Programs & Examples On #Deadlock

Situation where two (or more) operations need overlapping sets of resources, and neither can complete because they cannot obtain all locks necessary to complete an operation and release their locks.

What's the difference between deadlock and livelock?

Imagine you've thread A and thread B. They are both synchronised on the same object and inside this block there's a global variable they are both updating;

static boolean commonVar = false;
Object lock = new Object;


void threadAMethod(){
    while(commonVar == false){
              commonVar = true

void threadBMethod(){
    while(commonVar == true){
              commonVar = false

So, when thread A enters in the while loop and holds the lock, it does what it has to do and set the commonVar to true. Then thread B comes in, enters in the while loop and since commonVar is true now, it is be able to hold the lock. It does so, executes the synchronised block, and sets commonVar back to false. Now, thread A again gets it's new CPU window, it was about to quit the while loop but thread B has just set it back to false, so the cycle repeats over again. Threads do something (so they're not blocked in the traditional sense) but for pretty much nothing.

It maybe also nice to mention that livelock does not necessarily have to appear here. I'm assuming that the scheduler favours the other thread once the synchronised block finish executing. Most of the time, I think it's a hard-to-hit expectation and depends on many things happening under the hood.

What is a deadlock?

Above some explanations are nice. Hope this may also useful:

In a database, when a session (e.g. ora) wants a resource held by another session (e.g. data), but that session (data) also wants a resource which is held by the first session (ora). There can be more than 2 sessions involved also but idea will be the same. Actually, Deadlocks prevent some transactions from continuing to work. For example: Suppose, ORA-DATA holds lock A and requests lock B And SKU holds lock B and requests lock A.


How to implement a lock in JavaScript

Lock is a questionable idea in JS which is intended to be threadless and not needing concurrency protection. You're looking to combine calls on deferred execution. The pattern I follow for this is the use of callbacks. Something like this:

var functionLock = false;
var functionCallbacks = [];
var lockingFunction = function (callback) {
    if (functionLock) {
    } else {
        $.longRunning(function(response) {
                 var thisCallback = functionCallbacks.pop();

You can also implement this using DOM event listeners or a pubsub solution.

await vs Task.Wait - Deadlock?

Based on what I read from different sources:

An await expression does not block the thread on which it is executing. Instead, it causes the compiler to sign up the rest of the async method as a continuation on the awaited task. Control then returns to the caller of the async method. When the task completes, it invokes its continuation, and execution of the async method resumes where it left off.

To wait for a single task to complete, you can call its Task.Wait method. A call to the Wait method blocks the calling thread until the single class instance has completed execution. The parameterless Wait() method is used to wait unconditionally until a task completes. The task simulates work by calling the Thread.Sleep method to sleep for two seconds.

This article is also a good read.

How to solve SQL Server Error 1222 i.e Unlock a SQL Server table

In the SQL Server Management Studio, to find out details of the active transaction, execute following command

DBCC opentran()

You will get the detail of the active transaction, then from the SPID of the active transaction, get the detail about the SPID using following commands

exec sp_who2 <SPID>
exec sp_lock <SPID>

For example, if SPID is 69 then execute the command as

exec sp_who2 69
exec sp_lock 69

Now , you can kill that process using the following command


I hope this helps :)

Simple Deadlock Examples

Let me explain more clearly using an example having more than 2 threads.

Let us say you have n threads each holding locks L1, L2, ..., Ln respectively. Now let's say, starting from thread 1, each thread tries to acquire its neighbour thread's lock. So, thread 1 gets blocked for trying to acquire L2 (as L2 is owned by thread 2), thread 2 gets blocked for L3 and so on. The thread n gets blocked for L1. This is now a deadlock as no thread is able to execute.

class ImportantWork{
   synchronized void callAnother(){     
   synchronized void call(ImportantWork work) throws InterruptedException{
class Task implements Runnable{
  ImportantWork myWork, otherWork;
  public void run(){
    try {;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {      
class DeadlockTest{
  public static void main(String args[]){
    ImportantWork work1=new ImportantWork();
    ImportantWork work2=new ImportantWork();
    ImportantWork work3=new ImportantWork();
    Task task1=new Task(); 

    Task task2=new Task(); 

    Task task3=new Task(); 

    new Thread(task1).start();
    new Thread(task2).start();
    new Thread(task3).start();

In the above example, you can see that there are three threads holding Runnables task1, task2, and task3. Before the statement sleep(100) the threads acquire the three work objects' locks when they enter the call() method (due to the presence of synchronized). But as soon as they try to callAnother() on their neighbour thread's object, they are blocked, leading to a deadlock, because those objects' locks have already been taken.

C++ terminate called without an active exception

How to reproduce that error:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
void task1(std::string msg){
  cout << "task1 says: " << msg;
int main() { 
  std::thread t1(task1, "hello"); 
  return 0;

Compile and run:

el@defiant ~/foo4/39_threading $ g++ -o s s.cpp -pthread -std=c++11
el@defiant ~/foo4/39_threading $ ./s
terminate called without an active exception
Aborted (core dumped)

You get that error because you didn't join or detach your thread.

One way to fix it, join the thread like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
void task1(std::string msg){
  cout << "task1 says: " << msg;
int main() { 
  std::thread t1(task1, "hello"); 
  return 0;

Then compile and run:

el@defiant ~/foo4/39_threading $ g++ -o s s.cpp -pthread -std=c++11
el@defiant ~/foo4/39_threading $ ./s
task1 says: hello

The other way to fix it, detach it like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
void task1(std::string msg){
  cout << "task1 says: " << msg;
int main() 

        std::thread t1(task1, "hello"); 

     } //thread handle is destroyed here, as goes out of scope!

     usleep(1000000); //wait so that hello can be printed.

Compile and run:

el@defiant ~/foo4/39_threading $ g++ -o s s.cpp -pthread -std=c++11
el@defiant ~/foo4/39_threading $ ./s
task1 says: hello

Read up on detaching C++ threads and joining C++ threads.

SQL query to get the deadlocks in SQL SERVER 2008

You can use a deadlock graph and gather the information you require from the log file.

The only other way I could suggest is digging through the information by using EXEC SP_LOCK (Soon to be deprecated), EXEC SP_WHO2 or the sys.dm_tran_locks table.

SELECT  L.request_session_id AS SPID, 
    DB_NAME(L.resource_database_id) AS DatabaseName,
    O.Name AS LockedObjectName, 
    P.object_id AS LockedObjectId, 
    L.resource_type AS LockedResource, 
    L.request_mode AS LockType,
    ST.text AS SqlStatementText,        
    ES.login_name AS LoginName,
    ES.host_name AS HostName,
    TST.is_user_transaction as IsUserTransaction, as TransactionName,
    CN.auth_scheme as AuthenticationMethod
FROM    sys.dm_tran_locks L
    JOIN sys.partitions P ON P.hobt_id = L.resource_associated_entity_id
    JOIN sys.objects O ON O.object_id = P.object_id
    JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions ES ON ES.session_id = L.request_session_id
    JOIN sys.dm_tran_session_transactions TST ON ES.session_id = TST.session_id
    JOIN sys.dm_tran_active_transactions AT ON TST.transaction_id = AT.transaction_id
    JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections CN ON CN.session_id = ES.session_id
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(CN.most_recent_sql_handle) AS ST
WHERE   resource_database_id = db_id()
ORDER BY L.request_session_id

Working around MySQL error "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"

Note that if you use SELECT FOR UPDATE to perform a uniqueness check before an insert, you will get a deadlock for every race condition unless you enable the innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog option. A deadlock-free method to check uniqueness is to blindly insert a row into a table with a unique index using INSERT IGNORE, then to check the affected row count.

add below line to my.cnf file

innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = 1


1 - ON
0 - OFF


Cause of a process being a deadlock victim

Q1:Could the time it takes for a transaction to execute make the associated process more likely to be flagged as a deadlock victim.

No. The SELECT is the victim because it had only read data, therefore the transaction has a lower cost associated with it so is chosen as the victim:

By default, the Database Engine chooses as the deadlock victim the session running the transaction that is least expensive to roll back. Alternatively, a user can specify the priority of sessions in a deadlock situation using the SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY statement. DEADLOCK_PRIORITY can be set to LOW, NORMAL, or HIGH, or alternatively can be set to any integer value in the range (-10 to 10).

Q2. If I execute the select with a NOLOCK hint, will this remove the problem?

No. For several reasons:

Q3. I suspect that a datetime field that is checked as part of the WHERE clause in the select statement is causing the slow lookup time. Can I create an index based on this field? Is it advisable?

Probably. The cause of the deadlock is almost very likely to be a poorly indexed database.10 minutes queries are acceptable in such narrow conditions, that I'm 100% certain in your case is not acceptable.

With 99% confidence I declare that your deadlock is cased by a large table scan conflicting with updates. Start by capturing the deadlock graph to analyze the cause. You will very likely have to optimize the schema of your database. Before you do any modification, read this topic Designing Indexes and the sub-articles.

How to avoid mysql 'Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction'

For Java programmers using Spring, I've avoided this problem using an AOP aspect that automatically retries transactions that run into transient deadlocks.

See @RetryTransaction Javadoc for more info.

Recursive Lock (Mutex) vs Non-Recursive Lock (Mutex)

One main reason that recursive mutexes are useful is in case of accessing the methods multiple times by the same thread. For example, say if mutex lock is protecting a bank A/c to withdraw, then if there is a fee also associated with that withdrawal, then the same mutex has to be used.

How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP

Multiple row sorting using a closure

Here's another approach using uasort() and an anonymous callback function (closure). I've used that function regularly. PHP 5.3 required – no more dependencies!

 * Sorting array of associative arrays - multiple row sorting using a closure.
 * See also:
 * @param array $data input-array
 * @param string|array $fields array-keys
 * @license Public Domain
 * @return array
function sortArray( $data, $field ) {
    $field = (array) $field;
    uasort( $data, function($a, $b) use($field) {
        $retval = 0;
        foreach( $field as $fieldname ) {
            if( $retval == 0 ) $retval = strnatcmp( $a[$fieldname], $b[$fieldname] );
        return $retval;
    } );
    return $data;

/* example */
$data = array(
    array( "firstname" => "Mary", "lastname" => "Johnson", "age" => 25 ),
    array( "firstname" => "Amanda", "lastname" => "Miller", "age" => 18 ),
    array( "firstname" => "James", "lastname" => "Brown", "age" => 31 ),
    array( "firstname" => "Patricia", "lastname" => "Williams", "age" => 7 ),
    array( "firstname" => "Michael", "lastname" => "Davis", "age" => 43 ),
    array( "firstname" => "Sarah", "lastname" => "Miller", "age" => 24 ),
    array( "firstname" => "Patrick", "lastname" => "Miller", "age" => 27 )

$data = sortArray( $data, 'age' );
$data = sortArray( $data, array( 'lastname', 'firstname' ) );

Responding with a JSON object in Node.js (converting object/array to JSON string)

var objToJson = { };
objToJson.response = response;

If you alert(JSON.stringify(objToJson)) you will get {"response":"value"}

Return only string message from Spring MVC 3 Controller

What about:

PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
return null;

This woks for me.

Error:Unable to locate adb within SDK in Android Studio

even after downloading specific required file or everything, we could face file execution error.

a file execution fail could be due to following reasons:
1. user permission/s (inheritance manhandled).
2. corrupt file.
3. file being accessed by another application at the same time.
4. file being locked by anti-malware / anti-virus software.

strangely my antivirus detected adb, avd and jndispatch.dll files as unclean files and dumped them to its vault.

i had to restore them from AVG vault. configure AVG to ignore (add folder to exception list) folder of AndroidStudio and other required folder.

if you are without antivirus and still facing this problem, remember that windows 7 and above have inbuilt 'windows defender'. see whether this fellow is doing the same thing. put your folder in antivirus 'exclusion' list as the vendor is trusted world wide.

this same answer would go to 'Error in launching AVD with AMD processor'. i don't have enough reputation to answer this question there and there.

SQL query to find third highest salary in company

for oracle it goes like this:

select salary from employee where rownnum<=3 order by salary desc
select salary from employee where rownnum<=2 order by salary desc;

.htaccess redirect http to https

This is the best for www and for HTTPS, for proxy and no proxy users.

RewriteEngine On


# ensure www.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

# ensure https
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]


return SQL table as JSON in python

enter image description here

from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import String

Base = declarative_base()
metadata = Base.metadata

class UserTable(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'UserTable'

    Id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
    Name = Column("Name", String(100))

class UserTableDTO:
    def __init__(self, ob):
        self.Id = ob.Id
        self.Name = ob.Name
rows = dbsession.query(Table).all()

json_string = [json.loads(json.dumps(UserTableDTO(ob).__dict__, default=lambda x: str(x)))for ob in rows]

"Invalid signature file" when attempting to run a .jar

Please use the following command

zip -d yourjar.jar 'META-INF/*.SF' 'META-INF/*.RSA' 'META-INF/*SF'

PHP checkbox set to check based on database value

Extract the information from the database for the checkbox fields. Next change the above example line to: (this code assumes that you've retrieved the information for the user into an associative array called dbvalue and the DB field names match those on the HTML form)

<input type="checkbox" name="tag_1" id="tag_1" value="yes" <?php echo ($dbvalue['tag_1']==1 ? 'checked' : '');?>>

If you're looking for the code to do everything for you, you've come to the wrong place.

No function matches the given name and argument types

That error means that a function call is only matched by an existing function if all its arguments are of the same type and passed in same order. So if the next f() function

create function f() returns integer as $$ 
    select 1;
$$ language sql;

is called as

select f(1);

It will error out with

ERROR:  function f(integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select f(1);
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

because there is no f() function that takes an integer as argument.

So you need to carefully compare what you are passing to the function to what it is expecting. That long list of table columns looks like bad design.

How do I store an array in localStorage?

Just created this:

Storage.setObj('users.albums.sexPistols',{ sid : "My Way", nancy : "Bitch" });
Storage.setObj('users.albums.sexPistols.sid',"Other songs");


Setting up a websocket on Apache?

I can't answer all questions, but I will do my best.

As you already know, WS is only a persistent full-duplex TCP connection with framed messages where the initial handshaking is HTTP-like. You need some server that's listening for incoming WS requests and that binds a handler to them.

Now it might be possible with Apache HTTP Server, and I've seen some examples, but there's no official support and it gets complicated. What would Apache do? Where would be your handler? There's a module that forwards incoming WS requests to an external shared library, but this is not necessary with the other great tools to work with WS.

WS server trends now include: Autobahn (Python) and Socket.IO (Node.js = JavaScript on the server). The latter also supports other hackish "persistent" connections like long polling and all the COMET stuff. There are other little known WS server frameworks like Ratchet (PHP, if you're only familiar with that).

In any case, you will need to listen on a port, and of course that port cannot be the same as the Apache HTTP Server already running on your machine (default = 80). You could use something like 8080, but even if this particular one is a popular choice, some firewalls might still block it since it's not supposed to be Web traffic. This is why many people choose 443, which is the HTTP Secure port that, for obvious reasons, firewalls do not block. If you're not using SSL, you can use 80 for HTTP and 443 for WS. The WS server doesn't need to be secure; we're just using the port.

