Programs & Examples On #Bubble chart

Bubble chart is a kind of graph where we can plot 3 values. One value in X-axis, one in Y-axis and 3rd one is shown using the diameter of the bubble. It is much similar like a table where the values are represented with the bubbles' diameters.

IF statement: how to leave cell blank if condition is false ("" does not work)

Unfortunately, there is no formula way to result in a truly blank cell, "" is the best formulas can offer.

I dislike ISBLANK because it will not see cells that only have "" as blanks. Instead I prefer COUNTBLANK, which will count "" as blank, so basically =COUNTBLANK(C1)>0 means that C1 is blank or has "".

If you need to remove blank cells in a column, I would recommend filtering on the column for blanks, then selecting the resulting cells and pressing Del. After which you can remove the filter.

Assert that a method was called in a Python unit test

Yes, I can give you the outline but my Python is a bit rusty and I'm too busy to explain in detail.

Basically, you need to put a proxy in the method that will call the original, eg:

 class fred(object):
   def blog(self):
     print "We Blog"

 class methCallLogger(object):
   def __init__(self, meth):
     self.meth = meth

   def __call__(self, code=None):
     # would also log the fact that it invoked the method

 f = fred() = methCallLogger(

This StackOverflow answer about callable may help you understand the above.

In more detail:

Although the answer was accepted, due to the interesting discussion with Glenn and having a few minutes free, I wanted to enlarge on my answer:

# helper class defined elsewhere
class methCallLogger(object):
   def __init__(self, meth):
     self.meth = meth
     self.was_called = False

   def __call__(self, code=None):
     self.was_called = True

class fred(object):
   def blog(self):
     print "We Blog"

f = fred()
g = fred() = methCallLogger( = methCallLogger(

How do I perform an insert and return inserted identity with Dapper?

There is a great library to make your life easier Dapper.Contrib.Extensions. After including this you can just write:

public int Add(Transaction transaction)
        using (IDbConnection db = Connection)
                return (int)db.Insert(transaction);

How can I add the new "Floating Action Button" between two widgets/layouts

Try this library (javadoc is here), min API level is 7:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.shamanland:fab:0.0.8'

It provides single widget with ability to customize it via Theme, xml or java-code.

light between

It's very simple to use. There are available normal and mini implementation according to Promoted Actions pattern.


Try to compile the demo app. There is exhaustive example: light and dark themes, using with ListView, align between two Views.

Passing a dictionary to a function as keyword parameters

Here ya go - works just any other iterable:

d = {'param' : 'test'}

def f(dictionary):
    for key in dictionary:
        print key


How to increase the Java stack size?

Hmm... it works for me and with far less than 999MB of stack:

> java -Xss4m Test

(Windows JDK 7, build 17.0-b05 client VM, and Linux JDK 6 - same version information as you posted)

How to detect when a UIScrollView has finished scrolling

I've tried Ashley Smart's answer and it worked like a charm. Here's another idea, with using only scrollViewDidScroll

-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)sender 
    if(self.scrollView_Result.contentOffset.x == self.scrollView_Result.frame.size.width)       {
    // You have reached page 1

I just had two pages so it worked for me. However, if you have more than one page, it could be problematic (you could check whether the current offset is a multiple of the width but then you wouldn't know if the user stopped at 2nd page or is on his way to 3rd or more)

Vim multiline editing like in sublimetext?

Do yourself a favor by dropping the Windows compatibility layer.

The normal shortcut for entering Visual-Block mode is <C-v>.

Others have dealt with recording macros, here are a few other ideas:

Using only visual-block mode.

  1. Put the cursor on the second word:

    asd |a|sd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
  2. Hit <C-v> to enter visual-block mode and expand your selection toward the bottom:

    asd [a]sd asd asd asd;
    asd [a]sd asd asd asd;
    asd [a]sd asd asd asd;
    asd [a]sd asd asd asd;
    asd [a]sd asd asd asd;
    asd [a]sd asd asd asd;
    asd [a]sd asd asd asd;
  3. Hit I"<Esc> to obtain:

    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
  4. Put the cursor on the last char of the third word:

    asd "asd as|d| asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
    asd "asd asd asd asd;
  5. Hit <C-v> to enter visual-block mode and expand your selection toward the bottom:

    asd "asd as[d] asd asd;
    asd "asd as[d] asd asd;
    asd "asd as[d] asd asd;
    asd "asd as[d] asd asd;
    asd "asd as[d] asd asd;
    asd "asd as[d] asd asd;
    asd "asd as[d] asd asd;
  6. Hit A"<Esc> to obtain:

    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;

With visual-block mode and Surround.vim.

  1. Put the cursor on the second word:

    asd |a|sd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
    asd asd asd asd asd;
  2. Hit <C-v> to enter visual-block mode and expand your selection toward the bottom and the right:

    asd [asd asd] asd asd;
    asd [asd asd] asd asd;
    asd [asd asd] asd asd;
    asd [asd asd] asd asd;
    asd [asd asd] asd asd;
    asd [asd asd] asd asd;
    asd [asd asd] asd asd;
  3. Hit S" to surround your selection with ":

    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;

With visual-line mode and :normal.

  1. Hit V to select the whole line and expand it toward the bottom:

    [asd asd asd asd asd;]
    [asd asd asd asd asd;]
    [asd asd asd asd asd;]
    [asd asd asd asd asd;]
    [asd asd asd asd asd;]
    [asd asd asd asd asd;]
    [asd asd asd asd asd;]
  2. Execute this command: :'<,'>norm ^wi"<C-v><Esc>eea"<CR> to obtain:

    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    asd "asd asd" asd asd;
    • :norm[al] allows you to execute normal mode commands on a range of lines (the '<,'> part is added automatically by Vim and means "act on the selected area")

    • ^ puts the cursor on the first char of the line

    • w moves to the next word

    • i" inserts a " before the cursor

    • <C-v><Esc> is Vim's way to input a control character in this context, here it's <Esc> used to exit insert mode

    • ee moves to the end of the next word

    • a" appends a " after the cursor

    • <CR> executes the command

    Using Surround.vim, the command above becomes

    :'<,'>norm ^wvees"<CR>

Efficiently getting all divisors of a given number

There is no efficient way in the sense of algorithmic complexity (an algorithm with polynomial complexity) known in science by now. So iterating until the square root as already suggested is mostly as good as you can be.

Mainly because of this, a large part of the currently used cryptography is based on the assumption that it is very time consuming to compute a prime factorization of any given integer.

How to navigate through a vector using iterators? (C++)

You need to make use of the begin and end method of the vector class, which return the iterator referring to the first and the last element respectively.

using namespace std;  

vector<string> myvector;  // a vector of stings.

// push some strings in the vector.

vector<string>::iterator it;  // declare an iterator to a vector of strings
int n = 3;  // nth element to be found.
int i = 0;  // counter.

// now start at from the beginning
// and keep iterating over the element till you find
// nth element...or reach the end of vector.
for(it = myvector.begin(); it != myvector.end(); it++,i++ )    {
    // found nth element..print and break.
    if(i == n) {
        cout<< *it << endl;  // prints d.

// other easier ways of doing the same.
// using operator[]
cout<<myvector[n]<<endl;  // prints d.

// using the at method
cout << << endl;  // prints d.

Toolbar navigation icon never set

I had simillar problem. After a big headache I found, that my ActionBarDrawerToggle was modifying the icon, also when it should not modify the icon (because I didn't give reference to toolbar to the toggle component). So in my NavigationDrawerFragment class (that handles the opening and closing) in setUp(...) method I set
and finally it worked.

How can I get a channel ID from YouTube?

You can get the channel ID with the username (in your case "klauskkpm") using the filter "forUsername", like this:{YOUR_API_KEY}&forUsername=klauskkpm&part=id

More info here:

Using curl to upload POST data with files

Catching the user id as path variable (recommended):

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" 
-F "[email protected]" http://mysuperserver/media/1234/upload/

Catching the user id as part of the form:

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" 
-F "[email protected];userid=1234" http://mysuperserver/media/upload/


curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" 
-F "[email protected]" -F "userid=1234" http://mysuperserver/media/upload/

Check if year is leap year in javascript

If you're doing this in an Node.js app, you can use the leap-year package:

npm install --save leap-year

Then from your app, use the following code to verify whether the provided year or date object is a leap year:

var leapYear = require('leap-year');

//=> false 

//=> true 

Using a library like this has the advantage that you don't have to deal with the dirty details of getting all of the special cases right, since the library takes care of that.

How to show two figures using matplotlib?

You should call only at the end after creating all the plots.

Subtracting 1 day from a timestamp date

Use the INTERVAL type to it. E.g:


--Unrelated to the question, but PostgreSQL also supports some shortcuts:
SELECT 'yesterday'::TIMESTAMP, 'tomorrow'::TIMESTAMP, 'allballs'::TIME;

Then you can do the following on your query:

    count(accounts) AS COUNT,
    ((date_at) - INTERVAL '1 DAY') AS dateat
    date_at <= now() - INTERVAL '130 DAYS'


Tip 1

You can append multiple operands. E.g.: how to get last day of current month?


Tip 2

You can also create an interval using make_interval function, useful when you need to create it at runtime (not using literals):

SELECT make_interval(days => 10 + 2);
SELECT make_interval(days => 1, hours => 2);
SELECT make_interval(0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.0);

More info:

Date/Time Functions and Operators

datatype-datetime (Especial values).

Transparent scrollbar with css

    .scrollable-content {
      overflow-y:scroll; // manage scrollbar content overflow settings
    .scrollable-content::-webkit-scrollbar {
      width:30px; // manage scrollbar width here
    .scrollable-content::-webkit-scrollbar * {
      background:transparent; // manage scrollbar background color here
    .scrollable-content::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
      background:rgba(255,0,0,0.1) !important; // manage scrollbar thumb background color here

Is it possible to remove the hand cursor that appears when hovering over a link? (or keep it set as the normal pointer)

  <a href=""
     style="cursor:default">sign in</a>

Creating a simple configuration file and parser in C++

How about formatting your configuration as JSON, and using a library like jsoncpp?


{"url": "http://mysite dot com",
"file": "main.exe",
"true": 0}

You can then read it into named variables, or even store it all in a std::map, etc. The latter means you can add options without having to change and recompile your configuration parser.

Extract hostname name from string

import URL from 'url';

const pathname = URL.parse(url).path;
console.log(url.replace(pathname, ''));

this takes care of both the protocol.

Passing variables to the next middleware using next() in Express.js

The trick is pretty simple... The request cycle is still pretty much alive. You can just add a new variable that will create a temporary, calling

app.get('some/url/endpoint', middleware1, middleware2);

Since you can handle your request in the first middleware

(req, res, next) => {
    var yourvalue = anyvalue

In middleware 1 you handle your logic and store your value like below:

req.anyvariable = yourvalue

In middleware 2 you can catch this value from middleware 1 doing the following:

(req, res, next) => {
    var storedvalue = req.yourvalue

how I can show the sum of in a datagridview column?

Use LINQ if you can.

  label1.Text =  dataGridView1.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
                                   .Sum(x => int.Parse(x.Cells[1].Value.ToString()))

How do I download and save a file locally on iOS using objective C?

I'm not sure what wget is, but to get a file from the web and store it locally, you can use NSData:

NSString *stringURL = @"";
NSURL  *url = [NSURL URLWithString:stringURL];
NSData *urlData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
if ( urlData )
  NSArray       *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
  NSString  *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];  

  NSString  *filePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", documentsDirectory,@"filename.png"];
  [urlData writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES];

@JsonProperty annotation on field as well as getter/setter

My observations based on a few tests has been that whichever name differs from the property name is one which takes effect:

For eg. consider a slight modification of your case:

private String fileName;

public String getFileName()
    return fileName;

public void setFileName(String fileName)
    this.fileName = fileName;

Both fileName field, and method getFileName, have the correct property name of fileName and setFileName has a different one fileName1, in this case Jackson will look for a fileName1 attribute in json at the point of deserialization and will create a attribute called fileName1 at the point of serialization.

