Programs & Examples On #State management

Returning Promises from Vuex actions


ADD_PRODUCT : (context,product) => {
  return, product).then((response) => {
    if (response.status === 'success') {  


this.$store.dispatch('ADD_PRODUCT',data).then((res) => {
  if (res.status === 'success') {
    // write your success actions here....
  } else {
     // write your error actions here...

Why am I seeing "TypeError: string indices must be integers"?

I had a similar issue with Pandas, you need to use the iterrows() function to iterate through a Pandas dataset Pandas documentation for iterrows

data = pd.read_csv('foo.csv')
for index,item in data.iterrows():
    print('{} {}'.format(item["gravatar_id"], item["position"]))

note that you need to handle the index in the dataset that is also returned by the function.

Difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer

  • StringBuffer is thread-safe but StringBuilder is not thread safe.
  • StringBuilder is faster than StringBuffer.
  • StringBuffer is synchronized whereas StringBuilder is not synchronized.

How to stop a setTimeout loop?

As this is tagged with the extjs tag it may be worth looking at the extjs method:

This works much like setInterval, but also takes care of the scope, and allows arguments to be passed too:

function setBgPosition() {
    var c = 0;
    var numbers = [0, -120, -240, -360, -480, -600, -720];
    function run() {
       Ext.get('common-spinner').setStyle('background-position', numbers[c++] + 'px 0px');
        if (c<numbers.length){
    return Ext.Function.interval(run,200);

var bgPositionTimer = setBgPosition();

when you want to stop you can use clearInterval to stop it


An example use case would be:

    url: 'example.json',

    success: function(response, opts) {

    failure: function(response, opts) {
        console.log('server-side failure with status code ' + response.status);

What is the difference between encrypting and signing in asymmetric encryption?

Signing indicates you really are the source or vouch for of the object signed. Everyone can read the object, though.

Encrypting means only those with the corresponding private key can read it, but without signing there is no guarantee you are behind the encrypted object.

Should I use pt or px?

px ? Pixels

All of these answers seem to be incorrect. Contrary to intuition, in CSS the px is not pixels. At least, not in the simple physical sense.

Read this article from the W3C, EM, PX, PT, CM, IN…, about how px is a "magical" unit invented for CSS. The meaning of px varies by hardware and resolution. (That article is fresh, last updated 2014-10.)

My own way of thinking about it: 1 px is the size of a thin line intended by a designer to be barely visible.

To quote that article:

The px unit is the magic unit of CSS. It is not related to the current font and also not related to the absolute units. The px unit is defined to be small but visible, and such that a horizontal 1px wide line can be displayed with sharp edges (no anti-aliasing). What is sharp, small and visible depends on the device and the way it is used: do you hold it close to your eyes, like a mobile phone, at arms length, like a computer monitor, or somewhere in between, like a book? The px is thus not defined as a constant length, but as something that depends on the type of device and its typical use.

To get an idea of the appearance of a px, imagine a CRT computer monitor from the 1990s: the smallest dot it can display measures about 1/100th of an inch (0.25mm) or a little more. The px unit got its name from those screen pixels.

Nowadays there are devices that could in principle display smaller sharp dots (although you might need a magnifier to see them). But documents from the last century that used px in CSS still look the same, no matter what the device. Printers, especially, can display sharp lines with much smaller details than 1px, but even on printers, a 1px line looks very much the same as it would look on a computer monitor. Devices change, but the px always has the same visual appearance.

That article gives some guidance about using pt vs px vs em, to answer this Question.

How to use python numpy.savetxt to write strings and float number to an ASCII file?

The currently accepted answer does not actually address the question, which asks how to save lists that contain both strings and float numbers. For completeness I provide a fully working example, which is based, with some modifications, on the link given in @joris comment.

import numpy as np

names  = np.array(['NAME_1', 'NAME_2', 'NAME_3'])
floats = np.array([ 0.1234 ,  0.5678 ,  0.9123 ])

ab = np.zeros(names.size, dtype=[('var1', 'U6'), ('var2', float)])
ab['var1'] = names
ab['var2'] = floats

np.savetxt('test.txt', ab, fmt="%10s %10.3f")

Update: This example also works properly in Python 3 by using the 'U6' Unicode string dtype, when creating the ab structured array, instead of the 'S6' byte string. The latter dtype would work in Python 2.7, but would write strings like b'NAME_1' in Python 3.

Is it possible to simulate key press events programmatically?

This is what I managed to find:

function createKeyboardEvent(name, key, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, metaKey, bubbles) {
  var e = new Event(name)
  e.key = key
  e.keyCode = e.key.charCodeAt(0)
  e.which = e.keyCode
  e.altKey = altKey
  e.ctrlKey = ctrlKey
  e.shiftKey = shiftKey
  e.metaKey =  metaKey
  e.bubbles = bubbles
  return e

var name = 'keydown'
var key = 'a'

var event = createKeyboardEvent(name, key, false, false, false, false, true)

document.addEventListener(name, () => {})

how to convert a string date into datetime format in python?

The particular format for strptime:

datetime.datetime.strptime(string_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
#>>> datetime.datetime(2013, 9, 28, 20, 30, 55, 782000)

Why can I not push_back a unique_ptr into a vector?

You need to move the unique_ptr:


unique_ptr guarantees that a single unique_ptr container has ownership of the held pointer. This means that you can't make copies of a unique_ptr (because then two unique_ptrs would have ownership), so you can only move it.

Note, however, that your current use of unique_ptr is incorrect. You cannot use it to manage a pointer to a local variable. The lifetime of a local variable is managed automatically: local variables are destroyed when the block ends (e.g., when the function returns, in this case). You need to dynamically allocate the object:

std::unique_ptr<int> ptr(new int(1));

In C++14 we have an even better way to do so:


JavaScript: How to get parent element by selector?

Finds the closest parent (or the element itself) that matches the given selector. Also included is a selector to stop searching, in case you know a common ancestor that you should stop searching at.

function closest(el, selector, stopSelector) {
  var retval = null;
  while (el) {
    if (el.matches(selector)) {
      retval = el;
    } else if (stopSelector && el.matches(stopSelector)) {
    el = el.parentElement;
  return retval;

Various ways to remove local Git changes

For discard all i like to stash and drop that stash, it's the fastest way to discard all, especially if you work between multiple repos.

This will stash all changes in {0} key and instantly drop it from {0}

git stash && git stash drop

How can I add a space in between two outputs?


class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)  
        int a=10, b=20;
        System.out.println(a + " " + b);

Input: none

Output: 10 20

Getting results between two dates in PostgreSQL

To have a query working in any locale settings, consider formatting the date yourself:

  FROM testbed 
 WHERE start_date >= to_date('2012-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')
   AND end_date <= to_date('2012-04-13','YYYY-MM-DD');

ORA-01843 not a valid month- Comparing Dates


Mocking a function to raise an Exception to test an except block

Your mock is raising the exception just fine, but the error.resp.status value is missing. Rather than use return_value, just tell Mock that status is an attribute:

barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')

Additional keyword arguments to Mock() are set as attributes on the resulting object.

I put your foo and bar definitions in a my_tests module, added in the HttpError class so I could use it too, and your test then can be ran to success:

>>> from my_tests import foo, HttpError
>>> import mock
>>> with mock.patch('') as barMock:
...     barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')
...     result =
404 - 
>>> result is None

You can even see the print '404 - %s' % error.message line run, but I think you wanted to use error.content there instead; that's the attribute HttpError() sets from the second argument, at any rate.

Cannot install NodeJs: /usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory

In my case, installing nodejs-legacy solved the issue.

sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy

jQuery exclude elements with certain class in selector

You can use the .not() method:

$(".content_box a").not(".button")

Alternatively, you can also use the :not() selector:

$(".content_box a:not('.button')")

There is little difference between the two approaches, except .not() is more readable (especially when chained) and :not() is very marginally faster. See this Stack Overflow answer for more info on the differences.

Copy to Clipboard for all Browsers using javascript

This works on firefox 3.6.x and IE:

    function copyToClipboardCrossbrowser(s) {           
        s = document.getElementById(s).value;               

        if( window.clipboardData && clipboardData.setData )
            clipboardData.setData("Text", s);
            // You have to sign the code to enable this or allow the action in about:config by changing
            //user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

            var clip = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard);
            if (!clip) return;

            // create a transferable

            var trans = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable);
            if (!trans) return;

            // specify the data we wish to handle. Plaintext in this case.

            // To get the data from the transferable we need two new objects
            var str = new Object();
            var len = new Object();

            var str = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);


            trans.setTransferData("text/unicode",str, * 2);

            var clipid=Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard;              
            if (!clip) return false;

How to import cv2 in python3?

Make a virtual enviroment using python3

virtualenv env_name --python="python3"

and run the following command

pip3 install opencv-python

Display a loading bar before the entire page is loaded

Use a div #overlay with your loading info / .gif that will cover all your page:

<div id="overlay">
     <img src="loading.gif" alt="Loading" />



Here's an example with a Loading bar:

jsBin demo

  <div id="overlay">
    <div id="progstat"></div>
    <div id="progress"></div>

  <div id="container">
    <img src="">


body{ font: 200 16px/1 sans-serif; }
img{ width:32.2%; }

  transition: 1s 0.4s;
  width:0;                /* will be increased by JS */
  letter-spacing: 3px;


  function id(v){ return document.getElementById(v); }
  function loadbar() {
    var ovrl = id("overlay"),
        prog = id("progress"),
        stat = id("progstat"),
        img = document.images,
        c = 0,
        tot = img.length;
    if(tot == 0) return doneLoading();

    function imgLoaded(){
      c += 1;
      var perc = ((100/tot*c) << 0) +"%"; = perc;
      stat.innerHTML = "Loading "+ perc;
      if(c===tot) return doneLoading();
    function doneLoading(){ = 0;
      setTimeout(function(){ = "none";
      }, 1200);
    for(var i=0; i<tot; i++) {
      var tImg     = new Image();
      tImg.onload  = imgLoaded;
      tImg.onerror = imgLoaded;
      tImg.src     = img[i].src;
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loadbar, false);

How to drop all tables from the database with CLI in Django?

I would recommend you to install django-extensions and use python reset_db command. It does exactly what you want.

Hibernate HQL Query : How to set a Collection as a named parameter of a Query?

In TorpedoQuery it look like this

Entity from = from(Entity.class);
where(from.getCode()).in("Joe", "Bob");
Query<Entity> select = select(from);

How to generate entire DDL of an Oracle schema (scriptable)?

The output of this query is very clean (original here)

clear screen
accept uname prompt 'Enter User Name : '
accept outfile prompt  ' Output filename : '

spool &&outfile..gen


   DBMS_METADATA.set_transform_param (DBMS_METADATA.session_transform, 'SQLTERMINATOR', true);
   DBMS_METADATA.set_transform_param (DBMS_METADATA.session_transform, 'PRETTY', true);

SELECT dbms_metadata.get_ddl('USER','&&uname') FROM dual;

spool off

Java - Check Not Null/Empty else assign default value

Use Java 8 Optional (no filter needed):

public static String orElse(String defaultValue) {
  return Optional.ofNullable(System.getProperty("property")).orElse(defaultValue);

How to efficiently check if variable is Array or Object (in NodeJS & V8)?

I've used this function to solve:

function isArray(myArray) {
    return myArray.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") > -1;

Installing MySQL-python

In python3 with virtualenv on a Ubuntu Bionic machine the following commands worked for me:

sudo apt install build-essential python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
pip install mysqlclient

Git submodule head 'reference is not a tree' error

I got this error when I did:

$ git submodule update --init --depth 1

but the commit in the parent project was pointing at an earlier commit.

Deleting the submodule folder and running:

$ git submodule update --init

did NOT solve the problem. I deleted the repo and tried again without the depth flag and it worked.

This error happens in Ubuntu 16.04 git 2.7.4, but not on Ubuntu 18.04 git 2.17, TODO find exact fixing commit or version.

How to send json data in POST request using C#

You can use either HttpClient or RestSharp. Since I do not know what your code is, here is an example using HttpClient:

using (var client = new HttpClient())
    // This would be the like
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("Base Address/URL Address");

    // serialize your json using newtonsoft json serializer then add it to the StringContent
    var content = new StringContent(YourJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") 

    // method address would be like api/callUber:SomePort for example
    var result = await client.PostAsync("Method Address", content);
    string resultContent = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();   

Get the date (a day before current time) in Bash

Use Perl instead perhaps?

perl -e 'print scalar localtime( time - 86400 ) . "\n";'

Or, use nawk and (ab)use /usr/bin/adb:

nawk 'BEGIN{printf "0t%d=Y\n", srand()-86400}' | adb

Came across this too ... insane!

