Programs & Examples On #Nssocketport

How to print a string multiple times?

rows = int(input('How many stars in each row do you want?'))
columns = int(input('How many columns do you want?'))
i = 0

for i in range(columns): 
    print ("*" * rows)

i = i + 1

Convert Dictionary<string,string> to semicolon separated string in c#

Another option is to use the Aggregate extension rather than Join:

String s = myDict.Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + ";" + s2);

Foreach loop in C++ equivalent of C#

After getting used to the var keyword in C#, I'm starting to use the auto keyword in C++11. They both determine type by inference and are useful when you just want the compiler to figure out the type for you. Here's the C++11 port of your code:

#include <array>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

array<string, 3> strarr = {"ram", "mohan", "sita"};
for(auto str: strarr) {

Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher

This is a very old question, but my answer may help someone.

  • In the encrypt method, don't forget to encode your string to Base64
  • In the decrypt method, don't forget to decode your string to Base64

Below is the working code

    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Base64;

    import javax.crypto.Cipher;
    import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
    import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

    public class EncryptionDecryptionUtil {

    public static String encrypt(final String secret, final String data) {

        byte[] decodedKey = Base64.getDecoder().decode(secret);

        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
            // rebuild key using SecretKeySpec
            SecretKey originalKey = new SecretKeySpec(Arrays.copyOf(decodedKey, 16), "AES");
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, originalKey);
            byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(data.getBytes("UTF-8"));
            return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipherText);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error occured while encrypting data", e);


    public static String decrypt(final String secret,
            final String encryptedString) {

        byte[] decodedKey = Base64.getDecoder().decode(secret);

        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
            // rebuild key using SecretKeySpec
            SecretKey originalKey = new SecretKeySpec(Arrays.copyOf(decodedKey, 16), "AES");
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, originalKey);
            byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(Base64.getDecoder().decode(encryptedString));
            return new String(cipherText);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error occured while decrypting data", e);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String data = "This is not easy as you think";
        String key = "---------------------------------";
        String encrypted = encrypt(key, data);
        System.out.println(decrypt(key, encrypted));

For Generating Key you can use below class

import java.util.Base64;

import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;

public class SecretKeyGenerator {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {

        KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");

        SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
        int keyBitSize = 256;
        keyGenerator.init(keyBitSize, secureRandom);

        SecretKey secretKey = keyGenerator.generateKey();



How to render an ASP.NET MVC view as a string?

This answer is not on my way . This is originally from but here I have show the way to use it with "Static" Keyword to make it common for all Controllers .

For that you have to make static class in class file . (Suppose your Class File Name is Utils.cs )

This example is For Razor.


public static class RazorViewToString
    public static string RenderRazorViewToString(this Controller controller, string viewName, object model)
        controller.ViewData.Model = model;
        using (var sw = new StringWriter())
            var viewResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(controller.ControllerContext, viewName);
            var viewContext = new ViewContext(controller.ControllerContext, viewResult.View, controller.ViewData, controller.TempData, sw);
            viewResult.View.Render(viewContext, sw);
            viewResult.ViewEngine.ReleaseView(controller.ControllerContext, viewResult.View);
            return sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

Now you can call this class from your controller by adding NameSpace in your Controller File as following way by passing "this" as parameter to Controller.

string result = RazorViewToString.RenderRazorViewToString(this ,"ViewName", model);

As suggestion given by @Sergey this extension method can also call from cotroller as given below

string result = this.RenderRazorViewToString("ViewName", model);

I hope this will be useful to you make code clean and neat.

Get folder name of the file in Python

this is pretty old, but if you are using Python 3.4 or above use PathLib.

# using OS
import os

# using pathlib
import pathlib
path = pathlib.PurePath("C:/folder1/folder2/filename.xml")

Changing the resolution of a VNC session in linux

I have a simple idea, something like this:


echo `xrandr --current | grep current | awk '{print $8}'` >> RES1
echo `xrandr --current | grep current | awk '{print $10}'` >> RES2
cat RES2 | sed -i 's/,//g' RES2

P1RES=$(cat RES1)
P2RES=$(cat RES2)
rm RES1 RES2
echo "$P1RES"'x'"$P2RES" >> RES
RES=$(cat RES)

# Play The Game

# Finish The Game with Lower Resolution

xrandr -s $RES

Well, I need a better solution for all display devices under Linux and Similars S.O

How to wait till the response comes from the $http request, in angularjs?

FYI, this is using Angularfire so it may vary a bit for a different service or other use but should solve the same isse $http has. I had this same issue only solution that fit for me the best was to combine all services/factories into a single promise on the scope. On each route/view that needed these services/etc to be loaded I put any functions that require loaded data inside the controller function i.e. myfunct() and the main app.js on run after auth i put

myservice.$loaded().then(function() {$rootScope.myservice = myservice;});

and in the view I just did

ng-if="myservice" ng-init="somevar=myfunct()"

in the first/parent view element/wrapper so the controller can run everything inside


without worrying about async promises/order/queue issues. I hope that helps someone with the same issues I had.

Sublime Text 2: How do I change the color that the row number is highlighted? seems pretty nice.

On the mac, the default theme files are in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/Color\ Scheme\ -\ Default

On Win7, the default theme files are in %appdata%\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Color Scheme - Default

What's the difference between a POST and a PUT HTTP REQUEST?

Only semantics.

An HTTP PUT is supposed to accept the body of the request, and then store that at the resource identified by the URI.

An HTTP POST is more general. It is supposed to initiate an action on the server. That action could be to store the request body at the resource identified by the URI, or it could be a different URI, or it could be a different action.

PUT is like a file upload. A put to a URI affects exactly that URI. A POST to a URI could have any effect at all.

How to execute .sql file using powershell?

with 2008 Server 2008 and 2008 R2

Add-PSSnapin -Name SqlServerCmdletSnapin100, SqlServerProviderSnapin100

with 2012 and 2014

Import-Module -Name SQLPS -DisableNameChecking

What does 'git remote add upstream' help achieve?

This is useful when you have your own origin which is not upstream. In other words, you might have your own origin repo that you do development and local changes in and then occasionally merge upstream changes. The difference between your example and the highlighted text is that your example assumes you're working with a clone of the upstream repo directly. The highlighted text assumes you're working on a clone of your own repo that was, presumably, originally a clone of upstream.

For Restful API, can GET method use json data?

In theory, there's nothing preventing you from sending a request body in a GET request. The HTTP protocol allows it, but have no defined semantics, so it's up to you to document what exactly is going to happen when a client sends a GET payload. For instance, you have to define if parameters in a JSON body are equivalent to querystring parameters or something else entirely.

However, since there are no clearly defined semantics, you have no guarantee that implementations between your application and the client will respect it. A server or proxy might reject the whole request, or ignore the body, or anything else. The REST way to deal with broken implementations is to circumvent it in a way that's decoupled from your application, so I'd say you have two options that can be considered best practices.

The simple option is to use POST instead of GET as recommended by other answers. Since POST is not standardized by HTTP, you'll have to document how exactly that's supposed to work.

Another option, which I prefer, is to implement your application assuming the GET payload is never tampered with. Then, in case something has a broken implementation, you allow clients to override the HTTP method with the X-HTTP-Method-Override, which is a popular convention for clients to emulate HTTP methods with POST. So, if a client has a broken implementation, it can write the GET request as a POST, sending the X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET method, and you can have a middleware that's decoupled from your application implementation and rewrites the method accordingly. This is the best option if you're a purist.

Shortcut to Apply a Formula to an Entire Column in Excel

Try double-clicking on the bottom right hand corner of the cell (ie on the box that you would otherwise drag).

Google Apps Script to open a URL

Google Apps Script will not open automatically web pages, but it could be used to display a message with links, buttons that the user could click on them to open the desired web pages or even to use the Window object and methods like addEventListener() to open URLs.

It's worth to note that UiApp is now deprecated. From Class UiApp - Google Apps Script - Google Developers

Deprecated. The UI service was deprecated on December 11, 2014. To create user interfaces, use the HTML service instead.

The example in the HTML Service linked page is pretty simple,

// Use this code for Google Docs, Forms, or new Sheets.
function onOpen() {
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
      .addItem('Open', 'openDialog')

function openDialog() {
  var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('index')
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
      .showModalDialog(html, 'Dialog title');

A customized version of index.html to show two hyperlinks

<a href='' target='_blank'>Stack Overflow</a>
<a href='' target='_blank'>Meta Stack Overflow</a>

change directory in batch file using variable

simple way to do this... here are the example

cd program files
cd poweriso
piso mount D:\<Filename.iso> <Virtual Drive>

this will mount the ISO image to the specific drive...use

Tick symbol in HTML/XHTML

Why don't you use the HTML input checkbox element in read only mode

<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" /> and
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" />

I assume this will work on all browsers.

Angular 5, HTML, boolean on checkbox is checked

Hope this will help somebody to develop custom checkbox component with custom styles. This solution can use with forms too.


<label class="lbl">

  <input #inputEl type="checkbox" [name]="label" [(ngModel)]="isChecked" (change)="onChange(inputEl.checked)"
   *ngIf="isChecked" checked>
  <input #inputEl type="checkbox" [name]="label" [(ngModel)]="isChecked" (change)="onChange(inputEl.checked)"
   *ngIf="!isChecked" >
  <span class="chk-box {{isChecked ? 'chk':''}}"></span>
  <span class="lbl-txt" *ngIf="label" >{{label}}</span>


    import { Component, Input, EventEmitter, Output, forwardRef, HostListener } from '@angular/core';
import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from '@angular/forms';

const noop = () => {

  useExisting: forwardRef(() => CheckboxComponent),
  multi: true

/** Custom check box  */
  selector: 'app-checkbox',
  templateUrl: './checkbox.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./checkbox.component.scss'],
export class CheckboxComponent implements ControlValueAccessor {

  @Input() label: string;
  @Input() isChecked = false;
  @Input() disabled = false;
  @Output() getChange = new EventEmitter();
  @Input() className: string;

  // get accessor
  get value(): any {
    return this.isChecked;

  // set accessor including call the onchange callback
  set value(value: any) {
    this.isChecked = value;

  private onTouchedCallback: () => void = noop;
  private onChangeCallback: (_: any) => void = noop;

  writeValue(value: any): void {
    if (value !== this.isChecked) {
      this.isChecked = value;

  onChange(isChecked) {
    this.value = isChecked;

  // From ControlValueAccessor interface
  registerOnChange(fn: any) {
    this.onChangeCallback = fn;

  // From ControlValueAccessor interface
  registerOnTouched(fn: any) {
    this.onTouchedCallback = fn;

  setDisabledState?(isDisabled: boolean): void {




   @import "../../../assets/scss/_variables";

.lbl {
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #282828;
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: flex;
    -webkit-box-align: center;
    -ms-flex-align: center;
    align-items: center;
    cursor: pointer;
    &.checked {
        font-weight: 600;
    &.focus {
        border: 1px solid #a8a8a8;
          border: none;
    input {
        display: none;

    /* checkbox icon */
    .chk-box {
        display: block;
        min-width: 15px;
        min-height: 15px;
        background: url('/assets/i/checkbox-not-selected.svg');
        background-size: 15px 15px;
        margin-right: 10px;
    input:checked+.chk-box {
        background: url('/assets/i/checkbox-selected.svg');
        background-size: 15px 15px;
    .lbl-txt {
        margin-top: 0px;



Outside forms

<app-checkbox [label]="'Example'" [isChecked]="true"></app-checkbox>

Inside forms

<app-checkbox [label]="'Type 0'" formControlName="Type1"></app-checkbox>

Find max and second max salary for a employee table MySQL

`select max(salary) as first, (select salary from employee order by salary desc limit 1, 1) as second from employee limit 1`

For max salary simply we can use max function, but second max salary we should use sub query. in sub query we can use where condition to check second max salary or simply we can use limit.

How to run a function in jquery

You can also do this - Since you want one function to be used everywhere, you can do so by directly calling JqueryObject.function(). For example if you want to create your own function to manipulate any CSS on an element:

jQuery.fn.doSomething = function () {
   return this;

And the way to call it:


PowerShell: Run command from script's directory

There are answers with big number of votes, but when I read your question, I thought you wanted to know the directory where the script is, not that where the script is running. You can get the information with powershell's auto variables

$PSScriptRoot - the directory where the script exists, not the target directory the script is running in
$PSCommandPath - the full path of the script

For example, I have $profile script that finds visual studio solution file and start it. I wanted to store the full path, once a solution file is started. But I wanted to save the file where the original script exists. So I used $PsScriptRoot.

Method Call Chaining; returning a pointer vs a reference?

It's canonical to use references for this; precedence: ostream::operator<<. Pointers and references here are, for all ordinary purposes, the same speed/size/safety.

Concatenate String in String Objective-c

Variations on a theme:

NSString *varying = @"whatever it is";
NSString *final = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"first part %@ third part", varying];

NSString *varying = @"whatever it is";
NSString *final = [[@"first part" stringByAppendingString:varying] stringByAppendingString:@"second part"];

NSMutableString *final = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"first part"];
[final appendFormat:@"%@ third part", varying];

NSMutableString *final = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"first part"];
[final appendString:varying];
[final appendString:@"third part"];

How to serve up a JSON response using Go?

You may use this package renderer, I have written to solve this kind of problem, it's a wrapper to serve JSON, JSONP, XML, HTML etc.

