Programs & Examples On #Timeout

The timeout term refers to a predefined period of time allowed to elapse before an event is to occur. Timeout may also refer to an event that takes place after a specified period of time elapses.

Handling urllib2's timeout? - Python

There are very few cases where you want to use except:. Doing this captures any exception, which can be hard to debug, and it captures exceptions including SystemExit and KeyboardInterupt, which can make your program annoying to use..

At the very simplest, you would catch urllib2.URLError:

    urllib2.urlopen("", timeout = 1)
except urllib2.URLError, e:
    raise MyException("There was an error: %r" % e)

The following should capture the specific error raised when the connection times out:

import urllib2
import socket

class MyException(Exception):

    urllib2.urlopen("", timeout = 1)
except urllib2.URLError, e:
    # For Python 2.6
    if isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout):
        raise MyException("There was an error: %r" % e)
        # reraise the original error
except socket.timeout, e:
    # For Python 2.7
    raise MyException("There was an error: %r" % e)

Session timeout in ASP.NET

Since ASP.Net core 1.0 (vNext or whatever name is used for it) sessions are implemented differently. I changed the session timeout value in Startup.cs, void ConfigureServices using:

services.AddSession(options => options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(42));

Or if you want to use the appsettings.json file, you can do something like:

// Appsettings.json
"SessionOptions": {
    "IdleTimeout": "00:30:00"

// Startup.cs
services.AddSession(options => options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.Parse(Config.GetSection("SessionOptions")["IdleTimeout"]));

While variable is not defined - wait

You can use this:

var refreshIntervalId = null;
refreshIntervalId = setInterval(checkIfVariableIsSet, 1000);

var checkIfVariableIsSet = function()
    if(typeof someVariable !== 'undefined'){

Spring Boot REST API - request timeout?

You need to return a Callable<> if you want spring.mvc.async.request-timeout=5000 to work.

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Callable<String> getFoobar() throws InterruptedException {
    return new Callable<String>() {
        public String call() throws Exception {
            Thread.sleep(8000); //this will cause a timeout
            return "foobar";

What is default session timeout in ASP.NET?

The Default Expiration Period for Session is 20 Minutes.

You can update sessionstate and configure the minutes under timeout


Python socket receive - incoming packets always have a different size

That's the nature of TCP: the protocol fills up packets (lower layer being IP packets) and sends them. You can have some degree of control over the MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit).

In other words: you must devise a protocol that rides on top of TCP where your "payload delineation" is defined. By "payload delineation" I mean the way you extract the unit of message your protocol supports. This can be as simple as "every NULL terminated strings".

Execute a shell function with timeout

I have a slight modification of @Tiago Lopo's answer that can handle commands with multiple arguments. I've also tested TauPan's solution, but it does not work if you use it multiple times in a script, while Tiago's does.

function timeout_cmd { 
  local arr
  local cmd
  local timeout

  arr=( "$@" )

  # timeout: first arg
  # cmd: the other args
  cmd=( "${arr[@]:1}" )

    eval "${cmd[@]}" &

    echo "child: $child"
    trap -- "" SIGTERM 
      sleep "$timeout"
      kill "$child" 2> /dev/null 
    ) &     
    wait "$child"

Here's a fully functional script thant you can use to test the function above:

$ ./ -h
Usage: [-n] [-r REPEAT] [-s SLEEP_TIME] [-t TIMEOUT] -h

Test timeout_cmd function.

  -n              Dry run, do not actually sleep. 
  -r REPEAT       Reapeat everything multiple times [default: 1].
  -s SLEEP_TIME   Sleep for SLEEP_TIME seconds [default: 5].
  -t TIMEOUT      Timeout after TIMEOUT seconds [default: no timeout].

For example you cnal launch like this:

$ ./ -r 2 -s 5 -t 3
Try no: 1
  - Set timeout to: 3
child: 2540
    -> retval: 143
    -> The command timed out
Try no: 2
  - Set timeout to: 3
child: 2593
    -> retval: 143
    -> The command timed out
#!/usr/bin/env bash

#shellcheck disable=SC2128
SOURCED=false && [ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ] || SOURCED=true

if ! $SOURCED; then
  set -euo pipefail

#################### helpers
function check_posint() {
  local re='^[0-9]+$'
  local mynum="$1"
  local option="$2"

  if ! [[ "$mynum" =~ $re ]] ; then
     (echo -n "Error in option '$option': " >&2)
     (echo "must be a positive integer, got $mynum." >&2)
     exit 1

  if ! [ "$mynum" -gt 0 ] ; then
     (echo "Error in option '$option': must be positive, got $mynum." >&2)
     exit 1
#################### end: helpers

#################### usage
function short_usage() {
  (>&2 echo \
"Usage: [-n] [-r REPEAT] [-s SLEEP_TIME] [-t TIMEOUT] -h"

function usage() {
  (>&2 short_usage )
  (>&2 echo \
Test timeout_cmd function.

  -n              Dry run, do not actually sleep. 
  -r REPEAT       Reapeat everything multiple times [default: 1].
  -s SLEEP_TIME   Sleep for SLEEP_TIME seconds [default: 5].
  -t TIMEOUT      Timeout after TIMEOUT seconds [default: no timeout].
#################### end: usage


while getopts ":hnr:s:t:" opt; do
  case $opt in
      check_posint "$OPTARG" '-r'

      check_posint "$OPTARG" '-s'

      check_posint "$OPTARG" '-t'

      (>&2 echo "Error. Invalid option: -$OPTARG.")
      (>&2 echo "Try -h to get help")
      exit 1
      (>&2 echo "Error.Option -$OPTARG requires an argument.")
      (>&2 echo "Try -h to get help")
      exit 1

if $help_flag; then
  exit 0

#################### utils
if $dryrun_flag; then
  function wrap_run() {
    ( echo -en "[dry run]\\t" )
    ( echo "$@" )
  function wrap_run() { "$@"; }

# Execute a shell function with timeout
function timeout_cmd { 
  local arr
  local cmd
  local timeout

  arr=( "$@" )

  # timeout: first arg
  # cmd: the other args
  cmd=( "${arr[@]:1}" )

    eval "${cmd[@]}" &

    echo "child: $child"
    trap -- "" SIGTERM 
      sleep "$timeout"
      kill "$child" 2> /dev/null 
    ) &     
    wait "$child"

function sleep_func() {
  local secs
  local waitsec

  while [ "$secs" -gt 0 ]; do
   echo -ne "$secs\033[0K\r"
   sleep "$waitsec"


command=("wrap_run" \
         "sleep_func" "${SLEEP_TIME}"

for i in $(seq 1 "$REPEAT"); do
  echo "Try no: $i"

  if [ "$TIMEOUT" -gt 0 ]; then
    echo "  - Set timeout to: $TIMEOUT"
    set +e
    timeout_cmd "$TIMEOUT" "${command[@]}"
    set -e

    echo "    -> retval: $retval"
    # check if (retval % 128) == SIGTERM (== 15)
    if [[ "$((retval % 128))" -eq 15 ]]; then
      echo "    -> The command timed out"
    echo "  - No timeout"

echo "Done!"

exit 0

How to set timeout in Retrofit library?

public class ApiClient {
    private static Retrofit retrofit = null;
    private static final Object LOCK = new Object();

    public static void clear() {
        synchronized (LOCK) {
            retrofit = null;

    public static Retrofit getClient() {
        synchronized (LOCK) {
            if (retrofit == null) {

                Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()

                OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
                        .connectTimeout(40, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                        .readTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                        .writeTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

                retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
            return retrofit;


    public static RequestBody plain(String content) {
        return getRequestBody("text/plain", content);

    public static RequestBody getRequestBody(String type, String content) {
        return RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse(type), content);

Call<DesignListModel> getProjectDesign(
        @Field("project_id") String project_id);

Call<BoqListModel> getUpLoadDesign(
        @Part("user_id") RequestBody user_id,
        @Part("request_id") RequestBody request_id,
        @Part List<MultipartBody.Part> image_file,
        @Part List<MultipartBody.Part> design_upload_doc);

private void getMyProjectList()

    ApiInterface apiService = ApiClient.getClient().create(ApiInterface.class);
    Call<MyProjectListModel> call = apiService.getMyProjectList("",Sorting,latitude,longitude,Search,Offset+"",Limit);
    call.enqueue(new Callback<MyProjectListModel>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<MyProjectListModel> call, Response<MyProjectListModel> response) {
            try {

            } catch (Exception e)
                Log.e("onResponse: ", e.toString());
        public void onFailure(Call<MyProjectListModel> call, Throwable t)
            Log.e( "onFailure: ",t.toString());

// file upload

private void getUpload(String path,String id)

        ApiInterface apiService = ApiClient.getClient().create(ApiInterface.class);
        MultipartBody.Part GalleryImage = null;
        if (path!="")
            File file = new File(path);
            RequestBody reqFile = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("multipart/form-data"), file);
            GalleryImage = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("image", file.getName(), reqFile);

        RequestBody UserId = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), id);
        Call<uplod_file> call = apiService.geUplodFileCall(UserId,GalleryImage);
        call.enqueue(new Callback<uplod_file>() {
            public void onResponse(Call<uplod_file> call, Response<uplod_file> response) {
                try {

                } catch (Exception e)
                    Log.e("onResponse: ", e.toString());
            public void onFailure(Call<uplod_file> call, Throwable t)
                Log.e( "onFailure: ",t.toString());

    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.4.0'
    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.4.0'

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The statement has been terminated

We've had hard times on Timeout expired/max pool reached Sqlexception. As a workarround and to prevent restarting the server or the service we modify the MAX SERVER MEMORY variable in SQL Server (either through SQL Managment Studio or T-SQL):

DECLARE @maxMem INT = 3000 --Max. memory for SQL Server instance in MB
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1

This temporarily fixes the issue until it happens again. In our case we suspect that it has to do with connection leaks at app level.

Java HTTP Client Request with defined timeout

This was already mentioned in a comment by benvoliot above. But, I think it's worth a top-level post because it sure had me scratching my head. I'm posting this in case it helps someone else out.

I wrote a simple test client and the CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT timeout works perfectly in that case. The request gets canceled if the server doesn't respond.

Inside the server code I was actually trying to test however, the identical code never times out.

Changing it to time out on the socket connection activity (CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT) rather than the HTTP connection (CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) fixed the problem for me.

Also, read the Apache docs carefully:

Note the bit that says

Please note this parameter can only be applied to connections that are bound to a particular local address.

I hope that saves someone else all the head scratching I went through. That will teach me not to read the documentation thoroughly!

Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery

See InnerFade.

<script type="text/javascript">

    function() {
            speed: 'slow',
            timeout: 10000,
            type: 'sequence',
            containerheight: '220px'
<ul id="portfolio">
        <a href="">
        <img src="images/ggbg.gif" alt="Good Guy bad Guy" />
        <a href="">
        <img src="images/whizzkids.gif" alt="Whizzkids" />
        <a href="">
        <img src="images/km.jpg" alt="Königin Mutter" />
        <a href="">
        <img src="images/rt_arch.jpg" alt="RT Hybride Archivierung" />
        <a href="">
        <img src="images/tuev.jpg" alt="TÜV SÜD Gruppe" />

MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds

Please see this link seems like they moved to native MYSQL support in PHP5.3 and it has some trouble working with IPV6. Try using "" instead of "localhost"

How to set a timeout on a http.request() in Node?

At this moment there is a method to do this directly on the request object:

request.setTimeout(timeout, function() {

This is a shortcut method that binds to the socket event and then creates the timeout.

Reference: Node.js v0.8.8 Manual & Documentation

How to increase the timeout period of web service in

In app.config file (or .exe.config) you can add or change the "receiveTimeout" property in binding. like this

<binding name="WebServiceName" receiveTimeout="00:00:59" />

Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout

I get this a lot. I'm on a Galaxy S too. I unplug the cable from the phone, plug it back in and try launching the app again from Eclipse, and it usually does the trick. Eclipse seems to lose the connection to the phone occasionally but this seems to kick it back to life.

Timeout jQuery effects

Ben Alman wrote a sweet plugin for jQuery called doTimeout. It has a lot of nice features!

Check it out here: jQuery doTimeout: Like setTimeout, but better.

PHP sessions default timeout

You can set the session time out in php.ini. The default value is 1440 seconds

session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

; NOTE: If you are using the subdirectory option for storing session files
;       (see session.save_path above), then garbage collection does *not*
;       happen automatically.  You will need to do your own garbage
;       collection through a shell script, cron entry, or some other method.
;       For example, the following script would is the equivalent of
;       setting session.gc_maxlifetime to 1440 (1440 seconds = 24 minutes):
;          find /path/to/sessions -cmin +24 -type f | xargs rm

PHP Session timeout

Byterbit solution is problematic because:

  1. having the client control expiration of a server side cookie is a security issue.
  2. if expiration timeout set on server side is smaller than the timeout set on client side, the page would not reflect the actual state of the cookie.
  3. even if for the sake of comfort in development stage, this is a problem because it won't reflect the right behaviour (in timing) on release stage.

for cookies, setting expiration via session.cookie_lifetime is the right solution design-wise and security-wise! for expiring the session, you can use session.gc_maxlifetime.

expiring the cookies by calling session_destroy might yield unpredictable results because they might have already been expired.

making the change in php.ini is also a valid solution but it makes the expiration global for the entire domain which might not be what you really want - some pages might choose to keep some cookies more than others.

How to put a delay on AngularJS instant search?

I think the easiest way here is to preload the json or load it once on$dirty and then the filter search will take care of the rest. This'll save you the extra http calls and its much faster with preloaded data. Memory will hurt, but its worth it.

Java: set timeout on a certain block of code?

If it is test code you want to time, then you can use the time attribute:

@Test(timeout = 1000)  
public void shouldTakeASecondOrLess()

If it is production code, there is no simple mechanism, and which solution you use depends upon whether you can alter the code to be timed or not.

If you can change the code being timed, then a simple approach is is to have your timed code remember it's start time, and periodically the current time against this. E.g.

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// .. do stuff ..
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime;
if (elapsed>timeout)
   throw new RuntimeException("tiomeout");

If the code itself cannot check for timeout, you can execute the code on another thread, and wait for completion, or timeout.

    Callable<ResultType> run = new Callable<ResultType>()
        public ResultType call() throws Exception
            // your code to be timed

    RunnableFuture future = new FutureTask(run);
    ExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    ResultType result = null;
        result = future.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);    // wait 1 second
    catch (TimeoutException ex)
        // timed out. Try to stop the code if possible.

Adjusting HttpWebRequest Connection Timeout in C#

Something I found later which helped, is the .ReadWriteTimeout property. This, in addition to the .Timeout property seemed to finally cut down on the time threads would spend trying to download from a problematic server. The default time for .ReadWriteTimeout is 5 minutes, which for my application was far too long.

So, it seems to me:

.Timeout = time spent trying to establish a connection (not including lookup time) .ReadWriteTimeout = time spent trying to read or write data after connection established

More info: HttpWebRequest.ReadWriteTimeout Property


Per @KyleM's comment, the Timeout property is for the entire connection attempt, and reading up on it at MSDN shows:

Timeout is the number of milliseconds that a subsequent synchronous request made with the GetResponse method waits for a response, and the GetRequestStream method waits for a stream. The Timeout applies to the entire request and response, not individually to the GetRequestStream and GetResponse method calls. If the resource is not returned within the time-out period, the request throws a WebException with the Status property set to WebExceptionStatus.Timeout.

(Emphasis mine.)

Does file_get_contents() have a timeout setting?

Yes! By passing a stream context in the third parameter:

Here with a timeout of 1s:

file_get_contents("", 0, stream_context_create(["http"=>["timeout"=>1]]));

Source in comment section of

HTTP context options:


Other contexts:

How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java

HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams();
            HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(httpParameters, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
            HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(httpParameters, true);

            // Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is
            // established.
            // The default value is zero, that means the timeout is not used.
            int timeoutConnection = 35 * 1000;
            // Set the default socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT)
            // in milliseconds which is the timeout for waiting for data.
            int timeoutSocket = 30 * 1000;
            HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParameters, timeoutSocket); Read timed out under Tomcat

Server is trying to read data from the request, but its taking longer than the timeout value for the data to arrive from the client. Timeout here would typically be tomcat connector -> connectionTimeout attribute.


Client has a read timeout set, and server is taking longer than that to respond.

No. That would cause a timeout at the client.

One of the threads i went through, said this can happen with high concurrency and if the keepalive is enabled.

That is obviously guesswork, and completely incorrect. It happens if and only if no data arrives within the timeout. Period. Load and keepalive and concurrency have nothing to do with it whatsoever.

It just means the client isn't sending. You don't need to worry about it. Browser clients come and go in all sorts of strange ways.

