Programs & Examples On #Sizetofit

Resizing UITableView to fit content

I am using a UIView extension , approach is close to @ChrisB approach above

 extension UIView {
func updateHeight(_ height:NSLayoutConstraint)
    let newSize = CGSize(width: self.frame.size.width, height: CGFloat(MAXFLOAT))
    let fitSize : CGSize = self.sizeThatFits(newSize)
    height.constant = fitSize.height

implementation : :

@IBOutlet weak var myTableView: UITableView!
@IBOutlet weak var myTableVieweHeight: NSLayoutConstraint!
//(call it whenever tableView is updated inside/outside delegate methods)

Bonus : Can be used on any other UIViews eg:your own dynamic label

Removing NA in dplyr pipe

I don't think desc takes an na.rm argument... I'm actually surprised it doesn't throw an error when you give it one. If you just want to remove NAs, use na.omit (base) or tidyr::drop_na:

outcome.df %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  group_by(Hospital, State) %>%
  arrange(desc(HeartAttackDeath)) %>%

outcome.df %>%
  drop_na() %>%
  group_by(Hospital, State) %>%
  arrange(desc(HeartAttackDeath)) %>%

If you only want to remove NAs from the HeartAttackDeath column, filter with, or use tidyr::drop_na:

outcome.df %>%
  filter(! %>%
  group_by(Hospital, State) %>%
  arrange(desc(HeartAttackDeath)) %>%

outcome.df %>%
  drop_na(HeartAttackDeath) %>%
  group_by(Hospital, State) %>%
  arrange(desc(HeartAttackDeath)) %>%

As pointed out at the dupe, complete.cases can also be used, but it's a bit trickier to put in a chain because it takes a data frame as an argument but returns an index vector. So you could use it like this:

outcome.df %>%
  filter(complete.cases(.)) %>%
  group_by(Hospital, State) %>%
  arrange(desc(HeartAttackDeath)) %>%

Difference between Mutable objects and Immutable objects

Mutable objects have fields that can be changed, immutable objects have no fields that can be changed after the object is created.

A very simple immutable object is a object without any field. (For example a simple Comparator Implementation).

class Mutable{
  private int value;

  public Mutable(int value) {
     this.value = value;

  //getter and setter for value

class Immutable {
  private final int value;

  public Immutable(int value) {
     this.value = value;

  //only getter

LF will be replaced by CRLF in git - What is that and is it important?

In Unix systems the end of a line is represented with a line feed (LF). In windows a line is represented with a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) thus (CRLF). when you get code from git that was uploaded from a unix system they will only have an LF.

If you are a single developer working on a windows machine, and you don't care that git automatically replaces LFs to CRLFs, you can turn this warning off by typing the following in the git command line

git config core.autocrlf true

If you want to make an intelligent decision how git should handle this, read the documentation

Here is a snippet

Formatting and Whitespace

Formatting and whitespace issues are some of the more frustrating and subtle problems that many developers encounter when collaborating, especially cross-platform. It’s very easy for patches or other collaborated work to introduce subtle whitespace changes because editors silently introduce them, and if your files ever touch a Windows system, their line endings might be replaced. Git has a few configuration options to help with these issues.


If you’re programming on Windows and working with people who are not (or vice-versa), you’ll probably run into line-ending issues at some point. This is because Windows uses both a carriage-return character and a linefeed character for newlines in its files, whereas Mac and Linux systems use only the linefeed character. This is a subtle but incredibly annoying fact of cross-platform work; many editors on Windows silently replace existing LF-style line endings with CRLF, or insert both line-ending characters when the user hits the enter key.

Git can handle this by auto-converting CRLF line endings into LF when you add a file to the index, and vice versa when it checks out code onto your filesystem. You can turn on this functionality with the core.autocrlf setting. If you’re on a Windows machine, set it to true – this converts LF endings into CRLF when you check out code:

$ git config --global core.autocrlf true

If you’re on a Linux or Mac system that uses LF line endings, then you don’t want Git to automatically convert them when you check out files; however, if a file with CRLF endings accidentally gets introduced, then you may want Git to fix it. You can tell Git to convert CRLF to LF on commit but not the other way around by setting core.autocrlf to input:

$ git config --global core.autocrlf input

This setup should leave you with CRLF endings in Windows checkouts, but LF endings on Mac and Linux systems and in the repository.

If you’re a Windows programmer doing a Windows-only project, then you can turn off this functionality, recording the carriage returns in the repository by setting the config value to false:

$ git config --global core.autocrlf false

What is the difference between sed and awk?

sed is a stream editor. It works with streams of characters on a per-line basis. It has a primitive programming language that includes goto-style loops and simple conditionals (in addition to pattern matching and address matching). There are essentially only two "variables": pattern space and hold space. Readability of scripts can be difficult. Mathematical operations are extraordinarily awkward at best.

There are various versions of sed with different levels of support for command line options and language features.

awk is oriented toward delimited fields on a per-line basis. It has much more robust programming constructs including if/else, while, do/while and for (C-style and array iteration). There is complete support for variables and single-dimension associative arrays plus (IMO) kludgey multi-dimension arrays. Mathematical operations resemble those in C. It has printf and functions. The "K" in "AWK" stands for "Kernighan" as in "Kernighan and Ritchie" of the book "C Programming Language" fame (not to forget Aho and Weinberger). One could conceivably write a detector of academic plagiarism using awk.

GNU awk (gawk) has numerous extensions, including true multidimensional arrays in the latest version. There are other variations of awk including mawk and nawk.

Both programs use regular expressions for selecting and processing text.

I would tend to use sed where there are patterns in the text. For example, you could replace all the negative numbers in some text that are in the form "minus-sign followed by a sequence of digits" (e.g. "-231.45") with the "accountant's brackets" form (e.g. "(231.45)") using this (which has room for improvement):

sed 's/-\([0-9.]\+\)/(\1)/g' inputfile

I would use awk when the text looks more like rows and columns or, as awk refers to them "records" and "fields". If I was going to do a similar operation as above, but only on the third field in a simple comma delimited file I might do something like:

awk -F, 'BEGIN {OFS = ","} {gsub("-([0-9.]+)", "(" substr($3, 2) ")", $3); print}' inputfile

Of course those are just very simple examples that don't illustrate the full range of capabilities that each has to offer.

Setting Timeout Value For .NET Web Service

Try setting the timeout value in your web service proxy class:

WebReference.ProxyClass myProxy = new WebReference.ProxyClass();
myProxy.Timeout = 100000; //in milliseconds, e.g. 100 seconds

List of All Folders and Sub-folders

You can use find

find . -type d > output.txt

or tree

tree -d > output.txt

tree, If not installed on your system.

If you are using ubuntu

sudo apt-get install tree

If you are using mac os.

brew install tree

Postgres ERROR: could not open file for reading: Permission denied

just in case you're facing this problem under windows 10 , add the group of users "youcomputer\Users" on the security Tab and grant it full control , that solved my issue

Declaring a custom android UI element using XML

It seems that Google has updated its developer page and added various trainings there.

One of them deals with the creation of custom views and can be found here

jQuery Form Validation before Ajax submit

Form native JavaScript checkValidity function is more then enough to trigger the HTML5 validation

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#urlSubmit').click(function() {
        if($('#urlForm')[0].checkValidity()) {
            alert("form submitting");

CSS Margin: 0 is not setting to 0

It's very simple. just add this to the body -


Why is enum class preferred over plain enum?

C++ has two kinds of enum:

  1. enum classes
  2. Plain enums

Here are a couple of examples on how to declare them:

 enum class Color { red, green, blue }; // enum class
 enum Animal { dog, cat, bird, human }; // plain enum 

What is the difference between the two?

  • enum classes - enumerator names are local to the enum and their values do not implicitly convert to other types (like another enum or int)

  • Plain enums - where enumerator names are in the same scope as the enum and their values implicitly convert to integers and other types


enum Color { red, green, blue };                    // plain enum 
enum Card { red_card, green_card, yellow_card };    // another plain enum 
enum class Animal { dog, deer, cat, bird, human };  // enum class
enum class Mammal { kangaroo, deer, human };        // another enum class

void fun() {

    // examples of bad use of plain enums:
    Color color = Color::red;
    Card card = Card::green_card;

    int num = color;    // no problem

    if (color == Card::red_card) // no problem (bad)
        cout << "bad" << endl;

    if (card == Color::green)   // no problem (bad)
        cout << "bad" << endl;

    // examples of good use of enum classes (safe)
    Animal a = Animal::deer;
    Mammal m = Mammal::deer;

    int num2 = a;   // error
    if (m == a)         // error (good)
        cout << "bad" << endl;

    if (a == Mammal::deer) // error (good)
        cout << "bad" << endl;



enum classes should be preferred because they cause fewer surprises that could potentially lead to bugs.

How to call a method after a delay in Android

If you have to use the Handler, but you are into another thread, you can use runonuithread to run the handler in UI thread. This will save you from Exceptions thrown asking to call Looper.Prepare()

runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                //Do something after 1 second
        }, 1000);

Looks quite messy, but this is one of the way.

How do you rotate a two dimensional array?

#transpose is a standard method of Ruby's Array class, thus:

% irb
irb(main):001:0> m = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]]
=> [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6]] 
irb(main):002:0> m.reverse.transpose
=> [[3, 9, 5, 1], [4, 0, 6, 2], [5, 1, 7, 3], [6, 2, 8, 4]]

The implementation is an n^2 transposition function written in C. You can see it here: by choosing "click to toggle source" beside "transpose".

I recall better than O(n^2) solutions, but only for specially constructed matrices (such as sparse matrices)

How can I clear console

Use system("cls") to clear the screen:

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    return 0;

How do I remove/delete a virtualenv?

You can follow these steps to remove all the files associated with virtualenv and then reinstall the virtualenv again and using it

cd {python virtualenv folder}

find {broken virtualenv}/ -type l                             ## to list out all the links

deactivate                                           ## deactivate if virtualenv is active

find {broken virtualenv}/ -type l -delete                    ## to delete the broken links

virtualenv {broken virtualenv} --python=python3           ## recreate links to OS's python

workon {broken virtualenv}                       ## activate & workon the fixed virtualenv

pip3 install  ... {other packages required for the project}

How to initialize an array's length in JavaScript?

[...Array(6)].map(x => 0);
// [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]


// [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Note: you can't loop empty slots i.e. Array(4).forEach(() => …)


( typescript safe )

Array(6).fill(null).map((_, i) => i);
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


Classic method using a function ( works in any browser )

function NewArray(size) {
    var x = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        x[i] = i;
    return x;

var a = NewArray(10);
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Creating nested arrays

When creating a 2D array with the fill intuitively should create new instances. But what actually going to happen is the same array will be stored as a reference.

var a = Array(3).fill([6]);
// [  [6], [6], [6]  ]

// [  [6, 9], [6, 9], [6, 9]  ]


var a = [...Array(3)].map(x => []);

a[0].push(4, 2);
// [  [4, 2], [], []  ]

So a 3x2 Array will look something like this:

[...Array(3)].map(x => Array(2).fill(0));
// [  [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]  ]

N-dimensional array

function NArray(...dimensions) {
    var index = 0;
    function NArrayRec(dims) {
        var first = dims[0], next = dims.slice().splice(1); 
        if(dims.length > 1) 
            return Array(dims[0]).fill(null).map((x, i) => NArrayRec(next ));
        return Array(dims[0]).fill(null).map((x, i) => (index++));
    return NArrayRec(dimensions);

var arr = NArray(3, 2, 4);
// [   [  [ 0,  1,  2,  3 ] , [  4,  5,  6,  7]  ],
//     [  [ 8,  9,  10, 11] , [ 12, 13, 14, 15]  ],
//     [  [ 16, 17, 18, 19] , [ 20, 21, 22, 23]  ]   ]

Initialize a chessboard

var Chessboard = [...Array(8)].map((x, j) => {
    return Array(8).fill(null).map((y, i) => {
        return `${String.fromCharCode(65 + i)}${8 - j}`;

// [ [A8, B8, C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8],
//   [A7, B7, C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, H7],
//   [A6, B6, C6, D6, E6, F6, G6, H6],
//   [A5, B5, C5, D5, E5, F5, G5, H5],
//   [A4, B4, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4],
//   [A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3],
//   [A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2],
//   [A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1] ]

Math filled values

handy little method overload when working with math

function NewArray( size , method, linear )
    method = method || ( i => i ); 
    linear = linear || false;
    var x = [];
    for( var i = 0; i < size; ++i )
        x[ i ] = method( linear ? i / (size-1) : i );
    return x;

NewArray( 4 ); 
// [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]

NewArray( 4, Math.sin ); 
// [ 0, 0.841, 0.909, 0.141 ]

NewArray( 4, Math.sin, true );
// [ 0, 0.327, 0.618, 0.841 ]

var pow2 = ( x ) => x * x;

NewArray( 4, pow2 ); 
// [ 0, 1, 4, 9 ]

NewArray( 4, pow2, true ); 
// [ 0, 0.111, 0.444, 1 ]

Checking if a string array contains a value, and if so, getting its position

string[] strArray = { "text1", "text2", "text3", "text4" };
string value = "text3";

if(Array.contains(strArray , value))
    // Do something if the value is available in Array.

