Programs & Examples On #Scalar

In computing and programming, a scalar variable or value refers to a single value, as opposed to data structures such as arrays or lists.

python: how to identify if a variable is an array or a scalar

>>> N=[2,3,5]
>>> P = 5
>>> type(P)==type(0)
>>> type([1,2])==type(N)
>>> type(P)==type([1,2])

Constructing pandas DataFrame from values in variables gives "ValueError: If using all scalar values, you must pass an index"

You need to create a pandas series first. The second step is to convert the pandas series to pandas dataframe.

import pandas as pd
data = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

You can even provide a column name.


PHP - cannot use a scalar as an array warning

Also make sure that you don't declare it an array and then try to assign something else to the array like a string, float, integer. I had that problem. If you do some echos of output I was seeing what I wanted the first time, but not after another pass of the same code.

how to create and call scalar function in sql server 2008

Your Call works if it were a Table Valued Function. Since its a scalar function, you need to call it like:

SELECT dbo.fn_HomePageSlider(9, 3025) AS MyResult

How to multiply all integers inside list

Try a list comprehension:

l = [x * 2 for x in l]

This goes through l, multiplying each element by two.

Of course, there's more than one way to do it. If you're into lambda functions and map, you can even do

l = map(lambda x: x * 2, l)

to apply the function lambda x: x * 2 to each element in l. This is equivalent to:

def timesTwo(x):
    return x * 2

l = map(timesTwo, l)

Note that map() returns a map object, not a list, so if you really need a list afterwards you can use the list() function afterwards, for instance:

l = list(map(timesTwo, l))

Thanks to Minyc510 in the comments for this clarification.

TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars while trying to exponentially fit data

Here is another way to reproduce this error in Python2.7 with numpy:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,3])
b = np.array([4,5,6])
c = np.concatenate(a,b)   #note the lack of tuple format for a and b

The np.concatenate method produces an error:

TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars

If you read the documentation around numpy.concatenate, then you see it expects a tuple of numpy array objects. So surrounding the variables with parens fixed it:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,3])
b = np.array([4,5,6])
c = np.concatenate((a,b))  #surround a and b with parens, packaging them as a tuple

Then it prints:

[1 2 3 4 5 6]

What's going on here?

That error is a case of bubble-up implementation - it is caused by duck-typing philosophy of python. This is a cryptic low-level error python guts puke up when it receives some unexpected variable types, tries to run off and do something, gets part way through, the pukes, attempts remedial action, fails, then tells you that "you can't reformulate the subspace responders when the wind blows from the east on Tuesday".

In more sensible languages like C++ or Java, it would have told you: "you can't use a TypeA where TypeB was expected". But Python does it's best to soldier on, does something undefined, fails, and then hands you back an unhelpful error. The fact we have to be discussing this is one of the reasons I don't like Python, or its duck-typing philosophy.

Python RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in long scalars

An easy way to overcome this problem is to use 64 bit type

list = numpy.array(list, dtype=numpy.float64)

PHP Constants Containing Arrays?

Since PHP 5.6, you can declare an array constant with const:

const DEFAULT_ROLES = array('guy', 'development team');

The short syntax works too, as you'd expect:

const DEFAULT_ROLES = ['guy', 'development team'];

If you have PHP 7, you can finally use define(), just as you had first tried:

define('DEFAULT_ROLES', array('guy', 'development team'));

Fatal error: Class 'PHPMailer' not found

I resolved error copying the files class.phpmailer.php , class.smtp.php to the folder where the file is PHPMailerAutoload.php, of course there should be the file that we will use to send the email.

Best practices to test protected methods with PHPUnit

I suggest following workaround for "Henrik Paul"'s workaround/idea :)

You know names of private methods of your class. For example they are like _add(), _edit(), _delete() etc.

Hence when you want to test it from aspect of unit-testing, just call private methods by prefixing and/or suffixing some common word (for example _addPhpunit) so that when __call() method is called (since method _addPhpunit() doesn't exist) of owner class, you just put necessary code in __call() method to remove prefixed/suffixed word/s (Phpunit) and then to call that deduced private method from there. This is another good use of magic methods.

Try it out.

Groovy method with optional parameters

Just a simplification of the Tim's answer. The groovy way to do it is using a map, as already suggested, but then let's put the mandatory parameters also in the map. This will look like this:

def someMethod(def args) {
    println "MANDATORY1=${args.mandatory1}"
    println "MANDATORY2=${args.mandatory2}"
    println "OPTIONAL1=${args?.optional1}"
    println "OPTIONAL2=${args?.optional2}"

someMethod mandatory1:1, mandatory2:2, optional1:3

with the output:


This looks nicer and the advantage of this is that you can change the order of the parameters as you like.

How to get next/previous record in MySQL?

CREATE PROCEDURE `pobierz_posty`(IN iduser bigint(20), IN size int, IN page int)
 DECLARE start_element int DEFAULT 0;
 SET start_element:= size * page;
 SELECT DISTINCT * FROM post WHERE id_users .... 
 ORDER BY data_postu DESC LIMIT size OFFSET start_element

How to show a dialog to confirm that the user wishes to exit an Android Activity?

Using Lambda:

    new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage(getString(R.string.exit_msg))
        .setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.yes), (arg0, arg1) -> {
        .setNegativeButton(getString(, (arg0, arg1) -> {

You also need to set level language to support java 8 in your

compileOptions {
       targetCompatibility 1.8
       sourceCompatibility 1.8

How to merge a Series and DataFrame

You could construct a dataframe from the series and then merge with the dataframe. So you specify the data as the values but multiply them by the length, set the columns to the index and set params for left_index and right_index to True:

In [27]:

df.merge(pd.DataFrame(data = [s.values] * len(s), columns = s.index), left_index=True, right_index=True)
   a  b  s1  s2
0  1  3   5   6
1  2  4   5   6

EDIT for the situation where you want the index of your constructed df from the series to use the index of the df then you can do the following:

df.merge(pd.DataFrame(data = [s.values] * len(df), columns = s.index, index=df.index), left_index=True, right_index=True)

This assumes that the indices match the length.

How do I search an SQL Server database for a string?

If you need to find database objects (e.g. tables, columns, and triggers) by name - have a look at the free Redgate Software tool called SQL Search which does this - it searches your entire database for any kind of string(s).

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

It's a great must-have tool for any DBA or database developer - did I already mention it's absolutely free to use for any kind of use??

Multiple conditions in WHILE loop

Your condition is wrong. myChar != 'n' || myChar != 'N' will always be true.

Use myChar != 'n' && myChar != 'N' instead

Getting an attribute value in xml element

I think I got it. I have to use org.w3c.dom.Element explicitly. I had a different Element field too.

Redirect to Action by parameter mvc

Try this,

return RedirectToAction("ActionEventName", "Controller", new { ID = model.ID, SiteID = model.SiteID });

Here i mention you are pass multiple values or model also. That's why here i mention that.

Javascript loading CSV file into an array

If your not overly worried about the size of the file then it may be easier for you to store the data as a JS object in another file and import it in your . Either synchronously or asynchronously using the syntax <script src="countries.js" async></script>. Saves on you needing to import the file and parse it.

However, i can see why you wouldnt want to rewrite 10000 entries so here's a basic object orientated csv parser i wrote.

function requestCSV(f,c){return new CSVAJAX(f,c);};
function CSVAJAX(filepath,callback)
    this.request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    this.request.timeout = 10000;"GET", filepath, true);
    this.request.parent = this;
    this.callback = callback;
    this.request.onload = function() 
        var d = this.response.split('\n'); /*1st separator*/
        var i = d.length;
            if(d[i] !== "")
                d[i] = d[i].split(','); /*2nd separator*/
        this.parent.response = d;
        if(typeof this.parent.callback !== "undefined")

Which can be used like this;

var foo = requestCSV("csvfile.csv",drawlines(lines)); 

The first parameter is the file, relative to the position of your html file in this case. The second parameter is an optional callback function the runs when the file has been completely loaded.

If your file has non-separating commmas then it wont get on with this, as it just creates 2d arrays by chopping at returns and commas. You might want to look into regexp if you need that functionality.

//THIS works 

"1234","ABCD" \n
"!@£$" \n

//Gives you 

//This DOESN'T!

"12,34","AB,CD" \n
"!@,£$" \n

//Gives you


If your not used to the OO methods; they create a new object (like a number, string, array) with their own local functions and variables via a 'constructor' function. Very handy in certain situations. This function could be used to load 10 different files with different callbacks all at the same time(depending on your level of csv love! )

Windows command to get service status?

Using pstools - in particular psservice and "query" - for example:

psservice query "serviceName"

How to run iPhone emulator WITHOUT starting Xcode?

Assuming you have Xcode installed in /Applications, then you can do this from the command line to start the iPhone Simulator:

$ open /Applications/\

(Xcode 6+):

$ open /Applications/

You could create a symbolic-link from your Desktop to make this easier:

$ ln -s /Applications/\ ~/Desktop

(Xcode 6+):

$ ln -s /Applications/ ~/Desktop

As pointed out by @JackHahoney, you could also add an alias to your ~/.bash_profile:

$ alias simulator='open /Applications/\'

(Xcode 6+):

$ alias simulator='open /Applications/\'

(Xcode 7+):

$ alias simulator='open /Applications/'

Which would mean you could start the iPhone Simulator from the command line with one easy-to-remember word:

$ simulator

How to obtain the chat_id of a private Telegram channel?

Found the solution for TelegramBotApi for python. Maybe will work for other languages.

I just add my bot to private channel and then do this:

@your_bot_name hi

In the console I get response with all info that I need.

Append column to pandas dataframe

Just as a matter of fact:

data_joined = dat1.join(dat2)

How can I pass a file argument to my bash script using a Terminal command in Linux?

you can use getopt to handle parameters in your bash script. there are not many explanations for getopt out there. here is an example:


OPTIONS=$(getopt -o hf:gb -l help,file:,foo,bar -- "$@")

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "getopt error"
  exit 1

eval set -- $OPTIONS

while true; do
  case "$1" in
    -h|--help) HELP=1 ;;
    -f|--file) FILE="$2" ; shift ;;
    -g|--foo)  FOO=1 ;;
    -b|--bar)  BAR=1 ;;
    --)        shift ; break ;;
    *)         echo "unknown option: $1" ; exit 1 ;;

if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
  echo "unknown option(s): $@"
  exit 1

echo "help: $HELP"
echo "file: $FILE"
echo "foo: $FOO"
echo "bar: $BAR"

see also:

How to extract the substring between two markers?

Using regular expressions - documentation for further reference

import re

text = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'

m ='AAA(.+?)ZZZ', text)
if m:
    found =

# found: 1234


import re

text = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'

    found ='AAA(.+?)ZZZ', text).group(1)
except AttributeError:
    # AAA, ZZZ not found in the original string
    found = '' # apply your error handling

# found: 1234

How to make use of SQL (Oracle) to count the size of a string?

you need length() function

select length(customer_name) from ar.ra_customers

Get index of element as child relative to parent

There's no need to require a big library like jQuery to accomplish this, if you don't want to. To achieve this with built-in DOM manipulation, get a collection of the li siblings in an array, and on click, check the indexOf the clicked element in that array.

const lis = [...document.querySelectorAll('#wizard > li')];_x000D_
lis.forEach((li) => {_x000D_
  li.addEventListener('click', () => {_x000D_
    const index = lis.indexOf(li);_x000D_
<ul id="wizard">_x000D_
    <li>Step 1</li>_x000D_
    <li>Step 2</li>_x000D_

Or, with event delegation:

const lis = [...document.querySelectorAll('#wizard li')];_x000D_
document.querySelector('#wizard').addEventListener('click', ({ target }) => {_x000D_
  // Make sure the clicked element is a <li> which is a child of wizard:_x000D_
  if (!target.matches('#wizard > li')) return;_x000D_
  const index = lis.indexOf(target);_x000D_
<ul id="wizard">_x000D_
    <li>Step 1</li>_x000D_
    <li>Step 2</li>_x000D_

Or, if the child elements may change dynamically (like with a todo list), then you'll have to construct the array of lis on every click, rather than beforehand:

const wizard = document.querySelector('#wizard');_x000D_
wizard.addEventListener('click', ({ target }) => {_x000D_
  // Make sure the clicked element is a <li>_x000D_
  if (!target.matches('li')) return;_x000D_
  const lis = [...wizard.children];_x000D_
  const index = lis.indexOf(target);_x000D_
<ul id="wizard">_x000D_
    <li>Step 1</li>_x000D_
    <li>Step 2</li>_x000D_

How do I get a TextBox to only accept numeric input in WPF?

For developers who want their text fields to accept unsigned numbers only such as socket ports and so on:


<TextBox PreviewTextInput="Port_PreviewTextInput" MaxLines="1"/>


private void Port_PreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = !int.TryParse(e.Text, out int x);

How to request Administrator access inside a batch file

I know this is not a solution for OP, but since I'm sure there are many other use cases here, I thought I would share.

I've had problems with all the code examples in these answers but then I found :

It not only allows you to run as admin, it checks the file to make sure it has not been tampered with and stores the needed information securely. I'll admit it's not the most obvious tool to figure out how to use but for those of us writing code it should be simple enough.

How do I find the data directory for a SQL Server instance?

It depends on whether default path is set for data and log files or not.

