Programs & Examples On #Cartesian product

The Cartesian product, named after René Descartes, of two sets A and B is the set of all ordered pairs ab, where a is element of A and b is element of B.

Get the cartesian product of a series of lists?

I would use list comprehension :

somelists = [
   [1, 2, 3],
   ['a', 'b'],
   [4, 5]

cart_prod = [(a,b,c) for a in somelists[0] for b in somelists[1] for c in somelists[2]]

How can I check if string contains characters & whitespace, not just whitespace?

Just check the string against this regex:

if(mystring.match(/^\s+$/) === null) {
    alert("String is good");
} else {
    alert("String contains only whitespace");

#1025 - Error on rename of './database/#sql-2e0f_1254ba7' to './database/table' (errno: 150)

I had this problem, it is for foreign-key

Click on the Relation View (like the image below) then find name of the field you are going to remove it, and under the Foreign key constraint (INNODB) column, just put the select to nothing! Means no foreign-key

enter image description here

Hope that works!

How do I parse JSON from a Java HTTPResponse?

For Android, and using Apache's Commons IO Library for IOUtils:

// connection is a HttpURLConnection
InputStream inputStream = connection.getInputStream()
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
IOUtils.copy(inputStream, baos);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(baos.toString()); // JSONObject is part of Android library

How do I get bootstrap-datepicker to work with Bootstrap 3?

I also use Stefan Petre’s and it does not work with Bootstrap 3 without modification. Note that is a fork of Stefan Petre's code.

You have to change your markup (the sample markup will not work) to use the new CSS and form grid layout in Bootstrap 3. Also, you have to modify some CSS and JavaScript in the actual bootstrap-datepicker implementation.

Here is my solution:

<div class="form-group row">
  <div class="col-xs-8">
    <label class="control-label">My Label</label>
    <div class="input-group date" id="dp3" data-date="12-02-2012" data-date-format="mm-dd-yyyy">
      <input class="form-control" type="text" readonly="" value="12-02-2012">
      <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></span>

CSS changes in datepicker.css on lines 176-177: .input-group-addon i, .input-group-addon i {

Javascript change in datepicker-bootstrap.js on line 34:

this.component ='.date') ? this.element.find('.input-group-addon') : false;


Using the newer code from the changes are as follows:

CSS changes in datepicker.css on lines 446-447: .input-group-addon i, .input-group-addon i {

Javascript change in datepicker-bootstrap.js on line 46:

 this.component ='.date') ? this.element.find('.input-group-addon, .btn') : false;

Finally, the JavaScript to enable the datepicker (with some options):

 $("").datepicker({ autoclose: true, todayHighlight: true });

Tested with Bootstrap 3.0 and JQuery 1.9.1. Note that this fork is better to use than the other as it is more feature rich, has localization support and auto-positions the datepicker based on the control position and window size, avoiding the picker going off the screen which was a problem with the older version.

Rebuild Docker container on file changes

Whenever changes are made in dockerfile or compose or requirements , re-Run it using docker-compose up --build . So that images get rebuild and refreshed

document.getelementbyId will return null if element is not defined?

console.log(document.getElementById('xx') ) evaluates to null.

document.getElementById('xx') !=null evaluates to false

You should use document.getElementById('xx') !== null as it is a stronger equality check.

How to use Class<T> in Java?

Following on @Kire Haglin's answer, a further example of generics methods can be seen in the documentation for JAXB unmarshalling:

public <T> T unmarshal( Class<T> docClass, InputStream inputStream )
         throws JAXBException {
  String packageName = docClass.getPackage().getName();
  JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( packageName );
  Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
  JAXBElement<T> doc = (JAXBElement<T>)u.unmarshal( inputStream );
  return doc.getValue();

This allows unmarshal to return a document of an arbitrary JAXB content tree type.

Post a json object to mvc controller with jquery and ajax

instead of receiving the json string a model binding is better. For example:

public ActionResult AddUser(UserAddModel model)
    if (ModelState.IsValid) {
        return Json(new { Response = "Success" });
    return Json(new { Response = "Error" });

function submitForm() {    
        type: 'POST',
        url: "@Url.Action("AddUser")",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: 'json',
        data: $("form[name=UserAddForm]").serialize(),
        success: function (data) {

Python: How to increase/reduce the fontsize of x and y tick labels?

You can set the fontsize directly in the call to set_xticklabels and set_yticklabels (as noted in previous answers). This will only affect one Axes at a time.

ax.set_xticklabels(x_ticks, rotation=0, fontsize=8)
ax.set_yticklabels(y_ticks, rotation=0, fontsize=8)

You can also set the ticklabel font size globally (i.e. for all figures/subplots in a script) using rcParams:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Or, equivalently:


Finally, if this is a setting that you would like to be set for all your matplotlib plots, you could also set these two rcParams in your matplotlibrc file:

xtick.labelsize      : 8 # fontsize of the x tick labels
ytick.labelsize      : 8 # fontsize of the y tick labels

Difference between opening a file in binary vs text

The most important difference to be aware of is that with a stream opened in text mode you get newline translation on non-*nix systems (it's also used for network communications, but this isn't supported by the standard library). In *nix newline is just ASCII linefeed, \n, both for internal and external representation of text. In Windows the external representation often uses a carriage return + linefeed pair, "CRLF" (ASCII codes 13 and 10), which is converted to a single \n on input, and conversely on output.

From the C99 standard (the N869 draft document), §7.19.2/2,

A text stream is an ordered sequence of characters composed into lines, each line consisting of zero or more characters plus a terminating new-line character. Whether the last line requires a terminating new-line character is implementation-defined. Characters may have to be added, altered, or deleted on input and output to conform to differing conventions for representing text in the host environment. Thus, there need not be a one- to-one correspondence between the characters in a stream and those in the external representation. Data read in from a text stream will necessarily compare equal to the data that were earlier written out to that stream only if: the data consist only of printing characters and the control characters horizontal tab and new-line; no new-line character is immediately preceded by space characters; and the last character is a new-line character. Whether space characters that are written out immediately before a new-line character appear when read in is implementation-defined.

And in §7.19.3/2

Binary files are not truncated, except as defined in Whether a write on a text stream causes the associated file to be truncated beyond that point is implementation- defined.

About use of fseek, in §

For a text stream, either offset shall be zero, or offset shall be a value returned by an earlier successful call to the ftell function on a stream associated with the same file and whence shall be SEEK_SET.

About use of ftell, in §

The ftell function obtains the current value of the file position indicator for the stream pointed to by stream. For a binary stream, the value is the number of characters from the beginning of the file. For a text stream, its file position indicator contains unspecified information, usable by the fseek function for returning the file position indicator for the stream to its position at the time of the ftell call; the difference between two such return values is not necessarily a meaningful measure of the number of characters written or read.

I think that’s the most important, but there are some more details.

Convert array values from string to int?

So I was curious about the performance of some of the methods mentioned in the answers for large number of integers.


Just creating an array of 1 million random integers between 0 and 100. Than, I imploded them to get the string.

  $integers = array();

  for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
      $integers[] = rand(0, 100);

  $long_string = implode(',', $integers);

Method 1

This is the one liner from Mark's answer:

$integerIDs = array_map('intval', explode(',', $long_string));

Method 2

This is the JSON approach:

  $integerIDs = json_decode('[' . $long_string . ']', true);

Method 3

I came up with this one as modification of Mark's answer. This is still using explode() function, but instead of calling array_map() I'm using regular foreach loop to do the work to avoid the overhead array_map() might have. I am also parsing with (int) vs intval(), but I tried both, and there is not much difference in terms of performance.

  $result_array = array();
  $strings_array = explode(',', $long_string);

  foreach ($strings_array as $each_number) {
      $result_array[] = (int) $each_number;


Method 1        Method 2        Method 3
0.4804770947    0.3608930111    0.3387751579
0.4748001099    0.363986969     0.3762528896
0.4625790119    0.3645150661    0.3335959911
0.5065748692    0.3570590019    0.3365750313
0.4803431034    0.4135499001    0.3330330849
0.4510772228    0.4421861172    0.341176033
0.503674984     0.3612480164    0.3561749458
0.5598649979    0.352314949     0.3766179085
0.4573421478    0.3527538776    0.3473439217

0.4863037268    0.3742785454    0.3488383293

The bottom line is the average. It looks like the first method was a little slower for 1 million integers, but I didn't notice 3x performance gain of Method 2 as stated in the answer. It turned out foreach loop was the quickest one in my case. I've done the benchmarking with Xdebug.

Edit: It's been a while since the answer was originally posted. To clarify, the benchmark was done in php 5.6.

How to use BufferedReader in Java

As far as i understand fr is the object of your FileReadExample class. So it is obvious it will not have any method like fr.readLine() if you dont create one yourself.

secondly, i think a correct constructor of the BufferedReader class will help you do your task.

String str;
BufferedReader buffread = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("file.dat")));
str = buffread.readLine();

this should help you.

Keep a line of text as a single line - wrap the whole line or none at all

You could also put non-breaking spaces (&nbsp;) in lieu of the spaces so that they're forced to stay together.

How do I wrap this line of text

How to run only one task in ansible playbook?

FWIW with Ansible 2.2 one can use include_role:

playbook test.yml:

- name: test
  connection: local
    - include_role:
        name: test
        tasks_from: other

then in roles/test/tasks/other.yml:

- name: say something else
  shell: echo "I'm the other guy"

And invoke the playbook with: ansible-playbook test.yml to get:

TASK [test : say something else] *************
changed: []

How to programmatically set cell value in DataGridView?

I searched for the solution how I can insert a new row and How to set the individual values of the cells inside it like Excel. I solved with following code:

dataGridView1.ReadOnly = false; //Before modifying, it is required.
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); //Inserting first row if yet there is no row, first row number is '0'
dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = "Razib, this is 0,0!"; //Setting the leftmost and topmost cell's value (Not the column header row!)
dataGridView1[1, 0].Value = "This is 0,1!"; //Setting the Second cell of the first row!


  1. Previously I have designed the columns in design mode.
  2. I have set the row header visibility to false from property of the datagridview.
  3. The last line is important to understand: When yoou directly giving index of datagridview, the first number is cell number, second one is row number! Remember it!

Hope this might help you.

Location of the mongodb database on mac

The default data directory for MongoDB is /data/db.

This can be overridden by a dbpath option specified on the command line or in a configuration file.

If you install MongoDB via a package manager such as Homebrew or MacPorts these installs typically create a default data directory other than /data/db and set the dbpath in a configuration file.

If a dbpath was provided to mongod on startup you can check the value in the mongo shell:


You would see a value like:

"parsed" : {
    "dbpath" : "/usr/local/data"

Send form data using ajax

you can use serialize method of jquery to get form values. Try like this

<form action="target.php" method="post" >
<input type="text" name="lname" />
<input type="text" name="fname" />
<input type="buttom" name ="send" onclick="return f(this.form) " >

function f( form ){
    var formData = $(form).serialize();
    att=form.attr("action") ;
    $.post(att, formData).done(function(data){
    return true;

Auto-indent spaces with C in vim?

These two commands should do it:

:set autoindent
:set cindent

For bonus points put them in a file named .vimrc located in your home directory on linux

Set variable value to array of strings

declare  @tab table(FirstName  varchar(100))
insert into @tab   values('John'),('Sarah'),('George')

FROM @tab
WHERE 'John' in (FirstName)

Need help rounding to 2 decimal places

The problem will be that you cannot represent 0.575 exactly as a binary floating point number (eg a double). Though I don't know exactly it seems that the representation closest is probably just a bit lower and so when rounding it uses the true representation and rounds down.

If you want to avoid this problem then use a more appropriate data type. decimal will do what you want:

Math.Round(0.575M, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

Result: 0.58

The reason that 0.75 does the right thing is that it is easy to represent in binary floating point since it is simple 1/2 + 1/4 (ie 2^-1 +2^-2). In general any finite sum of powers of two can be represented in binary floating point. Exceptions are when your powers of 2 span too great a range (eg 2^100+2 is not exactly representable).

Edit to add:

Formatting doubles for output in C# might be of interest in terms of understanding why its so hard to understand that 0.575 is not really 0.575. The DoubleConverter in the accepted answer will show that 0.575 as an Exact String is 0.5749999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875 You can see from this why rounding give 0.57.

How to set HTTP headers (for cache-control)?

The page at suggests using something like this:

Add Cache-Control Headers

This goes in your root .htaccess file but if you have access to httpd.conf that is better.

