Programs & Examples On #Reflow

Violation Long running JavaScript task took xx ms

I found a solution in Apache Cordova source code. They implement like this:

var resolvedPromise = typeof Promise == 'undefined' ? null : Promise.resolve();
var nextTick = resolvedPromise ? function(fn) { resolvedPromise.then(fn); } : function(fn) { setTimeout(fn); };

Simple implementation, but smart way.

Over the Android 4.4, use Promise. For older browsers, use setTimeout()


nextTick(function() {
  // your code

After inserting this trick code, all warning messages are gone.

How to redirect on another page and pass parameter in url from table?

Do this :

<script type="text/javascript">
function showDetails(username)
   window.location = '/player_detail?username='+username;

<input type="button" name="theButton" value="Detail" onclick="showDetails('username');">

Resize height with Highcharts

Ricardo's answer is correct, however: sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where the container simply doesn't resize as desired as the browser window changes size, thus not allowing highcharts to resize itself.

This always works:

  1. Set up a timed and pipelined resize event listener. Example with 500ms on jsFiddle
  2. use chart.setSize(width, height, doAnimation = true); in your actual resize function to set the height and width dynamically
  3. Set reflow: false in the highcharts-options and of course set height and width explicitly on creation. As we'll be doing our own resize event handling there's no need Highcharts hooks in another one.

select the TOP N rows from a table

select * from table_name LIMIT 100

remember this only works with MYSQL

The following artifacts could not be resolved: javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1

Another solution if you don't want to modify your settings:

Download jms-1.1.jar from JBoss repository then:

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=javax.jms -DartifactId=jms -Dversion=1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=jms-1.1.jar

SQL Server : trigger how to read value for Insert, Update, Delete

Here is the syntax to create a trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
ON { table | view }
    { { FOR | AFTER | INSTEAD OF } { [ INSERT ] [ , ] [ UPDATE ] [ , ] [ DELETE ] }
        [ WITH APPEND ]
        [ { IF UPDATE ( column )
            [ { AND | OR } UPDATE ( column ) ]
                [ ...n ]
        | IF ( COLUMNS_UPDATED ( ) { bitwise_operator } updated_bitmask )
                { comparison_operator } column_bitmask [ ...n ]
        } ]
        sql_statement [ ...n ]

If you want to use On Update you only can do it with the IF UPDATE ( column ) section. That's not possible to do what you are asking.

How to use PHP to connect to sql server

Use localhost instead of your IP address.


$myServer = "localhost";

And also double check your mysql username and password.

Installing packages in Sublime Text 2

The Installed Packages Directory You will find this directory in the data directory. It contains a copy of every sublime-package installed. Used to restore Packages

So, you shouldn't put any plugin to this folder. For getting works of SidebarEnhancements plugin try to disable and reenable this plugin with using Package Control. If it doesn't work then try to remove folder "SidebarEnhancements" from "Packages" folder and install it again via Package Control.

Send file via cURL from form POST in PHP

It works for me when sending an attachment to Mercadolibre, through its messaging system.

The anwswer

$target_url = "http://server:port/xxxxx.php";           
$fname = 'file.txt';   
$cfile = new CURLFile(realpath($fname));

    $post = array (
              'file' => $cfile

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $target_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)");   
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Content-Type: multipart/form-data'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, 1);   
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, 1);  
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 100);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);

$result = curl_exec ($ch);

if ($result === FALSE) {
    echo "Error sending" . $fname .  " " . curl_error($ch);
    curl_close ($ch);
    curl_close ($ch);
    echo  "Result: " . $result;

HashMap to return default value for non-found keys?

