[c#] Getting the IP Address of a Remote Socket Endpoint

How do I determine the remote IP Address of a connected socket?

I have a RemoteEndPoint object I can access and well as its AddressFamily member.

How do I utilize these to find the ip address?


Currently trying

IPAddress.Parse( testSocket.Address.Address.ToString() ).ToString();

and getting instead of for localhost end points. Is this normal?

This question is related to c# sockets endpoints

The answer is

string ip = ((IPEndPoint)(testsocket.RemoteEndPoint)).Address.ToString();

I've made this code in VB.NET but you can translate. Well pretend you have the variable Client as a TcpClient

Dim ClientRemoteIP As String = Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString.Remove(Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString.IndexOf(":"))

Hope it helps! Cheers.

RemoteEndPoint is a property, its type is System.Net.EndPoint which inherits from System.Net.IPEndPoint.

If you take a look at IPEndPoint's members, you'll see that there's an Address property.