Programs & Examples On #Android lazyadapter

wget can't download - 404 error

I had the same problem. Solved using single quotes like this:

$ wget ''

wget version in use:

$ wget --version
GNU Wget 1.11.4 Red Hat modified

Performing a Stress Test on Web Application?

Take a look at LoadBooster( It utilizes headless scriptable browser PhantomJS/CasperJs to test web sites. Phantomjs will parse and render every page, execute the client-side script. The headless browser approach is easier to write test scenarios to support complex AJAX heavy Web 2.0 app,browser navigation, mouse click and keystrokes into the browser or wait until an element exists in DOM. LoadBooster support selenium HTML script too.

Disclaimer: I work for LoadBooster.

Datagrid binding in WPF

PLEASE do not use object as a class name:

public class MyObject //better to choose an appropriate name
    string id;
    DateTime date;
    public string ID
       get { return id; }
       set { id = value; }
    public DateTime Date
       get { return date; }
       set { date = value; }

You should implement INotifyPropertyChanged for this class and of course call it on the Property setter. Otherwise changes are not reflected in your ui.

Your Viewmodel class/ dialogbox class should have a Property of your MyObject list. ObservableCollection<MyObject> is the way to go:

public ObservableCollection<MyObject> MyList

In your xaml you should set the Itemssource to your collection of MyObject. (the Datacontext have to be your dialogbox class!)

<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Source=MyList}"  AutoGenerateColumns="False">
     <DataGridTextColumn Header="ID" Binding="{Binding ID}"/>
     <DataGridTextColumn Header="Date" Binding="{Binding Date}"/>

Twitter Bootstrap Button Text Word Wrap

Try this: add white-space: normal; to the style definition of the Bootstrap Button or you can replace the code you displayed with the one below

<div class="col-lg-3"> <!-- FIRST COL -->
  <div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-body"> 
    <h4>Posted on</h4>
    <p>22nd September 2013</p>
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs col-lg-12" style="margin-bottom:4px;white-space: normal;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</a>
   <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs col-lg-12" style="margin-bottom:4px;white-space: normal;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</a>
   <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs col-lg-12" style="margin-bottom:4px;white-space: normal;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</a>

I have updated your fiddle here to show how it comes out.

Converting a generic list to a CSV string

in 3.5, i was still able to do this. Its much more simpler and doesnt need lambda.

String.Join(",", myList.ToArray<string>());

RecyclerView: Inconsistency detected. Invalid item position


            for (int i=0;i<arrayList.size();i++)
                add_location.addView(new HolderDropoff(AddDropOffActivtity.this,add_location,arrayList,AddDropOffActivtity.this,this));

disable editing default value of text input

I don't think all the other answerers understood the question correctly. The question requires disabling editing part of the text. One solution I can think of is simulating a textbox with a fixed prefix which is not part of the textarea or input.

An example of this approach is:

<div style="border:1px solid gray; color:#999999; font-family:arial; font-size:10pt; width:200px; white-space:nowrap;">Default Notes<br/>
<textarea style="border:0px solid black;" cols="39" rows="5"></textarea></div>

The other approach, which I end up using is using JS and JQuery to simulate "Disable" feature. Example with pseudo-code (cannot be specific cause of legal issue):

  // disable existing notes by preventing keystroke
  document.getElementById("txtNotes").addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
    if (cursorLocation < defaultNoteLength ) {

    // disable existing notes by preventing right click
    document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) {
        if (cursorLocation < defaultNoteLength )

Thanks, Carsten, for mentioning that this question is old, but I found that the solution might help other people in the future.

Parsing XML in Python using ElementTree example

So I have ElementTree 1.2.6 on my box now, and ran the following code against the XML chunk you posted:

import elementtree.ElementTree as ET

tree = ET.parse("test.xml")
doc = tree.getroot()
thingy = doc.find('timeSeries')

print thingy.attrib

and got the following back:

{'name': 'NWIS Time Series Instantaneous Values'}

It appears to have found the timeSeries element without needing to use numerical indices.

What would be useful now is knowing what you mean when you say "it doesn't work." Since it works for me given the same input, it is unlikely that ElementTree is broken in some obvious way. Update your question with any error messages, backtraces, or anything you can provide to help us help you.

How to retrieve a user environment variable in CMake (Windows)

You need to have your variables exported. So for example in Linux:

export EnvironmentVariableName=foo

Unexported variables are empty in CMAKE.

Can you call Directory.GetFiles() with multiple filters?

Another way to use Linq, but without having to return everything and filter on that in memory.

var files = Directory.GetFiles("C:\\path", "*.mp3", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Union(Directory.GetFiles("C:\\path", "*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories));

It's actually 2 calls to GetFiles(), but I think it's consistent with the spirit of the question and returns them in one enumerable.

List an Array of Strings in alphabetical order

**//With the help of this code u not just sort the arrays in alphabetical order but also can take string from user or console or keyboard

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ReadName
final static int ARRAY_ELEMENTS = 3;
public static void main(String[] args)
String[] theNames = new String[5];
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the names: ");
for (int i=0;i<theNames.length ;i++ )
theNames[i] = keyboard.nextLine();
for (int i=0;i<theNames.length ;i++ )
System.out.println("Name are " + theNames[i]);

Google Maps API v3 adding an InfoWindow to each marker

Hey everyone. I don't know if this is the optimal solution but I figured I'd post it here to hopefully help people out in the future. Please comment if you see anything that should be changed.

My for loops is now:

for (var i in tracks[racer_id].data.points) {
    values = tracks[racer_id].data.points[i];                
    point = new google.maps.LatLng(, values.lng);
    if (values.qst) {
        tracks[racer_id].markers[i] = add_marker(racer_id, point, '<b>Speed:</b> ' + values.inst + ' knots<br /><b>Invalid:</b> <input type="button" value="Yes" /> <input type="button" value="No" />');

And add_marker is defined as:

var info_window = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: ''});

function add_marker(racer_id, point, note) {
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({map: map, position: point, clickable: true});
    marker.note = note;
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
        info_window.content = marker.note;, marker);
    return marker;

You can use info_window.close() to turn off the info_window at any time. Hope this helps someone.

Java says FileNotFoundException but file exists

An easy fix, which worked for me, is moving my files out of src and into the main folder of the project. It's not the best solution, but depending on the magnitude of the project and your time, it might be just perfect.

Move an array element from one array position to another

It is stated in many places (adding custom functions into Array.prototype) playing with the Array prototype could be a bad idea, anyway I combined the best from various posts, I came with this, using modern Javascript:

    Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'immutableMove', {
        enumerable: false,
        value: function (old_index, new_index) {
            var copy = Object.assign([], this)
            if (new_index >= copy.length) {
                var k = new_index - copy.length;
                while ((k--) + 1) { copy.push(undefined); }
            copy.splice(new_index, 0, copy.splice(old_index, 1)[0]);
            return copy

    //how to use it
    myArray=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
    myArray=myArray.immutableMove(2, 4);
    //result: 0, 1, 3, 4, 2

Hope can be useful to anyone

The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library was not found on the java.library.path

Regarding the original question asked in the title ...

  • sudo apt-get install libtcnative-1

  • or if you are on RHEL Linux yum install tomcat-native

The documentation states you need

  • sudo apt-get install libapr1.0-dev libssl-dev
  • or RHEL yum install apr-devel openssl-devel

Redirect From Action Filter Attribute

Set filterContext.Result

With the route name:

filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult("SystemLogin", routeValues);

You can also do something like:

filterContext.Result = new ViewResult
    ViewName = SharedViews.SessionLost,
    ViewData = filterContext.Controller.ViewData

If you want to use RedirectToAction:

You could make a public RedirectToAction method on your controller (preferably on its base controller) that simply calls the protected RedirectToAction from System.Web.Mvc.Controller. Adding this method allows for a public call to your RedirectToAction from the filter.

public new RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToAction(string action, string controller)
    return base.RedirectToAction(action, controller);

Then your filter would look something like:

public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
    var controller = (SomeControllerBase) filterContext.Controller;
    filterContext.Result = controller.RedirectToAction("index", "home");

adding to window.onload event?

If you are using jQuery, you don't have to do anything special. Handlers added via $(document).ready() don't overwrite each other, but rather execute in turn:


If you are not using jQuery, you could use addEventListener, as demonstrated by Karaxuna, plus attachEvent for IE<9.

Note that onload is not equivalent to $(document).ready() - the former waits for CSS, images... as well, while the latter waits for the DOM tree only. Modern browsers (and IE since IE9) support the DOMContentLoaded event on the document, which corresponds to the jQuery ready event, but IE<9 does not.

  window.addEventListener('load', func1)
  window.attachEvent('onload', func1)
  window.addEventListener('load', func2)
  window.attachEvent('onload', func2)

If neither option is available (for example, you are not dealing with DOM nodes), you can still do this (I am using onload as an example, but other options are available for onload):

var oldOnload1=window.onload;
  oldOnload1 && oldOnload1();
var oldOnload2=window.onload;
  oldOnload2 && oldOnload2();

or, to avoid polluting the global namespace (and likely encountering namespace collisions), using the import/export IIFE pattern:

  return function(){
    oldLoad && oldLoad();
  return function(){
    oldLoad && oldLoad();

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect inside batch

set myPATH="C:\Users\DEB\Downloads\"
cd %myPATH%
  • The single quotes do not indicate a string, they make it starts: 'C:\ instead of C:\ so

  • %name% is the usual syntax for expanding a variable, the !name! syntax needs to be enabled using the command setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION first, or by running the command prompt with CMD /V:ON.

  • Don't use PATH as your name, it is a system name that contains all the locations of executable programs. If you overwrite it, random bits of your script will stop working. If you intend to change it, you need to do set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\DEB\Downloads\ to keep the current PATH content, and add something to the end.

How to update Ruby Version 2.0.0 to the latest version in Mac OSX Yosemite?

You can specify the latest version of ruby by looking at

  1. Fetch the latest version:

    curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby

  2. Install it:

    rvm install 2.2

  3. Use it as default:

    rvm use 2.2 --default

Or run the latest command from ruby:

rvm install ruby --latest
rvm use 2.2 --default

Simple (I think) Horizontal Line in WPF?

I had the same issue and eventually chose to use a Rectangle element:

<Rectangle HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Fill="Blue" Height="4"/>

In my opinion it's somewhat easier to modify/shape than a separator. Of course the Separator is a very easy and neat solution for simple separations :)

where is create-react-app webpack config and files?

Webpack configuration is being handled by react-scripts. You can find all webpack config inside node_modules react-scripts/config.

And If you want to customize webpack config, you can follow this customize-webpack-config

Calculate execution time of a SQL query?

Well, If you really want to do it in your DB there is a more accurate way as given in MSDN:


You can read this information from your application as well.

get one item from an array of name,value JSON

I don't know anything about jquery so can't help you with that, but as far as Javascript is concerned you have an array of objects, so what you will only be able to access the names & values through each array element. E.g arr[0].name will give you 'k1', arr[1].value will give you 'hi'.

Maybe you want to do something like:

var obj = {};

obj.k1 = "abc";
obj.k2 = "hi";
obj.k3 = "oa";

alert ("obj.k2:" + obj.k2);

How to make an Android device vibrate? with different frequency?

I use the following utils method:

public static final void vibratePhone(Context context, short vibrateMilliSeconds) {
    Vibrator vibrator = (Vibrator) context.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);

Add the following permission to the AndroidManifest file

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>

You can use overloaded methods in case if you wish to use different types of vibrations (patterns / indefinite) as suggested above.

Can I display the value of an enum with printf()?

enum A { foo, bar } a;
a = foo;
printf( "%d", a );   // see comments below

Show hide div using codebehind

Hiding on the Client Side with javascript

Using plain old javascript, you can easily hide the same element in this manner:

var myDivElem = document.getElementById("myDiv"); = "none";

Then to show again: = "";

jQuery makes hiding elements a little simpler if you prefer to use jQuery:

var myDiv = $("#<%=myDiv.ClientID%>");

... and to show:;

Jquery click not working with ipad

Probably rather than defining both the events click and touch you could define a an handler which will look if the device will work with click or touch.

var handleClick= 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement ? 'touchstart': 'click';
alert('Click is now working with touch and click both');

Why does "pip install" inside Python raise a SyntaxError?

Initially I too faced this same problem, I installed python and when I run pip command it used to throw me an error like shown in pic below.

enter image description here

Make Sure pip path is added in environmental variables. For me, the python and pip installation path is::
Python: C:\Users\fhhz\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\
pip: C:\Users\fhhz\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts
Both these paths were added to path in environmental variables.

Now Open a new cmd window and type pip, you should be seeing a screen as below.

enter image description here

Now type pip install <<package-name>>. Here I'm installing package spyder so my command line statement will be as pip install spyder and here goes my running screen..

enter image description here

and I hope we are done with this!!

MVC [HttpPost/HttpGet] for Action

In Mvc 4 you can use AcceptVerbsAttribute, I think this is a very clean solution

[AcceptVerbs(WebRequestMethods.Http.Get, WebRequestMethods.Http.Post)]
public IHttpActionResult Login()
   // Login logic

Access And/Or exclusions

Seeing that it appears you are running using the SQL syntax, try with the correct wild card.

SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE (someTable.Field NOT LIKE '%RISK%') AND (someTable.Field NOT LIKE '%Blah%') AND someTable.SomeOtherField <> 4; 

How can I change the thickness of my <hr> tag

I believe the best achievement for styling <hr> tag is as follow:

hr {
#ddd; height:1px;

And for the HTML code just add: <hr>.

Get the time difference between two datetimes

In ES8 using moment, now and start being moment objects.

const duration = moment.duration(now.diff(start));
const timespan = duration.get("hours").toString().padStart(2, '0') +":"+ duration.get("minutes").toString().padStart(2, '0') +":"+ duration.get("seconds").toString().padStart(2, '0');

Set element focus in angular way

I like to avoid DOM lookups, watches, and global emitters whenever possible, so I use a more direct approach. Use a directive to assign a simple function that focuses on the directive element. Then call that function wherever needed within the scope of the controller.

