[python] Zsh: Conda/Pip installs command not found

So I installed Anaconda and everything is working. After I installed it I decided to switch to oh-my-zsh. I am now getting:

zsh: command not found: conda

when trying to use pip or conda installs



I have added to my zshenv.sh

export PATH ="/Users/Dz/anaconda/bin:$PATH"

What is it that I'm missing?

This question is related to python pip zsh conda

The answer is

Simply copy your Anaconda bin directory and paste it at the bottom of ~/.zshrc.

For me the path is /home/theorangeguy/miniconda3/bin, so I ran:

echo ". /home/theorangeguy/miniconda3/bin" >> ~/.zshrc

This edited the ~/.zshrc. Now do:

source ~/.zshrc

It worked like a charm.

If you are on macOS Catalina, the new default shell is zsh. You will need to run source /bin/activate followed by conda init zsh. For example: I installed anaconda python 3.7 Version, type echo $USER to find username

source /Users/my_username/opt/anaconda3/bin/activate

Follow by

conda init zsh

or (for bash shell)

conda init

Check working:

conda list

The error will be fixed.

You need to fix the spacing and quotes:

export PATH ="/Users/Dz/anaconda/bin:$PATH"

Instead use

export PATH="/Users/Dz/anaconda/bin":$PATH

The anaconda installer automatically writes the correct PATH into the ~/.bash_profile file. Copy the line to your ~/.zshrc file, source it with source ~/.zshrc and you're good to go.

I simply added the anaconda3 path to $PATH in .zshrc which did the trick for.

My environment : Catalina / clean Anaconda install / iTerm / zsh / oh-my-zsh

First locate your conda installation:

> find ~/ -name 'conda' -print

(on my system: ~/opt/anaconda3/bin/conda)

Then add that path to PATH in the .zshrc file

export PATH="opt/anaconda3/bin":$PATH

  1. Find the right version of your anaconda

  2. Put it to ~/.zshrc via command vim ~/.zshrc

    • Anaconda 2 export PATH="/User/<your-username>/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"
    • Anaconda 3 export PATH="/User/<your-username>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
    • Or if you install Anaconda in root directory:
    • Anaconda 2 export PATH="/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"
    • Anaconda 3 export PATH="/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
  3. Restart the zsh source ~/.zshrc

So I discovered that in your ~/.zshrc file, there was a commented line,

# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH # export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH

Just uncomment the export statement and all your previous bash_profile commands will also be there. If that comment does not exist, you can also just add that export statement to .zshrc file.

  1. Open your ~./bashrc
  2. Find the following code (maybe something similar) that launches your conda:

    # >>> conda init >>>
    # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
    __conda_setup="$(CONDA_REPORT_ERRORS=false '/anaconda3/bin/conda' shell.bash hook 2> /dev/null)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        \eval "$__conda_setup" else
        if [ -f "/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" ]; then
            . "/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
            CONDA_CHANGEPS1=false conda activate base
            \export PATH="/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
        fi fi unset __conda_setup
    # <<< conda init <<<

  1. source ~/.zshrc
  2. Things should work.

None of these solutions worked for me. I had to append bash environment to the zsh:

echo 'source ~/.bash_profile' >> ~/.zshrc

For Linux

  1. Open .bashrc
  2. Copy the code for conda initialize and paste it to .zshrc file
  3. Finally run source .zshrc

FYI for anyone having this same issue keep in mind that you need to make sure that you have the right version of anaconda in that export path:

anaconda2 or anaconda3 

Spent way too long on that minor issue.

MAC OS Users:

  1. brew install anaconda
  2. Add export PATH="/usr/local/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" to top of ~/.zshrc
  3. source ~/.zshrc OR restart terminal

Test it. Bingo Bango.

This is all I had to add to add get anaconda working for zsh.

echo ". /anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

Answer for macOS 11 (Big Sur) in 2021

After installing Anaconda, run:

source /opt/anaconda3/bin/activate
conda init zsh

then close and reopen the Terminal window. The shell prompt should have a (base) prefix.

NOTE: I found many articles online saying to update the PATH variable, but Anaconda actually recommends against doing so and running the two commands above instead, which they state in their documentation.


As of today Nov 4, 2018 all the following methods works, install the zsh with:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

Not recommending brew installation for zsh:

brew install zsh zsh-completions 

P.S: Tried with with brew and brew install under the root and is not an wise idea to do so due the security and all time anything related will need to be started under sudo so better is to stick with curl or wget.

to make work conda in OS X with oh-my-zsh installed is to add path as following and will work.