.war vs .ear file


tar (tape archives) - Format used is file written in serial units of fileName, fileSize, fileData - no compression. can be huge

Jar (java archive) - compression techniques used - generally contains java information like class/java files. But can contain any files and directory structure

war (web application archives) - similar like jar files only have specific directory structure as per JSP/Servlet spec for deployment purposes

ear (enterprise archives) - similar like jar files. have directory structure following J2EE requirements so that it can be deployed on J2EE application servers. - can contain multiple JAR and WAR files

Showing the same file in both columns of a Sublime Text window

Its Shift + Alt + 2 to split into 2 screens. More options are found under the menu item View -> Layout.
Once the screen is split, you can open files using the shortcuts:
1. Ctrl + P (From existing directories within sublime) or
2. Ctrl + O(Browse directory)

how to convert String into Date time format in JAVA?

With SimpleDateFormat. And steps are -

  1. Create your date pattern string
  2. Create SimpleDateFormat Object
  3. And parse with it.
  4. It will return Date Object.

How to compare two dates?

Use the datetime method and the operator < and its kin.

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> past = - timedelta(days=1)
>>> present =
>>> past < present
>>> datetime(3000, 1, 1) < present
>>> present - datetime(2000, 4, 4)
datetime.timedelta(4242, 75703, 762105)

Java: Getting a substring from a string starting after a particular character

In Kotlin you can use substringAfterLast, specifying a delimiter.

val string = "/abc/def/ghfj.doc"
val result = url.substringAfterLast("/")
// It will show ghfj.doc

From the doc:

Returns a substring after the last occurrence of delimiter. If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns missingDelimiterValue which defaults to the original string.

How to check a string starts with numeric number?

Sorry I didn't see your Java tag, was reading question only. I'll leave my other answers here anyway since I've typed them out.


String myString = "9Hello World!";
if ( Character.isDigit(myString.charAt(0)) )
    System.out.println("String begins with a digit");


string myString = "2Hello World!";

if (isdigit( myString[0]) )
    printf("String begins with a digit");

Regular expression:


Some proof my regex works: Unless my test data is wrong? alt text


    itemid INT(10)UNSIGNED,
    itemname VARCHAR(50)





I was confused with CHANGE and MODIFY keywords before too:



While we are there, also note that AUTO_INCREMENT can also start with a predefined number:


Any easy way to use icons from resources?

in visual studio for, go to the project properties, click Add Resource > Existing File, select your Icon.

in your code: Me.Icon = My.Resources.IconResourceName

Inserting Image Into BLOB Oracle 10g

You should do something like this:

1) create directory object what would point to server-side accessible folder

CREATE DIRECTORY image_files AS '/data/images'

2) Place your file into OS folder directory object points to

3) Give required access privileges to Oracle schema what will load data from file into table:

GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY image_files TO scott

4) Use BFILENAME, EMPTY_BLOB functions and DBMS_LOB package (example NOT tested - be care) like in below:

  l_blob BLOB; 
  v_src_loc  BFILE := BFILENAME('IMAGE_FILES', 'myimage.png');
  v_amount   INTEGER;
  INSERT INTO esignatures  
  VALUES (100, 'BOB', empty_blob()) RETURN iblob INTO l_blob; 
  v_amount := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(v_src_loc);
  DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE(l_blob, v_src_loc, v_amount);

After this you get the content of your file in BLOB column and can get it back using Java for example.

edit: One letter left missing: it should be LOADFROMFILE.

How can I get (query string) parameters from the URL in Next.js?

Using Next.js 9 or above you can get query parameters:

With router:

import { useRouter } from 'next/router'

const Index = () => {
  const router = useRouter()
  const {id} = router.query


With getInitialProps:

const Index = ({id}) => {

Index.getInitialProps = async ({ query }) => {
  const {id} = query

  return {id}

How to set a radio button in Android

I have multiple RadioButtons without Group and setChecked(true) works, but setChecked(false) don't works. But this code works:

RadioButton switcher = (RadioButton) view.findViewById(;
                        switcher.setOnClickListener(new RadioButton.OnClickListener(){
                            public void onClick(View v) {
                                } else {


CSS selector for a checked radio button's label


This only worked for me because our existing generated html was wacky, generating labels along with radios and giving them both checked attribute.

Never mind, and big ups for Brilliand for bringing it up!

If your label is a sibling of a checkbox (which is usually the case), you can use the ~ sibling selector, and a label[for=your_checkbox_id] to address it... or give the label an id if you have multiple labels (like in this example where I use labels for buttons)

Came here looking for the same - but ended up finding my answer in the docs.

a label element with checked attribute can be selected like so:

label[checked] {

I know it's an old question, but maybe it helps someone out there :)

Subprocess changing directory

What your code tries to do is call a program named cd ... What you want is call a command named cd.

But cd is a shell internal. So you can only call it as'cd ..', shell=True) # pointless code! See text below.

But it is pointless to do so. As no process can change another process's working directory (again, at least on a UNIX-like OS, but as well on Windows), this call will have the subshell change its dir and exit immediately.

What you want can be achieved with os.chdir() or with the subprocess named parameter cwd which changes the working directory immediately before executing a subprocess.

For example, to execute ls in the root directory, you either can do

wd = os.getcwd()

or simply

subprocess.Popen("ls", cwd="/")

Exception : mockito wanted but not invoked, Actually there were zero interactions with this mock

You need to inject mock inside the class you're testing. At the moment you're interacting with the real object, not with the mock one. You can fix the code in a following way:

void testAbc(){
     myClass.myObj = myInteface;;
     verify(myInterface).myMethodToBeVerified(new String("a"), new String("b"));

although it would be a wiser choice to extract all initialization code into @Before

void setUp(){
     myClass = new myClass();
     myClass.myObj = myInteface;

void testAbc(){;
     verify(myInterface).myMethodToBeVerified(new String("a"), new String("b"));

How to get the file-path of the currently executing javascript code

All browsers except Internet Explorer (any version) have document.currentScript, which always works always (no matter how the file was included (async, bookmarklet etc)).

If you want to know the full URL of the JS file you're in right now:

var script = document.currentScript;
var fullUrl = script.src;


Java: Enum parameter in method

You can use an enum in said parameters like this:

public enum Alignment { LEFT, RIGHT }
private static String drawCellValue(
int maxCellLength, String cellValue, Alignment align) {}

then you can use either a switch or if statement to actually do something with said parameter.

switch(align) {
case LEFT: //something
case RIGHT: //something
default: //something

if(align == Alignment.RIGHT) { /*code*/}

Macro to Auto Fill Down to last adjacent cell

This example shows you how to fill column B based on the the volume of data in Column A. Adjust "A1" accordingly to your needs. It will fill in column B based on the formula in B1.

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlUp)).Select

How to insert a row between two rows in an existing excel with HSSF (Apache POI)

As to formulas being "updated" in the new row, since all the copying occurs after the shift, the old row (now one index up from the new row) has already had its formula shifted, so copying it to the new row will make the new row reference the old rows cells. A solution would be to parse out the formulas BEFORE the shift, then apply those (a simple String array would do the job. I'm sure you can code that in a few lines).

At start of function:

ArrayList<String> fArray = new ArrayList<String>();
Row origRow = sheet.getRow(sourceRow);
for (int i = 0; i < origRow.getLastCellNum(); i++) {
    if (origRow.getCell(i) != null && origRow.getCell(i).getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) 
    else fArray.add(null);

Then when applying the formula to a cell:


How to Call Controller Actions using JQuery in ASP.NET MVC

In response to the above post I think it needs this line instead of your line:-

var strMethodUrl = '@Url.Action("SubMenu_Click", "Logging")?param1='+value1+' &param2='+value2

Or else you send the actual strings value1 and value2 to the controller.

However, for me, it only calls the controller once. It seems to hit 'receieveResponse' each time, but a break point on the controller method shows it is only hit 1st time until a page refresh.

Here is a working solution. For the cshtml page:-

   <button type="button" onclick="ButtonClick();"> Call &raquo;</button>

    function ButtonClick()
        callControllerMethod2("1", "2");
    function callControllerMethod2(value1, value2)
        var response = null;
            async: true,
            url: "Logging/SubMenu_Click?param1=" + value1 + " &param2=" + value2,
            cache: false,
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (data) { receiveResponse(data); }
    function receiveResponse(response)
        if (response != null)
            for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++)

And for the controller:-

public class A
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Data { get; set; }

public JsonResult SubMenu_Click(string param1, string param2)
    A[] arr = new A[] {new A(){ Id = "1", Data = DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() } };
    return Json(arr , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

You can see the time changing each time it is called, so there is no caching of the values...

Fixing broken UTF-8 encoding

I've had to try to 'fix' a number of UTF8 broken situations in the past, and unfortunately it's never easy, and often rather impossible.

Unless you can determine exactly how it was broken, and it was always broken in that exact same way, then it's going to be hard to 'undo' the damage.

If you want to try to undo the damage, your best bet would be to start writing some sample code, where you attempt numerous variations on calls to mb_convert_encoding() to see if you can find a combination of 'from' and 'to' that fixes your data. In the end, it's often best to not even bother worrying about fixing the old data because of the pain levels involved, but instead to just fix things going forward.

However, before doing this, you need to make sure that you fix everything that is causing this issue in the first place. You've already mentioned that your DB table collation and editors are set properly. But there are more places where you need to check to make sure that everything is properly UTF-8:

  • Make sure that you are serving your HTML as UTF-8:
    • header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
  • Change your PHP default charset to utf-8:
    • ini_set("default_charset", 'utf-8');
  • If your database doesn't ALWAYS talk in utf-8, then you may need to tell it on a per connection basis to ensure it's in utf-8 mode, in MySQL you do that by issuing:
    • charset utf8
  • You may need to tell your webserver to always try to talk in UTF8, in Apache this command is:
    • AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
  • Finally, you need to ALWAYS make sure that you are using PHP functions that are properly UTF-8 complaint. This means always using the mb_* styled 'multibyte aware' string functions. It also means when calling functions such as htmlspecialchars(), that you include the appropriate 'utf-8' charset parameter at the end to make sure that it doesn't encode them incorrectly.

If you miss up on any one step through your whole process, the encoding can be mangled and problems arise. Once you get in the 'groove' of doing utf-8 though, this all becomes second nature. And of course, PHP6 is supposed to be fully unicode complaint from the getgo, which will make lots of this easier (hopefully)

Powershell script does not run via Scheduled Tasks

Found successful workaround that is applicable for my scenario:

Don't log off, just lock the session!

Since this script is running on a Domain Controller, I am logging in to the server via the Remote Desktop console and then log off of the server to terminate my session. When setting up the Task in the Task Scheduler, I was using user accounts and local services that did not have access to run in an offline mode, or logon strictly to run a script.

Thanks to some troubleshooting assistance from Cole, I got to thinking about the RunAs function and decided to try and work around the non-functioning logons.

Starting in the Task Scheduler, I deleted my manually created Tasks. Using the new function in Server 2008 R2, I navigated to a 4740 Security Event in the Event Viewer, and used the right-click > Attach Task to this Event... and followed the prompts, pointing to my script on the Action page. After the Task was created, I locked my session and terminated my Remote Desktop Console connection. WIth the profile 'Locked' and not logged off, everything works like it should.

Posting array from form

Give each input a name in array format:

<input type="hidden" name="data[EstPriceInput]" value="" />

Then the in PHP $_POST['data']; will be an array:

  print_r($_POST);         // print out the whole post
  print_r($_POST['data']); // print out only the data array

Beginner Python: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute


class Bike(object):
    def __init__(self, name, weight, cost): = name
        self.weight = weight
        self.cost = cost

bikes = {
    # Bike designed for children"
    "Trike": Bike("Trike", 20, 100),      # <--
    # Bike designed for everyone"
    "Kruzer": Bike("Kruzer", 50, 165),    # <--

# Markup of 20% on all sales
margin = .2
# Revenue minus cost after sale
for bike in bikes.values():
    profit = bike.cost * margin



The difference is that in your bikes dictionary, you're initializing the values as lists [...]. Instead, it looks like the rest of your code wants Bike instances. So create Bike instances: Bike(...).

As for your error

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'cost'

this will occur when you try to call .cost on a list object. Pretty straightforward, but we can figure out what happened by looking at where you call .cost -- in this line:

profit = bike.cost * margin

This indicates that at least one bike (that is, a member of bikes.values() is a list). If you look at where you defined bikes you can see that the values were, in fact, lists. So this error makes sense.

But since your class has a cost attribute, it looked like you were trying to use Bike instances as values, so I made that little change:

[...] -> Bike(...)

and you're all set.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '...' is therefore not allowed access

You need to add this at start of your php page "login.php"

<?php header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); ?>

Java program to find the largest & smallest number in n numbers without using arrays

Try this...This simple

import java.util.Scanner;

class numbers
   public static void main(String args[])
      int x, y, z;
      System.out.println("Enter three integers ");
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;

      x = in.nextInt();
      y = in.nextInt();
      z = in.nextInt();

      if ( x > y && x > z )
         System.out.println("First number is largest.");
      else if ( y > x && y > z )
         System.out.println("Second number is largest.");
      else if ( z > x && z > y )
         System.out.println("Third number is largest.");
         System.out.println("Entered numbers are not distinct");

yum error "Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again" updating ContextBroker

I solved this problem by this solution.

you just change in this file /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo

mirrorlist= change this url https to http

baseurl= change this url https to http

How can I load webpage content into a div on page load?

This is possible to do without an iframe specifically. jQuery is utilised since it's mentioned in the title.

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Load remote content into object element</title>
    <div id="siteloader"></div>?
    <script src=""></script>
      $("#siteloader").html('<object data="">');

Run Python script at startup in Ubuntu


  • Copy the python file to /bin:

    sudo cp -i /path/to/ /bin

  • Add A New Cron Job:

    sudo crontab -e

    Scroll to the bottom and add the following line (after all the #'s):

    @reboot python /bin/ &

    The “&” at the end of the line means the command is run in the background and it won’t stop the system booting up.