How to trigger an event in input text after I stop typing/writing?

cleaned solution :

$.fn.donetyping = function(callback, delay){
  delay || (delay = 1000);
  var timeoutReference;
  var doneTyping = function(elt){
    if (!timeoutReference) return;
    timeoutReference = null;

    var self = $(this);
      if(timeoutReference) clearTimeout(timeoutReference);
      timeoutReference = setTimeout(function(){
      }, delay);

  return this;

NGINX: upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream

I think this error can happen for various reasons, but it can be specific to the module you're using. For example I saw this using the uwsgi module, so had to set "uwsgi_read_timeout".

Spring Boot Java Config Set Session Timeout

  • Spring Boot version 1.0: server.session.timeout=1200
  • Spring Boot version 2.0: server.servlet.session.timeout=10m
    NOTE: If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used.

Timeout a command in bash without unnecessary delay

This solution works regardless of bash monitor mode. You can use the proper signal to terminate your_command

( your_command ) & pid=$!
( sleep $TIMEOUT && kill -HUP $pid ) 2>/dev/null & watcher=$!
wait $pid 2>/dev/null && pkill -HUP -P $watcher

The watcher kills your_command after given timeout; the script waits for the slow task and terminates the watcher. Note that wait does not work with processes which are children of a different shell.


  • your_command runs more than 2 seconds and was terminated

your_command interrupted

( sleep 20 ) & pid=$!
( sleep 2 && kill -HUP $pid ) 2>/dev/null & watcher=$!
if wait $pid 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "your_command finished"
    pkill -HUP -P $watcher
    wait $watcher
    echo "your_command interrupted"
  • your_command finished before the timeout (20 seconds)

your_command finished

( sleep 2 ) & pid=$!
( sleep 20 && kill -HUP $pid ) 2>/dev/null & watcher=$!
if wait $pid 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "your_command finished"
    pkill -HUP -P $watcher
    wait $watcher
    echo "your_command interrupted"

How to configure socket connect timeout

I found this. Simpler than the accepted answer, and works with .NET v2

Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

// Connect using a timeout (5 seconds)

IAsyncResult result = socket.BeginConnect( sIP, iPort, null, null );

bool success = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne( 5000, true );

if ( socket.Connected )
    socket.EndConnect( result );

     throw new ApplicationException("Failed to connect server.");


Setting Timeout Value For .NET Web Service

After creating your client specifying the binding and endpoint address, you can assign an OperationTimeout,

client.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);

How can I tell when HttpClient has timed out?

I found that the best way to determine if the service call has timed out is to use a cancellation token and not the HttpClient's timeout property:

var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

And then handle the CancellationException during the service call...

        // Timed Out
        // Cancelled for some other reason

Of course if the timeout occurs on the service side of things, that should be able to handled by a WebException.

How to dispatch a Redux action with a timeout?

Using Redux-saga

As Dan Abramov said, if you want more advanced control over your async code, you might take a look at redux-saga.

This answer is a simple example, if you want better explanations on why redux-saga can be useful for your application, check this other answer.

The general idea is that Redux-saga offers an ES6 generators interpreter that permits you to easily write async code that looks like synchronous code (this is why you'll often find infinite while loops in Redux-saga). Somehow, Redux-saga is building its own language directly inside Javascript. Redux-saga can feel a bit difficult to learn at first, because you need basic understanding of generators, but also understand the language offered by Redux-saga.

I'll try here to describe here the notification system I built on top of redux-saga. This example currently runs in production.

Advanced notification system specification

  • You can request a notification to be displayed
  • You can request a notification to hide
  • A notification should not be displayed more than 4 seconds
  • Multiple notifications can be displayed at the same time
  • No more than 3 notifications can be displayed at the same time
  • If a notification is requested while there are already 3 displayed notifications, then queue/postpone it.


Screenshot of my production app



Here I named the notification a toast but this is a naming detail.

function* toastSaga() {

    // Some config constants
    const MaxToasts = 3;
    const ToastDisplayTime = 4000;

    // Local generator state: you can put this state in Redux store
    // if it's really important to you, in my case it's not really
    let pendingToasts = []; // A queue of toasts waiting to be displayed
    let activeToasts = []; // Toasts currently displayed

    // Trigger the display of a toast for 4 seconds
    function* displayToast(toast) {
        if ( activeToasts.length >= MaxToasts ) {
            throw new Error("can't display more than " + MaxToasts + " at the same time");
        activeToasts = [...activeToasts,toast]; // Add to active toasts
        yield put(events.toastDisplayed(toast)); // Display the toast (put means dispatch)
        yield call(delay,ToastDisplayTime); // Wait 4 seconds
        yield put(events.toastHidden(toast)); // Hide the toast
        activeToasts = _.without(activeToasts,toast); // Remove from active toasts

    // Everytime we receive a toast display request, we put that request in the queue
    function* toastRequestsWatcher() {
        while ( true ) {
            // Take means the saga will block until TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED action is dispatched
            const event = yield take(Names.TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED);
            const newToast =;
            pendingToasts = [...pendingToasts,newToast];

    // We try to read the queued toasts periodically and display a toast if it's a good time to do so...
    function* toastScheduler() {
        while ( true ) {
            const canDisplayToast = activeToasts.length < MaxToasts && pendingToasts.length > 0;
            if ( canDisplayToast ) {
                // We display the first pending toast of the queue
                const [firstToast,...remainingToasts] = pendingToasts;
                pendingToasts = remainingToasts;
                // Fork means we are creating a subprocess that will handle the display of a single toast
                yield fork(displayToast,firstToast);
                // Add little delay so that 2 concurrent toast requests aren't display at the same time
                yield call(delay,300);
            else {
                yield call(delay,50);

    // This toast saga is a composition of 2 smaller "sub-sagas" (we could also have used fork/spawn effects here, the difference is quite subtile: it depends if you want toastSaga to block)
    yield [

And the reducer:

const reducer = (state = [],event) => {
    switch ( {
        case Names.TOAST_DISPLAYED:
            return [...state,];
        case Names.TOAST_HIDDEN:
            return _.without(state,;
            return state;


You can simply dispatch TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED events. If you dispatch 4 requests, only 3 notifications will be displayed, and the 4th one will appear a bit later once the 1st notification disappears.

Note that I don't specifically recommend dispatching TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED from JSX. You'd rather add another saga that listens to your already-existing app events, and then dispatch the TOAST_DISPLAY_REQUESTED: your component that triggers the notification, does not have to be tightly coupled to the notification system.


My code is not perfect but runs in production with 0 bugs for months. Redux-saga and generators are a bit hard initially but once you understand them this kind of system is pretty easy to build.

It's even quite easy to implement more complex rules, like:

  • when too many notifications are "queued", give less display-time for each notification so that the queue size can decrease faster.
  • detect window size changes, and change the maximum number of displayed notifications accordingly (for example, desktop=3, phone portrait = 2, phone landscape = 1)

Honnestly, good luck implementing this kind of stuff properly with thunks.

Note you can do exactly the same kind of thing with redux-observable which is very similar to redux-saga. It's almost the same and is a matter of taste between generators and RxJS.

What is the difference between connection and read timeout for sockets?

  1. What is the difference between connection and read timeout for sockets?

The connection timeout is the timeout in making the initial connection; i.e. completing the TCP connection handshake. The read timeout is the timeout on waiting to read data1. If the server (or network) fails to deliver any data <timeout> seconds after the client makes a socket read call, a read timeout error will be raised.

  1. What does connection timeout set to "infinity" mean? In what situation can it remain in an infinitive loop? and what can trigger that the infinity-loop dies?

It means that the connection attempt can potentially block for ever. There is no infinite loop, but the attempt to connect can be unblocked by another thread closing the socket. (A Thread.interrupt() call may also do the trick ... not sure.)

  1. What does read timeout set to "infinity" mean? In what situation can it remain in an infinite loop? What can trigger that the infinite loop to end?

It means that a call to read on the socket stream may block for ever. Once again there is no infinite loop, but the read can be unblocked by a Thread.interrupt() call, closing the socket, and (of course) the other end sending data or closing the connection.

1 - It is not ... as one commenter thought ... the timeout on how long a socket can be open, or idle.

WCF timeout exception detailed investigation

I'm having a very similar problem. In the past, this has been related to serialization problems. If you are still having this problem, can you verify that you can correctly serialize the objects you are returning. Specifically, if you are using Linq-To-Sql objects that have relationships, there are known serialization problems if you put a back reference on a child object to the parent object and mark that back reference as a DataMember.

You can verify serialization by writing a console app that serializes and deserializes your objects using the DataContractSerializer on the server side and whatever serialization methods your client uses. For example, in our current application, we have both WPF and Compact Framework clients. I wrote a console app to verify that I can serialize using a DataContractSerializer and deserialize using an XmlDesserializer. You might try that.

Also, if you are returning Linq-To-Sql objects that have child collections, you might try to ensure that you have eagerly loaded them on the server side. Sometimes, because of lazy loading, the objects being returned are not populated and may cause the behavior you are seeing where the request is sent to the service method multiple times.

If you have solved this problem, I'd love to hear how because I'm stuck with it too. I have verified that my issue is not serialization so I'm at a loss.

UPDATE: I'm not sure if it will help you any but the Service Trace Viewer Tool just solved my problem after 5 days of very similar experience to yours. By setting up tracing and then looking at the raw XML, I found the exceptions that were causing my serialization problems. It was related to Linq-to-SQL objects that occasionally had more child objects than could be successfully serialized. Adding the following to your web.config file should enable tracing:

    <add name="sharedListener"
         initializeData="c:\Temp\servicetrace.svclog" />
    <source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Verbose, ActivityTracing" >
        <add name="sharedListener" />
    <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging" switchValue="Verbose">
        <add name="sharedListener" />

The resulting file can be opened with the Service Trace Viewer Tool or just in IE to examine the results.

HttpURLConnection timeout settings

If the HTTP Connection doesn't timeout, You can implement the timeout checker in the background thread itself (AsyncTask, Service, etc), the following class is an example for Customize AsyncTask which timeout after certain period

public abstract class AsyncTaskWithTimer<Params, Progress, Result> extends
    AsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result> {

private static final int HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 30000;

protected Result doInBackground(Params... params) {
    return doInBackgroundImpl(params);

private void createTimeoutListener() {
    Thread timeout = new Thread() {
        public void run() {

            final Handler handler = new Handler();
            handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {

                    if (AsyncTaskWithTimer.this != null
                            && AsyncTaskWithTimer.this.getStatus() != Status.FINISHED)
            }, HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT);


abstract protected Result doInBackgroundImpl(Params... params);

A Sample for this

public class AsyncTaskWithTimerSample extends AsyncTaskWithTimer<Void, Void, Void> {

    protected void onCancelled(Void void) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Async Task onCancelled With Result");

    protected void onCancelled() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Async Task onCancelled");

    protected Void doInBackgroundImpl(Void... params) {
        // Do background work
        return null;

javascript: pause setTimeout();

You could look into clearTimeout()

or pause depending on a global variable that is set when a certain condition is hit. Like a button is pressed.

  <button onclick="myBool = true" > pauseTimeout </button>

  var myBool = false;

  var t = setTimeout(function() {if (!mybool) {dosomething()}}, 5000);

Java URLConnection Timeout

I have used similar code for downloading logs from servers. I debug my code and discovered that implementation of URLConnection which is returned is

Abstract class have two attributes connectTimeout and readTimeout and setters are in abstract class. Believe or not implementation have same attributes connectTimeout and readTimeout without setters and attributes from implementation class are used in getInputStream method. So there is no use of setting connectTimeout and readTimeout because they are never used in getInputStream method. In my opinion this is bug in implementation.

My solution for this was to use HttpClient and Get request.

Change Volley timeout duration

Another way of doing it is in custom JsonObjectRequest by:

public RetryPolicy getRetryPolicy() {
    // here you can write a custom retry policy and return it
    return super.getRetryPolicy();

Source: Android Volley Example

Waiting for Target Device to Come Online

In case you are on Mac, ensure that you exit Docker for Mac. This worked for me.

enter image description here

How long will my session last?

If session.cookie_lifetime is 0, the session cookie lives until the browser is quit.

EDIT: Others have mentioned the session.gc_maxlifetime setting. When session garbage collection occurs, the garbage collector will delete any session data that has not been accessed in longer than session.gc_maxlifetime seconds. To set the time-to-live for the session cookie, call session_set_cookie_params() or define the session.cookie_lifetime PHP setting. If this setting is greater than session.gc_maxlifetime, you should increase session.gc_maxlifetime to a value greater than or equal to the cookie lifetime to ensure that your sessions won't expire.

Set SSH connection timeout

The ConnectTimeout option allows you to tell your ssh client how long you're willing to wait for a connection before returning an error. By setting ConnectTimeout to 1, you're effectively saying "try for at most 1 second and then fail if you haven't connected yet".

The problem is that when you connect by name, the DNS lookup can take several seconds. Connecting by IP address is much faster, and may actually work in one second or less. What sinelaw is experiencing is that every attempt to connect by DNS name is failing to occur within one second. The default setting of ConnectTimeout defers to the linux kernel connect timeout, which is usually pretty long.

php timeout - set_time_limit(0); - don't work

I usually use set_time_limit(30) within the main loop (so each loop iteration is limited to 30 seconds rather than the whole script).

I do this in multiple database update scripts, which routinely take several minutes to complete but less than a second for each iteration - keeping the 30 second limit means the script won't get stuck in an infinite loop if I am stupid enough to create one.

I must admit that my choice of 30 seconds for the limit is somewhat arbitrary - my scripts could actually get away with 2 seconds instead, but I feel more comfortable with 30 seconds given the actual application - of course you could use whatever value you feel is suitable.

Hope this helps!

How to set session timeout dynamically in Java web applications?

Instead of using a ServletContextListener, use a HttpSessionListener.

In the sessionCreated() method, you can set the session timeout programmatically:

public class MyHttpSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener {

  public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent event){
      event.getSession().setMaxInactiveInterval(15 * 60); // in seconds

  public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent event) {}


And don't forget to define the listener in the deployment descriptor:


(or since Servlet version 3.0 you can use @WebListener annotation instead).

Still, I would recommend creating different web.xml files for each application and defining the session timeout there:

    <session-timeout>15</session-timeout> <!-- in minutes -->

Getting "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" even though I'm not using a transaction

I came from Google and I just wanted to add the solution that worked for me. My problem was I was trying to delete records of a huge table that had a lot of FK in cascade so I got the same error as the OP.

I disabled the autocommit and then it worked just adding COMMIT at the end of the SQL sentence. As far as I understood this releases the buffer bit by bit instead of waiting at the end of the command.

To keep with the example of the OP, this should have worked:

mysql> set autocommit=0;

mysql> update customer set account_import_id = 1; commit;

Do not forget to reactivate the autocommit again if you want to leave the MySQL config as before.

mysql> set autocommit=1;

Terminating idle mysql connections

I don't see any problem, unless you are not managing them using a connection pool.

If you use connection pool, these connections are re-used instead of initiating new connections. so basically, leaving open connections and re-use them it is less problematic than re-creating them each time.

How to handle ETIMEDOUT error?

In case if you are using node js, then this could be the possible solution

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const server = app.listen(8080);
server.keepAliveTimeout = 61 * 1000;

How to sleep for five seconds in a batch file/cmd

I wrote a powerbasic program wait.exe, where you pass a millisecond parameter to it in your batch file

wait 3000

the code for the EXE:

  c$ = Command$
  s! = Val(c$)*1000
  Sleep s!         

How to Troubleshoot Intermittent SQL Timeout Errors

Bit of a long shot, but on a lab a while back, we had a situation where a SQL Server appeared unresponsive, not because we had spiked the CPU or anything we could track within SQL Server, it appeared operational to all tests but connections failed under some load.

The issue turned out to be due to the volume of traffic against the server meant we were triggering the in built windows Syn Attack Flood Protection within Windows. Annoyingly when you hit this, there is no logged message within windows server, or within SQL - you only see the symtpoms which are connections failing to be made - this is because windows slows down on accepting the messages and let's a queue build. From the connection standpoint, the server appears to not respond when it should (it doesn't even acknowledge the message arrived)

Scroll down to SynAttackProtect and you will see the default in windows server 2003 sp1 onwards was to enable this feature by default. It is a DDOS protection mechanism in effect, and the lack of logging that it is triggering makes it incredibly difficult to detect when your server does this.

It took 3 days within the MS lab before it was figured out.

You mentioned 100 conenctions, we had an app that constantly connected, ran queries and then disconnected, it did not hold the connections open. This meant that we had multiple threads on each machine connectiong doing this, 10 machines, multiple threads per machine, and it was considered enough different connections consistently being made / dropped to trigger the defense.

Whether you are at that level (since it is not a clearly defined threshold by MS) is hard to say.

