beginners.

For JDK 7 users, Here using

Objects.requireNotNull(object[, optionalMessage]);

is not safe. This function throws NullPointerException if it finds null object and which is a RunTimeException.

That will terminate the whole program!!. So better check null using == or !=.

Also, use List instead of Array. Although access speed is same, yet using Collections over Array has some advantages like if you ever decide to change the underlying implementation later on, you can do it flexibly. For example, if you need synchronized access, you can change the implementation to a Vector without rewriting all your code.

public static double calculateInventoryTotal(List<Book> books) {
    if (books == null || books.isEmpty()) {
        return 0;

    double total = 0;

    for (Book book : books) {
        if (book != null) {
            total += book.getPrice();
    return total;

Also, I would like to upvote @1ac0 answer. We should understand and consider the purpose of the method too while writing. Calling method could have further logics to implement based on the called method's returned data.

Also if you are coding with JDK 8, It has introduced a new way to handle null check and protect the code from NullPointerException. It defined a new class called Optional. Have a look at this for detail

Finally, Pardon my bad English.

LISTAGG function: "result of string concatenation is too long"

Short of using 12c overflow using the CLOB and substr will also work

rtrim(dbms_lob.substr(XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(E,column_name,',').EXTRACT('//text()') ORDER BY column_name).GetClobVal(),1000,1),',')

What is a good naming convention for vars, methods, etc in C++?

It really doesn't matter. Just make sure you name your variables and functions descriptively. Also be consistent.

Nowt worse than seeing code like this:

int anInt;                  // Great name for a variable there ...
int myVar = Func( anInt );  // And on this line a great name for a function and myVar
                            // lacks the consistency already, poorly, laid out! 

Edit: As pointed out by my commenter that consistency needs to be maintained across an entire team. As such it doesn't matter WHAT method you chose, as long as that consistency is maintained. There is no right or wrong method, however. Every team I've worked in has had different ideas and I've adapted to those.

Performing a Stress Test on Web Application?

At the risk of being accused of shameless self promotion I would like to point out that in my quest for a free load testing tool I went to this article:

Either I couldn't get the throughput I wanted, or I couldn't get the flexibility I wanted. AND I wanted to easily aggregate the results of multiple load test generation hosts in post test analysis.

I tried out every tool on the list and to my frustration found that none of them quite did what I wanted to be able to do. So I built one and am sharing it.

Here it is:

PS: No snide comments on the name from folks who are familiar with urban slang. I wasn't but am slightly more worldly now.

Java FileOutputStream Create File if not exists

It will throw a FileNotFoundException if the file doesn't exist and cannot be created (doc), but it will create it if it can. To be sure you probably should first test that the file exists before you create the FileOutputStream (and create with createNewFile() if it doesn't):

File yourFile = new File("score.txt");
yourFile.createNewFile(); // if file already exists will do nothing 
FileOutputStream oFile = new FileOutputStream(yourFile, false); 

How do you right-justify text in an HTML textbox?

Using inline styles:

<input type="text" style="text-align: right"/>

or, put it in a style sheet, like so:

   .rightJustified {
        text-align: right;

and reference the class:

<input type="text" class="rightJustified"/>

npm ERR cb() never called

IMPORTANT! The solution below is now regarded as unstable, and you should use Node Version Management instead: Node Version Manager on Github. David Walsh also has a good introduction to NVM. NVM works beautifully and I've been using it to manage legacy WordPress projects for a few years.

Please don't use this - use NVM

I just had this exactly issue when trying to install the Sage theme for WordPress. When I ran npm install on the theme directory, it failed.

Looking in the dependencies in package.json, I could see that the engine I was running for Node was out of date. Running node -v on the command line showed that I was on v0.10.9, and the latest version of Sage requires >= 0.12.0

So here's the fix for that. These steps are from David Walsh's blog

  1. Clear your npm cache: sudo npm cache clean -f
  2. Install the latest version of the Node helper: sudo npm install -g n
  3. Tell the helper (n) to install the latest stable version of Node: sudo n stable

You should then get a progress display, after which you will be up to date.

When I ran npm install after doing this, everything worked fine, and I was able to run gulp to build the initial dist directory.

How to create a HashMap with two keys (Key-Pair, Value)?

You could create your key object something like this:

public class MapKey {

public  Object key1;
public Object key2;

public Object getKey1() {
    return key1;

public void setKey1(Object key1) {
    this.key1 = key1;

public Object getKey2() {
    return key2;

public void setKey2(Object key2) {
    this.key2 = key2;

public boolean equals(Object keyObject){

        return false;

    if (keyObject.getClass()!= MapKey.class)
        return false;

    MapKey key = (MapKey)keyObject;

    if(key.key1!=null && this.key1==null)
        return false;

    if(key.key2 !=null && this.key2==null)
        return false;

    if(this.key1==null && key.key1 !=null)
        return false;

    if(this.key2==null && key.key2 !=null)
        return false;

    if(this.key1==null && key.key1==null && this.key2 !=null && key.key2 !=null)
        return this.key2.equals(key.key2);

    if(this.key2==null && key.key2==null && this.key1 !=null && key.key1 !=null)
        return this.key1.equals(key.key1);

    return (this.key1.equals(key.key1) && this.key2.equals(key2));

public int hashCode(){
    int key1HashCode=key1.hashCode();
    int key2HashCode=key2.hashCode();
    return key1HashCode >> 3 + key2HashCode << 5;


The advantage of this is: It will always make sure you are covering all the scenario's of Equals as well.

NOTE: Your key1 and key2 should be immutable. Only then will you be able to construct a stable key Object.

Access item in a list of lists

You can access the elements in a list-of-lists by first specifying which list you're interested in and then specifying which element of that list you want. For example, 17 is element 2 in list 0, which is list1[0][2]:

>>> list1 = [[10,13,17],[3,5,1],[13,11,12]]
>>> list1[0][2]

So, your example would be

50 - list1[0][0] + list1[0][1] - list1[0][2]

Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt

Let maven generate a batch file to start your application. This is the simplest way to this.

You can use the appassembler-maven-plugin for such purposes.

How to calculate the bounding box for a given lat/lng location?

Here I have converted Federico A. Ramponi's answer to C# for anybody interested:

public class MapPoint
    public double Longitude { get; set; } // In Degrees
    public double Latitude { get; set; } // In Degrees

public class BoundingBox
    public MapPoint MinPoint { get; set; }
    public MapPoint MaxPoint { get; set; }

// Semi-axes of WGS-84 geoidal reference
private const double WGS84_a = 6378137.0; // Major semiaxis [m]
private const double WGS84_b = 6356752.3; // Minor semiaxis [m]

// 'halfSideInKm' is the half length of the bounding box you want in kilometers.
public static BoundingBox GetBoundingBox(MapPoint point, double halfSideInKm)
    // Bounding box surrounding the point at given coordinates,
    // assuming local approximation of Earth surface as a sphere
    // of radius given by WGS84
    var lat = Deg2rad(point.Latitude);
    var lon = Deg2rad(point.Longitude);
    var halfSide = 1000 * halfSideInKm;

    // Radius of Earth at given latitude
    var radius = WGS84EarthRadius(lat);
    // Radius of the parallel at given latitude
    var pradius = radius * Math.Cos(lat);

    var latMin = lat - halfSide / radius;
    var latMax = lat + halfSide / radius;
    var lonMin = lon - halfSide / pradius;
    var lonMax = lon + halfSide / pradius;

    return new BoundingBox { 
        MinPoint = new MapPoint { Latitude = Rad2deg(latMin), Longitude = Rad2deg(lonMin) },
        MaxPoint = new MapPoint { Latitude = Rad2deg(latMax), Longitude = Rad2deg(lonMax) }

// degrees to radians
private static double Deg2rad(double degrees)
    return Math.PI * degrees / 180.0;

// radians to degrees
private static double Rad2deg(double radians)
    return 180.0 * radians / Math.PI;

// Earth radius at a given latitude, according to the WGS-84 ellipsoid [m]
private static double WGS84EarthRadius(double lat)
    var An = WGS84_a * WGS84_a * Math.Cos(lat);
    var Bn = WGS84_b * WGS84_b * Math.Sin(lat);
    var Ad = WGS84_a * Math.Cos(lat);
    var Bd = WGS84_b * Math.Sin(lat);
    return Math.Sqrt((An*An + Bn*Bn) / (Ad*Ad + Bd*Bd));

How to pass multiple parameters in json format to a web service using jquery?

I think the best way is:

data: "{'Ids':['2','2']}"

To read this values Ids[0], Ids[1].

How to declare a static const char* in your header file?

You need to define static variables in a translation unit, unless they are of integral types.

In your header:

    static const char *SOMETHING;
    static const int MyInt = 8; // would be ok

In the .cpp file:

const char *YourClass::SOMETHING = "something";

C++ standard, 9.4.2/4:

If a static data member is of const integral or const enumeration type, its declaration in the class definition can specify a constant-initializer which shall be an integral constant expression. In that case, the member can appear in integral constant expressions within its scope. The member shall still be defined in a namespace scope if it is used in the program and the namespace scope definition shall not contain an initializer.

Importing images from a directory (Python) to list or dictionary

from PIL import Image
import os, os.path

imgs = []
path = "/home/tony/pictures"
valid_images = [".jpg",".gif",".png",".tga"]
for f in os.listdir(path):
    ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
    if ext.lower() not in valid_images:

Difference between wait and sleep

In simple words, wait is wait Until some other thread invokes you whereas sleep is "dont execute next statement" for some specified period of time.

Moreover sleep is static method in Thread class and it operates on thread, whereas wait() is in Object class and called on an object.

Another point, when you call wait on some object, the thread involved synchronize the object and then waits. :)

Controller 'ngModel', required by directive '...', can't be found

As described here: Angular NgModelController, you should provide the <input with the required controller ngModel

<input submit-required="true" ng-model="user.Name"></input>

Printing long int value in C

Use printf("%ld",a);

Have a look at format specifiers for printf

Could not load file or assembly '***.dll' or one of its dependencies

I had the same issue with a dll yesterday and all it referenced was System, System.Data, and System.Xml. Turns out the build configuration for the Platform type didn't line up. The dll was build for x86 and the program using it was "Any CPU" and since I am running a x64 machine, it ran the program as x64 and had issues with the x86 dll. I don't know if this is your issue or not, just thought that I would mention it as something else to check.