Edit: According to Iharob Al Asimi, the previous paragraph is wrong. I have no time to investigate this, so please see his work for more details.

About the protocol, as Wikipedia shows, it looks like this:

Client sends:

GET /mychat HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Server replies:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HSmrc0sMlYUkAGmm5OPpG2HaGWk=
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat

and keeps the connection alive. If you can implement this handshaking and the basic message framing (encapsulating each message with a small header describing it), then you can use any client-side language you want. JavaScript is only used in Web browsers because it's built-in.

As you can see, the default "request method" is an initial HTTP GET, although this is not really HTTP and looses everything in common with HTTP after this handshaking. I guess servers that do not support

Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade

will reply with an error or with a page content.

How to set a Fragment tag by code?

I know it's been 6 years ago but if anyone is facing the same problem do like I've done:

Create a custom Fragment Class with a tag field:

public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
 private String _myTag;
 public void setMyTag(String value)
   _myTag = value;
 //other code goes here

Before adding the fragment to the sectionPagerAdapter set the tag just like that:

 MyFragment mfrag= new MyFragment();

Environment.GetFolderPath(...CommonApplicationData) is still returning "C:\Documents and Settings\" on Vista

Output on Ubuntu 9.10 -> Ubuntu 12.04 with mono

SpecialFolder.ApplicationData: /home/$USER/.config
SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData: /usr/share
SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory: /home/$USER/Desktop
SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData: /home/$USER/.local/share
SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: /home/$USER

SpecialFolder.Personal: /home/$USER

Output on Ubuntu 16.04 with mono 4.2.1

SpecialFolder.ApplicationData: /home/$USER/.config
SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData: /usr/share
SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory: /home/$USER/Desktop
SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData: /home/$USER/.local/share
SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: /home/$USER
SpecialFolder.Desktop: /home/$USER/Desktop
SpecialFolder.Personal: /home/$USER

SpecialFolder.MyMusic: /home/$USER/Music
SpecialFolder.MyVideos: /home/$USER/Videos
SpecialFolder.Fonts: /home/$USER/.fonts
SpecialFolder.Templates: /home/$USER/Templates
SpecialFolder.MyPictures: /home/$USER/Pictures
SpecialFolder.UserProfile: /home/$USER
SpecialFolder.CommonTemplates: /usr/share/templates

where $USER is the current user

Output on Ubuntu 16.04 using dotnet core (3.0.100)

ApplicationData: /home/$USER/.config
CommonApplicationData: /usr/share
DesktopDirectory: /home/$USER/Desktop
LocalApplicationData: /home/$USER/.local/share
MyDocuments: /home/$USER
Personal: /home/$USER

Output on Android 6 using Xamarin 7.2

Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files/.config
Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData: /usr/share
Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files/Desktop
Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files/.local/share
Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files
Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files/Desktop
Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files

Environment.SpecialFolder.MyMusic: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files/Music
Environment.SpecialFolder.MyVideos: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files/Videos
Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files/.fonts
Environment.SpecialFolder.Templates: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files/Templates
Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files/Pictures
Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile: /data/user/0/$APPNAME/files
Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonTemplates: /usr/share/templates

Where $APPNAME is the name of your Xamarin application (eg. MyApp.Droid)

Output on iOS Simulator 10.3 using Xamarin 7.2

ApplicationData: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents/.config
CommonApplicationData: /usr/share
ProgramFiles: /Applications
DesktopDirectory: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents/Desktop
LocalApplicationData: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents
MyDocuments: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents
Desktop: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents/Desktop
MyDocuments: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents
MyMusic: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents/Music
MyVideos: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents/Videos
Fonts: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents/.fonts
Templates: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents/Templates
InternetCache: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Library/Caches
MyPictures: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents/Pictures
UserProfile: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID
CommonTemplates: /usr/share/templates
Resources: /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$DEVICEGUID/data/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Library

Where $DEVICEGUID is the simulator GUID (depending on the selected simulator)

Output on ipad 10.3 using Xamarin 7.2

SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents

Output on ipad 13.3 using Xamarin 16.4

SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents
SpecialFolder.UserProfile: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/$APPLICATIONGUID/Documents

Output on windows 10 using .net core 3.1

SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: C:\Users\$USER\Documents

Output on Ubuntu 18.04 using .net core 3.1

SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: /home/$USER

Output on MacOS Catalina using .net core 3.1

SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: /Users/$USER

How do I select the parent form based on which submit button is clicked?

I found this answer when searching for how to find the form of an input element. I wanted to add a note because there is now a better way than using:

var form = $(this).parents('form:first');

I'm not sure when it was added to jQuery but the closest() method does exactly what's needed more cleanly than using parents(). With closest the code can be changed to this:

var form = $(this).closest('form');

It traverses up and finds the first element which matches what you are looking for and stops there, so there's no need to specify :first.

Use index in pandas to plot data

Marius's answer worked perfectly for me:

df.reset_index() sets the index as the first column, with the column label "index." You can now use the index as an axis for plotting, as described in his answer:

monthly_mean.reset_index().plot(x='index', y='A')

However, this does not change the original dataframe. The original dataframe will be unchanged unless it is set using df = df.reset_index().


        COF    TSF    PSF
3.0   0.946  0.914  0.966
4.0   0.963  0.940  0.976
6.0   0.978  0.965  0.987
8.0   0.989  0.984  0.995
10.0  1.000  1.000  1.000
12.0  1.004  1.013  1.009
15.0  1.013  1.026  1.012
17.0  1.019  1.037  1.017
20.0  1.024  1.045  1.020
25.0  1.030  1.057  1.026
30.0  1.034  1.065  1.030
35.0  1.037  1.069  1.031
40.0  1.037  1.068  1.030
60.0  1.037  1.068  1.030
df = df.reset_index()
    index    COF    TSF    PSF
0     3.0  0.946  0.914  0.966
1     4.0  0.963  0.940  0.976
2     6.0  0.978  0.965  0.987
3     8.0  0.989  0.984  0.995
4    10.0  1.000  1.000  1.000
5    12.0  1.004  1.013  1.009
6    15.0  1.013  1.026  1.012
7    17.0  1.019  1.037  1.017
8    20.0  1.024  1.045  1.020
9    25.0  1.030  1.057  1.026
10   30.0  1.034  1.065  1.030
11   35.0  1.037  1.069  1.031
12   40.0  1.037  1.068  1.030
13   60.0  1.037  1.068  1.030

See: DataFrame.reset_index and DataFrame.set_index

LINQ to SQL: Multiple joins ON multiple Columns. Is this possible?

U can also use :

var query =
    from t1 in myTABLE1List 
    join t2 in myTABLE1List
      on new { ColA=t1.ColumnA, ColB=t1.ColumnB } equals new { ColA=t2.ColumnA, ColB=t2.ColumnB }
    join t3 in myTABLE1List
      on new {ColC=t2.ColumnA, ColD=t2.ColumnB } equals new { ColC=t3.ColumnA, ColD=t3.ColumnB }

How do I include a path to libraries in g++

In your MakeFile or CMakeLists.txt you can set CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS as below:

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -I/path/to/your/folder")

PHP: HTML: send HTML select option attribute in POST

just combine the value and the stud_name e.g. 1_sre and split the value when get it into php. Javascript seems like hammer to crack a nut. N.B. this method assumes you can edit the the html. Here is what the html might look like:

<form name='add'>
Age: <select name='age'>
     <option value='1_sre'>23</option>
     <option value='2_sam>24</option>
     <option value='5_john>25</option>
<input type='submit' name='submit'/>

Make Adobe fonts work with CSS3 @font-face in IE9

If you want to do this with a Python script instead of having to run C / PHP code, here's a Python3 function that you can use to remove the embedding permissions from the font:

def convert_restricted_font(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb+') as font:
    while True:
        _type =
        if not _type:
            raise Exception('Could not read the table definitions of the font.')
            _type = _type.decode()
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
        except Exception as err:
        if _type != 'OS/2':
        loc = font.tell()
        os2_table_pointer = int.from_bytes(, byteorder='big')
        length = int.from_bytes(, byteorder='big') + 8)

        fs_type = int.from_bytes(, byteorder='big')
        print(f'Installable Embedding: {fs_type == 0}')
        print(f'Restricted License: {fs_type & 2}')
        print(f'Preview & Print: {fs_type & 4}')
        print(f'Editable Embedding: {fs_type & 8}')

        print(f'No subsetting: {fs_type & 256}')
        print(f'Bitmap embedding only: {fs_type & 512}')
        installable_embedding = 0 # True
        font.write(installable_embedding.to_bytes(2, 'big'))
        checksum = 0
        for i in range(length):
            checksum += ord(
        font.write(checksum.to_bytes(4, 'big'))

if __name__ == '__main__':

it works, but I ended up solving the problem of loading fonts in IE by https like this this

thanks NobleUplift

Original source in C can be found here.

Left align and right align within div in Bootstrap

In Bootstrap 4 the correct answer is to use the text-xs-right class.

This works because xs denotes the smallest viewport size in BS. If you wanted to, you could apply the alignment only when the viewport is medium or larger by using text-md-right.

In the latest alpha, text-xs-right has been simplified to text-right.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6">Total cost</div>
    <div class="col-md-6 text-right">$42</div>

Before and After Suite execution hook in jUnit 4.x

A colleague of mine suggested the following: you can use a custom RunListener and implement the testRunFinished() method:

To register the RunListener just configure the surefire plugin as follows: section "Using custom listeners and reporters"

This configuration should also be picked by the failsafe plugin. This solution is great because you don't have to specify Suites, lookup test classes or any of this stuff - it lets Maven to do its magic, waiting for all tests to finish.

Difference between HashMap and Map in Java..?

HashMap is an implementation of Map. Map is just an interface for any type of map.

What does `set -x` do?

set -x

Prints a trace of simple commands, for commands, case commands, select commands, and arithmetic for commands and their arguments or associated word lists after they are expanded and before they are executed. The value of the PS4 variable is expanded and the resultant value is printed before the command and its expanded arguments.



set -x
echo `expr 10 + 20 `
+ expr 10 + 20
+ echo 30

set +x
echo `expr 10 + 20 `

Above example illustrates the usage of set -x. When it is used, above arithmetic expression has been expanded. We could see how a singe line has been evaluated step by step.

  • First step expr has been evaluated.
  • Second step echo has been evaluated.

To know more about set ? visit this link

when it comes to your shell script,

[ "$DEBUG" == 'true' ] && set -x

Your script might have been printing some additional lines of information when the execution mode selected as DEBUG. Traditionally people used to enable debug mode when a script called with optional argument such as -d

In AVD emulator how to see sdcard folder? and Install apk to AVD?

DDMS is deprecated in android 3.0. "Device file explorer"can be used to browse files.

C# Convert string from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) H

Seems bit strange code. To get string from Utf8 byte stream all you need to do is:

string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8ByteArray);

If you need to save iso-8859-1 byte stream to somewhere then just use: additional line of code for previous:

byte[] iso88591data = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes(str);

Array Length in Java

First of all, length is a property, so it would be arr.length instead of arr.length().

And it will return 10, the declared size. The elements that you do not declare explicitely are initialized with 0.

Make button width fit to the text

Keeping the element's size relative to its content can also be done with display: inline-flex and display: table

The centering can be done with..

  • text-align: center; on the parent (or above, it's inherited)

  • display: flex; and justify-content: center; on the parent

  • position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); on the element with position: relative; (at least) on the parent.

Here's a flexbox guide from CSS Tricks

Here's an article on centering from CSS Tricks.

Keeping an element only as wide as its content..

  • Can use display: table;

  • Or inline-anything including inline-flex as used in my snippet example below.

Keep in mind that when centering with flexbox's justify-content: center; when the text wraps the text will align left. So you will still need text-align: center; if your site is responsive and you expect lines to wrap.

body {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: column;_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: center; /* center horizontally */_x000D_
  align-items: center; /* center vertically */_x000D_
  height: 50%;_x000D_
.container.c1 {_x000D_
  text-align: center; /* needed if the text wraps */_x000D_
  /* text-align is inherited, it can be put on the parent or the target element */_x000D_
.container.c2 {_x000D_
 /* without text-align: center; */_x000D_
.button {_x000D_
  padding: 5px 10px;_x000D_
  font-size: 30px;_x000D_
  text-decoration: none;_x000D_
  color: hsla(0, 0%, 90%, 1);_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(hsla(21, 85%, 51%, 1), hsla(21, 85%, 61%, 1));_x000D_
  border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
  box-shadow: 2px 2px 15px -5px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 1);_x000D_
.button:hover {_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(hsl(207.5, 84.8%, 51%), hsla(207, 84%, 62%, 1));_x000D_
  transition: all 0.2s linear;_x000D_
.button.b1 {_x000D_
    display: inline-flex; /* element only as wide as content */_x000D_
.button.b2 {_x000D_
    display: table; /* element only as wide as content */_x000D_
<div class="container c1">_x000D_
  <a class="button b1" href="">This Text Is Centered Before And After Wrap</a>_x000D_
<div class="container c2">_x000D_
  <a class="button b2" href="">This Text Is Centered Only Before Wrap</a>_x000D_


What does the colon (:) operator do?

Since most for loops are very similar, Java provides a shortcut to reduce the amount of code required to write the loop called the for each loop.

Here is an example of the concise for each loop:

for (Integer grade : quizGrades){

In the example above, the colon (:) can be read as "in". The for each loop altogether can be read as "for each Integer element (called grade) in quizGrades, print out the value of grade."

Difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer

StringBuilder (introduced in Java 5) is identical to StringBuffer, except its methods are not synchronized. This means it has better performance than the latter, but the drawback is that it is not thread-safe.

Read tutorial for more details.

Creating a batch file, for simple javac and java command execution

I do not have a JDK installed on my machine to verify this, but here's something to get you started with

%CLASSPATH%=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6\bin rem or whatever your path is

Android: How to add R.raw to project?

The R class is written when you build the project in gradle. You should add the raw folder, then build the project. After that, the R class will be able to identify R.raw.*.

What is C# analog of C++ std::pair?

C# has tuples as of version 4.0.

Why should I use IHttpActionResult instead of HttpResponseMessage?

I'd rather implement TaskExecuteAsync interface function for IHttpActionResult. Something like:

    public Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var response = _request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, _respContent);

        switch ((Int32)_respContent.Code)
            case 1:
            case 6:
            case 7:
                response = _request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, _respContent);
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
                response = _request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, _respContent);

        return Task.FromResult(response);

, where _request is the HttpRequest and _respContent is the payload.

How do I use the ternary operator ( ? : ) in PHP as a shorthand for "if / else"?

I think you used the brackets the wrong way. Try this:

$test = (empty($address['street2']) ? 'Yes <br />' : 'No <br />');

I think it should work, you can also use:

echo (empty($address['street2']) ? 'Yes <br />' : 'No <br />');

How to validate date with format "mm/dd/yyyy" in JavaScript?