/usr/bin/truss /usr/bin/date 2>&1 | nawk -F= '/^time\(\)/ {gsub(/ /,"",$2);printf "0t%d=Y\n", $2-86400}' | adb

Convert pandas DataFrame into list of lists

EDIT: as_matrix is deprecated since version 0.23.0

You can use the built in values or to_numpy (recommended option) method on the dataframe:

In [8]:

array([[  0.9,   7. ,   5.2, ...,  13.3,  13.5,   8.9],
   [  0.9,   7. ,   5.2, ...,  13.3,  13.5,   8.9],
   [  0.8,   6.1,   5.4, ...,  15.9,  14.4,   8.6],
   [  0.2,   1.3,   2.3, ...,  16.1,  16.1,  10.8],
   [  0.2,   1.3,   2.4, ...,  16.5,  15.9,  11.4],
   [  0.2,   1.3,   2.4, ...,  16.5,  15.9,  11.4]])

If you explicitly want lists and not a numpy array add .tolist():


Is there a sleep function in JavaScript?

If you are looking to block the execution of code with call to sleep, then no, there is no method for that in JavaScript.

JavaScript does have setTimeout method. setTimeout will let you defer execution of a function for x milliseconds.

setTimeout(myFunction, 3000);

// if you have defined a function named myFunction 
// it will run after 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds)

Remember, this is completely different from how sleep method, if it existed, would behave.

function test1()
    // let's say JavaScript did have a sleep function..
    // sleep for 3 seconds


If you run the above function, you will have to wait for 3 seconds (sleep method call is blocking) before you see the alert 'hi'. Unfortunately, there is no sleep function like that in JavaScript.

function test2()
    // defer the execution of anonymous function for 
    // 3 seconds and go to next line of code.

    }, 3000);  


If you run test2, you will see 'hi' right away (setTimeout is non blocking) and after 3 seconds you will see the alert 'hello'.

How do I use checkboxes in an IF-THEN statement in Excel VBA 2010?

If Sheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Value = True Then

I believe Tim is right. You have a Form Control. For that you have to use this

If ActiveSheet.Shapes("Check Box 1").ControlFormat.Value = 1 Then

How do I log a Python error with debug information?


What if your application does logging some other way – not using the logging module?

Now, traceback could be used here.

import traceback

def log_traceback(ex, ex_traceback=None):
    if ex_traceback is None:
        ex_traceback = ex.__traceback__
    tb_lines = [ line.rstrip('\n') for line in
                 traceback.format_exception(ex.__class__, ex, ex_traceback)]
  • Use it in Python 2:

        # your function call is here
    except Exception as ex:
        _, _, ex_traceback = sys.exc_info()
        log_traceback(ex, ex_traceback)
  • Use it in Python 3:

        x = get_number()
    except Exception as ex:

ImportError: No module named - Python

Your modification of sys.path assumes the current working directory is always in main/. This is not the case. Instead, just add the parent directory to sys.path:

import sys
import os.path

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
import gen_py.lib

Don't forget to include a file in gen_py and lib - otherwise, they won't be recognized as Python modules.

How to get cell value from DataGridView in VB.Net?

It is working for me


enter image description here

Add directives from directive in AngularJS

I wanted to add my solution since the accepted one didn't quite work for me.

I needed to add a directive but also keep mine on the element.

In this example I am adding a simple ng-style directive to the element. To prevent infinite compile loops and allowing me to keep my directive I added a check to see if what I added was present before recompiling the element.

angular.module('some.directive', [])
.directive('someDirective', ['$compile',function($compile){
    return {
        priority: 1001,
        controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', '$transclude' ,function($scope, $element, $attrs, $transclude) {

            // controller code here

        compile: function(element, attributes){
            var compile = false;

            //check to see if the target directive was already added
                //add the target directive
                element.attr('ng-style', "{'width':'200px'}");
                compile = true;
            return {
                pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {  },
                post: function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {

How to have jQuery restrict file types on upload?

This example allows to upload PNG image only.


<input type="file" class="form-control" id="FileUpload1" accept="image/png" />


                function () {
                    var fileExtension = ['png'];
                    if ($.inArray($(this).val().split('.').pop().toLowerCase(), fileExtension) == -1) {
                        alert("Only '.png' format is allowed.");
                        this.value = ''; // Clean field
                        return false;

How to compare two JSON have the same properties without order?

lodash will work, tested even for angular 5,

var remoteJSON = {"allowExternalMembers": "false", "whoCanJoin": 
var localJSON = {"whoCanJoin": "CAN_REQUEST_TO_JOIN", 
  "allowExternalMembers": "false"};

 if(_.isEqual(remoteJSON, localJSON)){

it works, for installation in angular, follow this

How can I decrypt MySQL passwords

Hashing is a one-way process but using a password-list you can regenerate the hashes and compare to the stored hash to 'crack' the password.

This site attempts to do this for you - run through passwords lists and tell you the cleartext password based on your hash.

Is there a way to follow redirects with command line cURL?

I had a similar problem. I am posting my solution here because I believe it might help one of the commenters.

For me, the obstacle was that the page required a login and then gave me a new URL through javascript. Here is what I had to do:

curl -c cookiejar -g -O -J -L -F "j_username=username" -F "j_password=password" <URL>

Note that j_username and j_password is the name of the fields for my website's login form. You will have to open the source of the webpage to see what the 'name' of the username field and the 'name' of the password field is in your case. After that I go an html file with java script in which the new URL was embedded. After parsing this out just resubmit with the new URL:

curl -c cookiejar -g -O -J -L -F "j_username=username" -F "j_password=password" <NEWURL>

Angularjs dynamic ng-pattern validation

This is an interesting problem, complex Angular validation. The following fiddle implements what you want:


I created a new directive, rpattern, that is a mix of Angular's ng-required and the ng-pattern code from input[type=text]. What it does is watch the required attribute of the field and take that into account when validating with regexp, i.e. if not required mark field as valid-pattern.


  • Most of the code is from Angular, tailored to the needs of this.
  • When the checkbox is checked, the field is required.
  • The field is not hidden when the required checkbox is false.
  • The regular expression is simplified for the demo (valid is 3 digits).

A dirty (but smaller) solution, if you do not want a new directive, would be something like:

$scope.phoneNumberPattern = (function() {
    var regexp = /^\(?(\d{3})\)?[ .-]?(\d{3})[ .-]?(\d{4})$/;
    return {
        test: function(value) {
            if( $scope.requireTel === false ) {
                return true;
            return regexp.test(value);

And in HTML no changes would be required:

<input type="text" ng-model="..." ng-required="requireTel"
    ng-pattern="phoneNumberPattern" />

This actually tricks angular into calling our test() method, instead of RegExp.test(), that takes the required into account.

MySQL "ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'foo.#sql-12c_4' (errno: 150)"

The referenced column must be an index of a single column or the first column in multi column index, and the same type and the same collation.

My two tables have the different collations. It can be shown by issuing show table status like table_name and collation can be changed by issuing alter table table_name convert to character set utf8.

Conversion between UTF-8 ArrayBuffer and String

If you don't want to use any external polyfill library, you can use this function provided by the Mozilla Developer Network website:

function utf8ArrayToString(aBytes) {_x000D_
    var sView = "";_x000D_
    for (var nPart, nLen = aBytes.length, nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) {_x000D_
        nPart = aBytes[nIdx];_x000D_
        sView += String.fromCharCode(_x000D_
            nPart > 251 && nPart < 254 && nIdx + 5 < nLen ? /* six bytes */_x000D_
                /* (nPart - 252 << 30) may be not so safe in ECMAScript! So...: */_x000D_
                (nPart - 252) * 1073741824 + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 24) + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 18) + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 12) + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 6) + aBytes[++nIdx] - 128_x000D_
            : nPart > 247 && nPart < 252 && nIdx + 4 < nLen ? /* five bytes */_x000D_
                (nPart - 248 << 24) + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 18) + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 12) + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 6) + aBytes[++nIdx] - 128_x000D_
            : nPart > 239 && nPart < 248 && nIdx + 3 < nLen ? /* four bytes */_x000D_
                (nPart - 240 << 18) + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 12) + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 6) + aBytes[++nIdx] - 128_x000D_
            : nPart > 223 && nPart < 240 && nIdx + 2 < nLen ? /* three bytes */_x000D_
                (nPart - 224 << 12) + (aBytes[++nIdx] - 128 << 6) + aBytes[++nIdx] - 128_x000D_
            : nPart > 191 && nPart < 224 && nIdx + 1 < nLen ? /* two bytes */_x000D_
                (nPart - 192 << 6) + aBytes[++nIdx] - 128_x000D_
            : /* nPart < 127 ? */ /* one byte */_x000D_
    return sView;_x000D_
let str = utf8ArrayToString([50,72,226,130,130,32,43,32,79,226,130,130,32,226,135,140,32,50,72,226,130,130,79]);_x000D_
// Must show 2H2 + O2 ? 2H2O_x000D_

Select count(*) from result query

You can wrap your query in another SELECT:

select count(*)
  select count(SID) tot  -- add alias
  from Test 
  where Date = '2012-12-10' 
  group by SID
) src;  -- add alias

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

In order for it to work, the count(SID) need a column alias and you have to provide an alias to the subquery itself.

Get HTML source of WebElement in Selenium WebDriver using Python

Java with Selenium 2.53.0


How to sort a HashSet?

You can wrap it in a TreeSet like this:

Set mySet = new HashSet();
System.out.println("mySet items "+ mySet);   

TreeSet treeSet = new TreeSet(mySet);   
System.out.println("treeSet items "+ treeSet);   

output :
mySet items [1, 3, 4, 5]
treeSet items [1, 3, 4, 5]

Set mySet = new HashSet();
System.out.println("mySet items "+ mySet);

TreeSet treeSet = new TreeSet(mySet);
System.out.println("treeSet items "+ treeSet);

mySet items [six, four, five, two, elf]
treeSet items [elf, five, four, six, two]

requirement for this method is that the objects of the set/list should be comparable (implement the Comparable interface)

How do DATETIME values work in SQLite?

Store it in a field of type long. See Date.getTime() and new Date(long)

In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query?

I don't believe you can, though I hope that someone will prove me wrong.

I know you can print the query and its toString method will show you the sql without the replacements. That can be handy if you're building complex query strings, but it doesn't give you the full query with values.

Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony 2

The cssrewrite filter is not compatible with the @bundle notation for now. So you have two choices:

  • Reference the CSS files in the web folder (after: console assets:install --symlink web)

    {% stylesheets '/bundles/myCompany/css/*." filter="cssrewrite" %}
  • Use the cssembed filter to embed images in the CSS like this.

    {% stylesheets '@MyCompanyMyBundle/Resources/assets/css/*.css' filter="cssembed" %}

JavaScript string newline character?

I had the problem of expressing newline with \n or \r\n.
Magically the character \r which is used for carriage return worked for me like a newline.
So in some cases, it is useful to consider \r too.

How can I exclude a directory from Visual Studio Code "Explore" tab?

You can configure patterns to hide files and folders from the explorer and searches.

  1. Open VS User Settings (Main menu: File > Preferences > Settings). This will open the setting screen.

  2. Search for files:exclude in the search at the top.

  3. Configure the User Setting with new glob patterns as needed. In this case, add this pattern node_modules/ then click OK. The pattern syntax is powerful. You can find pattern matching details under the Search Across Files topic.

       "files.exclude": {
        "*.json": true,
        "**/*.md": true,
        ".gitignore": true,
        ".editorconfig": true,
        "**/polyfills.ts": true,
        "**/main.ts": true,
        "**/": true,
        "**/tsconfig.spec.json": true,
        "**/tslint.json": true,
        "**/karma.conf.js": true,
        "**/favicon.ico": true,
        "**/browserslist": true,
        "**/test.ts": true,
        "**/*.pyc": true,
        "**/__pycache__/": true

How do I restart a program based on user input?