Auto-center map with multiple markers in Google Maps API v3

I've tryied all answers of this topic, but just this below worked fine on my project.

Angular 7 and AGM Core 1.0.0-beta.7

<agm-map [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="long" [zoom]="zoom" [fitBounds]="true">
  <agm-marker latitude="{{localizacao.latitude}}" longitude="{{localizacao.longitude}}" [agmFitBounds]="true"
    *ngFor="let localizacao of localizacoesTec">

The properties [agmFitBounds]="true" at agm-marker and [fitBounds]="true" at agm-map does the job

Monitor network activity in Android Phones

Packet Capture is the best tool to track network data on the android. DOesnot need any root access and easy to read and save the calls based on application. Check this out

Input group - two inputs close to each other

I have searched for this a few minutes and i couldn't find any working code.

But now i finaly did it ! Take a look:

<div class="input-group" id="unified-inputs">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="MinVal" />
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="MaxVal" />

And css

#unified-inputs.input-group { width: 100%; }
#unified-inputs.input-group input { width: 50% !important; }
#unified-inputs.input-group input:last-of-type { border-left: 0; }

How to remove the default link color of the html hyperlink 'a' tag?

This will work

    a:hover, a:focus, a:active {
        outline: none;

What this does is removes the outline for all the three pseudo-classes.

How to schedule a task to run when shutting down windows

For those who prefer using the Task Scheduler, it's possible to schedule a task to run after a restart / shutdown has been initiated by setting the task to run after event 1074 in the System log in the Event Viewer has been logged. However, it's only good for very short task, which will run as long as the system is restarting / shutting down, which is usually only a few seconds.

  • From the Task Scheduler:

    Begin the task: On an event
    Log: System
    Source: USER32
    EventID: 1074

  • From the command prompt:

    schtasks /create /tn "taskname" /tr "task file" /sc onevent /ec system /mo *[system/eventid=1074]

Comment: the /ec option is available from Windows Vista and above. (thank you @t2d)

Please note that the task status can be:

The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not exist. (0x800704DD)

However, it doesn't mean that it didn't run.

Eclipse error ... cannot be resolved to a type

I just closed all the files and reopened them, and voila!!! Hope this helps someone in the future ;)

How do I ignore a directory with SVN?

Since I spent a while trying to get this to work, it should be noted that if the files already exist in SVN, you need to svn delete them, and then edit the svn:ignore property.

I know that seems obvious, but they kept showing up as ? in my svn status list, when I thought it would just ignore them locally.

Optional Parameters in Go?

You can pass arbitrary named parameters with a map. You will have to assert types with "aType = map[key].(*foo.type)" if the parameters have non-uniform types.

type varArgs map[string]interface{}

func myFunc(args varArgs) {

    arg1 := "default"
    if val, ok := args["arg1"]; ok {
        arg1 = val.(string)

    arg2 := 123
    if val, ok := args["arg2"]; ok {
        arg2 = val.(int)

    fmt.Println(arg1, arg2)

func Test_test() {
    myFunc(varArgs{"arg1": "value", "arg2": 1234})

What is the size of an enum in C?

In C language, an enum is guaranteed to be of size of an int. There is a compile time option (-fshort-enums) to make it as short (This is mainly useful in case the values are not more than 64K). There is no compile time option to increase its size to 64 bit.

Proper way to wait for one function to finish before continuing?

I wonder why no one have mentioned this simple pattern? :

(function(next) {
  //do something
}(function() {
  //do some more

Using timeouts just for blindly waiting is bad practice; and involving promises just adds more complexity to the code. In OP's case:

(function(next) {
    // do something
    if (i==x-1) next()
}(function() {
  // now wait for firstFunction to finish...
  // do something else

a small demo ->

Run Command Prompt Commands

This may be a bit of a read so im sorry in advance. And this is my tried and tested way of doing this, there may be a simpler way but this is from me throwing code at a wall and seeing what stuck

If it can be done with a batch file then the maybe over complicated work around is have c# write a .bat file and run it. If you want user input you could place the input into a variable and have c# write it into the file. it will take trial and error with this way because its like controlling a puppet with another puppet.

here is an example, In this case the function is for a push button in windows forum app that clears the print queue.

using System.IO;
using System;

   public static void ClearPrintQueue()

        //this is the path the document or in our case batch file will be placed
        string docPath =
        //this is the path process.start usues
        string path1 = docPath + "\\Test.bat";

        // these are the batch commands
        // remember its "", the comma separates the lines
        string[] lines =
            "@echo off",
            "net stop spooler",
            "del %systemroot%\\System32\\spool\\Printers\\* /Q",
            "net start spooler",
            //this deletes the file
            "del \"%~f0\"" //do not put a comma on the last line

        //this writes the string to the file
        using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(docPath, "test.bat")))
            //This writes the file line by line
            foreach (string line in lines)


IF you want user input then you could try something like this.

This is for setting the computer IP as static but asking the user what the IP, gateway, and dns server is.

you will need this for it to work

public static void SetIPStatic()
//These open pop up boxes which ask for user input
        string STATIC = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Whats the static IP?", "", "", 100, 100);
        string SUBNET = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Whats the Subnet?(Press enter for default)", "", "", 100, 100);
        string DEFAULTGATEWAY = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Whats the Default gateway?", "", "", 100, 100);
        string DNS = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Whats the DNS server IP?(Input required, has already been set as secondary)", "", "", 100, 100);

        //this is the path the document or in our case batch file will be placed
        string docPath =
        //this is the path process.start usues
        string path1 = docPath + "\\Test.bat";

        // these are the batch commands
        // remember its "", the comma separates the lines
        string[] lines =
            "SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion",
            "SET adapterName=",
            "FOR /F \"tokens=* delims=:\" %%a IN ('IPCONFIG ^| FIND /I \"ETHERNET ADAPTER\"') DO (",
            "SET adapterName=%%a",
            "REM Removes \"Ethernet adapter\" from the front of the adapter name",
            "SET adapterName=!adapterName:~17!",
            "REM Removes the colon from the end of the adapter name",
            "SET adapterName=!adapterName:~0,-1!",
//the variables that were set before are used here
            "netsh interface ipv4 set address name=\"!adapterName!\" static " + STATIC + " " + STATIC + " " + DEFAULTGATEWAY,
            "netsh interface ipv4 set dns name=\"!adapterName!\" static " + DNS + " primary",
            "netsh interface ipv4 add dns name=\"!adapterName!\" index=2",
            "ipconfig /flushdns",
            "ipconfig /registerdns",
            "DEL \"%~f0\"",

        //this writes the string to the file
        using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(docPath, "test.bat")))
            //This writes the file line by line
            foreach (string line in lines)


Like I said. It may be a little overcomplicated but it never fails unless I write the batch commands wrong.

How to count check-boxes using jQuery?

You can do it by using name attibute, class, id or just universal checkbox; If you want to count only checked number of checkbox.

By the class name :

var countChk = $('checkbox.myclassboxName:checked').length;

By name attribute :

var countByName= $('checkbox[name=myAllcheckBoxName]:checked').length;

Complete code

$('checkbox.className').blur(function() {
    //count only checked checkbox 

sed whole word search and replace

Use \b for word boundaries:

sed -i 's/\boldtext\b/newtext/g' <file>

Error : Index was outside the bounds of the array.

public int[] posStatus;       

public UsersInput()    
    //It means postStatus will contain 9 elements from index 0 to 8. 
    this.posStatus = new int[9];   

int intUsersInput = 0;   

if (posStatus[intUsersInput-1] == 0) //if i input 9, it should go to 8?    
    posStatus[intUsersInput-1] += 1; //set it to 1    

How to watch for form changes in Angular

If you are using FormBuilder, see @dfsq's answer.

If you are not using FormBuilder, there are two ways to be notified of changes.

Method 1

As discussed in the comments on the question, use an event binding on each input element. Add to your template:

<input type="text" class="form-control" required [ngModel]="model.first_name"

Then in your component:

doSomething(newValue) {
  model.first_name = newValue;

The Forms page has some additional information about ngModel that is relevant here:

The ngModelChange is not an <input> element event. It is actually an event property of the NgModel directive. When Angular sees a binding target in the form [(x)], it expects the x directive to have an x input property and an xChange output property.

The other oddity is the template expression, = $event. We're used to seeing an $event object coming from a DOM event. The ngModelChange property doesn't produce a DOM event; it's an Angular EventEmitter property that returns the input box value when it fires..

We almost always prefer [(ngModel)]. We might split the binding if we had to do something special in the event handling such as debounce or throttle the key strokes.

In your case, I suppose you want to do something special.

Method 2

Define a local template variable and set it to ngForm.
Use ngControl on the input elements.
Get a reference to the form's NgForm directive using @ViewChild, then subscribe to the NgForm's ControlGroup for changes:

<form #myForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
  <input type="text" ngControl="firstName" class="form-control" 
   required [(ngModel)]="model.first_name">
  <input type="text" ngControl="lastName" class="form-control" 
   required [(ngModel)]="model.last_name">

class MyForm {
  @ViewChild('myForm') form;
  ngAfterViewInit() {
      .subscribe(values => this.doSomething(values));
  doSomething(values) {


For more information on Method 2, see Savkin's video.

See also @Thierry's answer for more information on what you can do with the valueChanges observable (such as debouncing/waiting a bit before processing changes).

MySQL > Table doesn't exist. But it does (or it should)

It appears that the issue has to do (at least in mine and a few others) with invalid (corrupt?) innodb log files. Generally speaking, they simply need to be recreated.

Here are solutions, most of which require a restart of mysql.