Now, coming to your case, where all the three @JsonProperty differ from the default propertyname of fileName, it would just pick one of them as the attribute(FILENAME), and had any on of the three differed, it would have thrown an exception:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Conflicting property name definitions

Is it safe to clean docker/overlay2/

Everything in /var/lib/docker are filesystems of containers. If you stop all your containers and prune them, you should end up with the folder being empty. You probably don't really want that, so don't go randomly deleting stuff in there. Do not delete things in /var/lib/docker directly. You may get away with it sometimes, but it's inadvisable for so many reasons.

Do this instead:

sudo bash
cd /var/lib/docker
find . -type f | xargs du -b  | sort -n

What you will see is the largest files shown at the bottom. If you want, figure out what containers those files are in, enter those containers with docker exec -ti containername -- /bin/sh and delete some files.

You can also put docker system prune -a -f on a daily/weekly cron job as long as you aren't leaving stopped containers and volumes around that you care about. It's better to figure out the reasons why it's growing, and correct them at the container level.

Converting a String array into an int Array in java

private void processLine(String[] strings) {
    Integer[] intarray=new Integer[strings.length];
    for(int i=0;i<strings.length;i++) {
    for(Integer temp:intarray) {
        System.out.println("convert int array from String"+temp);

Show tables, describe tables equivalent in redshift


\d for show all tables

\d tablename to describe table

\? for more shortcuts for redshift

How to use <md-icon> in Angular Material?

Easy way: use the following CDN:

<script src="//"></script> 

Inject ngMdIcons to your angularjs application:

angular.module('demoapp', ['ngMdIcons']);

Use ng-md-icon directive in your html, specifying fill-color through css:

<ng-md-icon icon="..." style="fill: ..." size="..."></ng-md-icon> 


Android ADB commands to get the device properties

For Power-Shell

./adb shell getprop | Select-String -Pattern '(model)|(version.sdk)|(manufacturer)|(platform)|(serialno)|(|(brand)'

For linux(burrowing asnwer from @0x8BADF00D)

adb shell getprop | grep "model\|version.sdk\|manufacturer\|hardware\|platform\|revision\|serialno\|\|brand"

For single string find in power shell

./adb shell getprop | Select-String -Pattern 'model'


./adb shell getprop | Select-String -Pattern '(model)'

For multiple

./adb shell getprop | Select-String -Pattern '(a|b|c|d)'

What is the best way to compare 2 folder trees on windows?

You can use git for exactly this purpose. Basically, you create a git repository in folder A (the repo is in A/.git), then copy A/.git to B/.git, then change to B folder and compare simply by running git diff. And the --exclude functionality can be achieved with .gitignore.

So, sticking to your example (but using bash shell on Linux):

# Create a Git repo in current_vss
pushd current_vss
printf ".svn\n*.vspscc\n*.scc" >> .gitignore
git init && git add . && git commit -m 'initial'

# Copy the repo to current_svn and compare
cp -r current_vss/.git* current_svn/
pushd current_svn
git diff

Apache Maven install "'mvn' not recognized as an internal or external command" after setting OS environmental variables?

same problem.

and I solved it by:

  1. add C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.3.9\bin; to PATH
  2. run cmd as administrator

and then mvn --version works.

Python mysqldb: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib

I found there was another solution for this problem rather than creating a symbolic link.

You set the path to your directory, where libmysqlclient.18.dylib resides, to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. What I did is to put following line in my .bash_profile:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql-5.5.15-osx10.6-x86/lib/:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

That's it.

How do I use Docker environment variable in ENTRYPOINT array?

You're using the exec form of ENTRYPOINT. Unlike the shell form, the exec form does not invoke a command shell. This means that normal shell processing does not happen. For example, ENTRYPOINT [ "echo", "$HOME" ] will not do variable substitution on $HOME. If you want shell processing then either use the shell form or execute a shell directly, for example: ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "-c", "echo $HOME" ].
When using the exec form and executing a shell directly, as in the case for the shell form, it is the shell that is doing the environment variable expansion, not docker.(from Dockerfile reference)

In your case, I would use shell form

ENTRYPOINT ./greeting --message "Hello, $ADDRESSEE\!"

What is the correct way to write HTML using Javascript?

I'm not particularly great at JavaScript or its best practices, but document.write() along with innerHtml() basically allows you to write out strings that may or may not be valid HTML; it's just characters. By using the DOM, you ensure proper, standards-compliant HTML that will keep your page from breaking via plainly bad HTML.

And, as Tom mentioned, JavaScript is done after the page is loaded; it'd probably be a better practice to have the initial setup for your page to be done via standard HTML (via .html files or whatever your server does [i.e. php]).

How should I load files into my Java application?

What are you loading the files for - configuration or data (like an input file) or as a resource?

  • If as a resource, follow the suggestion and example given by Will and Justin
  • If configuration, then you can use a ResourceBundle or Spring (if your configuration is more complex).
  • If you need to read a file in order to process the data inside, this code snippet may help BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)) and then read each line of the file using file.readLine(); Don't forget to close the file.

Custom circle button

Unfortunately using an XML drawable and overriding the background means you have to explicitly set the colour instead of being able to use the app style colours.

Rather than hardcode the button colours for every behaviour I opted to hardcode the corner radius, which feels marginally less hacky and retains all the default button behaviour (changing colour when it's pressed and other visual effects) and uses the app style colours by default:

  1. Set android:layout_height and android:layout_width to the same value

  2. Set app:cornerRadius to half of the height/width

    (It actually appears that anything greater than or equal to half of the height/width works, so to avoid having to change the radius every time you update the height/width, you could instead set it to a very high value such as 1000dp, the risk being it could break if this behaviour ever changes.)

  3. Set android:insetBottom and android:insetTop to 0dp to get a perfect circle

For example:


How to configure welcome file list in web.xml

I simply declared as below in web.xml file and Its working for me :


And NO html/jsp pages present in public directory except static resources(css, js, images). Now I can access my index page with URL like : http://localhost:8080/app/ Its calling /WEB-INF/jsps/index.jsp page. When hosted live in production the final URL looks like

Import .bak file to a database in SQL server

Although it is much easier to restore database using SSMS as stated in many answers. You can also restore Database using .bak with SQL server query, for example

RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 FROM DISK = 'D:\AdventureWorks2012.BAK'

In above Query you need to keep in mind about .mdf/.ldf file location. You might get error

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Directory lookup for the file "C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks.MDF" failed with the operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.). (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended)

So you need to run Query as below

FROM DISK = 'D:\AdventureWorks2012.BAK'

Once you will run above Query you will get location of mdf/ldf use it Restore database using query

FROM DISK = 'D:\AdventureWorks2012.BAK'
MOVE 'DBASE' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.DBASE\MSSQL\DATA\DBASE.MDF',
MOVE 'DBASE_LOG' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.DBASE\MSSQL\DATA\DBASE_1.LDF', 

Source:Restore database from .bak file in SQL server (With & without scripts)

Disable Scrolling on Body

HTML css works fine if body tag does nothing you can write as well

<body scroll="no" style="overflow: hidden">

In this case overriding should be on the body tag, it is easier to control but sometimes gives headaches.

Volatile Vs Atomic

So what will happen if two threads attack a volatile primitive variable at same time?

Usually each one can increment the value. However sometime, both will update the value at the same time and instead of incrementing by 2 total, both thread increment by 1 and only 1 is added.

Does this mean that whosoever takes lock on it, that will be setting its value first.

There is no lock. That is what synchronized is for.

And in if meantime, some other thread comes up and read old value while first thread was changing its value, then doesn't new thread will read its old value?


What is the difference between Atomic and volatile keyword?

AtomicXxxx wraps a volatile so they are basically same, the difference is that it provides higher level operations such as CompareAndSwap which is used to implement increment.

AtomicXxxx also supports lazySet. This is like a volatile set, but doesn't stall the pipeline waiting for the write to complete. It can mean that if you read a value you just write you might see the old value, but you shouldn't be doing that anyway. The difference is that setting a volatile takes about 5 ns, bit lazySet takes about 0.5 ns.

Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?

I'm using opsenSUSE Leap, and I had the same issue -- it means there's no support for OpenSSL. This is how I resolved it:

  1. Open YaST.
  2. Go to Software Management.
  3. In the search box on the left pane, enter 'php5-openssl' and press the return key.
  4. Click the checkbox next to 'php5-openssl' in the right pane to select it, and click 'Accept' (This adds OpenSSL support).
  5. Restart Apache: sudo service apache2 restart

That's it, you're done.

How to sort a NSArray alphabetically?

{ [self sortArryofDictionary];
    [self.objtable reloadData];}
{ NSSortDescriptor *sorter;
    switch (sortcontrol.selectedSegmentIndex)
    {case 0:
            sorter=[[NSSortDescriptor alloc]initWithKey:@"Name" ascending:YES];
        case 1:
            sorter=[[NSSortDescriptor alloc]initWithKey:@"Age" ascending:YES];
            break; }
    NSArray *sortdiscriptor=[[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:sorter, nil];
    [arr sortUsingDescriptors:sortdiscriptor];

How to install an APK file on an Android phone?

I was using the command prompt to manually install the .apk file on my device (Nexus 7) but the following should work in theory on any android device (after enabling the device for developer mode). This method was becoming cumbersome so I created a simple batch file so now all I have to do is double-click it and it installs for me (device must be plugged in to my development machine). Just create a text file and save it as .BAT with the following text (customize to accommodate your file paths):

cd C:\{**path to your install location**}\sdk\platform-tools

adb install C:\{**path to your .apk file**}\{**project/apk file name**}.apk

How to change the value of ${user} variable used in Eclipse templates

Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates -> Comments -> Types Chnage the tage infront ${user} to your name.


 * @author ${user}
 * ${tags}


 * @author Waqas Ahmed
 * ${tags}

enter image description here

XDocument or XmlDocument

I am surprised none of the answers so far mentions the fact that XmlDocument provides no line information, while XDocument does (through the IXmlLineInfo interface).

This can be a critical feature in some cases (for example if you want to report errors in an XML, or keep track of where elements are defined in general) and you better be aware of this before you happily start to implement using XmlDocument, to later discover you have to change it all.

stringstream, string, and char* conversion confusion

The ss.str() temporary is destroyed after initialization of cstr2 is complete. So when you print it with cout, the c-string that was associated with that std::string temporary has long been destoryed, and thus you will be lucky if it crashes and asserts, and not lucky if it prints garbage or does appear to work.

const char* cstr2 = ss.str().c_str();

The C-string where cstr1 points to, however, is associated with a string that still exists at the time you do the cout - so it correctly prints the result.

In the following code, the first cstr is correct (i assume it is cstr1 in the real code?). The second prints the c-string associated with the temporary string object ss.str(). The object is destroyed at the end of evaluating the full-expression in which it appears. The full-expression is the entire cout << ... expression - so while the c-string is output, the associated string object still exists. For cstr2 - it is pure badness that it succeeds. It most possibly internally chooses the same storage location for the new temporary which it already chose for the temporary used to initialize cstr2. It could aswell crash.

cout << cstr            // Prints correctly
    << ss.str().c_str() // Prints correctly
    << cstr2;           // Prints correctly (???)

The return of c_str() will usually just point to the internal string buffer - but that's not a requirement. The string could make up a buffer if its internal implementation is not contiguous for example (that's well possible - but in the next C++ Standard, strings need to be contiguously stored).