You can do this simply with a function. For example:

def script():
    # program code here...
    restart = raw_input("Would you like to restart this program?")
    if restart == "yes" or restart == "y":
    if restart == "n" or restart == "no":
        print "Script terminating. Goodbye."

Of course you can change a lot of things here. What is said, what the script will accept as a valid input, the variable and function names. You can simply nest the entire program in a user-defined function (Of course you must give everything inside an extra indent) and have it restart at anytime using this line of code: myfunctionname(). More on this here.

JAXB: how to marshall map into <key>value</key>

I didn't see anything that really answered this very well. I found something that worked pretty well here:

Use JAXB XMLAnyElement type of style to return dynamic element names

I modified it a bit to support hashmap trees. You could add other collections.

public class MapAdapter extends XmlAdapter<MapWrapper, Map<String, Object>> {
    public MapWrapper marshal(Map<String, Object> m) throws Exception {
        MapWrapper wrapper = new MapWrapper();
        List elements = new ArrayList();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> property : m.entrySet()) {

            if (property.getValue() instanceof Map)
                elements.add(new JAXBElement<MapWrapper>(new QName(getCleanLabel(property.getKey())),
                        MapWrapper.class, marshal((Map) property.getValue())));
                elements.add(new JAXBElement<String>(new QName(getCleanLabel(property.getKey())),
                        String.class, property.getValue().toString()));
        wrapper.elements = elements;
        return wrapper;

    public Map<String, Object> unmarshal(MapWrapper v) throws Exception {
        // TODO
        throw new OperationNotSupportedException();

    // Return a XML-safe attribute.  Might want to add camel case support
    private String getCleanLabel(String attributeLabel) {
        attributeLabel = attributeLabel.replaceAll("[()]", "").replaceAll("[^\\w\\s]", "_").replaceAll(" ", "_");
        return attributeLabel;
class MapWrapper {
    List elements;

Then to implement it:

static class myxml {
    String name = "Full Name";
    String address = "1234 Main St";
    // I assign values to the map elsewhere, but it's just a simple
    // hashmap with a hashmap child as an example.
    public Map<String, Object> childMap;

Feeding this through a simple Marshaller gives output that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <name>Full Name</name>
    <address>1234 Main St</address>
</myxml> cannot be cast to

in case your project use dagger, and then this error show up you can add this at android manifest

        android: name = ".BaseApplication"
        ...> ...

How do I put an image into my picturebox using ImageLocation?

if you provide a bad path or a broken link, if the compiler cannot find the image, the picture box would display an X icon on its body.

PictureBox picture = new PictureBox
            Name = "pictureBox",
            Size = new Size(100, 50),
            Location = new Point(14, 17),
            Image = Image.FromFile(@"c:\Images\test.jpg"),
            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage


PictureBox picture = new PictureBox
            Name = "pictureBox",
            Size = new Size(100, 50),
            Location = new Point(14, 17),
            ImageLocation = @"c:\Images\test.jpg",
            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage

i'm not sure where you put images in your folder structure but you can find the path as bellow

 picture.ImageLocation = Path.Combine(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, "Resources\Images\1.jpg");

How can I align the columns of tables in Bash?

It's easier than you wonder.

If you are working with a separated by semicolon file and header too:

$ (head -n1 file.csv && sort file.csv | grep -v <header>) | column -s";" -t

If you are working with array (using tab as separator):


   echo stringarray[$i] $'\t' numberarray[$i] $'\t' anotherfieldarray[$i] >> tmp_file.csv


cat file.csv | column -t

Disabling browser caching for all browsers from ASP.NET

This is what we use in ASP.NET:

// Stop Caching in IE

// Stop Caching in Firefox

It stops caching in Firefox and IE, but we haven't tried other browsers. The following response headers are added by these statements:

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache

Multi-threading in VBA

'speed up thread
     dim lpThreadId as long
     dim test as long
     dim ptrt as long
     Add = CODEPTR(thread)
'opensocket( change depending on configuration
     numSock = Sock.Connect("", 1958)    
'port recieving
'create thread
     hThread= CreateThread (byval 0&,byval 16384, Add , byval 0&, ByVal 1958, ptrt )

' use 
Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateThread" (lpThreadAttributes As long, ByVal dwStackSize As Long, lpStartAddress As Long, lpParameter As long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpThreadId As Long) As Long

Jquery validation plugin - TypeError: $(...).validate is not a function

for me, the problem was from require('jquery-validation') i added in the begging of that js file which Validate method used which is necessary as an npm module

unfortunately, when web pack compiles the js files, they aren't in order, so that the validate method is before defining it! and the error comes

so better to use another js file for compiling this library or use local validate method file or even using CDN but in all cases make sure you attached jquery before

ldap_bind: Invalid Credentials (49)

I don't see an obvious problem with the above.

It's possible your ldap.conf is being overridden, but the command-line options will take precedence, ldapsearch will ignore BINDDN in the main ldap.conf, so the only parameter that could be wrong is the URI. (The order is ETCDIR/ldap.conf then ~/ldaprc or ~/.ldaprc and then ldaprc in the current directory, though there environment variables which can influence this too, see man ldapconf.)

Try an explicit URI:

ldapsearch -x -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com' -b "" -s base -H ldap://localhost

or prevent defaults with:

LDAPNOINIT=1 ldapsearch -x -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com' -b "" -s base

If that doesn't work, then some troubleshooting (you'll probably need the full path to the slapd binary for these):

  • make sure your slapd.conf is being used and is correct (as root)

    slapd -T test -f slapd.conf -d 65535

    You may have a left-over or default slapd.d configuration directory which takes preference over your slapd.conf (unless you specify your config explicitly with -f, slapd.conf is officially deprecated in OpenLDAP-2.4). If you don't get several pages of output then your binaries were built without debug support.

  • stop OpenLDAP, then manually start slapd in a separate terminal/console with debug enabled (as root, ^C to quit)

    slapd -h ldap://localhost -d 481

    then retry the search and see if you can spot the problem (there will be a lot of schema noise in the start of the output unfortunately). (Note: running slapd without the -u/-g options can change file ownerships which can cause problems, you should usually use those options, probably -u ldap -g ldap )

  • if debug is enabled, then try also

    ldapsearch -v -d 63 -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com' -b "" -s base

string in namespace std does not name a type

You need to add:

#include <string>

In your header file.

Debugging WebSocket in Google Chrome

Chrome developer tools now have the ability to list WebSocket frames and also inspect the data if the frames are not binary.


  1. Launch Chrome Developer tools
  2. Load your page and initiate the WebSocket connections
  3. Click the Network Tab.
  4. Select the WebSocket connection from the list on the left (it will have status of "101 Switching Protocols".
  5. Click the Messages sub-tab. Binary frames will show up with a length and time-stamp and indicate whether they are masked. Text frames will show also include the payload content.

If your WebSocket connection uses binary frames then you will probably still want to use Wireshark to debug the connection. Wireshark 1.8.0 added dissector and filtering support for WebSockets. An alternative may be found in this other answer.

How do you remove an array element in a foreach loop?

Instead of doing foreach() loop on the array, it would be faster to use array_search() to find the proper key. On small arrays, I would go with foreach for better readibility, but for bigger arrays, or often executed code, this should be a bit more optimal:

if($result !== false) {

The strict comparsion operator !== is needed, because array_search() can return 0 as the index of the $unwantedValue.

Also, the above example will remove just the first value $unwantedValue, if the $unwantedValue can occur more then once in the $array, You should use array_keys(), to find all of them:

foreach($result as $key) {

Check for more information.

Check if input value is empty and display an alert

Check empty input with removing space(if user enter space) from input using trim

            if($.trim($('#fname').val()) == '')
               $('#fname').css("border-color", "red");

Get the last item in an array

jQuery solves this neatly:

> $([1,2,3]).get(-1)
> $([]).get(-1)

Imply bit with constant 1 or 0 in SQL Server

Unfortunately, no. You will have to cast each value individually.

How to make the tab character 4 spaces instead of 8 spaces in nano?

If you use nano with a language like python (as in your example) it's also a good idea to convert tabs to spaces.

Edit your ~/.nanorc file (or create it) and add:

set tabsize 4
set tabstospaces

If you already got a file with tabs and want to convert them to spaces i recommend the expandcommand (shell):

expand -4 >

How to send Basic Auth with axios

I just faced this issue, doing some research I found that the data values has to be sended as URLSearchParams, I do it like this:

getAuthToken: async () => {
const data = new URLSearchParams();
data.append('grant_type', 'client_credentials');
const fetchAuthToken = await axios({
  method: 'POST',
  auth: {
    username: PAYMENT_CLIENT_ID,
    password: PAYMENT_SECRET,
  headers: {
    Accept: 'application/json',
    'Accept-Language': 'en_US',
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
  withCredentials: true,
return fetchAuthToken;


How can I remove specific rules from iptables?

The best solution that works for me without any problems looks this way:
1. Add temporary rule with some comment:

comment=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | sed 's/\-//g')
iptables -A ..... -m comment --comment "${comment}" -j REQUIRED_ACTION

2. When the rule added and you wish to remove it (or everything with this comment), do:

iptables-save | grep -v "${comment}" | iptables-restore

So, you'll 100% delete all rules that match the $comment and leave other lines untouched. This solution works for last 2 months with about 100 changes of rules per day - no issues.Hope, it helps

Calling jQuery method from onClick attribute in HTML

I know this was answered long ago, but if you don't mind creating the button dynamically, this works using only the jQuery framework:

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $button = $('<input id="1" type="button" value="ahaha" />');_x000D_
  $ {_x000D_
    console.log("Id clicked: " + ); // or $(this) or $button_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>And here is my HTML page:</p>_x000D_
<div class="Title">Welcome!</div>

Laravel Eloquent inner join with multiple conditions

//You may use this example. Might be help you...

$user = User::select("users.*"," as itemId"," as jobId")

Java Long primitive type maximum limit

Exceding the maximum value of a long doesnt throw an exception, instead it cicles back. If you do this:

Long.MAX_VALUE + 1

you will notice that the result is the equivalent to Long.MIN_VALUE.

From here: java number exceeds long.max_value - how to detect?

adding text to an existing text element in javascript via DOM

The reason that appendChild is not a function is because you're executing it on the textContent of your p element.

You instead just need to select the paragraph itself, and then append your new text node to that:

var paragraph = document.getElementById("p");_x000D_
var text = document.createTextNode("This just got added");_x000D_
<p id="p">This is some text</p>

However instead, if you like, you can just modify the text itself (rather than adding a new node):

var paragraph = document.getElementById("p");_x000D_
paragraph.textContent += "This just got added";
<p id="p">This is some text</p>

How do I insert an image in an activity with android studio?

I'll Explain how to add an image using Android studio(2.3.3). First you need to add the image into res/drawable folder in the project. Like below

enter image description here

Now in go to activity_main.xml (or any activity you need to add image) and select the Design view. There you can see your Palette tool box on left side. You need to drag and drop ImageView.

enter image description here

It will prompt you Resources dialog box. In there select Drawable under the project section you can see your image. Like below

enter image description here

Select the image you want press Ok you can see the image on the Design view. If you want it configure using xml it would look like below.

        tools:layout_editor_absoluteY="130dp" />

You need to give image location using


Java Switch Statement - Is "or"/"and" possible?

From what I understand about your question, before passing the character into the switch statement, you can convert it to lowercase. So you don't have to worry about upper cases because they are automatically converted to lower case. For that you need to use the below function:


How do I print my Java object without getting "SomeType@2f92e0f4"?

By default, every Object in Java has the toString() method which outputs the ObjectType@HashCode.

If you want more meaningfull information then you need to override the toString() method in your class.

public class Person {
  private String name;

  // constructor and getter/setter omitted

  // overridding toString() to print name
  public String toString(){
     return name;  

Now when you print the person object using System.out.prtinln(personObj); it will print the name of the person instead of the classname and hashcode.

In your second case when you are trying to print the array, it prints [;@28a418fc the Array type and it's hashcode.

If you want to print the person names, there are many ways.

You could write your own function that iterates each person and prints

void printPersonArray(Person[] persons){
    for(Person person: persons){

You could print it using Arrays.toString(). This seems the simplest to me.

 System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(persons));  // for nested arrays  

You could print it the java 8 way (using streams and method reference).;

There might be other ways as well. Hope this helps. :)

PHP Pass variable to next page

**page 1**
<form action="exapmple.php?variable_name=$value" method="POST"> 
        <input  type="hidden" name="x">

page 2

if(isset($_POST['x'])) {

How can I get just the first row in a result set AFTER ordering?

