Programs On Popular Programming Languages


GENERAL SSH SUPPORT IS OFF-TOPIC. Support questions may be asked on Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for secure data communication. Use this tag for programming questions related to Secure Shell. Common authentication and configuration problems are off-topic for Stack Overflow...


For questions about scripts written for the Bash command shell. For shell scripts with errors, please check them with the shellcheck program (or in the web shellcheck server at before posting here. Questions about interactive use of Bash are more likely to be on-topic on Super User than on Stack Overflow...


The term 'shell' refers to a general class of text-based interactive command interpreters most often associated with the Unix & Linux operating systems. For questions about shell scripting, please use a more specific tag such as 'bash', 'powershell' or 'ksh'. Without a specific tag, a portable (POSIX-compliant) solution should be assumed, though using 'posix' in addition or 'sh' instead is preferable...


A terminal or command-line interface is a text-only interface for interacting with an operating system or a piece of software. A user typically types commands into the terminal to perform specific tasks...


`apple-touch-icon` is an iOS-specific custom kind of icon which users can display on their Home screens using the `Web Clip` feature..


USB is an acronym for Universal Serial Bus, a standard for a serial host-to-device protocol defined by the USB Implementors Forum...


Extensible Forms Description Language (XFDL) describes a class of XML documents proposed to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). XFDL is a high-level computer language that defines a form as a single, stand-alone object using XML structure. XFDL supports mathematical/Boolean computations, external code extensibility, the capture of multiple digital signatures and the ability for signatures to disable input or alteration on all or a portion of the form...


A podcast is traditionally an audio series delivered over the Internet as a download, in a style similar to radio shows. However, the term has now has grown to include video shows, as well...


Consider whether your question would be better at Statistics is the mathematical study of using probability to infer characteristics of a population from a limited number of samples or observations...


Profiles are part of .NET Framework. Profiles allows you simply manage your users...


Lingo is the embedded scripting language used in Adobe Director...


Shockwave is a technology developed by Macromedia, Inc. that enables Web pages to include multimedia objects. Shockwave supports audio, animation, video and even processes user actions such as mouse clicks...


free is a function to deallocate memory obtained from malloc and other functions in C. Do not use this tag to refer to free software. Asking for software recommendation is off-topic on Stack Overflow. If you have a question about free software, you can ask here:


A branch of artificial intelligence concerned with generating multi-part solutions to problems. Examples include game-playing AI, industrial automation, turn-by-turn directions..


The O/S in which a process is executed, especially settings that affect the process..


An area of memory (RAM or disk based) for which to perform operations...


A mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface...


Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, interactions, and games...


An anchor (...) is a HTML element used to define the link between the current element (the anchor) and the destination (URI)...


Computer programming languages' facility for embedding text in source code, also known as String literals..


The general process of moving data from an external source into one's platform, program, or data set...


study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements, and its cognitive abilities (Wikipedia)..


Model–View–Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. For Microsoft ASP.NET MVC, please use [] tag instead. For Spring MVC, please use [spring-mvc] tag instead...


A DataContext is used in WPF, Silverlight and various other .NET technologies. When used with WPF or Silverlight, a DataContext is an object holding the data that the form (or page in case of Silverlight) uses as a display source for its UI elements...


The central processing unit or "processor" inside a computer which executes the instructions in a computer program...


***DO NOT USE for VBA / MS-Office languages. Use the respective [vba] tags instead.*** A macro is a rule or pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence (often a sequence of characters) should be mapped to an output sequence (also often a sequence of characters) according to a defined procedure...


Double precision floating-point format is a (most often) 64 bit data type used for storing fractional numbers...


A data type that represents an integer. An integer is a whole number that can be negative, positive, or zero. (i.e. ...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2...) Use this tag for questions about using, storing, or manipulating integers...


Version control is the management of changes to documents, programs, and other information stored as computer files. Use this tag to mark general questions about usage and applicability of version control, VCS comparison. For most commands and techniques specific to each particular VCS there are specific tags, which should be preferred...


A dynamic-link library (DLL) is a module that contains functions and data that can be used by another module (application or DLL). It is Microsoft's implementation of the shared library concept in the Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems...


Test-Driven Development (TDD) involves writing a failing automated test to specify what is to be built. The test is then made to pass by writing code which satisfies the tested condition. Finally, the code is refactored...


Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format...


Model View Presenter (MVP) is a derivative of the model-view-controller software pattern, used mostly for building user interfaces...


ColdFusion is a server-side rapid application development platform, implementing the dynamic general purpose CFML programming language. Please include CFML version, OS & web server in questions...


A checkbox is a graphical user interface element that permits the user to make a binary selection...