  • Recreate your log files (Delete and restart mysql)
  • Resize your log files (MySql 5.6+ will regenerate the file for you)
  • If you are doing some type of a data migration, make sure you have correctly migrated the right file and given it permissions as others have already stated
  • Check permissions of your data and log files, that mysql is owner of both
  • If all else fails, you will likely have to recreate the database

How to printf long long

  • Your scanf() statement needs to use %lld too.
  • Your loop does not have a terminating condition.
  • There are far too many parentheses and far too few spaces in the expression

    pi += pow(-1.0, e) / (2.0*e + 1.0);
  • You add one on the first iteration of the loop, and thereafter zero to the value of 'pi'; this does not change the value much.
  • You should use an explicit return type of int for main().
  • On the whole, it is best to specify int main(void) when it ignores its arguments, though that is less of a categorical statement than the rest.
  • I dislike the explicit licence granted in C99 to omit the return from the end of main() and don't use it myself; I write return 0; to be explicit.

I think the whole algorithm is dubious when written using long long; the data type probably should be more like long double (with %Lf for the scanf() format, and maybe %19.16Lf for the printf() formats.

How to build and fill pandas dataframe from for loop?

The simplest answer is what Paul H said:

d = []
for p in game.players.passing():
            'Player': p,
            'Passer Rating':  p.passer_rating()


But if you really want to "build and fill a dataframe from a loop", (which, btw, I wouldn't recommend), here's how you'd do it.

d = pd.DataFrame()

for p in game.players.passing():
    temp = pd.DataFrame(
            'Player': p,
            'Passer Rating': p.passer_rating()

    d = pd.concat([d, temp])

EditorFor() and html properties

I think using CSS is the way to go. I wish I could do more with .NET coding, like in XAML, but in the browser CSS is king.


#account-note-input { 


<div class="editor-label"> 
  @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Note) 
<div class="editor-field"> 
  @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Note, null, "account-note-input", null) 
  @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Note) 


How to hide the keyboard when I press return key in a UITextField?

Try this,

[textField setDelegate: self];

Then, in textField delegate method

- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField {
    [textField resignFirstResponder];
    return YES;

Find a private field with Reflection?

Yes, however you will need to set your Binding flags to search for private fields (if your looking for the member outside of the class instance).

The binding flag you will need is: System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic

How to view the committed files you have not pushed yet?

The previous answers are all good, but they all show origin/master. These days, following the best practices, I rarely work directly on a master branch, let alone from origin repo.

So if you are like me who work in a branch, here are tips:

  1. Say you are already on a branch. If not, git checkout that branch
  2. git log # to show a list of commit such as x08d46ffb1369e603c46ae96, You need only the latest commit which comes first.
  3. git show --name-only x08d46ffb1369e603c46ae96 # to show the files commited
  4. git show x08d46ffb1369e603c46ae96 # show the detail diff of each changed file

Or more simply, just use HEAD:

  1. git show --name-only HEAD # to show a list of files committed
  2. git show HEAD # to show the detail diff.

How to echo shell commands as they are executed

To allow for compound commands to be echoed, I use eval plus Soth's exe function to echo and run the command. This is useful for piped commands that would otherwise only show none or just the initial part of the piped command.

Without eval:

exe() { echo "\$ $@" ; "$@" ; }
exe ls -F | grep *.txt



With eval:

exe() { echo "\$ $@" ; "$@" ; }
exe eval 'ls -F | grep *.txt'

Which outputs

$ exe eval 'ls -F | grep *.txt'

Switch: Multiple values in one case?

you can try this.

switch (Valor)
                case (Valor1 & Valor2):


What is JSON and why would I use it?

We have to do a project on college and we faced a very big problem, it is called Same Origin Policy. Amog other things, it makes that your XMLHttpRequest method from Javascript can't make requests to domains other than the domain that your site is on.

For example you can't make request to if your site is on JSONRequest allows that, but you will get result in JSON format if that site allows that(for example it has a web service that returns messages in JSON). That is one problem where you could use JSON perhaps.

Here is something practical: Yahoo JSON

What is the difference between git pull and git fetch + git rebase?


git pull is like running git fetch then git merge
git pull --rebase is like git fetch then git rebase

In reply to your first statement,

git pull is like a git fetch + git merge.

"In its default mode, git pull is shorthand for git fetch followed by git merge FETCH_HEAD" More precisely, git pull runs git fetch with the given parameters and then calls git merge to merge the retrieved branch heads into the current branch"


For your second statement/question:

'But what is the difference between git pull VS git fetch + git rebase'

Again, from same source:
git pull --rebase

"With --rebase, it runs git rebase instead of git merge."

Now, if you wanted to ask

'the difference between merge and rebase'

that is answered here too:
(the difference between altering the way version history is recorded)

Is it possible to register a http+domain-based URL Scheme for iPhone apps, like YouTube and Maps?

Heres a solution.

Setup a boolean sitiation using blur and focus

//see if our window is active
window.isActive = true;
$(window).focus(function() { this.isActive = true; });
$(window).blur(function() { this.isActive = false; });

Bind your link with a jquery click handler that calls something like this.

function startMyApp(){
  document.location = 'fb://';

  setTimeout( function(){
    if (window.isActive) {
        document.location = '';
  }, 1000);

if the app opens, we'll lose focus on the window and the timer ends. otherwise we get nothing and we load the usual facebook url.

how to set ulimit / file descriptor on docker container the image tag is phusion/baseimage-docker

For boot2docker, we can set it on /var/lib/boot2docker/profile, for instance:

ulimit -n 2018

Be warned not to set this limit too high as it will slow down apt-get! See bug #1332440. I had it with debian jessie.

Scala how can I count the number of occurrences in a list

If you want to use it like list.count(2) you have to implement it using an Implicit Class.

implicit class Count[T](list: List[T]) {
  def count(n: T): Int = list.count(_ == n)

List(1,2,4,2,4,7,3,2,4).count(2)  // returns 3
List(1,2,4,2,4,7,3,2,4).count(5)  // returns 0

How to Use Multiple Columns in Partition By And Ensure No Duplicate Row is Returned

If your table columns contains duplicate data and If you directly apply row_ number() and create PARTITION on column, there is chance to have result in duplicated row and with row number value.

To remove duplicate row, you need one more INNER query in from clause which eliminates duplicate rows and then it will give output to it's foremost outer FROM clause where you can apply PARTITION and ROW_NUMBER ().

As like below example:

     SELECT DISTINCT <column names>...
) AS tbl

Swift alert view with OK and Cancel: which button tapped?

Updated for swift 3:

// function defination:

@IBAction func showAlertDialog(_ sender: UIButton) {
        // Declare Alert
        let dialogMessage = UIAlertController(title: "Confirm", message: "Are you sure you want to Logout?", preferredStyle: .alert)

        // Create OK button with action handler
        let ok = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: { (action) -> Void in
             print("Ok button click...")

        // Create Cancel button with action handlder
        let cancel = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel) { (action) -> Void in
            print("Cancel button click...")

        //Add OK and Cancel button to dialog message

        // Present dialog message to user
        self.present(dialogMessage, animated: true, completion: nil)

// logoutFun() function definaiton :

func logoutFun()
    print("Logout Successfully...!")

Search and replace a particular string in a file using Perl

A one liner:

perl -pi.back -e 's/<PREF>/ABCD/g;' inputfile

Missing maven .m2 folder

Check the configurations in {M2_HOME}\conf\setting.xml as mentioned in the following link.

Hope this helps.

Count the number of all words in a string

Most simple way would be:

str_count("one,   two three 4,,,, 5 6", "\\S+")

... counting all sequences on non-space characters (\\S+).

But what about a little function that lets us also decide which kind of words we would like to count and which works on whole vectors as well?

nwords <- function(string, pseudo=F){
  ifelse( pseudo, 
          pattern <- "\\S+", 
          pattern <- "[[:alpha:]]+" 
  str_count(string, pattern)

nwords("one,   two three 4,,,, 5 6")
# 3

nwords("one,   two three 4,,,, 5 6", pseudo=T)
# 6

Xcode 4 - build output directory

Another thing to check before you start playing with Xcode preferences is:

Select your target and go to Build Settings > Packaging > Wrapper Extension

The value there should be: app

If not double click it and type "app" without the qoutes.

mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in

That query is failing and returning false.

Put this after mysqli_query() to see what's going on.

if (!$check1_res) {
    printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($con));

For more information:

chrome undo the action of "prevent this page from creating additional dialogs"

open a new window or tab with the same link.. the PREVENT option lasts per session only..

I got error "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint"

To DELETE, without changing the references, you should first delete or otherwise alter (in a manner suitable for your purposes) all relevant rows in other tables.

To TRUNCATE you must remove the references. TRUNCATE is a DDL statement (comparable to CREATE and DROP) not a DML statement (like INSERT and DELETE) and doesn't cause triggers, whether explicit or those associated with references and other constraints, to be fired. Because of this, the database could be put into an inconsistent state if TRUNCATE was allowed on tables with references. This was a rule when TRUNCATE was an extension to the standard used by some systems, and is mandated by the the standard, now that it has been added.

SQL Query to search schema of all tables

I would query the information_schema - this has views that are much more readable than the underlying tables.


retrieve links from web page using python and BeautifulSoup

Others have recommended BeautifulSoup, but it's much better to use lxml. Despite its name, it is also for parsing and scraping HTML. It's much, much faster than BeautifulSoup, and it even handles "broken" HTML better than BeautifulSoup (their claim to fame). It has a compatibility API for BeautifulSoup too if you don't want to learn the lxml API.

Ian Blicking agrees.

There's no reason to use BeautifulSoup anymore, unless you're on Google App Engine or something where anything not purely Python isn't allowed.

lxml.html also supports CSS3 selectors so this sort of thing is trivial.

An example with lxml and xpath would look like this:

import urllib
import lxml.html
connection = urllib.urlopen('')

dom =  lxml.html.fromstring(

for link in dom.xpath('//a/@href'): # select the url in href for all a tags(links)
    print link

SQLPLUS error:ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

You're missing service name:

 SQL> connect username/password@hostname:port/SERVICENAME


If you can connect to the database from other computer try running there:

select sys_context('USERENV','SERVICE_NAME') from dual


select sys_context('USERENV','SID') from dual

Laravel 5.5 ajax call 419 (unknown status)

It's possible your session domain does not match your app URL and/or the host being used to access the application.