An alternative way:

FROM bla
WHERE finalDate = (SELECT MAX(finalDate) FROM bla) AND
      rownum = 1

How can I run Tensorboard on a remote server?

  1. Find your local external IP by googling "whats my ip" or entering this command: wget -qO -
  2. Determine your remote external IP. This is probably what comes after your username when ssh-ing into the remote server. You can also wget -qO - again from there too.
  3. Secure your remote server traffic to just accept your local external IP address
  4. Run Tensorboard. Note the port it defaults to: 6006
  5. Enter your remote external IP address into your browser, followed by the port:

If your remote server is open to traffic from your local IP address, you should be able to see your remote Tensorboard.

Warning: if all internet traffic can access your system (if you haven't specified a single IP address that can access it), anyone may be able to view your TensorBoard results and runaway with creating SkyNet themselves.

Hive: Convert String to Integer

If the value is between –2147483648 and 2147483647, cast(string_filed as int) will work. else cast(string_filed as bigint) will work

    hive> select cast('2147483647' as int);
    hive> select cast('2147483648' as int);
    hive> select cast('2147483648' as bigint);

Using NotNull Annotation in method argument

If you are using Spring, you can force validation by annotating the class with @Validated:

import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;

More info available here: Javax validation @NotNull annotation usage

Summarizing multiple columns with dplyr?

For completeness: with dplyr v0.2 ddply with colwise will also do this:

> ddply(df, .(grp), colwise(mean))
  grp        a    b        c        d
1   1 4.333333 4.00 1.000000 2.000000
2   2 2.000000 2.75 2.750000 2.750000
3   3 3.000000 4.00 4.333333 3.666667

but it is slower, at least in this case:

> microbenchmark(ddply(df, .(grp), colwise(mean)), 
                  df %>% group_by(grp) %>% summarise_each(funs(mean)))
Unit: milliseconds
                                            expr      min       lq     mean
                ddply(df, .(grp), colwise(mean))     3.278002 3.331744 3.533835
 df %>% group_by(grp) %>% summarise_each(funs(mean)) 1.001789 1.031528 1.109337

   median       uq      max neval
 3.353633 3.378089 7.592209   100
 1.121954 1.133428 2.292216   100

Deleting elements from std::set while iterating

C++20 will have "uniform container erasure", and you'll be able to write:

std::erase_if(numbers, [](int n){ return n % 2 == 0 });

And that will work for vector, set, deque, etc. See cppReference for more info.

Disable Transaction Log

What's your problem with Tx logs? They grow? Then just set truncate on checkpoint option.

From Microsoft documentation:

In SQL Server 2000 or in SQL Server 2005, the "Simple" recovery model is equivalent to "truncate log on checkpoint" in earlier versions of SQL Server. If the transaction log is truncated every time a checkpoint is performed on the server, this prevents you from using the log for database recovery. You can only use full database backups to restore your data. Backups of the transaction log are disabled when the "Simple" recovery model is used.

Javascript Get Values from Multiple Select Option Box

The for loop is getting one extra run. Change

for (x=0;x<=InvForm.SelBranch.length;x++)


for (x=0; x < InvForm.SelBranch.length; x++)

MySQL - SELECT WHERE field IN (subquery) - Extremely slow why?

This is similar to my case, where I have a table named tabel_buku_besar. What I need are

  1. Looking for record that have account_code='101.100' in tabel_buku_besar which have companyarea='20000' and also have IDR as currency

  2. I need to get all record from tabel_buku_besar which have account_code same as step 1 but have transaction_number in step 1 result

while using select ... from...where....transaction_number in (select transaction_number from ....), my query running extremely slow and sometimes causing request time out or make my application not responding...

I try this combination and the result...not bad...

 from (select * from tabel_buku_besar A
                where A.COMPANYAREA='$COMPANYAREA'
                      AND A.CURRENCY='$Currency'
                      AND A.ACCOUNT_CODE!='$ACCOUNT'
                      AND (A.TANGGAL_INPUT BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('$StartDate','%d/%m/%Y') AND STR_TO_DATE('$EndDate','%d/%m/%Y'))) L 
INNER JOIN (select * from tabel_buku_besar A
                     where A.COMPANYAREA='$COMPANYAREA'
                           AND A.CURRENCY='$Currency'
                           AND A.ACCOUNT_CODE='$ACCOUNT'

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

I catch this exception when Java out of heap. If I try to put in RAM many data items - first I catch "Communications link failure" and next "OutOfMemoryError".

I logged it and I decrease memory consumption (delete 1/2 data) and all ok.

Javascript use variable as object name

I think Shaz's answer for local variables is hard to understand, though it works for non-recursive functions. Here's another way that I think it's clearer (but it's still his idea, exact same behavior). It's also not accessing the local variables dynamically, just the property of the local variable.

Essentially, it's using a global variable (attached to the function object)

// Here's  a version of it that is more straight forward.
function doIt() {
    doIt.objname = {};
    var someObject = "objname";
    doIt[someObject].value = "value";    

Which is essentially the same thing as creating a global to store the variable, so you can access it as a property. Creating a global to do this is such a hack.

Here's a cleaner hack that doesn't create global variables, it uses a local variable instead.

function doIt() {
  var scope = {
     MyProp: "Hello"
  var name = "MyProp";

See Javascript: interpret string as object reference?

Exit from app when click button in android phonegap?

}else if(navigator.device){

How to automatically generate a stacktrace when my program crashes

For Linux and I believe Mac OS X, if you're using gcc, or any compiler that uses glibc, you can use the backtrace() functions in execinfo.h to print a stacktrace and exit gracefully when you get a segmentation fault. Documentation can be found in the libc manual.

Here's an example program that installs a SIGSEGV handler and prints a stacktrace to stderr when it segfaults. The baz() function here causes the segfault that triggers the handler:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void handler(int sig) {
  void *array[10];
  size_t size;

  // get void*'s for all entries on the stack
  size = backtrace(array, 10);

  // print out all the frames to stderr
  fprintf(stderr, "Error: signal %d:\n", sig);
  backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, STDERR_FILENO);

void baz() {
 int *foo = (int*)-1; // make a bad pointer
  printf("%d\n", *foo);       // causes segfault

void bar() { baz(); }
void foo() { bar(); }

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  signal(SIGSEGV, handler);   // install our handler
  foo(); // this will call foo, bar, and baz.  baz segfaults.

Compiling with -g -rdynamic gets you symbol info in your output, which glibc can use to make a nice stacktrace:

$ gcc -g -rdynamic ./test.c -o test

Executing this gets you this output:

$ ./test
Error: signal 11:

This shows the load module, offset, and function that each frame in the stack came from. Here you can see the signal handler on top of the stack, and the libc functions before main in addition to main, foo, bar, and baz.

Delete all lines beginning with a # from a file

This can be done with a sed one-liner:

sed '/^#/d'

This says, "find all lines that start with # and delete them, leaving everything else."

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

The correct way in .NET 4.0 is:

if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strSearch))

The String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace method used above is equivalent to:

if (strSearch == null || strSearch == String.Empty || strSearch.Trim().Length == 0) 
// String.Empty is the same as ""

Reference for IsNullOrWhiteSpace method

Indicates whether a specified string is Nothing, empty, or consists only of white-space characters.

In earlier versions, you could do something like this:

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strSearch) || strSearch.Trim().Length == 0)

The String.IsNullOrEmpty method used above is equivalent to:

if (strSearch == null || strSearch == String.Empty)

Which means you still need to check for your "IsWhiteSpace" case with the .Trim().Length == 0 as per the example.

Reference for IsNullOrEmpty method

Indicates whether the specified string is Nothing or an Empty string.


You need to ensure strSearch (or any variable for that matter) is not null before you dereference it using the dot character (.) - i.e. before you do strSearch.SomeMethod() or strSearch.SomeProperty you need to check that strSearch != null.

In your example you want to make sure your string has a value, which means you want to ensure the string:

  • Is not null
  • Is not the empty string (String.Empty / "")
  • Is not just whitespace

In the cases above, you must put the "Is it null?" case first, so it doesn't go on to check the other cases (and error) when the string is null.

How to pass complex object to ASP.NET WebApi GET from jQuery ajax call?

If you append json data to query string, and parse it later in web api side. you can parse complex object. It's useful rather than post json object style. This is my solution.

//javascript file 
var data = { UserID: "10", UserName: "Long", AppInstanceID: "100", ProcessGUID: "BF1CC2EB-D9BD-45FD-BF87-939DD8FF9071" };
var request = JSON.stringify(data);
request = encodeURIComponent(request);

doAjaxGet("/ProductWebApi/api/Workflow/StartProcess?data=", request, function (result) {

//webapi file:
public ResponseResult StartProcess()
    dynamic queryJson = ParseHttpGetJson(Request.RequestUri.Query);
        int appInstanceID = int.Parse(queryJson.AppInstanceID.Value);
    Guid processGUID = Guid.Parse(queryJson.ProcessGUID.Value);
    int userID = int.Parse(queryJson.UserID.Value);
    string userName = queryJson.UserName.Value;

//utility function:
public static dynamic ParseHttpGetJson(string query)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
            var json = query.Substring(7, query.Length - 7); //seperate ?data= characters
            json = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(json);
            dynamic queryJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(json);

            return queryJson;
        catch (System.Exception e)
            throw new ApplicationException("can't deserialize object as wrong string content!", e);
        return null;

Does WhatsApp offer an open API?

1) It looks possible. This info on Github describes how to create a java program to send a message using the whatsapp encryption protocol from WhisperSystems.

2) No. See the whatsapp security white paper.

3) See #1.

Command Prompt Error 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

This seems to happen from time to time with programs that are very sensitive to command lines, but one option is to just use the DOS path instead of the Windows path. This means that C:\Program Files\ would resolve to C:\PROGRA~1\ and generally avoid any issues with spacing.

To get the short path you can create a quick Batch file that echos the short path:

echo %~s1

Which is then called as follows:

C:\>shortPath.bat "C:\Program Files"

getting the ng-object selected with ng-change

you also coud try this:

<select  ng-model="selectedItem" ng-change="update()">
   <option ng-repeat="item in items" 
         ng-selected="selectedItem == item.Id" value="{{item.Id}}">

Excel VBA - Delete empty rows

How about

sub foo()
  dim r As Range, rows As Long, i As Long
  Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:Z50")
  rows = r.rows.Count
  For i = rows To 1 Step (-1)
    If WorksheetFunction.CountA(r.rows(i)) = 0 Then r.rows(i).Delete
End Sub

Try this

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim DelRange As Range

    On Error GoTo Whoa

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    For i = 1 To 50
        If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A" & i & ":" & "Z" & i)) = 0 Then
            If DelRange Is Nothing Then
                Set DelRange = Range("A" & i & ":" & "Z" & i)
                Set DelRange = Union(DelRange, Range("A" & i & ":" & "Z" & i))
            End If
        End If
    Next i

    If Not DelRange Is Nothing Then DelRange.Delete shift:=xlUp
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume LetsContinue
End Sub

IF you want to delete the entire row then use this code

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim DelRange As Range

    On Error GoTo Whoa

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    For i = 1 To 50
        If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A" & i & ":" & "Z" & i)) = 0 Then
            If DelRange Is Nothing Then
                Set DelRange = Rows(i)
                Set DelRange = Union(DelRange, Rows(i))
            End If
        End If
    Next i

    If Not DelRange Is Nothing Then DelRange.Delete shift:=xlUp
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume LetsContinue
End Sub

JavaScript chop/slice/trim off last character in string

Using JavaScript's slice function:

let string = 'foo_bar';_x000D_
string = string.slice(0, -4); // Slice off last four characters here_x000D_

This could be used to remove '_bar' at end of a string, of any length.

How to set Default Controller in MVC 4 & MVC 5

Set below code in RouteConfig.cs in App_Start folder

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
 name: "Default",
 url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
 defaults: new { controller = "Account", action = "Login", id = UrlParameter.Optional });

IF still not working then do below steps

Second Way : You simple follow below steps,

1) Right click on your Project

2) Select Properties

3) Select Web option and then Select Specific Page (Controller/View) and then set your login page

Here, Account is my controller and Login is my action method (saved in Account Controller)

Please take a look attachedenter image description here screenshot.

