Programs & Examples On #Reentrancy

Reentrancy usually refers to subroutines, functions, methods and mutexes. A subroutine is considered reentrant if it can be safely called before a previous call has completed.

How can I pass arguments to anonymous functions in JavaScript?

Event handlers expect one parameter which is the event that was fired. You happen to be renaming that to 'myMessage' and therefore you are alerting the event object rather than your message.

A closure can allow you to reference the variable you have defined outside the function however if you are using Jquery you may want to look at its event specific API e.g.

This has an option for passing in your own data.

What is the best way to remove a table row with jQuery?

Easy.. Try this

$("table td img.delete").click(function () {
    $(this).parent().parent().parent().fadeTo(400, 0, function () { 
    return false;

Set background image on grid in WPF using C#

I have my images in a separate class library ("MyClassLibrary") and they are placed in the folder "Images". In the example I used "myImage.jpg" as the background image.

  ImageBrush myBrush = new ImageBrush();
  Image image = new Image();
  image.Source = new BitmapImage(
      new Uri(
  myBrush.ImageSource = image.Source;
  Grid grid = new Grid();
  grid.Background = myBrush;          

Custom events in jQuery?

It is an old post, but I will try to update it with a new information.

To use custom events you need to bind it to some DOM element and to trigger it. So you need to use

.on() method takes an event type and an event handling function as arguments. Optionally, it can also receive event-related data as its second argument, pushing the event handling function to the third argument. Any data that is passed will be available to the event handling function in the data property of the event object. The event handling function always receives the event object as its first argument.


.trigger() method takes an event type as its argument. Optionally, it can also take an array of values. These values will be passed to the event handling function as arguments after the event object.

The code looks like this:

$(document).on("getMsg", {
    msg: "Hello to everyone",
    time: new Date()
}, function(e, param) {
    console.log( );
    console.log( );
    console.log( param );

$( document ).trigger("getMsg", [ "Hello guys"] );

Nice explanation can be found here and here. Why exactly this can be useful? I found how to use it in this excellent explanation from twitter engineer.

P.S. In plain javascript you can do this with new CustomEvent, but beware of IE and Safari problems.

C++ Double Address Operator? (&&)

I believe that is is a move operator. operator= is the assignment operator, say vector x = vector y. The clear() function call sounds like as if it is deleting the contents of the vector to prevent a memory leak. The operator returns a pointer to the new vector.

This way,

std::vector<int> a(100, 10);
std::vector<int> b = a;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++)
    std::cout << b[i] << ' ';

Even though we gave vector a values, vector b has the values. It's the magic of the operator=()!

MSDN -- How to create a move constructor

What is the difference between a hash join and a merge join (Oracle RDBMS )?

I just want to edit this for posterity that the tags for oracle weren't added when I answered this question. My response was more applicable to MS SQL.

Merge join is the best possible as it exploits the ordering, resulting in a single pass down the tables to do the join. IF you have two tables (or covering indexes) that have their ordering the same such as a primary key and an index of a table on that key then a merge join would result if you performed that action.

Hash join is the next best, as it's usually done when one table has a small number (relatively) of items, its effectively creating a temp table with hashes for each row which is then searched continuously to create the join.

Worst case is nested loop which is order (n * m) which means there is no ordering or size to exploit and the join is simply, for each row in table x, search table y for joins to do.

sqlite database default time value 'now'

It may be better to use REAL type, to save storage space.

Quote from 1.2 section of Datatypes In SQLite Version 3

SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values

    t REAL DEFAULT (datetime('now', 'localtime'))

see column-constraint .

And insert a row without providing any value.


jQuery event handlers always execute in order they were bound - any way around this?

.data("events") has been removed in versions 1.9 and 2.0beta, so you cant any longer rely on those solutions.

Make REST API call in Swift

If you're working in Swift 3, the syntax changes. The example here worked for me and has a good explanation of the steps:

This is the code from that tutorial:

let todoEndpoint: String = ""
guard let url = URL(string: todoEndpoint) else {
  print("Error: cannot create URL")
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)

let task = session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) {
  (data, response, error) in
  // check for any errors
  guard error == nil else {
    print("error calling GET on /todos/1")
  // make sure we got data
  guard let responseData = data else {
    print("Error: did not receive data")
  // parse the result as JSON, since that's what the API provides
  do {
    guard let todo = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: responseData, options: [])
      as? [String: Any] else {
      print("error trying to convert data to JSON")
    // now we have the todo
    // let's just print it to prove we can access it
    print("The todo is: " + todo.description)

    // the todo object is a dictionary
    // so we just access the title using the "title" key
    // so check for a title and print it if we have one
    guard let todoTitle = todo["title"] as? String else {
      print("Could not get todo title from JSON")
    print("The title is: " + todoTitle)
  } catch  {
    print("error trying to convert data to JSON")

Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine

We have come across this issue in desktop app.

Dev Environment: Windows 7 Ultimate - 64 bit .Net Framework 4.5 Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0

It has been resolved by changing Platform target to X86 from Any CPU. Project Properties >> Build >> Platform Target.

enter image description here

Line continue character in C#

String Constants

Just use the + operator and break the string up into human-readable lines. The compiler will pick up that the strings are constant and concatenate them at compile time. See the MSDN C# Programming Guide here.


const string myVeryLongString = 
    "This is the opening paragraph of my long string. " +
    "Which is split over multiple lines to improve code readability, " +
    "but is in fact, just one long string.";

IL_0003: ldstr "This is the opening paragraph of my long string. Which is split over multiple lines to improve code readability, but is in fact, just one long string."

String Variables

Note that when using string interpolation to substitute values into your string, that the $ character needs to precede each line where a substitution needs to be made:

var interpolatedString = 
    "This line has no substitutions. " +
    $" This line uses {count} widgets, and " +
    $" {CountFoos()} foos were found.";

However, this has the negative performance consequence of multiple calls to string.Format and eventual concatenation of the strings (marked with ***)

IL_002E:  ldstr       "This line has no substitutions. "
IL_0033:  ldstr       " This line uses {0} widgets, and "
IL_0038:  ldloc.0     // count
IL_0039:  box         System.Int32
IL_003E:  call        System.String.Format ***
IL_0043:  ldstr       " {0} foos were found."
IL_0048:  ldloc.1     // CountFoos
IL_0049:  callvirt    System.Func<System.Int32>.Invoke
IL_004E:  box         System.Int32
IL_0053:  call        System.String.Format ***
IL_0058:  call        System.String.Concat ***

Although you could either use $@ to provide a single string and avoid the performance issues, unless the whitespace is placed inside {} (which looks odd, IMO), this has the same issue as Neil Knight's answer, as it will include any whitespace in the line breakdowns:

var interpolatedString = $@"When breaking up strings with `@` it introduces
    <- [newLine and whitespace here!] each time I break the string.
    <- [More whitespace] {CountFoos()} foos were found.";

The injected whitespace is easy to spot:

IL_002E:  ldstr       "When breaking up strings with `@` it introduces
    <- [newLine and whitespace here!] each time I break the string.
    <- [More whitespace] {0} foos were found."

An alternative is to revert to string.Format. Here, the formatting string is a single constant as per my initial answer:

const string longFormatString = 
    "This is the opening paragraph of my long string with {0} chars. " +
    "Which is split over multiple lines to improve code readability, " +
    "but is in fact, just one long string with {1} widgets.";

And then evaluated as such:

string.Format(longFormatString, longFormatString.Length, CountWidgets());

However this can still be tricky to maintain given the potential separation between the formatting string and the substitution tokens.

Bootstrap : TypeError: $(...).modal is not a function

Use this. It will work. I have used bootstrap 3.3.5 and jquery 1.11.3

$('document').ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('#btnTest').click(function() {_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  background-color: #eee;_x000D_
  padding-top: 40px;_x000D_
  padding-bottom: 40px;_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf8">_x000D_
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">_x000D_
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">_x000D_
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">_x000D_
  <title>Modal Test</title>_x000D_
  <div class="container">_x000D_
    <button id="btnTest" class="btn btn-default">Show Modal</button>_x000D_
    <div id="dummyModal" role="dialog" class="modal fade">_x000D_
      <div class="modal-dialog">_x000D_
        <div class="modal-content">_x000D_
          <div class="modal-header">_x000D_
            <button type="button" data-dismiss="modal" class="close">&times;</button>_x000D_
            <h4 class="modal-title">Error</h4>_x000D_
          <div class="modal-body">_x000D_
            <p>Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog</p>_x000D_
          <div class="modal-footer">_x000D_
            <button type="button" data-dismiss="modal" class="btn btn-default">Close</button>_x000D_
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_

How to use mouseover and mouseout in Angular 6

<div (mouseenter)="changeText=true" (mouseout)="changeText=false">
  <span *ngIf="!changeText">Hide</span>
  <span *ngIf="changeText">Show</span>

and if you want to use in *ngFor then assign the object value of hover data and then check its id and show hover info/icon or anything like that:-

 <div (mouseenter)="hoverCard(d)" (mouseleave)="hoverCard(null)" *ngFor="let d of data" class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 mt-4">
   <a *ngIf="hoverData && ==" class="text-right"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i>Hover Text</a>
    Normal Text

in TS File


  hoverCard(d: Data|null){
    this.hoverData = sCatg;

How do I drop a MongoDB database from the command line?

Other way:

echo "db.dropDatabase()" | mongo <database name>

What is a StackOverflowError?

StackOverflowError is to the stack as OutOfMemoryError is to the heap.

Unbounded recursive calls result in stack space being used up.

The following example produces StackOverflowError:

class  StackOverflowDemo
    public static void unboundedRecursiveCall() {

    public static void main(String[] args) 

StackOverflowError is avoidable if recursive calls are bounded to prevent the aggregate total of incomplete in-memory calls (in bytes) from exceeding the stack size (in bytes).

How can I get the current date and time in the terminal and set a custom command in the terminal for it?

The command is date

To customise the output there are a myriad of options available, see date --help for a list.

For example, date '+%A %W %Y %X' gives Tuesday 34 2013 08:04:22 which is the name of the day of the week, the week number, the year and the time.

PHP Date Format to Month Name and Year

You could use:

echo date('F Y', strtotime('20130814'));

which should do the trick.

Edit: You have a date which is in a string format. To be able to format it nicelt, you first need to change it into a date itself - which is where strtotime comes in. It is a fantastic feature that converts almost any plausible expression of a date into a date itself. Then we can actually use the date() function to format the output into what you want.

jQuery selector to get form by name

$('form[name="frmSave"]') is correct. You mentioned you thought this would get all children with the name frmsave inside the form; this would only happen if there was a space or other combinator between the form and the selector, eg: $('form [name="frmSave"]');

$('form[name="frmSave"]') literally means find all forms with the name frmSave, because there is no combinator involved.

How to get main div container to align to centre?

You can text-align: center the body to center the container. Then text-align: left the container to get all the text, etc. to align left.

Clear text in EditText when entered

package com.example.sampleproject;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.ImageView;

public class SampleProject extends Activity {
    EditText mSearchpeople;
    Button mCancel , msearchclose;
    ImageView mprofile, mContact, mcalender, mConnection, mGroup , mFollowup , msetting , mAddacard;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mSearchpeople = (EditText)findViewById(;
        mCancel = (Button)findViewById(;
        msearchclose = (Button)findViewById(;
        mprofile = (ImageView)findViewById(;
        mContact = (ImageView)findViewById(;
        mcalender = (ImageView)findViewById(;
        mConnection = (ImageView)findViewById(;
        mGroup = (ImageView)findViewById(;
        mFollowup = (ImageView)findViewById(;
        msetting = (ImageView)findViewById(;
        mAddacard = (ImageView)findViewById(;
    protected void onResume() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        mCancel.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub



How to exit from Python without traceback?

You are presumably encountering an exception and the program is exiting because of this (with a traceback). The first thing to do therefore is to catch that exception, before exiting cleanly (maybe with a message, example given).

Try something like this in your main routine:

import sys, traceback

def main():
        do main program stuff here
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print "Shutdown requested...exiting"
    except Exception:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Unable to read data from the transport connection : An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I had a Third Party application (Fiddler) running to try and see the requests being sent. Closing this application fixed it for me

Process with an ID #### is not running in visual studio professional 2013 update 3

It looks like there are many solutions that work and some that don't...

My issue kept surfacing after a few test iterations. Yes restarting the PC and/or VS would resolve the issue...but temporarily.