 * Extension of TreeMap to provide default value getter/creator.
 * NOTE: This class performs no null key or value checking.
 * @author N David Brown
 * @param <K>   Key type
 * @param <V>   Value type
public abstract class Hash<K, V> extends TreeMap<K, V> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1905150272531272505L;

     * Same as {@link #get(Object)} but first stores result of
     * {@link #create(Object)} under given key if key doesn't exist.
     * @param k
     * @return
    public V getOrCreate(final K k) {
        V v = get(k);
        if (v == null) {
            v = create(k);
            put(k, v);
        return v;

     * Same as {@link #get(Object)} but returns specified default value
     * if key doesn't exist. Note that default value isn't automatically
     * stored under the given key.
     * @param k
     * @param _default
     * @return
    public V getDefault(final K k, final V _default) {
        V v = get(k);
        return v == null ? _default : v;

     * Creates a default value for the specified key.
     * @param k
     * @return
    abstract protected V create(final K k);

Example Usage:

protected class HashList extends Hash<String, ArrayList<String>> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6658900478219817746L;

        public ArrayList<Short> create(Short key) {
            return new ArrayList<Short>();

final HashList haystack = new HashList();
final String needle = "hide and";

MySQL Nested Select Query?

You just need to write the first query as a subquery (derived table), inside parentheses, pick an alias for it (t below) and alias the columns as well.

The DISTINCT can also be safely removed as the internal GROUP BY makes it redundant:

SELECT DATE(`date`) AS `date` , COUNT(`player_name`) AS `player_count`
    SELECT MIN(`date`) AS `date`, `player_name`
    FROM `player_playtime`
    GROUP BY `player_name`
) AS t

Since the COUNT is now obvious that is only counting rows of the derived table, you can replace it with COUNT(*) and further simplify the query:

SELECT , COUNT(*) AS player_count
    SELECT DATE(MIN(`date`)) AS date
    FROM player_playtime
    GROUP BY player_name
) AS t

Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed. - when following mvc3 tutorial

I had the same issue. I checked the version of System.Data.SqlServerCe in C:\Windows\assembly. It was So I installed version 4.0.0 from below link (x86) and works fine.

Delete data with foreign key in SQL Server table

You need to manually delete the children. the <condition> is the same for both queries.

FROM cTable AS child
INNER JOIN table AS parent ON child.ParentId = parent.ParentId
WHERE <condition>;

FROM table AS parent
WHERE <condition>;

How do I get the collection of Model State Errors in ASP.NET MVC?

<% ViewData.ModelState.IsValid %>


<% ViewData.ModelState.Values.Any(x => x.Errors.Count >= 1) %>

and for a specific property...

<% ViewData.ModelState["Property"].Errors %> // Note this returns a collection

Credit card expiration dates - Inclusive or exclusive?

In my experience, it has expired at the end of that month. That is based on the fact that I can use it during that month, and that month is when my bank sends a new one.

Node.js: get path from the request

simply call req.url. that should do the work. you'll get something like /something?bla=foo

Post values from a multiple select

try this : here select is your select element

let select = document.getElementsByClassName('lstSelected')[0],
    options = select.options,
    len = options.length,
while (i<len){
    if (options[i].selected)
        data+= "&" + + '=' + options[i].value;
return data;

Data is in the form of query string

How to initialize to empty

IMO, you cannot create an empty Date(java.util). You can create a Date object with null value and can put a null check.

 Date date = new Date(); // Today's date and current time
 Date date2 = new Date(0); // Default date and time
 Date date3 = null; //Date object with null as value.
 if(null != date3) {
    // do your work.

Laravel 5 Eloquent where and or in Clauses

Using advanced wheres:

CabRes::where('m__Id', 46)
      ->where('t_Id', 2)
      ->where(function($q) {
          $q->where('Cab', 2)
            ->orWhere('Cab', 4);

Or, even better, using whereIn():

CabRes::where('m__Id', 46)
      ->where('t_Id', 2)
      ->whereIn('Cab', $cabIds)

Example of a strong and weak entity types

A weak entity is the entity which can't be fully identified by its own attributes and takes the foreign key as an attribute (generally it takes the primary key of the entity it is related to) in conjunction.


The existence of rooms is entirely dependent on the existence of a hotel. So room can be seen as the weak entity of the hotel.
Another example is the
bank account of a particular bank has no existence if the bank doesn't exist anymore.

How to change background and text colors in Sublime Text 3

Steps I followed for an overall dark theme including file browser:

  1. Goto Preferences->Theme...
  2. Choose Adaptive.sublime-theme

IIS - 401.3 - Unauthorized

Here is what worked for me.