If the path is set explicitly at Properties => Database Settings => Database default locations then SQL server stores it at Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer in DefaultData and DefaultLog values.

However, if these parameters aren't set explicitly, SQL server uses Data and Log paths of master database.

Bellow is the script that covers both cases. This is simplified version of the query that SQL Management Studio runs.

Also, note that I use xp_instance_regread instead of xp_regread, so this script will work for any instance, default or named.

declare @DefaultData nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'DefaultData', @DefaultData output

declare @DefaultLog nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'DefaultLog', @DefaultLog output

declare @DefaultBackup nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'BackupDirectory', @DefaultBackup output

declare @MasterData nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', N'SqlArg0', @MasterData output
select @MasterData=substring(@MasterData, 3, 255)
select @MasterData=substring(@MasterData, 1, len(@MasterData) - charindex('\', reverse(@MasterData)))

declare @MasterLog nvarchar(512)
exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters', N'SqlArg2', @MasterLog output
select @MasterLog=substring(@MasterLog, 3, 255)
select @MasterLog=substring(@MasterLog, 1, len(@MasterLog) - charindex('\', reverse(@MasterLog)))

    isnull(@DefaultData, @MasterData) DefaultData, 
    isnull(@DefaultLog, @MasterLog) DefaultLog,
    isnull(@DefaultBackup, @MasterLog) DefaultBackup

You can achieve the same result by using SMO. Bellow is C# sample, but you can use any other .NET language or PowerShell.

using (var connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Integrated Security=SSPI"))
    var serverConnection = new ServerConnection(connection);
    var server = new Server(serverConnection);
    var defaultDataPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Settings.DefaultFile) ? server.MasterDBPath : server.Settings.DefaultFile;
    var defaultLogPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Settings.DefaultLog) ? server.MasterDBLogPath : server.Settings.DefaultLog;

It is so much simpler in SQL Server 2012 and above, assuming you have default paths set (which is probably always a right thing to do):

    InstanceDefaultDataPath = serverproperty('InstanceDefaultDataPath'),
    InstanceDefaultLogPath = serverproperty('InstanceDefaultLogPath')

How to import local packages without gopath

There's no such thing as "local package". The organization of packages on a disk is orthogonal to any parent/child relations of packages. The only real hierarchy formed by packages is the dependency tree, which in the general case does not reflect the directory tree.

Just use

import "myproject/packageN"

and don't fight the build system for no good reason. Saving a dozen of characters per import in any non trivial program is not a good reason, because, for example, projects with relative import paths are not go-gettable.

The concept of import paths have some important properties:

  • Import paths can be be globally unique.
  • In conjunction with GOPATH, import path can be translated unambiguously to a directory path.
  • Any directory path under GOPATH can be unambiguously translated to an import path.

All of the above is ruined by using relative import paths. Do not do it.

PS: There are few places in the legacy code in Go compiler tests which use relative imports. ATM, this is the only reason why relative imports are supported at all.

Error Message : Cannot find or open the PDB file

Working with VS 2013. Try the following Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Output Window -> Module Load Messages -> Off It will disable the display of modules loaded.

SQL Server : SUM() of multiple rows including where clauses

The WHERE clause is always conceptually applied (the execution plan can do what it wants, obviously) prior to the GROUP BY. It must come before the GROUP BY in the query, and acts as a filter before things are SUMmed, which is how most of the answers here work.

You should also be aware of the optional HAVING clause which must come after the GROUP BY. This can be used to filter on the resulting properties of groups after GROUPing - for instance HAVING SUM(Amount) > 0

Sum values from multiple rows using vlookup or index/match functions

You should use Ctrl+shift+enter when using the =SUM(VLOOKUP(A9,A1:D5,{2,3,4,},FALSE)) that results in {=SUM(VLOOKUP(A9,A1:D5,{2,3,4,},FALSE))} en also works.

How can I clear the NuGet package cache using the command line?

This adds to rm8x's answer.

Download and install the NuGet command line tool.

List all of our locals:

$ nuget locals all -list
http-cache: C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Local\NuGet\v3-cache
packages-cache: C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache
global-packages: C:\Users\MyUser\.nuget\packages\

We can now delete these manually or as rm8x suggests, use nuget locals all -clear.

Excel data validation with suggestions/autocomplete

This is a solution how to make autocomplete drop down list with VBA :

Firstly you need to insert a combo box into the worksheet and change its properties, and then running the VBA code to enable the autocomplete.

  1. Get into the worksheet which contains the drop down list you want it to be autocompleted.

  2. Before inserting the Combo box, you need to enable the Developer tab in the ribbon.

a). In Excel 2010 and 2013, click File > Options. And in the Options dialog box, click Customize Ribbon in the right pane, check the Developer box, then click the OK button.

b). In Outlook 2007, click Office button > Excel Options. In the Excel Options dialog box, click Popular in the right bar, then check the Show Developer tabin the Ribbon box, and finally click the OK button.

  1. Then click Developer > Insert > Combo Box under ActiveX Controls.

  2. Draw the combo box in current opened worksheet and right click it. Select Properties in the right-clicking menu.

  3. Turn off the Design Mode with clicking Developer > Design Mode.

  4. Right click on the current opened worksheet tab and click View Code.

  5. Make sure that the current worksheet code editor is opened, and then copy and paste the below VBA code into it.

Code borrowed from

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'Update by Extendoffice: 2018/9/21
    Dim xCombox As OLEObject
    Dim xStr As String
    Dim xWs As Worksheet
    Dim xArr

    Set xWs = Application.ActiveSheet
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xCombox = xWs.OLEObjects("TempCombo")
    With xCombox
        .ListFillRange = ""
        .LinkedCell = ""
        .Visible = False
    End With
    If Target.Validation.Type = 3 Then
        Target.Validation.InCellDropdown = False
        Cancel = True
        xStr = Target.Validation.Formula1
        xStr = Right(xStr, Len(xStr) - 1)
        If xStr = "" Then Exit Sub
        With xCombox
            .Visible = True
            .Left = Target.Left
            .Top = Target.Top
            .Width = Target.Width + 5
            .Height = Target.Height + 5
            .ListFillRange = xStr
            If .ListFillRange = "" Then
                xArr = Split(xStr, ",")
                Me.TempCombo.List = xArr
            End If
            .LinkedCell = Target.Address
        End With
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub TempCombo_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
    Select Case KeyCode
        Case 9
            Application.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate
        Case 13
            Application.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
    End Select
End Sub
  1. Click File > Close and Return to Microsoft Excel to close the Microsoft Visual Basic for Application window.

  2. Now, just click the cell with drop down list, you can see the drop-down list is displayed as a combo box, then type the first letter into the box, the corresponding word will be completed automatically.

Note: This VBA code is not applied to merged cells.

Source : How To Autocomplete When Typing In Excel Drop Down List?

Upgrade version of Pandas


pip3 install --upgrade pandas

Spring - applicationContext.xml cannot be opened because it does not exist

If you use maven, create a directory called resources in the main directory, and then copy your applicationContext.xml into it.

From your java code call:

ApplicationContext appCtx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");

How to handle a single quote in Oracle SQL

I found the above answer giving an error with Oracle SQL, you also must use square brackets, below;

SQL> SELECT Q'[Paddy O'Reilly]' FROM DUAL;

Result: Paddy O'Reilly

Export to xls using angularjs

I had this problem and I made a tool to export an HTML table to CSV file. The problem I had with FileSaver.js is that this tool grabs the table with html format, this is why some people can't open the file in excel or google. All you have to do is export the js file and then call the function. This is the github url if someone has the same problem.

jquery find closest previous sibling with class


$('li.current_sub').prev('.par_cat').[do stuff];

How to change font size in html?

You can do this by setting a style in your paragraph tag. For example if you wanted to change the font size to 28px.

<p style="font-size: 28px;"> Hello, World! </p>

You can also set the color by setting:

<p style="color: blue;"> Hello, World! </p>

However, if you want to preview font sizes and colors (which I recommend doing) before you add them to your website and use them. I recommend testing them out beforehand so you pick a good font size and color that contrasts well with the background. I recommend using this site if you wish to do so, couldn't find anything else:

Android App Not Install. An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

I tried all the above and it did not work.

I found that in spite of uninstalling the app a new version of the app still gives the same error.

This is what solved it: go to Settings -> General -> application Manager -> choose your app -> click on the three dots on the top -> uninstall for all users

Once you do this, now it is actually uninstalled and will now allow your new version to install.

Hope this helps.

Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1 path $

This is a well-known issue and based on this answer you could add setLenient:

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

Now, if you add this to your retrofit, it gives you another error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $

This is another well-known error you can find answer here (this error means that your server response is not well-formatted); So change server response to return something:

        { ver:"1.5", name:"Cupcace", api:"Api Level 3" }

For better comprehension, compare your response with Github api.

Suggestion: to find out what's going on to your request/response add HttpLoggingInterceptor in your retrofit.

Based on this answer your ServiceHelper would be:

private ServiceHelper() {
        httpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
        HttpLoggingInterceptor interceptor = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();
        Retrofit retrofit = createAdapter().build();
        service = retrofit.create(IService.class);

Also don't forget to add:

compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:3.3.1'

How to get these two divs side-by-side?

#parent_div_1, #parent_div_2, #parent_div_3 {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  border: 1px solid red;
  margin-right: 10px;
  float: left;
.child_div_1 {
  float: left;
  margin-right: 5px;

Check working example at

How does HTTP_USER_AGENT work?

Visit that page, it'll give you a good explanation of each element of your user agent.


MozillaProductSlice. Claims to be a Mozilla based user agent, which is only true for Gecko browsers like Firefox and Netscape. For all other user agents it means 'Mozilla-compatible'. In modern browsers, this is only used for historical reasons. It has no real meaning anymore

Matplotlib: Specify format of floats for tick labels

In matplotlib 3.1, you can also use ticklabel_format. To prevents scientific notation without offsets:

plt.gca().ticklabel_format(axis='both', style='plain', useOffset=False)

Combine or merge JSON on node.js without jQuery

You can do it inline, without changing any variables like this:

let obj1 = { name: 'John' };
let obj2 = { surname: 'Smith' };
let obj = Object.assign({}, obj1, obj2); // { name: 'John', surname: 'Smith' }

Using CSS :before and :after pseudo-elements with inline CSS?

as mentioned above: its not possible to call a css pseudo-class / -element inline. what i now did, is: give your element a unique identifier, f.ex. an id or a unique class. and write a fitting <style> element

<style>#id29:before { content: "*";}</style>
<article id="id29">
  <!-- something -->

fugly, but what inline css isnt..?

Firebase Storage How to store and Retrieve images

There are a couple of ways of doing I first did the way Grendal2501 did it. I then did it similar to user15163, you can store the image URL in the firebase and host the image on your firebase host or also Amazon S3;

how to convert long date value to mm/dd/yyyy format

Try this example

 String[] formats = new String[] {
   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm",
   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ",
   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ",
 for (String format : formats) {
   SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.US);
   System.err.format("%30s %s\n", format, sdf.format(new Date(0)));
   System.err.format("%30s %s\n", format, sdf.format(new Date(0)));

and read this

Position a CSS background image x pixels from the right?

The most appropriate answer is the new four-value syntax for background-position, but until all browsers support it your best approach is a combination of earlier responses in the following order:

background: url(image.png) no-repeat 97% center; /* default, Android, Sf < 6 */
background-position: -webkit-calc(100% - 10px) center; /* Sf 6 */
background-position: right 10px center; /* Cr 25+, FF 13+, IE 9+, Op 10.5+ */

How to use a decimal range() step value?

Building on 'xrange([start], stop[, step])', you can define a generator that accepts and produces any type you choose (stick to types supporting + and <):

>>> def drange(start, stop, step):
...     r = start
...     while r < stop:
...         yield r
...         r += step
>>> i0=drange(0.0, 1.0, 0.1)
>>> ["%g" % x for x in i0]
['0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5', '0.6', '0.7', '0.8', '0.9', '1']

How to get the dimensions of a tensor (in TensorFlow) at graph construction time?

I see most people confused about tf.shape(tensor) and tensor.get_shape() Let's make it clear:

  1. tf.shape

tf.shape is used for dynamic shape. If your tensor's shape is changable, use it. An example: a input is an image with changable width and height, we want resize it to half of its size, then we can write something like:
new_height = tf.shape(image)[0] / 2

  1. tensor.get_shape

tensor.get_shape is used for fixed shapes, which means the tensor's shape can be deduced in the graph.

Conclusion: tf.shape can be used almost anywhere, but t.get_shape only for shapes can be deduced from graph.

Django - makemigrations - No changes detected

It is a comment but should probably be an answer.

Make sure that your app name is in INSTALLED_APPS otherwise no matter what you do it will not run the migrations.



Then run:

./ makemigrations blog

Parameter binding on left joins with array in Laravel Query Builder

You don't have to bind parameters if you use query builder or eloquent ORM. However, if you use DB::raw(), ensure that you binding the parameters.

Try the following:

$array = array(1,2,3);       $query = DB::table('offers');             $query->select('id', 'business_id', 'address_id', 'title', 'details', 'value', 'total_available', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'terms', 'type', 'coupon_code', 'is_barcode_available', 'is_exclusive', 'userinformations_id', 'is_used');             $query->leftJoin('user_offer_collection', function ($join) use ($array)             {                 $join->on('user_offer_collection.offers_id', '=', '')                       ->whereIn('user_offer_collection.user_id', $array);             });       $query->get(); 

How to add content to html body using JS?