Here's a simplified approach for attaching it to scope. See the full snippet for handling controller-as syntax.


app.directive('inputFocusFunction', function () {
    'use strict';
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attr) {
            scope[attr.inputFocusFunction] = function () {

and in html:

<input input-focus-function="focusOnSaveInput" ng-model="saveName">
<button ng-click="focusOnSaveInput()">Focus</button>

or in the controller:


angular.module('app', [])_x000D_
  .directive('inputFocusFunction', function() {_x000D_
    'use strict';_x000D_
    return {_x000D_
      restrict: 'A',_x000D_
      link: function(scope, element, attr) {_x000D_
        // Parse the attribute to accomodate assignment to an object_x000D_
        var parseObj = attr.inputFocusFunction.split('.');_x000D_
        var attachTo = scope;_x000D_
        for (var i = 0; i < parseObj.length - 1; i++) {_x000D_
          attachTo = attachTo[parseObj[i]];_x000D_
        // assign it to a function that focuses on the decorated element_x000D_
        attachTo[parseObj[parseObj.length - 1]] = function() {_x000D_
  .controller('main', function() {});
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="main as vm">_x000D_
  <input input-focus-function="vm.focusOnSaveInput" ng-model="saveName">_x000D_
  <button ng-click="vm.focusOnSaveInput()">Focus</button>_x000D_

Edited to provide more explanation about the reason for this approach and to extend the code snippet for controller-as use.

No ConcurrentList<T> in .Net 4.0?

I gave it a try a while back (also: on GitHub). My implementation had some problems, which I won't get into here. Let me tell you, more importantly, what I learned.

Firstly, there's no way you're going to get a full implementation of IList<T> that is lockless and thread-safe. In particular, random insertions and removals are not going to work, unless you also forget about O(1) random access (i.e., unless you "cheat" and just use some sort of linked list and let the indexing suck).

What I thought might be worthwhile was a thread-safe, limited subset of IList<T>: in particular, one that would allow an Add and provide random read-only access by index (but no Insert, RemoveAt, etc., and also no random write access).

This was the goal of my ConcurrentList<T> implementation. But when I tested its performance in multithreaded scenarios, I found that simply synchronizing adds to a List<T> was faster. Basically, adding to a List<T> is lightning fast already; the complexity of the computational steps involved is miniscule (increment an index and assign to an element in an array; that's really it). You would need a ton of concurrent writes to see any sort of lock contention on this; and even then, the average performance of each write would still beat out the more expensive albeit lockless implementation in ConcurrentList<T>.

In the relatively rare event that the list's internal array needs to resize itself, you do pay a small cost. So ultimately I concluded that this was the one niche scenario where an add-only ConcurrentList<T> collection type would make sense: when you want guaranteed low overhead of adding an element on every single call (so, as opposed to an amortized performance goal).

It's simply not nearly as useful a class as you would think.

Get age from Birthdate


You can calculate with Dates.

var birthdate = new Date("1990/1/1");
var cur = new Date();
var diff = cur-birthdate; // This is the difference in milliseconds
var age = Math.floor(diff/31557600000); // Divide by 1000*60*60*24*365.25

Is the 'as' keyword required in Oracle to define an alias?

AS without double quotations is good.

SELECT employee_id,department_id AS department
FROM employees
order by department


SELECT employee_id,department_id AS "department"
FROM employees
order by department

--error on oracle--

so better to use AS without double quotation if you use ORDER BY clause

What MySQL data type should be used for Latitude/Longitude with 8 decimal places?

You can set your data-type as signed integer. When you storage coordinates to SQL you can set as lat*10000000 and long*10000000. And when you selecting with distance/radius you will divide storage coordinates to 10000000. I was test it with 300K rows, query response time is good. ( 2 x 2.67GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM, MySQL 5.5.49 )

How to insert tab character when expandtab option is on in Vim

You can disable expandtab option from within Vim as below:

:set expandtab!


:set noet

PS: And set it back when you are done with inserting tab, with "set expandtab" or "set et"

PS: If you have tab set equivalent to 4 spaces in .vimrc (softtabstop), you may also like to set it to 8 spaces in order to be able to insert a tab by pressing tab key once instead of twice (set softtabstop=8).

Adding an identity to an existing column

If the original poster was actually wanting to set an existing column to be a PRIMARY KEY for the table and actually did not need the column to be an IDENTITY column (two different things) then this can be done via t-SQL with:

ALTER TABLE [YourTableName]
ADD CONSTRAINT [ColumnToSetAsPrimaryKey] PRIMARY KEY ([ColumnToSetAsPrimaryKey])

Note the parenthesis around the column name after the PRIMARY KEY option.

Although this post is old and I am making an assumption about the requestors need, I felt this additional information could be helpful to users encountering this thread as I believe the conversation could lead one to believe that an existing column can not be set to be a primary key without adding it as a new column first which would be incorrect.

Android simple alert dialog

You would simply need to do this in your onClick:

AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this).create();
alertDialog.setMessage("Alert message to be shown");
alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEUTRAL, "OK",
    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

I don't know from where you saw that you need DialogFragment for simply showing an alert.

Hope this helps.

The best way to remove duplicate values from NSMutableArray in Objective-C?

If you are targeting iOS 5+ (what covers the whole iOS world), best use NSOrderedSet. It removes duplicates and retains the order of your NSArray.

Just do

NSOrderedSet *orderedSet = [NSOrderedSet orderedSetWithArray:yourArray];

You can now convert it back to a unique NSArray

NSArray *uniqueArray = orderedSet.array;

Or just use the orderedSet because it has the same methods like an NSArray like objectAtIndex:, firstObject and so on.

A membership check with contains is even faster on the NSOrderedSet than it would be on an NSArray

For more checkout the NSOrderedSet Reference

Setting attribute disabled on a SPAN element does not prevent click events

The disabled attribute is not global and is only allowed on form controls. What you could do is set a custom data attribute (perhaps data-disabled) and check for that attribute when you handle the click event.

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element. Expected elements are (none)

One of the reasons for this error is the use of the jaxb implementation from the jdk. I am not sure why such a problem can appear in pretty simple xml parsing situations. You may use the latest version of the jaxb library from a public maven repository:


How to add Android Support Repository to Android Studio?

You are probably hit by this bug which prevents the Android Gradle Plugin from automatically adding the "Android Support Repository" to the list of Gradle repositories. The work-around, as mentioned in the bug report, is to explicitly add the m2repository directory as a local Maven directory in the top-level build.gradle file as follows:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // Work around
        def androidHome = System.getenv("ANDROID_HOME")
        maven {
            url "$androidHome/extras/android/m2repository/"

JSONResult to String

You're looking for the JavaScriptSerializer class, which is used internally by JsonResult:

string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(jsonResult.Data);

How can one see content of stack with GDB?

You need to use gdb's memory-display commands. The basic one is x, for examine. There's an example on the linked-to page that uses

gdb> x/4xw $sp

to print "four words (w ) of memory above the stack pointer (here, $sp) in hexadecimal (x)". The quotation is slightly paraphrased.

Display all post meta keys and meta values of the same post ID in wordpress

I use it in form of a meta box. Here is a function that dumps values of all the meta data for post.

    function dump_all_meta(){

        echo "<h3>All Post Meta</h3>";

        // Get all the data.

        foreach( $getPostCustom as $name=>$value ) {

            echo "<strong>".$name."</strong>"."  =>  ";

            foreach($getPostCustom as $name=>$value) {

        echo "<strong>".$name."</strong>"."  =>  ";

        foreach($value as $nameAr=>$valueAr) {
                echo "<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                echo $nameAr."  =>  ";
                echo var_dump($valueAr);

        echo "<br /><br />";

    } // Callback funtion ended.

Hope it helps. You can use it inside a meta box or at the front-end.

Is it possible to declare a public variable in vba and assign a default value?

.NET has spoiled us :) Your declaration is not valid for VBA.

Only constants can be given a value upon application load. You declare them like so:


Here's a sample declaration from one of my vba projects:

VBA Constant Image

If you're looking for something where you declare a public variable and then want to initialize its value, you need to create a Workbook_Open sub and do your initialization there. Example:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
  Dim iAnswer As Integer


  If sheetSetupInfo.Range("D6").Value = "Enter Facility Name" Then
    iAnswer = MsgBox("It appears you have not yet set up this workbook.  Would you like to do so now?", vbYesNo)
    If iAnswer = vbYes Then
      Exit Sub
    End If
  End If

  Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
  Load frmInfoSheet

End Sub

Make sure you declare the sub in the Workbook Object itself: enter image description here

Jquery function BEFORE form submission

You can use the onsubmit function.

If you return false the form won't get submitted. Read up about it here.

$('#myform').submit(function() {
  // your code here

Is it possible to ignore one single specific line with Pylint?

Pylint message control is documented in the Pylint manual:

Is it possible to locally disable a particular message?

Yes, this feature has been added in Pylint 0.11. This may be done by adding # pylint: disable=some-message,another-one at the desired block level or at the end of the desired line of code.

You can use the message code or the symbolic names.

For example,

def test():
    # Disable all the no-member violations in this function
    # pylint: disable=no-member
global VAR # pylint: disable=global-statement

The manual also has further examples.

There is a wiki that documents all Pylint messages and their codes.

UICollectionView cell selection and cell reuse

The problem you encounter comes from the lack of call to super.prepareForReuse().

Some other solutions above, suggesting to update the UI of the cell from the delegate's functions, are leading to a flawed design where the logic of the cell's behaviour is outside of its class. Furthermore, it's extra code that can be simply fixed by calling super.prepareForReuse(). For example :

class myCell: UICollectionViewCell {

    // defined in interface builder
    @IBOutlet weak var viewSelection : UIView!

    override var isSelected: Bool {
        didSet {
            self.viewSelection.alpha = isSelected ? 1 : 0

    override func prepareForReuse() {
        // Do whatever you want here, but don't forget this :
        // You don't need to do `self.viewSelection.alpha = 0` here 
        // because `super.prepareForReuse()` will update the property `isSelected`


    override func awakeFromNib() {
        // Initialization code
        self.viewSelection.alpha = 0


With such design, you can even leave the delegate's functions collectionView:didSelectItemAt:/collectionView:didDeselectItemAt: all empty, and the selection process will be totally handled, and behave properly with the cells recycling.


Welcome to the wonderful world of portability... or rather the lack of it. Before we start analyzing these two options in detail and take a deeper look how different operating systems handle them, it should be noted that the BSD socket implementation is the mother of all socket implementations. Basically all other systems copied the BSD socket implementation at some point in time (or at least its interfaces) and then started evolving it on their own. Of course the BSD socket implementation was evolved as well at the same time and thus systems that copied it later got features that were lacking in systems that copied it earlier. Understanding the BSD socket implementation is the key to understanding all other socket implementations, so you should read about it even if you don't care to ever write code for a BSD system.

There are a couple of basics you should know before we look at these two options. A TCP/UDP connection is identified by a tuple of five values:

{<protocol>, <src addr>, <src port>, <dest addr>, <dest port>}

Any unique combination of these values identifies a connection. As a result, no two connections can have the same five values, otherwise the system would not be able to distinguish these connections any longer.

The protocol of a socket is set when a socket is created with the socket() function. The source address and port are set with the bind() function. The destination address and port are set with the connect() function. Since UDP is a connectionless protocol, UDP sockets can be used without connecting them. Yet it is allowed to connect them and in some cases very advantageous for your code and general application design. In connectionless mode, UDP sockets that were not explicitly bound when data is sent over them for the first time are usually automatically bound by the system, as an unbound UDP socket cannot receive any (reply) data. Same is true for an unbound TCP socket, it is automatically bound before it will be connected.

If you explicitly bind a socket, it is possible to bind it to port 0, which means "any port". Since a socket cannot really be bound to all existing ports, the system will have to choose a specific port itself in that case (usually from a predefined, OS specific range of source ports). A similar wildcard exists for the source address, which can be "any address" ( in case of IPv4 and :: in case of IPv6). Unlike in case of ports, a socket can really be bound to "any address" which means "all source IP addresses of all local interfaces". If the socket is connected later on, the system has to choose a specific source IP address, since a socket cannot be connected and at the same time be bound to any local IP address. Depending on the destination address and the content of the routing table, the system will pick an appropriate source address and replace the "any" binding with a binding to the chosen source IP address.

By default, no two sockets can be bound to the same combination of source address and source port. As long as the source port is different, the source address is actually irrelevant. Binding socketA to ipA:portA and socketB to ipB:portB is always possible if ipA != ipB holds true, even when portA == portB. E.g. socketA belongs to a FTP server program and is bound to and socketB belongs to another FTP server program and is bound to, both bindings will succeed. Keep in mind, though, that a socket may be locally bound to "any address". If a socket is bound to, it is bound to all existing local addresses at the same time and in that case no other socket can be bound to port 21, regardless which specific IP address it tries to bind to, as conflicts with all existing local IP addresses.

Anything said so far is pretty much equal for all major operating system. Things start to get OS specific when address reuse comes into play. We start with BSD, since as I said above, it is the mother of all socket implementations.



If SO_REUSEADDR is enabled on a socket prior to binding it, the socket can be successfully bound unless there is a conflict with another socket bound to exactly the same combination of source address and port. Now you may wonder how is that any different than before? The keyword is "exactly". SO_REUSEADDR mainly changes the way how wildcard addresses ("any IP address") are treated when searching for conflicts.

Without SO_REUSEADDR, binding socketA to and then binding socketB to will fail (with error EADDRINUSE), since means "any local IP address", thus all local IP addresses are considered in use by this socket and this includes, too. With SO_REUSEADDR it will succeed, since and are not exactly the same address, one is a wildcard for all local addresses and the other one is a very specific local address. Note that the statement above is true regardless in which order socketA and socketB are bound; without SO_REUSEADDR it will always fail, with SO_REUSEADDR it will always succeed.