This code uses the FilesMatch directive and the Header directive to add Cache-Control Headers to certain files.

# 480 weeks
<FilesMatch "\.(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=290304000, public"

What is the difference between Spring, Struts, Hibernate, JavaServer Faces, Tapestry?

You can see the overview and ranking for yourself here. Hibernate is an ORM, so you can use either struts+Hiberante or spring+hibernate to build a web app. Different web frameworks and many are alternatives to each other.

How to create a Rectangle object in Java using g.fillRect method

Try this:

public void paint (Graphics g) {    
    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos,yPos,width,height);
    g.fillRect(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());  


// With explicit casting
public void paint (Graphics g) {    
        Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, width, height);

How do I upload a file with the JS fetch API?

Here is my code:


const upload = (file) => {_x000D_
    fetch('http://localhost:8080/files/uploadFile', { _x000D_
    method: 'POST',_x000D_
    // headers: {_x000D_
    //   //"Content-Disposition": "attachment; name='file'; filename='xml2.txt'",_x000D_
    //   "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=BbC04y " //"multipart/mixed;boundary=gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08jU534c0p" //  ? // multipart/form-data _x000D_
    // },_x000D_
    body: file // This is your file object_x000D_
    response => response.json() // if the response is a JSON object_x000D_
    success => console.log(success) // Handle the success response object_x000D_
    error => console.log(error) // Handle the error response object_x000D_
const onSelectFile = () => upload(uploadCvInput.files[0]);_x000D_
uploadCvInput.addEventListener('change', onSelectFile, false);
<form id="cv_form" style="display: none;"_x000D_
          <input id="uploadCV" type="file" name="file"/>_x000D_
          <button type="submit" id="upload_btn">upload</button>_x000D_
<ul class="dropdown-menu">_x000D_
<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="#" id="upload">UPLOAD CV</a></li>_x000D_
<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="#" id="download">DOWNLOAD CV</a></li>_x000D_

How to increment a variable on a for loop in jinja template?

After 2.10, to solve the scope problem, you can do something like this:

{% set count = namespace(value=0) %}
{% for i in p %}
  {{ count.value }}
  {% set count.value = count.value + 1 %}
{% endfor %}

How to define an enum with string value?

Well first you try to assign strings not chars, even if they are just one character. use ',' instead of ",". Next thing is, enums only take integral types without char you could use the unicode value, but i would strongly advice you not to do so. If you are certain that these values stay the same, in differnt cultures and languages, i would use a static class with const strings.

How to host material icons offline?

With angular cli

npm install angular-material-icons --save


npm install material-design-icons-iconfont --save

material-design-icons-iconfont is the latest updated version of the icons. angular-material-icons is not updated for a long time

Wait wait wait install to be done and then add it to angular.json -> projects -> architect -> styles

 "styles": [

or if you installed material-desing-icons-iconfont then

"styles": [

How to implement a material design circular progress bar in android

android:layout_gravity="center" />

The effect looks like this:


How to set a transparent background of JPanel?

 public void paintComponent (Graphics g)
((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER,0.0f)); // draw transparent background
    ((Graphics2D) g).setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER,1.0f)); // turn on opacity
    g.fillRect(20, 20, 500, 300);

I have tried to do it this way, but it is very flickery

Change some value inside the List<T>

You could use a projection with a statement lambda, but the original foreach loop is more readable and is editing the list in place rather than creating a new list.

var result = list.Select(i => 
      if (i.Name == "height") i.Value = 30;
      return i; 

Extension Method

public static IEnumerable<MyClass> SetHeights(
    this IEnumerable<MyClass> source, int value)
    foreach (var item in source)
       if (item.Name == "height")
           item.Value = value;

       yield return item;

var result = list.SetHeights(30).ToList();

Web API Routing - api/{controller}/{action}/{id} "dysfunctions" api/{controller}/{id}

Try this.

public class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Web API configuration and services

        var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
        json.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"));

        // Web API routes

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional , Action =RouteParameter.Optional }


How to set focus on an input field after rendering?

Simple solution without autofocus:

<input ref={ref => ref && ref.focus()}
    onFocus={(e)=>e.currentTarget.setSelectionRange(e.currentTarget.value.length, e.currentTarget.value.length)}

ref triggers focus, and that triggers onFocus to calculate the end and set the cursor accordingly.

JSON formatter in C#?

I was very impressed by compact JSON formatter by Vince Panuccio.
Here is an improved version I now use:

public static string FormatJson(string json, string indent = "  ")
    var indentation = 0;
    var quoteCount = 0;
    var escapeCount = 0;

    var result =
        from ch in json ?? string.Empty
        let escaped = (ch == '\\' ? escapeCount++ : escapeCount > 0 ? escapeCount-- : escapeCount) > 0
        let quotes = ch == '"' && !escaped ? quoteCount++ : quoteCount
        let unquoted = quotes % 2 == 0
        let colon = ch == ':' && unquoted ? ": " : null
        let nospace = char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) && unquoted ? string.Empty : null
        let lineBreak = ch == ',' && unquoted ? ch + Environment.NewLine + string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(indent, indentation)) : null
        let openChar = (ch == '{' || ch == '[') && unquoted ? ch + Environment.NewLine + string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(indent, ++indentation)) : ch.ToString()
        let closeChar = (ch == '}' || ch == ']') && unquoted ? Environment.NewLine + string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(indent, --indentation)) + ch : ch.ToString()
        select colon ?? nospace ?? lineBreak ?? (
            openChar.Length > 1 ? openChar : closeChar

    return string.Concat(result);

It fixes the following issues:

  1. Escape sequences inside strings
  2. Missing spaces after colon
  3. Extra spaces after commas (or elsewhere)
  4. Square and curly braces inside strings
  5. Doesn't fail on null input


  "status": "OK",
  "results": [
      "types": [
      "formatted_address": "New York, NY, USA",
      "address_components": [
          "long_name": "New York",
          "short_name": "New York",
          "types": [
          "long_name": "New York",
          "short_name": "New York",
          "types": [
          "long_name": "New York",
          "short_name": "NY",
          "types": [
          "long_name": "United States",
          "short_name": "US",
          "types": [
      "geometry": {
        "location": {
          "lat": 40.7143528,
          "lng": -74.0059731
        "location_type": "APPROXIMATE",
        "viewport": {
          "southwest": {
            "lat": 40.5788964,
            "lng": -74.2620919
          "northeast": {
            "lat": 40.8495342,
            "lng": -73.7498543
        "bounds": {
          "southwest": {
            "lat": 40.4773990,
            "lng": -74.2590900
          "northeast": {
            "lat": 40.9175770,
            "lng": -73.7002720

Checking version of angular-cli that's installed?

In Command line we can check our installed ng version.

ng -v OR ng --version OR ng version

This will give you like this :

 _                      _                 ____ _     ___

   / \   _ __   __ _ _   _| | __ _ _ __     / ___| |   |_ _|
  / ? \ | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | '__|   | |   | |    | |
 / ___ \| | | | (_| | |_| | | (_| | |      | |___| |___ | |
/_/   \_\_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|_|       \____|_____|___|

Angular CLI: 1.6.5
Node: 8.0.0
OS: linux x64

Angular ng-class if else

Both John Conde's and ryeballar's answers are correct and will work.

If you want to get too geeky:

  • John's has the downside that it has to make two decisions per $digest loop (it has to decide whether to add/remove center and it has to decide whether to add/remove left), when clearly only one is needed.

  • Ryeballar's relies on the ternary operator which is probably going to be removed at some point (because the view should not contain any logic). (We can't be sure it will indeed be removed and it probably won't be any time soon, but if there is a more "safe" solution, why not ?)

So, you can do the following as an alternative:


Convert a matrix to a 1 dimensional array

If you instead had a data.frame (df) that had multiple columns and you want to vectorize you can do

as.matrix(df, ncol=1)

jQuery: outer html()

Create a temporary element, then clone() and append():


Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize

The JDK 8 HotSpot JVM is now using native memory for the representation of class metadata and is called Metaspace.

The permanent generation has been removed. The PermSize and MaxPermSize are ignored and a warning is issued if they are present on the command line.

In NetBeans how do I change the Default JDK?

If I remember correctly, you'll need to set the netbeans_jdkhome property in your netbeans config file. Should be in your etc/netbeans.conf file.

What .NET collection provides the fastest search

Keep both lists x and y in sorted order.

If x = y, do your action, if x < y, advance x, if y < x, advance y until either list is empty.

The run time of this intersection is proportional to min (size (x), size (y))

Don't run a .Contains () loop, this is proportional to x * y which is much worse.

Java 8 Iterable.forEach() vs foreach loop

The advantage of Java 1.8 forEach method over 1.7 Enhanced for loop is that while writing code you can focus on business logic only.

forEach method takes java.util.function.Consumer object as an argument, so It helps in having our business logic at a separate location that you can reuse it anytime.

Have look at below snippet,

  • Here I have created new Class that will override accept class method from Consumer Class, where you can add additional functionility, More than Iteration..!!!!!!

    class MyConsumer implements Consumer<Integer>{
        public void accept(Integer o) {
            System.out.println("Here you can also add your business logic that will work with Iteration and you can reuse it."+o);
    public class ForEachConsumer {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Creating simple ArrayList.
            ArrayList<Integer> aList = new ArrayList<>();
            for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) aList.add(i);
            //Calling forEach with customized Iterator.
            MyConsumer consumer = new MyConsumer();
            // Using Lambda Expression for Consumer. (Functional Interface) 
            Consumer<Integer> lambda = (Integer o) ->{
                System.out.println("Using Lambda Expression to iterate and do something else(BI).. "+o);
            // Using Anonymous Inner Class.
            aList.forEach(new Consumer<Integer>(){
                public void accept(Integer o) {
                    System.out.println("Calling with Anonymous Inner Class "+o);

lambda expression join multiple tables with select and where clause

If I understand your questions correctly, all you need to do is add the .Where(m => m.r.u.UserId == 1):

    var UserInRole = db.UserProfiles.
        Join(db.UsersInRoles, u => u.UserId, uir => uir.UserId,
        (u, uir) => new { u, uir }).
        Join(db.Roles, r => r.uir.RoleId, ro => ro.RoleId, (r, ro) => new { r, ro })
        .Where(m => m.r.u.UserId == 1)
        .Select (m => new AddUserToRole
            UserName = m.r.u.UserName,
            RoleName =

Hope that helps.

JQuery: dynamic height() with window resize()

Okay, how about a CSS answer! We use display: table. Then each of the divs are rows, and finally we apply height of 100% to middle 'row' and voilà.

body { display: table; }
div { display: table-row; }
#content {
    margin:0 auto;
    text-align: center;
    background-color: blue;
    color: white;
    height: 100%;

Display image as grayscale using matplotlib

@unutbu's answer is quite close to the right answer.

By default, plt.imshow() will try to scale your (MxN) array data to 0.0~1.0. And then map to 0~255. For most natural taken images, this is fine, you won't see a different. But if you have narrow range of pixel value image, say the min pixel is 156 and the max pixel is 234. The gray image will looks totally wrong. The right way to show an image in gray is

from matplotlib.colors import NoNorm

Let's see an example:

this is the origianl image: original

this is using defaul norm setting,which is None: wrong pic

this is using NoNorm setting,which is NoNorm(): right pic

Cross Domain Form POSTing

Same origin policy has nothing to do with sending request to another url (different protocol or domain or port).

It is all about restricting access to (reading) response data from another url. So JavaScript code within a page can post to arbitrary domain or submit forms within that page to anywhere (unless the form is in an iframe with different url).

But what makes these POST requests inefficient is that these requests lack antiforgery tokens, so are ignored by the other url. Moreover, if the JavaScript tries to get that security tokens, by sending AJAX request to the victim url, it is prevented to access that data by Same Origin Policy.

A good example: here

And a good documentation from Mozilla: here

How to convert View Model into JSON object in ASP.NET MVC?

Andrew had a great response but I wanted to tweek it a little. The way this is different is that I like my ModelViews to not have overhead data in them. Just the data for the object. It seem that ViewData fits the bill for over head data, but of course I'm new at this. I suggest doing something like this.


virtual public ActionResult DisplaySomeWidget(int id)
    SomeModelView returnData = someDataMapper.getbyid(1);
    var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    ViewData["JSON"] = serializer.Serialize(returnData);
    return View(myview, returnData);


//create base js object;
var myWidget= new Widget(); //Widget is a class with a public member variable called data. <%= ViewData["JSON"] %>;

What This does for you is it gives you the same data in your JSON as in your ModelView so you can potentially return the JSON back to your controller and it would have all the parts. This is similar to just requesting it via a JSONRequest however it requires one less call so it saves you that overhead. BTW this is funky for Dates but that seems like another thread.