You're probably using

document.getElementById('element').innerHTML = "New content"

Try this instead:

document.getElementById('element').innerHTML += "New content"

Or, preferably, use DOM Manipulation:


Dom manipulation would be preferred compared to using innerHTML, because innerHTML simply dumps a string into the document. The browser will have to reparse the entire document to get it's stucture.

Interface naming in Java

=v= The "I" prefix is also used in the Wicket framework, where I got used to it quickly. In general, I welcome any convention that shortens cumbersome Java classnames. It is a hassle, though, that everything is alphabetized under "I" in the directories and in the Javadoc.

Wicket coding practice is similar to Swing, in that many control/widget instances are constructed as anonymous inner classes with inline method declarations. Annoyingly, it differs 180° from Swing in that Swing uses a prefix ("J") for the implementing classes.

The "Impl" suffix is a mangly abbreviation and doesn't internationalize well. If only we'd at least gone with "Imp" it would be cuter (and shorter). "Impl" is used for IOC, especially Spring, so we're sort of stuck with it for now. It gets a bit schizo following 3 different conventions in three different parts of one codebase, though.

Does JavaScript have a built in stringbuilder class?

If you have to write code for Internet Explorer make sure you chose an implementation, which uses array joins. Concatenating strings with the + or += operator are extremely slow on IE. This is especially true for IE6. On modern browsers += is usually just as fast as array joins.

When I have to do lots of string concatenations I usually fill an array and don't use a string builder class:

var html = [];
  "bla bla bla",
return html.join("");

Note that the push methods accepts multiple arguments.

Joda DateTime to Timestamp conversion

Actually this is not a duplicate question. And this how i solve my problem after several times :

   int offset = DateTimeZone.forID("anytimezone").getOffset(new DateTime());

This is the way to get offset from desired timezone.

Let's return to our code, we were getting timestamp from a result set of query, and using it with timezone to create our datetime.

   DateTime dt = new DateTime(rs.getTimestamp("anytimestampcolumn"),

Now we will add our offset to the datetime, and get the timestamp from it.

    dt = dt.plusMillis(offset);
    Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(dt.getMillis());

May be this is not the actual way to get it, but it solves my case. I hope it helps anyone who is stuck here.

Is it possible to open a Windows Explorer window from PowerShell?

Just use the Invoke-Item cmdlet. For example, if you want to open a explorer window on the current directory you can do:

Invoke-Item .

How to get the filename without the extension in Java?

For Kotlin it's now simple as:

val fileNameStr = file.nameWithoutExtension

How do I compare 2 rows from the same table (SQL Server)?

You can join a table to itself as many times as you require, it is called a self join.

An alias is assigned to each instance of the table (as in the example below) to differentiate one from another.

SELECT a.SelfJoinTableID
FROM   dbo.SelfJoinTable a
       INNER JOIN dbo.SelfJoinTable b
         ON a.SelfJoinTableID = b.SelfJoinTableID
       INNER JOIN dbo.SelfJoinTable c
         ON a.SelfJoinTableID = c.SelfJoinTableID
WHERE  a.Status = 'Status to filter a'
       AND b.Status = 'Status to filter b'
       AND c.Status = 'Status to filter c' 

jQuery datepicker years shown

Adding to what @Shog9 posted, you can also restrict dates individually in the beforeShowDay: callback function.

You supply a function that takes a date and returns a boolean array:

"$(".selector").datepicker({ beforeShowDay: nationalDays}) 
natDays = [[1, 26, 'au'], [2, 6, 'nz'], [3, 17, 'ie'], [4, 27, 'za'], 
[5, 25, 'ar'], [6, 6, 'se'], [7, 4, 'us'], [8, 17, 'id'], [9, 7, 
'br'], [10, 1, 'cn'], [11, 22, 'lb'], [12, 12, 'ke']]; 
function nationalDays(date) { 
    for (i = 0; i < natDays.length; i++) { 
      if (date.getMonth() == natDays[i][0] - 1 && date.getDate() == 
natDays[i][1]) { 
        return [false, natDays[i][2] + '_day']; 
  return [true, '']; 

How can I create a simple index.html file which lists all files/directories?

There's a free php script made by Celeron Dude that can do this called Celeron Dude Indexer 2. It doesn't require .htaccess The source code is easy to understand and provides a good starting point.

Here's a download link:

celeron dude indexer

Style jQuery autocomplete in a Bootstrap input field

I don't know if you fixed it, but I did had the same issue, finally it was a dumb thing, I had:

<script src="jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

but it should be:

<link href="jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Just change <scrip> to <link> and src to href

Why SpringMVC Request method 'GET' not supported?

Apparently some POST requests looks like a "GET" to the server (like Heroku...)

So I use this strategy and it works for me:

@RequestMapping(value = "/salvar", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST })

How do I make bootstrap table rows clickable?

Using jQuery it's quite trivial. v2.0 uses the table class on all tables.

$('.table > tbody > tr').click(function() {
    // row was clicked

How to obtain a QuerySet of all rows, with specific fields for each one of them?

In addition to values_list as Daniel mentions you can also use only (or defer for the opposite effect) to get a queryset of objects only having their id and specified fields:


This will run a single query:

SELECT id, eng_name FROM employees

Twitter Bootstrap 3: how to use media queries?

We use the following media queries in our Less files to create the key breakpoints in our grid system.

/* Small devices (tablets, 768px and up) */
@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { ... }

/* Medium devices (desktops, 992px and up) */
@media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { ... }

/* Large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up) */
@media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { ... }

see also on Bootstrap

How to check if PHP array is associative or sequential?

function isAssoc($arr)
    $a = array_keys($arr);
    for($i = 0, $t = count($a); $i < $t; $i++)
        if($a[$i] != $i)
            return false;
    return true;

How to find out when a particular table was created in Oracle?


Text in Border CSS HTML

I know a bit late to the party, however I feel the answers could do with some more investigation/input. I have managed to create the situation without using the fieldset tag - that is wrong anyway as if I'm not in a form then that isn't really what I should be doing.

/* Styles go here */

#info-block section {
    border: 2px solid black;

.file-marker > div {
    padding: 0 3px;
    height: 100px;
    margin-top: -0.8em;
.box-title {
    background: white none repeat scroll 0 0;
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 0 2px;
    margin-left: 8em;
<aside id="info-block">
  <section class="file-marker">
      <div class="box-title">
        Audit Trail
      <div class="box-contents">
        <div id="audit-trail">

This can be viewed in this plunk:

Outline box with title

What this achieves is the following:

  • no use of fieldsets.

  • minimal use if CSS to create effect with just some paddings.

  • Use of "em" margin top to create font relative title.

  • use of display inline-block to achieve natural width around the text.

Anyway I hope that helps future stylers, you never know.

How to determine MIME type of file in android?

First and foremost, you should consider calling MimeTypeMap#getMimeTypeFromExtension(), like this:

// url = file path or whatever suitable URL you want.
public static String getMimeType(String url) {
    String type = null;
    String extension = MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(url);
    if (extension != null) {
        type = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);
    return type;


The specific instructions for what you are looking for are in here:

Remember your Google Spreadsheets Formulas might use semicolon (;) instead of comma (,) depending on Regional Settings.

Once made the replacement on some examples would look like this:


What is difference between Axios and Fetch?

In addition... I was playing around with various libs in my test and noticed their different handling of 4xx requests. In this case my test returns a json object with a 400 response. This is how 3 popular libs handle the response:

// request-promise-native
const body = request({ url: url, json: true })
const res = await t.throws(body);

// node-fetch
const body = await fetch(url)
console.log(await body.json())

// Axios
const body = axios.get(url)
const res = await t.throws(body);

Of interest is that request-promise-native and axios throw on 4xx response while node-fetch doesn't. Also fetch uses a promise for json parsing.

Run a .bat file using python code

import subprocess

p = subprocess.Popen(filepath, shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)

stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
print p.returncode # is 0 if success

Create an ArrayList with multiple object types?

Just use Entry (as in java.util.Map.Entry) as the list type, and populate it using (java.util.AbstractMap’s) SimpleImmutableEntry:

List<Entry<Integer, String>> sections = new ArrayList<>();
sections.add(new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(anInteger, orString)):

JavaScript load a page on button click

Simple code to redirect page

<!-- html button designing and calling the event in javascript -->
<input id="btntest" type="button" value="Check" 
       onclick="window.location.href = ''" />

Reading HTTP headers in a Spring REST controller

I'm going to give you an example of how I read REST headers for my controllers. My controllers only accept application/json as a request type if I have data that needs to be read. I suspect that your problem is that you have an application/octet-stream that Spring doesn't know how to handle.

Normally my controllers look like this:

public class FooController {
    private DataService dataService;

    @RequestMapping(value="/foo/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ResponseEntity<Data> getData(@RequestHeader String dataId){
        return ResponseEntity.newInstance(dataService.getData(dataId);

Now there is a lot of code doing stuff in the background here so I will break it down for you.

ResponseEntity is a custom object that every controller returns. It contains a static factory allowing the creation of new instances. My Data Service is a standard service class.

The magic happens behind the scenes, because you are working with JSON, you need to tell Spring to use Jackson to map HttpRequest objects so that it knows what you are dealing with.

You do this by specifying this inside your <mvc:annotation-driven> block of your config

        <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">
            <property name="objectMapper" ref="objectMapper" />

ObjectMapper is simply an extension of com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper and is what Jackson uses to actually map your request from JSON into an object.

I suspect you are getting your exception because you haven't specified a mapper that can read an Octet-Stream into an object, or something that Spring can handle. If you are trying to do a file upload, that is something else entirely.

So my request that gets sent to my controller looks something like this simply has an extra header called dataId.

If you wanted to change that to a request parameter and use @RequestParam String dataId to read the ID out of the request your request would look similar to this:

contactId : {"fooId"} 

This request parameter can be as complex as you like. You can serialize an entire object into JSON, send it as a request parameter and Spring will serialize it (using Jackson) back into a Java Object ready for you to use.

Example In Controller:

@RequestMapping(value = "/penguin Details/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public DataProcessingResponseDTO<Pengin> getPenguinDetailsFromList(
        @RequestParam DataProcessingRequestDTO jsonPenguinRequestDTO)

Request Sent:

jsonPengiunRequestDTO: {
    "draw": 1,
    "columns": [
            "data": {
                "_": "toAddress",
                "header": "toAddress"
            "name": "toAddress",
            "searchable": true,
            "orderable": true,
            "search": {
                "value": "",
                "regex": false
            "data": {
                "_": "fromAddress",
                "header": "fromAddress"
            "name": "fromAddress",
            "searchable": true,
            "orderable": true,
            "search": {
                "value": "",
                "regex": false
            "data": {
                "_": "customerCampaignId",
                "header": "customerCampaignId"
            "name": "customerCampaignId",
            "searchable": true,
            "orderable": true,
            "search": {
                "value": "",
                "regex": false
            "data": {
                "_": "penguinId",
                "header": "penguinId"
            "name": "penguinId",
            "searchable": false,
            "orderable": true,
            "search": {
                "value": "",
                "regex": false
            "data": {
                "_": "validpenguin",
                "header": "validpenguin"
            "name": "validpenguin",
            "searchable": true,
            "orderable": true,
            "search": {
                "value": "",
                "regex": false
            "data": {
                "_": "",
                "header": ""
            "name": "",
            "searchable": false,
            "orderable": false,
            "search": {
                "value": "",
                "regex": false
    "order": [
            "column": 0,
            "dir": "asc"
    "start": 0,
    "length": 10,
    "search": {
        "value": "",
        "regex": false
    "objectId": "30"

which gets automatically serialized back into an DataProcessingRequestDTO object before being given to the controller ready for me to use.

As you can see, this is quite powerful allowing you to serialize your data from JSON to an object without having to write a single line of code. You can do this for @RequestParam and @RequestBody which allows you to access JSON inside your parameters or request body respectively.

Now that you have a concrete example to go off, you shouldn't have any problems once you change your request type to application/json.

What is a Sticky Broadcast?

The value of a sticky broadcast is the value that was last broadcast and is currently held in the sticky cache. This is not the value of a broadcast that was received right now. I suppose you can say it is like a browser cookie that you can access at any time. The sticky broadcast is now deprecated, per the docs for sticky broadcast methods (e.g.):

This method was deprecated in API level 21. Sticky broadcasts should not be used. They provide no security (anyone can access them), no protection (anyone can modify them), and many other problems. The recommended pattern is to use a non-sticky broadcast to report that something has changed, with another mechanism for apps to retrieve the current value whenever desired.

Pivoting rows into columns dynamically in Oracle

Oracle 11g provides a PIVOT operation that does what you want.

Oracle 11g solution

select * from
(select id, k, v from _kv) 
pivot(max(v) for k in ('name', 'age', 'gender', 'status')

(Note: I do not have a copy of 11g to test this on so I have not verified its functionality)

I obtained this solution from:

EDIT -- pivot xml option (also Oracle 11g)
Apparently there is also a pivot xml option for when you do not know all the possible column headings that you may need. (see the XML TYPE section near the bottom of the page located at

select * from
(select id, k, v from _kv) 
pivot xml (max(v)
for k in (any) )

(Note: As before I do not have a copy of 11g to test this on so I have not verified its functionality)

Edit2: Changed v in the pivot and pivot xml statements to max(v) since it is supposed to be aggregated as mentioned in one of the comments. I also added the in clause which is not optional for pivot. Of course, having to specify the values in the in clause defeats the goal of having a completely dynamic pivot/crosstab query as was the desire of this question's poster.