To give you a better overview, let's make a table here and list all possible combinations:

SO_REUSEADDR       socketA        socketB       Result
  ON/OFF    OK
  ON/OFF    OK
   OFF       Error (EADDRINUSE)
   OFF    Error (EADDRINUSE)
   ON        OK
   ON    OK

The table above assumes that socketA has already been successfully bound to the address given for socketA, then socketB is created, either gets SO_REUSEADDR set or not, and finally is bound to the address given for socketB. Result is the result of the bind operation for socketB. If the first column says ON/OFF, the value of SO_REUSEADDR is irrelevant to the result.

Okay, SO_REUSEADDR has an effect on wildcard addresses, good to know. Yet that isn't it's only effect it has. There is another well known effect which is also the reason why most people use SO_REUSEADDR in server programs in the first place. For the other important use of this option we have to take a deeper look on how the TCP protocol works.

A socket has a send buffer and if a call to the send() function succeeds, it does not mean that the requested data has actually really been sent out, it only means the data has been added to the send buffer. For UDP sockets, the data is usually sent pretty soon, if not immediately, but for TCP sockets, there can be a relatively long delay between adding data to the send buffer and having the TCP implementation really send that data. As a result, when you close a TCP socket, there may still be pending data in the send buffer, which has not been sent yet but your code considers it as sent, since the send() call succeeded. If the TCP implementation was closing the socket immediately on your request, all of this data would be lost and your code wouldn't even know about that. TCP is said to be a reliable protocol and losing data just like that is not very reliable. That's why a socket that still has data to send will go into a state called TIME_WAIT when you close it. In that state it will wait until all pending data has been successfully sent or until a timeout is hit, in which case the socket is closed forcefully.

At most, the amount of time the kernel will wait before it closes the socket, regardless if it still has data in flight or not, is called the Linger Time. The Linger Time is globally configurable on most systems and by default rather long (two minutes is a common value you will find on many systems). It is also configurable per socket using the socket option SO_LINGER which can be used to make the timeout shorter or longer, and even to disable it completely. Disabling it completely is a very bad idea, though, since closing a TCP socket gracefully is a slightly complex process and involves sending forth and back a couple of packets (as well as resending those packets in case they got lost) and this whole close process is also limited by the Linger Time. If you disable lingering, your socket may not only lose data in flight, it is also always closed forcefully instead of gracefully, which is usually not recommended. The details about how a TCP connection is closed gracefully are beyond the scope of this answer, if you want to learn more about, I recommend you have a look at this page. And even if you disabled lingering with SO_LINGER, if your process dies without explicitly closing the socket, BSD (and possibly other systems) will linger nonetheless, ignoring what you have configured. This will happen for example if your code just calls exit() (pretty common for tiny, simple server programs) or the process is killed by a signal (which includes the possibility that it simply crashes because of an illegal memory access). So there is nothing you can do to make sure a socket will never linger under all circumstances.

The question is, how does the system treat a socket in state TIME_WAIT? If SO_REUSEADDR is not set, a socket in state TIME_WAIT is considered to still be bound to the source address and port and any attempt to bind a new socket to the same address and port will fail until the socket has really been closed, which may take as long as the configured Linger Time. So don't expect that you can rebind the source address of a socket immediately after closing it. In most cases this will fail. However, if SO_REUSEADDR is set for the socket you are trying to bind, another socket bound to the same address and port in state TIME_WAIT is simply ignored, after all its already "half dead", and your socket can bind to exactly the same address without any problem. In that case it plays no role that the other socket may have exactly the same address and port. Note that binding a socket to exactly the same address and port as a dying socket in TIME_WAIT state can have unexpected, and usually undesired, side effects in case the other socket is still "at work", but that is beyond the scope of this answer and fortunately those side effects are rather rare in practice.

There is one final thing you should know about SO_REUSEADDR. Everything written above will work as long as the socket you want to bind to has address reuse enabled. It is not necessary that the other socket, the one which is already bound or is in a TIME_WAIT state, also had this flag set when it was bound. The code that decides if the bind will succeed or fail only inspects the SO_REUSEADDR flag of the socket fed into the bind() call, for all other sockets inspected, this flag is not even looked at.


SO_REUSEPORT is what most people would expect SO_REUSEADDR to be. Basically, SO_REUSEPORT allows you to bind an arbitrary number of sockets to exactly the same source address and port as long as all prior bound sockets also had SO_REUSEPORT set before they were bound. If the first socket that is bound to an address and port does not have SO_REUSEPORT set, no other socket can be bound to exactly the same address and port, regardless if this other socket has SO_REUSEPORT set or not, until the first socket releases its binding again. Unlike in case of SO_REUESADDR the code handling SO_REUSEPORT will not only verify that the currently bound socket has SO_REUSEPORT set but it will also verify that the socket with a conflicting address and port had SO_REUSEPORT set when it was bound.

SO_REUSEPORT does not imply SO_REUSEADDR. This means if a socket did not have SO_REUSEPORT set when it was bound and another socket has SO_REUSEPORT set when it is bound to exactly the same address and port, the bind fails, which is expected, but it also fails if the other socket is already dying and is in TIME_WAIT state. To be able to bind a socket to the same addresses and port as another socket in TIME_WAIT state requires either SO_REUSEADDR to be set on that socket or SO_REUSEPORT must have been set on both sockets prior to binding them. Of course it is allowed to set both, SO_REUSEPORT and SO_REUSEADDR, on a socket.

There is not much more to say about SO_REUSEPORT other than that it was added later than SO_REUSEADDR, that's why you will not find it in many socket implementations of other systems, which "forked" the BSD code before this option was added, and that there was no way to bind two sockets to exactly the same socket address in BSD prior to this option.

Connect() Returning EADDRINUSE?

Most people know that bind() may fail with the error EADDRINUSE, however, when you start playing around with address reuse, you may run into the strange situation that connect() fails with that error as well. How can this be? How can a remote address, after all that's what connect adds to a socket, be already in use? Connecting multiple sockets to exactly the same remote address has never been a problem before, so what's going wrong here?

As I said on the very top of my reply, a connection is defined by a tuple of five values, remember? And I also said, that these five values must be unique otherwise the system cannot distinguish two connections any longer, right? Well, with address reuse, you can bind two sockets of the same protocol to the same source address and port. That means three of those five values are already the same for these two sockets. If you now try to connect both of these sockets also to the same destination address and port, you would create two connected sockets, whose tuples are absolutely identical. This cannot work, at least not for TCP connections (UDP connections are no real connections anyway). If data arrived for either one of the two connections, the system could not tell which connection the data belongs to. At least the destination address or destination port must be different for either connection, so that the system has no problem to identify to which connection incoming data belongs to.

So if you bind two sockets of the same protocol to the same source address and port and try to connect them both to the same destination address and port, connect() will actually fail with the error EADDRINUSE for the second socket you try to connect, which means that a socket with an identical tuple of five values is already connected.

Multicast Addresses

Most people ignore the fact that multicast addresses exist, but they do exist. While unicast addresses are used for one-to-one communication, multicast addresses are used for one-to-many communication. Most people got aware of multicast addresses when they learned about IPv6 but multicast addresses also existed in IPv4, even though this feature was never widely used on the public Internet.

The meaning of SO_REUSEADDR changes for multicast addresses as it allows multiple sockets to be bound to exactly the same combination of source multicast address and port. In other words, for multicast addresses SO_REUSEADDR behaves exactly as SO_REUSEPORT for unicast addresses. Actually, the code treats SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT identically for multicast addresses, that means you could say that SO_REUSEADDR implies SO_REUSEPORT for all multicast addresses and the other way round.


All these are rather late forks of the original BSD code, that's why they all three offer the same options as BSD and they also behave the same way as in BSD.

macOS (MacOS X)

At its core, macOS is simply a BSD-style UNIX named "Darwin", based on a rather late fork of the BSD code (BSD 4.3), which was then later on even re-synchronized with the (at that time current) FreeBSD 5 code base for the Mac OS 10.3 release, so that Apple could gain full POSIX compliance (macOS is POSIX certified). Despite having a microkernel at its core ("Mach"), the rest of the kernel ("XNU") is basically just a BSD kernel, and that's why macOS offers the same options as BSD and they also behave the same way as in BSD.

iOS / watchOS / tvOS

iOS is just a macOS fork with a slightly modified and trimmed kernel, somewhat stripped down user space toolset and a slightly different default framework set. watchOS and tvOS are iOS forks, that are stripped down even further (especially watchOS). To my best knowledge they all behave exactly as macOS does.


Linux < 3.9

Prior to Linux 3.9, only the option SO_REUSEADDR existed. This option behaves generally the same as in BSD with two important exceptions:

  1. As long as a listening (server) TCP socket is bound to a specific port, the SO_REUSEADDR option is entirely ignored for all sockets targeting that port. Binding a second socket to the same port is only possible if it was also possible in BSD without having SO_REUSEADDR set. E.g. you cannot bind to a wildcard address and then to a more specific one or the other way round, both is possible in BSD if you set SO_REUSEADDR. What you can do is you can bind to the same port and two different non-wildcard addresses, as that's always allowed. In this aspect Linux is more restrictive than BSD.

  2. The second exception is that for client sockets, this option behaves exactly like SO_REUSEPORT in BSD, as long as both had this flag set before they were bound. The reason for allowing that was simply that it is important to be able to bind multiple sockets to exactly to the same UDP socket address for various protocols and as there used to be no SO_REUSEPORT prior to 3.9, the behavior of SO_REUSEADDR was altered accordingly to fill that gap. In that aspect Linux is less restrictive than BSD.

Linux >= 3.9

Linux 3.9 added the option SO_REUSEPORT to Linux as well. This option behaves exactly like the option in BSD and allows binding to exactly the same address and port number as long as all sockets have this option set prior to binding them.

Yet, there are still two differences to SO_REUSEPORT on other systems:

  1. To prevent "port hijacking", there is one special limitation: All sockets that want to share the same address and port combination must belong to processes that share the same effective user ID! So one user cannot "steal" ports of another user. This is some special magic to somewhat compensate for the missing SO_EXCLBIND/SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE flags.

  2. Additionally the kernel performs some "special magic" for SO_REUSEPORT sockets that isn't found in other operating systems: For UDP sockets, it tries to distribute datagrams evenly, for TCP listening sockets, it tries to distribute incoming connect requests (those accepted by calling accept()) evenly across all the sockets that share the same address and port combination. Thus an application can easily open the same port in multiple child processes and then use SO_REUSEPORT to get a very inexpensive load balancing.


Even though the whole Android system is somewhat different from most Linux distributions, at its core works a slightly modified Linux kernel, thus everything that applies to Linux should apply to Android as well.


Windows only knows the SO_REUSEADDR option, there is no SO_REUSEPORT. Setting SO_REUSEADDR on a socket in Windows behaves like setting SO_REUSEPORT and SO_REUSEADDR on a socket in BSD, with one exception:

Prior to Windows 2003, a socket with SO_REUSEADDR could always been bound to exactly the same source address and port as an already bound socket, even if the other socket did not have this option set when it was bound. This behavior allowed an application "to steal" the connected port of another application. Needless to say that this has major security implications!

Microsoft realized that and added another important socket option: SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE. Setting SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on a socket makes sure that if the binding succeeds, the combination of source address and port is owned exclusively by this socket and no other socket can bind to them, not even if it has SO_REUSEADDR set.

This default behavior was changed first in Windows 2003, Microsoft calls that "Enhanced Socket Security" (funny name for a behavior that is default on all other major operating systems). For more details just visit this page. There are three tables: The first one shows the classic behavior (still in use when using compatibility modes!), the second one shows the behavior of Windows 2003 and up when the bind() calls are made by the same user, and the third one when the bind() calls are made by different users.


Solaris is the successor of SunOS. SunOS was originally based on a fork of BSD, SunOS 5 and later was based on a fork of SVR4, however SVR4 is a merge of BSD, System V, and Xenix, so up to some degree Solaris is also a BSD fork, and a rather early one. As a result Solaris only knows SO_REUSEADDR, there is no SO_REUSEPORT. The SO_REUSEADDR behaves pretty much the same as it does in BSD. As far as I know there is no way to get the same behavior as SO_REUSEPORT in Solaris, that means it is not possible to bind two sockets to exactly the same address and port.

Similar to Windows, Solaris has an option to give a socket an exclusive binding. This option is named SO_EXCLBIND. If this option is set on a socket prior to binding it, setting SO_REUSEADDR on another socket has no effect if the two sockets are tested for an address conflict. E.g. if socketA is bound to a wildcard address and socketB has SO_REUSEADDR enabled and is bound to a non-wildcard address and the same port as socketA, this bind will normally succeed, unless socketA had SO_EXCLBIND enabled, in which case it will fail regardless the SO_REUSEADDR flag of socketB.

Other Systems

In case your system is not listed above, I wrote a little test program that you can use to find out how your system handles these two options. Also if you think my results are wrong, please first run that program before posting any comments and possibly making false claims.

All that the code requires to build is a bit POSIX API (for the network parts) and a C99 compiler (actually most non-C99 compiler will work as well as long as they offer inttypes.h and stdbool.h; e.g. gcc supported both long before offering full C99 support).

All that the program needs to run is that at least one interface in your system (other than the local interface) has an IP address assigned and that a default route is set which uses that interface. The program will gather that IP address and use it as the second "specific address".

It tests all possible combinations you can think of:

  • TCP and UDP protocol
  • Normal sockets, listen (server) sockets, multicast sockets
  • SO_REUSEADDR set on socket1, socket2, or both sockets
  • SO_REUSEPORT set on socket1, socket2, or both sockets
  • All address combinations you can make out of (wildcard), (specific address), and the second specific address found at your primary interface (for multicast it's just in all tests)

and prints the results in a nice table. It will also work on systems that don't know SO_REUSEPORT, in which case this option is simply not tested.

