Programs & Examples On #Topmost

How to make a WPF window be on top of all other windows of my app (not system wide)?

How about htis:

Private Sub ArrangeWindows(Order As Window())
    For I As Integer = 1 To Order.Length -1
        Order(I).Owner = Order(I - 1)
End Sub

How to download Javadoc to read offline?

Links to access the JDK documentation

By the way, a history of Java SE versions.

Put current changes in a new Git branch

You can simply check out a new branch, and then commit:

git checkout -b my_new_branch
git commit

Checking out the new branch will not discard your changes.

how to pass command line arguments to main method dynamically

go to Run Configuration and in argument tab you can write your argument

Changing Vim indentation behavior by file type

You can add .vim files to be executed whenever vim switches to a particular filetype.

For example, I have a file ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim with this contents:

setlocal shiftwidth=2
setlocal tabstop=2

Which causes vim to use tabs with a width of 2 characters for indenting (the noexpandtab option is set globally elsewhere in my configuration).

This is described here:, scroll down to the section on filetype plugins.

How do I remove a key from a JavaScript object?

If you are using Underscore.js or Lodash, there is a function 'omit' that will do it.

var thisIsObject= {
    'Cow' : 'Moo',
    'Cat' : 'Meow',
    'Dog' : 'Bark'
_.omit(thisIsObject,'Cow'); //It will return a new object

=> {'Cat' : 'Meow', 'Dog' : 'Bark'}  //result

If you want to modify the current object, assign the returning object to the current object.

thisIsObject = _.omit(thisIsObject,'Cow');

With pure JavaScript, use:

delete thisIsObject['Cow'];

Another option with pure JavaScript.

thisIsObject.cow = undefined;

thisIsObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(thisIsObject ));

Append TimeStamp to a File Name

For Current date and time as the name for a file on the file system. Now call the string.Format method, and combine it with DateTime.Now, for a method that outputs the correct string based on the date and time.

using System;
using System.IO;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Write file containing the date with BIN extension
        string n = string.Format("text-{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss-tt}.bin",
        File.WriteAllText(n, "abc");

Output :



text- The first part of the output required Files will all start with text-

{0: Indicates that this is a string placeholder The zero indicates the index of the parameters inserted here

yyyy- Prints the year in four digits followed by a dash This has a "year 10000" problem

MM- Prints the month in two digits

dd_ Prints the day in two digits followed by an underscore

hh- Prints the hour in two digits

mm- Prints the minute, also in two digits

ss- As expected, it prints the seconds

tt Prints AM or PM depending on the time of day

How can I use jQuery to make an input readonly?

simply add the following attribute

// for disabled i.e. cannot highlight value or change

// for readonly i.e. can highlight value but not change

jQuery to make the change to the element (substitute disabled for readonly in the following for setting readonly attribute).



$('#fieldName').attr("disabled", true) 

NOTE: As of jQuery 1.6, it is recommended to use .prop() instead of .attr(). The above code will work exactly the same except substitute .attr() for .prop().

Determine path of the executing script

frame_files <- lapply(sys.frames(), function(x) x$ofile)
frame_files <- Filter(Negate(is.null), frame_files)
PATH <- dirname(frame_files[[length(frame_files)]])

Don't ask me how it works though, because I've forgotten :/

POST request not allowed - 405 Not Allowed - nginx, even with headers included

This configuration to your nginx.conf should help you.

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  localhost;

    location / {
        root   html;
        index  index.html index.htm;

    error_page  404     /404.html;
    error_page  403     /403.html;

    # To allow POST on static pages
    error_page  405     =200 $uri;

    # ...

Open URL in same window and in same tab

You can do


and it worked successfully on my website.

Where are logs located?

You should be checking the root directory and not the app directory.

Look in $ROOT/storage/laravel.log not app/storage/laravel.log, where root is the top directory of the project.

how to prevent "directory already exists error" in a makefile when using mkdir

If having the directory already exist is not a problem for you, you could just redirect stderr for that command, getting rid of the error message:

-mkdir $(OBJDIR) 2>/dev/null

Constants in Kotlin -- what's a recommended way to create them?

Values known at compile time can (and in my opinion should) be marked as constant.

Naming conventions should follow Java ones and should be properly visible when used from Java code (it's somehow hard to achieve with companion objects, but anyway).

The proper constant declarations are:

const val MY_CONST = "something"
const val MY_INT = 1

How to remove decimal values from a value of type 'double' in Java

the simple way to remove

new java.text.DecimalFormat("#").format(value)

Can I target all <H> tags with a single selector?

The new :is() CSS pseudo-class can do it in one selector:

:is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) {
  color: red;

matplotlib: plot multiple columns of pandas data frame on the bar chart

Although the accepted answer works fine, since v0.21.0rc1 it gives a warning

UserWarning: Pandas doesn't allow columns to be created via a new attribute name

Instead, one can do

df[["X", "A", "B", "C"]].plot(x="X", kind="bar")

How can I install a package with go get?

Command go

Download and install packages and dependencies


go get [-d] [-f] [-t] [-u] [-v] [-fix] [-insecure] [build flags] [packages]

Get downloads the packages named by the import paths, along with their dependencies. It then installs the named packages, like 'go install'.

The -d flag instructs get to stop after downloading the packages; that is, it instructs get not to install the packages.

The -f flag, valid only when -u is set, forces get -u not to verify that each package has been checked out from the source control repository implied by its import path. This can be useful if the source is a local fork of the original.

The -fix flag instructs get to run the fix tool on the downloaded packages before resolving dependencies or building the code.

The -insecure flag permits fetching from repositories and resolving custom domains using insecure schemes such as HTTP. Use with caution.

The -t flag instructs get to also download the packages required to build the tests for the specified packages.

The -u flag instructs get to use the network to update the named packages and their dependencies. By default, get uses the network to check out missing packages but does not use it to look for updates to existing packages.

The -v flag enables verbose progress and debug output.

Get also accepts build flags to control the installation. See 'go help build'.

When checking out a new package, get creates the target directory GOPATH/src/. If the GOPATH contains multiple entries, get uses the first one. For more details see: 'go help gopath'.

When checking out or updating a package, get looks for a branch or tag that matches the locally installed version of Go. The most important rule is that if the local installation is running version "go1", get searches for a branch or tag named "go1". If no such version exists it retrieves the default branch of the package.

When go get checks out or updates a Git repository, it also updates any git submodules referenced by the repository.

Get never checks out or updates code stored in vendor directories.

For more about specifying packages, see 'go help packages'.

For more about how 'go get' finds source code to download, see 'go help importpath'.

This text describes the behavior of get when using GOPATH to manage source code and dependencies. If instead the go command is running in module-aware mode, the details of get's flags and effects change, as does 'go help get'. See 'go help modules' and 'go help module-get'.

See also: go build, go install, go clean.

For example, showing verbose output,

$ go get -v (download) (download) (download)

Java: Calling a super method which calls an overridden method

"this" keyword refers to current class reference. That means, when it is used inside the method, the 'current' class is still SubClass and so, the answer is explained.

AngularJS Directive Restrict A vs E

Element is not supported in IE8 out of the box you have to do some work to make IE8 accept custom tags.

One advantage of using an attribute over an element is that you can apply multiple directives to the same DOM node. This is particularly handy for things like form controls where you can highlight, disable, or add labels etc. with additional attributes without having to wrap the element in a bunch of tags.

How can I show current location on a Google Map on Android Marshmallow?

Firstly make sure your API Key is valid and add this into your manifest <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />

Here's my maps activity.. there might be some redundant information in it since it's from a larger project I created.

import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentSender;
import android.location.Location;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.Toast;


public class MapsActivity extends FragmentActivity implements
        LocationListener {

    //These variable are initalized here as they need to be used in more than one methid
    private double currentLatitude; //lat of user
    private double currentLongitude; //long of user

    private double latitudeVillageApartmets= 53.385952001750184;
    private double longitudeVillageApartments= -6.599087119102478;

    public static final String TAG = MapsActivity.class.getSimpleName();

    private final static int CONNECTION_FAILURE_RESOLUTION_REQUEST = 9000;

    private GoogleMap mMap; // Might be null if Google Play services APK is not available.

    private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;
    private LocationRequest mLocationRequest;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)

        // Create the LocationRequest object
        mLocationRequest = LocationRequest.create()
                .setInterval(10 * 1000)        // 10 seconds, in milliseconds
                .setFastestInterval(1 * 1000); // 1 second, in milliseconds
    /*These methods all have to do with the map and wht happens if the activity is paused etc*/
    //contains lat and lon of another marker
    private void setUpMap() {

            MarkerOptions marker = new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(latitudeVillageApartmets, longitudeVillageApartments)).title("1"); //create marker
            mMap.addMarker(marker); // adding marker

    //contains your lat and lon
    private void handleNewLocation(Location location) {
        Log.d(TAG, location.toString());

        currentLatitude = location.getLatitude();
        currentLongitude = location.getLongitude();

        LatLng latLng = new LatLng(currentLatitude, currentLongitude);

        MarkerOptions options = new MarkerOptions()
                .title("You are here");
        mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom((latLng), 11.0F));

    protected void onResume() {

    protected void onPause() {

        if (mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) {
            LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.removeLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, this);

    private void setUpMapIfNeeded() {
        // Do a null check to confirm that we have not already instantiated the map.
        if (mMap == null) {
            // Try to obtain the map from the SupportMapFragment.
            mMap = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(
            // Check if we were successful in obtaining the map.
            if (mMap != null) {


    public void onConnected(Bundle bundle) {
        Location location = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(mGoogleApiClient);
        if (location == null) {
            LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, mLocationRequest, this);
        else {

    public void onConnectionSuspended(int i) {

    public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
        if (connectionResult.hasResolution()) {
            try {
                // Start an Activity that tries to resolve the error
                connectionResult.startResolutionForResult(this, CONNECTION_FAILURE_RESOLUTION_REQUEST);
                 * Thrown if Google Play services canceled the original
                 * PendingIntent
            } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
                // Log the error
        } else {
             * If no resolution is available, display a dialog to the
             * user with the error.
            Log.i(TAG, "Location services connection failed with code " + connectionResult.getErrorCode());

    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {


There's a lot of methods here that are hard to understand but basically all update the map when it's paused etc. There are also connection timeouts etc. Sorry for just posting this, I tried to fix your code but I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Callback function for JSONP with jQuery AJAX

        url: '',
        dataType: "jsonp",
        jsonp: 'callback',
        jsonpCallback: 'jsonp_callback'

jsonp is the querystring parameter name that is defined to be acceptable by the server while the jsonpCallback is the javascript function name to be executed at the client.
When you use such url:

url: ''

the question mark ? at the end instructs jQuery to generate a random function while the predfined behavior of the autogenerated function will just invoke the callback -the sucess function in this case- passing the json data as a parameter.

        url: '',
        success: function (data, status) {
        error: function (xOptions, textStatus) {

The same goes here if you are using $.getJSON with ? placeholder it will generate a random function while the predfined behavior of the autogenerated function will just invoke the callback:

//process data here

Proper usage of Java -D command-line parameters

That should be:

java -Dtest="true" -jar myApplication.jar

Then the following will return the value:


The value could be null, though, so guard against an exception using a Boolean:

boolean b = Boolean.parseBoolean( System.getProperty( "test" ) );

Note that the getBoolean method delegates the system property value, simplifying the code to:

if( Boolean.getBoolean( "test" ) ) {
   // ...

changing iframe source with jquery

Should work.

Here's a working example:


function loadIframe(iframeName, url) {
    var $iframe = $('#' + iframeName);
    if ($iframe.length) {
        return false;
    return true;

Using If/Else on a data frame

Try this

frame$twohouses <- ifelse(frame$data>1, 2, 1)
   data twohouses
1     0         1
2     1         1
3     2         2
4     3         2
5     4         2
6     2         2
7     3         2
8     1         1
9     4         2
10    3         2
11    2         2
12    4         2
13    0         1
14    1         1
15    2         2
16    0         1
17    2         2
18    1         1
19    2         2
20    0         1
21    4         2

Angularjs checkbox checked by default on load and disables Select list when checked

You don't really need the directive, can achieve it by using the ng-init and ng-checked. below demo link shows how to set the initial value for checkbox in angularjs.

demo link:

      Released<input type="checkbox" ng-model="Released" ng-bind-html="ACR.Released" ng-true-value="true" ng-false-value="false" ng-init='Released=true' ng-checked='true' /> 
      Inactivated<input type="checkbox" ng-model="Inactivated" ng-bind-html="Inactivated" ng-true-value="true" ng-false-value="false" ng-init='Inactivated=false' ng-checked='false' /> 
      Title Changed<input type="checkbox" ng-model="Title" ng-bind-html="Title" ng-true-value="true" ng-false-value="false" ng-init='Title=false' ng-checked='false' />
    <div>Released value is  <b>{{Released}}</b></div>
    <div>Inactivated  value is  <b>{{Inactivated}}</b></div>
    <div>Title  value is  <b>{{Title}}</b></div>

// Code goes here

  var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
        app.controller("myCtrl", function ($scope) {


How can I check if mysql is installed on ubuntu?