In GCC, strings use reference counting and copy-on-write. Thus, you will find that the following holds true (it does, at least on my GCC version)

string a = "hello";
string b(a);
assert(a.c_str() == b.c_str());

The two strings share the same buffer here. At the time you change one of them, the buffer will be copied and each will hold its separate copy. Other string implementations do things different, though.

Flask-SQLAlchemy how to delete all rows in a single table

Try delete:


From the docs: Returns the number of rows deleted, excluding any cascades.

Get the directory from a file path in java (android)

A better way, use getParent() from File Class..

String a="/root/sdcard/Pictures/img0001.jpg"; // A valid file path 
File file = new File(a); 
String getDirectoryPath = file.getParent(); // Only return path if physical file exist else return null

SSL Error: unable to get local issuer certificate

jww is right — you're referencing the wrong intermediate certificate.

As you have been issued with a SHA256 certificate, you will need the SHA256 intermediate. You can grab it from here:

I got error "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint"

To DELETE, without changing the references, you should first delete or otherwise alter (in a manner suitable for your purposes) all relevant rows in other tables.

To TRUNCATE you must remove the references. TRUNCATE is a DDL statement (comparable to CREATE and DROP) not a DML statement (like INSERT and DELETE) and doesn't cause triggers, whether explicit or those associated with references and other constraints, to be fired. Because of this, the database could be put into an inconsistent state if TRUNCATE was allowed on tables with references. This was a rule when TRUNCATE was an extension to the standard used by some systems, and is mandated by the the standard, now that it has been added.

Spring: Returning empty HTTP Responses with ResponseEntity<Void> doesn't work

According Spring 4 MVC ResponseEntity.BodyBuilder and ResponseEntity Enhancements Example it could be written as:

   return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
   return ResponseEntity.noContent().build();


If returned value is Optional there are convinient method, returned ok() or notFound():

return ResponseEntity.of(optional)

Read file from line 2 or skip header row

with open(fname) as f:
    for line in f:
        #do something

C# Encoding a text string with line breaks

Yes - it means you're using \n as the line break instead of \r\n. Notepad only understands the latter.

(Note that Environment.NewLine suggested by others is fine if you want the platform default - but if you're serving from Mono and definitely want \r\n, you should specify it explicitly.)

jQuery Multiple ID selectors

it should. Typically that's how you do multiple selectors. Otherwise it may not like you trying to assign the return values of three uploads to the same var.

I would suggest using .each or maybe push the returns to an array rather than assigning them to that value.

SQL not a single-group group function

Well the problem simply-put is that the SUM(TIME) for a specific SSN on your query is a single value, so it's objecting to MAX as it makes no sense (The maximum of a single value is meaningless).

Not sure what SQL database server you're using but I suspect you want a query more like this (Written with a MSSQL background - may need some translating to the sql server you're using):

FROM downloads

This will give you the SSN with the highest total time and the total time for it.

Edit - If you have multiple with an equal time and want them all you would use:

FROM downloads

How generate unique Integers based on GUIDs

I had a requirement where multiple instances of a console application needed to get an unique integer ID. It is used to identify the instance and assigned at startup. Because the .exe is started by hands, I settled on a solution using the ticks of the start time.

My reasoning was that it would be nearly impossible for the user to start two .exe in the same millisecond. This behavior is deterministic: if you have a collision, you know that the problem was that two instances were started at the same time. Methods depending on hashcode, GUID or random numbers might fail in unpredictable ways.

I set the date to 0001-01-01, add the current time and divide the ticks by 10000 (because I don't set the microseconds) to get a number that is small enough to fit into an integer.

 var now = DateTime.Now;
 var zeroDate = DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(now.Hour).AddMinutes(now.Minute).AddSeconds(now.Second).AddMilliseconds(now.Millisecond);
 int uniqueId = (int)(zeroDate.Ticks / 10000);

EDIT: There are some caveats. To make collisions unlikely, make sure that:

  • The instances are started manually (more than one millisecond apart)
  • The ID is generated once per instance, at startup
  • The ID must only be unique in regard to other instances that are currently running
  • Only a small number of IDs will ever be needed

How to check the first character in a string in Bash or UNIX shell?

Consider the case statement as well which is compatible with most sh-based shells:

case $str in
    echo 1
    echo 0

How can I disable a button in a jQuery dialog from a function?

If anybody is looking to replace a button with something like a loading animation when clicked (for example when a "Submit" button submits the form in the dialog) - you can replace the button with your image like this:

buttons: {
    "Submit": function(evt) {
        $('button').replaceWith('<img src="loading.gif">');

jQuery replaceWith docs

How to convert JTextField to String and String to JTextField?

The JTextField offers a getText() and a setText() method - those are for getting and setting the content of the text field.

process.env.NODE_ENV is undefined

It is due to OS

In your package.json, make sure to have your scripts(Where app.js is your main js file to be executed & NODE_ENV is declared in a .env file).Eg:

"scripts": {
    "start": "node app.js",
    "dev": "nodemon server.js",
    "prod": "NODE_ENV=production & nodemon app.js"

For windows

Also set up your .env file variable having NODE_ENV=development

If your .env file is in a folder for eg.config folder make sure to specify in app.js(your main js file)

const dotenv = require('dotenv'); dotenv.config({ path: './config/config.env' });

Caching a jquery ajax response in javascript/browser

Old question, but my solution is a bit different.

I was writing a single page web app that was constantly making ajax calls triggered by the user, and to make it even more difficult it required libraries that used methods other than jquery (like dojo, native xhr, etc). I wrote a plugin for one of my own libraries to cache ajax requests as efficiently as possible in a way that would work in all major browsers, regardless of which libraries were being used to make the ajax call.

The solution uses jSQL (written by me - a client-side persistent SQL implementation written in javascript which uses indexeddb and other dom storage methods), and is bundled with another library called XHRCreep (written by me) which is a complete re-write of the native XHR object.

To implement all you need to do is include the plugin in your page, which is here.

There are two options:

jSQL.xhrCache.max_time = 60;

Set the maximum age in minutes. any cached responses that are older than this are re-requested. Default is 1 hour.

jSQL.xhrCache.logging = true;

When set to true, mock XHR calls will be shown in the console for debugging.

You can clear the cache on any given page via

jSQL.tables = {}; jSQL.persist();

What characters can be used for up/down triangle (arrow without stem) for display in HTML?

I decided that most popular symbols recommended here (? and ?) are looking too bold, so on the site, recommended by user ADJenks, I found these symbols which are looking better for my taste: (U+1F780) (U+1F781) (U+1F782) (U+1F783)

Unknown URL content://downloads/my_downloads

I have encountered the exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI: content://downloads/public_downloads/7505 in getting the doucument from the downloads. This solution worked for me.

else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {
            String fileName = getFilePath(context, uri);
            if (fileName != null) {
                return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/Download/" + fileName;

            String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            if (id.startsWith("raw:")) {
                id = id.replaceFirst("raw:", "");
                File file = new File(id);
                if (file.exists())
                    return id;

            final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id));
            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);

This the method used to get the filepath

   public static String getFilePath(Context context, Uri uri) {

    Cursor cursor = null;
    final String[] projection = {

    try {
        cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, null, null,
        if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            final int index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME);
            return cursor.getString(index);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null)
    return null;

What is the best open source help ticket system?

It absolutely depens on what your goals are. The Bugzilla and Trac systems mentioned are nice but geared towards bug tracking, which is just very different from a tool you'd want to use in a helpdesk-type setup where end users would raise incidents.

If the latter is what you are looking for I'd suggest you take a look at OTRS which is a very capable trouble ticketing system. It also has ITSM extensions, which makes it able to support ITIL processes if you need to.

The import cannot be resolved

This issue may also occur if you have multiple versions of the same support library android-support-v4.jar. If your project is using other library projects that contain different-2 versions of the support library. To resolve the issue keep the same version of support library at each place.

This table does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available

Make sure all your tables have one primary key. I forgot to add a primary key to one table and that solved this problem for me. :)

JSON datetime between Python and JavaScript

You can add the 'default' parameter to json.dumps to handle this:

date_handler = lambda obj: (
    if isinstance(obj, (datetime.datetime,
    else None
json.dumps(, default=date_handler)

Which is ISO 8601 format.

A more comprehensive default handler function:

def handler(obj):
    if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'):
        return obj.isoformat()
    elif isinstance(obj, ...):
        return ...
        raise TypeError, 'Object of type %s with value of %s is not JSON serializable' % (type(obj), repr(obj))

Update: Added output of type as well as value.
Update: Also handle date

Communication between multiple docker-compose projects

You just need to make sure that the containers you want to talk to each other are on the same network. Networks are a first-class docker construct, and not specific to compose.

# front/docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
      - some-net
    driver: bridge


# api/docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
      - front_some-net
    external: true

Note: Your app’s network is given a name based on the “project name”, which is based on the name of the directory it lives in, in this case a prefix front_ was added

They can then talk to each other using the service name. From front you can do ping api and vice versa.

How to increase IDE memory limit in IntelliJ IDEA on Mac?

OSX 10.9, if you dont bother about signed application you might just change

/Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ 12\

Can you nest html forms?

If you're using AngularJS, any <form> tags inside your ng-app are replaced at runtime with ngForm directives that are designed to be nested.

In Angular forms can be nested. This means that the outer form is valid when all of the child forms are valid as well. However, browsers do not allow nesting of <form> elements, so Angular provides the ngForm directive which behaves identically to <form> but can be nested. This allows you to have nested forms, which is very useful when using Angular validation directives in forms that are dynamically generated using the ngRepeat directive. (source)

How to check if another instance of the application is running

Want some serious code? Here it is.

var exists = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)).Count() > 1;

This works for any application (any name) and will become true if there is another instance running of the same application.

Edit: To fix your needs you can use either of these:

if (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)).Count() > 1) return;

from your Main method to quit the method... OR

if (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)).Count() > 1) System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill();

which will kill the currently loading process instantly.

You need to add a reference to System.Core.dll for the .Count() extension method. Alternatively, you can use the .Length property.

Get most recent row for given ID

Use the aggregate MAX(signin) grouped by id. This will list the most recent signin for each id.

 MAX(signin) AS most_recent_signin
FROM tbl

To get the whole single record, perform an INNER JOIN against a subquery which returns only the MAX(signin) per id.

FROM tbl
    SELECT id, MAX(signin) AS maxsign FROM tbl GROUP BY id
  ) ms ON = AND signin = maxsign

Date difference in years using C#

I have written an implementation that properly works with dates exactly one year apart.

However, it does not gracefully handle negative timespans, unlike the other algorithm. It also doesn't use its own date arithmetic, instead relying upon the standard library for that.

So without further ado, here is the code:

DateTime zeroTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);

DateTime a = new DateTime(2007, 1, 1);
DateTime b = new DateTime(2008, 1, 1);

TimeSpan span = b - a;
// Because we start at year 1 for the Gregorian
// calendar, we must subtract a year here.
int years = (zeroTime + span).Year - 1;

// 1, where my other algorithm resulted in 0.
Console.WriteLine("Yrs elapsed: " + years);

selectOneMenu ajax events

You could check whether the value of your selectOneMenu component belongs to the list of subjects.


public void subjectSelectionChanged() {
    // Cancel if subject is manually written
    if (!subjectList.contains(aktNachricht.subject)) { return; }
    // Write your code here in case the user selected (or wrote) an item of the list
    // ....

Supposedly subjectList is a collection type, like ArrayList. Of course here your code will run in case the user writes an item of your selectOneMenu list.

How to find array / dictionary value using key?