What the program cannot easily test is how SO_REUSEADDR acts on sockets in TIME_WAIT state as it's very tricky to force and keep a socket in that state. Fortunately most operating systems seems to simply behave like BSD here and most of the time programmers can simply ignore the existence of that state.

Here's the code (I cannot include it here, answers have a size limit and the code would push this reply over the limit).

Binary Data Posting with curl

You don't need --header "Content-Length: $LENGTH".

curl --request POST --data-binary "@template_entry.xml" $URL

Note that GET request does not support content body widely.

Also remember that POST request have 2 different coding schema. This is first form:

  $ nc -l -p 6666 &
  $ curl  --request POST --data-binary "@README" http://localhost:6666

User-Agent: curl/7.21.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.21.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8o zlib/ libidn/1.15 libssh2/1.2.6
Host: localhost:6666
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 9309
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Expect: 100-continue

.. -*- mode: rst; coding: cp1251; fill-column: 80 -*-
.. contents::

You probably request this:

-F/--form name=content
           (HTTP) This lets curl emulate a filled-in form in
              which a user has pressed the submit button. This
              causes curl to POST data using the Content- Type
              multipart/form-data according to RFC2388. This
              enables uploading of binary files etc. To force the
              'content' part to be a file, prefix the file name
              with an @ sign. To just get the content part from a
              file, prefix the file name with the symbol <. The
              difference between @ and < is then that @ makes a
              file get attached in the post as a file upload,
              while the < makes a text field and just get the
              contents for that text field from a file.

How to Copy Contents of One Canvas to Another Canvas Locally

@robert-hurst has a cleaner approach.

However, this solution may also be used, in places when you actually want to have a copy of Data Url after copying. For example, when you are building a website that uses lots of image/canvas operations.

    // select canvas elements
    var sourceCanvas = document.getElementById("some-unique-id");
    var destCanvas = document.getElementsByClassName("some-class-selector")[0];

    //copy canvas by DataUrl
    var sourceImageData = sourceCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
    var destCanvasContext = destCanvas.getContext('2d');

    var destinationImage = new Image;
    destinationImage.onload = function(){
    destinationImage.src = sourceImageData;

Sequence Permission in Oracle

Just another bit. in some case i found no result on all_tab_privs! i found it indeed on dba_tab_privs. I think so that this last table is better to check for any grant available on an object (in case of impact analysis). The statement becomes:

    select * from dba_tab_privs where table_name = 'sequence_name';

Why do we use __init__ in Python classes?

class Dog(object):

    # Class Object Attribute
    species = 'mammal'

    def __init__(self,breed,name):
        self.breed = breed = name

In above example we use species as a global since it will be always same(Kind of constant you can say). when you call __init__ method then all the variable inside __init__ will be initiated(eg:breed,name).

class Dog(object):
    a = '12'

    def __init__(self,breed,name,a):
        self.breed = breed = name
        self.a= a

if you print the above example by calling below like this



That means it will be only initialized during object creation. so anything which you want to declare as constant make it as global and anything which changes use __init__

How to exit if a command failed?

Provided my_command is canonically designed, ie returns 0 when succeeds, then && is exactly the opposite of what you want. You want ||.

Also note that ( does not seem right to me in bash, but I cannot try from where I am. Tell me.

my_command || {
    echo 'my_command failed' ;
    exit 1; 

How to change the font color in the textbox in C#?

RichTextBox will allow you to use html to specify the color. Another alternative is using a listbox and using the DrawItem event to draw how you would like. AFAIK, textbox itself can't be used in the way you're hoping.

The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

I had a similar problem when attempting to update one DLL file of my web-site.

This error was occurring, when I simply copied this DLL file into bin folder over FTP.

I resolved this problem by:

  1. stopping the web-site;
  2. copying needed DLL file/DLL files;
  3. starting the web-site

Scroll RecyclerView to show selected item on top

In my case my RecyclerView have a padding top like this


Then for scroll a item to top, I need to

recyclerViewLinearLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, -yourRecyclerView.getPaddingTop());

Can't use Swift classes inside Objective-C

I spent about 4 hours trying to enable Swift in my Xcode Objective-C based project. My myproject-Swift.h file was created successfully, but my Xcode didn't see my Swift-classes. So, I decided to create a new Xcode Objc-based project and finally, I found the right answer! Hope this post will help someone :-)

Step by step Swift integration for Xcode Objc-based project:

  1. Create new *.swift file (in Xcode) or add it by using Finder.
  2. Create an Objective-C bridging header when Xcode asks you about that.
  3. Implement your Swift class:

    import Foundation
    // use @objc or @objcMembers annotation if necessary
    class Foo {
  4. Open Build Settings and check these parameters:

    • Defines Module : YES

      Copy & Paste parameter name in a search bar

    • Product Module Name : myproject

      Make sure that your Product Module Name doesn't contain any special characters

    • Install Objective-C Compatibility Header : YES

      Once you've added *.swift file to the project this property will appear in Build Settings

    • Objective-C Generated Interface Header : myproject-Swift.h

      This header is auto-generated by Xcode

    • Objective-C Bridging Header : $(SRCROOT)/myproject-Bridging-Header.h
  5. Import Swift interface header in your *.m file.

    #import "myproject-Swift.h"

    Don't pay attention to errors and warnings.

  6. Clean and rebuild your Xcode project.
  7. Profit!

How to join multiple collections with $lookup in mongodb

You can actually chain multiple $lookup stages. Based on the names of the collections shared by profesor79, you can do this :

        $lookup: {
           from: "sivaUserRole",
           localField: "userId",
           foreignField: "userId",
           as: "userRole"
        $unwind: "$userRole"
        $lookup: {
            from: "sivaUserInfo",
            localField: "userId",
            foreignField: "userId",
            as: "userInfo"
        $unwind: "$userInfo"

This will return the following structure :

    "_id" : ObjectId("56d82612b63f1c31cf906003"),
    "userId" : "AD",
    "phone" : "0000000000",
    "userRole" : {
        "_id" : ObjectId("56d82612b63f1c31cf906003"),
        "userId" : "AD",
        "role" : "admin"
    "userInfo" : {
        "_id" : ObjectId("56d82612b63f1c31cf906003"),
        "userId" : "AD",
        "phone" : "0000000000"

Maybe this could be considered an anti-pattern because MongoDB wasn't meant to be relational but it is useful.

How to send a compressed archive that contains executables so that Google's attachment filter won't reject it

Try this:

tar -czf my.tar.gz dir/

But are you sure you are not compressing some .exe file or something? Maybe the problem is not with te compression, but with the files you are compressing?

C subscripted value is neither array nor pointer nor vector when assigning an array element value

Except when it is the operand of the sizeof or unary & operator, or is a string literal being used to initialize another array in a declaration, an expression of type "N-element array of T" is converted ("decays") to an expression of type "pointer to T", and the value of the expression is the address of the first element of the array.

If the declaration of the array being passed is

int S[4][4] = {...};

then when you write

rotateArr( S );

the expression S has type "4-element array of 4-element array of int"; since S is not the operand of the sizeof or unary & operators, it will be converted to an expression of type "pointer to 4-element array of int", or int (*)[4], and this pointer value is what actually gets passed to rotateArr. So your function prototype needs to be one of the following:

T rotateArr( int (*arr)[4] )


T rotateArr( int arr[][4] )

or even

T rotateArr( int arr[4][4] )

In the context of a function parameter list, declarations of the form T a[N] and T a[] are interpreted as T *a; all three declare a as a pointer to T.

You're probably wondering why I changed the return type from int to T. As written, you're trying to return a value of type "4-element array of 4-element array of int"; unfortunately, you can't do that. C functions cannot return array types, nor can you assign array types. IOW, you can't write something like:

int a[N], b[N];
b = a; // not allowed
a = f(); // not allowed either

Functions can return pointers to arrays, but that's not what you want here. D will cease to exist once the function returns, so any pointer you return will be invalid.

If you want to assign the results of the rotated array to a different array, then you'll have to pass the target array as a parameter to the function:

void rotateArr( int (*dst)[4], int (*src)[4] )
  dst[i][n] = src[n][M - i + 1];

And call it as

int S[4][4] = {...};
int D[4][4];

rotateArr( D, S );

Cannot open database "test" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'xyz\ASPNET'

Most times, it's not a login issue, but an issue with creating the database itself. So if there is an error creating your database, it would not be created in the first place. In which case if you tried to log in, regardless of the user, login would fail. This usually happens due to logical misinterpretation of the db context.

Visit the site in a browser and REALLY read those error logs, this can help you spot the problem with you code (usually conflicting logic problems with the model).

In my case, the code compiled fine, same login problem, while I was still downloading management studio, I went through the error log, fixed my db context constraints and site started running fine....meanwhile management studio is still downloading

How do I format a String in an email so Outlook will print the line breaks?

if the message is text/plain using, \r\n should work; if the message type is text\html, use < p/>

Python "string_escape" vs "unicode_escape"

Within the range 0 = c < 128, yes the ' is the only difference for CPython 2.6.

>>> set(unichr(c).encode('unicode_escape') for c in range(128)) - set(chr(c).encode('string_escape') for c in range(128))

Outside of this range the two types are not exchangeable.

>>> '\x80'.encode('string_escape')
>>> '\x80'.encode('unicode_escape')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can’t decode byte 0x80 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

>>> u'1'.encode('unicode_escape')
>>> u'1'.encode('string_escape')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: escape_encode() argument 1 must be str, not unicode

On Python 3.x, the string_escape encoding no longer exists, since str can only store Unicode.

Easy way to build Android UI?

I found that using the together with the pencil-stencils from the project works exceptionally well. Very simple to use, its very easy to mock up elaborate designs

Programmatically set TextBlock Foreground Color

Foreground needs a Brush, so you can use

textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.Navy;

If you want to use the color from RGB or ARGB then

textBlock.Foreground = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(100, 255, 125, 35)); 


textBlock.Foreground = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(Colors.Navy); 

To get the Color from Hex

textBlock.Foreground = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#FFDFD991")); 

compression and decompression of string data in java

Client send some messages need be compressed, server (kafka) decompress the string meesage

Below is my sample:


   public static String compress(String str, String inEncoding) {
        if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
            return str;
        try {
            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(out);
            return URLEncoder.encode(out.toString("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;


    public static String decompress(String str, String outEncoding) {
        if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
            return str;

        try {
            String decode = URLDecoder.decode(str, "UTF-8");

            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(decode.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));
            GZIPInputStream gunzip = new GZIPInputStream(in);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[256];
            int n;
            while ((n = >= 0) {
                out.write(buffer, 0, n);
            return out.toString(outEncoding);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog

I was having the same problem while parsing the info.plist file in my mac. However, the problem was fixed using the following command which turned the file into an XML.

plutil -convert xml1 info.plist

Hope that helps someone.

How do I get video durations with YouTube API version 3?

Duration in seconds using Python 2.7 and the YouTube API v3:

        dur = entry['contentDetails']['duration']
            minutes = int(dur[2:4]) * 60
            minutes = 0
            hours = int(dur[:2]) * 60 * 60
            hours = 0

        secs = int(dur[5:7])
        print hours, minutes, secs
        video.duration = hours + minutes + secs
        print video.duration
    except Exception as e:
        print "Couldnt extract time: %s" % e

What are the safe characters for making URLs?

From the context you describe, I suspect that what you're actually trying to make is something called an 'SEO slug'. The best general known practice for those is:

  1. Convert to lower-case
  2. Convert entire sequences of characters other than a-z and 0-9 to one hyphen (-) (not underscores)
  3. Remove 'stop words' from the URL, i.e. not-meaningfully-indexable words like 'a', 'an', and 'the'; Google 'stop words' for extensive lists

So, as an example, an article titled "The Usage of !@%$* to Represent Swearing In Comics" would get a slug of "usage-represent-swearing-comics".

Redirecting to authentication dialog - "An error occurred. Please try again later"

I had put the restriction on the app that only United States residence could use the app. I was working from Canada at the time this error message appeared. After removing the restriction everything worked.

How do I access previous promise results in a .then() chain?

Node 7.4 now supports async/await calls with the harmony flag.

Try this:

async function getExample(){

  let response = await returnPromise();

  let response2 = await returnPromise2();

  console.log(response, response2)



and run the file with:

node --harmony-async-await getExample.js

Simple as can be!

How to get last items of a list in Python?


Python slicing is an incredibly fast operation, and it's a handy way to quickly access parts of your data.

Slice notation to get the last nine elements from a list (or any other sequence that supports it, like a string) would look like this:


When I see this, I read the part in the brackets as "9th from the end, to the end." (Actually, I abbreviate it mentally as "-9, on")


The full notation is


But the colon is what tells Python you're giving it a slice and not a regular index. That's why the idiomatic way of copying lists in Python 2 is

list_copy = sequence[:]

And clearing them is with:

del my_list[:]

(Lists get list.copy and list.clear in Python 3.)

Give your slices a descriptive name!

You may find it useful to separate forming the slice from passing it to the list.__getitem__ method (that's what the square brackets do). Even if you're not new to it, it keeps your code more readable so that others that may have to read your code can more readily understand what you're doing.

However, you can't just assign some integers separated by colons to a variable. You need to use the slice object:

last_nine_slice = slice(-9, None)

The second argument, None, is required, so that the first argument is interpreted as the start argument otherwise it would be the stop argument.

You can then pass the slice object to your sequence:

>>> list(range(100))[last_nine_slice]
[91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]


islice from the itertools module is another possibly performant way to get this. islice doesn't take negative arguments, so ideally your iterable has a __reversed__ special method - which list does have - so you must first pass your list (or iterable with __reversed__) to reversed.