  1. Set the app pool identity to an account that can be assigned permissions to a folder.
  2. Ensure the source directory and all related files have been granted read rights to the files to the account assigned to the app pool identity property
  3. In IIS, at the server root node, set anonymous user to inherit from app pool identity. (This was the part I struggled with)

To set the server anonymous to inherit from the app pool identity do the following..

  • Open IIS Manager (inetmgr)
  • In the left-hand pane select the root node (server host name)
  • In the middle pane open the 'Authentication' applet
  • Highlight 'Anonymous Authentication'
  • In the right-hand pane select 'Edit...' (a dialog box should open)
  • select 'Application pool identity'

Excel - Using COUNTIF/COUNTIFS across multiple sheets/same column

I am trying to avoid using VBA. But if has to be, then it has to be:)

There is quite simple UDF for you:

Function myCountIf(rng As Range, criteria) As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        myCountIf = myCountIf + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range(rng.Address), criteria)
    Next ws
End Function

and call it like this: =myCountIf(I:I,A13)

P.S. if you'd like to exclude some sheets, you can add If statement:

Function myCountIf(rng As Range, criteria) As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If <> "Sheet1" And <> "Sheet2" Then
            myCountIf = myCountIf + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range(rng.Address), criteria)
        End If
    Next ws
End Function


I have four "reference" sheets that I need to exclude from being scanned/searched. They are currently the last four in the workbook

Function myCountIf(rng As Range, criteria) As Long
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 4
        myCountIf = myCountIf + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Range(rng.Address), criteria)
    Next i
End Function

Make Iframe to fit 100% of container's remaining height

Why not do this (with minor adjustment for body padding/margins)

  var oF = document.getElementById("iframe1"); = document.body.clientHeight - oF.offsetTop - 0;

Replacing from match to end-of-line

Use this, two<anything any number of times><end of line>


Convert int to ASCII and back in Python

>>> ord("a")
>>> chr(97)

ASP.Net 2012 Unobtrusive Validation with jQuery

In the Nuget Package manager search for AspNet.ScriptManager.jQuery instead of jquery. THat way you will not have to set the mappings yourself and the project will work with the click of a simple install.

Or disable the Unobtrusive Validation by adding this line to the Configuration tag of the web.config file in the project.

  <add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None" />

Logger slf4j advantages of formatting with {} instead of string concatenation

Since, String is immutable in Java, so the left and right String have to be copied into the new String for every pair of concatenation. So, better go for the placeholder.

Download old version of package with NuGet

Bring up the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio - it's in Tools / NuGet Package Manager / Package Manager Console. Then run the Install-Package command:

Install-Package Common.Logging -Version 1.2.0

See the command reference for details.

Edit: In order to list versions of a package you can use the Get-Package command with the remote argument and a filter:

Get-Package -ListAvailable -Filter Common.Logging -AllVersions

By pressing tab after the version option in the Install-Package command, you get a list of the latest available versions.

CSS vertical alignment of inline/inline-block elements

For fine tuning the position of an inline-block item, use top and left:

  position: relative;
  top: 5px;
  left: 5px;

Thanks CSS-Tricks!

Android changing Floating Action Button color

As Vasil Valchev noted in a comment it is simpler than it looks, but there is a subtle difference that I wasn't noticing in my XML.


Notice it is:


and not


Java String array: is there a size of method?

If you want a function to do this

Object array = new String[10];
int size = Array.getlength(array);

This can be useful if you don't know what type of array you have e.g. int[], byte[] or Object[].

How to prevent page from reloading after form submit - JQuery

The <button> element, when placed in a form, will submit the form automatically unless otherwise specified. You can use the following 2 strategies:

  1. Use <button type="button"> to override default submission behavior
  2. Use event.preventDefault() in the onSubmit event to prevent form submission

Solution 1:

  • Advantage: simple change to markup
  • Disadvantage: subverts default form behavior, especially when JS is disabled. What if the user wants to hit "enter" to submit?