How to set timeout on python's socket recv method?

try this it uses the underlying C.

timeval = struct.pack('ll', 2, 100)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVTIMEO, timeval)

Tomcat request timeout

You can set the default time out in the server.xml

<Connector URIEncoding="UTF-8" 

phpmyadmin logs out after 1440 secs

Add this line to /

$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 36000;

In /setup/lib/index.lib.php

$cf->getValue('LoginCookieValidity') > 36000;

If you don't already have a .htaccess file for your phpMyAdmin site, create one, and add the following line to override the default PHP session timeout:

php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 36000

I would not recommend altering this value in your main php.ini file, as it will allow a ridiculously long session timeout for all your PHP sites.


How to timeout a thread

There isn't a 100% reliable way to do this for any old task. The task has to be written with this ability in mind.

Core Java libraries like ExecutorService cancel asynchronous tasks with interrupt() calls on the worker thread. So, for example, if the task contains some sort of loop, you should be checking its interrupt status on each iteration. If the task is doing I/O operations, they should be interruptible too—and setting that up can be tricky. In any case, keep in mind that code has to actively check for interrupts; setting an interrupt doesn't necessarily do anything.

Of course, if your task is some simple loop, you can just check the current time at each iteration and give up when a specified timeout has elapsed. A worker thread isn't needed in that case.

Timeout for python requests.get entire response

I believe you can use multiprocessing and not depend on a 3rd party package:

import multiprocessing
import requests

def call_with_timeout(func, args, kwargs, timeout):
    manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
    return_dict = manager.dict()

    # define a wrapper of `return_dict` to store the result.
    def function(return_dict):
        return_dict['value'] = func(*args, **kwargs)

    p = multiprocessing.Process(target=function, args=(return_dict,))

    # Force a max. `timeout` or wait for the process to finish

    # If thread is still active, it didn't finish: raise TimeoutError
    if p.is_alive():
        raise TimeoutError
        return return_dict['value']

call_with_timeout(requests.get, args=(url,), kwargs={'timeout': 10}, timeout=60)

The timeout passed to kwargs is the timeout to get any response from the server, the argument timeout is the timeout to get the complete response.

How to set timeout for a line of c# code

I use something like this (you should add code to deal with the various fails):

    var response = RunTaskWithTimeout<ReturnType>(
        (Func<ReturnType>)delegate { return SomeMethod(someInput); }, 30);

    /// <summary>
    /// Generic method to run a task on a background thread with a specific timeout, if the task fails,
    /// notifies a user
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Return type of function</typeparam>
    /// <param name="TaskAction">Function delegate for task to perform</param>
    /// <param name="TimeoutSeconds">Time to allow before task times out</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private T RunTaskWithTimeout<T>(Func<T> TaskAction, int TimeoutSeconds)
        Task<T> backgroundTask;

            backgroundTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(TaskAction);
            backgroundTask.Wait(new TimeSpan(0, 0, TimeoutSeconds));
        catch (AggregateException ex)
            // task failed
            var failMessage = ex.Flatten().InnerException.Message);
            return default(T);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // task failed
            var failMessage = ex.Message;
            return default(T);

        if (!backgroundTask.IsCompleted)
            // task timed out
            return default(T);

        // task succeeded
        return backgroundTask.Result;

How to set my phpmyadmin user session to not time out so quickly?

To increase the phpMyAdmin Session Timeout, open in the root phpMyAdmin directory and add this setting (anywhere).

$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = <your_new_timeout>;

Where <your_new_timeout> is some number larger than 1800.


Always keep on mind that a short cookie lifetime is all well and good for the development server. So do not do this on your production server.

How to set connection timeout with OkHttp

As of OkHttp3 you can do this through the Builder like so

client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
    .connectTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .writeTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .readTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

You can also view the recipe here.

For older versions, you simply have to do this

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
client.setConnectTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // connect timeout
client.setReadTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);    // socket timeout

Request request = new Request.Builder().url(url).build();
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

Be aware that value set in setReadTimeout is the one used in setSoTimeout on the Socket internally in the OkHttp Connection class.

Not setting any timeout on the OkHttpClient is the equivalent of setting a value of 0 on setConnectTimeout or setReadTimeout and will result in no timeout at all. Description can be found here.

As mentioned by @marceloquinta in the comments setWriteTimeout can also be set.

As of version 2.5.0 read / write / connect timeout values are set to 10 seconds by default as mentioned by @ChristerNordvik. This can be seen here.

How to modify the nodejs request default timeout time?

Linking to express issue #3330

You may set the timeout either globally for entire server:

var server = app.listen();

or just for specific route:'/xxx', function (req, res) {

Express.js Response Timeout

An update if one is using Express 4.2 then the timeout middleware has been removed so need to manually add it with

npm install connect-timeout

and in the code it has to be (Edited as per comment, how to include it in the code)

 var timeout = require('connect-timeout');

How to set ssh timeout?

You could also connect with flag

-o ServerAliveInterval=<secs>
so the SSH client will send a null packet to the server each <secs> seconds, just to keep the connection alive. In Linux this could be also set globally in /etc/ssh/ssh_config or per-user in ~/.ssh/config.

5.7.57 SMTP - Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM error

If you are using office 365 follow this steps:

  1. check the password expiration time using Azure power shell :Get-MsolUser -All | select DisplayName, LastPasswordChangeTimeStamp
  2. Change the password using a new password (not the old one). You can eventually go back to the old password but you need to change it twice.

Hope it helps!

Simple timeout in java

Use this line of code:


It will sleep for 1 second.

How do I set the timeout for a JAX-WS webservice client?

the easiest way to avoid slow retrieval of the remote WSDL when you instantiate your SEI is to not retrieve the WSDL from the remote service endpoint at runtime.

this means that you have to update your local WSDL copy any time the service provider makes an impacting change, but it also means that you have to update your local copy any time the service provider makes an impacting change.

When I generate my client stubs, I tell the JAX-WS runtime to annotate the SEI in such a way that it will read the WSDL from a pre-determined location on the classpath. by default the location is relative to the package location of the Service SEI

    <binding dir="${dao.helter.dir}/src/resources/schema/helter" includes="*.xsd"/>
<copy todir="${dao.helter.dir}/build/bin/generated/com/helter/esp/dao/helter/jaxws/wsdl">
    <fileset dir="${dao.helter.dir}/src/resources/schema/helter" includes="*" />

the wsldLocation attribute tells the SEI where is can find the WSDL, and the copy makes sure that the wsdl (and supporting xsd.. etc..) is in the correct location.

since the location is relative to the SEI's package location, we create a new sub-package (directory) called wsdl, and copy all the wsdl artifacts there.

all you have to do at this point is make sure you include all *.wsdl, *.xsd in addition to all *.class when you create your client-stub artifact jar file.

(in case your curious, the @webserviceClient annotation is where this wsdl location is actually set in the java code

@WebServiceClient(name = "httpServices", targetNamespace = "", wsdlLocation = "./wsdl/helterHttpServices.wsdl")

Using module 'subprocess' with timeout

Was just trying to write something simpler.


from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import datetime
import time 

popen = Popen(["/bin/sleep", "10"]);
pid =
sttime = time.time();
waittime =  3

print "Start time %s"%(sttime)

while True:
    rcode = popen.returncode
    now = time.time();
    if [ rcode is None ]  and  [ now > (sttime + waittime) ] :
        print "Killing it now"

Timeout on a function call

timeout-decorator don't work on windows system as , windows didn't support signal well.

If you use timeout-decorator in windows system you will get the following

AttributeError: module 'signal' has no attribute 'SIGALRM'

Some suggested to use use_signals=False but didn't worked for me.

Author @bitranox created the following package:

pip install

Code Sample:

import time
from wrapt_timeout_decorator import *

def mytest(message):
    for i in range(1,10):
        print('{} seconds have passed'.format(i))

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Gives the following exception:

TimeoutError: Function mytest timed out after 5 seconds

Is it possible to read from a InputStream with a timeout?

If your InputStream is backed by a Socket, you can set a Socket timeout (in milliseconds) using setSoTimeout. If the read() call doesn't unblock within the timeout specified, it will throw a SocketTimeoutException.

Just make sure that you call setSoTimeout on the Socket before making the read() call.

JQuery ajax call default timeout value

The XMLHttpRequest.timeout property represents a number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated. The default value is 0, which means there is no timeout. An important note the timeout shouldn't be used for synchronous XMLHttpRequests requests, used in a document environment or it will throw an InvalidAccessError exception. You may not use a timeout for synchronous requests with an owning window.

IE10 and 11 do not support synchronous requests, with support being phased out in other browsers too. This is due to detrimental effects resulting from making them.

More info can be found here.

Where can I find the default timeout settings for all browsers?

I managed to find network.http.connect.timeout for much older versions of Mozilla:

This preference was one of several added to allow low-level tweaking of the HTTP networking code. After a portion of the same code was significantly rewritten in 2001, the preference ceased to have any effect (as noted in all.js as early as September 2001).

Currently, the timeout is determined by the system-level connection establishment timeout. Adding a way to configure this value is considered low-priority.

It would seem that network.http.connect.timeout hasn't done anything for some time.

I also saw references to network.http.request.timeout, so I did a Google search. The results include lots of links to people recommending that others include it in about:config in what appears to be a mistaken belief that it actually does something, since the same search turns up this about:config entries article:

Pref removed (unused). Previously: HTTP-specific network timeout. Default value is 120.

The same page includes additional information about network.http.connect.timeout:

Pref removed (unused). Previously: determines how long to wait for a response until registering a timeout. Default value is 30.

Disclaimer: The information on the MozillaZine Knowledge Base may be incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date.

Spring RestTemplate timeout

Here are my 2 cents. Nothing new, but some explanations, improvements and newer code.

By default, RestTemplate has infinite timeout. There are two kinds of timeouts: connection timeout and read time out. For instance, I could connect to the server but I could not read data. The application was hanging and you have no clue what's going on.

I am going to use annotations, which these days are preferred over XML.

public class AppConfig {

    public RestTemplate restTemplate() {

        var factory = new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory();


        return new RestTemplate(factory);

Here we use SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory to set the connection and read time outs. It is then passed to the constructor of RestTemplate.

public class AppConfig {

    public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {

        return builder

In the second solution, we use the RestTemplateBuilder. Also notice the parameters of the two methods: they take Duration. The overloaded methods that take directly milliseconds are now deprecated.

Edit Tested with Spring Boot 2.1.0 and Java 11.

Is it possible to set a timeout for an SQL query on Microsoft SQL server?

If you have just one query I don't know how to set timeout on T-SQL level.

However if you have a few queries (i.e. collecting data into temporary tables) inside stored procedure you can just control time of execution with GETDATE(), DATEDIFF() and a few INT variables storing time of execution of each part.

Setting Curl's Timeout in PHP

You can't run the request from a browser, it will timeout waiting for the server running the CURL request to respond. The browser is probably timing out in 1-2 minutes, the default network timeout.

You need to run it from the command line/terminal.

iPhone UILabel text soft shadow

Apply the (soft) shadow on the view's layer, like this:

UILabel *label = [[UIabel alloc] init];
label.layer.shadowColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] CGColor];
label.layer.shadowOpacity = 1.0;

dispatch_after - GCD in Swift?

This worked for me.

Swift 3:

let time1 = 8.23
let time2 = 3.42

// Delay 2 seconds

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2.0) {
    print("Sum of times: \(time1 + time2)")


CGFloat time1 = 3.49;
CGFloat time2 = 8.13;

// Delay 2 seconds

dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(2.0 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
    CGFloat newTime = time1 + time2;
    NSLog(@"New time: %f", newTime);

Convert a Pandas DataFrame to a dictionary

Should a dictionary like:

{'red': '0.500', 'yellow': '0.250, 'blue': '0.125'}

be required out of a dataframe like:

        a      b
0     red  0.500
1  yellow  0.250
2    blue  0.125

simplest way would be to do:


working snippet below:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['red', 'yellow', 'blue'], 'b': [0.5, 0.25, 0.125]})

What is the time complexity of indexing, inserting and removing from common data structures?

Keep in mind that unless you're writing your own data structure (e.g. linked list in C), it can depend dramatically on the implementation of data structures in your language/framework of choice. As an example, take a look at the benchmarks of Apple's CFArray over at Ridiculous Fish. In this case, the data type, a CFArray from Apple's CoreFoundation framework, actually changes data structures depending on how many objects are actually in the array - changing from linear time to constant time at around 30,000 objects.

This is actually one of the beautiful things about object-oriented programming - you don't need to know how it works, just that it works, and the 'how it works' can change depending on requirements.

How to disable GCC warnings for a few lines of code

I know the question is about GCC, but for people looking for how to do this in other and/or multiple compilers…


You might want to take a look at Hedley, which is a public-domain single C/C++ header I wrote which does a lot of this stuff for you. I'll put a quick section about how to use Hedley for all this at the end of this post.

Disabling the warning

#pragma warning (disable: …) has equivalents in most compilers:

  • MSVC: #pragma warning(disable:4996)
  • GCC: #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-W…" where the ellipsis is the name of the warning; e.g., #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations.
  • clang: #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-W…". The syntax is basically the same as GCC's, and many of the warning names are the same (though many aren't).
  • Intel C Compiler: Use the MSVC syntax, but keep in mind that warning numbers are totally different. Example: #pragma warning(disable:1478 1786).
  • PGI/NVidia: There is a diag_suppress pragma: #pragma diag_suppress 1215,1444. Note that all warning numbers increased by one in 20.7 (the first NV HPC release).
  • TI: There is a diag_suppress pragma with the same syntax (but different warning numbers!) as PGI: pragma diag_suppress 1291,1718
  • Oracle Developer Studio (suncc): there is an error_messages pragma. Annoyingly, the warnings are different for the C and C++ compilers. Both of these disable basically the same warnings:
    • C: #pragma error_messages(off,E_DEPRECATED_ATT,E_DEPRECATED_ATT_MESS)
    • C++: #pragma error_messages(off,symdeprecated,symdeprecated2)
  • IAR: also uses diag_suppress like PGI and TI, but the syntax is different. Some of the warning numbers are the same, but I others have diverged: #pragma diag_suppress=Pe1444,Pe1215
  • Pelles C: similar to MSVC, though again the numbers are different #pragma warn(disable:2241)

For most compilers it is often a good idea to check the compiler version before trying to disable it, otherwise you'll just end up triggering another warning. For example, GCC 7 added support for the -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning, so if you care about GCC before 7 you should do something like

#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 7)
#  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"

For clang and compilers based on clang such as newer versions of XL C/C++ and armclang, you can check to see if the compiler knows about a particular warning using the __has_warning() macro.

#if __has_warning("-Wimplicit-fallthrough")
#  pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"

Of course you also have to check to see if the __has_warning() macro exists:

#if defined(__has_warning)
#  if __has_warning("-Wimplicit-fallthrough")
#    pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"
#  endif

You may be tempted to do something like

#if !defined(__has_warning)
#  define __has_warning(warning)

So you can use __has_warning a bit more easily. Clang even suggests something similar for the __has_builtin() macro in their manual. Do not do this. Other code may check for __has_warning and fall back on checking compiler versions if it doesn't exist, and if you define __has_warning you'll break their code. The right way to do this is to create a macro in your namespace. For example:

#if defined(__has_warning)
#  define MY_HAS_WARNING(warning) __has_warning(warning)
#  define MY_HAS_WARNING(warning) (0)

Then you can do stuff like

#if MY_HAS_WARNING(warning)
#  pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 7)
#  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"

Pushing and popping

Many compilers also support a way to push and pop warnings onto a stack. For example, this will disable a warning on GCC for one line of code, then return it to its previous state:

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated"
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

Of course there isn't a lot of agreement across compilers about the syntax:

  • GCC 4.6+: #pragma GCC diagnostic push / #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
  • clang: #pragma clang diagnostic push / #pragma diagnostic pop
  • Intel 13+ (and probably earlier): #pragma warning(push) / #pragma warning(pop)
  • MSVC 15+ (VS 9.0 / 2008): #pragma warning(push) / #pragma warning(pop)
  • ARM 5.6+: #pragma push / #pragma pop
  • TI 8.1+: #pragma diag_push / #pragma diag_pop
  • Pelles C 2.90+ (and probably earlier): #pragma warning(push) / #pragma warning(pop)

If memory serves, for some very old versions of GCC (like 3.x, IIRC) the push/pop pragmas had to be outside of the function.

Hiding the gory details

For most compilers it's possible to hide the logic behind macros using _Pragma, which was introduced in C99. Even in non-C99 mode, most compilers support _Pragma; the big exception is MSVC, which has its own __pragma keyword with a different syntax. The standard _Pragma takes a string, Microsoft's version doesn't:

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#  define PRAGMA_FOO __pragma(foo)
#  define PRAGMA_FOO _Pragma("foo")

Is roughly equivalent, once preprocessed, to

#pragma foo

This lets us create macros so we can write code like


And hide away all the ugly version checks in the macro definitions.