Difference between .dll and .exe?

Difference in DLL and EXE:

1) DLL is an In-Process Component which means running in the same memory space as the client process. EXE is an Out-Process Component which means it runs in its own separate memory space.

2) The DLL contains functions and procedures that other programs can use (promotes reuability) while EXE cannot be shared with other programs.

3) DLL cannot be directly executed as they're designed to be loaded and run by other programs. EXE is a program that is executed directly.

Programmatically select a row in JTable

It is an old post, but I came across this recently

Selecting a specific interval

As @aleroot already mentioned, by using

table.setRowSelectionInterval(index0, index1);

You can specify an interval, which should be selected.

Adding an interval to the existing selection

You can also keep the current selection, and simply add additional rows by using this here

table.getSelectionModel().addSelectionInterval(index0, index1);

This line of code additionally selects the specified interval. It doesn't matter if that interval already is selected, of parts of it are selected.

Difference between try-catch and throw in java

In my limited experience with the following details.throws is a declaration that declares multiple exceptions that may occur but do not necessarily occur, throw is an action that can throw only one exception, typically a non-runtime exception, try catch is a block that catches exceptions that can be handled when an exception occurs in a method,this exception can be thrown.An exception can be understood as a responsibility that should be taken care of by the behavior that caused the exception, rather than by its upper callers. I hope my answer will help you

Spring 3 RequestMapping: Get path value

Building upon Fabien Kruba's already excellent answer, I thought it would be nice if the ** portion of the URL could be given as a parameter to the controller method via an annotation, in a way which was similar to @RequestParam and @PathVariable, rather than always using a utility method which explicitly required the HttpServletRequest. So here's an example of how that might be implemented. Hopefully someone finds it useful.

Create the annotation, along with the argument resolver:

public @interface WildcardParam {

    class Resolver implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver {

        public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter methodParameter) {
            return methodParameter.getParameterAnnotation(WildcardParam.class) != null;

        public Object resolveArgument(MethodParameter methodParameter, ModelAndViewContainer modelAndViewContainer, NativeWebRequest nativeWebRequest, WebDataBinderFactory webDataBinderFactory) throws Exception {
            HttpServletRequest request = nativeWebRequest.getNativeRequest(HttpServletRequest.class);
            return request == null ? null : new AntPathMatcher().extractPathWithinPattern(
                    (String) request.getAttribute(HandlerMapping.BEST_MATCHING_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE),
                    (String) request.getAttribute(HandlerMapping.PATH_WITHIN_HANDLER_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE));



Register the method argument resolver:

public class WebMvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> resolvers) {
        resolvers.add(new WildcardParam.Resolver());


Use the annotation in your controller handler methods to have easy access to the ** portion of the URL:

public class SomeController {

    public void someHandlerMethod(@WildcardParam String wildcardParam) {
        // use wildcardParam here...


Best way to copy from one array to another

There are lots of solutions:

b = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length);

Which allocates a new array, copies over the elements of a, and returns the new array.


b = new int[a.length];
System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, b.length);

Which copies the source array content into a destination array that you allocate yourself.


b = a.clone();

which works very much like Arrays.copyOf(). See this thread.

Or the one you posted, if you reverse the direction of the assignment in the loop:

b[i] = a[i]; // NOT a[i] = b[i];

How can I start an Activity from a non-Activity class?

Your onTap override receives the MapView from which you can obtain the Context:

public boolean onTap(GeoPoint p, MapView mapView)
    // ...

    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.setClass(mapView.getContext(), FullscreenView.class);

    // ...

How to get Database Name from Connection String using SqlConnectionStringBuilder

this gives you the Xact;

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder connBuilder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder();

connBuilder.ConnectionString = connectionString;

string server = connBuilder.DataSource;           //-> this gives you the Server name.
string database = connBuilder.InitialCatalog;     //-> this gives you the Db name.

Python - List of unique dictionaries

So make a temporary dict with the key being the id. This filters out the duplicates. The values() of the dict will be the list

In Python2.7

>>> L=[
... {'id':1,'name':'john', 'age':34},
... {'id':1,'name':'john', 'age':34},
... {'id':2,'name':'hanna', 'age':30},
... ]
>>> {v['id']:v for v in L}.values()
[{'age': 34, 'id': 1, 'name': 'john'}, {'age': 30, 'id': 2, 'name': 'hanna'}]

In Python3

>>> L=[
... {'id':1,'name':'john', 'age':34},
... {'id':1,'name':'john', 'age':34},
... {'id':2,'name':'hanna', 'age':30},
... ] 
>>> list({v['id']:v for v in L}.values())
[{'age': 34, 'id': 1, 'name': 'john'}, {'age': 30, 'id': 2, 'name': 'hanna'}]

In Python2.5/2.6

>>> L=[
... {'id':1,'name':'john', 'age':34},
... {'id':1,'name':'john', 'age':34},
... {'id':2,'name':'hanna', 'age':30},
... ] 
>>> dict((v['id'],v) for v in L).values()
[{'age': 34, 'id': 1, 'name': 'john'}, {'age': 30, 'id': 2, 'name': 'hanna'}]

How to get the caret column (not pixels) position in a textarea, in characters, from the start?

Updated 5 September 2010

Seeing as everyone seems to get directed here for this issue, I'm adding my answer to a similar question, which contains the same code as this answer but with full background for those who are interested:

IE's document.selection.createRange doesn't include leading or trailing blank lines

To account for trailing line breaks is tricky in IE, and I haven't seen any solution that does this correctly, including any other answers to this question. It is possible, however, using the following function, which will return you the start and end of the selection (which are the same in the case of a caret) within a <textarea> or text <input>.

Note that the textarea must have focus for this function to work properly in IE. If in doubt, call the textarea's focus() method first.

function getInputSelection(el) {
    var start = 0, end = 0, normalizedValue, range,
        textInputRange, len, endRange;

    if (typeof el.selectionStart == "number" && typeof el.selectionEnd == "number") {
        start = el.selectionStart;
        end = el.selectionEnd;
    } else {
        range = document.selection.createRange();

        if (range && range.parentElement() == el) {
            len = el.value.length;
            normalizedValue = el.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");

            // Create a working TextRange that lives only in the input
            textInputRange = el.createTextRange();

            // Check if the start and end of the selection are at the very end
            // of the input, since moveStart/moveEnd doesn't return what we want
            // in those cases
            endRange = el.createTextRange();

            if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", endRange) > -1) {
                start = end = len;
            } else {
                start = -textInputRange.moveStart("character", -len);
                start += normalizedValue.slice(0, start).split("\n").length - 1;

                if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", endRange) > -1) {
                    end = len;
                } else {
                    end = -textInputRange.moveEnd("character", -len);
                    end += normalizedValue.slice(0, end).split("\n").length - 1;

    return {
        start: start,
        end: end

Viewing all `git diffs` with vimdiff

Git accepts kdiff3, tkdiff, meld, xxdiff, emerge, vimdiff, gvimdiff, ecmerge,
and opendiff as valid diff tools. You can also set up a custom tool. 

git config --global diff.tool vimdiff
git config --global diff.tool kdiff3
git config --global diff.tool meld
git config --global diff.tool xxdiff
git config --global diff.tool emerge
git config --global diff.tool gvimdiff
git config --global diff.tool ecmerge

jquery how to empty input field

Setting val('') will empty the input field. So you would use this:

Clear the input field when the page loads:


How to get a variable name as a string in PHP?

You could use get_defined_vars() to find the name of a variable that has the same value as the one you're trying to find the name of. Obviously this will not always work, since different variables often have the same values, but it's the only way I can think of to do this.

Edit: get_defined_vars() doesn't seem to be working correctly, it returns 'var' because $var is used in the function itself. $GLOBALS seems to work so I've changed it to that.

function print_var_name($var) {
    foreach($GLOBALS as $var_name => $value) {
        if ($value === $var) {
            return $var_name;

    return false;

Edit: to be clear, there is no good way to do this in PHP, which is probably because you shouldn't have to do it. There are probably better ways of doing what you're trying to do.

HTML select dropdown list

Make a JavaScript control that before the submit cheek that the selected option is different to your first option

Android offline documentation and sample codes

Write the following in linux terminal:

$ wget -r

Python vs Cpython

The original, and standard, implementation of Python is usually called CPython when you want to contrast it with the other options (and just plain “Python” otherwise). This name comes from the fact that it is coded in portable ANSI C language code. This is the Python that you fetch from, get with the ActivePython and Enthought distributions, and have automatically on most Linux and Mac OS X machines. If you’ve found a preinstalled version of Python on your machine, it’s probably CPython, unless your company or organization is using Python in more specialized ways.

Unless you want to script Java or .NET applications with Python or find the benefits of Stackless or PyPy compelling, you probably want to use the standard CPython system. Because it is the reference implementation of the language, it tends to run the fastest, be the most complete, and be more up-to-date and robust than the alternative systems.

Git : fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists

This usually happens when you use two ssh keys to access two different GitHub account.

Follow these steps to fix this it look too long but trust me it won't take more than 5 minutes:

Step-1: Create two ssh key pairs:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"

Step-2: It will create two ssh keys here:


Step-3: Now we need to add these keys:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_account2
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_account1
  • You can see the added keys list by using this command: ssh-add -l
  • You can remove old cached keys by this command: ssh-add -D

Step-4: Modify the ssh config

cd ~/.ssh/
touch config

subl -a config or code config or nano config

Step-5: Add this to config file:

#Github account1
    User account1
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_account1

#Github account2
    User account2
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_account2

Step-6: Update your .git/config file:

Step-6.1: Navigate to account1's project and update host:

[remote "origin"]
        url = [email protected]:account1/gfs.git

If you are invited by some other user in their git Repository. Then you need to update the host like this:

[remote "origin"]
            url = [email protected]:invitedByUserName/gfs.git

Step-6.2: Navigate to account2's project and update host:

[remote "origin"]
        url = [email protected]:account2/gfs.git

Step-7: Update user name and email for each repository separately if required this is not an amendatory step:

Navigate to account1 project and run these:

git config "account1"
git config "[email protected]" 

Navigate to account2 project and run these:

git config "account2"
git config "[email protected]" 

What is polymorphism, what is it for, and how is it used?

In Object Oriented languages, polymorphism allows treatment and handling of different data types through the same interface. For example, consider inheritance in C++: Class B is derived from Class A. A pointer of type A* (pointer to class A) may be used to handle both an object of class A AND an object of class B.

Search an Oracle database for tables with specific column names?

The data you want is in the "cols" meta-data table:


This one will give you a list of tables that have all of the columns you want:

select distinct
  cols c1
  inner join
  cols c2
  inner join
  cols c3
  inner join
  cols c4
  inner join
  tab t
where T.TABTYPE = 'TABLE' --could be 'VIEW' if you wanted
  and upper(C1.COLUMN_NAME) like upper('%id%')
  and upper(C2.COLUMN_NAME) like upper('%fname%')
  and upper(C3.COLUMN_NAME) like upper('%lname%')
  and upper(C4.COLUMN_NAME) like upper('%address%')  

To do this in a different schema, just specify the schema in front of the table, as in


If you want to combine the searches of many schemas into one output result, then you could do this:


Which keycode for escape key with jQuery

(Answer extracted from my previous comment)

You need to use keyup rather than keypress. e.g.:

$(document).keyup(function(e) {
  if (e.which == 13) $('.save').click();     // enter
  if (e.which == 27) $('.cancel').click();   // esc

keypress doesn't seem to be handled consistently between browsers (try out the demo at in IE vs Chrome vs Firefox. Sometimes keypress doesn't register, and the values for both 'which' and 'keyCode' vary) whereas keyup is consistent.

Since there was some discussion of e.which vs e.keyCode: Note that e.which is the jquery-normalized value and is the one recommended for use:

The event.which property normalizes event.keyCode and event.charCode. It is recommended to watch event.which for keyboard key input.


Finding repeated words on a string and counting the repetitions

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s="sdf sdfsdfsd sdfsdfsd sdfsdfsd sdf sdf sdf ";
    String st[]=s.split(" ");
    Map<String, Integer> mp= new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
    for(int i=0;i<st.length;i++){

        Integer count=mp.get(st[i]);
        if(count == null){


How to force a web browser NOT to cache images

Your problem is that despite the Expires: header, your browser is re-using its in-memory copy of the image from before it was updated, rather than even checking its cache.

I had a very similar situation uploading product images in the admin backend for a store-like site, and in my case I decided the best option was to use javascript to force an image refresh, without using any of the URL-modifying techniques other people have already mentioned here. Instead, I put the image URL into a hidden IFRAME, called location.reload(true) on the IFRAME's window, and then replaced my image on the page. This forces a refresh of the image, not just on the page I'm on, but also on any later pages I visit - without either client or server having to remember any URL querystring or fragment identifier parameters.

I posted some code to do this in my answer here.

What is the difference between git pull and git fetch + git rebase?

It should be pretty obvious from your question that you're actually just asking about the difference between git merge and git rebase.