How can I make a program wait for a variable change in javascript?

What worked for me (I looked all over the place and ended up using someone's jsfiddler / very slightly modifying it - worked nicely) was to set that variable to an object with a getter and setter, and the setter triggers the function that is waiting for variable change.

var myVariableImWaitingOn = function (methodNameToTriggerWhenChanged){
    triggerVar = this;
    triggerVar.val = '';
    triggerVar.onChange = methodNameToTriggerWhenChanged;
        if (value != 'undefined' && value != ''){
            triggerVar.val = value; //modify this according to what you're passing in -
            //like a loop if an array that's only available for a short time, etc
            triggerVar.onChange(); //could also pass the val to the waiting function here
            //or the waiting function can just call myVariableImWaitingOn.GetValue()
        return triggerVar.val();

How to make program go back to the top of the code instead of closing

You need to use a while loop. If you make a while loop, and there's no instruction after the loop, it'll become an infinite loop,and won't stop until you manually stop it.

Open another application from your own (intent)

Open application if it is exist, or open Play Store application for install it:

private void open() {
    openApplication(getActivity(), "");

public void openApplication(Context context, String packageN) {
    Intent i = context.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageN);
    if (i != null) {
    } else {
        try {
            context.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + packageN)));
        catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException anfe) {
            context.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("" + packageN)));

Python argparse: default value or specified value

The difference between:

parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", nargs='?', type=int, const=1, default=7)


parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Debug", nargs='?', type=int, const=1)

is thus: => debug is 7 (from default) in the first case and "None" in the second --debug => debug is 1 in each case --debug 2 => debug is 2 in each case

PHP float with 2 decimal places: .00

A float isn't have 0 or 0.00 : those are different string representations of the internal (IEEE754) binary format but the float is the same.

If you want to express your float as "0.00", you need to format it in a string, using number_format :

$numberAsString = number_format($numberAsFloat, 2);

Passing parameter using onclick or a click binding with KnockoutJS

I know this is an old question, but here is my contribution. Instead of all these tricks, you can just simply wrap a function inside another function. Like I have done here:

<div data-bind="click: function(){ f('hello parameter'); }">Click me once</div>
<div data-bind="click: function(){ f('no no parameter'); }">Click me twice</div>

var VM = function(){
   this.f = function(param){
ko.applyBindings(new VM());

And here is the fiddle

Function pointer as a member of a C struct

Maybe I am missing something here, but did you allocate any memory for that PString before you accessed it?

PString * initializeString() {
    PString *str;
    str = (PString *) malloc(sizeof(PString));
    str->length = &length;
    return str;

Python PDF library

There is also which takes a LibreOffice or OpenOffice document as template and can generate pdf, rtf, odt ... To generate pdf it requires a headless OOo on some server. Documentation is concise but relatively complete. If you need advice, the author is rather helpful.

Where does application data file actually stored on android device?

On Android 4.4 KitKat, I found mine in: /sdcard/Android/data/<>

Problems when trying to load a package in R due to rJava

I had a similar problem what worked for me was to set JAVA_HOME. I tired it first in R:

Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME = "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_101/")

And when it actually worked I set it in

System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables

by adding a new System variable. I then restarted R/RStudio and everything worked.

default select option as blank

If you are using Angular (2+), (or any other framework), you could add some logic. The logic would be: only display an empty option if the user did not select any other yet. So after the user selected an option, the empty option disappears.

For Angular (9) this would look something like this:

    <option *ngIf="(hasOptionSelected$ | async) === false"></option>
    <option *ngFor="let option of (options$ | async)[value]="">{{ option.title }}</option>

How to configure ChromeDriver to initiate Chrome browser in Headless mode through Selenium?

It should look like this:

from selenium import webdriver
from import Options

options = Options()
options.add_argument('--disable-gpu')  # Last I checked this was necessary.
driver = webdriver.Chrome(CHROMEDRIVER_PATH, chrome_options=options)

This works for me using Python 3.6, I'm sure it'll work for 2.7 too.

Update 2018-10-26: These days you can just do this:

from selenium import webdriver
from import Options

options = Options()
options.headless = True
driver = webdriver.Chrome(CHROMEDRIVER_PATH, chrome_options=options)

Why so red? IntelliJ seems to think every declaration/method cannot be found/resolved

I spent most of a day trying all the solutions here, but nothing seemed to work. The only thing that worked for me was to completely uninstall IntelliJ and install it again. However, for me, when I deleted IntelliJ from the Application folder, the problem returned as soon as I re-installed it. What I finally had to do was to use App Cleaner to completely remove IntelliJ and all the config and settings files. After I did that and then reinstalled IntelliJ, the problem finally went away. See How to uninstall IntelliJ on a Mac

Include PHP inside JavaScript (.js) files

You can't include server side PHP in your client side javascript, you will have to port it over to javascript. If you wish, you can use php.js, which ports all PHP functions over to javascript. You can also create a new php file that returns the results of calling your PHP function, and then call that file using AJAX to get the results.

How can I switch themes in Visual Studio 2012

Tools--> Options-->General-->Color Theme

Visual Studio 2017 errors on standard headers

I upgraded VS2017 from version 15.2 to 15.8. With version 15.8 here's what happened:

Project -> Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version -> select 10.0.15063.0 no longer worked for me! I had to change it to 10.0.17134.0 and then everything built again. After the upgrade and without making this change, I was getting the same header file errors.

I would have submitted this as a comment on one of the other answers but I don't have enough reputation yet.

fopen deprecated warning

If you want it to be used on many platforms, you could as commented use defines like:

#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(WIN32)  || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) \
                        || defined(WIN64)    || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__) 

        errno_t err = fopen_s(&stream,name, "w");


#if defined(unix)        || defined(__unix)      || defined(__unix__) \
                        || defined(linux)       || defined(__linux)     || defined(__linux__) \
                        || defined(sun)         || defined(__sun) \
                        || defined(BSD)         || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) \
                        || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined __DragonFly__ \
                        || defined(sgi)         || defined(__sgi) \
                        || defined(__MACOSX__)  || defined(__APPLE__) \
                        || defined(__CYGWIN__) 

        stream = fopen(name, "w");


How to run ssh-add on windows?

If you are trying to setup a key for using git with ssh, there's always an option to add a configuration for the identity file.

vi ~/.ssh/config

IdentityFile ~/.ssh/example_key

What is the strict aliasing rule?

After reading many of the answers, I feel the need to add something:

Strict aliasing (which I'll describe in a bit) is important because:

  1. Memory access can be expensive (performance wise), which is why data is manipulated in CPU registers before being written back to the physical memory.

  2. If data in two different CPU registers will be written to the same memory space, we can't predict which data will "survive" when we code in C.

    In assembly, where we code the loading and unloading of CPU registers manually, we will know which data remains intact. But C (thankfully) abstracts this detail away.

Since two pointers can point to the same location in the memory, this could result in complex code that handles possible collisions.

This extra code is slow and hurts performance since it performs extra memory read / write operations which are both slower and (possibly) unnecessary.

The Strict aliasing rule allows us to avoid redundant machine code in cases in which it should be safe to assume that two pointers don't point to the same memory block (see also the restrict keyword).

The Strict aliasing states it's safe to assume that pointers to different types point to different locations in the memory.

If a compiler notices that two pointers point to different types (for example, an int * and a float *), it will assume the memory address is different and it will not protect against memory address collisions, resulting in faster machine code.

For example:

Lets assume the following function:

void merge_two_ints(int *a, int *b) {
  *b += *a;
  *a += *b;

In order to handle the case in which a == b (both pointers point to the same memory), we need to order and test the way we load data from the memory to the CPU registers, so the code might end up like this:

  1. load a and b from memory.

  2. add a to b.

  3. save b and reload a.

    (save from CPU register to the memory and load from the memory to the CPU register).

  4. add b to a.

  5. save a (from the CPU register) to the memory.

Step 3 is very slow because it needs to access the physical memory. However, it's required to protect against instances where a and b point to the same memory address.

Strict aliasing would allow us to prevent this by telling the compiler that these memory addresses are distinctly different (which, in this case, will allow even further optimization which can't be performed if the pointers share a memory address).

  1. This can be told to the compiler in two ways, by using different types to point to. i.e.:

    void merge_two_numbers(int *a, long *b) {...}
  2. Using the restrict keyword. i.e.:

    void merge_two_ints(int * restrict a, int * restrict b) {...}

Now, by satisfying the Strict Aliasing rule, step 3 can be avoided and the code will run significantly faster.

In fact, by adding the restrict keyword, the whole function could be optimized to:

  1. load a and b from memory.

  2. add a to b.

  3. save result both to a and to b.

This optimization couldn't have been done before, because of the possible collision (where a and b would be tripled instead of doubled).

Try-Catch-End Try in VBScript doesn't seem to work

Try Catch exists via workaround in VBScript:

Class CFunc1
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        WScript.Echo "Starting"
        Dim i : i = 65535 ^ 65535 
        MsgBox "Should not see this"
    End Sub

    Private Sub CatchErr
        If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Sub
        Select Case Err.Number
            Case 6 WScript.Echo "Overflow handled!" 
            Case Else WScript.Echo "Unhandled error " & Err.Number & " occurred."
        End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        WScript.Echo "Exiting" 
    End Sub 
End Class

Dim Func1 : Set Func1 = New CFunc1 : Set Func1 = Nothing

Could not find a declaration file for module 'module-name'. '/path/to/module-name.js' implicitly has an 'any' type

For anyone else reading this, try renaming your .js file to .ts

Edit: You can also add "allowJs": true to your tsconfig file.

How do you configure HttpOnly cookies in tomcat / java webapps?

For cookies that I am explicitly setting, I switched to use SimpleCookie provided by Apache Shiro. It does not inherit from javax.servlet.http.Cookie so it takes a bit more juggling to get everything to work correctly however it does provide a property set HttpOnly and it works with Servlet 2.5.

For setting a cookie on a response, rather than doing response.addCookie(cookie) you need to do cookie.saveTo(request, response).

What is attr_accessor in Ruby?

I am new to ruby and had to just deal with understanding the following weirdness. Might help out someone else in the future. In the end it is as was mentioned above, where 2 functions (def myvar, def myvar=) both get implicitly for accessing @myvar, but these methods can be overridden by local declarations.

class Foo
  attr_accessor 'myvar'
  def initialize
    @myvar = "A"
    myvar = "B"
    puts @myvar # A
    puts myvar # B - myvar declared above overrides myvar method

  def test
    puts @myvar # A
    puts myvar # A - coming from myvar accessor

    myvar = "C" # local myvar overrides accessor
    puts @myvar # A
    puts myvar # C

    send "myvar=", "E" # not running "myvar =", but instead calls setter for @myvar
    puts @myvar # E
    puts myvar # C

json_encode() escaping forward slashes

On the flip side, I was having an issue with PHPUNIT asserting urls was contained in or equal to a url that was json_encoded -

my expected:


would be encoded to:


If you need to do a comparison, transforming the url using:

addcslashes($url, '/')

allowed for the proper output during my comparisons.

C# how to wait for a webpage to finish loading before continuing

I think the DocumentCompleted event of the WebBrowser control should get you where you need to go.

How do you create a Distinct query in HQL

Here's a snippet of hql that we use. (Names have been changed to protect identities)

String queryString = "select distinct f from Foo f inner join foo.bars as b" +
                " where f.creationDate >= ? and f.creationDate < ? and = ?";
        return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString, new Object[] {startDate, endDate, bar});

How to bind Events on Ajax loaded Content?

use instead . Documentation here


$("mylink").live("click", function(event) { alert("new link clicked!");});

How do I partially update an object in MongoDB so the new object will overlay / merge with the existing one

Starting Mongo 4.2, db.collection.update() can accept an aggregation pipeline, which allows using aggregation operators such as $addFields, which outputs all existing fields from the input documents and newly added fields:

var new_info = { param2: "val2_new", param3: "val3_new" }

// { some_key: { param1: "val1", param2: "val2", param3: "val3" } }
// { some_key: { param1: "val1", param2: "val2"                 } }
db.collection.update({}, [{ $addFields: { some_key: new_info } }], { multi: true })
// { some_key: { param1: "val1", param2: "val2_new", param3: "val3_new" } }
// { some_key: { param1: "val1", param2: "val2_new", param3: "val3_new" } }
  • The first part {} is the match query, filtering which documents to update (in this case all documents).