Check if certain value is contained in a dataframe column in pandas

I think you need str.contains, if you need rows where values of column date contains string 07311954:

print df[df['date'].astype(str).str.contains('07311954')]

Or if type of date column is string:

print df[df['date'].str.contains('07311954')]

If you want check last 4 digits for string 1954 in column date:

print df[df['date'].astype(str).str[-4:].str.contains('1954')]


print df['date']
0    8152007
1    9262007
2    7311954
3    2252011
4    2012011
5    2012011
6    2222011
7    2282011
Name: date, dtype: int64

print df['date'].astype(str).str[-4:].str.contains('1954')
0    False
1    False
2     True
3    False
4    False
5    False
6    False
7    False
Name: date, dtype: bool

print df[df['date'].astype(str).str[-4:].str.contains('1954')]
     cmte_id trans_typ entity_typ state  employer  occupation     date  \
2  C00119040       24K        CCM    MD       NaN         NaN  7311954   

   amount     fec_id    cand_id  
2    1000  C00140715  H2MD05155  

HTML5 tag for horizontal line break

You can make a div that has the same attributes as the <hr> tag. This way it is fully able to be customized. Here is some sample code:


<h3>This is a header.</h3>
<div class="customHr">.</div>

<p>Here is some sample paragraph text.<br>
This demonstrates what could go below a custom hr.</p>

The CSS:

.customHr {
    width: 95%
    font-size: 1px;
    color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
    line-height: 1px;

    background-color: grey;
    margin-top: -6px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;

To see how the project turns out, here is a JSFiddle for the above code:

Disable future dates in jQuery UI Datepicker

Yes, indeed. The datepicker has the maxdate property that you can set when you initialize it.

Here's the codez

$("#datepicker").datepicker({ maxDate: new Date, minDate: new Date(2007, 6, 12) });

postgreSQL - psql \i : how to execute script in a given path

i did try this and its working in windows machine to run a sql file on a specific schema.

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U username -d databasename -v schema=schemaname < e:\Table.sql

Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework?

Something to be careful about when designing a RESTful API is the conflation of GET and POST, as if they were the same thing. It's easy to make this mistake with Django's function-based views and CherryPy's default dispatcher, although both frameworks now provide a way around this problem (class-based views and MethodDispatcher, respectively).

HTTP-verbs are very important in REST, and unless you're very careful about this, you'll end up falling into a REST anti-pattern.

Some frameworks that get it right are, Flask and Bottle. When combined with the mimerender library (full disclosure: I wrote it), they allow you to write nice RESTful webservices:

import web
import json
from mimerender import mimerender

render_xml = lambda message: '<message>%s</message>'%message
render_json = lambda **args: json.dumps(args)
render_html = lambda message: '<html><body>%s</body></html>'%message
render_txt = lambda message: message

urls = (
    '/(.*)', 'greet'
app = web.application(urls, globals())

class greet:
        default = 'html',
        html = render_html,
        xml  = render_xml,
        json = render_json,
        txt  = render_txt
    def GET(self, name):
        if not name: 
            name = 'world'
        return {'message': 'Hello, ' + name + '!'}

if __name__ == "__main__":

The service's logic is implemented only once, and the correct representation selection (Accept header) + dispatch to the proper render function (or template) is done in a tidy, transparent way.

$ curl localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/html" localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/xml" localhost:8080/x
<message>Hello, x!</message>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:8080/x
{'message':'Hello, x!'}

$ curl -H "Accept: text/plain" localhost:8080/x
Hello, x!

Update (April 2012): added information about Django's class-based views, CherryPy's MethodDispatcher and Flask and Bottle frameworks. Neither existed back when the question was asked.

NVIDIA NVML Driver/library version mismatch

First I installed the Nvidia driver.

Next I installed cuda.

Ater that I got the "Driver/library version mismatch" ERROR but I could see the cuda version so I purged the Nvidia driver and reinstall it.

Then it worked correctly.

How can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?

Clearing the cache

With dotnet core cli

dotnet nuget locals all --clear

With Visual Studio 2017

  1. Go to menu Tools ? NuGet Package Manager ? Package Manager Settings.
  2. Click Clear All NuGet Cache(s):

visual studio NuGet Package Manager General settings screenshot

With the nuget cli

Download and install the NuGet command line tool.

nuget locals all -clear

With windows command line

del %LOCALAPPDATA%\NuGet\Cache\*.nupkg /q

(can be used in a .bat file)

With PowerShell

rm $env:LOCALAPPDATA\NuGet\Cache\*.nupkg

Or 'quiet' mode (without error messages):

rm $env:LOCALAPPDATA\NuGet\Cache\*.nupkg 2> $null

Cache location





Build server

%windir%/ServiceProfiles/[account under build service runs]\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache



This answer is a rollup of all the existing answers for your convenience

Angularjs $http post file and form data

I was unable to get Pavel's answer working as in when posting to a Web.Api application.

The issue appears to be with the deleting of the headers.

delete headers['Content-Type'];

In order to ensure the browsers was allowed to default the Content-Type along with the boundary parameter, I needed to set the Content-Type to undefined. Using Pavel's example the boundary was never being set resulting in a 400 HTTP exception.

The key was to remove the code deleting the headers shown above and to set the headers content type to null manually. Thus allowing the browser to set the properties.

headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}

Here is a full example.

$scope.Submit = form => {
                    method: 'POST',
                    url: 'api/FileTest',
                    headers: {'Content-Type': undefined},
                    data: {
                        FullName: $scope.FullName,
                        Email: $scope.Email,
                        File1: $scope.file
                    transformRequest: function (data, headersGetter) {
                        var formData = new FormData();
                        angular.forEach(data, function (value, key) {
                            formData.append(key, value);
                        return formData;
                .success(function (data) {

                .error(function (data, status) {


                return false;

Python function as a function argument?

Decorators are very powerful in Python since it allows programmers to pass function as argument and can also define function inside another function.

def decorator(func):
      def insideFunction():
        print("This is inside function before execution")
      return insideFunction

def func():
    print("I am argument function")

func_obj = decorator(func) 


  • This is inside function before execution
  • I am argument function

Difference between getAttribute() and getParameter()

It is crucial to know that attributes are not parameters.

The return type for attributes is an Object, whereas the return type for a parameter is a String. When calling the getAttribute(String name) method, bear in mind that the attributes must be cast.

Additionally, there is no servlet specific attributes, and there are no session parameters.

This post is written with the purpose to connect on @Bozho's response, as additional information that can be useful for other people.

fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found in game programming

I answered a similar question here.

In the Project’s Settings, add /FORCE:MULTIPLE to the Linker’s Command Line options.

From MSDN: "Use /FORCE:MULTIPLE to create an output file whether or not LINK finds more than one definition for a symbol."

That's what programmers call a "quick and dirty" solution, but sometimes you just want the build to be completed and get to the bottom of the problem later, so that's kind of a ad-hoc solution. To actually avoid this error, provided that you want

int WIDTH = 1024;
int HEIGHT = 800;

to be shared among several source files, just declare them only in a single .c / .cpp file, and refer to them in a header file:

extern int WIDTH;
extern int HEIGHT;

Then include the header in any other source file you wish these global variables to be available.

Change placeholder text

If you wanna use Javascript then you can use getElementsByName() method to select the input fields and to change the placeholder for each one... see the below code...

document.getElementsByName('Email')[0].placeholder='new text for email';
document.getElementsByName('First Name')[0].placeholder='new text for fname';
document.getElementsByName('Last Name')[0].placeholder='new text for lname';

Otherwise use jQuery:

$('input:text').attr('placeholder','Some New Text');

'MOD' is not a recognized built-in function name

The MOD keyword only exists in the DAX language (tabular dimensional queries), not TSQL

Use % instead.

Ref: Modulo

Change bar plot colour in geom_bar with ggplot2 in r

If you want all the bars to get the same color (fill), you can easily add it inside geom_bar.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2, fill = "#FF6666")

enter image description here

Add fill = the_name_of_your_var inside aes to change the colors depending of the variable :

c4 = c("A", "B", "C")
df = cbind(df, c4)
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2)

enter image description here

Use scale_fill_manual() if you want to manually the change of colors.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2) + 
scale_fill_manual("legend", values = c("A" = "black", "B" = "orange", "C" = "blue"))

enter image description here

Add timer to a Windows Forms application


Then add a button or something on the form and inside its event, just open this app ie:


Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Free Desktop Timer\DesktopTimer");


How to hide the bar at the top of "youtube" even when mouse hovers over it?

What I did to disable the hover state of the iframe, was to use pointer-events:none in a css style. It shows the info on load, but after that hover shouldn't trigger showing the info.

Display encoded html with razor

I just got another case to display backslash \ with Razor and Java Script.

My @Model.AreaName looks like Name1\Name2\Name3 so when I display it all backslashes are gone and I see Name1Name2Name3

I found solution to fix it:

var areafullName =  JSON.parse("@Html.Raw(HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model.AreaName)))");

Don't forget to add @using Newtonsoft.Json on top of chtml page.

How do I include a JavaScript script file in Angular and call a function from that script?

Refer the scripts inside the angular-cli.json (angular.json when using angular 6+) file.

"scripts": [

then add in typings.d.ts (create this file in src if it does not already exist)

declare var variableName:any;

Import it in your file as

import * as variable from 'variableName';

Bootstrap Alert Auto Close

Using a fadeTo() that is fading to an opacity of 500 in 2 seconds in "I Can Has Kittenz"'s code isn't readable to me. I think it's better using other options like a delay()

$(".alert").delay(4000).slideUp(200, function() {

Using Jasmine to spy on a function without an object

My answer differs slightly to @FlavorScape in that I had a single (default export) function in the imported module, I did the following:

import * as functionToTest from 'whatever-lib';

const fooSpy = spyOn(functionToTest, 'default');

Accessing a value in a tuple that is in a list

OR you can use pandas:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> L = [(1,2),(2,3),(4,5),(3,4),(6,7),(6,7),(3,8)]
>>> df=pd.DataFrame(L)
>>> df[1]
0    2
1    3
2    5
3    4
4    7
5    7
6    8
Name: 1, dtype: int64
>>> df[1].tolist()
[2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 7, 8]

Or numpy:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> L = [(1,2),(2,3),(4,5),(3,4),(6,7),(6,7),(3,8)]
>>> arr=np.array(L)
>>> arr.T[1]
array([2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 7, 8])
>>> arr.T[1].tolist()
[2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 7, 8]

Deleting elements from std::set while iterating

This is implementation dependent:


The insert members shall not affect the validity of iterators and references to the container, and the erase members shall invalidate only iterators and references to the erased elements.