So let's suppose you're in the common case - you've done some work on your master branch, and you pull from origin's, which also has done some work. After the fetch, things look like this:

- o - o - o - H - A - B - C (master)
                P - Q - R (origin/master)

If you merge at this point (the default behavior of git pull), assuming there aren't any conflicts, you end up with this:

- o - o - o - H - A - B - C - X (master)
               \             /
                P - Q - R --- (origin/master)

If on the other hand you did the appropriate rebase, you'd end up with this:

- o - o - o - H - P - Q - R - A' - B' - C' (master)

The content of your work tree should end up the same in both cases; you've just created a different history leading up to it. The rebase rewrites your history, making it look as if you had committed on top of origin's new master branch (R), instead of where you originally committed (H). You should never use the rebase approach if someone else has already pulled from your master branch.

Finally, note that you can actually set up git pull for a given branch to use rebase instead of merge by setting the config parameter branch.<name>.rebase to true. You can also do this for a single pull using git pull --rebase.

CardView Corner Radius

There is an example how to achieve it, when the card is at the very bottom of the screen. If someone has this kind of problem just do something like that:





Card View has a negative bottom margin. The view inside a Card View has the same, but positive bottom margin. This way rounded parts are hidden below the screen, but everything looks exactly the same, because the inner view has a counter margin.

How do I delete rows in a data frame?

The key idea is you form a set of the rows you want to remove, and keep the complement of that set.

In R, the complement of a set is given by the '-' operator.

So, assuming the data.frame is called myData:

myData[-c(2, 4, 6), ]   # notice the -

Of course, don't forget to "reassign" myData if you wanted to drop those rows entirely---otherwise, R just prints the results.

myData <- myData[-c(2, 4, 6), ]

Android Studio - local path doesn't exist

Heh tried all these answers and none of them worked. I think a common cause of this issue is something a lot simpler.

I advise all who get this problem to look at their launch configuration:

Launch Configuration

Look! The launch configuration contains options for which APK to deploy. If you choose default, Android Studio will be dumb to any product flavors, build types etc. you have in your gradle file. In my case, I have multiple build types and product flavors, and received "no local path" when trying to launch a non-default product flavor.

Android Studio was not wrong! It couldn't find the default APK, because I was not building for it. I solve my issue by instead choosing "Do not deploy anything" and then executing the gradle install task I needed for my specific combination of product flavor / build type.

grep output to show only matching file

-l (that's a lower-case L).

How to increase executionTimeout for a long-running query?

When a query takes that long, I would advice to run it asynchronously and use a callback function for when it's complete.

I don't have much experience with ASP.NET, but maybe you can use AJAX for this asynchronous behavior.

Typically a web page should load in mere seconds, not minutes. Don't keep your users waiting for so long!

Batch program to to check if process exists

This is a one line solution.

It will run taskkill only if the process is really running otherwise it will just info that it is not running.

tasklist | find /i "notepad.exe" && taskkill /im notepad.exe /F || echo process "notepad.exe" not running.

This is the output in case the process was running:

notepad.exe           1960 Console                   0    112,260 K
SUCCESS: The process "notepad.exe" with PID 1960 has been terminated.

This is the output in case not running:

process "notepad.exe" not running.

Open URL in same window and in same tab

One of the most prominent javascript features is to fire onclick handlers on the fly. I found following mechanism more reliable than using location.href='' or location.reload() or

// this function can fire onclick handler for any DOM-Element
function fireClickEvent(element) {
    var evt = new window.MouseEvent('click', {
        view: window,
        bubbles: true,
        cancelable: true


// this function will setup a virtual anchor element
// and fire click handler to open new URL in the same room
// it works better than location.href=something or location.reload()
function openNewURLInTheSameWindow(targetURL) {
    var a = document.createElement('a');
    a.href = targetURL;

Above code is also helpful to open new tab/window and bypassing all pop-up blockers!!! E.g.

function openNewTabOrNewWindow(targetURL) {
    var a = document.createElement('a');
    a.href = targetURL; = '_blank'; // now it will open new tab/window and bypass any popup blocker!


Netbeans - class does not have a main method

in Project window right click on your project and select properties go to Run and set Main Class ( you can brows it) . this manual work if you have static main in some class :

public class Someclass

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
        //your code

Netbeans doesn't have any conflict with W7 and you can use version 6.8 .

Is there a way to make a DIV unselectable?

Just updating aleemb's original, much-upvoted answer with a couple of additions to the css.

We've been using the following combo:

.unselectable {
    -webkit-touch-callout: none;
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    -khtml-user-select: none;
    -moz-user-select: none;
    -ms-user-select: none;
    -o-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;

We got the suggestion for adding the webkit-touch entry from:

2015 Apr: Just updating my own answer with a variation that may come in handy. If you need to make the DIV selectable/unselectable on the fly and are willing to use Modernizr, the following works neatly in javascript:

    var userSelectProp = Modernizr.prefixed('userSelect');
    var specialDiv = document.querySelector('#specialDiv');[userSelectProp] = 'none';

How can I regenerate ios folder in React Native project?

  1. Open Terminal/cmd
  2. Move to the folder/directory where the project "ProjectName" folder exist(Do not go into project directory)
  3. run command as: react-native init "ProjectName" and it will warn that project directory already exist but you continue.
  4. It will install all updated node modules as well as missing platform (android/ios) folders inside project without disturbing the code already written.
  5. cd "ProjectName" and then cd ios and then run pod install

PS: Take backup of your code in case it changes App.js

Convert date yyyyMMdd to system.datetime format

have at look at the static methods DateTime.Parse() and DateTime.TryParse(). They will allow you to pass in your date string and a format string, and get a DateTime object in return.

What is the best way to remove a table row with jQuery?


i think you will try the above code, as it work, but i don't know why it work for sometime and then the whole table is removed. i am also trying to remove the row by click the row. but could not find exact answer.

Is there a way to get the source code from an APK file?

Below ONLINE tool:

it do ALL by one click: decompiled .java files + resources + xml (in one .zip file) with very good decompiler (jadx return java code in places/functions where other compiles return comments inside function like "unable to decompile" or some android assembler/machine code)

How to refresh an access form

No, it is like I want to run Form_Load of Form A,if it is possible

-- Varun Mahajan

The usual way to do this is to put the relevant code in a procedure that can be called by both forms. It is best put the code in a standard module, but you could have it on Form a:

Form B:

Sub RunFormALoad()
End Sub

Form A:

Public Sub Form_Load()
End Sub    

Sub ToDoOnLoad()
    txtText = "Hi"
End Sub

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite'

System.Data.SQLite.dll is a mixed assembly, i.e. it contains both managed code and native code. Therefore a particular System.Data.SQLite.dll is either x86 or x64, but never both.

Update (courtesy J. Pablo Fernandez): Cassini, the development web server used by Visual Studio when you press F5 or click the green «play» button, is x86 only which means that even if your workstation is x64, you'll only be able to use the x86 version of System.Data.SQLite.dll.

An alternative is not to use Cassini but IIS7 which is properly x64.

How can I mark a foreign key constraint using Hibernate annotations?

There are many answers and all are correct as well. But unfortunately none of them have a clear explanation.

The following works for a non-primary key mapping as well.

Let's say we have parent table A with column 1 and another table, B, with column 2 which references column 1:

@JoinColumn(name = "TableBColumn", referencedColumnName = "TableAColumn")
private TableA session_UserName;

Enter image description here

@JoinColumn(name = "bok_aut_id", referencedColumnName = "aut_id")
private Author bok_aut_id;

Java: Identifier expected

Put your code in a method.

Try this:

public class MyClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        UserInput input = new UserInput();;

Then "run" the class from your IDE

Func vs. Action vs. Predicate

Action is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, but does not return anything.

Func is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, and returns a value (or reference).

Predicate is a special kind of Func often used for comparisons.

Though widely used with Linq, Action and Func are concepts logically independent of Linq. C++ already contained the basic concept in form of typed function pointers.

Here is a small example for Action and Func without using Linq:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Action<int> myAction = new Action<int>(DoSomething);
        myAction(123);           // Prints out "123"
                                 // can be also called as myAction.Invoke(123);

        Func<int, double> myFunc = new Func<int, double>(CalculateSomething);
        Console.WriteLine(myFunc(5));   // Prints out "2.5"

    static void DoSomething(int i)

    static double CalculateSomething(int i)
        return (double)i/2;

JavaScript DOM: Find Element Index In Container

You can iterate through the <li>s in the <ul> and stop when you find the right one.

function getIndex(li) {
    var lis = li.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li');
    for (var i = 0, len = lis.length; i < len; i++) {
        if (li === lis[i]) {
            return i;



Fully backup a git repo?

If it is on Github, Navigate to bitbucket and use "import repository" method to import your github repo as a private repo.

If it is in bitbucket, Do the otherway around.

It's a full backup but stays in the cloud which is my ideal method.


Although I am very late to this but after seeing some legitimate questions for those who wanted to use INSERT-SELECT query with GROUP BY clause, I came up with the work around for this.

Taking further the answer of Marcus Adams and accounting GROUP BY in it, this is how I would solve the problem by using Subqueries in the FROM Clause

INSERT INTO lee(exp_id, created_by, location, animal, starttime, endtime, entct, 
                inact, inadur, inadist, 
                smlct, smldur, smldist, 
                larct, lardur, lardist, 
                emptyct, emptydur)
SELECT, uid, sb.location, sb.animal, sb.starttime, sb.endtime, sb.entct, 
       sb.inact, sb.inadur, sb.inadist, 
       sb.smlct, sb.smldur, sb.smldist, 
       sb.larct, sb.lardur, sb.lardist, 
       sb.emptyct, sb.emptydur
(SELECT id, uid, location, animal, starttime, endtime, entct, 
       inact, inadur, inadist, 
       smlct, smldur, smldist, 
       larct, lardur, lardist, 
       emptyct, emptydur 
FROM tmp WHERE uid=x
GROUP BY location) as sb
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE entct=sb.entct, inact=sb.inact, ...

Java/ JUnit - AssertTrue vs AssertFalse

Your first reaction to these methods is quite interesting to me. I will use it in future arguments that both assertTrue and assertFalse are not the most friendly tools. If you would use

assertThat(thisOrThat, is(false));

it is much more readable, and it prints a better error message too.

MySQL error #1054 - Unknown column in 'Field List'

You have an error in your OrderQuantity column. It is named "OrderQuantity" in the INSERT statement and "OrderQantity" in the table definition.

Also, I don't think you can use NOW() as default value in OrderDate. Try to use the following:


Example Fiddle

Export a list into a CSV or TXT file in R

So essentially you have a list of lists, with mylist being the name of the main list and the first element being $f10010_1 which is printed out (and which contains 4 more lists).

I think the easiest way to do this is to use lapply with the addition of dataframe (assuming that each list inside each element of the main list (like the lists in $f10010_1) has the same length):

lapply(mylist, function(x) write.table( data.frame(x), 'test.csv'  , append= T, sep=',' ))

The above will convert $f10010_1 into a dataframe then do the same with every other element and append one below the other in 'test.csv'

You can also type ?write.table on your console to check what other arguments you need to pass when you write the table to a csv file e.g. whether you need row names or column names etc.

Powershell send-mailmessage - email to multiple recipients

That's right, each address needs to be quoted. If you have multiple addresses listed on the command line, the Send-MailMessage likes it if you specify both the human friendly and the email address parts.

Convert varchar dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy datetime

If you want to return a format mm/dd/yyyy, then use 101 instead of 103: CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [MyDate], 101)

How to call a mysql stored procedure, with arguments, from command line?

With quotes around the date:

mysql> CALL insertEvent('2012.01.01 12:12:12');

Hide html horizontal but not vertical scrollbar

<div style="width:100px;height:100px;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;background-color:#000000">

How to get a list of programs running with nohup

Instead of nohup, you should use screen. It achieves the same result - your commands are running "detached". However, you can resume screen sessions and get back into their "hidden" terminal and see recent progress inside that terminal.

screen has a lot of options. Most often I use these:

To start first screen session or to take over of most recent detached one:

screen -Rd 

To detach from current session: Ctrl+ACtrl+D

You can also start multiple screens - read the docs.

Could not install packages due to a "Environment error :[error 13]: permission denied : 'usr/local/bin/f2py'"

I had the same problem for different package. I was installing pyinstaller in conda on Mac Mojave. I did

conda create --name ai37 python=3.7
conda activate ai37

I got the mentioned error when I tried to install pyinstaller using

pip install pyinstaller

I was able to install the pyinstaller with the following command

conda install -c conda-forge pyinstaller 

Exporting results of a Mysql query to excel?

Good Example can be when incase of writing it after the end of your query if you have joins or where close :

 select 'idPago','fecha','lead','idAlumno','idTipoPago','idGpo'
 union all
(select id_control_pagos, fecha, lead, id_alumno, id_concepto_pago, id_Gpo,id_Taller,
id_docente, Pagoimporte, NoFactura, FacturaImporte, Mensualidad_No, FormaPago,
Observaciones from control_pagos
into outfile 'c:\\data.csv' 

'uint32_t' does not name a type

The other answers assume that your compiler is C++11 compliant. That is fine if it is. But what if you are using an older compiler?