It's as simple as this :


Run Bash Command from PHP

Check if have not set a open_basedir in php.ini or .htaccess of domain what you use. That will jail you in directory of your domain and php will get only access to execute inside this directory.

Javascript / Chrome - How to copy an object from the webkit inspector as code

Right click on data which you want to store

  • Firstly, Right click on data which you want to store -> select "Store as global variable" And the new temp variable appear like bellow: (temp3 variable): New temp variable appear in console
  • Second use command copy(temp_variable_name) like picture: enter image description here After that, you can paste data to anywhere you want. hope useful/

Entity Framework VS LINQ to SQL VS ADO.NET with stored procedures?

There is a whole new approach that you may want to consider if what you're after is the power and performance of stored procedures, and the rapid development that tools like Entity Framework provide.

I've taken SQL+ for a test drive on a small project, and it is really something special. You basically add what amounts to comments to your SQL routines, and those comments provide instructions to a code generator, which then builds a really nice object oriented class library based on the actual SQL routine. Kind of like entity framework in reverse.

Input parameters become part of an input object, output parameters and result sets become part of an output object, and a service component provides the method calls.

If you want to use stored procedures, but still want rapid development, you might want to have a look at this stuff.

ImportError: No module named Crypto.Cipher

I've had the same problem 'ImportError: No module named Crypto.Cipher', since using GoogleAppEngineLauncher (version > 1.8.X) with GAE Boilerplate on OSX 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion). In Google App Engine SDK with python 2.7 runtime, pyCrypto 2.6 is the suggested version. The solution that worked for me was...

1) Download pycrypto2.6 source extract it somewhere(~/Downloads/pycrypto26)

e.g., git clone

2) cd (cd ~/Downloads/pycrypto26) then

3) Execute the following terminal command inside the previous folder in order to install pyCrypto 2.6 manually in GAE folder.

sudo python install --install-lib /Applications/

How can I pass a list as a command-line argument with argparse?

If you have a nested list where the inner lists have different types and lengths and you would like to preserve the type, e.g.,

[[1, 2], ["foo", "bar"], [3.14, "baz", 20]]

then you can use the solution proposed by @sam-mason to this question, shown below:

from argparse import ArgumentParser
import json

parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-l', type=json.loads)
parser.parse_args(['-l', '[[1,2],["foo","bar"],[3.14,"baz",20]]'])

which gives:

Namespace(l=[[1, 2], ['foo', 'bar'], [3.14, 'baz', 20]]) and

I found this blog post which explains that it's used to record clicks. Without official word from Google it could be used any number of things.

Why doesn't Java offer operator overloading?

I think this may have been a conscious design choice to force developers to create functions whose names clearly communicate their intentions. In C++ developers would overload operators with functionality that would often have no relation to the commonly accepted nature of the given operator, making it nearly impossible to determine what a piece of code does without looking at the definition of the operator.

Python find min max and average of a list (array)

Only a teacher would ask you to do something silly like this. You could provide an expected answer. Or a unique solution, while the rest of the class will be (yawn) the same...

from operator import lt, gt
def ultimate (l,op,c=1,u=0):
        if op(l[c],l[u]): 
            u = c
        c += 1
        return ultimate(l,op,c,u)
    except IndexError:
        return l[u]
def minimum (l):
    return ultimate(l,lt)
def maximum (l):
    return ultimate(l,gt)

The solution is simple. Use this to set yourself apart from obvious choices.

UNIX nonblocking I/O: O_NONBLOCK vs. FIONBIO

Prior to standardization there was ioctl(...FIONBIO...) and fcntl(...O_NDELAY...), but these behaved inconsistently between systems, and even within the same system. For example, it was common for FIONBIO to work on sockets and O_NDELAY to work on ttys, with a lot of inconsistency for things like pipes, fifos, and devices. And if you didn't know what kind of file descriptor you had, you'd have to set both to be sure. But in addition, a non-blocking read with no data available was also indicated inconsistently; depending on the OS and the type of file descriptor the read may return 0, or -1 with errno EAGAIN, or -1 with errno EWOULDBLOCK. Even today, setting FIONBIO or O_NDELAY on Solaris causes a read with no data to return 0 on a tty or pipe, or -1 with errno EAGAIN on a socket. However 0 is ambiguous since it is also returned for EOF.

POSIX addressed this with the introduction of O_NONBLOCK, which has standardized behavior across different systems and file descriptor types. Because existing systems usually want to avoid any changes to behavior which might break backward compatibility, POSIX defined a new flag rather than mandating specific behavior for one of the others. Some systems like Linux treat all 3 the same, and also define EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK to the same value, but systems wishing to maintain some other legacy behavior for backward compatibility can do so when the older mechanisms are used.

New programs should use fcntl(...O_NONBLOCK...), as standardized by POSIX.

Opening A Specific File With A Batch File?

@echo off
cd "folder directory to your file"
start filename.ext

For example:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp" 
Start winamp.exe

How to convert OutputStream to InputStream?

The easystream open source library has direct support to convert an OutputStream to an InputStream:

// create conversion
final OutputStreamToInputStream<Void> out = new OutputStreamToInputStream<Void>() {
    protected Void doRead(final InputStream in) throws Exception {
           return null;
try {   
} finally {
     // don't miss the close (or a thread would not terminate correctly).

They also list other options:

  • Write the data the data into a memory buffer (ByteArrayOutputStream) get the byteArray and read it again with a ByteArrayInputStream. This is the best approach if you're sure your data fits into memory.
  • Copy your data to a temporary file and read it back.
  • Use pipes: this is the best approach both for memory usage and speed (you can take full advantage of the multi-core processors) and also the standard solution offered by Sun.
  • Use InputStreamFromOutputStream and OutputStreamToInputStream from the easystream library.

Select all DIV text with single mouse click

I found it useful to wrap this function as a jQuery plugin:

$.fn.selectText = function () {
    return $(this).each(function (index, el) {
        if (document.selection) {
            var range = document.body.createTextRange();
        } else if (window.getSelection) {
            var range = document.createRange();

So, it becomes a reusable solution. Then you can do this:

<div onclick="$(this).selectText()"></div>

And it will selected test in the div.

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

In my case. I think the problem is in the standard node executable. node target.ts

I replaced it with nodemon and surprisingly it worked!

The way using the standard executable (runner):

node target.ts

The way using the nodemon executable (runner):

nodemon target.ts

Do not forget to install nodemon with npm install nodemon ;P

NOTE: this works amazing for development. But, for runtime, you may execute node with the compiled js file!

Asynchronous Process inside a javascript for loop

ES2017: You can wrap the async code inside a function(say XHRPost) returning a promise( Async code inside the promise).

Then call the function(XHRPost) inside the for loop but with the magical Await keyword. :)

let http = new XMLHttpRequest();_x000D_
let url = 'http://sumersin/';_x000D_
function XHRpost(i) {_x000D_
  return new Promise(function(resolve) {_x000D_
    let params = 'id=nobot&%3Aoperation=social%3AcreateForumPost&subject=Demo' + i + '&message=Here%20is%20the%20Demo&_charset_=UTF-8';_x000D_'POST', url, true);_x000D_
    http.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');_x000D_
    http.onreadystatechange = function() {_x000D_
    console.log("Done " + i + "<<<<>>>>>" + http.readyState);_x000D_
          if(http.readyState == 4){_x000D_
              console.log('SUCCESS :',i);_x000D_
    http.send(params);       _x000D_
(async () => {_x000D_
    for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {_x000D_
        await XHRpost(i);_x000D_

Loading basic HTML in Node.js

This is an update to Muhammed Neswine's answer

In Express 4.x, sendfile has been deprecated and sendFile function has to be used. The difference is sendfile takes relative path and sendFile takes absolute path. So, __dirname is used to avoid hardcoding the path.

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var path = require("path");

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/folder_name/filename.html'));

Android REST client, Sample?

There is another library with much cleaner API and type-safe data.

Here is a simple usage example

Http http = HttpFactory.create(context);"")
    .data(new User("John"))

Or more complex with callbacks

Http http = HttpFactory.create(context);"")
    .data(new User("John"))
    .handler(new ResponseHandler<Void>() {
        public void success(Void ignore, HttpResponse response) {

        public void error(String message, HttpResponse response) {

        public void failure(NetworkError error) {

        public void complete() {

It is fresh new, but looks very promising.

subtract time from date - moment js

I might be missing something in your question here... but from what I can gather, by using the subtract method this should be what you're looking to do:

var timeStr = "00:03:15";
    timeStr = timeStr.split(':');

var h = timeStr[1],
    m = timeStr[2];

var newTime = moment("01:20:00 06-26-2014")
    .subtract({'hours': h, 'minutes': m})

var str = h + " hours and " + m + " minutes earlier: " + newTime;

console.log(str); // 3 hours and 15 minutes earlier: 10:05

$(document).ready(function(){    _x000D_
     var timeStr = "00:03:15";_x000D_
        timeStr = timeStr.split(':');_x000D_
    var h = timeStr[1],_x000D_
        m = timeStr[2];_x000D_
    var newTime = moment("01:20:00 06-26-2014")_x000D_
        .subtract({'hours': h, 'minutes': m})_x000D_
    var str = h + " hours and " + m + " minutes earlier: " + newTime;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p id="new-time"></p>

Fit background image to div

background-position-x: center;
background-position-y: center;

How to get user name using Windows authentication in

It depends on the configuration of the application as well as on IIS as this gentleman in the below link has rightfully explained. Please see his article below

canvas.toDataURL() SecurityError

Just use the crossOrigin attribute and pass 'anonymous' as the second parameter

var img = new Image();
img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
img.src = url;

C# DLL config file

For a dll, it should not depend on configuration as configuration is owned by application and not by dll.

This is explained at here

How to check whether a pandas DataFrame is empty?

1) If a DataFrame has got Nan and Non Null values and you want to find whether the DataFrame
is empty or not then try this code.
2) when this situation can happen? 
This situation happens when a single function is used to plot more than one DataFrame 
which are passed as parameter.In such a situation the function try to plot the data even 
when a DataFrame is empty and thus plot an empty figure!.
It will make sense if simply display 'DataFrame has no data' message.
3) why? 
if a DataFrame is empty(i.e. contain no data at all.Mind you DataFrame with Nan values 
is considered non empty) then it is desirable not to plot but put out a message :
Suppose we have two DataFrames df1 and df2.
The function myfunc takes any DataFrame(df1 and df2 in this case) and print a message 
if a DataFrame is empty(instead of plotting):
df1                     df2
col1 col2           col1 col2 
Nan   2              Nan  Nan 
2     Nan            Nan  Nan  

and the function:

def myfunc(df):
  if (df.count().sum())>0: ##count the total number of non Nan values.Equal to 0 if DataFrame is empty
     print('not empty')
     display a message instead of plotting if it is empty

Does a TCP socket connection have a "keep alive"?

Now will this socket connection remain open forever or is there a timeout limit associated with it similar to HTTP keep-alive?

The short answer is no it won't remain open forever, it will probably time out after a few hours. Therefore yes there is a timeout and it is enforced via TCP Keep-Alive.

If you would like to configure the Keep-Alive timeout on your machine, see the "Changing TCP Timeouts" section below. Otherwise read through the rest of the answer to learn how TCP Keep-Alive works.


TCP connections consist of two sockets, one on each end of the connection. When one side wants to terminate the connection, it sends an RST packet which the other side acknowledges and both close their sockets.

Until that happens, however, both sides will keep their socket open indefinitely. This leaves open the possibility that one side may close their socket, either intentionally or due to some error, without informing the other end via RST. In order to detect this scenario and close stale connections the TCP Keep Alive process is used.