My solution was to undo a security change I had enabled a couple days earlier to Controlled folder access under Ransomware protection.

I undid this change by:
(right click Start) Setting->Update & Security->Windows Security->Virus & threat protection-> Virus & threat protection settings->Manage settings

Under Controlled folder access Click->Manage Controlled folder access (this is also the Ransomware protection screen)

Turn Controlled folder access off.

This was 100% the issue for me as I was able to run my test without restarting VS.

Angular.js ng-repeat filter by property having one of multiple values (OR of values)

Here is a way to do it while passing in an extra argument: (thanks to Denis Pshenov)

<div ng-repeat="group in groups">
    <li ng-repeat="friend in friends | filter:weDontLike(">

With the backend:

$scope.weDontLike = function(name) {
    return function(friend) {
        return != name;


And yet another way with an in-template filter only: (thanks to mikel)

<div ng:app>
  <div ng-controller="HelloCntl">
       <li ng-repeat="friend in friends | filter:{name:'!Adam'}">

Typescript empty object for a typed variable

Note that using const user = {} as UserType just provides intellisense but at runtime user is empty object {} and has no property inside. that means user.Email will give undefined instead of ""

type UserType = {
    Username: string;
    Email: string;

So, use class with constructor for actually creating objects with default properties.

type UserType = {
  Username: string;
  Email: string;

class User implements UserType {
  constructor() {
    this.Username = "";
    this.Email = "";

  Username: string;
  Email: string;

const myUser = new User();
console.log(myUser); // output: {Username: "", Email: ""}
console.log("val: "+myUser.Email); // output: ""

You can also use interface instead of type

interface UserType {
  Username: string;
  Email: string;

...and rest of code remains same.

Actually, you can even skip the constructor part and use it like this:

class User implements UserType {
      Username = ""; // will be added to new obj
      Email: string; // will not be added

const myUser = new User();
console.log(myUser); // output: {Username: ""}

How to compare only date in moment.js

Meanwhile you can use the isSameOrAfter method:

moment('2010-10-20').isSameOrAfter('2010-10-20', 'day');


Format numbers to strings in Python

Starting in Python 2.6, there is an alternative: the str.format() method. Here are some examples using the existing string format operator (%):

>>> "Name: %s, age: %d" % ('John', 35) 
'Name: John, age: 35' 
>>> i = 45 
>>> 'dec: %d/oct: %#o/hex: %#X' % (i, i, i) 
'dec: 45/oct: 055/hex: 0X2D' 
>>> "MM/DD/YY = %02d/%02d/%02d" % (12, 7, 41) 
'MM/DD/YY = 12/07/41' 
>>> 'Total with tax: $%.2f' % (13.00 * 1.0825) 
'Total with tax: $14.07' 
>>> d = {'web': 'user', 'page': 42} 
>>> 'http://xxx.yyy.zzz/%(web)s/%(page)d.html' % d 

Here are the equivalent snippets but using str.format():

>>> "Name: {0}, age: {1}".format('John', 35) 
'Name: John, age: 35' 
>>> i = 45 
>>> 'dec: {0}/oct: {0:#o}/hex: {0:#X}'.format(i) 
'dec: 45/oct: 0o55/hex: 0X2D' 
>>> "MM/DD/YY = {0:02d}/{1:02d}/{2:02d}".format(12, 7, 41) 
'MM/DD/YY = 12/07/41' 
>>> 'Total with tax: ${0:.2f}'.format(13.00 * 1.0825) 
'Total with tax: $14.07' 
>>> d = {'web': 'user', 'page': 42} 
>>> 'http://xxx.yyy.zzz/{web}/{page}.html'.format(**d) 

Like Python 2.6+, all Python 3 releases (so far) understand how to do both. I shamelessly ripped this stuff straight out of my hardcore Python intro book and the slides for the Intro+Intermediate Python courses I offer from time-to-time. :-)

Aug 2018 UPDATE: Of course, now that we have the f-string feature in 3.6, we need the equivalent examples of that, yes another alternative:

>>> name, age = 'John', 35
>>> f'Name: {name}, age: {age}'
'Name: John, age: 35'

>>> i = 45
>>> f'dec: {i}/oct: {i:#o}/hex: {i:#X}'
'dec: 45/oct: 0o55/hex: 0X2D'

>>> m, d, y = 12, 7, 41
>>> f"MM/DD/YY = {m:02d}/{d:02d}/{y:02d}"
'MM/DD/YY = 12/07/41'

>>> f'Total with tax: ${13.00 * 1.0825:.2f}'
'Total with tax: $14.07'

>>> d = {'web': 'user', 'page': 42}
>>> f"http://xxx.yyy.zzz/{d['web']}/{d['page']}.html"

Variable not accessible when initialized outside function

A global variable would be best expressed in an external JavaScript file:

var system_status;

Make sure that this has not been used anywhere else. Then to access the variable on your page, just reference it as such. Say, for example, you wanted to fill in the results on a textbox,

document.getElementById("textbox1").value = system_status;

To ensure that the object exists, use the document ready feature of jQuery.


$(function() {
    $("#textbox1")[0].value = system_status;

How to Sort Date in descending order From Arraylist Date in android?

Create Arraylist<Date> of Date class. And use Collections.sort() for ascending order.

See sort(List<T> list)

Sorts the specified list into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.

For Sort it in descending order See Collections.reverseOrder()

Collections.sort(yourList, Collections.reverseOrder());

How to call stopservice() method of Service class from the calling activity class

In Kotlin you can do this...


class MyService : Service() {
    init {
        instance = this

    companion object {
        lateinit var instance: MyService

        fun terminateService() {

In your activity (or anywhere in your app for that matter):

btn_terminate_service.setOnClickListener {

Note: If you have any pending intents showing a notification in Android's status bar, you may want to terminate that as well.

How can I overwrite file contents with new content in PHP?

Use file_put_contents()

file_put_contents('file.txt', 'bar');
echo file_get_contents('file.txt'); // bar
file_put_contents('file.txt', 'foo');
echo file_get_contents('file.txt'); // foo

Alternatively, if you're stuck with fopen() you can use the w or w+ modes:

'w' Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.

'w+' Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.

Java : Accessing a class within a package, which is the better way?

There is no performance difference between importing the package or using the fully qualified class name. The import directive is not converted to Java byte code, consequently there is no effect on runtime performance. The only difference is that it saves you time in case you are using the imported class multiple times. This is a good read here

Swap two items in List<T>

List<T> has a Reverse() method, however it only reverses the order of two (or more) consecutive items.

your_list.Reverse(index, 2);

Where the second parameter 2 indicates we are reversing the order of 2 items, starting with the item at the given index.


Clearing content of text file using C#

You can use always stream writer.It will erase old data and append new one each time.

using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath))

Save and retrieve image (binary) from SQL Server using Entity Framework 6

Convert the image to a byte[] and store that in the database.

Add this column to your model:

public byte[] Content { get; set; }

Then convert your image to a byte array and store that like you would any other data:

public byte[] ImageToByteArray(System.Drawing.Image imageIn)
    using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
        imageIn.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);

        return ms.ToArray();

public Image ByteArrayToImage(byte[] byteArrayIn)
     using(var ms = new MemoryStream(byteArrayIn))
         var returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);

         return returnImage;

Source: Fastest way to convert Image to Byte array

var image = new ImageEntity()
   Content = ImageToByteArray(image)


When you want to get the image back, get the byte array from the database and use the ByteArrayToImage and do what you wish with the Image

This stops working when the byte[] gets to big. It will work for files under 100Mb

What does '--set-upstream' do?

When you push to a remote and you use the --set-upstream flag git sets the branch you are pushing to as the remote tracking branch of the branch you are pushing.

Adding a remote tracking branch means that git then knows what you want to do when you git fetch, git pull or git push in future. It assumes that you want to keep the local branch and the remote branch it is tracking in sync and does the appropriate thing to achieve this.

You could achieve the same thing with git branch --set-upstream-to or git checkout --track. See the git help pages on tracking branches for more information.

MaxLength Attribute not generating client-side validation attributes

I just used a snippet of jquery to solve this problem.

$("input[data-val-length-max]").each(function (index, element) {
   var length = parseInt($(this).attr("data-val-length-max"));
   $(this).prop("maxlength", length);

The selector finds all of the elements that have a data-val-length-max attribute set. This is the attribute that the StringLength validation attribute will set.

The each loop loops through these matches and will parse out the value for this attribute and assign it to the mxlength property that should have been set.

Just add this to you document ready function and you are good to go.

How to get current CPU and RAM usage in Python?

Use the psutil library. On Ubuntu 18.04, pip installed 5.5.0 (latest version) as of 1-30-2019. Older versions may behave somewhat differently. You can check your version of psutil by doing this in Python:

from __future__ import print_function  # for Python2
import psutil

To get some memory and CPU stats:

from __future__ import print_function
import psutil
print(psutil.virtual_memory())  # physical memory usage
print('memory % used:', psutil.virtual_memory()[2])

The virtual_memory (tuple) will have the percent memory used system-wide. This seemed to be overestimated by a few percent for me on Ubuntu 18.04.

You can also get the memory used by the current Python instance:

import os
import psutil
pid = os.getpid()
py = psutil.Process(pid)
memoryUse = py.memory_info()[0]/2.**30  # memory use in GB...I think
print('memory use:', memoryUse)

which gives the current memory use of your Python script.

There are some more in-depth examples on the pypi page for psutil.

Convert JavaScript string in dot notation into an object reference

using Array Reduce function will get/set based on path provided.

i tested it with a.b.c and a.b.2.c {a:{b:[0,1,{c:7}]}} and its works for both getting key or mutating object to set value


    function setOrGet(obj, path=[], newValue){
      const l = typeof path === 'string' ? path.split('.') : path;
      return l.reduce((carry,item, idx)=>{
       const leaf = carry[item];
       // is this last item in path ? cool lets set/get value
       if( l.length-idx===1)  { 
         // mutate object if newValue is set;
         carry[item] = newValue===undefined ? leaf : newValue;
         // return value if its a get/object if it was a set
         return newValue===undefined ? leaf : obj ;
       carry[item] = leaf || {}; // mutate if key not an object;
       return carry[item]; // return object ref: to continue reduction;
      }, obj)
     setOrGet({a: {b:1}},'a.b') === 1 ||
    'Test Case: Direct read failed'
     setOrGet({a: {b:1}},'a.c',22).a.c===22 ||
    'Test Case: Direct set failed'
     setOrGet({a: {b:[1,2]}},'a.b.1',22).a.b[1]===22 ||
    'Test Case: Direct set on array failed'
     setOrGet({a: {b:{c: {e:1} }}},'a.b.c.e',22).a.b.c. e===22 ||
    'Test Case: deep get failed'
    // failed !. Thats your homework :) 
     setOrGet({a: {b:{c: {e:[1,2,3,4,5]} }}},'a.b.c.e.3 ',22)

my personal recommendation.

do not use such a thing unless there is no other way!

i saw many examples people use it for translations for example from json; so you see function like locale('app.homepage.welcome') . this is just bad. if you already have data in an object/json; and you know path.. then just use it directly example locale().app.homepage.welcome by changing you function to return object you get typesafe, with autocomplete, less prone to typo's ..

How to resolve javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException issue?

When you are trying to sign in to your Google Account from your new device or application you have to unlock the CAPTCHA. To unlock the CAPTCHA go to and then enter image description here

And also make sure to allow less secure apps on enter image description here

What is “2's Complement”?

It is a clever means of encoding negative integers in such a way that approximately half of the combination of bits of a data type are reserved for negative integers, and the addition of most of the negative integers with their corresponding positive integers results in a carry overflow that leaves the result to be binary zero.

So, in 2's complement if one is 0x0001 then -1 is 0x1111, because that will result in a combined sum of 0x0000 (with an overflow of 1).

What algorithms compute directions from point A to point B on a map?

Speaking as someone who spent 18 months working at a mapping company, which included working on the routing algorithm... yes, Dijkstra's does work, with a couple of modifications:

  • Instead of doing Dijkstra's once from source to dest, you start at each end, and expand both sides until they meet in the middle. This eliminates roughly half the work (2*pi*(r/2)^2 vs pi*r^2).
  • To avoid exploring the back-alleys of every city between your source and destination, you can have several layers of map data: A 'highways' layer that contains only highways, a 'secondary' layer that contains only secondary streets, and so forth. Then, you explore only smaller sections of the more detailed layers, expanding as necessary. Obviously this description leaves out a lot of detail, but you get the idea.