Force page scroll position to top at page refresh in HTML

The supercalifragilisticexpialidocious answer is:

add this at the top of your js file or script tag

document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; // For Chrome, Firefox, IE and Opera

document.body.scrollTop = 0; // For Safari

Alternative to a goto statement in Java

The easiest is:

int label = 0;
loop:while(true) {
    switch(state) {
        case 0:
            // Some code
            state = 5;

        case 2:
            // Some code
            state = 4;
            break loop;

Concept behind putting wait(),notify() methods in Object class

The other answers to this question all miss the key point that in Java, there is one mutex associated with every object. (I'm assuming you know what a mutex or "lock" is.) This is not the case in most programming languages which have the concept of "locks". For example, in Ruby, you have to explicitly create as many Mutex objects as you need.

I think I know why the creators of Java made this choice (although, in my opinion, it was a mistake). The reason has to do with the inclusion of the synchronized keyword. I believe that the creators of Java (naively) thought that by including synchronized methods in the language, it would become easy for people to write correct multithreaded code -- just encapsulate all your shared state in objects, declare the methods that access that state as synchronized, and you're done! But it didn't work out that way...

Anyways, since any class can have synchronized methods, there needs to be one mutex for each object, which the synchronized methods can lock and unlock.

wait and notify both rely on mutexes. Maybe you already understand why this is the case... if not I can add more explanation, but for now, let's just say that both methods need to work on a mutex. Each Java object has a mutex, so it makes sense that wait and notify can be called on any Java object. Which means that they need to be declared as methods of Object.

Another option would have been to put static methods on Thread or something, which would take any Object as an argument. That would have been much less confusing to new Java programmers. But they didn't do it that way. It's much too late to change any of these decisions; too bad!

How to get a view table query (code) in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

Use sp_helptext before the view_name. Example:

sp_helptext Example_1

Hence you will get the query:

CREATE VIEW dbo.Example_1
SELECT       a, b, c
FROM         dbo.table_name JOIN blah blah blah
WHERE        blah blah blah

sp_helptext will give stored procedures.

IndentationError: unexpected indent error

The indentation is wrong, as the error tells you. As you can see, you have indented the code beginning with the indicated line too little to be in the for loop, but too much to be at the same level as the for loop. Python sees the lack of indentation as ending the for loop, then complains you have indented the rest of the code too much. (The def line I'm betting is just an artifact of how Stack Overflow wants you to format your code.)

Edit: Given your correction, I'm betting you have a mixture of tabs and spaces in the source file, such that it looks to the human eye like the code lines up, but Python considers it not to. As others have suggested, using only spaces is the recommended practice (see PEP 8). If you start Python with python -t, you will get warnings if there are mixed tabs and spaces in your code, which should help you pinpoint the issue.

What is the difference between a symbolic link and a hard link?

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is how I visualize it:

enter image description here

Here is how we get to that picture:

  1. Create a name myfile.txt in the file system that points to a new inode (which contains the metadata for the file and points to the blocks of data that contain its contents, i.e. the text "Hello, World!":

    $ echo 'Hello, World!' > myfile.txt
  2. Create a hard link my-hard-link to the file myfile.txt, which means "create a file that should point to the same inode that myfile.txt points to":

    $ ln myfile.txt my-hard-link
  3. Create a soft link my-soft-link to the file myfile.txt, which means "create a file that should point to the file myfile.txt":

    $ ln -s myfile.txt my-soft-link

Look what will now happen if myfile.txt is deleted (or moved): my-hard-link still points to the same contents, and is thus unaffected, whereas my-soft-link now points to nothing. Other answers discuss the pros/cons of each.

How do I pass a variable by reference?

Python’s pass-by-assignment scheme isn’t quite the same as C++’s reference parameters option, but it turns out to be very similar to the argument-passing model of the C language (and others) in practice:

  • Immutable arguments are effectively passed “by value.” Objects such as integers and strings are passed by object reference instead of by copying, but because you can’t change immutable objects in place anyhow, the effect is much like making a copy.
  • Mutable arguments are effectively passed “by pointer.” Objects such as lists and dictionaries are also passed by object reference, which is similar to the way C passes arrays as pointers—mutable objects can be changed in place in the function, much like C arrays.

Missing visible-** and hidden-** in Bootstrap v4

Unfortunately all classes hidden-*-up and hidden-*-down were removed from Bootstrap (as of Bootstrap Version 4 Beta, in Version 4 Alpha and Version 3 these classes still existed).

Instead, new classes d-* should be used, as mentioned here:

I found out that the new approach is less useful under some circumstances. The old approach was to HIDE elements while the new approach is to SHOW elements. Showing elements is not that easy with CSS since you need to know if the element is displayed as block, inline, inline-block, table etc.

You might want to restore the former "hidden-*" styles known from Bootstrap 3 with this CSS:

 * Restore Bootstrap 3 "hidden" utility classes.

/* Breakpoint XS */
@media (max-width: 575px)
    .hidden-xs-down, .hidden-sm-down, .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;


/* Breakpoint SM */
@media (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 767px)
    .hidden-sm-down, .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint MD */
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)
    .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint LG */
@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)
    .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, .hidden-lg-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint XL */
@media (min-width: 1200px)
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, .hidden-lg-up, .hidden-xl-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg
        display: none !important;

The classes hidden-unless-* were not included in Bootstrap 3, but they are useful as well and should be self-explanatory.

Make absolute positioned div expand parent div height

You answered the question by yourself: "I know that absolute positioned elements are removed from the flow, thus ignored by other elements." So you can't set the parents height according to an absolutely positioned element.

You either use fixed heights or you need to involve JS.

Char array in a struct - incompatible assignment?

You can also initialise it like this:

struct name sara = { "Sara", "Black" };

Since (as a special case) you're allowed to initialise char arrays from string constants.

Now, as for what a struct actually is - it's a compound type composed of other values. What sara actually looks like in memory is a block of 20 consecutive char values (which can be referred to using sara.first, followed by 0 or more padding bytes, followed by another block of 20 consecutive char values (which can be referred to using sara.last). All other instances of the struct name type are laid out in the same way.

In this case, it is very unlikely that there is any padding, so a struct name is just a block of 40 characters, for which you have a name for the first 20 and the last 20.

You can find out how big a block of memory a struct name takes using sizeof(struct name), and you can find out where within that block of memory each member of the structure is placed at using offsetof(struct name, first) and offsetof(struct name, last).

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host under Git bash

Similar to Arun Sangal the problem lied in an in .ssh/config entry

  ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p

The remote machine was added to avoid with ssh for VPN connections and worked well. But for the vacation period I switched off the myremotemachine and run into the described problem.

Querying date field in MongoDB with Mongoose

{ "date" : "1000000" } in your Mongo doc seems suspect. Since it's a number, it should be { date : 1000000 }

It's probably a type mismatch. Try post.findOne({date: "1000000"}, callback) and if that works, you have a typing issue.

How to set JAVA_HOME for multiple Tomcat instances?

Linux based Tomcat6 should have /etc/tomcat6/tomcat6.conf

# System-wide configuration file for tomcat6 services
# This will be sourced by tomcat6 and any secondary service
# Values will be overridden by service-specific configuration
# files in /etc/sysconfig
# Use this one to change default values for all services
# Change the service specific ones to affect only one service
# (see, for instance, /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6)

# Where your java installation lives

# Where your tomcat installation lives

PHP array printing using a loop

Foreach before foreach: :)

while(list($key,$value) = each($array))
  // we used this back in php3 :)

Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML

Latest update:

Html.fromHtml(string);//deprecated after Android N versions..

Following code give support to android N and above versions...



java.util.regex - importance of Pattern.compile()?

Compile parses the regular expression and builds an in-memory representation. The overhead to compile is significant compared to a match. If you're using a pattern repeatedly it will gain some performance to cache the compiled pattern.

Remove characters from C# string

Here is a nice way to remove the invalid characters in a Filename:

string.Join(string.Empty, filename.Split(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()));

Does file_get_contents() have a timeout setting?

It is worth noting that if changing default_socket_timeout on the fly, it might be useful to restore its value after your file_get_contents call:

$default_socket_timeout = ini_get('default_socket_timeout');
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 10);
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $default_socket_timeout);

Using partial views in MVC 4

You're passing the same model to the partial view as is being passed to the main view, and they are different types. The model is a DbSet of Notes, where you need to pass in a single Note.

You can do this by adding a parameter, which I'm guessing as it's the create form would be a new Note

@Html.Partial("_CreateNote", new QuickNotes.Models.Note())

Extract data from XML Clob using SQL from Oracle Database


SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(testclob), '/DCResponse/ContextData/Field[@key="Decision"]') 
FROM traptabclob;

Here is a sqlfiddle demo

How to display text in pygame?

You can create a surface with text on it. For this take a look at this short example:

pygame.font.init() # you have to call this at the start, 
                   # if you want to use this module.
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 30)

This creates a new object on which you can call the render method.

textsurface = myfont.render('Some Text', False, (0, 0, 0))

This creates a new surface with text already drawn onto it. At the end you can just blit the text surface onto your main screen.


Bear in mind, that everytime the text changes, you have to recreate the surface again, to see the new text.

Is there a way to return a list of all the image file names from a folder using only Javascript?

IMHO, Edizkan Adil Ata's idea is actually the most proper way. It extracts the URLs of anchor tags and puts them in a different tag. And if you don't want to let the anchors being seen by the page visitor then just .hide() them all with JQuery or display: none; in CSS.

Also you can perform prefetching, like this:

<link rel="prefetch" href="imagefolder/clouds.jpg" />

That way you don't have to hide it and still can extract the path to the image.

converting Java bitmap to byte array

Try something like this:

Bitmap bmp = intent.getExtras().get("data");
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, stream);
byte[] byteArray = stream.toByteArray();

Merge trunk to branch in Subversion

Is there something that prevents you from merging all revisions on trunk since the last merge?

svn merge -rLastRevisionMergedFromTrunkToBranch:HEAD url/of/trunk path/to/branch/wc

should work just fine. At least if you want to merge all changes on trunk to your branch.

How to check if a json key exists?

You can try this to check wether the key exists or not:

JSONObject object = new JSONObject(jsonfile);
if (object.containskey("key")) {
  //etc. etc.

How to install pandas from pip on windows cmd?

Since both pip nor python commands are not installed along Python in Windows, you will need to use the Windows alternative py, which is included by default when you installed Python. Then you have the option to specify a general or specific version number after the py command.

C:\> py      -m pip install pandas  %= one of Python on the system =%
C:\> py -2   -m pip install pandas  %= one of Python 2 on the system =%
C:\> py -2.7 -m pip install pandas  %= only for Python 2.7 =%
C:\> py -3   -m pip install pandas  %= one of Python 3 on the system =%
C:\> py -3.6 -m pip install pandas  %= only for Python 3.6 =%

Alternatively, in order to get pip to work without py -m part, you will need to add pip to the PATH environment variable.

C:\> setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\<path\to\python\folder>\Scripts"

Now you can run the following command as expected.

C:\> pip install pandas



connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed


This is caused by your SSL certificate is unable to verify the host server. You can add to the trusted host or specify an alternative SSL certificate. For more information, please see this post. (Thanks to Anuj Varshney for suggesting this)

C:\> py -m pip install --trusted-host pip pandas


PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied


This is a caused by when you don't permission to modify the Python site-package folders. You can avoid this with one of the following methods:

  • Run Windows Command Prompt as administrator (thanks to DataGirl's suggestion) by:

    1. Windows-Key + R to open run
    2. type in cmd.exe in the search box
    4. An alternative method for step 1-3 would be to manually locate cmd.exe, right click, then click Run as Administrator.
  • Run pip in user mode by adding --user option when installing with pip. Which typically install the package to the local %APPDATA% Python folder.

C:\> py -m pip install --user pandas
C:\> py -m venv c:\path\to\new\venv
C:\> <path\to\the\new\venv>\Scripts\activate.bat

Should I use SVN or Git?

I have used SVN for a long time, but whenever I used Git, I felt that Git is much powerful, lightweight, and although a little bit of learning curve involved but is better than SVN.

What I have noted is that each SVN project, as it grows, becomes a very big size project unless it is exported. Where as, GIT project (along with Git data) is very light weight in size.