  • The second part [{ $addFields: { some_key: new_info } }] is the update aggregation pipeline:

    • Note the squared brackets signifying the use of an aggregation pipeline.
    • Since this is an aggregation pipeline, we can use $addFields.
    • $addFields performs exactly what you need: updating the object so that the new object will overlay / merge with the existing one:
    • In this case, { param2: "val2_new", param3: "val3_new" } will be merged into the existing some_key by keeping param1 untouched and either add or replace both param2 and param3.
  • Don't forget { multi: true }, otherwise only the first matching document will be updated.

Error TF30063: You are not authorized to access ... \DefaultCollection

When Visual Studio prompted me for Visual Studio Team Services credentials there are two options:

  1. Use a "Work or School"
  2. Use a "Personal" account

In my situation I was using a work email address, however, I had to select "Personal" in order to get connected. Selecting "Work or School" gave me the "tf30063 you are not authorized to access..." error.

For some reason my email address appears to be registered as "personal" even though everything is setup in Office 365 / Azure as a company. I believe the Microsoft account was created prior to our Silver Partnership status with Microsoft.

Navigation bar with UIImage for title

This worked for me... try it

let image : UIImage = UIImage(named: "LogoName")
let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: 25))
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
imageView.image = image
navigationItem.titleView = imageView

regular expression to match exactly 5 digits

I am reading a text file and want to use regex below to pull out numbers with exactly 5 digit, ignoring alphabets.

Try this...

var str = 'f 34 545 323 12345 54321 123456',
    matches = str.match(/\b\d{5}\b/g);

console.log(matches); // ["12345", "54321"]


The word boundary \b is your friend here.


My regex will get a number like this 12345, but not like a12345. The other answers provide great regexes if you require the latter.

When is the @JsonProperty property used and what is it used for?

well for what its worth now... JsonProperty is ALSO used to specify getter and setter methods for the variable apart from usual serialization and deserialization. For example suppose you have a payload like this:

  "check": true

and a Deserializer class:

public class Check {

  @JsonProperty("check")    // It is needed else Jackson will look got getCheck method and will fail
  private Boolean check;

  public Boolean isCheck() {
     return check;

Then in this case JsonProperty annotation is neeeded. However if you also have a method in the class

public class Check {

  //@JsonProperty("check")    Not needed anymore
  private Boolean check;

  public Boolean getCheck() {
     return check;

Have a look at this documentation too:

Xcode source automatic formatting

Well I was searching for an easy way. And find out on medium.

First to copy the json text and validate it on jsonlint or something similar. Then to copy from jsonlint, already the json is formatted. And paste the code on Xcode with preserving the format, shortcut shift + option + command + v

How to turn off caching on Firefox?

Best strategy is to design your site to build a unique URL to your JS files, that gets reset every time there is a change. That way it caches when there has been no change, but imediately reloads when any change occurs.

You'd need to adjust for your specific environment tools, but if you are using PHP/Apache, here's a great solution for both you, and the end-users.

How do I update an entity using spring-data-jpa?

This is how I solved the problem:

User inbound = ...
User existing = userRepository.findByFirstname(inbound.getFirstname());
if(existing != null) inbound.setId(existing.getId());;

Convert Json Array to normal Java list

we starting from conversion [ JSONArray -> List < JSONObject > ]

public static List<JSONObject> getJSONObjectListFromJSONArray(JSONArray array) 
        throws JSONException {
  ArrayList<JSONObject> jsonObjects = new ArrayList<>();
  for (int i = 0; 
           i < (array != null ? array.length() : 0);           
  return jsonObjects;

next create generic version replacing array.getJSONObject(i++) with POJO

example :

public <T> static List<T> getJSONObjectListFromJSONArray(Class<T> forClass, JSONArray array) 
        throws JSONException {
  ArrayList<Tt> tObjects = new ArrayList<>();
  for (int i = 0; 
           i < (array != null ? array.length() : 0);           
           tObjects.add( (T) createT(forClass, array.getJSONObject(i++))) 
  return tObjects;

private static T createT(Class<T> forCLass, JSONObject jObject) {
   // instantiate via reflection / use constructor or whatsoever 
   T tObject = forClass.newInstance(); 
   // if not using constuctor args  fill up 
   // return new pojo filled object 
   return tObject;

jQuery datepicker years shown

au, nz, ie, etc. are the country codes for the countries whose national days are being displayed (Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, ...). As seen in the code, these values are combined with '_day' and passed back to be applied to that day as a CSS style. The corresponding styles are of the form show below, which moves the text for that day out of the way and replaces it with an image of the country's flag.

.au_day {
  text-indent: -9999px;
  background: #eee url(au.gif) no-repeat center;

The 'false' value that is passed back with the new style indicates that these days may not be selected.

Is there a "previous sibling" selector?

No. It is not possible via CSS. It takes the "Cascade" to heart ;-).

However, if you are able to add JavaScript to your page, a little bit of jQuery could get you to your end goal.
You can use jQuery's find to perform a "look-ahead" on your target element/class/id, then backtrack to select your target.
Then you use jQuery to re-write the DOM (CSS) for your element.

Based on this answer by Mike Brant, the following jQuery snippet could help.

$('p + ul').prev('p')

This first selects all <ul>s that immediately follow a <p>.
Then it "backtracks" to select all the previous <p>s from that set of <ul>s.

Effectively, "previous sibling" has been selected via jQuery.
Now, use the .css function to pass in your CSS new values for that element.

In my case I was looking to find a way to select a DIV with the id #full-width, but ONLY if it had a (indirect) descendant DIV with the class of .companies.

I had control of all the HTML under .companies, but could not alter any of the HTML above it.
And the cascade goes only 1 direction: down.

Thus I could select ALL #full-widths.
Or I could select .companies that only followed a #full-width.
But I could not select only #full-widths that proceeded .companies.

And, again, I was unable to add .companies any higher up in the HTML. That part of the HTML was written externally, and wrapped our code.

But with jQuery, I can select the required #full-widths, then assign the appropriate style:

$("#full-width").find(".companies").parents("#full-width").css( "width", "300px" );

This finds all #full-width .companies, and selects just those .companies, similar to how selectors are used to target specific elements in standard in CSS.
Then it uses .parents to "backtrack" and select ALL parents of .companies,
but filters those results to keep only #fill-width elements, so that in the end,
it only selects a #full-width element if it has a .companies class descendant.
Finally, it assigns a new CSS (width) value to the resulting element.

$(".parent").find(".change-parent").parents(".parent").css( "background-color", "darkred");
div {_x000D_
  background-color: lightblue;_x000D_
  width: 120px;_x000D_
  height: 40px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid gray;_x000D_
  padding: 5px;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  background-color: blue;_x000D_
  width: 250px;_x000D_
  height: 165px;_x000D_
.parent {_x000D_
  background-color: green;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
  height: 70px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="parent">_x000D_
    "parent" turns red_x000D_
    <div class="change-parent">_x000D_
    descendant: "change-parent"_x000D_
  <div class="parent">_x000D_
    "parent" stays green_x000D_
    <div class="nope">_x000D_
    descendant: "nope"_x000D_
Target <b>"<span style="color:darkgreen">parent</span>"</b> to turn <span style="color:red">red</span>.<br>_x000D_
<b>Only</b> if it <b>has</b> a descendant of "change-parent".<br>_x000D_
(reverse cascade, look ahead, parent un-descendant)_x000D_

jQuery Reference Docs:
$() or jQuery(): DOM element.
.find: Get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, filtered by a selector, jQuery object, or element.
.parents: Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in the set of matched elements. If a selector is provided, it retrieves the previous sibling only if it matches that selector (filters the results to only include the listed elements/selectors).
.css: Set one or more CSS properties for the set of matched elements.

Calling a function of a module by using its name (a string)

Try this. While this still uses eval, it only uses it to summon the function from the current context. Then, you have the real function to use as you wish.

The main benefit for me from this is that you will get any eval-related errors at the point of summoning the function. Then you will get only the function-related errors when you call.

def say_hello(name):
    print 'Hello {}!'.format(name)

# get the function by name
method_name = 'say_hello'
method = eval(method_name)

# call it like a regular function later
args = ['friend']
kwargs = {}
method(*args, **kwargs)

Automatically open default email client and pre-populate content

Try this: It will open the default mail directly.

<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><img src="ICON2.png"></a>

Why is there no SortedList in Java?

Think of it like this: the List interface has methods like add(int index, E element), set(int index, E element). The contract is that once you added an element at position X you will find it there unless you add or remove elements before it.

If any list implementation would store elements in some order other than based on the index, the above list methods would make no sense.

How do I do pagination in ASP.NET MVC?


public class PageEntity
    public int Page { get; set; }
    public string Class { get; set; }

public class Pagination
    public List<PageEntity> Pages { get; set; }
    public int Next { get; set; }
    public int Previous { get; set; }
    public string NextClass { get; set; }
    public string PreviousClass { get; set; }
    public bool Display { get; set; }
    public string Query { get; set; }


    <div class="navigation" style="text-align: center">
        <ul class="pagination">
            <li class="page-item @Model.NextClass"><a class="page-link" href="?page=@(@[email protected])">&laquo;</a></li>
            @foreach (var item in @Model.Pages)
                <li class="page-item @item.Class"><a class="page-link" href="?page=@([email protected])">@item.Page</a></li>
            <li class="page-item @Model.NextClass"><a class="page-link" href="?page=@(@[email protected])">&raquo;</a></li>

Paging Logic

public Pagination GetCategoryPaging(int currentPage, int recordCount, string query)
    string pageClass = string.Empty; int pageSize = 10, innerCount = 5;

    Pagination pagination = new Pagination();
    pagination.Pages = new List<PageEntity>();
    pagination.Next = currentPage + 1;
    pagination.Previous = ((currentPage - 1) > 0) ? (currentPage - 1) : 1;
    pagination.Query = query;

    int totalPages = ((int)recordCount % pageSize) == 0 ? (int)recordCount / pageSize : (int)recordCount / pageSize + 1;

    int loopStart = 1, loopCount = 1;

    if ((currentPage - 2) > 0)
        loopStart = (currentPage - 2);

    for (int i = loopStart; i <= totalPages; i++)
        pagination.Pages.Add(new PageEntity { Page = i, Class = string.Empty });

        if (loopCount == innerCount)
        { break; }


    if (totalPages <= innerCount)
        pagination.PreviousClass = "disabled";

    foreach (var item in pagination.Pages.Where(x => x.Page == currentPage))
        item.Class = "active";

    if (pagination.Pages.Count() <= 1)
        pagination.Display = false;

    return pagination;

Using Controller

public ActionResult GetPages()
    int currentPage = 1; string search = string.Empty;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["page"]))
        currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["page"]);

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["q"]))
        search = "&q=" + Request.QueryString["q"];
    /* to be Fetched from database using count */
    int recordCount = 100;

    Place place = new Place();
    Pagination pagination = place.GetCategoryPaging(currentPage, recordCount, search);

    return PartialView("Controls/_Pagination", pagination);

What is meant with "const" at end of function declaration?

Similar to this question.

In essence it means that the method Bar will not modify non mutable member variables of Foo.

Break string into list of characters in Python

I'm a bit late it seems to be, but...

print list(a)
# ['h','e','l','l', 'o']

What are the options for storing hierarchical data in a relational database?

This is really a square peg, round hole question.

If relational databases and SQL are the only hammer you have or are willing to use, then the answers that have been posted thus far are adequate. However, why not use a tool designed to handle hierarchical data? Graph database are ideal for complex hierarchical data.

The inefficiencies of the relational model along with the complexities of any code/query solution to map a graph/hierarchical model onto a relational model is just not worth the effort when compared to the ease with which a graph database solution can solve the same problem.

Consider a Bill of Materials as a common hierarchical data structure.

class Component extends Vertex {
    long assetId;
    long partNumber;
    long material;
    long amount;

class PartOf extends Edge {

class AdjacentTo extends Edge {

Shortest path between two sub-assemblies: Simple graph traversal algorithm. Acceptable paths can be qualified based on criteria.