With modifications along those lines, you can do even cross-country routing in a very reasonable timeframe.

Can you put two conditions in an xslt test attribute?

It does have to be wrapped in an <xsl:choose> since it's a when. And lowercase the "and".

   <xsl:when test="4 &lt; 5 and 1 &lt; 2" >
   <!-- do something -->
   <!-- do something else -->

mysql select from n last rows

Might be a very late answer, but this is good and simple.

select * from table_name order by id desc limit 5

This query will return a set of last 5 values(last 5 rows) you 've inserted in your table

SQL Statement using Where clause with multiple values

SELECT PersonName, songName, status
FROM table
WHERE name IN ('Holly', 'Ryan')

If you are using parametrized Stored procedure:

  1. Pass in comma separated string
  2. Use special function to split comma separated string into table value variable
  3. Use INNER JOIN ON t.PersonName = newTable.PersonName using a table variable which contains passed in names

C# "must declare a body because it is not marked abstract, extern, or partial"

I got the same error message because I had a function with a parameter named with a reserved word.

   public int SaveDelegate(MyModel.Delegate delegate)

Renaming the variable delegate solved the problem.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no *****.dll in java.library.path

If you need to load a file that's relative to some directory where you already are (like in the current directory), here's an easy solution:

File f;

if (System.getProperty("").equals("32")) {
    // 32-bit JVM
    f = new File("");
} else {
    // 64-bit JVM
    f = new File("");

How to draw border on just one side of a linear layout?

Easy as pie, allowing a transparent bg:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
        android:centerX="0.01" />

Change the angle to change border location:

  • 0 = left
  • 90 = bottom
  • 180 = right
  • 270 = top

Error: Unexpected value 'undefined' imported by the module

I was facing the same problem. Issue was that I was importing some class from index.ts

    import {className} from '..shared/index'

index.ts contain the export statement

    export * from './models';

I changed it to the .ts file which contain the actual class object

    import {className} from '..shared/model'

and it resolved.

Allow click on twitter bootstrap dropdown toggle link?

You could use a javascript snippit

    // Enable drop menu clicks
    $(".nav li > a").off();

That will unbind the click event preventing url changing.

How to remove an unpushed outgoing commit in Visual Studio?

I fixed it in Github Desktop Application by pushing my changes.

Filtering Sharepoint Lists on a "Now" or "Today"

Pass Today as value as mentioned below in $viewQuery property :

$web = Get-SPWeb "http://sitename"
$list = $web.Lists.TryGetList($listtitle)
write-host "Exporting '$($list.Title)' data from '$($web.Title)' site.."
$viewTitle = "Program Events" #Title property
#Add the column names from the ViewField property to a string collection
$viewFields = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
$viewFields.Add("Event Date") > $null
$viewFields.Add("Title") > $null
#Query property
$viewQuery = "<Where><Geq><FieldRef Name='EventDate' /><Value IncludeTimeValue='TRUE' Type='DateTime'><Today/></Value></Geq></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='EventDate' Ascending='True' /></OrderBy>"
#RowLimit property
$viewRowLimit = 30
#Paged property
$viewPaged = $true
#DefaultView property
$viewDefaultView = $false
#Create the view in the destination list
$newview = $list.Views.Add($viewTitle, $viewFields, $viewQuery, $viewRowLimit, $viewPaged, $viewDefaultView)
Write-Host ("View '" + $newview.Title + "' created in list '" + $list.Title + "' on site " + $web.Url)

Making RGB color in Xcode

The values are determined by the bit of the image. 8 bit 0 to 255

16 bit...some ridiculous number..0 to 65,000 approx.

32 bit are 0 to 1

I use .004 with 32 bit images...this gives 1.02 as a result when multiplied by 255

Get random integer in range (x, y]?

How about:

Random generator = new Random();
int i = 10 - generator.nextInt(10);

Running a simple shell script as a cronjob

What directory is file.txt in? cron runs jobs in your home directory, so unless your script cds somewhere else, that's where it's going to look for/create file.txt.

EDIT: When you refer to a file without specifying its full path (e.g. file.txt, as opposed to the full path /home/myUser/scripts/file.txt) in shell, it's taken that you're referring to a file in your current working directory. When you run a script (whether interactively or via crontab), the script's working directory has nothing at all to do with the location of the script itself; instead, it's inherited from whatever ran the script.

Thus, if you cd (change working directory) to the directory the script's in and then run it, file.txt will refer to a file in the same directory as the script. But if you don't cd there first, file.txt will refer to a file in whatever directory you happen to be in when you ran the script. For instance, if your home directory is /home/myUser, and you open a new shell and immediately run the script (as scripts/ or /home/myUser/scripts/; ./ won't work), it'll touch the file /home/myUser/file.txt because /home/myUser is your current working directory (and therefore the script's).

When you run a script from cron, it does essentially the same thing: it runs it with the working directory set to your home directory. Thus all file references in the script are taken relative to your home directory, unless the script cds somewhere else or specifies an absolute path to the file.

Click event doesn't work on dynamically generated elements

Use 'on' as click gets bind to the elements already present.

For e.g


This will help.

Getting Java version at runtime

What about getting the version from the package meta infos:

String version = Runtime.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion();

Prints out something like:


Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<AnonymousType#1>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<string>

If you have source as a string like "abcd" and want to produce a list like this:

{ "a.a" },
{ "b.b" },
{ "c.c" },
{ "d.d" }

then call:

List<string> list = source.Select(c => String.Concat(c, ".", c)).ToList();

Char to int conversion in C

Since you're only converting one character, the function atoi() is overkill. atoi() is useful if you are converting string representations of numbers. The other posts have given examples of this. If I read your post correctly, you are only converting one numeric character. So, you are only going to convert a character that is the range 0 to 9. In the case of only converting one numeric character, your suggestion to subtract '0' will give you the result you want. The reason why this works is because ASCII values are consecutive (like you said). So, subtracting the ASCII value of 0 (ASCII value 48 - see ASCII Table for values) from a numeric character will give the value of the number. So, your example of c = c - '0' where c = '5', what is really happening is 53 (the ASCII value of 5) - 48 (the ASCII value of 0) = 5.

When I first posted this answer, I didn't take into consideration your comment about being 100% portable between different character sets. I did some further looking around around and it seems like your answer is still mostly correct. The problem is that you are using a char which is an 8-bit data type. Which wouldn't work with all character types. Read this article by Joel Spolsky on Unicode for a lot more information on Unicode. In this article, he says that he uses wchar_t for characters. This has worked well for him and he publishes his web site in 29 languages. So, you would need to change your char to a wchar_t. Other than that, he says that the character under value 127 and below are basically the same. This would include characters that represent numbers. This means the basic math you proposed should work for what you were trying to achieve.

Box-Shadow on the left side of the element only

box-shadow: inset 10px 0 0 0 red;

Change/Get check state of CheckBox

Needs to be:

if (document.forms[0].elements["checkAddress"].checked == true)

Assuming you have one form, otherwise use the form name.

As a side note, don't call the element and the function in the same name it can cause weird conflicts.

Android Starting Service at Boot Time , How to restart service class after device Reboot?

Your receiver:

public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {   

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

     Intent myIntent = new Intent(context, YourService.class);


Your AndroidManifest.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
    <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name" android:debuggable="true">

        <activity android:name=".BR_Example"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

    <!-- Declaring broadcast receiver for BOOT_COMPLETED event. -->
        <receiver android:name=".MyReceiver" android:enabled="true" android:exported="false">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"/>


    <!-- Adding the permission -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />


Bootstrap Carousel Full Screen

Simply Add 'carousel-item' class in place of item class.

How to replace NaNs by preceding values in pandas DataFrame?

The accepted answer is perfect. I had a related but slightly different situation where I had to fill in forward but only within groups. In case someone has the same need, know that fillna works on a DataFrameGroupBy object.

>>> example = pd.DataFrame({'number':[0,1,2,nan,4,nan,6,7,8,9],'name':list('aaabbbcccc')})
>>> example
  name  number
0    a     0.0
1    a     1.0
2    a     2.0
3    b     NaN
4    b     4.0
5    b     NaN
6    c     6.0
7    c     7.0
8    c     8.0
9    c     9.0
>>> example.groupby('name')['number'].fillna(method='ffill') # fill in row 5 but not row 3
0    0.0
1    1.0
2    2.0
3    NaN
4    4.0
5    4.0
6    6.0
7    7.0
8    8.0
9    9.0
Name: number, dtype: float64

Escaping HTML strings with jQuery

Try Underscore.string lib, it works with jQuery.

_.str.escapeHTML('<div>Blah blah blah</div>')


'&lt;div&gt;Blah blah blah&lt;/div&gt;'

Get value of a specific object property in C# without knowing the class behind

Reflection and dynamic value access are correct solutions to this question but are quite slow. If your want something faster then you can create dynamic method using expressions:

  object value = GetValue();
  string propertyName = "MyProperty";

  var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
  var cast = Expression.Convert(parameter, value.GetType());
  var propertyGetter = Expression.Property(cast, propertyName);
  var castResult = Expression.Convert(propertyGetter, typeof(object));//for boxing

  var propertyRetriver = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(castResult, parameter).Compile();

 var retrivedPropertyValue = propertyRetriver(value);

This way is faster if you cache created functions. For instance in dictionary where key would be the actual type of object assuming that property name is not changing or some combination of type and property name.

Send File Attachment from Form Using phpMailer and PHP

This code help me in Attachment sending....

$mail->AddAttachment($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name']);

Replace your AddAttachment(...) Code with above code

javascript filter array of objects

var names = [{_x000D_
        name: "Joe",_x000D_
        age: 20,_x000D_
        email: "[email protected]"_x000D_
        name: "Mike",_x000D_
        age: 50,_x000D_
        email: "[email protected]"_x000D_
        name: "Joe",_x000D_
        age: 45,_x000D_
        email: "[email protected]"_x000D_
const res = _.filter(names, (name) => {_x000D_
    return == "Joe" && name.age < 30;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Python UTC datetime object's ISO format doesn't include Z (Zulu or Zero offset)

There are a lot of good answers on the post, but I wanted the format to come out exactly as it does with JavaScript. This is what I'm using and it works well.

In [1]: import datetime

In [1]: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

In [1]: now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + now.strftime('.%f')[:4] + 'Z'
Out[3]: '2018-10-16T13:18:34.856Z'

Adding a collaborator to my free GitHub account?

2020 update

It's called Manage access now.

Go to your private repo, click the Settings tab, and choose Manage access from the menu on the left. You are allowed up to three collaborators with the free plan.

Note: If the account is an individual account you can still add collaborators that can do a variety of tasks, but a collaborator can't (as far as I know) sign the app in Xcode and submit it to the app store. You need an organization account for that kind of collaborator.

disable a hyperlink using jQuery

The pointer-events CSS property is a little lacking when it comes to support (, but it's very succinct:

.my-link { pointer-events: none; } 

How to filter by IP address in Wireshark?

You can also limit the filter to only part of the ip address.

E.G. To filter 123.*.*.* you can use ip.addr == Similar effects can be achieved with /16 and /24.

See WireShark man pages (filters) and look for Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) notation.

... the number after the slash represents the number of bits used to represent the network.

Execute Immediate within a stored procedure keeps giving insufficient priviliges error

Alternatively you can grant the user DROP_ANY_TABLE privilege if need be and the procedure will run as is without the need for any alteration. Dangerous maybe but depends what you're doing :)

Recover unsaved SQL query scripts

Use the following location where you can find all ~AutoRecover.~vs*.sql (autorecovery files):

C:\Users\<YourUserName>\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Backup Files\Solution1

What is the difference between 'my' and 'our' in Perl?

Let us think what an interpreter actually is: it's a piece of code that stores values in memory and lets the instructions in a program that it interprets access those values by their names, which are specified inside these instructions. So, the big job of an interpreter is to shape the rules of how we should use the names in those instructions to access the values that the interpreter stores.

On encountering "my", the interpreter creates a lexical variable: a named value that the interpreter can access only while it executes a block, and only from within that syntactic block. On encountering "our", the interpreter makes a lexical alias of a package variable: it binds a name, which the interpreter is supposed from then on to process as a lexical variable's name, until the block is finished, to the value of the package variable with the same name.