# mysqladmin -u root -p status


Enter password:
Uptime: 4  Threads: 1  Questions: 62  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 51  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 45  Queries per second avg: 15.500

It means MySQL serer is running

If server is not running then it will dump error as follows

# mysqladmin -u root -p status

Output :

mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!

So Under Debian Linux you can type following command

# /etc/init.d/mysql status

What is the best way to seed a database in Rails?

The best way is to use fixtures.

Note: Keep in mind that fixtures do direct inserts and don't use your model so if you have callbacks that populate data you will need to find a workaround.

RegEx for matching "A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _" and "."

You could simply use ^[\w.]+ to match A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _

node.js execute system command synchronously

This is not possible in Node.js, both child_process.spawn and child_process.exec were built from the ground up to be async.

For details see:

If you really want to have this blocking, then put everything that needs to happen afterwards in a callback, or build your own queue to handle this in a blocking fashion, I suppose you could use Async.js for this task.

Or, in case you have way too much time to spend, hack around in Node.js it self.

Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/exc/InvalidDefinitionException

I also have the same error. I have updated the jackson library version and error has gone.

<!-- Jackson to convert Java object to Json -->


and also check your data classes that have you created getters and setters for all the properties.

Get records of current month

This query should work for you:

FROM table

How to group pandas DataFrame entries by date in a non-unique column

This should work:

data.groupby(lambda x: data['date'][x].year)

How to get calendar Quarter from a date in TSQL

Using the function MONTH which returns the month as a number, we can easily calculate the quarter.

select date, CEILING((MONTH(date) * 4) / 12) quarter from dual

How to get current time with jQuery

Using JavaScript native Date functions you can get hours, minutes and seconds as you want. If you wish to format date and time in particular way you may want to implement a method extending JavaScript Date prototype.

Here is one already implemented:

Serializing list to JSON

You can use pure Python to do it:

import json
list = [1, 2, (3, 4)] # Note that the 3rd element is a tuple (3, 4)
json.dumps(list) # '[1, 2, [3, 4]]'

Error :- java runtime environment JRE or java development kit must be available in order to run eclipse

Step 1

My computer > properties > Advance system settings

Step 2

environment variables > click New button under user variables > Enter variable name as 'PATH'

Copy the location of java bin (e.g:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin) and paste it in Variable value and click OK Now open the eclipse.

How to call Makefile from another Makefile?

It seems clear that $(TESTS) is empty so your 1.4.0 makefile is effectively


  rm -f  gtest.a gtest_main.a *.o

Indeed, all has nothing to do. and clean does exactly what it says rm -f gtest.a ...

Comparing two arrays & get the values which are not common

PS > $c = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (1..5) -DifferenceObject (1..6) -PassThru
PS > $c

Easy way to password-protect php page

Here's a very simple way. Create two files:


    /* Your password */
    $password = 'MYPASS';

    if (empty($_COOKIE['password']) || $_COOKIE['password'] !== $password) {
        // Password not set or incorrect. Send to login.php.
        header('Location: login.php');


    /* Your password */
    $password = 'MYPASS';

    /* Redirects here after login */
    $redirect_after_login = 'index.php';

    /* Will not ask password again for */
    $remember_password = strtotime('+30 days'); // 30 days

    if (isset($_POST['password']) && $_POST['password'] == $password) {
        setcookie("password", $password, $remember_password);
        header('Location: ' . $redirect_after_login);
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Password protected</title>
    <div style="text-align:center;margin-top:50px;">
        You must enter the password to view this content.
        <form method="POST">
            <input type="text" name="password">

Then require protect-this.php on the TOP of the files you want to protect:

// Password protect this content

Example result:

password protect php

After filling the correct password, user is taken to index.php. The password is stored for 30 days.

PS: It's not focused to be secure, but to be pratical. A hacker can brute-force this. Use it to keep normal users away. Don't use it to protect sensitive information.

How to change current working directory using a batch file

Try this

chdir /d D:\Work\Root

Enjoy rooting ;)

COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'

The same error is produced in MariaDB (10.1.36-MariaDB) by using the combination of parenthesis and the COLLATE statement. My SQL was different, the error was the same, I had:

FROM table1
WHERE (field = 'STRING') COLLATE utf8_bin;

Omitting the parenthesis was solving it for me.

FROM table1
WHERE field = 'STRING' COLLATE utf8_bin;

Convert DataSet to List

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = obj.getXmlData();// get the multiple table in dataset.

                Employee objEmp = new Employee ();// create the object of class Employee 
                List<Employee > empList = new List<Employee >();
                int table = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables.Count);// count the number of table in dataset
                for (int i = 1; i < table; i++)// set the table value in list one by one
                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[i].Rows)
                        empList.Add(new Employee { Title1 = Convert.ToString(dr["Title"]), Hosting1 = Convert.ToString(dr["Hosting"]), Startdate1 = Convert.ToString(dr["Startdate"]), ExpDate1 = Convert.ToString(dr["ExpDate"]) });
                dataGridView1.DataSource = empList;

enter image description here

The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

Comment from answer: "make sure you use the same open connection for all the database calls inside the transaction. – Magnus"

Our users are stored in a separate db from the data I was working with in the transactions. Opening the db connection to get the user was causing this error for me. Moving the other db connection and user lookup outside of the transaction scope fixed the error.

Constructor overloading in Java - best practice

Constructor overloading is like method overloading. Constructors can be overloaded to create objects in different ways.

The compiler differentiates constructors based on how many arguments are present in the constructor and other parameters like the order in which the arguments are passed.

For further details about java constructor, please visit

Replace HTML Table with Divs

there is a very useful online tool for this, just automatically transform the table into divs:

And the video that explains it:

I'm using this on a daily basis. I hope it helps ;)

SQL Server Pivot Table with multiple column aggregates

I used your own pivot as a nested query and came to this result:

  SUM(ISNULL([Australia], 0)) AS [Transactions Australia],
  SUM(CASE WHEN [Australia] IS NOT NULL THEN [TotalAmount] ELSE 0 END) AS [Amount Australia],
  SUM(ISNULL([Austria], 0)) AS [Transactions Austria],
  SUM(CASE WHEN [Austria] IS NOT NULL THEN [TotalAmount] ELSE 0 END) AS [Amount Austria]
  select * 
  from  mytransactions
  pivot (sum (totalcount) for country in ([Australia], [Austria])) as pvt
) AS [sub]
  [sub].[numericmonth] ASC

Here is the Fiddle.

JPA Native Query select and cast object

The accepted answer is incorrect.

createNativeQuery will always return a Query:

public Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass);

Calling getResultList on a Query returns List:

List getResultList()

When assigning (or casting) to List<MyEntity>, an unchecked assignment warning is produced.

Whereas, createQuery will return a TypedQuery:

public <T> TypedQuery<T> createQuery(String qlString, Class<T> resultClass);

Calling getResultList on a TypedQuery returns List<X>.

List<X> getResultList();

This is properly typed and will not give a warning.

With createNativeQuery, using ObjectMapper seems to be the only way to get rid of the warning. Personally, I choose to suppress the warning, as I see this as a deficiency in the library and not something I should have to worry about.

Classes residing in App_Code is not accessible

I haven't figured out yet why this occurs, but I had classes that were in my App_Code folder that were calling methods in each other, and were fine in doing this when I built a .NET 4.5.2 project, but then I had to revert it to 4.0 as the target server wasn't getting upgraded. That's when I found this problem (after fixing the langversion in my web.config from 6 to 5... another story)....

One of my methods kept having an error like:

The type X.Y conflicts with the imported type X.Y in MyProject.DLL

All of my classes were already set to "Compile" in their properties, as suggested on the accepted answer here, and each had a common namespace that was the same, and each had using MyNamespace; at the top of each class.

I found that if I just moved the offending classes that had to call methods in each other to another, standard folder named something other than "App_Code", they stopped having this conflict issue.

Note: If you create a standard folder called "AppCode", move your classes into it, delete the "App_Code" folder, then rename "AppCode" to "App_Code", your problems will return. It doesn't matter if you use the "New Folder" or "Add ASP .NET Folder" option to create "App_Code" - it seems to key in on the name.

Maybe this is just a .NET 4.0 (and possibly earlier) issue... I was just fine in 4.5.2 before having to revert!

Showing alert in angularjs when user leaves a page

The other examples here work fine for the old versions of ui-router (>=0.3.x) but all state events, such as $stateChangeStart, are deprecated as of 1.0. The new ui-router 1.0 code uses the $transitions service. So you need to inject $transitions into your component then use the $transitions.onBefore method as the code below demonstrates.

$transitions.onBefore({}, function(transition) {
  return confirm("Are you sure you want to leave this page?");

This is just a super simple example. The $transitions service can accept more complicated responses such as promises. See the HookResult type for more information.

Filter by process/PID in Wireshark

You could match the port numbers from wireshark up to port numbers from, say, netstat which will tell you the PID of a process listening on that port.

How do I deploy Node.js applications as a single executable file?

Meanwhile I have found the (for me) perfect solution: nexe, which creates a single executable from a Node.js application including all of its modules.

It's the next best thing to an ideal solution.

dotnet ef not found in .NET Core 3

For everyone using .NET Core CLI on MinGW MSYS. After installing using

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

add this line to to bashrc file c:\msys64\home\username\ .bashrc (location depend on your setup)

export PATH=$PATH:/c/Users/username/.dotnet/tools

Adding items in a Listbox with multiple columns

By using the List property.

ListBox1.AddItem "foo"
ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 1) = "bar"

Order of execution of tests in TestNG

An answer with an important explanation:

There are two parameters of "TestNG" who are supposed to determine the order of execution the tests:

@Test(dependsOnGroups= "someGroup")


@Test(dependsOnMethods= "someMethod")

In both cases these functions will depend on the method or group,

But the differences:

In this case:

@Test(dependsOnGroups= "someGroup")

The method will be dependent on the whole group, so it is not necessarily that immediately after the execution of the dependent function, this method will also be executed, but it may occur later in the run and even after other tests run.

It is important to note that in case and there is more than one use within the same set of tests in this parameter, this is a safe recipe for problems, because the dependent methods of the entire set of tests will run first and only then the methods that depend on them.

However, in this case:

@Test(dependsOnMethods= "someMethod")

Even if this parameter is used more than once within the same set of tests, the dependent method will still be executed after the dependent method is executed immediately.

Hope it's clearly and help.

Generating Unique Random Numbers in Java

This isn't significantly different from other answers, but I wanted the array of integers in the end:

    Integer[] indices = new Integer[n];
    Arrays.setAll(indices, i -> i);

How in node to split string by newline ('\n')?

I made an eol module for working with line endings in node or browsers. It has a split method like

var lines = eol.split(text)

How to get the anchor from the URL using jQuery?



to retrieve everything beyond and including the #

How do change the color of the text of an <option> within a <select>?

<select id="select">_x000D_
    <optgroup label="select one option">_x000D_
        <option>one</option>  _x000D_
        <option>two</option>  _x000D_
        <option>three</option>  _x000D_
        <option>four</option>  _x000D_

It all sounded like a lot of hard work to me, when optgroup gives you what you need - at least I think it does.

Mongoose: findOneAndUpdate doesn't return updated document

So, "findOneAndUpdate" requires an option to return original document. And, the option is:

MongoDB shell

{returnNewDocument: true}



{new: true}


Node.js MongoDB Driver API:

{returnOriginal: false}


Why does CSS not support negative padding?

I would like to describe a very good example of why negative padding would be useful and awesome.

As all of us CSS developers know, vertically aligning a dynamically sizing div within another is a hassle, and for the most part, viewed as being impossible only using CSS. The incorporation of negative padding could change this.

Please review the following HTML:

<div style="height:600px; width:100%;">
    <div class="vertical-align" style="width:100%;height:auto;" >
        This DIV's height will change based the width of the screen.