The easy way: Hedley

Now that you understand the mechanics of how to do stuff like this portably while keeping your code clean, you understand what one of my projects, Hedley does. Instead of digging through tons of documentation and/or installing as many versions of as many compilers as you can to test with, you can just include Hedley (it is a single public domain C/C++ header) and be done with it. For example:

#include "hedley.h"


Will disable the warning about calling a deprecated function on GCC, clang, ICC, PGI, MSVC, TI, IAR, ODS, Pelles, and possibly others (I probably won't bother updating this answer as I update Hedley). And, on compilers which aren't known to work, the macros will be preprocessed away to nothing, so your code will continue to work with any compiler. Of course HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED isn't the only warning Hedley knows about, nor is disabling warnings all Hedley can do, but hopefully you get the idea.

How to make a simple image upload using Javascript/HTML

Try this, It supports multi file uploading,

$('#multi_file_upload').change(function(e) {
    var file_id =;

    var file_name_arr = new Array();
    var process_path = site_url + 'public/uploads/';

    for (i = 0; i < $("#" + file_id).prop("files").length; i++) {

        var form_data = new FormData();
        var file_data = $("#" + file_id).prop("files")[i];
        form_data.append("file_name", file_data);

        if (check_multifile_logo($("#" + file_id).prop("files")[i]['name'])) {
                //url         :   site_url + "inc/upload_image.php?width=96&height=60&show_small=1",
                url: site_url + "inc/upload_contact_info.php",
                cache: false,
                contentType: false,
                processData: false,
                async: false,
                data: form_data,
                type: 'post',
                success: function(data) {
                    // display image
        } else {
            $("#" + html_div).html('');
            alert('We only accept JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP files');


function check_multifile_logo(file) {
    var extension = file.substr((file.lastIndexOf('.') + 1))
    if (extension === 'jpg' || extension === 'jpeg' || extension === 'gif' || extension === 'png' || extension === 'bmp') {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

Here #multi_file_upload is the ID of image upload field.

pip install gives error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

I appreciate this might not be the answer to resolving on 3.4 but I tried a huge variety of things to fix this on 3.4 and thought this might be useful if someone is time pressed or doesn't have the know-how to correct it (in my case, work demands).

With exactly the same setup, I found that my installation problems only happened with Python 3.4. When I changed to 2.7, all my issues seemed to be resolved.

We have a rather overzealous security setup though so I'm going to try the same on my home version (still 3.4) and see if I have any more joy. My inclination is that my VS version has somehow been restricted and the answers above should help. If I find anything more tonight I'll add further detail.

This is my first reply, not the most technical I'm afraid!

What is the difference between Subject and BehaviorSubject?

BehaviorSubject keeps in memory the last value that was emitted by the observable. A regular Subject doesn't.

BehaviorSubject is like ReplaySubject with a buffer size of 1.

Converting LastLogon to DateTime format

LastLogon is the last time that the user logged into whichever domain controller you happen to have been load balanced to at the moment that you ran the GET-ADUser cmdlet, and is not replicated across the domain. You really should use LastLogonTimestamp if you want the time the last user logged in to any domain controller in your domain.

Step out of current function with GDB

You can use the finish command.

finish: Continue running until just after function in the selected stack frame returns. Print the returned value (if any). This command can be abbreviated as fin.

(See 5.2 Continuing and Stepping.)

force browsers to get latest js and css files in application

Simplified prior suggestions and providing code for .NET Web Forms developers.

This will accept both relative ("~/") and absolute urls in the file path to the resource.

Put in a static extensions class file, the following:

public static string VersionedContent(this HttpContext httpContext, string virtualFilePath)
    var physicalFilePath = httpContext.Server.MapPath(virtualFilePath);
    if (httpContext.Cache[physicalFilePath] == null)
        httpContext.Cache[physicalFilePath] = ((Page)httpContext.CurrentHandler).ResolveUrl(virtualFilePath) + (virtualFilePath.Contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + "v=" + File.GetLastWriteTime(physicalFilePath).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
    return (string)httpContext.Cache[physicalFilePath];

And then call it in your Master Page as such:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<%= Context.VersionedContent("~/styles/mystyle.css") %>" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= Context.VersionedContent("~/scripts/myjavascript.js") %>"></script>

Remove "whitespace" between div element

Although probably not the best method you could add:

#div1 {

Pandas (python): How to add column to dataframe for index?

How about this:

from pandas import *

idx = Int64Index([171, 174, 173])
df = DataFrame(index = idx, data =([1,2,3]))
print df

It gives me:

171  1
174  2
173  3

Is this what you are looking for?

How to bind event listener for rendered elements in Angular 2?

In order to add an EventListener to an element in angular 2+, we can use the method listen of the Renderer2 service (Renderer is deprecated, so use Renderer2):

listen(target: 'window'|'document'|'body'|any, eventName: string, callback: (event: any) => boolean | void): () => void


export class ListenDemo implements AfterViewInit { 
   private testElement: ElementRef;
   globalInstance: any;       

   constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {

   ngAfterViewInit() {
       this.globalInstance = this.renderer.listen(this.testElement.nativeElement, 'click', () => {
           this.renderer.setStyle(this.testElement.nativeElement, 'color', 'green');


When you use this method to add an event listener to an element in the dom, you should remove this event listener when the component is destroyed

You can do that this way:

ngOnDestroy() {

The way of use of ElementRef in this method should not expose your angular application to a security risk. for more on this referrer to ElementRef security risk angular 2

Eclipse keyboard shortcut to indent source code to the left?

i'd rather go to menu source em click on "Cleanup Document"

Convert array of strings to List<string>

From .Net 3.5 you can use LINQ extension method that (sometimes) makes code flow a bit better.

Usage looks like this:

using System.Linq; 

// ...

public void My()
    var myArray = new[] { "abc", "123", "zyx" };
    List<string> myList = myArray.ToList();

PS. There's also ToArray() method that works in other way.

jQuery if statement, syntax

You can wrap jQuery calls inside normal JavaScript code. So, for example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    if (someCondition && someOtherCondition) {
        // Make some jQuery call.

Value Change Listener to JTextField

DocumentFilter ? It gives you the ability to manipulate.

[ ]

Sorry. J am using Jython (Python in Java) - but easy to understand

# python style
# upper chars [ text.upper() ]

class myComboBoxEditorDocumentFilter( DocumentFilter ):
def __init__(self,jtext):
    self._jtext = jtext

def insertString(self,FilterBypass_fb, offset, text, AttributeSet_attrs):
    txt = self._jtext.getText()
    FilterBypass_fb.insertString(offset, text.upper(), AttributeSet_attrs)

def replace(self,FilterBypass_fb, offset, length, text, AttributeSet_attrs):
    txt = self._jtext.getText()
    print('DocumentFilter-replace:',offset, length, text,'old:',txt)
    FilterBypass_fb.replace(offset, length, text.upper(), AttributeSet_attrs)

def remove(self,FilterBypass_fb, offset, length):
    txt = self._jtext.getText()
    print('DocumentFilter-remove:',offset, length, 'old:',txt)
    FilterBypass_fb.remove(offset, length)

// (java style ~example for ComboBox-jTextField)
cb = new ComboBox();
cb.setEditable( true );
cbEditor = cb.getEditor();
cbEditorComp = cbEditor.getEditorComponent();
cbEditorComp.getDocument().setDocumentFilter(new myComboBoxEditorDocumentFilter(cbEditorComp));

Date format Mapping to JSON Jackson

I want to point out that setting a SimpleDateFormat like described in the other answer only works for a java.util.Date which I assume is meant in the question. But for java.sql.Date the formatter does not work. In my case it was not very obvious why the formatter did not work because in the model which should be serialized the field was in fact a java.utl.Date but the actual object ended up beeing a java.sql.Date. This is possible because

public class java.sql extends java.util.Date

So this is actually valid

java.util.Date date = new java.sql.Date(1542381115815L);

So if you are wondering why your Date field is not correctly formatted make sure that the object is really a java.util.Date.

Here is also mentioned why handling java.sql.Date will not be added.

This would then be breaking change, and I don't think that is warranted. If we were starting from scratch I would agree with the change, but as things are not so much.

How to compare arrays in C#?

You're comparing the object references, and they are not the same. You need to compare the array contents.

.NET2 solution

An option is iterating through the array elements and call Equals() for each element. Remember that you need to override the Equals() method for the array elements, if they are not the same object reference.

An alternative is using this generic method to compare two generic arrays:

static bool ArraysEqual<T>(T[] a1, T[] a2)
    if (ReferenceEquals(a1, a2))
        return true;

    if (a1 == null || a2 == null)
        return false;

    if (a1.Length != a2.Length)
        return false;

    var comparer = EqualityComparer<T>.Default;
    for (int i = 0; i < a1.Length; i++)
        if (!comparer.Equals(a1[i], a2[i])) return false;
    return true;

.NET 3.5 or higher solution

Or use SequenceEqual if Linq is available for you (.NET Framework >= 3.5)

What are the differences between a clustered and a non-clustered index?


Clustered indexes work great for ranges (e.g. select * from my_table where my_key between @min and @max)

In some conditions, the DBMS will not have to do work to sort if you use an orderby statement.


Clustered indexes are can slow down inserts because the physical layouts of the records have to be modified as records are put in if the new keys are not in sequential order.

How do I edit a file after I shell to a Docker container?

You can also use a special container which will contain only the command you need: Vim. I chose python-vim. It assumes that the data you want to edit are in a data container built with the following Dockerfile:

FROM debian:jessie
ENV MY_USER_PASS my_user_pass
RUN groupadd --gid 1001 my_user
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash --home /home/my_user \
            -p $(echo "print crypt("${MY_USER_PASS:-password}", "salt")" | perl) \
            --uid 1001 --gid 1001 my_user
ADD src /home/my_user/src
RUN chown -R my_user:my_user /home/my_user/src
RUN chmod u+x /home/my_user/src
CMD ["true"]

You will be able to edit your data by mounting a Docker volume (src_volume) which will be shared by your data container (src_data) and the python-vim container.

docker volume create --name src_volume
docker build -t src_data .
docker run -d -v src_volume:/home/my_user/src --name src_data_1 src_data
docker run --rm -it -v src_volume:/src fedeg/python-vim:latest

That way, you do not change your containers. You just use a special container for this work.

How do I run git log to see changes only for a specific branch?

If you want only those commits which are done by you in a particular branch, use the below command.

git log branch_name --author='Dyaniyal'

Could not find or load main class with a Jar File

This error comes even if you miss "-" by mistake before the word jar

Wrong command java jar test.jar

Correct command java -jar test.jar

Remove blank attributes from an Object in Javascript

Functional and immutable approach, without .filter and without creating more objects than needed

Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => (obj[key] === undefined ? acc : {...acc, [key]: obj[key]}), {})

How to avoid soft keyboard pushing up my layout?

windowSoftInputMode will either pan or resize your activity layout. One thing that you can do is to attach an onFocusChanged listener to your EditText and when the user selects/taps the EditText then you hide or move your navigation buttons out of the screen. When the EditText loses focus then you can put the navigation buttons back at the bottom of the activity.

C++ vector's insert & push_back difference

The biggest difference is their functionality. push_back always puts a new element at the end of the vector and insert allows you to select new element's position. This impacts the performance. vector elements are moved in the memory only when it's necessary to increase it's length because too little memory was allocated for it. On the other hand insert forces to move all elements after the selected position of a new element. You simply have to make a place for it. This is why insert might often be less efficient than push_back.

Importing PNG files into Numpy?

This can also be done with the Image class of the PIL library:

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

im_frame = + 'file.png')
np_frame = np.array(im_frame.getdata())

Note: The .getdata() might not be needed - np.array(im_frame) should also work

How can I git stash a specific file?

I usually add to index changes I don't want to stash and then stash with --keep-index option.

git add app/controllers/cart_controller.php
git stash --keep-index
git reset

Last step is optional, but usually you want it. It removes changes from index.

Warning As noted in the comments, this puts everything into the stash, both staged and unstaged. The --keep-index just leaves the index alone after the stash is done. This can cause merge conflicts when you later pop the stash.

How do implement a breadth first traversal?

Breadth first search

Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<BinaryTree.TreeNode>() ;
public void breadth(TreeNode root) {
    if (root == null)
        TreeNode node = queue.remove();
        System.out.print(node.element + " ");
        if(node.left != null) queue.add(node.left);
        if(node.right != null) queue.add(node.right);


Is it possible to capture a Ctrl+C signal and run a cleanup function, in a "defer" fashion?

This works:

package main

import (
    "time" // or "runtime"

func cleanup() {

func main() {
    c := make(chan os.Signal)
    signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
    go func() {

    for {
        time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) // or runtime.Gosched() or similar per @misterbee

Getting the current Fragment instance in the viewpager

Simply get the current item from pager and then ask your adapter to the fragment of that position.

 int currentItem = viewPager.getCurrentItem();
    Fragment item = mPagerAdapter.getItem(currentItem);
    if (null != item && item.isVisible()) {
       //do whatever want to do with fragment after doing type checking

Failed to load AppCompat ActionBar with unknown error in android studio

Faced the same problem in Android Studio 3.1.3

Just go to style.xml file

and replace Theme name

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">


<style name="AppTheme" parent="Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">

Then clean and rebuild the project.This will solve the error.

Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery

Here is something to get you started

$('form') // match your correct form 
.find('input[type!=submit], input[type!=reset]') // don't reset submit or reset
.val(''); // set their value to blank

Of course, if you have checkboxes/radio buttons, you'll need to modify this to include them as well and set .attr({'checked': false});

edit Paolo's answer is more concise. My answer is more wordy because I did not know about the :input selector, nor did I think about simply removing the checked attribute.

Python's equivalent of && (logical-and) in an if-statement

Use of "and" in conditional. I often use this when importing in Jupyter Notebook:

def find_local_py_scripts():
    import os # does not cost if already imported
    for entry in os.scandir('.'):
        # find files ending with .py
        if entry.is_file() and".py") :
            print("- ",


How to make a HTML Page in A4 paper size page(s)?

Technically, you could, but it would take a lot of work to get all browsers to print out the page exactly as it is displayed on screen. Also, most browsers force the URL, print date and page numbering on the print-out, which is not always desired. This cannot be altered or disabled.

Instead, I would advise to create a PDF based on the contents on screen and serve the PDF for downloading and/or printing. Although most available PDF libraries are paid, there are a few free alternatives available for creating basic PDFs.

Logout button php

When you want to destroy a session completely, you need to do more then just


First, you should unset any session variables. Then you should destroy the session followed by closing the write of the session. This can be done by the following:

header('Location: /');

The reason you want have a separate script for a logout is so that you do not accidently execute it on the page. So make a link to your logout script, then the header will redirect to the root of your site.


You need to remove the () from your exit code near the top of your script. it should just be


How to concatenate two layers in keras?

Adding to the above-accepted answer so that it helps those who are using tensorflow 2.0

import tensorflow as tf

# some data
c1 = tf.constant([[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], dtype=tf.float32)
c2 = tf.constant([[2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]], dtype=tf.float32)
c3 = tf.constant([[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]], dtype=tf.float32)

# bake layers x1, x2, x3
x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(c1)
x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(c2)
x3 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(c3)

# merged layer y1
y1 = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([x1, x2])

# merged layer y2
y2 = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([y1, x3])

# print info
print("x1", x1.shape, "x2", x2.shape, "x3", x3.shape)
print("y1", y1.shape)
print("y2", y2.shape)


x1 (2, 10) x2 (2, 10) x3 (2, 10)
y1 (2, 20)
y2 (2, 30)

How do I log a Python error with debug information?

One nice thing about logging.exception that SiggyF's answer doesn't show is that you can pass in an arbitrary message, and logging will still show the full traceback with all the exception details:

import logging
except ZeroDivisionError:
    logging.exception("Deliberate divide by zero traceback")

With the default (in recent versions) logging behaviour of just printing errors to sys.stderr, it looks like this:

>>> import logging
>>> try:
...     1/0
... except ZeroDivisionError:
...     logging.exception("Deliberate divide by zero traceback")
ERROR:root:Deliberate divide by zero traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

How to remove text from a string?

var ret = "data-123".replace('data-','');_x000D_
console.log(ret);   //prints: 123


For all occurrences to be discarded use:

var ret = "data-123".replace(/data-/g,'');

PS: The replace function returns a new string and leaves the original string unchanged, so use the function return value after the replace() call.

"X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE"

In certain cases, it might be necessary to restrict the display of a webpage to a document mode supported by an earlier version of Internet Explorer. You can do this by serving the page with an x-ua-compatible header. For more info, see Specifying legacy document modes.

Thus this tag is used to future proof the webpage, such that the older / compatible engine is used to render it the same way as intended by the creator.

Make sure that you have checked it to work properly with the IE version you specify.

