The cleanest way to work with it. Assuming your table is a list of integers called "dbo.tvp_Int" (Customize for your own table type)
Create this extension method...
public static void AddWithValue_Tvp_Int(this SqlParameterCollection paramCollection, string parameterName, List<int> data)
if(paramCollection != null)
var p = paramCollection.Add(parameterName, SqlDbType.Structured);
p.TypeName = "dbo.tvp_Int";
DataTable _dt = new DataTable() {Columns = {"Value"}};
data.ForEach(value => _dt.Rows.Add(value));
p.Value = _dt;
Now you can add a table valued parameter in one line anywhere simply by doing this:
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValueFor_Tvp_Int("@IDValues", listOfIds);