Maybe you could try this -- this is standard conforming:

for (auto it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ) {
    if (*it % 2 == 0) {
    else {

Note that it++ is postfix, hence it passes the old position to erase, but first jumps to a newer one due to the operator.

2015.10.27 update: C++11 has resolved the defect. iterator erase (const_iterator position); return an iterator to the element that follows the last element removed (or set::end, if the last element was removed). So C++11 style is:

for (auto it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ) {
    if (*it % 2 == 0) {
        it = numbers.erase(it);
    else {

How can I include css files using node, express, and ejs?

1.Create a new folder named 'public' if none exists.

2.Create a new folder named 'css' under the newly created 'public' folder

3.create your css file under the public/css path

4.On your html link css i.e <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css">

// note the href uses a slash(/) before and you do not need to include the 'public'

5.On your app.js include : app.use(express.static('public'));

Boom.It works!!

A generic error occurred in GDI+, JPEG Image to MemoryStream

Had a very similar problem and also tried cloning the image which doesn't work. I found that the best solution was to create a new Bitmap object from the image that was loaded from the memory stream. That way the stream can be disposed of e.g.

using (var m = new MemoryStream())
    var img = new Bitmap(Image.FromStream(m));
    return img;

Hope this helps.

Change drive in git bash for windows

Just consider your drive as a folder so do cd e:

Owl Carousel, making custom navigation

You can use a JS and SCSS/Fontawesome combination for the Prev/Next buttons.

In your JS (this includes screenreader only/accessibility classes with Zurb Foundation):

    ... ...
    navText: ["<span class='show-for-sr'>Previous</span>","<span class='show-for-sr'>Next</span>"]
    ... ...

In your SCSS this:

.owl-theme {

    .owl-nav {
        .owl-next {
            font-family: FontAwesome;
            //border-radius: 50%;
            //padding: whatever-to-get-a-circle;
            transition: all, .2s, ease;
        .owl-prev {
            &::before {
                content: "\f104";
        .owl-next {
            &::before {
                content: "\f105";

For the FontAwesome font-family I happen to use the embed code in the document header:

<script src="//"></script>

There are various ways to include FA, strokes/folks, but I find this is pretty fast and as I'm using webpack I can just about live with that 1 extra js server call.

And to update this - there's also this JS option for slightly more complex arrows, still with accessibility in mind:

    navText: ["<span class=\"fa-stack fa-lg\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><span class=\"show-for-sr\">Previous</span><i class=\"fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x\"></i><i class=\"fa fa-chevron-left fa-stack-1x fa-inverse\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></span>","<span class=\"fa-stack fa-lg\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><span class=\"show-for-sr\">Next</span><i class=\"fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x\"></i><i class=\"fa fa-chevron-right fa-stack-1x fa-inverse\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></span>"]

Loads of escaping there, use single quotes instead if preferred.

And in the SCSS just comment out the ::before attrs:

.owl-prev {
        //&::before { content: "\f104"; }
    .owl-next {
        //&::before { content: "\f105"; }

How to scroll the window using JQuery $.scrollTo() function

To get around the html vs body issue, I fixed this by not animating the css directly but rather calling window.scrollTo(); on each step:

$({myScrollTop:window.pageYOffset}).animate({myScrollTop:300}, {
  duration: 600,
  easing: 'swing',
  step: function(val) {
    window.scrollTo(0, val);

This works nicely without any refresh gotchas as it's using cross-browser JavaScript.

Have a look at for more information on what you can do with jQuery's animate function.

PHP: merge two arrays while keeping keys instead of reindexing?

Try array_replace_recursive or array_replace functions

$a = array('userID' => 1, 'username'=> 2);
array (
  userID => 1,
  username => 2
$b = array('userID' => 1, 'companyID' => 3);
array (
  'userID' => 1,
  'companyID' => 3
$c = array_replace_recursive($a,$b);
array (
  userID => 1,
  username => 2,
  companyID => 3

What requests do browsers' "F5" and "Ctrl + F5" refreshes generate?

IE7/8/9 seem to behave differently depending on whether the page has focus or not.

If you click on the page and CTRL+F5 then "Cache-Control: no-cache" is included in the request headers. If you click in the Location/Address bar then press CTRL+F5 it isn't.

Signing a Windows EXE file

Use following link to sign .exe (setup/ installer)file (sign exe/setup file without using Microsoft setup signtool)

sample command java -jar jsign-2.0.jar --keystore keystore.jks" --alias alias --storepass password MyInstaller.exe

Worked for me :)

Missing Push Notification Entitlement

First App ID

make sure your ID push notification enable in production side

as appear in picture

enter image description here

Second Certificate

from production section create two certificate with your id (push notification enabled)

App Store and Ad Hoc certificate

Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox) certificate

enter image description here

Third Provisioning Profiles

From Distribution section create App Store profile with your id


while you upload your bin , you must check what provisioning profile used and have many entitlements

enter image description here

this all cases cause this problem hope this be helpful with you

jQuery form validation on button click

$(document).ready(function() {
        rules: {
            field1: "required"
        messages: {
            field1: "Please specify your name"

<form id="form1" name="form1">
     Field 1: <input id="field1" type="text" class="required">
    <input id="btn" type="submit" value="Validate">

You are also you using type="button". And I'm not sure why you ought to separate the submit button, place it within the form. It's more proper to do it that way. This should work.

How do I determine if my python shell is executing in 32bit or 64bit?

Based On abe32's answer,

import sys
n_bits = 32 << bool(sys.maxsize >> 32)

n_bits will have 32 or 64 bits.

How do you use https / SSL on localhost?

It is easy to create a self-signed certificate, import it, and bind it to your website.

1.) Create a self-signed certificate:

Run the following 4 commands, one at a time, from an elevated Command Prompt:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64

makecert -r -n "CN=localhost" -b 01/01/2000 -e 01/01/2099 -eku -sv localhost.pvk localhost.cer

cert2spc localhost.cer localhost.spc

pvk2pfx -pvk localhost.pvk -spc localhost.spc -pfx localhost.pfx

2.) Import certificate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities store:

start --> run --> mmc.exe --> Certificates plugin --> "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" --> Certificates

Right-click Certificates --> All Tasks --> Import Find your "localhost" Certificate at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64\

3.) Bind certificate to website:

start --> (IIS) Manager --> Click on your Server --> Click on Sites --> Click on your top level site --> Bindings

Add or edit a binding for https and select the SSL certificate called "localhost".

4.) Import Certificate to Chrome:

Chrome Settings --> Manage Certificates --> Import .pfx certificate from C:\certificates\ folder

Test Certificate by opening Chrome and navigating to https://localhost/

How to add native library to "java.library.path" with Eclipse launch (instead of overriding it)

If you want to add a native library without interfering with java.library.path at development time in Eclipse (to avoid including absolute paths and having to add parameters to your launch configuration), you can supply the path to the native libraries location for each Jar in the Java Build Path dialog under Native library location. Note that the native library file name has to correspond to the Jar file name. See also this detailed description.

How to logout and redirect to login page using Laravel 5.4?

In your web.php (routes):


Route::get('logout', '\App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@logout');

In your LoginController.php


public function logout(Request $request) {
  return redirect('/login');

Also, in the top of LoginController.php, after namespace


use Auth;

Now, you are able to logout using URL or if you have created logout button, add href to /logout

Can constructors throw exceptions in Java?


Constructors are nothing more than special methods, and can throw exceptions like any other method.

How to switch between python 2.7 to python 3 from command line?

In case you have both python 2 and 3 in your path, you can move up the Python27 folder in your path, so it search and executes python 2 first.

What is the 'dynamic' type in C# 4.0 used for?

The dynamic keyword is new to C# 4.0, and is used to tell the compiler that a variable's type can change or that it is not known until runtime. Think of it as being able to interact with an Object without having to cast it.

dynamic cust = GetCustomer();
cust.FirstName = "foo"; // works as expected
cust.Process(); // works as expected
cust.MissingMethod(); // No method found!

Notice we did not need to cast nor declare cust as type Customer. Because we declared it dynamic, the runtime takes over and then searches and sets the FirstName property for us. Now, of course, when you are using a dynamic variable, you are giving up compiler type checking. This means the call cust.MissingMethod() will compile and not fail until runtime. The result of this operation is a RuntimeBinderException because MissingMethod is not defined on the Customer class.

The example above shows how dynamic works when calling methods and properties. Another powerful (and potentially dangerous) feature is being able to reuse variables for different types of data. I'm sure the Python, Ruby, and Perl programmers out there can think of a million ways to take advantage of this, but I've been using C# so long that it just feels "wrong" to me.

dynamic foo = 123;
foo = "bar";

OK, so you most likely will not be writing code like the above very often. There may be times, however, when variable reuse can come in handy or clean up a dirty piece of legacy code. One simple case I run into often is constantly having to cast between decimal and double.

decimal foo = GetDecimalValue();
foo = foo / 2.5; // Does not compile
foo = Math.Sqrt(foo); // Does not compile
string bar = foo.ToString("c");

The second line does not compile because 2.5 is typed as a double and line 3 does not compile because Math.Sqrt expects a double. Obviously, all you have to do is cast and/or change your variable type, but there may be situations where dynamic makes sense to use.

dynamic foo = GetDecimalValue(); // still returns a decimal
foo = foo / 2.5; // The runtime takes care of this for us
foo = Math.Sqrt(foo); // Again, the DLR works its magic
string bar = foo.ToString("c");

Read more feature :

How to assert greater than using JUnit Assert?

As I recognize, at the moment, in JUnit, the syntax is like this:

AssertTrue(Long.parseLong(previousTokenValues[1]) > Long.parseLong(currentTokenValues[1]), "your fail message ");

Means that, the condition is in front of the message.

Handling errors in Promise.all

I've found a way (workaround) to do this without making it sync.

So as it was mentioned before Promise.all is all of none.

so... Use an enclosing promise to catch and force resolve.

      let safePromises = => {
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
              // Do something error friendly
              promise.then(_res => resolve(res)).catch(_err => resolve(err))

    // safe
    return Promise.all(safePromises)

What is the difference between Swing and AWT?

Swing vs AWT. Basically AWT came first and is a set of heavyweight UI components (meaning they are wrappers for operating system objects) whereas Swing built on top of AWT with a richer set of lightweight components.

Any serious Java UI work is done in Swing not AWT, which was primarily used for applets.

Installing a dependency with Bower from URL and specify version

Use a git endpoint instead of a package name:

bower install

Skip Git commit hooks

Maybe (from git commit man page):

git commit --no-verify


This option bypasses the pre-commit and commit-msg hooks. See also githooks(5).

As commented by Blaise, -n can have a different role for certain commands.
For instance, git push -n is actually a dry-run push.
Only git push --no-verify would skip the hook.

Note: Git 2.14.x/2.15 improves the --no-verify behavior:

See commit 680ee55 (14 Aug 2017) by Kevin Willford (``).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit c3e034f, 23 Aug 2017)

commit: skip discarding the index if there is no pre-commit hook

"git commit" used to discard the index and re-read from the filesystem just in case the pre-commit hook has updated it in the middle; this has been optimized out when we know we do not run the pre-commit hook.

Davi Lima points out in the comments the git cherry-pick does not support --no-verify.
So if a cherry-pick triggers a pre-commit hook, you might, as in this blog post, have to comment/disable somehow that hook in order for your git cherry-pick to proceed.
The same process would be necessary in case of a git rebase --continue, after a merge conflict resolution.

How to add target="_blank" to JavaScript window.location?

I have created a function that allows me to obtain this feature:

function redirect_blank(url) {
  var a = document.createElement('a');"_blank";

How can I align the columns of tables in Bash?

printf is great, but people forget about it.