All credits go to elian-ebbing

Just for the lazy ones here I also provide a customized version of the function for the format yyyy-mm-dd.

function isValidDate(dateString)
    // First check for the pattern
    var regex_date = /^\d{4}\-\d{1,2}\-\d{1,2}$/;

        return false;

    // Parse the date parts to integers
    var parts   = dateString.split("-");
    var day     = parseInt(parts[2], 10);
    var month   = parseInt(parts[1], 10);
    var year    = parseInt(parts[0], 10);

    // Check the ranges of month and year
    if(year < 1000 || year > 3000 || month == 0 || month > 12)
        return false;

    var monthLength = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ];

    // Adjust for leap years
    if(year % 400 == 0 || (year % 100 != 0 && year % 4 == 0))
        monthLength[1] = 29;

    // Check the range of the day
    return day > 0 && day <= monthLength[month - 1];

Notepad++ change text color?

A little late reply, but what I found in Notepad++ v7.8.6 is, on RMB (Right Mouse Button), on selection text, it gives an option called "Style token" where it shows "Using 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th style" to highlight the selected text in different pre-defined colors

Access to build environment variables from a groovy script in a Jenkins build step (Windows)

The Scriptler Groovy script doesn't seem to get all the environment variables of the build. But what you can do is force them in as parameters to the script:

  1. When you add the Scriptler build step into your job, select the option "Define script parameters"

  2. Add a parameter for each environment variable you want to pass in. For example "Name: JOB_NAME", "Value: $JOB_NAME". The value will get expanded from the Jenkins build environment using '$envName' type variables, most fields in the job configuration settings support this sort of expansion from my experience.

  3. In your script, you should have a variable with the same name as the parameter, so you can access the parameters with something like:

    println "JOB_NAME = $JOB_NAME"

I haven't used Sciptler myself apart from some experimentation, but your question posed an interesting problem. I hope this helps!

How to get the text node of an element?

ES6 version that return the first #text node content

const extract = (node) => {
  const text = [...node.childNodes].find(child => child.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE);
  return text && text.textContent.trim();

Split pandas dataframe in two if it has more than 10 rows

The method based on list comprehension and groupby, which stores all the split dataframes in a list variable and can be accessed using the index.


ans = [pd.DataFrame(y) for x, y in DF.groupby('column_name', as_index=False)]***

Column calculated from another column?

If it is a selection, you can do it as:

SELECT id, value, (value/2) AS calculated FROM mytable

Else, you can also first alter the table to add the missing column and then do an UPDATE query to compute the values for the new column as:

UPDATE mytable SET calculated = value/2;

If it must be automatic, and your MySQL version allows it, you can try with triggers

Where is the file in a Spring Boot project?

Spring Boot will automatically find and load and application.yaml files from the following locations when your application starts:

  1. The classpath root
  2. The classpath /config package
  3. The current directory
  4. The /config subdirectory in the current directory
  5. Immediate child directories of the /config subdirectory

The list is ordered by precedence (with values from lower items overriding earlier ones).

More info you can find here

The default for KeyValuePair

I recommend more understanding way using extension method:

public static class KeyValuePairExtensions
    public static bool IsNull<T, TU>(this KeyValuePair<T, TU> pair)
        return pair.Equals(new KeyValuePair<T, TU>());

And then just use:

var countries = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"cz", "prague"},
    {"de", "berlin"}

var country = countries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "en");



Joining pandas dataframes by column names

you can use the left_on and right_on options as follows:

pd.merge(frame_1, frame_2, left_on='county_ID', right_on='countyid')

I was not sure from the question if you only wanted to merge if the key was in the left hand dataframe. If that is the case then the following will do that (the above will in effect do a many to many merge)

pd.merge(frame_1, frame_2, how='left', left_on='county_ID', right_on='countyid')

Exporting to .xlsx using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel SaveAs Error

myBook.Saved = true;
myBook.Close(null, null, null);

How do I get the title of the current active window using c#?

See example on how you can do this with full source code here:

static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();

static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder text, int count);

private string GetActiveWindowTitle()
    const int nChars = 256;
    StringBuilder Buff = new StringBuilder(nChars);
    IntPtr handle = GetForegroundWindow();

    if (GetWindowText(handle, Buff, nChars) > 0)
        return Buff.ToString();
    return null;

Edited with @Doug McClean comments for better correctness.

How to change Maven local repository in eclipse

location can be specified in Maven->Installation -> Global Settings: settings.xml

enter image description here

How to auto generate migrations with Sequelize CLI from Sequelize models?

As of 16/9/2020 most of these answers are not too much consistent any way! Try this new npm package


It completed most known problems in sequelize-auto-migrations and its forks and its maintained and documented!

Its used in a way similar to the known one


npm install sequelize-mig -g / yarn global add sequelize-mig

then use it like this

sequelize-mig migration:make -n <migration name>

How to iterate a table rows with JQuery and access some cell values?

$("tr.item").each(function() {
  $this = $(this);
  var value = $this.find("span.value").html();
  var quantity = $this.find("input.quantity").val();

Disable SSL fallback and use only TLS for outbound connections in .NET? (Poodle mitigation)

@Eddie Loeffen's answer seems to be the most popular answer to this question, but it has some bad long term effects. If you review the documentation page for System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol here the remarks section implies that the negotiation phase should just address this (and forcing the protocol is bad practice because in the future, TLS 1.2 will be compromised as well). However, we wouldn't be looking for this answer if it did.

Researching, it appears that the ALPN negotiation protocol is required to get to TLS1.2 in the negotiation phase. We took that as our starting point and tried newer versions of the .Net framework to see where support starts. We found that .Net 4.5.2 does not support negotiation to TLS 1.2, but .Net 4.6 does.

So, even though forcing TLS1.2 will get the job done now, I recommend that you upgrade to .Net 4.6 instead. Since this is a PCI DSS issue for June 2016, the window is short, but the new framework is a better answer.

UPDATE: Working from the comments, I built this:

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = 0;    
foreach (SecurityProtocolType protocol in SecurityProtocolType.GetValues(typeof(SecurityProtocolType)))
        switch (protocol)
            case SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3:
            case SecurityProtocolType.Tls:
            case SecurityProtocolType.Tls11:
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= protocol;

In order to validate the concept, I or'd together SSL3 and TLS1.2 and ran the code targeting a server that supports only TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.2 (1.1 is disabled). With the or'd protocols, it seems to connect fine. If I change to SSL3 and TLS 1.1, that failed to connect. My validation uses HttpWebRequest from System.Net and just calls GetResponse(). For instance, I tried this and failed:

        HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("") as HttpWebRequest;
        ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11;

while this worked:

        HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("") as HttpWebRequest;
        ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

This has an advantage over forcing TLS 1.2 in that, if the .Net framework is upgraded so that there are more entries in the Enum, they will be supported by the code as is. It has a disadvantage over just using .Net 4.6 in that 4.6 uses ALPN and should support new protocols if no restriction is specified.

Edit 4/29/2019 - Microsoft published this article last October. It has a pretty good synopsis of their recommendation of how this should be done in the various versions of .net framework.

How do you round UP a number in Python?

My share

I have tested print(-(-101 // 5)) = 21 given example above.

Now for rounding up:

101 * 19% = 19.19

I can not use ** so I spread the multiply to division:

(-(-101 //(1/0.19))) = 20

Array inside a JavaScript Object?

var data = {_x000D_
  name: "Ankit",_x000D_
  age: 24,_x000D_
  workingDay: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"]_x000D_
for (const key in data) {_x000D_
  if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {_x000D_
    const element = data[key];_x000D_
      console.log(key+": ", element);_x000D_

Xcode error - Thread 1: signal SIGABRT

You are trying to load a XIB named DetailViewController, but no such XIB exists or it's not member of your current target. with target "_blank" in Chrome

It's a setting in chrome. You can't control how the browser interprets the target _blank.

How to toggle (hide / show) sidebar div using jQuery

function() {
    $('#B').css('left', '0')
}, function() {
    $('#B').css('left', '200px')

Check working example at

You can also see any animated version at

Sorting a Python list by two fields

list1 = sorted(csv1, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2]) )

Android Studio - mergeDebugResources exception

I just upgraded to the latest gradle build tool version and it works.

 classpath '

How to create a new img tag with JQuery, with the src and id from a JavaScript object?

You save some bytes by avoiding the .attr altogether by passing the properties to the jQuery constructor:

var img = $('<img />',
             { id: 'Myid',
               src: 'MySrc.gif', 
               width: 300

Making a POST call instead of GET using urllib2

it should be sending a POST if you provide a data parameter (like you are doing):

from the docs: "the HTTP request will be a POST instead of a GET when the data parameter is provided"

so.. add some debug output to see what's up from the client side.

you can modify your code to this and try again:

import urllib
import urllib2

url = 'http://myserver/post_service'
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1))
data = urllib.urlencode({'name' : 'joe',
                         'age'  : '10'})
content =, data=data).read()

libstdc++-6.dll not found

I placed the libstdc++-6.dll file in the same folder where exe file is generated.

Bash mkdir and subfolders

To create multiple sub-folders

mkdir -p parentfolder/{subfolder1,subfolder2,subfolder3}

Free c# QR-Code generator

ZXing is an open source project that can detect and parse a number of different barcodes. It can also generate QR-codes. (Only QR-codes, though).

There are a number of variants for different languages: ActionScript, Android (java), C++, C#, IPhone (Obj C), Java ME, Java SE, JRuby, JSP. Support for generating QR-codes comes with some of those: ActionScript, Android, C# and the Java variants.

Apache and IIS side by side (both listening to port 80) on windows2003

I found this post which suggested to have two separate IP addresses so that both could listen on port 80.

There was a caveat that you had to make a change in IIS because of socket pooling. Here are the instructions based on the link above:

  1. Extract the httpcfg.exe utility from the support tools area on the Win2003 CD.
  2. Stop all IIS services: net stop http /y
  3. Have IIS listen only on the IP address I'd designated for IIS: httpcfg set iplisten -i
  4. Make sure: httpcfg query iplisten (The IPs listed are the only IP addresses that IIS will be listening on and no other.)
  5. Restart IIS Services: net start w3svc
  6. Start the Apache service

How to uninstall Apache with command line

On Windows 8.1 I had to run cmd.exe as administrator (even though I was logged in as admin). Otherwise I got an error when trying to execute: httpd.exe -k uninstall

Error: C:\Program Files\Apache\bin>(OS 5)Access is denied. : AH00373: Apache2.4: OpenS ervice failed

Failed to execute removeChild on Node

The direct parent of your child is markerDiv, so you should call remove from markerDiv as so:


Alternatively, you may want to remove markerNode. Since that node was appended directly to videoContainer, it can be removed with:


Now, the easiest general way to remove a node, if you are absolutely confident that you did insert it into the DOM, is this:


This works for any node (just replace markerDiv with a different node), and finds the parent of the node directly in order to call remove from it. If you are unsure if you added it, double check if the parentNode is non-null before calling removeChild.

Adding integers to an int array

org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils can do this

num = (int []) ArrayUtils.add(num, 12);     // builds new array with 12 appended

Accessing UI (Main) Thread safely in WPF

The best way to go about it would be to get a SynchronizationContext from the UI thread and use it. This class abstracts marshalling calls to other threads, and makes testing easier (in contrast to using WPF's Dispatcher directly). For example:

class MyViewModel
    private readonly SynchronizationContext _syncContext;

    public MyViewModel()
        // we assume this ctor is called from the UI thread!
        _syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    // ...

    private void watcher_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
         _syncContext.Post(o => DGAddRow(crp.Protocol, ft), null);

How to export library to Jar in Android Studio?

I was able to build a library source code to compiled .jar file, using approach from this solution:

Here is the breakdown of what I did:

1. Checkout library repository

In may case it was a Volley library

2. Import library in Android Studio.

I used Android Studio 0.3.7. I've encountered some issues during that step, namely I had to copy gradle folder from new android project before I was able to import Volley library source code, this may vary depending on source code you use.

3. Modify your build.gradle file

// If your module is a library project, this is needed
//to properly recognize 'android-library' plugin
buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

apply plugin: 'android-library'

android {
    compileSdkVersion 17
    buildToolsVersion = 17

    sourceSets {
        main  {
            // Here is the path to your source code
            java {
                srcDir 'src'

// This is the actual solution, as in
task clearJar(type: Delete) {
    delete 'build/libs/myCompiledLibrary.jar'

task makeJar(type: Copy) {
    rename ('classes.jar', 'myCompiledLibrary.jar')

makeJar.dependsOn(clearJar, build)

4. Run gradlew makeJar command from your project root.

I my case I had to copy gradlew.bat and gradle files from new android project into my library project root. You should find your compiled library file myCompiledLibrary.jar in build\libs directory.

I hope someone finds this useful.



Althought this works, you will encounter duplicate library exception while compiling a project with multiple modules, where more than one module (including application module) depends on the same jar file (eg. modules have own library directory, that is referenced in build.gradle of given module).

In case where you need to use single library in more then one module, I would recommend using this approach: Android gradle build and the support library

CSS way to horizontally align table

Although it might be heresy in today's world - in the past you would do the following non-css code. This works in everything up to and including today's browsers but - as I have said - it is heresy in today's world:


What you need is some way to tell that you want to center a table and the person is using an older browser. Then insert the "<center>" commands around the table. Otherwise - use css.

Surprisingly - if you want to center everything in the BODY area - you just can use the standard

text-align: center;

css command and in IE8 (at least) it will center everything on the page including tables.

How to make unicode string with python3

What's new in Python 3.0 says:

All text is Unicode; however encoded Unicode is represented as binary data

If you want to ensure you are outputting utf-8, here's an example from this page on unicode in 3.0:

b'\x80abc'.decode("utf-8", "strict")

How to set a selected option of a dropdown list control using angular JS

Simple way

If you have a Users as response or a Array/JSON you defined, First You need to set the selected value in controller, then you put the same model name in html. This example i wrote to explain in easiest way.
Simple example
Inside Controller:

$scope.Users = ["Suresh","Mahesh","Ramesh"]; 
$scope.selectedUser = $scope.Users[0];


<select data-ng-options="usr for usr in Users" data-ng-model="selectedUser">

complex example
Inside Controller:

$scope.JSON = {
               "Name": "Suresh",
               "userID": 1
               "Name": "Mahesh",
               "userID": 2
   $scope.selectedUser = $scope.JSON.ResponseObject[0];


<select data-ng-options="usr.Name for usr in JSON.ResponseObject" data-ng-model="selectedUser"></select>
<h3>You selected: {{selectedUser.Name}}</h3>    

What's the reason I can't create generic array types in Java?

I like the answer indirectly given by Gafter. However, I propose it is wrong. I changed Gafter's code a little. It compiles and it runs for a while then it bombs where Gafter predicted it would

class Box<T> {

    final T x;

    Box(T x) {
        this.x = x;

class Loophole {

    public static <T> T[] array(final T... values) {
        return (values);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Box<String> a = new Box("Hello");
        Box<String> b = new Box("World");
        Box<String> c = new Box("!!!!!!!!!!!");
        Box<String>[] bsa = array(a, b, c);
        System.out.println("I created an array of generics.");

        Object[] oa = bsa;
        oa[0] = new Box<Integer>(3);
        System.out.println("error not caught by array store check");

        try {
            String s = bsa[0].x;
        } catch (ClassCastException cause) {

The output is

I created an array of generics.
error not caught by array store check
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
    at Loophole.main(

So it appears to me you can create generic array types in java. Did I misunderstand the question?

