[angular] How to use mouseover and mouseout in Angular 6

I have this older Angular code which works but not in the latest version of Angular 6.

<div ng-mouseover="changeText=true" ng-mouseleave="changeText=false" ng-init="changeText=false">
  <span ng-hide="changeText">Hide</span>
  <span ng-show="changeText">Show</span>

How do i make this work for Angular 6? I understand I have to use (mouseover) and (mouseout) but I couldn't implement it successfully.

This question is related to angular

The answer is

<div (mouseenter)="changeText=true" (mouseout)="changeText=false">
  <span *ngIf="!changeText">Hide</span>
  <span *ngIf="changeText">Show</span>

and if you want to use in *ngFor then assign the object value of hover data and then check its id and show hover info/icon or anything like that:-

 <div (mouseenter)="hoverCard(d)" (mouseleave)="hoverCard(null)" *ngFor="let d of data" class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 mt-4">
   <a *ngIf="hoverData && hoverData.id == d.id" class="text-right"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i>Hover Text</a>
    Normal Text

in TS File


  hoverCard(d: Data|null){
    this.hoverData = sCatg;

CSS solution works without a glitch!

https://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=GJ4PCJMVQ4LN https://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=GJ4PPLCCEBRG

.col-info:hover>.popoverIcon {
    visibility: visible;

.popoverIcon {
  visibility: hidden;
<div *ngFor="let i of [1,2,3,4]">

  <div class="col-info">
    <span class=" popoverIcon ">Show {{i}}</span>


To avoid blinking problem use following code
its not mouseover and mouseout instead of that use mouseenter and mouseleave


    <div (mouseenter)="changeText=true" (mouseleave)="changeText=false">
      <span *ngIf="!changeText">Hide</span>
      <span *ngIf="changeText">Show</span>


   selector: 'app-main',
   templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
    changeText: boolean;
    constructor() {
       this.changeText = false;


<div (mouseover)="funcName1() (mouseout)="funcName2()">
   // Do what you want 

In TypeScript:

 //Do Something
//Do Something

You can use (mouseover) and (mouseout) events.




<div (mouseover)="changeText=true" (mouseout)="changeText=false">
  <span [hidden]="changeText">Hide</span>
  <span [hidden]="!changeText">Show</span>

If your interested , then go with directive property . Code might looks bit tough , but itshows all the property of Angular 6 . Here am adding a sample code

import { Directive, OnInit, ElementRef, Renderer2 ,HostListener,HostBinding,Input} from '@angular/core';
import { MockNgModuleResolver } from '@angular/compiler/testing';
//import { Event } from '@angular/router';

  selector: '[appBetterHighlight]'
export class BetterHighlightDirective implements OnInit {
   defaultcolor :string = 'black'
   Highlightedcolor : string = 'red'
    @HostBinding('style.color') color : string = this.defaultcolor;

  constructor(private elm : ElementRef , private render:Renderer2) { }
@HostListener('mouseenter') mouseover(event :Event)

  this.color= this.Highlightedcolor ;
@HostListener('mouseleave') mouseleave(event: Event)

  this.color = this.defaultcolor;

Just use the selector name 'appBetterHighlight' anywhere in the template to access this property .

Adding to what was already said.

if you want to *ngFor an element , and hide \ show elements in it, on hover, like you added in the comments, you should re-think the whole concept.

a more appropriate way to do it, does not involve angular at all. I would go with pure CSS instead, using its native :hover property.

something like:


div span.only-show-on-hover {
    visibility: hidden;
div:hover span.only-show-on-hover  {
    visibility: visible;


  <div *ngFor="let i of [1,2,3,4]" > hover me please.
    <span class="only-show-on-hover">you only see me when hovering</span>

added a demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/hello-angular-6-hvgx7n?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html