  • Test it:

    sudo reboot

Practical example:

  • Add this file to your Desktop: (run it to check that it works for you)

    from os.path import expanduser
    import datetime
    file = open(expanduser("~") + '/Desktop/HERE.txt', 'w')
    file.write("It worked!\n" + str(
  • Run the following commands:

    sudo cp -i ~/Desktop/ /bin

    sudo crontab -e

  • Add the following line and save it:

    @reboot python /bin/ &

  • Now reboot your computer and you should find a new file on your Desktop: HERE.txt

Create HTML table using Javascript

In the html file there are three input boxes with userid,username,department respectively.

These inputboxes are used to get the input from the user.

The user can add any number of inputs to the page.

When clicking the button the script will enable the debugger mode.

In javascript, to enable the debugger mode, we have to add the following tag in the javascript.


    Tools->Internet Options-->Advanced-->uncheck
    Disable script debugging(Internet Explorer)
    Disable script debugging(Other)

    <html xmlns="" >

    <head runat="server">

    <title>Dynamic Table</title>

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    // <!CDATA[

    function CmdAdd_onclick() {

    var newTable,startTag,endTag;

    //Creating a new table

    startTag="<TABLE id='mainTable'><TBODY><TR><TD style=\"WIDTH: 120px\">User ID</TD>
    <TD style=\"WIDTH: 120px\">User Name</TD><TD style=\"WIDTH: 120px\">Department</TD></TR>"



    var trContents;

    //Get the row contents








    // Add previous rows







    //Add the Latest row

    newTable+="<TR><TD style=\"WIDTH: 120px\" >" +
        document.getElementById('userid').value +"</TD>";

    newTable+="<TD style=\"WIDTH: 120px\" >" +
        document.getElementById('username').value +"</TD>";

    newTable+="<TD style=\"WIDTH: 120px\" >" +
        document.getElementById('department').value +"</TD><TR>";


    //Update the Previous Table With New Table.



    // ]]>




    <form id="form1" runat="server">


    <br />


    <input id="userid" type="text" /><br />


    <input id="username" type="text" /><br />


    <input id="department" type="text" />


    <input id="CmdAdd" type="button" value="Add" onclick="return CmdAdd_onclick()" />


    <div id="tableDiv" style="text-align:center" >

    <table id="mainTable">

    <tr style="width:120px " >

    <td >User ID</td>

    <td>User Name</td>








How to vertical align an inline-block in a line of text?

display: inline-block is your friend you just need all three parts of the construct - before, the "block", after - to be one, then you can vertically align them all to the middle:

Working Example

(it looks like your picture anyway ;))


p, div {
  display: inline-block; 
  vertical-align: middle;
p, div {
  display: inline !ie7; /* hack for IE7 and below */

table {
  background: #000; 
  color: #fff; 
  font-size: 16px; 
  font-weight: bold; margin: 0 10px;

td {
  padding: 5px; 
  text-align: center;


<p>some text</p> 
  <table summary="">
<p>continues afterwards</p>

How to center a subview of UIView

func callAlertView() {

    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0, animations: {
        let H = self.view.frame.height * 0.4
        let W = self.view.frame.width * 0.9
        let X = self.view.bounds.midX - (W/2)
        let Y = self.view.bounds.midY - (H/2)
        self.alertView.frame = CGRect(x:X, y: Y, width: W, height: H)
        self.alertView.layer.borderWidth = 1
        self.alertView.layer.borderColor =
        self.alertView.layer.cornerRadius = 16
        self.alertView.layer.masksToBounds = true


}// calculation works adjust H and W according to your requirement

Preferred way to create a Scala list

just an example that uses collection.breakOut

scala> val a : List[Int] = (for( x <- 1 to 10 ) yield x * 3)(collection.breakOut)
a: List[Int] = List(3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30)

scala> val b : List[Int] = (1 to 10).map(_ * 3)(collection.breakOut)
b: List[Int] = List(3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30)

Modifying local variable from inside lambda

I had a slightly different problem. Instead of incrementing a local variable in the forEach, I needed to assign an object to the local variable.

I solved this by defining a private inner domain class that wraps both the list I want to iterate over (countryList) and the output I hope to get from that list (foundCountry). Then using Java 8 "forEach", I iterate over the list field, and when the object I want is found, I assign that object to the output field. So this assigns a value to a field of the local variable, not changing the local variable itself. I believe that since the local variable itself is not changed, the compiler doesn't complain. I can then use the value that I captured in the output field, outside of the list.

Domain Object:

public class Country {

    private int id;
    private String countryName;

    public Country(int id, String countryName){ = id;
        this.countryName = countryName;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) { = id;

    public String getCountryName() {
        return countryName;

    public void setCountryName(String countryName) {
        this.countryName = countryName;

Wrapper object:

private class CountryFound{
    private final List<Country> countryList;
    private Country foundCountry;
    public CountryFound(List<Country> countryList, Country foundCountry){
        this.countryList = countryList;
        this.foundCountry = foundCountry;
    public List<Country> getCountryList() {
        return countryList;
    public void setCountryList(List<Country> countryList) {
        this.countryList = countryList;
    public Country getFoundCountry() {
        return foundCountry;
    public void setFoundCountry(Country foundCountry) {
        this.foundCountry = foundCountry;

Iterate operation:

int id = 5;
CountryFound countryFound = new CountryFound(countryList, null);
countryFound.getCountryList().forEach(c -> {
    if(c.getId() == id){
System.out.println("Country found: " + countryFound.getFoundCountry().getCountryName());

You could remove the wrapper class method "setCountryList()" and make the field "countryList" final, but I did not get compilation errors leaving these details as-is.

How to select between brackets (or quotes or ...) in Vim?

Use arrows or hjkl to get to one of the bracketing expressions, then v to select visual (i.e. selecting) mode, then % to jump to the other bracket.

Android REST client, Sample?

There is plenty of libraries out there and I'm using this one: This was created by me, and, as you can see in the documentation, it's way cleaner and simpler than the other ones. It's not focused on Android, but I'm using in it and it's working pretty well.

It supports HTTP Basic Auth. It does the dirty job of serializing and deserializing JSON objects. You will like it, specially if your API is Rails like.

Show a message box from a class in c#?

using System.Windows.Forms;

public class message
    static void Main()
        MessageBox.Show("Hello World!"); 

if block inside echo statement?

You will want to use the a ternary operator which acts as a shortened IF/Else statement:

echo '<option value="'.$value.'" '.(($value=='United States')?'selected="selected"':"").'>'.$value.'</option>';

Need to list all triggers in SQL Server database with table name and table's schema

   ServerName   = @@servername,
   DatabaseName = db_name(),
   SchemaName   = isnull(, '' ),
   TableName    = isnull(, 'DDL Trigger' ),
   TriggerName  =, 
   Defininion   = object_definition( t.object_id )

FROM sys.triggers t
   LEFT JOIN sys.all_objects o
      ON t.parent_id = o.object_id
   LEFT JOIN sys.schemas s
      ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id

JSON post to Spring Controller

Do the following thing if you want to use json as a http request and response. So we need to make changes in [context].xml

<!-- Configure to plugin JSON as request and response in method handler -->
<beans:bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter">
    <beans:property name="messageConverters">
            <beans:ref bean="jsonMessageConverter"/>
<!-- Configure bean to convert JSON to POJO and vice versa -->
<beans:bean id="jsonMessageConverter" class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">

MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter to the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter messageConverters so that Jackson API kicks in and converts JSON to Java Beans and vice versa. By having this configuration, we will be using JSON in request body and we will receive JSON data in the response.

I am also providing small code snippet for controller part:

    @RequestMapping(value = EmpRestURIConstants.DUMMY_EMP, method = RequestMethod.GET)

    public @ResponseBody Employee getDummyEmployee() {"Start getDummyEmployee");
    Employee emp = new Employee();
    emp.setCreatedDate(new Date());
    empData.put(9999, emp);
    return emp;

So in above code emp object will directly convert into json as a response. same will happen for post also.

How to get certain commit from GitHub project

If you want to go with any certain commit or want to code of any certain commit then you can use below command:

git checkout <BRANCH_NAME>
git reset --hard  <commit ID which code you want>
git push --force


 git reset --hard fbee9dd 
 git push --force

How to create a sub array from another array in Java?

JDK >= 1.8

I agree with all the answers above. There is also a nice way with Java 8 Streams:

int[] subArr = IntStream.range(startInclusive, endExclusive)
                        .map(i -> src[i])

The benefit about this is, it can be useful for many different types of "src" array and helps to improve writing pipeline operations on the stream.

Not particular about this question, but for example, if the source array was double[] and we wanted to take average() of the sub-array:

double avg = IntStream.range(startInclusive, endExclusive)
                    .mapToDouble(index -> src[index])

how to use substr() function in jquery?

Extract characters from a string:

var str = "Hello world!";
var res = str.substring(1,4);

The result of res will be:


    if($(this).text().length > 30) {

Can I make a phone call from HTML on Android?

Generally on Android, if you simply display the phone number, and the user taps on it, it will pull it up in the dialer. So, you could simply do

For more information, call us at <b>416-555-1234</b>

When the user taps on the bold part, since it's formatted like a phone number, the dialer will pop up, and show 4165551234 in the phone number field. The user then just has to hit the call button.

You might be able to do

For more information, call us at <a href='tel:416-555-1234'>416-555-1234</a>

to cover both devices, but I'm not sure how well this would work. I'll give it a try shortly and let you know.

EDIT: I just gave this a try on my HTC Magic running a rooted Rogers 1.5 with SenseUI:

For more information, call us at <a href='tel:416-555-1234'>416-555-1234</a><br />
<br />
Call at <a href='tel:416-555-1234'>our number</a>
<br />
<br />
<a href='416-555-1234'>Blah</a>
<br />
<br />
For more info, call <b>416-555-1234</b>

The first one, surrounding with the link and printing the phone number, worked perfectly. Pulled up the dialer with the hyphens and all. The second, saying our number with the link, worked exactly the same. This means that using <a href='tel:xxx-xxx-xxxx'> should work across the board, but I wouldn't suggest taking my one test as conclusive.

Linking straight to the number did the expected: Tried to pull up the nonexistent file from the server.

The last one did as I mentioned above, and pulled up the dialer, but without the nice formatting hyphens.

How to convert a String into an ArrayList?


List<String> list = Arrays.asList("hello");


List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("hello"));

In my opinion, Option1 is better because

  1. we can reduce the number of ArrayList objects being created from 2 to 1. asList method creates and returns an ArrayList Object.
  2. its performance is much better (but it returns a fixed-size list).

Please refer to the documentation here

How to search a string in String array

I'm surprised that no one suggested using Array.IndexOf Method.

Indeed, Array.IndexOf has two advantages :

  • It allows searching if an element is included into an array,
  • It gets at the same time the index into the array.
int stringIndex = Array.IndexOf(arr, theString);
if (stringIndex >= 0)
    // theString has been found

Inline version :

if (Array.IndexOf(arr, theString) >= 0)
    // theString has been found

Loop structure inside gnuplot?

Take a look also to the do { ... } command since gnuplot 4.6 as it is very powerful:

do for [t=0:50] {
  outfile = sprintf('animation/bessel%03.0f.png',t)
  set output outfile
  splot u*sin(v),u*cos(v),bessel(u,t/50.0) w pm3d ls 1

Request string without GET arguments

I had the same problem when I wanted a link back to homepage. I tried this and it worked:

<a href="<?php echo $_SESSION['PHP_SELF']; ?>?">

Note the question mark at the end. I believe that tells the machine stop thinking on behalf of the coder :)

Regex Email validation

This does not meet all of the requirements of RFCs 5321 and 5322, but it works with the following definitions.


Below is the code

const String pattern =
   @"^([0-9a-zA-Z]" + //Start with a digit or alphabetical
   @"([\+\-_\.][0-9a-zA-Z]+)*" + // No continuous or ending +-_. chars in email
   @")+" +

var validEmails = new[] {
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
var invalidEmails = new[] {
        "",     // No `@`
        "A@b@[email protected]",   // multiple `@`
        "[email protected]",      // continuous multiple dots in name
        "[email protected]",            // only 1 char in extension
        "[email protected]",         // continuous multiple dots in domain
        "",         // continuous multiple `@`
        "",          // nothing before `@`
        "[email protected]",         // nothing after `.`
        "[email protected]",         // nothing after `_`
        "ma_@jjf",             // no domain extension 
        "ma_@jjf.",            // nothing after `_` and .
        "ma@jjf.",             // nothing after `.`

foreach (var str in validEmails)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} ", str, Regex.IsMatch(str, pattern));
foreach (var str in invalidEmails)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} ", str, Regex.IsMatch(str, pattern));

Which JDK version (Language Level) is required for Android Studio?

Android Studio now comes bundled with OpenJDK 8 . Legacy projects can still use JDK7 or JDK8


How to change button background image on mouseOver?

I think something like this:

btn.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.*Image_Identifier*;

Where *Image_Identifier* is an identifier of the image in your resources.

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

To make it short, it means that you lacked some "dependencies" for the libraries you wanted to use. Before trying to use any kind of library, first it is suggested to look up whether it needs another library in python "family". What do I mean?

Downloading "dlls" is something that I avoid. I had the same problem with another library "kivy". The problem occurred when I wanted to use Python 3.4v instead of 3.5 Everything was working correctly in 3.5 but I just wanted to use the stable version for kivy which is 3.4 as they officially "advise". So, I switched to 3.4 but then I had the very same "dll" error saying lots of things are missing. So I checked the website and learned that I needed to install extra "dependencies" from the official website of kivy, then the problem got solved.

How do I view 'git diff' output with my preferred diff tool/ viewer?