The effect is that you can then pretend that you're using a lexical variable and bypass the rules of 'use strict' on full qualification of package variables. Since the interpreter automatically creates package variables when they are first used, the side effect of using "our" may also be that the interpreter creates a package variable as well. In this case, two things are created: a package variable, which the interpreter can access from everywhere, provided it's properly designated as requested by 'use strict' (prepended with the name of its package and two colons), and its lexical alias.


Show "Open File" Dialog

My comments on Renaud Bompuis's answer messed up.

Actually, you can use late binding, and the reference to the 11.0 object library is not required.

The following code will work without any references:

 Dim f    As Object 
 Set f = Application.FileDialog(3) 
 f.AllowMultiSelect = True 

 MsgBox "file choosen = " & f.SelectedItems.Count 

Note that the above works well in the runtime also.

AngularJS view not updating on model change

Do not use $scope.$apply() angular already uses it and it can result in this error

$rootScope:inprog Action Already In Progress

if you use twice, use $timeout or interval

PostgreSQL delete all content

The content of the table/tables in PostgreSQL database can be deleted in several ways.

Deleting table content using sql:

Deleting content of one table:

TRUNCATE table_name;
DELETE FROM table_name;

Deleting content of all named tables:

TRUNCATE table_a, table_b, …, table_z;

Deleting content of named tables and tables that reference to them (I will explain it in more details later in this answer):

TRUNCATE table_a, table_b CASCADE;

Deleting table content using pgAdmin:

Deleting content of one table:

Right click on the table -> Truncate

Deleting content of table and tables that reference to it:

Right click on the table -> Truncate Cascaded

Difference between delete and truncate:

From the documentation:

DELETE deletes rows that satisfy the WHERE clause from the specified table. If the WHERE clause is absent, the effect is to delete all rows in the table.

TRUNCATE is a PostgreSQL extension that provides a faster mechanism to remove all rows from a table. TRUNCATE quickly removes all rows from a set of tables. It has the same effect as an unqualified DELETE on each table, but since it does not actually scan the tables it is faster. Furthermore, it reclaims disk space immediately, rather than requiring a subsequent VACUUM operation. This is most useful on large tables.

Working with table that is referenced from other table:

When you have database that has more than one table the tables have probably relationship. As an example there are three tables:

create table customers (
customer_id int not null,
name varchar(20),
surname varchar(30),
constraint pk_customer primary key (customer_id)

create table orders (
order_id int not null,
number int not null,
customer_id int not null,
constraint pk_order primary key (order_id),
constraint fk_customer foreign key (customer_id) references customers(customer_id)

create table loyalty_cards (
card_id int not null,
card_number varchar(10) not null,
customer_id int not null,
constraint pk_card primary key (card_id),
constraint fk_customer foreign key (customer_id) references customers(customer_id)

And some prepared data for these tables:

insert into customers values (1, 'John', 'Smith');

insert into orders values 
(10, 1000, 1),
(11, 1009, 1),
(12, 1010, 1);        

insert into loyalty_cards values (100, 'A123456789', 1);

Table orders references table customers and table loyalty_cards references table customers. When you try to TRUNCATE / DELETE FROM the table that is referenced by other table/s (the other table/s has foreign key constraint to the named table) you get an error. To delete content from all three tables you have to name all these tables (the order is not important)

TRUNCATE customers, loyalty_cards, orders;

or just the table that is referenced with CASCADE key word (you can name more tables than just one)


The same applies for pgAdmin. Right click on customers table and choose Truncate Cascaded.

How to check is Apache2 is stopped in Ubuntu?

In the command line type service apache2 status then hit enter. The result should say:

Apache2 is running (pid xxxx)

Python wildcard search in string

Do you mean any specific syntax for wildcards? Usually * stands for "one or many" characters and ? stands for one.

The simplest way probably is to translate a wildcard expression into a regular expression, then use that for filtering the results.

Decimal values in SQL for dividing results

just convert denominator to decimal before division e.g

select col1 / CONVERT(decimal(4,2), col2) from tbl1

How to align 3 divs (left/center/right) inside another div?

Here are the changes that I had to make to the accepted answer when I did this with an image as the centre element:

  1. Make sure the image is enclosed within a div (#center in this case). If it isn't, you'll have to set display to block, and it seems to centre relative to the space between the floated elements.
  2. Make sure to set the size of both the image and its container:

    #center {
        margin: 0 auto;
    #center, #center > img {
        width: 100px;
        height: auto;

Getting the button into the top right corner inside the div box

#button {
    line-height: 12px;
    width: 18px;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-family: tahoma;
    margin-top: 1px;
    margin-right: 2px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;

null vs empty string in Oracle

This is because Oracle internally changes empty string to NULL values. Oracle simply won't let insert an empty string.

On the other hand, SQL Server would let you do what you are trying to achieve.

There are 2 workarounds here:

  1. Use another column that states whether the 'description' field is valid or not
  2. Use some dummy value for the 'description' field where you want it to store empty string. (i.e. set the field to be 'stackoverflowrocks' assuming your real data will never encounter such a description value)

Both are, of course, stupid workarounds :)

How to destroy JWT Tokens on logout?

On Logout from the Client Side, the easiest way is to remove the token from the storage of browser.

But, What if you want to destroy the token on the Node server -

The problem with JWT package is that it doesn't provide any method or way to destroy the token.

So in order to destroy the token on the serverside you may use jwt-redis package instead of JWT

This library (jwt-redis) completely repeats the entire functionality of the library jsonwebtoken, with one important addition. Jwt-redis allows you to store the token label in redis to verify validity. The absence of a token label in redis makes the token not valid. To destroy the token in jwt-redis, there is a destroy method

it works in this way :

1) Install jwt-redis from npm

2) To Create -

var redis = require('redis');
var JWTR =  require('jwt-redis').default;
var redisClient = redis.createClient();
var jwtr = new JWTR(redisClient);

jwtr.sign(payload, secret)
            // your code
            // error handling

3) To verify -

jwtr.verify(token, secret);

4) To Destroy -


Note : you can provide expiresIn during signin of token in the same as it is provided in JWT.

Python Write bytes to file

If you want to write bytes then you should open the file in binary mode.

f = open('/tmp/output', 'wb')

Switch role after connecting to database

--create a user that you want to use the database as:

create role neil;

--create the user for the web server to connect as:

create role webgui noinherit login password 's3cr3t';

--let webgui set role to neil:

grant neil to webgui; --this looks backwards but is correct.

webgui is now in the neil group, so webgui can call set role neil . However, webgui did not inherit neil's permissions.

Later, login as webgui:

psql -d some_database -U webgui
(enter s3cr3t as password)

set role neil;

webgui does not need superuser permission for this.

You want to set role at the beginning of a database session and reset it at the end of the session. In a web app, this corresponds to getting a connection from your database connection pool and releasing it, respectively. Here's an example using Tomcat's connection pool and Spring Security:

public class SetRoleJdbcInterceptor extends JdbcInterceptor {

    public void reset(ConnectionPool connectionPool, PooledConnection pooledConnection) {

        Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();

        if(authentication != null) {
            try {

                  use OWASP's ESAPI to encode the username to avoid SQL Injection. Can't use parameters with SET ROLE. Need to write PG codec.

                  Or use a whitelist-map approach
                String username = ESAPI.encoder().encodeForSQL(MY_CODEC, authentication.getName());

                Statement statement = pooledConnection.getConnection().createStatement();
                statement.execute("set role \"" + username + "\"");
            } catch(SQLException exp){
                throw new RuntimeException(exp);

    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {

            Statement statement = ((Connection)proxy).createStatement();
            statement.execute("reset role");

        return super.invoke(proxy, method, args);

Form submit with AJAX passing form data to PHP without page refresh

<div class="container">
       <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"></div>enter code here
          <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12">
          <div class="msg"></div>
            <form method="post" class="frm" id="form1" onsubmit="">
               <div class="form-group">
               <input type="text" class="form-control" name="fname" id="fname" placeholder="enter your first neme" required>
           <!--><span class="sp"><?php// echo $f_err;?></span><!-->
        <div class="form-group">
               <input type="text" class="form-control" name="lname" id="lname" placeholder="enter your last neme" required>
              <!--><span class="sp"><?php// echo $l_err;?></span><!-->
              <div class="form-group">
               <input type="text" class="form-control" name="email" id="email" placeholder="enter your email Address" required>
              <!--><span class="sp"><?php// echo $e_err;?></span><!-->
             <div class="form-group">
               <input type="number" class="form-control" name="mno" id="mno" placeholder="enter your mobile number" required>
              <!--><span class="sp"><?php //echo $m_err;?></span><!-->
              <div class="form-group">
               <input type="password" class="form-control" name="pass" id="pass" pattern="(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{4,8}" placeholder="enter your Password" required>
              <!--><span class="sp"><?php //echo $p_err;?></span><!-->
              <div class="radio">
               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" value="male" name="gender" id="gender" checked>male<br>
               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" value="female" name="gender" id="gender">female<br>
               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="radio" value="other" name="gender" id="gender">other<br>
                                         <!--><span class="sp"> <?php //echo $r_err;?></span><!-->
                <div class="checkbox">
                  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="check" id="check" checked>I Agree Turms&Condition<br>
                   <!--><span class="sp"> <?php //echo $c_err;?></span><!-->
                 <input type="submit"  class="btn btn-warning" name="submit" id="submit">
             </form>enter code here

               <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"></div>


How best to read a File into List<string>


If you are doing this to trim the beginning of a log file, you can avoid loading the entire file by doing something like this:

// count the number of lines in the file
int count = 0;
using (var sr = new StreamReader("file.txt"))
    while (sr.ReadLine() != null) 

// skip first (LOG_MAX - count) lines
count = LOG_MAX - count;
using (var sr = new StreamReader("file.txt"))
using (var sw = new StreamWriter("output.txt"))
    // skip several lines
    while (count > 0 && sr.ReadLine() != null) 

    // continue copying
    string line = "";
    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

First of all, since File.ReadAllLines loads the entire file into a string array (string[]), copying to a list is redundant.

Second, you must understand that a List is implemented using a dynamic array under the hood. This means that CLR will need to allocate and copy several arrays until it can accommodate the entire file. Since the file is already on disk, you might consider trading speed for memory and working on disk data directly, or processing it in smaller chunks.

  1. If you need to load it entirely in memory, at least try to leave in an array:

     string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("file.txt");
  2. If it really needs to be a List, load lines one by one:

     List<string> lines = new List<string>();
     using (var sr = new StreamReader("file.txt"))
          while (sr.Peek() >= 0)

    Note: List<T> has a constructor which accepts a capacity parameter. If you know the number of lines in advance, you can prevent multiple allocations by preallocating the array in advance:

     List<string> lines = new List<string>(NUMBER_OF_LINES);
  3. Even better, avoid storing the entire file in memory and process it "on the fly":

     using (var sr = new StreamReader("file.txt"))
          string line;
          while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) 
              // process the file line by line

Tomcat 7: How to set initial heap size correctly?

Use following command to increase java heap size for tomcat7 (linux distributions) correctly:

echo 'export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx1024M"' > /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/

Image Processing: Algorithm Improvement for 'Coca-Cola Can' Recognition

You need a program that learns and improves classification accuracy organically from experience.

I'll suggest deep learning, with deep learning this becomes a trivial problem.

You can retrain the inception v3 model on Tensorflow:

How to Retrain Inception's Final Layer for New Categories.

In this case, you will be training a convolutional neural network to classify an object as either a coca-cola can or not.

How to make an element width: 100% minus padding?

You can do this:

width: auto;
padding: 20px;

Loading a properties file from Java package

use the below code please :

    Properties p = new Properties(); 
    StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer("com/al/common/email/templates/");
    InputStream fs = getClass().getClassLoader()

if(fs == null){ System.err.println("Unable to load the properties file"); } else{ try{ p.load(fs); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

Show all current locks from get_lock

Another easy way is to use:

mysqladmin debug 

This dumps a lot of information (including locks) to the error log.

Get Value From Select Option in Angular 4

export class MyComponent implements OnInit {_x000D_
  items: any[] = [_x000D_
    { id: 1, name: 'one' },_x000D_
    { id: 2, name: 'two' },_x000D_
    { id: 3, name: 'three' },_x000D_
    { id: 4, name: 'four' },_x000D_
    { id: 5, name: 'five' },_x000D_
    { id: 6, name: 'six' }_x000D_
  selected: number = 1;_x000D_
  constructor() {_x000D_
  ngOnInit() {_x000D_
  selectOption(id: number) {_x000D_
    //getted from event_x000D_
    //getted from binding_x000D_
  <select (change)="selectOption($"_x000D_
  <option [value]="" *ngFor="let item of items">{{}}</option>_x000D_

What does \u003C mean?