With the following CSS, we would be able to vertically center the content of the inner div within the outer div:

.vertical-align {
    position: absolute;
    overflow: visible;

Allow me to explain...

Absolutely positioning the inner div's top at 50% places the top edge of the inner div at the center of the outer div. Pretty simple. This is because percentage based positioning is relative to the inner dimensions of the parent element.

Percentage based padding, on the other hand, is based on the inner dimensions of the targeted element. So, by applying the property of padding-top: -50%; we have shifted the content of the inner div upward by a distance of 50% of the height of the inner div's content, therefore centering the inner div's content within the outer div and still allowing the height dimension of the inner div to be dynamic!

If you ask me OP, this would be the best use-case, and I think it should be implemented just so I can do this hack. lol. Or, they should just fix the functionality of vertical-align and give us a version of vertical-align that works on all elements.

SqlDataAdapter vs SqlDataReader


  • Holds the connection open until you are finished (don't forget to close it!).
  • Can typically only be iterated over once
  • Is not as useful for updating back to the database

On the other hand, it:

  • Only has one record in memory at a time rather than an entire result set (this can be HUGE)
  • Is about as fast as you can get for that one iteration
  • Allows you start processing results sooner (once the first record is available). For some query types this can also be a very big deal.


  • Lets you close the connection as soon it's done loading data, and may even close it for you automatically
  • All of the results are available in memory
  • You can iterate over it as many times as you need, or even look up a specific record by index
  • Has some built-in faculties for updating back to the database

At the cost of:

  • Much higher memory use
  • You wait until all the data is loaded before using any of it

So really it depends on what you're doing, but I tend to prefer a DataReader until I need something that's only supported by a dataset. SqlDataReader is perfect for the common data access case of binding to a read-only grid.

For more info, see the official Microsoft documentation.

Eclipse, regular expression search and replace

NomeN has answered correctly, but this answer wouldn't be of much use for beginners like me because we will have another problem to solve and we wouldn't know how to use RegEx in there. So I am adding a bit of explanation to this. The answer is

search: (\w+\\.someMethod\\(\\))

replace: ((TypeName)$1)


In search:

  • First and last (, ) depicts a group in regex

  • \w depicts words (alphanumeric + underscore)

  • + depicts one or more (ie one or more of alphanumeric + underscore)

  • . is a special character which depicts any character (ie .+ means one or more of any character). Because this is a special character to depict a . we should give an escape character with it, ie \.

  • someMethod is given as it is to be searched.

  • The two parenthesis (, ) are given along with escape character because they are special character which are used to depict a group (we will discuss about group in next point)

In replace:

  • It is given ((TypeName)$1), here $1 depicts the group. That is all the characters that are enclosed within the first and last parenthesis (, ) in the search field

  • Also make sure you have checked the 'Regular expression' option in find an replace box

BeautifulSoup getting href

You can use find_all in the following way to find every a element that has an href attribute, and print each one:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

html = '''<a href="some_url">next</a>
<span class="class"><a href="another_url">later</a></span>'''

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
    print "Found the URL:", a['href']

The output would be:

Found the URL: some_url
Found the URL: another_url

Note that if you're using an older version of BeautifulSoup (before version 4) the name of this method is findAll. In version 4, BeautifulSoup's method names were changed to be PEP 8 compliant, so you should use find_all instead.

If you want all tags with an href, you can omit the name parameter:

href_tags = soup.find_all(href=True)

How do you make strings "XML safe"?

If at all possible, its always a good idea to create your XML using the XML classes rather than string manipulation - one of the benefits being that the classes will automatically escape characters as needed.

How to disable logging on the standard error stream in Python?

Using Context manager - [ most simple ]

import logging 

class DisableLogger():
    def __enter__(self):
    def __exit__(self, exit_type, exit_value, exit_traceback):

Example of use:

with DisableLogger():

If you need a [more COMPLEX] fine-grained solution you can look at AdvancedLogger

AdvancedLogger can be used for fine grained logging temporary modifications

How it works:
Modifications will be enabled when context_manager/decorator starts working and be reverted after

AdvancedLogger can be used
- as decorator `@AdvancedLogger()`
- as context manager `with  AdvancedLogger():`

It has three main functions/features:
- disable loggers and it's handlers by using disable_logger= argument
- enable/change loggers and it's handlers by using enable_logger= argument
- disable specific handlers for all loggers, by using  disable_handler= argument

All features they can be used together

Use cases for AdvancedLogger

# Disable specific logger handler, for example for stripe logger disable console
AdvancedLogger(disable_logger={"stripe": "console"})
AdvancedLogger(disable_logger={"stripe": ["console", "console2"]})

# Enable/Set loggers
# Set level for "stripe" logger to 50
AdvancedLogger(enable_logger={"stripe": 50})
AdvancedLogger(enable_logger={"stripe": {"level": 50, "propagate": True}})

# Adjust already registered handlers
AdvancedLogger(enable_logger={"stripe": {"handlers": "console"}

How to trigger an event after using event.preventDefault()

It is possible to use currentTarget of the event. Example shows how to proceed with form submit. Likewise you could get function from onclick attribute etc.

$('form').on('submit', function(event) {

  // code


How can I add a custom HTTP header to ajax request with js or jQuery?

You can also do this without using jQuery. Override XMLHttpRequest's send method and add the header there:

XMLHttpRequest.prototype.realSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
var newSend = function(vData) {
    this.setRequestHeader('x-my-custom-header', 'some value');
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = newSend;

Moving average or running mean

A new convolve recipe was merged into Python 3.10.


import collections, operator

from itertools import chain, repeat

size = 3 + 1
kernel = [1/size] * size                                              


def convolve(signal, kernel):
    # See:
    # convolve(data, [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) --> Moving average (blur)
    # convolve(data, [1, -1]) --> 1st finite difference (1st derivative)
    # convolve(data, [1, -2, 1]) --> 2nd finite difference (2nd derivative)
    kernel = list(reversed(kernel))
    n = len(kernel)
    window = collections.deque([0] * n, maxlen=n)
    for x in chain(signal, repeat(0, n-1)):
        yield sum(map(operator.mul, kernel, window))


list(convolve(range(1, 6), kernel))
# [0.25, 0.75, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 3.0, 2.25, 1.25]


A convolution is a general mathematical operation that can be applied to moving averages. This idea is, given some data, you slide a subset of data (window) as a "mask" or "kernel" across the data, carrying out a particular mathematical operation over each window. In the case of moving averages, the kernel is the average:

enter image description here

This recipe is a simple approach that is almost implemented as a Python module. In time, you can install more_itertools, a popular third-party package, to directly use this implementation.

go get results in 'terminal prompts disabled' error for github private repo

From go 1.13 onwards, if you had already configured your terminal with the git credentials and yet facing this issue, then you could try setting the GOPRIVATE environment variable. Setting this environment variable solved this issue for me.

export{organizationName/userName of the package}/*  

Dynamic height for DIV

set height: auto; If you want to have minimum height to x then you can write

height:auto !important;        /* for IE as it does not support min-height */
height:30px;                   /* for IE as it does not support min-height */

How can I get client information such as OS and browser

Your best bet is User-Agent header. You can get it like this in JSP or Servlet,

String userAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent");

The header looks like this,

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009073021 Firefox/3.0.13

It provides detailed information on browser. However, it's pretty much free format so it's very hard to decipher every single one. You just need to figure out which browsers you will support and write parser for each one. When you try to identify the version of browser, always check newer version first. For example, IE6 user-agent may contain IE5 for backward compatibility. If you check IE5 first, IE6 will be categorized as IE5 also.

You can get a full list of all user-agent values from this web site,

With User-Agent, you can tell the exact version of the browser. You can get a pretty good idea on OS but you may not be able to distinguish between different versions of the same OS, for example, Windows NT and 2000 may use same User-Agent.

There is nothing about resolution. However, you can get this with Javascript on an AJAX call.

Slidedown and slideup layout with animation

I had a similar requirement in the app I am working on. And, I found a third-party library which does a slide-up, slide-down and slide-right in Android.

Refer to the link for more details:

To set up the library(copied from the ReadMe portion of its Github page on request):

Get SlideUp library

Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }
    maven { url "" } // or google() in AS 3.0

Add the dependency (in the Module gradle)

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.mancj:SlideUp-Android:2.2.1'
    compile 'ru.ztrap:RxSlideUp2:2.x.x' //optional, for reactive listeners based on RxJava-2
    compile 'ru.ztrap:RxSlideUp:1.x.x' //optional, for reactive listeners based on RxJava

To add the SlideUp into your project, follow these three simple steps:

Step 1:

create any type of layout


Step 2:

Find that view in your activity/fragment

View slideView = findViewById(;

Step 3:

Create a SlideUp object and pass in your view

slideUp = new SlideUpBuilder(slideView)


You may also refer to the sample project on the link. I found it quite useful.

How to change the scrollbar color using css

Your css will only work in IE browser. And the css suggessted by hayk.mart will olny work in webkit browsers. And by using different css hacks you can't style your browsers scroll bars with a same result.

So, it is better to use a jQuery/Javascript plugin to achieve a cross browser solution with a same result.


By Using jScrollPane a jQuery plugin, you can achieve a cross browser solution

See This Demo

map vs. hash_map in C++

The C++ spec doesn't say exactly what algorithm you must use for the STL containers. It does, however, put certain constraints on their performance, which rules out the use of hash tables for map and other associative containers. (They're most commonly implemented with red/black trees.) These constraints require better worst-case performance for these containers than hash tables can deliver.

Many people really do want hash tables, however, so hash-based STL associative containers have been a common extension for years. Consequently, they added unordered_map and such to later versions of the C++ standard.

SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined

I understand that the answer was useful however for some reason it does not work for me however I have moved the situation with the following code and it is perfect


$codigoarticulo = $_POST['codigoarticulo'];
$nombrearticulo = $_POST['nombrearticulo'];
$seccion        = $_POST['seccion'];
$precio         = $_POST['precio'];
$fecha          = $_POST['fecha'];
$importado      = $_POST['importado'];
$paisdeorigen   = $_POST['paisdeorigen'];
try {

  $server = 'mysql: host=localhost; dbname=usuarios';
  $user   = 'root';
  $pass   = '';
  $base   = new PDO($server, $user, $pass);


  $base->query("SET character_set_results = 'utf8',
                     character_set_client = 'utf8',
                     character_set_connection = 'utf8',
                     character_set_database = 'utf8',
                     character_set_server = 'utf8'");

  $base->exec("SET character_set_results = 'utf8',
                     character_set_client = 'utf8',
                     character_set_connection = 'utf8',
                     character_set_database = 'utf8',
                     character_set_server = 'utf8'");

  $sql = "
  INSERT INTO productos
  (:c_art, :n_art, :sec, :pre, :fecha_art, :import, :p_orig)";
// SE ejecuta la consulta ben prepare
  $result = $base->prepare($sql);
//  se pasan por parametros aqui
  $result->bindParam(':c_art', $codigoarticulo);
  $result->bindParam(':n_art', $nombrearticulo);
  $result->bindParam(':sec', $seccion);
  $result->bindParam(':pre', $precio);
  $result->bindParam(':fecha_art', $fecha);
  $result->bindParam(':import', $importado);
  $result->bindParam(':p_orig', $paisdeorigen);
  echo 'Articulo agregado';
} catch (Exception $e) {

  echo 'Error';
  echo $e->getMessage();
} finally {



Exit from app when click button in android phonegap?

sorry i can't reply in comment. just FYI, these codes

if ( {;
else if (navigator.device) {
else {

i confirm doesn't work. i use phonegap 6.0.5 and cordova 6.2.0

Adding a default value in dropdownlist after binding with database

You can do it programmatically:

ddlColor.DataSource = from p in db.ProductTypes
                                  where p.ProductID == pID
                                  orderby p.Color 
                                  select new { p.Color };
ddlColor.DataTextField = "Color";
ddlColor.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select", "NA"));

Or add it in markup as:

<asp:DropDownList .. AppendDataBoundItems="true">
       <asp:ListItem Text="Select" Value="" />

Add a prefix string to beginning of each line

Using ed:

ed infile <<'EOE'

This substitutes, for each line (,), the beginning of the line (^) with prefix. wq saves and exits.

If the replacement string contains a slash, we can use a different delimiter for s instead:

ed infile <<'EOE'

I've quoted the here-doc delimiter EOE ("end of ed") to prevent parameter expansion. In this example, it would work unquoted as well, but it's good practice to prevent surprises if you ever have a $ in your ed script.