Keep-Alive Process

There are three configurable properties that determine how Keep-Alives work. On Linux they are1:

  • tcp_keepalive_time
    • default 7200 seconds
  • tcp_keepalive_probes
    • default 9
  • tcp_keepalive_intvl
    • default 75 seconds

The process works like this:

  1. Client opens TCP connection
  2. If the connection is silent for tcp_keepalive_time seconds, send a single empty ACK packet.1
  3. Did the server respond with a corresponding ACK of its own?
    • No
      1. Wait tcp_keepalive_intvl seconds, then send another ACK
      2. Repeat until the number of ACK probes that have been sent equals tcp_keepalive_probes.
      3. If no response has been received at this point, send a RST and terminate the connection.
    • Yes: Return to step 2

This process is enabled by default on most operating systems, and thus dead TCP connections are regularly pruned once the other end has been unresponsive for 2 hours 11 minutes (7200 seconds + 75 * 9 seconds).


2 Hour Default

Since the process doesn't start until a connection has been idle for two hours by default, stale TCP connections can linger for a very long time before being pruned. This can be especially harmful for expensive connections such as database connections.

Keep-Alive is Optional

According to RFC 1122, responding to and/or relaying TCP Keep-Alive packets is optional:

Implementors MAY include "keep-alives" in their TCP implementations, although this practice is not universally accepted. If keep-alives are included, the application MUST be able to turn them on or off for each TCP connection, and they MUST default to off.


It is extremely important to remember that ACK segments that contain no data are not reliably transmitted by TCP.

The reasoning being that Keep-Alive packets contain no data and are not strictly necessary and risk clogging up the tubes of the interwebs if overused.

In practice however, my experience has been that this concern has dwindled over time as bandwidth has become cheaper; and thus Keep-Alive packets are not usually dropped. Amazon EC2 documentation for instance gives an indirect endorsement of Keep-Alive, so if you're hosting with AWS you are likely safe relying on Keep-Alive, but your mileage may vary.

Changing TCP Timeouts

Per Socket

Unfortunately since TCP connections are managed on the OS level, Java does not support configuring timeouts on a per-socket level such as in I have found some attempts3 to use Java Native Interface (JNI) to create Java sockets that call native code to configure these options, but none appear to have widespread community adoption or support.

Instead, you may be forced to apply your configuration to the operating system as a whole. Be aware that this configuration will affect all TCP connections running on the entire system.


The currently configured TCP Keep-Alive settings can be found in

  • /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time
  • /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes
  • /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl

You can update any of these like so:

# Send first Keep-Alive packet when a TCP socket has been idle for 3 minutes
$ echo 180 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time
# Send three Keep-Alive probes...
$ echo 3 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes
# ... spaced 10 seconds apart.
$ echo 10 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl

Such changes will not persist through a restart. To make persistent changes, use sysctl:

sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=180 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes=3 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=10

Mac OS X

The currently configured settings can be viewed with sysctl:

$ sysctl net.inet.tcp | grep -E "keepidle|keepintvl|keepcnt"
net.inet.tcp.keepidle: 7200000
net.inet.tcp.keepintvl: 75000
net.inet.tcp.keepcnt: 8

Of note, Mac OS X defines keepidle and keepintvl in units of milliseconds as opposed to Linux which uses seconds.

The properties can be set with sysctl which will persist these settings across reboots:

sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.keepidle=180000 net.inet.tcp.keepcnt=3 net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=10000

Alternatively, you can add them to /etc/sysctl.conf (creating the file if it doesn't exist).

$ cat /etc/sysctl.conf


I don't have a Windows machine to confirm, but you should find the respective TCP Keep-Alive settings in the registry at



1. See man tcp for more information.

2. This packet is often referred to as a "Keep-Alive" packet, but within the TCP specification it is just a regular ACK packet. Applications like Wireshark are able to label it as a "Keep-Alive" packet by meta-analysis of the sequence and acknowledgement numbers it contains in reference to the preceding communications on the socket.

3. Some examples I found from a basic Google search are lucwilliams/JavaLinuxNet and flonatel/libdontdie.

How to get numeric value from a prompt box?

var xInt = parseInt(x)

This will return either the integer value, or NaN.

Read more about parseInt here.

Truncate string in Laravel blade templates

Laravel 6 Update:

$value = 'Artificial Intelligence';
$var = Str::limit($value, $limit = 15, $end = '');

<p class="card-text">{{ Illuminate\Support\Str::limit($value, 7) }}</p>
<h2 class="main-head">{!! Str::limit($value, 5) !!}</h2>

Get property value from C# dynamic object by string (reflection?)

Hope this would help you:

public static object GetProperty(object o, string member)
    if(o == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("o");
    if(member == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("member");
    Type scope = o.GetType();
    IDynamicMetaObjectProvider provider = o as IDynamicMetaObjectProvider;
    if(provider != null)
        ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
        DynamicMetaObject mobj = provider.GetMetaObject(param);
        GetMemberBinder binder = (GetMemberBinder)Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder.GetMember(0, member, scope, new CSharpArgumentInfo[]{CSharpArgumentInfo.Create(0, null)});
        DynamicMetaObject ret = mobj.BindGetMember(binder);
        BlockExpression final = Expression.Block(
        LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(final, param);
        Delegate del = lambda.Compile();
        return del.DynamicInvoke(o);
        return o.GetType().GetProperty(member, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(o, null);

Bash script to check running process

There are a few really simple methods:

pgrep procname && echo Running 
pgrep procname || echo Not running 
killall -q -0 procname && echo Running 
pidof procname && echo Running

How can I decrypt a password hash in PHP?

Use the password_verify() function

if (password_vertify($inputpassword, $row['password'])) {
  print "Logged in";
else {
    print "Password Incorrect";

Exception.Message vs Exception.ToString()

Depends on the information you need. For debugging the stack trace & inner exception are useful:

    string message =
        "Exception type " + ex.GetType() + Environment.NewLine +
        "Exception message: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine +
        "Stack trace: " + ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine;
    if (ex.InnerException != null)
        message += "---BEGIN InnerException--- " + Environment.NewLine +
                   "Exception type " + ex.InnerException.GetType() + Environment.NewLine +
                   "Exception message: " + ex.InnerException.Message + Environment.NewLine +
                   "Stack trace: " + ex.InnerException.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine +
                   "---END Inner Exception";

X close button only using css

As a pure CSS solution for the close or 'times' symbol you can use the ISO code with the content property. I often use this for :after or :before pseudo selectors.

The content code is \00d7.


  display: inline-block;
  content: "\00d7"; /* This will render the 'X' */

You can then style and position the pseudo selector in any way you want. Hope this helps someone :).

How to disable EditText in Android

Right click the text area and untick the editable option:

enter image description here

Install specific version using laravel installer

Via composer installing specific version 7.*

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel:^7.0 project_name

To install specific version 6.* and below use the following command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel project_name "6.*"

What is the difference between supervised learning and unsupervised learning?

In supervised learning, the input x is provided with the expected outcome y (i.e., the output the model is supposed to produce when the input is x), which is often called the "class" (or "label") of the corresponding input x.

In unsupervised learning, the "class" of an example x is not provided. So, unsupervised learning can be thought of as finding "hidden structure" in unlabelled data set.

Approaches to supervised learning include:

  • Classification (1R, Naive Bayes, decision tree learning algorithm, such as ID3 CART, and so on)

  • Numeric Value Prediction

Approaches to unsupervised learning include:

  • Clustering (K-means, hierarchical clustering)

  • Association Rule Learning

Using ORDER BY and GROUP BY together

Just you need to desc with asc. Write the query like below. It will return the values in ascending order.

SELECT * FROM table GROUP BY m_id ORDER BY m_id asc;

How to make a great R reproducible example

Apart of all above answers which I found very interesting, it could sometimes be very easy as it is discussed here :- HOW TO MAKE A MINIMAL REPRODUCIBLE EXAMPLE TO GET HELP WITH R

There are many ways to make a random vector Create a 100 number vector with random values in R rounded to 2 decimals or random matrix in R

mydf1<- matrix(rnorm(20),nrow=20,ncol=5)

Note that sometimes it is very difficult to share a given data because of various reasons such as dimension etc. However, all above answers are great and very important to think and use when one wants to make a reproducible data example. But note that in order to make a data as representative as the original (in case the OP cannot share the original data), it is good to add some information with the data example as (if we call the data mydf1)

# this shows the type of the data you have 
# this shows the dimension of your data

Moreover, one should know the type, length and attributes of a data which can be Data structures

#found based on the following 
typeof(mydf1), what it is.
length(mydf1), how many elements it contains.
attributes(mydf1), additional arbitrary metadata.

#If you cannot share your original data, you can str it and give an idea about the structure of your data

Why does the JFrame setSize() method not set the size correctly?

On OS X, you need to take into account existing window decorations. They add 22 pixels to the height. So on a JFrame, you need to tell the program this:

frame.setSize(width, height + 22);

Output of git branch in tree like fashion

Tested on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install git-extras

This produces an effect similar to the 2 most upvoted answers here.


Also, if you have arcanist installed (correction: Uber's fork of arcanist installed--see the bottom of this answer here for installation instructions), arc flow shows a beautiful dependency tree of upstream dependencies (ie: which were set previously via arc flow new_branch or manually via git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream_branch).

Bonus git tricks:


  1. What's the difference between `arc graft` and `arc patch`?

Excel VBA - Sum up a column

Here is what you can do if you want to add a column of numbers in Excel. ( I am using Excel 2010 but should not make a difference.)

Example: Lets say you want to add the cells in Column B form B10 to B100 & want the answer to be in cell X or be Variable X ( X can be any cell or any variable you create such as Dim X as integer, etc). Here is the code:

Range("B5") = "=SUM(B10:B100)"


X = "=SUM(B10:B100)

There are no quotation marks inside the parentheses in "=Sum(B10:B100) but there are quotation marks inside the parentheses in Range("B5"). Also there is a space between the equals sign and the quotation to the right of it.

It will not matter if some cells are empty, it will simply see them as containing zeros!

This should do it for you!

How to get the number of columns from a JDBC ResultSet?

Number of a columns in the result set you can get with code (as DB is used PostgreSQL):

//load the driver for PostgreSQL

String url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test";
Properties props = new Properties();
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);

//create statement
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();

//obtain a result set
ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 FROM MY_TABLE");

//from result set give metadata
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();

//columns count from metadata object
int numOfCols = rsmd.getColumnCount();

But you can get more meta-informations about columns:

for(int i = 1; i <= numOfCols; i++)

And at least but not least, you can get some info not just about table but about DB too, how to do it you can find here and here.

How to register multiple implementations of the same interface in Asp.Net Core?

I've faced the same issue and want to share how I solved it and why.

As you mentioned there are two problems. The first:

In Asp.Net Core how do I register these services and resolve it at runtime based on some key?

So what options do we have? Folks suggest two:

  • Use a custom factory (like _myFactory.GetServiceByKey(key))

  • Use another DI engine (like _unityContainer.Resolve<IService>(key))

Is the Factory pattern the only option here?

In fact both options are factories because each IoC Container is also a factory (highly configurable and complicated though). And it seems to me that other options are also variations of the Factory pattern.

So what option is better then? Here I agree with @Sock who suggested using custom factory, and that is why.

First, I always try to avoid adding new dependencies when they are not really needed. So I agree with you in this point. Moreover, using two DI frameworks is worse than creating custom factory abstraction. In the second case you have to add new package dependency (like Unity) but depending on a new factory interface is less evil here. The main idea of ASP.NET Core DI, I believe, is simplicity. It maintains a minimal set of features following KISS principle. If you need some extra feature then DIY or use a corresponding Plungin that implements desired feature (Open Closed Principle).