1.) Check your .env file:

2.) Check config/session.php

Verify values to make sure they are correct.

MySQL Event Scheduler on a specific time everyday

My use case is similar, except that I want a log cleanup event to run at 2am every night. As I said in the comment above, the DAY_HOUR doesn't work for me. In my case I don't really mind potentially missing the first day (and, given it is to run at 2am then 2am tomorrow is almost always the next 2am) so I use:

CREATE EVENT applog_clean_event
    STARTS str_to_date( date_format(now(), '%Y%m%d 0200'), '%Y%m%d %H%i' ) + INTERVAL 1 DAY

Merging two images with PHP

I got it working from one I made.

$dest = imagecreatefrompng('vinyl.png');
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg('cover2.jpg');

imagealphablending($dest, false);
imagesavealpha($dest, true);

imagecopymerge($dest, $src, 10, 9, 0, 0, 181, 180, 100); //have to play with these numbers for it to work for you, etc.

header('Content-Type: image/png');


Disabling right click on images using jquery

This should work

     $('body').on('contextmenu', 'img', function(e){ 
         return false; 

Class is inaccessible due to its protection level

The code you posted does not produce the error messages you quoted. You should provide a (small) example that actually exhibits the problem.

Apache Spark: map vs mapPartitions?

Imp. TIP :

Whenever you have heavyweight initialization that should be done once for many RDD elements rather than once per RDD element, and if this initialization, such as creation of objects from a third-party library, cannot be serialized (so that Spark can transmit it across the cluster to the worker nodes), use mapPartitions() instead of map(). mapPartitions() provides for the initialization to be done once per worker task/thread/partition instead of once per RDD data element for example : see below.

val newRd = myRdd.mapPartitions(partition => {
  val connection = new DbConnection /*creates a db connection per partition*/

  val newPartition = => {
    readMatchingFromDB(record, connection)
  }).toList // consumes the iterator, thus calls readMatchingFromDB 

  connection.close() // close dbconnection here
  newPartition.iterator // create a new iterator

Q2. does flatMap behave like map or like mapPartitions?

Yes. please see example 2 of flatmap.. its self explanatory.

Q1. What's the difference between an RDD's map and mapPartitions

map works the function being utilized at a per element level while mapPartitions exercises the function at the partition level.

Example Scenario : if we have 100K elements in a particular RDD partition then we will fire off the function being used by the mapping transformation 100K times when we use map.

Conversely, if we use mapPartitions then we will only call the particular function one time, but we will pass in all 100K records and get back all responses in one function call.

There will be performance gain since map works on a particular function so many times, especially if the function is doing something expensive each time that it wouldn't need to do if we passed in all the elements at once(in case of mappartitions).


Applies a transformation function on each item of the RDD and returns the result as a new RDD.

Listing Variants

def map[U: ClassTag](f: T => U): RDD[U]

Example :

val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog", "salmon", "salmon", "rat", "elephant"), 3)
 val b =
 val c =
 res0: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((dog,3), (salmon,6), (salmon,6), (rat,3), (elephant,8)) 


This is a specialized map that is called only once for each partition. The entire content of the respective partitions is available as a sequential stream of values via the input argument (Iterarator[T]). The custom function must return yet another Iterator[U]. The combined result iterators are automatically converted into a new RDD. Please note, that the tuples (3,4) and (6,7) are missing from the following result due to the partitioning we chose.

preservesPartitioning indicates whether the input function preserves the partitioner, which should be false unless this is a pair RDD and the input function doesn't modify the keys.

Listing Variants

def mapPartitions[U: ClassTag](f: Iterator[T] => Iterator[U], preservesPartitioning: Boolean = false): RDD[U]

Example 1

val a = sc.parallelize(1 to 9, 3)
 def myfunc[T](iter: Iterator[T]) : Iterator[(T, T)] = {
   var res = List[(T, T)]()
   var pre =
   while (iter.hasNext)
     val cur =;
     res .::= (pre, cur)
     pre = cur;
 res0: Array[(Int, Int)] = Array((2,3), (1,2), (5,6), (4,5), (8,9), (7,8)) 

Example 2

val x = sc.parallelize(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10), 3)
 def myfunc(iter: Iterator[Int]) : Iterator[Int] = {
   var res = List[Int]()
   while (iter.hasNext) {
     val cur =;
     res = res ::: List.fill(scala.util.Random.nextInt(10))(cur)
 // some of the number are not outputted at all. This is because the random number generated for it is zero.
 res8: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 10) 

The above program can also be written using flatMap as follows.

Example 2 using flatmap

val x  = sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 3)

 res1: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10) 

Conclusion :

mapPartitions transformation is faster than map since it calls your function once/partition, not once/element..

Further reading : foreach Vs foreachPartitions When to use What?

What is the difference between Scope_Identity(), Identity(), @@Identity, and Ident_Current()?

Here is another good explanation from the book:

As for the difference between SCOPE_IDENTITY and @@IDENTITY, suppose that you have a stored procedure P1 with three statements:
- An INSERT that generates a new identity value
- A call to a stored procedure P2 that also has an INSERT statement that generates a new identity value
- A statement that queries the functions SCOPE_IDENTITY and @@IDENTITY The SCOPE_IDENTITY function will return the value generated by P1 (same session and scope). The @@IDENTITY function will return the value generated by P2 (same session irrespective of scope).

How to round a Double to the nearest Int in swift?

A very easy solution worked for me:

  if (62 % 50 != 0) {
      var number = 62 / 50 + 1 // adding 1 is doing the actual "round up"

number contains value 2

C++ Matrix Class

nota bene.

This answer has 20 upvotes now, but it is not intended as an endorsement of std::valarray.

In my experience, time is better spent installing and learning to use a full-fledged math library such as Eigen. Valarray has fewer features than the competition, but it isn't more efficient or particularly easier to use.

If you only need a little bit of linear algebra, and you are dead-set against adding anything to your toolchain, then maybe valarray would fit. But, being stuck unable to express the mathematically correct solution to your problem is a very bad position to be in. Math is relentless and unforgiving. Use the right tool for the job.

The standard library provides std::valarray<double>. std::vector<>, suggested by a few others here, is intended as a general-purpose container for objects. valarray, lesser known because it is more specialized (not using "specialized" as the C++ term), has several advantages:

  • It does not allocate extra space. A vector rounds up to the nearest power of two when allocating, so you can resize it without reallocating every time. (You can still resize a valarray; it's just still as expensive as realloc().)
  • You may slice it to access rows and columns easily.
  • Arithmetic operators work as you would expect.

Of course, the advantage over using C is that you don't need to manage memory. The dimensions can reside on the stack, or in a slice object.

std::valarray<double> matrix( row * col ); // no more, no less, than a matrix
matrix[ std::slice( 2, col, row ) ] = pi; // set third column to pi
matrix[ std::slice( 3*row, row, 1 ) ] = e; // set fourth row to e

How to hash some string with sha256 in Java?

private static String getMessageDigest(String message, String algorithm) {
 MessageDigest digest;
 try {
  digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);
  byte data[] = digest.digest(message.getBytes("UTF-8"));
  return convertByteArrayToHexString(data);
 } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
  // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 return null;

You can call above method with different algorithms like below.

getMessageDigest(message, "MD5");
getMessageDigest(message, "SHA-256");
getMessageDigest(message, "SHA-1");

You can refer this link for complete application.

Mobile overflow:scroll and overflow-scrolling: touch // prevent viewport "bounce"

This answer seems quite outdated and not adapt for nowadays single page applications. In my case I found the solution thank to this aricle where a simple but effective solution is proposed:

body {
  position: fixed;
  overflow: hidden;

This solution it's not applicable if your body is your scroll container.

Simple Popup by using Angular JS

Built a modal popup example using syarul's jsFiddle link. Here is the updated fiddle.

Created an angular directive called modal and used in html. Explanation:-


<div ng-controller="MainCtrl" class="container">
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Success')" class="btn btn-default">Success</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Remove')" class="btn btn-default">Remove</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Deny')" class="btn btn-default">Deny</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Cancel')" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</button>
  <modal visible="showModal">
      Any additional data / buttons

On button click toggleModal() function is called with the button message as parameter. This function toggles the visibility of popup. Any tags that you put inside will show up in the popup as content since ng-transclude is placed on modal-body in the directive template.


var mymodal = angular.module('mymodal', []);

mymodal.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
    $scope.showModal = false;
    $scope.buttonClicked = "";
    $scope.toggleModal = function(btnClicked){
        $scope.buttonClicked = btnClicked;
        $scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal;

mymodal.directive('modal', function () {
    return {
      template: '<div class="modal fade">' + 
          '<div class="modal-dialog">' + 
            '<div class="modal-content">' + 
              '<div class="modal-header">' + 
                '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + 
                '<h4 class="modal-title">{{ buttonClicked }} clicked!!</h4>' + 
              '</div>' + 
              '<div class="modal-body" ng-transclude></div>' + 
            '</div>' + 
          '</div>' + 
      restrict: 'E',
      transclude: true,
      link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
        scope.title = attrs.title;

        scope.$watch(attrs.visible, function(value){
          if(value == true)

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = true;

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = false;


<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="mymodal">


<div ng-controller="MainCtrl" class="container">
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Success')" class="btn btn-default">Success</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Remove')" class="btn btn-default">Remove</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Deny')" class="btn btn-default">Deny</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Cancel')" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</button>
  <modal visible="showModal">
      Any additional data / buttons
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <!-- Scripts -->
    <script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

    <!-- App -->
        var mymodal = angular.module('mymodal', []);

mymodal.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
    $scope.showModal = false;
    $scope.buttonClicked = "";
    $scope.toggleModal = function(btnClicked){
        $scope.buttonClicked = btnClicked;
        $scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal;

mymodal.directive('modal', function () {
    return {
      template: '<div class="modal fade">' + 
          '<div class="modal-dialog">' + 
            '<div class="modal-content">' + 
              '<div class="modal-header">' + 
                '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + 
                '<h4 class="modal-title">{{ buttonClicked }} clicked!!</h4>' + 
              '</div>' + 
              '<div class="modal-body" ng-transclude></div>' + 
            '</div>' + 
          '</div>' + 
      restrict: 'E',
      transclude: true,
      link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
          scope.$watch(attrs.visible, function(value){
          if(value == true)

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = true;

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = false;


UPDATE 2 restrict : 'E' : directive to be used as an HTML tag (element). Example in our case is


Other values are 'A' for attribute

<div modal>

'C' for class (not preferable in our case because modal is already a class in bootstrap.css)

<div class="modal">

SQL - The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

This error occurred for me because i was trying to store the minimum date and time in a column using inline queries directly from C# code.