Favicon dimensions?

favicon.ico is 16x16

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"/>

And I use these ones to be beautiful in mobile and tablet:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="144x144" href="img/ico144.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="114x114" href="img/ico114.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" href="img/ico72.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="img/ico57.png">

It's important to use the name "favicon.ico" in the root because many browsers will try to find there first.

Difference between Iterator and Listiterator?

The differences are listed in the Javadoc for ListIterator

You can

  • iterate backwards
  • obtain the iterator at any point.
  • add a new value at any point.
  • set a new value at that point.


I know there were lots of answers here, but the TL;DR version is this (If you're using Xamarin Studio):

  1. Right click the Android project in the solution tree
  2. Select Options
  3. Go to Android Build
  4. Go to Advanced tab
  5. Check the architectures you use in your emulator (Probably x86 / armeabi-v7a / armeabi)
  6. Make a kickass app :)

Set width to match constraints in ConstraintLayout

From the official doc:

Important: MATCH_PARENT is not recommended for widgets contained in a ConstraintLayout. Similar behavior can be defined by using MATCH_CONSTRAINT with the corresponding left/right or top/bottom constraints being set to "parent".

So if you want achieve MATCH_PARENT effect, you can do this:

    app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" />

How to name an object within a PowerPoint slide?


Here's a way to list id's in the active presentation to the immediate window (Ctrl + G) in VBA editor:

Sub ListAllShapes()

    Dim curSlide As Slide
    Dim curShape As Shape

    For Each curSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides
        Debug.Print curSlide.SlideID
        For Each curShape In curSlide.Shapes

                If curShape.TextFrame.HasText Then
                    Debug.Print curShape.Id
                End If

        Next curShape
    Next curSlide
End Sub

Contains case insensitive

To do a better search use the following code,

var myFav   = "javascript";
var theList = "VB.NET, C#, PHP, Python, JavaScript, and Ruby";

// Check for matches with the plain vanilla indexOf() method:
alert( theList.indexOf( myFav ) );

// Now check for matches in lower-cased strings:
alert( theList.toLowerCase().indexOf( myFav.toLowerCase() ) );

In the first alert(), JavaScript returned "-1" - in other words, indexOf() did not find a match: this is simply because "JavaScript" is in lowercase in the first string, and properly capitalized in the second. To perform case-insensitive searches with indexOf(), you can make both strings either uppercase or lowercase. This means that, as in the second alert(), JavaScript will only check for the occurrence of the string you are looking for, capitalization ignored.


Get current folder path


This will give you running directory of your application. This even works for web applications. Afterwards you can reach your file.

Bind event to right mouse click

Is contextmenu an event?

I would use onmousedown or onclick then grab the MouseEvent's button property to determine which button was pressed (0 = left, 1 = middle, 2 = right).

How to view DLL functions?

If a DLL is written in one of the .NET languages and if you only want to view what functions, there is a reference to this DLL in the project.

Then doubleclick the DLL in the references folder and then you will see what functions it has in the OBJECT EXPLORER window

If you would like to view the source code of that DLL file you can use a decompiler application such as .NET reflector. hope this helps you.

python int( ) function

import random
import time
import sys
while True:
    print('''Guess my number--it's from 1 to 100.''')
    while True:
        if xx > x:
            print("Too High!")
        elif xx < x:
            print("Too Low!")
        elif xx==x:
            print("You Win!! You used %s guesses!"%(z))

in this, I first string the number str(), which converts it into an inoperable number. Then, I int() integerize it, to make it an operable number. I just tested your problem on my IDLE GUI, and it said that 49.8 < 50.

Use index in pandas to plot data


monthly_mean.plot(x=df.index, y='A')

clearing select using jquery

For most of my select options, I start off with an option that simply says 'Please Select' or something similar and that option is always disabled. Then whenever you want to clear your select/option's you can do just do something like this.


<select id="mySelectOption">
   <option value="" selected disabled>Please select</option>


$('#mySelectOption').val('Please Select');

jQuery changing css class to div

You can add and remove classes with jQuery like so:

// remove a class

By the way you can set multiple classes in your markup right away separated with a whitespace

<div class="second first"></div>

Remove Project from Android Studio

If it's Windows, all you need to do is delete the root of that project within the file explorer. Just right click on the name of the app in Android Studio, and then "show in file explorer". Then just delete the project folder all in all.

val() vs. text() for textarea

The best way to set/get the value of a textarea is the .val(), .value method.

.text() internally uses the .textContent (or .innerText for IE) method to get the contents of a <textarea>. The following test cases illustrate how text() and .val() relate to each other:

var t = '<textarea>';
console.log($(t).text('test').val());             // Prints test
console.log($(t).val('too').text('test').val());  // Prints too
console.log($(t).val('too').text());              // Prints nothing
console.log($(t).text('test').val('too').val());  // Prints too

console.log($(t).text('test').val('too').text()); // Prints test

The value property, used by .val() always shows the current visible value, whereas text()'s return value can be wrong.

How can I convert a datetime object to milliseconds since epoch (unix time) in Python?

You can use Delorean to travel in space and time!

import datetime
import delorean
dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
delorean.Delorean(dt, timezone="UTC").epoch  

Does React Native styles support gradients?

React Native hasn't provided the gradient color yet. But still, you can do it with a nmp package called react-native-linear-gradient or you can click here for more info

  1. npm install react-native-linear-gradient --save
  2. use import LinearGradient from 'react-native-linear-gradient'; in your application file
  3.         <LinearGradient colors={['#4c669f', '#3b5998', '#192f6a']}>
                Your Text Here

Accessing bash command line args $@ vs $*

$@ is same as $*, but each parameter is a quoted string, that is, the parameters are passed on intact, without interpretation or expansion. This means, among other things, that each parameter in the argument list is seen as a separate word.

Of course, "$@" should be quoted.

Difference between static and shared libraries?


  • Static linking: one large executable
  • Dynamic linking: a small executable plus one or more library files (.dll files on Windows, .so on Linux, or .dylib on macOS)

What does it mean when a PostgreSQL process is "idle in transaction"?

As mentioned here: Re: BUG #4243: Idle in transaction it is probably best to check your pg_locks table to see what is being locked and that might give you a better clue where the problem lies.

How to pass multiple parameters in thread in VB

Just create a class or structure that has two members, one List(Of OneItem) and the other Integer and send in an instance of that class.

Edit: Sorry, missed that you had problems with one parameter as well. Just look at Thread Constructor (ParameterizedThreadStart) and that page includes a simple sample.

How to make a new line or tab in <string> XML (eclipse/android)?

Use \t to add tab and \n for new line, here is a simple example below.

<string name="list_with_tab_tag">\tbanana\torange\tblueberry\tmango</string>
<string name="sentence_with_new_line_tag">This is the first sentence\nThis is the second scentence\nThis is the third sentence</string>

How to get the <td> in HTML tables to fit content, and let a specific <td> fill in the rest

Setting CSS width to 1% or 100% of an element according to all specs I could find out is related to the parent. Although Blink Rendering Engine (Chrome) and Gecko (Firefox) at the moment of writing seems to handle that 1% or 100% (make a columns shrink or a column to fill available space) well, it is not guaranteed according to all CSS specifications I could find to render it properly.

One option is to replace table with CSS4 flex divs:

That works in new browsers i.e. IE11+ see table at the bottom of the article.

Passing data into "router-outlet" child components

<router-outlet [node]="..."></router-outlet> 

is just invalid. The component added by the router is added as sibling to <router-outlet> and does not replace it.

See also

export class NodeService {
  private node:Subject<Node> = new BehaviorSubject<Node>([]);

  get node$(){
    return this.node.asObservable().filter(node => !!node);

  addNode(data:Node) {;
    selector : 'node-display',
    providers: [NodeService],
    template : `
export class NodeDisplayComponent implements OnInit {
    constructor(private nodeService:NodeService) {}
    node: Node;
    ngOnInit(): void {
                node => {
                err => {
export class ChildDisplay implements OnInit{
    constructor(nodeService:NodeService) {
      nodeService.node$.subscribe(n => this.node = n);

How to open a Bootstrap modal window using jQuery?

Here is how to load bootstrap alert as soon as the document is ready. It is very easy just add


I made a demo on W3Schools.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
  <title>Bootstrap Example</title>_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">_x000D_
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <h2>Here is how to load a bootstrap modal as soon as the document is ready </h2>_x000D_
  <!-- Trigger the modal with a button -->_x000D_
  <!-- Modal -->_x000D_
  <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" role="dialog">_x000D_
    <div class="modal-dialog">_x000D_
      <!-- Modal content-->_x000D_
      <div class="modal-content">_x000D_
        <div class="modal-header">_x000D_
          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>_x000D_
          <h4 class="modal-title">Modal Header</h4>_x000D_
        <div class="modal-body">_x000D_
          <p>Some text in the modal.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="modal-footer">_x000D_
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>_x000D_

Turning off some legends in a ggplot

You can use guide=FALSE in scale_..._...() to suppress legend.

For your example you should use scale_colour_continuous() because length is continuous variable (not discrete).

(p3 <- ggplot(mov, aes(year, rating, colour = length, shape = mpaa)) +
   scale_colour_continuous(guide = FALSE) +

Or using function guides() you should set FALSE for that element/aesthetic that you don't want to appear as legend, for example, fill, shape, colour.

p0 <- ggplot(mov, aes(year, rating, colour = length, shape = mpaa)) +


Both provided solutions work in new ggplot2 version 2.0.0 but movies dataset is no longer present in this library. Instead you have to use new package ggplot2movies to check those solutions.

mov <- subset(movies, length != "")

Checking length of dictionary object

Count and show keys in a dictionary (run in console):

o=[];count=0; for (i in topicNames) { ++count; o.push(count+": "+ i) } o.join("\n")

Sample output:

"1: Phase-out Left-hand
2: Define All Top Level Taxonomies But Processes
3: 987
4: 16:00
5: Identify suppliers"

Simple count function:

function size_dict(d){c=0; for (i in d) ++c; return c}

Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?

Building on the answers of prufrofro and Frank van Puffelen here, I put together this setup that doesn't prevent scraping, but can make it slightly harder to use your API key.

Warning: To get your data, even with this method, one can for example simply open the JS console in Chrome and type:

firebase.database().ref("/get/all/the/data").once("value", function (data) {

Only the database security rules can protect your data.

Nevertheless, I restricted my production API key use to my domain name like this:

  2. Select your Firebase project
  3. Credentials
  4. Under API keys, pick your Browser key. It should look like this: "Browser key (auto created by Google Service)"
  5. In "Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (web sites)", add the URL of your app (exemple:* )

Now the app will only work on this specific domain name. So I created another API Key that will be private for localhost developement.

  1. Click Create credentials > API Key

By default, as mentioned by Emmanuel Campos, Firebase only whitelists localhost and your Firebase hosting domain.

In order to make sure I don't publish the wrong API key by mistake, I use one of the following methods to automatically use the more restricted one in production.

Setup for Create-React-App

In /env.development:


In /env.production:


In /src/index.js

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY,
  // ... 

Execute a terminal command from a Cocoa app

You can use NSTask. Here's an example that would run '/usr/bin/grep foo bar.txt'.

int pid = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier];
NSPipe *pipe = [NSPipe pipe];
NSFileHandle *file = pipe.fileHandleForReading;

NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
task.launchPath = @"/usr/bin/grep";
task.arguments = @[@"foo", @"bar.txt"];
task.standardOutput = pipe;

[task launch];

NSData *data = [file readDataToEndOfFile];
[file closeFile];

NSString *grepOutput = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog (@"grep returned:\n%@", grepOutput);

NSPipe and NSFileHandle are used to redirect the standard output of the task.

For more detailed information on interacting with the operating system from within your Objective-C application, you can see this document on Apple's Development Center: Interacting with the Operating System.

Edit: Included fix for NSLog problem

If you are using NSTask to run a command-line utility via bash, then you need to include this magic line to keep NSLog working:

//The magic line that keeps your log where it belongs
task.standardOutput = pipe;

An explanation is here:

Java: Get first item from a collection

You could do this:

String strz[] = strs.toArray(String[strs.size()]);
String theFirstOne = strz[0];

The javadoc for Collection gives the following caveat wrt ordering of the elements of the array:

If this collection makes any guarantees as to what order its elements are returned by its iterator, this method must return the elements in the same order.

