useful to windows users who use eclipse for c/c++ but run *.exe file and get an error: "missing libstdc++6.dll"
4 ways to solve it
Eclipse ->"Project" -> "Properties" -> "C/C++ Build" -> "Settings" -> "Tool Settings" -> "MinGW C++ Linker" -> "Misscellaneous" -> "Linker flags" (add '-static' to it)
Add '{{the path where your MinGW was installed}}/bin' to current user environment variable - "Path" in Windows, then reboot eclipse, and finally recompile.
Add '{{the path where your MinGW was installed}}/bin' to Windows environment variable - "Path", then reboot eclipse, and finally recompile.
Copy the file "libstdc++-6.dll" to the path where the *.exe file is running, then rerun. (this is not a good way)
Note: the file "libstdc++-6.dll" is in the folder '{{the path where your MinGW was installed}}/bin'