I picked up the following hack somewhere on the net. It works well enough for me:

  #if defined __UINT32_MAX__ or UINT32_MAX
  #include <inttypes.h>
  typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
  typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
  typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
  typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;

It is not portable, of course. But it might work for your compiler.

What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?

Another occurrence of a NullPointerException occurs when one declares an object array, then immediately tries to dereference elements inside of it.

String[] phrases = new String[10];
String keyPhrase = "Bird";
for(String phrase : phrases) {

This particular NPE can be avoided if the comparison order is reversed; namely, use .equals on a guaranteed non-null object.

All elements inside of an array are initialized to their common initial value; for any type of object array, that means that all elements are null.

You must initialize the elements in the array before accessing or dereferencing them.

String[] phrases = new String[] {"The bird", "A bird", "My bird", "Bird"};
String keyPhrase = "Bird";
for(String phrase : phrases) {

Print JSON parsed object?

You know what JSON stands for? JavaScript Object Notation. It makes a pretty good format for objects.

JSON.stringify(obj) will give you back a string representation of the object.

How can I implement a tree in Python?

There aren't trees built in, but you can easily construct one by subclassing a Node type from List and writing the traversal methods. If you do this, I've found bisect useful.

There are also many implementations on PyPi that you can browse.

If I remember correctly, the Python standard lib doesn't include tree data structures for the same reason that the .NET base class library doesn't: locality of memory is reduced, resulting in more cache misses. On modern processors it's usually faster to just bring a large chunk of memory into the cache, and "pointer rich" data structures negate the benefit.

Add text to Existing PDF using Python

You may have better luck breaking the problem down into converting PDF into an editable format, writing your changes, then converting it back into PDF. I don't know of a library that lets you directly edit PDF but there are plenty of converters between DOC and PDF for example.

How can I have two fixed width columns with one flexible column in the center?

Despite setting up dimensions for the columns, they still seem to shrink as the window shrinks.

An initial setting of a flex container is flex-shrink: 1. That's why your columns are shrinking.

It doesn't matter what width you specify (it could be width: 10000px), with flex-shrink the specified width can be ignored and flex items are prevented from overflowing the container.

I'm trying to set up a flexbox with 3 columns where the left and right columns have a fixed width...

You will need to disable shrinking. Here are some options:

.left, .right {
     width: 230px;
     flex-shrink: 0;


.left, .right {
     flex-basis: 230px;
     flex-shrink: 0;

OR, as recommended by the spec:

.left, .right {
    flex: 0 0 230px;    /* don't grow, don't shrink, stay fixed at 230px */

7.2. Components of Flexibility

Authors are encouraged to control flexibility using the flex shorthand rather than with its longhand properties directly, as the shorthand correctly resets any unspecified components to accommodate common uses.

More details here: What are the differences between flex-basis and width?

An additional thing I need to do is hide the right column based on user interaction, in which case the left column would still keep its fixed width, but the center column would fill the rest of the space.

Try this:

.center { flex: 1; }

This will allow the center column to consume available space, including the space of its siblings when they are removed.

Revised Fiddle

Error 0x80005000 and DirectoryServices

I encounter this error when I'm querying an entry of another domain of the forrest and this entry have some custom attribut of the other domain.

To solve this error, I only need to specify the server in the url LDAP :

Path with error = LDAP://CN=MyObj,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM

Path without error : LDAP://,DC=Domain,DC=COM

Could not reserve enough space for object heap

Anyway, here is how to fix it: Go to Start->Control Panel->System->Advanced(tab)->Environment Variables->System Variables->New: Variable name: _JAVA_OPTIONS Variable value: -Xmx512M


Change the ant call as shown as below.

        **<arg value="-J-Xmx512m" />**

It worked for me.

How to set socket timeout in C when making multiple connections?

am not sure if I fully understand the issue, but guess it's related to the one I had, am using Qt with TCP socket communication, all non-blocking, both Windows and Linux..

wanted to get a quick notification when an already connected client failed or completely disappeared, and not waiting the default 900+ seconds until the disconnect signal got raised. The trick to get this working was to set the TCP_USER_TIMEOUT socket option of the SOL_TCP layer to the required value, given in milliseconds.

this is a comparably new option, pls see, but apparently it's working fine, tried it with WinXP, Win7/x64 and Kubuntu 12.04/x64, my choice of 10 s turned out to be a bit longer, but much better than anything else I've tried before ;-)

the only issue I came across was to find the proper includes, as apparently this isn't added to the standard socket includes (yet..), so finally I defined them myself as follows:

#ifdef WIN32
    #include <winsock2.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>

#ifndef SOL_TCP
    #define SOL_TCP 6  // socket options TCP level
    #define TCP_USER_TIMEOUT 18  // how long for loss retry before timeout [ms]

setting this socket option only works when the client is already connected, the lines of code look like:

int timeout = 10000;  // user timeout in milliseconds [ms]
setsockopt (fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_USER_TIMEOUT, (char*) &timeout, sizeof (timeout));

and the failure of an initial connect is caught by a timer started when calling connect(), as there will be no signal of Qt for this, the connect signal will no be raised, as there will be no connection, and the disconnect signal will also not be raised, as there hasn't been a connection yet..

How to see top processes sorted by actual memory usage?

How to total up used memory by process name:

Sometimes even looking at the biggest single processes there is still a lot of used memory unaccounted for. To check if there are a lot of the same smaller processes using the memory you can use a command like the following which uses awk to sum up the total memory used by processes of the same name:

ps -e -orss=,args= |awk '{print $1 " " $2 }'| awk '{tot[$2]+=$1;count[$2]++} END {for (i in tot) {print tot[i],i,count[i]}}' | sort -n

e.g. output

9344 docker 1
9948 nginx: 4
22500 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager 1
24704 sleep 69
26436 /usr/sbin/sshd 15
34828 -bash 19
39268 sshd: 10
58384 /bin/su 28
59876 /bin/ksh 29
73408 /usr/bin/python 2
78176 /usr/bin/dockerd 1
134396 /bin/sh 84
5407132 bin/naughty_small_proc 1432
28061916 /usr/local/jdk/bin/java 7

Access item in a list of lists

for l in list1:
    val = 50 - l[0] + l[1] - l[2]
    print "val:", val

Loop through list and do operation on the sublist as you wanted.

How to enable C# 6.0 feature in Visual Studio 2013?

It seems there's some misunderstanding. So, instead of trying to patch VS2013 here's and answer from a Microsoft guy:

So, please, read it and install VS2015.

Java GC (Allocation Failure)

"Allocation Failure" is cause of GC to kick is not correct. It is an outcome of GC operation.

GC kicks in when there is no space to allocate( depending on region minor or major GC is performed). Once GC is performed if space is freed good enough, but if there is not enough size it fails. Allocation Failure is one such failure. Below document have good explanation

How can I plot with 2 different y-axes?

I too suggests, twoord.stackplot() in the plotrix package plots with more of two ordinate axes.

"e0AL fxAL e0CO fxCO e0BR fxBR anos
 51.8  5.9 50.6  6.8 51.0  6.2 1955
 54.7  5.9 55.2  6.8 53.5  6.2 1960
 57.1  6.0 57.9  6.8 55.9  6.2 1965
 59.1  5.6 60.1  6.2 57.9  5.4 1970
 61.2  5.1 61.8  5.0 59.8  4.7 1975
 63.4  4.5 64.0  4.3 61.8  4.3 1980
 65.4  3.9 66.9  3.7 63.5  3.8 1985
 67.3  3.4 68.0  3.2 65.5  3.1 1990
 69.1  3.0 68.7  3.0 67.5  2.6 1995
 70.9  2.8 70.3  2.8 69.5  2.5 2000
 72.4  2.5 71.7  2.6 71.1  2.3 2005
 73.3  2.3 72.9  2.5 72.1  1.9 2010
 74.3  2.2 73.8  2.4 73.2  1.8 2015
 75.2  2.0 74.6  2.3 74.2  1.7 2020
 76.0  2.0 75.4  2.2 75.2  1.6 2025
 76.8  1.9 76.2  2.1 76.1  1.6 2030
 77.6  1.9 76.9  2.1 77.1  1.6 2035
 78.4  1.9 77.6  2.0 77.9  1.7 2040
 79.1  1.8 78.3  1.9 78.7  1.7 2045
 79.8  1.8 79.0  1.9 79.5  1.7 2050
 80.5  1.8 79.7  1.9 80.3  1.7 2055
 81.1  1.8 80.3  1.8 80.9  1.8 2060
 81.7  1.8 80.9  1.8 81.6  1.8 2065
 82.3  1.8 81.4  1.8 82.2  1.8 2070
 82.8  1.8 82.0  1.7 82.8  1.8 2075
 83.3  1.8 82.5  1.7 83.4  1.9 2080
 83.8  1.8 83.0  1.7 83.9  1.9 2085
 84.3  1.9 83.5  1.8 84.4  1.9 2090
 84.7  1.9 83.9  1.8 84.9  1.9 2095
 85.1  1.9 84.3  1.8 85.4  1.9 2100", header=T)

twoord.stackplot(lx=data$anos, rx=data$anos, 
                 ldata=cbind(data$e0AL, data$e0BR, data$e0CO),
                 rdata=cbind(data$fxAL, data$fxBR, data$fxCO),
                 lcol=c("black","red", "blue"),
                 rcol=c("black","red", "blue"), 
                 lylab="Años de Vida", rylab="Hijos x Mujer", 
legend("bottomright", c(paste("Proy:", 
                      c("A. Latina", "Brasil", "Colombia"))), cex=1,
        col=c("black","red", "blue"), lwd=2, bty="n",  
        lty=c(1,1,2), pch=c(NA,1,1) )

How to parse data in JSON format?

Sometimes your json is not a string. For example if you are getting a json from a url like this:

j = urllib2.urlopen('')

you will need to use json.load, not json.loads:

j_obj = json.load(j)

(it is easy to forget: the 's' is for 'string')

Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher

Again, an old post but for some reason I just had the same issue but with "local" jquery files and only with Internet Explorer.

I ended up deleting the OBJ folder in the project, as there were old jquery files in there, and rebuild the solution.

How to sort alphabetically while ignoring case sensitive?

It is very unclear what you are trying to do, but you can sort a list like this:

List<String> fruits = new ArrayList<String>(7);


System.out.println("Unsorted: " + fruits);

Collections.sort(fruits, new Comparator<String>() {
    public int compare(String o1, String o2) {              
        return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2);

System.out.println("Sorted: " + fruits);

Using Bootstrap Modal window as PartialView

Complete and clear example project It displays create, edit and delete entity operation modals with bootstrap and also includes code to handle result returned from those entity operations (c#, JSON, javascript)

bool to int conversion

Section of the C standard says:

Each of the operators < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than or equal to), and >= (greater than or equal to) shall yield 1 if the specified relation is true and 0 if it is false.) The result has type int.

Casting a variable using a Type variable

Harm, the problem is you don't have a T.

you only have a Type variable.

Hint to MS, if you could do something like


if would solve all our problems.

If you can decode JWT, how are they secure?

Ref - JWT Structure and Security

It is important to note that JWT are used for authorization and not authentication. So a JWT will be created for you only after you have been authenticated by the server by may be specifying the credentials. Once JWT has been created for all future interactions with server JWT can be used. So JWT tells that server that this user has been authenticated, let him access the particular resource if he has the role.
Information in the payload of the JWT is visible to everyone. There can be a "Man in the Middle" attack and the contents of the JWT can be changed. So we should not pass any sensitive information like passwords in the payload. We can encrypt the payload data if we want to make it more secure. If Payload is tampered with server will recognize it.
So suppose a user has been authenticated and provided with a JWT. Generated JWT has a claim specifying role of Admin. Also the Signature is generated with

enter image description here

This JWT is now tampered with and suppose the role is changed to Super Admin
Then when the server receives this token it will again generate the signature using the secret key(which only the server has) and the payload. It will not match the signature in the JWT. So the server will know that the JWT has been tampered with.

How to get the current date without the time?

I think you need separately date parts like (day, Month, Year)

DateTime today = DateTime.Today;

Will not work for your case. You can get date separately so you don't need variable today to be as a DateTimeType, so lets just give today variable int Type because the day is only int. So today is 10 March 2020 then the result of

int today = DateTime.Today.Day;

int month = DateTime.Today.Month;

int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

MessageBox.Show(today.ToString()+ " - this is day. "+month.ToString()+ " - this is month. " + year.ToString() + " - this is year");

would be "10 - this is day. 3 - this is month. 2020 - this is year"

Get day of week in SQL Server 2005/2008

If you don't want to depend on @@DATEFIRST or use DATEPART(weekday, DateColumn), just calculate the day of the week yourself.

For Monday based weeks (Europe) simplest is:

SELECT DATEDIFF(day, '17530101', DateColumn) % 7 + 1 AS MondayBasedDay

For Sunday based weeks (America) use:

SELECT DATEDIFF(day, '17530107', DateColumn) % 7 + 1 AS SundayBasedDay

This return the weekday number (1 to 7) ever since January 1st respectively 7th, 1753.

$lookup on ObjectId's in an array

I have to disagree, we can make $lookup work with IDs array if we preface it with $match stage.