Similarity: What is the degree of similarity between two assemblies? Perform a traversal on both sub-trees computing the intersection and union of the two sub-trees. The percent similar is the intersection divided by the union.

Transitive Closure: Walk the sub-tree and sum up the field(s) of interest, e.g. "How much aluminum is in a sub-assembly?"

Yes, you can solve the problem with SQL and a relational database. However, there are much better approaches if you are willing to use the right tool for the job.

Get all LI elements in array

If you want all the li tags in an array even when they are in different ul tags then you can simply do

var lis = document.getElementByTagName('li'); 

and if you want to get particular div tag li's then:

var lis = document.getElementById('divID').getElementByTagName('li'); 

else if you want to search a ul first and then its li tags then you can do:

var uls = document.getElementsByTagName('ul');
for(var i=0;i<uls.length;i++){
    var lis=uls[i].getElementsByTagName('li');
    for(var j=0;j<lis.length;j++){

Fetch: POST json data

From search engines, I ended up on this topic for non-json posting data with fetch, so thought I would add this.

For non-json you don't have to use form data. You can simply set the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and use a string:

fetch('url here', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, // this line is important, if this content-type is not set it wont work
    body: 'foo=bar&blah=1'

An alternative way to build that body string, rather then typing it out as I did above, is to use libraries. For instance the stringify function from query-string or qs packages. So using this it would look like:

import queryString from 'query-string'; // import the queryString class

fetch('url here', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, // this line is important, if this content-type is not set it wont work
    body: queryString.stringify({for:'bar', blah:1}) //use the stringify object of the queryString class

selenium get current url after loading a page

Like you said since the xpath for the next button is the same on every page it won't work. It's working as coded in that it does wait for the element to be displayed but since it's already displayed then the implicit wait doesn't apply because it doesn't need to wait at all. Why don't you use the fact that the url changes since from your code it appears to change when the next button is clicked. I do C# but I guess in Java it would be something like:

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
String startURL = //a starting url;
String currentURL = null;
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);


/* go to next page */
    String previousURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();
    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    ExpectedCondition e = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
          public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) {
            return (d.getCurrentUrl() != previousURL);

    currentURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();

Create ArrayList from array

You can convert using different methods

  1. List<Element> list = Arrays.asList(array);

  2. List<Element> list = new ArrayList();
    Collections.addAll(list, array);

  3. Arraylist list = new Arraylist();

For more detail you can refer to

How to set cursor position in EditText?

I'm so late to answer this problem, so I figure it out. Just use,


How to get Url Hash (#) from server side

That's because the browser doesn't transmit that part to the server, sorry.

How can I round down a number in Javascript?

Round towards negative infinity - Math.floor()

+3.5 => +3.0
-3.5 => -4.0

Round towards zero can be done using Math.trunc(). Older browsers do not support this function. If you need to support these, you can use Math.ceil() for negative numbers and Math.floor() for positive numbers.

+3.5 => +3.0 using Math.floor()
-3.5 => -3.0 using Math.ceil()

Accessing Websites through a Different Port?

You can run the web server on any port. 80 is just convention as are 8080 (web server on unprivileged port) and 443 (web server + ssl). However if you're looking to see some web site by pointing your browser to a different port you're probably out of luck. Unless the web server is being run on that port explicitly you'll just get an error message.

How can I disable editing cells in a WPF Datagrid?

If you want to disable editing the entire grid, you can set IsReadOnly to true on the grid. If you want to disable user to add new rows, you set the property CanUserAddRows="False"

<DataGrid IsReadOnly="True" CanUserAddRows="False" />

Further more you can set IsReadOnly on individual columns to disable editing.

jQuery $.ajax(), pass success data into separate function

this is how I do it

function run_ajax(obj) {
        url: prefix,
        data: obj.pdata,
        dataType: 'json',
        error: function(data) {
            //do error stuff
        success: function(data) {



    //do what you want with data

var obj= {};
obj.pdata = {sumbit:"somevalue"}; // post variable data
obj.func = alert_func;

Remove duplicates from a dataframe in PySpark

if you have a data frame and want to remove all duplicates -- with reference to duplicates in a specific column (called 'colName'):

count before dedupe:


do the de-dupe (convert the column you are de-duping to string type):

from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df = df.withColumn('colName',col('colName').cast('string'))


can use a sorted groupby to check to see that duplicates have been removed:


How can I get the current page name in WordPress?

Try this:

$pagename = get_query_var('pagename');

Composer - the requested PHP extension mbstring is missing from your system

sudo apt-get install php-mbstring

# if your are using php 7.1
sudo apt-get install php7.1-mbstring

# if your are using php 7.2
sudo apt-get install php7.2-mbstring

Execute raw SQL using Doctrine 2

I got it to work by doing this, assuming you are using PDO.

//Place query here, let's say you want all the users that have blue as their favorite color
$sql = "SELECT name FROM user WHERE favorite_color = :color";

//set parameters 
//you may set as many parameters as you have on your query
$params['color'] = blue;

//create the prepared statement, by getting the doctrine connection
$stmt = $this->entityManager->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
//I used FETCH_COLUMN because I only needed one Column.
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

You can change the FETCH_TYPE to suit your needs.

Add leading zeroes to number in Java?

In case of your jdk version less than 1.5, following option can be used.

    int iTest = 2;
    StringBuffer sTest = new StringBuffer("000000"); //if the string size is 6
    System.out.println(sTest.substring(sTest.length()-6, sTest.length()));

Checking if a string is empty or null in Java

Correct way to check for null or empty or string containing only spaces is like this:

if(str != null && !str.trim().isEmpty()) { /* do your stuffs here */ }

How to delete all files and folders in a folder by cmd call

No, I don't know one.

If you want to retain the original directory for some reason (ACLs, &c.), and instead really want to empty it, then you can do the following:

del /q destination\*
for /d %x in (destination\*) do @rd /s /q "%x"

This first removes all files from the directory, and then recursively removes all nested directories, but overall keeping the top-level directory as it is (except for its contents).

Note that within a batch file you need to double the % within the for loop:

del /q destination\*
for /d %%x in (destination\*) do @rd /s /q "%%x"

Subtract two dates in Java

Edit 2018-05-28 I have changed the example to use Java 8's Time API:

LocalDate d1 = LocalDate.parse("2018-05-26", DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
LocalDate d2 = LocalDate.parse("2018-05-28", DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
Duration diff = Duration.between(d1.atStartOfDay(), d2.atStartOfDay());
long diffDays = diff.toDays();

Exception: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first

Always, always, always put disposable objects inside of using statements. I can't see how you've instantiated your DataReader but you should do it like this:

using (Connection c = ...)
    using (DataReader dr = ...)
        //Work with dr in here.
//Now the connection and reader have been closed and disposed.

Now, to answer your question, the reader is using the same connection as the command you're trying to ExecuteNonQuery on. You need to use a separate connection since the DataReader keeps the connection open and reads data as you need it.

Create line after text with css

Here is another, in my opinion even simpler solution using a flex wrapper:


<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="line"></div>


.wrapper {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

.line {
  border-top: 1px solid grey;
  flex-grow: 1;
  margin: 0 10px;


How do I correctly clone a JavaScript object?

To do this for any object in JavaScript will not be simple or straightforward. You will run into the problem of erroneously picking up attributes from the object's prototype that should be left in the prototype and not copied to the new instance. If, for instance, you are adding a clone method to Object.prototype, as some answers depict, you will need to explicitly skip that attribute. But what if there are other additional methods added to Object.prototype, or other intermediate prototypes, that you don't know about? In that case, you will copy attributes you shouldn't, so you need to detect unforeseen, non-local attributes with the hasOwnProperty method.

In addition to non-enumerable attributes, you'll encounter a tougher problem when you try to copy objects that have hidden properties. For example, prototype is a hidden property of a function. Also, an object's prototype is referenced with the attribute __proto__, which is also hidden, and will not be copied by a for/in loop iterating over the source object's attributes. I think __proto__ might be specific to Firefox's JavaScript interpreter and it may be something different in other browsers, but you get the picture. Not everything is enumerable. You can copy a hidden attribute if you know its name, but I don't know of any way to discover it automatically.

Yet another snag in the quest for an elegant solution is the problem of setting up the prototype inheritance correctly. If your source object's prototype is Object, then simply creating a new general object with {} will work, but if the source's prototype is some descendant of Object, then you are going to be missing the additional members from that prototype which you skipped using the hasOwnProperty filter, or which were in the prototype, but weren't enumerable in the first place. One solution might be to call the source object's constructor property to get the initial copy object and then copy over the attributes, but then you still will not get non-enumerable attributes. For example, a Date object stores its data as a hidden member:

function clone(obj) {
    if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj;
    var copy = obj.constructor();
    for (var attr in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = obj[attr];
    return copy;

var d1 = new Date();

/* Executes function after 5 seconds. */
    var d2 = clone(d1);
    alert("d1 = " + d1.toString() + "\nd2 = " + d2.toString());
}, 5000);

The date string for d1 will be 5 seconds behind that of d2. A way to make one Date the same as another is by calling the setTime method, but that is specific to the Date class. I don't think there is a bullet-proof general solution to this problem, though I would be happy to be wrong!

When I had to implement general deep copying I ended up compromising by assuming that I would only need to copy a plain Object, Array, Date, String, Number, or Boolean. The last 3 types are immutable, so I could perform a shallow copy and not worry about it changing. I further assumed that any elements contained in Object or Array would also be one of the 6 simple types in that list. This can be accomplished with code like the following:

function clone(obj) {
    var copy;

    // Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined
    if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj;

    // Handle Date
    if (obj instanceof Date) {
        copy = new Date();
        return copy;

    // Handle Array
    if (obj instanceof Array) {
        copy = [];
        for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) {
            copy[i] = clone(obj[i]);
        return copy;

    // Handle Object
    if (obj instanceof Object) {
        copy = {};
        for (var attr in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = clone(obj[attr]);
        return copy;

    throw new Error("Unable to copy obj! Its type isn't supported.");

The above function will work adequately for the 6 simple types I mentioned, as long as the data in the objects and arrays form a tree structure. That is, there isn't more than one reference to the same data in the object. For example:

// This would be cloneable:
var tree = {
    "left"  : { "left" : null, "right" : null, "data" : 3 },
    "right" : null,
    "data"  : 8

// This would kind-of work, but you would get 2 copies of the 
// inner node instead of 2 references to the same copy
var directedAcylicGraph = {
    "left"  : { "left" : null, "right" : null, "data" : 3 },
    "data"  : 8
directedAcyclicGraph["right"] = directedAcyclicGraph["left"];

// Cloning this would cause a stack overflow due to infinite recursion:
var cyclicGraph = {
    "left"  : { "left" : null, "right" : null, "data" : 3 },
    "data"  : 8
cyclicGraph["right"] = cyclicGraph;

It will not be able to handle any JavaScript object, but it may be sufficient for many purposes as long as you don't assume that it will just work for anything you throw at it.

What is simplest way to read a file into String?

You can use apache commons IO..

FileInputStream fisTargetFile = new FileInputStream(new File("test.txt"));

String targetFileStr = IOUtils.toString(fisTargetFile, "UTF-8");

BitBucket - download source as ZIP

In Bitbucket Server you can do a download by clicking on ... next to the branch and then Download

Bitbucket Server download

For more info see Download an archive from Bitbucket Server

C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute

The error tells you EXACTLY what the problem is (and running in the debugger or reading the stack trace will tell you exactly where the problem is):

C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

Your problem is the loop

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> kvp in rankings) {

wherein you modify the collection rankings. In particular, the offensive line is

rankings[kvp.Key] = rankings[kvp.Key] + 4;

Before you enter the loop, add the following line:

var listOfRankingsToModify = new List<int>();

Replace the offending line with


and after you exit the loop

foreach(var key in listOfRankingsToModify) {
    rankings[key] = rankings[key] + 4;

That is, record what changes you need to make, and make them without iterating over the collection that you need to modify.

How to receive serial data using android bluetooth

Take a look at incredible Bluetooth Serial class that has onResume() ability that helped me so much. I hope this helps ;)

How can I selectively merge or pick changes from another branch in Git?

The simple way, to actually merge specific files from two branches, not just replace specific files with ones from another branch.

Step one: Diff the branches

git diff branch_b > my_patch_file.patch

Creates a patch file of the difference between the current branch and branch_b

Step two: Apply the patch on files matching a pattern

git apply -p1 --include=pattern/matching/the/path/to/file/or/folder my_patch_file.patch

Useful notes on the options

You can use * as a wildcard in the include pattern.