In SVN, I've dealt with developers from novice to experts, and the novices and intermediates seem to introduce File conflicts if they copy one folder from another SVN project in order to re-use it. Whereas, I think in Git, you just copy the folder and it works, because Git doesn't introduce .git folders in all its subfolders (as SVN does).

After dealing alot with SVN since long time, I'm finally thinking to move my developers and me to Git, since it is easy to collaborate and merge work, as well as one great advantage is that a local copy's changes can be committed as much desired, and then finally pushed to the branch on server in one go, unlike SVN (where we have to commit the changes from time to time in the repository on server).

Anyone who can help me decide if I should really go with Git?

Java current machine name and logged in user?

To get the currently logged in user:

System.getProperty(""); //platform independent 

and the hostname of the machine: localMachine =;
System.out.println("Hostname of local machine: " + localMachine.getHostName());

How do I fix the indentation of an entire file in Vi?

For complex C++ files vim does not always get the formatting right when using vim's = filter command. So for a such situations it is better to use an external C++ formatter like astyle (or uncrustify) e.g.:


Vim's '=' function uses its internal formatter by default (which doesn't always gets things right) but one can also set it use an external formatter, like astyle, by setting it up appropriately as discussed in this question.

'ssh-keygen' is not recognized as an internal or external command

In my machine, ssh-keygen was available from powershell.

What is the use of static constructors?

No you can't overload it; a static constructor is useful for initializing any static fields associated with a type (or any other per-type operations) - useful in particular for reading required configuration data into readonly fields, etc.

It is run automatically by the runtime the first time it is needed (the exact rules there are complicated (see "beforefieldinit"), and changed subtly between CLR2 and CLR4). Unless you abuse reflection, it is guaranteed to run at most once (even if two threads arrive at the same time).

Java: How to stop thread?

JavaSun recomendation is to use a shared variable as a flag which asks the background thread to stop. This variable can then be set by a different object requesting the thread to terminate.

You can that way kill the other process, and the current one afterwards.

What represents a double in sql server?

It sounds like you can pick and choose. If you pick float, you may lose 11 digits of precision. If that's acceptable, go for it -- apparently the Linq designers thought this to be a good tradeoff.

However, if your application needs those extra digits, use decimal. Decimal (implemented correctly) is way more accurate than a float anyway -- no messy translation from base 10 to base 2 and back.

overlay opaque div over youtube iframe

Information from the Official Adobe site about this issue

The issue is when you embed a youtube link:

in an iFrame, the default wmode is windowed which essentially gives it a z-index greater then everything else and it will overlay over anything.

Try appending this GET parameter to your URL:


like so:

Make sure its the first parameter in the URL. Other parameters must go after

In the iframe tag:


<iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="520" height="330" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Setting log level of message at runtime in slf4j

no, it has a number of methods, info(), debug(), warn(), etc (this replaces the priority field)

have a look at for the full Logger api.

master branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, how to 'undiverge' branches'?

I have fixed it by moving to commit_sha that last is committed to origin/master.

git reset --hard commit_sha

WARNING: You will lose all that is committed after the 'commit_sha' commit.

SQL Stored Procedure: If variable is not null, update statement

Another approach when you have many updates would be to use COALESCE:

    [ABC]  = COALESCE(@ABC, [ABC]),

How to convert JSON data into a Python object


The best aproach I could reach with my knowledge was this.
Note that this code treat set() too.
This approach is generic just needing the extension of class (in the second example).
Note that I'm just doing it to files, but it's easy to modify the behavior to your taste.

However this is a CoDec.

With a little more work you can construct your class in other ways. I assume a default constructor to instance it, then I update the class dict.

import json
import collections

class JsonClassSerializable(json.JSONEncoder):


    def register(ctype):
        JsonClassSerializable.REGISTERED_CLASS[ctype.__name__] = ctype

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, collections.Set):
            return dict(_set_object=list(obj))
        if isinstance(obj, JsonClassSerializable):
            jclass = {}
            jclass["name"] = type(obj).__name__
            jclass["dict"] = obj.__dict__
            return dict(_class_object=jclass)
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

    def json_to_class(self, dct):
        if '_set_object' in dct:
            return set(dct['_set_object'])
        elif '_class_object' in dct:
            cclass = dct['_class_object']
            cclass_name = cclass["name"]
            if cclass_name not in self.REGISTERED_CLASS:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Class {} not registered in JSON Parser"
            instance = self.REGISTERED_CLASS[cclass_name]()
            instance.__dict__ = cclass["dict"]
            return instance
        return dct

    def encode_(self, file):
        with open(file, 'w') as outfile:
                self.__dict__, outfile,

    def decode_(self, file):
            with open(file, 'r') as infile:
                self.__dict__ = json.load(
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("Persistence load failed "
                  "'{}' do not exists".format(file)

class C(JsonClassSerializable):

    def __init__(self):
        self.mill = "s"


class B(JsonClassSerializable):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1230
        self.c = C()


class A(JsonClassSerializable):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1
        self.b = {1, 2}
        self.c = B()


b = A()


With some more of research I found a way to generalize without the need of the SUPERCLASS register method call, using a metaclass

import json
import collections


class MetaSerializable(type):

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls.__name__ not in REGISTERED_CLASS:
            REGISTERED_CLASS[cls.__name__] = cls
        return super(MetaSerializable, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)

class JsonClassSerializable(json.JSONEncoder, metaclass=MetaSerializable):

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, collections.Set):
            return dict(_set_object=list(obj))
        if isinstance(obj, JsonClassSerializable):
            jclass = {}
            jclass["name"] = type(obj).__name__
            jclass["dict"] = obj.__dict__
            return dict(_class_object=jclass)
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

    def json_to_class(self, dct):
        if '_set_object' in dct:
            return set(dct['_set_object'])
        elif '_class_object' in dct:
            cclass = dct['_class_object']
            cclass_name = cclass["name"]
            if cclass_name not in REGISTERED_CLASS:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Class {} not registered in JSON Parser"
            instance = REGISTERED_CLASS[cclass_name]()
            instance.__dict__ = cclass["dict"]
            return instance
        return dct

    def encode_(self, file):
        with open(file, 'w') as outfile:
                self.__dict__, outfile,

    def decode_(self, file):
            with open(file, 'r') as infile:
                self.__dict__ = json.load(
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("Persistence load failed "
                  "'{}' do not exists".format(file)

class C(JsonClassSerializable):

    def __init__(self):
        self.mill = "s"

class B(JsonClassSerializable):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1230
        self.c = C()

class A(JsonClassSerializable):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1
        self.b = {1, 2}
        self.c = B()

b = A()
# 1
# {1, 2}
# 1230
# s

Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM

I was having the same problem with android tabs when trying to place them on the bottom of the screen. My scenario was to not use a layout file and create the tabs in code, I was also looking to fire activities from each tab which seemed a bit too complex using other approaches so, here is the sample code to overcome the problem:


Oracle: Call stored procedure inside the package

You're nearly there, just take out the EXECUTE:

  procId NUMBER;

  PKG1.INIT(1143824, 0, procId);

How can I select and upload multiple files with HTML and PHP, using HTTP POST?

<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  Select image to upload:
  <input type="file"   name="file[]" multiple/>
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload Image" />

Using FOR Loop

  $file_dir  = "uploads";    
  if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {

    for ($x = 0; $x < count($_FILES['file']['name']); $x++) {               

      $file_name   = $_FILES['file']['name'][$x];
      $file_tmp    = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$x];

      /* location file save */
      $file_target = $file_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name; /* DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR = / or \ */

      if (move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $file_target)) {                        
        echo "{$file_name} has been uploaded. <br />";                      
      } else {                      
        echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading {$file_name}.";                               


Using FOREACH Loop

  $file_dir  = "uploads";    
  if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {

    foreach ($_FILES['file']['name'] as $key => $value) {                   

      $file_name   = $_FILES['file']['name'][$key];
      $file_tmp    = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$key];

      /* location file save */
      $file_target = $file_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name; /* DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR = / or \ */

      if (move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $file_target)) {                        
        echo "{$file_name} has been uploaded. <br />";                      
      } else {                      
        echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading {$file_name}.";                               


File being used by another process after using File.Create()

I know this is an old question, but I just want to throw this out there that you can still use File.Create("filename")", just add .Dispose() to it.


This way it creates and closes the file for the next process to use it.

Load local JSON file into variable

There are two possible problems:

  1. AJAX is asynchronous, so json will be undefined when you return from the outer function. When the file has been loaded, the callback function will set json to some value but at that time, nobody cares anymore.

    I see that you tried to fix this with 'async': false. To check whether this works, add this line to the code and check your browser's console:

    console.log(['json', json]);
  2. The path might be wrong. Use the same path that you used to load your script in the HTML document. So if your script is js/script.js, use js/content.json

    Some browsers can show you which URLs they tried to access and how that went (success/error codes, HTML headers, etc). Check your browser's development tools to see what happens.

How can I access "static" class variables within class methods in Python?

bar is your static variable and you can access it using

Basically, you need to qualify your static variable with Class name.

Find and replace string values in list

In case you're wondering about the performance of the different approaches, here are some timings:

In [1]: words = [str(i) for i in range(10000)]

In [2]: %timeit replaced = [w.replace('1', '<1>') for w in words]
100 loops, best of 3: 2.98 ms per loop

In [3]: %timeit replaced = map(lambda x: str.replace(x, '1', '<1>'), words)
100 loops, best of 3: 5.09 ms per loop

In [4]: %timeit replaced = map(lambda x: x.replace('1', '<1>'), words)
100 loops, best of 3: 4.39 ms per loop

In [5]: import re

In [6]: r = re.compile('1')

In [7]: %timeit replaced = [r.sub('<1>', w) for w in words]
100 loops, best of 3: 6.15 ms per loop

as you can see for such simple patterns the accepted list comprehension is the fastest, but look at the following:

In [8]: %timeit replaced = [w.replace('1', '<1>').replace('324', '<324>').replace('567', '<567>') for w in words]
100 loops, best of 3: 8.25 ms per loop

In [9]: r = re.compile('(1|324|567)')

In [10]: %timeit replaced = [r.sub('<\1>', w) for w in words]
100 loops, best of 3: 7.87 ms per loop

This shows that for more complicated substitutions a pre-compiled reg-exp (as in 9-10) can be (much) faster. It really depends on your problem and the shortest part of the reg-exp.

What is the MySQL JDBC driver connection string?

Check if the Driver Connector jar matches the SQL version.

I was also getting the same error as I was using the


with MySql 8

Multiple modals overlay

Update: 22.01.2019, 13.41 I optimized the solution by jhay, which also supports closing and opening same or different dialogs when for example stepping from one detail data to another forwards or backwards.

(function ($, window) {
'use strict';

var MultiModal = function (element) {
    this.$element = $(element);
    this.modalIndex = 0;

MultiModal.BASE_ZINDEX = 1040;

/* Max index number. When reached just collate the zIndexes */
MultiModal.MAX_INDEX = 5; = function (target) {
    var that = this;
    var $target = $(target);

    // Bootstrap triggers the show event at the beginning of the show function and before
    // the modal backdrop element has been created. The timeout here allows the modal
    // show function to complete, after which the modal backdrop will have been created
    // and appended to the DOM.

    // we only want one backdrop; hide any extras
    setTimeout(function () {
        /* Count the number of triggered modal dialogs */

        if (that.modalIndex >= MultiModal.MAX_INDEX) {
            /* Collate the zIndexes of every open modal dialog according to its order */

        /* Modify the zIndex */
        $target.css('z-index', MultiModal.BASE_ZINDEX + (that.modalIndex * 20) + 10);

        /* we only want one backdrop; hide any extras */
        if (that.modalIndex > 1) 



MultiModal.prototype.hidden = function (target) {

    if ($('').length === 1) {

        /* Reset the index to 1 when only one modal dialog is open */
        this.modalIndex = 1;
        $('').css('z-index', MultiModal.BASE_ZINDEX + 10);
        var $modalBackdrop = $('.modal-backdrop:first');
        $modalBackdrop.css('z-index', MultiModal.BASE_ZINDEX);


MultiModal.prototype.adjustBackdrop = function () {        
    $('.modal-backdrop:first').css('z-index', MultiModal.BASE_ZINDEX + (this.modalIndex * 20));

MultiModal.prototype.collateZIndex = function () {

    var index = 1;
    var $modals = $('').toArray();

    $modals.sort(function(x, y) 
        return (Number( - Number(;

    for (i = 0; i < $modals.length; i++)
        $($modals[i]).css('z-index', MultiModal.BASE_ZINDEX + (index * 20) + 10);

    this.modalIndex = index;


function Plugin(method, target) {
    return this.each(function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        var data = $'multi-modal-plugin');

        if (!data)
            $'multi-modal-plugin', (data = new MultiModal(this)));

        if (method)

$.fn.multiModal = Plugin;
$.fn.multiModal.Constructor = MultiModal;

$(document).on('', function (e) {

$(document).on('', function (e) {
});}(jQuery, window));

Open firewall port on CentOS 7

Use this command to find your active zone(s):

firewall-cmd --get-active-zones

It will say either public, dmz, or something else. You should only apply to the zones required.