$ for num in 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000; do printf "%10s %s\n" $num "foobar"; done
         1 foobar
        10 foobar
       100 foobar
      1000 foobar
     10000 foobar
    100000 foobar
   1000000 foobar

$ for((i=0;i<array_size;i++));
    printf "%10s %10d %10s" stringarray[$i] numberarray[$i] anotherfieldarray[%i]

Notice I used %10s for strings. %s is the important part. It tells it to use a string. The 10 in the middle says how many columns it is to be. %d is for numerics (digits).

man 1 printf for more info.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare();

Android basically works on two thread types namely UI thread and background thread. According to android documentation -

Do not access the Android UI toolkit from outside the UI thread to fix this problem, Android offers several ways to access the UI thread from other threads. Here is a list of methods that can help:

View.postDelayed(Runnable, long)

Now there are various methods to solve this problem. I will explain it by code sample


new Thread()
    public void run()
        myactivity.this.runOnUiThread(new runnable()
            public void run()
                //Do your UI operations like dialog opening or Toast here


Class used to run a message loop for a thread. Threads by default do not have a message loop associated with them; to create one, call prepare() in the thread that is to run the loop, and then loop() to have it process messages until the loop is stopped.

class LooperThread extends Thread {
    public Handler mHandler;

    public void run() {

        mHandler = new Handler() {
            public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
                // process incoming messages here



AsyncTask allows you to perform asynchronous work on your user interface. It performs the blocking operations in a worker thread and then publishes the results on the UI thread, without requiring you to handle threads and/or handlers yourself.

public void onClick(View v) {
    new CustomTask().execute((Void[])null);

private class CustomTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {

    protected Void doInBackground(Void... param) {
        //Do some work
        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(Void param) {
        //Print Toast or open dialog


A Handler allows you to send and process Message and Runnable objects associated with a thread's MessageQueue.

Message msg = new Message();

    new Thread()
        public void run()

    Handler handler = new Handler(new Handler.Callback() {

        public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
                //Print Toast or open dialog        
            return false;

Android Studio-No Module

Check for the file in your project root folder. If not there, create a new file with the name / copy the file from other project.

Open and check both the build.gradle file and confirm you have have any error in those files.

Then, Click on the File menu -> Sync project with Gradle Files.

tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Try to get your archive using wget, I had the same issue when I was downloading archive through browser. Than I just copy archive link and in terminal use the command:

wget http://PATH_TO_ARCHIVE

Linq filter List<string> where it contains a string value from another List<string>

its even easier:

fileList.Where(item => filterList.Contains(item))

in case you want to filter not for an exact match but for a "contains" you can use this expression:

var t = fileList.Where(file => filterList.Any(folder => file.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(folder.ToUpperInvariant())));

Run react-native application on iOS device directly from command line?

If you get this error [email protected] preinstall: ./src/scripts/check_reqs.js && xcodebuild ... using npm install -g ios-deploy

Try this. It works for me:

  1. sudo npm uninstall -g ios-deploy
  2. brew install ios-deploy

Type or namespace name does not exist

Delete the .refresh.dll file if you are under source control. Then rebuild. It should work. This worked for me

Convert long/lat to pixel x/y on a given picture

One of the important things to take into account is the "zoom" level of your projection (for Google Maps in particular).

As Google explains it:

At zoom level 1, the map consists of 4 256x256 pixels tiles, resulting in a pixel space from 512x512. At zoom level 19, each x and y pixel on the map can be referenced using a value between 0 and 256 * 2^19

( See

To factor in the "zoom" value, I recommend the simple and effective deltaLonPerDeltaX and deltaLatPerDeltaY functions below. While x-pixels and longitudes are strictly proportional, this is not the case for y-pixels and latitudes, for which the formula requires the initial latitude.

// Adapted from :

window.geo = {

    glOffset: Math.pow(2,28), //268435456,
    glRadius:  Math.pow(2,28) / Math.PI,
    a: Math.pow(2,28),
    b: 85445659.4471,
    c: 0.017453292519943,
    d: 0.0000006705522537,
    e: Math.E, //2.7182818284590452353602875,
    p: Math.PI / 180,

    lonToX: function(lon) {
        return Math.round(this.glOffset + this.glRadius * lon * this.p);

    XtoLon: function(x) {
        return -180 + this.d * x;

    latToY: function(lat) {
        return Math.round(this.glOffset - this.glRadius *
                          Math.log((1 + Math.sin(lat * this.p)) /
                          (1 - Math.sin(lat * this.p))) / 2);

    YtoLat: function(y) {
        return Math.asin(Math.pow(this.e,(2*this.a/this.b - 2*y/this.b)) /
                                 (Math.pow(this.e, (2*this.a/this.b - 2*y/this.b))+1) -
                                 1/(Math.pow(this.e, (2*this.a/this.b - 2*y/this.b))+1)
                        ) / this.c;

    deltaLonPerDeltaX: function(deltaX, zoom) {
        // 2^(7+zoom) pixels <---> 180 degrees
        return deltaX * 180 / Math.pow(2, 7+zoom);

    deltaLatPerDeltaY: function(deltaY, zoom, startLat) {
        // more complex because of the curvature, we calculte it by difference
        var startY = this.latToY(startLat),
            endY = startY + deltaY * Math.pow(2, 28-7-zoom),
            endLat = this.YtoLat(endY);

        return ( endLat - startLat ); // = deltaLat

org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to http://localhost refused in android

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> add this tag above into AndroidManifest.xml of your Android project ,and it will be ok.

How to predict input image using trained model in Keras?

Forwarding the example by @ritiek, I'm a beginner in ML too, maybe this kind of formatting will help see the name instead of just class number.

images = np.vstack([x, y])

prediction = model.predict(images)


i = 1

for things in prediction:  
    if(things == 0):
        print('%d.It is cancer'%(i))
        print('%d.Not cancer'%(i))
    i = i + 1

Maven Could not resolve dependencies, artifacts could not be resolved

My EAR project had 2 modules *.ear and *.war and I got this dependency error on *.war project when trying mvn eclipse:eclipse. Resolved it by fixing utf-8 encoding issue in the *.war project. mvn -X or -e options weren't of help here.

How to determine an object's class?

checking with isinstance() would not be enough if you want to know in run time. use:

    // do something

How to get .pem file from .key and .crt files?

this is the best option to create .pem file

openssl pkcs12 -in MyPushApp.p12 -out MyPushApp.pem -nodes -clcerts

How to access a value defined in the file in Spring Boot

You can use the @Value annotation and access the property in whichever Spring bean you're using

private String userBucketPath;

The Externalized Configuration section of the Spring Boot docs, explains all the details that you might need.

Linker Error C++ "undefined reference "

Your header file Hash.h declares "what class hash should look like", but not its implementation, which is (presumably) in some other source file we'll call Hash.cpp. By including the header in your main file, the compiler is informed of the description of class Hash when compiling the file, but not how class Hash actually works. When the linker tries to create the entire program, it then complains that the implementation (toHash::insert(int, char)) cannot be found.

The solution is to link all the files together when creating the actual program binary. When using the g++ frontend, you can do this by specifying all the source files together on the command line. For example:

g++ -o main Hash.cpp main.cpp

will create the main program called "main".

Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `ListView`

The specific code I used to fix this was:

  renderSeparator(sectionID, rowID, adjacentRowHighlighted) {
    return (
      <View style={styles.separator} key={`${sectionID}-${rowID}`}/>

I'm including the specific code because you need the keys to be unique--even for separators. If you do something similar e.g., if you set this to a constant, you will just get another annoying error about reuse of keys. If you don't know JSX, constructing the callback to JS to execute the various parts can be quite a pain.

And on the ListView, obviously attaching this:


Credit to coldbuffet and Nader Dabit who pointed me down this path.

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent


ssh-agent bash

To get more details you can search


or run

man ssh-agent

How do I find the maximum of 2 numbers?

I noticed that if you have divisions it rounds off to integer, it would be better to use:


Sorry for the late post!

No server in windows>preferences

In Eclipse Kepler,

  1. go to Help, select ‘Install New Software’
  2. Choose “Kepler-” site or add it in if it’s missing.
  3. Expand “Web, XML, and Java EE Development” section Check JST Server Adapters and JST Server Adapters Extensions and install it

After Eclipse restart, go to Window / Preferences / Server / Runtime Environments

How to send list of file in a folder to a txt file in Linux

If only names of regular files immediately contained within a directory (assume it's ~/dirs) are needed, you can do

find ~/docs -type f -maxdepth 1 > filenames.txt

Java Process with Input/Output Stream

Firstly, I would recommend replacing the line

Process process = Runtime.getRuntime ().exec ("/bin/bash");

with the lines

ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/bash");
Process process = builder.start();

ProcessBuilder is new in Java 5 and makes running external processes easier. In my opinion, its most significant improvement over Runtime.getRuntime().exec() is that it allows you to redirect the standard error of the child process into its standard output. This means you only have one InputStream to read from. Before this, you needed to have two separate Threads, one reading from stdout and one reading from stderr, to avoid the standard error buffer filling while the standard output buffer was empty (causing the child process to hang), or vice versa.

Next, the loops (of which you have two)

while ((line = reader.readLine ()) != null) {
    System.out.println ("Stdout: " + line);

only exit when the reader, which reads from the process's standard output, returns end-of-file. This only happens when the bash process exits. It will not return end-of-file if there happens at present to be no more output from the process. Instead, it will wait for the next line of output from the process and not return until it has this next line.

Since you're sending two lines of input to the process before reaching this loop, the first of these two loops will hang if the process hasn't exited after these two lines of input. It will sit there waiting for another line to be read, but there will never be another line for it to read.

I compiled your source code (I'm on Windows at the moment, so I replaced /bin/bash with cmd.exe, but the principles should be the same), and I found that:

  • after typing in two lines, the output from the first two commands appears, but then the program hangs,
  • if I type in, say, echo test, and then exit, the program makes it out of the first loop since the cmd.exe process has exited. The program then asks for another line of input (which gets ignored), skips straight over the second loop since the child process has already exited, and then exits itself.
  • if I type in exit and then echo test, I get an IOException complaining about a pipe being closed. This is to be expected - the first line of input caused the process to exit, and there's nowhere to send the second line.

I have seen a trick that does something similar to what you seem to want, in a program I used to work on. This program kept around a number of shells, ran commands in them and read the output from these commands. The trick used was to always write out a 'magic' line that marks the end of the shell command's output, and use that to determine when the output from the command sent to the shell had finished.

I took your code and I replaced everything after the line that assigns to writer with the following loop:

while (scan.hasNext()) {
    String input = scan.nextLine();
    if (input.trim().equals("exit")) {
        // Putting 'exit' amongst the echo --EOF--s below doesn't work.
    } else {
        writer.write("((" + input + ") && echo --EOF--) || echo --EOF--\n");

    line = reader.readLine();
    while (line != null && ! line.trim().equals("--EOF--")) {
        System.out.println ("Stdout: " + line);
        line = reader.readLine();
    if (line == null) {

After doing this, I could reliably run a few commands and have the output from each come back to me individually.

The two echo --EOF-- commands in the line sent to the shell are there to ensure that output from the command is terminated with --EOF-- even in the result of an error from the command.

Of course, this approach has its limitations. These limitations include:

  • if I enter a command that waits for user input (e.g. another shell), the program appears to hang,
  • it assumes that each process run by the shell ends its output with a newline,
  • it gets a bit confused if the command being run by the shell happens to write out a line --EOF--.
  • bash reports a syntax error and exits if you enter some text with an unmatched ).

These points might not matter to you if whatever it is you're thinking of running as a scheduled task is going to be restricted to a command or a small set of commands which will never behave in such pathological ways.

EDIT: improve exit handling and other minor changes following running this on Linux.

PostgreSQL delete with inner join

If you have more than one join you could use comma separated USING statements:

      AAA AS a 
      BBB AS b,
      CCC AS c
  AND =
  AND a.uid = 12345 
  AND c.gid = 's434sd4'


What is WebKit and how is it related to CSS?