How do I import CSV file into a MySQL table?

phpMyAdmin can handle CSV import. Here are the steps:

  1. Prepare the CSV file to have the fields in the same order as the MySQL table fields.

  2. Remove the header row from the CSV (if any), so that only the data is in the file.

  3. Go to the phpMyAdmin interface.

  4. Select the table in the left menu.

  5. Click the import button at the top.

  6. Browse to the CSV file.

  7. Select the option "CSV using LOAD DATA".

  8. Enter "," in the "fields terminated by".

  9. Enter the column names in the same order as they are in the database table.

  10. Click the go button and you are done.

This is a note that I prepared for my future use, and sharing here if someone else can benefit.

Split string with JavaScript

Assuming you're using jQuery..

var input = '19 51 2.108997\n20 47 2.1089';
var lines = input.split('\n');
var output = '';
$.each(lines, function(key, line) {
    var parts = line.split(' ');
    output += '<span>' + parts[0] + ' ' + parts[1] + '</span><span>' + parts[2] + '</span>\n';

How to convert a Bitmap to Drawable in android?

If you have a bitmap image and you want to use it in drawable, like

Bitmap contact_pic;    //a picture to show in drawable
drawable = new BitmapDrawable(contact_pic); 

How to get the last characters in a String in Java, regardless of String size

E.g : "abcd: efg: 1006746" "bhddy: nshhf36: 1006754" "hfquv: nd: 5894254"

-Step 1: String firstString = "abcd: efg: 1006746";

-Step 2: String lastSevenNumber = firstString.substring(firstString.lastIndexOf(':'), firstString.length()).trim();

How to find the most recent file in a directory using .NET, and without looping?

Another approach if you are using Directory.EnumerateFiles and want to read files in latest modified by first.

foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(fileDirectory, fileType).OrderByDescending(f => new FileInfo(f).LastWriteTime))


What's the PowerShell syntax for multiple values in a switch statement?

After searching a solution for the same problem like you, I've found this small topic here. In advance I got a much smoother solution for this switch, case statement

switch($someString) #switch is caseINsensitive, so you don't need to lower
    { 'y' -or 'yes' } { "You entered Yes." }
    default { "You entered No." }

Open Facebook Page in Facebook App (if installed) on Android

Here's a solution that mixes the code by Jared Rummler and AndroidMechanic.

Note: fb://facewebmodal/f?href= redirects to a weird facebook page that doesn't have the like and other important buttons, which is why I try fb://page/. It works fine with the current Facebook version (, June 1st 2017). The catch might be useless, I left it just in case.

public static String getFacebookPageURL(Context context)
    final String FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID = "123456789";
    final String FACEBOOK_URL = "MyFacebookPage";

    if(appInstalledOrNot(context, "com.facebook.katana"))
            return "fb://page/" + FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID;
            // previous version, maybe relevant for old android APIs ?
            // return "fb://facewebmodal/f?href=" + FACEBOOK_URL;
        catch(Exception e) {}
        return FACEBOOK_URL;


Here's the appInstalledOrNot function which I took (and modified) from Aerrow's answer to this post

private static boolean appInstalledOrNot(Context context, String uri)
    PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
        pm.getPackageInfo(uri, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);
        return true;
    catch(PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e)

    return false;

How to get the Facebook ID of a page:

  1. Go to your page
  2. Right-click and View Page Source
  3. Find in page: fb://page/?id=
  4. Here you go!

Can Selenium interact with an existing browser session?

Javascript solution:

I have successfully attached to existing browser session using this function

webdriver.WebDriver.attachToSession(executor, session_id);

Documentation can be found here.

Which type of folder structure should be used with Angular 2?

If project is small and will remain small, I would recommend to structure by type (Method 2: ng-book2)

|- components
|  |- hero
|  |- hero-list
|  |- villain
|  |- ...
|- services
|  |- hero.service.ts
|  |- ...
|- utils
|- shared

If project will grow you should structure your folders by domain (Method 3: mgechev/angular2-seed)

|- heroes
|  |- hero
|  |- hero-list
|  |- hero.service.ts
|- villains
|  |- villain
|  |- ...
|- utils
|- shared

Better to Follow official docs.

How can I use "." as the delimiter with String.split() in java

The argument to split is a regular expression. The period is a regular expression metacharacter that matches anything, thus every character in line is considered to be a split character, and is thrown away, and all of the empty strings between them are thrown away (because they're empty strings). The result is that you have nothing left.

If you escape the period (by adding an escaped backslash before it), then you can match literal periods. (line.split("\\."))

Add MIME mapping in web.config for IIS Express

I was having a problem getting my ASP.NET 5.0/MVC 6 app to serve static binary file types or browse virtual directories. It looks like this is now done in Configure() at startup. See for a quick primer.

In Rails, how do you render JSON using a view?

Try adding a view users/show.json.erb This should be rendered when you make a request for the JSON format, and you get the added benefit of it being rendered by erb too, so your file could look something like this

    "first_name": "<%= @user.first_name.to_json %>",
    "last_name": "<%= @user.last_name.to_json %>"

How do I create an abstract base class in JavaScript?

I think All Those answers specially first two (by some and jordão) answer the question clearly with conventional prototype base JS concept.
Now as you want the animal class constructor to behave according to the passed parameter to the construction, I think this is very much similar to basic behavior of Creational Patterns for example Factory Pattern.

Here i made a little approach to make it work that way.

var Animal = function(type) {
        return new Dog();
    else if(type=="cat")
        return new Cat();

    console.log("I am a "+this.type);

Animal.prototype.say = function(){
    console.log("Not implemented");

var Cat =function () {;

Cat.prototype.constructor = Cat;


var Dog =function () {;

Dog.prototype.constructor = Dog;


var animal=new Animal();

var dog = new Animal('dog');
var cat=new Animal('cat');

animal.whoAreYou(); //I am a undefined
animal.say(); //Not implemented

dog.whoAreYou(); //I am a dog
dog.say(); //bark

cat.whoAreYou(); //I am a cat
cat.say(); //meow

undefined reference to 'std::cout'

Compile the program with:

g++ -Wall -Wextra -Werror -c main.cpp -o main.o
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <- For listing all warnings when your code is compiled.

as cout is present in the C++ standard library, which would need explicit linking with -lstdc++ when using gcc; g++ links the standard library by default.

With gcc, (g++ should be preferred over gcc)

gcc main.cpp -lstdc++ -o main.o

using batch echo with special characters

The way to output > character is to prepend it with ^ escape character:

echo ^>

will print simply


Setting default permissions for newly created files and sub-directories under a directory in Linux?

Here's how to do it using default ACLs, at least under Linux.

First, you might need to enable ACL support on your filesystem. If you are using ext4 then it is already enabled. Other filesystems (e.g., ext3) need to be mounted with the acl option. In that case, add the option to your /etc/fstab. For example, if the directory is located on your root filesystem:

/dev/mapper/qz-root   /    ext3    errors=remount-ro,acl   0  1

Then remount it:

mount -oremount /

Now, use the following command to set the default ACL:

setfacl -dm u::rwx,g::rwx,o::r /shared/directory

All new files in /shared/directory should now get the desired permissions. Of course, it also depends on the application creating the file. For example, most files won't be executable by anyone from the start (depending on the mode argument to the open(2) or creat(2) call), just like when using umask. Some utilities like cp, tar, and rsync will try to preserve the permissions of the source file(s) which will mask out your default ACL if the source file was not group-writable.

Hope this helps!



Fill background color left to right CSS

The thing you will need to do here is use a linear gradient as background and animate the background position. In code:

Use a linear gradient (50% red, 50% blue) and tell the browser that background is 2 times larger than the element's width (width:200%, height:100%), then tell it to position the background left.

background: linear-gradient(to right, red 50%, blue 50%);
background-size: 200% 100%;
background-position:left bottom;

On hover, change the background position to right bottom and with transition:all 2s ease;, the position will change gradually (it's nicer with linear tough) background-position:right bottom;

As for the -vendor-prefix'es, see the comments to your question

extra If you wish to have a "transition" in the colour, you can make it 300% width and make the transition start at 34% (a bit more than 1/3) and end at 65% (a bit less than 2/3).

background: linear-gradient(to right, red 34%, blue 65%);
background-size: 300% 100%;


div {
    font: 22px Arial;
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 1em 2em;
    text-align: center;
    color: white;
    background: red; /* default color */

    /* "to left" / "to right" - affects initial color */
    background: linear-gradient(to left, salmon 50%, lightblue 50%) right;
    background-size: 200%;
    transition: .5s ease-out;
div:hover {
    background-position: left;
<div>Hover me</div>

Why do I get the "Unhandled exception type IOException"?

add "throws IOException" to your method like this:

public static void main(String args[]) throws  IOException{

        FileReader reader=new FileReader("");

        Properties p=new Properties();


Get filename from input [type='file'] using jQuery

Using Bootstrap

Remove form-control-file Class from input field to avoid unwanted horizontal scroll bar

Try this!!

$('#upload').change(function() {_x000D_
    var filename = $('#upload').val();_x000D_
    if (filename.substring(3,11) == 'fakepath') {_x000D_
        filename = filename.substring(12);_x000D_
    } // For Remove fakepath_x000D_
    $("label[for='file_name'] b").html(filename);_x000D_
    $("label[for='file_default']").text('Selected File: ');_x000D_
    if (filename == "") {_x000D_
        $("label[for='file_default']").text('No File Choosen');_x000D_
.custom_file {_x000D_
  margin: auto;_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  z-index: -1;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="form-group">_x000D_
   <label for="upload" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">Upload Image</label>_x000D_
    <input type="file" class="text-center form-control-file custom_file" id="upload" name="user_image">_x000D_
    <label for="file_default">No File Choosen </label>_x000D_
    <label for="file_name"><b></b></label>_x000D_

Alternative for <blink>

The solution below is interesting because it can be applied across multiple elements concomitantly and does not trigger an error when the element no longer exists on the page. The secret is that it is called passing as a parameter a function in which you must return the elements you want to be affected by the blink. Then this function is called back with each blink. HTML file below:

            .blink {color: red}
        <h1>Blink test</h1>
            Brazil elected President <span class="blink">Bolsonaro</span> because he 
            was the only candidate who did not promise <span class="blink">free things</span>
            to the population. Previous politicians created an image that would 
            bring many benefits, but in the end, the state has been getting more and 
            more <span class="blink">burdened</span>. Brazil voted for the 
            realistic idea that <span class="blink">there is no free lunch</span>.
    var blink =
                    this.function_wich_returns_the_elements = function_wich_returns_the_elements;
                    setInterval(blink.change, blink.interval_in_miliseconds);
                    blink.on = !blink.on;
                    var i, elements = [];
                    for (i in blink.function_wich_returns_the_elements)
                        elements = elements.concat(blink.function_wich_returns_the_elements[i]());
                    for (i in elements)
                        if (elements[i])
                            elements[i].style.opacity = blink.on ? 1 : .2;
                    node_collection = document.getElementsByClassName('blink'),
                    elements = [];
                for (i = 0; i < node_collection.length; i++)
                return elements;

Importing a long list of constants to a Python file

If you really want constants, not just variables looking like constants, the standard way to do it is to use immutable dictionaries. Unfortunately it's not built-in yet, so you have to use third party recipes (like this one or that one).

Center Contents of Bootstrap row container

I solved this by doing the following:

<body class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="span6" style="float: none; margin: 0 auto;">

Pandas: how to change all the values of a column?

Or if one want to use lambda function in the apply function:

data['Revenue']=data['Revenue'].apply(lambda x:float(x.replace("$","").replace(",", "").replace(" ", "")))

How to iterate over arguments in a Bash script

Use "$@" to represent all the arguments:

for var in "$@"
    echo "$var"

This will iterate over each argument and print it out on a separate line. $@ behaves like $* except that when quoted the arguments are broken up properly if there are spaces in them:

sh 1 2 '3 4'
3 4

Round to at most 2 decimal places (only if necessary)

Here is a simple way to do it:

Math.round(value * 100) / 100

You might want to go ahead and make a separate function to do it for you though:

function roundToTwo(value) {
    return(Math.round(value * 100) / 100);

Then you would simply pass in the value.

