[sql] SQL Statement using Where clause with multiple values

I have a table that has multiple rows with the following fields:

PersonName SongName Status

I want to use names selected from a multiple selection listbox, which I can retrieve the values, and then do a where clause so it shows the song names that the selected people can all play, therefore status is complete.

For example:

 PersonName      SongName    Status 
 Holly           Highland    Complete
 Holly           Mech        Complete 
 Ryan            Highland    Complete

If I select Holly and Ryan from the list box and press the button the query should just show Highland as that is what they both know.

This question is related to sql

The answer is

Try this:

select songName from t
where personName in ('Ryan', 'Holly')
group by songName
having count(distinct personName) = 2

The number in the having should match the amount of people. If you also need the Status to be Complete use this where clause instead of the previous one:

where personName in ('Ryan', 'Holly') and status = 'Complete'

Select t1.SongName
From tablename t1
left join tablename t2
 on t1.SongName = t2.SongName
    and t1.PersonName <> t2.PersonName
    and t1.Status = 'Complete' -- my assumption that this is necessary
    and t2.Status = 'Complete' -- my assumption that this is necessary
    and t1.PersonName IN ('Holly', 'Ryan')
    and t2.PersonName IN ('Holly', 'Ryan')

SELECT PersonName, songName, status
FROM table
WHERE name IN ('Holly', 'Ryan')

If you are using parametrized Stored procedure:

  1. Pass in comma separated string
  2. Use special function to split comma separated string into table value variable
  3. Use INNER JOIN ON t.PersonName = newTable.PersonName using a table variable which contains passed in names