Those are unicode escapes. The general unicode escapes looks like \uxxxx where xxxx are the hexadecimal digits of the ASCI characters. They are used mainly to insert special characters inside a javascript string.

GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM problem when working with terminal and MacFusion

Are you ssh'ing to a directory that's inside your work tree? If the root of your ssh mount point doesn't include the .git dir, then zsh won't be able to find git info. Make sure you're mounting something that includes the root of the repo.

As for GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM, it doesn't do what you want. Git by default will stop at a filesystem boundary. If you turn that on (and it's just an env var), then git will cross the filesystem boundary and keep looking. However, that's almost never useful, because you'd be implying that you have a .git directory on your local machine that's somehow meant to manage a work tree that's comprised partially of an sshfs mount. That doesn't make much sense.

Allow anything through CORS Policy

I had issues, especially with Chrome as well. What you did looks essentially like what I did in my application. The only difference is that I am responding with a correct hostnames in my Origin CORS headers and not a wildcard. It seems to me that Chrome is picky with this.

Switching between development and production is a pain, so I wrote this little function which helps me in development mode and also in production mode. All of the following things happen in my application_controller.rb unless otherwise noted, it might not be the best solution, but rack-cors didn't work for me either, I can't remember why.

def add_cors_headers
  origin = request.headers["Origin"]
  unless (not origin.nil?) and (origin == "http://localhost" or origin.starts_with? "http://localhost:")
    origin = ""
  headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = origin
  headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE'
  allow_headers = request.headers["Access-Control-Request-Headers"]
  if allow_headers.nil?
    #shouldn't happen, but better be safe
    allow_headers = 'Origin, Authorization, Accept, Content-Type'
  headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = allow_headers
  headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = 'true'
  headers['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '1728000'

And then I have this little thing in my application_controller.rb because my site requires a login:

before_filter :add_cors_headers
before_filter {authenticate_user! unless request.method == "OPTIONS"}

In my routes.rb I also have this thing:

match '*path', :controller => 'application', :action => 'empty', :constraints => {:method => "OPTIONS"}

and this method looks like this:

def empty
  render :nothing => true

How to make a variable accessible outside a function?

Your variable declarations and their scope are correct. The problem you are facing is that the first AJAX request may take a little bit time to finish. Therefore, the second URL will be filled with the value of sID before the its content has been set. You have to remember that AJAX request are normally asynchronous, i.e. the code execution goes on while the data is being fetched in the background.

You have to nest the requests:

$.getJSON(""+input+"?api_key=API_KEY_HERE"  , function(name){   obj = name;   // sID is only now available!   sID =;   console.log(sID); }); 

Clean up your code!

  • Put the second request into a function
  • and let it accept sID as a parameter, so you don't have to declare it globally anymore! (Global variables are almost always evil!)
  • Remove sID and obj variables - is sufficient unless you really need the other variables outside the function.

$.getJSON(""+input+"?api_key=API_KEY_HERE"  , function(name){   // We don't need sID or obj here - is sufficient   console.log(;    doSecondRequest(; });  /// TODO Choose a better name function doSecondRequest(sID) {   $.getJSON("" + sID + "/summary?api_key=API_KEY_HERE", function(stats){         console.log(stats);   }); } 

Hapy New Year :)

How do I count occurrence of duplicate items in array

if you want to try without 'array_count_values' you can do with a smart way here

$input= array(12,43,66,21,56,43,43,78,78,100,43,43,43,21);

$count_values = array();
foreach ($input as $a) {


echo 'Duplicates count: '.count($count_values);

Add and remove attribute with jquery

First you to add a class then remove id

<script type="text/javascript">


Action bar navigation modes are deprecated in Android L

Now that the Android 5.0 docs are available, we have the official documentation for the Toolbar widget:

A standard toolbar for use within application content.

A Toolbar is a generalization of action bars for use within application layouts. While an action bar is traditionally part of an Activity's opaque window decor controlled by the framework, a Toolbar may be placed at any arbitrary level of nesting within a view hierarchy.

A Toolbar widget can also be used to replace the action bar:

An application may choose to designate a Toolbar as the action bar for an Activity using the setActionBar() method.

The deprecation of tabs in the action bar is most probably due to this, since toolbars cannot contain tab themselves.

Also, it's available for previous Android verions via the appcompat library. See this post by Chris Banes for more information. An excerpt:

Android 5.0 introduces a new Toolbar widget. This is a generalization of the ActionBar pattern but gives you much more control and flexibility in using it. Toolbar is a view in your hierarchy just like any other, making it easier to interleave with the rest of your views, animate, react to scroll events.

Material effect on button with background color

With AppCompat (22.1.1+) you can add a style like this:

<style name="MyGreenButton">
    <item name="colorButtonNormal">#009900</item>

And use it by just applying the style:

    android:text="A Green Button"

Programmatically changing the color, I found that the only way to update the color (on API 15 or 16) was to use the 'background tint list' instead. And it doesn't remove the nice radial animation on API 21 devices:

ColorStateList colorStateList = new ColorStateList(new int[][] {{0}}, new int[] {0xFF009900}); // 0xAARRGGBB

Because button.setBackground(...) and button.getBackground().mutate().setColorFilter(...) do not change the button color on API 15 and 16 like they do on API 21.

Change image size via parent div

I am doing this way:

<div class="card-logo">
    <img height="100%" width="100%" src="http://someimage.jpg">

and CSS:

.card-logo {
    width: 20%;

I prefer this way, as if I need to upscale - I can use 150% as well

How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version

For me, I was getting this error on the com/sun/javadoc/Doclet class. After some digging, I found that I accidentally copied the tools.jar from Java 8 into my Java 7 folder.

Finding the tools.jar for Java 7 and putting it back into the folder fixed my issue. So something to try.

Append column to pandas dataframe

Just a matter of the right google search:

data = dat_1.append(dat_2)
data = data.groupby(data.index).sum()

Single statement across multiple lines in VB.NET without the underscore character

No, you have to use the underscore, but I believe that VB.NET 10 will allow multiple lines w/o the underscore, only requiring if it can't figure out where the end should be.

Graphical DIFF programs for linux

Kompare is fine for diff, but I use dirdiff. Although it looks ugly, dirdiff can do 3-way merge - and you can get everything done inside the tool (both diff and merge).

Vue component event after render

updated() should be what you're looking for:

Called after a data change causes the virtual DOM to be re-rendered and patched.

The component’s DOM will have been updated when this hook is called, so you can perform DOM-dependent operations here.

Multi-gradient shapes

Have you tried to overlay one gradient with a nearly-transparent opacity for the highlight on top of another image with an opaque opacity for the green gradient?

Ignore .classpath and .project from Git

Add the below lines in .gitignore and place the file inside ur project folder


SQL Server Management Studio missing

In SQL Server 2016 it has its own link:

enter image description here

Just download it here:

How to format a Java string with leading zero?

Using Guava's Strings utility class:

Strings.padStart("Apple", 8, '0');

mysqldump exports only one table

Here I am going to export 3 tables from database named myDB in an sql file named table.sql

mysqldump -u root -p myDB table1 table2 table3 > table.sql

Error after upgrading pip: cannot import name 'main'

You must have inadvertently upgraded your system pip (probably through something like sudo pip install pip --upgrade)

pip 10.x adjusts where its internals are situated. The pip3 command you're seeing is one provided by your package maintainer (presumably debian based here?) and is not a file managed by pip.

You can read more about this on pip's issue tracker

You'll probably want to not upgrade your system pip and instead use a virtualenv.

To recover the pip3 binary you'll need to sudo python3 -m pip uninstall pip && sudo apt install python3-pip --reinstall.

If you want to continue in "unsupported territory" (upgrading a system package outside of the system package manager), you can probably get away with python3 -m pip ... instead of pip3.

Not able to launch IE browser using Selenium2 (Webdriver) with Java

Wanted to share the actual code as few might still be confused about how to implement it.This is for C# NUNIT implementation. You need to do this because your company might not allow you to change the default security settings for obvious reasons. Good luck!

InternetExplorerOptions options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
            options.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
            options.IgnoreZoomLevel = true;
            driver = new
                InternetExplorerDriver("C:\\Users\\stdd\\Desktop\\SLL\\SLLAutomation" +
                "\\Clysis\\STGSearch\\STGClaSearch\\Driver\\", options);

moment.js 24h format

Try: moment({ // Options here }).format('HHmm'). That should give you the time in a 24 hour format.

Why is my JQuery selector returning a n.fn.init[0], and what is it?

Another approach(Inside of $function to asure that the each is executed on document ready):

var ids = [1,2];
    if(ids.indexOf($(item).data('id')) > -1){
       $(item).prop("checked", "checked");

Working fiddle:

What is the n.fn.init[0], and why it is returned? Why are my two seemingly identical JQuery functions returning different things?

Answer: It seems that your elements are not in the DOM yet, when you are trying to find them. As @Rory McCrossan pointed out, the length:0 means that it doesn't find any element based on your search criteria.

About n.fn.init[0], lets look at the core of the Jquery Library:

var jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
   return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );

Looks familiar, right?, now in a minified version of jquery, this should looks like:

var n = function( selector, context ) {
   return new n.fn.init( selector, context );

So when you use a selector you are creating an instance of the jquery function; when found an element based on the selector criteria it returns the matched elements; when the criteria does not match anything it returns the prototype object of the function.

Datetime in where clause

First of all, I'd recommend using the ISO-8601 standard format for date/time - it works regardless of the language and regional settings on your SQL Server. ISO-8601 is the YYYYMMDD format - no spaces, no dashes - just the data:

select * from tblErrorLog
where errorDate = '20081220'

Second of all, you need to be aware that SQL Server 2005 DATETIME always includes a time. If you check for exact match with just the date part, you'll get only rows that match with a time of 0:00:00 - nothing else.

You can either use any of the recommend range queries mentioned, or in SQL Server 2008, you could use the DATE only date time - or you could do a check something like:

select * from tblErrorLog
where DAY(errorDate) = 20 AND MONTH(errorDate) = 12 AND YEAR(errorDate) = 2008

Whichever works best for you.

If you need to do this query often, you could either try to normalize the DATETIME to include only the date, or you could add computed columns for DAY, MONTH and YEAR:

   ADD ErrorDay AS DAY(ErrorDate) PERSISTED
   ADD ErrorMonth AS MONTH(ErrorDate) PERSISTED
   ADD ErrorYear AS YEAR(ErrorDate) PERSISTED

and then you could query more easily:

select * from tblErrorLog
where ErrorMonth = 5 AND ErrorYear = 2009

and so forth. Since those fields are computed and PERSISTED, they're always up to date and always current, and since they're peristed, you can even index them if needed.

How to enable CORS in AngularJs

I had a similar problem and for me it boiled down to adding the following HTTP headers at the response of the receiving end:

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

You may prefer not to use the * at the end, but only the domainname of the host sending the data. Like *

But this is only feasible when you have access to the configuration of the server.

VirtualBox: mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device

For me, on a mac, it turned out I had an old VirtualBox image stored on my machine that didn't have metadata, so it wasn't being updated to the latest version.

That old image had an older version of the vbguest plugin installed in it, which the newer vbguest plugin on my machine couldn't work with.

So to fix it, I just removed the image that my Vagrant was based on, and then Vagrant downloaded the newer version and it worked fine.

# Remove an old version of the virtual box image that my vagrant was using    
$ vagrant box remove centos/7 

You can find out which boxes you have cached on your machine by running:

$ vagrant box list

I had also upgraded my vbguest plugin in my earlier attempts at getting this to work, using the following process, but I don't think this helped. FYI !

# Get rid of old plugins
vagrant plugin expunge 

# Globally install the latest version of the vbguest plugin`
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest 

If you find bring the box fails on guest addtions, you can try doing the following to ensure the plugins install correctly. This downloads the latest based image for your system (for me CentOS), and may resolve the issue (it did for me!)

$ vagrant box update

Java integer to byte array

The chunks below work at least for sending an int over UDP.

int to byte array:

public byte[] intToBytes(int my_int) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
    byte[] int_bytes = bos.toByteArray();
    return int_bytes;

byte array to int:

public int bytesToInt(byte[] int_bytes) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(int_bytes);
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
    int my_int = ois.readInt();
    return my_int;

Error : No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/icon')

Found this question. I was importing an old project into android studio and got the error.