The date variable was set to 01/01/0001 12:00:00 AM in the code given the fact that DateTime in C# is initialized with this date and time if not set elsewise. And the least possible date allowed in the MS-SQL 2008 datetime datatype is 1753-01-01 12:00:00 AM.

I changed the date from the code and set it to 01/01/1900 and no errors were reported further.

Cannot instantiate the type List<Product>

Interfaces can not be directly instantiated, you should instantiate classes that implements such Interfaces.

Try this:

NameValuePair[] params = new BasicNameValuePair[] {
        new BasicNameValuePair("param1", param1),
        new BasicNameValuePair("param2", param2),

GitHub - failed to connect to github 443 windows/ Failed to connect to gitHub - No Error

If you are not using Proxy and still facing this issue, you should use below answer -

git config --global --unset http.proxy

Simply hit this command, and this will fix the issue.

How to find locked rows in Oracle

Rather than locks, I suggest you look at long-running transactions, using v$transaction. From there you can join to v$session, which should give you an idea about the UI (try the program and machine columns) as well as the user.

Convert Enum to String

This would work too.

    List<string> names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MyEnum)).ToList();

setImmediate vs. nextTick

I think I can illustrate this quite nicely. Since nextTick is called at the end of the current operation, calling it recursively can end up blocking the event loop from continuing. setImmediate solves this by firing in the check phase of the event loop, allowing event loop to continue normally.

+->¦        timers         ¦
¦  +-----------------------+
¦  +-----------------------+
¦  ¦     I/O callbacks     ¦
¦  +-----------------------+
¦  +-----------------------+
¦  ¦     idle, prepare     ¦
¦  +-----------------------+      +---------------+
¦  +-----------------------+      ¦   incoming:   ¦
¦  ¦         poll          ¦<-----¦  connections, ¦
¦  +-----------------------+      ¦   data, etc.  ¦
¦  +-----------------------+      +---------------+
¦  ¦        check          ¦
¦  +-----------------------+
¦  +-----------------------+
+--¦    close callbacks    ¦


Notice that the check phase is immediately after the poll phase. This is because the poll phase and I/O callbacks are the most likely places your calls to setImmediate are going to run. So ideally most of those calls will actually be pretty immediate, just not as immediate as nextTick which is checked after every operation and technically exists outside of the event loop.

Let's take a look at a little example of the difference between setImmediate and process.nextTick:

function step(iteration) {
  if (iteration === 10) return;
  setImmediate(() => {
    console.log(`setImmediate iteration: ${iteration}`);
    step(iteration + 1); // Recursive call from setImmediate handler.
  process.nextTick(() => {
    console.log(`nextTick iteration: ${iteration}`);

Let's say we just ran this program and are stepping through the first iteration of the event loop. It will call into the step function with iteration zero. It will then register two handlers, one for setImmediate and one for process.nextTick. We then recursively call this function from the setImmediate handler which will run in the next check phase. The nextTick handler will run at the end of the current operation interrupting the event loop, so even though it was registered second it will actually run first.

The order ends up being: nextTick fires as current operation ends, next event loop begins, normal event loop phases execute, setImmediate fires and recursively calls our step function to start the process all over again. Current operation ends, nextTick fires, etc.

The output of the above code would be:

nextTick iteration: 0
setImmediate iteration: 0
nextTick iteration: 1
setImmediate iteration: 1
nextTick iteration: 2
setImmediate iteration: 2
nextTick iteration: 3
setImmediate iteration: 3
nextTick iteration: 4
setImmediate iteration: 4
nextTick iteration: 5
setImmediate iteration: 5
nextTick iteration: 6
setImmediate iteration: 6
nextTick iteration: 7
setImmediate iteration: 7
nextTick iteration: 8
setImmediate iteration: 8
nextTick iteration: 9
setImmediate iteration: 9

Now let's move our recursive call to step into our nextTick handler instead of the setImmediate.

function step(iteration) {
  if (iteration === 10) return;
  setImmediate(() => {
    console.log(`setImmediate iteration: ${iteration}`);
  process.nextTick(() => {
    console.log(`nextTick iteration: ${iteration}`);
    step(iteration + 1); // Recursive call from nextTick handler.

Now that we have moved the recursive call to step into the nextTick handler things will behave in a different order. Our first iteration of the event loop runs and calls step registering a setImmedaite handler as well as a nextTick handler. After the current operation ends our nextTick handler fires which recursively calls step and registers another setImmediate handler as well as another nextTick handler. Since a nextTick handler fires after the current operation, registering a nextTick handler within a nextTick handler will cause the second handler to run immediately after the current handler operation finishes. The nextTick handlers will keep firing, preventing the current event loop from ever continuing. We will get through all our nextTick handlers before we see a single setImmediate handler fire.

The output of the above code ends up being:

nextTick iteration: 0
nextTick iteration: 1
nextTick iteration: 2
nextTick iteration: 3
nextTick iteration: 4
nextTick iteration: 5
nextTick iteration: 6
nextTick iteration: 7
nextTick iteration: 8
nextTick iteration: 9
setImmediate iteration: 0
setImmediate iteration: 1
setImmediate iteration: 2
setImmediate iteration: 3
setImmediate iteration: 4
setImmediate iteration: 5
setImmediate iteration: 6
setImmediate iteration: 7
setImmediate iteration: 8
setImmediate iteration: 9

Note that had we not interrupted the recursive call and aborted it after 10 iterations then the nextTick calls would keep recursing and never letting the event loop continue to the next phase. This is how nextTick can become blocking when used recursively whereas setImmediate will fire in the next event loop and setting another setImmediate handler from within one won't interrupt the current event loop at all, allowing it to continue executing phases of the event loop as normal.

Hope that helps!

PS - I agree with other commenters that the names of the two functions could easily be swapped since nextTick sounds like it's going to fire in the next event loop rather than the end of the current one, and the end of the current loop is more "immediate" than the beginning of the next loop. Oh well, that's what we get as an API matures and people come to depend on existing interfaces.

Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x8E\xB6\xF0\x9F...' MySQL


The encoding used for Unicode has traditionally been 'utf8'. However, for MySQL versions 5.5.3 on forward, a new MySQL-specific encoding 'utf8mb4' has been introduced, and as of MySQL 8.0 a warning is emitted by the server if plain utf8 is specified within any server-side directives, replaced with utf8mb3. The rationale for this new encoding is due to the fact that MySQL’s legacy utf-8 encoding only supports codepoints up to three bytes instead of four. Therefore, when communicating with a MySQL database that includes codepoints more than three bytes in size, this new charset is preferred, if supported by both the database as well as the client DBAPI, as in:

e = create_engine(
All modern DBAPIs should support the utf8mb4 charset.

enter link description here

How to keep an iPhone app running on background fully operational

Depends what it does. If your app takes up too much memory, or makes calls to functions/classes it shouldn't, SpringBoard may terminate it. However, it will most likely be rejected by Apple, as it does not follow their 7 background uses.

CSS Border Not Working

The height is a 100% unsure, try putting display: block; or display: inline-block;

CSS float right not working correctly

Verry Easy, change order of element:


<div style="">

    My Text

    <button type="button" style="float: right; margin:5px;">
       My Button


Change to:

<div style=""> 

    <button type="button" style="float: right; margin:5px;">
       My Button

   My Text


How do I restart my C# WinForm Application?

You could also use Restarter.

Restarter is an application that automatically monitor and restarts crashed or hung programs and applications. It was originally developed to monitor and restart game servers, but it will do the job for any console or form based program or application

How to compare strings in Bash

To compare strings with wildcards use

if [[ "$stringA" == *$stringB* ]]; then
  # Do something here
  # Do Something here

WPF Application that only has a tray icon

You have to use the NotifyIcon control from System.Windows.Forms, or alternatively you can use the Notify Icon API provided by Windows API. WPF Provides no such equivalent, and it has been requested on Microsoft Connect several times.

I have code on GitHub which uses System.Windows.Forms NotifyIcon Component from within a WPF application, the code can be viewed at

Here are the summary bits:

Create a WPF Window with ShowInTaskbar=False, and which is loaded in a non-Visible State.

At class-level:

private System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon notifyIcon = null;

During OnInitialize():

notifyIcon = new System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon();
notifyIcon.Click += new EventHandler(notifyIcon_Click);
notifyIcon.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(notifyIcon_DoubleClick);
notifyIcon.Icon = IconHandles["QuickLaunch"];

During OnLoaded():

notifyIcon.Visible = true;

And for interaction (shown as notifyIcon.Click and DoubleClick above):

void notifyIcon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

From here you can resume the use of WPF Controls and APIs such as context menus, pop-up windows, etc.

It's that simple. You don't exactly need a WPF Window to host to the component, it's just the most convenient way to introduce one into a WPF App (as a Window is generally the default entry point defined via App.xaml), likewise, you don't need a WPF Wrapper or 3rd party control, as the SWF component is guaranteed present in any .NET Framework installation which also has WPF support since it's part of the .NET Framework (which all current and future .NET Framework versions build upon.) To date, there is no indication from Microsoft that SWF support will be dropped from the .NET Framework anytime soon.

Hope that helps.