Insert extra type attribute to your button markup:

<button id="button" type="button" value="send" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

Solution 2:

  • Advantage: form will work even when JS is disabled, and respects standard form UI/UX such that at least one button is used for submission

Prevent default form submission when button is clicked. Note that this is not the ideal solution because you should be in fact listening to the submit event, not the button click event:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Listen to click event on the submit button
  $('#button').click(function (e) {


    var name = $("#name").val();
    var email = $("#email").val();

    $.post("process.php", {
      name: name,
      email: email
    }).complete(function() {

Better variant:

In this improvement, we listen to the submit event emitted from the <form> element:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Listen to submit event on the <form> itself!
  $('#main').submit(function (e) {


    var name = $("#name").val();
    var email = $("#email").val();

    $.post("process.php", {
      name: name,
      email: email
    }).complete(function() {

Even better variant: use .serialize() to serialize your form, but remember to add name attributes to your input:

The name attribute is required for .serialize() to work, as per jQuery's documentation:

For a form element's value to be included in the serialized string, the element must have a name attribute.

<input type="text" id="name" name="name" class="form-control mb-2 mr-sm-2 mb-sm-0" id="inlineFormInput" placeholder="Jane Doe">
<input type="text" id="email" name="email" class="form-control" id="inlineFormInputGroup" placeholder="[email protected]">

And then in your JS:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Listen to submit event on the <form> itself!
  $('#main').submit(function (e) {

    // Prevent form submission which refreshes page

    // Serialize data
    var formData = $(this).serialize();

    // Make AJAX request
    $.post("process.php", formData).complete(function() {

Setting a max character length in CSS

This post is for a CSS solution, but the post is quite old, so just in case others stumble on this and are using a modern JS framework such as Angular 4+, there is a simple way to do this through Angular Pipes without having to mess around with CSS.

There are probably "React" or "Vue" ways of doing this as well. This is just to showcase how it could be done within a framework.


 * Helper to truncate text using JS in view only.
 * This is pretty difficult to do reliably with CSS, especially when there are
 * multiple lines.
 * Example: {{ value | truncateText:maxLength }} or {{ value | truncateText:45 }}
 * If maxLength is not provided, the value will be returned without any truncating. If the
 * text is shorter than the maxLength, the text will be returned untouched. If the text is greater
 * than the maxLength, the text will be returned with 3 characters less than the max length plus
 * some ellipsis at the end to indicate truncation.
 * For example: some really long text I won't bother writing it all ha...
@Pipe({ name: 'truncateText' })
export class TruncateTextPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: string, ...args: any[]): any {
    const maxLength = args[0]
    const maxLengthNotProvided = !maxLength
    const isShorterThanMaximumLength = value.length < maxLength
    if (maxLengthNotProvided || isShorterThanMaximumLength) {
      return value
    const shortenedString = value.substr(0, maxLength - 3)
    return `${shortenedString}...`


<h1>{{ | truncateText:45 }}</h1>

Matplotlib: Specify format of floats for tick labels

format labels using lambda function

enter image description here 3x the same plot with differnt y-labeling

Minimal example

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter

fig, axs = mpl.pylab.subplots(1, 3)

xs = np.arange(10)
ys = 1 + xs ** 2 * 1e-3

axs[0].set_title('default y-labeling')
axs[0].scatter(xs, ys)
axs[1].set_title('custom y-labeling')
axs[1].scatter(xs, ys)
axs[2].set_title('x, pos arguments')
axs[2].scatter(xs, ys)

fmt = lambda x, pos: '1+ {:.0f}e-3'.format((x-1)*1e3, pos)

fmt = lambda x, pos: 'x={:f}\npos={:f}'.format(x, pos)

You can also use 'real'-functions instead of lambdas, of course.

Loop through JSON in EJS

JSON.stringify returns a String. So, for example:

var data = [
    { id: 1, name: "bob" },
    { id: 2, name: "john" },
    { id: 3, name: "jake" },


will return the equivalent of:


as a String value.

So when you have

<% for(var i=0; i<JSON.stringify(data).length; i++) {%>

what that ends up looking like is:

<% for(var i=0; i<"[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"bob\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"john\"},{\"id\":3,\"name\":\"jake\"}]".length; i++) {%>

which is probably not what you want. What you probably do want is something like this:

<% for(var i=0; i < data.length; i++) { %>
     <td><%= data[i].id %></td>
     <td><%= data[i].name %></td>
<% } %>

This will output the following table (using the example data from above):


adding 1 day to a DATETIME format value

You can use

$now = new DateTime();
$date = $now->modify('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

ADB Android Device Unauthorized

I was tiered with this, I got that permission dialog by turning off wi-fi of my phone.