In the case of public try:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=2888/tcp --permanent

Then remember to reload the firewall for changes to take effect.

firewall-cmd --reload

Otherwise, substitute public for your zone, for example, if your zone is dmz:

firewall-cmd --zone=dmz --add-port=2888/tcp --permanent

JPA With Hibernate Error: [PersistenceUnit: JPA] Unable to build EntityManagerFactory

It worked for me after adding the following dependency in pom,


How to get the previous url using PHP

Use the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] header, but bear in mind anybody can spoof it at anytime regardless of whether they clicked on a link.

Java optional parameters

This is an old question maybe even before actual Optional type was introduced but these days you can consider few things: - use method overloading - use Optional type which has advantage of avoiding passing NULLs around Optional type was introduced in Java 8 before it was usually used from third party lib such as Google's Guava. Using optional as parameters / arguments can be consider as over-usage as the main purpose was to use it as a return time.


sql select with column name like

You cannot with standard SQL. Column names are not treated like data in SQL.

If you use a SQL engine that has, say, meta-data tables storing column names, types, etc. you may select on that table instead.

Html.Raw() in ASP.NET MVC Razor view

You shouldn't be calling .ToString().

As the error message clearly states, you're writing a conditional in which one half is an IHtmlString and the other half is a string.
That doesn't make sense, since the compiler doesn't know what type the entire expression should be.

There is never a reason to call Html.Raw(...).ToString().
Html.Raw returns an HtmlString instance that wraps the original string.
The Razor page output knows not to escape HtmlString instances.

However, calling HtmlString.ToString() just returns the original string value again; it doesn't accomplish anything.

jQuery Validation plugin: validate check box

You had several issues with your code.

1) Missing a closing brace, }, within your rules.

2) In this case, there is no reason to use a function for the required rule. By default, the plugin can handle checkbox and radio inputs just fine, so using true is enough. However, this will simply do the same logic as in your original function and verify that at least one is checked.

3) If you also want only a maximum of two to be checked, then you'll need to apply the maxlength rule.

4) The messages option was missing the rule specification. It will work, but the one custom message would apply to all rules on the same field.

5) If a name attribute contains brackets, you must enclose it within quotes.


$(document).ready(function () {

    $('#formid').validate({ // initialize the plugin
        rules: {
            'test[]': {
                required: true,
                maxlength: 2
        messages: {
            'test[]': {
                required: "You must check at least 1 box",
                maxlength: "Check no more than {0} boxes"


How to get DataGridView cell value in messagebox?


            for (int rows = 0; rows < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; rows++)

                for (int col = 0; col < dataGridView1.Rows[rows].Cells.Count; col++)
                    s1 = dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
                    label20.Text = s1;
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show("try again"+ex);

.htaccess redirect http to https

Add this code at the end of your .htaccess file

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

How to automatically close cmd window after batch file execution?

If you want to separate the commands into one command per file, you can do

cmd /c start C:\Users\Yiwei\Downloads\putty.exe -load "MathCS-labMachine1"

and in the other file, you can do

cmd /c start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Xming\Xming.exe" :0 -clipboard -multiwindow

The command cmd /c will close the command-prompt window after the exe was run.

Is it possible only to declare a variable without assigning any value in Python?

You look like you're trying to write C in Python. If you want to find something in a sequence, Python has builtin functions to do that, like

value = sequence.index(blarg)

Does `anaconda` create a separate PYTHONPATH variable for each new environment?

No, the only thing that needs to be modified for an Anaconda environment is the PATH (so that it gets the right Python from the environment bin/ directory, or Scripts\ on Windows).

The way Anaconda environments work is that they hard link everything that is installed into the environment. For all intents and purposes, this means that each environment is a completely separate installation of Python and all the packages. By using hard links, this is done efficiently. Thus, there's no need to mess with PYTHONPATH because the Python binary in the environment already searches the site-packages in the environment, and the lib of the environment, and so on.

Which websocket library to use with Node.js?

Getting the ball rolling with this community wiki answer. Feel free to edit me with your improvements.

  • ws WebSocket server and client for node.js. One of the fastest libraries if not the fastest one.

  • websocket-node WebSocket server and client for node.js

  • websocket-driver-node WebSocket server and client protocol parser node.js - used in faye-websocket-node

  • faye-websocket-node WebSocket server and client for node.js - used in faye and sockjs

  • WebSocket server and client for node.js + client for browsers + (v0 has newest to oldest fallbacks, v1 of uses + channels - used in Client library tries to reconnect upon disconnection.

  • sockjs WebSocket server and client for node.js and others + client for browsers + newest to oldest fallbacks

  • faye WebSocket server and client for node.js and others + client for browsers + fallbacks + support for other server-side languages

  • clusterable realtime server that handles WebSockets & TCP connections and provides data-sync, pub/sub and request/response

  • socketcluster WebSocket server cluster which makes use of all CPU cores on your machine. For example, if you were to use an xlarge Amazon EC2 instance with 32 cores, you would be able to handle almost 32 times the traffic on a single instance.

  • primus Provides a common API for most of the libraries above for easy switching + stability improvements for all of them.

When to use:

  • use the basic WebSocket servers when you want to use the native WebSocket implementations on the clientside, beware of the browser incompatabilities

  • use the fallback libraries when you care about browser fallbacks

  • use the full featured libraries when you care about channels

  • use primus when you have no idea about what to use, are not in the mood for rewriting your application when you need to switch frameworks because of changing project requirements or need additional connection stability.

Where to test:

Firecamp is a GUI testing environment for SocketIO, WS and all major real-time technology. Debug the real-time events while you're developing it. runserver

I had the same problem and here was my way to solve it:

First, You must know your IP address. On my Windows PC, in the cmd windows i run ipconfig and select my IP V4 address. In my case

Second as mention above: runserver

It worked for me. The error i did to get the message was the use of the gateway address not my PC address.

How do I point Crystal Reports at a new database

Use the Database menu and "Set Datasource Location" menu option to change the name or location of each table in a report.

This works for changing the location of a database, changing to a new database, and changing the location or name of an individual table being used in your report.

To change the datasource connection, go the Database menu and click Set Datasource Location.

  1. Change the Datasource Connection:
    1. From the Current Data Source list (the top box), click once on the datasource connection that you want to change.
    2. In the Replace with list (the bottom box), click once on the new datasource connection.
    3. Click Update.
  2. Change Individual Tables:
    1. From the Current Data Source list (the top box), expand the datasource connection that you want to change.
    2. Find the table for which you want to update the location or name.
    3. In the Replace with list (the bottom box), expand the new datasource connection.
    4. Find the new table you want to update to point to.
    5. Click Update.
    6. Note that if the table name has changed, the old table name will still appear in the Field Explorer even though it is now using the new table. (You can confirm this be looking at the Table Name of the table's properties in Current Data Source in Set Datasource Location. Screenshot It's possible to rename the old table name to the new name from the context menu in Database Expert -> Selected Tables.
  3. Change Subreports:
    1. Repeat each of the above steps for any subreports you might have embedded in your report.
    2. Close the Set Datasource Location window.
  4. Any Commands or SQL Expressions:
    1. Go to the Database menu and click Database Expert.
    2. If the report designer used "Add Command" to write custom SQL it will be shown in the Selected Tables box on the right.
    3. Right click that command and choose "Edit Command".
    4. Check if that SQL is specifying a specific database. If so you might need to change it.
    5. Close the Database Expert window.
    6. In the Field Explorer pane on the right, right click any SQL Expressions.
    7. Check if the SQL Expressions are specifying a specific database. If so you might need to change it also.
    8. Save and close your Formula Editor window when you're done editing.

And try running the report again.

The key is to change the datasource connection first, then any tables you need to update, then the other stuff. The connection won't automatically change the tables underneath. Those tables are like goslings that've imprinted on the first large goose-like animal they see. They'll continue to bypass all reason and logic and go to where they've always gone unless you specifically manually change them.

To make it more convenient, here's a tip: You can "Show SQL Query" in the Database menu, and you'll see table names qualified with the database (like "Sales"."dbo"."Customers") for any tables that go straight to a specific database. That might make the hunting easier if you have a lot of stuff going on. When I tackled this problem I had to change each and every table to point to the new table in the new database.

JS how to cache a variable

You have three options:

  1. Cookies:
  2. DOMStorage (sessionStorage or localStorage):
  3. If your users are logged in, you could persist data in your server's DB that is keyed to a user (or group)

How do I force Postgres to use a particular index?

Assuming you're asking about the common "index hinting" feature found in many databases, PostgreSQL doesn't provide such a feature. This was a conscious decision made by the PostgreSQL team. A good overview of why and what you can do instead can be found here. The reasons are basically that it's a performance hack that tends to cause more problems later down the line as your data changes, whereas PostgreSQL's optimizer can re-evaluate the plan based on the statistics. In other words, what might be a good query plan today probably won't be a good query plan for all time, and index hints force a particular query plan for all time.

As a very blunt hammer, useful for testing, you can use the enable_seqscan and enable_indexscan parameters. See:

These are not suitable for ongoing production use. If you have issues with query plan choice, you should see the documentation for tracking down query performance issues. Don't just set enable_ params and walk away.

Unless you have a very good reason for using the index, Postgres may be making the correct choice. Why?

  • For small tables, it's faster to do sequential scans.
  • Postgres doesn't use indexes when datatypes don't match properly, you may need to include appropriate casts.
  • Your planner settings might be causing problems.

See also this old newsgroup post.

How to get a list of all valid IP addresses in a local network?

If you want to see which IP addresses are in use on a specific subnet then there are several different IP Address managers.

Try Angry IP Scanner or Solarwinds or Advanced IP Scanner

Why do I get "warning longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length"?

I had a similar issue and using %in% operator instead of the == (equality) operator was the solution:

# %in%

Hope it helps.

Rename package in Android Studio

  1. Select option enter image description here

  2. Uncheck the Compact Empty Middle Packages option.

  3. Select which directory you want to change(I have selected 'crl' shown in step 6).
  4. Shift+F6
  5. Rename Package
  6. Renaming directory crl to crl1 enter image description here

  7. Finally click on Do Refactor button marked in image below enter image description here enter code here

  8. After Changes done enter image description here

AngularJS ng-if with multiple conditions

Sure you can. Something like:


<div ng-controller="fessCntrl">    
     <label ng-repeat="(key,val) in list">
       <input type="radio" name="localityTypeRadio" ng-model="$parent.localityTypeRadio" ng-value="key" />{{key}}
         <div ng-if="key == 'City' || key == 'County'">
             <pre>City or County !!! {{$parent.localityTypeRadio}}</pre>
         <div ng-if="key == 'Town'">
             <pre>Town!!! {{$parent.localityTypeRadio}}</pre>


var fessmodule = angular.module('myModule', []);

fessmodule.controller('fessCntrl', function ($scope) {

    $scope.list = {
        City: [{name: "cityA"}, {name: "cityB"}],
        County: [{ name: "countyA"}, {name: "countyB"}],
        Town: [{ name: "townA"}, {name: "townB"}]

    $scope.localityTypeRadio = 'City';

fessmodule.$inject = ['$scope'];

Demo Fiddle

How to checkout a specific Subversion revision from the command line?


svn checkout url://repository/path@1234


svn checkout -r 1234 url://repository/path

Min/Max of dates in an array?