It's a little cheese that you have to use a pre-3.0 Framework Component to get a tray-icon, but understandably as Microsoft has explained it, there is no concept of a System Tray within the scope of WPF. WPF is a presentation technology, and Notification Icons are an Operating System (not a "Presentation") concept.

arranging div one below the other

Set the main div CSS to somthing like:

        flex-direction: column;

<div id="wrapper">
        <div id="inner1">This is inner div 1</div>
        <div id="inner2">This is inner div 2</div>

For more flexbox CSS refer:

What is the meaning of ToString("X2")?

ToString("X2") prints the input in Hexadecimal

Delete all nodes and relationships in neo4j 1.8

Neo4j cannot delete nodes that have a relation. You have to delete the relations before you can delete the nodes.

But, it is simple way to delete "ALL" nodes and "ALL" relationships with a simple chyper. This is the code:


--> DETACH DELETE will remove all of the nodes and relations by Match

The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. on deploying to tomcat

Your dispatcher servlet does not where to dispatch the request. Issue is your controller bean is not created/working.

Even I faced the same problem. Then added the following under mvc-config.xml

<context:component-scan base-package="com.nsv.jsmbaba.teamapp.controller"/>

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
    <property name="prefix"><value>/WEB-INF/view/</value></property>
    <property name="suffix"><value>.jsp</value></property>

Hope this helps

how to load CSS file into jsp

I had the same problem too. Then i realized that in the MainPageServlet the urlPatterns parameter in @WebServlet annotation contained "/", because i wanted to forward to the MainPage if the user entered the section . When i tried to open the css file from the browser, the url was, but the page content was THE PAGE MainPage.jsp. So, i removed the "/" urlPattern and now i can use CSS files in my jsp file using one of the most common solutions (${pageContext.request.contextPath}/css/desktop.css). Make sure your servlet doesn't contain the "/" urlPattern. I hope this worked for u too, - Axel Montini

How can I get the assembly file version

When I want to access the application file version (what is set in Assembly Information -> File version), say to set a label's text to it on form load to display the version, I have just used

versionlabel.Text = "Version " + Application.ProductVersion;

This approach requires a reference to System.Windows.Forms.

How to change a <select> value from JavaScript


This will also trigger events hooked to this select

"And" and "Or" troubles within an IF statement

The problem is probably somewhere else. Try this code for example:

Sub test()

  origNum = "006260006"
  creditOrDebit = "D"

  If (origNum = "006260006" Or origNum = "30062600006") And creditOrDebit = "D" Then
    MsgBox "OK"
  End If

End Sub

And you will see that your Or works as expected. Are you sure that your ElseIf statement is executed (it will not be executed if any of the if/elseif before is true)?

What is the difference between a heuristic and an algorithm?

An Algorithm is a clearly defined set of instructions to solve a problem, Heuristics involve utilising an approach of learning and discovery to reach a solution.

So, if you know how to solve a problem then use an algorithm. If you need to develop a solution then it's heuristics.

check if array is empty (vba excel)

Adding into this: it depends on what your array is defined as. Consider:

dim a() as integer
dim b() as string
dim c() as variant

'these doesn't work
if isempty(a) then msgbox "integer arrays can be empty"
if isempty(b) then msgbox "string arrays can be empty"

'this is because isempty can only be tested on classes which have an .empty property

'this do work
if isempty(c) then msgbox "variants can be empty"

So, what can we do? In VBA, we can see if we can trigger an error and somehow handle it, for example

dim a() as integer
dim bEmpty as boolean


on error resume next
bempty=not isnumeric(ubound(a))
on error goto 0

But this is really clumsy... A nicer solution is to declare a boolean variable (a public or module level is best). When the array is first initialised, then set this variable. Because it's a variable declared at the same time, if it loses it's value, then you know that you need to reinitialise your array. However, if it is initialised, then all you're doing is checking the value of a boolean, which is low cost. It depends on whether being low cost matters, and if you're going to be needing to check it often.

option explicit

'declared at module level
dim a() as integer
dim aInitialised as boolean

sub DoSomethingWithA()
if not aInitialised then InitialiseA
'you can now proceed confident that a() is intialised
end sub

sub InitialiseA()
'insert code to do whatever is required to initialise A
redim a(10)
end sub

The last thing you can do is create a function; which in this case will need to be dependent on the clumsy on error method.

function isInitialised(byref a() as variant) as boolean
on error resume next
end function

Fastest way to write huge data in text file Java

try memory mapped files (takes 300 m/s to write 174MB in my m/c, core 2 duo, 2.5GB RAM) :

byte[] buffer = "Help I am trapped in a fortune cookie factory\n".getBytes();
int number_of_lines = 400000;

FileChannel rwChannel = new RandomAccessFile("textfile.txt", "rw").getChannel();
ByteBuffer wrBuf =, 0, buffer.length * number_of_lines);
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_lines; i++)

Facebook API "This app is in development mode"

Follow these basic steps to fix this problem,

Step 1: Go to Dashboard,

Step 2: Go to "App Review" tab,

Step 3: Enable the "Make test public?" option, Like Below image,

enter image description here

How do I insert a drop-down menu for a simple Windows Forms app in Visual Studio 2008?

You can use ComboBox, then point your mouse to the upper arrow facing right, it will unfold a box called ComboBox Tasks and in there you can go ahead and edit your items or fill in the items / strings one per line. This should be the easiest.

Active Menu Highlight CSS

As the given tag to this question is CSS, I will provide the way I accomplished it.

  1. Create a class in the .css file.

    a.activePage{ color: green; border-bottom: solid; border-width: 3px;}

  2. Nav-bar will be like:

    • Home
    • Contact Us
    • About Us

NOTE: If you are already setting the style for all Nav-Bar elements using a class, you can cascade the special-case class we created with a white-space after the generic class in the html-tag.

Example: Here, I was already importing my style from a class called 'navList' I created for all list-items . But the special-case styling-attributes are part of class 'activePage'

.CSS file:

a.navList{text-decoration: none; color: gray;}
a.activePage{ color: green; border-bottom: solid; border-width: 3px;}

.HTML file:

<div id="sub-header">
        <li> <a href="index.php" class= "navList activePage" >Home</a> </li>
        <li> <a href="contact.php" class= "navList">Contact Us</a> </li>
        <li> <a href="about.php" class= "navList">About Us</a> </li>

Look how I've cascaded one class-name behind other.

How to specify legend position in matplotlib in graph coordinates

According to the matplotlib legend documentation:

The location can also be a 2-tuple giving the coordinates of the lower-left corner of the legend in axes coordinates (in which case bbox_to_anchor will be ignored).

Thus, one could use:

plt.legend(loc=(x, y))

to set the legend's lower left corner to the specified (x, y) position.

Is this the proper way to do boolean test in SQL?

A boolean in SQL is a bit field. This means either 1 or 0. The correct syntax is:

select * from users where active = 1 /* All Active Users */


select * from users where active = 0 /* All Inactive Users */

How to iterate over the keys and values with ng-repeat in AngularJS?

You can do it in your javascript (controller) or in your html (angular view)...


$scope.arr = [];
for ( p in data ) {


<tr ng-repeat="(k, v) in data">
    <td>{{k}}<input type="text" ng-model="data[k]"></td>

I believe the html way is more angular , but you can also do in your controller and retrieve it in your html...

also not a bad idea to look at the Object keys, they give you the an array of the keys if you need them, more info here:

Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? - Asynchronous code reference

Fabrício's answer is spot on; but I wanted to complement his answer with something less technical, which focusses on an analogy to help explain the concept of asynchronicity.

An Analogy...

Yesterday, the work I was doing required some information from a colleague. I rang him up; here's how the conversation went:

Me: Hi Bob, I need to know how we foo'd the bar'd last week. Jim wants a report on it, and you're the only one who knows the details about it.

Bob: Sure thing, but it'll take me around 30 minutes?

Me: That's great Bob. Give me a ring back when you've got the information!

At this point, I hung up the phone. Since I needed information from Bob to complete my report, I left the report and went for a coffee instead, then I caught up on some email. 40 minutes later (Bob is slow), Bob called back and gave me the information I needed. At this point, I resumed my work with my report, as I had all the information I needed.

Imagine if the conversation had gone like this instead;

Me: Hi Bob, I need to know how we foo'd the bar'd last week. Jim want's a report on it, and you're the only one who knows the details about it.

Bob: Sure thing, but it'll take me around 30 minutes?

Me: That's great Bob. I'll wait.

And I sat there and waited. And waited. And waited. For 40 minutes. Doing nothing but waiting. Eventually, Bob gave me the information, we hung up, and I completed my report. But I'd lost 40 minutes of productivity.

This is asynchronous vs. synchronous behavior

This is exactly what is happening in all the examples in our question. Loading an image, loading a file off disk, and requesting a page via AJAX are all slow operations (in the context of modern computing).

Rather than waiting for these slow operations to complete, JavaScript lets you register a callback function which will be executed when the slow operation has completed. In the meantime, however, JavaScript will continue to execute other code. The fact that JavaScript executes other code whilst waiting for the slow operation to complete makes the behaviorasynchronous. Had JavaScript waited around for the operation to complete before executing any other code, this would have been synchronous behavior.

var outerScopeVar;    
var img = document.createElement('img');

// Here we register the callback function.
img.onload = function() {
    // Code within this function will be executed once the image has loaded.
    outerScopeVar = this.width;

// But, while the image is loading, JavaScript continues executing, and
// processes the following lines of JavaScript.
img.src = 'lolcat.png';

In the code above, we're asking JavaScript to load lolcat.png, which is a sloooow operation. The callback function will be executed once this slow operation has done, but in the meantime, JavaScript will keep processing the next lines of code; i.e. alert(outerScopeVar).

This is why we see the alert showing undefined; since the alert() is processed immediately, rather than after the image has been loaded.

In order to fix our code, all we have to do is move the alert(outerScopeVar) code into the callback function. As a consequence of this, we no longer need the outerScopeVar variable declared as a global variable.

var img = document.createElement('img');

img.onload = function() {
    var localScopeVar = this.width;

img.src = 'lolcat.png';

You'll always see a callback is specified as a function, because that's the only* way in JavaScript to define some code, but not execute it until later.