You could enhance it to round to any arbitrary number of decimals by adding a second parameter.

function myRound(value, places) {
    var multiplier = Math.pow(10, places);

    return (Math.round(value * multiplier) / multiplier);

When running WebDriver with Chrome browser, getting message, "Only local connections are allowed" even though browser launches properly

I had to run my commands in the one and same terminal, not seperately.

nohup sudo Xvfb :10 -ac
export DISPLAY=:10
java -jar vendor/se/selenium-server-standalone/bin/selenium-server-standalone.jar"/usr/bin/google-chrome""vendor/bin/chromedriver"

Only allow Numbers in input Tag without Javascript

Though it's probably suggested to get some heavier validation via JS or on the server, HTML5 does support this via the pattern attribute.

<input type= "text" name= "name" pattern= "[0-9]"  title= "Title"/>

Can't check signature: public key not found

You need the public key in your gpg key ring. To import the public key into your public keyring, place the public key block in a text file with a .gpg extension, and then issue the following command:

gpg --import <your-file>.gpg

The entity that encrypted the file should provide you with such a block. For example, has the block for

For an even more in-depth explanation see Verifying files with GPG, without a .sig or .asc file?

check for null date in CASE statement, where have I gone wrong?

select Id, StartDate,
Case IsNull (StartDate , '01/01/1800')
When '01/01/1800' then
END AS StartDateStatus
From MyTable

Cannot retrieve string(s) from preferences (settings)

All your exercise conditionals are separate and the else is only tied to the last if statement. Use else if to bind them all together in the way I believe you intend.

How can I format decimal property to currency?

Properties can return anything they want to, but it's going to need to return the correct type.

private decimal _amount;

public string FormattedAmount
    get { return string.Format("{0:C}", _amount); }

Question was asked... what if it was a nullable decimal.

private decimal? _amount;

public string FormattedAmount
         return _amount == null ? "null" : string.Format("{0:C}", _amount.Value);

Change column type in pandas

Here is a function that takes as its arguments a DataFrame and a list of columns and coerces all data in the columns to numbers.

# df is the DataFrame, and column_list is a list of columns as strings (e.g ["col1","col2","col3"])
# dependencies: pandas

def coerce_df_columns_to_numeric(df, column_list):
    df[column_list] = df[column_list].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

So, for your example:

import pandas as pd

def coerce_df_columns_to_numeric(df, column_list):
    df[column_list] = df[column_list].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

a = [['a', '1.2', '4.2'], ['b', '70', '0.03'], ['x', '5', '0']]
df = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=['col1','col2','col3'])

coerce_df_columns_to_numeric(df, ['col2','col3'])

Loading/Downloading image from URL on Swift

For better performance in UITableView or UICollectionView use light weight library Smart Lazy Loading You can use this lazy loading approach if you want to load images from url Asynchronous

Smart 'Lazy Loading' in UICollectionView or UITableView using NSOperation and NSOperationQueue in iOS So in this project we can download the multiple images in any View (UICollectionView or UITableView) by optimising the performance of an app by using Operation and OperationQueue for concurrency. following are the key point of this project Smart Lazy Loading: Creating image download Service. Prioritise the downloading based on the visibility of cells.

ImageDownloadService class will create a singleton instance and have NSCache instance to cache the images that have been downloaded. We have inherited the Operation class to TOperation to mauled the functionality according to our need. I think the properties of the operation subclass are pretty clear in terms of functionality. We are monitoring operations changes of state by using KVO.

How to fire an event when v-model changes?

Just to add to the correct answer above, in Vue.JS v1.0 you can write

<a v-on:click="doSomething">

So in this example it would be



Finding element's position relative to the document Explains the best way to do it, all in all, you are on the right track you have to find the offsets and traverse up the tree of parents.

How to loop in excel without VBA or macros?

You could create a table somewhere on a calculation spreadsheet which performs this operation for each pair of cells, and use auto-fill to fill it up.

Aggregate the results from that table into a results cell.

The 200 so cells which reference the results could then reference the cell that holds the aggregation results. In the newest versions of excel you can name the result cell and reference it that way, for ease of reading.

Can't import Numpy in Python

Have you installed it?

On debian/ubuntu:

aptitude install python-numpy

On windows:

On other systems:

$ tar xfz numpy-n.m.tar.gz
$ cd numpy-n.m
$ python install

Can you explain the HttpURLConnection connection process?

String message = URLEncoder.encode("my message", "UTF-8");

try {
    // instantiate the URL object with the target URL of the resource to
    // request
    URL url = new URL("");

    // instantiate the HttpURLConnection with the URL object - A new
    // connection is opened every time by calling the openConnection
    // method of the protocol handler for this URL.
    // 1. This is the point where the connection is opened.
    HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url
    // set connection output to true
    // instead of a GET, we're going to send using method="POST"

    // instantiate OutputStreamWriter using the output stream, returned
    // from getOutputStream, that writes to this connection.
    // 2. This is the point where you'll know if the connection was
    // successfully established. If an I/O error occurs while creating
    // the output stream, you'll see an IOException.
    OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(

    // write data to the connection. This is data that you are sending
    // to the server
    // 3. No. Sending the data is conducted here. We established the
    // connection with getOutputStream
    writer.write("message=" + message);

    // Closes this output stream and releases any system resources
    // associated with this stream. At this point, we've sent all the
    // data. Only the outputStream is closed at this point, not the
    // actual connection
    // if there is a response code AND that response code is 200 OK, do
    // stuff in the first if block
    if (connection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
        // OK

        // otherwise, if any other status code is returned, or no status
        // code is returned, do stuff in the else block
    } else {
        // Server returned HTTP error code.
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    // ...
} catch (IOException e) {
    // ...

The first 3 answers to your questions are listed as inline comments, beside each method, in the example HTTP POST above.

From getOutputStream:

Returns an output stream that writes to this connection.

Basically, I think you have a good understanding of how this works, so let me just reiterate in layman's terms. getOutputStream basically opens a connection stream, with the intention of writing data to the server. In the above code example "message" could be a comment that we're sending to the server that represents a comment left on a post. When you see getOutputStream, you're opening the connection stream for writing, but you don't actually write any data until you call writer.write("message=" + message);.

From getInputStream():

Returns an input stream that reads from this open connection. A SocketTimeoutException can be thrown when reading from the returned input stream if the read timeout expires before data is available for read.

getInputStream does the opposite. Like getOutputStream, it also opens a connection stream, but the intent is to read data from the server, not write to it. If the connection or stream-opening fails, you'll see a SocketTimeoutException.

How about the getInputStream? Since I'm only able to get the response at getInputStream, then does it mean that I didn't send any request at getOutputStream yet but simply establishes a connection?

Keep in mind that sending a request and sending data are two different operations. When you invoke getOutputStream or getInputStream url.openConnection(), you send a request to the server to establish a connection. There is a handshake that occurs where the server sends back an acknowledgement to you that the connection is established. It is then at that point in time that you're prepared to send or receive data. Thus, you do not need to call getOutputStream to establish a connection open a stream, unless your purpose for making the request is to send data.

In layman's terms, making a getInputStream request is the equivalent of making a phone call to your friend's house to say "Hey, is it okay if I come over and borrow that pair of vice grips?" and your friend establishes the handshake by saying, "Sure! Come and get it". Then, at that point, the connection is made, you walk to your friend's house, knock on the door, request the vice grips, and walk back to your house.

Using a similar example for getOutputStream would involve calling your friend and saying "Hey, I have that money I owe you, can I send it to you"? Your friend, needing money and sick inside that you kept it for so long, says "Sure, come on over you cheap bastard". So you walk to your friend's house and "POST" the money to him. He then kicks you out and you walk back to your house.

Now, continuing with the layman's example, let's look at some Exceptions. If you called your friend and he wasn't home, that could be a 500 error. If you called and got a disconnected number message because your friend is tired of you borrowing money all the time, that's a 404 page not found. If your phone is dead because you didn't pay the bill, that could be an IOException. (NOTE: This section may not be 100% correct. It's intended to give you a general idea of what's happening in layman's terms.)

Question #5:

Yes, you are correct that openConnection simply creates a new connection object but does not establish it. The connection is established when you call either getInputStream or getOutputStream.

openConnection creates a new connection object. From the URL.openConnection javadocs:

A new connection is opened every time by calling the openConnection method of the protocol handler for this URL.

The connection is established when you call openConnection, and the InputStream, OutputStream, or both, are called when you instantiate them.

Question #6:

To measure the overhead, I generally wrap some very simple timing code around the entire connection block, like so:

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"Time so far = " + new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - start) );

// run the above example code here"Total time to send/receive data = " + new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - start) );

I'm sure there are more advanced methods for measuring the request time and overhead, but this generally is sufficient for my needs.

For information on closing connections, which you didn't ask about, see In Java when does a URL connection close?.

How to play or open *.mp3 or *.wav sound file in c++ program?

SFML does not have mp3 support as another has suggested. What I always do is use Audacity and make all my music into ogg, and leave all my sound effects as wav.

Loading and playing a wav is simple (crude example):

#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
sf::SoundBuffer buffer;
if (!buffer.loadFromFile("sound.wav")){
    return -1;
sf::Sound sound;

Streaming an ogg music file is also simple:

#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
sf::Music music;
if (!music.openFromFile("music.ogg"))
    return -1; // error;

WAMP won't turn green. And the VCRUNTIME140.dll error

VCRUNTIME140.dll error

This error means you don't have required Visual C++ packages installed in your computer. If you have installed wampserver then firstly uninstall wampserver.

Download the VC packages

Download all these VC packages and install all of them. You should install both 64 bit and 32 bit version.

-- VC9 Packages (Visual C++ 2008 SP1)--

-- VC10 Packages (Visual C++ 2010 SP1)--

-- VC11 Packages (Visual C++ 2012 Update 4)--
The two files VSU4\vcredist_x86.exe and VSU4\vcredist_x64.exe to be download are on the same page

-- VC13 Packages] (Visual C++ 2013)--
The two files VSU4\vcredist_x86.exe and VSU4\vcredist_x64.exe to be download are on the same page

-- VC14 Packages (Visual C++ 2015)--
The two files vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe to be download are on the same page

install packages with admin priviliges
Right click->Run as Administrator

install wampserver again
After you installed both 64bits and 32 bits version of VC packages then install wampserver again.

Using HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError parameter for heap dump for JBoss

You can view this dump from the UNIX console.

The path for the heap dump will be provided as a variable right after where you have placed the mentioned variable.


-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=${DOMAIN_HOME}/logs/mps"

You can view the dump from the console on the mentioned path.

C# windows application Event: CLR20r3 on application start

I encountered the same problem when I built an application on a Windows 7 box that had previously been maintained on an XP machine.

The program ran fine when built for Debug, but failed with this error when built for Release. I found the answer on the project's Properties page. Go to the "Build" tab and try changing the Platform Target from "Any CPU" to "x86".

Auto-Submit Form using JavaScript

A simple solution for a delayed auto submit:

<body onload="setTimeout(function() { document.frm1.submit() }, 5000)">
   <form action="" name="frm1">
      <input type="hidden" name="q" value="Hello world" />

invalid new-expression of abstract class type

Another possible cause for future Googlers

I had this issue because a method I was trying to implement required a std::unique_ptr<Queue>(myQueue) as a parameter, but the Queue class is abstract. I solved that by using a QueuePtr(myQueue) constructor like so:

using QueuePtr = std::unique_ptr<Queue>;

and used that in the parameter list instead. This fixes it because the initializer tries to create a copy of Queue when you make a std::unique_ptr of its type, which can't happen.

Is it possible to open a Windows Explorer window from PowerShell?

Just use the Invoke-Item cmdlet. For example, if you want to open a explorer window on the current directory you can do:

Invoke-Item .

Removing Conda environment

First you have to deactivate your environment before removing it. You can remove conda environment by using the following command

Suppose your environment name is "sample_env" , you can remove this environment by using

source deactivate    
conda remove -n sample_env --all

'--all' will be used to remove all the dependencies

How to use a typescript enum value in an Angular2 ngSwitch statement

If using the 'typetable reference' approach (from @Carl G) and you're using multiple type tables you might want to consider this way :

export default class AppComponent {

  // Store a reference to the enums (must be public for --AOT to work)
  public TT = { 
       CellType: CellType, 
       CatType: CatType, 
       DogType: DogType 


  dog = DogType.GoldenRetriever; 

Then access in your html file with

{{ TT.DogType[dog] }}   => "GoldenRetriever"

I favor this approach as it makes it clear you're referring to a typetable, and also avoids unnecessary pollution of your component file.

You can also put a global TT somewhere and add enums to it as needed (if you want this you may as well make a service as shown by @VincentSels answer). If you have many many typetables this may become cumbersome.

Also you always rename them in your declaration to get a shorter name.