The issue was eventually answered for me here mipmap drawables for icons

In the manifest it has


but @drawable has been superseded by @mipmap so needed changing to:


I put this answer here, as it may become a more common issue.

Javascript Get Element by Id and set the value

try like below it will work...

function displayResult(element)
document.getElementById(element).value = 'hi';

<textarea id="myTextarea" cols="20">

<button type="button" onclick="displayResult('myTextarea')">Change</button>


Why should Java 8's Optional not be used in arguments

At first, I also preferred to pass Optionals as parameter, but if you switch from an API-Designer perspective to a API-User perspective, you see the disadvantages.

For your example, where each parameter is optional, I would suggest to change the calculation method into an own class like follows:

Optional<String> p1 = otherObject.getP1();
Optional<BigInteger> p2 = otherObject.getP2();

MyCalculator mc = new MyCalculator();;;
int result = mc.calculate();

How to fix IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable

Basically, 1 is not a valid index of y. If the visitor is comming from his own code he should check if his y contains the index which he tries to access (in this case the index is 1).

How to change TextBox's Background color?

Setting textbox backgroundcolor with multiple colors on single click.

Note:- using HTML and Javscript.

< input id="ClickMe_btn" onclick="setInterval(function () { ab() }, 3000);" type="button" value="ClickMe" />

var arr, i = 0; arr = ["Red", "Blue", "Green", " Orange ", "Purple", "Yellow", "Brown", "Lime", "Grey"]; // We provide array as input.

    function ab()
     {   document.getElementById("Text").style.backgroundColor = arr[i];

Note: You can change milliseconds, with setInterval 2nd parameter.

The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application

if you use spring boot check in application.propertiese this property is commented or remove it if exist.


How do I get my solution in Visual Studio back online in TFS?

You will need to do two steps here for a complete solution

First click on the Solution that you have open and then go File-> Source Control -> Go Online Then uncheck all the files that are being shown as being modified while you were offline.

Don't do the Get Latest version from Source Control Explorer. That will result in a dialog potentially showing a bunch of files asking you to resolve conflicts. Instead do this

In source Control explorer right click on the folder you want to get latest of and then Advanced - Get Specific Version. In the dropdown for version type choose Latest and then choose the first check box that says Overwrite writable files that are not checked out. This will automatically bring your folder in sync with latest on the server

Dealing with timestamps in R

You want the (standard) POSIXt type from base R that can be had in 'compact form' as a POSIXct (which is essentially a double representing fractional seconds since the epoch) or as long form in POSIXlt (which contains sub-elements). The cool thing is that arithmetic etc are defined on this -- see help(DateTimeClasses)

Quick example:

R> now <- Sys.time()
R> now
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> as.numeric(now)
[1] 1.262e+09
R> now + 10  # adds 10 seconds
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:21 CST"
R> as.POSIXlt(now)
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> str(as.POSIXlt(now))
 POSIXlt[1:9], format: "2009-12-25 18:39:11"
R> unclass(as.POSIXlt(now))
[1] 11.79

[1] 39

[1] 18

[1] 25

[1] 11

[1] 109

[1] 5

[1] 358

[1] 0

[1] "America/Chicago" "CST"             "CDT"            

As for reading them in, see help(strptime)

As for difference, easy too:

R> Jan1 <- strptime("2009-01-01 00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
R> difftime(now, Jan1, unit="week")
Time difference of 51.25 weeks

Lastly, the zoo package is an extremely versatile and well-documented container for matrix with associated date/time indices.

MATLAB error: Undefined function or method X for input arguments of type 'double'

The most common cause of this problem is that Matlab cannot find the file on it's search path. Basically, Matlab looks for files in:

  1. The current directory (pwd);
  2. Directly in a directory on the path (to see the path, type path at the command line)
  3. In a directory named @(whatever the class of the first argument is) that is in any directory above.

    As someone else suggested, you can use the command which, but that is often unhelpful in this case - it tells you Matlab can't find the file, which you knew already.

    So the first thing to do is make sure the file is locatable on the path.

    Next thing to do is make sure that the file that matlab is finding (use which) requires the same type as the first argument you are actually passing. I.el, If w is supposed to be different class, and there is a divrat function there, but w is actually empty, [], so matlab is looking for Double/divrat, when there is only a @(yourclass)/divrat. This is just speculation on my part, but this often bites me.

How to create a circular ImageView in Android?

I too needed a rounded ImageView, I used the below code, you can modify it accordingly:

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.ImageView;

public class RoundedImageView extends ImageView {

    public RoundedImageView(Context context) {

    public RoundedImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public RoundedImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        Drawable drawable = getDrawable();

        if (drawable == null) {

        if (getWidth() == 0 || getHeight() == 0) {
        Bitmap b = ((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap();
        Bitmap bitmap = b.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);

        int w = getWidth();
        int h = getHeight();

        Bitmap roundBitmap = getCroppedBitmap(bitmap, w);
        canvas.drawBitmap(roundBitmap, 0, 0, null);


    public static Bitmap getCroppedBitmap(Bitmap bmp, int radius) {
        Bitmap sbmp;

        if (bmp.getWidth() != radius || bmp.getHeight() != radius) {
            float smallest = Math.min(bmp.getWidth(), bmp.getHeight());
            float factor = smallest / radius;
            sbmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bmp,
                    (int) (bmp.getWidth() / factor),
                    (int) (bmp.getHeight() / factor), false);
        } else {
            sbmp = bmp;

        Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(radius, radius, Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);

        final String color = "#BAB399";
        final Paint paint = new Paint();
        final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, radius, radius);

        canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
        canvas.drawCircle(radius / 2 + 0.7f, radius / 2 + 0.7f,
                radius / 2 + 0.1f, paint);
        paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_IN));
        canvas.drawBitmap(sbmp, rect, rect, paint);

        return output;


What is the difference between java and core java?

Java has mainly three sub categories :

  1. Java Standard Edition (JSE) or Core Java
  2. Java Enterprise Edition (JEE)
  3. Java Mobile Edition (JME)

where core java is the first and basic step of all to start or learn java from beginning.

JBoss AS 7: How to clean up tmp?

I do not have experience with version 7 of JBoss but with 5 I often had issues when redeploying apps which went away when I cleaned the work and tmp folder. I wrote a script for that which was executed everytime the server shut down. Maybe executing it before startup is better considering abnormal shutdowns (which weren't uncommon with Jboss 5 :))

Visual Studio Community 2015 expiration date

There is and there isn't an expiration date. If you register Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition by successfully signing into Visual Studio then the product is fully unlocked with no set expiry date. If you don't sign in (or haven't entered a purchased licence key), you only have 30 day evaluation license.

You can check whether your copy of Visual Studio has is registered or not by selecting Help -> About Microsoft Studio and clicking on the "License Status" link in the upper right of the About dialog. If your product isn't registered you'll see something like this:

Visual Studio 2015 License Status Window

Find all matches in workbook using Excel VBA

You may use the Range.Find method:

This will get you the first cell which contains the search string. By repeating this with setting the "After" argument to the next cell you will get all other occurrences until you are back at the first occurrence.

This will likely be much faster.

How can I select an element in a component template?

In case you are using Angular Material, you can take advantage of cdkFocusInitial directive.

Example: <input matInput cdkFocusInitial>

Read more here:

Portable way to get file size (in bytes) in shell?

When processing ls -n output, as an alternative to ill-portable shell arrays, you can use the positional arguments, which form the only array and are the only local variables in standard shell. Wrap the overwrite of positional arguments in a function to preserve the original arguments to your script or function.

getsize() { set -- $(ls -dn "$1") && echo $5; }
getsize FILE

This splits the output of ln -dn according to current IFS environment variable settings, assigns it to positional arguments and echoes the fifth one. The -d ensures directories are handled properly and the -n assures that user and group names do not need to be resolved, unlike with -l. Also, user and group names containing whitespace could theoretically break the expected line structure; they are usually disallowed, but this possibility still makes the programmer stop and think.

Android WSDL/SOAP service client

private static  final  String NAMESPACE = "";
private static  final String URL = "";
private static  final  String SOAP_ACTION = "";
private static  final String METHOD_NAME = "Login";

//calling web services method

String loginresult=callService(username,password,usertype);

//calling webservices
String callService(String a1,String b1,Integer c1) throws Exception {

            Boolean flag=true;

                SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);

                PropertyInfo pa1 = new PropertyInfo();

                PropertyInfo pb1 = new PropertyInfo();

                PropertyInfo pc1 = new PropertyInfo();
                System.out.println(c1+"this is integer****s");


                SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new    SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
                envelope.dotNet = true;
                HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);
                androidHttpTransport.setXmlVersionTag("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");
      , envelope);
                catch(Exception e)

                    System.out.println(e+"   this is exception");
                SoapObject response = (SoapObject)envelope.bodyIn;

                result = response.getProperty(0).toString(); 

                }catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO: handle exception
            return result;


add commas to a number in jQuery

Timothy Pirez answer was very correct but if you need to replace the numbers with commas Immediately as user types in textfield, u might want to use the Keyup function.

      $('#textfield').live('keyup', function (event) {
        var value=$('#textfield').val();

      if(event.which >= 37 && event.which <= 40){
      var newvalue=value.replace(/,/g, '');   
      var valuewithcomma=Number(newvalue).toLocaleString('en');   


    <form><input type="text" id="textfield" ></form>

Command line for looking at specific port

As noted elsewhere: use netstat, with appropriate switches, and then filter the results with find[str]

Most basic:

netstat -an | find ":N"


netstat -a -n | find ":N"

To find a foreign port you could use:

netstat -an | findstr ":N[^:]*$"

To find a local port you might use:

netstat -an | findstr ":N.*:[^:]*$"

Where N is the port number you are interested in.

-n ensures all ports will be numerical, i.e. not returned as translated to service names.

-a will ensure you search all connections (TCP, UDP, listening...)

In the find string you must include the colon, as the port qualifier, otherwise the number may match either local or foreign addresses.

You can further narrow narrow the search using other netstat switches as necessary...

Further reading (^0^)

netstat /?

find /?

findstr /?

How to pass table value parameters to stored procedure from .net code

Further to Ryan's answer you will also need to set the DataColumn's Ordinal property if you are dealing with a table-valued parameter with multiple columns whose ordinals are not in alphabetical order.

As an example, if you have the following table value that is used as a parameter in SQL:

  ID int not null
  Code nvarchar(10) not null,

You would need to order your columns as such in C#:

// this also bumps Code to ordinal of 1
// if you have more than 2 cols then you would need to set more ordinals

If you fail to do this you will get a parse error, failed to convert nvarchar to int.

Resize image in PHP

This resource(broken link) is also worth considering - some very tidy code that uses GD. However, I modified their final code snippet to create this function which meets the OPs requirements...

function store_uploaded_image($html_element_name, $new_img_width, $new_img_height) {
    $target_dir = "your-uploaded-images-folder/";
    $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES[$html_element_name]["name"]);
    $image = new SimpleImage();
    $image->resize($new_img_width, $new_img_height);
    return $target_file; //return name of saved file in case you want to store it in you database or show confirmation message to user

You will also need to include this PHP file...

* File: SimpleImage.php
* Author: Simon Jarvis
* Copyright: 2006 Simon Jarvis
* Date: 08/11/06
* Link:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details:
class SimpleImage {
   var $image;
   var $image_type;
   function load($filename) {
      $image_info = getimagesize($filename);
      $this->image_type = $image_info[2];
      if( $this->image_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG ) {
         $this->image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
      } elseif( $this->image_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF ) {
         $this->image = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
      } elseif( $this->image_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) {
         $this->image = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
   function save($filename, $image_type=IMAGETYPE_JPEG, $compression=75, $permissions=null) {
      if( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG ) {
      } elseif( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF ) {
      } elseif( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) {
      if( $permissions != null) {
   function output($image_type=IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
      if( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG ) {
      } elseif( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF ) {
      } elseif( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) {
   function getWidth() {
      return imagesx($this->image);
   function getHeight() {
      return imagesy($this->image);
   function resizeToHeight($height) {
      $ratio = $height / $this->getHeight();
      $width = $this->getWidth() * $ratio;
   function resizeToWidth($width) {
      $ratio = $width / $this->getWidth();
      $height = $this->getheight() * $ratio;
   function scale($scale) {
      $width = $this->getWidth() * $scale/100;
      $height = $this->getheight() * $scale/100;
   function resize($width,$height) {
      $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
      imagecopyresampled($new_image, $this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight());
      $this->image = $new_image;

Align labels in form next to input

While the solutions here are workable, more recent technology has made for what I think is a better solution. CSS Grid Layout allows us to structure a more elegant solution.