I've been using this bit in ~/.gitconfig for a long time:

    external = ~/Dropbox/source/bash/git-meld

With git-meld:

if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ];
    diff $2 $5
    meld $2 $5

But now I got tired of always using meld in graphical environment, and it's not trivial to invoke the normal diff with this setup, so I switched to this:

    v =  "!sh -c 'if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then git difftool -y -t meld ; else git difftool -y $@ ; fi' -"

With this setup, things like this work:

git v
git v --staged
git v -t kompare
git v --staged -t tkdiff

And I still get to keep the good old git diff.

How to thoroughly purge and reinstall postgresql on ubuntu?

I was facing same problem in my ubuntu 16.04

but i fixed that problem and it's very simple just follow these step and you will be able to install postgresql 10 in your system :

Add this to your sources.list:

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

deb wheezy main non-free contrib

deb-src wheezy main non-free contrib

after that add these link to your pgdg.list file if it's not there you have to create && add link && save it.

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list

deb xenial-pgdg main

deb precise-pgdg main

then update your system

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

and install that unmet dependencies :

apt-get install ssl-cert

that's it. now Install postgresql using these command

sudo apt-get install postgresql-10

What is the significance of 1/1/1753 in SQL Server?

Your great great great great great great great grandfather should upgrade to SQL Server 2008 and use the DateTime2 data type, which supports dates in the range: 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31.

Find the last element of an array while using a foreach loop in PHP

why so complicated?

foreach($input as $key => $value) {
    $ret .= "$value";
    if (next($input)==true) $ret .= ",";

This will add a , behind every value except the last one!

When and how should I use a ThreadLocal variable?

Many frameworks use ThreadLocals to maintain some context related to the current thread. For example when the current transaction is stored in a ThreadLocal, you don't need to pass it as a parameter through every method call, in case someone down the stack needs access to it. Web applications might store information about the current request and session in a ThreadLocal, so that the application has easy access to them. With Guice you can use ThreadLocals when implementing custom scopes for the injected objects (Guice's default servlet scopes most probably use them as well).

ThreadLocals are one sort of global variables (although slightly less evil because they are restricted to one thread), so you should be careful when using them to avoid unwanted side-effects and memory leaks. Design your APIs so that the ThreadLocal values will always be automatically cleared when they are not needed anymore and that incorrect use of the API won't be possible (for example like this). ThreadLocals can be used to make the code cleaner, and in some rare cases they are the only way to make something work (my current project had two such cases; they are documented here under "Static Fields and Global Variables").

Iterate through 2 dimensional array

Just change the indexes. i and the loop, plus if you're dealing with Strings you have to use concat and initialize the variable to an empty Strong otherwise you'll get an exception.

String string="";
for (int i = 0; i<array.length; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j<array[i].length; j++){
        string = string.concat(array[j][i]);

Best way to implement multi-language/globalization in large .NET project

Most opensource projects use GetText for this purpose. I don't know how and if it's ever been used on a .Net project before.

Compare a string using sh shell

I had this same problem, do this

if [ 'xyz' = 'abc' ]; then
  echo "match"

Notice the whitespace. It is important that you use a whitespace in this case after and before the = sign.

Check out "Other Comparison Operators".

Python Selenium accessing HTML source

driver.page_source will help you get the page source code. You can check if the text is present in the page source or not.

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
driver.get("some url")
if "your text here" in driver.page_source:
    print('Found it!')
    print('Did not find it.')

If you want to store the page source in a variable, add below line after driver.get:


and change the if condition to:

if "your text here" in var_pgsource:

Why is &#65279; appearing in my HTML?


// Tell me the root folder path.
// You can also try this one
// Or this
// dirname(__FILE__)
$HOME = dirname(__FILE__);

// Is this a Windows host ? If it is, change this line to $WIN = 1;
$WIN = 0;

// That's all I need
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>UTF8 BOM FINDER and REMOVER</title>
body { font-size: 10px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: #FFF; color: #000; }
.FOUND { color: #F30; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; }
$BOMBED = array();
echo '<h2>These files had UTF8 BOM, but i cleaned them:</h2><p class="FOUND">';
foreach ($BOMBED as $utf) { echo $utf ."<br />\n"; }
echo '</p>';

// Recursive finder
function RecursiveFolder($sHOME) {
  global $BOMBED, $WIN;

  $win32 = ($WIN == 1) ? "\\" : "/";

  $folder = dir($sHOME);

  $foundfolders = array();
  while ($file = $folder->read()) {
    if($file != "." and $file != "..") {
      if(filetype($sHOME . $win32 . $file) == "dir"){
        $foundfolders[count($foundfolders)] = $sHOME . $win32 . $file;
      } else {
        $content = file_get_contents($sHOME . $win32 . $file);
        $BOM = SearchBOM($content);
        if ($BOM) {
          $BOMBED[count($BOMBED)] = $sHOME . $win32 . $file;

          // Remove first three chars from the file
          $content = substr($content,3);
          // Write to file 
          file_put_contents($sHOME . $win32 . $file, $content);

  if(count($foundfolders) > 0) {
    foreach ($foundfolders as $folder) {
      RecursiveFolder($folder, $win32);

// Searching for BOM in files
function SearchBOM($string) { 
    if(substr($string,0,3) == pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf)) return true;
    return false; 

copy this code to php file upload to root and run it.

for more about this:

How can I ask the Selenium-WebDriver to wait for few seconds in Java?

This thread is a bit older, but thought I'd post what I currently do (work in progress).

Though I'm still hitting situations where the system is under heavy load and when I click a submit button (e.g., login.jsp), all three conditions (see below) return true but the next page (e.g., home.jsp) hasn't started loading yet.

This is a generic wait method that takes a list of ExpectedConditions.

public boolean waitForPageLoad(int waitTimeInSec, ExpectedCondition<Boolean>... conditions) {
    boolean isLoaded = false;
    Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<>(driver)
            .withTimeout(waitTimeInSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            .pollingEvery(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    for (ExpectedCondition<Boolean> condition : conditions) {
        isLoaded = wait.until(condition);
        if (isLoaded == false) {
            //Stop checking on first condition returning false.
    return isLoaded;

I have defined various reusable ExpectedConditions (three are below). In this example, the three expected conditions include document.readyState = 'complete', no "wait_dialog" present, and no 'spinners' (elements indicating async data is being requested).

Only the first one can be generically applied to all web pages.

 * Returns 'true' if the value of the 'window.document.readyState' via
 * JavaScript is 'complete'
public static final ExpectedCondition<Boolean> EXPECT_DOC_READY_STATE = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
    public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
        String script = "if (typeof window != 'undefined' && window.document) { return window.document.readyState; } else { return 'notready'; }";
        Boolean result;
        try {
            result = ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(script).equals("complete");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            result = Boolean.FALSE;
        return result;
 * Returns 'true' if there is no 'wait_dialog' element present on the page.
public static final ExpectedCondition<Boolean> EXPECT_NOT_WAITING = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
    public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
        Boolean loaded = true;
        try {
            WebElement wait = driver.findElement("F"));
            if (wait.isDisplayed()) {
                loaded = false;
        } catch (StaleElementReferenceException serex) {
            loaded = false;
        } catch (NoSuchElementException nseex) {
            loaded = true;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            loaded = false;
            System.out.println("EXPECTED_NOT_WAITING: UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION: " + ex.getMessage());
        return loaded;
 * Returns true if there are no elements with the 'spinner' class name.
public static final ExpectedCondition<Boolean> EXPECT_NO_SPINNERS = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {
    public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
        Boolean loaded = true;
        try {
        List<WebElement> spinners = driver.findElements(By.className("spinner"));
        for (WebElement spinner : spinners) {
            if (spinner.isDisplayed()) {
                loaded = false;
        }catch (Exception ex) {
            loaded = false;
        return loaded;

Depending on the page, I may use one or all of them:


There are also predefined ExpectedConditions in the following class:

How can I work with command line on synology?

You can use your favourite telnet (not recommended) or ssh (recommended) application to connect to your Synology box and use it as a terminal.

  1. Enable the command line interface (CLI) from the Network Services
  2. Define the protocol and the user and make sure the user has password set
  3. Access the CLI

If you need more detailed instruction read

JavaScript inside an <img title="<a href='#' onClick='alert('Hello World!')>The Link</a>" /> possible?

no, you can't do that, but you can use event handlers to change the title:

<img src="foo.jpg" onmouseover="this.title='it is now ' + new Date()" /> 

How to perform grep operation on all files in a directory?

If you want to do multiple commands, you could use:

for I in `ls *.sql`
    grep "foo" $I >> foo.log
    grep "bar" $I >> bar.log

How to see which flags -march=native will activate?

It should be (-### is similar to -v):

echo | gcc -### -E - -march=native 

To show the "real" native flags for gcc.

You can make them appear more "clearly" with a command:

gcc -### -E - -march=native 2>&1 | sed -r '/cc1/!d;s/(")|(^.* - )//g'

and you can get rid of flags with -mno-* with:

gcc -### -E - -march=native 2>&1 | sed -r '/cc1/!d;s/(")|(^.* - )|( -mno-[^\ ]+)//g'

Why does datetime.datetime.utcnow() not contain timezone information?

To add timezone information in Python 3.2+

import datetime

>>> d =
>>> print(d.tzinfo)

Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0

Unfortunately they are all out of date. DBCP has been updated a bit recently, the other two are 2-3 years old, with many outstanding bugs.

mongodb, replicates and error: { "$err" : "not master and slaveOk=false", "code" : 13435 }

I got here searching for the same error, but from Node.js native driver. The answer for me was combination of answers by campeterson and Prabhat.

The issue is that readPreference setting defaults to primary, which then somehow leads to the confusing slaveOk error. My problem is that I just wan to read from my replica set from any node. I don't even connect to it as to replicaset. I just connect to any node to read from it.

Setting readPreference to primaryPreferred (or better to the ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED constant) solved it for me. Just pass it as an option to MongoClient.connect() or to client.db() or to any find(), aggregate() or other function.

const { MongoClient, ReadPreference } = require('mongodb');
const client = await MongoClient.connect(MONGODB_CONNECTIONSTRING, { readPreference: ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED });

How can I insert data into Database Laravel?

First method you can try this

$department->department_name = $request->department_name;
$department->status = $request->status;

Another way to insert records into the database with create function

$department = new Department;           
// Another Way to insert records

return redirect('admin/departments');

You need to set the filledby in Department model

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Department extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['department_name','status'];

Linq to SQL .Sum() without group ... into

you can:


To hit the db only once do:

var itemsInCart = (from o in db.OrderLineItems
                  where o.OrderId == currentOrder.OrderId
                  select new { o.OrderLineItemId, ..., ..., o.WishListItem.Price}
var sum = itemsCart.Select(c=>c.Price).Sum();

The extra round-trip saved is worth it :)

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. Why?

It runs successfully the first time, but if I run it again, I keep getting a System.OutOfMemoryException. What are some reasons this could be happening?

Regardless of what the others have said, the error has nothing to do with forgetting to dispose your DBCommand or DBConnection, and you will not fix your error by disposing of either of them.

The error has everything to do with your dataset which contains nearly 600,000 rows of data. Apparently your dataset consumes more than 50% of the available memory on your machine. Clearly, you'll run out of memory when you return another dataset of the same size before the first one has been garbage collected. Simple as that.

You can remedy this problem in a few ways:

  • Consider returning fewer records. I personally can't imagine a time when returning 600K records has ever been useful to a user. To minimize the records returned, try:

    • Limiting your query to the first 1000 records. If there are more than 1000 results returned from the query, inform the user to narrow their search results.

    • If your users really insist on seeing that much data at once, try paging the data. Remember: Google never shows you all 22 bajillion results of a search at once, it shows you 20 or so records at a time. Google probably doesn't hold all 22 bajillion results in memory at once, it probably finds its more memory efficient to requery its database to generate a new page.

  • If you just need to iterate through the data and you don't need random access, try returning a datareader instead. A datareader only loads one record into memory at a time.

If none of those are an option, then you need to force .NET to free up the memory used by the dataset before calling your method using one of these methods:

  • Remove all references to your old dataset. Anything holding on to a refenence of your dataset will prevent it from being reclaimed by memory.

  • If you can't null all the references to your dataset, clear all of the rows from the dataset and any objects bound to those rows instead. This removes references to the datarows and allows them to be eaten by the garbage collector.

I don't believe you'll need to call GC.Collect() to force a gen cycle. Not only is it generally a bad idea to call GC.Collect(), because sufficient memory pressure will cause .NET invoke the garbage collector on its own.

Note: calling Dispose on your dataset does not free any memory, nor does it invoke the garbage collector, nor does it remove a reference to your dataset. Dispose is used to clean up unmanaged resources, but the DataSet does not have any unmanaged resources. It only implements IDispoable because it inherents from MarshalByValueComponent, so the Dispose method on the dataset is pretty much useless.

Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

This happens because $cOTLdata is not null but the index 'char_data' does not exist. Previous versions of PHP may have been less strict on such mistakes and silently swallowed the error / notice while 7.4 does not do this anymore.

To check whether the index exists or not you can use isset():


Which means the line should look something like this:

$len = isset($cOTLdata['char_data']) ? count($cOTLdata['char_data']) : 0;

Note I switched the then and else cases of the ternary operator since === null is essentially what isset already does (but in the positive case).

Start new Activity and finish current one in Android?

Use finish like this:

Intent i = new Intent(Main_Menu.this, NextActivity.class);
finish();  //Kill the activity from which you will go to next activity 

FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY you can use in case for the activity you want to finish. For exampe you are going from A-->B--C. You want to finish activity B when you go from B-->C so when you go from A-->B you can use this flag. When you go to some other activity this activity will be automatically finished.

