[jquery] Why is my JQuery selector returning a n.fn.init[0], and what is it?

I have a set of dynamically generated checkboxes, where each of them has a data-id attribute corresponding to a database integer id. When i populate my html-form with an object to edit, there is a list of integers representing which checkboxes should be checked. The checkboxes are wrapped in a div with class checkbox-wrapper.

So html looks like this:

<div class="checkbox-wrapper">
    <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" data-id="1">
    <label for="checkbox1">Checkbox 1</label>
<div class="checkbox-wrapper">
    <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox2" data-id="2">
    <label for="checkbox2">Checkbox 2</label>
<div class="checkbox-wrapper">
    <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox3" data-id="99">
    <label for="checkbox3">Checkbox 99</label>

Note that the id runs on auto increment index numbers, while data-id might have a different id value. I want to select them by data-id.

Now, using JQuery, I know I can select the relevant checkboxes like this:


This works in my console, in chrome, and it returns the relevant DOM-element. Likewise, this below, sets the checkboxes to checked:

$(".checkbox-wrapper>input[data-id='99']").prop("checked", "checked");
$(".checkbox-wrapper>input[data-id='1']").prop("checked", "checked");

However, if I iterate through a list of integers in my javascript code (not directly in the console), and log the returned elements, based on the id values, I get some weird results:

var ids = [1,2]
$.each(ids, function(index, myID){
    $(".checkbox-wrapper>input[data-id='"+myID+"']").prop("checked", "checked");    

First of all, no checkboxes are checked. Second, my console prints strange results:

    context: document
    length: 0
    prevObject: n.fn.init[1]
    selector: ".checkbox-wrapper>input[data-id='1']"
    __proto__: n[0]

    context: document
    length: 0
    prevObject: n.fn.init[1]
    selector: ".checkbox-wrapper>input[data-id='2']"
    __proto__: n[0]

The printed selector Strings seems perfect. The exact same selectors returns the DOM-elements, when written directly into the chrome console. Then they return objects like this:

[<input type=?"checkbox" id=?"checkbox1" data-id=?"1">?]

What is the n.fn.init[0], and why it is returned? Why are my two seemingly identical JQuery functions returning different things?

This question is related to jquery jquery-selectors

The answer is

I just want to add something to these great answers. If your DOM element ins't loading in time. You can still set the value.

let Ctrl = $('#mySelectElement'); ... Ctrl.attr('value', myValue);

after that most DOM elements that accept a value attribute should populate correctly.

Your result object is a jQuery element, not a javascript array. The array you wish must be under .get()

As the return value is a jQuery object, which contains an array, it's very common to call .get() on the result to work with a basic array. http://api.jquery.com/map/

Error is that you are using 'ID' in lower case like 'checkbox1' but when you loop json object its return in upper case. So you need to replace checkbox1 to CHECKBOX1.

In my case :-

var response = jQuery.parseJSON(response);

$.each(response, function(key, value) {
   $.each(value, function(key, value){


  <input type="text" name="abc" id="abc" value="">

I am getting the same error but when i replace the id in html code its work fine.


<input type="text" name="abc" id="ABC" value="">

I faced this issue because my selector was depend on id meanwhile I did not set id for my element

my selector was


but my HTML element

<input type="text" name="EmployeeName">

so just make sure that your selector criteria are valid

Here is how to do a quick check to see if n.fn.init[0] is caused by your DOM-elements not loading in time. Delay your selector function by wrapping it in setTimeout function like this:

function timeout(){ 

    ...your selector function that returns n.fn.init[0] goes here...


setTimeout(timeout, 5000)

This will cause your selector function to execute with a 5 second delay, which should be enough for pretty much anything to load.

This is just a coarse hack to check if DOM is ready for your selector function or not. This is not a (permanent) solution.

The preferred ways to check if the DOM is loaded before executing your function are as follows:

1) Wrap your selector function in

$(document).ready(function(){  ... your selector function...  };

2) If that doesn't work, use DOMContentLoaded

3) Try window.onload, which waits for all the images to load first, so its least preferred

window.onload = function () {  ... your selector function...  }

4) If you are waiting for a library to load that loads in several steps or has some sort of delay of its own, then you might need some complicated custom solution. This is what happened to me with "MathJax" library. This question discusses how to check when MathJax library loaded its DOM elements, if it is of any help.

5) Finally, you can stick with hard-coded setTimeout function, making it maybe 1-3 seconds. This is actually the very least preferred method in my opinion.

This list of fixes is probably far from perfect so everyone is welcome to edit it.