The CSS below provides a 2-column "settings" structure, where the first column is expected to be a right-aligned label, followed by some content in the second column. More complicated content can be presented in the second column by wrapping it in a <div>.

[As a side-note: I use CSS to add the ':' that trails each label, as this is a stylistic element - my preference.]

/* CSS */_x000D_
div.settings {_x000D_
    grid-template-columns: max-content max-content;_x000D_
div.settings label       { text-align:right; }_x000D_
div.settings label:after { content: ":"; }
<!-- HTML -->_x000D_
<div class="settings">_x000D_
    <label>Label #1</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text" />_x000D_
    <label>Long Label #2</label>_x000D_
    <span>Display content</span>_x000D_
    <label>Label #3</label>_x000D_
    <input type="text" />_x000D_

How do you import a large MS SQL .sql file?

I had exactly the same issue and had been struggling for a while then finally found the solution which is to set -a parameter to the sqlcmd in order to change its default packet size:

sqlcmd -S [servername] -d [databasename] -i [scriptfilename] -a 32767

Installing a dependency with Bower from URL and specify version

Try bower install git:// --save where 1.0.3 is the tag number which you can get by reading tag under releases. Also for URL replace by git:// in order for system to connect.

CSS two divs next to each other

Unfortunately, this is not a trivial thing to solve for the general case. The easiest thing would be to add a css-style property "float: right;" to your 200px div, however, this would also cause your "main"-div to actually be full width and any text in there would float around the edge of the 200px-div, which often looks weird, depending on the content (pretty much in all cases except if it's a floating image).

EDIT: As suggested by Dom, the wrapping problem could of course be solved with a margin. Silly me.

AngularJS - Create a directive that uses ng-model

You only need ng-model when you need to access the model's $viewValue or $modelValue. See NgModelController. And in that case, you would use require: '^ngModel'.

For the rest, see Roys answer.

Twitter Bootstrap hide css class and jQuery

I agree with dfsq if all you want to do is show the button. If you want to switch between hiding and showing the button however, it is easier to use:


How do I pass multiple parameters into a function in PowerShell?

Function Test {
    Param([string]$arg1, [string]$arg2)

    Write-Host $arg1
    Write-Host $arg2

This is a proper params declaration.

See about_Functions_Advanced_Parameters.

And it indeed works.

remove objects from array by object property

Loop in reverse by decrementing i to avoid the problem:

for (var i = arrayOfObjects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];

    if (listToDelete.indexOf( !== -1) {
        arrayOfObjects.splice(i, 1);

Or use filter:

var newArray = arrayOfObjects.filter(function(obj) {
    return listToDelete.indexOf( === -1;

Selenium webdriver click google search

public class GoogleSearch {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();

Makefile, header dependencies

A slightly modified version of Sophie's answer which allows to output the *.d files to a different folder (I will only paste the interesting part that generates the dependency files):

$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
# Generate dependency file
    mkdir -p $(@D:$(OBJDIR)%=$(DEPDIR)%)
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -MT $@ $< -MF $(@:$(OBJDIR)/%.o=$(DEPDIR)/%.d)
# Generate object file
    mkdir -p $(@D)
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

Note that the parameter

-MT $@

is used to ensure that the targets (i.e. the object file names) in the generated *.d files contain the full path to the *.o files and not just the file name.

I don't know why this parameter is NOT needed when using -MMD in combination with -c (as in Sophie's version). In this combination it seems to write the full path of the *.o files into the *.d files. Without this combination, -MMD also writes only the pure file names without any directory components into the *.d files. Maybe somebody knows why -MMD writes the full path when combined with -c. I have not found any hint in the g++ man page.

JavaFX open new window

I use the following method in my JavaFX applications.

newWindowButton.setOnMouseClicked((event) -> {
    try {
        FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader();
         * if "fx:controller" is not set in fxml
         * fxmlLoader.setController(NewWindowController);
        Scene scene = new Scene(fxmlLoader.load(), 600, 400);
        Stage stage = new Stage();
        stage.setTitle("New Window");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to create new Window.", e);

CORS Access-Control-Allow-Headers wildcard being ignored?

Quoted from monsur,

The Access-Control-Allow-Headers header does not allow wildcards. It must be an exact match:

So here is my php solution.

  header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: $ACRH");

<SELECT multiple> - how to allow only one item selected?

<select name="flowers" size="5" style="height:200px">
 <option value="1">Rose</option>
 <option value="2">Tulip</option>

This simple solution allows to obtain visually a list of options, but to be able to select only one.

:before and background-image... should it work?

@michi; define height in your before pseudo class


    width: 16px;
    content: " ";
    background-image: url(/img/border-left3.png);
    position: absolute;
    left: -16px;
    top: -6px;

Javascript array sort and unique

function sort() only is only good if your number has same digit, example:

var myData = ["3","11","1","2"]

will return;

var myData = ["1","11","2","3"]

and here improvement for function from mrmonkington

myData.sort().sort(function(a,b){return a - b;}).filter(function(el,i,a){if(i==a.indexOf(el) & el.length>0)return 1;return 0;})

the above function will also delete empty array and you can checkout the demo below

utf-8 special characters not displaying

set meta tag in head as

 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> 

use the link to replace the symbols character you want.

then use str_replace like

    $find = array('“', '’', '…', '—', '–', '‘', 'é', 'Â', '•', 'Ëœ', 'â€'); // en dash
                        $replace = array('“', '’', '…', '—', '–', '‘', 'é', '', '•', '˜', '”');
$content = str_replace($find, $replace, $content);

Its the method i use and help alot. Thanks!

Creating a PDF from a RDLC Report in the Background

You don't need to have a reportViewer control anywhere - you can create the LocalReport on the fly:

var lr = new LocalReport
    ReportPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) ?? @"C:\", "Reports", "PathOfMyReport.rdlc"),
    EnableExternalImages = true

lr.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("NameOfMyDataSet", model));

string mimeType, encoding, extension;

Warning[] warnings;
string[] streams;
var renderedBytes = lr.Render
        out mimeType,
        out encoding,
        out extension,
        out streams,
        out warnings

var saveAs = string.Format("{0}.pdf", Path.Combine(tempPath, "myfilename"));

var idx = 0;
while (File.Exists(saveAs))
    saveAs = string.Format("{0}.{1}.pdf", Path.Combine(tempPath, "myfilename"), idx);

using (var stream = new FileStream(saveAs, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
    stream.Write(renderedBytes, 0, renderedBytes.Length);


You can also add parameters: (lr.SetParameter()), handle subreports: (lr.SubreportProcessing+=YourHandler), or pretty much anything you can think of.

Access Enum value using EL with JSTL

A simple comparison against string works:

<c:when test="${someModel.status == 'OLD'}">

How to check if a process is running via a batch script

I use PV.exe from installed in Program Files\PV with a batch file like this:

@echo off
PV.EXE YourProgram.exe >nul
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto Process_NotFound
echo YourProgram is running
goto END
echo YourProgram is not running
goto END

Unable to copy a file from obj\Debug to bin\Debug

I had same problem, after read your answers , went to Task Manager and searched for app.exe because i believe maybe it doesn't close .
And found it , select it and do END TASK .my problem solved.

Keystore change passwords

There are so many answers here, but if you're trying to change the jks password on a Mac in Android Studio. Here are the easiest steps I could find

1) Open Terminal and cd to where your .jks is located

2) keytool -storepasswd -new NEWPASSWORD -keystore YOURKEYSTORE.jks

3) enter your current password

Zsh: Conda/Pip installs command not found

For Linux

  1. Open .bashrc
  2. Copy the code for conda initialize and paste it to .zshrc file
  3. Finally run source .zshrc

What is the difference between display: inline and display: inline-block?

One thing not mentioned in answers is inline element can break among lines while inline-block can't (and obviously block)! So inline elements can be useful to style sentences of text and blocks inside them, but as they can't be padded you can use line-height instead.

<div style="width: 350px">_x000D_
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua._x000D_
  <div style="display: inline; background: #F00; color: #FFF">_x000D_
    Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat._x000D_
  Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum._x000D_
<div style="width: 350px">_x000D_
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua._x000D_
  <div style="display: inline-block; background: #F00; color: #FFF">_x000D_
    Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat._x000D_
  Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum._x000D_

enter image description here

Best radio-button implementation for IOS

Try UISegmentedControl. It behaves similarly to radio buttons -- presents an array of choices and lets the user pick 1.

How to start an Android application from the command line?

adb shell
am start -n

Or you can use this directly:

adb shell am start -n

You can also specify actions to be filter by your intent-filters:

am start -a com.example.ACTION_NAME -n

How to show progress dialog in Android?

Simple Way :

ProgressDialog pDialog = new ProgressDialog(MainActivity.this); //Your Activity.this

Editing the date formatting of x-axis tick labels in matplotlib

From the package matplotlib.dates as shown in this example the date format can be applied to the axis label and ticks for plot.

Below I have given an example for labeling axis ticks for multiplots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('US_temp.csv')
plt.plot(df['Date'],df_f['MINT'],label='Min Temp.')
plt.plot(df['Date'],df_f['MAXT'],label='Max Temp.')
####### Use the below functions #######
dtFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%b') # define the formatting
plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(dtFmt) # apply the format to the desired axis

As simple as that

Remove .php extension with .htaccess

If your url in PHP like than comes like

This is all you need:

create file .htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
#RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.php [NC,L]

Generic XSLT Search and Replace template

Here's one way in XSLT 2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="">   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">     <xsl:copy>       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>     </xsl:copy>   </xsl:template>   <xsl:template match="text()">     <xsl:value-of select="translate(.,'&quot;','''')"/>   </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

Doing it in XSLT1 is a little more problematic as it's hard to get a literal containing a single apostrophe, so you have to resort to a variable:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">     <xsl:copy>       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>     </xsl:copy>   </xsl:template>   <xsl:variable name="apos">'</xsl:variable>   <xsl:template match="text()">     <xsl:value-of select="translate(.,'&quot;',$apos)"/>   </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

ng-if, not equal to?

There are pretty good solutions here but they don't help to understand why the problem actually happens.

But it's very simple, you just need to understand how logic OR || works. Whole expression will evaluate to true when either of its sides evaluates to true.

Now let's look at your case. Assume whole details.Payment[0].Status is Status and it's a number for brevity. Then we have Status != 0 || Status != 1 || ....

Imagine Status = 1:

( 1 != 0 || 1 != 1 || ... ) =
(  true  || false  || ... ) =
(       true       || ... ) = ... = true

Now imagine Status = 0:

( 0 != 0 || 0 != 1 || ... ) =
( false  ||  true  || ... ) =
(       true       || ... ) = ... = true

As you it doesn't even matter what you have as ... as logical OR of first two expressions gives you true which will be the result of the full expression.

What you actually need is logical AND && that will be true only if both its sides are true.

Cannot find control with name: formControlName in angular reactive form

you're missing group nested controls with formGroupName directive

<div class="panel-body" formGroupName="address">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="address" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Business Address</label>
    <div class="col-sm-8">
      <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="street" placeholder="Business Address">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="website" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Website</label>
    <div class="col-sm-8">
      <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="website" placeholder="website">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="telephone" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Telephone</label>
    <div class="col-sm-8">
      <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="mobile" placeholder="telephone">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="email" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Email</label>
    <div class="col-sm-8">
      <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="email" placeholder="email">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="page id" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Facebook Page ID</label>
    <div class="col-sm-8">
      <input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="pageId" placeholder="facebook page id">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="about" class="col-sm-3  control-label"></label>
    <div class="col-sm-3">
      <!--span class="btn btn-success form-control" (click)="openGeneralPanel()">Back</span-->
    <label for="about" class="col-sm-2  control-label"></label>
    <div class="col-sm-3">
      <button class="btn btn-success form-control" [disabled]="companyCreatForm.invalid" (click)="openContactInfo()">Continue</button>

List comprehension vs. lambda + filter

Summarizing other answers

Looking through the answers, we have seen a lot of back and forth, whether or not list comprehension or filter may be faster or if it is even important or pythonic to care about such an issue. In the end, the answer is as most times: it depends.

