Programs On Popular Programming Languages


Questions about search algorithm mechanics and implementation. *NOT* for questions about using search tools within an API (e.g. Google, Bing, Facebook)...


This tag is related to questions that have something to do with a microcontroller. A microcontroller is a simple or small processor often with its program and execution memory on the same chip with input/output pins for controlling other hardware. Please specify the microcontroller and compiler or tools related to your question...


jQuery is a popular cross-browser JavaScript library that facilitates Document Object Model (DOM) traversal, event handling, animations, and AJAX interactions by minimizing the discrepancies across browsers. A question tagged jquery should be related to jquery, so jquery should be used by the code in question and at least a jquery usage-related elements need to be in the question...


x86 is an architecture derived from the Intel 8086 CPU. The x86 family includes the 32-bit IA-32 and 64-bit x86-64 architectures, as well as legacy 16-bit architectures. Questions about the latter should be tagged [x86-16] and/or [emu8086]. Use the [x86-64] tag if your question is specific to 64-bit x86-64. For the x86 FPU, use the tag [x87]. For SSE1/2/3/4 / AVX* also use [sse], and any of [avx] / [avx2] / [avx512] that apply..


Assembly language (asm) programming questions. BE SURE TO ALSO TAG with the processor and/or instruction set you're using, as well as the assembler. WARNING: For .NET assemblies, use the tag [.net-assembly] instead. For Java ASM, use the tag [java-bytecode-asm] instead...


An event is a way for a class to provide notifications to listeners when a particular thing happens...


An extensible or simulated artifact..


The property which determines the size of an object on the Y-axis. Please don't use this tag, it has no taxonomic value in your post...


Schema means shape, or more generally, plan. It may be XML schema or Database schema...


Data Definition Language is a subset of SQL to manipulate structural elements of a database, not the content of tables. CREATE, DROP, ALTER and related statements...


.NET Remoting is a Microsoft application programming interface (API) for interprocess communication released in 2002 with the 1.0 version of .NET framework...


Wireless refers to the technology allowing transfer of information between two points that are not physically connected...


Culture is the combination of language and peculiarities of geographical location (like en-UK, en-US, de-AT, de-DE, fr-BE)..


Joomla! is a free and open source Content Management System (CMS) for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets and a model–view–controller (MVC) Web application framework that can also be used independently. Joomla questions can also be asked on


Grails is an Open Source, full stack, web application framework that uses the Groovy programming language (which is in turn based on the Java virtual machine (JVM) and Java. The framework is oriented around high-productivity application development by following the "coding by convention", and uses common Java technologies such as Hibernate and Spring...


Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. It is a dynamic language with features similar to those of Python, Ruby, Perl and Smalltalk. It can be used as a scripting language for the Java platform...


Assets (like memory, disk space, CPU power or alike) necessary for effective operation or physical files (like images, configuration files or other) to provide some externalized enrichment to an application...


Hook is a broad programming term that usually refers to replacing default behavior with a custom behavior or injecting a listener into a stream of activity...


MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive programming environment for numerical computation and visualization developed by MathWorks. Questions should be tagged with either [tag:matlab] or [tag:octave], but not both, unless the question explicitly involves both packages. When using this tag, please mention the MATLAB release you're working with (e.g. R2017a)...


Firebird is a free and open-source, cross-platform, client-server SQL relational database management system, running on Linux, Unix, and Windows. Please mention your exact Firebird version when asking questions...


InterBase is a SQL standard database system for server, desktop and embedded applications, for installation on Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X. It is currently marketed by Embarcadero Technologies which acquired it from Borland and its successors. Currently (as of December 2014) Interbase XE7 is the newest version and integrates with Embarcadero's Delphi XE7. InterBase XE3 ToGo and IBLite (ToGo) are also available for Android & iOS...


Anonymous functions or closures in programming languages such as Lisp, C#, C++, Lua, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, or Java. (Also, lambda expression.)..


Standards are officially published or well agreed upon formats, procedures, or protocols. They allow individuals or organizations to collaborate by setting ground rules or boundaries. Standards often come with a set of preconditions or assumptions, which allow collaborators to take those conditions or assumptions as ground truth...


The layout tag is for questions about the placement, alignment and justification of objects with respect to a containing element. For questions pertaining to CSS, use the 'css' tag instead...


The system through which people interact with a computer is called the "UI", which stands for "User Interface". This tag can be used for UI-related programming questions. Note that there's a separate Stack Exchange site for User Interfaces, Interactions with the Computer and User Experience design:


GWT (formerly the Google Web Toolkit) is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. Its goal is to enable productive development of high-performance web applications without requiring the developer to be an expert in browser quirks, XMLHttpRequest, and JavaScript. GWT is used by many products at Google, including the new versions of AdWords and Groups. It's open source and completely free (Apache 2.0 licensed)...


Charts are a graphical representation of data, most often in the format of a graph or diagram. Use this tag for questions about using a charting library API...