Even though this is an older post, there is also another method to rendering for older versions of Internet Explorer. -webkit while being a CSS Vendor Prefix, you can also download a few JS applications and place them in the bottom of the HTML's HEAD.

Try using Modernizr, HTML5 Shiv and Respond.js. These are amazing IE compatible polyfill scripts that use polyfills, and other resources which will help better render HTML5 elements in IE9 and Below.

To use these polyfills, simply add HTML boolean logic to place them, IF the browser is less than the desire IE version. Example code is:

<!-- HEAD Elements -->  _x000D_
<script src="path/to/modernizr.js" type="text/javascript"></script>_x000D_
<!--[if lt IE 6]>_x000D_
  <script src="path/to/HTMLSiv.js" type="text/javascript">_x000D_
  <script src="path/to/respond.js" type="text/javascript">_x000D_

Vertically align text to top within a UILabel

I've used a lot of the methods above, and just want to add a quick-and-dirty approach I've used:

myLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",@"My label text string"];

Make sure the number of newlines in the string will cause any text to fill the available vertical space, and set the UILabel to truncate any overflowing text.

Because sometimes good enough is good enough.

Validate select box

I don't know how was the plugin the time the question was asked (2009), but I faced the same problem today and solved it this way:

  1. Give your select tag a name attribute. For example in this case

    <select name="myselect">

  2. Instead of working with the attribute value="default" in the tag option, disable the default option as suggested by Jeremy Visser or set value=""

    <option disabled="disabled">Choose...</option>


    <option value="">Choose...</option>

  3. Set the plugin validation rule

    $( "#YOUR_FORM_ID" ).validate({ rules: { myselect: { required: true } } });


    <select name="myselect" class="required">

Obs: redsquare's solution works only if you have just one select in your form. If you want his solution to work with more than one select add a name attribute to your select.

Hope it helps! :)

VBA - Range.Row.Count

Probably a better solution is work upwards from the bottom:


The POM for project is missing, no dependency information available

The scope <scope>provided</scope> gives you an opportunity to tell that the jar would be available at runtime, so do not bundle it. It does not mean that you do not need it at compile time, hence maven would try to download that.

Now I think, the below maven artifact do not exist at all. I tries searching google, but not able to find. Hence you are getting this issue.

Change groupId to <groupId>net.sourceforge.ant4x</groupId> to get the latest jar.


Another solution for this problem is:

  1. Run your own maven repo.
  2. download the jar
  3. Install the jar into the repository.
  4. Add a code in your pom.xml something like:

Where http://localhost/repo is your local repo URL:

    <-- Other repository config ... -->

How to use document.getElementByName and getElementByTag?

getElementById returns either a reference to an element with an id matching the argument, or null if no such element exists in the document.

getElementsByName() (note the plural Elements) returns a (possibly empty) HTMLCollection of the elements with a name matching the argument. Note that IE treats the name and id attributes and properties as the same thing, so getElementsByName will return elements with matching id also.

getElementsByTagName is similar but returns a NodeList. It's all there in the relevant specifications.

Formatting PowerShell Get-Date inside string

"This is my string with date in specified format $($theDate.ToString('u'))"


"This is my string with date in specified format $(Get-Date -format 'u')"

The sub-expression ($(...)) can include arbitrary expressions calls.

MSDN Documents both standard and custom DateTime format strings.

Export and import table dump (.sql) using pgAdmin

If you have Git bash installed, you can do something like this:

/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin/psql -U <pg_role_name> -d <pg_database_name> < <path_to_your>.sql

Representing EOF in C code?

The answer is NO, but...

You may confused because of the behavior of fgets()

From :

Reads characters from stream and stores them as a C string into str until (num-1) characters have been read or either a newline or the end-of-file is reached, whichever happens first.

PowerShell array initialization

Here's two more ways, both very concise.

$arr1 = @(0) * 20
$arr2 = ,0 * 20

What is the difference between MVC and MVVM?

I used to think that MVC and MVVM are the same. Now because of the existence of Flux I can tell the difference:

In MVC, for each view in your app, you have a model and a controller, so I would call it view, view model, view controller. The pattern does not tell you how one view can communicate with another. Therefore, in different frameworks there are different implementations for that. For example there are implementations where controllers talk to each other whereas in other implementations there's another component that mediates between them. There are even implementations in which the view models communicate with each other, which is a break of the MVC pattern because the view model should only be accessed by the view controller.

In MVVM, you also have a view model for each component. The pattern does not specify how the heck the view should influence the view model, so usually most frameworks just include controller's functionality in the view model. However, MVVM does tell you that your view model's data should come from the model, which is the entire model that's not aware or custom to a specific view.

To demonstrate the difference, let's take Flux pattern. Flux pattern tells how different views in the app should communicate. Each view listens to a store and fires actions using the dispatcher. The dispatcher in turn tells all the stores about the action that was just made, and the stores update themselves. A store in Flux corresponds to the (general) model in MVVM. it's not custom to any specific view. So usually when people use React and Flux, each React component actually implements the MVVM pattern. When an action occurs, the view model calls the dispatcher, and finally it's getting updated according to the changes in the store, which is the model. You can't say that each component implements MVC because in MVC only the controller can update the view model. So MVVM can work with Flux together (MVVM handles the communication between the view and the view model, and Flux handles the communication between different views), whereas MVC can't work with Flux without breaking a key principle.

Add characters to a string in Javascript

You can also keep adding strings to an existing string like so:

var myString = "Hello ";
myString += "World";
myString += "!";

the result would be -> Hello World!

"column not allowed here" error in INSERT statement

Like Scaffman said - You are missing quotes. Always when you are passing a value to varchar2 use quotes


So one (') starts the string and the second (') closes it.

But if you want to add a quote symbol into a string for example:

My father told me: 'you have to be brave, son'.

You have to use a triple quote symbol like:

'My father told me: ''you have to be brave, son''.'

*adding quote method can vary on different db engines

When running WebDriver with Chrome browser, getting message, "Only local connections are allowed" even though browser launches properly

I solved this error by installing the browser driver:

  1. Navigate your browser to website
  2. Select the Downloads tab
  3. Scroll down the page to the Browser section and download the driver you want by clicking the link, for example, Google Chrome Driver
  4. Double-click the downloaded file, for example, chromedriver_mac64(1).zip
  5. Double-click the extracted file, for example, chromedriver

Reference: search for the error

Platform: macOS High Sierra 10.13.3

How to handle query parameters in angular 2

According to Angular2 documentation you should use:

   {path: '/login/:token', name: 'Login', component: LoginComponent},

@Component({ template: 'login: {{token}}' })
class LoginComponent{
   token: string;
   constructor(params: RouteParams) {
      this.token = params.get('token');

IntelliJ IDEA shows errors when using Spring's @Autowired annotation

I fixed it by adding the supress warning:

 private ....

overlay a smaller image on a larger image python OpenCv

A simple way to achieve what you want:

import cv2
s_img = cv2.imread("smaller_image.png")
l_img = cv2.imread("larger_image.jpg")
l_img[y_offset:y_offset+s_img.shape[0], x_offset:x_offset+s_img.shape[1]] = s_img

the result image


I suppose you want to take care of the alpha channel too. Here is a quick and dirty way of doing so:

s_img = cv2.imread("smaller_image.png", -1)

y1, y2 = y_offset, y_offset + s_img.shape[0]
x1, x2 = x_offset, x_offset + s_img.shape[1]

alpha_s = s_img[:, :, 3] / 255.0
alpha_l = 1.0 - alpha_s

for c in range(0, 3):
    l_img[y1:y2, x1:x2, c] = (alpha_s * s_img[:, :, c] +
                              alpha_l * l_img[y1:y2, x1:x2, c])

result image with alpha

Formatting floats without trailing zeros

After looking over answers to several similar questions, this seems to be the best solution for me:

def floatToString(inputValue):
    return ('%.15f' % inputValue).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

My reasoning:

%g doesn't get rid of scientific notation.

>>> '%g' % 0.000035

15 decimal places seems to avoid strange behavior and has plenty of precision for my needs.

>>> ('%.15f' % 1.35).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
>>> ('%.16f' % 1.35).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')

I could have used format(inputValue, '.15f'). instead of '%.15f' % inputValue, but that is a bit slower (~30%).

I could have used Decimal(inputValue).normalize(), but this has a few issues as well. For one, it is A LOT slower (~11x). I also found that although it has pretty great precision, it still suffers from precision loss when using normalize().

>>> Decimal('0.21000000000000000000000000006').normalize()
>>> Decimal('0.21000000000000000000000000006')

Most importantly, I would still be converting to Decimal from a float which can make you end up with something other than the number you put in there. I think Decimal works best when the arithmetic stays in Decimal and the Decimal is initialized with a string.

>>> Decimal(1.35)
>>> Decimal('1.35')

I'm sure the precision issue of Decimal.normalize() can be adjusted to what is needed using context settings, but considering the already slow speed and not needing ridiculous precision and the fact that I'd still be converting from a float and losing precision anyway, I didn't think it was worth pursuing.

I'm not concerned with the possible "-0" result since -0.0 is a valid floating point number and it would probably be a rare occurrence anyway, but since you did mention you want to keep the string result as short as possible, you could always use an extra conditional at very little extra speed cost.

def floatToString(inputValue):
    result = ('%.15f' % inputValue).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
    return '0' if result == '-0' else result

Angular: How to update queryParams without changing route


this.router.navigate([], { 
  queryParams: {
    query: value

will work for same route navigation other than single quotes.

Remove Project from Android Studio

You must close the project, hover over the project in the welcome screen, then press the delete button.

No value accessor for form control

If you get this issue, then either

  • the formControlName is not located on the value accessor element.
  • or you're not importing the module for that element.

Position buttons next to each other in the center of page

If you are using bootstrap then the below solution will work.

    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" >Invoke User Endpoint</button>
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary ml-3">Invoke Hello Endpoint</button>

Apply CSS style attribute dynamically in Angular JS

Simply do this:

<div ng-style="{'background-color': '{{myColorVariable}}', height: '2rem'}"></div>

How do I force a vertical scrollbar to appear?

Give your body tag an overflow: scroll;

body {
    overflow: scroll;

or if you only want a vertical scrollbar use overflow-y

body {
    overflow-y: scroll;

Retrieving subfolders names in S3 bucket from boto3

Following is the piece of code that can handle pagination, if you are trying to fetch large number of S3 bucket objects:

def get_matching_s3_objects(bucket, prefix="", suffix=""):

    s3 = boto3.client("s3")
    paginator = s3.get_paginator("list_objects_v2")

    kwargs = {'Bucket': bucket}

    # We can pass the prefix directly to the S3 API.  If the user has passed
    # a tuple or list of prefixes, we go through them one by one.
    if isinstance(prefix, str):
        prefixes = (prefix, )
        prefixes = prefix

    for key_prefix in prefixes:
        kwargs["Prefix"] = key_prefix

        for page in paginator.paginate(**kwargs):
                contents = page["Contents"]
            except KeyError:

            for obj in contents:
                key = obj["Key"]
                if key.endswith(suffix):
                    yield obj

Saving a select count(*) value to an integer (SQL Server)

If @myInt is zero it means no rows in the table: it would be NULL if never set at all.

COUNT will always return a row, even for no rows in a table.

Edit, Apr 2012: the rules for this are described in my answer here:Does COUNT(*) always return a result?

Your count/assign is correct but could be either way:

select @myInt = COUNT(*) from myTable
set @myInt = (select COUNT(*) from myTable)

However, if you are just looking for the existence of rows, (NOT) EXISTS is more efficient:


Auto margins don't center image in page

there is a alternative to margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; or margin:0 auto; for the ones that use position:absolute; this is how:
you set the left position of the element to 50% (left:50%;) but that will not center it correctly in order for the element to be centered correctly you need to give it a margin of minus half of it`s width, that will center your element perfectly

here is an example:

How to draw text using only OpenGL methods?

enter image description here

Use glutStrokeCharacter(GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN, myCharString).