Casting to string in JavaScript

On this page you can test the performance of each method yourself :)

here, on all machines and browsers, ' "" + str ' is the fastest one, (String)str is the slowest

MVC controller : get JSON object from HTTP body?

you can get the json string as a param of your ActionResult and afterwards serialize it using JSON.Net

HERE an example is being shown

in order to receive it in the serialized form as a param of the controller action you must either write a custom model binder or a Action filter (OnActionExecuting) so that the json string is serialized into the model of your liking and is available inside the controller body for use.

HERE is an implementation using the dynamic object

Linq Query Group By and Selecting First Items

var result = list.GroupBy(x => x.Category).Select(x => x.First())

Breaking up long strings on multiple lines in Ruby without stripping newlines

I modified Zack's answer since I wanted spaces and interpolation but not newlines and used:

  It's a nice day "#{name}"
  for a walk!
].join(' ')

where name = 'fred' this produces It's a nice day "fred" for a walk!

Multiple arguments to function called by pthread_create()?

The args of print_the_arguments is arguments, so you should use:

struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)arguments. 

CSS/HTML: Create a glowing border around an Input Field

   @include transition(all 0.30s ease-in-out);
  outline: none;
  padding: 3px 0px 3px 3px;
  margin: 5px 1px 3px 0px;
  border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
  @include box-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(81, 203, 238, 1));
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #007eff;  
  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #007eff;  
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #007eff;

How to get base URL in Web API controller?

You could use VirtualPathRoot property from HttpRequestContext (request.GetRequestContext().VirtualPathRoot)

Accurate way to measure execution times of php scripts

Here is a function that times execution of any piece of PHP code, much like Python's timeit module does:

How to use it:

const SOME_CODE = '
        strlen("foo bar");
$t = timeit(SOME_CODE);
print "$t[0] loops; $t[2] per loop\n";


$ php x.php 
100000 loops; 18.08us per loop

Disclaimer: I am the author of this Gist

EDIT: timeit is now a separate, self-contained project at

How to specify the download location with wget?

-O is the option to specify the path of the file you want to download to:

wget <uri> -O /path/to/file.ext

-P is prefix where it will download the file in the directory:

wget <uri> -P /path/to/folder

Set scroll position

Also worth noting window.scrollBy(dx,dy) (ref)

How to display scroll bar onto a html table

just add on table


<table border=1 id="qandatbl" align="center" style="overflow-x:auto;">_x000D_
    <th class="col1">Question No</th>_x000D_
    <th class="col2">Option Type</th>_x000D_
    <th class="col1">Duration</th>_x000D_
    <td class='qid'></td>_x000D_
    <td class="options"></td>_x000D_
    <td class="duration"></td>_x000D_


Javascript: How to check if a string is empty?

if (value == "") {
  // it is empty

How to retrieve available RAM from Windows command line?

Use wmic computersystem get TotalPhysicalMemory. E.g.:

C:\>wmic computersystem get TotalPhysicalMemory

'invalid value encountered in double_scalars' warning, possibly numpy

I encount this while I was calculating np.var(np.array([])). np.var will divide size of the array which is zero in this case.

How to convert hex to ASCII characters in the Linux shell?

As per @Randal comment, you can use perl, e.g.

$ printf 5a5a5a5a | perl -lne 'print pack "H*", $_'

and other way round:

$ printf ZZZZ | perl -lne 'print unpack "H*", $_'

Another example with file:

$ printf 5a5a5a5a | perl -lne 'print pack "H*", $_' > file.bin
$ perl -lne 'print unpack "H*", $_' < file.bin

DateTime.TryParseExact() rejecting valid formats

This is the Simple method, Use ParseExact

CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
DateTime result;
String dateString = "Sun 08 Jun 2013 8:30 AM -06:00";
String format = "ddd dd MMM yyyy h:mm tt zzz";
result = DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, format, provider);

This should work for you.

onclick or inline script isn't working in extension

I had the same problem, and didn´t want to rewrite the code, so I wrote a function to modify the code and create the inline declarated events:

function compile(qSel){
    var matches = [];
    var match = null;
    var c = 0;

    var html = $(qSel).html();
    var pattern = /(<(.*?)on([a-zA-Z]+)\s*=\s*('|")(.*)('|")(.*?))(>)/mg;

    while (match = pattern.exec(html)) {
        var arr = [];
        for (i in match) {
            if (!isNaN(i)) {
    var items_with_events = [];
    var compiledHtml = html;

    for ( var i in matches ){
        var item_with_event = {
            custom_id : "my_app_identifier_"+i,
            code : matches[i][5],
            on : matches[i][3],
        compiledHtml = compiledHtml.replace(/(<(.*?)on([a-zA-Z]+)\s*=\s*('|")(.*)('|")(.*?))(>)/m, "<$2 custom_id='"+item_with_event.custom_id+"' $7 $8");


    for ( var i in items_with_events ){
        $("[custom_id='"+items_with_events[i].custom_id+"']").bind(items_with_events[i].on, function(){


This should remove all inline events from the selected node, and recreate them with jquery instead.

How to import set of icons into Android Studio project

Edit : After Android Studios 1.5 android support Vector Asset Studio.

Follow this, which says:

To start Vector Asset Studio:

  1. In Android Studio, open an Android app project.
  2. In the Project window, select the Android view.
  3. Right-click the res folder and select New > Vector Asset.

enter image description here

Old Answer

Go to Settings > Plugin > Browse Repository > Search Android Drawable Import

This plugin consists of 4 main features.

  1. AndroidIcons Drawable Import
  2. Material Icons Drawable Import
  3. Scaled Drawable
  4. Multisource-Drawable

How to Use Material Icons Drawable Import : (Android Studio 1.2)

  • Go to File > Setting > Other Settings > Android Drawable Import

enter image description here

  • Download Material Icon and select your downloaded path.

enter image description here

  • Now right click on project , New > Material Icon Import

enter image description here

  • Use your favorite drawable in your project.

enter image description here

How to check if an object implements an interface?

In general for AnInterface and anInstance of any class:


how to realize countifs function (excel) in R

> data <- rbind(c("M", "F", "M"), c("Student", "Analyst", "Analyst"))
> rowCounts(data, value = 'M') # output = 2 0
> rowCounts(data, value = 'F') # output = 1 0

JFrame.dispose() vs System.exit()

  • If you have multiple windows open and only want to close the one that was closed use JFrame.dispose().

  • If you want to close all windows and terminate the application use System.exit()

How do you import an Eclipse project into Android Studio now?

The best way to bring in an Eclipse/ADT project is to import it directly into Android Studio. At first GO to Eclipse project & delete the file.

After that, open the Android studio Tool & import Eclipse project(Eclipse ADT, Gradle etc).

Split text file into smaller multiple text file using command line

My requirement was a bit different. I often work with Comma Delimited and Tab Delimited ASCII files where a single line is a single record of data. And they're really big, so I need to split them into manageable parts (whilst preserving the header row).

So, I reverted back to my classic VBScript method and bashed together a small .vbs script that can be run on any Windows computer (it gets automatically executed by the WScript.exe script host engine on Window).

The benefit of this method is that it uses Text Streams, so the underlying data isn't loaded into memory (or, at least, not all at once). The result is that it's exceptionally fast and it doesn't really need much memory to run. The test file I just split using this script on my i7 was about 1 GB in file size, had about 12 million lines of test and made 25 part files (each with about 500k lines each) – the processing took about 2 minutes and it didn’t go over 3 MB memory used at any point.

The caveat here is that it relies on the text file having "lines" (meaning each record is delimited with a CRLF) as the Text Stream object uses the "ReadLine" function to process a single line at a time. But hey, if you're working with TSV or CSV files, it's perfect.

Option Explicit

Private Const INPUT_TEXT_FILE = "c:\bigtextfile.txt"  'The full path to the big file
Private Const REPEAT_HEADER_ROW = True                'Set to True to duplicate the header row in each part file
Private Const LINES_PER_PART = 500000                 'The number of lines per part file

Dim oFileSystem, oInputFile, oOutputFile, iOutputFile, iLineCounter, sHeaderLine, sLine, sFileExt, sStart

sStart = Now()

iLineCounter = 0
iOutputFile = 1

Set oFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oInputFile = oFileSystem.OpenTextFile(INPUT_TEXT_FILE, 1, False)
Set oOutputFile = oFileSystem.OpenTextFile(Replace(INPUT_TEXT_FILE, sFileExt, "_" & iOutputFile & sFileExt), 2, True)

    iLineCounter = 1
    sHeaderLine = oInputFile.ReadLine()
    Call oOutputFile.WriteLine(sHeaderLine)
End If

Do While Not oInputFile.AtEndOfStream
    sLine = oInputFile.ReadLine()
    Call oOutputFile.WriteLine(sLine)
    iLineCounter = iLineCounter + 1
    If iLineCounter Mod LINES_PER_PART = 0 Then
        iOutputFile = iOutputFile + 1
        Call oOutputFile.Close()
        Set oOutputFile = oFileSystem.OpenTextFile(Replace(INPUT_TEXT_FILE, sFileExt, "_" & iOutputFile & sFileExt), 2, True)
            Call oOutputFile.WriteLine(sHeaderLine)
        End If
    End If

Call oInputFile.Close()
Call oOutputFile.Close()
Set oFileSystem = Nothing

Call MsgBox("Done" & vbCrLf & "Lines Processed:" & iLineCounter & vbCrLf & "Part Files: " & iOutputFile & vbCrLf & "Start Time: " & sStart & vbCrLf & "Finish Time: " & Now())

XML parsing of a variable string in JavaScript

Marknote is a nice lightweight cross-browser JavaScript XML parser. It's object-oriented and it's got plenty of examples, plus the API is documented. It's fairly new, but it has worked nicely in one of my projects so far. One thing I like about it is that it will read XML directly from strings or URLs and you can also use it to convert the XML into JSON.

Here's an example of what you can do with Marknote:

var str = '<books>' +
          '  <book title="A Tale of Two Cities"/>' +
          '  <book title="1984"/>' +

var parser = new marknote.Parser();
var doc = parser.parse(str);

var bookEls = doc.getRootElement().getChildElements();

for (var i=0; i<bookEls.length; i++) {
    var bookEl = bookEls[i];
    // alerts "Element name is 'book' and book title is '...'"
    alert("Element name is '" + bookEl.getName() + 
        "' and book title is '" + 
        bookEl.getAttributeValue("title") + "'"

Submitting a form by pressing enter without a submit button

Another solution without the submit button:


  <input class="submit_on_enter" type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search...">


$(document).ready(function() {

  $('.submit_on_enter').keydown(function(event) {
    // enter has keyCode = 13, change it if you want to use another button
    if (event.keyCode == 13) {
      return false;


Can a WSDL indicate the SOAP version (1.1 or 1.2) of the web service?

In WSDL, if you look at the Binding section, you will clearly see that soap binding is explicitly mentioned if the service uses soap 1.2. refer the below sample.

<binding name="EmployeeServiceImplPortBinding" type="tns:EmployeeServiceImpl">
<soap12:binding transport="" style="document"/>
<operation name="findEmployeeById">
    <soap12:operation soapAction=""/>
    <input><soap12:body use="literal"/></input>
    <output><soap12:body use="literal"/></output>
</operation><operation name="create">
    <soap12:operation soapAction=""/>
    <input><soap12:body use="literal"/></input>
    <output><soap12:body use="literal"/></output>

if the web service use soap 1.1, it will not explicitly define any soap version in the WSDL file under binding section. refer the below sample.

<binding name="EmployeeServiceImplPortBinding" type="tns:EmployeeServiceImpl">
<soap:binding transport="" style="rpc"/>
<operation name="findEmployeeById">
    <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
    <input><soap:body use="literal" namespace=""/></input>
    <output><soap:body use="literal" namespace=""/></output>
</operation><operation name="create">
    <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
    <input><soap:body use="literal" namespace=""/></input>
    <output><soap:body use="literal" namespace=""/></output>

How to determine the SOAP version of the SOAP message?

but remember that this is not much recommended way to determine the soap version that your web services uses. the version of the soap message can be determined using one of following ways.

1. checking the namespace of the soap message

SOAP 1.1  namespace :

SOAP 1.2 namespace  :

2. checking the transport binding information (http header information) of the soap message

SOAP 1.1 : user text/xml for the Context-Type

   POST /MyService HTTP/1.1
   Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
   Content-Length: xxx
   SOAPAction: "urn:uuid:myaction"

SOAP 1.2 : user application/soap+xml for the Context-Type

   POST /MyService HTTP/1.1
   Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset="utf-8"
   Content-Length: xxx
   SOAPAction: "urn:uuid:myaction"

3. using SOAP fault information

The structure of a SOAP fault message between the two versions are different.

How to plot time series in python

Convert your x-axis data from text to datetime.datetime, use datetime.strptime:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.strptime("2012-may-31 19:00", "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M")
 datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 31, 19, 0)

This is an example of how to plot data once you have an array of datetimes:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
import numpy as np

x = np.array([datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 28, i, 0) for i in range(24)])
y = np.random.randint(100, size=x.shape)


enter image description here

Can someone post a well formed crossdomain.xml sample?

This is what I've been using for development:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<allow-access-from domain="*" />

This is a very liberal approach, but is fine for my application.

As others have pointed out below, beware the risks of this.

Python NameError: name is not defined

You must define the class before creating an instance of the class. Move the invocation of Something to the end of the script.

You can try to put the cart before the horse and invoke procedures before they are defined, but it will be an ugly hack and you will have to roll your own as defined here:

Make function definition in a python file order independent

Pass a javascript variable value into input type hidden value

//prompts for input in javascript
test=prompt("Enter a value?","some string");

//passes javascript to a hidden field.
document.getElementById('myField').value = test;

//prompts for input in javascript
test2=prompt("Enter a value?","some string2");

//passes javascript to a hidden field
document.getElementById('myField').value = test2;

//prints output
document.write("hello, "+test+test2;

now this is confusing but this should work...

How do I compare strings in GoLang?

The content inside strings in Golang can be compared using == operator. If the results are not as expected there may be some hidden characters like \n, \r, spaces, etc. So as a general rule of thumb, try removing those using functions provided by strings package in golang.

For Instance, spaces can be removed using strings.TrimSpace function. You can also define a custom function to remove any character you need. strings.TrimFunc function can give you more power.

What is the easiest way to get current GMT time in Unix timestamp format?

Or just simply using the datetime standard module

In [2]: from datetime import timezone, datetime
   ...: int( * 1000)
Out[2]: 1514901741720

You can truncate or multiply depending on the resolution you want. This example is outputting millis.

If you want a proper Unix timestamp (in seconds) remove the * 1000

How to solve ADB device unauthorized in Android ADB host device?

You need to allow Allow USB debugging when the popup shows up when you first connect to the computer!

How can I get the current directory name in Javascript?

You can use window.location.pathname.split('/');

That will produce an array with all of the items between the /'s

What is the best (idiomatic) way to check the type of a Python variable?

I think it might be preferred to actually do

if isinstance(x, str):
elif isinstance(x, dict):
    raise ValueError

2 Alternate forms, depending on your code one or the other is probably considered better than that even. One is to not look before you leap

  one, two = tupleOrValue
except TypeError:
  one = tupleOrValue
  two = None

The other approach is from Guido and is a form of function overloading which leaves your code more open ended.

How to get duration, as int milli's and float seconds from <chrono>?

Is this what you're looking for?

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Time;
    typedef std::chrono::milliseconds ms;
    typedef std::chrono::duration<float> fsec;
    auto t0 = Time::now();
    auto t1 = Time::now();
    fsec fs = t1 - t0;
    ms d = std::chrono::duration_cast<ms>(fs);
    std::cout << fs.count() << "s\n";
    std::cout << d.count() << "ms\n";

which for me prints out:


How do I detect what .NET Framework versions and service packs are installed?

Using the Signum.Utilities library from SignumFramework (which you can use stand-alone), you can get it nicely and without dealing with the registry by yourself:

//Writes in my machine:
//v2.0.50727 SP2
//v3.0 SP2
//v3.5 SP1

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

Maybe this is what you mean to do:

import random

x = 0
z = input('Please Enter an integer: ')
z = int(z) # you need to capture the result of the expressioin: int(z) and assign it backk to z

def main():
    for i in range(x,z):
        n1 = random.randrange(1,3)
        n2 = random.randrange(1,3)
        t1 = n1+n2

  1. do z = int(z)
  2. Add the missing closing parenthesis on the last line of code in your listing.
  3. And have a for-loop that will iterate from x to z-1

Here's a link on the range() function:

Extract part of a regex match

Use ( ) in regexp and group(1) in python to retrieve the captured string ( will return None if it doesn't find the result, so don't use group() directly):

title_search ='<title>(.*)</title>', html, re.IGNORECASE)

if title_search:
    title =

How to pass complex object to ASP.NET WebApi GET from jQuery ajax call?

If you append json data to query string, and parse it later in web api side. you can parse complex object. It's useful rather than post json object style. This is my solution.