// replace IDs array with lookup results_x000D_
    { $match: { products : { $exists: true } } },_x000D_
        $lookup: {_x000D_
            from: "products",_x000D_
            localField: "products",_x000D_
            foreignField: "_id",_x000D_
            as: "productObjects"_x000D_

It becomes more complicated if we want to pass the lookup result to a pipeline. But then again there's a way to do so (already suggested by @user12164):

// replace IDs array with lookup results passed to pipeline_x000D_
    { $match: { products : { $exists: true } } },_x000D_
        $lookup: {_x000D_
            from: "products",_x000D_
             let: { products: "$products"},_x000D_
             pipeline: [_x000D_
                 { $match: { $expr: {$in: ["$_id", "$$products"] } } },_x000D_
                 { $project: {_id: 0} } // suppress _id_x000D_
            as: "productObjects"_x000D_

UNIX export command

When you execute a program the child program inherits its environment variables from the parent. For instance if $HOME is set to /root in the parent then the child's $HOME variable is also set to /root.

This only applies to environment variable that are marked for export. If you set a variable at the command-line like

$ FOO="bar"

That variable will not be visible in child processes. Not unless you export it:

$ export FOO

You can combine these two statements into a single one in bash (but not in old-school sh):

$ export FOO="bar"

Here's a quick example showing the difference between exported and non-exported variables. To understand what's happening know that sh -c creates a child shell process which inherits the parent shell's environment.

$ FOO=bar
$ sh -c 'echo $FOO'

$ export FOO
$ sh -c 'echo $FOO'

Note: To get help on shell built-in commands use help export. Shell built-ins are commands that are part of your shell rather than independent executables like /bin/ls.

How to use Sublime over SSH

As a follow up to @ubik's answer, here are the three simple (one-time) steps to get the 'subl' command working on your remote server:

  1. [Local] Install the rsub package in Sublime Text using the Sublime Package Manager
  2. [Local] Execute the following Bash command (this will set up an SSH tunnel, which is rsub's secret sauce):

    printf "Host *\n    RemoteForward 52698" >> ~/.ssh/config
  3. [Server] Execute the following Bash command on your remote server (this will install the 'subl' shell command):

    sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/subl; sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/subl

And voila! You're now using Sublime Text over SSH.

You can open an example file in Sublime Text from the server with something like subl ~/test.txt

Sending a JSON to server and retrieving a JSON in return, without JQuery

Using new api fetch:

const dataToSend = JSON.stringify({"email": "[email protected]", "password": "101010"});
let dataReceived = ""; 
fetch("", {
    credentials: "same-origin",
    mode: "same-origin",
    method: "post",
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    body: dataToSend
    .then(resp => {
        if (resp.status === 200) {
            return resp.json()
        } else {
            console.log("Status: " + resp.status)
            return Promise.reject("server")
    .then(dataJson => {
        dataReceived = JSON.parse(dataJson)
    .catch(err => {
        if (err === "server") return

console.log(`Received: ${dataReceived}`)                
_x000D_ You need to handle when server sends other status rather than 200(ok), you should reject that result because if you were to left it in blank, it will try to parse the json but there isn't, so it will throw an error

Refresh Page and Keep Scroll Position

this will do the magic

        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { 
            var scrollpos = localStorage.getItem('scrollpos');
            if (scrollpos) window.scrollTo(0, scrollpos);

        window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
            localStorage.setItem('scrollpos', window.scrollY);

How to trigger the onclick event of a marker on a Google Maps V3?

For future Googlers, If you get an error similar below after you trigger click for a polygon

"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'vertex' of undefined"

then try the code below

google.maps.event.trigger(polygon, "click", {});

How to get access token from FB.login method in javascript SDK

window.fbAsyncInit = function () {_x000D_
        appId: 'Your-appId',_x000D_
        cookie: false,  // enable cookies to allow the server to access _x000D_
        // the session_x000D_
        xfbml: true,  // parse social plugins on this page_x000D_
        version: 'v2.0' // use version 2.0_x000D_
// Load the SDK asynchronously_x000D_
(function (d, s, id) {_x000D_
    var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];_x000D_
    if (d.getElementById(id)) return;_x000D_
    js = d.createElement(s); = id;_x000D_
    js.src = "//";_x000D_
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);_x000D_
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));_x000D_
function fb_login() {_x000D_
    FB.login(function (response) {_x000D_
        if (response.authResponse) {_x000D_
            console.log('Welcome!  Fetching your information.... ');_x000D_
            //console.log(response); // dump complete info_x000D_
            access_token = response.authResponse.accessToken; //get access token_x000D_
            user_id = response.authResponse.userID; //get FB UID_x000D_
            FB.api('/me', function (response) {_x000D_
                var email =;_x000D_
                var name =;_x000D_
                window.location = 'http://localhost:12962/Account/FacebookLogin/' + email + '/' + name;_x000D_
                // used in my mvc3 controller for //AuthenticationFormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(email, true);          _x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
            //user hit cancel button_x000D_
            console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
        scope: 'email'_x000D_
<!-- custom image -->_x000D_
<a href="#" onclick="fb_login();"><img src="/Public/assets/images/facebook/facebook_connect_button.png" /></a>_x000D_
<!-- Facebook button -->_x000D_
<fb:login-button scope="public_profile,email" onlogin="fb_login();">_x000D_

Simple VBA selection: Selecting 5 cells to the right of the active cell

This copies the 5 cells to the right of the activecell. If you have a range selected, the active cell is the top left cell in the range.

Sub Copy5CellsToRight()
    ActiveCell.Offset(, 1).Resize(1, 5).Copy
End Sub

If you want to include the activecell in the range that gets copied, you don't need the offset:

Sub ExtendAndCopy5CellsToRight()
    ActiveCell.Resize(1, 6).Copy
End Sub

Note that you don't need to select before copying.

XAMPP installation on Win 8.1 with UAC Warning

You can solve the issue by

  1. Ignore the warning and Install XAMPP directly under C:/ folder. It will solve your issue
  2. You can deactivate the UAC which i don't recommend. It's makes your PC less secure.

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' does not contain any definition for 'ToList'

In my case, I had copied some code from another project that was using Automapper - took me ages to work that one out. Just had to add automapper nuget package to project.

check if array is empty (vba excel)

The problem with VBA is that there are both dynamic and static arrays...

Dynamic Array Example

Dim myDynamicArray() as Variant

Static Array Example

Dim myStaticArray(10) as Variant
Dim myOtherStaticArray(0 To 10) as Variant

Using error handling to check if the array is empty works for a Dynamic Array, but a static array is by definition not empty, there are entries in the array, even if all those entries are empty.

So for clarity's sake, I named my function "IsZeroLengthArray".

    Public Function IsZeroLengthArray(ByRef subject() As Variant) As Boolean
        'Tell VBA to proceed if there is an error to the next line.
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim UpperBound As Integer
        Dim ErrorNumber As Long
        Dim ErrorDescription As String
        Dim ErrorSource As String
        'If the array is empty this will throw an error because a zero-length 
          'array has no UpperBound (or LowerBound).
        'This only works for dynamic arrays.  If this was a static array there 
          'would be both an upper and lower bound.
        UpperBound = UBound(subject)

        'Store the Error Number and then clear the Error object 
         'because we want VBA to treat unintended errors normally
        ErrorNumber = Err.Number
        ErrorDescription = Err.Description
        ErrorSource = Err.Source
        On Error GoTo 0
        'Check the Error Object to see if we have a "subscript out of range" error.  
          'If we do (the number is 9) then we can assume that the array is zero-length.
        If ErrorNumber = 9 Then
            IsZeroLengthArray = True

        'If the Error number is something else then 9 we want to raise 
        'that error again...
        ElseIf ErrorNumber <> 0 Then
            Err.Raise ErrorNumber, ErrorSource, ErrorDescription

        'If the Error number is 0 then we have no error and can assume that the
         'array is not of zero-length
        ElseIf ErrorNumber = 0 Then
            IsZeroLengthArray = False
        End If
    End Function

I hope that this helps others as it helped me.


Use a seperate column to indicate the join condition

SELECT  t.importid, 
            when t.importid = g.home 
            then 'home' 
            else 'away' 
        end as join_condition,, 
FROM    game g
INNER JOIN team t ON (t.importid = g.home OR t.importid = g.away)
ORDER BY date_start DESC 

Syntax error near unexpected token 'fi'

As well as having then on a new line, you also need a space before and after the [, which is a special symbol in BASH.

echo "start\n"
for f in *.jpg
  fname=$(basename "$f")
  echo "fname is $fname\n"
  echo "fname is $fname\n"
  if [ $((fname %  2)) -eq 1 ]
    echo "removing $fname\n"
    rm "$f"

Adding Counter in shell script

Try this:

while true; do
  if /home/hadoop/latest/bin/hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdtech/bds/quality-rt/dt=$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2 then
       echo "Files Present" | mailx -s "File Present"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
  elif [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]]; then
       echo "Counter limit reached, exit script."
       exit 1
       let counter++
       echo "Sleeping for another half an hour" | mailx -s "Time to Sleep Now"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       sleep 1800


  • break - if files are present, it will break and allow the script to process the files.
  • [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]] - if the counter variable is greater than 20, the script will exit.
  • let counter++ - increments the counter by 1 at each pass.

show loading icon until the page is load?

HTML, CSS, JS are all good as given in above answers. However they won't stop user from clicking the loader and visiting page. And if page time is large, it looks broken and defeats the purpose.

So in CSS consider adding

pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;

Also, instead of using gif files, if you are using fontawesome which everybody uses now a days, consider using in your html

<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin">

Add newly created specific folder to .gitignore in Git

For this there are two cases

Case 1: File already added to git repo.

Case 2: File newly created and its status still showing as untracked file when using

git status

If you have case 1:

STEP 1: Then run

git rm --cached filename 

to remove it from git repo cache

if it is a directory then use

git rm -r --cached  directory_name

STEP 2: If Case 1 is over then create new file named .gitignore in your git repo

STEP 3: Use following to tell git to ignore / assume file is unchanged

git update-index --assume-unchanged path/to/file.txt

STEP 4: Now, check status using git status open .gitignore in your editor nano, vim, geany etc... any one, add the path of the file / folder to ignore. If it is a folder then user folder_name/* to ignore all file.

If you still do not understand read the article git ignore file link.

Amazon S3 exception: "The specified key does not exist"

Well this error is actually rather straight forward.  it simply means that your file does not exist up within the S3 bucket.  Several things could be wrong:

  1. You could be trying to reference the wrong file.  Double check the path that you tried to retrieve.

  2. Whenever the file was uploaded it must have failed.  Check the logs for your S3Sync process to see if you can find any relevant output


Node.js – events js 72 throw er unhandled 'error' event

Check your terminal it happen only when you have your application running on another terminal..

The port is already listening..

Determine the path of the executing BASH script

For the relative path (i.e. the direct equivalent of Windows' %~dp0):

MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`"
echo "$MY_PATH"

For the absolute, normalized path:

MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`"              # relative
MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`"  # absolutized and normalized
if [ -z "$MY_PATH" ] ; then
  # error; for some reason, the path is not accessible
  # to the script (e.g. permissions re-evaled after suid)
  exit 1  # fail
echo "$MY_PATH"

javascript - match string against the array of regular expressions

So we make a function that takes in a literal string, and the array we want to look through. it returns a new array with the matches found. We create a new regexp object inside this function and then execute a on each element element in the array. If found, it pushes the string into a new array and returns.

// literal_string: a regex search, like /thisword/ig
// target_arr: the array you want to search /thisword/ig for.

function arr_grep(literal_string, target_arr) {
  var match_bin = [];
  // o_regex: a new regex object.
  var o_regex = new RegExp(literal_string);
  for (var i = 0; i < target_arr.length; i++) {
    //loop through array. regex search each element.
    var test = String(target_arr[i]).search(o_regex);
    if (test > -1) {
    // if found push the element@index into our matchbin.
  return match_bin;

// arr_grep(/.*this_word.*/ig, someArray)

How to detect a textbox's content has changed

$(document).on('input','#mytxtBox',function () { 

You can use 'input' event to detect the content change in the textbox. Don't use 'live' to bind the event as it is deprecated in Jquery-1.7, So make use of 'on'.

What does git rev-parse do?

Just to elaborate on the etymology of the command name rev-parse, Git consistently uses the term rev in plumbing commands as short for "revision" and generally meaning the 40-character SHA1 hash for a commit. The command rev-list for example prints a list of 40-char commit hashes for a branch or whatever.

In this case the name might be expanded to parse-a-commitish-to-a-full-SHA1-hash. While the command has the several ancillary functions mentioned in Tuxdude's answer, its namesake appears to be the use case of transforming a user-friendly reference like a branch name or abbreviated hash into the unambiguous 40-character SHA1 hash most useful for many programming/plumbing purposes.

I know I was thinking it was "reverse-parse" something for quite a while before I figured it out and had the same trouble making sense of the terms "massaging" and "manipulation" :)

Anyway, I find this "parse-to-a-revision" notion a satisfying way to think of it, and a reliable concept for bringing this command to mind when I need that sort of thing. Frequently in scripting Git you take a user-friendly commit reference as user input and generally want to get it resolved to a validated and unambiguous working reference as soon after receiving it as possible. Otherwise input translation and validation tends to proliferate through the script.

Disable click outside of angular material dialog area to close the dialog (With Angular Version 4.0+)

How about playing with these two properties?

disableClose: boolean - Whether the user can use escape or clicking on the backdrop to close the modal.

hasBackdrop: boolean - Whether the dialog has a backdrop.