Therefore, in all of our examples, the function() { /* Do something */ } is the callback; to fix all the examples, all we have to do is move the code which needs the response of the operation into there!

* Technically you can use eval() as well, but eval() is evil for this purpose

How do I keep my caller waiting?

You might currently have some code similar to this;

function getWidthOfImage(src) {
    var outerScopeVar;

    var img = document.createElement('img');
    img.onload = function() {
        outerScopeVar = this.width;
    img.src = src;
    return outerScopeVar;

var width = getWidthOfImage('lolcat.png');

However, we now know that the return outerScopeVar happens immediately; before the onload callback function has updated the variable. This leads to getWidthOfImage() returning undefined, and undefined being alerted.

To fix this, we need to allow the function calling getWidthOfImage() to register a callback, then move the alert'ing of the width to be within that callback;

function getWidthOfImage(src, cb) {     
    var img = document.createElement('img');
    img.onload = function() {
    img.src = src;

getWidthOfImage('lolcat.png', function (width) {

... as before, note that we've been able to remove the global variables (in this case width).

MVC web api: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

@Mihai-Andrei Dinculescu's answer worked for me, e.g.:

  • Adding a <httpProtocol>in the web.config's <system.webServer> section
  • Returning empty response for OPTIONS requests via the mentioned Application_BeginRequest() in global.asax

Except that his check for Request.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("Origin") did NOT work for me, because the request contained an origing, so with lowercase. I think my browser (Chrome) sends it like this for CORS requests.

I solved this a bit more generically by using a case insensitive variant of his Contains check instead: if (culture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(string.Join(",", Request.Headers.AllKeys), "Origin", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) >= 0) {

Getting results between two dates in PostgreSQL

No offense but to check for performance of sql I executed some of the above mentioned solutiona pgsql.

Let me share you Statistics of top 3 solution approaches that I come across.

1) Took : 1.58 MS Avg

2) Took : 2.87 MS Avg

3) Took : 3.95 MS Avg

Now try this :

 SELECT * FROM table WHERE DATE_TRUNC('day', date ) >= Start Date AND DATE_TRUNC('day', date ) <= End Date

Now this solution took : 1.61 Avg.

And best solution is 1st that suggested by marco-mariani

How to override maven property in command line?

See Introduction to the POM

finalName is created as:


One of the solutions is to add own property:


And now try:

mvn -DfinalName=build clean package

Making a request to a RESTful API using python

Using requests and json makes it simple.

  1. Call the API
  2. Assuming the API returns a JSON, parse the JSON object into a Python dict using json.loads function
  3. Loop through the dict to extract information.

Requests module provides you useful function to loop for success and failure.

if(Response.ok): will help help you determine if your API call is successful (Response code - 200)

Response.raise_for_status() will help you fetch the http code that is returned from the API.

Below is a sample code for making such API calls. Also can be found in github. The code assumes that the API makes use of digest authentication. You can either skip this or use other appropriate authentication modules to authenticate the client invoking the API.

#Python 2.7.6

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
import json

# Replace with the correct URL
url = "http://api_url"

# It is a good practice not to hardcode the credentials. So ask the user to enter credentials at runtime
myResponse = requests.get(url,auth=HTTPDigestAuth(raw_input("username: "), raw_input("Password: ")), verify=True)
#print (myResponse.status_code)

# For successful API call, response code will be 200 (OK)

    # Loading the response data into a dict variable
    # json.loads takes in only binary or string variables so using content to fetch binary content
    # Loads (Load String) takes a Json file and converts into python data structure (dict or list, depending on JSON)
    jData = json.loads(myResponse.content)

    print("The response contains {0} properties".format(len(jData)))
    for key in jData:
        print key + " : " + jData[key]
  # If response code is not ok (200), print the resulting http error code with description

Processing $http response in service

I've read [AngularJS allows us to streamline our controller logic by placing a promise directly on the scope, rather than manually handing the resolved value in a success callback.]

so simply and handy :)

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
            app.factory('Data', function($http,$q) {
                return {
                    getData : function(){
                        var deferred = $q.defer();
                        var promise = $http.get('./largeLoad').success(function (response) {
                        // Return the promise to the controller
                        return deferred.promise; 
                $scope.items = Data.getData();

Hope this help

jQuery: using a variable as a selector

You're thinking too complicated. It's actually just $('#'+openaddress).

Auto Generate Database Diagram MySQL

MySQL Workbench worked like a charm.

I just backed up database structure to SQL script and used it in "Create EER Model From SQL Script" of MWB 5.2.37 for Windows.

How do I completely remove root password

Did you try passwd -d root? Most likely, this will do what you want.

You can also manually edit /etc/shadow: (Create a backup copy. Be sure that you can log even if you mess up, for example from a rescue system.) Search for "root". Typically, the root entry looks similar to


There, delete the second field (everything between the first and second colon):


Some systems will make you put an asterisk (*) in the password field instead of blank, where a blank field would allow no password (CentOS 8 for example)


Save the file, and try logging in as root. It should skip the password prompt. (Like passwd -d, this is a "no password" solution. If you are really looking for a "blank password", that is "ask for a password, but accept if the user just presses Enter", look at the manpage of mkpasswd, and use mkpasswd to create the second field for the /etc/shadow.)

Oracle SQL Developer and PostgreSQL

Oracle SQL Developer doesn't support connections to PostgreSQL. Use pgAdmin to connect to PostgreSQL instead, you can get it from the following URL

What does HTTP/1.1 302 mean exactly?

  • The code 302 indicates a temporary redirection.
  • One of the most notable features that differentiate it from a 301 redirect is that, in the case of 302 redirects, the strength of the SEO is not transferred to a new URL.
  • This is because this redirection has been designed to be used when there is a need to redirect content to a page that will not be the definitive one. Thus, once the redirection is eliminated, the original page will not have lost its positioning in the Google search engine.

EXAMPLE:- Although it is not very common that we find ourselves in need of a 302 redirect, this option can be very useful in some cases. These are the most frequent cases:

  • When we realize that there is some inappropriate content on a page. While we solve the problem, we can redirect the user to another page that may be of interest.
  • In the event that an attack on our website requires the restoration of any of the pages, this redirect can help us minimize the incidence.

A redirect 302 is a code that tells visitors of a specific URL that the page has been moved temporarily, directing them directly to the new location.

  • In other words, redirect 302 is activated when Google robots or other search engines request to load a specific page. At that moment, thanks to this redirection, the server returns an automatic response indicating a new URL.

  • In this way errors and annoyances are avoided both to search engines and users, guaranteeing smooth navigation.

For More details Refer this Article.

What is the meaning of # in URL and how can I use that?

Originally it was used as an anchor to jump to an element with the same name/id.

However, nowadays it's usually used with AJAX-based pages since changing the hash can be detected using JavaScript and allows you to use the back/forward button without actually triggering a full page reload.

Best way to restrict a text field to numbers only?

It's worth pointing out that no matter how tightly you manage to control this via the front end (Javascript, HTML, etc), you still need to validate it at the server, because there's nothing to stop a user from turning off javascript, or even deliberately posting junk to your form to try to hack you.

My advice: Use the HTML5 markup so that browsers which support it will use it. Also use the JQuery option previously suggested (the inital solution may have flaws, but it seems like the comments have been working through that). And then do server-side validation as well.

Creating watermark using html and css

Other solutions are great but they didn't take care of the fact that watermark shouldn't get selected on selection from the mouse. This fiddle takes care or that:

This will be better option for pdf or static html.


#watermark {
  opacity: 0.2;
  font-size: 52px;
  color: 'black';
  background: '#ccc';
  position: absolute;
  cursor: default;
  user-select: none;
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  -khtml-user-select: none;
  -moz-user-select: none;
  -ms-user-select: none;
  right: 5px;
  bottom: 5px;

How to call a parent class function from derived class function?

Call the parent method with the parent scope resolution operator.


class Primate {
    void whatAmI(){
        cout << "I am of Primate order";

class Human : public Primate{
    void whatAmI(){
        cout << "I am of Human species";
    void whatIsMyOrder(){
        Primate::whatAmI(); // <-- SCOPE RESOLUTION OPERATOR

Android: Quit application when press back button

Instead of finish() call super.onBackPressed()

pytest cannot import module while python can

If you run Pytest from a terminal:

Run pytest with the --import-mode=append command-line flag.

Argument description in the official documentation:

UPD: Before I also wrote how to do the same if you use PyCharm, but community does not like extendend answers, so I removed additional information that probably was helpful to someone who have a similar issue.

How to check string length with JavaScript

Leaving a reply (and an answer to the question title), For the future googlers...

You can use .length to get the length of a string.

var x = 'Mozilla'; var empty = '';

console.log('Mozilla is ' + x.length + ' code units long');

/*"Mozilla is 7 code units long" */

console.log('The empty string has a length of ' + empty.length);

/*"The empty string has a length of 0" */

If you intend to get the length of a textarea say id="txtarea" then you can use the following code.

txtarea = document.getElementById('txtarea');

You should be able to get away with using this with BMP Unicode symbols. If you want to support "non BMP Symbols" like (), then its an edge case, and you need to find some work around.

Where can I set environment variables that crontab will use?

Setting vars in /etc/environment also worked for me in Ubuntu. As of 12.04, variables in /etc/environment are loaded for cron.

How to find the 'sizeof' (a pointer pointing to an array)?

The answer is, "No."

What C programmers do is store the size of the array somewhere. It can be part of a structure, or the programmer can cheat a bit and malloc() more memory than requested in order to store a length value before the start of the array.

How do I import a .bak file into Microsoft SQL Server 2012?

For SQL Server 2008, I would imagine the procedure is similar...?

  • open SQL Server Management Studio
  • log in to a SQL Server instance, right click on "Databases", select "Restore Database"
  • wizard appears, you want "from device" which allows you to select a .bak file

What is the better API to Reading Excel sheets in java - JXL or Apache POI

I am not familiar with JXL and but we use POI. POI is well maintained and can handle both the binary .xls format and the new xml based format that was introduced in Office 2007.