>>> from itertools import islice
>>> islice(reversed(range(100)), 0, 9)
<itertools.islice object at 0xffeb87fc>

islice allows for lazy evaluation of the data pipeline, so to materialize the data, pass it to a constructor (like list):

>>> list(islice(reversed(range(100)), 0, 9))
[99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91]

Clear form after submission with jQuery

A quick reset of the form fields is possible with this jQuery reset function. $(selector)[0].reset();

Lodash remove duplicates from array

You can also use unionBy for 4.0.0 and later, as follows: let uniques = _.unionBy(data, 'id')

Can I make a phone call from HTML on Android?

Yes you can; it works on Android too:

tel: phone_number
Calls the entered phone number. Valid telephone numbers as defined in the IETF RFC 3966 are accepted. Valid examples include the following:

* tel:2125551212
* tel: (212) 555 1212

The Android browser uses the Phone app to handle the “tel” scheme, as defined by RFC 3966.
Clicking a link like:

<a href="tel:2125551212">2125551212</a>

on Android will bring up the Phone app and pre-enter the digits for 2125551212 without autodialing.

Have a look to RFC3966

How to host material icons offline?

I have tried to compile everything that needs to be done for self-hosting icons in my answer. You need to follow these 4 simple steps.

  1. Open the iconfont folder of the materialize repository


  2. Download these three icons files ->

    MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2 - format('woff2')

    MaterialIcons-Regular.woff - format('woff')

    MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf - format('truetype');

    Note- After Download you can rename it to whatever you like.

  3. Now, go to your CSS and add this code

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Material Icons';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: url(MaterialIcons-Regular.eot); /* For IE6-8 */
  src: local('Material Icons'),
       url(MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2) format('woff2'),
       url(MaterialIcons-Regular.woff) format('woff'),
       url(MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf) format('truetype');

.material-icons {
  font-family: 'Material Icons';
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
  font-size: 24px;  /* Preferred icon size */
  display: inline-block;
  line-height: 1;
  text-transform: none;
  letter-spacing: normal;
  word-wrap: normal;
  white-space: nowrap;
  direction: ltr;

  /* Support for all WebKit browsers. */
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  /* Support for Safari and Chrome. */
  text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;

  /* Support for Firefox. */
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

  /* Support for IE. */
  font-feature-settings: 'liga';

Note : The address provided in src:url(...) should be with respect to the 'CSS File' and not the index.html file. For example it can be src : url(../myicons/MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2)

  1. You are ready to use now and here is how it can be done in HTML

<i class="material-icons">face</i>

Click here to see all the icons that can be used.

Check whether a request is GET or POST


    // …

How to find foreign key dependencies in SQL Server?

Thanks so much to John Sansom, his query is terrific !

In addition : you should add " AND PT.ORDINAL_POSITION = CU.ORDINAL_POSITION" at the end of your query.

If you have multiple fields in primary key, this statement will match the corresponding fields to each other (I had the case, your query did create all combinations, so for 2 fields in primary key, I had 4 results for the corresponding foreign key).

(Sorry I can't comment John's answer as I don't have enough reputation points).

Can an AJAX response set a cookie?

For the record, be advised that all of the above is (still) true only if the AJAX call is made on the same domain. If you're looking into setting cookies on another domain using AJAX, you're opening a totally different can of worms. Reading cross-domain cookies does work, however (or at least the server serves them; whether your client's UA allows your code to access them is, again, a different topic; as of 2014 they do).

How can I check if given int exists in array?

You almost never have to write your own loops in C++. Here, you can use std::find.

const int toFind = 42;
int* found = std::find (myArray, std::end (myArray), toFind);
if (found != std::end (myArray))
  std::cout << "Found.\n"
  std::cout << "Not found.\n";

std::end requires C++11. Without it, you can find the number of elements in the array with:

const size_t numElements = sizeof (myArray) / sizeof (myArray[0]);

...and the end with:

int* end = myArray + numElements;

How to solve "The directory is not empty" error when running rmdir command in a batch script?

Similar to Harry Johnston's answer, I loop until it works.

set dirPath=C:\temp\mytest
if exist "%dirPath%" (
    rd /s /q "%dirPath%" 
    goto removedir

Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery?

$('.input').keypress(function (e) {
  if (e.which == 13) {
    return false;    //<---- Add this line

Check out this stackoverflow answer: event.preventDefault() vs. return false

Essentially, "return false" is the same as calling e.preventDefault and e.stopPropagation().

Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript

There is no easy way. If you want a reliable, cross-browser solution, you'd have to build a lookup table of date, and time format strings, by culture. To format a date, parse the corresponding format string, extract the relevant parts from the date, i.e. day, month, year, and append them together.

This is essentially what Microsoft does with their AJAX library, as shown in @no's answer.

Null or empty check for a string variable

Use This way is Better

if LEN(ISNULL(@Value,''))=0              

This check the field is empty or NULL

ApiNotActivatedMapError for simple html page using google-places-api

as of Jan 2017, unfortunately @Adi's answer, while it seems like it should work, does not. (Google's API key process is buggy)

you'll need to click "get a key" from this link:

also I strongly recommend you don't ever choose "secure key" until you are ready to switch to production. I did http referrer restrictions on a key and afterwards was unable to get it working with localhost, even after disabling security for the key. I had to create a new key for it to work again.

How can I show an image using the ImageView component in javafx and fxml?


    Parent root =new StackPane();
    ImageView imageView=new ImageView(new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream("images/shopp.png")));
    ((StackPane) root).getChildren().add(imageView);


get keys of json-object in JavaScript

[What you have is just an object, not a "json-object". JSON is a textual notation. What you've quoted is JavaScript code using an array initializer and an object initializer (aka, "object literal syntax").]

If you can rely on having ECMAScript5 features available, you can use the Object.keys function to get an array of the keys (property names) in an object. All modern browsers have Object.keys (including IE9+).

Object.keys(jsonData).forEach(function(key) {
    var value = jsonData[key];
    // ...

The rest of this answer was written in 2011. In today's world, A) You don't need to polyfill this unless you need to support IE8 or earlier (!), and B) If you did, you wouldn't do it with a one-off you wrote yourself or grabbed from an SO answer (and probably shouldn't have in 2011, either). You'd use a curated polyfill, possibly from es5-shim or via a transpiler like Babel that can be configured to include polyfills (which may come from es5-shim).

Here's the rest of the answer from 2011:

Note that older browsers won't have it. If not, this is one of the ones you can supply yourself:

if (typeof Object.keys !== "function") {
    (function() {
        var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
        Object.keys = Object_keys;
        function Object_keys(obj) {
            var keys = [], name;
            for (name in obj) {
                if (, name)) {
            return keys;

That uses a loop (more info here) to loop through all of the property names the object has, and uses Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty to check that the property is owned directly by the object rather than being inherited.

(I could have done it without the self-executing function, but I prefer my functions to have names, and to be compatible with IE you can't use named function expressions [well, not without great care]. So the self-executing function is there to avoid having the function declaration create a global symbol.)

Is there a way to collapse all code blocks in Eclipse?

If you are using PyDev in Eclipse, its Ctrl0 and Ctrl9 for collapse all and uncollapse all respectively. Ctrl- and Ctrl= to collapse individual methods when your cursor is on the line of the method declaration.

How do I get TimeSpan in minutes given two Dates?

See TimeSpan.TotalMinutes:

Gets the value of the current TimeSpan structure expressed in whole and fractional minutes.

How to merge a specific commit in Git

Let's say you want to merge commit e27af03 from branch X to master.

git checkout master
git cherry-pick e27af03
git push

What's the difference between nohup and ampersand

Correct me if I'm wrong

  nohup myprocess.out &

nohup catches the hangup signal, which mean it will send a process when terminal closed.

 myprocess.out &

Process can run but will stopped once the terminal is closed.

nohup myprocess.out

Process able to run even terminal closed, but you are able to stop the process by pressing ctrl + z in terminal. Crt +z not working if & is existing.

The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character

Since you're returning a string as JSON, that string will include the opening and closing quotes in the raw response. So your response should probably look like:


or whatever...You can try confirming this with Fiddler.

My guess is that the result.Content is the raw string, including the quotes. If that's the case, then result.Content will need to be deserialized before you can use it.

How do I limit the number of rows returned by an Oracle query after ordering?

You can use a subquery for this like

select *
( select * 
  from emp 
  order by sal desc ) 
where ROWNUM <= 5;

Have also a look at the topic On ROWNUM and limiting results at Oracle/AskTom for more information.

Update: To limit the result with both lower and upper bounds things get a bit more bloated with

select * from 
( select a.*, ROWNUM rnum from 
  ( <your_query_goes_here, with order by> ) a 
where rnum  >= :MIN_ROW_TO_FETCH;

(Copied from specified AskTom-article)

Update 2: Starting with Oracle 12c (12.1) there is a syntax available to limit rows or start at offsets.

FROM   sometable

See this answer for more examples. Thanks to Krumia for the hint.

How to mark a build unstable in Jenkins when running shell scripts

you should also be able to use groovy and do what textfinder did

marking a build as un-stable with groovy post-build plugin

if(manager.logContains("Could not login to FTP server")) {
    manager.addWarningBadge("FTP Login Failure")
    manager.createSummary("warning.gif").appendText("<h1>Failed to login to remote FTP Server!</h1>", false, false, false, "red")

Also see Groovy Postbuild Plugin

getSupportActionBar() The method getSupportActionBar() is undefined for the type TaskActivity. Why?

Can you set the ActionBar before you set the Contient View? This order would be better:

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ActionBar actionBar =getSupportActionBar();

Checking if form has been submitted - PHP

How about


Checking if a variable exists in javascript

I'm writing an answer only because I do not have enough reputations to comment the accepted answer from apsillers. I agree with his answer, but

If you really want to test if a variable is undeclared, you'll need to catch the ReferenceError ...

is not the only way. One can do just:


to check if there is a variable bar declared in the current context. (I'm not sure, but calling the hasOwnProperty could also be more fast/effective than raising an exception) This works only for the current context (not for the whole current scope).

figure of imshow() is too small

If you don't give an aspect argument to imshow, it will use the value for image.aspect in your matplotlibrc. The default for this value in a new matplotlibrc is equal. So imshow will plot your array with equal aspect ratio.

If you don't need an equal aspect you can set aspect to auto

imshow(random.rand(8, 90), interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto')

which gives the following figure


If you want an equal aspect ratio you have to adapt your figsize according to the aspect

fig, ax = subplots(figsize=(18, 2))
ax.imshow(random.rand(8, 90), interpolation='nearest')

which gives you:


How to return a value from a Form in C#?

I just put into constructor something by reference, so the subform can change its value and main form can get new or modified object from subform.

Can't install any package with node npm

I also had problem in Ubuntu 15.10 while installing gulp-preetify.

The problem was:

  1. Registry returned 404 for GET on

  2. I tried by using npm install gulp-preetify but it didn't worked.

  3. Again i tried using: npm i gulp-preetify and it just got installed.

I cannot guarantee that it will solve your problem but it won't harm with a single try.

jQuery: find element by text

Fellas, I know this is old but hey I've this solution which I think works better than all. First and foremost overcomes the Case Sensitivity that the jquery :contains() is shipped with:

var text = "text";

var search = $( "ul li label" ).filter( function ()
    return $( this ).text().toLowerCase().indexOf( text.toLowerCase() ) >= 0;
}).first(); // Returns the first element that matches the text. You can return the last one with .last()

Hope someone in the near future finds it helpful.

Check if string begins with something?

Have a look at JavaScript substring() method.

How can I programmatically get the MAC address of an iphone

It's not possible anymore on devices running iOS 7.0 or later, thus unavailable to get MAC address in Swift.

As Apple stated:

In iOS 7 and later, if you ask for the MAC address of an iOS device, the system returns the value 02:00:00:00:00:00. If you need to identify the device, use the identifierForVendor property of UIDevice instead. (Apps that need an identifier for their own advertising purposes should consider using the advertisingIdentifier property of ASIdentifierManager instead.)

Get last dirname/filename in a file path argument in Bash

The following approach can be used to get any path of a pathname:

echo $(basename $some_path)
echo $(basename $(dirname $some_path))
echo $(basename $(dirname $(dirname $some_path)))



How do I reference a cell range from one worksheet to another using excel formulas?

Ok Got it, I downloaded a custom concatenation function and then just referenced its cells


    Function concat(useThis As Range, Optional delim As String) As String
 ' this function will concatenate a range of cells and return one string
 ' useful when you have a rather large range of cells that you need to add up
 Dim retVal, dlm As String
 retVal = ""
 If delim = Null Then
 dlm = ""
 dlm = delim
 End If
 For Each cell In useThis
 if cstr(cell.value)<>"" and cstr(cell.value)<>" " then
 retVal = retVal & cstr(cell.Value) & dlm
 end if
 If dlm <> "" Then
 retVal = Left(retVal, Len(retVal) - Len(dlm))
 End If
 concat = retVal
 End Function

"installation of package 'FILE_PATH' had non-zero exit status" in R

Try use this:

    apt-get install r-base-dev

It will be help. After then I could makeinstall.packages('//package_name')

Check whether a value exists in JSON object

Why not JSON.stringify and .includes()?

You can easily check if a JSON object includes a value by turning it into a string and checking the string.

--> true

Edit: make sure to check browser compatibility for .includes()

Finding the 'type' of an input element

To check input type

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <input type=number id="txtinp">
    <button onclick=checktype()>Try it</button>

        function checktype() 


How to restart a windows service using Task Scheduler

Instead of using a bat file, you can simply create a Scheduled Task. Most of the time you define just one action. In this case, create two actions with the NET command. The first one to stop the service, the second one to start the service. Give them a STOP and START argument, followed by the service name.

In this example we restart the Printer Spooler service.

NET STOP "Print Spooler" 
NET START "Print Spooler"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Note: unfortunately NET RESTART <service name> does not exist.

How to trigger click on page load?

    $("ul.galleria li:first-child img").click(function(){alert('i work click triggered'});

$("document").ready(function() { 
    $("ul.galleria li:first-child img").trigger('click'); 

just make sure the click handler is added prior to the trigger event in the call stack sequence.

