[bash] Best way to make a shell script daemon?

See Bash Service Manager project: https://github.com/reduardo7/bash-service-manager

Implementation example

#!/usr/bin/env bash

export PID_FILE_PATH="/tmp/my-service.pid"
export LOG_FILE_PATH="/tmp/my-service.log"
export LOG_ERROR_FILE_PATH="/tmp/my-service.error.log"

. ./services.sh

run-script() {
  local action="$1" # Action

  while true; do
    echo "@@@ Running action '${action}'"
    echo foo
    echo bar >&2

    [ "$action" = "run" ] && return 0
    sleep 5
    [ "$action" = "debug" ] && exit 25

before-start() {
  local action="$1" # Action

  echo "* Starting with $action"

after-finish() {
  local action="$1" # Action
  local serviceExitCode=$2 # Service exit code

  echo "* Finish with $action. Exit code: $serviceExitCode"

serviceName="Example Service"

serviceMenu "$action" "$serviceName" run-script "$workDir" before-start after-finish

Usage example

$ ./example-service
# Actions: [start|stop|restart|status|run|debug|tail(-[log|error])]

$ ./example-service start
# Starting Example Service service...

$ ./example-service status
# Serive Example Service is runnig with PID 5599

$ ./example-service stop
# Stopping Example Service...

$ ./example-service status
# Service Example Service is not running

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Examples related to daemon

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