CSV files are not excel files, they are text based files, so these libraries don't read them. You will need to parse out a CSV file yourself. I am not aware of any CSV file libraries, but I haven't looked either.

How to create a GUID in Excel?

This is not a problem with the function at all.

It took me a bit of digging, but the problem is in copying and pasting. Try copying this: RANDBETWEEN(0,6553??5) string, posted in your original question, and paste it into a Hex Editor, then you'll see that there are actually two null characters in the 65535:

00000000  52 41 4E 44 42 45 54 57 45 45 4E 28 30 2C 36 35  RANDBETWEEN(0,65
00000010  35 33 00 00 35 29                                53?..?5)

yum error "Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again" updating ContextBroker

In my case when I comment out mirrorlist the error got away but the repo was also not working so I manually point the right baseurl in /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo as below

name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch

name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch - Debug

name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - $basearch - Source

Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters

public class GetUsers extends AsyncTask {

    protected void onPreExecute() {


    private String convertStreamToString(InputStream is) {
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        String line = null;
        try {
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                sb.append(line + "\n");
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

        return sb.toString();

    public String connect()
        HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();

        // Prepare a request object
        HttpPost htopost = new HttpPost("URL");
        htopost.setHeader(new BasicHeader("Authorization","Basic Og=="));

        try {

            JSONObject param = new JSONObject();

            htopost.setEntity(new StringEntity(param.toString()));

            // Execute the request
            HttpResponse response;

            response = httpclient.execute(htopost);
            // Examine the response status
            // Get hold of the response entity
            HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

            if (entity != null) {

                // A Simple JSON Response Read
                InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
                String result = convertStreamToString(instream);

                // A Simple JSONObject Creation
                json = new JSONArray(result);

                // Closing the input stream will trigger connection release
                return ""+response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return null;

    protected String doInBackground(String... urls) {
        return connect();

    protected void onPostExecute(String status){
        try {



                    for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) {
                        JSONObject ojb = json.getJSONObject(i);
                        UserMomentModel u = new UserMomentModel();


                            userAdapter = new UserAdapter(getActivity(), Global.defaultMoemntLsit);

        catch (Exception e)


Connecting to local SQL Server database using C#

I like to use the handy process outlined here to build connection strings using a .udl file. This allows you to test them from within the udl file to ensure that you can connect before you run any code.

Hope that helps.

Python 3 sort a dict by its values

itemgetter (see other answers) is (as I know) more efficient for large dictionaries but for the common case, I believe that d.get wins. And it does not require an extra import.

>>> d = {"aa": 3, "bb": 4, "cc": 2, "dd": 1}
>>> for k in sorted(d, key=d.get, reverse=True):
...     k, d[k]
('bb', 4)
('aa', 3)
('cc', 2)
('dd', 1)

Note that alternatively you can set d.__getitem__ as key function which may provide a small performance boost over d.get.

Split text file into smaller multiple text file using command line

I know the question has been asked a long time ago, but I am surprised that nobody has given the most straightforward unix answer:

split -l 5000 -d --additional-suffix=.txt $FileName file
  • -l 5000: split file into files of 5,000 lines each.
  • -d: numerical suffix. This will make the suffix go from 00 to 99 by default instead of aa to zz.
  • --additional-suffix: lets you specify the suffix, here the extension
  • $FileName: name of the file to be split.
  • file: prefix to add to the resulting files.

As always, check out man split for more details.

For Mac, the default version of split is apparently dumbed down. You can install the GNU version using the following command. (see this question for more GNU utils)

brew install coreutils

and then you can run the above command by replacing split with gsplit. Check out man gsplit for details.

JQuery, select first row of table

jQuery is not necessary, you can use only javascript.

<table id="table">

The table object has a collection of all rows.

var myTable = document.getElementById('table');
var rows =  myTable.rows;
var firstRow = rows[0];

How to get the EXIF data from a file using C#

Image class has PropertyItems and PropertyIdList properties. You can use them.

jQuery: how to trigger anchor link's click event$('#myanchor').attr('href'));


jQuery: select an element's class and id at the same time?

It will work when adding space between id and class identifier

$("#countery .save")...

Why check both isset() and !empty()

isset() tests if a variable is set and not null:

empty() can return true when the variable is set to certain values:

To demonstrate this, try the following code with $the_var unassigned, set to 0, and set to 1.


#$the_var = 0;

if (isset($the_var)) {
  echo "set";
} else {
  echo "not set";

echo "\n";

if (empty($the_var)) {
  echo "empty";
} else {
  echo "not empty";

jQuery selector for the label of a checkbox

Thanks Kip, for those who may be looking to achieve the same using $(this) whilst iterating or associating within a function:

$("label[for="+$(this).attr("id")+"]").addClass( "orienSel" );

I looked for a while whilst working this project but couldn't find a good example so I hope this helps others who may be looking to resolve the same issue.

In the example above, my objective was to hide the radio inputs and style the labels to provide a slicker user experience (changing the orientation of the flowchart).

You can see an example here

If you like the example, here is the css:

.orientation {      position: absolute; top: -9999px;   left: -9999px;}
    .orienlabel{background:#1a97d4 url('') no-repeat 2px 5px; background-size: 40px auto;color:#fff; width:50px;height:50px;display:inline-block; border-radius:50%;color:transparent;cursor:pointer;}
    .orR{   background-position: 9px -57px;}
    .orT{   background-position: 2px -120px;}
    .orB{   background-position: 6px -177px;}

    .orienSel {background-color:#323232;}

and the relevant part of the JavaScript:

function changeHandler() {
    $(".orienSel").removeClass( "orienSel" );
    if(this.checked) {
        $("label[for="+$(this).attr("id")+"]").addClass( "orienSel" );

An alternate root to the original question, given the label follows the input, you could go with a pure css solution and avoid using JavaScript altogether...:

input[type=checkbox]:checked+label {}

Why doesn't margin:auto center an image?

I have found... margin: 0 auto; works for me. But I have also seen it NOT work due to the class being trumped by another specificity that had ... float:left; so watch for that you may need to add ... float:none; this worked in my case as I was coding a media query.

Registry Key '...' has value '1.7', but '1.6' is required. Java 1.7 is Installed and the Registry is Pointing to it

Just had the similar error when installing java 8 (jdk & jre) on a system already running Java 7.

Error: Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime

Environment'\CurrentVersion' has value '1.8', but '1.7' is required.

Error: could not find java.dll Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment.

My environment was set up correctly (Path & java_home correctly defined), but the problem arises from the way pre-8 Java installers worked, which is that they used to copy the three executables (java.exe, javaw.exe & javaws.exe) to the Windows system directory. These remain unless overwritten by a new pre-8 installation.

However the Java 8 installer instead creates symbolic links in a new directory, C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath, pointing to the actual JRE 8 location.

This means that you'll actually run the old 7 exes but use the new 8 DLLs.

So, the solution is simply to delete the 3 Java exes, as above, from the windows system directory.

If you are running 32-bit Java on a 64-bit Windows, the exes would be in Windows\SysWOW64, otherwise in Windows\System32.

Creating a blurring overlay view

Custom blur scale

You can try UIVisualEffectView with custom setting as -

class BlurViewController: UIViewController {
    private let blurEffect = (NSClassFromString("_UICustomBlurEffect") as! UIBlurEffect.Type).init()

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let blurView = UIVisualEffectView(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
        blurEffect.setValue(1, forKeyPath: "blurRadius")
        blurView.effect = blurEffect

Output:- for blurEffect.setValue(1... & blurEffect.setValue(2.. enter image description here enter image description here

Display PDF file inside my android application

I do not think that you can do this easily. you should consider this answer here:

How can I display a pdf document into a Webview?

basically you'll be able to see a pdf if it is hosted online via google documents, but not if you have it in your device (you'll need a standalone reader for that)

What is the difference between the 'COPY' and 'ADD' commands in a Dockerfile?

You should check the ADD and COPY documentation for a more detailed description of their behaviors, but in a nutshell, the major difference is that ADD can do more than COPY:

  • ADD allows <src> to be a URL
  • Referring to comments below, the ADD documentation states that:

If is a local tar archive in a recognized compression format (identity, gzip, bzip2 or xz) then it is unpacked as a directory. Resources from remote URLs are not decompressed.

Note that the Best practices for writing Dockerfiles suggests using COPY where the magic of ADD is not required. Otherwise, you (since you had to look up this answer) are likely to get surprised someday when you mean to copy keep_this_archive_intact.tar.gz into your container, but instead, you spray the contents onto your filesystem.

javascript create empty array of a given size

We use Array.from({length: 500}) since 2017.

Checkbox for nullable boolean

My model has a boolean that has to be nullable

Why? This doesn't make sense. A checkbox has two states: checked/unchecked, or True/False if you will. There is no third state.

Or wait you are using your domain models in your views instead of view models? That's your problem. So the solution for me is to use a view model in which you will define a simple boolean property:

public class MyViewModel
    public bool Foo { get; set; }

and now you will have your controller action pass this view model to the view and generate the proper checkbox.

Best HTTP Authorization header type for JWT

The best HTTP header for your client to send an access token (JWT or any other token) is the Authorization header with the Bearer authentication scheme.

This scheme is described by the RFC6750.


GET /resource HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIXVCJ9TJV...r7E20RMHrHDcEfxjoYZgeFONFh7HgQ

If you need stronger security protection, you may also consider the following IETF draft: This draft seems to be a good alternative to the (abandoned?)

Note that even if this RFC and the above specifications are related to the OAuth2 Framework protocol, they can be used in any other contexts that require a token exchange between a client and a server.

Unlike the custom JWT scheme you mention in your question, the Bearer one is registered at the IANA.

Concerning the Basic and Digest authentication schemes, they are dedicated to authentication using a username and a secret (see RFC7616 and RFC7617) so not applicable in that context.

Xcode5 "No matching provisioning profiles found issue" (but good at xcode4)

Here's a simpler solution that worked for me:

In XCode5, double-click on your app's target. This brings up the Info pane for the target. In the "Build Settings" section, check the "code signing" section for any old profiles and replace with the correct one. update the value of "code signing identity" and "provisioning profile"