Logic refers to the ultimate flow of your code and how you arrive your desired solution. Questions should relate to finding a coding solution (or improving existing coding logic) to a given problem. Please use with an appropriate language tag, a thorough description of your logic, and the relevant code you're working on. General logic questions are off-topic. If you simply need a code review, consider


A sequence of events or system calls relevant to the creation, startup, inactivation, resuming, shutdown and destruction (cleanup) of some program or its component (activity, library, servlet). Lifecycles are supported by various programming platforms...


Capability Maturity Model Integration..


ZIP is a format for compressed file archives, allowing packaging of multiple files and directories into a single file...


Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is the precursor to XML and HTML. It is an ISO standard (ISO 8879) that was used for electronic publishing of documents and books...


Community Server is a social software platform developed by Telligent. This has been re-branded as Telligent Community and provides social tools such as: blogs, forums, wikis, media galleries, groups and user profiles...


Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (previously known as Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, or MOSS) is a member of Microsoft's SharePoint server product family...


The Windows API (formerly called the Win32 API) is the core set of application programming interfaces available for the Microsoft Windows operating systems. This tag is for questions about developing native Windows applications using the Windows API...


JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a model-view-presenter framework typically used to create HTML form based web applications. Using the standard components and render kit, stateful HTML views can be defined using Facelets or JSP tags and wired to model data and application logic via backing beans...


Microformats are extensions to HTML for marking up people, events, blog posts, reviews, recipes etc. Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards...


Desktop is an interface metaphor which is a set of unifying concepts used by graphical user interfaces to help users more easily interact with the computer...


Dojo Toolkit is an open source modular JavaScript library designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites. It is dual-licensed under the BSD License and the Academic Free License. Dojo uses the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) format for its source code, allowing completely modular web application development...


POST is one of the HTTP protocol methods; it is used when the client needs to send data to the server, such as when uploading a file, or submitting a completed form. The word post has several meanings, but this tag is specifically about HTTP POST requests...


A doctype declaration defines a document's type definition. It should be the very first thing in an HTML document, before the element. It is used to switch browsers to standards mode, rather than quirks mode...


Xcode is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE). USAGE NOTE: Use this tag only for questions about the Xcode IDE itself, and not for general Mac or iOS programming topics. Use [cocoa] for Mac programming questions, and [cocoa-touch] or [ios] or [Swift] for iOS programming questions...


Informix is an SQL-based object-relational, OLTP/OLAP, NoSQL DBMS produced by IBM. This tag is appropriate for questions about any of the products with Informix in the product name...


SPL is a collection of PHP interfaces and classes that are meant to solve standard problems...


A wiki is a CMS for collaborative content creation, typically with a flat content structure and heavy cross-referencing. Consider using a more specific tag...


A font is an electronic data file containing a set of glyphs, characters, or symbols such as dingbats. Although the term font first referred to a set of metal type sorts in one style and size, since the 1990s most fonts are digital, used on computers...


Firebug was a Firefox extension, which allowed the debugging, editing, and monitoring of any website's CSS, HTML, DOM, JavaScript, network traffic and cookies. You should just use this tag in case the question is directly related to Firebug itself and not a website you are debugging with Firebug...


Opera is a series of web browsers developed by Opera Software AS. The desktop versions—between 7 and 12.x—used the Presto rendering engine, while newer versions (15+) use Blink, a fork of WebKit...


Inheritance is the system in object oriented programming that allows objects to support operations defined by anterior types without having to provide their own definition. It is the major vector for polymorphism in object-oriented programming...


WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) describes editors for graphical design which commonly do not require knowledge of the code underlying the product. The editor translates the user's edits back into a markup language such as HTML. Examples include Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver's design view and many CMS editors...


Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that commonly combines the relational Microsoft Jet/ACE Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. A number of other database engines, such as SQL Server, can also be used as a back-end...


RCP stands for Rich Client Platform, and is software that provides a platform for application developers to build on. It may also refer to the "remote copy" command in Unix. Use the eclipse-rcp tag for questions about Eclipse RCP...


JNLP stands for Java Network Launch Protocol. It is the format of the XML based files used to configure the details of applications & applets launched using Java Web Start...


This tag should be used to identify questions regarding compatibility issues, for example between different versions of the same software product or, development kit or library...


Dnsmasq is a lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide DNS and, optionally, DHCP, to a small network...


The linker is part of the toolchain for producing executables from source code written in compiled programming languages. It takes compiled object code in multiple files and produces a single, "linked", executable file from them...


Starting something again after stopping/pausing it. (DO NOT USE for any topic related to employment or CVs)..


Computer data logging is the process of recording events in a computer program, usually with a certain scope, in order to provide an audit trail that can be used to understand the activity of the system and to diagnose problems...


A UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is an identifier that is created with the intent of being, as the name suggests, universally unique...