//javascript file 
var data = { UserID: "10", UserName: "Long", AppInstanceID: "100", ProcessGUID: "BF1CC2EB-D9BD-45FD-BF87-939DD8FF9071" };
var request = JSON.stringify(data);
request = encodeURIComponent(request);

doAjaxGet("/ProductWebApi/api/Workflow/StartProcess?data=", request, function (result) {

//webapi file:
public ResponseResult StartProcess()
    dynamic queryJson = ParseHttpGetJson(Request.RequestUri.Query);
        int appInstanceID = int.Parse(queryJson.AppInstanceID.Value);
    Guid processGUID = Guid.Parse(queryJson.ProcessGUID.Value);
    int userID = int.Parse(queryJson.UserID.Value);
    string userName = queryJson.UserName.Value;

//utility function:
public static dynamic ParseHttpGetJson(string query)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
            var json = query.Substring(7, query.Length - 7); //seperate ?data= characters
            json = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(json);
            dynamic queryJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(json);

            return queryJson;
        catch (System.Exception e)
            throw new ApplicationException("can't deserialize object as wrong string content!", e);
        return null;

Bootstrap 3: Keep selected tab on page refresh

A mix between others answers:

  • No jump on click
  • Save on location hash
  • Save on localStorage (e.g: for form submit)
  • Just copy&paste ;)

    if (location.hash) {
      $('a[href=\'' + location.hash + '\']').tab('show');
    var activeTab = localStorage.getItem('activeTab');
    if (activeTab) {
      $('a[href="' + activeTab + '"]').tab('show');
    $('body').on('click', 'a[data-toggle=\'tab\']', function (e) {
      var tab_name = this.getAttribute('href')
      if (history.pushState) {
        history.pushState(null, null, tab_name)
      else {
        location.hash = tab_name
      localStorage.setItem('activeTab', tab_name)
      return false;
    $(window).on('popstate', function () {
      var anchor = location.hash ||
      $('a[href=\'' + anchor + '\']').tab('show');

Converting an int to std::string

The following macro is not quite as compact as a single-use ostringstream or boost::lexical_cast.

But if you need conversion-to-string repeatedly in your code, this macro is more elegant in use than directly handling stringstreams or explicit casting every time.

It is also very versatile, as it converts everything supported by operator<<(), even in combination.


#include <sstream>

#define SSTR( x ) dynamic_cast< std::ostringstream & >( \
            ( std::ostringstream() << std::dec << x ) ).str()


The std::dec is a side-effect-free way to make the anonymous ostringstream into a generic ostream so operator<<() function lookup works correctly for all types. (You get into trouble otherwise if the first argument is a pointer type.)

The dynamic_cast returns the type back to ostringstream so you can call str() on it.


#include <string>

int main()
    int i = 42;
    std::string s1 = SSTR( i );

    int x = 23;
    std::string s2 = SSTR( "i: " << i << ", x: " << x );
    return 0;

How to copy a directory structure but only include certain files (using windows batch files)

XCOPY /S folder1\ copy_of_folder1  
XCOPY /S folder1\info.txt copy_of_folder1

EDIT: If you want to preserve the empty folders (which, on rereading your post, you seem to) use /E instead of /S.

How to drop all tables from the database with CLI in Django?

If you want to completely wipe the database and resync it in the same go you need something like the following. I also combine adding test data in this command:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "main.settings") # Replace with your app name.

from django.db import connection
from import call_command
from django.conf import settings
# If you're using postgres you can't use django's sql stuff for some reason that I
# can't remember. It has to do with that autocommit thing I think.
# import psychodb2 as db

def recreateDb():
    print("Wiping database")
    dbinfo = settings.DATABASES['default']

    # Postgres version
    #conn = db.connect(host=dbinfo['HOST'], user=dbinfo['USER'],
    #                 password=dbinfo['PASSWORD'], port=int(dbinfo['PORT'] or 5432))
    #conn.autocommit = True
    #cursor = conn.cursor()
    #cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE " + dbinfo['NAME'])
    #cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE " + dbinfo['NAME'] + " WITH ENCODING 'UTF8'") # Default is UTF8, but can be changed so lets be sure.

    # Mysql version:
    print("Dropping and creating database " + dbinfo['NAME'])
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE " + dbinfo["NAME"] + "; CREATE DATABASE " + dbinfo["NAME"] + "; USE " + dbinfo["NAME"] + ";")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Syncing DB")
    call_command('syncdb', interactive=False)
    print("Adding test data")
    addTestData() # ...

It would be nice to be able to do cursor.execute(call_command('sqlclear', 'main')) but call_command prints the SQL to stdout rather than returning it as a string, and I can't work out the sql_delete code...

How to escape apostrophe (') in MySql?

The MySQL documentation you cite actually says a little bit more than you mention. It also says,

A “'” inside a string quoted with “'” may be written as “''”.

(Also, you linked to the MySQL 5.0 version of Table 8.1. Special Character Escape Sequences, and the current version is 5.6 — but the current Table 8.1. Special Character Escape Sequences looks pretty similar.)

I think the Postgres note on the backslash_quote (string) parameter is informative:

This controls whether a quote mark can be represented by \' in a string literal. The preferred, SQL-standard way to represent a quote mark is by doubling it ('') but PostgreSQL has historically also accepted \'. However, use of \' creates security risks...

That says to me that using a doubled single-quote character is a better overall and long-term choice than using a backslash to escape the single-quote.

Now if you also want to add choice of language, choice of SQL database and its non-standard quirks, and choice of query framework to the equation, then you might end up with a different choice. You don't give much information about your constraints.

Call angularjs function using jquery/javascript

Solution provide in the questions which you linked is correct. Problem with your implementation is that You have not specified the ID of element correctly.

Secondly you need to use load event to execute your code. Currently DOM is not loaded hence element is not found thus you are getting error.


<div id="YourElementId" ng-app='MyModule' ng-controller="MyController">

JS Code

angular.module('MyModule', [])
    .controller('MyController', function ($scope) {
    $scope.myfunction = function (data) {
        alert("---" + data);

window.onload = function () {


How do I run a Python script on my web server?

Very simply, you can rename your Python script to "pythonscript.cgi". Post that in your cgi-bin directory, add the appropriate permissions and browse to it.

This is a great link you can start with.

Here's another good one.

Hope that helps.

EDIT (09/12/2015): The second link has long been removed. Replaced it with one that provides information referenced from the original.

Color theme for VS Code integrated terminal

Simply. You can go to 'File -> Preferences -> Color Theme' option in visual studio and change the color of you choice.

Xml serialization - Hide null values

It exists a property called XmlElementAttribute.IsNullable

If the IsNullable property is set to true, the xsi:nil attribute is generated for class members that have been set to a null reference.

The following example shows a field with the XmlElementAttribute applied to it, and the IsNullable property set to false.

public class MyClass
   [XmlElement(IsNullable = false)]
   public string Group;

You can have a look to other XmlElementAttribute for changing names in serialization etc.

Update select2 data without rebuilding the control

As best I can tell, it is not possible to update the select2 options without refreshing the entire list or entering some search text and using a query function.

What are those buttons supposed to do? If they are used to determine the select options, why not put them outside of the select box, and have them programmatically set the select box data and then open it? I don't understand why you would want to put them on top of the search box. If the user is not supposed to search, you can use the minimumResultsForSearch option to hide the search feature.

Edit: How about this...


<input type="hidden" id="select2" class="select" />


var data = [{id: 0, text: "Zero"}],
    select = $('#select2');

  query: function(query) {
    query.callback({results: data});
  width: '150px'

console.log('Opening select2...');

setTimeout(function() {
  console.log('Updating data...');
  data = [{id: 1, text: 'One'}];
}, 1500);

setTimeout(function() {
  console.log('Fake keyup-change...');'keyup-change');
}, 3000);

Example: Plunker

Edit 2: That will at least get it to update the list, however there is still some weirdness if you have entered search text before triggering the keyup-change event.

Make ABC Ordered List Items Have Bold Style

a bit of a cheat, but it works:


<ol type="A" style="font-weight: bold;">
  <li><span>More text</span></li>


li span { font-weight: normal; }

C#: easiest way to populate a ListBox from a List

You can also use the AddRange method


Why doesn't Java support unsigned ints?

Java does have unsigned types, or at least one: char is an unsigned short. So whatever excuse Gosling throws up it's really just his ignorance why there are no other unsigned types.

Also Short types: shorts are used all the time for multimedia. The reason is you can fit 2 samples in a single 32-bit unsigned long and vectorize many operations. Same thing with 8-bit data and unsigned byte. You can fit 4 or 8 samples in a register for vectorizing.

What is $@ in Bash?

Yes. Please see the man page of bash ( the first thing you go to ) under Special Parameters

Special Parameters

The shell treats several parameters specially. These parameters may only be referenced; assignment to them is not allowed.

* Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, it expands to a single word with the value of each parameter separated by the first character of the IFS special variable. That is, "$*" is equivalent to "$1c$2c...", where c is the first character of the value of the IFS variable. If IFS is unset, the parameters are separated by spaces. If IFS is null, the parameters are joined without intervening separators.

@ Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, each parameter expands to a separate word. That is, "$@" is equivalent to "$1" "$2" ... If the double-quoted expansion occurs within a word, the expansion of the first parameter is joined with the beginning part of the original word, and the expansion of the last parameter is joined with the last part of the original word. When there are no positional parameters, "$@" and $@ expand to nothing (i.e., they are removed).

How to make the web page height to fit screen height

Don't give exact heights, but relative ones, adding up to 100%. For example:

  #content {height: 80%;}
  #footer {height: 20%;}

Add in

 html, body {height: 100%;}

How to stop tracking and ignore changes to a file in Git?

There are 3 options, you probably want #3

1. This will keep the local file for you, but will delete it for anyone else when they pull.

git rm --cached <file-name> or git rm -r --cached <folder-name>

2. This is for optimization, like a folder with a large number of files, e.g. SDKs that probably won't ever change. It tells git to stop checking that huge folder every time for changes, locally, since it won't have any. The assume-unchanged index will be reset and file(s) overwritten if there are upstream changes to the file/folder (when you pull).

git update-index --assume-unchanged <path-name>

3. This is to tell git you want your own independent version of the file or folder. For instance, you don't want to overwrite (or delete) production/staging config files.

git update-index --skip-worktree <path-name>

It's important to know that git update-index will not propagate with git, and each user will have to run it independently.

What are the applications of binary trees?

Implementations of java.util.Set

Round float to x decimals?

Default rounding in python and numpy:

In: [round(i) for i in np.arange(10) + .5]
Out: [0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 8, 10]

I used this to get integer rounding to be applied to a pandas series:

import decimal

and use this line to set the rounding to "half up" a.k.a rounding as taught in school: decimal.getcontext().rounding = decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP

Finally I made this function to apply it to a pandas series object

def roundint(value):
    return value.apply(lambda x: int(decimal.Decimal(x).to_integral_value()))

So now you can do roundint(df.columnname)

And for numbers:

In: [int(decimal.Decimal(i).to_integral_value()) for i in np.arange(10) + .5]
Out: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Credit: kares

Connection refused on docker container

If you are using Docker toolkit on window 10 home you will need to access the webpage through docker-machine ip command. It is generally

It is assumed that you are running with publish command like below.

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 demo

With Window 10 pro version you can access with localhost or corresponding loopback etc (Tomcat or whatever you wish). This is because you don't have a virtual box there and docker is running directly on Window Hyper V and loopback is directly accessible.

Verify the hosts file in window for any digression. It should have mapped to localhost

How to encrypt a large file in openssl using public key

In more explanation for n. 'pronouns' m.'s answer,

Public-key crypto is not for encrypting arbitrarily long files. One uses a symmetric cipher (say AES) to do the normal encryption. Each time a new random symmetric key is generated, used, and then encrypted with the RSA cipher (public key). The ciphertext together with the encrypted symmetric key is transferred to the recipient. The recipient decrypts the symmetric key using his private key, and then uses the symmetric key to decrypt the message.

There is the flow of Encryption:

+---------------------+      +--------------------+
|                     |      |                    |
| generate random key |      |   the large file   |
|        (R)          |      |        (F)         |
|                     |      |                    |
+--------+--------+---+      +----------+---------+
         |        |                     |
         |        +------------------+  |
         |                           |  |
         v                           v  v
+--------+------------+     +--------+--+------------+
|                     |     |                        |
| encrypt (R) with    |     | encrypt (F)            |
| your RSA public key |     | with symmetric key (R) |
|                     |     |                        |
|  ASym(PublicKey, R) |     |     EF = Sym(F, R)     |
|                     |     |                        |
+----------+----------+     +------------+-----------+
           |                             |
           +------------+ +--------------+
                        | |
                        v v
         |                                |
         |   send this files to the peer  |
         |                                |
         |     ASym(PublicKey, R) + EF    |
         |                                |

And the flow of Decryption:

   +----------------+        +--------------------+
   |                |        |                    |
   | EF = Sym(F, R) |        | ASym(PublicKey, R) |
   |                |        |                    |
   +-----+----------+        +---------+----------+
         |                             |
         |                             |
         |                             v
         |   +-------------------------+-----------------+
         |   |                                           |
         |   |             restore key (R)               |
         |   |                                           |
         |   | R <= ASym(PrivateKey, ASym(PublicKey, R)) |
         |   |                                           |
         |   +---------------------+---------------------+
         |                         |
         v                         v
     |                                 |
     |       restore the file (F)      |
     |                                 |
     |      F <= Sym(Sym(F, R), R)     |
     |                                 |

Besides, you can use this commands:

# generate random symmetric key
openssl rand -base64 32 > /config/key.bin

# encryption
openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey /config/public_key.pem -in /config/key.bin -out /config/key.bin.enc
openssl aes-256-cbc -a -pbkdf2 -salt -in  $file_name -out $file_name.enc -k $(cat /config/key.bin)

# now you can send this files: $file_name.enc + /config/key.bin.enc

# decryption
openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey /config/private_key.pem -in /config/key.bin.enc -out /config/key.bin
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -in $file_name.enc -out $file_name -k $(cat /config/key.bin)

How can I generate a list of consecutive numbers?

You can use itertools.count() to generate unbounded sequences. (itertools is in the Python standard library). Docs here:

How do I release memory used by a pandas dataframe?

This solves the problem of releasing the memory for me!!!

import gc
import pandas as pd

del [[df_1,df_2]]

the data-frame will be explicitly set to null

in the above statements

Firstly, the self reference of the dataframe is deleted meaning the dataframe is no longer available to python there after all the references of the dataframe is collected by garbage collector (gc.collect()) and then explicitly set all the references to empty dataframe.

more on the working of garbage collector is well explained in

Initializing entire 2D array with one value

char grid[row][col];
memset(grid, ' ', sizeof(grid));

That's for initializing char array elements to space characters.

Getting the IP Address of a Remote Socket Endpoint

RemoteEndPoint is a property, its type is System.Net.EndPoint which inherits from System.Net.IPEndPoint.

If you take a look at IPEndPoint's members, you'll see that there's an Address property.

How to disable a link using only CSS?

I used:

.current-page a:hover {
pointer-events: none !important;

And was not enough; in some browsers it still displayed the link, blinking.

I had to add:

.current-page a {
cursor: text !important;

How can I list all the deleted files in a Git repository?

Citing this Stack Overflow answer.

It is a pretty neat way to get type-of-change (A:Added, M:Modified, D:Deleted) for each file that got changed.

git diff --name-status

Exit a while loop in VBS/VBA

While Loop is an obsolete structure, I would recommend you to replace "While loop" to "Do While..loop", and you will able to use Exit clause.

check = 0 

Do while not rs.EOF 
   if rs("reg_code") = rcode then 
      check = 1 
      Response.Write ("Found") 
      Exit do
    end if 

if check = 0 then 
   Response.Write "Not Found" 
end if}

How do I increase the capacity of the Eclipse output console?

Open the Windows > Preferences menu.

Expand the Run/Debug > Console preferences.

Set the Console buffer size (characters) to something much bigger. 2147383647 / ~2GB is the upper limit (or 1000000 / ~1MB in older releases). Or just uncheck the Limit console output.

PHP: cannot declare class because the name is already in use

You should use require_once and include_once. Inside parent.php use

include_once 'database.php';

And inside child1.php and child2.php use

include_once 'parent.php';

import error: 'No module named' *does* exist

I had the same issue. I solved it by running the command in a different python version. I tried python3 Earlier i was using Python 2.7.

Another possibility is that the file from which something is imported may contain BOM (Byte Order Mark). It can be solved by opening the file in some editor which supports multiple encoding like VSCode (Notepad++) and saving in a different encoding statndard like ANSI, UTF-8(without BOM).

Bootstrap datepicker hide after selection

In bootstrap 4 use "autoHide : true"

    autoHide: true,
    format: 'mm-yyyy',
    endDate: new Date()

Convert a python UTC datetime to a local datetime using only python standard library?

You can't do it with standard library. Using pytz module you can convert any naive/aware datetime object to any other time zone. Lets see some examples using Python 3.