Slashes don't need to be escaped.

Also, you could use --exclude instead and apply it to everything except the files matching the pattern, or reverse the patch with -R

The -p1 option is a holdover from the *Unix patch command and the fact that the patch file's contents prepend each file name with a/ or b/ (or more depending on how the patch file was generated) which you need to strip, so that it can figure out the real file to the path to the file the patch needs to be applied to.

Check out the man page for git-apply for more options.

Step three: there is no step three

Obviously you'd want to commit your changes, but who's to say you don't have some other related tweaks you want to do before making your commit.

How to determine the screen width in terms of dp or dip at runtime in Android?

Get Screen Width and Height in terms of DP with some good decoration:

Step 1: Create interface

public interface ScreenInterface {

   float getWidth();

   float getHeight();


Step 2: Create implementer class

public class Screen implements ScreenInterface {
    private Activity activity;

    public Screen(Activity activity) {
        this.activity = activity;

    private DisplayMetrics getScreenDimension(Activity activity) {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
        return displayMetrics;

    private float getScreenDensity(Activity activity) {
        return activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;

    public float getWidth() {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getScreenDimension(activity);
        return displayMetrics.widthPixels / getScreenDensity(activity);

    public float getHeight() {
        DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getScreenDimension(activity);
        return displayMetrics.heightPixels / getScreenDensity(activity);

Step 3: Get width and height in activity:

Screen screen = new Screen(this); // Setting Screen

How do I restrict my EditText input to numerical (possibly decimal and signed) input?

The best way to do that programmatically is using the next method:

public static DigitsKeyListener getInstance (boolean sign, boolean decimal) 

Returns a DigitsKeyListener that accepts the digits 0 through 9, plus the minus sign (only at the beginning) and/or decimal point (only one per field) if specified.

This solve the problem about the many '.' in EditText

editText.setKeyListener(DigitsKeyListener.getInstance(true,true)); // decimals and positive/negative numbers. 

editText.setKeyListener(DigitsKeyListener.getInstance(false,true)); // positive decimals numbers. 

editText.setKeyListener(DigitsKeyListener.getInstance(false,false)); // positive integer numbers.

editText.setKeyListener(DigitsKeyListener.getInstance(true,false)); // positive/negative integer numbers.

dd: How to calculate optimal blocksize?

I've found my optimal blocksize to be 8 MB (equal to disk cache?) I needed to wipe (some say: wash) the empty space on a disk before creating a compressed image of it. I used:

cd /media/DiskToWash/
dd if=/dev/zero of=zero bs=8M; rm zero

I experimented with values from 4K to 100M.

After letting dd to run for a while I killed it (Ctlr+C) and read the output:

36+0 records in
36+0 records out
301989888 bytes (302 MB) copied, 15.8341 s, 19.1 MB/s

As dd displays the input/output rate (19.1MB/s in this case) it's easy to see if the value you've picked is performing better than the previous one or worse.

My scores:

bs=   I/O rate
4K    13.5 MB/s
64K   18.3 MB/s
8M    19.1 MB/s <--- winner!
10M   19.0 MB/s
20M   18.6 MB/s
100M  18.6 MB/s   

Note: To check what your disk cache/buffer size is, you can use sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda

Is there a concurrent List in Java's JDK?

Because the act of acquiring the position and getting the element from the given position naturally requires some locking (you can't have the list have structural changes between those two operations).

The very idea of a concurrent collection is that each operation on its own is atomic and can be done without explicit locking/synchronization.

Therefore getting the element at position n from a given List as an atomic operation doesn't make too much sense in a situation where concurrent access is anticipated.

combining two data frames of different lengths

I think I have come up with a quite shorter solution.. Hope it helps someone.<-function(df1, df2){

  #Collect all unique rownames
  total.rownames<-union(x = rownames(x = df1),y = rownames(x=df2))

  #Create a new dataframe with rownames
  df<-data.frame(row.names = total.rownames)

  #Get absent rownames for both of the dataframe
  absent.names.1<-setdiff(x = rownames(df1),y = rownames(df))
  absent.names.2<-setdiff(x = rownames(df2),y = rownames(df))

  #Fill absents with NAs
  df1.fixed<-data.frame(row.names = absent.names.1,matrix(data = NA,nrow = length(absent.names.1),ncol=ncol(df1)))

  df2.fixed<-data.frame(row.names = absent.names.2,matrix(data = NA,nrow = length(absent.names.2),ncol=ncol(df2)))

  #Finally cbind into new dataframe


Importing json file in TypeScript

The import form and the module declaration need to agree about the shape of the module, about what it exports.

When you write (a suboptimal practice for importing JSON since TypeScript 2.9 when targeting compatible module formatssee note)

declare module "*.json" {
  const value: any;
  export default value;

You are stating that all modules that have a specifier ending in .json have a single export named default.

There are several ways you can correctly consume such a module including

import a from "a.json";


import * as a from "a.json";


import {default as a} from "a.json";


import a = require("a.json");

The first form is the best and the syntactic sugar it leverages is the very reason JavaScript has default exports.

However I mentioned the other forms to give you a hint about what's going wrong. Pay special attention to the last one. require gives you an object representing the module itself and not its exported bindings.

So why the error? Because you wrote

import a = require("a.json");

And yet there is no export named primaryMain declared by your "*.json".

All of this assumes that your module loader is providing the JSON as the default export as suggested by your original declaration.

Note: Since TypeScript 2.9, you can use the --resolveJsonModule compiler flag to have TypeScript analyze imported .json files and provide correct information regarding their shape obviating the need for a wildcard module declaration and validating the presence of the file. This is not supported for certain target module formats.

In Bash, how to add "Are you sure [Y/n]" to any command or alias?

These are more compact and versatile forms of Hamish's answer. They handle any mixture of upper and lower case letters:

read -r -p "Are you sure? [y/N] " response
case "$response" in

Or, for Bash >= version 3.2:

read -r -p "Are you sure? [y/N] " response
if [[ "$response" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]

Note: If $response is an empty string, it will give an error. To fix, simply add quotation marks: "$response". – Always use double quotes in variables containing strings (e.g.: prefer to use "$@" instead $@).

Or, Bash 4.x:

read -r -p "Are you sure? [y/N] " response
response=${response,,}    # tolower
if [[ "$response" =~ ^(yes|y)$ ]]


In response to your edit, here's how you'd create and use a confirm command based on the first version in my answer (it would work similarly with the other two):

confirm() {
    # call with a prompt string or use a default
    read -r -p "${1:-Are you sure? [y/N]} " response
    case "$response" in

To use this function:

confirm && hg push ssh://..


confirm "Would you really like to do a push?" && hg push ssh://..

How to apply CSS to iframe?

Here is how to apply CSS code directly without using <link> to load an extra stylesheet.

var head = jQuery("#iframe").contents().find("head");
var css = '<style type="text/css">' +
          '#banner{display:none}; ' +

This hides the banner in the iframe page. Thank you for your suggestions!

C/C++ NaN constant (literal)?

This can be done using the numeric_limits in C++:

These are the methods you probably want to look at:

infinity()  T   Representation of positive infinity, if available.
quiet_NaN() T   Representation of quiet (non-signaling) "Not-a-Number", if available.
signaling_NaN() T   Representation of signaling "Not-a-Number", if available.

How to merge multiple lists into one list in python?

Just add them:

['it'] + ['was'] + ['annoying']

You should read the Python tutorial to learn basic info like this.

Cannot lower case button text in android studio

there are 3 ways to do it.

1.Add the following line on style.xml to change entire application

<item name="android:textAllCaps">false</item>



in your layout-v21

  1. add this line under the element(button or edit text) in xml



How to add values in a variable in Unix shell scripting?

In ksh ,bash ,sh:

$ count7=0                     
$ count1=5
$ (( count7 += count1 ))
$ echo $count7
$ 5

How to tell a Mockito mock object to return something different the next time it is called?

You could also Stub Consecutive Calls (#10 in 2.8.9 api). In this case, you would use multiple thenReturn calls or one thenReturn call with multiple parameters (varargs).

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class TestClass {

    private Foo mockFoo;

    public void setup() {

    public void testFoo() {
        TestObject testObj = new TestObject(mockFoo);


    private void setupFoo() {
        mockFoo = mock(Foo.class);

            .thenReturn(-1); //any subsequent call will return -1

        // Or a bit shorter with varargs:
            .thenReturn(0, 1, -1); //any subsequent call will return -1

Before and After Suite execution hook in jUnit 4.x

The only way I think then to get the functionality you want would be to do something like

import junit.framework.Test;  
import junit.framework.TestResult;  
import junit.framework.TestSuite;  

public class AllTests {  
    public static Test suite() {  
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("TestEverything");  

     public static void main(String[] args)  
        AllTests test = new AllTests();  
        Test testCase = test.suite();  
        TestResult result = new TestResult();  
        setUp(); ;  
     public void setUp() {}  
     public void tearDown() {}  

I use something like this in eclipse, so I'm not sure how portable it is outside of that environment

What is the difference between compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion?

The CompileSdkVersion is the version of the SDK platform your app works with for compilation, etc DURING the development process (you should always use the latest) This is shipped with the API version you are using

enter image description here

You will see this in your build.gradle file:

enter image description here

targetSdkVersion: contains the info your app ships with AFTER the development process to the app store that allows it to TARGET the SPECIFIED version of the Android platform. Depending on the functionality of your app, it can target API versions lower than the current.For instance, you can target API 18 even if the current version is 23.

Take a good look at this official Google page.


from s in context.shift
where !context.employeeshift.Any(es=>(es.shiftid==s.shiftid)&&(es.empid==57))
select s;

Hope this helps

How to set only time part of a DateTime variable in C#

you can't change the DateTime object, it's immutable. However, you can set it to a new value, for example:

var newDate = oldDate.Date + new TimeSpan(11, 30, 55);

Two divs side by side - Fluid display

Try a system like this instead:

.container {_x000D_
  width: 80%;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  background: aqua;_x000D_
  margin: auto;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
.one {_x000D_
  width: 15%;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
.two {_x000D_
  margin-left: 15%;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  background: black;_x000D_
<section class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="one"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="two"></div>_x000D_

You only need to float one div if you use margin-left on the other equal to the first div's width. This will work no matter what the zoom and will not have sub-pixel problems.

Insert multiple lines into a file after specified pattern using shell script

This answer is easy to understand

  • Copy before the pattern
  • Add your lines
  • Copy after the pattern
  • Replace original file


STEP 1 copy until the pattern


STEP 2 add your lines

cat << 'EOL' >> ${FILENAME}_temp




STEP 3 add the rest of the file


REPLACE original file


if you need variables, in step 2 replace 'EOL' with EOL

cat << EOL >> ${FILENAME}_temp

this variable will expand: $variable1


Virtual/pure virtual explained

How does the virtual keyword work?

Assume that Man is a base class, Indian is derived from man.

Class Man
   virtual void do_work()

Class Indian : public Man
   void do_work()

Declaring do_work() as virtual simply means: which do_work() to call will be determined ONLY at run-time.

Suppose I do,

Man *man;
man = new Indian();
man->do_work(); // Indian's do work is only called.

If virtual is not used, the same is statically determined or statically bound by the compiler, depending on what object is calling. So if an object of Man calls do_work(), Man's do_work() is called EVEN THOUGH IT POINTS TO AN INDIAN OBJECT

I believe that the top voted answer is misleading - Any method whether or not virtual can have an overridden implementation in the derived class. With specific reference to C++ the correct difference is run-time (when virtual is used) binding and compile-time (when virtual is not used but a method is overridden and a base pointer is pointed at a derived object) binding of associated functions.

There seems to be another misleading comment that says,

"Justin, 'pure virtual' is just a term (not a keyword, see my answer below) used to mean "this function cannot be implemented by the base class."

THIS IS WRONG! Purely virtual functions can also have a body AND CAN BE IMPLEMENTED! The truth is that an abstract class' pure virtual function can be called statically! Two very good authors are Bjarne Stroustrup and Stan Lippman.... because they wrote the language.

