[jquery] Jquery click event not working after append method

So I have this button which adds a new row to the table, however my problem is that it does not listen to the .new_participant_form click event anymore after the append method has taken place.


Click Add New Entry then click on the Form name.

$('#add_new_participant').click(function() {

    var first_name = $('#f_name_participant').val();
    var last_name = $('#l_name_participant').val();
    var role = $('#new_participant_role option:selected').text();
    var email = $('#email_participant').val();

    $('#registered_participants').append('<tr><td><a href="#" class="new_participant_form">Participant Registration</a></td><td>'+first_name+ ' '+last_name+'</td><td>'+role+'</td><td>0% done</td></tr>');


    $('.new_participant_form').click(function() {

        var $td = $(this).closest('tr').children('td');

        var part_name = $td.eq(1).text();



<table id="registered_participants" class="tablesorter">

<th>Progress </th>


<td><a href="#" class="new_participant_form">Participant Registration</a></td>
<td>Smith Johnson</td>
<td>60% done</td>



<button id="add_new_participant"></span>Add New Entry</button> 

This question is related to jquery html

The answer is


As of jQuery version 1.7+, the on() method is the new replacement for the bind(), live() and delegate() methods.


$(document).on("click", "a.new_participant_form" , function() {

Or for more information CHECK HERE

The .on() method is used to delegate events to elements, dynamically added or already present in the DOM:

// STATIC-PARENT              on  EVENT    DYNAMIC-CHILD_x000D_
$('#registered_participants').on('click', '.new_participant_form', function() {_x000D_
  var $td = $(this).closest('tr').find('td');_x000D_
  var part_name = $td.eq(1).text();_x000D_
  console.log( part_name );_x000D_
$('#add_new_participant').click(function() {_x000D_
  var first_name = $.trim( $('#f_name_participant').val() );_x000D_
  var last_name  = $.trim( $('#l_name_participant').val() );_x000D_
  var role       = $('#new_participant_role').val();_x000D_
  var email      = $('#email_participant').val();_x000D_
  if(!first_name && !last_name) return;_x000D_
  $('#registered_participants').append('<tr><td><a href="#" class="new_participant_form">Participant Registration</a></td><td>' + first_name + ' ' + last_name + '</td><td>' + role + '</td><td>0% done</td></tr>');_x000D_
<table id="registered_participants" class="tablesorter">_x000D_
      <th>Progress </th>_x000D_
      <td><a href="#" class="new_participant_form">Participant Registration</a></td>_x000D_
      <td>Smith Johnson</td>_x000D_
      <td>60% done</td>_x000D_
<input type="text" id="f_name_participant" placeholder="Name">_x000D_
<input type="text" id="l_name_participant" placeholder="Surname">_x000D_
<select id="new_participant_role">_x000D_
<button id="add_new_participant">Add New Entry</button>_x000D_
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Read more: http://api.jquery.com/on/

This problem could be solved as mentioned using the .on on jQuery 1.7+ versions.

Unfortunately, this didn't work within my code (and I have 1.11) so I used:

$('body').delegate('.logout-link','click',function() {


As of jQuery 3.0, .delegate() has been deprecated. It was superseded by the .on() method since jQuery 1.7, so its use was already discouraged. For earlier versions, however, it remains the most effective means to use event delegation. More information on event binding and delegation is in the .on() method. In general, these are the equivalent templates for the two methods:

// jQuery 1.4.3+
$( elements ).delegate( selector, events, data, handler );
// jQuery 1.7+
$( elements ).on( events, selector, data, handler );

This comment might help others :) !

** Problem Solved ** enter image description here // Changed to delegate() method to use delegation from the body

$("body").delegate("#boundOnPageLoaded", "click", function(){
   alert("Delegated Button Clicked")