Getting content/message from HttpResponseMessage

By the answer of rudivonstaden

txtBlock.Text = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

but if you don't want to make the method async you can use

txtBlock.Text = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Wait() it's important, bec?use we are doing async operations and we must wait for the task to complete before going ahead.

Extracting Path from OpenFileDialog path/filename

Here's the simple way to do It !

string fullPath =openFileDialog1.FileName;
string directory;
directory = fullPath.Substring(0, fullPath.LastIndexOf('\\'));

How to replace string in Groovy

You need to escape the backslash \:

println yourString.replace("\\", "/")

Force uninstall of Visual Studio

If you don't have media, doing a dir /s vs_ultimate.exe from the root prompt will find it. Mine was in C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{[guid]}. Once I navigated there and ran vs_ultimate.exe with the /uninstall and /force flags, the uninstaller ran

I opened the program "Command Prompt" with as administrator and search run "dir /s vs_ultimate.exe" in ProgramData folder and find path to vs_ultimate.exe file.

Then I changed my working directory to that path and ran vs_ultimate.exe /uninstall /force.

Finally its done.

How to Publish Web with msbuild?

I came up with such solution, works great for me:

msbuild /t:ResolveReferences;_WPPCopyWebApplication /p:BuildingProject=true;OutDir=C:\Temp\build\ Test.csproj

The secret sauce is _WPPCopyWebApplication target.

What is copy-on-write?

Just to provide another example, Mercurial uses copy-on-write to make cloning local repositories a really "cheap" operation.

The principle is the same as the other examples, except that you're talking about physical files instead of objects in memory. Initially, a clone is not a duplicate but a hard link to the original. As you change files in the clone, copies are written to represent the new version.

Create intermediate folders if one doesn't exist

A nice Java 7+ answer from Benoit Blanchon can be found here:

With Java 7, you can use Files.createDirectories().

For instance:


error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'adSize' in package '' main.xml

If yours is a gradle project replace:




Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

The main problem with this erorr Error Code: 1451. Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails is that it doesn't let you know which table contains the FK failure, so it is difficult to solve the conflict.

If you use MySQL or similar, I found out that you can create an ER diagram for your database, then you can review and safely remove any conflicts triggering the error.

  1. Use MySQL workbench
  2. Click on Database -> Reverse Engineering
  3. Select a correct connection
  4. Next till the end, remember to select database & tables that need examine
  5. Now you have the ER diagram, you can see which table have FK conflict

How to enter quotes in a Java string?

Just escape the quotes:

String value = "\"ROM\"";

How to do a non-greedy match in grep?

I know that its a bit of a dead post but I just noticed that this works. It removed both clean-up and cleanup from my output.

> grep -v -e 'clean\-\?up'
> grep --version grep (GNU grep) 2.20

Converting byte array to string in javascript

Too late to answer but if your input is in form of ASCII bytes, then you could try this solution:

function convertArrToString(rArr){
 //Step 1: Convert each element to character
 let tmpArr = new Array();
//Step 2: Return the string by joining the elements

function convertArrToHexNumber(rArr){

How to install Android SDK Build Tools on the command line?


1. List all packages

android list sdk --all

2. Install packages using following command

android update sdk -u -a -t package1, package2, package3 //comma seperated packages obtained using list command 

How to get the sizes of the tables of a MySQL database?

If you want a query to use currently selected database. simply copy paste this query. (No modification required)

SELECT table_name ,
  round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) as SIZE_MB
FROM information_schema.TABLES

How to remove special characters from a string?

As described here

Patterns are compiled regular expressions. In many cases, convenience methods such as String.matches, String.replaceAll and String.split will be preferable, but if you need to do a lot of work with the same regular expression, it may be more efficient to compile it once and reuse it. The Pattern class and its companion, Matcher, also offer more functionality than the small amount exposed by String.

public class RegularExpressionTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("String is = "+getOnlyStrings("!&(*^*(^(+one(&(^()(*)(*&^%$#@!#$%^&*()("));
    System.out.println("Number is = "+getOnlyDigits("&(*^*(^(+91-&*9hi-639-0097(&(^("));

 public static String getOnlyDigits(String s) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[^0-9]");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
    String number = matcher.replaceAll("");
    return number;
 public static String getOnlyStrings(String s) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-z A-Z]");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
    String number = matcher.replaceAll("");
    return number;


String is = one
Number is = 9196390097

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xef in position 1

i solve that problem changing in the file with 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', don´t use 'ENGINE': 'mysql.connector.django',

Biggest advantage to using ASP.Net MVC vs web forms

In webforms you could also render almost whole html by hand, except few tags like viewstate, eventvalidation and similar, which can be removed with PageAdapters. Nobody force you to use GridView or some other server side control that has bad html rendering output.

I would say that biggest advantage of MVC is SPEED!

Next is forced separation of concern. But it doesn't forbid you to put whole BL and DAL logic inside Controller/Action! It's just separation of view, which can be done also in webforms (MVP pattern for example). A lot of things that people mentions for mvc can be done in webforms, but with some additional effort.
Main difference is that request comes to controller, not view, and those two layers are separated, not connected via partial class like in webforms (aspx + code behind)

Ping all addresses in network, windows

An expansion and useful addition to egmackenzie's "arp -a" solution for Windows -

Windows Example searching for my iPhone on the WiFi network

(pre: iPhone WiFi disabled)

  • Open Command Prompt in Admin mode (R.C. Start & look in menu)
  • arp -d <- clear the arp listing!
  • ping <- take your subnet, and ping '255', everyone
  • arp -a
  • iPhone WiFi on
  • ping
  • arp -a

See below for example:

enter image description here

Here is a nice writeup on the use of 'arp -d' here if interested -

How to execute a .sql script from bash

If you want to run a script to a database:

mysql -u user -p data_base_name_here < db.sql

In git how is fetch different than pull and how is merge different than rebase?

fetch vs pull

fetch will download any changes from the remote* branch, updating your repository data, but leaving your local* branch unchanged.

pull will perform a fetch and additionally merge the changes into your local branch.

What's the difference? pull updates you local branch with changes from the pulled branch. A fetch does not advance your local branch.

merge vs rebase

Given the following history:

          C---D---E local
    A---B---F---G remote

merge joins two development histories together. It does this by replaying the changes that occurred on your local branch after it diverged on top of the remote branch, and record the result in a new commit. This operation preserves the ancestry of each commit.

The effect of a merge will be:

          C---D---E local
         /         \
    A---B---F---G---H remote

rebase will take commits that exist in your local branch and re-apply them on top of the remote branch. This operation re-writes the ancestors of your local commits.

The effect of a rebase will be:

                  C'--D'--E' local
    A---B---F---G remote

What's the difference? A merge does not change the ancestry of commits. A rebase rewrites the ancestry of your local commits.

* This explanation assumes that the current branch is a local branch, and that the branch specified as the argument to fetch, pull, merge, or rebase is a remote branch. This is the usual case. pull, for example, will download any changes from the specified branch, update your repository and merge the changes into the current branch.

What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP?

Both kinds of enclosed characters are strings. One type of quote is conveniently used to enclose the other type of quote. "'" and '"'. The biggest difference between the types of quotes is that enclosed identifier references are substituted for inside double quotes, but not inside single quotes.

Reading string by char till end of line C/C++

You want to use single quotes:


Double quotes (") are for strings, which are sequences of characters. Single quotes (') are for individual characters.

However, the end-of-line is represented by the newline character, which is '\n'.

Note that in both cases, the backslash is not part of the character, but just a way you represent special characters. Using backslashes you can represent various unprintable characters and also characters which would otherwise confuse the compiler.

How can I SELECT rows with MAX(Column value), DISTINCT by another column in SQL?

Here is MySQL version which prints only one entry where there are duplicates MAX(datetime) in a group.

You could test here!2/0a4ae/1

Sample Data

mysql> SELECT * from topten;
| id   | home | datetime            | player | resource |
|    1 |   10 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | john   |      399 |
|    2 |   11 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | juliet |      244 |
|    3 |   10 | 2009-03-03 00:00:00 | john   |      300 |
|    4 |   11 | 2009-03-03 00:00:00 | juliet |      200 |
|    5 |   12 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      555 |
|    6 |   12 | 2009-03-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      500 |
|    7 |   13 | 2008-12-24 00:00:00 | borat  |      600 |
|    8 |   13 | 2009-01-01 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|    9 |   10 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|   10 |   11 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|   12 |   12 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |

MySQL Version with User variable

    SELECT ord.*,
        IF (@prev_home = ord.home, 0, 1) AS is_first_appear,
        @prev_home := ord.home
    FROM (
        SELECT, t1.home, t1.player, t1.resource
        FROM topten t1
        INNER JOIN (
            SELECT home, MAX(datetime) AS mx_dt
            FROM topten
            GROUP BY home
          ) x ON t1.home = x.home AND t1.datetime = x.mx_dt
        ORDER BY home
    ) ord, (SELECT @prev_home := 0, @seq := 0) init
) y
WHERE is_first_appear = 1;
| id   | home | player | resource | is_first_appear | @prev_home := ord.home |
|    9 |   10 | borat  |      700 |               1 |                     10 |
|   10 |   11 | borat  |      700 |               1 |                     11 |
|   12 |   12 | borat  |      700 |               1 |                     12 |
|    8 |   13 | borat  |      700 |               1 |                     13 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Accepted Answers' outout

FROM topten tt
    SELECT home, MAX(datetime) AS MaxDateTime
    FROM topten
    GROUP BY home
) groupedtt ON tt.home = groupedtt.home AND tt.datetime = groupedtt.MaxDateTime
| id   | home | datetime            | player | resource |
|    1 |   10 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | john   |      399 |
|    2 |   11 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | juliet |      244 |
|    5 |   12 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      555 |
|    8 |   13 | 2009-01-01 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|    9 |   10 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|   10 |   11 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
|   12 |   12 | 2009-04-03 00:00:00 | borat  |      700 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Make body have 100% of the browser height

I would use this

html, body{_x000D_
      background: #E73;_x000D_
      min-height: 100%;_x000D_
      min-height: 100vh;_x000D_
      overflow: auto; // <- this is needed when you resize the screen_x000D_

The browser will use min-height: 100vh and if somehow the browser is a little older the min-height: 100% will be the fallback.

The overflow: auto is necessary if you want the body and html to expand their height when you resize the screen (to a mobile size for example)

How to use addTarget method in swift 3

Try this with Swift 3

button.addTarget(self, action:#selector(ClassName.handleRegister(sender:)), for: .touchUpInside)

Good luck!

Find if variable is divisible by 2

You can also:

if (x & 1)

How to Execute SQL Server Stored Procedure in SQL Developer?

EXEC proc_name @paramValue1 = 0, @paramValue2 = 'some text';

If the Stored Procedure objective is to perform an INSERT on a table that has an Identity field declared, then the field, in this scenario @paramValue1, should be declared and just pass the value 0, because it will be auto-increment.

:after and :before pseudo-element selectors in Sass

Use ampersand to specify the parent selector.

SCSS syntax:

p {
    margin: 2em auto;

    > a {
        color: red;

    &:before {
        content: "";

    &:after {
        content: "* * *";

Is JavaScript guaranteed to be single-threaded?

That's a good question. I'd love to say “yes”. I can't.

JavaScript is usually considered to have a single thread of execution visible to scripts(*), so that when your inline script, event listener or timeout is entered, you remain completely in control until you return from the end of your block or function.

(*: ignoring the question of whether browsers really implement their JS engines using one OS-thread, or whether other limited threads-of-execution are introduced by WebWorkers.)

However, in reality this isn't quite true, in sneaky nasty ways.

The most common case is immediate events. Browsers will fire these right away when your code does something to cause them:

var l= document.getElementById('log');_x000D_
var i= document.getElementById('inp');_x000D_
i.onblur= function() {_x000D_
    l.value+= 'blur\n';_x000D_
setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
    l.value+= 'log in\n';_x000D_
    l.value+= 'log out\n';_x000D_
}, 100);_x000D_
<textarea id="log" rows="20" cols="40"></textarea>_x000D_
<input id="inp">

Results in log in, blur, log out on all except IE. These events don't just fire because you called focus() directly, they could happen because you called alert(), or opened a pop-up window, or anything else that moves the focus.

This can also result in other events. For example add an i.onchange listener and type something in the input before the focus() call unfocuses it, and the log order is log in, change, blur, log out, except in Opera where it's log in, blur, log out, change and IE where it's (even less explicably) log in, change, log out, blur.

Similarly calling click() on an element that provides it calls the onclick handler immediately in all browsers (at least this is consistent!).

(I'm using the direct on... event handler properties here, but the same happens with addEventListener and attachEvent.)

There's also a bunch of circumstances in which events can fire whilst your code is threaded in, despite you having done nothing to provoke it. An example:

var l= document.getElementById('log');_x000D_
document.getElementById('act').onclick= function() {_x000D_
    l.value+= 'alert in\n';_x000D_
    l.value+= 'alert out\n';_x000D_
window.onresize= function() {_x000D_
    l.value+= 'resize\n';_x000D_
<textarea id="log" rows="20" cols="40"></textarea>_x000D_
<button id="act">alert</button>

Hit alert and you'll get a modal dialogue box. No more script executes until you dismiss that dialogue, yes? Nope. Resize the main window and you will get alert in, resize, alert out in the textarea.

You might think it's impossible to resize a window whilst a modal dialogue box is up, but not so: in Linux, you can resize the window as much as you like; on Windows it's not so easy, but you can do it by changing the screen resolution from a larger to a smaller one where the window doesn't fit, causing it to get resized.

You might think, well, it's only resize (and probably a few more like scroll) that can fire when the user doesn't have active interaction with the browser because script is threaded. And for single windows you might be right. But that all goes to pot as soon as you're doing cross-window scripting. For all browsers other than Safari, which blocks all windows/tabs/frames when any one of them is busy, you can interact with a document from the code of another document, running in a separate thread of execution and causing any related event handlers to fire.

Places where events that you can cause to be generated can be raised whilst script is still threaded:

  • when the modal popups (alert, confirm, prompt) are open, in all browsers but Opera;

  • during showModalDialog on browsers that support it;

  • the “A script on this page may be busy...” dialogue box, even if you choose to let the script continue to run, allows events like resize and blur to fire and be handled even whilst the script is in the middle of a busy-loop, except in Opera.

  • a while ago for me, in IE with the Sun Java Plugin, calling any method on an applet could allow events to fire and script to be re-entered. This was always a timing-sensitive bug, and it's possible Sun have fixed it since (I certainly hope so).

  • probably more. It's been a while since I tested this and browsers have gained complexity since.

In summary, JavaScript appears to most users, most of the time, to have a strict event-driven single thread of execution. In reality, it has no such thing. It is not clear how much of this is simply a bug and how much deliberate design, but if you're writing complex applications, especially cross-window/frame-scripting ones, there is every chance it could bite you — and in intermittent, hard-to-debug ways.

If the worst comes to the worst, you can solve concurrency problems by indirecting all event responses. When an event comes in, drop it in a queue and deal with the queue in order later, in a setInterval function. If you are writing a framework that you intend to be used by complex applications, doing this could be a good move. postMessage will also hopefully soothe the pain of cross-document scripting in the future.

Unfinished Stubbing Detected in Mockito

You're nesting mocking inside of mocking. You're calling getSomeList(), which does some mocking, before you've finished the mocking for MyMainModel. Mockito doesn't like it when you do this.


public myTest(){
    MyMainModel mainModel =  Mockito.mock(MyMainModel.class);
    Mockito.when(mainModel.getList()).thenReturn(getSomeList()); --> Line 355


public myTest(){
    MyMainModel mainModel =  Mockito.mock(MyMainModel.class);
    List<SomeModel> someModelList = getSomeList();

To understand why this causes a problem, you need to know a little about how Mockito works, and also be aware in what order expressions and statements are evaluated in Java.

Mockito can't read your source code, so in order to figure out what you are asking it to do, it relies a lot on static state. When you call a method on a mock object, Mockito records the details of the call in an internal list of invocations. The when method reads the last of these invocations off the list and records this invocation in the OngoingStubbing object it returns.

The line


causes the following interactions with Mockito:

  • Mock method mainModel.getList() is called,
  • Static method when is called,
  • Method thenReturn is called on the OngoingStubbing object returned by the when method.

The thenReturn method can then instruct the mock it received via the OngoingStubbing method to handle any suitable call to the getList method to return someModelList.

In fact, as Mockito can't see your code, you can also write your mocking as follows:


This style is somewhat less clear to read, especially since in this case the null has to be casted, but it generates the same sequence of interactions with Mockito and will achieve the same result as the line above.

However, the line


causes the following interactions with Mockito:

  1. Mock method mainModel.getList() is called,
  2. Static method when is called,
  3. A new mock of SomeModel is created (inside getSomeList()),
  4. Mock method model.getName() is called,

At this point Mockito gets confused. It thought you were mocking mainModel.getList(), but now you're telling it you want to mock the model.getName() method. To Mockito, it looks like you're doing the following:

// ...

This looks silly to Mockito as it can't be sure what you're doing with mainModel.getList().

Note that we did not get to the thenReturn method call, as the JVM needs to evaluate the parameters to this method before it can call the method. In this case, this means calling the getSomeList() method.

Generally it is a bad design decision to rely on static state, as Mockito does, because it can lead to cases where the Principle of Least Astonishment is violated. However, Mockito's design does make for clear and expressive mocking, even if it leads to astonishment sometimes.

Finally, recent versions of Mockito add an extra line to the error message above. This extra line indicates you may be in the same situation as this question:

3: you are stubbing the behaviour of another mock inside before 'thenReturn' instruction if completed

Concat strings by & and + in VB.Net

& and + are both concatenation operators but when you specify an integer while using +, tries to cast "Hello" into integer to do an addition. If you change "Hello" with "123", you will get the result 124.

How to capture the android device screen content?

According to this link, it is possible to use ddms in the tools directory of the android sdk to take screen captures.

To do this within an application (and not during development), there are also applications to do so. But as @zed_0xff points out it certainly requires root.

Copy file or directories recursively in Python

I suggest you first call shutil.copytree, and if an exception is thrown, then retry with shutil.copy.

import shutil, errno

def copyanything(src, dst):
        shutil.copytree(src, dst)
    except OSError as exc: # python >2.5
        if exc.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:
            shutil.copy(src, dst)
        else: raise

Oracle PL/SQL : remove "space characters" from a string

To replace one or more white space characters by a single blank you should use {2,} instead of *, otherwise you would insert a blank between all non-blank characters.

REGEXP_REPLACE( my_value, '[[:space:]]{2,}', ' ' )

python pandas dataframe columns convert to dict key and value

If lakes is your DataFrame, you can do something like

area_dict = dict(zip(lakes.area, lakes.count))

Obtain smallest value from array in Javascript?

The tersest expressive code to find the minimum value is probably rest parameters:

const arr = [14, 58, 20, 77, 66, 82, 42, 67, 42, 4]_x000D_
const min = Math.min(...arr)_x000D_

Rest parameters are essentially a convenient shorthand for Function.prototype.apply when you don't need to change the function's context:

var arr = [14, 58, 20, 77, 66, 82, 42, 67, 42, 4]_x000D_
var min = Math.min.apply(Math, arr)_x000D_

This is also a great use case for Array.prototype.reduce:

const arr = [14, 58, 20, 77, 66, 82, 42, 67, 42, 4]_x000D_
const min = arr.reduce((a, b) => Math.min(a, b))_x000D_

It may be tempting to pass Math.min directly to reduce, however the callback receives additional parameters:

callback (accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, array)

In this particular case it may be a bit verbose. reduce is particularly useful when you have a collection of complex data that you want to aggregate into a single value:

const arr = [{name: 'Location 1', distance: 14}, {name: 'Location 2', distance: 58}, {name: 'Location 3', distance: 20}, {name: 'Location 4', distance: 77}, {name: 'Location 5', distance: 66}, {name: 'Location 6', distance: 82}, {name: 'Location 7', distance: 42}, {name: 'Location 8', distance: 67}, {name: 'Location 9', distance: 42}, {name: 'Location 10', distance: 4}]_x000D_
const closest = arr.reduce(_x000D_
  (acc, loc) =>_x000D_
    acc.distance < loc.distance_x000D_
      ? acc_x000D_
      : loc_x000D_

And of course you can always use classic iteration:

var arr,_x000D_
arr = [14, 58, 20, 77, 66, 82, 42, 67, 42, 4]_x000D_
min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY_x000D_
for (i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {_x000D_
  min = Math.min(min, arr[i])_x000D_

...but even classic iteration can get a modern makeover:

const arr = [14, 58, 20, 77, 66, 82, 42, 67, 42, 4]_x000D_
let min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY_x000D_
for (const value of arr) {_x000D_
  min = Math.min(min, value)_x000D_

What does it mean when Statement.executeUpdate() returns -1?

So 4 years later, Microsoft has open sourced their JDBC driver on Github. I got a notification about this question today, and went and had a look, and I believe I have found the culprit here, mssql-jdbc/src/main/java/com/microsoft/sqlserver/jdbc/

Basically, the driver tries to understand what SQL Server sends back if it is not a definite result set. According to the comments, it goes like this:

  1. Check for errors first. (ln 1669)

  2. Not an error. Is it a result set? (ln 1680)

  3. Not an error or a result set. Maybe a result from a T-SQL statement? That is, one of the following:

    • a positive count of the number of rows affected (from INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE),
    • a zero indicating no rows affected, or the statement was DDL, or
    • a -1 indicating the statement succeeded, but there is no update count information available (translates to Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO in batch update count arrays). (ln 1706)
  4. None of the above. Last chance here... Going into the parser above, we know moreResults was initially true. If we come out with moreResults false, the we hit a DONE token (either DONE (FINAL) or DONE (RPC in batch)) that indicates that the batch succeeded overall, but that there is no information on individual statements' update counts. This is similar to the last case above, except that there is no update count. That is: we have a successful result (return true), but we have no other information about it (updateCount = -1). (ln 1693)

  5. Only way to get here (moreResults is still true, but no apparent results of any kind) is if the TDSParser didn't actually parse anything. That is, we are at EOF in the response. In that case, there truly are no more results. We're done. (ln 1717)

(Emphasis mine)

So you guys were right in the end. SQL simply can't tell how many rows are affected, and defaults to -1. :)

How to get build time stamp from Jenkins build variables?

Try use Build Timestamp Plugin and use BUILD_TIMESTAMP variable.

Spring @Autowired and @Qualifier

The @Qualifier annotation is used to resolve the autowiring conflict, when there are multiple beans of same type.

The @Qualifier annotation can be used on any class annotated with @Component or on methods annotated with @Bean. This annotation can also be applied on constructor arguments or method parameters.


public interface Vehicle {
     public void start();
     public void stop();

There are two beans, Car and Bike implements Vehicle interface

public class Car implements Vehicle {

     public void start() {
           System.out.println("Car started");

     public void stop() {
           System.out.println("Car stopped");

public class Bike implements Vehicle {

     public void start() {
          System.out.println("Bike started");

     public void stop() {
          System.out.println("Bike stopped");

Injecting Bike bean in VehicleService using @Autowired with @Qualifier annotation. If you didn't use @Qualifier, it will throw NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException.

public class VehicleService {

    private Vehicle vehicle;

    public void service() {

Reference:- @Qualifier annotation example

Install Application programmatically on Android

You can easily launch a market link or an install prompt:

Intent promptInstall = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)


Intent goToMarket = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)


However, you cannot install .apks without user's explicit permission; not unless the device and your program is rooted.

How to do a join in linq to sql with method syntax?

To add on to the other answers here, if you would like to create a new object of a third different type with a where clause (e.g. one that is not your Entity Framework object) you can do this:

public IEnumerable<ThirdNonEntityClass> demoMethod(IEnumerable<int> property1Values)
    using(var entityFrameworkObjectContext = new EntityFrameworkObjectContext )
        var result = entityFrameworkObjectContext.SomeClass
                sc => sc.property1,
                soc => soc.property2,
                (sc, soc) => new {sc, soc})
            .Where(s => propertyValues.Any(pvals => pvals ==
            .Select(s => new ThirdNonEntityClass 
                dataValue1 =,
                dataValue2 = s.soc.dataValueB

    return result;


Pay special attention to the intermediate object that is created in the Where and Select clauses.

Note that here we also look for any joined objects that have a property1 that matches one of the ones in the input list.

I know this is a bit more complex than what the original asker was looking for, but hopefully it will help someone.

Ruby get object keys as array

An alternative way if you need something more (besides using the keys method):

hash = {"apple" => "fruit", "carrot" => "vegetable"}
array = hash.collect {|key,value| key }

obviously you would only do that if you want to manipulate the array while retrieving it..