The ASP.NET MVC Framework is an open source web application framework and tooling that implements a version of the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern tailored towards web applications and built upon an ASP.NET technology foundation...


The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is a core component of Microsoft's .NET initiative. It is Microsoft's implementation of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) standard, which defines an execution environment for program code. In the CLR, code is expressed in a form of bytecode called the Common Intermediate Language (CIL, previously known as MSIL—Microsoft Intermediate Language)...


BDD stands for Behavior Driven Development. It is related to, and derived from, TDD (Test Driven Development) and ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development). It differs from them in its language, preferring "example", "scenario" or "specification" to "test"...


Build automation is the act of scripting or automating tasks like compiling, packaging, running tests, deployment etc...


A mechanism for interacting with a computer operating system or software by typing commands to perform specific tasks..


The term "datatable" is ambiguous. In .NET, it's a class that represents a table of in-memory data. In component based MVC frameworks like JSF and Wicket, it's an UI component that dynamically renders a HTML table based on a collection. For jQuery DataTables plugin, please use the [datatables] tag, for the data.table R package please use [data.table]...


ReSharper is a refactoring and productivity extension by JetBrains that extends native functionality of Microsoft Visual Studio versions since 2003...


The act of saving one's files, data, applications, etc. to secondary media, allowing for the recovery of the files, data, applications, etc. in the event that the primary media becomes unavailable (fails). Also the secondary media used for storage...


VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition) is an interpreted scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modeled on Visual Basic. VBScript is not the same thing as VBA or VB.NET. They are three different things, so use the correct tags...


Sybase PowerBuilder — programming language and IDE from Sybase. Very popular in the early 90s before being eclipsed by Visual Studio and failing to provide an adequate solution for web applications. Outside of StackOverflow, the best resource for PowerBuilder help is the Appeon PowerBuilder Community. Also possibly of interest: The International Sybase User Group, PowerBuilder Journal..


TextWrangler is the “little brother” to BBEdit, a professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh...


A monad in programming is a composable computation description. Monads are an important construct in functional programming languages like Haskell...


Graphics are visual presentations. Questions using this tag should also be tagged with the appropriate language and graphics subsystem in use. For more general graphics questions, consider Computer Graphics Stack Exchange (


QUESTIONS ABOUT SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT METHODS AND PRACTICES OR PROJECT MANAGEMENT ARE OFF-TOPIC. Please consider Software Engineering or Project Management Stack Exchanges for these questions...


In computer science, concurrency is a property of systems in which multiple computations can be performed in overlapping time periods. The computations may be executing on multiple cores in the same chip, preemptively time-shared threads on the same processor, or executed on physically separated processors...


A diagram is a two-dimensional geometric symbolic representation of information according to some visualization technique...


Obfuscation is the process by which the code is altered so that a developer finds it much harder to understand clearly what the intended program does or how it operates. The larger the program the greater the obfuscation, as code becomes intertwined linking different segments through out the program...


TreeView control is used to display hierarchical information...


A forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are at least temporarily archived. Also, depending on the access level of a user or the forum set-up, a posted message might need to be approved by a moderator before it becomes visible...


Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, and broadcasting of moving visual images. Use more specific tags when relevant, such as [video-editing] for questions related to trimming and modifying videos, [video-encoding] for questions related to editing videos into any format, and [video-processing] for questions related to processing videos with filtering video frames...


Streaming is the process of delivering digital multimedia content from a provider to a consumer over a network. The provider may have the data stored or may be relaying it from a live source...


The process of transferring money, normally in exchange for some product or service..


Only for questions on programming against Excel objects or files, or complex formula development. You may combine the Excel tag with VBA, VSTO, C#, VB.NET, PowerShell, OLE automation, and other programming related tags and questions if applicable. General help regarding MS Excel for single worksheet functions is available at Super User...


This tag is ambiguous, please don't use it. For row-column layouts, use [grid-layout]. For CSS Grid layout, use [css-grid]. For the HPC setup, use [grid-computing]. For the R plotting package, use [r-grid]. For multi-dimensional data, use [matrix] or [array] or [raster]. For WPF-Grid control, use [wpfgrid]..


The clipboard is a software facility that can be used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations...


PowerShell is a command line and scripting utility for Windows. Use this tag for questions about writing and executing PowerShell scripts ONLY. Programming questions specific to the cross-platform version PowerShell Core (Windows, macOS, Linux) should be tagged [powershell-core]. Questions about system administration should be asked on SuperUser...


Cmdlets are lightweight, task-oriented commands in the Windows PowerShell environment. Cmdlets can be connected together in a pipeline to share input/output...


The process of installation is the deployment of an application onto a device for future execution and use...