Send JSON via POST in C# and Receive the JSON returned?

You can also use the PostAsJsonAsync() method available in HttpClient()

   var requestObj= JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);_x000D_
   HttpResponseMessage response = await    client.PostAsJsonAsync($"endpoint",requestObj).ConfigureAwait(false);

When to use NSInteger vs. int

Why use int at all?

Apple uses int because for a loop control variable (which is only used to control the loop iterations) int datatype is fine, both in datatype size and in the values it can hold for your loop. No need for platform dependent datatype here. For a loop control variable even a 16-bit int will do most of the time.

Apple uses NSInteger for a function return value or for a function argument because in this case datatype [size] matters, because what you are doing with a function is communicating/passing data with other programs or with other pieces of code; see the answer to When should I be using NSInteger vs int? in your question itself...

they [Apple] use NSInteger (or NSUInteger) when passing a value as an argument to a function or returning a value from a function.

Distribution certificate / private key not installed

People's answer here about having the key from the computer is generated are accurate. But if things are still failing, try restarting Xcode after installing a cert

SQL Server : Transpose rows to columns

One way to do it if tagID values are known upfront is to use conditional aggregation

SELECT TimeSeconds,
       COALESCE(MAX(CASE WHEN TagID = 'A1' THEN Value END), 'n/a') A1,
       COALESCE(MAX(CASE WHEN TagID = 'A2' THEN Value END), 'n/a') A2,
       COALESCE(MAX(CASE WHEN TagID = 'A3' THEN Value END), 'n/a') A3,
       COALESCE(MAX(CASE WHEN TagID = 'A4' THEN Value END), 'n/a') A4
  FROM table1
 GROUP BY TimeSeconds

or if you're OK with NULL values instead of 'n/a'

SELECT TimeSeconds,
       MAX(CASE WHEN TagID = 'A1' THEN Value END) A1,
       MAX(CASE WHEN TagID = 'A2' THEN Value END) A2,
       MAX(CASE WHEN TagID = 'A3' THEN Value END) A3,
       MAX(CASE WHEN TagID = 'A4' THEN Value END) A4
  FROM table1
 GROUP BY TimeSeconds

or with PIVOT

SELECT TimeSeconds, A1, A2, A3, A4
  SELECT TimeSeconds, TagID, Value
    FROM table1
) s
  MAX(Value) FOR TagID IN (A1, A2, A3, A4)
) p

Output (with NULLs):

TimeSeconds A1      A2     A3    A4
----------- ------- ------ ----- -----
1378700244  3.75    NULL   NULL  NULL
1378700245  30.00   NULL   NULL  NULL
1378700304  1.20    NULL   NULL  NULL
1378700305  NULL    56.00  NULL  NULL
1378700344  NULL    11.00  NULL  NULL
1378700345  NULL    NULL   0.53  NULL
1378700364  4.00    NULL   NULL  NULL
1378700365  14.50   NULL   NULL  NULL
1378700384  144.00  NULL   NULL  10.00

If you have to figure TagID values out dynamically then use dynamic SQL


            FROM Table1
            ORDER BY 1
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')

SET @sql = 'SELECT TimeSeconds, ' + @cols + '
              SELECT TimeSeconds, TagID, Value
                FROM table1
            ) s
              MAX(Value) FOR TagID IN (' + @cols + ')
            ) p'


What does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean?

At the most basic level, something of the form (function(){...})() is a function literal that is executed immediately. What this means is that you have defined a function and you are calling it immediately.

This form is useful for information hiding and encapsulation since anything you define inside that function remains local to that function and inaccessible from the outside world (unless you specifically expose it - usually via a returned object literal).

A variation of this basic form is what you see in jQuery plugins (or in this module pattern in general). Hence:

(function($) {

Which means you're passing in a reference to the actual jQuery object, but it's known as $ within the scope of the function literal.

Type 1 isn't really a plugin. You're simply assigning an object literal to jQuery.fn. Typically you assign a function to jQuery.fn as plugins are usually just functions.

Type 2 is similar to Type 1; you aren't really creating a plugin here. You're simply adding an object literal to jQuery.fn.

Type 3 is a plugin, but it's not the best or easiest way to create one.

To understand more about this, take a look at this similar question and answer. Also, this page goes into some detail about authoring plugins.

JavaScript - onClick to get the ID of the clicked button

Although it's 8+ years late, in reply to @Amc_rtty, to get dynamically generated IDs from (my) HTML, I used the index of the php loop to increment the button IDs. I concatenated the same indices to the ID of the input element, hence I ended up with id="tableview1" and button id="1" and so on.

$tableView .= "<td><input type='hidden' value='http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/sql/update.php?id=".$mysql_rows[0]."&table=".$theTable."'id='tableview".$mysql_rows[0]."'><button type='button' onclick='loadDoc(event)' id='".$mysql_rows[0]."'>Edit</button></td>";

In the javascript, I stored the button click in a variable and added it to the element.

function loadDoc(e) {
  var btn =;
  var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  var page = document.getElementById("tableview"+btn).value;
  //other Ajax stuff

remove script tag from HTML content

A simple way by manipulating string.

$str = stripStr($str, '<script', '</script>');

function stripStr($str, $ini, $fin)
    while(($pos = mb_stripos($str, $ini)) !== false)
        $aux = mb_substr($str, $pos + mb_strlen($ini));
        $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $pos).mb_substr($aux, mb_stripos($aux, $fin) + mb_strlen($fin));

    return $str;

line breaks in a textarea

You can use following code:

$course_description = nl2br($_POST["course_description"]);
$course_description = trim($course_description);

Reading From A Text File - Batch

Your code "for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (a.txt) do echo %%x" will work on most Windows Operating Systems unless you have modified commands.

So you could instead "cd" into the directory to read from before executing the "for /f" command to follow out the string. For instance if the file "a.txt" is located at C:\documents and settings\%USERNAME%\desktop\a.txt then you'd use the following.

cd "C:\documents and settings\%USERNAME%\desktop"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (a.txt) do echo %%x
pause >nul

But since this doesn't work on your computer for x reason there is an easier and more efficient way of doing this. Using the "type" command.

@echo off
color a
cd "C:\documents and settings\%USERNAME%\desktop"
type a.txt
pause >nul

Or if you'd like them to select the file from which to write in the batch you could do the following.

@echo off
color a
echo Choose the file that you want to read.
set file=
set /p file=File:
echo Reading from %file%
type %file%
set re=
set /p re=Y/N?:
if %re%==Y goto :A
if %re%==y goto :A

Initializing a member array in constructor initializer

C++98 doesn't provide a direct syntax for anything but zeroing (or for non-POD elements, value-initializing) the array. For that you just write C(): arr() {}.

I thing Roger Pate is wrong about the alleged limitations of C++0x aggregate initialization, but I'm too lazy to look it up or check it out, and it doesn't matter, does it? EDIT: Roger was talking about "C++03", I misread it as "C++0x". Sorry, Roger. ?

A C++98 workaround for your current code is to wrap the array in a struct and initialize it from a static constant of that type. The data has to reside somewhere anyway. Off the cuff it can look like this:

class C 
    C() : arr( arrData ) {}

     struct Arr{ int elem[3]; };
     Arr arr;
     static Arr const arrData;

C::Arr const C::arrData = {{1, 2, 3}};

how to delete installed library form react native project

I will post my answer here since it's the first result in google's search

1) react-native unlink <Module Name>

2) npm unlink <Module Name>

3) npm uninstall --save <Module name

Sending the bearer token with axios

By using Axios interceptor:

const service = axios.create({
  timeout: 20000 // request timeout

// request interceptor

  config => {
    // Do something before request is sent

    config.headers["Authorization"] = "bearer " + getToken();
    return config;
  error => {

Java - Using Accessor and Mutator methods

Let's go over the basics: "Accessor" and "Mutator" are just fancy names fot a getter and a setter. A getter, "Accessor", returns a class's variable or its value. A setter, "Mutator", sets a class variable pointer or its value.

So first you need to set up a class with some variables to get/set:

public class IDCard
    private String mName;
    private String mFileName;
    private int mID;


But oh no! If you instantiate this class the default values for these variables will be meaningless. B.T.W. "instantiate" is a fancy word for doing:

IDCard test = new IDCard();

So - let's set up a default constructor, this is the method being called when you "instantiate" a class.

public IDCard()
    mName = "";
    mFileName = "";
    mID = -1;

But what if we do know the values we wanna give our variables? So let's make another constructor, one that takes parameters:

public IDCard(String name, int ID, String filename)
    mName = name;
    mID = ID;
    mFileName = filename;

Wow - this is nice. But stupid. Because we have no way of accessing (=reading) the values of our variables. So let's add a getter, and while we're at it, add a setter as well:

public String getName()
    return mName;

public void setName( String name )
    mName = name;

Nice. Now we can access mName. Add the rest of the accessors and mutators and you're now a certified Java newbie. Good luck.

HTML display result in text (input) field?

innerHTML sets the text (including html elements) inside an element. Normally we use it for elements like div, span etc to insert other html elements inside it.

For your case you want to set the value of an input element. So you should use the value attribute.

Change innerHTML to value

document.getElementById('add').value = sum;

Laravel Eloquent ORM Transactions

If you don't like anonymous functions:

try {
    // database queries here
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
    // Woopsy

Update: For laravel 4, the pdo object isn't public anymore so:

try {
    // database queries here
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
    // Woopsy

What is the correct Performance Counter to get CPU and Memory Usage of a Process?

From this post:

To get the entire PC CPU and Memory usage:

using System.Diagnostics;

Then declare globally:

private PerformanceCounter theCPUCounter = 
   new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total"); 

Then to get the CPU time, simply call the NextValue() method:


This will get you the CPU usage

As for memory usage, same thing applies I believe:

private PerformanceCounter theMemCounter = 
   new PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes");

Then to get the memory usage, simply call the NextValue() method:


For a specific process CPU and Memory usage:

private PerformanceCounter theCPUCounter = 
   new PerformanceCounter("Process", "% Processor Time",              

where Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName is the process name you wish to get the information about.

private PerformanceCounter theMemCounter = 
   new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Working Set",

where Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName is the process name you wish to get the information about.

Note that Working Set may not be sufficient in its own right to determine the process' memory footprint -- see What is private bytes, virtual bytes, working set?

To retrieve all Categories, see Walkthrough: Retrieving Categories and Counters

The difference between Processor\% Processor Time and Process\% Processor Time is Processor is from the PC itself and Process is per individual process. So the processor time of the processor would be usage on the PC. Processor time of a process would be the specified processes usage. For full description of category names: Performance Monitor Counters

An alternative to using the Performance Counter

Use System.Diagnostics.Process.TotalProcessorTime and System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread.TotalProcessorTime properties to calculate your processor usage as this article describes.

How do I configure PyCharm to run py.test tests?

I think you need to use the Run/Debug Configuration item on the toolbar. Click it and 'Edit Configurations' (or alternatively use the menu item Run->Edit Configurations). In the 'Defaults' section in the left pane there is a 'py.test' item which I think is what you want.

I also found that the manual didn't match up to the UI for this. Hope I've understood the problem correctly and that helps.

How to encode the plus (+) symbol in a URL

Is you want a plus (+) symbol in the body you have to encode it as 2B.

For example: Try this

Combine Multiple child rows into one row MYSQL

If you know you're going to have a limited number of max options then I would try this (example for max of 4 options per order):

Select OI.ID, OI.Item_Name, OO1.Value, OO2.Value, OO3.Value, OO4.Value

FROM Ordered_Items OI
    LEFT JOIN Ordered_Options OO1 ON OO1.Ordered_Item_ID = OI.ID
    LEFT JOIN Ordered_Options OO2 ON OO2.Ordered_Item_ID = OI.ID AND OO2.ID != OO1.ID
    LEFT JOIN Ordered_Options OO3 ON OO3.Ordered_Item_ID = OI.ID AND OO3.ID != OO1.ID AND OO3.ID != OO2.ID
    LEFT JOIN Ordered_Options OO4 ON OO4.Ordered_Item_ID = OI.ID AND OO4.ID != OO1.ID AND OO4.ID != OO2.ID AND OO4.ID != OO3.ID


The group by condition gets rid of all of the duplicates that you would otherwise get. I've just implemented something similar on a site I'm working on where I knew I'd always have 1 or 2 matched in my child table, and I wanted to make sure I only had 1 row for each parent item.

What's the location of the JavaFX runtime JAR file, jfxrt.jar, on Linux?

On Ubuntu with OpenJDK, it installed in /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar (technically its a symlink to /usr/share/java/openjfx/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar, but it is probably better to use the default-java link)

Make a div fill the height of the remaining screen space

A simple solution, using flexbox:

body {_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: column;_x000D_
.content {_x000D_
  flex-grow: 1;_x000D_
  <div class="content"></div>_x000D_

Codepen sample

An alternate solution, with a div centered within the content div

Fit background image to div

If what you need is the image to have the same dimensions of the div, I think this is the most elegant solution:

background-size: 100% 100%;

If not, the answer by @grc is the most appropriated one.


How can I change my default database in SQL Server without using MS SQL Server Management Studio?

What you can do is set your default database using the sp_defaultdb system stored procedure. Log in as you have done and then click the New Query button. After that simply run the sp_defaultdb command as follows:

Exec sp_defaultdb @loginame='login', @defdb='master'