Secondly, often we need to inject many named dependencies for single service. In case of Unity you may have to specify names for constructor parameters (using InjectionConstructor). This registration uses reflection and some smart logic to guess arguments for the constructor. This also may lead to runtime errors if registration does not match the constructor arguments. From the other hand, when using your own factory you have full control of how to provide the constructor parameters. It's more readable and it's resolved at compile-time. KISS principle again.

The second problem:

How can _serviceProvider.GetService() inject appropriate connection string?

First, I agree with you that depending on new things like IOptions (and therefore on package Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions) is not a good idea. I've seen some discussing about IOptions where there were different opinions about its benifit. Again, I try to avoid adding new dependencies when they are not really needed. Is it really needed? I think no. Otherwise each implementation would have to depend on it without any clear need coming from that implementation (for me it looks like violation of ISP, where I agree with you too). This is also true about depending on the factory but in this case it can be avoided.

The ASP.NET Core DI provides a very nice overload for that purpose:

var mongoConnection = //...
var efConnection = //...
var otherConnection = //...
             s => new MyFactoryImpl(
                 mongoConnection, efConnection, otherConnection, 
                 s.GetService<ISomeDependency1>(), s.GetService<ISomeDependency2>())));

Getting or changing CSS class property with Javascript using DOM style

I think this is not the best way, but in my cases other methods did not work.

stylesheet = document.styleSheets[0]
stylesheet.insertRule(".have-border { border: 1px solid black;}", 0);

Example from

EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0) on dispatch_semaphore_dispose

I landed here because of an XCTestCase, in which I'd disabled most of the tests by prefixing them with 'no_' as in no_testBackgroundAdding. Once I noticed that most of the answers had something to do with locks and threading, I realized the test contained a few instances of XCTestExpectation with corresponding waitForExpectations. They were all in the disabled tests, but apparently Xcode was still evaluating them at some level.

In the end I found an XCTestExpectation that was defined as @property but lacked the @synthesize. Once I added the synthesize directive, the EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION disappeared.

How to specify names of columns for x and y when joining in dplyr?

This is more a workaround than a real solution. You can create a new object test_data with another column name:

left_join("names<-"(test_data, "name"), kantrowitz, by = "name")

     name gender
1    john      M
2    bill either
3 madison      M
4    abby either
5     zzz   <NA>

jQuery - keydown / keypress /keyup ENTERKEY detection?


    var code = e.key; // recommended to use e.key, it's normalized across devices and languages
    if(code==="Enter") e.preventDefault();
    if(code===" " || code==="Enter" || code===","|| code===";"){
    } // missing closing if brace


<input id="entersomething" type="text" /> <!-- put a type attribute in -->
<div id="displaysomething"></div>

jQuery .val() vs .attr("value")

I have always used .val() and to be honest I didnt even know you could get the value using .attr("value"). I set the value of a form field using .val() as well ex. $('#myfield').val('New Value');

What's the best way to set a single pixel in an HTML5 canvas?

Fast and handy

Following class implements fast method described in this article and contains all you need: readPixel, putPixel, get width/height. Class update canvas after calling refresh() method. Example solve simple case of 2d wave equation

class Screen{
  constructor(canvasSelector) {
    this.canvas = document.querySelector(canvasSelector);
    this.width  = this.canvas.width;
    this.height = this.canvas.height;
    this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
    this.imageData = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
    this.buf = new ArrayBuffer(;
    this.buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.buf); = new Uint32Array(this.buf);  
  // r,g,b,a - red, gren, blue, alpha components in range 0-255
  putPixel(x,y,r,g,b,a=255) {[y * this.width + x] = (a<<24) | (b<<16) | (g<<8) | r;
  readPixel(x,y) {
    let p=[y * this.width + x]
    return [p&0xff, p>>8&0xff, p>>16&0xff, p>>>24];

  refresh() {;
    this.ctx.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0);

// --------
// --------

let s= new Screen('#canvas');                // initialise

function draw() {

  for (var y = 1; y < s.height-1; ++y) {
    for (var x = 1; x < s.width-1; ++x) {      
      let a = [[1,0],[-1,0],[0,1],[0,-1]].reduce((a,[xp,yp])=> 
        a+= s.readPixel(x+xp,y+yp)[0]        // read pixel
      let v= a/1.99446-tmp[x][y];
      tmp[x][y]=v<0 ? 0:v;

  for (var y = 1; y < s.height-1; ++y) {
    for (var x = 1; x < s.width-1; ++x) {  
      let v=tmp[x][y];
      tmp[x][y]= s.readPixel(x,y)[0];        // read pixel
      s.putPixel(x,y, v,0,0);                // put pixel


// temporary 2d buffer ()for solving wave equation)
let tmp = [...Array(s.width)].map(x => Array(s.height).fill(0));

function move(e) { s.putPixel(e.x-10, e.y-10, 255,255,255);}

<canvas id="canvas" height="150" width="512" onmousemove="move(event)"></canvas>
<div>Move mouse on black square</div>

Using Predicate in Swift

Use The Below code:

 func filterContentForSearchText(searchText:NSString, scopes scope:NSString)
    //var searchText = ""

    var resultPredicate : NSPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "name contains[c]\(searchText)", nil)

    //var recipes : NSArray = NSArray()

    var searchResults = recipes.filteredArrayUsingPredicate(resultPredicate)

rotating axis labels in R

Use par(las=1).

See ?par:

numeric in {0,1,2,3}; the style of axis labels.
0: always parallel to the axis [default],
1: always horizontal,
2: always perpendicular to the axis,
3: always vertical.

How can I initialize base class member variables in derived class constructor?

If you don't specify visibility for a class member, it defaults to "private". You should make your members private or protected if you want to access them in a subclass.

Oracle TNS names not showing when adding new connection to SQL Developer

You can always find out the location of the tnsnames.ora file being used by running TNSPING to check connectivity (9i or later):

C:\>tnsping dev

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 08-JAN-2009 12:48:38

Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
OK (30 msec)


Sometimes, the problem is with the entry you made in tnsnames.ora, not that the system can't find it. That said, I agree that having a tns_admin environment variable set is a Good Thing, since it avoids the inevitable issues that arise with determining exactly which tnsnames file is being used in systems with multiple oracle homes.

Android: How to set password property in an edit text?

See this link text view android:password

This applies for EditText as well, as it is a known direct subclass of TextView.

How to display a json array in table format?


var obj=[
            id : "001",
            name : "apple",
            category : "fruit",
            color : "red"
            id : "002",
            name : "melon",
            category : "fruit",
            color : "green"
            id : "003",
            name : "banana",
            category : "fruit",
            color : "yellow"
    var tbl=$("<table/>").attr("id","mytable");
    for(var i=0;i<obj.length;i++)
        var tr="<tr>";
        var td1="<td>"+obj[i]["id"]+"</td>";
        var td2="<td>"+obj[i]["name"]+"</td>";
        var td3="<td>"+obj[i]["color"]+"</td></tr>";



Java - Convert String to valid URI object

Android has always had the Uri class as part of the SDK:

You can simply do something like:

String requestURL = String.format("", Uri.encode("foo bar"), Uri.encode("100% fubar'd"));

How do I create a multiline Python string with inline variables?

If anyone came here from python-graphql client looking for a solution to pass an object as variable here's what I used:

query = """
  pairs(block: {block} first: 200, orderBy: trackedReserveETH, orderDirection: desc) {{
""".format(block=''.join(['{number: ', str(block), '}']))

 query = gql(query)

Make sure to escape all curly braces like I did: "{{", "}}"

Face recognition Library

I know it has been a while, but for anyone else interested, there is the Faint project, which has bundled a lot of these features (detection, recognition, etc.) into a nice software package.

How to outline text in HTML / CSS

Try CSS3 Textshadow.

.box_textshadow {
     text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #FF0000; /* FF3.5+, Opera 9+, Saf1+, Chrome, IE10 */

Try it yourself on

Is there a "null coalescing" operator in JavaScript?

Need to support old browser and have a object hierarchy

body.head.eyes[0]  //body, head, eyes  may be null 

may use this,

(((body||{}) .head||{}) .eyes||[])[0] ||'left eye'

Print a list in reverse order with range()?

Using without [::-1] or reversed -

def reverse(text):
    result = []
    for index in range(len(text)-1,-1,-1):
        c = text[index]
    return ''.join(result)

print reverse("python!")

How do I pass command line arguments to a Node.js program?

A simple snippet if any need it:

var fs = require('fs'), objMod = {};

process.argv.slice(2).map(function(y, i) {
  y = y.split('=');
  if (y[0] && y[1]) objMod[y[0]] = y[1];
  else console.log('Error in argument number ' + (i+1));

javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Class *** nor any of its super class is known to this context

Ftrujillo's answer works well but if you only have one package to scan this is the shortest form::

    public Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller() {
        Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
        return marshaller;

How to fix warning from date() in PHP"

You could also use this:


You should call this before calling any date function. It accepts the key as the first parameter to alter PHP settings during runtime and the second parameter is the value.

I had done these things before I figured out this:

  1. Changed the PHP.timezone to "Asia/Calcutta" - but did not work
  2. Changed the lat and long parameters in the ini - did not work
  3. Used date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Calcutta"); - did not work
  4. Used ini_alter() - IT WORKED
  5. Commented date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Calcutta"); - IT WORKED
  6. Reverted the changes made to the PHP.ini - IT WORKED

For me the init_alter() method got it all working.

I am running Apache 2 (pre-installed), PHP 5.3 on OSX mountain lion

How do I get the serial key for Visual Studio Express?

I have an improvement on the answer @DewiMorgan gave for VS 2008 express. I have since confirmed it also works on VS 2005 express.
It lets you run the software without it EVER requiring registration, and also makes it so you don't have to manually delete the key every 30 days. It does this by preventing the key from ever being written.

(Deleting the correct key can also let you avoid registering VS 2015 "Community Edition," but using permissions to prevent the key being written will make the IDE crash, so I haven't found a great solution for it yet.)

The directions assume Visual C# Express 2008, but this works on all the other visual studio express apps I can find.

  1. Open regedit, head to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VCSExpress\9.0\Registration.
  2. Delete the value Params. picture of me deleting the value 'Params' in the registry.
  3. Right click on the key 'Registration' in the tree, and click permissions.
  4. Click Advanced...
  5. Go to the permissions tab, and uncheck the box labeled Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here. me unchecking the box
  6. In the dialog that opens, click copy.
    the security dialog that pops up
    Note that in Windows 7 (and 8/8.1, I think), it appears the copy button was renamed to add, as in add inherited permissions as explicit permissions.

    In Windows 10, it appears things changed again. @ravuya says that you might have to manually re-create some of the permissions, as the registry editor no longer offers this exact functionality directly. I don't use Windows very much anymore, so I'll defer to them:

    On Win10, there is a button called "Disable Inheritance" that does the same thing as the checkbox mentioned in step 5. It is necessary to create new permissions just for Registration, instead of inheriting those permissions from an upstream registry key.

  7. Hit OK in the 'Advanced' window.
  8. Back in the first permissions window, click your user, and uncheck Full Control. Me unchecking 'full control'

  9. Do the same thing for the Administrators group. Me unchecking 'full control' for the Administrators group

  10. Hit OK or Apply. Congratulations, you will never again be plagued by the registration nag, and just like WinRAR, your trial will never expire.

You may have to do the same thing for other (non-Visual C#) programs, like Visual Basic express or Visual C++ express.

It has been reported by @IronManMark20 in the comments that simply deleting the registry key works and that Visual Studio does not attempt to re-create the key. I am not sure if I believe this because when I installed VS on a clean windows installation, the key was not created until I ran VS at least once. But for what it's worth, that may be an option as well.