Scripting is a form of programming generally characterized by low formality, loose typing, and no requirement for explicit compilation. There are numerous scripting languages, and these are used in a wide variety of scenarios - command-line applications, GUIs, server-side applications, extension modules...


Hosting refers to the commercial service offered by companies that let you run websites using their servers. Questions about server technology should be asked at and more general questions should be asked at


Erlang is a general-purpose, garbage-collected programming language and runtime environment, with built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance...


Verification checks whether a product complies with specifications and further fixed conditions...


A getter is a public accessor method, used in object-oriented programming, which returns the value associated with a private member of a class...


Setter is public mutator method, used in object-oriented programming, which gives new value to a private member of a class...


Optimization is the act of improving a method or design. In programming, optimization usually takes the form of increasing the speed of an algorithm, or reducing the resources it requires. Another meaning of optimization is numerical optimization algorithms used in machine learning...


Xen is a virtualization technology for IA-32, x86-64 and ARM architectures...


Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a hardware platform, operating system, a storage device or network resources..


GENERAL UBUNTU SUPPORT IS OFF-TOPIC. Support questions may be asked on Ubuntu is a free desktop and server operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux. Note that this is for programming questions specific to Ubuntu and is dedicated to answering general Ubuntu questions...


Mono is an open source implementation of .NET that runs on many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. This allows running .NET applications on platforms other than Windows with little to no modification...


The process of transforming text or data for presentation. A typical example would be the transformation of a decimal into a particular currency format with the correct number of decimal places...


A memory-management technique where a computer stores and retrieves data from secondary storage for use in main memory. Memory is divided into equal sized pages so to not waste any memory...


JXTA is a set of protocols to operate devices in a P2P fashion on the Internet...


HSV is cylindrical color model that determines colors by hue (0°-360°), saturation (color intensity) and lightness (from black over the color to white)...


RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue and specifies a color using three values, which represent the respective amount of red, green, and blue in the color. RGB is the basis for the color model used by most color display devices nowadays...


This tag refers to the Turkish language. Use it on questions dealing with text or data written in this language...


Microsoft Office Document Imaging, an OCR library from Microsoft that comes with Office until version 2007...


DEP, the short for Data Execution Prevention, is a security feature included in recent operating systems meant to prevent an application or service from executing code from a non-executable memory region...


A tree is a widely-used data structure that emulates a hierarchical tree-like structure with a set of linked nodes...


GENERAL NSLOOKUP SUPPORT IS OFF-TOPIC. Support questions may be asked on nslookup (name server "lookup") is a utility that queries the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain domain name or IP address mapping...


Recursion is a kind of function call in which a function calls itself. Such functions are also called recursive functions. Structural recursion is a method of problem solving where the solution to a problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem...


the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which specified users achieve specified goals in particular environments. This covers ease of use and learnability of software applications, websites, processes, or anything a human interacts with...


Perl is a procedural, high-level, general-purpose, dynamic programming language, known for its native support of regular expressions and string parsing capabilities. Please use this tag for questions about Perl in general. For things related to the new (but related) language "Perl 6", please use the perl6 tag. For Perl-style regular expressions in other languages, use the regex tag, or, if they are based on the PCRE library, the pcre tag...


A hash function is any well-defined procedure or mathematical function that converts a large amount of data into a small datum, usually a single integer. For questions about the Twitter and Facebook # symbol, use hashtag. For questions about URLs and HTML anchors, use fragment-identifier. For questions about Ruby's hash type, use ruby-hash...


An iterator function or language struct which can be used to iterate over arrays or lists...


The boot phase broadly refers to the set of operations that a computer system performs between power-on and access to a graphical/textual shell. Do NOT use this tag for Spring Boot or Twitter Bootstrap. Use [spring-boot] and [twitter-bootstrap] instead...


Procedural programming is a term used to denote the way in which a computer programmer writes a program. This method of developing software, which also is called an application, revolves around keeping code as concise as possible. It also focuses on a very specific end result to be achieved. When it is mandatory that a program complete certain steps to achieve specific results, the code is said to have been written according to procedural programming...


Maintainability refers to the nature, methods, theory and art of maximizing the ease with which an asset may be sustained, modified or enhanced throughout the duration of its expected useful life...


Questions about data comparison and efficient ways to accomplish it. Please avoid using this tag for generic (meta) comparison of two issues or concepts...


In computing and programming, a scalar variable or value refers to a single value, as opposed to data structures such as arrays or lists...


For questions pertaining to the measurement or improvement of code and application efficiency...


VMware is a brand of virtual machine software that provides a virtualized set of hardware to the guest operating system...


Cron is a time-based job scheduler running as a daemon process in Unix-like computer operating systems...