The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. log4net is a port of the excellent Apache log4j™ framework to the Microsoft® .NET runtime. We have kept the framework similar in spirit to the original log4j while taking advantage of new features in the .NET runtime...


A job is a process executing in the background, or scheduled for later execution. **DO NOT** use this tag for career, employment, or hiring practice questions, as these are off-topic!..


The Smart Client Software Factory (SCSF) is a guidance offering that provides architecture guidance to help developers build Composite Smart Clients using the Microsoft platform...


Modifying the default state of an application to suit a user's preferences or to address the unique requirements of a particular objective...


A plug-in (or plugin) is a set of software components that adds specific abilities to a larger software application. If supported, plug-ins enable customizing the functionality of an application...


HAML is a markup language that’s used to cleanly and simply describe the HTML of any web document without the use of inline code. It can be used as a standalone HTML generation tool or as a template rendering engine in a web framework such as Ruby on Rails or Ramaze. HAML templates are pre-compiled into plain HTML templates which is consumed by a client's web browser to render information sent by the server as a HTML web page...


Microsoft Developer Network


Sybase, a subsidiary of SAP, produces a variety of data management products. For their flagship RDBMS, Adaptive Server Enterprise, please use [sybase-ase]. For Adaptive Server Anywhere versions 6-9, use [sybase-asa]. For ASA v10 and above, use [sqlanywhere]. For the columnar data warehouse IQ, please use [sybase-iq]..


iCalendar is a widely-used data format for representing and exchanging calendaring and scheduling information independent of any particular calendar service or protocol...


Microsoft Outlook is a personal information manager from Microsoft (most notably used for handling e-mail), available both as a separate application as well as a part of the Microsoft Office suite...


Gmail is a free email service offered by Google. ONLY use this tag for PROGRAMMING questions related to Gmail's APIs. General Gmail usage questions belong at


A recurrence relation is an equation that recursively defines a sequence, once one or more initial terms are given: each further term of the sequence is defined as a function of the preceding terms...


A time zone is a region on Earth that has a uniform, legally mandated standard time. It is often represented by an identifier, such as "America/Los_Angeles". Do not mistake an offset such as -07:00 as a time zone. A time zone is much more than that. Please read the entire tag wiki for details...


Google App Engine is a cloud computing technology for hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. Google App Engine is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering for Java, Python, Go and PHP in its standard environment. Runtimes for a few other languages as well as docker-based custom runtimes are supported in its flexible environment...


AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive, pronounced "a i ex") is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM for several of its computer platforms...


AWK is an interpreted programming language designed for text processing and typically used as a data extraction and reporting tool. AWK is used largely with Unix systems...


Scheme is a functional programming language in the Lisp family, closely modelled on lambda calculus with eager (applicative-order) evaluation. For questions about URL schemes Please Use the tag "url-scheme"...


In computer science and programming, a continuation is an abstract representation of the control state. A continuation reifies an instance of a computational process at a given point in the process's execution. It contains information such as the process's current stack (including all data whose lifetime is within the process e.g. "local variables"), as well the process's point in the computation...


Cocoa is Apple's application-development framework for macOS, consisting of Foundation, Application Kit, and Core Data. Use the "cocoa-touch" tag for iOS questions...


A notification is a user interface element displayed to indicate an event has occurred...


The INI file format includes text-based initialization information for programs. Its structure is composed of "sections" and "properties"...


The graphical representation of a mathematical function or a set of data. There are different kinds of plots, such as line plots, bar plots, or scatter plots...


Popular unit testing framework for Java and Scala. The latest version, JUnit 4, supports rich annotation-based and parameterized tests. Consider using in conjunction with the Java or Scala tag to indicate your use case...


TestNG is a testing framework focused on providing both unit and functional testing abilities in the Java programming language. It supports parallel testing, data providers, dependencies, groups and other features...


AOP stands for Aspect-Oriented Programming. Use this tag if your question is about aspect-oriented concepts and techniques, or for programming problems using AOP extensions in any language. AOP increases modularity by allowing the separation of "cross-cutting concerns" into aspects. Click learn more... to find out what it's all about...


An icon is a small pictogram used in graphical user interfaces to supplement the presentation of textual information to the user...


OpenJDK (Open Java Development Kit) is a free and open source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition...


IcedTea is a build and integration project for OpenJDK produced by Red Hat. Its goal is to make it possible to build the OpenJDK with a free-software toolchain. It is the variant of OpenJDK currently distributed with GNU/Linux distributions such as Fedora, Gentoo and Debian...


Stringbuilder is a class that provides a convenient and efficient way of working with text data in Java and .NET framework...


Base64 is a set of encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format...


QUESTIONS MUST BE PROGRAMMING RELATED. Use this tag only if your question relates to development on Debian using operating system API's or Debian-specific features, or to creating packages in the deb format...


Scaling refers to the image manipulation function of re-sizing an image. For issues to do with handling increasing workload gracefully in software or network components, see "scalabilty"...