Using "&times" word in html changes to ×

&times; stands for × in html. Use &amp;times to get &times

Check if passed argument is file or directory in Bash

echo "Please Enter a file name :"                                                                          
read filename                                                                                             
if test -f $filename                                                                                      
        echo "this is a file"                                                                             
        echo "this is not a file"                                                                         

Read a file line by line assigning the value to a variable

#! /bin/bash
cat filename | while read LINE; do
    echo $LINE

How to get root access on Android emulator?

For AVD with 5.1.1 and 6.0 I used next script in windows:

set adb=adb -s emulator-5558
set arch=x64
set pie=
adb start-server
%adb% root
%adb% remount
rem %adb% shell mount -o remount,rw /system
%adb% shell setenforce 0
%adb% install common/Superuser.apk
%adb% push %arch%/su%pie% /system/bin/su
%adb% shell chmod 0755 /system/bin/su
%adb% push %arch%/su%pie% /system/xbin/su
%adb% shell chmod 0755 /system/xbin/su
%adb% shell su --install
%adb% shell "su --daemon&"
rem %adb% shell mount -o remount,ro /system

exit /b

Need from SuperSU. Unpacked them to any folder. Create bat file with content above. Do not forget specify necessary architecture and device: set adb=adb -s emulator-5558 and set arch=x64. If you run Android above or equal 5.0, change set pie= to set pie=.pie. Run it. You get temporary root for current run.

If you got error on remount system partition then you need start AVD from command line. See below first step for Android 7.

If you want make it persistent - update binary in SuperSU and store system.img from temp folder as replace of default system.img.

How to convert the resulting temporary root on a permanent

First - it goes to SuperSu. It offers a binary upgrade. Update in the normal way. Reboot reject.

Second - only relevant for emulators. The same AVD. The bottom line is that changes in the system image will not be saved. You need to keep them for themselves.

There are already instructions vary for different emulators.

For AVD you can try to find a temporary file system.img, save it somewhere and use when you start the emulator.

In Windows it is located in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\AndroidEmulator and has a name something like TMP4980.tmp.

You copy it to a folder avd device (%HOMEPATH%\.android\avd\%AVD_NAME%.avd\), and renamed to the system.img.

Now it will be used at the start, instead of the usual. True if the image in the SDK is updated, it will have the old one.

In this case, you will need to remove this system.img, and repeat the operation on its creation.

More detailed manual in Russian:

For android 7 you need run additional steps: 1. Need run emulator manually. Go to sdk folder sdk\tools\lib64\qt\lib. Run from this folder emulator with options -writable-system -selinux disabled Like this:

F:\android\sdk\tools\lib64\qt\lib>F:\android\sdk\tools\emulator.exe -avd 7.0_x86 -verbose -writable-system -selinux disabled
  1. You need restart adbd from root:

    adb -s emulator-5554 root

And remount system:

adb -s emulator-5554 remount

It can be doned only once per run emulator. And any another remount can break write mode. Because of this you not need run of any other commands with remount, like mount -o remount,rw /system.

Another steps stay same - upload binary, run binary as daemon and so on.

Picture from AVD Android 7 x86 with root: AVD Android 7 x86 with root

If you see error about PIE on execute su binary - then you upload to emulator wrong binary. You must upload binary named su.pie inside archive, but on emulator it must be named as su, not su.pie.

How to specify the actual x axis values to plot as x axis ticks in R

Hope this coding will helps you :)

plot(x,y,xaxt = 'n')


Is it possible to dynamically compile and execute C# code fragments?

Others have already given good answers on how to generate code at runtime so I thought I would address your second paragraph. I have some experience with this and just want to share a lesson I learned from that experience.

At the very least, I could define an interface that they would be required to implement, then they would provide a code 'section' that implemented that interface.

You may have a problem if you use an interface as a base type. If you add a single new method to the interface in the future all existing client-supplied classes that implement the interface now become abstract, meaning you won't be able to compile or instantiate the client-supplied class at runtime.

I had this issue when it came time to add a new method after about 1 year of shipping the old interface and after distributing a large amount of "legacy" data that needed to be supported. I ended up making a new interface that inherited from the old one but this approach made it harder to load and instantiate the client-supplied classes because I had to check which interface was available.

One solution I thought of at the time was to instead use an actual class as a base type such as the one below. The class itself can be marked abstract but all methods should be empty virtual methods (not abstract methods). Clients can then override the methods they want and I can add new methods to the base class without invalidating existing client-supplied code.

public abstract class BaseClass
    public virtual void Foo1() { }
    public virtual bool Foo2() { return false; }

Regardless of whether this problem applies you should consider how to version the interface between your code base and the client-supplied code.

How to override Bootstrap's Panel heading background color?

Just check the bootstrap. CSS and search for the class panel-heading and copy the default code.

Copy the default CSS to your personal CSS but vive it a diference classname like my-panel-header for example.

Edit the css Code from the new clones class created.

Hibernate: get entity by id

use get instead of load

// ...
        try {
            session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
            user =  (User) session.get(User.class, user_id);
        } catch (Exception e) {
 // ...

How to write lists inside a markdown table?

another solution , you can add <br> tag to your table

    |Method name| Behavior |
    | OnAwakeLogicController(); | Its called when MainLogicController is loaded into the memory , its also hold the following actions :- <br> 1. Checking Audio Settings <br>2. Initializing Level Controller|

enter image description here

script to map network drive

Why not map the network drive but deselect "Reconnect at logon"? The drive will only connect when you try to access it. Note that some applications will fail if they point to it, but if you're accessing files directly through Windows Explorer this works great.

How to use Sublime over SSH

There are three ways:

Also, in theory, you can install X11 on the remote server and run Sublime there over VNC or X11 forwarding, but there would be no point doing this.

How to make jQuery UI nav menu horizontal?

I just been for 3 days looking for a jquery UI and CSS solution, I merge some code I saw, fix a little, and finally (along the other codes) I could make it work!

<ul id="nav" class="testnav">
    <li><a class="clk" href="#">Item 1</a></li>
    <li><a class="clk" href="#">Item 2</a></li>
    <li><a class="clk" href="#">Item 3</a>
        <ul class="sub-menu">
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-1</a>
                <ul class="sub-menu">
                    <li><a href="#">Item 3-11</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Item 3-12</a>
                            <li><a href="#">Item 3-111</a></li>                         
                            <li><a href="#">Item 3-112</a>
                                    <li><a href="#">Item 3-1111</a></li>                            
                                    <li><a href="#">Item 3-1112</a></li>                            
                                    <li><a href="#">Item 3-1113</a>
                                            <li><a href="#">Item 3-11131</a></li>                           
                                            <li><a href="#">Item 3-11132</a></li>                           
                            <li><a href="#">Item 3-113</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">Item 3-13</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-2</a>
                    <li><a href="#."> Item 3-21 </a></li>
                    <li><a href="#."> Item 3-22 </a></li>
                    <li><a href="#."> Item 3-23 </a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-3</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-4</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-5</a></li>
    <li><a class="clk" href="#">Item 4</a>
        <ul class="sub-menu">
            <li><a href="#">Item 4-1</a>
                <ul class="sub-menu">
                    <li><a href="#."> Item 4-11 </a></li>
                    <li><a href="#."> Item 4-12 </a></li>
                    <li><a href="#."> Item 4-13 </a>
                            <li><a href="#."> Item 4-131 </a></li>
                            <li><a href="#."> Item 4-132 </a></li>
                            <li><a href="#."> Item 4-133 </a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 4-2</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 4-3</a></li>
    <li><a class="clk" href="#">Item 5</a></li>



var menu = "#nav";
var position = {my: "left top", at: "left bottom"};


    position: position,
    blur: function() {
        $(this).menu("option", "position", position);
    focus: function(e, ui) {

        if ($(menu).get(0) !== $(ui).get(0).item.parent().get(0)) {
            $(this).menu("option", "position", {my: "left top", at: "right top"});
});     });


.ui-menu {width: auto;}.ui-menu:after {content: ".";display: block;clear: both;visibility: hidden;line-height: 0;height: 0;}.ui-menu .ui-menu-item {display: inline-block;margin: 0;padding: 0;width: auto;}#nav{text-align: center;font-size: 12px;}#nav li {display: inline-block;}#nav li a span.ui-icon-carat-1-e {float:right;position:static;margin-top:2px;width:16px;height:16px;background:url( no-repeat -64px -16px;}#nav li ul li {width: 120px;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;}#nav li ul {width: 120px; }.ui-menu .ui-menu-item li a span.ui-icon-carat-1-e {background:url( no-repeat -32px -16px !important;

How to initialize static variables

If you have control over class loading, you can do static initializing from there.


class MyClass { public static function static_init() { } }

in your class loader, do the following:

include($path . $klass . PHP_EXT);
if(method_exists($klass, 'static_init')) { $klass::staticInit() }

A more heavy weight solution would be to use an interface with ReflectionClass:

interface StaticInit { public static function staticInit() { } }
class MyClass implements StaticInit { public static function staticInit() { } }

in your class loader, do the following:

$rc = new ReflectionClass($klass);
if(in_array('StaticInit', $rc->getInterfaceNames())) { $klass::staticInit() }

Setting a div's height in HTML with CSS

.rightfloat {_x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
  background-color: #BBBBBB;_x000D_
  float: right;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
.left {_x000D_
  font-size: 20pt;_x000D_
.separator {_x000D_
  clear: both;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  border-top: 1px solid black;_x000D_
<div class="separator">_x000D_
  <div class="rightfloat">_x000D_
    Some really short content._x000D_
  <div class="left"> _x000D_
    Some really really really really really really_x000D_
    really really really really big content_x000D_
<div class="separator">_x000D_
  <div class="rightfloat">_x000D_
    Some more short content._x000D_
  <div class="left"> _x000D_
    Some really really really really really really_x000D_
    really really really really big content_x000D_

GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM problem when working with terminal and MacFusion

Are you ssh'ing to a directory that's inside your work tree? If the root of your ssh mount point doesn't include the .git dir, then zsh won't be able to find git info. Make sure you're mounting something that includes the root of the repo.

As for GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM, it doesn't do what you want. Git by default will stop at a filesystem boundary. If you turn that on (and it's just an env var), then git will cross the filesystem boundary and keep looking. However, that's almost never useful, because you'd be implying that you have a .git directory on your local machine that's somehow meant to manage a work tree that's comprised partially of an sshfs mount. That doesn't make much sense.

TSQL select into Temp table from dynamic sql

DECLARE @count_ser_temp int;
SELECT @TableName = 'TableTemporal'

    SELECT *
    FROM ' + @TableTemporal)
SELECT TOP 1 * INTO #servicios_temp  FROM vTemp


-- Contar la cantidad de registros de la tabla temporal
SELECT @count_ser_temp = COUNT(*) FROM #servicios_temp;

-- Recorro los registros de la tabla temporal 
WHILE @count_ser_temp > 0

How to convert "Mon Jun 18 00:00:00 IST 2012" to 18/06/2012?


The modern approach is with the java.time classes. These supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as Date, Calendar, and SimpleDateFormat.

Parse as a ZonedDateTime.

String input = "Mon Jun 18 00:00:00 IST 2012";
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z uuuu" )
                                       .withLocale( Locale.US );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse( input , f );

Extract a date-only object, a LocalDate, without any time-of-day and without any time zone.

LocalDate ld = zdt.toLocalDate();
DateTimeFormatter fLocalDate = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "dd/MM/uuuu" );
String output = ld.format( fLocalDate) ;

Dump to console.

System.out.println( "input: " + input );
System.out.println( "zdt: " + zdt );
System.out.println( "ld: " + ld );
System.out.println( "output: " + output );

input: Mon Jun 18 00:00:00 IST 2012

zdt: 2012-06-18T00:00+03:00[Asia/Jerusalem]

ld: 2012-06-18

output: 18/06/2012

See this code run live in

Poor choice of format

Your format is a poor choice for data exchange: hard to read by human, hard to parse by computer, uses non-standard 3-4 letter zone codes, and assumes English.

Instead use the standard ISO 8601 formats whenever possible. The java.time classes use ISO 8601 formats by default when parsing/generating date-time values.

Specify a proper time zone name in the format of continent/region, such as America/Montreal, Africa/Casablanca, or Pacific/Auckland. Never use the 3-4 letter abbreviation such as EST or IST as they are not true time zones, not standardized, and not even unique(!). For example, your use of IST may be Irish Standard Time, Israel Standard Time (as interpreted by java.time, seen above), or India Standard Time.

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

Solr vs. ElasticSearch

If you are already using SOLR, remain stick to it. If you are starting up, go for Elastic search.

Maximum major issues have been fixed in SOLR and it is quite mature.

How do I get data from a table?

use Json & jQuery. It's way easier than oldschool javascript

function savedata1() { 

var obj = $('#myTable tbody tr').map(function() {
var $row = $(this);
var t1 = $row.find(':nth-child(1)').text();
var t2 = $row.find(':nth-child(2)').text();
var t3 = $row.find(':nth-child(3)').text();
return {
    td_1: $row.find(':nth-child(1)').text(),
    td_2: $row.find(':nth-child(2)').text(),
    td_3: $row.find(':nth-child(3)').text()

System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7

For me, the issue was some plugin in my Visual Studio started forcing my application into x64 64bit mode, so the Oracle driver wasn't being found as I had Oracle 32bit installed.

So if you are having this issue, try running Visual Studio in safemode (devenv /safemode). I could find that it was looking in SYSWOW64 for the ic.dll file by using the ProcMon app by SysInternals/Microsoft.

Update: For me it was the Telerik JustTrace product that was causing the issue, it was probably hooking in and affecting the runtime version somehow to do tracing.

Update2: It's not just JustTrace causing an issue, JustMock is causing the same processor mode issue. JustMock is easier to fix though: Click JustMock-> Disable Profiler and then my web app's oracle driver runs in the correct CPU mode. This might be fixed by Telerik in the future.

How to display list of repositories from subversion server

If you know your way around Java, you can use SvnKit to do browse, search and God knows what with your Subversion server.

After that, you can package your program and invoke it either via an Ant task or a shell script.

It's quite a "brute force" solution, but once you master SvnKit, you can really do lots of cool things.

Add empty columns to a dataframe with specified names from a vector

The problem with your code is in the line:

for(i in length(namevector))

You need to ask yourself: what is length(namevector)? It's one number. So essentially you're saying:

for(i in 11)
df[,i] <- NA

Or more simply:

df[,11] <- NA

That's why you're getting an error. What you want is:

for(i in namevector)
    df[,i] <- NA

Or more simply:

df[,namevector] <- NA

List the queries running on SQL Server

Actually, running EXEC sp_who2 in Query Analyzer / Management Studio gives more info than sp_who.

Beyond that you could set up SQL Profiler to watch all of the in and out traffic to the server. Profiler also let you narrow down exactly what you are watching for.

For SQL Server 2008:

START - All Programs - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 - Performance Tools - SQL Server Profiler

Keep in mind that the profiler is truly a logging and watching app. It will continue to log and watch as long as it is running. It could fill up text files or databases or hard drives, so be careful what you have it watch and for how long.