Sending GET request with Authentication headers using restTemplate

A simple solution would be to configure static http headers needed for all calls in the bean configuration of the RestTemplate:

public class RestTemplateConfig {

    public RestTemplate getRestTemplate(@Value("${did-service.bearer-token}") String bearerToken) {
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        restTemplate.getInterceptors().add((request, body, clientHttpRequestExecution) -> {
            HttpHeaders headers = request.getHeaders();
            if (!headers.containsKey("Authorization")) {
                String token = bearerToken.toLowerCase().startsWith("bearer") ? bearerToken : "Bearer " + bearerToken;
                request.getHeaders().add("Authorization", token);
            return clientHttpRequestExecution.execute(request, body);
        return restTemplate;

How to unstage large number of files without deleting the content

I'm afraid that the first of those command lines unconditionally deleted from the working copy all the files that are in git's staging area. The second one unstaged all the files that were tracked but have now been deleted. Unfortunately this means that you will have lost any uncommitted modifications to those files.

If you want to get your working copy and index back to how they were at the last commit, you can (carefully) use the following command:

git reset --hard

I say "carefully" since git reset --hard will obliterate uncommitted changes in your working copy and index. However, in this situation it sounds as if you just want to go back to the state at your last commit, and the uncommitted changes have been lost anyway.

Update: it sounds from your comments on Amber's answer that you haven't yet created any commits (since HEAD cannot be resolved), so this won't help, I'm afraid.

As for how those pipes work: git ls-files -z and git diff --name-only --diff-filter=D -z both output a list of file names separated with the byte 0. (This is useful, since, unlike newlines, 0 bytes are guaranteed not to occur in filenames on Unix-like systems.) The program xargs essentially builds command lines from its standard input, by default by taking lines from standard input and adding them to the end of the command line. The -0 option says to expect standard input to by separated by 0 bytes. xargs may invoke the command several times to use up all the parameters from standard input, making sure that the command line never becomes too long.

As a simple example, if you have a file called test.txt, with the following contents:

hello again

... then the command xargs echo whatever < test.txt will invoke the command:

echo whatever hello goodbye hello again

Laravel - Session store not set on request

I'm using laravel 7.x and this problem arose.. the following fixed it:

go to kernel.php and add these 2 classes to protected $middleware

\Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class, \Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession::class,

How to disable manual input for JQuery UI Datepicker field?

When you make the input, set it to be readonly.

<input type="text" name="datepicker" id="datepicker" readonly="readonly" />

Git push won't do anything (everything up-to-date)

This happened to me when I ^C in the middle of a git push to GitHub. GitHub did not show that the changes had been made, however.

To fix it, I made a change to my working tree, committed, and then pushed again. It worked perfectly fine.

How to read pickle file?

Pickle serializes a single object at a time, and reads back a single object - the pickled data is recorded in sequence on the file.

If you simply do pickle.load you should be reading the first object serialized into the file (not the last one as you've written).

After unserializing the first object, the file-pointer is at the beggining of the next object - if you simply call pickle.load again, it will read that next object - do that until the end of the file.

objects = []
with (open("myfile", "rb")) as openfile:
    while True:
        except EOFError:

set the width of select2 input (through Angular-ui directive)

select2 V4.0.3

<select class="smartsearch" name="search" id="search" style="width:100%;"></select>

What is the best way to give a C# auto-property an initial value?

In addition to the answer already accepted, for the scenario when you want to define a default property as a function of other properties you can use expression body notation on C#6.0 (and higher) for even more elegant and concise constructs like:

public class Person{

    public string FullName  => $"{First} {Last}"; // expression body notation

    public string First { get; set; } = "First";
    public string Last { get; set; } = "Last";

You can use the above in the following fashion

    var p = new Person();

    p.FullName; // First Last

    p.First = "Jon";
    p.Last = "Snow";

    p.FullName; // Jon Snow

In order to be able to use the above "=>" notation, the property must be read only, and you do not use the get accessor keyword.

Details on MSDN

How can I simulate mobile devices and debug in Firefox Browser?

You could use the Firefox add-on User Agent Overrider. With this add-on you can use whatever user agent you want, for examlpe:

Firefox 28/Android: Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Mobile; rv:28.0) Gecko/24.0 Firefox/28.0

If your website detects mobile devices through the user agent then you can test your layout this way.

Update Nov '17:

Due to the release of Firefox 57 and the introduction of web extension this add-on sadly is no longer available. Alternatively you can edit the Firefox preference general.useragent.override in your configuration:

  1. In the address bar type about:config
  2. Search for general.useragent.override
  3. If the preference doesn't exist, right-click on the about:config page, click New, then select String
  4. Name the new preference general.useragent.override
  5. Set the value to the user agent you want

Still Reachable Leak detected by Valgrind

Here is a proper explanation of "still reachable":

"Still reachable" are leaks assigned to global and static-local variables. Because valgrind tracks global and static variables it can exclude memory allocations that are assigned "once-and-forget". A global variable assigned an allocation once and never reassigned that allocation is typically not a "leak" in the sense that it does not grow indefinitely. It is still a leak in the strict sense, but can usually be ignored unless you are pedantic.

Local variables that are assigned allocations and not free'd are almost always leaks.

Here is an example

int foo(void)
    static char *working_buf = NULL;
    char *temp_buf;
    if (!working_buf) {
         working_buf = (char *) malloc(16 * 1024);
    temp_buf = (char *) malloc(5 * 1024);



Valgrind will report working_buf as "still reachable - 16k" and temp_buf as "definitely lost - 5k".

What is the best way to iterate over a dictionary?

As already pointed out on this answer, KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> implements a Deconstruct method starting on .NET Core 2.0, .NET Standard 2.1 and .NET Framework 5.0 (preview).

With this, it's possible to iterate through a dictionary in a KeyValuePair agnostic way:

var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();

// ...

foreach (var (key, value) in dictionary)
    // ...

"Cannot GET /" with Connect on Node.js

var connect = require('connect');
var serveStatic = require('serve-static');
var app = connect(); 
app.use(serveStatic('../angularjs'),  {default: 'angular.min.js'}); app.listen(3000); 

Display HTML snippets in HTML

Deprecated, but works in FF3 and IE8.

   <b>bold</b><ul><li>list item</li></ul>


    code here, escape it yourself.

Using sed, how do you print the first 'N' characters of a line?

don't have to use grep either

an example:

sed -n '/searchwords/{s/^\(.\{12\}\).*/\1/g;p}' file

Subtracting 1 day from a timestamp date

Use the INTERVAL type to it. E.g:


--Unrelated to the question, but PostgreSQL also supports some shortcuts:
SELECT 'yesterday'::TIMESTAMP, 'tomorrow'::TIMESTAMP, 'allballs'::TIME;

Then you can do the following on your query:

    count(accounts) AS COUNT,
    ((date_at) - INTERVAL '1 DAY') AS dateat
    date_at <= now() - INTERVAL '130 DAYS'


Tip 1

You can append multiple operands. E.g.: how to get last day of current month?


Tip 2

You can also create an interval using make_interval function, useful when you need to create it at runtime (not using literals):

SELECT make_interval(days => 10 + 2);
SELECT make_interval(days => 1, hours => 2);
SELECT make_interval(0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.0);

More info:

Date/Time Functions and Operators

datatype-datetime (Especial values).

Generating random numbers in Objective-C

Generate random number between 0 to 99:

int x = arc4random()%100;

Generate random number between 500 and 1000:

int x = (arc4random()%501) + 500;

Adding to a vector of pair

Try using another temporary pair:

pair<string,double> temp;
vector<pair<string,double>> revenue;

// Inside the loop
temp.first = "string";
temp.second = map[i].second;

MySQL Results as comma separated list

You can use GROUP_CONCAT to perform that, e.g. something like

FROM sites s
INNER JOIN publications p ON( = p.site_id)

Lock down Microsoft Excel macro

The modern approach is to move away from VBA for important code, and write a .NET managed Add-In using c# or, there are a lot of resources for this on the www, and you could use the Express version of MS Visual Studio

More Pythonic Way to Run a Process X Times


for _ in range(50):
    print "Some thing"

if you don't need i. If you use Python < 3 and you want to repeat the loop a lot of times, use xrange as there is no need to generate the whole list beforehand.

Iterating through a list in reverse order in java

As has been suggested at least twice, you can use descendingIterator with a Deque, in particular with a LinkedList. If you want to use the for-each loop (i.e., have an Iterable), you can construct and use a wraper like this:

import java.util.*;

public class Main {

    public static class ReverseIterating<T> implements Iterable<T> {
        private final LinkedList<T> list;

        public ReverseIterating(LinkedList<T> list) {
            this.list = list;

        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
            return list.descendingIterator();

    public static void main(String... args) {
        LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();

        for (String s : new ReverseIterating<String>(list)) {

Java Replacing multiple different substring in a string at once (or in the most efficient way)


One of the most efficient ways to replace matching strings (without regular expressions) is to use the Aho-Corasick algorithm with a performant Trie (pronounced "try"), fast hashing algorithm, and efficient collections implementation.

Simple Code

A simple solution leverages Apache's StringUtils.replaceEach as follows:

  private String testStringUtils(
    final String text, final Map<String, String> definitions ) {
    final String[] keys = keys( definitions );
    final String[] values = values( definitions );

    return StringUtils.replaceEach( text, keys, values );

This slows down on large texts.

Fast Code

Bor's implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm introduces a bit more complexity that becomes an implementation detail by using a façade with the same method signature:

  private String testBorAhoCorasick(
    final String text, final Map<String, String> definitions ) {
    // Create a buffer sufficiently large that re-allocations are minimized.
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( text.length() << 1 );

    final TrieBuilder builder = Trie.builder();

    final String[] keys = keys( definitions );

    for( final String key : keys ) {
      builder.addKeyword( key );

    final Trie trie =;
    final Collection<Emit> emits = trie.parseText( text );

    int prevIndex = 0;

    for( final Emit emit : emits ) {
      final int matchIndex = emit.getStart();

      sb.append( text.substring( prevIndex, matchIndex ) );
      sb.append( definitions.get( emit.getKeyword() ) );
      prevIndex = emit.getEnd() + 1;

    // Add the remainder of the string (contains no more matches).
    sb.append( text.substring( prevIndex ) );

    return sb.toString();


For the benchmarks, the buffer was created using randomNumeric as follows:

  private final static int TEXT_SIZE = 1000;
  private final static int MATCHES_DIVISOR = 10;

  private final static StringBuilder SOURCE
    = new StringBuilder( randomNumeric( TEXT_SIZE ) );

Where MATCHES_DIVISOR dictates the number of variables to inject:

  private void injectVariables( final Map<String, String> definitions ) {
    for( int i = (SOURCE.length() / MATCHES_DIVISOR) + 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
      final int r = current().nextInt( 1, SOURCE.length() );
      SOURCE.insert( r, randomKey( definitions ) );

The benchmark code itself (JMH seemed overkill):

long duration = System.nanoTime();
final String result = testBorAhoCorasick( text, definitions );
duration = System.nanoTime() - duration;
System.out.println( elapsed( duration ) );

1,000,000 : 1,000

A simple micro-benchmark with 1,000,000 characters and 1,000 randomly-placed strings to replace.

  • testStringUtils: 25 seconds, 25533 millis
  • testBorAhoCorasick: 0 seconds, 68 millis

No contest.

10,000 : 1,000

Using 10,000 characters and 1,000 matching strings to replace:

  • testStringUtils: 1 seconds, 1402 millis
  • testBorAhoCorasick: 0 seconds, 37 millis

The divide closes.

1,000 : 10

Using 1,000 characters and 10 matching strings to replace:

  • testStringUtils: 0 seconds, 7 millis
  • testBorAhoCorasick: 0 seconds, 19 millis

For short strings, the overhead of setting up Aho-Corasick eclipses the brute-force approach by StringUtils.replaceEach.

A hybrid approach based on text length is possible, to get the best of both implementations.


Consider comparing other implementations for text longer than 1 MB, including:


Papers and information relating to the algorithm:

vim line numbers - how to have them on by default?

I'm using Debian 7 64-bit.

I didn't have a .vimrc file in my home folder. I created one and was able to set user defaults for vim.

However, for Debian 7, another way is to edit /etc/vim/vimrc

Here is a comment block in that file:

" All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/debian.vim (usually just
" /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/debian.vim) and sourced by the call to :runtime
" you can find below.  If you wish to change any of those settings, you should
" do it in this file (/etc/vim/vimrc), since debian.vim will be overwritten
" everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed.  It is recommended to
" make changes after sourcing debian.vim since it alters the value of the
" 'compatible' option.