To learn more on using Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY read:

How to install an apk on the emulator in Android Studio?

In Android Studio: View - Tool Windows - Gradle

In the Gradle tool window navigate to your :app - Tasks - install and then execute (by double-clicking): any of your install*tasks: e.g. installDebug, installRelease

Note: the apk will also automatically installed when you Run your application

Fixing Segmentation faults in C++

On Unix you can use valgrind to find issues. It's free and powerful. If you'd rather do it yourself you can overload the new and delete operators to set up a configuration where you have 1 byte with 0xDEADBEEF before and after each new object. Then track what happens at each iteration. This can fail to catch everything (you aren't guaranteed to even touch those bytes) but it has worked for me in the past on a Windows platform.

How to print multiple lines of text with Python

You can use triple quotes (single ' or double "):

a = """


Regex Until But Not Including

The explicit way of saying "search until X but not including X" is:


where X can be any regular expression.

In your case, though, this might be overkill - here the easiest way would be


This will match anything except z and therefore stop right before the next z.

So .*?quick[^z]* will match The quick fox jumps over the la.

However, as soon as you have more than one simple letter to look out for, (?:(?!X).)* comes into play, for example

(?:(?!lazy).)* - match anything until the start of the word lazy.

This is using a lookahead assertion, more specifically a negative lookahead.

.*?quick(?:(?!lazy).)* will match The quick fox jumps over the.


(?:        # Match the following but do not capture it:
 (?!lazy)  # (first assert that it's not possible to match "lazy" here
 .         # then match any character
)*         # end of group, zero or more repetitions.

Furthermore, when searching for keywords, you might want to surround them with word boundary anchors: \bfox\b will only match the complete word fox but not the fox in foxy.


If the text to be matched can also include linebreaks, you will need to set the "dot matches all" option of your regex engine. Usually, you can achieve that by prepending (?s) to the regex, but that doesn't work in all regex engines (notably JavaScript).

Alternative solution:

In many cases, you can also use a simpler, more readable solution that uses a lazy quantifier. By adding a ? to the * quantifier, it will try to match as few characters as possible from the current position:


will match any number of characters, stopping right before X (which can be any regex) or the end of the string (if X doesn't match). You may also need to set the "dot matches all" option for this to work. (Note: I added a non-capturing group around X in order to reliably isolate it from the alternation)

How to call Makefile from another Makefile?

It seems clear that $(TESTS) is empty so your 1.4.0 makefile is effectively


  rm -f  gtest.a gtest_main.a *.o

Indeed, all has nothing to do. and clean does exactly what it says rm -f gtest.a ...

Windows batch files: .bat vs .cmd?

The extension makes no difference.

There are slight differences between COMMAND.COM handling the file vs CMD.EXE.

How to access full source of old commit in BitBucket?

For the record, you can also toy around URLs this way :

When browsing the latest source, you have something like :

Simply change the commit hash and remove the GET parameter :

Got to +1 @Hein A. Grønnestad above : it's all working, really wondering why there's nothing in the GUI to use it.

How do I find the mime-type of a file with php?

If you run Linux and have the extension you could simply read the MIME type from /etc/mime.types by making a hash array. You can then store that in memory and simply call the MIME by array key :)

 * Helper function to extract all mime types from the default Linux /etc/mime.types
function get_mime_types() {
    $mime_types = array();
    if (
        file_exists('/etc/mime.types') &&
        ($fh = fopen('/etc/mime.types', 'r')) !== false
    ) {
        while (($line = fgets($fh)) !== false) {
            if (!trim($line) || substr($line, 0, 1) === '#') continue;
            $mime_type = preg_split('/\t+/', rtrim($line));
            if (
                is_array($mime_type) &&
                isset($mime_type[0]) && $mime_type[0] &&
                isset($mime_type[1]) && $mime_type[1]
            ) {
                foreach (explode(' ', $mime_type[1]) as $ext) {
                    $mime_types[$ext] = $mime_type[0];
    return $mime_types;

Should I use "camel case" or underscores in python?

Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability. mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the prevailing style

Check out its already been answered, click here

Change MySQL root password in phpMyAdmin

I had to do 2 steps:

  • follow Tiep Phan solution ... edit file ...

  • follow Mahmoud Zalt solution ... change password within phpmyadmin

How to grep for contents after pattern?

You can use grep, as the other answers state. But you don't need grep, awk, sed, perl, cut, or any external tool. You can do it with pure bash.

Try this (semicolons are there to allow you to put it all on one line):

$ while read line;
    if [[ "${line%%:\ *}" == "potato" ]];
      echo ${line##*:\ };
  done< file.txt

## tells bash to delete the longest match of ": " in $line from the front.

$ while read line; do echo ${line##*:\ }; done< file.txt

or if you wanted the key rather than the value, %% tells bash to delete the longest match of ": " in $line from the end.

$ while read line; do echo ${line%%:\ *}; done< file.txt

The substring to split on is ":\ " because the space character must be escaped with the backslash.

You can find more like these at the linux documentation project.

How can I make my custom objects Parcelable?

Android parcable has some unique things. Those are given bellow:

  1. You have to read Parcel as the same order where you put data on parcel.
  2. Parcel will empty after read from parcel. That is if you have 3 data on your parcel. Then after read 3 times parcel will be empty.

Example: To make a class Parceble it must be implement Parceble. Percable has 2 method:

int describeContents();
void writeToParcel(Parcel var1, int var2);

Suppose you have a Person class and it has 3 field, firstName,lastName and age. After implementing Parceble interface. this interface is given bellow:

import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
public class Person implements Parcelable{
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private int age;

    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;

    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;

    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;

    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public int describeContents() {
        return 0;

    public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) {


Here writeToParcel method we are writing/adding data on Parcel in an order. After this we have to add bellow code for reading data from parcel:

protected Person(Parcel in) {
        firstName = in.readString();
        lastName = in.readString();
        age = in.readInt();

    public static final Creator<Person> CREATOR = new Creator<Person>() {
        public Person createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
            return new Person(in);

        public Person[] newArray(int size) {
            return new Person[size];

Here, Person class is taking a parcel and getting data in same an order during writing.

Now during intent getExtra and putExtra code is given bellow:

Put in Extra:

Person person=new Person();

                Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), SECOND_ACTIVITY.class);

Get Extra:

Person person=getIntent().getParcelableExtra("person");

Full Person class is given bellow:

import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;

public class Person implements Parcelable{
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private int age;

    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;

    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;

    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;

    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public int describeContents() {
        return 0;

    public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) {

    protected Person(Parcel in) {
        firstName = in.readString();
        lastName = in.readString();
        age = in.readInt();

    public static final Creator<Person> CREATOR = new Creator<Person>() {
        public Person createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
            return new Person(in);

        public Person[] newArray(int size) {
            return new Person[size];


Hope this will help you 
Thanks :)

How to create a template function within a class? (C++)

The easiest way is to put the declaration and definition in the same file, but it may cause over-sized excutable file. E.g.

class Foo
template <typename T> void some_method(T t) {//...}

Also, it is possible to put template definition in the separate files, i.e. to put them in .cpp and .h files. All you need to do is to explicitly include the template instantiation to the .cpp files. E.g.

// .h file
class Foo
template <typename T> void some_method(T t);

// .cpp file
template <typename T> void Foo::some_method(T t) 

template void Foo::some_method<int>(int);
template void Foo::some_method<double>(double);

Django Cookies, how can I set them?

UPDATE : check Peter's answer below for a builtin solution :

This is a helper to set a persistent cookie:

import datetime

def set_cookie(response, key, value, days_expire=7):
    if days_expire is None:
        max_age = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60  # one year
        max_age = days_expire * 24 * 60 * 60
    expires = datetime.datetime.strftime(
        datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_age),
        "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
        secure=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE or None,

Use the following code before sending a response.

def view(request):
    response = HttpResponse("hello")
    set_cookie(response, 'name', 'jujule')
    return response

UPDATE : check Peter's answer below for a builtin solution :

Efficiently replace all accented characters in a string?

I just wanted to post my solution using String#localeCompare

const base_chars = [_x000D_
  '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',_x000D_
  '0', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h',_x000D_
  'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q',_x000D_
  'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',_x000D_
  '-', '_', ' '_x000D_
const fix = str => str.normalize('NFKD').split('')_x000D_
    .map(c => base_chars.find(bc => bc.localeCompare(c, 'en', { sensitivity: 'base' })==0))_x000D_
const str = 'OÒ óëå-123';_x000D_
console.log(`fix(${str}) = ${fix(str)}`);

Error 'tunneling socket' while executing npm install

I faced similar and tried some of the techniques mentioned here. To overcome,

I performed a cleanup of duplicate entries in c:\users\<user name>\.npmrc

Hope it helps someone. Thanks,

No module named Image

You can this query:

pip install image 

I had pillow installed, and still, I got the error that you mentioned. But after I executed the above command, the error vanished. And My program worked perfectly.

Resizing a button

You should not use "width" and "height" attributes directly, use the style attribute like style="some css here" if you want to use inline styling:

<div class="button" style="width:60px;height:30px;">This is a button</div>

Note, however, that inline styling should generally be avoided since it makes maintenance and style updates a nightmare. Personally, if I had a button styling like yours but also wanted to apply different sizes, I would work with multiple css classes for sizing, like this:

   .button {_x000D_
        background-color: #000000;_x000D_
        color: #FFFFFF;_x000D_
        padding: 10px;_x000D_
        border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
        -moz-border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
        -webkit-border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
    .small-btn {_x000D_
        width: 50px;_x000D_
        height: 25px;_x000D_
    .medium-btn {_x000D_
        width: 70px;_x000D_
        height: 30px;_x000D_
    .big-btn {_x000D_
        width: 90px;_x000D_
        height: 40px;_x000D_
    <div class="button big-btn">This is a big button</div>_x000D_
    <div class="button medium-btn">This is a medium button</div>_x000D_
    <div class="button small-btn">This is a small button</div>_x000D_

jsFiddle example

Using this way of defining styles removes all style information from your HTML markup, which in will make it easier down the road if you want to change the size of all small buttons - you'll only have to change them once in the CSS.

throwing exceptions out of a destructor

As an addition to the main answers, which are good, comprehensive and accurate, I would like to comment about the article you reference - the one that says "throwing exceptions in destructors is not so bad".

The article takes the line "what are the alternatives to throwing exceptions", and lists some problems with each of the alternatives. Having done so it concludes that because we can't find a problem-free alternative we should keep throwing exceptions.

The trouble is is that none of the problems it lists with the alternatives are anywhere near as bad as the exception behaviour, which, let's remember, is "undefined behaviour of your program". Some of the author's objections include "aesthetically ugly" and "encourage bad style". Now which would you rather have? A program with bad style, or one which exhibited undefined behaviour?

equivalent of rm and mv in windows .cmd

If you want to see a more detailed discussion of differences for the commands, see the Details about Differences section, below.

From the website1 (archived), specifically the Windows and Unix command line equivalents page (archived), I found the following2. There's a better/more complete table in the next edit.

Windows command     Unix command
rmdir               rmdir
rmdir /s            rm -r
move                mv

I'm interested to hear from @Dave and @javadba to hear how equivalent the commands are - how the "behavior and capabilities" compare, whether quite similar or "woefully NOT equivalent".

All I found out was that when I used it to try and recursively remove a directory and its constituent files and subdirectories, e.g.

(Windows cmd)>rmdir /s C:\my\dirwithsubdirs\

gave me a standard Windows-knows-better-than-you-do-are-you-sure message and prompt

dirwithsubdirs, Are you sure (Y/N)?

and that when I typed Y, the result was that my top directory and its constituent files and subdirectories went away.


I'm looking back at this after finding this answer. I retried each of the commands, and I'd change the table a little bit.

Windows command     Unix command
rmdir               rmdir
rmdir /s /q         rm -r
rmdir /s /q         rm -rf
rmdir /s            rm -ri
move                mv
del <file>          rm <file>

If you want the equivalent for

rm -rf

you can use

rmdir /s /q

or, as the author of the answer I sourced described,

But there is another "old school" way to do it that was used back in the day when commands did not have options to suppress confirmation messages. Simply ECHO the needed response and pipe the value into the command.

echo y | rmdir /s

Details about Differences

I tested each of the commands using Windows CMD and Cygwin (with its bash).

Before each test, I made the following setup.

Windows CMD

>mkdir this_directory
>echo some text stuff > this_directory/some.txt
>mkdir this_empty_directory

Cygwin bash

$ mkdir this_directory
$ echo "some text stuff" > this_directory/some.txt
$ mkdir this_empty_directory

That resulted in the following file structure for both.

|-- this_directory
|   `-- some.txt
`-- this_empty_directory

Here are the results. Note that I'll not mark each as CMD or bash; the CMD will have a > in front, and the bash will have a $ in front.


>rmdir this_directory
The directory is not empty.

>tree /a /f .
Folder PATH listing for volume Windows
Volume serial number is ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦:¦¦¦¦
|       some.txt

> rmdir this_empty_directory

>tree /a /f .
$ rmdir this_directory
rmdir: failed to remove 'this_directory': Directory not empty

$ tree --charset=ascii
|-- this_directory
|   `-- some.txt
`-- this_empty_directory

2 directories, 1 file

$ rmdir this_empty_directory

$ tree --charset=ascii
`-- this_directory
    `-- some.txt

RMDIR /S /Q and RM -R ; RM -RF

>rmdir /s /q this_directory

>tree /a /f

>rmdir /s /q this_empty_directory

>tree /a /f
No subfolders exist
$ rm -r this_directory

$ tree --charset=ascii
`-- this_empty_directory

$ rm -r this_empty_directory

$ tree --charset=ascii
0 directories, 0 files
$ rm -rf this_directory

$ tree --charset=ascii
`-- this_empty_directory

$ rm -rf this_empty_directory

$ tree --charset=ascii
0 directories, 0 files

RMDIR /S AND RM -RI Here, we have a bit of a difference, but they're pretty close.