I just stumbled across this question while optimizing code where this exact question (albeit combined with an in expression, not ==) is very relevant - the filter + lambda expression is taking up a third of my computation time (of multiple minutes).

My case

In my case, the list comprehension is much faster (twice the speed). But I suspect that this varies strongly based on the filter expression as well as the Python interpreter used.

Test it for yourself

Here is a simple code snippet that should be easy to adapt. If you profile it (most IDEs can do that easily), you will be able to easily decide for your specific case which is the better option:

whitelist = set(range(0, 100000000, 27))

input_list = list(range(0, 100000000))

proximal_list = list(filter(
        lambda x: x in whitelist,

proximal_list2 = [x for x in input_list if x in whitelist]


If you do not have an IDE that lets you profile easily, try this instead (extracted from my codebase, so a bit more complicated). This code snippet will create a profile for you that you can easily visualize using e.g. snakeviz:

import cProfile
from time import time

class BlockProfile:
    def __init__(self, profile_path):
        self.profile_path = profile_path
        self.profiler = None
        self.start_time = None

    def __enter__(self):
        self.profiler = cProfile.Profile()
        self.start_time = time()

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        exec_time = int((time() - self.start_time) * 1000)

whitelist = set(range(0, 100000000, 27))
input_list = list(range(0, 100000000))

with BlockProfile("/path/to/create/profile/in/profile.pstat"):
    proximal_list = list(filter(
            lambda x: x in whitelist,

    proximal_list2 = [x for x in input_list if x in whitelist]


Property '...' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor

Can't you just use a Definite Assignment Assertion? (See

i.e. declaring the property as makes!: any[]; The ! assures typescript that there definitely will be a value at runtime.

Sorry I haven't tried this in angular but it worked great for me when I was having the exact same problem in React.

How to enable php7 module in apache?

I found the solution on the following thread :

Im my case not only the php wasn't working but phpmyadmin aswell i did step by step like that

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php
sudo apt install php7.0-mbstring
sudo a2dismod mpm_event
sudo a2enmod mpm_prefork
service apache2 restart

And then to:

gksu gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

In the last line I do add Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf

That make a deal with all problems


If it solves your problem, up vote this solution in the original post.

Rails - controller action name to string

In the specific case of a Rails action (as opposed to the general case of getting the current method name) you can use params[:action]

Alternatively you might want to look into customising the Rails log format so that the action/method name is included by the format rather than it being in your log message.

CSS last-child selector: select last-element of specific class, not last child inside of parent?

Something that I think should be commented here that worked for me:

Use :last-child multiple times in the places needed so that it always gets the last of the last.

Take this for example:

_x000D_ .page-container .comment:last-child {_x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
.page.two .page-container:last-child .comment:last-child {_x000D_
  color: blue;_x000D_
<p> When you use .comment:last-child </p>_x000D_
<p> you only get the last comment in both parents </p>_x000D_
<div class="page one">_x000D_
  <div class="page-container">_x000D_
    <p class="comment"> Something </p>_x000D_
    <p class="comment"> Something </p>_x000D_
  <div class="page-container">_x000D_
    <p class="comment"> Something </p>_x000D_
    <p class="comment"> Something </p>_x000D_
<p> When you use .page-container:last-child .comment:last-child </p>_x000D_
<p> you get the last page-container's, last comment </p>_x000D_
<div class="page two">_x000D_
  <div class="page-container">_x000D_
    <p class="comment"> Something </p>_x000D_
    <p class="comment"> Something </p>_x000D_
  <div class="page-container">_x000D_
    <p class="comment"> Something </p>_x000D_
    <p class="comment"> Something </p>_x000D_

How to kill all active and inactive oracle sessions for user

Execute this script:

SELECT 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '''||sid||','||serial#||''' IMMEDIATE;' 
FROM v$session 
where username='YOUR_USER';

It will printout sqls, which should be executed.

How can I combine multiple nested Substitute functions in Excel?

I would use the following approach:


where X denotes the length of things you're not after. And, for X I'd use


The above ISERROR(FIND("X",.,.))*x will return 0 if X is not found and x (the length of X) if it is found. So technically you're trimming A2 from the right with possible matches.

The advantage of this approach above the other mentioned is that it's more apparent what substitution (or removal) is taking place, since the "substitution" is not nested.

SVN- How to commit multiple files in a single shot

Use a changeset. You can add as many files as you like to the changeset, all at once, or over several commands; and then commit them all in one go.

Find all packages installed with easy_install/pip?

pip freeze will output a list of installed packages and their versions. It also allows you to write those packages to a file that can later be used to set up a new environment.

Mockito - NullpointerException when stubbing Method

I had this issue and my problem was that I was calling my method with any() instead of anyInt(). So I had:


and I had to change it to:


I have no idea why that produced a NullPointerException. Maybe this will help the next poor soul.

Switch case on type c#

Update C# 7

Yes: Source

    case Circle c:
        WriteLine($"circle with radius {c.Radius}");
    case Rectangle s when (s.Length == s.Height):
        WriteLine($"{s.Length} x {s.Height} square");
    case Rectangle r:
        WriteLine($"{r.Length} x {r.Height} rectangle");
        WriteLine("<unknown shape>");
    case null:
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));

Prior to C# 7


We get a lot of requests for addditions to the C# language and today I'm going to talk about one of the more common ones - switch on type. Switch on type looks like a pretty useful and straightforward feature: Add a switch-like construct which switches on the type of the expression, rather than the value. This might look something like this:

switch typeof(e) { 
        case int:    ... break; 
        case string: ... break; 
        case double: ... break; 
        default:     ... break; 

This kind of statement would be extremely useful for adding virtual method like dispatch over a disjoint type hierarchy, or over a type hierarchy containing types that you don't own. Seeing an example like this, you could easily conclude that the feature would be straightforward and useful. It might even get you thinking "Why don't those #*&%$ lazy C# language designers just make my life easier and add this simple, timesaving language feature?"

Unfortunately, like many 'simple' language features, type switch is not as simple as it first appears. The troubles start when you look at a more significant, and no less important, example like this:

class C {}
interface I {}
class D : C, I {}

switch typeof(e) {
case C: … break;
case I: … break;
default: … break;


JSON to PHP Array using file_get_contents

You JSON is not a valid string as P. Galbraith has told you above.

and here is the solution for it.

$json_url = "";
$json = file_get_contents($json_url);


$data = json_decode($json);

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Use this code it will work for you.

How to read/write from/to file using Go?

With newer Go versions, reading/writing to/from file is easy. To read from a file:

package main

import (

func main() {
    data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("text.txt")
    if err != nil {

To write to a file:

package main

import "os"

func main() {
    file, err := os.Create("text.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer file.Close()


This will overwrite the content of a file (create a new file if it was not there).

Convert URL to File or Blob for FileReader.readAsDataURL

This information is outdated as of now, but cannot be deleted.

  1. You can create File instances just by specifying a path when your code is chrome-privileged:

    new File("/path/to/file");

    File is a sub-class of Blob, so all File instances are also valid Blobs. Please note that this requires a platform path, and not a file URL.

  2. Yes, FileReader is available to addons.

File and FileReader are available in all windows. If you want to use them in a non-window scope (like bootstrap.js or a code module), you may use nsIDOMFile/nsIDOMFileReader.

Sum values in a column based on date

Use a column to let each date be shown as month number; another column for day number:

      A      B       C         D
   -----  ----- ----------- --------
1     8      6    8/6/2010   12.70
2     8      7    8/7/2010   10.50
3     8      7    8/7/2010    7.10
4     8      9    8/9/2010   10.50
5     8     10   8/10/2010   15.00

The formula for A1 is =Month(C1)

The formula for B1 is =Day(C1)

For Month sums, put the month number next to each month:

      E      F         G     
   -----  ----- -------------  
1     7    July   $1,000,010 
2     8     Aug   $1,200,300 

The formula for G1 is =SumIf($A$1:$A$100, E1, $D$1:$D$100). This is a portable formula; just copy it down.

Total for the day will be be a bit more complicated, but you can probably see how to do it.

Import mysql DB with XAMPP in command LINE

Go to the xampp shell command line and run

mysql -h localhost -u username databasename < dump.sql

HTML input textbox with a width of 100% overflows table cells

The problem has been explained previously so I will only reiterate: width doesn't take into account border and padding. One possible answer to this not discussed but which I have found helped me out a bunch is to wrap your inputs. Here's the code, and I'll explain how this helps in a second:

    <td><div style="overflow:hidden"><input style="width:100%" type="text" name="name" value="hello world" /></div></td>

The DIV wrapping the INPUT has no padding nor does it have a border. This is the solution. A DIV will expand to its container's size, but it will also respect border and padding. Now, the INPUT will have no issue expanding to the size of its container since it is border-less and pad-less. Also note that the DIV has its overflow set to hidden. It seems that by default items can fall outside of their container with the default overflow of visible. This just ensures that the input stays inside its container and doesn't attempt to poke through.

I've tested this in Chrome and in Fire Fox. Both seem to respect this solution well.

UPDATE: Since I just got a random downvote, I would like to say that a better way to deal with overflow is with the CSS3 box-sizing attribute as described by pricco:

.myinput {
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    -ms-box-sizing: border-box;
    -o-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;

This seems to be pretty well supported by the major browsers and isn't "hacky" like the overflow trick. There are, however, some minor issues on current browsers with this approach (see Known Issues).

oracle sql: update if exists else insert

Please refer to this question if you want to use UPSERT/MERGE command in Oracle. Otherwise, just resolve your issue on the client side by doing a count(1) first and then deciding whether to insert or update.

How to do parallel programming in Python?

CPython uses the Global Interpreter Lock which makes parallel programing a bit more interesting than C++

This topic has several useful examples and descriptions of the challenge:

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux?

Escaping Strings in JavaScript

You can also try this for the double quotes:

JSON.stringify(sDemoString).slice(1, -1);
JSON.stringify('my string with "quotes"').slice(1, -1);

Rendering HTML in a WebView with custom CSS

You could use WebView.loadDataWithBaseURL

htmlData = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style.css\" />" + htmlData;
// lets assume we have /assets/style.css file
webView.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/", htmlData, "text/html", "UTF-8", null);

And only after that WebView will be able to find and use css-files from the assets directory.

ps And, yes, if you load your html-file form the assets folder, you don't need to specify a base url.

Best Practice: Access form elements by HTML id or name attribute?

[1] document.forms[0].elements[0];

"No-omg-never!" comes to mind when I see this method of element access. The problem with this is that it assumes that the DOM is a normal data structure (e.g.: an array) wherein the element order is static, consistent or reliable in anyway. We know that 99.9999% of the time, that this is not the case. Reordering or input elements within the form, adding another form to the page before the form in question, or moving the form in question are all cases where this code breaks. Short story: this is very fragile. As soon as you add or move something, it's going to break.


I'm with Sergey ILinsky on this:

  • Access arbitrary elements by referring to their id attribute: document.getElementById("myform");
  • Access named form elements by name, relative to their parent form element: document.getElementById("myform").foo;

My main issue with this method is that the name attribute is useless when applied to a form. The name is not passed to the server as part of the POST/GET and doesn't work for hash style bookmarks.

[3] document.getElementById('foo');

In my opinion, this is the most preferable method. Direct access is the most concise and clear method.

[4] document.getElementById('myForm').foo;

In my opinion, this is acceptable, but more verbose than necessary. Method #3 is preferable.

I just so happened to be watch a video from Douglas Crockford and he weighed in on this very subject. The point of interest is at -12:00. To summarize:

  • Document collections (document.anchor, document.form, etc) are obsolete and irrelevant (method 1).
  • The name attribute is used to name things, not to access them. It is for naming things like windows, input fields, and anchor tags.
  • "ID is the thing that you should use to uniquely identify an element so that you can get access to it. They (name and ID) used to be interchangeable, but they aren't anymore."

So there you have it. Semantically, this makes the most sense.

Double decimal formatting in Java

First import NumberFormat. Then add this:

NumberFormat currencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

This will give you two decimal places and put a dollar sign if it's dealing with currency.

import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class Payroll 
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) 
    int hoursWorked = 80;
    double hourlyPay = 15.52;

    double grossPay = hoursWorked * hourlyPay;
    NumberFormat currencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

    System.out.println("Your gross pay is " + currencyFormatter.format(grossPay));