Naive objects created through class method utcnow()

To convert a naive object to any other time zone, first you have to convert it into aware datetime object. You can use the replace method for converting a naive datetime object to an aware datetime object. Then to convert an aware datetime object to any other timezone you can use astimezone method.

The variable pytz.all_timezones gives you the list of all available time zones in pytz module.

import datetime,pytz

dtobj1=datetime.datetime.utcnow()   #utcnow class method

dtobj3=dtobj1.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) #replace method

dtobj_hongkong=dtobj3.astimezone(pytz.timezone("Asia/Hong_Kong")) #astimezone method

Naive objects created through class method now()

Because now method returns current date and time, so you have to make the datetime object timezone aware first. The localize function converts a naive datetime object into a timezone-aware datetime object. Then you can use the astimezone method to convert it into another timezone.

mytimezone=pytz.timezone("Europe/Vienna") #my current timezone
dtobj4=mytimezone.localize(dtobj2)        #localize function

dtobj_hongkong=dtobj4.astimezone(pytz.timezone("Asia/Hong_Kong")) #astimezone method

How can I open multiple files using "with open" in Python?

Late answer (8 yrs), but for someone looking to join multiple files into one, the following function may be of help:

def multi_open(_list):
    for x in _list:
            with open(x) as f:
            # print(f"Cannot open file {x}")

fl = ["C:/bdlog.txt", "C:/Jts/tws.vmoptions", "C:/not.exist"]

2018-10-23 19:18:11.361 PROFILE  [Stop Drivers] [1ms]
2018-10-23 19:18:11.361 PROFILE  [Parental uninit] [0ms]
# This file contains VM parameters for Trader Workstation.
# Each parameter should be defined in a separate line and the

Interop type cannot be embedded

Here's where to set the Embed Interop in Visual Studio 2012

enter image description here

100% width in React Native Flexbox

Simply add alignSelf: "stretch" to your item's stylesheet.

line1: {
    backgroundColor: '#FDD7E4',
    alignSelf: 'stretch',
    textAlign: 'center',

Difference between res.send and res.json in Express.js

res.json eventually calls res.send, but before that it:

  • respects the json spaces and json replacer app settings
  • ensures the response will have utf8 charset and application/json content-type

Accuracy Score ValueError: Can't Handle mix of binary and continuous target

The error is because difference in datatypes of y_pred and y_true. y_true might be dataframe and y_pred is arraylist. If you convert both to arrays, then issue will get resolved.

How to pass a list from Python, by Jinja2 to JavaScript

To add up on the selected answer, I have been testing a new option that is working too using jinja2 and flask:

def my_view():
    data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    return render_template('index.html', data=data)

The template:

    console.log( {{ data | tojson }} )

the output of the rendered template:

    console.log( [1, 2, 3, 4] )

The safe could be added but as well like {{ data | tojson | safe }} to avoid html escape but it is working without too.

Developing C# on Linux

I would suggest using MonoDevelop.

It is pretty much explicitly designed for use with Mono, and all set up to develop in C#.

The simplest way to install it on Ubuntu would be to install the monodevelop package in Ubuntu. (link on Mono on (However, if you want to install a more recent version, I am not sure which PPA would be appropriate)

However, I would not recommend developing with the WinForms toolkit - I do not expect it to have the same behavior in Windows and Mono (the implementations are pretty different). For an overview of the UI toolkits that work with Mono, you can go to the information page on Mono-project.

How can I find my php.ini on wordpress?

The name of the custom ini file depends on the user_ini.filename php setting. By default this should be .user.ini and the custom configuration files are used on a per-directory basis, so you should be able to either put it in the root of your Wordpress installation or under the wp-admin folder.

You can check the name of your custom configuration file by running:

php -i | grep user_ini.filename

I have created a plugin which makes it possible to change php settings from the Wordpress administration:

Custom PHP Settings

The plugin makes it possible to change settings either using the .htaccess file or the custom php.ini file, depending on how php is running.

How to get value of selected radio button?

<form id="rates">
  <input type="radio" name="rate" value="Fixed Rate"> Fixed
  <input type="radio" name="rate" value="Variable Rate"> Variable
  <input type="radio" name="rate" value="Multi Rate" checked> Multi


var rate_value = rates.rate.value;

Is there a way to get LaTeX to place figures in the same page as a reference to that figure?

You can always add the "!" into your float-options. This way, latex tries really hard to place the figure where you want it (I mostly use [h!tb]), stretching the normal rules of type-setting.

I have found another solution:
Use the float-package. This way you can place the figures where you want them to be.

How do you normalize a file path in Bash?

readlink is the bash standard for obtaining the absolute path. It also has the advantage of returning empty strings if paths or a path doesn't exist (given the flags to do so).

To get the absolute path to a directory that may or may not exist, but who's parents do exist, use:

abspath=$(readlink -f $path)

To get the absolute path to a directory that must exist along with all parents:

abspath=$(readlink -e $path)

To canonicalise the given path and follow symlinks if they happen to exist, but otherwise ignore missing directories and just return the path anyway, it's:

abspath=$(readlink -m $path)

The only downside is that readlink will follow links. If you do not want to follow links, you can use this alternative convention:

abspath=$(cd ${path%/*} && echo $PWD/${path##*/})

That will chdir to the directory part of $path and print the current directory along with the file part of $path. If it fails to chdir, you get an empty string and an error on stderr.

MVC 4 Razor adding input type date

If you want to use @Html.EditorFor() you have to use jQuery ui and update your Mvc to with NuGet Package Manager.

@Html.EditorFor(m => m.EntryDate, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "datepicker" } })

@section Scripts {








Laravel migration table field's type change

First composer requires doctrine/dbal, then:


omp parallel vs. omp parallel for

Here is example of using separated parallel and for here. In short it can be used for dynamic allocation of OpenMP thread-private arrays before executing for cycle in several threads. It is impossible to do the same initializing in parallel for case.

UPD: In the question example there is no difference between single pragma and two pragmas. But in practice you can make more thread aware behavior with separated parallel and for directives. Some code for example:

#pragma omp parallel
    double *data = (double*)malloc(...); // this data is thread private

    #pragma omp for
    for(1...100) // first parallelized cycle

    #pragma omp single 
    {} // make some single thread processing

    #pragma omp for // second parallelized cycle

    #pragma omp single 
    {} // make some single thread processing again

    free(data); // free thread private data

JavaScript: Global variables after Ajax requests

What you expect is the synchronous (blocking) type request.

var it_works = false;

  type: "POST",
  url: 'some_file.php',
  success: function (data) {
    it_works = true;
  async: false // <- this turns it into synchronous

// Execution is BLOCKED until request finishes.

// it_works is available

Requests are asynchronous (non-blocking) by default which means that the browser won't wait for them to be completed in order to continue its work. That's why your alert got wrong result.

Now, with jQuery.ajax you can optionally set the request to be synchronous, which means that the script will only continue to run after the request is finished.

The RECOMMENDED way, however, is to refactor your code so that the data would be passed to a callback function as soon as the request is finished. This is preferred because blocking execution means blocking the UI which is unacceptable. Do it this way:

$.post("some_file.php", '', function(data) {

function iDependOnMyParameter(param) {
    // You should do your work here that depends on the result of the request!

// All code here should be INDEPENDENT of the result of your AJAX request
// ...

Asynchronous programming is slightly more complicated because the consequence of making a request is encapsulated in a function instead of following the request statement. But the realtime behavior that the user experiences can be significantly better because they will not see a sluggish server or sluggish network cause the browser to act as though it had crashed. Synchronous programming is disrespectful and should not be employed in applications which are used by people.

Douglas Crockford (YUI Blog)

Copy table from one database to another

The quickest way is to use a tool, like RazorSQL or Toad for doing this.

Using NSLog for debugging

Use NSLog() like this:

NSLog(@"The code runs through here!");

Or like this - with placeholders:

float aFloat = 5.34245;
NSLog(@"This is my float: %f \n\nAnd here again: %.2f", aFloat, aFloat);

In NSLog() you can use it like + (id)stringWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ...

float aFloat = 5.34245;
NSString *aString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"This is my float: %f \n\nAnd here again: %.2f", aFloat, aFloat];

You can add other placeholders, too:

float aFloat = 5.34245;
int aInteger = 3;
NSString *aString = @"A string";
NSLog(@"This is my float: %f \n\nAnd here is my integer: %i \n\nAnd finally my string: %@", aFloat, aInteger, aString);

"com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail" with working passwords

Tracing the root cause, i finally found that the public key of type dsa is not added to the authorized keys on remote server. Appending the same worked for me.

The ssh was working with rsa key, causing me to look back in my code.

thanks everyone.

How to parse a JSON object to a TypeScript Object

if it is coming from server as object you can do 

this.service.subscribe(data:any) keep any type on data it will solve the issue

Can I access variables from another file?

One best way is by using window.INITIAL_STATE

<script src="/firstfile.js">
    // first.js
    window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = {
      back  : "#fff",
      front : "#888",
      side  : "#369"
<script src="/secondfile.js">
    alert (window.__INITIAL_STATE__);

Windows batch: echo without new line

Echo with preceding space and without newline

As stated by Pedro earlier, echo without new line and with preceding space works (provided "9" is a true [BackSpace]).

<nul set /p=.9    Hello everyone

I had some issues getting it to work in Windows 10 with the new console but managed the following way.
In CMD type:

echo .?>bs.txt

I got "?" by pressing [Alt] + [8]
(the actual symbol may vary depending upon codepage).

Then it's easy to copy the result from "bs.txt" using Notepad.exe to where it's needed.

@echo off
<nul set /p "_s=.?    Hello everyone"
echo: here

LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined ERROR IN VC++

It cant find the entry point for your program, in this case main(). Your linker settings are likely incorrect.

See this post here

Create a simple HTTP server with Java?

The easiest is Simple there is a tutorial, no WEB-INF not Servlet API no dependencies. Just a simple lightweight HTTP server in a single JAR.

Tips for using Vim as a Java IDE?

  • How do I invoke a maven task without leaving vi?

    Maven is no different than any other shell command:


    You can :set makeprg=mvn if you already have a favourite key mapping for :make.

  • Can I get code completion?

    Yes, eclim is great, a bridge between vim's editing efficiency and Eclipse's Java language-specific awareness.

    <C-n> and <C-p> are not-so-great, but amazingly helpful.

  • How's the syntax highlighting?

    More than good enough for a regex-based highligher.

You may want to consider tools for other vim+java purposes, like code templates (snippetEmu—default snippets suck, but customizability shines), searching for usages and going to declarations (eclim, grep, ctags), generating getters and setters (java_getset, or eclim), automatic imports (eclim). You might also need a java shell for quick experiments (the BeanShell, a.k.a. bsh).

Import MySQL database into a MS SQL Server

I suggest you to use mysqldump like so:

mysqldump --compatible=mssql

phpMyAdmin is still a web-app and could potentially have some limitations for large databases (script execution time, allocatable memory and so on).

How can you print multiple variables inside a string using printf?

printf("\nmaximum of %d and %d is = %d",a,b,c);

Create a map with clickable provinces/states using SVG, HTML/CSS, ImageMap

Sounds like you want a simple imagemap, I'd recommend to not make it more complex than it needs to be. Here's an article on how to improve imagemaps with svg. It's very easy to do clickable regions in svg itself, just add some <a> elements around the shapes you want to have clickable.

A couple of options if you need something more advanced:

How to view transaction logs in SQL Server 2008

I accidentally deleted a whole bunch of data in the wrong environment and this post was one of the first ones I found.

Because I was simultaneously panicking and searching for a solution, I went for the first thing I saw - ApexSQL Logs, which was $2000 which was an acceptable cost.

However, I've since found out that Toad for Sql Server can generate undo scripts from transaction logs and it is only $655.

Lastly, found an even cheaper option SysToolsGroup Log Analyzer and it is only $300.

Python TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

You need to put the format arguments into a tuple (add parentheses):

instr = "'%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'" % (softname, procversion, int(percent), exe, description, company, procurl)

What you currently have is equivalent to the following:

intstr = ("'%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'" % softname), procversion, int(percent), exe, description, company, procurl


>>> "%s %s" % 'hello', 'world'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
>>> "%s %s" % ('hello', 'world')
'hello world'

How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?

You can install OSX on PC but experience wont be great and it needs lot of work. Alternate is to use a framework/SDK Codename one: which is based on JAVA and can be used to code in WP8, Android, iOS on Windows (eclipse) with all extensive features

Features Overview:

  1. Full Android environment with super fast android simulator
  2. An iPhone/iPad simulator with easy to take iPhone apps to large screen iPad in minutes.
  3. Full support for standard java debugging, profiling for apps on any platform.
  4. Easy themeing / styling – Only a click away

More at Develop Android, iOS iPhone, WP8 apps using Java Disclaimer: This is my review for the product

How to convert a string to number in TypeScript?

Exactly like in JavaScript, you can use the parseInt or parseFloat functions, or simply use the unary + operator:

var x = "32";
var y: number = +x;

All of the mentioned techniques will have correct typing and will correctly parse simple decimal integer strings like "123", but will behave differently for various other, possibly expected, cases (like "123.45") and corner cases (like null).

Conversion table Table taken from this answer

How to maintain state after a page refresh in React.js?

Load state from localStorage if exist:

constructor(props) {
    this.state = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('state'))
        ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('state'))
        : initialState

override this.setState to automatically save state after each update :

const orginial = this.setState;     
this.setState = function() {
    let arguments0 = arguments[0];
    let arguments1 = () => (arguments[1], localStorage.setItem('state', JSON.stringify(this.state)));
    orginial.bind(this)(arguments0, arguments1);

Dynamic SELECT TOP @var In SQL Server

The syntax "select top (@var) ..." only works in SQL SERVER 2005+. For SQL 2000, you can do:

set rowcount @top

select * from sometable

set rowcount 0 

Hope this helps


(edited to replace @@rowcount with rowcount - thanks augustlights)

Java: Reading a file into an array

Here is some example code to help you get started:

package com.acme;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class FileArrayProvider {

    public String[] readLines(String filename) throws IOException {
        FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(filename);
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
        String line = null;
        while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
        return lines.toArray(new String[lines.size()]);

And an example unit test:

package com.acme;


import org.junit.Test;

public class FileArrayProviderTest {

    public void testFileArrayProvider() throws IOException {
        FileArrayProvider fap = new FileArrayProvider();
        String[] lines = fap
        for (String line : lines) {

Hope this helps.

File is universal (three slices), but it does not contain a(n) ARMv7-s slice error for static libraries on iOS, anyway to bypass?

I've simply toggled "Build Active Architecture Only" to "Yes" in the target's build settings, and it's OK now!

jquery: animate scrollLeft

You'll want something like this:

      var currentElement =;
      $('html, body').animate({scrollLeft: $(currentElement).offset().left}, 800);
      return false;
I believe this should work, it's adopted from a scrollTop function.

Clearing UIWebview cache

I am loading html pages from Documents and if they have the same name of css file UIWebView it seem it does not throw the previous css rules. Maybe because they have the same URL or something.

I tried this:

NSURLCache *sharedCache = [[NSURLCache alloc] initWithMemoryCapacity:0 diskCapacity:0 diskPath:nil];
[NSURLCache setSharedURLCache:sharedCache];
[sharedCache release];

I tried this :

[[NSURLCache sharedURLCache] removeAllCachedResponses];

I am loading the initial page with:

NSURLRequest *appReq = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:appURL cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData timeoutInterval:20.0];

It refuses to throw its cached data! Frustrating!

I am doing this inside a PhoneGap (Cordova) application. I have not tried it in isolated UIWebView.

Update1: I have found this.
Changing the html files, though seems very messy.

Can I prevent text in a div block from overflowing?

You can control it with CSS, there is a few options :

  • hidden -> All text overflowing will be hidden.
  • visible -> Let the text overflowing visible.
  • scroll -> put scroll bars if the text overflows

Hope it helps.

How do I write a "tab" in Python?

This is the code:

f = open(filename, 'w')

The \t inside the string is the escape sequence for the horizontal tabulation.

How can I create Min stl priority_queue?

