I have Windows 10 64 bit, this worked for me,
This solution can work for both (Anaconda/MiniConda) distributions.
- First of all try to uninstall anaconda/miniconda which is causing problem.
- After that delete '.anaconda' and '.conda' folders from 'C:\Users\'
If you have any antivirus software installed then try to exclude all the folders,subfolders inside 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\' from
- Behaviour detection.
- Virus detection.
- DNA scan.
- Suspicious files scan.
- Any other virus protection mode.
*(Note: 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3' this folder is default installation folder, you can change it just replace your excluded path at installation destination prompt while installing Anaconda)*
- Now install Anaconda with admin privileges.
- Set the installation path as 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3' or you can specify your custom path just remember it should not contain any white space and it should be excluded from virus detection.
- At Advanced Installation Options you can check "Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable(optional)" and "Register Anaconda as my default Python 3.6"
- Install it with further default settings. Click on finish after done.
- Restart your computer.
Now open Command prompt or Anaconda prompt and check installation using following command
conda list
If you get any package list then the anaconda/miniconda is successfully installed.