>rmdir /s this_directory
this_directory, Are you sure (Y/N)? y

>tree /a /f

>rmdir /s this_empty_directory
this_empty_directory, Are you sure (Y/N)? y

>tree /a /f
No subfolders exist
$ rm -ri this_directory
rm: descend into directory 'this_directory'? y
rm: remove regular file 'this_directory/some.txt'? y
rm: remove directory 'this_directory'? y

$ tree --charset=ascii
`-- this_empty_directory

$ rm -ri this_empty_directory
rm: remove directory 'this_empty_directory'? y

$ tree --charset=ascii
0 directories, 0 files



  1. I know almost nothing about the LeMoDa website, other than the fact that the info is

Copyright © Ben Bullock 2009-2018. All rights reserved.

(archived copyright notice)

and that there seem to be a bunch of useful programming tips along with some humour (yes, the British spelling) and information on how to fix Japanese toilets. I also found some stuff talking about the "Ibaraki Report", but I don't know if that is the website.

I think I shall go there more often; it's quite useful. Props to Ben Bullock, whose email is on his page. If he wants me to remove this info, I will.

I will include the disclaimer (archived) from the site:

Disclaimer Please read the following disclaimer before using any of the computer program code on this site.

There Is No Warranty For The Program, To The Extent Permitted By Applicable Law. Except When Otherwise Stated In Writing The Copyright Holders And/Or Other Parties Provide The Program “As Is” Without Warranty Of Any Kind, Either Expressed Or Implied, Including, But Not Limited To, The Implied Warranties Of Merchantability And Fitness For A Particular Purpose. The Entire Risk As To The Quality And Performance Of The Program Is With You. Should The Program Prove Defective, You Assume The Cost Of All Necessary Servicing, Repair Or Correction.

In No Event Unless Required By Applicable Law Or Agreed To In Writing Will Any Copyright Holder, Or Any Other Party Who Modifies And/Or Conveys The Program As Permitted Above, Be Liable To You For Damages, Including Any General, Special, Incidental Or Consequential Damages Arising Out Of The Use Or Inability To Use The Program (Including But Not Limited To Loss Of Data Or Data Being Rendered Inaccurate Or Losses Sustained By You Or Third Parties Or A Failure Of The Program To Operate With Any Other Programs), Even If Such Holder Or Other Party Has Been Advised Of The Possibility Of Such Damages.

  1. Actually, I found the information with a Google search for "cmd equivalent of rm"

The information I'm sharing came up first.

how to run two commands in sudo?

On a slightly-related topic, I wanted to do the same multi-command sudo via SSH but none of the above worked.

For example on Ubuntu,

$ ssh sudo sh -c "whoami; whoami"
[sudo] password for ubuntu:

The trick discovered here is to double-quote the command.

$ ssh sudo sh -c '"whoami; whoami"'
[sudo] password for ubuntu:

Other options that also work:

ssh sudo sh -c "\"whoami; whoami\""
ssh 'sudo sh -c "whoami; whoami"'

In principle, double-quotes are needed because I think the client shell where SSH is run strips the outermost set of quotes. Mix and match the quotes to your needs (eg. variables need to be passed in). However YMMV with the quotes especially if the remote commands are complex. In that case, a tool like Ansible will make a better choice.

Returning the product of a list

reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, list, 1)

Java regex to extract text between tags

    String s = "<B><G>Test</G></B><C>Test1</C>";

    String pattern ="\\<(.+)\\>([^\\<\\>]+)\\<\\/\\1\\>";

       int count = 0;

        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern);
        Matcher m =  p.matcher(s);

How do I pre-populate a jQuery Datepicker textbox with today's date?

You've got 2 options:

OPTION A) Marks as "active" in your calendar, only when you click in the input.


                            changeMonth: false,
                            changeYear: false,
                            beforeShow: function(input, instance) { 
                                $(input).datepicker('setDate', new Date());


div.ui-datepicker table.ui-datepicker-calendar .ui-state-active,
        div.ui-datepicker table.ui-datepicker-calendar .ui-widget-content .ui-state-active  {
            background: #1ABC9C;
            border-radius: 50%;
            color: #fff;
            cursor: pointer;
            display: inline-block;
            width: 24px; height: 24px;

OPTION B) Input by default with today. You've to populate first the datepicker .

$("input.datepicker").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", new Date());

Mockito matcher and array of primitives

I agree with Mutanos and Alecio. Further, one can check as many identical method calls as possible (verifying the subsequent calls in the production code, the order of the verify's does not matter). Here is the code:

import static org.mockito.AdditionalMatchers.*;

    verify(mockObject).myMethod(aryEq(new byte[] { 0 }));
    verify(mockObject).myMethod(aryEq(new byte[] { 1, 2 }));

Android Facebook 4.0 SDK How to get Email, Date of Birth and gender of User

Here's a working solution (2019): put this code inside your login logic;

 GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newMeRequest(loginResult.getAccessToken(), new GraphRequest.GraphJSONObjectCallback() {
                public void onCompleted(JSONObject json, GraphResponse response) {
                    // Application code
                    if (response.getError() != null) {
                    } else {
                        String jsonresult = String.valueOf(json);
                        System.out.println("JSON Result" + jsonresult);

                        String fbUserId = json.optString("id");
                        String fbUserFirstName = json.optString("name");
                        String fbUserEmail = json.optString("email");
                        //String fbUserProfilePics = "" + fbUserId + "/picture?type=large";
                        Log.d("SignUpActivity", "Email: " + fbUserEmail + "\nName: " + fbUserFirstName + "\nID: " + fbUserId);
                    Log.d("SignUpActivity", response.toString());
            Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
            parameters.putString("fields", "id,name,email,gender, birthday");

        public void onCancel() {
            Toast.makeText(SignUpActivity.this, "Login Attempt Cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        public void onError(FacebookException error) {
            Toast.makeText(SignUpActivity.this, "An Error Occurred", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

iOS 8 Snapshotting a view that has not been rendered results in an empty snapshot

I also encounter the same problem and I resolved it by checking if the camera is available:

BOOL cameraAvailableFlag = [UIImagePickerController isSourceTypeAvailable:UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera];
    if (cameraAvailableFlag)
        [self performSelector:@selector(showcamera) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.3];

Task<> does not contain a definition for 'GetAwaiter'

I had this issue in one of my projects, where I found that I had set my project's .Net Framework version to 4.0 and async tasks are only supported in .Net Framework 4.5 onwards.

I simply changed my project settings to use .Net Framework 4.5 or above and it worked.

Installing Bower on Ubuntu

on Ubuntu 12.04 and the packaged version of NodeJs is too old to install Bower using the PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install nodejs

When this has installed, check the version:

npm --version

Now install Bower:

sudo npm install -g bower

This will fetch and install Bower globally.

What does 'stale file handle' in Linux mean?

When the directory is deleted, the inode for that directory (and the inodes for its contents) are recycled. The pointer your shell has to that directory's inode (and its contents's inodes) are now no longer valid. When the directory is restored from backup, the old inodes are not (necessarily) reused; the directory and its contents are stored on random inodes. The only thing that stays the same is that the parent directory reuses the same name for the restored directory (because you told it to).

Now if you attempt to access the contents of the directory that your original shell is still pointing to, it communicates that request to the file system as a request for the original inode, which has since been recycled (and may even be in use for something entirely different now). So you get a stale file handle message because you asked for some nonexistent data.

When you perform a cd operation, the shell reevaluates the inode location of whatever destination you give it. Now that your shell knows the new inode for the directory (and the new inodes for its contents), future requests for its contents will be valid.

how do I get a new line, after using float:left?

You need to "clear" the float after every 6 images. So with your current code, change the styles for containerdivNewLine to:

.containerdivNewLine { clear: both; float: left; display: block; position: relative; } 

How can I install an older version of a package via NuGet?

Try the following:

Uninstall-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Force

Followed by:

Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Version <press tab key for autocomplete>

Twitter API - Display all tweets with a certain hashtag?

UPDATE for v1.1:

Rather than giving q="search_string" give it q="hashtag" in URL encoded form to return results with HASHTAG ONLY. So your query would become:


%23 is URL encoded form of #. Try the link out in your browser and it should work.

You can optimize the query by adding since_id and max_id parameters detailed here. Hope this helps !

Note: Search API is now a OAUTH authenticated call, so please include your access_tokens to the above call


Twitter Search doc link:

Are there any disadvantages to always using nvarchar(MAX)?

As of SQL Server 2019, NVARCHAR(MAX) still does not support SCSU “Unicode compression” — even when stored using In-Row data storage. SCSU was added in SQL Server 2008 and applies to any ROW/PAGE-compressed tables and indices.

As such, NVARCHAR(MAX) can take up to twice as much physical disk space as a NVARCHAR(1..4000) field with the same text content+ — even when not stored in the LOB. The non-SCSU waste depends on data and language represented.

Unicode Compression Implementation:

SQL Server uses an implementation of the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode (SCSU) algorithm to compress Unicode values that are stored in row or page compressed objects. For these compressed objects, Unicode compression is automatic for nchar(n) and nvarchar(n) columns [and is never used with nvarchar(max)].

On the other hand, PAGE compression (since 2014) still applies to NVARCHAR(MAX) columns if they are written as In-Row data.. so lack of SCSU feels like a “missing optimization”. Unlike SCSU, page compression results can vary dramatically based on shared leading prefixes (ie. duplicate values).

However, it may still be “faster” to use NVARCHAR(MAX) even with the higher IO costs with functions like OPENJSON due to avoiding the implicit conversion. This is implicit conversion overhead depends on the relative cost of usage and if the field is touched before or after filtering. This same conversion issue exists when using 2019’s UTF-8 collation in a VARCHAR(MAX) column.

Using NVARCHAR(1-4000) also requires N*2 bytes of the ~8000 byte row quota, while NVARCHAR(MAX) only requires 24 bytes. Overall design and usage need to be considered together to account for specific implementation details.

+In my database / data / schema, by using two columns (coalesced on read) it was possible to reduce disk space usage by ~40% while still supporting overflowing text values. SCSU, while with its flaws, is an amazingly clever and underutilized method of storing Unicode more space-efficiently.

Clearing UIWebview cache

My educated guess is that the memory use you are seeing is not from the page content, but rather from loading UIWebView and all of it's supporting WebKit libraries. I love the UIWebView control, but it is a 'heavy' control that pulls in a very large block of code.

This code is a large sub-set of the iOS Safari browser, and likely initializes a large body of static structures.

How to create a project from existing source in Eclipse and then find it?

The easiest method is really good but you don't get a standard Java project, i.e., the .java and .class files separated in different folders.

To get this very easily:

  1. Create a folder called "ProjectName" on the workspace of Eclipse.
  2. Copy or move your folder with the .java files to the "ProjectName" folder.
  3. Create a new Java Project called "ProjectName" (with the Use default location marked).
  4. Press <Enter> and that's it.

Copy array items into another array

The following seems simplest to me:

var newArray = dataArray1.slice();
newArray.push.apply(newArray, dataArray2);

As "push" takes a variable number of arguments, you can use the apply method of the push function to push all of the elements of another array. It constructs a call to push using its first argument ("newArray" here) as "this" and the elements of the array as the remaining arguments.

The slice in the first statement gets a copy of the first array, so you don't modify it.

Update If you are using a version of javascript with slice available, you can simplify the push expression to:


Fastest method to escape HTML tags as HTML entities?

The AngularJS source code also has a version inside of angular-sanitize.js.

var SURROGATE_PAIR_REGEXP = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g,
    // Match everything outside of normal chars and " (quote character)
    NON_ALPHANUMERIC_REGEXP = /([^\#-~| |!])/g;
 * Escapes all potentially dangerous characters, so that the
 * resulting string can be safely inserted into attribute or
 * element text.
 * @param value
 * @returns {string} escaped text
function encodeEntities(value) {
  return value.
    replace(/&/g, '&amp;').
    replace(SURROGATE_PAIR_REGEXP, function(value) {
      var hi = value.charCodeAt(0);
      var low = value.charCodeAt(1);
      return '&#' + (((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';';
    replace(NON_ALPHANUMERIC_REGEXP, function(value) {
      return '&#' + value.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
    replace(/</g, '&lt;').
    replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

How to change color of Toolbar back button in Android?

I did it this way using the Material Components library:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar">
    <item name="drawerArrowStyle">@style/AppTheme.DrawerArrowToggle</item>

<style name="AppTheme.DrawerArrowToggle" parent="Widget.AppCompat.DrawerArrowToggle">
    <item name="color">@android:color/white</item>

Func vs. Action vs. Predicate

Action is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, but does not return anything.

Func is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, and returns a value (or reference).

Predicate is a special kind of Func often used for comparisons.

Though widely used with Linq, Action and Func are concepts logically independent of Linq. C++ already contained the basic concept in form of typed function pointers.

Here is a small example for Action and Func without using Linq:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Action<int> myAction = new Action<int>(DoSomething);
        myAction(123);           // Prints out "123"
                                 // can be also called as myAction.Invoke(123);

        Func<int, double> myFunc = new Func<int, double>(CalculateSomething);
        Console.WriteLine(myFunc(5));   // Prints out "2.5"

    static void DoSomething(int i)

    static double CalculateSomething(int i)
        return (double)i/2;

jquery select element by xpath

document.evaluate() (DOM Level 3 XPath) is supported in Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera - the only major browser missing is MSIE. Nevertheless, jQuery supports basic XPath expressions: (moved into a plugin in the current jQuery version, see It simply converts XPath expressions into equivalent CSS selectors however.

mssql '5 (Access is denied.)' error during restoring database

In my case I had to check the box in Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE) under Options tab on Restore Database page.