How do I add items to an array in jQuery?

You are making an ajax request which is asynchronous therefore your console log of the list length occurs before the ajax request has completed.

The only way of achieving what you want is changing the ajax call to be synchronous. You can do this by using the .ajax and passing in asynch : false however this is not recommended as it locks the UI up until the call has returned, if it fails to return the user has to crash out of the browser.

How can I use JSON data to populate the options of a select box?

Take a look at JQuery view engine and just load the array into a dropdown:

    data: 'q=' + str,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function( json ) {
          // Assumption is that API returned something like:["North","West","South","East"];

See details here:

Using SELECT result in another SELECT

What you are looking for is a query with WITH clause, if your dbms supports it. Then

WITH NewScores AS (
    SELECT * 
    FROM Score  
    WHERE InsertedDate >= DATEADD(mm, -3, GETDATE())
<and the rest of your query>

Note that there is no ; in the first half. HTH.

How to round down to nearest integer in MySQL?

SUBSTR will be better than FLOOR in some cases because FLOOR has a "bug" as follow:

SELECT 25 * 9.54 + 0.5 -> 239.00

SELECT FLOOR(25 * 9.54 + 0.5) -> 238  (oops!)

SELECT SUBSTR((25*9.54+0.5),1,LOCATE('.',(25*9.54+0.5)) - 1) -> 239

How do I run a program with commandline arguments using GDB within a Bash script?

Another way to do this, which I personally find slightly more convenient and intuitive (without having to remember the --args parameter), is to compile normally, and use r arg1 arg2 arg3 directly from within gdb, like so:

$ gcc -g *.c *.h
$ gdb ./a.out
(gdb) r arg1 arg2 arg3

Histogram using gnuplot?

I have found this discussion extremely useful, but I have experienced some "rounding off" problems.

More precisely, using a binwidth of 0.05, I have noticed that, with the techniques presented here above, data points which read 0.1 and 0.15 fall in the same bin. This (obviously unwanted behaviour) is most likely due to the "floor" function.

Hereafter is my small contribution to try to circumvent this.

bin(x,width,n)=x<=n*width? width*(n-1) + 0.5*binwidth:bin(x,width,n+1)
binwidth = 0.05
set boxwidth binwidth
plot "data.dat" u (bin($1,binwidth,1)):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes

This recursive method is for x >=0; one could generalise this with more conditional statements to obtain something even more general.

Android ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path

I ran into the same issue. I solved it by first deleting the build folder in your android project folder and the build folder in your app folder. then clean your project and build.

dynamically set iframe src

Try this:


How do I time a method's execution in Java?

As "skaffman" said, use AOP OR you can use run time bytecode weaving, just like unit test method coverage tools use to transparently add timing info to methods invoked.

You can look at code used by open source tools tools like Emma ( The other opensource coverage tool is

If you eventually manage to do what you set out for, pls. share it back with the community here with your ant task/jars.

Django Rest Framework -- no module named rest_framework

Also, check for the possibility of a tiny typo:

It's rest_framework with an underscore (_) in between!

Took me a while to figure out that I was using a dash instead...

How to load URL in UIWebView in Swift?

Swift 3 - Xcode 8.1

 @IBOutlet weak var myWebView: UIWebView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

            let url = URL (string: "")
            let requestObj = URLRequest(url: url!)


How many bytes is unsigned long long?

Executive summary: it's 64 bits, or larger.

unsigned long long is the same as unsigned long long int. Its size is platform-dependent, but guaranteed by the C standard (ISO C99) to be at least 64 bits. There was no long long in C89, but apparently even MSVC supports it, so it's quite portable.

In the current C++ standard (issued in 2003), there is no long long, though many compilers support it as an extension. The upcoming C++0x standard will support it and its size will be the same as in C, so at least 64 bits.

You can get the exact size, in bytes (8 bits on typical platforms) with the expression sizeof(unsigned long long). If you want exactly 64 bits, use uint64_t, which is defined in the header <stdint.h> along with a bunch of related types (available in C99, C++11 and some current C++ compilers).

CSS center display inline block?

If you have a <div> with text-align:center;, then any text inside it will be centered with respect to the width of that container element. inline-block elements are treated as text for this purpose, so they will also be centered.

how to use a like with a join in sql?

In MySQL you could try:


Of course this would be a massively inefficient query because it would do a full table scan.

Update: Here's a proof

create table A (MYCOL varchar(255));
create table B (MYCOL varchar(255));
insert into A (MYCOL) values ('foo'), ('bar'), ('baz');
insert into B (MYCOL) values ('fooblah'), ('somethingfooblah'), ('foo');
insert into B (MYCOL) values ('barblah'), ('somethingbarblah'), ('bar');
| MYCOL | MYCOL            |
| foo   | fooblah          |
| foo   | somethingfooblah |
| foo   | foo              |
| bar   | barblah          |
| bar   | somethingbarblah |
| bar   | bar              |
6 rows in set (0.38 sec)

typeof operator in C

It's not exactly an operator, rather a keyword. And no, it doesn't do any runtime-magic.

PostgreSQL return result set as JSON array?

Also if you want selected field from table and aggregated then as array .

SELECT json_agg(json_build_object('data_a',a,
))  from t;

The result will come .


How do I use properly CASE..WHEN in MySQL

There are two variants of CASE, and you're not using the one that you think you are.

What you're doing

CASE case_value
    WHEN when_value THEN statement_list
    [WHEN when_value THEN statement_list] ...
    [ELSE statement_list]

Each condition is loosely equivalent to a if (case_value == when_value) (pseudo-code).

However, you've put an entire condition as when_value, leading to something like:

if (case_value == (case_value > 100))

Now, (case_value > 100) evaluates to FALSE, and is the only one of your conditions to do so. So, now you have:

if (case_value == FALSE)

FALSE converts to 0 and, through the resulting full expression if (case_value == 0) you can now see why the third condition fires.

What you're supposed to do

Drop the first course_enrollment_settings so that there's no case_value, causing MySQL to know that you intend to use the second variant of CASE:

    WHEN search_condition THEN statement_list
    [WHEN search_condition THEN statement_list] ...
    [ELSE statement_list]

Now you can provide your full conditionals as search_condition.

Also, please read the documentation for features that you use.

How to print a list in Python "nicely"

Simply by "unpacking" the list in the print function argument and using a newline (\n) as separator.

print(*lst, sep='\n')

lst = ['foo', 'bar', 'spam', 'egg']
print(*lst, sep='\n')


Add characters to a string in Javascript

Simple use text = text + string2

Redirect stdout to a file in Python?

You need a terminal multiplexer like either tmux or GNU screen

I'm surprised that a small comment by Ryan Amos' to the original question is the only mention of a solution far preferable to all the others on offer, no matter how clever the python trickery may be and how many upvotes they've received. Further to Ryan's comment, tmux is a nice alternative to GNU screen.

But the principle is the same: if you ever find yourself wanting to leave a terminal job running while you log-out, head to the cafe for a sandwich, pop to the bathroom, go home (etc) and then later, reconnect to your terminal session from anywhere or any computer as though you'd never been away, terminal multiplexers are the answer. Think of them as VNC or remote desktop for terminal sessions. Anything else is a workaround. As a bonus, when the boss and/or partner comes in and you inadvertently ctrl-w / cmd-w your terminal window instead of your browser window with its dodgy content, you won't have lost the last 18 hours-worth of processing!

Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page including the primary key in an unpivot

Not really a technical solution, but SQL Server 2017 flat file import is totally revamped, and imported my large-ish file with 5 clicks, handled encoding / field length issues without any input from me

enter image description here

The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded

If you are using CustomBinding then you would rather need to make changes in httptransport element. Set it as

    <binding ...>
     <httpsTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647"/>

How to get current working directory using vba?

If you really mean pure working Directory, this should suit for you.

Solution A:

Dim ParentPath As String: ParentPath = "\"
Dim ThisWorkbookPath As String
Dim ThisWorkbookPathParts, Part As Variant
Dim Count, Parts As Long

ThisWorkbookPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
ThisWorkbookPathParts = Split(ThisWorkbookPath, _

Parts = UBound(ThisWorkbookPathParts)
Count = 0
For Each Part In ThisWorkbookPathParts
    If Count > 0 Then
        ParentPath = ParentPath & Part & "\"
    End If
    Count = Count + 1
    If Count = Parts Then Exit For

MsgBox "File-Drive = " & ThisWorkbookPathParts _
MsgBox "Parent-Path = " & ParentPath

But if don't, this should be enough.

Solution B:

Dim ThisWorkbookPath As String

ThisWorkbookPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
MsgBox "Working-Directory = " & ThisWorkbookPath 

How can I change the font size using seaborn FacetGrid?

I've made small modifications to @paul-H code, such that you can set the font size for the x/y axes and legend independently. Hope it helps:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
x = np.random.normal(size=37)
y = np.random.lognormal(size=37)

# defaults                                                                                                         
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y, marker='s', linestyle='none', label='small')
ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20,bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.1))

This is the output:

enter image description here

How to prevent a browser from storing passwords

You should be able to make a fake hidden password box to prevent it.

  <div style="display:none">_x000D_
    <input type="password" tabindex="-1"/>_x000D_
  <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="username"/>_x000D_
  <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password"/>_x000D_

Searching multiple files for multiple words

If you are using Notepad++ editor (like the tag of the question suggests), you can use the great "Find in Files" functionality.

Go to Search > Find in Files (Ctrl+Shift+F for the keyboard addicted) and enter:

  • Find What = (test1|test2)
  • Filters = *.txt
  • Directory = enter the path of the directory you want to search in. You can check Follow current doc. to have the path of the current file to be filled.
  • Search mode = Regular Expression

What is %timeit in python?

Line magics are prefixed with the % character and work much like OS command-line calls: they get as an argument the rest of the line, where arguments are passed without parentheses or quotes. Cell magics are prefixed with a double %%, and they are functions that get as an argument not only the rest of the line, but also the lines below it in a separate argument.

What's the best way to store co-ordinates (longitude/latitude, from Google Maps) in SQL Server?

Fair Warning! Before taking the advice to use the GEOGRAPHY type, make sure you are not planning on using Linq or Entity Framework to access the data because it's not supported (as of November 2010) and you will be sad!

Update Jul 2017

For those reading this answer now, it is obsolete as it refers to backdated technology stack. See comments for more details.

Flatten List in LINQ

If you have a List<List<int>> k you can do

List<int> flatList= k.SelectMany( v => v).ToList();

Run chrome in fullscreen mode on Windows

I would like to share my way of starting chrome - specificaly youtube tv - in full screen mode automatically, without the need of pressing F11. kiosk/fullscreen options doesn't seem to work (Version 41.0.2272.89). It has some steps though...

  • Start chrome and navigate to page (
  • Drag the address from the address bar (the lock icon) to the desktop. It will create a shortcut.
  • From chrome, open Apps (the icon with the multiple coloured dots)
  • From desktop, drag the shortcut into the Apps space
  • Right click on the new icon in Apps and select "Open fullscreen"
  • Right click again on the icon in Apps and select "Create shortcuts..."
  • Select for example Desktop and Create. A new shortcut will be created on desktop.

Now, whenever you click on this shortcut, chrome will start in fullscreen and at the page you defined. I guess you can put this shortcut in startup folder to run when windows starts, but I haven't tried it.

batch file - counting number of files in folder and storing in a variable

for /F "tokens=1" %a in ('dir ^| findstr "File(s)"') do echo %a


C:\MyDir> for /F "tokens=1" %a in ('dir ^| findstr "File(s)"') do @set FILE_COUNT=%a

C:\MyDir> echo %FILE_COUNT%
4   // <== There's your answer

How to change symbol for decimal point in double.ToString()?