How to sort an array of objects in Java?

public class Student implements Comparable<Student> {

    private int sid;
    private String sname;

    public Student(int sid, String sname) {
        this.sid = sid;
        this.sname = sname;

    public int getSid() {
        return sid;

    public void setSid(int sid) {
        this.sid = sid;

    public String getSname() {
        return sname;

    public void setSname(String sname) {
        this.sname = sname;

    public String toString() {
        return "Student [sid=" + sid + ", sname=" + sname + "]";

    public int compareTo(Student o) {
        if (this.getSname().compareTo(o.getSname()) > 1) {
            return toString().compareTo(o.getSname());
        } else if (this.getSname().compareTo(o.getSname()) < 1) {
            return toString().compareTo(o.getSname());
        return 0;


stdcall and cdecl

In CDECL arguments are pushed onto the stack in revers order, the caller clears the stack and result is returned via processor registry (later I will call it "register A"). In STDCALL there is one difference, the caller doeasn't clear the stack, the calle do.

You are asking which one is faster. No one. You should use native calling convention as long as you can. Change convention only if there is no way out, when using external libraries that requires certain convention to be used.

Besides, there are other conventions that compiler may choose as default one i.e. Visual C++ compiler uses FASTCALL which is theoretically faster because of more extensive usage of processor registers.

Usually you must give a proper calling convention signature to callback functions passed to some external library i.e. callback to qsort from C library must be CDECL (if the compiler by default uses other convention then we must mark the callback as CDECL) or various WinAPI callbacks must be STDCALL (whole WinAPI is STDCALL).

Other usual case may be when you are storing pointers to some external functions i.e. to create a pointer to WinAPI function its type definition must be marked with STDCALL.

And below is an example showing how does the compiler do it:

/* 1. calling function in C++ */
i = Function(x, y, z);

/* 2. function body in C++ */
int Function(int a, int b, int c) { return a + b + c; }


/* 1. calling CDECL 'Function' in pseudo-assembler (similar to what the compiler outputs) */
push on the stack a copy of 'z', then a copy of 'y', then a copy of 'x'
call (jump to function body, after function is finished it will jump back here, the address where to jump back is in registers)
move contents of register A to 'i' variable
pop all from the stack that we have pushed (copy of x, y and z)

/* 2. CDECL 'Function' body in pseudo-assembler */
/* Now copies of 'a', 'b' and 'c' variables are pushed onto the stack */
copy 'a' (from stack) to register A
copy 'b' (from stack) to register B
add A and B, store result in A
copy 'c' (from stack) to register B
add A and B, store result in A
jump back to caller code (a, b and c still on the stack, the result is in register A)


/* 1. calling STDCALL in pseudo-assembler (similar to what the compiler outputs) */
push on the stack a copy of 'z', then a copy of 'y', then a copy of 'x'
move contents of register A to 'i' variable

/* 2. STDCALL 'Function' body in pseaudo-assembler */
pop 'a' from stack to register A
pop 'b' from stack to register B
add A and B, store result in A
pop 'c' from stack to register B
add A and B, store result in A
jump back to caller code (a, b and c are no more on the stack, result in register A)

How to change Status Bar text color in iOS

If you want the same result with Swift, you can use this code in your AppDelegate.swift file :

UINavigationBar.appearance().barStyle = .BlackTranslucent

And the text of your status bar will be white :-) !

IntelliJ IDEA generating serialVersionUID

If you want to add the absent serialVersionUID for a bunch of files, IntelliJ IDEA may not work very well. I come up some simple script to fulfill this goal with ease:


while read f
    seruidstr=$(serialver -classpath $ic_api_cp $clazz | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed -e 's/^\s\+//')
    perl -ni.bak -e "print $_; printf qq{%s\n}, q{    private $seruidstr} if /public class/" $src_dir/$f

You save this script, say as in your ~/bin folder. Then you run it in the root directory of your Maven or Gradle project like: < myJavaToAmend.lst

This .lst includes the list of Java files to add the serialVersionUID in the following format:


This script uses the JDK serialVer tool. It is ideal for a situation when you want to amend a huge number of classes which had no serialVersionUID set in the first place while maintain the compatibility with the old classes.