The reason I was getting this error: because there was already an MDF file present for the database and it was not getting overwritten.

Hope this will help someone.

Shorthand for if-else statement

Most answers here will work fine if you have just two conditions in your if-else. For more which is I guess what you want, you'll be using arrays. Every names corresponding element in names array you'll have an element in the hasNames array with the exact same index. Then it's a matter of these four lines.

names = "true";
var names = ["true","false","1","2"];
var hasNames = ["Y","N","true","false"];
var intIndex = names.indexOf(name);
hasName = hasNames[intIndex ];

This method could also be implemented using Objects and properties as illustrated by Benjamin.

sublime text2 python error message /usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in ''

You get that error because you haven't saved your file, save it for example "" then run it Ctrl + B

How do I configure modprobe to find my module?

I think the key is to copy the module to the standard paths.

Once that is done, modprobe only accepts the module name, so leave off the path and ".ko" extension.

Foreign Key Django Model

You create the relationships the other way around; add foreign keys to the Person type to create a Many-to-One relationship:

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    birthday = models.DateField()
    anniversary = models.ForeignKey(
        Anniversary, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    address = models.ForeignKey(
        Address, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

class Address(models.Model):
    line1 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    line2 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    postalcode = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    city = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    country = models.CharField(max_length=150)

class Anniversary(models.Model):
    date = models.DateField()

Any one person can only be connected to one address and one anniversary, but addresses and anniversaries can be referenced from multiple Person entries.

Anniversary and Address objects will be given a reverse, backwards relationship too; by default it'll be called person_set but you can configure a different name if you need to. See Following relationships "backward" in the queries documentation.

How can I use a carriage return in a HTML tooltip?

use data-html="true" and apply <br>.

html "data-" attribute as javascript parameter

The easiest way to get data-* attributes is with element.getAttribute():

onclick="fun(this.getAttribute('data-uid'), this.getAttribute('data-name'), this.getAttribute('data-value'));"


Although I would suggest just passing this to fun(), and getting the 3 attributes inside the fun function:


And then:

function fun(obj) {
    var one = obj.getAttribute('data-uid'),
        two = obj.getAttribute('data-name'),
        three = obj.getAttribute('data-value');


The new way to access them by property is with dataset, but that isn't supported by all browsers. You'd get them like the following:

// and
// and


Also note that in your HTML, there shouldn't be a comma here:



Apache Tomcat Connection refused

Was the Tomcat running before you restarted it? Was there any other app listening on this port?

The exception is thrown because there was nobody listening on the command port (see <Server port="..." in $tomcat_home/conf/server.xml).

Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?

Since this wasn't covered in any of the answers and is now available in PHP 5.3 (assumed Original Post was using 5.2).

In order to maintain an array structure and change its values I prefer to use array_replace or array_replace_recursive depending on my use case.

Here is an example using array_replace and array_replace_recursive demonstrating it being able to maintain the indexed order and capable of removing a reference.

The code below is written using the short array syntax available since PHP 5.4 which replaces array() with [].

Works on either offset indexed and name indexed arrays

$o1 = new stdClass;
$a = 'd';
//This is the base array or the initial structure
$o1->ar1 = ['a', 'b', ['ca', 'cb']];
$o1->ar1[3] = & $a; //set 3rd offset to reference $a

//direct copy (not passed by reference)
$o1->ar2 = $o1->ar1; //alternatively array_replace($o1->ar1, []);
$o1->ar1[0] = 'z'; //set offset 0 of ar1 = z do not change ar2
$o1->ar1[3] = 'e'; //$a = e (changes value of 3rd offset to e in ar1 and ar2)

//copy and remove reference to 3rd offset of ar1 and change 2nd offset to a new array
$o1->ar3 = array_replace($o1->ar1, [2 => ['aa'], 3 => 'd']);

//maintain original array of the 2nd offset in ar1 and change the value at offset 0
//also remove reference of the 2nd offset
//note: offset 3 and 2 are transposed
$o1->ar4 = array_replace_recursive($o1->ar1, [3 => 'f', 2 => ['bb']]);



  array(4) {
    string(1) "z"
    string(1) "b"
    array(2) {
      string(2) "ca"
      string(2) "cb"
    &string(1) "e"
  array(4) {
    string(1) "a"
    string(1) "b"
    array(2) {
      string(2) "ca"
      string(2) "cb"
    &string(1) "e"
  array(4) {
    string(1) "z"
    string(1) "b"
    array(1) {
      string(2) "aa"
    string(1) "d"
  array(4) {
    string(1) "z"
    string(1) "b"
    array(2) {
      string(2) "bb"
      string(2) "cb"
    string(1) "f"

What is the attribute property="og:title" inside meta tag?

og:title is one of the open graph meta tags. og:... properties define objects in a social graph. They are used for example by Facebook.

og:title stands for the title of your object as it should appear within the graph (see here for more )

Convert string to variable name in python

This is the best way, I know of to create dynamic variables in python.

my_dict = {}
x = "Buffalo"
my_dict[x] = 4

I found a similar, but not the same question here Creating dynamically named variables from user input

How does the stack work in assembly language?

I think that main answer you are looking for has already been hinted at.

When an x86 computer boots up, the stack is not setup. The programmer must explicitly set it up at boot time. However, if you are already in an operating system, this has been taken care of. Below is a code sample from a simple bootstrap program.

First the data and stack segment registers are set, and then the stack pointer is set 0x4000 beyond that.

    movw    $BOOT_SEGMENT, %ax
    movw    %ax, %ds
    movw    %ax, %ss
    movw    $0x4000, %ax
    movw    %ax, %sp

After this code the stack may be used. Now I am sure it can be done in a number of different ways, but I think this should illustrate the idea.

Android "gps requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" error, even though my manifest file contains this

CAUSE: "Beginning in Android 6.0 (API level 23), users grant permissions to apps while the app is running, not when they install the app." In this case, "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" is a "dangerous permission and for that reason, you get this 'java.lang.SecurityException: "gps" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.' error (

SOLUTION: Implementing the code provided at under the "Request the permissions you need" and "Handle the permissions request response" headings.

Understanding inplace=True

The way I use it is

# Have to assign back to dataframe (because it is a new copy)
df = df.some_operation(inplace=False) 


# No need to assign back to dataframe (because it is on the same copy)


 if inplace is False
      Assign to a new variable;
      No need to assign


If you want to store the result in one file outside the container, in your local machine, you can do something like this.

RES_FILE=$(readlink -f /tmp/result.txt)

docker run --rm -v ${RES_FILE}:/result.txt img bash -c "cat /etc/passwd | grep root > /result.txt"

The result of your commands will be available in /tmp/result.txt in your local machine.

phpMyAdmin - Error > Incorrect format parameter?

For me, adjusting the 2 values was not enough. If the file is too big, you also need to adjust the execution time variables.

First, ../php/php.ini


Then, ../phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php

$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 1000;

This did the trick for me. The variables can be choosen differently of course. Maybe the execution time has to be even higher. And the size depends on your filesize.

How do I select a MySQL database through CLI?

Use USE. This will enable you to select the database.

USE photogallery;

12.8.4: USE Syntax

You can also specify the database you want when connecting:

$ mysql -u user -p photogallery

Syntax for a for loop in ruby

The equivalence would be

for i in (0...array.size)


(0...array.size).each do |i|


i = 0
while i < array.size do
   i = i + 1 # where you may freely set i to any value

Git Diff with Beyond Compare

Update for BC4 64bit: This works for Git for Windows v.2.16.2 and Beyond Compare 4 - v.4.2.4 (64bit Edition)

I manually edited the .gitconfig file located in my user root "C:\Users\MyUserName" and replaced the diff/difftool and merge/mergetool tags with

  tool = bc
[difftool "bc"]
  path = 'C:/Program Files/Beyond Compare 4/BComp.exe'
[difftool "bc"]
  cmd = \"C:/Program Files/Beyond Compare 4/BComp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
  prompt = false
  tool = bc
[mergetool "bc"]
  path = 'C:/Program Files/Beyond Compare 4/BComp.exe'
[mergetool "bc"]
  cmd = \"C:/Program Files/Beyond Compare 4/BComp.exe\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$BASE\" \"$MERGED\"

PHP/MySQL: How to create a comment section in your website

It's a hard question to answer without more information. There are a number of things you should consider when looking at implementing commenting on an existing website.

How will you address the issue of spam? It doesn't matter how remote your website is, spammers WILL find it and they'll filled it up in no time. You may want to look into something like reCAPTCHA (

The structure of the website may also influence how you implement your comments. Are the comments for the overall site, a particular product or page, or even another comment? You'll need to know the relationship between the content and the comment so you can properly define the relationship in the database. To put it another way, you know you want an email address, the comment, and whether it is approved or not, but now we need a way to identify what, if anything, the comment is linked to.

If your site is already established and built on a PHP framework (CakePHP for instance) you'll need to address how to integrate your code properly with what is already in place.

Lastly, there are a number of resources and tutorials on the web for PHP. If you do a quick google search for something along the lines of "PHP blog tutorial" I'm sure you'll find hundreds and the majority will show you step by step how to implement comments.

Event for Handling the Focus of the EditText

  1. Declare object of EditText on top of class:

     EditText myEditText;
  2. Find EditText in onCreate Function and setOnFocusChangeListener of EditText:

    myEditText = findViewById(; 
    myEditText.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
                public void onFocusChange(View view, boolean hasFocus) {
                    if (!hasFocus) {
                         Toast.makeText(this, "Focus Lose", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        Toast.makeText(this, "Get Focus", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

It works fine.

SQL Server 2008 - Help writing simple INSERT Trigger

check this code:

CREATE TRIGGER trig_Update_Employee ON [EmployeeResult] FOR INSERT AS Begin   
    Insert into Employee (Name, Department)  
    Select Distinct i.Name, i.Department   
        from Inserted i
        Left Join Employee e on i.Name = e.Name and i.Department = e.Department
        where e.Name is null

How to open a new file in vim in a new window

Check out gVim. You can launch that in its own window.

gVim makes it really easy to manage multiple open buffers graphically.

You can also do the usual :e to open a new file, CTRL+^ to toggle between buffers, etc...

Another cool feature lets you open a popup window that lists all the buffers you've worked on.

This allows you to switch between open buffers with a single click.

To do this, click on the Buffers menu at the top and click the dotted line with the scissors.

enter image description here

Otherwise you can just open a new tab from your terminal session and launch vi from there.

You can usually open a new tab from terminal with CTRL+T or CTRL+ALT+T

Once vi is launched, it's easy to open new files and switch between them.

Python Pandas : pivot table with aggfunc = count unique distinct

This is a good way of counting entries within .pivot_table:

df2.pivot_table(values='X', index=['Y','Z'], columns='X', aggfunc='count')

        X1  X2
Y   Z       
Y1  Z1   1   1
    Z2   1  NaN
Y2  Z3   1  NaN

mvn clean install vs. deploy vs. release

  • mvn install will put your packaged maven project into the local repository, for local application using your project as a dependency.
  • mvn release will basically put your current code in a tag on your SCM, change your version in your projects.
  • mvn deploy will put your packaged maven project into a remote repository for sharing with other developers.

Resources :

How to make the HTML link activated by clicking on the <li>?

jqyery this is another version with jquery a little less shorter. assuming that the <a> element is inside de <li> element


Configuring Log4j Loggers Programmatically

You can add/remove Appender programmatically to Log4j:

  ConsoleAppender console = new ConsoleAppender(); //create appender
  //configure the appender
  String PATTERN = "%d [%p|%c|%C{1}] %m%n";
  console.setLayout(new PatternLayout(PATTERN)); 
  //add appender to any Logger (here is root)

  FileAppender fa = new FileAppender();
  fa.setLayout(new PatternLayout("%d %-5p [%c{1}] %m%n"));

  //add appender to any Logger (here is root)
  //repeat with all other desired appenders

I'd suggest you put it into an init() somewhere, where you are sure, that this will be executed before anything else. You can then remove all existing appenders on the root logger with


and start with adding your own. You need log4j in the classpath of course for this to work.

You can take any Logger.getLogger(...) you like to add appenders. I just took the root logger because it is at the bottom of all things and will handle everything that is passed through other appenders in other categories (unless configured otherwise by setting the additivity flag).

If you need to know how logging works and how is decided where logs are written read this manual for more infos about that.
In Short:

  Logger fizz = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.fizz")

will give you a logger for the category "com.fizz".
For the above example this means that everything logged with it will be referred to the console and file appender on the root logger.
If you add an appender to Logger.getLogger("com.fizz").addAppender(newAppender) then logging from fizz will be handled by alle the appenders from the root logger and the newAppender.
You don't create Loggers with the configuration, you just provide handlers for all possible categories in your system.

add class with JavaScript

Simply add a class name to the beginning of the funciton and the 2nd and 3rd arguments are optional and the magic is done for you!

function getElementsByClass(searchClass, node, tag) {

  var classElements = new Array();

  if (node == null)

    node = document;

  if (tag == null)

    tag = '*';

  var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);

  var elsLen = els.length;

  var pattern = new RegExp('(^|\\\\s)' + searchClass + '(\\\\s|$)');

  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {

    if (pattern.test(els[i].className)) {

      classElements[j] = els[i];




  return classElements;


Get the current fragment object

You can create field in your parent Activity Class:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    public Fragment fr;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


And then inside each fragment class:

public class SomeFragment extends Fragment {

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
                             ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ((MainActivity) getActivity()).fr = this;

Your 'fr' field is current fragment Object

It's working also with popBackStack()

JavaScript Chart Library

It maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but
Google's Chart API is pretty cool and easy to use.