Convert.ToString(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

How do I make a MySQL database run completely in memory?

Assuming you understand the consequences of using the MEMORY engine as mentioned in comments, and here, as well as some others you'll find by searching about (no transaction safety, locking issues, etc) - you can proceed as follows:

MEMORY tables are stored differently than InnoDB, so you'll need to use an export/import strategy. First dump each table separately to a file using SELECT * FROM tablename INTO OUTFILE 'table_filename'. Create the MEMORY database and recreate the tables you'll be using with this syntax: CREATE TABLE tablename (...) ENGINE = MEMORY;. You can then import your data using LOAD DATA INFILE 'table_filename' INTO TABLE tablename for each table.

Functional programming vs Object Oriented programming

You don't necessarily have to choose between the two paradigms. You can write software with an OO architecture using many functional concepts. FP and OOP are orthogonal in nature.

Take for example C#. You could say it's mostly OOP, but there are many FP concepts and constructs. If you consider Linq, the most important constructs that permit Linq to exist are functional in nature: lambda expressions.

Another example, F#. You could say it's mostly FP, but there are many OOP concepts and constructs available. You can define classes, abstract classes, interfaces, deal with inheritance. You can even use mutability when it makes your code clearer or when it dramatically increases performance.

Many modern languages are multi-paradigm.

Recommended readings

As I'm in the same boat (OOP background, learning FP), I'd suggest you some readings I've really appreciated:

Set color of text in a Textbox/Label to Red and make it bold in C#

string minusvalue = TextBox1.Text.ToString();

if (Convert.ToDouble(minusvalue) < 0)
    // set color of text in TextBox1 to red color and bold.
    TextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Red;

How to capture a list of specific type with mockito

The nested generics-problem can be avoided with the @Captor annotation:

public class Test{

    private Service service;

    private ArgumentCaptor<ArrayList<SomeType>> captor;

    public void init(){

    public void shouldDoStuffWithListValues() {

SQL select statements with multiple tables

First select all record from person table, then join all these record with another table 'Address' u have record of all the persons who have their address in address finally filter your record by zipcode.

 select * from Person as P inner join Address as A on = A.person_id Where'97229'

What’s the best way to get an HTTP response code from a URL?

In future, for those that use python3 and later, here's another code to find response code.

import urllib.request

def getResponseCode(url):
    conn = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    return conn.getcode()

How to generate range of numbers from 0 to n in ES2015 only?

For numbers 0 to 5

=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Jquery to get the id of selected value from dropdown

If you are trying to get the id, then please update your code like

  html += '<option id = "' + + "' value="' + i + '">' + n.names + '</option>';

To retrieve id,


To retrieve Value


in Javascript

var e = document.getElementById("jobSel");
var job = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;

How to check the installed version of React-Native

The best practice for checking the react native environment information.

react-native info

which will give the information

React Native Environment Info:
  OS: Linux 4.15 Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
  CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
  Memory: 2.08 GB / 7.67 GB
  Shell: 4.4.19 - /bin/bash
  Node: 8.10.0 - /usr/bin/node
  Yarn: 1.12.3 - /usr/bin/yarn
  npm: 3.5.2 - /usr/bin/npm
  react: 16.4.1 => 16.4.1 
  react-native: 0.56.0 => 0.56.0 
  react-native-cli: 2.0.1
  react-native: 0.57.8

Cannot find Dumpbin.exe

You probably need to open a command prompt with the PATH set up properly. Look for an icon in the start menu that says something like "Visual C++ 2005 Command Prompt". You should be able to run dumpbin (and all the other command line tools) from there.

Can curl make a connection to any TCP ports, not just HTTP/HTTPS?

Of course:


Port 80 and 443 are just default port numbers.

Set content of HTML <span> with Javascript

The Maximally Standards Compliant way to do it is to create a text node containing the text you want and append it to the span (removing any currently extant text nodes).

The way I would actually do it is to use jQuery's .text().

Accessing nested JavaScript objects and arrays by string path

I'm developing online-shop with React. I tried to change values in copied state object to update original state with it on submit. Examples above haven't worked for me, because most of them mutate structure of copied object. I found working example of the function for accessing and changing values of the deep nested object properties: Here it is:

const createPath = (obj, path, value = null) => {
  path = typeof path === 'string' ? path.split('.') : path;
  let current = obj;
  while (path.length > 1) {
    const [head, ...tail] = path;
    path = tail;
    if (current[head] === undefined) {
      current[head] = {};
    current = current[head];
  current[path[0]] = value;
  return obj;

When do I use the PHP constant "PHP_EOL"?

Yes, PHP_EOL is ostensibly used to find the newline character in a cross-platform-compatible way, so it handles DOS/Unix issues.

Note that PHP_EOL represents the endline character for the current system. For instance, it will not find a Windows endline when executed on a unix-like system.

$.ajax - dataType

  • contentType is the HTTP header sent to the server, specifying a particular format.
    Example: I'm sending JSON or XML
  • dataType is you telling jQuery what kind of response to expect.
    Expecting JSON, or XML, or HTML, etc. The default is for jQuery to try and figure it out.

The $.ajax() documentation has full descriptions of these as well.

In your particular case, the first is asking for the response to be in UTF-8, the second doesn't care. Also the first is treating the response as a JavaScript object, the second is going to treat it as a string.

So the first would be:

success: function(data) {
  // get data, e.g. data.title;

The second:

success: function(data) {
  alert("Here's lots of data, just a string: " + data);

jQuery toggle animation

onmouseover="$('.play-detail').stop().animate({'height': '84px'},'300');" 

onmouseout="$('.play-detail').stop().animate({'height': '44px'},'300');"

Just put two stops -- one onmouseover and one onmouseout.

Load More Posts Ajax Button in WordPress

If I'm not using any category then how can I use this code? Actually, I want to use this code for custom post type.

How to create an HTML button that acts like a link?

People who have answered using <a></a> attributes on a <button></button> was helpful.

BUT then recently, I encountered a problem when I used a link inside a <form></form>.

The button is now regarded like/as a submit button (HTML5). I've tried working a way around, and have found this method.

Create a CSS style button like the one below:

    border : solid 1px #0088cc;
    border-radius : 6px;
    moz-border-radius : 6px;
    -webkit-box-shadow : 0px 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,1.0);
    -moz-box-shadow : 0px 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,1.0);
    box-shadow : 0px 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,1.0);
    font-size : 18px;
    color : #696869;
    padding : 1px 17px;
    background : #eeeeee;
    background : -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#eeeeee), color-stop(49%,#eeeeee), color-stop(72%,#cccccc), color-stop(100%,#eeeeee));
    background : -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 0%, #eeeeee 49%, #cccccc 72%, #eeeeee 100%);
    background : -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 0%, #eeeeee 49%, #cccccc 72%, #eeeeee 100%);
    background : -o-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 0%, #eeeeee 49%, #cccccc 72%, #eeeeee 100%);
    background : -ms-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 0%, #eeeeee 49%, #cccccc 72%, #eeeeee 100%);
    background : linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 0%, #eeeeee 49%, #cccccc 72%, #eeeeee 100%);
    filter : progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#eeeeee', endColorstr='#eeeeee',GradientType=0 );


Or create a new one here : CSS Button Generator

And then create your link with a class tag named after the CSS style you have made:

<a href='link.php' class='btn-style'>Link</a>

Here's a fiddle:

JS Fiddle

Split string with JavaScript

Assuming you're using jQuery..

var input = '19 51 2.108997\n20 47 2.1089';
var lines = input.split('\n');
var output = '';
$.each(lines, function(key, line) {
    var parts = line.split(' ');
    output += '<span>' + parts[0] + ' ' + parts[1] + '</span><span>' + parts[2] + '</span>\n';

CSS flexbox vertically/horizontally center image WITHOUT explicitely defining parent height

Without explicitly defining the height I determined I need to apply the flex value to the parent and grandparent div elements...

<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="display: flex;">
 <img alt="No, he'll be an engineer." src="theknack.png" style="margin: auto;" />

If you're using a single element (e.g. dead-centered text in a single flex element) use the following:

align-items: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;

Find and replace entire mysql database

This isn't possible - you need to carry out an UPDATE for each table individually.


Alternatively, you could dump the database via mysqldump and simply perform the search/replace on the resultant SQL file. (I'd recommend offlining anything that might touch the database whilst this is in progress, as well as using the --add-drop-table and --extended-insert flags.) However, you'd need to be sure that the search/replace text wasn't going to alter anything other than the data itself (i.e.: that the text you were going to swap out might not occur as a part of SQL syntax) and I'd really try doing the re-insert on an empty test database first.)

Ruby: Can I write multi-line string with no concatenation?

Yes, if you don't mind the extra newlines being inserted:

 conn.exec 'select attr1, attr2, attr3, attr4, attr5, attr6, attr7
            from table1, table2, table3, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,
            where etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc'

Alternatively you can use a heredoc:

conn.exec <<-eos
   select attr1, attr2, attr3, attr4, attr5, attr6, attr7
   from table1, table2, table3, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,
   where etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

MySQL - Select the last inserted row easiest way

SELECT * FROM `table_name` 
ORDER BY `table_name`.`column_name` DESC

SQL Server ORDER BY date and nulls last

smalldatetime has range up to June 6, 2079 so you can use

ORDER BY ISNULL(Next_Contact_Date, '2079-06-05T23:59:00')

If no legitimate records will have that date.

If this is not an assumption you fancy relying on a more robust option is sorting on two columns.

ORDER BY CASE WHEN Next_Contact_Date IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, Next_Contact_Date

Both of the above suggestions are not able to use an index to avoid a sort however and give similar looking plans.

enter image description here

One other possibility if such an index exists is

SELECT 1 AS Grp, Next_Contact_Date 
WHERE Next_Contact_Date IS NOT NULL
SELECT 2 AS Grp, Next_Contact_Date 
WHERE Next_Contact_Date IS NULL
ORDER BY Grp, Next_Contact_Date


Parsing JSON with Unix tools

I needed something in BASH that's short and would run without dependencies beyond vanilla Linux LSB and Mac OS for both python 2.7 & 3 and handle errors, e.g. would report json parse errors and missing property errors without spewing python exceptions:

json-extract () {
  if [[ "$1" == "" || "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "-?" || "$1" == "--help" ]] ; then
    echo 'Extract top level property value from json document'
    echo '  Usage: json-extract <property> [ <file-path> ]'
    echo '  Example 1: json-extract status /tmp/response.json'
    echo '  Example 2: echo $JSON_STRING | json-extract-file status'
    echo '  Status codes: 0 - success, 1 - json parse error, 2 - property missing'
    python -c $'import sys, json;\ntry: obj = json.load(open(sys.argv[2])); \nexcept: sys.exit(1)\ntry: print(obj[sys.argv[1]])\nexcept: sys.exit(2)' "$1" "${2:-/dev/stdin}"

How do I add comments to package.json for npm install?

I like this:

  "scripts": {
    "??? Jenkins Build - in this order ???                                                                                                  ": "",
    "purge": "lerna run something",
    "clean:test": "lerna exec --ignore nanana"

There are extra spaces in the command name, so in Visual Studio Code's NPM Scripts plugin you have a better look.

Cast object to T

You could require the type to be a reference type :

 private static T ReadData<T>(XmlReader reader, string value) where T : class
     object readData = reader.ReadContentAsObject();
     return (T)readData;

And then do another that uses value types and TryParse...

 private static T ReadDataV<T>(XmlReader reader, string value) where T : struct
     object readData = reader.ReadContentAsObject();
     int outInt;
     if(int.TryParse(readData, out outInt))
        return outInt