#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <GL\glut.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>

GLfloat UpwardsScrollVelocity = -10.0;
float view=20.0;

char quote[6][80];
int numberOfQuotes=0,i;

//*  glutIdleFunc(timeTick);                  *

void timeTick(void)
    if (UpwardsScrollVelocity< -600)
    if(view < 0) {view=20; UpwardsScrollVelocity = -10.0;}
    //  exit(0);
    UpwardsScrollVelocity -= 0.015;


//* printToConsoleWindow()                *

void printToConsoleWindow()
    int l,lenghOfQuote, i;

    for(  l=0;l<numberOfQuotes;l++)
        lenghOfQuote = (int)strlen(quote[l]);

        for (i = 0; i < lenghOfQuote; i++)


//* RenderToDisplay()                       *

void RenderToDisplay()
    int l,lenghOfQuote, i;

    glTranslatef(0.0, -100, UpwardsScrollVelocity);
    glRotatef(-20, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    glScalef(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);

    for(  l=0;l<numberOfQuotes;l++)
        lenghOfQuote = (int)strlen(quote[l]);
        glTranslatef(-(lenghOfQuote*37), -(l*200), 0.0);
        for (i = 0; i < lenghOfQuote; i++)
            glutStrokeCharacter(GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN, quote[l][i]);

//* glutDisplayFunc(myDisplayFunction);       *

void myDisplayFunction(void)
  gluLookAt(0.0, 30.0, 100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
//* glutReshapeFunc(reshape);               *

void reshape(int w, int h)
  glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
  gluPerspective(60, 1.0, 1.0, 3200);

//* int main()                                *

int main()
    strcpy(quote[0],"Luke, I am your father!.");
    strcpy(quote[1],"Obi-Wan has taught you well. ");
    strcpy(quote[2],"The force is strong with this one. ");
    strcpy(quote[3],"Alert all commands. Calculate every possible destination along their last known trajectory. ");
    strcpy(quote[4],"The force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet.");

    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH);
    glutInitWindowSize(800, 400);
    glutCreateWindow("StarWars scroller");
    glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);


    return 0;

When do I use path params vs. query params in a RESTful API?

Best practice for RESTful API design is that path params are used to identify a specific resource or resources, while query parameters are used to sort/filter those resources.

Here's an example. Suppose you are implementing RESTful API endpoints for an entity called Car. You would structure your endpoints like this:

GET /cars
GET /cars/:id
POST /cars
PUT /cars/:id
DELETE /cars/:id

This way you are only using path parameters when you are specifying which resource to fetch, but this does not sort/filter the resources in any way.

Now suppose you wanted to add the capability to filter the cars by color in your GET requests. Because color is not a resource (it is a property of a resource), you could add a query parameter that does this. You would add that query parameter to your GET /cars request like this:

GET /cars?color=blue

This endpoint would be implemented so that only blue cars would be returned.

As far as syntax is concerned, your URL names should be all lowercase. If you have an entity name that is generally two words in English, you would use a hyphen to separate the words, not camel case.

Ex. /two-words

List the queries running on SQL Server

I would suggest querying the sys views. something similar to

   sys.dm_exec_sessions s
   LEFT  JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections c
        ON  s.session_id = c.session_id
   LEFT JOIN sys.dm_db_task_space_usage tsu
        ON  tsu.session_id = s.session_id
   LEFT JOIN sys.dm_os_tasks t
        ON  t.session_id = tsu.session_id
        AND t.request_id = tsu.request_id
   LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests r
        ON  r.session_id = tsu.session_id
        AND r.request_id = tsu.request_id
   OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) TSQL

This way you can get a TotalPagesAllocated which can help you figure out the spid that is taking all the server resources. There has lots of times when I can't even bring up activity monitor and use these sys views to see what's going on.

I would recommend you reading the following article. I got this reference from here.

What is CMake equivalent of 'configure --prefix=DIR && make all install '?

Starting with CMake 3.15, the correct way of achieving this would be using:

cmake --install <dir> --prefix "/usr"

Official Documentation

How to manually force a commit in a @Transactional method?

Why don't you use spring's TransactionTemplate to programmatically control transactions? You could also restructure your code so that each "transaction block" has it's own @Transactional method, but given that it's a test I would opt for programmatic control of your transactions.

Also note that the @Transactional annotation on your runnable won't work (unless you are using aspectj) as the runnables aren't managed by spring!

//other spring-test annotations; as your database context is dirty due to the committed transaction you might want to consider using @DirtiesContext
public class TransactionTemplateTest {

PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager;

TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    transactionTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(platformTransactionManager);

@Test //note that there is no @Transactional configured for the method
public void test() throws InterruptedException {

    final Contract c1 = transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<Contract>() {
        public Contract doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
            Contract c = contractDOD.getNewTransientContract(15);
            return c;

    ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
            @Override  //note that there is no @Transactional configured for the method
            public void run() {
                transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() {
                    public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                        // do whatever you want to do with c1
                        return null;

    executorService.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() {
        public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
            // validate test results in transaction
            return null;


npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\Nuwanst\package.json'

If your folder already have package.json


Copy the path of package.json

Open terminal


cd your_path_to_package.json


Then Write:

npm install

This worked for me

inherit from two classes in C#

Make two interfaces IA and IB:

public interface IA
    public void methodA(int value);

public interface IB
    public void methodB(int value);

Next make A implement IA and B implement IB.

public class A : IA
    public int fooA { get; set; }
    public void methodA(int value) { fooA = value; }

public class B : IB
    public int fooB { get; set; }
    public void methodB(int value) { fooB = value; }

Then implement your C class as follows:

public class C : IA, IB
    private A _a;
    private B _b;

    public C(A _a, B _b)
        this._a = _a;
        this._b = _b;

    public void methodA(int value) { _a.methodA(value); }
    public void methodB(int value) { _b.methodB(value); }

Generally this is a poor design overall because you can have both A and B implement a method with the same name and variable types such as foo(int bar) and you will need to decide how to implement it, or if you just call foo(bar) on both _a and _b. As suggested elsewhere you should consider a .A and .B properties instead of combining the two classes.

A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations

You cannot use a select statement that assigns values to variables to also return data to the user The below code will work fine, because i have declared 1 local variable and that variable is used in select statement.

    DECLARE @name nvarchar(max)
    select @name=PolicyHolderName from Table
    select @name

The below code will throw error "A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations" Because we are retriving data(PolicyHolderAddress) from table, but error says data-retrieval operation is not allowed when you use some local variable as part of select statement.

    DECLARE @name nvarchar(max)
       @name = PolicyHolderName,
    from Table

The the above code can be corrected like below,

    DECLARE @name nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @address varchar(100)
       @name = PolicyHolderName,
       @address = PolicyHolderAddress 
    from Table

So either remove the data-retrieval operation or add extra local variable. This will resolve the error.

How to find all trigger associated with a table with SQL Server?

find triggers on table:

select, text
from sysobjects so, syscomments sc
where type = 'TR'
and =
and text like '%TableName%'

and you can find store procedure which has reference of table:

FROM sys.procedures

keycode 13 is for which key

It's the Return or Enter key on keyboard.

Not able to change TextField Border Color

The best and most effective solution is just adding theme in your main class and add input decoration like these.

theme: ThemeData(
    inputDecorationTheme: InputDecorationTheme(
        border: OutlineInputBorder(
           borderSide: BorderSide(color:

How to wrap text using CSS?

This will work everywhere.

  <table style="table-layout:fixed;">
    <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width: 100px" > gdfggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg</div></td>

How does one target IE7 and IE8 with valid CSS?

I did it using Javascript. I add three css classes to the html element:

lt-ie<version + 1>

So for IE7, it adds ie7, lte-ie7 ..., lt-ie8 ...

Here is the javascript code:

(function () {
    function getIEVersion() {
        var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
        var msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE ');
        var trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/');

        if (msie > 0) {
            // IE 10 or older => return version number
            return parseInt(ua.substring(msie + 5, ua.indexOf('.', msie)), 10);
        } else if (trident > 0) {
            // IE 11 (or newer) => return version number
            var rv = ua.indexOf('rv:');
            return parseInt(ua.substring(rv + 3, ua.indexOf('.', rv)), 10);
        } else {
            return NaN;

    var ieVersion = getIEVersion();

    if (!isNaN(ieVersion)) { // if it is IE
        var minVersion = 6;
        var maxVersion = 13; // adjust this appropriately

        if (ieVersion >= minVersion && ieVersion <= maxVersion) {
            var htmlElem = document.getElementsByTagName('html').item(0);

            var addHtmlClass = function (className) { // define function to add class to 'html' element
                htmlElem.className += ' ' + className;

            addHtmlClass('ie' + ieVersion); // add current version
            addHtmlClass('lte-ie' + ieVersion);

            if (ieVersion < maxVersion) {
                for (var i = ieVersion + 1; i <= maxVersion; ++i) {
                    addHtmlClass('lte-ie' + i);
                    addHtmlClass('lt-ie' + i);

Thereafter, you use the .ie<version> css class in your stylesheet as described by potench.

(Used Mario's detectIE function in Check if user is using IE with jQuery)

The benefit of having lte-ie8 and lt-ie8 etc is that it you can target all browser less than or equal to IE9, that is IE7 - IE9.

Excel 2010 VBA Referencing Specific Cells in other worksheets

Sub Results2()

    Dim rCell As Range
    Dim shSource As Worksheet
    Dim shDest As Worksheet
    Dim lCnt As Long

    Set shSource = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set shDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

    For Each rCell In shSource.Range("A1", shSource.Cells(shSource.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Cells
        lCnt = lCnt + 1
        shDest.Range("A4").Offset(0, lCnt * 4).Formula = "=" & rCell.Address(False, False, , True) & "+" & rCell.Offset(0, 1).Address(False, False, , True)
    Next rCell

End Sub

This loops through column A of sheet1 and creates a formula in sheet2 for every cell. To find the last cell in Sheet1, I start at the bottom (shSource.Rows.Count) and .End(xlUp) to get the last cell in the column that's not blank.

To create the elements of the formula, I use the Address property of the cell on Sheet. I'm using three of the arguments to Address. The first two are RowAbsolute and ColumnAbsolute, both set to false. I don't care about the third argument, but I set the fourth argument (External) to True so that it includes the sheet name.

I prefer to go from Source to Destination rather than the other way. But that's just a personal preference. If you want to work from the destination,

Sub Results3()

    Dim i As Long, lCnt As Long
    Dim sh As Worksheet

    lCnt = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(1))
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

    Const sSOURCE As String = "Sheet1!"

    For i = 1 To lCnt
        sh.Range("A1").Offset(0, 4 * (i - 1)).Formula = "=" & sSOURCE & "A" & i & " + " & sSOURCE & "B" & i
    Next i

End Sub

Android camera android.hardware.Camera deprecated

Faced with the same issue, supporting older devices via the deprecated camera API and needing the new Camera2 API for both current devices and moving into the future; I ran into the same issues -- and have not found a 3rd party library that bridges the 2 APIs, likely because they are very different, I turned to basic OOP principals.

The 2 APIs are markedly different making interchanging them problematic for client objects expecting the interfaces presented in the old API. The new API has different objects with different methods, built using a different architecture. Got love for Google, but ragnabbit! that's frustrating.

So I created an interface focussing on only the camera functionality my app needs, and created a simple wrapper for both APIs that implements that interface. That way my camera activity doesn't have to care about which platform its running on...

I also set up a Singleton to manage the API(s); instancing the older API's wrapper with my interface for older Android OS devices, and the new API's wrapper class for newer devices using the new API. The singleton has typical code to get the API level and then instances the correct object.

The same interface is used by both wrapper classes, so it doesn't matter if the App runs on Jellybean or Marshmallow--as long as the interface provides my app with what it needs from either Camera API, using the same method signatures; the camera runs in the App the same way for both newer and older versions of Android.