Remove credentials from Git

For macOS users :

This error appears when you are using multiple Git accounts on the same machine.

Please follow below steps to remove the credentials.

  1. Go to Finder
  2. Go to Applications
  3. Go to Utilities Folder
  4. Open Keychain Access
  5. Select the and Right click on it

Delete ""

Try again to Push or Pull to git and it will ask for the credentials. Enter valid credentials for repository account. Done

increment date by one month

$time = strtotime("2010.12.11");
$final = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 month", $time));

// Finally you will have the date you're looking for.

How to display JavaScript variables in a HTML page without document.write

Add an element to your page (such as a div) and write to that div.


        <title>Page Title</title>

        <div id="myDiv"></div>


$('#myDiv').text('hello world!');


document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML = 'hello world!';

setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op

  1. Cancel all async operation in componentWillUnmount
  2. Check component is already unmounted when async call setState,
    since isMounted flag is deprecated

What is the difference between atomic / volatile / synchronized?


volatile is a keyword. volatile forces all threads to get latest value of the variable from main memory instead of cache. No locking is required to access volatile variables. All threads can access volatile variable value at same time.

Using volatile variables reduces the risk of memory consistency errors, because any write to a volatile variable establishes a happens-before relationship with subsequent reads of that same variable.

This means that changes to a volatile variable are always visible to other threads. What's more, it also means that when a thread reads a volatile variable, it sees not just the latest change to the volatile, but also the side effects of the code that led up the change.

When to use: One thread modifies the data and other threads have to read latest value of data. Other threads will take some action but they won't update data.


AtomicXXX classes support lock-free thread-safe programming on single variables. These AtomicXXX classes (like AtomicInteger) resolves memory inconsistency errors / side effects of modification of volatile variables, which have been accessed in multiple threads.

When to use: Multiple threads can read and modify data.


synchronized is keyword used to guard a method or code block. By making method as synchronized has two effects:

  1. First, it is not possible for two invocations of synchronized methods on the same object to interleave. When one thread is executing a synchronized method for an object, all other threads that invoke synchronized methods for the same object block (suspend execution) until the first thread is done with the object.

  2. Second, when a synchronized method exits, it automatically establishes a happens-before relationship with any subsequent invocation of a synchronized method for the same object. This guarantees that changes to the state of the object are visible to all threads.

When to use: Multiple threads can read and modify data. Your business logic not only update the data but also executes atomic operations

AtomicXXX is equivalent of volatile + synchronized even though the implementation is different. AmtomicXXX extends volatile variables + compareAndSet methods but does not use synchronization.

Related SE questions:

Difference between volatile and synchronized in Java

Volatile boolean vs AtomicBoolean

Good articles to read: ( Above content is taken from these documentation pages)

How to edit HTML input value colour?

Add a style = color:black !important; in your input type.

Linux command to translate DomainName to IP

Use this

$ dig +short

or this

$ host has address mail is handled by 30 mail is handled by 40 mail is handled by 50 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20


I think you should understand what delayed expansion is. The existing answers don't explain it (sufficiently) IMHO.

Typing SET /? explains the thing reasonably well:

Delayed environment variable expansion is useful for getting around the limitations of the current expansion which happens when a line of text is read, not when it is executed. The following example demonstrates the problem with immediate variable expansion:

set VAR=before
if "%VAR%" == "before" (
    set VAR=after
    if "%VAR%" == "after" @echo If you see this, it worked

would never display the message, since the %VAR% in BOTH IF statements is substituted when the first IF statement is read, since it logically includes the body of the IF, which is a compound statement. So the IF inside the compound statement is really comparing "before" with "after" which will never be equal. Similarly, the following example will not work as expected:

set LIST=
for %i in (*) do set LIST=%LIST% %i
echo %LIST%

in that it will NOT build up a list of files in the current directory, but instead will just set the LIST variable to the last file found. Again, this is because the %LIST% is expanded just once when the FOR statement is read, and at that time the LIST variable is empty. So the actual FOR loop we are executing is:

for %i in (*) do set LIST= %i

which just keeps setting LIST to the last file found.

Delayed environment variable expansion allows you to use a different character (the exclamation mark) to expand environment variables at execution time. If delayed variable expansion is enabled, the above examples could be written as follows to work as intended:

set VAR=before
if "%VAR%" == "before" (
    set VAR=after
    if "!VAR!" == "after" @echo If you see this, it worked

set LIST=
for %i in (*) do set LIST=!LIST! %i
echo %LIST%

Another example is this batch file:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set b=z1
for %%a in (x1 y1) do (
 set b=%%a
 echo !b:1=2!

This prints x2 and y2: every 1 gets replaced by a 2.

Without setlocal enabledelayedexpansion, exclamation marks are just that, so it will echo !b:1=2! twice.

Because normal environment variables are expanded when a (block) statement is read, expanding %b:1=2% uses the value b has before the loop: z2 (but y2 when not set).

How to convert An NSInteger to an int?

Commonly used in UIsegmentedControl, "error" appear when compiling in 64bits instead of 32bits, easy way for not pass it to a new variable is to use this tips, add (int):

[_monChiffre setUnite:(int)[_valUnites selectedSegmentIndex]];

instead of :

[_monChiffre setUnite:[_valUnites selectedSegmentIndex]];

Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread

It depends which one to chose is based on the requirement

Handler is mostly used to switch from other thread to main thread, Handler is attached to a looper on which it post its runnable task in queue. So If you are already in other thread and switch to main thread then you need handle instead of async task or other thread

If Handler created in other than main thread which is not a looper is will not give error as handle is created the thread, that thread need to be made a lopper

AsyncTask is used to execute code for few seconds which run on background thread and gives its result to main thread ** *AsyncTask Limitations 1. Async Task is not attached to life cycle of activity and it keeps run even if its activity destroyed whereas loader doesn't have this limitation 2. All Async Tasks share the same background thread for execution which also impact the app performance

Thread is used in app for background work also but it doesn't have any call back on main thread. If requirement suits some threads instead of one thread and which need to give task many times then thread pool executor is better option.Eg Requirement of Image loading from multiple url like glide.

Remove all the elements that occur in one list from another

One way is to use sets:

>>> set([1,2,6,8]) - set([2,3,5,8])
set([1, 6])

Note, however, that sets do not preserve the order of elements, and cause any duplicated elements to be removed. The elements also need to be hashable. If these restrictions are tolerable, this may often be the simplest and highest performance option.

php exec command (or similar) to not wait for result

I know this question has been answered but the answers i found here didn't work for my scenario ( or for Windows ).

I am using windows 10 laptop with PHP 7.2 in Xampp v3.2.4.

$command = 'php Cron.php send_email "'. $id .'"';
if ( substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows" )
    pclose(popen("start /B " . $command . " 1> temp/update_log 2>&1 &", "r"));
    shell_exec( $command . " > /dev/null 2>&1 &" );

This worked perfectly for me.

I hope it will help someone with windows. Cheers.

What's the difference between lists enclosed by square brackets and parentheses in Python?

Comma-separated items enclosed by ( and ) are tuples, those enclosed by [ and ] are lists.

Program to find largest and second largest number in array

The problem with your code is a logic problem (which is what most coding is about). If the largest number is first then it gets the second largest number wrong ... why?

Well, look at your logic for deciding on the second largest number. You first set it to be equal to the first element in the array and then you go through the array and change the index if the element is greater than the current second largest number (which will never be true because we already set it to be the largest number!).

To solve it you can special case this: check if the largest number was the first and if so then set it to the second element (and then special case the issue of someone asking to find the highest two elements in a one element array, without reading past the end of an array.)

I think the method given in chqrlie's answer to do this all in one pass is best. And logical too: write a program to find the largest number. Second largest number, well that's just the one which was previously the largest!

Is there a way to run Bash scripts on Windows?

After installing git-extentions ( you can run .sh file from the command prompt. (No ./ required, just run it like a bat/cmd file) Or you can run them in a "full" bash environment by using the MinGW Git bash shell.

I am not a great fan of Cygwin (yes I am sure it's really powerful), so running bash scripts on windows without having to install it perfect for me.

Check if any type of files exist in a directory using BATCH script

To check if a folder contains at least one file

>nul 2>nul dir /a-d "folderName\*" && (echo Files exist) || (echo No file found)

To check if a folder or any of its descendents contain at least one file

>nul 2>nul dir /a-d /s "folderName\*" && (echo Files exist) || (echo No file found)

To check if a folder contains at least one file or folder.
Note addition of /a option to enable finding of hidden and system files/folders.

dir /b /a "folderName\*" | >nul findstr "^" && (echo Files and/or Folders exist) || (echo No File or Folder found)

To check if a folder contains at least one folder

dir /b /ad "folderName\*" | >nul findstr "^" && (echo Folders exist) || (echo No folder found)

Android draw a Horizontal line between views

add something like this in your layout between the views you want to separate:

       android:layout_height= "2dp"
       android:background="@color/gray" />

Hope it helps :)

What is an idempotent operation?

Quite a detailed and technical answers. Just adding a simple definition.

Idempotent = Re-runnable

For example, Create operation in itself is not guaranteed to run without error if executed more than once. But if there is an operation CreateOrUpdate then it states re-runnability (Idempotency).

String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder

Mutability Difference:

String is immutable, if you try to alter their values, another object gets created, whereas StringBuffer and StringBuilder are mutable so they can change their values.

Thread-Safety Difference:

The difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder is that StringBuffer is thread-safe. So when the application needs to be run only in a single thread then it is better to use StringBuilder. StringBuilder is more efficient than StringBuffer.


  • If your string is not going to change use a String class because a String object is immutable.
  • If your string can change (example: lots of logic and operations in the construction of the string) and will only be accessed from a single thread, using a StringBuilder is good enough.
  • If your string can change, and will be accessed from multiple threads, use a StringBuffer because StringBuffer is synchronous so you have thread-safety.

Getting current date and time in JavaScript

.getDay returns day of week. You need .getDate instead. .getMonth returns values from 0 to 11. You'll need to add 1 to the result to get "human" month number.

How to create a jar with external libraries included in Eclipse?

When you export your project as a 'Runnable jar' (Right mouse on project -> Export -> Runnable jar) you have the option to package all dependencies into the generated jar. It also has two other ways (see screenshot) to export your libraries, be aware of the licences when deciding which packaging method you will use.

Package libraries

The 'launch configuration' dropdown is populated with classes containing a main(String[]) method. The selected class is started when you 'run' the jar.

Exporting as a runnable jar uses the dependencies on your build path (Right mouse on project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path...). When you export as a 'regular' (non-runnable) jar you can select any file in your project(s). If you have the libraries in your project folder you can include them but external dependencies, for example , cannot be included (for maven projects, search here).

Excel VBA If cell.Value =... then

You can use the Like operator with a wildcard to determine whether a given substring exists in a string, for example:

If cell.Value Like "*Word1*" Then
ElseIf cell.Value Like "*Word2*" Then
End If

In this example the * character in "*Word1*" is a wildcard character which matches zero or more characters.

NOTE: The Like operator is case-sensitive, so "Word1" Like "word1" is false, more information can be found on this MSDN page.

C++11 rvalues and move semantics confusion (return statement)

None of them will copy, but the second will refer to a destroyed vector. Named rvalue references almost never exist in regular code. You write it just how you would have written a copy in C++03.

std::vector<int> return_vector()
    std::vector<int> tmp {1,2,3,4,5};
    return tmp;

std::vector<int> rval_ref = return_vector();

Except now, the vector is moved. The user of a class doesn't deal with it's rvalue references in the vast majority of cases.

Modifying CSS class property values on the fly with JavaScript / jQuery

Okay.. had the same problem and fixed it, but the solution may not be for everyone.

If you know the indexes of the style sheet and rule you want to delete, try something like document.styleSheets[1].deleteRule(0); .

From the start, I had my main.css (index 0) file. Then, I created a new file, js_edit.css (index 1), that only contained one rule with the properties I wanted to remove when the page had finished loading (after a bunch of other JS functions too).

Now, since js_edit.css loads after main.css, you can just insert/delete rules in js_edit.css as you please and they will override the ones in main.css.

var x = document.styleSheets[1];
x.insertRule("p { font-size: 2rem; }", x.cssRules.length);

x.cssRules.length returns the number of rules in the second (index 1) style sheet thus inserting the new rule at the end.

I'm sure you can use a bunch of for-loops to search for the rule/property you want to modify and then rewrite the whole rule within the same sheet, but I found this way simpler for my needs. helped me a lot.

Switch on Enum in Java

You might be using the enums incorrectly in the switch cases. In comparison with the above example by CoolBeans.. you might be doing the following:

switch(day) {
    case Day.MONDAY:
        // Something..
    case Day.FRIDAY:
        // Something friday

Make sure that you use the actual enum values instead of EnumType.EnumValue

Eclipse points out this mistake though..

Comparing Dates in Oracle SQL

from your query:

Select employee_id, count(*) From Employee 
Where to_char(employee_date_hired, 'DD-MON-YY') > '31-DEC-95' 

i think its not to display the number of employees that are hired after June 20, 1994. if you want show number of employees, you can use:

Select count(*) From Employee 
Where to_char(employee_date_hired, 'YYYMMMDDD') > 19940620 

I think for best practice to compare dates you can use:

employee_date_hired > TO_DATE('20-06-1994', 'DD-MM-YYYY');
to_char(employee_date_hired, 'YYYMMMDDD') > 19940620;

Div width 100% minus fixed amount of pixels

what if your wrapping div was 100% and you used padding for a pixel amount, then if the padding # needs to be dynamic, you can easily use jQuery to modify your padding amount when your events fire.