[python] RSA encryption and decryption in Python

I need help using RSA encryption and decryption in Python.

I am creating a private/public key pair, encrypting a message with keys and writing message to a file. Then I am reading ciphertext from file and decrypting text using key.

I am having trouble with the decryption portion. As you can see in my code below, when I put in decrypted = key.decrypt(message) that the program works, yet the decrypted message is encrypted again. It seems like it is not reading the ciphertext from the file.

Can anyone help me write this code so decryption reads ciphertext from file and then uses key to decrypt ciphertext?

import Crypto
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto import Random

random_generator = Random.new().read
key = RSA.generate(1024, random_generator) #generate public and private keys

publickey = key.publickey # pub key export for exchange

encrypted = publickey.encrypt('encrypt this message', 32)
#message to encrypt is in the above line 'encrypt this message'

print 'encrypted message:', encrypted #ciphertext

f = open ('encryption.txt', 'w'w)
f.write(str(encrypted)) #write ciphertext to file

#decrypted code below

f = open ('encryption.txt', 'r')
message = f.read()

decrypted = key.decrypt(message)

print 'decrypted', decrypted

f = open ('encryption.txt', 'w')

This question is related to python encryption rsa pycrypto

The answer is

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import base64
import os

import six
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

class PublicKeyFileExists(Exception): pass

class RSAEncryption(object):

    def encrypt(self, message):
        public_key = self._get_public_key()
        public_key_object = RSA.importKey(public_key)
        random_phrase = 'M'
        encrypted_message = public_key_object.encrypt(self._to_format_for_encrypt(message), random_phrase)[0]
        # use base64 for save encrypted_message in database without problems with encoding
        return base64.b64encode(encrypted_message)

    def decrypt(self, encoded_encrypted_message):
        encrypted_message = base64.b64decode(encoded_encrypted_message)
        private_key = self._get_private_key()
        private_key_object = RSA.importKey(private_key)
        decrypted_message = private_key_object.decrypt(encrypted_message)
        return six.text_type(decrypted_message, encoding='utf8')

    def generate_keys(self):
        """Be careful rewrite your keys"""
        random_generator = Random.new().read
        key = RSA.generate(1024, random_generator)
        private, public = key.exportKey(), key.publickey().exportKey()

        if os.path.isfile(self.PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_PATH):
            raise PublicKeyFileExists('???? ? ????????? ?????? ??????????. ??????? ????')

        with open(self.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH, 'w') as private_file:
        with open(self.PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_PATH, 'w') as public_file:
        return private, public

    def create_directories(self, for_private_key=True):
        public_key_path = self.PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_PATH.rsplit('/', 1)
        if not os.path.exists(public_key_path):
        if for_private_key:
            private_key_path = self.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH.rsplit('/', 1)
            if not os.path.exists(private_key_path):

    def _get_public_key(self):
        """run generate_keys() before get keys """
        with open(self.PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_PATH, 'r') as _file:
            return _file.read()

    def _get_private_key(self):
        """run generate_keys() before get keys """
        with open(self.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH, 'r') as _file:
            return _file.read()

    def _to_format_for_encrypt(value):
        if isinstance(value, int):
            return six.binary_type(value)
        for str_type in six.string_types:
            if isinstance(value, str_type):
                return value.encode('utf8')
        if isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
            return value

And use


class TestingEncryption(RSAEncryption):

# django/flask
from django.core.files import File

class ProductionEncryption(RSAEncryption):

    def _get_private_key(self):
        """run generate_keys() before get keys """
        from corportal.utils import global_elements
        private_key = global_elements.request.FILES.get('private_key')
        if private_key:
            private_key_file = File(private_key)
            return private_key_file.read()

message = 'Hello ??? friend'
encrypted_mes = ProductionEncryption().encrypt(message)
decrypted_mes = ProductionEncryption().decrypt(message)

You can use simple way for genarate RSA . Use rsa library

pip install rsa 

Watch out using Crypto!!! It is a wonderful library but it has an issue in python3.8 'cause from the library time was removed the attribute clock(). To fix it just modify the source in /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/Crypto/Random/_UserFriendlyRNG.pyline 77 changing t = time.clock() int t = time.perf_counter()

In order to make it work you need to convert key from str to tuple before decryption(ast.literal_eval function). Here is fixed code:

import Crypto
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto import Random
import ast

random_generator = Random.new().read
key = RSA.generate(1024, random_generator) #generate pub and priv key

publickey = key.publickey() # pub key export for exchange

encrypted = publickey.encrypt('encrypt this message', 32)
#message to encrypt is in the above line 'encrypt this message'

print 'encrypted message:', encrypted #ciphertext
f = open ('encryption.txt', 'w')
f.write(str(encrypted)) #write ciphertext to file

#decrypted code below

f = open('encryption.txt', 'r')
message = f.read()

decrypted = key.decrypt(ast.literal_eval(str(encrypted)))

print 'decrypted', decrypted

f = open ('encryption.txt', 'w')

PKCS#1 OAEP is an asymmetric cipher based on RSA and the OAEP padding

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP

def rsa_encrypt_decrypt():
    key = RSA.generate(2048)
    private_key = key.export_key('PEM')
    public_key = key.publickey().exportKey('PEM')
    message = input('plain text for RSA encryption and decryption:')
    message = str.encode(message)

    rsa_public_key = RSA.importKey(public_key)
    rsa_public_key = PKCS1_OAEP.new(rsa_public_key)
    encrypted_text = rsa_public_key.encrypt(message)
    #encrypted_text = b64encode(encrypted_text)

    print('your encrypted_text is : {}'.format(encrypted_text))

    rsa_private_key = RSA.importKey(private_key)
    rsa_private_key = PKCS1_OAEP.new(rsa_private_key)
    decrypted_text = rsa_private_key.decrypt(encrypted_text)

    print('your decrypted_text is : {}'.format(decrypted_text))

Here is my implementation for python 3 and pycrypto

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
key = RSA.generate(4096)
f = open('/home/john/Desktop/my_rsa_public.pem', 'wb')
f = open('/home/john/Desktop/my_rsa_private.pem', 'wb')

f = open('/home/john/Desktop/my_rsa_public.pem', 'rb')
f1 = open('/home/john/Desktop/my_rsa_private.pem', 'rb')
key = RSA.importKey(f.read())
key1 = RSA.importKey(f1.read())

x = key.encrypt(b"dddddd",32)

z = key1.decrypt(x)

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