You can do it in multiple ways:
1. Using greater as comparison function :

 #include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
    priority_queue<int,vector<int>,greater<int> >pq;

        int r =;
        cout<<r<< " ";
    return 0;

2. Inserting values by changing their sign (using minus (-) for positive number and using plus (+) for negative number :

int main()
    pq2.push(-1); //for +1
    pq2.push(-2); //for +2
    pq2.push(-3); //for +3
    pq2.push(4);  //for -4

        int r =;
        cout<<-r<<" ";

    return 0;

3. Using custom structure or class :

struct compare
    bool operator()(const int & a, const int & b)
        return a>b;

int main()

    priority_queue<int,vector<int>,compare> pq;

        int r =;
        cout<<r<<" ";

    return 0;

4. Using custom structure or class you can use priority_queue in any order. Suppose, we want to sort people in descending order according to their salary and if tie then according to their age.

    struct people
        int age,salary;

    struct compare{
    bool operator()(const people & a, const people & b)
                return a.age>b.age;
                return a.salary>b.salary;

    int main()

        priority_queue<people,vector<people>,compare> pq;
        people person1,person2,person3;
        person1.age = 50;
        person2.age = 40;
        person3.salary = 100;


            people r =;
            cout<<r.salary<<" "<<r.age<<endl;
  1. Same result can be obtained by operator overloading :

    struct people
    int age,salary;
    bool operator< (const people & p)const
            return age>p.age;
            return salary>p.salary;

    In main function :

    priority_queue<people> pq;
    people person1,person2,person3;
    person1.age = 50;
    person2.age = 40;
    person3.salary = 100;
        people r =;
        cout<<r.salary<<" "<<r.age<<endl;

SQLAlchemy insert or update example

I try lots of ways and finally try this:

def db_persist(func):
    def persist(*args, **kwargs):
        func(*args, **kwargs)
  "success calling db func: " + func.__name__)
            return True
        except SQLAlchemyError as e:
            return False

    return persist

and :

def insert_or_update(table_object):
    return session.merge(table_object)

LINQ's Distinct() on a particular property


List<Person> pList = new List<Person>();
/* Fill list */

var result = pList.Where(p => p.Name != null).GroupBy(p => p.Id).Select(grp => grp.FirstOrDefault());

The where helps you filter the entries (could be more complex) and the groupby and select perform the distinct function.

Date Conversion from String to sql Date in Java giving different output?

mm stands for "minutes". Use MM instead:

SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");

How do I put an image into my picturebox using ImageLocation?

Setting the image using picture.ImageLocation() works fine, but you are using a relative path. Check your path against the location of the .exe after it is built.

For example, if your .exe is located at:

<project folder>/bin/Debug/app.exe

The image would have to be at:

<project folder>/bin/Image/1.jpg

Of course, you could just set the image at design-time (the Image property on the PictureBox property sheet).

If you must set it at run-time, one way to make sure you know the location of the image is to add the image file to your project. For example, add a new folder to your project, name it Image. Right-click the folder, choose "Add existing item" and browse to your image (be sure the file filter is set to show image files). After adding the image, in the property sheet set the Copy to Output Directory to Copy if newer.

At this point the image file will be copied when you build the application and you can use

picture.ImageLocation = @"Image\1.jpg"; 

How to convert .pfx file to keystore with private key?

jarsigner can use your pfx file as the keystore for signing your jar. Be sure that your pfx file has the private key and the cert chain when you export it. There is no need to convert to other formats. The trick is to obtain the Alias of your pfx file:

 keytool -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore your_pfx_file -v | grep Alias

Once you have your alias, signing is easy

jarsigner.exe -storetype pkcs12 -keystore pfx_file jar_file "your alias"

The above two commands will prompt you for the password you specified at pfx export. If you want to have your password hang out in clear text use the -storepass switch before the -keystore switch

Once signed, admire your work:

jarsigner.exe -verify -verbose -certs  yourjarfile

How do we count rows using older versions of Hibernate (~2009)?

This works in Hibernate 4(Tested).

String hql="select count(*) from  Book";
Query query= getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql);
Long count=(Long) query.uniqueResult();
return count;

Where getCurrentSession() is:

private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

private Session getCurrentSession(){
return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

Is there an opposite of include? for Ruby Arrays?

Try something like this:

@players.include?( ? false : true

what does it mean "(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php')"?

I had a similar problem. Just to help out someone with the same issue:

My error was the user file attribute for the files in /var/www. After changing them back to the user "www-data", the problem was gone.

Using python map and other functional tools

import itertools

foos=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
bars=[1, 2, 3]

print zip(foos, itertools.cycle([bars]))

How to resize a VirtualBox vmdk file

I was able to resize the vmdk by cloning it and then modifying and resizing.

vboxmanage clonehd "virtualdisk.vmdk" "new-virtualdisk.vdi" --format vdi
vboxmanage modifyhd "new-virtualdisk.vdi" --resize 30720

How to select between brackets (or quotes or ...) in Vim?

For selecting within single quotes use vi'.

For selecting within parenthesis use vi(.

Overflow:hidden dots at the end

Hopefully it's helpful for you:

.text-with-dots {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    max-width: 98%;_x000D_
    white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
    overflow: hidden !important;_x000D_
    text-overflow: ellipsis;_x000D_
<div class='text-with-dots'>Some texts here Some texts here Some texts here Some texts here Some texts here Some texts here </div>

Entity Framework - Include Multiple Levels of Properties

I'm going to add my solution to my particular problem. I had two collections at the same level I needed to include. The final solution looked like this.

var recipe = _bartendoContext.Recipes
    .Include(r => r.Ingredients)
    .ThenInclude(r => r.Ingredient)
    .Include(r => r.Ingredients)
    .ThenInclude(r => r.MeasurementQuantity)
    .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == recipeId);
if (recipe?.Ingredients == null) return 0m;
var abv = recipe.Ingredients.Sum(ingredient => ingredient.Ingredient.AlcoholByVolume * ingredient.MeasurementQuantity.Quantity);
return abv;

This is calculating the percent alcohol by volume of a given drink recipe. As you can see I just included the ingredients collection twice then included the ingredient and quantity onto that.

Restrict varchar() column to specific values?

Have you already looked at adding a check constraint on that column which would restrict values? Something like:

   Id int NOT NULL,
   Frequency varchar(200),
   CONSTRAINT chk_Frequency CHECK (Frequency IN ('Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly', 'Yearly'))

Programmatically change the height and width of a UIImageView Xcode Swift

A faster / alternative way to change the height and/or width of a UIView is by setting its width/height through frame.size:

let neededHeight = UIScreen.main.bounds.height * 0.2
yourView.frame.size.height = neededHeight

Tomcat manager/html is not available?

I've faced this issue today. I am using Centos7, the solution was to install tomcat-admin-webapp package.

yum install tomcat-webapps tomcat-admin-webapps

REST API Token-based Authentication

A pure RESTful API should use the underlying protocol standard features:

  1. For HTTP, the RESTful API should comply with existing HTTP standard headers. Adding a new HTTP header violates the REST principles. Do not re-invent the wheel, use all the standard features in HTTP/1.1 standards - including status response codes, headers, and so on. RESTFul web services should leverage and rely upon the HTTP standards.

  2. RESTful services MUST be STATELESS. Any tricks, such as token based authentication that attempts to remember the state of previous REST requests on the server violates the REST principles. Again, this is a MUST; that is, if you web server saves any request/response context related information on the server in attempt to establish any sort of session on the server, then your web service is NOT Stateless. And if it is NOT stateless it is NOT RESTFul.

Bottom-line: For authentication/authorization purposes you should use HTTP standard authorization header. That is, you should add the HTTP authorization / authentication header in each subsequent request that needs to be authenticated. The REST API should follow the HTTP Authentication Scheme standards.The specifics of how this header should be formatted are defined in the RFC 2616 HTTP 1.1 standards – section 14.8 Authorization of RFC 2616, and in the RFC 2617 HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication.

I have developed a RESTful service for the Cisco Prime Performance Manager application. Search Google for the REST API document that I wrote for that application for more details about RESTFul API compliance here. In that implementation, I have chosen to use HTTP "Basic" Authorization scheme. - check out version 1.5 or above of that REST API document, and search for authorization in the document. Repeater get current index, pointer, or counter

To display the item number on the repeater you can use the Container.ItemIndex property.

<asp:repeater id="rptRepeater" runat="server">
        Item <%# Container.ItemIndex + 1 %>| <%# Eval("Column1") %>
        <br />

PHP - print all properties of an object


If you want more info you can use a ReflectionClass:

Better way to find index of item in ArrayList?

Use indexOf() method to find first occurrence of the element in the collection.

How to store a large (10 digits) integer?

You can store this in a long. A long can store a value from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.

javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: failed to connect, no password specified?

I also have this problem so don't worry. It comes from mail server side due to an outside authentication issue. Open your mail and you will get a mail from the mail server telling you to enable accessibility. When you have done that, retry your program.

String to HashMap JAVA

You can to use split to do it:

 String[] elements = s.split(",");
 for(String s1: elements) {
     String[] keyValue = s1.split(":");
     myMap.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);

Nevertheless, myself I will go for guava based solution.

How can I format a nullable DateTime with ToString()?

Maybe it is a late answer but may help anyone else.

Simple is:


or just use any format rather than "d".


Use stored procedure to insert some data into a table

If you have the table definition to have an IDENTITY column e.g. IDENTITY(1,1) then don't include MyId in your INSERT INTO statement. The point of IDENTITY is it gives it the next unused value as the primary key value.

insert into MYDB.dbo.MainTable (MyFirstName, MyLastName, MyAddress, MyPort)
values(@myFirstName, @myLastName, @myAddress, @myPort)

There is then no need to pass the @MyId parameter into your stored procedure either. So change it to:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Test]
@myFirstName nvarchar(50)
,@myLastName nvarchar(50)
,@myAddress nvarchar(MAX)
,@myPort int


If you want to know what the ID of the newly inserted record is add


to the end of your procedure. e.g.

You will then be able to pick this up in which ever way you are calling it be it SQL or .NET.

P.s. a better way to show you table definision would have been to script the table and paste the text into your stackoverflow browser window because your screen shot is missing the column properties part where IDENTITY is set via the GUI. To do that right click the table 'Script Table as' --> 'CREATE to' --> Clipboard. You can also do File or New Query Editor Window (all self explanitory) experient and see what you get.

isolating a sub-string in a string before a symbol in SQL Server 2008

DECLARE @dd VARCHAR(200) = 'Net Operating Loss - 2007';

SELECT SUBSTRING(@dd, 1, CHARINDEX('-', @dd) -1) F1,
       SUBSTRING(@dd, CHARINDEX('-', @dd) +1, LEN(@dd)) F2

How to get the row number from a datatable?

ArrayList check = new ArrayList();            

for (int i = 0; i < oDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
    int iValue = Convert.ToInt32(oDS.Tables[0].Rows[i][3].ToString());


HikariCP - connection is not available

I managed to fix it finally. The problem is not related to HikariCP. The problem persisted because of some complex methods in REST controllers executing multiple changes in DB through JPA repositories. For some reasons calls to these interfaces resulted in a growing number of "freezed" active connections, exhausting the pool. Either annotating these methods as @Transactional or enveloping all the logic in a single call to transactional service method seem to solve the problem.

What is the maximum length of a String in PHP?

To properly answer this qustion you need to consider PHP internals or the target that PHP is built for.

To answer this from a typical Linux perspective on x86...

Sizes of types in C:

Types used in PHP for variables:

Strings are always 2GB as the length is always 32bits and a bit is wasted because it uses int rather than uint. int is impractical for lengths over 2GB as it requires a cast to avoid breaking arithmetic or "than" comparisons. The extra bit is likely being used for overflow checks.

Strangely, hash keys might internally support 4GB as uint is used although I have never put this to the test. PHP hash keys have a +1 to the length for a trailing null byte which to my knowledge gets ignored so it may need to be unsigned for that edge case rather than to allow longer keys.

A 32bit system may impose more external limits.

How can I apply a border only inside a table?

Example of a very simple way for you to achieve the desired effect:

<table border="1" frame="void" rules="all">

How to delete session cookie in Postman?

new version of postman app has the ability to do that programmatically in pre-request or tests scripts since 2019/08

see more examples here: Delete cookies programmatically · Issue #3312 · postmanlabs/postman-app-support

clear all cookies

const jar = pm.cookies.jar();

jar.clear(pm.request.url, function (error) {
  // error - <Error>

get all cookies

const jar = pm.cookies.jar();

jar.getAll('', function (error, cookies) {
  // error - <Error>
  // cookies - <PostmanCookieList>
  // PostmanCookieList:

get specific cookie

const jar = pm.cookies.jar();

jar.get('', 'token', function (error, value) {
  // error - <Error>
  // value - <String>

Maintain the aspect ratio of a div with CSS

Just an idea or a hack.

div {_x000D_
  background-color: blue;_x000D_
  width: 10%;_x000D_
  transition: background-color 0.5s, width 0.5s;_x000D_
  font-size: 0;_x000D_
div:hover {_x000D_
  width: 20%;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
img {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: auto;_x000D_
  visibility: hidden;_x000D_
  <!-- use an image with target aspect ratio. sample is a square -->_x000D_
  <img src="" />_x000D_

Can anybody tell me details about hs_err_pid.log file generated when Tomcat crashes?

A very very good document regarding this topic is Troubleshooting Guide for Java from (originally) Sun. See the chapter "Troubleshooting System Crashes" for information about hs_err_pid* Files.

See Appendix C - Fatal Error Log

Per the guide, by default the file will be created in the working directory of the process if possible, or in the system temporary directory otherwise. A specific location can be chosen by passing in the -XX:ErrorFile product flag. It says:

If the -XX:ErrorFile= file flag is not specified, the system attempts to create the file in the working directory of the process. In the event that the file cannot be created in the working directory (insufficient space, permission problem, or other issue), the file is created in the temporary directory for the operating system.

Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL':

Video with fall back:

try {
  video.srcObject = mediaSource;
} catch (error) {
  video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);


Write a file on iOS

May be this is useful to you.

//Method writes a string to a text file
-(void) writeToTextFile{
        //get the documents directory:
        NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains
            (NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
        NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];

        //make a file name to write the data to using the documents directory:
        NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/textfile.txt", 
        //create content - four lines of text
        NSString *content = @"One\nTwo\nThree\nFour\nFive";
        //save content to the documents directory
        [content writeToFile:fileName 


//Method retrieves content from documents directory and
//displays it in an alert
-(void) displayContent{
        //get the documents directory:
        NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains
                        (NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
        NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];

        //make a file name to write the data to using the documents directory:
        NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/textfile.txt", 
        NSString *content = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName
        //use simple alert from my library (see previous post for details)
        [ASFunctions alert:content];
        [content release];


Redirect HTTP to HTTPS on default virtual host without ServerName

This is the complete way to omit unneeded redirects, too ;)

These rules are intended to be used in .htaccess files, as a RewriteRule in a *:80 VirtualHost entry needs no Conditions.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [NC,R=301,L]


RewriteEngine on

==> enable the engine at all

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR]

==> match on non-https connections, or (not setting [OR] would cause an implicit AND !)

RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https

==> match on forwarded connections (proxy, loadbalancer, etc.) without https

RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [NC,R=301,L]

==> if one of both Conditions match, do the rewrite of the whole URL, sending a 301 to have this 'learned' by the client (some do, some don't) and the L for the last rule.

Read a XML (from a string) and get some fields - Problems reading XML

The other answers are several years old (and do not work for Windows Phone 8.1) so I figured I'd drop in another option. I used this to parse an RSS response for a Windows Phone app:

XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();
xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml_string);

How to disable anchor "jump" when loading a page?

In my case because of using anchor link for CSS popup I've used this way:

Just save the pageYOffset first thing on click and then set the ScrollTop to that:

        var st=window.pageYOffset;
        $('html, body').animate({
                'scrollTop' : st

How do you rename a Git tag?

As an add on to the other answers, I added an alias to do it all in one step, with a more familiar *nix move command feel. Argument 1 is the old tag name, argument 2 is the new tag name.

    renameTag = "!sh -c 'set -e;git tag $2 $1; git tag -d $1;git push origin :refs/tags/$1;git push --tags' -"


git renametag old new

XPath:: Get following Sibling


In Chrome (possible Safari too) you can inspect an element, then right click on the tag you want to get the xpath for, then you can copy the xpath to select that element.

Uploading Files in without using the FileUpload server control

use the HTML control with a runat server attribute

 <input id="FileInput" runat="server" type="file" />

Then in Codebehind


There are also some 3'rd party options that will show progress if you intrested

CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER set to true doesnt work on hosting server

If you set CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER to true or 1 then the return value from curl_exec will be the actual result from the successful operation. In other words it will not return TRUE on success. Although it will return FALSE on failure.

As described in the Return Values section of curl-exec PHP manual page:

You should enable the CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option for redirects but this would be a problem if your server is in safe_mode and/or open_basedir is in effect which can cause issues with curl as well.

Saving response from Requests to file

You can use the response.text to write to a file:

import requests

files = {'f': ('1.pdf', open('1.pdf', 'rb'))}
response ="",files=files)
response.raise_for_status() # ensure we notice bad responses
file = open("resp_text.txt", "w")
file = open("resp_content.txt", "w")

Show ProgressDialog Android

You should not execute resource intensive tasks in the main thread. It will make the UI unresponsive and you will get an ANR. It seems like you will be doing resource intensive stuff and want the user to see the ProgressDialog. You can take a look at to do resource intensive tasks. It also shows you how to use a ProgressDialog.