  $("document").ready(function() { 
        $("ul.galleria li:first-child img").trigger('click'); 

        $("ul.galleria li:first-child img").click(function(){alert('i fail click triggered'});

How to make Java 6, which fails SSL connection with "SSL peer shut down incorrectly", succeed like Java 7?

It seems that in the debug log for Java 6 the request is send in SSLv2 format.

main, WRITE: SSLv2 client hello message, length = 110

This is not mentioned as enabled by default in Java 7.
Change the client to use SSLv3 and above to avoid such interoperability issues.

Look for differences in JSSE providers in Java 7 and Java 6

UITableview: How to Disable Selection for Some Rows but Not Others

on Xcode 7 without coding you can simply do the following:

In the outline view, select Table View Cell. (The cell is nested under Table View Controller Scene > Table View Controller > Table View. You may have to disclose those objects to see the table view cell)

In the Attributes inspector, find the field labeled Selection and select None. atribute inspector With this option, the cell won’t get a visual highlight when a user taps it.

scikit-learn random state in splitting dataset

If you don't mention the random_state in the code, then whenever you execute your code a new random value is generated and the train and test datasets would have different values each time.

However, if you use a particular value for random_state(random_state = 1 or any other value) everytime the result will be same,i.e, same values in train and test datasets.

TensorFlow not found using pip

For windows this worked for me,

Download the wheel from this link. Then from command line navigate to your download folder where the wheel is present and simply type in the following command -

pip install tensorflow-1.0.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

Combine Points with lines with ggplot2

A small change to Paul's code so that it doesn't return the error mentioned above.

dat = melt(subset(iris, select = c("Sepal.Length","Sepal.Width", "Species")),
           id.vars = "Species")
dat$x <- c(1:150, 1:150)
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = value, color = variable), data = dat) +  
  geom_point() + geom_line()

Plotting categorical data with pandas and matplotlib

You can simply use value_counts with sort option set to False. This will preserve ordering of the categories


link to image

how to fetch array keys with jQuery?

Using jQuery, easiest way to get array of keys from object is following:

$.map(obj, function(element,index) {return index})

In your case, it will return this array: ["alfa", "beta"]

Eliminate extra separators below UITableView

You can remove separator of empty rows by just adding minor height of footer

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForFooterInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
    return 0.01

How do I resolve a path relative to an ASP.NET MVC 4 application root?

In the action you can call:


that returns the physical path in reference to the current controller. If you only need the root path call:


To delay JavaScript function call using jQuery

Very easy, just call the function within a specific amount of milliseconds using setTimeout()

setTimeout(myFunction, 2000)

function myFunction() {
    alert('Was called after 2 seconds');

Or you can even initiate the function inside the timeout, like so:

setTimeout(function() {
    alert('Was called after 2 seconds');
}, 2000)

jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element

<script src=""></script>    
        $(document).on('click', '.close', function(){
            var rowid='row';
            var sl = '#tblData tr[id='+rowid+']';
            var row='';
            for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
                row='<tr id=row'+i+'>'
                    +   '<td>'+i+'</td>'
                    +   '<td>ID'+i+'</td>'
                    +   '<td>NAME'+i+'</td>'
                    +   '<td><input class=close type=button id='+i+' value=X></td>'
                $('#tblData tr:last').after(row);

    <br/><input type="button" id="addrow" value="Create Table"/>
    <table id="tblData" border="1" width="40%">

I need a Nodejs scheduler that allows for tasks at different intervals

I would recommend node-cron. It allows to run tasks using Cron patterns e.g.

'* * * * * *' - runs every second
'*/5 * * * * *' - runs every 5 seconds
'10,20,30 * * * * *' - run at 10th, 20th and 30th second of every minute
'0 * * * * *' - runs every minute
'0 0 * * * *' - runs every hour (at 0 minutes and 0 seconds)

But also more complex schedules e.g.

'00 30 11 * * 1-5' - Runs every weekday (Monday through Friday) at 11:30:00 AM. It does not run on Saturday or Sunday.

Sample code: running job every 10 minutes:

var cron = require('cron');
var cronJob = cron.job("0 */10 * * * *", function(){
    // perform operation e.g. GET request http.get() etc.'cron job completed');

You can find more examples in node-cron wiki

More on cron configuration can be found on cron wiki

I've been using that library in many projects and it does the job. I hope that will help.

How to define several include path in Makefile

You have to prepend every directory with -I:

INC=-I/usr/informix/incl/c++ -I/opt/informix/incl/public

Editing dictionary values in a foreach loop

If you're feeling creative you could do something like this. Loop backwards through the dictionary to make your changes.

Dictionary<string, int> collection = new Dictionary<string, int>();
collection.Add("value1", 9);
collection.Add("value2", 7);
collection.Add("value3", 5);
collection.Add("value4", 3);
collection.Add("value5", 1);

for (int i = collection.Keys.Count; i-- > 0; ) {
    if (collection.Values.ElementAt(i) < 5) {
        collection.Remove(collection.Keys.ElementAt(i)); ;


Certainly not identical, but you might be interested anyways...

stdlib and colored output in C

Dealing with colour sequences can get messy and different systems might use different Colour Sequence Indicators.

I would suggest you try using ncurses. Other than colour, ncurses can do many other neat things with console UI.

Text that shows an underline on hover

<span class="txt">Some Text</span>

.txt:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;

MySQL IF ELSEIF in select query

I found a bug in MySQL 5.1.72 when using the nested if() functions .... the value of column variables (e.g. qty_1) is blank inside the second if(), rendering it useless. Use the following construct instead:

  when qty_1<='23' then price
  when '23'>qty_1 && qty_2<='23' then price_2
  when '23'>qty_2 && qty_3<='23' then price_3
  when '23'>qty_3 then price_4
  else 1

What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim?

Sometimes I'm shelled into a remote box where my plugins and .vimrc cannot help me, or sometimes NerdCommenter gets it wrong (eg JavaScript embedded inside HTML).

In these cases a low-tech alternative is the built-in norm command, which just runs any arbitrary vim commands at each line in your specified range. For example:

Commenting with #:

1. visually select the text rows (using V as usual)
2. :norm i#

This inserts "#" at the start of each line. Note that when you type : the range will be filled in, so it will really look like :'<,'>norm i#

Uncommenting #:

1. visually select the text as before (or type gv to re-select the previous selection)
2. :norm x

This deletes the first character of each line. If I had used a 2-char comment such as // then I'd simply do :norm xx to delete both chars.

If the comments are indented as in the OP's question, then you can anchor your deletion like this:

:norm ^x

which means "go to the first non-space character, then delete one character". Note that unlike block selection, this technique works even if the comments have uneven indentation!

Note: Since norm is literally just executing regular vim commands, you're not limited to comments, you could also do some complex editing to each line. If you need the escape character as part of your command sequence, type ctrl-v then hit the escape key (or even easier, just record a quick macro and then use norm to execute that macro on each line).

Note 2: You could of course also add a mapping if you find yourself using norm a lot. Eg putting the following line in ~/.vimrc lets you type ctrl-n instead of :norm after making your visual selection

vnoremap <C-n> :norm

Note 3: Bare-bones vim sometimes doesn't have the norm command compiled into it, so be sure to use the beefed up version, ie typically /usr/bin/vim, not /bin/vi

(Thanks to @Manbroski and @rakslice for improvements incorporated into this answer)

Manipulating an Access database from Java without ODBC

UCanAccess is a pure Java JDBC driver that allows us to read from and write to Access databases without using ODBC. It uses two other packages, Jackcess and HSQLDB, to perform these tasks. The following is a brief overview of how to get it set up.


Option 1: Using Maven

If your project uses Maven you can simply include UCanAccess via the following coordinates:

groupId: net.sf.ucanaccess
artifactId: ucanaccess

The following is an excerpt from pom.xml, you may need to update the <version> to get the most recent release:



Option 2: Manually adding the JARs to your project

As mentioned above, UCanAccess requires Jackcess and HSQLDB. Jackcess in turn has its own dependencies. So to use UCanAccess you will need to include the following components:

UCanAccess (ucanaccess-x.x.x.jar)
HSQLDB (hsqldb.jar, version 2.2.5 or newer)
Jackcess (jackcess-2.x.x.jar)
commons-lang (commons-lang-2.6.jar, or newer 2.x version)
commons-logging (commons-logging-1.1.1.jar, or newer 1.x version)

Fortunately, UCanAccess includes all of the required JAR files in its distribution file. When you unzip it you will see something like


All you need to do is add all five (5) JARs to your project.

NOTE: Do not add loader/ucanload.jar to your build path if you are adding the other five (5) JAR files. The UcanloadDriver class is only used in special circumstances and requires a different setup. See the related answer here for details.

Eclipse: Right-click the project in Package Explorer and choose Build Path > Configure Build Path.... Click the "Add External JARs..." button to add each of the five (5) JARs. When you are finished your Java Build Path should look something like this


NetBeans: Expand the tree view for your project, right-click the "Libraries" folder and choose "Add JAR/Folder...", then browse to the JAR file.


After adding all five (5) JAR files the "Libraries" folder should look something like this:


IntelliJ IDEA: Choose File > Project Structure... from the main menu. In the "Libraries" pane click the "Add" (+) button and add the five (5) JAR files. Once that is done the project should look something like this:



That's it!

Now "U Can Access" data in .accdb and .mdb files using code like this

// assumes...
//     import java.sql.*;
Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection(
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT [LastName] FROM [Clients]");
while ( {



At the time of writing this Q&A I had no involvement in or affiliation with the UCanAccess project; I just used it. I have since become a contributor to the project.

ggplot2 plot without axes, legends, etc

I didn't find this solution here. It removes all of it using the cowplot package:


p + theme_nothing() +
theme(legend.position="none") +
scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)

Just noticed that the same thing can be accomplished using theme.void() like this:

p + theme_void() +
theme(legend.position="none") +
scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)

Using current time in UTC as default value in PostgreSQL

Wrap it in a function:

create function now_utc() returns timestamp as $$
  select now() at time zone 'utc';
$$ language sql;

create temporary table test(
  id int,
  ts timestamp without time zone default now_utc()

Debugging Spring configuration

If you use Spring Boot, you can also enable a “debug” mode by starting your application with a --debug flag.

java -jar myapp.jar --debug

You can also specify debug=true in your

When the debug mode is enabled, a selection of core loggers (embedded container, Hibernate, and Spring Boot) are configured to output more information. Enabling the debug mode does not configure your application to log all messages with DEBUG level.

Alternatively, you can enable a “trace” mode by starting your application with a --trace flag (or trace=true in your Doing so enables trace logging for a selection of core loggers (embedded container, Hibernate schema generation, and the whole Spring portfolio).

List method to delete last element in list as well as all elements

To delete the last element from the list just do this.

a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a = a[:-1]
#Output [1,2,3,4] 

Setting up maven dependency for SQL Server

Answer for the "new" and "cool" Microsoft.

Yay, SQL Server driver now under MIT license on


Answer for the "old" Microsoft:

For my use-case (integration testing) it was sufficient to use a system scope for the JDBC driver's dependency as such:


That way, I could put the JDBC driver into local version control. No need to have each developer manually set stuff up in their own repositories.

I took inspiration from this answer to another Stack Overflow question and I've also blogged about it here.

How to sort with a lambda?

To much code, you can use it like this:


int main()
    std::array<int, 10> vec = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };

              [](int a, int b) {return a > b; });

    for (auto item : vec)
      std::cout << item << " ";

    return 0;

Replace "vec" with your class and that's it.

Rails 4 - Strong Parameters - Nested Objects

As odd as it sound when you want to permit nested attributes you do specify the attributes of nested object within an array. In your case it would be

Update as suggested by @RafaelOliveira

      .permit(:name, :groundtruth => [:type, :coordinates => []])

On the other hand if you want nested of multiple objects then you wrap it inside a hash… like this

params.require(:foo).permit(:bar, {:baz => [:x, :y]})

Rails actually have pretty good documentation on this:

For further clarification, you could look at the implementation of permit and strong_parameters itself:

Accessing member of base class

You are incorrectly using the super and this keyword. Here is an example of how they work:

class Animal {
    public name: string;
    constructor(name: string) { = name;
    move(meters: number) {
        console.log( + " moved " + meters + "m.");

class Horse extends Animal {
    move() {
        console.log( + " is Galloping...");
        console.log( + " is Galloping...");

var tom: Animal = new Horse("Tommy the Palomino"); = 'horseee'; 

// Outputs:

// horseee is Galloping...
// Tommy the Palomino is Galloping...
// Tommy the Palomino moved 45m.


  1. The first log outputs, this refers to the prototype chain of the object tom, not the object tom self. Because we have added a name property on the Animal.prototype, horseee will be outputted.
  2. The second log outputs, the this keyword refers to the the tom object itself.
  3. The third log is logged using the move method of the Animal base class. This method is called from Horse class move method with the syntax super.move(45);. Using the super keyword in this context will look for a move method on the prototype chain which is found on the Animal prototype.

Remember TS still uses prototypes under the hood and the class and extends keywords are just syntactic sugar over prototypical inheritance.

WCF on IIS8; *.svc handler mapping doesn't work

Windows 8 with IIS8

  • Hit Windows+X
  • Select Programs and Features (first item on list)
  • Select Turn Windows Features on or off on the left
  • Expand .NET Framework 4.5 Advanced Services
  • Expand WCF Services
  • Enable HTTP Activation

JavaScript check if variable exists (is defined/initialized)


If variable was not defined at all, you can check this without break code execution using try-catch block as follows (you don't need to use strict mode)

} catch(e) {
  console.log('detected: variable not exists');

console.log('but the code is still executed');

notDefinedVariable; // without try-catch wrapper code stops here

console.log('code execution stops. You will NOT see this message on console');

BONUS: (referring to other answers) Why === is more clear than == (source)

if( a == b )

Enter image description here

if( a === b )

Enter image description here

How to initialize a struct in accordance with C programming language standards

I have read the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Documentation for Initializing Aggregate Types yet, all forms of initializing with {...} are explained there, but the initializing with dot, named ''designator'' isn't mentioned there. It does not work also.