Find the python paths so can see if you installed Anaconda2 or Anaconda3: where python or which python will result in similar output:


Finding your Anaconda Python interpreter path

vi ~/.zshrc or gedit ~/.zshrc

For Anaconda: at field # User configuration add:


For Anaconda2 at field # User configuration add:


For Anaconda3 at field # User configuration add:


or replace "username" with your username:


According to documentation Installing on macOS we add add in ~/.zshrc instead of .bashrc or .bash_profile

  • Add export PATH="/<path to anaconda>/bin:$PATH" in ~/.zshrc

  • Or set the PATH variable: export PATH="/<path to anaconda>/bin:$PATH"

Replace “<path to anaconda>” with the actual path to your Anaconda installation.

This methods are working on ubuntu/Centos7/MacOS as well (just close/reset the terminal once you are completing the changes) than just type conda to test.

Per @truongnm comment just source after adding the path: "I pasted the path from my bash_profile, and don't forget to source ~/.zshrc"

this solved it for me, and is sure to work add this to ~/.zshrc

export PATH=path_to_anaconda_bin:$PATH

the answer

run the following script provided by conda in your terminal:

source /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh - you may need to adjust the path to your conda installtion folder.

after that your zsh will recognize conda and you can run conda init this will modify your .zshrc file automatically for you. It will add something like that at the end of it:

# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
__conda_setup="$('/opt/conda/bin/conda' 'shell.zsh' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    eval "$__conda_setup"
    if [ -f "/opt/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" ]; then
        . "/opt/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
        export PATH="/opt/conda/bin:$PATH"
unset __conda_setup
# <<< conda initialize <<<

source: https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/rpm-debian.html

I had this problem on my Catalina OSX after I installed my Anaconda distribution as well.

This solution worked for me on macOS Catalina as of October 19, 2019

Step 1. Check if .bash_profile is available on your home folder, if not:

  • Go to Terminal
  • Type cd ~/ to go to your home folder (if you are not on your home folder)
  • Type touch .bash_profile to create your new file under the your home folder

Step 2. Check if file .zshrc is available on your home folder, if not:

  • Go to terminal and type nano ~/.zshrc

  • Type in the following line into the newly created .zshrc file: source ~/.bash_profile

  • Now to save the file in nano just hit ctrl+X.

  • It will prompt "Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES)?". Just type in Y

Step 3. Check if .bash_profile and .zshrc files are created on your home folder. If yes, in terminal type in source ~/.zshrc

I found an easy way. you can try to test it.

Just follow below steps as I show:

First, in terminal, enter

vim ~/.zshrc


source ~/.bash_profile

into .zshrc file

and then in terminal, enter

source ~/.zshrc

Congratulation for you.

I just ran into the same problem. As implicitly stated inside the .zshrc-file (in your user-root-folder), you need to migrate the pathes you've already inserted in your .bash_profile, bashrc or so to resolve this.

Copying all additional pathes from .bash_profile to .zshrc fixed it for me, cause zsh now knows where to look.

#add path to Anaconda-bin
export PATH="/Users/YOURUSERNAME!!/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

 #N.B. for miniconda use
export PATH="/Users/YOURUSERNAME!!!/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"

Depending on where you installed anaconda this path might be different.

If this problem occurs on a mac, then type the following commands:

source <path to conda>/bin/activate
conda init zsh

This will modify your zshrc accordingly (or create it if it does not exist).

This solution comes from the official anaconda doc.

If anaconda is fully updated, a simple "conda init zsh" should work. Navigate into the anaconda3 folder using

cd /path/to/anaconda3/

of course replacing "/path/to/anaconda/" with "~/anaconda3" or "/anaconda3" or wherever the "anaconda3" folder is kept.

To make sure it's updated, run

./bin/conda update --prefix . anaconda

After this, running

./bin/conda init zsh

(or whatever shell you're using) will finish the job cleanly.

You should do the following:
1. /home/$USER/anaconda/bin/conda init zsh (or /home/$USER/miniconda3/bin/conda init zsh if you use miniconda)
2. source ~/.zshrc (or just reopen terminal)

Why this answer is better than others?

  • You shouldn't reinvent the wheel: there is already command in conda to activate, all you need to do is to call conda with full path
  • Maybe ~/.bash_profile doesn't exist (my case, only ~/.bashrc)
  • You can have bash-specific config inside ~/.bash_profile
  • You don't need manually paste and export any pathes

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