The Singleton can also do some related things not tied to the APIs--like detecting that there is indeed a camera on the device, and saving to the media library.

I hope the idea helps you out.

C# if/then directives for debug vs release

By default, Visual Studio defines DEBUG if project is compiled in Debug mode and doesn't define it if it's in Release mode. RELEASE is not defined in Release mode by default. Use something like this:

  // debug stuff goes here
  // release stuff goes here

If you want to do something only in release mode:

#if !DEBUG
  // release...

Also, it's worth pointing out that you can use [Conditional("DEBUG")] attribute on methods that return void to have them only executed if a certain symbol is defined. The compiler would remove all calls to those methods if the symbol is not defined:

void PrintLog() {
    Console.WriteLine("Debug info");

void Test() {

Could not commit JPA transaction: Transaction marked as rollbackOnly

Save sub object first and then call final repository save method.

    public String save(@ModelAttribute("shortcode") @Valid Shortcode shortcode, BindingResult result) {
        Shortcode existingShortcode = shortcodeService.findByShortcode(shortcode.getShortcode());
        if (existingShortcode != null) {
            result.rejectValue(shortcode.getShortcode(), "This shortode is already created.");
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            return "redirect:/shortcode/create";
        return "redirect:/shortcode/create?success";

How to get Spinner selected item value to string?

Try this:

String text = mySpinner.getSelectedItem().toString();

Like this you can get value for different Spinners.

printf not printing on console

  1. In your project folder, create a “.gdbinit” text file. It will contain your gdb debugger configuration
  2. Edit “.gdbinit”, and add the line (without the quotes) : “set new-console on”
  3. After building the project right click on the project Debug > “Debug Configurations”, as shown below Debug configuration

  4. In the “debugger” tab, ensure the “GDB command file” now points to your “.gdbinit” file. Else, input the path to your “.gdbinit” configuration file : Gdb configuration

  5. Click “Apply” and “Debug”. A native DOS command line should be launched as shown below Console

How can we stop a running java process through Windows cmd?

FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%G IN ('jps -l') DO IF %%H==name.for.the.application.main.Class taskkill /F /PID %%G

name.for.the.application.main.Class - replace this to your application's main class (you can find it in second column of jps -l output)

How to download and save a file from Internet using Java?

This can read a file at the internet and write it into a file.I hope this also helpful for you.


public class Download {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         URL url = new URL("");  // Input Url
         FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("out.png"));         // Output File

Convert SVG to image (JPEG, PNG, etc.) in the browser

change svg to match your element

function svg2img(){
    var svg = document.querySelector('svg');
    var xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg);
    var svg64 = btoa(xml); //for utf8: btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(xml)))
    var b64start = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,';
    var image64 = b64start + svg64;
    return image64;

one line if statement in php

You can use Ternary operator logic Ternary operator logic is the process of using "(condition)? (true return value) : (false return value)" statements to shorten your if/else structures. i.e

/* most basic usage */
$var = 5;
$var_is_greater_than_two = ($var > 2 ? true : false); // returns true

Tool to Unminify / Decompress JavaScript

In Firefox, SpiderMonkey and Rhino you can wrap any code into an anonymous function and call its toSource method, which will give you a nicely formatted source of the function.

toSource also strips comments.

E. g.:

(function () { /* Say hello. */ var x = 'Hello!'; print(x); }).toSource()

Will be converted to a string:

function () {
    var x = "Hello!";

P. S.: It's not an "online tool", but all questions about general beautifying techniques are closed as duplicates of this one.

Changing plot scale by a factor in matplotlib

As you have noticed, xscale and yscale does not support a simple linear re-scaling (unfortunately). As an alternative to Hooked's answer, instead of messing with the data, you can trick the labels like so:

ticks = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x*scale))

A complete example showing both x and y scaling:

import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker

# Generate data
x = np.linspace(0, 1e-9)
y = 1e3*np.sin(2*np.pi*x/1e-9) # one period, 1k amplitude

# setup figures
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
# plot two identical plots
ax1.plot(x, y)
ax2.plot(x, y)

# Change only ax2
scale_x = 1e-9
scale_y = 1e3
ticks_x = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x/scale_x))

ticks_y = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x/scale_y))


And finally I have the credits for a picture:

Left: ax1 no scaling, right: ax2 y axis scaled to kilo and x axis scaled to nano

Note that, if you have text.usetex: true as I have, you may want to enclose the labels in $, like so: '${0:g}$'.

How to return more than one value from a function in Python?

Return as a tuple, e.g.

def foo (a):
    return (x,y)

Unable to start Genymotion Virtual Device - Virtualbox Host Only Ethernet Adapter Failed to start

The following resolved the problem for me:

  1. Go to Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> change adapter settings
    Right click on VirtualBox Host-Only Network and select properties The following options must be ticked

    • client for microsoft networks
    • virtualBox bridged network driver
    • qos pocket scheduler
    • file and printer sharing for microsoft network

    If see another program select and uninstall it.

  2. In VirtualBox go to File -> Preferences -> Network
    Double click on VirtualBox Host-Only ethernet adapter
    Edit like this:
    IPV4 address: mask:
    DHCP: address mask:
    low bounds: high bound:
    Restart or log off your windows and start genymotion
    If that didn't solve your problem in VirtualBox go to File -> Preferences -> Network and delete Host-Only ethernet adapter.

What is git tag, How to create tags & How to checkout git remote tag(s)

To get the specific tag code try to create a new branch add get the tag code in it. I have done it by command : $git checkout -b newBranchName tagName

How do I get the file extension of a file in Java?

How about (using Java 1.5 RegEx):

    String[] split = fullFileName.split("\\.");
    String ext = split[split.length - 1];

Can I pass an array as arguments to a method with variable arguments in Java?

I was having same issue.

String[] arr= new String[] { "A", "B", "C" };
Object obj = arr;

And then passed the obj as varargs argument. It worked.

Loop in react-native

render() {
var myloop = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    <View key={i}>

 return (

        <View >
          <Text >Welcome to React Native!</Text>


How to alter SQL in "Edit Top 200 Rows" in SSMS 2008

Very quick and easy visual instructions to change this (and the select top 1000) for 2008 R2 through SSMS GUI


  • Go to Tools menu -> Options -> SQL Server Object Explorer
  • Expand SQL Server Object Explorer
  • Choose 'Commands'
  • For 'Value for Edit Top Rows' command, specify '0' to edit all rows

How can I check if a View exists in a Database?

if exists (SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[MyTable]') )

Linking a qtDesigner .ui file to python/pyqt?

(November 2020) This worked for me (UBUNTU 20.04):

pyuic5 /home/someuser/Documents/untitled.ui > /home/someuser/Documents/

How to update maven repository in Eclipse?

Right-click on your project and choose Maven > Update Snapshots. In addition to that you can set "update Maven projects on startup" in Window > Preferences > Maven

UPDATE: In latest versions of Eclipse: Maven > Update Project. Make sure "Force Update of Snapshots/Releases" is checked.

Setting a div's height in HTML with CSS

A 2 column layout is a little bit tough to get working in CSS (at least until CSS3 is practical.)

Floating left and right will work to a point, but it won't allow you to extend the background. To make backgrounds stay solid, you'll have to implement a technique known as "faux columns," which basically means your columns themselves won't have a background image. Your 2 columns will be contained inside of a parent tag. This parent tag is given a background image that contains the 2 column colors you want. Make this background only as big as you need it to (if it is a solid color, only make it 1 pixel high) and have it repeat-y. AListApart has a great walkthrough on what is needed to make it work.

Getting random numbers in Java

int max = 50;
int min = 1;

1. Using Math.random()

double random = Math.random() * 49 + 1;
int random = (int )(Math.random() * 50 + 1);

This will give you value from 1 to 50 in case of int or 1.0 (inclusive) to 50.0 (exclusive) in case of double


random() method returns a random number between 0.0 and 0.9..., you multiply it by 50, so upper limit becomes 0.0 to 49.999... when you add 1, it becomes 1.0 to 50.999..., now when you truncate to int, you get 1 to 50. (thanks to @rup in comments). leepoint's awesome write-up on both the approaches.

2. Using Random class in Java.

Random rand = new Random(); 
int value = rand.nextInt(50); 

This will give value from 0 to 49.

For 1 to 50: rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;

Source of some Java Random awesomeness.

Adding to the classpath on OSX

If you want to make a certain set of JAR files (or .class files) available to every Java application on the machine, then your best bet is to add those files to /Library/Java/Extensions.

Or, if you want to do it for every Java application, but only when your Mac OS X account runs them, then use ~/Library/Java/Extensions instead.

EDIT: If you want to do this only for a particular application, as Thorbjørn asked, then you will need to tell us more about how the application is packaged.

Align DIV to bottom of the page

Simple 2020 no-tricks method:

body {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

#footer {
    margin-top: auto;

Is it possible to capture a Ctrl+C signal and run a cleanup function, in a "defer" fashion?

Just for the record if somebody needs a way to handle signals on Windows. I had a requirement to handle from prog A calling prog B through os/exec but prog B never was able to terminate gracefully because sending signals through ex. cmd.Process.Signal(syscall.SIGTERM) or other signals are not supported on Windows. The way I handled is by creating a temp file as a signal ex. .signal.term through prog A and prog B needs to check if that file exists on interval base, if file exists it will exit the program and handle a cleanup if needed, I'm sure there are other ways but this did the job.

downcast and upcast

  1. That is correct. When you do that you are casting it it into an employee object, so that means you cannot access anything manager specific.

  2. Downcasting is where you take a base class and then try and turn it into a more specific class. This can be accomplished with using is and an explicit cast like this:

    if (employee is Manager)
        Manager m = (Manager)employee;
        //do something with it

or with the as operator like this:

Manager m = (employee as Manager);
if (m != null)
    //do something with it

If anything is unclear I'll be happy to correct it!

Convert date to YYYYMM format

I know it is an old topic, but If your SQL server version is higher than 2012.

There is another simple option can choose, FORMAT function.

SELECT FORMAT(GetDate(),'yyyyMM')


Deleting an object in C++

if it crashes on the delete line then you have almost certainly somehow corrupted the heap. We would need to see more code to diagnose the problem since the example you presented has no errors.

Perhaps you have a buffer overflow on the heap which corrupted the heap structures or even something as simple as a "double free" (or in the c++ case "double delete").

Also, as The Fuzz noted, you may have an error in your destructor as well.

And yes, it is completely normal and expected for delete to invoke the destructor, that is in fact one of its two purposes (call destructor then free memory).

jQuery UI Dialog - missing close icon

I am having this issue as well. Here is the code that is getting inserted for the close button:

From Web Developer showing the jquery-created code

When I turn off the style="display:none:" on the button, then the close button appears. So for some reason that display:none; is getting set, and I don't see how to control that. So another way to address this might be to simply override the display:none. Don't see how to do that though.

I note that the answer posted by KyleMit does work, but makes a different looking X button.

I also note that this issue does not affect all dialogs on my pages, but just some of them. Some dialogs work as expected; other have no title (ie, the span containing the title is empty) while the close button is present.

I am thinking something is seriously wrong and it might not the time for 1.10.x.

But after further work, I discovered that in some cases the titles were not getting set properly, and after fixing that, the X close button reappeared as it should be.

I used to set the titles like this:

('#ui-dialog-title-ac-popup').text('Add Admin Comments for #' + $ac_userid);

That id does not exist in my code, but is created apparently by jquery from ac-popup and ui-dialog-title. Kind of a kludge. But as I said that no longer works, and I have to use the following instead:

$('.ui-dialog-title').text('Add Admin Comments for #' + $ac_userid);

After doing that, the missing button issue seems to be better, although I am not sure if they are definitely related.