Java Pass Method as Parameter

Here is a basic example:

public class TestMethodPassing
    private static void println()
        System.out.println("Do println");

    private static void print()
        System.out.print("Do print");

    private static void performTask(BasicFunctionalInterface functionalInterface)

    interface BasicFunctionalInterface
        void performTask();

    public static void main(String[] arguments)


Do println
Do print

Reading settings from app.config or web.config in .NET

Another possible solution:

var MyReader = new System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader();
string keyvalue = MyReader.GetValue("keyalue",typeof(string)).ToString();

How do I use cascade delete with SQL Server?

First To Enable ONCascade property:

1.Drop the existing foreign key constraint

2.add a new one with the ON DELETE CASCADE setting enabled


IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Response'))

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Response] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_Response_Request]  

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Response] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Response_Request]  FOREIGN KEY([RequestId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Request] ([RequestId])


 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Response] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Response_Request]  FOREIGN KEY([RequestId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Request] ([RequestId])

Second To Disable ONCascade property:

1.Drop the existing foreign key constraint

2.Add a new one with the ON DELETE NO ACTION setting enabled


IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Response'))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Response] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_Response_Request]  

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Response] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Response_Request]  FOREIGN KEY([RequestId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Request] ([RequestId])


 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Response] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Response_Request]  FOREIGN KEY([RequestId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Request] ([RequestId])

IndexError: list index out of range and python

That's right. 'list index out of range' most likely means you are referring to n-th element of the list, while the length of the list is smaller than n.

How to install mscomct2.ocx file from .cab file (Excel User Form and VBA)

You're correct that this is really painful to hand out to others, but if you have to, this is how you do it.

  1. Just extract the .ocx file from the .cab file (it is similar to a zip)
  2. Copy to the system folder (c:\windows\sysWOW64 for 64 bit systems and c:\windows\system32 for 32 bit)
  3. Use regsvr32 through the command prompt to register the file (e.g. "regsvr32 c:\windows\sysWOW64\mscomct2.ocx")


SonarQube Exclude a directory

You can do the same with build.gradle

sonarqube {
properties {
    property "sonar.exclusions", "**/src/java/test/**/*.java"

And if you want to exclude more files/directories then:

sonarqube {
properties {
    property "sonar.exclusions", "**/src/java/test/**/*.java, **/src/java/main/**/*.java"

Combine several images horizontally with Python

my solution would be :

import sys
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import ImageDraw 


image_list= ['IMG_7292.jpg','IMG_7293.jpg','IMG_7294.jpg', 'IMG_7295.jpg' ]

image = [ for x in image_list]  # list
im_1 = image[0].rotate(270)
im_2 = image[1].rotate(270)
im_3 = image[2].rotate(270)
#im_4 = image[3].rotate(270)

height = image[0].size[0]
width = image[0].size[1]
# Create an empty white image frame
new_im ='RGB',(height*2,width*2),(255,255,255))


draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_im)
font = ImageFont.truetype('arial',200)

draw.text((0, 0), '(a)', fill='white', font=font)
draw.text((height, 0), '(b)', fill='white', font=font)
draw.text((0, width), '(c)', fill='white', font=font)
#draw.text((height, width), '(d)', fill='white', font=font)'BS1319.pdf')   
[![Laser spots on the edge][1]][1]

HTML/Javascript change div content

you can use following helper function:

function content(divSelector, value) {
    document.querySelector(divSelector).innerHTML = value;


Where #content must be valid CSS selector

Here is working example.

Additionaly - today (2018.07.01) I made speed comparison for jquery and pure js solutions ( MacOs High Sierra 10.13.3 on Chrome 67.0.3396.99 (64-bit), Safari 11.0.3 (13604.5.6), Firefox 59.0.2 (64-bit) ):

document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = "whatever"; // pure JS
$('#content').html('whatever');                            // jQuery

enter image description here

The jquery solution was slower than pure js solution: 69% on firefox, 61% on safari, 56% on chrome. The fastest browser for pure js was firefox with 560M operations per second, the second was safari 426M, and slowest was chrome 122M.

So the winners are pure js and firefox (3x faster than chrome!)

You can test it in your machine:

Does the join order matter in SQL?

If you try joining C on a field from B before joining B, i.e.:

       on B.x = C.x
       on A.x = B.x

your query will fail, so in this case the order matters.

What is inf and nan?

Inf is infinity, it's a "bigger than all the other numbers" number. Try subtracting anything you want from it, it doesn't get any smaller. All numbers are < Inf. -Inf is similar, but smaller than everything.

NaN means not-a-number. If you try to do a computation that just doesn't make sense, you get NaN. Inf - Inf is one such computation. Usually NaN is used to just mean that some data is missing.

Call a function from another file?

Inside MathMethod.Py.

def Add(a,b):
   return a+b 

def subtract(a,b):
  return a-b

Inside Main.Py

import MathMethod as MM 


<div> cannot appear as a descendant of <p>

The warning appears only because the demo code has:

function TabPanel(props) {
  const { children, value, index, ...other } = props;

  return (
      hidden={value !== index}
      {value === index && (
        <Box p={3}>  // <==NOTE P TAG HERE

Changing it like this takes care of it:

function TabPanel(props) {
    const {children, value, index, classes, ...other} = props;

    return (
            hidden={value !== index}
            {value === index && (
                    <Box>   // <== P TAG REMOVED

How to include libraries in Visual Studio 2012?

Typically you need to do 5 things to include a library in your project:

1) Add #include statements necessary files with declarations/interfaces, e.g.:

#include "library.h"

2) Add an include directory for the compiler to look into

-> Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Include Directories (click and edit, add a new entry)

3) Add a library directory for *.lib files:

-> project(on top bar)/properties/Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Library Directories (click and edit, add a new entry)

4) Link the lib's *.lib files

-> Configuration Properties/Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies (e.g.: library.lib;

5) Place *.dll files either:

-> in the directory you'll be opening your final executable from or into Windows/system32

javascript push multidimensional array

Arrays must have zero based integer indexes in JavaScript. So:

var valueToPush = new Array();
valueToPush[0] = productID;
valueToPush[1] = itemColorTitle;
valueToPush[2] = itemColorPath;

Or maybe you want to use objects (which are associative arrays):

var valueToPush = { }; // or "var valueToPush = new Object();" which is the same
valueToPush["productID"] = productID;
valueToPush["itemColorTitle"] = itemColorTitle;
valueToPush["itemColorPath"] = itemColorPath;

which is equivalent to:

var valueToPush = { };
valueToPush.productID = productID;
valueToPush.itemColorTitle = itemColorTitle;
valueToPush.itemColorPath = itemColorPath;

It's a really fundamental and crucial difference between JavaScript arrays and JavaScript objects (which are associative arrays) that every JavaScript developer must understand.

Determine if running on a rooted device

Forget all that detecting root apps and su binaries. Check for the root daemon process. This can be done from the terminal and you can run terminal commands within an app. Try this one-liner.

if [ ! -z "$(/system/bin/ps -A | grep -v grep | grep -c daemonsu)" ]; then echo "device is rooted"; else echo "device is not rooted"; fi

You don't need root permission to achieve this either.

Refresh DataGridView when updating data source

Well, it doesn't get much better than that. Officially, you should use

dataGridView1.DataSource = typeof(List); 
dataGridView1.DataSource = itemStates;

It's still a "clear/reset source" kind of solution, but I have yet to find anything else that would reliably refresh the DGV data source.

Installation of VB6 on Windows 7 / 8 / 10

I've installed and use VB6 for legacy projects many times on Windows 7.

What I have done and never came across any issues, is to install VB6, ignore the errors and then proceed to install the latest service pack, currently SP6.

Download here:

Bonus: Also once you install it and realize that scrolling doesn't work, use the below:

Given the lat/long coordinates, how can we find out the city/country?

Please check the below answer. It works for me

if(navigator.geolocation) {


function initialize(lat,lng) {
    //directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer(rendererOptions);
    //directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);


function getLocation(latlng){

    var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
    geocoder.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function(results, status) {
            if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
                if (results[0]) {
                    var loc = getCountry(results);
                    alert("location is::"+loc);


function getCountry(results)
    for (var i = 0; i < results[0].address_components.length; i++)
        var shortname = results[0].address_components[i].short_name;
        var longname = results[0].address_components[i].long_name;
        var type = results[0].address_components[i].types;
        if (type.indexOf("country") != -1)
            if (!isNullOrWhitespace(shortname))
                return shortname;
                return longname;


function isNullOrWhitespace(text) {
    if (text == null) {
        return true;
    return text.replace(/\s/gi, '').length < 1;

Default nginx client_max_body_size

Pooja Mane's answer worked for me, but I had to put the client_max_body_size variable inside of http section.

enter image description here

An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode

This worked for me:

  1. Delete the originally created site.
  2. Recreate the site in IIS
  3. Clean solution
  4. Build solution

Seems like something went south when I originally created the site. I hate solutions that are similar to "Restart your machine, then reinstall windows" without knowing what caused the error. But, this worked for me. Quick and simple. Hope it helps someone else.

How to close TCP and UDP ports via windows command line

Use CurrPorts (it's free and no-install):

/close <Local Address> <Local Port> <Remote Address> <Remote Port> {Process Name}


# Close all connections with remote port 80 and remote address 
/close * * 80
# Close all connections with remote port 80 (for all remote addresses): 
/close * * * 80
# Close all connections to remote address 
/close * * *
# Close all connections with local port 80: 
/close * 80 * *
# Close all connections of Firefox with remote port 80: 
/close * * * 80 firefox.exe

It also has a nice GUI with search and filter features.

Note: This answer is huntharo and JasonXA's answer and comment put together and simplified to make it easier for readers. Examples come from CurrPorts' web page.

How to have a drop down <select> field in a rails form?

<%= :email_provider, ["gmail","yahoo","msn"]%>

Tensorflow image reading & display

After speaking with you in the comments, I believe that you can just do this using numpy/scipy. The ideas is to read the image in the numpy 3d-array and feed it into the variable.

from scipy import misc
import tensorflow as tf

img = misc.imread('01.png')
print img.shape    # (32, 32, 3)

img_tf = tf.Variable(img)
print img_tf.get_shape().as_list()  # [32, 32, 3]

Then you can run your graph:

init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
im =

and verify that it is the same:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()

enter image description here

P.S. you mentioned: Since it's supposed to parallelize reading, it seems useful to know.. To which I can say that rarely in data-analysis reading of the data is the bottleneck. Most of your time you will spend training your model.

Parsing CSV / tab-delimited txt file with Python

Start by turning the text into a list of lists. That will take care of the parsing part:

lol = list(csv.reader(open('text.txt', 'rb'), delimiter='\t'))

The rest can be done with indexed lookups:

d = dict()
key = lol[6][0]      # cell A7
value = lol[6][3]    # cell D7
d[key] = value       # add the entry to the dictionary

Find unused code

ReSharper does a great job of finding unused code.

In the VS IDE, you can right click on the definition and choose 'Find All References', although this only works at the solution level.

SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xa3' in file when function returns '£'

First add the # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- line to the beginning of the file and then use u'foo' for all your non-ASCII unicode data:

def NewFunction():
    return u'£'

or use the magic available since Python 2.6 to make it automatic:

from __future__ import unicode_literals

How do I do top 1 in Oracle?

If you want just a first selected row, you can:

select fname from MyTbl where rownum = 1

You can also use analytic functions to order and take the top x:

select max(fname) over (rank() order by some_factor) from MyTbl

how to generate a unique token which expires after 24 hours?

There are two possible approaches; either you create a unique value and store somewhere along with the creation time, for example in a database, or you put the creation time inside the token so that you can decode it later and see when it was created.

To create a unique token:

string token = Convert.ToBase64String(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray());

Basic example of creating a unique token containing a time stamp:

byte[] time = BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary());
byte[] key = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
string token = Convert.ToBase64String(time.Concat(key).ToArray());

To decode the token to get the creation time:

byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(token);
DateTime when = DateTime.FromBinary(BitConverter.ToInt64(data, 0));
if (when < DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-24)) {
  // too old

Note: If you need the token with the time stamp to be secure, you need to encrypt it. Otherwise a user could figure out what it contains and create a false token.

How can I reference a dll in the GAC from Visual Studio?

As the others said, most of the time you won't want to do that because it doesn't copy the assembly to your project and it won't deploy with your project. However, if you're like me, and trying to add a reference that all target machines have in their GAC but it's not a .NET Framework assembly:

  1. Open the windows Run dialog (Windows Key + r)
  2. Type C:\Windows\assembly\gac_msil. This is some sort of weird hack that lets you browse your GAC. You can only get to it through the run dialog. Hopefully my spreading this info doesn't eventually cause Microsoft to patch it and block it. (Too paranoid? :P)
  3. Find your assembly and copy its path from the address bar.
  4. Open the Add Reference dialog in Visual Studio and choose the Browse tab.
  5. Paste in the path to your GAC assembly.

I don't know if there's an easier way, but I haven't found it. I also frequently use step 1-3 to place .pdb files with their GAC assemblies to make sure they're not lost when I later need to use Remote Debugger.

How to determine if a point is in a 2D triangle?