The C99 standard chapter 6.7.8 Initialization explains the possibility of designators, but in my mind it is not really clear for complex structs. The C99 standard as pdf .

In my mind, it may be better to

  1. Use the = {0};-initialization for all static data. It is less effort for the machine code.
  2. Use macros for initializing, for example

    typedef MyStruct_t{ int x, int a, int b; } MyStruct; define INIT_MyStruct(A,B) { 0, A, B}

The macro can be adapted, its argument list can be independent of changed struct content. It is proper if less elements should be initialized. It is also proper for nested struct. 3. A simple form is: Initialize in a subroutine:

void init_MyStruct(MyStruct* thiz, int a, int b) {
  thiz->a = a; thiz->b = b; }

This routine looks like ObjectOriented in C. Use thiz, not this to compile it with C++ too!

MyStruct data = {0}; //all is zero!
init_MyStruct(&data, 3, 456);

What's the difference between .so, .la and .a library files?

.so files are dynamic libraries. The suffix stands for "shared object", because all the applications that are linked with the library use the same file, rather than making a copy in the resulting executable.

.a files are static libraries. The suffix stands for "archive", because they're actually just an archive (made with the ar command -- a predecessor of tar that's now just used for making libraries) of the original .o object files.

.la files are text files used by the GNU "libtools" package to describe the files that make up the corresponding library. You can find more information about them in this question: What are libtool's .la file for?

Static and dynamic libraries each have pros and cons.

Static pro: The user always uses the version of the library that you've tested with your application, so there shouldn't be any surprising compatibility problems.

Static con: If a problem is fixed in a library, you need to redistribute your application to take advantage of it. However, unless it's a library that users are likely to update on their own, you'd might need to do this anyway.

Dynamic pro: Your process's memory footprint is smaller, because the memory used for the library is amortized among all the processes using the library.

Dynamic pro: Libraries can be loaded on demand at run time; this is good for plugins, so you don't have to choose the plugins to be used when compiling and installing the software. New plugins can be added on the fly.

Dynamic con: The library might not exist on the system where someone is trying to install the application, or they might have a version that's not compatible with the application. To mitigate this, the application package might need to include a copy of the library, so it can install it if necessary. This is also often mitigated by package managers, which can download and install any necessary dependencies.

Dynamic con: Link-Time Optimization is generally not possible, so there could possibly be efficiency implications in high-performance applications. See the Wikipedia discussion of WPO and LTO.

Dynamic libraries are especially useful for system libraries, like libc. These libraries often need to include code that's dependent on the specific OS and version, because kernel interfaces have changed. If you link a program with a static system library, it will only run on the version of the OS that this library version was written for. But if you use a dynamic library, it will automatically pick up the library that's installed on the system you run on.

How to see query history in SQL Server Management Studio

you can use "Automatically generate script on every save", if you are using management studio. This is not certainly logging. Check if useful for you.. ;)

Conditionally hide CommandField or ButtonField in Gridview

To conditionally control view of Template/Command fields, use RowDataBound event of Gridview, like:

    <asp:GridView ID="gv1" OnRowDataBound="gv1_RowDataBound"
              runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="Id" >
           <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Order Status" 
HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center"> 
                       <asp:Label ID="lblOrderStatus" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("OrderStatus") %>'></asp:Label> 
                 <HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></HeaderStyle>
                 <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></ItemStyle>

            <asp:CommandField ShowSelectButton="True" SelectText="Select" />


and following:

protected void gv1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        Label lblOrderStatus=(Label) e.Row.Cells[4].FindControl("lblOrderStatus");

        if (lblOrderStatus.Text== "Ordered")
            lblOrderStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue;
            LinkButton bt = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[5].Controls[0];
            bt.Visible = false;
            e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;

Cannot use a leading ../ to exit above the top directory

I had such a problem and the answer, although frustrating to find, was solved by doing a search on the offending page for the ".." in the error message. I am using Visual Studio Express and the solution was changing "../../Images/" to "~/Images/" . Hopefully this will help someone.

What does `dword ptr` mean?

Consider the figure enclosed in this other question. ebp-4 is your first local variable and, seen as a dword pointer, it is the address of a 32 bit integer that has to be cleared. Maybe your source starts with

Object x = null;

How do I use Assert.Throws to assert the type of the exception?

I recently ran into the same thing, and suggest this function for MSTest:

public bool AssertThrows(Action action) where T : Exception
    try {action();
catch(Exception exception)
    if (exception.GetType() == typeof(T))
        return true;
    return false;


Assert.IsTrue(AssertThrows<FormatException>(delegate{ newMyMethod(MyParameter); }));

There is more in Assert that a particular exception has occured (Assert.Throws in MSTest).

"Gradle Version 2.10 is required." Error

You need to change File > Settings > Builds,Execution,Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle >Gradle home path

On Mac OS, change the path in Android Studio > Preferences > Builds,Execution,Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle >Gradle home

Or set Use default gradle wrapper and edit Project\gradle\wrapper\ files field distributionUrl like this


Passing multiple argument through CommandArgument of Button in

Either store it in the gridview datakeys collection, or store it in a hidden field inside the same cell, or join the values together. That is the only way. You can't store two values in one link.

Python error when trying to access list by index - "List indices must be integers, not str"

players is a list which needs to be indexed by integers. You seem to be using it like a dictionary. Maybe you could use unpacking -- Something like:

name, score = player

(if the player list is always a constant length).

There's not much more advice we can give you without knowing what query is and how it works.

It's worth pointing out that the entire code you posted doesn't make a whole lot of sense. There's an IndentationError on the second line. Also, your function is looping over some iterable, but unconditionally returning during the first iteration which isn't usually what you actually want to do.

Jquery click event not working after append method

Use on :

$('#registered_participants').on('click', '.new_participant_form', function() {

So that the click is delegated to any element in #registered_participants having the class new_participant_form, even if it's added after you bound the event handler.

Django - how to create a file and save it to a model's FileField?

Accepted answer is certainly a good solution, but here is the way I went about generating a CSV and serving it from a view.

Thought it was worth while putting this here as it took me a little bit of fiddling to get all the desirable behaviour (overwrite existing file, storing to the right spot, not creating duplicate files etc).

Django 1.4.1

Python 2.7.3

class MonthEnd(models.Model):
    report = models.FileField(db_index=True, upload_to='not_used')

import csv
from os.path import join

#build and store the file
def write_csv():
    path = join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'files', 'month_end', 'report.csv')
    f = open(path, "w+b")

    #wipe the existing content

    csv_writer = csv.writer(f)

    for num in range(3):
        csv_writer.writerow((num, ))

    month_end_file = MonthEnd() = path

from my_app.models import MonthEnd

#serve it up as a download
def get_report(request):
    month_end = MonthEnd.objects.get(file_criteria=criteria)

    response = HttpResponse(, content_type='text/plain')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=report.csv'

    return response

RSA encryption and decryption in Python

In order to make it work you need to convert key from str to tuple before decryption(ast.literal_eval function). Here is fixed code:

import Crypto
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto import Random
import ast

random_generator =
key = RSA.generate(1024, random_generator) #generate pub and priv key

publickey = key.publickey() # pub key export for exchange

encrypted = publickey.encrypt('encrypt this message', 32)
#message to encrypt is in the above line 'encrypt this message'

print 'encrypted message:', encrypted #ciphertext
f = open ('encryption.txt', 'w')
f.write(str(encrypted)) #write ciphertext to file

#decrypted code below

f = open('encryption.txt', 'r')
message =

decrypted = key.decrypt(ast.literal_eval(str(encrypted)))

print 'decrypted', decrypted

f = open ('encryption.txt', 'w')

Troubleshooting "Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent"

I was able to solve similar Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent by just removing a space in front of the <?php tag.

It worked.

Is it possible to have a HTML SELECT/OPTION value as NULL using PHP?

Yes, it is possible. You have to do something like this:

  $type_id = ($_POST['type_id'] == '' ? "null" : "'".$_POST['type_id']."'");
  $sql = "INSERT INTO `table` (`type_id`) VALUES (".$type_id.")";

It checks if the $_POST['type_id'] variable has an empty value. If yes, it assign NULL as a string to it. If not, it assign the value with ' to it for the SQL notation

Palindrome check in Javascript

Loop through the string characters both forwards (i) and backwards (j) using a for loop. If at any point the character at str[i] does not equal str[j] - then it is not a palindrome. If we successfully loop through the string then it is a palindrome.

function isPalindrome(str) {
  for(var i = 0, j = str.length - 1; i < str.length; i++, j--) {
    if (str[i] !== str[j]) return false

  return true

How to check if a variable is not null?

Have a read at this post:

It has some nice tips for JavaScript in general but one thing it does mention is that you should check for null like:

if(myvar) { }

It also mentions what's considered 'falsey' that you might not realise.

How to get user agent in PHP

You could also use the php native funcion get_browser()

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should have a browscap.ini file.

Highlight text similar to grep, but don't filter out text

Use ack. Checkout its --passthru option here: ack. It has the added benefit of allowing full perl regular expressions.

$ ack --passthru 'pattern1' file_name

$ command_here | ack --passthru 'pattern1'

You can also do it using grep like this:

$ grep --color -E '^|pattern1|pattern2' file_name

$ command_here | grep --color -E '^|pattern1|pattern2'

This will match all lines and highlight the patterns. The ^ matches every start of line, but won't get printed/highlighted since it's not a character.

(Note that most of the setups will use --color by default. You may not need that flag).

Reverse Contents in Array

This would be my approach:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

int main()
  const int SIZE = 10;
  int arr [SIZE] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
  std::reverse(std::begin(arr), std::end(arr));

How to use Redirect in the new react-router-dom of Reactjs

"react": "^16.3.2",
"react-dom": "^16.3.2",
"react-router-dom": "^4.2.2"

For navigate to another page (About page in my case), I installed prop-types. Then I import it in the corresponding component.And I used this.context.router.history.push('/about').And it gets navigated.

My code is,

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import '../assets/mystyle.css';
import { Redirect } from 'react-router';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

export default class Header extends Component {   
    viewAbout() {
    render() {
        return (
            <header className="App-header">
                <div className="myapp_menu">
                    <input type="button" value="Home" />
                    <input type="button" value="Services" />
                    <input type="button" value="Contact" />
                    <input type="button" value="About" onClick={() => { this.viewAbout() }} />
Header.contextTypes = {
    router: PropTypes.object

Format Date as "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"

toISOString() will return current UTC time only not the current local time. If you want to get the current local time in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ format then you should get the current time using following two methods

Method 1:

document.write(new Date(new Date().toString().split('GMT')[0]+' UTC').toISOString());

Method 2:

document.write(new Date(new Date().getTime() - new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60000).toISOString());

how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data

Please use the sample at The whole implementation only needs a few lines of code without changing your xml file. Hope this helps.

STEP 1: Import library


STEP 2: Declare ProgressDialog global variable

ProgressDialog loading = null;

STEP 3: Start new ProgressDialog and use the following properties (please be informed that this sample only covers the basic circle loading bar without the real time progress status).

loading = new ProgressDialog(v.getContext());

STEP 4: If you are using AsyncTasks, you can start showing the dialog in onPreExecute method. Otherwise, just place the code in the beginning of your button onClick event.;

STEP 5: If you are using AsyncTasks, you can close the progress dialog by placing the code in onPostExecute method. Otherwise, just place the code before closing your button onClick event.


Tested it with my Nexus 5 android v4.0.3. Good luck!

Undefined variable: $_SESSION

Turned out there was some extra code in the AppModel that was messing things up:

in beforeFind and afterFind:

$session = new CakeSession();
$sim_id = $session->read("");

I don't know why, but that was what the problem was. Removing those lines fixed the issue I was having.

Why do we have to normalize the input for an artificial neural network?

Some inputs to NN might not have a 'naturally defined' range of values. For example, the average value might be slowly, but continuously increasing over time (for example a number of records in the database).

In such case feeding this raw value into your network will not work very well. You will teach your network on values from lower part of range, while the actual inputs will be from the higher part of this range (and quite possibly above range, that the network has learned to work with).

You should normalize this value. You could for example tell the network by how much the value has changed since the previous input. This increment usually can be defined with high probability in a specific range, which makes it a good input for network.

Show "Open File" Dialog

My comments on Renaud Bompuis's answer messed up.

Actually, you can use late binding, and the reference to the 11.0 object library is not required.

The following code will work without any references:

 Dim f    As Object 
 Set f = Application.FileDialog(3) 
 f.AllowMultiSelect = True 

 MsgBox "file choosen = " & f.SelectedItems.Count 

Note that the above works well in the runtime also.

Root element is missing

Just in case anybody else lands here from Google, I was bitten by this error message when using XDocument.Load(Stream) method.

XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlStream);  

Make sure the stream position is set to 0 (zero) before you try and load the Stream, its an easy mistake I always overlook!

if (xmlStream.Position > 0)
    xmlStream.Position = 0;
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlStream); 

How to export JSON from MongoDB using Robomongo

Robomongo's shell functionality will solve the problem. In my case I needed couple of columns as CSV format.

var cursor = db.getCollection('Member_details').find({Category: 'CUST'},{CustomerId :1,Name :1,_id:0})

while (cursor.hasNext()) {
    var record =;   
    print(record.CustomerID + "," + record.Name)

Output : -------

334, Harison
433, Rechard
453, Michel
533, Pal

How to find if directory exists in Python

os provides you with a lot of these capabilities:

import os
os.path.isdir(dir_in) #True/False: check if this is a directory
os.listdir(dir_in)    #gets you a list of all files and directories under dir_in

the listdir will throw an exception if the input path is invalid.

When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?

(A lot of theoretical and conceptual explanation has been given above)

Below are some of the practical examples when I used static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast, reinterpret_cast.