Since dates are converted to UNIX epoch (numbers), you can use Math.max/min to find those:

var maxDate = Math.max.apply(null, dates)
// convert back to date object
maxDate = new Date(maxDate)

(tested in chrome only, but should work in most browsers)

Blocks and yields in Ruby

In Ruby, a block is basically a chunk of code that can be passed to and executed by any method. Blocks are always used with methods, which usually feed data to them (as arguments).

Blocks are widely used in Ruby gems (including Rails) and in well-written Ruby code. They are not objects, hence cannot be assigned to variables.

Basic Syntax

A block is a piece of code enclosed by { } or do..end. By convention, the curly brace syntax should be used for single-line blocks and the do..end syntax should be used for multi-line blocks.

{ # This is a single line block }

  # This is a multi-line block

Any method can receive a block as an implicit argument. A block is executed by the yield statement within a method. The basic syntax is:

def meditate
  print "Today we will practice zazen"
  yield # This indicates the method is expecting a block

# We are passing a block as an argument to the meditate method
meditate { print " for 40 minutes." }

Today we will practice zazen for 40 minutes.

When the yield statement is reached, the meditate method yields control to the block, the code within the block is executed and control is returned to the method, which resumes execution immediately following the yield statement.

When a method contains a yield statement, it is expecting to receive a block at calling time. If a block is not provided, an exception will be thrown once the yield statement is reached. We can make the block optional and avoid an exception from being raised:

def meditate
  puts "Today we will practice zazen."
  yield if block_given? 
end meditate

Today we will practice zazen. 

It is not possible to pass multiple blocks to a method. Each method can receive only one block.

See more at:

figure of imshow() is too small

That's strange, it definitely works for me:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize = (20,2))
plt.imshow(random.rand(8, 90), interpolation='nearest')

I am using the "MacOSX" backend, btw.

GroupBy pandas DataFrame and select most common value

If you want another approach for solving it that is does not depend on value_counts or scipy.stats you can use the Counter collection

from collections import Counter
get_most_common = lambda values: max(Counter(values).items(), key = lambda x: x[1])[0]

Which can be applied to the above example like this

src = pd.DataFrame({'Country' : ['USA', 'USA', 'Russia','USA'], 
              'City' : ['New-York', 'New-York', 'Sankt-Petersburg', 'New-York'],
              'Short_name' : ['NY','New','Spb','NY']})


How to add an event after close the modal window?

I find answer. Thanks all but right answer next:

$("#myModal").on("hidden", function () {

Events here


For Bootstrap 3.x need use

$("#myModal").on("", function () {

Draw line in UIView

Swift 3 and Swift 4

This is how you can draw a gray line at the end of your view (same idea as b123400's answer)

class CustomView: UIView {

    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
        if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
            context.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: bounds.height))
            context.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: bounds.width, y: bounds.height))

Is it possible that one domain name has multiple corresponding IP addresses?

Yes this is possible, however not convenient as Jens said. Using Next generation load balancers like Alteon, which Uses a proprietary protocol called DSSP(Distributed site state Protocol) which performs regular site checks to make sure that the service is available both Locally or Globally i.e different geographical areas. You need to however in your Master DNS to delegate the URL or Service to the device by configuring it as an Authoritative Name Server for that IP or Service. By doing this, the device answers DNS queries where it will resolve the IP that has a service by Round-Robin or is not congested according to how you have chosen from several metrics.

I need to learn Web Services in Java. What are the different types in it?

If your application often uses http protocol then REST is best because of its light weight, and knowing that your application uses only http protocol choosing SOAP is not so good because it heavy,Better to make decision on web service selection based on the protocols we use in our applications.

How to convert int to NSString?

Primitives can be converted to objects with @() expression. So the shortest way is to transform int to NSNumber and pick up string representation with stringValue method:

NSString *strValue = [@(myInt) stringValue];


NSString *strValue = @(myInt).stringValue;

C++ [Error] no matching function for call to

to add to John's answer:

what you want to pass to the shuffle function is a deck of cards from the class deckOfCards that you've declared in main; however, the deck of cards or vector<Card> deck that you've declared in your class is private, so not accessible from outside the class. this means you'd want a getter function, something like this:

class deckOfCards
        vector<Card> deck;

        static int count;
        static int next;
        void shuffle(vector<Card>& deck);
        Card dealCard();
        bool moreCards();
        vector<Card>& getDeck() {   //GETTER
            return deck;

this will in turn allow you to call your shuffle function from main like this:

deckOfCards cardDeck; // create DeckOfCards object
cardDeck.shuffle(cardDeck.getDeck()); // shuffle the cards in the deck

however, you have more problems, specifically when calling cout. first, you're calling the dealCard function wrongly; as dealCard is a memeber function of a class, you should be calling it like this cardDeck.dealCard(); instead of this dealCard(cardDeck);.

now, we come to your second problem - print to standard output. you're trying to print your deal card, which is an object of type Card by using the following instruction:

cout << cardDeck.dealCard();// deal the cards in the deck

yet, the cout doesn't know how to print it, as it's not a standard type. this means you should overload your << operator to print whatever you want it to print when calling with a Card type.

What is the role of the package-lock.json?

package-lock.json is written to when a numerical value in a property such as the "version" property, or a dependency property is changed in package.json.

If these numerical values in package.json and package-lock.json match, package-lock.json is read from.

If these numerical values in package.json and package-lock.json do not match, package-lock.json is written to with those new values, and new modifiers such as the caret and tilde if they are present. But it is the numeral that is triggering the change to package-lock.json.

To see what I mean, do the following. Using package.json without package-lock.json, run npm install with:

  "name": "test",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "devDependencies": {
    "sinon": "7.2.2"

package-lock.json will now have:

"sinon": {
  "version": "7.2.2",

Now copy/paste both files to a new directory. Change package.json to (only adding caret):

  "name": "test",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "devDependencies": {
    "sinon": "^7.2.2"

run npm install. If there were no package-lock.json file, [email protected] would be installed. npm install is reading from package-lock.json and installing 7.2.2.

Now change package.json to:

  "name": "test",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "devDependencies": {
    "sinon": "^7.3.0"

run npm install. package-lock.json has been written to, and will now show:

"sinon": {
  "version": "^7.3.0",

Is it safe to use Project Lombok?

There are long-term maintenance risks as well. First, I'd recommend reading about how Lombok actually works, e.g. some answers from its developers here.

The official site also contains a list of downsides, including this quote from Reinier Zwitserloot:

It's a total hack. Using non-public API. Presumptuous casting (knowing that an annotation processor running in javac will get an instance of JavacAnnotationProcessor, which is the internal implementation of AnnotationProcessor (an interface), which so happens to have a couple of extra methods that are used to get at the live AST).

On eclipse, it's arguably worse (and yet more robust) - a java agent is used to inject code into the eclipse grammar and parser class, which is of course entirely non-public API and totally off limits.

If you could do what lombok does with standard API, I would have done it that way, but you can't. Still, for what its worth, I developed the eclipse plugin for eclipse v3.5 running on java 1.6, and without making any changes it worked on eclipse v3.4 running on java 1.5 as well, so it's not completely fragile.

As a summary, while Lombok may save you some development time, if there is a non-backwards compatible javac update (e.g. a vulnerability mitigation) Lombok might get you stuck with an old version of Java while the developers scramble to update their usage of those internal APIs. Whether this is a serious risk obviously depends on the project.

How do I get a decimal value when using the division operator in Python?

You need to tell Python to use floating point values, not integers. You can do that simply by using a decimal point yourself in the inputs:

>>> 4/100.0

How to improve Netbeans performance?

NetBeans 8.0.2 (PHP) has two problems: the SubVersion client and the Twig templates. In order to drastically improve overall performance, a) disable teh "Twig Templates" plugin (this will also deactivate Symphony2, in case you may require it) and b) override the SVN client with this switch:


^ lets one define the CLI arguments individually (which may also make sense with RAM settings and other customization). guess one could re-enable Twig once that linked bug-report has been closed. re-scanning isn't really the issue, while the rescan performs as it should a timely manner.

Just was testing some more and noticed, that on Linux it runs way smoother with the Oracle JDK than the (common) OpenJDK - have seen there is even one version of NetBeans bundled with it.

MySQL query to select events between start/end date

select * from tbl where (endDate>=@starDate and startDate<=@endDate)

attached the diagram for explanationenter image description here

storing simple data in DB StartDate =10/01/2020 and endDate=20/01/2020. user can provide @startDate(d1) and @endDate(d2) to search.

here 6 scenarios can happen depicted by the 4 red lines (match data) 2 green lines (no match data).

so by conclusion from the image, to get data from DB by providing d1,d2. ED must be greater than d1(@startDate) and SD must be less than d2(@endDate).

About catching ANY exception

There are multiple ways to do this in particular with Python 3.0 and above

Approach 1

This is simple approach but not recommended because you would not know exactly which line of code is actually throwing the exception:

def bad_method():
        sqrt = 0**-1
    except Exception as e:


Approach 2

This approach is recommended because it provides more detail about each exception. It includes:

  • Line number for your code
  • File name
  • The actual error in more verbose way

The only drawback is tracback needs to be imported.

import traceback

def bad_method():
        sqrt = 0**-1
    except Exception:


How do I capitalize first letter of first name and last name in C#?

Hope this helps you.

String fName = "firstname";
String lName = "lastname";
String capitalizedFName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(fName);
String capitalizedLName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(lName);

How to return HTTP 500 from ASP.NET Core RC2 Web Api?

If you need a body in your response, you can call

return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, responseObject);

This will return a 500 with the response object...

What is tail call optimization?

  1. We should ensure that there are no goto statements in the function itself .. taken care by function call being the last thing in the callee function.

  2. Large scale recursions can use this for optimizations, but in small scale, the instruction overhead for making the function call a tail call reduces the actual purpose.

  3. TCO might cause a forever running function:

    void eternity()

Get Category name from Post ID

     // in woocommerce.php
     $cat = get_queried_object();

    // get product cat image
        if ( is_product_category() ){
            $cat = get_queried_object();
            $thumbnail_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta( $cat->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true );
            $image = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id );
            if ( $image ) {
                echo '<img src="' . $image . '" alt="" />';

Remote debugging Tomcat with Eclipse

See this answer for issues I had with Java 8 and Tomcat 9: Java remote debugging (JPDA) not working for me in Tomcat 9

This is similar to @DAB's warning, and his solution is likely more secure.

How do I see if Wi-Fi is connected on Android?

Using WifiManager you can do:

WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) getSystemService (Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
if (wifi.getConnectionInfo().getNetworkId() != -1) {/* connected */}

The method getNeworkId returns -1 only when it's not connected to a network;

UL has margin on the left

The <ul> element has browser inherent padding & margin by default. In your case, Use

#footer ul {
    margin: 0; /* To remove default bottom margin */ 
    padding: 0; /* To remove default left padding */

or a CSS browser reset ( ) to deal with this.

How to set a transparent background of JPanel?

 public void paintComponent (Graphics g)
((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER,0.0f)); // draw transparent background
    ((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER,1.0f)); // turn on opacity
    g.fillRect(20, 20, 500, 300);

I have tried to do it this way, but it is very flickery

How to install PHP intl extension in Ubuntu 14.04

you could search with aptitude search intl after you can choose the right one, for example sudo aptitude install php-intl and finally sudo service apache2 restart

good Luck!

The transaction log for the database is full

This is an old school approach, but if you're performing an iterative update or insert operation in SQL, something that runs for a long time, it's a good idea to periodically (programmatically) call "checkpoint". Calling "checkpoint" causes SQL to write to disk all of those memory-only changes (dirty pages, they're called) and items stored in the transaction log. This has the effect of cleaning out your transaction log periodically, thus preventing problems like the one described.

php function mail() isn't working

I think you are not configured properly,

if you are using XAMPP then you can easily send mail from localhost.

for example you can configure C:\xampp\php\php.ini and c:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.ini for gmail to send mail.

in C:\xampp\php\php.ini find extension=php_openssl.dll and remove the semicolon from the beginning of that line to make SSL working for gmail for localhost.

in php.ini file find [mail function] and change
sendmail_from = [email protected]
sendmail_path = "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

(use the above send mail path only and it will work)

Now Open C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.ini. Replace all the existing code in sendmail.ini with following code

[email protected]
[email protected]

Now you have done!! create php file with mail function and send mail from localhost.


First, make sure you PHP installation has SSL support (look for an "openssl" section in the output from phpinfo()).

You can set the following settings in your PHP.ini:
