Programs & Examples On #Xml binding

XML data binding refers to a means of representing information in an XML document as an object in computer memory. This allows applications to access the data in the XML from the object rather than using the DOM or SAX to retrieve the data from a direct representation of the XML itself.

Remove 'standalone="yes"' from generated XML

If you make document dependent on DOCTYPE (e.g. use named entities) then it will stop being standalone, thus standalone="yes" won't be allowed in XML declaration.

However standalone XML can be used anywhere, while non-standalone is problematic for XML parsers that don't load externals.

I don't see how this declaration could be a problem, other than for interoperability with software that doesn't support XML, but some horrible regex soup.

Angular update object in object array

Updating directly the item passed as argument should do the job, but I am maybe missing something here ?

  .subscribe(updatedItem => {
    item = updatedItem;

EDIT : If you really have no choice but to loop through your entire array to update your item, use findIndex :

let itemIndex = this.items.findIndex(item => ==;
this.items[itemIndex] = retrievedItem;

Is it better practice to use String.format over string Concatenation in Java?

I think we can go with MessageFormat.format as it should be good at both readability and also performance aspects.

I used the same program which one used by Icaro in his above answer and I enhanced it with appending code for using MessageFormat to explain the performance numbers.

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
      String s = "Hi " + i + "; Hi to you " + i * 2;
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Concatenation = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");

    start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
      String s = String.format("Hi %s; Hi to you %s", i, +i * 2);
    end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Format = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");

    start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
      String s = MessageFormat.format("Hi %s; Hi to you %s", i, +i * 2);
    end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("MessageFormat = " + ((end - start)) + " millisecond");

Concatenation = 69 millisecond

Format = 1435 millisecond

MessageFormat = 200 millisecond


As per SonarLint Report, Printf-style format strings should be used correctly (squid:S3457)

Because printf-style format strings are interpreted at runtime, rather than validated by the compiler, they can contain errors that result in the wrong strings being created. This rule statically validates the correlation of printf-style format strings to their arguments when calling the format(...) methods of java.util.Formatter, java.lang.String,, MessageFormat, and classes and the printf(...) methods of or classes.

I replace the printf-style with the curly-brackets and I got something interesting results as below.

Concatenation = 69 millisecond
Format = 1107 millisecond
Format:curly-brackets = 416 millisecond
MessageFormat = 215 millisecond
MessageFormat:curly-brackets = 2517 millisecond

My Conclusion:
As I highlighted above, using String.format with curly-brackets should be a good choice to get benefits of good readability and also performance.

Height of an HTML select box (dropdown)


The part that drops down is set to either:

  1. The height needed to show all entries, or
  2. The height needed to show x entries (with scrollbars to see remaining), where x is
    • 20 in Firefox & Chrome
    • 30 in IE 6, 7, 8
    • 16 for Opera 10
    • 14 for Opera 11
    • 22 for Safari 4
    • 18 for Safari 5
    • 11 in IE 5.0, 5.5
  3. In IE/Edge, if there are no options, a stupidly high list of 11 blanks entries.

For (3) above you can see the results in this JSFiddle

Executable directory where application is running from?

You can write the following:

Path.Combine(Path.GetParentDirectory(GetType(MyClass).Assembly.Location), "Images\image.jpg")

How do I force Maven to use my local repository rather than going out to remote repos to retrieve artifacts?

Follow below steps:

    1. Ensure to delete all the contents of the jar folder located in your local except the jar that you want to keep.
      For example files like .repositories, .pom, .sha1, .lastUpdated etc.
    1. Execute mvn clean install -o command

This will help to use local repository jar files rather than connecting to any repository.

How to programmatically set SelectedValue of Dropdownlist when it is bound to XmlDataSource

This seems to work for me.

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            DropDownList1.DataBind(); // get the data into the list you can set it
            DropDownList1.Items.FindByValue("SOMECREDITPROBLEMS").Selected = true;

How to delete rows from a pandas DataFrame based on a conditional expression

To directly answer this question's original title "How to delete rows from a pandas DataFrame based on a conditional expression" (which I understand is not necessarily the OP's problem but could help other users coming across this question) one way to do this is to use the drop method:

df = df.drop(some labels)
df = df.drop(df[<some boolean condition>].index)


To remove all rows where column 'score' is < 50:

df = df.drop(df[df.score < 50].index)

In place version (as pointed out in comments)

df.drop(df[df.score < 50].index, inplace=True)

Multiple conditions

(see Boolean Indexing)

The operators are: | for or, & for and, and ~ for not. These must be grouped by using parentheses.

To remove all rows where column 'score' is < 50 and > 20

df = df.drop(df[(df.score < 50) & (df.score > 20)].index)

How to show android checkbox at right side?

Just copy this:

            android:text="Your text:"/>

Happy codding! :)

How to get all subsets of a set? (powerset)

Almost all of these answers use list rather than set, which felt like a bit of a cheat to me. So, out of curiosity I tried to do a simple version truly on set and summarize for other "new to Python" folks.

I found there's a couple oddities in dealing with Python's set implementation. The main surprise to me was handling empty sets. This is in contrast to Ruby's Set implementation, where I can simply do Set[Set[]] and get a Set containing one empty Set, so I found it initially a little confusing.

To review, in doing powerset with sets, I encountered two problems:

  1. set() takes an iterable, so set(set()) will return set() because the empty set iterable is empty (duh I guess :))
  2. to get a set of sets, set({set()}) and set.add(set) won't work because set() isn't hashable

To solve both issues, I made use of frozenset(), which means I don't quite get what I want (type is literally set), but makes use of the overall set interace.

def powerset(original_set):
  # below gives us a set with one empty set in it
  ps = set({frozenset()}) 
  for member in original_set:
    subset = set()
    for m in ps:
      # to be added into subset, needs to be
      # frozenset.union(set) so it's hashable
    ps = ps.union(subset)
  return ps

Below we get 2² (16) frozensets correctly as output:

In [1]: powerset(set([1,2,3,4]))
 frozenset({3, 4}),
 frozenset({1, 4}),
 frozenset({2, 3}),
 frozenset({2, 3, 4}),
 frozenset({1, 2}),
 frozenset({2, 4}),
 frozenset({1, 2, 4}),
 frozenset({1, 3}),
 frozenset({1, 2, 3}),
 frozenset({1, 3, 4}),
 frozenset({1, 2, 3, 4})}

As there's no way to have a set of sets in Python, if you want to turn these frozensets into sets, you'll have to map them back into a list (list(map(set, powerset(set([1,2,3,4])))) ) or modify the above.

How to use (install) dblink in PostgreSQL?

I am using DBLINK to connect internal database for cross database queries.

Reference taken from this article.

Install DbLink extension.


Verify DbLink:

SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_proc.proname 
FROM pg_proc, pg_namespace 
WHERE pg_proc.pronamespace=pg_namespace.oid 
   AND pg_proc.proname LIKE '%dblink%';

Test connection of database:

SELECT dblink_connect('host=localhost user=postgres password=enjoy dbname=postgres');

How does collections.defaultdict work?

Since the question is about "how it works", some readers may want to see more nuts and bolts. Specifically, the method in question is the __missing__(key) method. See: .

More concretely, this answer shows how to make use of __missing__(key) in a practical way:

To clarify what 'callable' means, here's an interactive session (from 2.7.6 but should work in v3 too):

>>> x = int
>>> x
<type 'int'>
>>> y = int(5)
>>> y
>>> z = x(5)
>>> z

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> dd = defaultdict(int)
>>> dd
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {})
>>> dd = defaultdict(x)
>>> dd
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {})
>>> dd['a']
>>> dd
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {'a': 0})

That was the most typical use of defaultdict (except for the pointless use of the x variable). You can do the same thing with 0 as the explicit default value, but not with a simple value:

>>> dd2 = defaultdict(0)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#7>", line 1, in <module>
    dd2 = defaultdict(0)
TypeError: first argument must be callable

Instead, the following works because it passes in a simple function (it creates on the fly a nameless function which takes no arguments and always returns 0):

>>> dd2 = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
>>> dd2
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x02C4C130>, {})
>>> dd2['a']
>>> dd2
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x02C4C130>, {'a': 0})

And with a different default value:

>>> dd3 = defaultdict(lambda: 1)
>>> dd3
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x02C4C170>, {})
>>> dd3['a']
>>> dd3
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x02C4C170>, {'a': 1})

Delete all records in a table of MYSQL in phpMyAdmin

You have 2 options delete and truncate :

  1. delete from mytable

    This will delete all the content of the table, not reseting the autoincremental id, this process is very slow. If you want to delete specific records append a where clause at the end.

  2. truncate myTable

    This will reset the table i.e. all the auto incremental fields will be reset. Its a DDL and its very fast. You cannot delete any specific record through truncate.

Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Error Fetching http headers

Try to set :

default_socket_timeout = 120

in your php.ini file.

How can I get (query string) parameters from the URL in Next.js?

For those looking for a solution that works with static exports, try the solution listed here:

In a nutshell, router.query works only with SSR applications, but router.asPath still works.

So can either configure the query pre-export in next.config.js with exportPathMap (not dynamic):

    return {
      '/': { page: '/' },
      '/about': { page: '/about', query: { title: 'about-us' } }

Or use router.asPath and parse the query yourself with a library like query-string:

import { withRouter } from "next/router";
import queryString from "query-string";

export const withPageRouter = Component => {
  return withRouter(({ router, ...props }) => {
    router.query = queryString.parse(router.asPath.split(/\?/)[1]);

    return <Component {...props} router={router} />;

How to edit HTML input value colour?

Please try this:

<input class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-8 col-md-offset-2" type="text" name="name" value="" placeholder="Your Name" style="background-color:blue;"/>

You basically put all the CSS inside the style part of the input tag and it works.

Selected tab's color in Bottom Navigation View

This will work:


PHP function to build query string from array

As this question is quite old and for PHP, here is a way to do it in the (currently) very popular PHP framework Laravel.

To encode the query string for a path in your application, give your routes names and then use the route() helper function like so:

route('documents.list.', ['foo' => 'bar']);

The result will look something like:


Also be aware that if your route has any path segment parameters e.g. /documents/{id}, then make sure you pass an id argument to the route() parameters too, otherwise it will default to using the value of the first parameter.

How to list the contents of a package using YUM?

rpm -ql [packageName]


# rpm -ql php-fpm


No need to install yum-utils, or to know the location of the rpm file.

How can I give eclipse more memory than 512M?

Here is how i increased the memory allocation of eclipse Juno:

enter image description here

I have a total of 4GB on my system and when im working on eclipse, i dont run any other heavy softwares along side it. So I allocated 2Gb.

The thing i noticed is that the difference between min and max values should be of 512. The next value should be let say 2048 min + 512 = 2560max

Here is the heap value inside eclipse after setting -Xms2048m -Xmx2560m:

enter image description here

What's the best way to detect a 'touch screen' device using JavaScript?

Update: Please read blmstr's answer below before pulling a whole feature detection library into your project. Detecting actual touch support is more complex, and Modernizr only covers a basic use case.

Modernizr is a great, lightweight way to do all kinds of feature detection on any site.

It simply adds classes to the html element for each feature.

You can then target those features easily in CSS and JS. For example:

html.touch div {
    width: 480px;
} div {
    width: auto;

And Javascript (jQuery example):

$('html.touch #popup').hide();

jQuery form validation on button click

Within your click handler, the mistake is the .validate() method; it only initializes the plugin, it does not validate the form.

To eliminate the need to have a submit button within the form, use .valid() to trigger a validation check...

$('#btn').on('click', function() {

jsFiddle Demo

.validate() - to initialize the plugin (with options) once on DOM ready.

.valid() - to check validation state (boolean value) or to trigger a validation test on the form at any time.

Otherwise, if you had a type="submit" button within the form container, you would not need a special click handler and the .valid() method, as the plugin would capture that automatically.

Demo without click handler


You also have two issues within your HTML...

<input id="field1" type="text" class="required">
  • You don't need class="required" when declaring rules within .validate(). It's redundant and superfluous.

  • The name attribute is missing. Rules are declared within .validate() by their name. The plugin depends upon unique name attributes to keep track of the inputs.

Should be...

<input name="field1" id="field1" type="text" />

Javascript string/integer comparisons

Always remember when we compare two strings. the comparison happens on chacracter basis. so '2' > '12' is true because the comparison will happen as '2' > '1' and in alphabetical way '2' is always greater than '1' as unicode. SO it will comeout true. I hope this helps.

Return a `struct` from a function in C

yes, it is possible we can pass structure and return structure as well. You were right but you actually did not pass the data type which should be like this struct MyObj b = a.

Actually I also came to know when I was trying to find out a better solution to return more than one values for function without using pointer or global variable.

Now below is the example for the same, which calculate the deviation of a student marks about average.

struct marks{
    int maths;
    int physics;
    int chem;

struct marks deviation(struct marks student1 , struct marks student2 );

int main(){

    struct marks student;
    student.maths= 87;
    student.chem = 67;

    struct marks avg;
    avg.maths= 55;
    avg.chem = 45;
    //struct marks dev;
    struct marks dev= deviation(student, avg );
    printf("%d %d %d" ,dev.maths,dev.chem,dev.physics);

    return 0;

struct marks deviation(struct marks student , struct marks student2 ){
    struct marks dev;

    dev.maths = student.maths-student2.maths;
    dev.chem = student.chem-student2.chem;
    dev.physics = student.physics-student2.physics; 

    return dev;

calling java methods in javascript code

When it is on server side, use web services - maybe RESTful with JSON.

  • create a web service (for example with Tomcat)
  • call its URL from JavaScript (for example with JQuery or dojo)

When Java code is in applet you can use JavaScript bridge. The bridge between the Java and JavaScript programming languages, known informally as LiveConnect, is implemented in Java plugin. Formerly Mozilla-specific LiveConnect functionality, such as the ability to call static Java methods, instantiate new Java objects and reference third-party packages from JavaScript, is now available in all browsers.

Below is example from documentation. Look at methodReturningString.

Java code:

public class MethodInvocation extends Applet {
    public void noArgMethod() { ... }
    public void someMethod(String arg) { ... }
    public void someMethod(int arg) { ... }
    public int  methodReturningInt() { return 5; }
    public String methodReturningString() { return "Hello"; }
    public OtherClass methodReturningObject() { return new OtherClass(); }

public class OtherClass {
    public void anotherMethod();

Web page and JavaScript code:

<applet id="app"
        code="MethodInvocation" ...>
<script language="javascript">
    var five = app.methodReturningInt();
    var hello = app.methodReturningString();

How to access site through IP address when website is on a shared host?

You can access you website using your IP address and your cPanel username with ~ symbols. For Example: http://serverip/~cpusername like as

How to correctly iterate through getElementsByClassName

You could always use array methods:

var slides = getElementsByClassName("slide");, function(slide, index) {

Doing a cleanup action just before Node.js exits

io.js has an exit and a beforeExit event, which do what you want.

Redirecting to a certain route based on condition

Here's how I did it, in case it helps anyone:

In the config, I set a publicAccess attribute on the few routes that I want open to the public (like login or register):

    .when('/', {
        templateUrl: 'views/home.html',
        controller: 'HomeCtrl'
    .when('/login', {
        templateUrl: 'views/login.html',
        controller: 'LoginCtrl',
        publicAccess: true

then in a run block, I set a listener on the $routeChangeStart event that redirects to '/login' unless the user has access or the route is publicly accessible:

angular.module('myModule').run(function($rootScope, $location, user, $route) {

    var routesOpenToPublic = [];
    angular.forEach($route.routes, function(route, path) {
        // push route onto routesOpenToPublic if it has a truthy publicAccess value
        route.publicAccess && (routesOpenToPublic.push(path));

    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(event, nextLoc, currentLoc) {
        var closedToPublic = (-1 === routesOpenToPublic.indexOf($location.path()));
        if(closedToPublic && !user.isLoggedIn()) {

You could obviously change the condition from isLoggedIn to anything else... just showing another way to do it.

Ignore <br> with CSS?

This is how I do it:

br { 
    display: inline;
    content: ' ';

convert string into array of integers

A quick one for modern browsers:

'14 2'.split(' ').map(Number);

// [14, 2]`

How do you receive a url parameter with a spring controller mapping

You have a lot of variants for using @RequestParam with additional optional elements, e.g.

@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "someValue", value="someAttr") String someAttr

If you don't put required = false - param will be required by default.

defaultValue = "someValue" - the default value to use as a fallback when the request parameter is not provided or has an empty value.

If request and method param are the same - you don't need value = "someAttr"

How to execute a JavaScript function when I have its name as a string

Two things:

  • avoid eval, it's terribly dangerous and slow

  • secondly it doesn't matter where your function exists, "global" -ness is irrelevant. can be enabled through x.y['foo']() or x['y']['foo']() or even window['x']['y']['foo'](). You can chain indefinitely like this.

Simple and fast method to compare images for similarity

Can the screenshot or icon be transformed (scaled, rotated, skewed ...)? There are quite a few methods on top of my head that could possibly help you:

  • Simple euclidean distance as mentioned by @carlosdc (doesn't work with transformed images and you need a threshold).
  • (Normalized) Cross Correlation - a simple metrics which you can use for comparison of image areas. It's more robust than the simple euclidean distance but doesn't work on transformed images and you will again need a threshold.
  • Histogram comparison - if you use normalized histograms, this method works well and is not affected by affine transforms. The problem is determining the correct threshold. It is also very sensitive to color changes (brightness, contrast etc.). You can combine it with the previous two.
  • Detectors of salient points/areas - such as MSER (Maximally Stable Extremal Regions), SURF or SIFT. These are very robust algorithms and they might be too complicated for your simple task. Good thing is that you do not have to have an exact area with only one icon, these detectors are powerful enough to find the right match. A nice evaluation of these methods is in this paper: Local invariant feature detectors: a survey.

Most of these are already implemented in OpenCV - see for example the cvMatchTemplate method (uses histogram matching): The salient point/area detectors are also available - see OpenCV Feature Detection.

How to convert index of a pandas dataframe into a column?

To provide a bit more clarity, let's look at a DataFrame with two levels in its index (a MultiIndex).

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['TX', 'FL', 'CA'], 
                                    ['North', 'South']], 
                                   names=['State', 'Direction'])

df = pd.DataFrame(index=index, 
                  data=np.random.randint(0, 10, (6,4)), 

enter image description here

The reset_index method, called with the default parameters, converts all index levels to columns and uses a simple RangeIndex as new index.


enter image description here

Use the level parameter to control which index levels are converted into columns. If possible, use the level name, which is more explicit. If there are no level names, you can refer to each level by its integer location, which begin at 0 from the outside. You can use a scalar value here or a list of all the indexes you would like to reset.

df.reset_index(level='State') # same as df.reset_index(level=0)

enter image description here

In the rare event that you want to preserve the index and turn the index into a column, you can do the following:

# for a single level

# for all levels

Displaying output of a remote command with Ansible

I'm not sure about the syntax of your specific commands (e.g., vagrant, etc), but in general...

Just register Ansible's (not-normally-shown) JSON output to a variable, then display each variable's stdout_lines attribute:

- name: Generate SSH keys for vagrant user
  user: name=vagrant generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048
  register: vagrant
- debug: var=vagrant.stdout_lines

- name: Show SSH public key
  command: /bin/cat $home_directory/.ssh/
  register: cat
- debug: var=cat.stdout_lines

- name: Wait for user to copy SSH public key
  pause: prompt="Please add the SSH public key above to your GitHub account"
  register: pause
- debug: var=pause.stdout_lines

Get escaped URL parameter

After reading all of the answers I ended up with this version with + a second function to use parameters as flags

function getURLParameter(name) {
    return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)','i').exec(||[,""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20'))||null;

function isSetURLParameter(name) {
    return (new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '(?:[=|&|#|;|]|$)','i').exec( !== null)

Oracle SQL Developer - tables cannot be seen

The answer about going under "Other Users" was close, but not nearly explicit enough, so I felt the need to add this answer, below.

In Oracle, it will only show you tables that belong to schemas (databases in MS SQL Server) that are owned by the account you are logged in with. If the account owns/has created nothing, you will see nothing, even if you have rights/permissions to everything in the database! (This is contrary to MS SQL Server Management Studio, where you can see anything you have rights on and the owner is always "dbo", barring some admin going in and changing it for some unforeseeable reason.)

The owner will be the only one who will see those tables under "Tables" in the tree. If you do not see them because you are not their owner, you will have to go under "Other Users" and expand each user until you find out who created/owns that schema, if you do not know it, already. It will not matter if your account has permissions to the tables or not, you still have to go under "Other Users" and find that user that owns it to see it, under "Tables"!

One thing that can help you: when you write queries, you actually specify in the nomenclature who that owner is, ex.

Select * from admin.mytable

indicates that "admin" is the user that owns it, so you go under "Other Users > Admin" and expand "Tables" and there it is.

How can I check whether a option already exist in select by JQuery

if ( $("#your_select_id option[value=<enter_value_here>]").length == 0 ){
  alert("option doesn't exist!");

How can I disable a button on a jQuery UI dialog?

function getDialogButton( jqUIdialog, button_names )
    if (typeof button_names == 'string')
        button_names = [button_names];
    var buttons = jqUIdialog.parent().find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button');
    for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
        var jButton = $( buttons[i] );
        for (var j = 0; j < button_names.length; j++)
            if ( jButton.text() == button_names[j] )
                return jButton;

    return null;

function enableDialogButton( jqUIdialog, button_names, enable )
    var button = getDialogButton( jqUIdialog, button_names );
    if (button == null)
        alert('button not found: '+button_names);
        if (enable)
            button.removeAttr('disabled').removeClass( 'ui-state-disabled' );
            button.attr('disabled', 'disabled').addClass( 'ui-state-disabled' );

Is there a naming convention for git repositories?

Without favouring any particular naming choice, remember that a git repo can be cloned into any root directory of your choice:

git clone myDir

Here repo.git would be cloned into the myDir directory.

So even if your naming convention for a public repo ended up to be slightly incorrect, it would still be possible to fix it on the client side.

That is why, in a distributed environment where any client can do whatever he/she wants, there isn't really a naming convention for Git repo.
(except to reserve "xxx.git" for bare form of the repo 'xxx')
There might be naming convention for REST service (similar to "Are there any naming convention guidelines for REST APIs?"), but that is a separate issue.

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlopen'

This works in Python 2.x.

For Python 3 look in the docs:

import urllib.request

with urllib.request.urlopen("") as url:
    s =
    # I'm guessing this would output the html source code ?

Auto-increment primary key in SQL tables

I think there is a way to do it at definition stage like this

create table employee( id int identity, name varchar(50), primary key(id) ).. I am trying to see if there is a way to alter an existing table and make the column as Identity which does not look possible theoretically (as the existing values might need modification)

Heroku deployment error H10 (App crashed)

I ran into the same error above, app was crashing on heroku (running fine in dev) but error logs on heroku were not revealing any clues. I read other answers on this page and broke out in a sweat after seeing "rebuilding the app." I figured maybe I could get in the heroku console and look around. I did and even the console crashed, but this time it told me why. It was some obscure variable I forgot to delete during a troubleshooting session hours earlier. I am not saying you will run into the same problem, but I found more info when I tried to go through the console. Hope this helps.

$ heroku run rails console

Keyboard shortcuts are not active in Visual Studio with Resharper installed

Try this steps:

1) Resharper > Options > Keyboard & Menus

Then point choose:

  • Hide overridden Visual Studio menu items (Check)
  • Visual Studio (Check)

Then click on Apply Scheme and Save.

2) Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard

  • Click Reset
  • Click Ok

Mipmap drawables for icons

The Android implementation of mipmaps in 4.3 is exactly the technique from 1983 explained in the Wikipedia article :)

Each bitmap image of the mipmap set is a downsized duplicate of the main texture, but at a certain reduced level of detail. Although the main texture would still be used when the view is sufficient to render it in full detail, the renderer will switch to a suitable mipmap image (...) when the texture is viewed from a distance or at a small size.

Although this is described as a technique for 3D graphics (as it mentions "viewing from a distance"), it applies just as well to 2D (translated as "drawn is a smaller space", i.e. "downscaled").

For a concrete Android example, imagine you have a View with a certain background drawable (in particular, a BitmapDrawable). You now use an animation to scale it to 0.15 of its original size. Normally, this would require downscaling the background bitmap for each frame. This "extreme" downscaling, however, may produce visual artifacts.

You can, however, provide a mipmap, which means that the image is already pre-rendered for a few specific scales (let's say 1.0, 0.5, and 0.25). Whenever the animation "crosses" the 0.5 threshold, instead of continuing to downscale the original, 1.0-sized image, it will switch to the 0.5 image and downscale it, which should provide a better result. And so forth as the animation continues.

This is a bit theoretical, since it's actually done by the renderer. According to the source of the Bitmap class, it's just a hint, and the renderer may or may not honor it.

 * Set a hint for the renderer responsible for drawing this bitmap
 * indicating that it should attempt to use mipmaps when this bitmap
 * is drawn scaled down.
 * If you know that you are going to draw this bitmap at less than
 * 50% of its original size, you may be able to obtain a higher
 * quality by turning this property on.
 * Note that if the renderer respects this hint it might have to
 * allocate extra memory to hold the mipmap levels for this bitmap.
 * This property is only a suggestion that can be ignored by the
 * renderer. It is not guaranteed to have any effect.
 * @param hasMipMap indicates whether the renderer should attempt
 *                  to use mipmaps
 * @see #hasMipMap()
public final void setHasMipMap(boolean hasMipMap) {
    nativeSetHasMipMap(mNativeBitmap, hasMipMap);

I'm not quite sure why this would be especially suitable for application icons, though. Although Android on tablets, as well as some launchers (e.g. GEL), request an icon "one density higher" to show it bigger, this is supposed to be done using the regular mechanism (i.e. drawable-xxxhdpi, &c).

How to get the parent dir location

Use the following to jump to previous folder:


If you need multiple jumps a good and easy solution will be to use a simple decorator in this case.

Prevent overwriting a file using cmd if exist

As in the answer of Escobar Ceaser, I suggest to use quotes arround the whole path. It's the common way to wrap the whole path in "", not only separate directory names within the path.

I had a similar issue that it didn't work for me. But it was no option to use "" within the path for separate directory names because the path contained environment variables, which theirself cover more than one directory hierarchies. The conclusion was that I missed the space between the closing " and the (

The correct version, with the space before the bracket, would be

If NOT exist "C:\Documents and Settings\John\Start Menu\Programs\Software Folder" (
 start "\\filer\repo\lab\software\myapp\setup.exe"

Property getters and setters

In order to override setter and getter for swift variables use the below given code

var temX : Int? 
var x: Int?{

       temX = newX

        return temX

We need to keep the value of variable in a temporary variable, since trying to access the same variable whose getter/setter is being overridden will result in infinite loops.

We can invoke the setter simply like this

x = 10

Getter will be invoked on firing below given line of code

var newVar = x

How to select option in drop down using Capybara

It is not a direct answer, but you can (if your server permit):

1) Create a model for your Organization; extra: It will be easier to populate your HTML.

2) Create a factory (FactoryGirl) for your model;

3) Create a list (create_list) with the factory;

4) 'pick' (sample) a Organization from the list with:

# Random select
option = Organization.all.sample 

# Select the FIRST(0) by id
option = Organization.all[0] 

# Select the SECOND(1) after some restriction
option = Organization.where(some_attr: some_value)[2]
option = Organization.where("some_attr OP some_value")[2] #OP is "=", "<", ">", so on... 

Corrupt jar file

This will happen when you doubleclick a JAR file in Windows explorer, but the JAR is by itself actually not an executable JAR. A real executable JAR should have at least a class with a main() method and have it referenced in MANIFEST.MF.

In Eclispe, you need to export the project as Runnable JAR file instead of as JAR file to get a real executable JAR.

Or, if your JAR is solely a container of a bunch of closely related classes (a library), then you shouldn't doubleclick it, but open it using some ZIP tool. Windows explorer namely by default associates JAR files with java.exe, which won't work for those kind of libary JARs.

Simple logical operators in Bash

Here is the code for the short version of if-then-else statement:

( [ $a -eq 1 ] || [ $b -eq 2 ] ) && echo "ok" || echo "nok"

Pay attention to the following:

  1. || and && operands inside if condition (i.e. between round parentheses) are logical operands (or/and)

  2. || and && operands outside if condition mean then/else

Practically the statement says:

if (a=1 or b=2) then "ok" else "nok"

How do you run a Python script as a service in Windows?

Although I upvoted the chosen answer a couple of weeks back, in the meantime I struggled a lot more with this topic. It feels like having a special Python installation and using special modules to run a script as a service is simply the wrong way. What about portability and such?

I stumbled across the wonderful Non-sucking Service Manager, which made it really simple and sane to deal with Windows Services. I figured since I could pass options to an installed service, I could just as well select my Python executable and pass my script as an option.

I have not yet tried this solution, but I will do so right now and update this post along the process. I am also interested in using virtualenvs on Windows, so I might come up with a tutorial sooner or later and link to it here.

How to destroy a JavaScript object?

While the existing answers have given solutions to solve the issue and the second half of the question, they do not provide an answer to the self discovery aspect of the first half of the question that is in bold:

"How can I see which variable causes memory overhead...?"

It may not have been as robust 3 years ago, but the Chrome Developer Tools "Profiles" section is now quite powerful and feature rich. The Chrome team has an insightful article on using it and thus also how garbage collection (GC) works in javascript, which is at the core of this question.

Since delete is basically the root of the currently accepted answer by Yochai Akoka, it's important to remember what delete does. It's irrelevant if not combined with the concepts of how GC works in the next two answers: if there's an existing reference to an object it's not cleaned up. The answers are more correct, but probably not as appreciated because they require more thought than just writing 'delete'. Yes, one possible solution may be to use delete, but it won't matter if there's another reference to the memory leak.

Another answer appropriately mentions circular references and the Chrome team documentation can provide much more clarity as well as the tools to verify the cause.

Since delete was mentioned here, it also may be useful to provide the resource Understanding Delete. Although it does not get into any of the actual solution which is really related to javascript's garbage collector.

How to fix Warning Illegal string offset in PHP

Magic word is: isset

Validate the entry:

if(isset($manta_option['iso_format_recent_works']) && $manta_option['iso_format_recent_works'] == 1){
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_thumbnail';
} else {
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_iso_thumbnail';

Passing data from controller to view in Laravel

You can try this as well:

public function showstudents(){
   $students = DB::table('student')->get();
   return view("user/regprofile", ['students'=>$students]);

Also, use this variable in your view.blade file to get students name and other columns:


set div height using jquery (stretch div height)

well you can do this:


    var $header = $('#header');
    var $footer = $('#footer');
    var $content = $('#content');
    var $window = $(window).on('resize', function(){
       var height = $(this).height() - $header.height() + $footer.height();
    }).trigger('resize'); //on page load


see fiddle here:

When using Spring Security, what is the proper way to obtain current username (i.e. SecurityContext) information in a bean?

For the last Spring MVC app I wrote, I didn't inject the SecurityContext holder, but I did have a base controller that I had two utility methods related to this ... isAuthenticated() & getUsername(). Internally they do the static method call you described.

At least then it's only in once place if you need to later refactor.

How do I create the small icon next to the website tab for my site?

This is for the icon in the browser (most of the sites omit the type):

<link rel="icon" type="image/"
     href="" />


<link rel="icon" type="image/png"
     href="" />


<link rel="apple-touch-icon"

for the shortcut icon:

<link rel="shortcut icon"
     href="" />

Place them in the <head></head> section.

Edit may 2019 some additional examples from MDN

Best practice to look up Java Enum

update: As GreenTurtle correctly remarked, the following is wrong

I would just write

boolean result = Arrays.asList(FooEnum.values()).contains("Foo");

This is possibly less performant than catching a runtime exception, but makes for much cleaner code. Catching such exceptions is always a bad idea, since it is prone to misdiagnosis. What happens when the retrieval of the compared value itself causes an IllegalArgumentException ? This would then be treaten like a non matching value for the enumerator.

Java : Sort integer array without using Arrays.sort()

You can find so many different sorting algorithms in internet, but if you want to fix your own solution you can do following changes in your code:

Instead of:


you need to do this:

while (orderedNums[greater] == tenNums[indexL]) {
orderedNums[greater] = tenNums[indexL];

This code basically checks if that particular index is occupied by a similar number, then it will try to find next free index.

Note: Since the default value in your sorted array elements is 0, you need to make sure 0 is not in your list. otherwise you need to initiate your sorted array with an especial number that you sure is not in your list e.g: Integer.MAX_VALUE

Convert Uri to String and String to Uri

This will get the file path from the MediaProvider, DownloadsProvider, and ExternalStorageProvider, while falling back to the unofficial ContentProvider method you mention.

 * Get a file path from a Uri. This will get the the path for Storage Access
 * Framework Documents, as well as the _data field for the MediaStore and
 * other file-based ContentProviders.
 * @param context The context.
 * @param uri The Uri to query.
 * @author paulburke
public static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) {

    final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;

    // DocumentProvider
    if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {
        // ExternalStorageProvider
        if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1];

            // TODO handle non-primary volumes
        // DownloadsProvider
        else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {

            final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
                    Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id));

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);
        // MediaProvider
        else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            Uri contentUri = null;
            if ("image".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("video".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("audio".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

            final String selection = "_id=?";
            final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] {

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
    // MediaStore (and general)
    else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null);
    // File
    else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return uri.getPath();

    return null;

 * Get the value of the data column for this Uri. This is useful for
 * MediaStore Uris, and other file-based ContentProviders.
 * @param context The context.
 * @param uri The Uri to query.
 * @param selection (Optional) Filter used in the query.
 * @param selectionArgs (Optional) Selection arguments used in the query.
 * @return The value of the _data column, which is typically a file path.
public static String getDataColumn(Context context, Uri uri, String selection,
        String[] selectionArgs) {

    Cursor cursor = null;
    final String column = "_data";
    final String[] projection = {

    try {
        cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs,
        if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            final int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column);
            return cursor.getString(column_index);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null)
    return null;

 * @param uri The Uri to check.
 * @return Whether the Uri authority is ExternalStorageProvider.
public static boolean isExternalStorageDocument(Uri uri) {
    return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

 * @param uri The Uri to check.
 * @return Whether the Uri authority is DownloadsProvider.
public static boolean isDownloadsDocument(Uri uri) {
    return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

 * @param uri The Uri to check.
 * @return Whether the Uri authority is MediaProvider.
public static boolean isMediaDocument(Uri uri) {
    return "".equals(uri.getAuthority());

how to print an exception using logger?

You should probably clarify which logger are you using.

org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface has method void error(Object message, Throwable t) (and method void info(Object message, Throwable t)), which logs the stack trace together with your custom message. Log4J implementation has this method too.

So, probably you need to write:

logger.error("BOOM!", e);

If you need to log it with INFO level (though, it might be a strange use case), then:"Just a stack trace, nothing to worry about", e);

Hope it helps.

How do I append to a table in Lua

I'd personally make use of the table.insert function:


This saves you from having to iterate over the whole table therefore saving valuable resources such as memory and time.

$(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery

Adding in the following code works.

The problem is iPhones dont raise click events. They raise "touch" events. Thanks very much apple. Why couldn't they just keep it standard like everyone else? Anyway thanks Nico for the tip.

Credit to:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $(document).click(function (e) {

function fire(e) { alert('hi'); }

function touchHandler(event)
    var touches = event.changedTouches,
        first = touches[0],
        type = "";

       case "touchstart": type = "mousedown"; break;
       case "touchmove":  type = "mousemove"; break;        
       case "touchend":   type = "mouseup"; break;
       default: return;

    //initMouseEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, clickCount, 
    //           screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, 
    //           altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget);

    var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
    simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1, 
                          first.screenX, first.screenY, 
                          first.clientX, first.clientY, false, 
                          false, false, false, 0/*left*/, null);;

function init() 
    document.addEventListener("touchstart", touchHandler, true);
    document.addEventListener("touchmove", touchHandler, true);
    document.addEventListener("touchend", touchHandler, true);
    document.addEventListener("touchcancel", touchHandler, true);    

How do I use itertools.groupby()?

A neato trick with groupby is to run length encoding in one line:

[(c,len(list(cgen))) for c,cgen in groupby(some_string)]

will give you a list of 2-tuples where the first element is the char and the 2nd is the number of repetitions.

Edit: Note that this is what separates itertools.groupby from the SQL GROUP BY semantics: itertools doesn't (and in general can't) sort the iterator in advance, so groups with the same "key" aren't merged.

Exception is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement

Any class which extends Exception class will be a user defined Checked exception class where as any class which extends RuntimeException will be Unchecked exception class. as mentioned in User defined exception are checked or unchecked exceptions So, not throwing the checked exception(be it user-defined or built-in exception) gives compile time error.

Checked exception are the exceptions that are checked at compile time.

Unchecked exception are the exceptions that are not checked at compiled time

AJAX cross domain call

JSONP is the best option, in my opinion. Try to figure out why you get the syntax error - are you sure the received data is not JSON? Then maybe you're using the API wrong somehow.

Another way you could use, but I don't think that it applies in your case, is have an iFrame in the page which src is in the domain you want to call. Have it do the calls for you, and then use JS to communicate between the iFrame and the page. This will bypass the cross domain, but only if you can have the iFrame's src in the domain you want to call.

Difference between app.use and app.get in express.js

Difference between app.use & app.get:

app.use ? It is generally used for introducing middlewares in your application and can handle all type of HTTP requests.

app.get ? It is only for handling GET HTTP requests.

Now, there is a confusion between app.use & app.all. No doubt, there is one thing common in them, that both can handle all kind of HTTP requests. But there are some differences which recommend us to use app.use for middlewares and app.all for route handling.

  1. app.use() ? It takes only one callback.
    app.all() ? It can take multiple callbacks.

  2. app.use() will only see whether url starts with specified path.
    But, app.all() will match the complete path.

For example,

app.use( "/book" , middleware);
// will match /book
// will match /book/author
// will match /book/subject

app.all( "/book" , handler);
// will match /book
// won't match /book/author   
// won't match /book/subject    

app.all( "/book/*" , handler);
// won't match /book        
// will match /book/author
// will match /book/subject
  1. next() call inside the app.use() will call either the next middleware or any route handler, but next() call inside app.all() will invoke the next route handler (app.all(), app.get/post/put... etc.) only. If there is any middleware after, it will be skipped. So, it is advisable to put all the middlewares always above the route handlers.

What does <a href="#" class="view"> mean?

Don't forget to look at the Javascript as well. My guess is that there is custom Javascript code getting executed when you click on the link and it's that Javascript that is generating the URL and navigating to it.

Removing a list of characters in string

These days I am diving into scheme, and now I think am good at recursing and eval. HAHAHA. Just share some new ways:

first ,eval it

print eval('string%s' % (''.join(['.replace("%s","")'%i for i in replace_list])))

second , recurse it

def repn(string,replace_list):
    if replace_list==[]:
        return string
        return repn(string.replace(replace_list.pop(),""),replace_list)

print repn(string,replace_list)

Hey ,don't downvote. I am just want to share some new idea.

How to make button fill table cell

For starters:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td align='center'><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

Note, if the width of the input button is 100%, you wont need the attribute "align='center'" anymore.

This would be the optimal solution:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

Fetch the row which has the Max value for a column

This should be as simple as:

SELECT UserId, Value
FROM Users u
WHERE Date = (SELECT MAX(Date) FROM Users WHERE UserID = u.UserID)

Bootstrap Element 100% Width

I would use two separate 'container' div as below:

<div class="container">
   /* normal*/
<div class="container-fluid">
   /*full width container*/

Bare in mind that container-fluid does not follow your breakpoints and it is a full width container.

moment.js, how to get day of week number

You can get this in 2 way using moment and also using Javascript

const date = moment("2015-07-02"); // Thursday Feb 2015_x000D_
const usingMoment_1 =;_x000D_
const usingMoment_2 = date.isoWeekday();_x000D_
console.log('usingMoment: ==> ',usingMoment_1);_x000D_
console.log('usingMoment: date.isoWeekday() ==> ',usingMoment_2);_x000D_
const usingJS= new Date("2015-07-02").getDay();_x000D_
console.log('usingJavaSript: new Date("2015-07-02").getDay() ===> ',usingJS);
<script src=""></script>

Replace invalid values with None in Pandas DataFrame

Setting null values can be done with np.nan:

import numpy as np
df.replace('-', np.nan)

Advantage is that df.last_valid_index() recognizes these as invalid.

Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation

If you are asking if you can pair two devices without the user EVER approving the pairing, no it cannot be done, it is a security feature. If you are paired over Bluetooth there is no need to exchange data over NFC, just exchange data over the Bluetooth link.

I don't think you can circumvent Bluetooth security by passing an authentication packet over NFC, but I could be wrong.

Simplest SOAP example

The question is 'What is the simplest SOAP example using Javascript?'

This answer is of an example in the Node.js environment, rather than a browser. (Let's name the script soap-node.js) And we will use the public SOAP web service from Europe PMC as an example to get the reference list of an article.

const XMLHttpRequest = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest;
const DOMParser = require('xmldom').DOMParser;

function parseXml(text) {
    let parser = new DOMParser();
    let xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
    Array.from(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("reference")).forEach(function (item) {
        console.log('Title: ', item.childNodes[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue);


function soapRequest(url, payload) {
    let xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url, true);

    // build SOAP request
    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
            if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {

    // Send the POST request
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');

    `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
    <S:Header />
        <ns4:getReferences xmlns:ns4=""
            <email>[email protected]</email>

Before running the code, you need to install two packages:

npm install xmlhttprequest
npm install xmldom

Now you can run the code:

node soap-node.js

And you'll see the output as below:

Title:  Perspective: Sustaining the big-data ecosystem.
Title:  Making proteomics data accessible and reusable: current state of proteomics databases and repositories.
Title:  ProteomeXchange provides globally coordinated proteomics data submission and dissemination.
Title:  Toward effective software solutions for big biology.
Title:  The NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative.
Title:  Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Title:  Europe PMC: a full-text literature database for the life sciences and platform for innovation.
Title:  Bio-ontologies-fast and furious.
Title:  BioPortal: ontologies and integrated data resources at the click of a mouse.
Title:  PubMed related articles: a probabilistic topic-based model for content similarity.
Title:  High-Impact Articles-Citations, Downloads, and Altmetric Score.

Inverse dictionary lookup in Python

This version is 26% shorter than yours but functions identically, even for redundant/ambiguous values (returns the first match, as yours does). However, it is probably twice as slow as yours, because it creates a list from the dict twice.

key = dict_obj.keys()[dict_obj.values().index(value)]

Or if you prefer brevity over readability you can save one more character with

key = list(dict_obj)[dict_obj.values().index(value)]

And if you prefer efficiency, @PaulMcGuire's approach is better. If there are lots of keys that share the same value it's more efficient not to instantiate that list of keys with a list comprehension and instead use use a generator:

key = (key for key, value in dict_obj.items() if value == 'value').next()

PHP json_encode encoding numbers as strings

I'm encountering the same problem (PHP-5.2.11/Windows). I'm using this workaround

$json = preg_replace( "/\"(\d+)\"/", '$1', $json );

which replaces all (non-negative, integer) numbers enclosed in quotes with the number itself ('"42"' becomes '42').

See also this comment in PHP manual.

How to ping ubuntu guest on VirtualBox

If you start tinkering with VirtualBox network settings, watch out for this: you might make new network adapters (eth1, eth2), yet have your /etc/network/interfaces still configured for eth0.


ethtool -i eth0
Cannot get driver information: no such device

Find your interfaces:

ls /sys/class/net
eth1 eth2 lo

Fix it:

Edit /etc/networking/interfaces and replace eth0 with the appropriate interface name (e.g eth1, eth2, etc.)


Trigger a button click with JavaScript on the Enter key in a text box

Nobody noticed the html attibute "accesskey" which is available since a while.

This is a no javascript way to keyboard shortcuts stuffs.


The accesskey attributes shortcuts on MDN

Intented to be used like this. The html attribute itself is enough, howewer we can change the placeholder or other indicator depending of the browser and os. The script is a untested scratch approach to give an idea. You may want to use a browser library detector like the tiny bowser

let client = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),_x000D_
    isLinux = client.indexOf("linux") > -1,_x000D_
    isWin = client.indexOf("windows") > -1,_x000D_
    isMac = client.indexOf("apple") > -1,_x000D_
    isFirefox = client.indexOf("firefox") > -1,_x000D_
    isWebkit = client.indexOf("webkit") > -1,_x000D_
    isOpera = client.indexOf("opera") > -1,_x000D_
    input = document.getElementById('guestInput');_x000D_
if(isFirefox) {_x000D_
   input.setAttribute("placeholder", "ALT+SHIFT+Z");_x000D_
} else if (isWin) {_x000D_
   input.setAttribute("placeholder", "ALT+Z");_x000D_
} else if (isMac) {_x000D_
  input.setAttribute("placeholder", "CTRL+ALT+Z");_x000D_
} else if (isOpera) {_x000D_
  input.setAttribute("placeholder", "SHIFT+ESCAPE->Z");_x000D_
} else {'Point me to operate...'}
<input type="text" id="guestInput" accesskey="z" placeholder="Acces shortcut:"></input>

How can I sort a std::map first by value, then by key?

std::map will sort its elements by keys. It doesn't care about the values when sorting.

You can use std::vector<std::pair<K,V>> then sort it using std::sort followed by std::stable_sort:

std::vector<std::pair<K,V>> items;

//fill items

//sort by value using std::sort
std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), value_comparer);

//sort by key using std::stable_sort
std::stable_sort(items.begin(), items.end(), key_comparer);

The first sort should use std::sort since it is nlog(n), and then use std::stable_sort which is n(log(n))^2 in the worst case.

Note that while std::sort is chosen for performance reason, std::stable_sort is needed for correct ordering, as you want the order-by-value to be preserved.

@gsf noted in the comment, you could use only std::sort if you choose a comparer which compares values first, and IF they're equal, sort the keys.

auto cmp = [](std::pair<K,V> const & a, std::pair<K,V> const & b) 
     return a.second != b.second?  a.second < b.second : a.first < b.first;
std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), cmp);

That should be efficient.

But wait, there is a better approach: store std::pair<V,K> instead of std::pair<K,V> and then you don't need any comparer at all — the standard comparer for std::pair would be enough, as it compares first (which is V) first then second which is K:

std::vector<std::pair<V,K>> items;
std::sort(items.begin(), items.end());

That should work great.

How to print Two-Dimensional Array like table

A part from @djechlin answer, you should change the rows and columns. Since you are taken as 7 rows and 5 columns, but actually you want is 7 columns and 5 rows.

Do this way:-

int twoDm[][]= new int[5][7];

    for(j=0;j<7;j++) {
        System.out.print(twoDm[i][j]+" ");

Calling a function from a string in C#

Yes. You can use reflection. Something like this:

Type thisType = this.GetType();
MethodInfo theMethod = thisType.GetMethod(TheCommandString);
theMethod.Invoke(this, userParameters);

replace \n and \r\n with <br /> in java

A little more robust version of what you're attempting:

str = str.replaceAll("(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)", "<br />");

Load JSON text into class object in c#

copy your Json and paste at textbox on and click on Generate button,

A cs class will be generated use that cs file as below:

var generatedcsResponce = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(yourJson);

where RootObject is the name of the generated cs file;

Programmatically get height of navigation bar

I have used:

let originY: CGFloat = self.navigationController!.navigationBar.frame.maxY

Working great if you want to get the navigation bar height AND its Y origin.

Regular expression for letters, numbers and - _

The pattern you want is something like (see it on



  • ^ is the beginning of the line anchor
  • $ is the end of the line anchor
  • [...] is a character class definition
  • * is "zero-or-more" repetition

Note that the literal dash - is the last character in the character class definition, otherwise it has a different meaning (i.e. range). The . also has a different meaning outside character class definitions, but inside, it's just a literal .



Here's a snippet to show how you can use this pattern:


$arr = array(
  'screen new file.css'

foreach ($arr as $s) {
  if (preg_match('/^[\w.-]*$/', $s)) {
    print "$s is a match\n";
  } else {
    print "$s is NO match!!!\n";


The above prints (as seen on

screen123.css is a match
screen-new-file.css is a match
screen_new.js is a match
screen new file.css is NO match!!!

Note that the pattern is slightly different, using \w instead. This is the character class for "word character".

API references

Note on specification

This seems to follow your specification, but note that this will match things like ....., etc, which may or may not be what you desire. If you can be more specific what pattern you want to match, the regex will be slightly more complicated.

The above regex also matches the empty string. If you need at least one character, then use + (one-or-more) instead of * (zero-or-more) for repetition.

In any case, you can further clarify your specification (always helps when asking regex question), but hopefully you can also learn how to write the pattern yourself given the above information.

XML Schema minOccurs / maxOccurs default values



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="country.xsl"?>
<country xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="country.xsd">
    <currency>Australian Dollar</currency>
        <nationalAnthem>Advance Australia Fair</nationalAnthem>
        <nationalDay>Australia Day (26 January)</nationalDay>
        <nationalColour>Green and Gold</nationalColour>
        <nationalFlower>Wattle (Acacia pycnantha)</nationalFlower>
        <newYearDay>1 January</newYearDay>
        <australiaDay>26 January</australiaDay>
        <anzacDay>25 April</anzacDay>
        <christmasDay>25 December</christmasDay>
        <boxingDay>26 December</boxingDay>
        <laborDay>Variable Date</laborDay>
        <easter>Variable Date</easter>
        <queenBirthDay>21 April (Variable Date)</queenBirthDay>
        <stateName><Name>NSW -  New South Wales</Name></stateName>
        <stateName><Name>VIC -  Victoria</Name></stateName>
        <stateName><Name>QLD -  Queensland</Name></stateName>
        <stateName><Name>SA -  South Australia</Name></stateName>
        <stateName><Name>WA -  Western Australia</Name></stateName>
        <stateName><Name>TAS -  Tasmania</Name></stateName>
        <territoryName>ACT -  Australian Capital Territory</territoryName>
        <territoryName>NT -  Northern Territory</territoryName>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:element name="country">
                <xs:element name="countryName" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:element name="capital" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:element name="nationalLanguage" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:element name="population" type="xs:double"/>
                <xs:element name="currency" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:element name="nationalIdentities">
                        <xs:element name="nationalAnthem" type="xs:string"/>
                        <xs:element name="nationalDay" type="xs:string"/>
                        <xs:element name="nationalColour" type="xs:string"/>
                        <xs:element name="nationalGemstone" type="xs:string"/>
                        <xs:element name="nationalFlower" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:element name="publicHolidays">
                            <xs:element name="newYearDay" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string"/>
                            <xs:element name="australiaDay" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string"/>
                            <xs:element name="anzacDay" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string"/>
                            <xs:element name="christmasDay" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string"/>
                            <xs:element name="boxingDay" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string"/>
                            <xs:element name="laborDay" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string"/>
                            <xs:element name="easter" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string"/>
                            <xs:element name="queenBirthDay" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:element name="states">
                            <xs:element name="stateName" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                        <xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:element name="territories">
                            <xs:element name="territoryName" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
    <xsl:output method="html" indent="yes" version="4.0"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
                <xsl:for-each select="country">         
                    <xsl:value-of select="countryName"/><br/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="capital"/><br/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="nationalLanguage"/><br/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="population"/><br/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="currency"/><br/>              
                    <xsl:for-each select="nationalIdentities">
                        <xsl:value-of select="nationalAnthem"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="nationalDay"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="nationalColour"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="nationalGemstone"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="nationalFlower"/><br/>
                    <xsl:for-each select="publicHolidays">
                        <xsl:value-of select="newYearDay"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="australiaDay"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="anzacDay"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="christmasDay"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="boxingDay"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="laborDay"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="easter"/><br/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="queenBirthDay"/><br/>
                    <xsl:for-each select="states/stateName">
                        <xsl:value-of select="Name"/><br/>


Australian Dollar
Advance Australia Fair
Australia Day (26 January)
Green and Gold
Wattle (Acacia pycnantha)
1 January
26 January
25 April
25 December
26 December
Variable Date
Variable Date
21 April (Variable Date)
NSW - New South Wales
VIC - Victoria
QLD - Queensland
SA - South Australia
WA - Western Australia
TAS - Tasmania

How to add an object to an array

With push you can even add multiple objects to an array

  let myArray = [];

              {name:"James", dataType:TYPES.VarChar, Value: body.Name},
              {name:"Boo", dataType:TYPES.VarChar, Value: body.Name},
              {name:"Alina", dataType:TYPES.VarChar, Value: body.Name}

Node.js heap out of memory

I had a similar issue while doing AOT angular build. Following commands helped me.

npm install -g increase-memory-limit


Permission denied on CopyFile in VBS

Based upon your source variable (sourcePath = "C:\Minecraft\bin\") I suspect your hard code is pointing at the wrong place

fso.CopyFile "C:\Minecraft\options.txt", destinationPath, false

should be

fso.CopyFile "C:\Minecraft\bin\options.txt", destinationPath


fso.CopyFile sourcePath & "options.txt", destinationPath

Directory.GetFiles: how to get only filename, not full path?

Have a look at using FileInfo.Name Property

something like

string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir); 

for (int iFile = 0; iFile < files.Length; iFile++)
    string fn = new FileInfo(files[iFile]).Name;

Also have a look at using DirectoryInfo Class and FileInfo Class

Spring boot - configure EntityManager

Hmmm you can find lot of examples for configuring spring framework. Anyways here is a sample

@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = { 
    RepositoryMarker.class }
public class AppConfig {



@PropertySource(value = { "classpath:database/" })
public class PersistenceConfig {

    private static final String PROPERTY_NAME_HIBERNATE_DIALECT = "hibernate.dialect";
    private static final String PROPERTY_NAME_HIBERNATE_MAX_FETCH_DEPTH = "hibernate.max_fetch_depth";
    private static final String PROPERTY_NAME_HIBERNATE_JDBC_FETCH_SIZE = "hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size";
    private static final String PROPERTY_NAME_HIBERNATE_JDBC_BATCH_SIZE = "hibernate.jdbc.batch_size";
    private static final String PROPERTY_NAME_HIBERNATE_SHOW_SQL = "hibernate.show_sql";
    private static final String[] ENTITYMANAGER_PACKAGES_TO_SCAN = {"a.b.c.entities", "a.b.c.converters"};

    private Environment env;

     @Bean(destroyMethod = "close")
     public DataSource dataSource() {
         BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource();
         return dataSource;

     public JpaTransactionManager jpaTransactionManager() {
         JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
         return transactionManager;

    private HibernateJpaVendorAdapter vendorAdaptor() {
         HibernateJpaVendorAdapter vendorAdapter = new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter();
         return vendorAdapter;

    public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean() {

         LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();

         return entityManagerFactoryBean;

     private Properties jpaHibernateProperties() {

         Properties properties = new Properties();


         properties.put(AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_DATABASE_ACTION, "none");
         properties.put(AvailableSettings.USE_CLASS_ENHANCER, "false");      
         return properties;       



public static void main(String[] args) { 
    try (GenericApplicationContext springContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class)) {
        MyService myService = springContext.getBean(MyServiceImpl.class);
        try {
            myService.handleProcess(fromDate, toDate);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Exception occurs", e);
            myService.handleException(fromDate, toDate, e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Exception occurs in loading Spring context: ", e);


public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {

    private MyDao myDao;

    public void handleProcess(String fromDate, String toDate) {
        List<Student> myList =, toDate);


public class MyDaoImpl implements MyDao {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public Student select(String fromDate, String toDate){

        TypedQuery<Student> query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("Student.findByKey", Student.class);
        query.setParameter("fromDate", fromDate);
        query.setParameter("toDate", toDate);
        List<Student> list = query.getResultList();
        return CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list) ? null : list;


Assuming maven project: Properties file should be in src/main/resources/database folder file

jdbc.url=your db url
jdbc.username=your Username
jdbc.password=Your password

hibernate.max_fetch_depth = 3
hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size = 50
hibernate.jdbc.batch_size = 10
hibernate.show_sql = true

ServiceMarker and RepositoryMarker are just empty interfaces in your service or repository impl package.

Let's say you have package name a.b.c.service.impl. MyServiceImpl is in this package and so is ServiceMarker.

public interface ServiceMarker {


Same for repository marker. Let's say you have a.b.c.repository.impl or a.b.c.dao.impl package name. Then MyDaoImpl is in this this package and also Repositorymarker

public interface RepositoryMarker {



//dummy class and dummy query
@NamedQuery(name="Student.findByKey", query="select s from Student s where s.fromDate=:fromDate" and s.toDate = :toDate)
public class Student implements Serializable {

    private LocalDateTime fromDate;
    private LocalDateTime toDate;

    //getters setters



@Converter(autoApply = true)
public class LocalDateTimeConverter implements AttributeConverter<LocalDateTime, Timestamp> {

    public Timestamp convertToDatabaseColumn(LocalDateTime dateTime) {

        if (dateTime == null) {
            return null;
        return Timestamp.valueOf(dateTime);

    public LocalDateTime convertToEntityAttribute(Timestamp timestamp) {

        if (timestamp == null) {
            return null;
        return timestamp.toLocalDateTime();




    <!-- Spring -->









Hope it helps. Thanks

WPF: ItemsControl with scrollbar (ScrollViewer)

Put your ScrollViewer in a DockPanel and set the DockPanel MaxHeight property

<DockPanel MaxHeight="700">
  <ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
   <ItemsControl ItemSource ="{Binding ...}">

How can I run a php without a web server?

You can use these kind of programs to emulate an apache web server and run PHP on your computer:

How to put a new line into a wpf TextBlock control?

You can try putting a new line in the data:

<data>Foo bar baz 
 baz bar</data>

If that does not work you might need to parse the string manually.

If you need direct XAML that's easy by the way:

    Lorem <LineBreak/>

How do I install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7?

Well I was able to install it by :

sudo apt-get install php-curl

on my system. This will install a dependency package, which depends on the default php version.

After that restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart

file_put_contents: Failed to open stream, no such file or directory

There is definitly a problem with the destination folder path.

Your above error message says, it wants to put the contents to a file in the directory /files/grantapps/, which would be beyond your vhost, but somewhere in the system (see the leading absolute slash )

You should double check:

  • Is the directory /home/username/public_html/files/grantapps/ really present.
  • Contains your loop and your file_put_contents-Statement the absolute path /home/username/public_html/files/grantapps/

How to resolve compiler warning 'implicit declaration of function memset'

memset requires you to import the header string.h file. So just add the following header

#include <string.h>

How to "z-index" to make a menu always on top of the content

You most probably don't need z-index to do that. You can use relative and absolute positioning.

I advise you to take a better look at css positioning and the difference between relative and absolute positioning... I saw you're setting position: absolute; to an element and trying to float that element. It won't work friend! When you understand positioning in CSS it will make your work a lot easier! ;)

Edit: Just to be clear, positioning is not a replacement for them and I do use z-index. I just try to avoid using them. Using z-indexes everywhere seems easy and fun at first... until you have bugs related to them and find yourself having to revisit and manage z-indexes.

How to debug when Kubernetes nodes are in 'Not Ready' state

I recently started using VMWare Octant This is a better UI than the Kubernetes Dashboard. You can view the Kubernetes cluster and look at the details of the cluster and the PODS. This will allow you to check the logs and open a terminal into the POD(s).

Python Pandas counting and summing specific conditions

You can first make a conditional selection, and sum up the results of the selection using the sum function.

>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3]})
>> df[df.a > 1].sum()   
a    5
dtype: int64

Having more than one condition:

>> df[(df.a > 1) & (df.a < 3)].sum()
a    2
dtype: int64

remove all variables except functions

Here's a pretty convenient function I picked up somewhere and adjusted a little. Might be nice to keep in the directory.

list.objects <- function(env = .GlobalEnv) 
        env <- deparse(substitute(env))
        stop(sprintf('"%s" must be an environment', env))
    obj.type <- function(x) class(get(x, envir = env))
    foo <- sapply(ls(envir = env), obj.type) <- names(foo)
    names(foo) <- seq(length(foo))
    dd <- data.frame(CLASS = foo, OBJECT =, 
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

> x <- 1:5
> d <- data.frame(x)
> list.objects()
#        CLASS       OBJECT
# 1 data.frame            d
# 2   function list.objects
# 3    integer            x 
> list.objects(env = x)
# Error in list.objects(env = x) : "x" must be an environment

How I can print to stderr in C?

To print your context ,you can write code like this :

FILE *fp;
char *of;
fprintf(fp,"your print line");

Is it possible to force row level locking in SQL Server?


ALTER INDEX indexname ON tablename SET (ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF);

Error in strings.xml file in Android

You have to put \ before an apostrophe. Like this \' , Also check that you are editing strings.xml and not values.xml (android studio directs you to this file when shows the error). Because if you edit values.xml and try to compile again, the error persists. This was happening to me recently.

How to change current working directory using a batch file

Try this

chdir /d D:\Work\Root

Enjoy rooting ;)

Is it possible to open developer tools console in Chrome on Android phone?

Kiwi Browser is mobile Chromium and allows installing extensions. Install Kiwi and then install "Mini JS console" Chrome extension(just search in Google and install from Chrome extensions website, uBlock also works ;). It will become available in Kiwi menu at the bottom and will show the console output for the current page.

Remove the complete styling of an HTML button/submit

In bootstrap 4 is easiest. You can use the classes: bg-transparent and border-0

What does the construct x = x || y mean?

Basically it checks if the value before the || evaluates to true, if yes, it takes this value, if not, it takes the value after the ||.

Values for which it will take the value after the || (as far as i remember):

  • undefined
  • false
  • 0
  • '' (Null or Null string)

Get CPU Usage from Windows Command Prompt

The following works correctly on Windows 7 Ultimate from an elevated command prompt:

C:\Windows\system32>typeperf "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"

"(PDH-CSV 4.0)","\\vm\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"
"02/01/2012 14:10:59.361","0.648721"
"02/01/2012 14:11:00.362","2.986384"
"02/01/2012 14:11:01.364","0.000000"
"02/01/2012 14:11:02.366","0.000000"
"02/01/2012 14:11:03.367","1.038332"

The command completed successfully.


Or for a snapshot:

C:\Windows\system32>wmic cpu get loadpercentage

VBA error 1004 - select method of range class failed

You can't select a range without having first selected the sheet it is in. Try to select the sheet first and see if you still get the problem:


Very simple C# CSV reader

You can try the some thing like the below LINQ snippet.

string[] allLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"E:\Temp\data.csv");

    var query = from line in allLines
                let data = line.Split(',')
                select new
                    Device = data[0],
                    SignalStrength = data[1],
                    Location = data[2], 
                    Time = data[3],
                    Age = Convert.ToInt16(data[4])

UPDATE: Over a period of time, things evolved. As of now, I would prefer to use this library

How to update single value inside specific array item in redux

You can use map. Here is an example implementation:

   return { 
           (content, i) => i === 1 ? {...content, text: action.payload}
                                   : content

Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">_x000D_
<div id="hello"></div>_x000D_
<script type ="text/javascript">_x000D_
    function what(){_x000D_
        document.getElementById('hello').innerHTML = '<p>hi</p>';_x000D_
</script>  _x000D_

How to build & install GLFW 3 and use it in a Linux project

Since the accepted answer does not allow more edits, I'm going to summarize it with a single copy-paste command (Replace 3.2.1 with the latest version available in the first line):

version="3.2.1" && \
wget "${version}/glfw-${version}.zip" && \
unzip glfw-${version}.zip && \
cd glfw-${version} && \
sudo apt-get install cmake xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev && \
sudo cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" && \
sudo make && \
sudo make install

If you want to compile a program use the following commands:

g++ -std=c++11 -c main.cpp && \
g++ main.o -o main.exec -lGL -lGLU -lglfw3 -lX11 -lXxf86vm -lXrandr -lpthread -lXi -ldl -lXinerama -lXcursor

If you are following the tutorial you may have to set up GLAD as well. In such case click on this link

and then click on the "Generate" button at the bottom right corner of the website and download the zip file. Extract it and compile the sources with the following command:

g++ glad/src/glad.c -c -Iglad/include

Now, the commands to compile your program become like this:

g++ -std=c++11 -c main.cpp -Iglad/include && \
g++ main.o glad.o -o main.exec -lGL -lGLU -lglfw3 -lX11 -lXxf86vm -lXrandr -lpthread -lXi -ldl -lXinerama -lXcursor

TreeMap sort by value

This can't be done by using a Comparator, as it will always get the key of the map to compare. TreeMap can only sort by the key.

Modify request parameter with servlet filter

This is what i ended up doing

//import ../../Constants;

public class RequestFilter implements Filter {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestFilter.class);

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
        try {
            CustomHttpServletRequest customHttpServletRequest = new CustomHttpServletRequest((HttpServletRequest) servletRequest);
            filterChain.doFilter(customHttpServletRequest, servletResponse);
        } finally {
            //do something here

    public void destroy() {


     public static Map<String, String[]> ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS = new HashMap<String, String[]>() {
            put("diagnostics", new String[]{"false"});
            put("skipCache", new String[]{"false"});

        This is a custom wrapper over the `HttpServletRequestWrapper` which 
        overrides the various header getter methods and query param getter methods.
        Changes to the request pojo are
        => A custom header is added whose value is a unique id
        => Admin query params are set to default values in the url
    private class CustomHttpServletRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {
        public CustomHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
            //create custom id (to be returned) when the value for a
            //particular header is asked for
            internalRequestId = RandomStringUtils.random(10, true, true) + "-local";

        public String getHeader(String name) {
            String value = super.getHeader(name);
            if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(value) && isRequestIdHeaderName(name)) {
                value = internalRequestId;
            return value;

        private boolean isRequestIdHeaderName(String name) {
            return Constants.RID_HEADER.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || Constants.X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER.equalsIgnoreCase(name);

        public Enumeration<String> getHeaders(String name) {
            List<String> values = Collections.list(super.getHeaders(name));
            if(values.size()==0 && isRequestIdHeaderName(name)) {
            return Collections.enumeration(values);

        public Enumeration<String> getHeaderNames() {
            List<String> names = Collections.list(super.getHeaderNames());
            return Collections.enumeration(names);

        public String getParameter(String name) {
            if (ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(name) != null) {
                return ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(name)[0];
            return super.getParameter(name);

        public Map<String, String[]> getParameterMap() {
            Map<String, String[]> paramsMap = new HashMap<>(super.getParameterMap());
            for (String paramName : ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.keySet()) {
                if (paramsMap.get(paramName) != null) {
                    paramsMap.put(paramName, ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(paramName));
            return paramsMap;

        public String[] getParameterValues(String name) {
            if (ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(name) != null) {
                return ADMIN_QUERY_PARAMS.get(name);
            return super.getParameterValues(name);

        public String getQueryString() {
            Map<String, String[]> map = getParameterMap();
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for (String param: map.keySet()) {
                for (String value: map.get(param)) {
            builder.deleteCharAt(builder.length() - 1);
            return builder.toString();

Html.DropdownListFor selected value not being set

I know this is not really an answer to the question, but I was looking for a way to initialize the DropDownList from a list on the fly in the view when I kept stumbling upon this post.

My mistake was that I tried to create a SelectList from dictionary like this:

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Locality, new SelectList(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { Model.Locality, Model.Locality_text } }, Model.Locality, ...

I then went digging in the official msdn doc, and found that DropDownListFor doesn't necessarily require a SelectList, but rather an IEnumerable<SelectListItem>:

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Locality, new List<SelectListItem>() { new SelectListItem() { Value = Model.Locality, Text = Model.Locality_text, Selected = true } }, Model.Locality, new { @class = "form-control select2ddl" })

In my case I can probably also omit the Model.Locality as selected item, since its a) the only item and b) it already says it in the SelectListItem.Selected property.

Just in case you're wondering, the datasource is an AJAX page, that gets dynamically loaded using the SelectWoo/Select2 control.

Only get hash value using md5sum (without filename)

Well another way :)

md5=`md5sum ${my_iso_file} | awk '{ print $1 }'`

JavaScript: Alert.Show(message) From ASP.NET Code-behind

Try this if you want to display the alert box to appear on the same page, without displaying on a blank page.

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('Sorry there are no attachments');", true);

C# ASP.NET Single Sign-On Implementation

There are several Identity providers with SSO support out of the box, also third-party** products.

** The only problem with third party products is that they charge per user/month, and it can be quite expensive.

Some of the tools available and with APIs for .NET are:

If you decide to go with your own implementation, you could use the frameworks below categorized by programming language.

  • C#

    • IdentityServer3 (OAuth/OpenID protocols, OWIN/Katana)
    • IdentityServer4 (OAuth/OpenID protocols, ASP.NET Core)
    • OAuth 2.0 by Okta
  • Javascript

    • passport-openidconnect (node.js)
    • oidc-provider (node.js)
    • openid-client (node.js)
  • Python

    • pyoidc
    • Django OIDC Provider

I would go with IdentityServer4 and ASP.NET Core application, it's easy configurable and you can also add your own authentication provider. It uses OAuth/OpenID protocols which are newer than SAML 2.0 and WS-Federation.

Eclipse Problems View not showing Errors anymore

At the top right corner of the problems window (next to minimize) there is a small arrow-icon. Click it and select "Configure filters". There is a severity filter that might have been activated.

Make XmlHttpRequest POST using JSON

If you use JSON properly, you can have nested object without any issue :

var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();   // new HttpRequest instance 
var theUrl = "/json-handler";"POST", theUrl);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
xmlhttp.send(JSON.stringify({ "email": "[email protected]", "response": { "name": "Tester" } }));

Adding a month to a date in T SQL


DATEADD(month, 1, reference_dt)

function to return a string in java

In Java, a String is a reference to heap-allocated storage. Returning "ans" only returns the reference so there is no need for stack-allocated storage. In fact, there is no way in Java to allocate objects in stack storage.

I would change to this, though. You don't need "ans" at all.

return String.format("%d:%d", mins, secs);

C/C++ check if one bit is set in, i.e. int variable

Yeah, I know I don't "have" to do it this way. But I usually write:

    /* Return type (8/16/32/64 int size) is specified by argument size. */
template<class TYPE> inline TYPE BIT(const TYPE & x)
{ return TYPE(1) << x; }

template<class TYPE> inline bool IsBitSet(const TYPE & x, const TYPE & y)
{ return 0 != (x & y); }


IsBitSet( foo, BIT(3) | BIT(6) );  // Checks if Bit 3 OR 6 is set.

Amongst other things, this approach:

  • Accommodates 8/16/32/64 bit integers.
  • Detects IsBitSet(int32,int64) calls without my knowledge & consent.
  • Inlined Template, so no function calling overhead.
  • const& references, so nothing needs to be duplicated/copied. And we are guaranteed that the compiler will pick up any typo's that attempt to change the arguments.
  • 0!= makes the code more clear & obvious. The primary point to writing code is always to communicate clearly and efficiently with other programmers, including those of lesser skill.
  • While not applicable to this particular case... In general, templated functions avoid the issue of evaluating arguments multiple times. A known problem with some #define macros.
    E.g.: #define ABS(X) (((X)<0) ? - (X) : (X))

Difference between /res and /assets directories

Assets provide a way to include arbitrary files like text, xml, fonts, music, and video in your application. If you try to include these files as "resources", Android will process them into its resource system and you will not be able to get the raw data. If you want to access data untouched, Assets are one way to do it.

Convert float to double without losing precision

I've encountered this issue today and could not use refactor to BigDecimal, because the project is really huge. However I found solution using

Float result = new Float(5623.23)
Double doubleResult = new FloatingDecimal(result.floatValue()).doubleValue()

And this works.

Note that calling result.doubleValue() returns 5623.22998046875

But calling doubleResult.doubleValue() returns correctly 5623.23

But I am not entirely sure if its a correct solution.

What are queues in jQuery?

The uses of jQuery .queue() and .dequeue()

Queues in jQuery are used for animations. You can use them for any purpose you like. They are an array of functions stored on a per element basis, using They are First-In-First-Out (FIFO). You can add a function to the queue by calling .queue(), and you remove (by calling) the functions using .dequeue().

To understand the internal jQuery queue functions, reading the source and looking at examples helps me out tremendously. One of the best examples of a queue function I've seen is .delay():

$.fn.delay = function( time, type ) {
  time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[time] || time : time;
  type = type || "fx";

  return this.queue( type, function() {
    var elem = this;
    setTimeout(function() {
      jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
    }, time );

The default queue - fx

The default queue in jQuery is fx. The default queue has some special properties that are not shared with other queues.

  1. Auto Start: When calling $(elem).queue(function(){}); the fx queue will automatically dequeue the next function and run it if the queue hasn't started.
  2. 'inprogress' sentinel: Whenever you dequeue() a function from the fx queue, it will unshift() (push into the first location of the array) the string "inprogress" - which flags that the queue is currently being run.
  3. It's the default! The fx queue is used by .animate() and all functions that call it by default.

NOTE: If you are using a custom queue, you must manually .dequeue() the functions, they will not auto start!

Retrieving/Setting the queue

You can retrieve a reference to a jQuery queue by calling .queue() without a function argument. You can use the method if you want to see how many items are in the queue. You can use push, pop, unshift, shift to manipulate the queue in place. You can replace the entire queue by passing an array to the .queue() function.

Quick Examples:

// lets assume $elem is a jQuery object that points to some element we are animating.
var queue = $elem.queue();
// remove the last function from the animation queue.
var lastFunc = queue.pop(); 
// insert it at the beginning:    
// replace queue with the first three items in the queue

An animation (fx) queue example:

Run example on jsFiddle

$(function() {
    // lets do something with google maps:
    var $map = $("#map_canvas");
    var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644);
    var myOptions = {zoom: 8, center: myLatlng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP};
    var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
    var map = new google.maps.Map($map[0], myOptions);
    var resized = function() {
        // simple animation callback - let maps know we resized
        google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');

    // wait 2 seconds
    // resize the div:
        width: 250,
        height: 250,
        marginLeft: 250,
    }, resized);
    // geocode something
    $map.queue(function(next) {
        // find stackoverflow's whois address:
      geocoder.geocode({'address': '55 Broadway New York NY 10006'},handleResponse);

      function handleResponse(results, status) {
          if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
              var location = results[0].geometry.location;
              new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: location });
          // geocoder result returned, continue with animations:
    // after we find stack overflow, wait 3 more seconds
    // and resize the map again
        width: 500,
        height: 500,
        marginTop: 0
    }, resized);

Another custom queue example

Run example on jsFiddle

var theQueue = $({}); // jQuery on an empty object - a perfect queue holder

$.each([1,2,3],function(i, num) {
  // lets add some really simple functions to a queue:
  theQueue.queue('alerts', function(next) { 
    // show something, and if they hit "yes", run the next function.
    if (confirm('index:'+i+' = '+num+'\nRun the next function?')) {

// create a button to run the queue:
$("<button>", {
  text: 'Run Queue', 
  click: function() { 

// create a button to show the length:
$("<button>", {
  text: 'Show Length', 
  click: function() { 

Queueing Ajax Calls:

I developed an $.ajaxQueue() plugin that uses the $.Deferred, .queue(), and $.ajax() to also pass back a promise that is resolved when the request completes. Another version of $.ajaxQueue that still works in 1.4 is posted on my answer to Sequencing Ajax Requests

* jQuery.ajaxQueue - A queue for ajax requests
* (c) 2011 Corey Frang
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* Requires jQuery 1.5+
(function($) {

// jQuery on an empty object, we are going to use this as our Queue
var ajaxQueue = $({});

$.ajaxQueue = function( ajaxOpts ) {
    var jqXHR,
        dfd = $.Deferred(),
        promise = dfd.promise();

    // queue our ajax request
    ajaxQueue.queue( doRequest );

    // add the abort method
    promise.abort = function( statusText ) {

        // proxy abort to the jqXHR if it is active
        if ( jqXHR ) {
            return jqXHR.abort( statusText );

        // if there wasn't already a jqXHR we need to remove from queue
        var queue = ajaxQueue.queue(),
            index = $.inArray( doRequest, queue );

        if ( index > -1 ) {
            queue.splice( index, 1 );

        // and then reject the deferred
        dfd.rejectWith( ajaxOpts.context || ajaxOpts,
            [ promise, statusText, "" ] );

        return promise;

    // run the actual query
    function doRequest( next ) {
        jqXHR = $.ajax( ajaxOpts )
            .done( dfd.resolve )
            .fail( dfd.reject )
            .then( next, next );

    return promise;


I have now added this as an article on, there are other great articles on that site about queues, go look.

Capture key press without placing an input element on the page?

For non-printable keys such as arrow keys and shortcut keys such as Ctrl-z, Ctrl-x, Ctrl-c that may trigger some action in the browser (for instance, inside editable documents or elements), you may not get a keypress event in all browsers. For this reason you have to use keydown instead, if you're interested in suppressing the browser's default action. If not, keyup will do just as well.

Attaching a keydown event to document works in all the major browsers:

document.onkeydown = function(evt) {
    evt = evt || window.event;
    if (evt.ctrlKey && evt.keyCode == 90) {

For a complete reference, I strongly recommend Jan Wolter's article on JavaScript key handling.

CSS Child vs Descendant selectors

CSS selection and applying style to a particular element can be done through traversing through the dom element [Example


.a .b .c .d{
    background: #bdbdbd;
    background: red;
<div class='a'>The first paragraph.
 <div class='b'>The second paragraph.
  <div class='c'>The third paragraph.
   <div class='d'>The fourth paragraph.</div>
   <div class='e'>The fourth paragraph.</div>

How to use boost bind with a member function

Use the following instead:

boost::function<void (int)> f2( boost::bind( &myclass::fun2, this, _1 ) );

This forwards the first parameter passed to the function object to the function using place-holders - you have to tell Boost.Bind how to handle the parameters. With your expression it would try to interpret it as a member function taking no arguments.
See e.g. here or here for common usage patterns.

Note that VC8s cl.exe regularly crashes on Boost.Bind misuses - if in doubt use a test-case with gcc and you will probably get good hints like the template parameters Bind-internals were instantiated with if you read through the output.

Get Android Device Name

Try this code. You get android device name.

public static String getDeviceName() {
    String manufacturer = Build.MANUFACTURER;
    String model = Build.MODEL;
    if (model.startsWith(manufacturer)) {
        return model;
    return manufacturer + " " + model;

TypeScript error TS1005: ';' expected (II)

The issue was in my code.

In large code base, issue was not clear.

A simplified code is below:


    function (err, result) {


    function (err, result) {

That is, the first one has [[], instead of normal array []

TS error was not clear enough, and it showed error in the last line with });

Hope this helps.

PreparedStatement with list of parameters in a IN clause

You don't want use PreparedStatment with dynamic queries using IN clause at least your sure you're always under 5 variable or a small value like that but even like that I think it's a bad idea ( not terrible, but bad ). As the number of elements is large, it will be worse ( and terrible ).

Imagine hundred or thousand possibilities in your IN clause :

  1. It's counter-productive, you lost performance and memory because you cache every time a new request, and PreparedStatement are not just for SQL injection, it's about performance. In this case, Statement is better.

  2. Your pool have a limit of PreparedStatment ( -1 defaut but you must limit it ), and you will reach this limit ! and if you have no limit or very large limit you have some risk of memory leak, and in extreme case OutofMemory errors. So if it's for your small personnal project used by 3 users it's not dramatic, but you don't want that if you're in a big company and that you're app is used by thousand people and million request.

Some reading. IBM : Memory utilization considerations when using prepared statement caching

sending email via php mail function goes to spam

One thing that I have observed is likely the email address you're providing is not a valid email address at the domain. like [email protected]. The email should be existing at Google Domain. I had alot of issues before figuring that out myself... Hope it helps.

How can I properly handle 404 in ASP.NET MVC?

Adding my solution, which is almost identical to Herman Kan's, with a small wrinkle to allow it to work for my project.

Create a custom error controller:

public class Error404Controller : BaseController
    public ActionResult PageNotFound()
        Response.StatusCode = 404;
        return View("404");

Then create a custom controller factory:

public class CustomControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
    protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
        return controllerType == null ? new Error404Controller() : base.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType);

Finally, add an override to the custom error controller:

protected override void HandleUnknownAction(string actionName)
    var errorRoute = new RouteData();
    errorRoute.Values.Add("controller", "Error404");
    errorRoute.Values.Add("action", "PageNotFound");
    new Error404Controller().Execute(new RequestContext(HttpContext, errorRoute));

And that's it. No need for Web.config changes.

What is the maximum length of a Push Notification alert text?

Apple push will reject a string for a variety of reasons. I tested a variety of scenarios for push delivery, and this was my working fix (in python):

#  Apple rejects push payloads > 256 bytes (truncate msg to < 120 bytes to be safe)
if len(push_str) > 120:
    push_str = push_str[0:120-3] + '...'

# Apple push rejects all quotes, remove them
import re
push_str = re.sub("[\"']", '', push_str)

# Apple push needs to newlines escaped
import MySQLdb
push_str = MySQLdb.escape_string(push_str)

# send it
import APNSWrapper
wrapper = APNSWrapper.APNSNotificationWrapper(certificate=...)
message = APNSWrapper.APNSNotification()

Find child element in AngularJS directive

jQlite (angular's "jQuery" port) doesn't support lookup by classes.

One solution would be to include jQuery in your app.

Another is using QuerySelector or QuerySelectorAll:

link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

We use the first item in the element array, which is the HTML element. element.eq(0) would yield the same.


Is it acceptable and safe to run pip install under sudo?

Is it acceptable & safe to run pip install under sudo?

It's not safe and it's being frowned upon – see What are the risks of running 'sudo pip'? To install Python package in your home directory you don't need root privileges. See description of --user option to pip.

Best way to load module/class from lib folder in Rails 3?

I had the same problem. Here is how I solved it. The solution loads the lib directory and all the subdirectories (not only the direct). Of course you can use this for all directories.

# application.rb
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib/**/"]

Ruby: What is the easiest way to remove the first element from an array?

Use the shift method on array

>> x = [4,5,6]
=> [4, 5, 6]                                                            
>> x.shift 
=> 4
>> x                                                                    
=> [5, 6] 

If you want to remove n starting elements you can use x.shift(n)

Cleaning `Inf` values from an R dataframe

There is very simple solution to this problem in the hablar package:


dat %>% rationalize()

Which return a data frame with all Inf are converted to NA.

Timings compared to some above solutions. Code: library(hablar) library(data.table)

dat <- data.frame(a = rep(c(1,Inf), 1e6), b = rep(c(Inf,2), 1e6), 
                  c = rep(c('a','b'),1e6),d = rep(c(1,Inf), 1e6),  
                  e = rep(c(Inf,2), 1e6))
DT <- data.table(dat)

system.time(dat[mapply(is.infinite, dat)] <- NA)
system.time(dat[dat==Inf] <- NA)
system.time(invisible(lapply(names(DT),function(.name) set(DT, which(is.infinite(DT[[.name]])), j = .name,value =NA))))


> system.time(dat[mapply(is.infinite, dat)] <- NA)
   user  system elapsed 
  0.125   0.039   0.164 
> system.time(dat[dat==Inf] <- NA)
   user  system elapsed 
  0.095   0.010   0.108 
> system.time(invisible(lapply(names(DT),function(.name) set(DT, which(is.infinite(DT[[.name]])), j = .name,value =NA))))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.065   0.002   0.067 
> system.time(rationalize(dat))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.058   0.014   0.072 

Seems like data.table is faster than hablar. But has longer syntax.

How do I use DrawerLayout to display over the ActionBar/Toolbar and under the status bar?

EDIT: The new Design Support Library supports this and the previous method is no longer required.

This can now be achieved using the new Android Design Support Library.

You can see the Cheesesquare sample app by Chris Banes which demos all the new features.

Previous method:

Since there is no complete solution posted, here is the way I achieved the desired result.

First include a ScrimInsetsFrameLayout in your project.

* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

* A layout that draws something in the insets passed to 
* {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)}, i.e. the area above UI chrome
* (status and navigation bars, overlay action bars).
public class ScrimInsetsFrameLayout extends FrameLayout {
    private Drawable mInsetForeground;

    private Rect mInsets;
    private Rect mTempRect = new Rect();
    private OnInsetsCallback mOnInsetsCallback;

    public ScrimInsetsFrameLayout(Context context) {
        init(context, null, 0);

    public ScrimInsetsFrameLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        init(context, attrs, 0);

    public ScrimInsetsFrameLayout(
        Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        init(context, attrs, defStyle);

    private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
                R.styleable.ScrimInsetsView, defStyle, 0);
        if (a == null) {
        mInsetForeground = a.getDrawable(


    protected boolean fitSystemWindows(Rect insets) {
        mInsets = new Rect(insets);
        setWillNotDraw(mInsetForeground == null);
        if (mOnInsetsCallback != null) {
        return true; // consume insets

    public void draw(Canvas canvas) {

        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();
        if (mInsets != null && mInsetForeground != null) {
            int sc =;
            canvas.translate(getScrollX(), getScrollY());

            // Top
            mTempRect.set(0, 0, width,;

            // Bottom
            mTempRect.set(0, height - mInsets.bottom, width, height);

            // Left
                height - mInsets.bottom);

            // Right
                width - mInsets.right, 
      , width, 
                height - mInsets.bottom);


    protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
        if (mInsetForeground != null) {

    protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
        if (mInsetForeground != null) {

     * Allows the calling container to specify a callback for custom 
     * processing when insets change (i.e. when {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)}
     * is called. This is useful for setting padding on UI elements 
     * based on UI chrome insets (e.g. a Google Map or a ListView). 
     * When using with ListView or GridView, remember to set
     * clipToPadding to false.
    public void setOnInsetsCallback(OnInsetsCallback onInsetsCallback) {
        mOnInsetsCallback = onInsetsCallback;

    public static interface OnInsetsCallback {
        public void onInsetsChanged(Rect insets);

Then create a styleable so that the insetForeground can be set.


<declare-styleable name="ScrimInsetsView">
    <attr name="insetForeground" format="reference|color" />

Update your activity's xml file and make sure android:fitsSystemWindows is set to true on both the DrawerLayout as well as the ScrimInsetsFrameLayout.



    <!-- The main content view -->

        <!-- Your main content -->


    <!-- The navigation drawer -->

        <!-- Your drawer content -->



Inside the onCreate method of your activity set the status bar background color on the drawer layout.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // ...

    mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(;

Finally update your app's theme so that the DrawerLayout is behind the status bar.


<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="android:windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds">true</item>
    <item name="android:statusBarColor">@android:color/transparent</item>


ModelState.AddModelError - How can I add an error that isn't for a property?

I eventually stumbled upon an example of the usage I was looking for - to assign an error to the Model in general, rather than one of it's properties, as usual you call:

ModelState.AddModelError(string key, string errorMessage);

but use an empty string for the key:

ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "There is something wrong with Foo.");

The error message will present itself in the <%: Html.ValidationSummary() %> as you'd expect.

How to perform a sum of an int[] array

Once is out (March 2014) you'll be able to use streams:

int sum = IntStream.of(a).sum();

or even

int sum = IntStream.of(a).parallel().sum();

"An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page..."

I wasn't using Azure, but I got the same error locally. Using <customErrors mode="Off" /> seemed to have no effect, but checking the Application logs in Event Viewer revealed a warning from ASP.NET which contained all the detail I needed to resolve the issue.

Login to Microsoft SQL Server Error: 18456

I got this error after creating a new sysadmin user under my SQL instance. My admin user was created under a specific domain MyOrganization/useradmin

Using useradmin on a disconnected environment allows you to create other users using SQL Server authentication, but as soon as you try to login you get

Microsoft SQL Server Error: 18456

To fix the problem, try to connect again to your Organization network and create the user while you are connected and then you can get disconnected and will work.

ORA-00972 identifier is too long alias column name

As others have referred, names in Oracle SQL must be less or equal to 30 characters. I would add that this rule applies not only to table names but to field names as well. So there you have it.

How to copy files across computers using SSH and MAC OS X Terminal

You can do this with the scp command, which uses the ssh protocol to copy files across machines. It extends the syntax of cp to allow references to other systems:

scp username1@hostname1:/path/to/file username2@hostname2:/path/to/other/file

Copy something from this machine to some other machine:

scp /path/to/local/file username@hostname:/path/to/remote/file

Copy something from another machine to this machine:

scp username@hostname:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/file

Copy with a port number specified:

scp -P 1234 username@hostname:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/file

GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM problem when working with terminal and MacFusion

I got this error until I realized that I hadn't intialized a Git repository in that folder, on a mounted vagrant machine.

So I typed git init and then git worked.

Difference between static STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT on Django


The absolute path to the directory where ./ collectstatic will collect static files for deployment. Example: STATIC_ROOT="/var/www/"

now the command ./ collectstatic will copy all the static files(ie in static folder in your apps, static files in all paths) to the directory /var/www/ now you only need to serve this directory on apache or nginx..etc.


The URL of which the static files in STATIC_ROOT directory are served(by Apache or nginx..etc). Example: /static/ or

If you set STATIC_URL = '', then you must serve the STATIC_ROOT folder (ie "/var/www/") by apache or nginx at url ''(so that you can refer the static file '/var/www/' with '')

Now in your django-templates, you can refer it by:

{% load static %}
<script src="{% static "jquery.js" %}"></script>

which will render:

<script src=""></script>

Face recognition Library

Here is a list of commercial vendors that provide off-the-shelf packages for facial recognition which run on Windows:

  1. Cybula - Information on their Facial Recognition SDK. This is a company founded by a University Professor and as such their website looks unprofessional. There's no pricing information or demo that you can download. You'll need to contact them for pricing information.

  2. NeuroTechnology - Information on their Facial Recognition SDK. This company has both up-front pricing information as well as an actual 30 day trial of their SDK.

  3. Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition - (Acquired by Google) Information on their Facial Tracking and Recognition SDK. The demos that they provide help you evaluate their technology but not their SDSK. You'll need to contact them for pricing information.

  4. Sensible Vision - Information on their SDK. Their site allows you to easily get a price quote and you can also order an evaluation kit that will help you evaluate their technology.

Select All checkboxes using jQuery

Try the following simple code:

$('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() { this.checked = true; }); 

Source: How to reset all checkboxes using jQuery or pure JS?

How can I apply a border only inside a table?

Works for any combination of tbody/thead/tfoot and td/th

table.inner-border {_x000D_
    border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
    border-spacing: 0;_x000D_
table.inner-border > thead > tr > th,_x000D_
table.inner-border > thead > tr > td,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tbody > tr > th,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tbody > tr > td,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tfoot > tr > th,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tfoot > tr > td {_x000D_
    border-bottom: 1px solid black;_x000D_
    border-right: 1px solid black;_x000D_
table.inner-border > thead > tr > :last-child,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tbody > tr > :last-child,_x000D_
table.inner-border > tfoot > tr > :last-child {_x000D_
    border-right: 0;_x000D_
table.inner-border > :last-child > tr:last-child > td,_x000D_
table.inner-border > :last-child > tr:last-child > th {_x000D_
    border-bottom: 0;_x000D_
<table class="inner-border">_x000D_

Javascript window.print() in chrome, closing new window or tab instead of cancelling print leaves javascript blocked in parent window

It looks like the problem had been resolved with the latest Chrome update... I'm running the Chrome Version 36.0.1964.4 dev-m.

I was limited too warning the user from closing print preview window by doing the following:

if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1){   // Chrome Browser Detected?
    window.PPClose = false;                                     // Clear Close Flag
    window.onbeforeunload = function(){                         // Before Window Close Event
        if(window.PPClose === false){                           // Close not OK?
            return 'Leaving this page will block the parent window!\nPlease select "Stay on this Page option" and use the\nCancel button instead to close the Print Preview Window.\n';
    window.print();                                             // Print preview
    window.PPClose = true;                                      // Set Close Flag to OK.

Now the warning is no longer coming up after the Chrome update.

How can I solve equations in Python?

If you only want to solve the extremely limited set of equations mx + c = y for positive integer m, c, y, then this will do:

import re
def solve_linear_equation ( equ ):
    Given an input string of the format "3x+2=6", solves for x.
    The format must be as shown - no whitespace, no decimal numbers,
    no negative numbers.
    match = re.match(r"(\d+)x\+(\d+)=(\d+)", equ)
    m, c, y = match.groups()
    m, c, y = float(m), float(c), float(y) # Convert from strings to numbers
    x = (y-c)/m
    print ("x = %f" % x)

Some tests:

>>> solve_linear_equation("2x+4=12")
x = 4.000000
>>> solve_linear_equation("123x+456=789")
x = 2.707317

If you want to recognise and solve arbitrary equations, like sin(x) + e^(i*pi*x) = 1, then you will need to implement some kind of symbolic maths engine, similar to maxima, Mathematica, MATLAB's solve() or Symbolic Toolbox, etc. As a novice, this is beyond your ken.

Delaying a jquery script until everything else has loaded

Have you tried loading all the initialization functions using the $().ready, running the jQuery function you wanted last?

Perhaps you can use setTimeout() on the $().ready function you wanted to run, calling the functionality you wanted to load.

Or, use setInterval() and have the interval check to see if all the other load functions have completed (store the status in a boolean variable). When conditions are met, you could cancel the interval and run the load function.

How to remove leading zeros using C#

return numberString.TrimStart('0');

mysqli_fetch_array while loop columns

Get all the values from MySQL:

    $post = array();
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
        $posts[] = $row;

Then, to get each value:

     foreach ($posts as $row) 
            foreach ($row as $element)
                echo $element."<br>";

To echo the values. Or get each element from the $post variable

Query to convert from datetime to date mysql

Try to cast it as a DATE


org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update

You can find your sample code completely here:

Have a look and check the differences. specially the even_id in :

<set name="attendees" cascade="all">
    <key column="event_id"/>
    <one-to-many class="Attendee"/>

Mask for an Input to allow phone numbers?

I Think the simplest solutions is to add ngx-mask

npm i --save ngx-mask

then you can do

<input type='text' mask='(000) 000-0000' >


<p>{{ phoneVar | mask: '(000) 000-0000' }} </p>

How to set a Fragment tag by code?

Yes. So the only way is at transaction time, e.g. using add, replace, or as part of the layout.

I determined this through an examination of the compatibility sources as I briefly looked for similar at some point in the past.

How to get the position of a character in Python?


Perhaps you'd like to have a look at the documentation to find out what the difference between the two is.

What does the Excel range.Rows property really do?

Range.Rows, Range.Columns and Range.Cells are Excel.Range objects, according to the VBA Type() functions:

However, that's not the whole story: those returned objects are extended types that inherit every property and method from Excel::Range - but .Columns and .Rows have a special For... Each iterator, and a special .Count property that aren't quite the same as the parent Range object's iterator and count.

So .Cells is iterated and counted as a collection of single-cell ranges, just like the default iterator of the parent range.

But .Columns is iterated and counted as a collection of vertical subranges, each of them a single column wide;

...And .Rows is iterated and counted as a collection of horizontal subranges, each of them a single row high.

The easiest way to understand this is to step through this code and watch what's selected:

Public Sub Test() 
Dim SubRange As Range Dim ParentRange As Range
Set ParentRange = ActiveSheet.Range("B2:E5")

For Each SubRange In ParentRange.Cells SubRange.Select Next
For Each SubRange In ParentRange.Rows SubRange.Select Next
For Each SubRange In ParentRange.Columns SubRange.Select Next
For Each SubRange In ParentRange SubRange.Select Next
End Sub
Enjoy. And try it with a couple of merged cells in there, just to see how odd merged ranges can be.

Get Environment Variable from Docker Container

@aisbaa's answer works if you don't care when the environment variable was declared. If you want the environment variable, even if it has been declared inside of an exec /bin/bash session, use something like:

IFS="=" read -a out <<< $(docker exec container /bin/bash -c "env | grep ENV_VAR" 2>&1)

It's not very pretty, but it gets the job done.

To then get the value, use:

echo ${out[1]}

How to show MessageBox on

You may use MessageBox if you want but it is recommended to use alert (from JavaScript) instead.

If you want to use it you should write:


Note that you must specify the namespace.

Python print statement “Syntax Error: invalid syntax”

Use print("use this bracket -sample text")

In Python 3 print "Hello world" gives invalid syntax error.

To display string content in Python3 have to use this ("Hello world") brackets.

SSH configuration: override the default username

If you have multiple references to a particular variable i.e. User or IdentityFile, the first entry in the ssh config file always takes precedence, if you want something specific then put it in first, anything generic put it at the bottom.

change text of button and disable button in iOS

[myButton setTitle: @"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateNormal];

Use UIControlStateNormal to set your title.

There are couple of states that UIbuttons provide, you can have a look:

[myButton setTitle: @"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateApplication];
[myButton setTitle: @"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateHighlighted];
[myButton setTitle: @"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateReserved];
[myButton setTitle: @"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateSelected];
[myButton setTitle: @"myTitle" forState: UIControlStateDisabled];

Smooth scrolling when clicking an anchor link

$("a").on("click", function(event){
    //check the value of this.hash
    if(this.hash !== ""){

        $("html, body").animate({scrollTop:$(this.hash).offset().top}, 500);

        //add hash to the current scroll position
        window.location.hash = this.hash;



Is there an easy way to check the .NET Framework version?

An alternative method where no right to access the registry are needed, is to check for the existence of classes that are introduced in specific framework updates.

private static bool Is46Installed()
    // API changes in 4.6:
    return Type.GetType("System.AppContext, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", false) != null;

private static bool Is461Installed()
    // API changes in 4.6.1:
    return Type.GetType("System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", false) != null;

private static bool Is462Installed()
    // API changes in 4.6.2:
    return Type.GetType("System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng, System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", false) != null;

private static bool Is47Installed()
    // API changes in 4.7:
    return Type.GetType("System.Web.Caching.CacheInsertOptions, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", false) != null;

How to use Global Variables in C#?

In C# you cannot define true global variables (in the sense that they don't belong to any class).

This being said, the simplest approach that I know to mimic this feature consists in using a static class, as follows:

public static class Globals
    public const Int32 BUFFER_SIZE = 512; // Unmodifiable
    public static String FILE_NAME = "Output.txt"; // Modifiable
    public static readonly String CODE_PREFIX = "US-"; // Unmodifiable

You can then retrieve the defined values anywhere in your code (provided it's part of the same namespace):

String code = Globals.CODE_PREFIX + value.ToString();

In order to deal with different namespaces, you can either:

  • declare the Globals class without including it into a specific namespace (so that it will be placed in the global application namespace);
  • insert the proper using directive for retrieving the variables from another namespace.

Select method of Range class failed via VBA

The correct answer to this particular questions is "don't select". Sometimes you have to select or activate, but 99% of the time you don't. If your code looks like

Select something
Do something to the selection
Select something else
Do something to the selection

You probably need to refactor and consider not selecting.

The error, Method 'Range' of object '_Worksheet' failed, error 1004, that you're getting is because the sheet with the button on it doesn't have a range named "Result". Most (maybe all) properties that return an object have a default Parent object. In this case, you're using the Range property to return a Range object. Because you don't qualify the Range property, Excel uses the default.

The default Parent object can be different based on the circumstances. If your code were in a standard module, then the ActiveSheet would be the default Parent and Excel would try to resolve ActiveSheet.Range("Result"). Your code is in a sheet's class module (the sheet with the button on it). When the unqualified reference is used there, the default Parent is the sheet that's attached to that module. In this case they're the same because the sheet has to be active to click the button, but that isn't always the case.

When Excel gives the error that includes text like '_Object' (yours said '_Worksheet') it's always referring to the default Parent object - the underscore gives that away. Generally the way to fix that is to qualify the reference by being explicit about the parent. But in the case of selecting and activating when you don't need to, it's better to just refactor the code.

Here's one way to write your code without any selecting or activating.

Private Sub cmdRecord_Click()

    Dim shSource As Worksheet
    Dim shDest As Worksheet
    Dim rNext As Range

    'Me refers to the sheet whose class module you're in
    'Me.Parent refers to the workbook
    Set shSource = Me.Parent.Worksheets("BxWsn Simulation")
    Set shDest = Me.Parent.Worksheets("Reslt Record")

    Set rNext = shDest.Cells(shDest.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)

    rNext.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

When I'm in a class module, like the sheet's class module that you're working in, I always try to do things in terms of that class. So I use Me.Parent instead of ActiveWorkbook. It makes the code more portable and prevents unexpected problems when things change.

I'm sure the code you have now runs in milliseconds, so you may not care, but avoiding selecting will definitely speed up your code and you don't have to set ScreenUpdating. That may become important as your code grows or in a different situation.

Android: How to Enable/Disable Wifi or Internet Connection Programmatically

A complete solution:

try {
    WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) 

    WifiConfiguration wc = new WifiConfiguration();
    wc.SSID = "\"SSIDName\"";
    wc.preSharedKey  = "\"password\"";
    wc.hiddenSSID = true;
    wc.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED; 



    boolean b=wifi.isWifiEnabled();
    if (b) {
        Toast.makeText(context, "yes", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    } else {
        Toast.makeText(context, "no", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    //Log.d("WifiPreference", "enableNetwork returned " + b );

} catch (Exception e) {


SEVERE: ContainerBase.addChild: start:org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start error

This issue arises because of different reasons. It might encountered if you are using Spring boot built war file. As Spring boot web and rest starter projects jars do have embedded Tomcat in it, hence fails with "SEVERE: ContainerBase.addChild: start: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException".

You can fix this by exclusion of the embedded tomcat at the time of packaging by using exclusions in case of maven.

Maven dependency of "spring-boot-starter-web" will look like


g++ ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

I had a similar warning/error/failure when I was simply trying to make an executable from two different object files (main.o and add.o). I was using the command:

gcc -o exec main.o add.o

But my program is a C++ program. Using the g++ compiler solved my issue:

g++ -o exec main.o add.o

I was always under the impression that gcc could figure these things out on its own. Apparently not. I hope this helps someone else searching for this error.

'React' must be in scope when using JSX react/react-in-jsx-scope?

For those who still don't get the accepted solution :


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'

at the top of the file.

Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 3.4

Unfortunately to be able to use the extension modules provided by others you'll be forced to use the official compiler to compile Python. These are:

Alternatively, you can use MinGw to compile extensions in a way that won't depend on others.

See: or

This allows you to have one compiler to build your extensions for both versions of Python, Python 2.x and Python 3.x.

Simple pthread! C++

When compiling with G++, remember to put the -lpthread flag :)

How do I get sed to read from standard input?

use the --expression option

grep searchterm myfile.csv | sed --expression='s/replaceme/withthis/g'

PHPExcel auto size column width

you also need to identify the columns to set dimensions:

foreach (range('A', $phpExcelObject->getActiveSheet()->getHighestDataColumn()) as $col) {

JSON formatter in C#?

There are already a bunch of great answers here that use Newtonsoft.JSON, but here's one more that uses JObject.Parse in combination with ToString(), since that hasn't been mentioned yet:

var jObj = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(json);
var formatted = jObj.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented);

Bootstrap Datepicker - Months and Years Only

I'm using version 2(supports both bootstrap v2 and v3) and for me this works:

$("#datepicker").datepicker( {
    format: "mm/yyyy",
    startView: "year", 
    minView: "year"

Android Studio 3.0 Execution failed for task: unable to merge dex


Refer to this link: As there are various options to shut the warning off depending on the minSdkVersion, it is set below 20:

 android {
     defaultConfig {
         minSdkVersion 15 
         targetSdkVersion 26
         multiDexEnabled true
     ... }

 dependencies {   compile '' }

If you have a minSdkVersion greater than 20 in your build.gradle set use the following to shut down the warning:

  android {
      defaultConfig {
          minSdkVersion 21 
          targetSdkVersion 26
          multiDexEnabled true
      ... }

Update dependencies as follows:

     dependencies {
        implementation ''

Again the only difference is the keywords in dependencies:

minSdkVersion below 20: use compile

minSdkVersion above 20: use implementation

  1. I hope this was helpful, please upvote if it solved your issue, Thank you for your time.
  2. Also for more info, on why this occurs, please read the first paragraph in the link, it will explain thoroughly why? and what does this warning mean.

Unzipping files in Python

import os 
zip_file_path = "C:\AA\BB"
file_list = os.listdir(path)
abs_path = []
for a in file_list:
    x = zip_file_path+'\\'+a
    print x
for f in abs_path:

This does not contain validation for the file if its not zip. If the folder contains non .zip file it will fail.

How to set image in imageview in android?

If you created ImageView from Java Class

ImageView img = new ImageView(this);

//Here we are setting the image in image view

WooCommerce: Finding the products in database

I would recommend using WordPress custom fields to store eligible postcodes for each product. add_post_meta() and update_post_meta are what you're looking for. It's not recommended to alter the default WordPress table structure. All postmetas are inserted in wp_postmeta table. You can find the corresponding products within wp_posts table.

open resource with relative path in Java

I made a small modification on @jonathan.cone's one liner ( by adding .getFile() ) to avoid null pointer exception, and setting the path to data directory. Here's what worked for me :

String realmID = new java.util.Scanner(new"data/aa-qa-id.csv").getFile().toString())).next();

Why is the Android emulator so slow? How can we speed up the Android emulator?

If you can, switch to using Ubuntu for Android development. I switched to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS for Android development, and I am glad that I took the jump. All of the steps mentioned made little or no difference in the lag on Windows. Linux is the correct answer to all the problems you are facing

EOFError: EOF when reading a line

width, height = map(int, input().split())
def rectanglePerimeter(width, height):
   return ((width + height)*2)
print(rectanglePerimeter(width, height))

Running it like this produces:

% echo "1 2" |

I suspect IDLE is simply passing a single string to your script. The first input() is slurping the entire string. Notice what happens if you put some print statements in after the calls to input():

width = input()
height = input()

Running echo "1 2" | produces

1 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/unutbu/pybin/", line 5, in <module>
    height = input()
EOFError: EOF when reading a line

Notice the first print statement prints the entire string '1 2'. The second call to input() raises the EOFError (end-of-file error).

So a simple pipe such as the one I used only allows you to pass one string. Thus you can only call input() once. You must then process this string, split it on whitespace, and convert the string fragments to ints yourself. That is what

width, height = map(int, input().split())


Note, there are other ways to pass input to your program. If you had run in a terminal, then you could have typed 1 and 2 separately with no problem. Or, you could have written a program with pexpect to simulate a terminal, passing 1 and 2 programmatically. Or, you could use argparse to pass arguments on the command line, allowing you to call your program with 1 2

grabbing first row in a mysql query only

To return only one row use LIMIT 1:

FROM tbl_foo
WHERE name = 'sarmen'

It doesn't make sense to say 'first row' or 'last row' unless you have an ORDER BY clause. Assuming you add an ORDER BY clause then you can use LIMIT in the following ways:

  • To get the first row use LIMIT 1.
  • To get the 2nd row you can use limit with an offset: LIMIT 1, 1.
  • To get the last row invert the order (change ASC to DESC or vice versa) then use LIMIT 1.

Get GMT Time in Java

Useful Utils methods as below for manage Time in GMT with DST Savings:

public static Date convertToGmt(Date date) {
    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
    Date ret = new Date(date.getTime() - tz.getRawOffset());

    // if we are now in DST, back off by the delta.  Note that we are checking the GMT date, this is the KEY.
    if (tz.inDaylightTime(ret)) {
        Date dstDate = new Date(ret.getTime() - tz.getDSTSavings());

        // check to make sure we have not crossed back into standard time
        // this happens when we are on the cusp of DST (7pm the day before the change for PDT)
        if (tz.inDaylightTime(dstDate)) {
            ret = dstDate;
    return ret;

public static Date convertFromGmt(Date date) {
    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
    Date ret = new Date(date.getTime() + tz.getRawOffset());

    // if we are now in DST, back off by the delta.  Note that we are checking the GMT date, this is the KEY.
    if (tz.inDaylightTime(ret)) {
        Date dstDate = new Date(ret.getTime() + tz.getDSTSavings());

        // check to make sure we have not crossed back into standard time
        // this happens when we are on the cusp of DST (7pm the day before the change for PDT)
        if (tz.inDaylightTime(dstDate)) {
            ret = dstDate;
    return ret;

Unable to connect with remote debugger

I had a similar issue that led me to this question. In my browser debugger I was getting this error message:

Access to fetch at 'http://localhost:8081/' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

It took me awhile to realize I was using instead of localhost:8081 for my debugger.

To fix it, I simply had to change Chrome from:



How do I resolve `The following packages have unmet dependencies`

Installing nodejs will install npm ... so just remove nodejs then reinstall it: $ sudo apt-get remove nodejs

$ sudo apt-get --purge remove nodejs node npm
$ sudo apt-get clean
$ sudo apt-get autoclean
$ sudo apt-get -f install
$ sudo apt-get autoremove