Since there's no JS answer,
Clockwise & Counter-Clockwise solution:

function triangleContains(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, x, y) {

    let det = (bx - ax) * (cy - ay) - (by - ay) * (cx - ax)

    return  det * ((bx - ax) * (y - ay) - (by - ay) * (x - ax)) > 0 &&
            det * ((cx - bx) * (y - by) - (cy - by) * (x - bx)) > 0 &&
            det * ((ax - cx) * (y - cy) - (ay - cy) * (x - cx)) > 0 


EDIT: there was a typo for det computation (cy - ay instead of cx - ax), this is fixed.

function triangleContains(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, x, y) {_x000D_
    let det = (bx - ax) * (cy - ay) - (by - ay) * (cx - ax)_x000D_
    return  det * ((bx - ax) * (y - ay) - (by - ay) * (x - ax)) > 0 &&_x000D_
            det * ((cx - bx) * (y - by) - (cy - by) * (x - bx)) > 0 &&_x000D_
            det * ((ax - cx) * (y - cy) - (ay - cy) * (x - cx)) > 0 _x000D_
let width = 500, height = 500_x000D_
// clockwise_x000D_
let triangle1 = {_x000D_
 A : { x: 10, y: -10 },_x000D_
 C : { x: 20, y: 100 },_x000D_
 B : { x: -90, y: 10 },_x000D_
 color: '#f00',_x000D_
// counter clockwise_x000D_
let triangle2 = {_x000D_
 A : { x: 20, y: -60 },_x000D_
 B : { x: 90, y: 20 },_x000D_
 C : { x: 20, y: 60 },_x000D_
 color: '#00f',_x000D_
let scale = 2_x000D_
let mouse = { x: 0, y: 0 }_x000D_
// DRAW >_x000D_
let wrapper = document.querySelector('div.wrapper')_x000D_
wrapper.onmousemove = ({ layerX:x, layerY:y }) => {_x000D_
 x -= width / 2_x000D_
 y -= height / 2_x000D_
 x /= scale_x000D_
 y /= scale_x000D_
 mouse.x = x_x000D_
 mouse.y = y_x000D_
function drawArrow(ctx, A, B) {_x000D_
 let v = normalize(sub(B, A), 3)_x000D_
 let I = center(A, B)_x000D_
 let p_x000D_
 p = add(I, rotate(v, 90), v)_x000D_
 ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y)_x000D_
 ctx.lineTo(I.x, I .y)_x000D_
 p = add(I, rotate(v, -90), v)_x000D_
 ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y)_x000D_
function drawTriangle(ctx, { A, B, C, color }) {_x000D_
 ctx.moveTo(A.x, A.y)_x000D_
 ctx.lineTo(B.x, B.y)_x000D_
 ctx.lineTo(C.x, C.y)_x000D_
 ctx.fillStyle = color + '6'_x000D_
 ctx.strokeStyle = color_x000D_
 drawArrow(ctx, A, B)_x000D_
 drawArrow(ctx, B, C)_x000D_
 drawArrow(ctx, C, A)_x000D_
function contains({ A, B, C }, P) {_x000D_
 return triangleContains(A.x, A.y, B.x, B.y, C.x, C.y, P.x, P.y)_x000D_
function resetCanvas(canvas) {_x000D_
 canvas.width = width_x000D_
 canvas.height = height_x000D_
 let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')_x000D_
 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)_x000D_
 ctx.setTransform(scale, 0, 0, scale, width/2, height/2)_x000D_
function drawDots() {_x000D_
 let canvas = document.querySelector('canvas#dots')_x000D_
 let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')_x000D_
 let count = 1000_x000D_
 for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {_x000D_
  let x = width * (Math.random() - .5)_x000D_
  let y = width * (Math.random() - .5)_x000D_
  ctx.ellipse(x, y, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI)_x000D_
  if (contains(triangle1, { x, y })) {_x000D_
   ctx.fillStyle = '#f00'_x000D_
  } else if (contains(triangle2, { x, y })) {_x000D_
   ctx.fillStyle = '#00f'_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
   ctx.fillStyle = '#0003'_x000D_
function drawInteractive() {_x000D_
 let canvas = document.querySelector('canvas#interactive')_x000D_
 let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')_x000D_
 ctx.moveTo(0, -height/2)_x000D_
 ctx.lineTo(0, height/2)_x000D_
 ctx.moveTo(-width/2, 0)_x000D_
 ctx.lineTo(width/2, 0)_x000D_
 ctx.strokeStyle = '#0003'_x000D_
 drawTriangle(ctx, triangle1)_x000D_
 drawTriangle(ctx, triangle2)_x000D_
 ctx.ellipse(mouse.x, mouse.y, 4, 4, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI)_x000D_
 if (contains(triangle1, mouse)) {_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = triangle1.color + 'a'_x000D_
 } else if (contains(triangle2, mouse)) {_x000D_
  ctx.fillStyle = triangle2.color + 'a'_x000D_
 } else {_x000D_
  ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'_x000D_
// trigo_x000D_
function add(...points) {_x000D_
 let x = 0, y = 0_x000D_
 for (let point of points) {_x000D_
  x += point.x_x000D_
  y += point.y_x000D_
 return { x, y }_x000D_
function center(...points) {_x000D_
 let x = 0, y = 0_x000D_
 for (let point of points) {_x000D_
  x += point.x_x000D_
  y += point.y_x000D_
 x /= points.length_x000D_
 y /= points.length_x000D_
 return { x, y }_x000D_
function sub(A, B) {_x000D_
 let x = A.x - B.x_x000D_
 let y = A.y - B.y_x000D_
 return { x, y }_x000D_
function normalize({ x, y }, length = 10) {_x000D_
 let r = length / Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)_x000D_
 x *= r_x000D_
 y *= r_x000D_
 return { x, y }_x000D_
function rotate({ x, y }, angle = 90) {_x000D_
 let length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)_x000D_
 angle *= Math.PI / 180_x000D_
 angle += Math.atan2(y, x)_x000D_
 x = length * Math.cos(angle)_x000D_
 y = length * Math.sin(angle)_x000D_
 return { x, y }_x000D_
* {_x000D_
 margin: 0;_x000D_
html {_x000D_
 font-family: monospace;_x000D_
body {_x000D_
 padding: 32px;_x000D_
_x000D_ {_x000D_
 color: #f00;_x000D_
_x000D_ {_x000D_
 color: #00f;_x000D_
canvas {_x000D_
 position: absolute;_x000D_
 border: solid 1px #ddd;_x000D_
<p><span class="red">red triangle</span> is clockwise</p>_x000D_
<p><span class="blue">blue triangle</span> is couter clockwise</p>_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
 <canvas id="dots"></canvas>_x000D_
 <canvas id="interactive"></canvas>_x000D_

enter image description here

I'm using here the same method as described above: a point is inside ABC if it is respectively on the "same" side of each line AB, BC, CA.

triangle inclusion example

Ansible date variable

The command ansible localhost -m setup basically says "run the setup module against localhost", and the setup module gathers the facts that you see in the output.

When you run the echo command these facts don't exist since the setup module wasn't run. A better method to testing things like this would be to use ansible-playbook to run a playbook that looks something like this:

- hosts: localhost
      - debug: var=ansible_date_time

      - debug: msg="the current date is {{ }}"

Because this runs as a playbook facts for localhost are gathered before the tasks are run. The output of the above playbook will be something like this:

PLAY [localhost] **************************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK: [debug var=ansible_date_time] *******************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "ansible_date_time": {
        "date": "2015-07-09",
        "day": "09",
        "epoch": "1436461166",
        "hour": "16",
        "iso8601": "2015-07-09T16:59:26Z",
        "iso8601_micro": "2015-07-09T16:59:26.896629Z",
        "minute": "59",
        "month": "07",
        "second": "26",
        "time": "16:59:26",
        "tz": "UTC",
        "tz_offset": "+0000",
        "weekday": "Thursday",
        "year": "2015"

TASK: [debug msg="the current date is {{ }}"] **********
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "the current date is 2015-07-09"

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
localhost      : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

Manually highlight selected text in Notepad++

"Select your text, right click, then choose Style Token and then using 1st style (2nd style, etc …). At the moment is not possible to save the style tokens but there is an idea pending on Idea torrent you may vote for if your are interested in that."

It should be default, but it might be hidden.

"It might be that something happened to your contextMenu.xml so that you only get the basic standard. Have a look in NPPs config folder (%appdata%\Notepad++\) if the contextMenu.xml is there. If no: that would be the answer; if yes: it might be defect. Anyway you can grab the original standart contextMenu.xml from here and place it into the config folder (or replace the existing xml). Start NPP and you should have quite a long context menu. Tip: have a look at the contextmenu.xml itself - because you're allowed to change it to your own needs."

See this for more information

How to run batch file from network share without "UNC path are not supported" message?

My situation is just a little different. I'm running a batch file on startup to distribute the latest version of internal business applications.

In this situation I'm using the Windows Registry Run Key with the following string

cmd /c copy \\serverName\SharedFolder\startup7.bat %USERPROFILE% & %USERPROFILE%\startup7.bat

This runs two commands on startup in the correct sequence. First copying the batch file locally to a directory the user has permission to. Then executing the same batch file. I can create a local directory c:\InternalApps and copy all of the files from the network.

This is probably too late to solve the original poster's question but it may help someone else.

How to store a large (10 digits) integer?

you can use long or double.

Use Font Awesome icon as CSS content

Update for FontAwesome 5 Thanks to Aurelien

You need to change the font-family to Font Awesome 5 Brands OR Font Awesome 5 Free, based on the type of icon you are trying to render. Also, do not forget to declare font-weight: 900;

a:before {
   font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
   content: "\f095";
   display: inline-block;
   padding-right: 3px;
   vertical-align: middle;
   font-weight: 900;


You can read the rest of the answer below to understand how it works and to know some workarounds for spacing between icon and the text.

FontAwesome 4 and below

That's the wrong way to use it. Open the font awesome style sheet, go to the class of the font you want to use say fa-phone, copy the content property under that class with the entity, and use it like:

a:before {
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    content: "\f095";


Just make sure that if you are looking to target a specific a tag, then consider using a class instead to make it more specific like:

a.class_name:before {
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    content: "\f095";

Using the way above will stick the icon with the remaining text of yours, so if you want to have a bit of space between the two of them, make it display: inline-block; and use some padding-right:

a:before {
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    content: "\f095";
    display: inline-block;
    padding-right: 3px;
    vertical-align: middle;

Extending this answer further, since many might be having a requirement to change an icon on hover, so for that, we can write a separate selector and rules for :hover action:

a:hover:before {
    content: "\f099"; /* Code of the icon you want to change on hover */


Now in the above example, icon nudges because of the different size and you surely don't want that, so you can set a fixed width on the base declaration like

a:before {
    /* Other properties here, look in the above code snippets */
    width: 12px; /* add some desired width here to prevent nudge */


Insert current date into a date column using T-SQL?

Couple of ways. Firstly, if you're adding a row each time a [de]activation occurs, you can set the column default to GETDATE() and not set the value in the insert. Otherwise,

UPDATE TableName SET [ColumnName] = GETDATE() WHERE UserId = @userId

How do I resolve the " Address already in use: JVM_Bind" error?

In my case Tomcat was running in a background. I've installed it as a external servlet while using Eclipse. With a Spring Boot in Intellij it has it own server but cannot start while it's already occupied.
In my case Tomcat starts automatically I turn on my OS, that is why I need to shut down him manualy:

$ sudo service tomcat stop

of course "tomcat" depends what version of tomcat you are using.
Hope it might help to someone.

Best way to determine user's locale within browser

This article suggests the following properties of the browser's navigator object:

  • navigator.language (Netscape - Browser Localization)
  • navigator.browserLanguage (IE-Specific - Browser Localized Language)
  • navigator.systemLanguage (IE-Specific - Windows OS - Localized Language)
  • navigator.userLanguage

Roll these into a javascript function and you should be able to guess the right language, in most circumstances. Be sure to degrade gracefully, so have a div containing your language choice links, so that if there is no javascript or the method doesn't work, the user can still decide. If it does work, just hide the div.

The only problem with doing this on the client side is that either you serve up all the languages to the client, or you have to wait until the script has run and detected the language before requesting the right version. Perhaps serving up the most popular language version as a default would irritate the fewest people.

Edit: I'd second Ivan's cookie suggestion, but make sure the user can always change the language later; not everyone prefers the language their browser defaults to.

How can I use an http proxy with node.js http.Client?

If you have the Basic http authentication scheme you have to make a base64 string of myuser:mypassword, and then add "Basic" in the beginning. That's the value of Proxy-Authorization header, here an example:

var Http = require('http');

var req = Http.request({
    host: '',
    port: 8080,
    headers:{"Proxy-Authorization": "Basic bXl1c2VyOm15cGFzc3dvcmQ="},
    method: 'GET',
    path: ''
    }, function (res) {
        res.on('data', function (data) {


In nodejs you could use Buffer to encode

var encodedData = Buffer.from('myuser:mypassword').toString('base64');


Just as example, in browsers you could encode in base64 using btoa(), useful in ajax requests in a browser without proxy settings performing a request using proxy.

var encodedData = btoa('myuser:mypassword')_x000D_

How to find wich scheme accepts the proxy server?

If we don't have a custom DNS configured (that would throw something like ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED), when we perform a request, the response (code 407) should inform in the response headers which http authentication scheme the proxy is using.

Using strtok with a std::string

There is a more elegant solution.

With std::string you can use resize() to allocate a suitably large buffer, and &s[0] to get a pointer to the internal buffer.

At this point many fine folks will jump and yell at the screen. But this is the fact. About 2 years ago

the library working group decided (meeting at Lillehammer) that just like for std::vector, std::string should also formally, not just in practice, have a guaranteed contiguous buffer.

The other concern is does strtok() increases the size of the string. The MSDN documentation says:

Each call to strtok modifies strToken by inserting a null character after the token returned by that call.

But this is not correct. Actually the function replaces the first occurrence of a separator character with \0. No change in the size of the string. If we have this string:


we will end up with


So my solution is very simple:

std::string str("some-text-to-split");
char seps[] = "-";
char *token;

token = strtok( &str[0], seps );
while( token != NULL )
   /* Do your thing */
   token = strtok( NULL, seps );

Read the discussion on

CMake: How to build external projects and include their targets

I think you're mixing up two different paradigms here.

As you noted, the highly flexible ExternalProject module runs its commands at build time, so you can't make direct use of Project A's import file since it's only created once Project A has been installed.

If you want to include Project A's import file, you'll have to install Project A manually before invoking Project B's CMakeLists.txt - just like any other third-party dependency added this way or via find_file / find_library / find_package.

If you want to make use of ExternalProject_Add, you'll need to add something like the following to your CMakeLists.txt:

  URL ...project_a.tar.gz


ExternalProject_Get_Property(project_a install_dir)

add_dependencies(project_b_exe project_a)
target_link_libraries(project_b_exe ${install_dir}/lib/alib.lib)

SQL Server converting varbinary to string


DECLARE @varbinaryField varbinary(max);
SET @varbinaryField = 0x21232F297A57A5A743894A0E4A801FC3;

SELECT CONVERT(varchar(max),@varbinaryField,2), 

UPDATED: For SQL Server 2008

URLEncoder not able to translate space character

This worked for me

org.apache.catalina.util.URLEncoder ul = new org.apache.catalina.util.URLEncoder().encode("MY URL");

Is jQuery $.browser Deprecated?

Here I present an alternative way to detect a browser, based on feature availability.

To detect only IE, you can use this:

if(/*@cc_on!@*/false || typeof ScriptEngineMajorVersion === "function")
    //You are using IE>=4 (unreliable for IE11)
    //You are using other browser

To detect the most popular browsers:

if(/*@cc_on!@*/false || typeof ScriptEngineMajorVersion === "function")
    //You are using IE >= 4 (unreliable for IE11!!!)
else if(
    //You are using Chrome or Chromium
else if(window.opera)
    //You are using Opera >= 9.2
else if('MozBoxSizing' in
    //You are using Firefox or Firefox based >= 3.2
else if({}'Constructor')+1)
    //You are using Safari >= 3.1

This answer was updated because IE11 no longer supports conditional compilation (the /*@cc_on!@*/false trick).
You can check Did IE11 remove javascript conditional compilation? for more informations regarding this topic.
I've used the suggestion they presented there.
Alternatively, you can use typeof == "string" or !== window.undefined or even 'msTransform' in

Apply formula to the entire column

This is for those who want to overwrite the column cells quickly (without cutting and copying). This is the same as double-clicking the cell box but unlike double-clicking, it still works after the first try.

  1. Select the column cell you would like to copy downwards
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+ to select the cells below
  3. Press Ctrl+Enter to copy the contents of the first cell into the cells below


The shortcut for going to the bottom-most content (to double-check the copy) is Ctrl+. To go back up you can use Ctrl+ but if your top rows are frozen you'll also have to press Enter a few times.

Can you test google analytics on a localhost address?

Now the answer for your question is yes, it will just work by copying the standard snippet. According to documentation, now the standard snippet has automatic cookie domain configuration: ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto'); where cookie domain is automatically determined.

In addition, if analytics.js detects that you're running a server locally (e.g. localhost) it automatically sets the cookieDomain to 'none'.

PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date

Use usort() and a custom comparison function:

function date_compare($a, $b)
    $t1 = strtotime($a['datetime']);
    $t2 = strtotime($b['datetime']);
    return $t1 - $t2;
usort($array, 'date_compare');

EDIT: Your data is organized in an array of arrays. To better distinguish those, let's call the inner arrays (data) records, so that your data really is an array of records.

usort will pass two of these records to the given comparison function date_compare() at a a time. date_compare then extracts the "datetime" field of each record as a UNIX timestamp (an integer), and returns the difference, so that the result will be 0 if both dates are equal, a positive number if the first one ($a) is larger or a negative value if the second argument ($b) is larger. usort() uses this information to sort the array.

Dump Mongo Collection into JSON format

If you want to dump all collections, run this command:

mongodump -d {DB_NAME}   -o /tmp 

It will generate all collections data in json and bson extensions into /tmp/{DB_NAME} directory

How to delete an array element based on key?

this looks like PHP to me. I'll delete if it's some other language.

Simply unset($arr[1]);

warning about too many open figures

The following snippet solved the issue for me:

class FigureWrapper(object):
    '''Frees underlying figure when it goes out of scope. 

    def __init__(self, figure):
        self._figure = figure

    def __del__(self):
        print("Figure removed")

# .....
    f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(20, 20))
    _wrapped_figure = FigureWrapper(f)

# .....

When _wrapped_figure goes out of scope the runtime calls our __del__() method with plt.close() inside. It happens even if exception fires after _wrapped_figure constructor.

How to find Control in TemplateField of GridView?

I have done it accessing the controls inside the cell control. Find in all control collections.

 ControlCollection cc = (ControlCollection)e.Row.Controls[1].Controls;

 Label lbCod = (Label)cc[1];

Return value from exec(@sql)

that's my procedure

CREATE PROC sp_count
    @CompanyId sysname,
    @codition sysname
    ( NumRows int )

    DECLARE @intCount int
         , @vcSQL varchar(255)

    SELECT    @vcSQL = ' INSERT #ctr FROM dbo.Comm_Services 
                       WHERE CompanyId = '+@CompanyId+' and '+@condition+')'
    EXEC      (@vcSQL)

    IF @@ERROR = 0
         SELECT    @intCount = NumRows
         FROM #ctr

         DROP TABLE #ctr
         RETURN @intCount
         DROP TABLE #ctr
         RETURN -1

How to bind inverse boolean properties in WPF?

With standart binding you need to use converters that looks little windy. So, I recommend you to look at my project CalcBinding, which was developed specially to resolve this problem and some others. With advanced binding you can write expressions with many source properties directly in xaml. Say, you can write something like:

<Button IsEnabled="{c:Binding Path=!IsReadOnly}" />


<Button Content="{c:Binding ElementName=grid, Path=ActualWidth+Height}"/>


<Label Content="{c:Binding A+B+C }" />


<Button Visibility="{c:Binding IsChecked, FalseToVisibility=Hidden}" />

where A, B, C, IsChecked - properties of viewModel and it will work properly

How to increase apache timeout directive in .htaccess?

if you have long processing server side code, I don't think it does fall into 404 as you said ("it goes to a webpage is not found error page")

Browser should report request timeout error.

You may do 2 things:

Based on CGI/Server side engine increase timeout there

PHP : - default is 30 seconds

In php.ini:

max_execution_time 60

Increase apache timeout - default is 300 (in version 2.4 it is 60).

In your httpd.conf (in server config or vhost config)

TimeOut 600

Note that first setting allows your PHP script to run longer, it will not interferre with network timeout.

Second setting modify maximum amount of time the server will wait for certain events before failing a request

Sorry, I'm not sure if you are using PHP as server side processing, but if you provide more info I will be more accurate.

Transaction marked as rollback only: How do I find the cause

When you mark your method as @Transactional, occurrence of any exception inside your method will mark the surrounding TX as roll-back only (even if you catch them). You can use other attributes of @Transactional annotation to prevent it of rolling back like:

@Transactional(rollbackFor=MyException.class, noRollbackFor=MyException2.class)

MySQL, Concatenate two columns

$crud->set_relation('id','students','{first_name} {last_name}');
$crud->display_as('student_id','Students Name');

Oracle Age calculation from Date of birth and Today

You can try

SELECT ROUND((SYSDATE - TO_DATE('12-MAY-16'))/365.25, 5) AS AGE from DUAL;

You can configure ROUND to show as many decimal places as you wish.

Placing the date in decimal format like aforementioned helps with calculations of age groups, etc.

This is just a contrived example. In real world scenarios, you wouldn't be converting strings to date using TO_DATE.

However, if you have date of birth in date format, you can subtract two dates safely.

TensorFlow not found using pip

I've found out the problem.

I'm using a Windows computer which has Python 2 installed previously. After Python 3 is installed (without setting the path, I successfully check the version of pip3 - but the python executable file still points to the Python2)

Then I set the path to the python3 executable file (remove all python2 paths) then start a new command prompt, try to reinstall Tensorflow. It works!

I think this problem could happend on MAC OS too since there is a default python which is on the MAC system.

Best programming based games

There's racing car simulator game TORCS also where on top of the typical end user playing it (you actually "driving" the cars), you can program robots which control the cars. Regular races are held between robots created by different people.

Regex - how to match everything except a particular pattern

notnot, resurrecting this ancient question because it had a simple solution that wasn't mentioned. (Found your question while doing some research for a regex bounty quest.)

I'm faced with a situation where I have to match an (A and ~B) pattern.

The basic regex for this is frighteningly simple: B|(A)

You just ignore the overall matches and examine the Group 1 captures, which will contain A.

An example (with all the disclaimers about parsing html in regex): A is digits, B is digits within <a tag

The regex: <a.*?<\/a>|(\d+)

Demo (look at Group 1 in the lower right pane)


How to match pattern except in situations s1, s2, s3

How to match a pattern unless...

Convert Java Array to Iterable

Integer foo[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 };

List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(foo);
// or
Iterable<Integer> iterable = Arrays.asList(foo);

Though you need to use an Integer array (not an int array) for this to work.

For primitives, you can use guava:

Iterable<Integer> fooBar = Ints.asList(foo);

For Java8: (from Jin Kwon's answer)

final int[] arr = {1, 2, 3};
final PrimitiveIterator.OfInt i1 =;
final PrimitiveIterator.OfInt i2 = IntStream.of(arr).iterator();
final Iterator<Integer> i3 = IntStream.of(arr).boxed().iterator();

How to group dataframe rows into list in pandas groupby

As you were saying the groupby method of a pd.DataFrame object can do the job.


 L = ['A','A','B','B','B','C']
 N = [1,2,5,5,4,6]

 import pandas as pd
 df = pd.DataFrame(zip(L,N),columns = list('LN'))

 groups = df.groupby(df.L)

      {'A': [0, 1], 'B': [2, 3, 4], 'C': [5]}

which gives and index-wise description of the groups.

To get elements of single groups, you can do, for instance


     L  N
  0  A  1
  1  A  2


     L  N
  2  B  5
  3  B  5
  4  B  4

How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain

I don't think your problem is with the BouncyCastle keystore; I think the problem is with a broken package in Android. The BouncyCastle keystore is a supreme annoyance because Android changed a default Java behavior without documenting it anywhere -- and removed the default provider -- but it does work.

Note that for SSL authentication you may require 2 keystores. The "TrustManager" keystore, which contains the CA certs, and the "KeyManager" keystore, which contains your client-site public/private keys. (The documentation is somewhat vague on what needs to be in the KeyManager keystore.) In theory, you shouldn't need the TrustManager keystore if all of your certficates are signed by "well-known" Certifcate Authorities, e.g., Verisign, Thawte, and so on. Let me know how that works for you. Your server will also require the CA for whatever was used to sign your client.

I could not create an SSL connection using at all. I disabled the client SSL authentication on the server side, and I still could not create the connection. Since my end goal was an HTTPS GET, I punted and tried using the Apache HTTP Client that's bundled with Android. That sort-of worked. I could make the HTTPS conection, but I still could not use SSL auth. If I enabled the client SSL authentication on my server, the connection would fail. I haven't checked the Apache HTTP Client code, but I suspect they are using their own SSL implementation, and don't use

How to zip a file using cmd line?

You can use the following command:

zip -r directory

Hope this helps.

Table and Index size in SQL Server

To see a single table's (and its indexes) storage data:

exec sp_spaceused MyTable

SQL Server returns error "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'." in Windows application

I think there must have been some change in AD group used to authenticate against the database. Add the web server name, in the format domain\webservername$, to the AD group that had access to the database. In addition, also try to set the web.config attribute to "false". Hope it helps.

EDIT: Going by what you have edited.. it most probably indicate that the authentication protocol of your SQL Server has fallen back from Kerberos(Default, if you were using Windows integrated authentication) to NTLM. For using Kerberos service principal name (SPN) must be registered in the Active Directory directory service. Service Principal Name(SPNs) are unique identifiers for services running on servers. Each service that will use Kerberos authentication needs to have an SPN set for it so that clients can identify the service on the network. It is registered in Active Directory under either a computer account or a user account. Although the Kerberos protocol is the default, if the default fails, authentication process will be tried using NTLM.

In your scenario, client must be making tcp connection, and it is most likely running under LocalSystem account, and there is no SPN registered for SQL instance, hence, NTLM is used, however, LocalSystem account inherits from System Context instead of a true user-based context, thus, failed as 'ANONYMOUS LOGON'.

To resolve this ask your domain administrator to manually register SPN if your SQL Server running under a domain user account. Following links might help you more:

How to create a user in Django?

Have you confirmed that you are passing actual values and not None?

from django.shortcuts import render

def createUser(request):
    userName = request.REQUEST.get('username', None)
    userPass = request.REQUEST.get('password', None)
    userMail = request.REQUEST.get('email', None)

    # TODO: check if already existed
    if userName and userPass and userMail:
       u,created = User.objects.get_or_create(userName, userMail)
       if created:
          # user was created
          # set the password here
          # user was retrieved
       # request was empty

    return render(request,'home.html')

How to generate .NET 4.0 classes from xsd?

For a quick and lazy solution, (and not using VS at all) try these online converters:

  • xsd-to-xml-converter here
  • xmltocsharp converter here

XSD => XML => C# classes

Example XSD:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">

<xs:element name="shiporder">
      <xs:element name="orderperson" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="shipto">
            <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="address" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="city" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="country" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:element name="item" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="note" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="quantity" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>
            <xs:element name="price" type="xs:decimal"/>
    <xs:attribute name="orderid" type="xs:string" use="required"/>


Converts to XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Created with Liquid Technologies Online Tools 1.0 ( -->
<shiporder xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="schema.xsd" orderid="string" xmlns:xsi="">

Which converts to this class structure:

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
using System;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Xml2CSharp
    public class Shipto {
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }
        public string City { get; set; }
        public string Country { get; set; }

    public class Item {
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Note { get; set; }
        public string Quantity { get; set; }
        public string Price { get; set; }

    public class Shiporder {
        public string Orderperson { get; set; }
        public Shipto Shipto { get; set; }
        public List<Item> Item { get; set; }
        [XmlAttribute(AttributeName="noNamespaceSchemaLocation", Namespace="")]
        public string NoNamespaceSchemaLocation { get; set; }
        public string Orderid { get; set; }
        [XmlAttribute(AttributeName="xsi", Namespace="")]
        public string Xsi { get; set; }


Attention! Take in account that this is just to Get-You-Started, the results obviously need refinements!

Intro to GPU programming

Another easy way to get into GPU programming, without getting into CUDA or OpenCL, is to do it via OpenACC.

OpenACC works like OpenMP, with compiler directives (like #pragma acc kernels) to send work to the GPU. For example, if you have a big loop (only larger ones really benefit):

int i;
float a = 2.0;
float b[10000];
#pragma acc kernels
for (i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) b[i] = 1.0f;
#pragma acc kernels
for (i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
  b[i] = b[i] * a;

Edit: unfortunately, only the PGI compiler really supports OpenACC right now, for NVIDIA GPU cards.

How to get all privileges back to the root user in MySQL?

Log in as root, then run the following MySQL commands:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost';

Paste MS Excel data to SQL Server

If the interface works the way it did last I used it, you can select the region in Excel, copy it, open SQL Server and paste the data into the table as you would with Access.

Or you could setup an ODBC link between Excel and SQL Server.

Python string prints as [u'String']

Do you really mean u'String'?

In any event, can't you just do str(string) to get a string rather than a unicode-string? (This should be different for Python 3, for which all strings are unicode.)

C# Example of AES256 encryption using System.Security.Cryptography.Aes

public class AesCryptoService
    private static byte[] Key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(@"qwr{@^h`h&_`50/ja9!'dcmh3!uw<&=?");
    private static byte[] IV = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(@"9/\~V).A,lY&=t2b");

    public static string EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(string plainText)
        if (plainText == null || plainText.Length <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("plainText");
        if (Key == null || Key.Length <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Key");
        if (IV == null || IV.Length <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("IV");
        byte[] encrypted;

        using (AesCryptoServiceProvider aesAlg = new AesCryptoServiceProvider())
            aesAlg.Key = Key;
            aesAlg.IV = IV;
            aesAlg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
            aesAlg.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;

            ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesAlg.CreateEncryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV);

            using (MemoryStream msEncrypt = new MemoryStream())
                using (CryptoStream csEncrypt = new CryptoStream(msEncrypt, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                    using (StreamWriter swEncrypt = new StreamWriter(csEncrypt))
                    encrypted = msEncrypt.ToArray();
        return Convert.ToBase64String(encrypted);

    public static string DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(string Text)
        if (Text == null || Text.Length <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("cipherText");
        if (Key == null || Key.Length <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Key");
        if (IV == null || IV.Length <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("IV");

        string plaintext = null;
        byte[] cipherText = Convert.FromBase64String(Text.Replace(' ', '+'));

        using (AesCryptoServiceProvider aesAlg = new AesCryptoServiceProvider())
            aesAlg.Key = Key;
            aesAlg.IV = IV;
            aesAlg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
            aesAlg.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;

            ICryptoTransform decryptor = aesAlg.CreateDecryptor(aesAlg.Key, aesAlg.IV);

            using (MemoryStream msDecrypt = new MemoryStream(cipherText))
                using (CryptoStream csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                    using (StreamReader srDecrypt = new StreamReader(csDecrypt))
                        plaintext = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd();


        return plaintext;

Copy Notepad++ text with formatting?

It seems to me that the best and easiest way is commented by Dennis G:

And now go to [Settings > Shortcut Mapper > Plugin Commands > Copy all Formats to clipboard] and set it to CTRL+SHIFT+C --> Instant joy. CTRL+C to copy the raw text, CTRL+SHIFT+C to copy with formatting. This should be default.

Hoping help someone just like me!

Trying to get Laravel 5 email to work

I know it's working for you now @Vantheman6 but this is what worked for me in case it's the same for someone else.

I added to my .env file the details of the mail service I am using. So make sure the following details

[email protected]

in the .env file are accurate.

NOTE: Don't forget to restart your server after editing the .env file so it will pick the new data that you put in there.