(Also referes this to understand the explaination :

static_cast :

OnEventData(void* pData)


  //  pData is a void* pData, 

  //  EventData is a structure e.g. 
  //  typedef struct _EventData {
  //  std::string id;
  //  std:: string remote_id;
  //  } EventData;

  // On Some Situation a void pointer *pData
  // has been static_casted as 
  // EventData* pointer 

  EventData *evtdata = static_cast<EventData*>(pData);

dynamic_cast :

void DebugLog::OnMessage(Message *msg)
    static DebugMsgData *debug;
    static XYZMsgData *xyz;

    if(debug = dynamic_cast<DebugMsgData*>(msg->pdata)){
        // debug message
    else if(xyz = dynamic_cast<XYZMsgData*>(msg->pdata)){
        // xyz message
    else/* if( ... )*/{
        // ...

const_cast :

// *Passwd declared as a const

const unsigned char *Passwd

// on some situation it require to remove its constness

const_cast<unsigned char*>(Passwd)

reinterpret_cast :

typedef unsigned short uint16;

// Read Bytes returns that 2 bytes got read. 

bool ByteBuffer::ReadUInt16(uint16& val) {
  return ReadBytes(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&val), 2);

Update Fragment from ViewPager

You can update the fragment in two different ways,

First way

like @Sajmon

You need to implement getItemPosition(Object obj) method.

This method is called when you call


You can find a example in Github and more information in this post.

enter image description here

Second way

My approach to update fragments within the viewpager is to use the setTag() method for any instantiated view in the instantiateItem() method. So when you want to change the data or invalidate the view that you need, you can call the findViewWithTag() method on the ViewPager to retrieve the previously instantiated view and modify/use it as you want without having to delete/create a new view each time you want to update some value.

public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
    Object object = super.instantiateItem(container, position);
    if (object instanceof Fragment) {
        Fragment fragment = (Fragment) object;
        String tag = fragment.getTag();
        mFragmentTags.put(position, tag);
    return object;

public Fragment getFragment(int position) {
    Fragment fragment = null;
    String tag = mFragmentTags.get(position);
    if (tag != null) {
        fragment = mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag);
    return fragment;

You can find a example in Github or more information in this post:

enter image description here

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it (PHP / WAMP)

Till yesterday I was able to connect to phpMyAdmin, but today I started getting this error:


None of the answers here really helped me fix the problem, what helped me is shared below:

I looked at the mysql logs.[C:\wamp\logs\mysql.log]

It said

2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Not using CPU crc32 instructions
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: The log sequence numbers 1765410 and 1765410 in ibdata files do not match the log sequence number 2058233 in the ib_logfiles!
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally!
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [ERROR] InnoDB: Attempted to open a previously opened tablespace. Previous tablespace harley/login_confirm uses space ID: 6 at filepath: .\harley\login_confirm.ibd. Cannot open tablespace testdb/testtable which uses space ID: 6 at filepath: .\testdb\testtable.ibd
InnoDB: Error: could not open single-table tablespace file .\testdb\testtable.ibd
InnoDB: We do not continue the crash recovery, because the table may become
InnoDB: corrupt if we cannot apply the log records in the InnoDB log to it.
InnoDB: To fix the problem and start mysqld:
InnoDB: 1) If there is a permission problem in the file and mysqld cannot
InnoDB: open the file, you should modify the permissions.
InnoDB: 2) If the table is not needed, or you can restore it from a backup,
InnoDB: then you can remove the .ibd file, and InnoDB will do a normal
InnoDB: crash recovery and ignore that table.
InnoDB: 3) If the file system or the disk is broken, and you cannot remove
InnoDB: the .ibd file, you can set innodb_force_recovery > 0 in my.cnf
InnoDB: and force InnoDB to continue crash recovery here.

I got the clue that this guy is creating a problem - InnoDB: Error: could not open single-table tablespace file .\testdb\testtable.ibd

and this line 2015-09-18 01:16:30 5920 [Note] InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally!

hmmm, For me the testdb was just a test-db! hence I decided to delete this file inside C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.6.17\data\testdb

and restarted all services, and went to phpMyAdmin, and this time no issues, phpMyAdmin opened :)

Return in Scala

Use case match for early return purpose. It will force you to declare all return branches explicitly, preventing the careless mistake of forgetting to write return somewhere.

HTML5 Pre-resize images before uploading

Modification to the answer by Justin that works for me:

  1. Added img.onload
  2. Expand the POST request with a real example

function handleFiles()
    var dataurl = null;
    var filesToUpload = document.getElementById('photo').files;
    var file = filesToUpload[0];

    // Create an image
    var img = document.createElement("img");
    // Create a file reader
    var reader = new FileReader();
    // Set the image once loaded into file reader
    reader.onload = function(e)
        img.src =;

        img.onload = function () {
            var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
            var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
            ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

            var MAX_WIDTH = 800;
            var MAX_HEIGHT = 600;
            var width = img.width;
            var height = img.height;

            if (width > height) {
              if (width > MAX_WIDTH) {
                height *= MAX_WIDTH / width;
                width = MAX_WIDTH;
            } else {
              if (height > MAX_HEIGHT) {
                width *= MAX_HEIGHT / height;
                height = MAX_HEIGHT;
            canvas.width = width;
            canvas.height = height;
            var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
            ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);

            dataurl = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");

            // Post the data
            var fd = new FormData();
            fd.append("name", "some_filename.jpg");
            fd.append("image", dataurl);
            fd.append("info", "lah_de_dah");
                url: '/ajax_photo',
                data: fd,
                cache: false,
                contentType: false,
                processData: false,
                type: 'POST',
                success: function(data){
        } // img.onload
    // Load files into file reader

Tensorflow set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES within jupyter

You can set environment variables in the notebook using os.environ. Do the following before initializing TensorFlow to limit TensorFlow to first GPU.

import os
os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"   # see issue #152

You can double check that you have the correct devices visible to TF

from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
print device_lib.list_local_devices()

I tend to use it from utility module like notebook_util

import notebook_util
import tensorflow as tf

Create a user with all privileges in Oracle

There are 2 differences:

2 methods creating a user and granting some privileges to him

create user userName identified by password;
grant connect to userName;


grant connect to userName identified by password;

do exactly the same. It creates a user and grants him the connect role.

different outcome

resource is a role in oracle, which gives you the right to create objects (tables, procedures, some more but no views!). ALL PRIVILEGES grants a lot more of system privileges.

To grant a user all privileges run you first snippet or

grant all privileges to userName identified by password;

Choosing a jQuery datagrid plugin?

A good plugin that I have used before is DataTables.

How to use Apple's new .p8 certificate for APNs in firebase console

When you upload your p8 file in Firebase, in the box that reads App ID Prefix(required) , you should enter your team ID. You can get it from and copy/paste the Team ID as shown below.

enter image description here

How can I easily view the contents of a datatable or dataview in the immediate window

The Visual Studio debugger comes with four standard visualizers. These are the text, HTML, and XML visualizers, all of which work on string objects, and the dataset visualizer, which works for DataSet, DataView, and DataTable objects.

To use it, break into your code, mouse over your DataSet, expand the quick watch, view the Tables, expand that, then view Table[0] (for example). You will see something like {Table1} in the quick watch, but notice that there is also a magnifying glass icon. Click on that icon and your DataTable will open up in a grid view.

enter image description here

Url decode UTF-8 in Python

You can achieve an expected result with requests library as well:

import requests

url = ""

print(f"Before: {url}")
print(f"After:  {requests.utils.unquote(url)}")


$ python3


Might be handy if you are already using requests, without using another library for this job.

Merge two objects with ES6

Another aproach is:

let result = { ...item, location : { ...response } }

But Object spread isn't yet standardized.

May also be helpful:

How to change legend title in ggplot

ggplot(df) + labs(legend = '<legend_title>')

WordPress query single post by slug

From the WordPress Codex:

$the_slug = 'my_slug';
$args = array(
  'name'        => $the_slug,
  'post_type'   => 'post',
  'post_status' => 'publish',
  'numberposts' => 1
$my_posts = get_posts($args);
if( $my_posts ) :
  echo 'ID on the first post found ' . $my_posts[0]->ID;

WordPress Codex Get Posts

Which MySQL data type to use for storing boolean values

After reading the answers here I decided to use bit(1) and yes, it is somehow better in space/time, BUT after a while I changed my mind and I will never use it again. It complicated my development a lot, when using prepared statements, libraries etc (php).

Since then, I always use tinyint(1), seems good enough.

No numeric types to aggregate - change in groupby() behaviour?

How are you generating your data?

See how the output shows that your data is of 'object' type? the groupby operations specifically check whether each column is a numeric dtype first.

In [31]: data
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 2557 entries, 2004-01-01 00:00:00 to 2010-12-31 00:00:00
Freq: <1 DateOffset>
Columns: 360 entries, -89.75 to 89.75
dtypes: object(360)

look ?

Did you initialize an empty DataFrame first and then filled it? If so that's probably why it changed with the new version as before 0.9 empty DataFrames were initialized to float type but now they are of object type. If so you can change the initialization to DataFrame(dtype=float).

You can also call frame.astype(float)

Force unmount of NFS-mounted directory

Your NFS server disappeared.

Ideally your best bet is if the NFS server comes back.

If not, the "umount -f" should have done the trick. It doesn't ALWAYS work, but it often will.

If you happen to know what processes are USING the NFS filesystem, you could try killing those processes and then maybe an unmount would work.

Finally, I'd guess you need to reboot.

Also, DON'T soft-mount your NFS drives. You use hard-mounts to guarantee that they worked. That's necessary if you're doing writes.

How to set selected value from Combobox?

In windows Appliation we use like this

 DDLChangeImpact.SelectedIndex = DDLChangeImpact.FindStringExact(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tmchgimp"].ToString());
 DDLRequestType.SelectedIndex = DDLRequestType.FindStringExact(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["rmtype"].ToString());

Converting integer to string in Python

Here is a simpler solution:

one = "1"

Output console

>>> 1

In the above program, int() is used to convert the string representation of an integer.

Note: A variable in the format of string can be converted into an integer only if the variable is completely composed of numbers.

In the same way, str() is used to convert an integer to string.

number = 123567
a = []

I used a list to print the output to highlight that variable (a) is a string.

Output console

>>> ["123567"]

But to understand the difference how a list stores a string and integer, view the below code first and then the output.


a = "This is a string and next is an integer"
listone=[a, 23]

Output console

>>> ["This is a string and next is an integer", 23]

How to do constructor chaining in C#

What is usage of "Constructor Chain"?
You use it for calling one constructor from another constructor.

How can implement "Constructor Chain"?
Use ": this (yourProperties)" keyword after definition of constructor. for example:

Class MyBillClass
    private DateTime requestDate;
    private int requestCount;

    public MyBillClass()
        /// ===== we naming "a" constructor ===== ///
        requestDate = DateTime.Now;
    public MyBillClass(int inputCount) : this()
        /// ===== we naming "b" constructor ===== ///
        /// ===== This method is "Chained Method" ===== ///
        this.requestCount= inputCount;

Why is it useful?
Important reason is reduce coding, and prevention of duplicate code. such as repeated code for initializing property Suppose some property in class must be initialized with specific value (In our sample, requestDate). And class have 2 or more constructor. Without "Constructor Chain", you must repeat initializaion code in all constractors of class.

How it work? (Or, What is execution sequence in "Constructor Chain")?
in above example, method "a" will be executed first, and then instruction sequence will return to method "b". In other word, above code is equal with below:

Class MyBillClass
    private DateTime requestDate;
    private int requestCount;

    public MyBillClass()
        /// ===== we naming "a" constructor ===== ///
        requestDate = DateTime.Now;
    public MyBillClass(int inputCount) : this()
        /// ===== we naming "b" constructor ===== ///
        // ===== This method is "Chained Method" ===== ///

        /// *** --- > Compiler execute "MyBillClass()" first, And then continue instruction sequence from here
        this.requestCount= inputCount;

Python foreach equivalent

For an updated answer you can build a forEach function in Python easily:

def forEach(list, function):
    for i, v in enumerate(list):
        function(v, i, list)

You could also adapt this to map, reduce, filter, and any other array functions from other languages or precedence you'd want to bring over. For loops are fast enough, but the boiler plate is longer than forEach or the other functions. You could also extend list to have these functions with a local pointer to a class so you could call them directly on lists as well.

RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide

Python indexing starts at 0 (rather than 1), so your assignment "r[1,:] = r0" defines the second (i.e. index 1) element of r and leaves the first (index 0) element as a pair of zeros. The first value of i in your for loop is 0, so rr gets the square root of the dot product of the first entry in r with itself (which is 0), and the division by rr in the subsequent line throws the error.


To answer the second part of your question, you need to do things like

LV_DISPINFO dispinfo;  
dispinfo.item.pszText = LPTSTR((LPCTSTR)string);

because MS's LVITEM struct has an LPTSTR, i.e. a mutable T-string pointer, not an LPCTSTR. What you are doing is

1) convert string (a CString at a guess) into an LPCTSTR (which in practise means getting the address of its character buffer as a read-only pointer)

2) convert that read-only pointer into a writeable pointer by casting away its const-ness.

It depends what dispinfo is used for whether or not there is a chance that your ListView call will end up trying to write through that pszText. If it does, this is a potentially very bad thing: after all you were given a read-only pointer and then decided to treat it as writeable: maybe there is a reason it was read-only!

If it is a CString you are working with you have the option to use string.GetBuffer() -- that deliberately gives you a writeable LPTSTR. You then have to remember to call ReleaseBuffer() if the string does get changed. Or you can allocate a local temporary buffer and copy the string into there.

99% of the time this will be unnecessary and treating the LPCTSTR as an LPTSTR will work... but one day, when you least expect it...

Count if two criteria match - EXCEL formula

Add the sheet name infront of the cell, e.g.:


Assumes the sheet name is "stock"

Use of String.Format in JavaScript?

Use sprintf library

Here you have a link where you can find the features of this library.