How to SELECT a dropdown list item by value programmatically

I prefer

if(ddl.Items.FindByValue(string) != null)
    ddl.Items.FindByValue(string).Selected = true;

Replace ddl with the dropdownlist ID and string with your string variable name or value.

React - changing an uncontrolled input

I believe my input is controlled since it has a value.

For an input to be controlled, its value must correspond to that of a state variable.

That condition is not initially met in your example because is not initially set. Therefore, the input is initially uncontrolled. Once the onChange handler is triggered for the first time, gets set. At that point, the above condition is satisfied and the input is considered to be controlled. This transition from uncontrolled to controlled produces the error seen above.

By initializing in the constructor:


this.state = { name: '' };

the input will be controlled from the start, fixing the issue. See React Controlled Components for more examples.

Unrelated to this error, you should only have one default export. Your code above has two.

React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string

Circular dependency is also one of the reasons for this. [in general]

Error LNK2019: Unresolved External Symbol in Visual Studio

I was getting this error after adding the include files and linking the library. It was because the lib was built with non-unicode and my application was unicode. Matching them fixed it.

Disable Proximity Sensor during call

Unfortunately my proximity sensor doesn't work, too (always returns 0.0 cm). I found the way, but not easy one: you need to root your phone, install XPOSED framework and Sensor Disabler ( You can mock proximity sensor return value in the app. (e.g. always return 2.0 cm). Then your display will be always on during the call.

how to find seconds since 1970 in java


Using the java.time framework built into Java 8 and later.

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.ZoneId;

int year = 2011;
int month = 10;
int day = 1;
int date = LocalDate.of(year, month, day);

date.atStartOfDay(ZoneId.of("UTC")).toEpochSecond; # Long = 1317427200

Adding css class through aspx code behind

controlName.CssClass="CSS Class Name";

working example follows below

txtBank.CssClass = "csError";

How to select specific columns in laravel eloquent

use App\Table;
// ...

if no where


ASP.Net MVC - Read File from HttpPostedFileBase without save

An alternative is to use StreamReader.

public void FunctionName(HttpPostedFileBase file)
    string result = new StreamReader(file.InputStream).ReadToEnd();

Getting value of select (dropdown) before change

Use following code,I have tested it and its working

var prev_val;
$('.dropdown').focus(function() {
    prev_val = $(this).val();
            var conf = confirm('Are you sure want to change status ?');

            if(conf == true){
                //your code
                return false;

Inline elements shifting when made bold on hover

Not very elegant solution, but "works":

    color: #fff;

    text-shadow: -1px 0 #fff, 0 1px #fff, 1px 0 #fff, 0 -1px #fff;

How to duplicate a whole line in Vim?

If you want another way:

"ayy: This will store the line in buffer a.

"ap: This will put the contents of buffer a at the cursor.

There are many variations on this.

"a5yy: This will store the 5 lines in buffer a.

See "Vim help files for more fun.

Software Design vs. Software Architecture

Following are the references that may explain Architecture in more detail and a list of UML diagrams for software architecture. (I could not find listing of UML diagrams for software design )

Grady Booch

UML 2 Diagram use for Architectural Models

Classification of UML diagrams

Classification of UML diagrams

Even after posting this answer, i myself is not clear which diagram is for architecture and which one for design :). Grady Booch, in his slide # 58, states that Classes, Interfaces and Collaborations are part of Design View and this Design View is one of the View of Architecture !!!


If you need a lot of decimal numbers, in this example 17, I share with you MySql code:

This is the calculate:


SELECT TRUNCATE(((CAST(9 AS DECIMAL(30,20))/1147)*100),17);

IE throws JavaScript Error: The value of the property 'googleMapsQuery' is null or undefined, not a Function object (works in other browsers)

Have you tried adding the semicolon to onclick="googleMapsQuery(422111);". I don't have enough of your code to test if the missing semicolon would cause the error, but ie is more picky about syntax.

Find everything between two XML tags with RegEx

In our case, we receive an XML as a String and need to get rid of the values that have some "special" characters, like &<> etc. Basically someone can provide an XML to us in this form:

     <to>jenice & carl </to>
     <from>your neighbor <; </from>

So I need to find in that String the values jenice & carl and your neighbor <; and properly escape & and < (otherwise this is an invalid xml if you later pass it to an engine that shall rename unnamed).

Doing this with regex is a rather dumb idea to begin with, but it's cheap and easy. So the brave ones that would like to do the same thing I did, here you go:

    String xml = ...
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<(.+)>(?!\\R<)(.+)</(\\1)>");
    Matcher m = p.matcher(xml);
    String result = m.replaceAll(mr -> {
        if ("&")) {
            return "<" + + ">" + + "+ some change" + "</" + + ">";
        return "<" + + ">" + + "</" + + ">";

Database development mistakes made by application developers

Not executing a corresponding SELECT query before running the DELETE query (particularly on production databases)!

Undefined index error PHP

If you are using wamp server , then i recommend you to use xampp server . you . i get this error in less than i minute but i resolved this by using (isset) function . and i get no error . and after that i remove (isset) function and i don,t see any error.

by the way i am using xampp server

Save a file in json format using Notepad++

You can save it as .txt and change it manually using a mouse click and your keyboard. OR, when saving the file:

  • choose All types(*.*) in the Save as type field.
  • type filename.json in File name field

Is module __file__ attribute absolute or relative?

From the documentation:

__file__ is the pathname of the file from which the module was loaded, if it was loaded from a file. The __file__ attribute is not present for C modules that are statically linked into the interpreter; for extension modules loaded dynamically from a shared library, it is the pathname of the shared library file.

From the mailing list thread linked by @kindall in a comment to the question:

I haven't tried to repro this particular example, but the reason is that we don't want to have to call getpwd() on every import nor do we want to have some kind of in-process variable to cache the current directory. (getpwd() is relatively slow and can sometimes fail outright, and trying to cache it has a certain risk of being wrong.)

What we do instead, is code in that walks over the elements of sys.path and turns them into absolute paths. However this code runs before '' is inserted in the front of sys.path, so that the initial value of sys.path is ''.

For the rest of this, consider sys.path not to include ''.

So, if you are outside the part of sys.path that contains the module, you'll get an absolute path. If you are inside the part of sys.path that contains the module, you'll get a relative path.

If you load a module in the current directory, and the current directory isn't in sys.path, you'll get an absolute path.

If you load a module in the current directory, and the current directory is in sys.path, you'll get a relative path.

Is there a way to "limit" the result with ELOQUENT ORM of Laravel?

If you're looking to paginate results, use the integrated paginator, it works great!

$games = Game::paginate(30);
// $games->results = the 30 you asked for
// $games->links() = the links to next, previous, etc pages

How can I change cols of textarea in twitter-bootstrap?

I don't know if this is the correct way however I did this:

<div class="control-group">
  <label class="control-label" for="id1">Label:</label>
  <div class="controls">
    <textarea id="id1" class="textareawidth" rows="10" name="anyname">value</textarea>

and put this in my bootstrapcustom.css file:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    .textareawidth {
@media (max-width: 767px) {
    .textareawidth {


This way it resizes based on the viewport. Seems to line everything up nicely on a big browser and on a small mobile device.

I can't understand why this JAXB IllegalAnnotationException is thrown

This is happening be cause you have 2 classes with same name. For, example, I have 2 SOAP web-services named settings and settings2 both have the same class GetEmployee and this is ambiguous proving the error.

Change NULL values in Datetime format to empty string

I had something similar, and here's (an edited) version of what I ended up using successfully:

ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),[column name goes here],[date style goes here] ),'')

Here's why this works: If you select a date which is NULL, it will show return NULL, though it is really stored as 01/01/1900. This is why an ISNULL on the date field, while you're working with any date data type will not treat this as a NULL, as it is technically not being stored as a NULL.

However, once you convert it to a new datatype, it will convert it as a NULL, and at that point, you're ISNULL will work as you expect it to work.

I hope this works out for you as well!


Update, nearly one year later:

I had a similar situation, where I needed the output to be of the date data-type, and my aforementioned solution didn't work (it only works if you need it displayed as a date, not be of the date data type.

If you need it to be of the date data-type, there is a way around it, and this is to nest a REPLACE within an ISNULL, the following worked for me:

            [DATE COLUMN NAME],
    '') AS [MeaningfulAlias]

Can I get "&&" or "-and" to work in PowerShell?

Very old question, but for the newcomers: maybe the PowerShell version (similar but not equivalent) that the question is looking for, is to use -and as follows:

(build_command) -and (run_tests_command)

How to split a string in shell and get the last field

It's difficult to get the last field using cut, but here are some solutions in awk and perl

echo 1:2:3:4:5 | awk -F: '{print $NF}'
echo 1:2:3:4:5 | perl -F: -wane 'print $F[-1]'

Why is the use of alloca() not considered good practice?

All of the other answers are correct. However, if the thing you want to alloc using alloca() is reasonably small, I think that it's a good technique that's faster and more convenient than using malloc() or otherwise.

In other words, alloca( 0x00ffffff ) is dangerous and likely to cause overflow, exactly as much as char hugeArray[ 0x00ffffff ]; is. Be cautious and reasonable and you'll be fine.

Property 'value' does not exist on type EventTarget in TypeScript

Here's another fix that works for me:

( as HTMLInputElement).value

That should get rid of the error by letting TS know that is an HTMLInputElement, which inherently has a value. Before specifying, TS likely only knew that event alone was an HTMLInputElement, thus according to TS the keyed-in target was some randomly mapped value that could be anything.

Get list of a class' instance methods


or without all the inherited methods

TestClass.instance_methods - Object.methods

(Was 'TestClass.methods - Object.methods')

Twitter - How to embed native video from someone else's tweet into a New Tweet or a DM

I found a faster way of embedding:

  • Just copy the link.
  • Paste the link and remove the "?s=19" part and add "/video/1"
  • That's it.

presentViewController and displaying navigation bar

It is true that if you present a view controller modally on the iPhone, it will always be presented full screen no matter how you present it on the top view controller of a navigation controller or any other way around. But you can always show the navigation bar with the following workaround way:

Rather than presenting that view controller modally present a navigation controller modally with its root view controller set as the view controller you want:

MyViewController *myViewController = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
UINavigationController *navigationController = 
    [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:myViewController];

//now present this navigation controller modally 
[self presentViewController:navigationController


You should see a navigation bar when your view is presented modally.

Why does sed not replace all occurrences?

You should add the g modifier so that sed performs a global substitution of the contents of the pattern buffer:

echo dog dog dos | sed -e 's:dog:log:g'

For a fantastic documentation on sed, check This global flag is explained here:

The official documentation for GNU sed is available at

How do I set a program to launch at startup

Thanks to everyone for responding so fast. Joel, I used your option 2 and added a registry key to the "Run" folder of the current user. Here's the code I used for anyone else who's interested.

    using Microsoft.Win32;
    private void SetStartup()
        RegistryKey rk = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey
            ("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true);

        if (chkStartUp.Checked)
            rk.SetValue(AppName, Application.ExecutablePath);


Python error when trying to access list by index - "List indices must be integers, not str"

players is a list which needs to be indexed by integers. You seem to be using it like a dictionary. Maybe you could use unpacking -- Something like:

name, score = player

(if the player list is always a constant length).

There's not much more advice we can give you without knowing what query is and how it works.

It's worth pointing out that the entire code you posted doesn't make a whole lot of sense. There's an IndentationError on the second line. Also, your function is looping over some iterable, but unconditionally returning during the first iteration which isn't usually what you actually want to do.

How to sort a dataframe by multiple column(s)

or you can use package doBy

dd <- orderBy(~-z+b, data=dd)

How to use variables in a command in sed?

This might work for you:

sed 's|$ROOT|'"${HOME}"'|g' >

Adding a view controller as a subview in another view controller

This code will work for Swift 4.2.

let controller:SecondViewController = 
self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "secondViewController") as! 
controller.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
controller.didMove(toParent: self)

MySQL: How to add one day to datetime field in query

You can try this:

SELECT DATE(DATE_ADD(m_inv_reqdate, INTERVAL + 1 DAY)) FROM  tr08_investment

Verify host key with pysftp

If You try to connect by pysftp to "normal" FTP You have to set hostkey to None.

import pysftp

cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts()
cnopts.hostkeys = None 
with pysftp.Connection(host='****',username='****',password='***',port=22,cnopts=cnopts) as sftp:
    print('DO SOMETHING')