Clear config cache with below command:

php artisan config:cache

If you don't restart your server, the .env file will still continue to present the old mail data to the app even though you have made changes that can cause this error.

Remove the title bar in Windows Forms

if by Blue Border thats on top of the Window Form you mean titlebar, set Forms ControlBox property to false and Text property to empty string ("").

here's a snippet:

this.ControlBox = false;
this.Text = String.Empty;

What's the difference between compiled and interpreted language?

As other have said, compiled and interpreted are specific to an implementation of a programming language; they are not inherent in the language. For example, there are C interpreters.

However, we can (and in practice we do) classify programming languages based on its most common (sometimes canonical) implementation. For example, we say C is compiled.

First, we must define without ambiguity interpreters and compilers:

An interpreter for language X is a program (or a machine, or just some kind of mechanism in general) that executes any program p written in language X such that it performs the effects and evaluates the results as prescribed by the specification of X.

A compiler from X to Y is a program (or a machine, or just some kind of mechanism in general) that translates any program p from some language X into a semantically equivalent program p' in some language Y in such a way that interpreting p' with an interpreter for Y will yield the same results and have the same effects as interpreting p with an interpreter for X.

Notice that from a programmer point of view, CPUs are machine interpreters for their respective native machine language.

Now, we can do a tentative classification of programming languages into 3 categories depending on its most common implementation:

  • Hard Compiled languages: When the programs are compiled entirely to machine language. The only interpreter used is a CPU. Example: Usually, to run a program in C, the source code is compiled to machine language, which is then executed by a CPU.
  • Interpreted languages: When there is no compilation of any part of the original program to machine language. In other words, no new machine code is generated; only existing machine code is executed. An interpreter other than the CPU must also be used (usually a program).Example: In the canonical implementation of Python, the source code is compiled first to Python bytecode and then that bytecode is executed by CPython, an interpreter program for Python bytecode.
  • Soft Compiled languages: When an interpreter other than the CPU is used but also parts of the original program may be compiled to machine language. This is the case of Java, where the source code is compiled to bytecode first and then, the bytecode may be interpreted by the Java Interpreter and/or further compiled by the JIT compiler.

Sometimes, soft and hard compiled languages are refered to simply compiled, thus C#, Java, C, C++ are said to be compiled.

Within this categorization, JavaScript used to be an interpreted language, but that was many years ago. Nowadays, it is JIT-compiled to native machine language in most major JavaScript implementations so I would say that it falls into soft compiled languages.

Loop through each row of a range in Excel

Dim a As Range, b As Range

Set a = Selection

For Each b In a.Rows
    MsgBox b.Address

pandas create new column based on values from other columns / apply a function of multiple columns, row-wise

The answers above are perfectly valid, but a vectorized solution exists, in the form of This allows you to define conditions, then define outputs for those conditions, much more efficiently than using apply:

First, define conditions:

conditions = [
    df['eri_hispanic'] == 1,
    df[['eri_afr_amer', 'eri_asian', 'eri_hawaiian', 'eri_nat_amer', 'eri_white']].sum(1).gt(1),
    df['eri_nat_amer'] == 1,
    df['eri_asian'] == 1,
    df['eri_afr_amer'] == 1,
    df['eri_hawaiian'] == 1,
    df['eri_white'] == 1,

Now, define the corresponding outputs:

outputs = [
    'Hispanic', 'Two Or More', 'A/I AK Native', 'Asian', 'Black/AA', 'Haw/Pac Isl.', 'White'

Finally, using

res =, outputs, 'Other')

0           White
1        Hispanic
2           White
3           White
4           Other
5           White
6     Two Or More
7           White
8    Haw/Pac Isl.
9           White
dtype: object

Why should be used over apply? Here are some performance checks:

df = pd.concat([df]*1000)

In [42]: %timeit df.apply(lambda row: label_race(row), axis=1)
1.07 s ± 4.16 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [44]: %%timeit
    ...: conditions = [
    ...:     df['eri_hispanic'] == 1,
    ...:     df[['eri_afr_amer', 'eri_asian', 'eri_hawaiian', 'eri_nat_amer', 'eri_white']].sum(1).gt(1),
    ...:     df['eri_nat_amer'] == 1,
    ...:     df['eri_asian'] == 1,
    ...:     df['eri_afr_amer'] == 1,
    ...:     df['eri_hawaiian'] == 1,
    ...:     df['eri_white'] == 1,
    ...: ]
    ...: outputs = [
    ...:     'Hispanic', 'Two Or More', 'A/I AK Native', 'Asian', 'Black/AA', 'Haw/Pac Isl.', 'White'
    ...: ]
    ...:, outputs, 'Other')
3.09 ms ± 17 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Using gives us vastly improved performance, and the discrepancy will only increase as the data grows.

Best way to make a shell script daemon?

Just backgrounding your script (./myscript &) will not daemonize it. See, section 1.7, which describes what's necessary to become a daemon. You must disconnect it from the terminal so that SIGHUP does not kill it. You can take a shortcut to make a script appear to act like a daemon;

nohup ./myscript 0<&- &>/dev/null &

will do the job. Or, to capture both stderr and stdout to a file:

nohup ./myscript 0<&- &> my.admin.log.file &

However, there may be further important aspects that you need to consider. For example:

  • You will still have a file descriptor open to the script, which means that the directory it's mounted in would be unmountable. To be a true daemon you should chdir("/") (or cd / inside your script), and fork so that the parent exits, and thus the original descriptor is closed.
  • Perhaps run umask 0. You may not want to depend on the umask of the caller of the daemon.

For an example of a script that takes all of these aspects into account, see Mike S' answer.

How do I print bytes as hexadecimal?

This is a modified version of the Nibble to Hex method

void hexArrayToStr(unsigned char* info, unsigned int infoLength, char **buffer) {
    const char* pszNibbleToHex = {"0123456789ABCDEF"};
    int nNibble, i;
    if (infoLength > 0) {
        if (info != NULL) {
            *buffer = (char *) malloc((infoLength * 2) + 1);
            buffer[0][(infoLength * 2)] = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < infoLength; i++) {
                nNibble = info[i] >> 4;
                buffer[0][2 * i] = pszNibbleToHex[nNibble];
                nNibble = info[i] & 0x0F;
                buffer[0][2 * i + 1] = pszNibbleToHex[nNibble];
        } else {
            *buffer = NULL;
    } else {
        *buffer = NULL;

Facebook Post Link Image

Use the facebook lintter available here.

This will check your link and re fetch any images. this also clears any old cache.

Or try this -

What causes the Broken Pipe Error?

Maybe the 40 bytes fits into the pipe buffer, and the 40000 bytes doesn't?


The sending process is sent a SIGPIPE signal when you try to write to a closed pipe. I don't know exactly when the signal is sent, or what effect the pipe buffer has on this. You may be able to recover by trapping the signal with the sigaction call.

Error: unmappable character for encoding UTF8 during maven compilation

This happens in the following scenario: When working on Windows, the IDE is more than likely configured to edit files in Cp1252, which is a Microsoft adaptation of latin-11. The developer checks in, and the Continuous Integration server (usually running on Linux, which nowadays is all utf8) picks up the file, and tries to compile as a UTF-8 file, hence the warning.

Try changing the encoding to cp1252. This works. To avoid future problems of this kind, use the same encoding on all the developer machines.

Good luck...

File Upload ASP.NET MVC 3.0

to transfer to byte[] (e.g. for saving to DB):

using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
    byte[] array = ms.GetBuffer();

To transfer the input stream directly into the database, without storing it in the memory you can use this class taken from here and a bit changed:

public class VarbinaryStream : Stream {
private SqlConnection _Connection;

private string _TableName;
private string _BinaryColumn;
private string _KeyColumn;
private int _KeyValue;

private long _Offset;

private SqlDataReader _SQLReader;
private long _SQLReadPosition;

private bool _AllowedToRead = false;

public VarbinaryStream(
    string ConnectionString,
    string TableName,
    string BinaryColumn,
    string KeyColumn,
    int KeyValue,
    bool AllowRead = false)
  // create own connection with the connection string.
  _Connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);

  _TableName = TableName;
  _BinaryColumn = BinaryColumn;
  _KeyColumn = KeyColumn;
  _KeyValue = KeyValue;

  // only query the database for a result if we are going to be reading, otherwise skip.
  _AllowedToRead = AllowRead;
  if (_AllowedToRead == true)
      if (_Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

      SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
                      @"SELECT TOP 1 [" + _BinaryColumn + @"]
                            FROM [dbo].[" + _TableName + @"]
                            WHERE [" + _KeyColumn + "] = @id",

      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", _KeyValue));

      _SQLReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(
          CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess |
          CommandBehavior.SingleResult |
          CommandBehavior.SingleRow |

    catch (Exception e)
      // log errors here

// this method will be called as part of the Stream ímplementation when we try to write to our VarbinaryStream class.
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)
    if (_Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

    if (_Offset == 0)
      // for the first write we just send the bytes to the Column
      SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
                                  @"UPDATE [dbo].[" + _TableName + @"]
                                            SET [" + _BinaryColumn + @"] = @firstchunk 
                                        WHERE [" + _KeyColumn + "] = @id",

      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@firstchunk", buffer));
      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", _KeyValue));


      _Offset = count;
      // for all updates after the first one we use the TSQL command .WRITE() to append the data in the database
      SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
                              @"UPDATE [dbo].[" + _TableName + @"]
                                        SET [" + _BinaryColumn + @"].WRITE(@chunk, NULL, @length)
                                    WHERE [" + _KeyColumn + "] = @id",

      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@chunk", buffer));
      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@length", count));
      cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", _KeyValue));


      _Offset += count;
  catch (Exception e)
    // log errors here

// this method will be called as part of the Stream ímplementation when we try to read from our VarbinaryStream class.
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
    long bytesRead = _SQLReader.GetBytes(0, _SQLReadPosition, buffer, offset, count);
    _SQLReadPosition += bytesRead;
    return (int)bytesRead;
  catch (Exception e)
    // log errors here
  return -1;
public override bool CanRead
  get { return _AllowedToRead; }

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
  if (_Connection != null)
    if (_Connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
      try { _Connection.Close();           }
      catch { }

#region unimplemented methods
public override bool CanSeek
  get { return false; }

public override bool CanWrite
  get { return true; }

public override void Flush()
  throw new NotImplementedException();

public override long Length
  get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

public override long Position
    throw new NotImplementedException();
    throw new NotImplementedException();
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
  throw new NotImplementedException();

public override void SetLength(long value)
  throw new NotImplementedException();
#endregion unimplemented methods  }

and the usage:

  using (var filestream = new VarbinaryStream(

AngularJS Directive Restrict A vs E

Element is not supported in IE8 out of the box you have to do some work to make IE8 accept custom tags.

One advantage of using an attribute over an element is that you can apply multiple directives to the same DOM node. This is particularly handy for things like form controls where you can highlight, disable, or add labels etc. with additional attributes without having to wrap the element in a bunch of tags.

How do I set a ViewModel on a window in XAML using DataContext property?

In addition to the solution that other people provided (which are good, and correct), there is a way to specify the ViewModel in XAML, yet still separate the specific ViewModel from the View. Separating them is useful for when you want to write isolated test cases.

In App.xaml:

        <local:MainViewModel x:Key="MainViewModel" />

In MainWindow.xaml:

<Window x:Class="BuildAssistantUI.MainWindow"
    DataContext="{StaticResource MainViewModel}"

Apply a theme to an activity in Android?

You can apply a theme to any activity by including android:theme inside <activity> inside manifest file.

For example:

  1. <activity android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog">
  2. <activity android:theme="@style/CustomTheme">

And if you want to set theme programatically then use setTheme() before calling setContentView() and super.onCreate() method inside onCreate() method.

Git adding files to repo

my problem (git on macOS) was solved by using sudo git instead of just git in all add and commit commands

Firefox and SSL: sec_error_unknown_issuer

Firefox is more stringent than other browsers and will require proper installation of an intermediate server certificate. This can be supplied by the cert authority the certificate was purchased from. the intermediate cert is typically installed in the same location as the server cert and requires the proper entry in the httpd.conf file.

while many are chastising Firefox for it's (generally) exclusive 'flagging' of this, it's actually demonstrating a higher level of security standards.

Is there a PowerShell "string does not contain" cmdlet or syntax?

If $arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn is an [array] you should use -notcontains:

Get-Content $FileName | foreach-object { `
   if ($arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn -notcontains $_) { $) }

or better (IMO)

Get-Content $FileName | where { $arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn -notcontains $_}

How to add action listener that listens to multiple buttons

I'm amazed that nobody has mentioned using an action command. This is a pretty standard way of associating sources and listeners. Its really useful if;

  • you have multiple event sources that need to do the same thing (eg if you want the use to be able to press the enter key on a text field as an alternative to clicking a button next to it)
  • you don't have a ref to the component generating the event


import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;    
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class DontExtendJFrame implements ActionListener {

  private enum Actions {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    DontExtendJFrame instance = new DontExtendJFrame();

    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test");
    frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    frame.setSize(200, 100);

    JButton hello = new JButton("Hello");

    JButton goodbye = new JButton("Goodbye");


  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    if (evt.getActionCommand() == {
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello");
    } else if (evt.getActionCommand() == {
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Goodbye");

Is it valid to define functions in JSON results?

Leave the quotes off...

var a = {"b":function(){alert('hello world');} };


Count the number of occurrences of each letter in string

//This is JavaScript Code.

function countWordOccurences()
    // You can use array of words or a sentence split with space.
    var sentence = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";
    //var sentenceArray = ['asdf', 'asdf', 'sfd', 'qwr', 'qwr'];
    var sentenceArray = sentence.split(' ', 1000); 
    var output;
    var temp;
    for(var i = 0; i < sentenceArray.length; i++) {
        var k = 1;
        for(var j = i + 1; j < sentenceArray.length; j++) {
            if(sentenceArray[i] == sentenceArray[j])
                    k = k + 1;
        if(k > 1) {
            i = i + 1;
            output = output + ',' + k + ',' + k;
            output = output + ',' + k;
    alert(sentenceArray + '\n' + output.slice(10).split(',', 500));

You can see it live -->

How to use global variables in React Native?

The way you should be doing it in React Native (as I understand it), is by saving your 'global' variable in your index.js, for example. From there you can then pass it down using props.


    class MainComponent extends Component {

        componentDidMount() {
            //Define some variable in your component
            this.variable = "What's up, I'm a variable";
        render () {
                renderScene={(() => {
                                //Pass the variable you want to be global through here

    class SceneComponent extends Component {

        render() {


How to write a function that takes a positive integer N and returns a list of the first N natural numbers

Here are a few ways to create a list with N of continuous natural numbers starting from 1.

1 range:

def numbers(n): 
    return range(1, n+1);

2 List Comprehensions:

def numbers(n):
    return [i for i in range(1, n+1)]

You may want to look into the method xrange and the concepts of generators, those are fun in python. Good luck with your Learning!

Is there any difference between "!=" and "<>" in Oracle Sql?

At university we were taught 'best practice' was to use != when working for employers, though all the operators above have the same functionality.

How to select a single child element using jQuery?

I think what you want to do is this:


this will give you a jquery object containing the first img element, whereas


will give you the img element itself.