Anaconda export Environment file

  • Linux

    conda env export --no-builds | grep -v "prefix" > environment.yml

  • Windows

    conda env export --no-builds | findstr -v "prefix" > environment.yml

Rationale: By default, conda env export includes the build information:

$ conda env export
  - backcall=0.1.0=py37_0
  - blas=1.0=mkl
  - boto=2.49.0=py_0

You can instead export your environment without build info:

$ conda env export --no-builds
  - backcall=0.1.0
  - blas=1.0
  - boto=2.49.0

Which unties the environment from the Python version and OS.

Get protocol, domain, and port from URL

var full = location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+(location.port ? ':'+location.port: '');

VBA ADODB excel - read data from Recordset

I am surprised that the connection string works for you, because it is missing a semi-colon. Set is only used with objects, so you would not say Set strNaam.

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With cn
 .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
  .ConnectionString = "Data Source=D:\test.xls " & _
  ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;"""
End With
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$E36:E38]"
Set rs = cn.Execute(strQuery)
Do While Not rs.EOF
  For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print rs.Fields(i).Name, rs.Fields(i).Value
    strNaam = rs.Fields(0).Value

There are other ways, depending on what you want to do, such as GetString (GetString Method Description).

How to check for changes on remote (origin) Git repository

git remote update && git status 

Found this on the answer to Check if pull needed in Git

git remote update to bring your remote refs up to date. Then you can do one of several things, such as:

  1. git status -uno will tell you whether the branch you are tracking is ahead, behind or has diverged. If it says nothing, the local and remote are the same.

  2. git show-branch *master will show you the commits in all of the branches whose names end in master (eg master and origin/master).

If you use -v with git remote update you can see which branches got updated, so you don't really need any further commands.

Dynamically adding properties to an ExpandoObject

i think this add new property in desired type without having to set a primitive value, like when property defined in class definition

var x = new ExpandoObject();
x.NewProp = default(string)

How to split a delimited string in Ruby and convert it to an array?

>> "1,2,3,4".split(",")
=> ["1", "2", "3", "4"]

Or for integers:

>> "1,2,3,4".split(",").map { |s| s.to_i }
=> [1, 2, 3, 4]

Or for later versions of ruby (>= 1.9 - as pointed out by Alex):

>> "1,2,3,4".split(",").map(&:to_i)
=> [1, 2, 3, 4]

jQuery select option elements by value

function select_option(index)
    var optwewant;
    for (opts in $('#span_id').children('select'))
        if (opts.value() = index)
            optwewant = opts;
    alert (optwewant);

Clear text from textarea with selenium

In the most recent Selenium version, use:


Upgrading PHP on CentOS 6.5 (Final)

This is the easiest way that worked for me: To install PHP 5.6 on CentOS 6 or 7:

CentOS 6. Enter the following commands in the order shown:

yum -y update
yum -y install epel-release
rpm -Uvh ius-release*.rpm
yum -y update
yum -y install php56u php56u-opcache php56u-xml php56u-mcrypt php56u-gd php56u-devel php56u-mysql php56u-intl php56u-mbstring php56u-bcmath

CentOS 7. Enter the following commands in the order shown:

yum -y update
yum -y install epel-release
rpm -Uvh ius-release*.rpm
yum -y update
yum -y install php56u php56u-opcache php56u-xml php56u-mcrypt php56u-gd php56u-devel php56u-mysql php56u-intl php56u-mbstring php56u-bcmath

Sorry - I'm unable to post the source URL - due to reputation

Combine two pandas Data Frames (join on a common column)

In case anyone needs to try and merge two dataframes together on the index (instead of another column), this also works!

T1 and T2 are dataframes that have the same indices

import pandas as pd
T1 = pd.merge(T1, T2, on=T1.index, how='outer')

P.S. I had to use merge because append would fill NaNs in unnecessarily.

How to convert byte array to string and vice versa?

I did notice something that is not in any of the answers. You can cast each of the bytes in the byte array to characters, and put them in a char array. Then the string is

new String(cbuf)
where cbuf is the char array. To convert back, loop through the string casting each of the chars to bytes to put into a byte array, and this byte array will be the same as the first.

public class StringByteArrTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // put whatever byte array here
        byte[] arr = new byte[] {-12, -100, -49, 100, -63, 0, -90};
        for (byte b: arr) System.out.println(b);
        // put data into this char array
        char[] cbuf = new char[arr.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            cbuf[i] = (char) arr[i];
        // this is the string
        String s = new String(cbuf);

        // converting back
        byte[] out = new byte[s.length()];
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            out[i] = (byte) s.charAt(i);
        for (byte b: out) System.out.println(b);


Disable future dates after today in Jquery Ui Datepicker

Try this

 $(function() {
  $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({  maxDate: new Date() });

Or you can achieve this using as below:

$(function() {
  $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({  maxDate: 0 });




How to get a list of MySQL views?

Here's a way to find all the views in every database on your instance:

FROM information_schema.tables 

How to convert JSON object to an Typescript array?

You have a JSON object that contains an Array. You need to access the array results. Change your code to: = res.json().results

Sending and Parsing JSON Objects in Android

You can download a library from (Json-lib or org.json) and use it to parse/generate the JSON

Python TypeError must be str not int

Python comes with numerous ways of formatting strings:

New style .format(), which supports a rich formatting mini-language:

>>> temperature = 10
>>> print("the furnace is now {} degrees!".format(temperature))
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

Old style % format specifier:

>>> print("the furnace is now %d degrees!" % temperature)
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

In Py 3.6 using the new f"" format strings:

>>> print(f"the furnace is now {temperature} degrees!")
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

Or using print()s default separator:

>>> print("the furnace is now", temperature, "degrees!")
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

And least effectively, construct a new string by casting it to a str() and concatenating:

>>> print("the furnace is now " + str(temperature) + " degrees!")
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

Or join()ing it:

>>> print(' '.join(["the furnace is now", str(temperature), "degrees!"]))
the furnace is now 10 degrees!

Xampp MySQL not starting - "Attempting to start MySQL service..."

I can share how I solved the problem in my case.

It seems that somehow I had mySQL Server 5.7 installed. It didn't show on Add/Remove Programs list in Windows tough so I wasn't aware of it. I marked that after I looked up the XAMPP log.

Just after XAMPP launched it has shown in the log that there is a conflict in mySQL and indicated the folder where my mySQL Server 5.7 is installed. I removed mySQL 5.7 manually from Program Files (x86) and ProgramData folder, restarted and XAMPP mySQL started normally then.

I've tried only stopping the mySQL service but for me it didn't work. Only manually deleting all mySQL 5.7 folders seemed to have helped.

Sending a notification from a service in Android

public void PushNotification()
    NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
    Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder(context);
    Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);
    PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context,0,notificationIntent,0);


    Notification notification =;

Media Player called in state 0, error (-38,0)

I met the same problem just before,the friend at the first floor was right,you called the start() at the wrong time,you should set a listener for prepare() or prepareSync() with this method mediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(this); before prepare,in this callback call start().It may resolve your problem. I have tried already.

Convert string to Boolean in javascript

trick string to boolean conversion in javascript. e.g.

var bool= "true";
console.log(bool==true) //false

var bool_con = JSON.parse(bool);

console.log(bool_con==true) //true

How to add a footer to the UITableView?

instead of

self.theTable.tableFooterView = tableFooter;


[self.theTable.tableFooterView addSubview:tableFooter];

How to discard all changes made to a branch?

If you don't want any changes in design and definitely want it to just match a remote's branch, you can also just delete the branch and recreate it:

# Switch to some branch other than design
$ git br -D design
$ git co -b design origin/design            # Will set up design to track origin's design branch

MVC Calling a view from a different controller

To directly answer your question if you want to return a view that belongs to another controller you simply have to specify the name of the view and its folder name.

public class CommentsController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View("../Articles/Index", model );


public class ArticlesController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

Also, you're talking about using a read and write method from one controller in another. I think you should directly access those methods through a model rather than calling into another controller as the other controller probably returns html.

How do you set the EditText keyboard to only consist of numbers on Android?

I think you used somehow the right way to show the number only on the keyboard so better try the given line with xml in your edit text and it will work perfectly so here the code is-


In case any doubt you can again ask to me i'll try to completely sort out your problem. Thanks

What is the best way to left align and right align two div tags?

As an alternative way to floating:

    .right,.left{width:50%; position:absolute;}
<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="left"></div>
    <div class="right"></div>

Considering that there's no necessity to position the .left div as absolute (depending on your direction, this could be the .right one) due to that would be in the desired position in natural flow of html code.

SELECTING with multiple WHERE conditions on same column

Change AND to OR. Simple mistake. Think of it like plain English, I want to select anything with that equals this or that.

Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time

As ping works, but telnetto port 80 does not, the HTTP port 80 is closed on your machine. I assume that your browser's HTTP connection goes through a proxy (as browsing works, how else would you read stackoverflow?). You need to add some code to your python program, that handles the proxy, like described here:

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python

Rounding BigDecimal to *always* have two decimal places

value = value.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING)

How to call Stored Procedure in a View?

If you are using Sql Server 2005 you can use table valued functions. You can call these directly and pass paramters, whilst treating them as if they were tables.

For more info check out Table-Valued User-Defined Functions

How do I disable form resizing for users?

Use the FormBorderStyle property of your Form:

this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;

Why SQL Server throws Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric?

Numeric defines the TOTAL number of digits, and then the number after the decimal.

A numeric(3,2) can only hold up to 9.99.

Check if string begins with something?

First, lets extend the string object. Thanks to Ricardo Peres for the prototype, I think using the variable 'string' works better than 'needle' in the context of making it more readable.

String.prototype.beginsWith = function (string) {
    return(this.indexOf(string) === 0);

Then you use it like this. Caution! Makes the code extremely readable.

var pathname = window.location.pathname;
if (pathname.beginsWith('/sub/1')) {
    // Do stuff here

SQL Server database restore error: specified cast is not valid. (SqlManagerUI)

Below can be 2 reasons for this issue:

  1. Backup taken on SQL 2012 and Restore Headeronly was done in SQL 2008 R2

  2. Backup media is corrupted.

If we run below command, we can find actual error always:

restore headeronly
from disk = 'C:\Users\Public\Database.bak'

Give complete location of your database file in the quot

Hope it helps

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute

Circular imports cause problems, but Python has ways to mitigate it built-in.

The problem is when you run python, it runs but not mark it imported as a module. So in turn -> imports module b -> imports module a -> imports module b. The last import a no-op since b is currently being imported and Python guards against that. And b is an empty module for now. So when it executes b.hi(), it can't find anything.

Note that the b.hi() that got executed is during -> module b -> module a, not in directly.

In your specific example, you can just run python -c 'import a' at top-level, so the first execution of is registered as importing a module.

Pass row number as variable in excel sheet

An alternative is to use OFFSET:

Assuming the column value is stored in B1, you can use the following

C1 = OFFSET(A1, 0, B1 - 1)

This works by:

a) taking a base cell (A1)
b) adding 0 to the row (keeping it as A)
c) adding (A5 - 1) to the column

You can also use another value instead of 0 if you want to change the row value too.

How to add facebook share button on my website?

For your own specific server or different pages & image button you could use something like this (PHP only)

<a href="'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a>

I cannot share the snippet with this but you will get the idea...

How to change current working directory using a batch file

A simpler syntax might be

pushd %root%

Possible reasons for timeout when trying to access EC2 instance

If you've just created a new instance and can't connect to it, I was able to solve the issue by terminating that one and creating a new one. Of course this will only work if it's a new instance and you haven't done any more work on it.

How to use SVG markers in Google Maps API v3

Things are going better, right now you can use SVG files.

        marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: {lat: 36.720426, lng: -4.412573},
            map: map,
            draggable: true,
            icon: "img/tree.svg"

Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist

When you run npm install command some time internet issue problem, Files in node_modules\react-native\third-party is not properly downloaded so please check this is properly downloaded or not if no please remove node_modules and install it again

then run react-native run-ios command