C# Switch-case string starting with

This is now possible with C# 7.0's pattern matching. For example:

var myString = "abcDEF";

    case string x when x.StartsWith("abc"):
        //Do something here

Execute a SQL Stored Procedure and process the results

At the top of your .vb file:


Within your code:

'Setup SQL Command
Dim CMD as new sqlCommand("StoredProcedureName")
CMD.parameters("@Parameter1", sqlDBType.Int).value = Param_1_value

Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
CMD.Connection = connection
CMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(CMD)
adapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 300

'Fill the dataset
Dim DS as DataSet    

'Now, read through your data:
For Each DR as DataRow in DS.Tables(0).rows
    Msgbox("The value in Column ""ColumnName1"": " & cstr(DR("ColumnName1")))

Now that the basics are out of the way,

I highly recommend abstracting the actual SqlCommand Execution out into a function.

Here is a generic function that I use, in some form, on various projects:

''' <summary>Executes a SqlCommand on the Main DB Connection. Usage: Dim ds As DataSet = ExecuteCMD(CMD)</summary>'''
''' <param name="CMD">The command type will be determined based upon whether or not the commandText has a space in it. If it has a space, it is a Text command ("select ... from .."),''' 
''' otherwise if there is just one token, it's a stored procedure command</param>''''
Function ExecuteCMD(ByRef CMD As SqlCommand) As DataSet
    Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("main").ConnectionString
    Dim ds As New DataSet()

        Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
        CMD.Connection = connection

        'Assume that it's a stored procedure command type if there is no space in the command text. Example: "sp_Select_Customer" vs. "select * from Customers"
        If CMD.CommandText.Contains(" ") Then
            CMD.CommandType = CommandType.Text
            CMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
        End If

        Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(CMD)
        adapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 300

        'fill the dataset

    Catch ex As Exception
        ' The connection failed. Display an error message.
        Throw New Exception("Database Error: " & ex.Message)
    End Try

    Return ds
End Function

Once you have that, your SQL Execution + reading code is very simple:

Dim CMD As New SqlCommand("GetProductName")
CMD.Parameters.Add("@productID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ProductID
Dim DR As DataRow = ExecuteCMD(CMD).Tables(0).Rows(0)
MsgBox("Product Name: " & cstr(DR(0)))

Where to find extensions installed folder for Google Chrome on Mac?

With the new App Launcher YOUR APPS (not chrome extensions) stored in Users/[yourusername]/Applications/Chrome Apps/

Count the number occurrences of a character in a string

"Without using count to find you want character in string" method.

import re

def count(s, ch):


def main():

   s = raw_input ("Enter strings what you like, for example, 'welcome': ")  

   ch = raw_input ("Enter you want count characters, but best result to find one character: " )

   print ( len (re.findall ( ch, s ) ) )


how to rename an index in a cluster?

For renaming your index you can use Elasticsearch Snapshot module.

First you have to take snapshot of your index.while restoring it you can rename your index.

    POST /_snapshot/my_backup/snapshot_1/_restore
     "indices": "jal",
     "ignore_unavailable": "true",
     "include_global_state": false,
     "rename_pattern": "jal",
     "rename_replacement": "jal1"

rename_replacement :-New indexname in which you want backup your data.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader

Some old gradle tools cannot copy .so files into build folder by somehow, manually copying these files into build folder as below can solve the problem:

build/intermediates/rs/{build config}/{support architecture}/

build config: beta/production/sit/uat

support architecture: armeabi/armeabi-v7a/mips/x86

Creating an instance of class

Lines 1,2,3,4 will call the default constructor. They are different in the essence as 1,2 are dynamically created object and 3,4 are statically created objects.

In Line 7, you create an object inside the argument call. So its an error.

And Lines 5 and 6 are invitation for memory leak.

How to add a reference programmatically


There are two ways to add references via VBA to your projects

1) Using GUID

2) Directly referencing the dll.

Let me cover both.

But first these are 3 things you need to take care of

a) Macros should be enabled

b) In Security settings, ensure that "Trust Access To Visual Basic Project" is checked

enter image description here

c) You have manually set a reference to `Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility" object

enter image description here

Way 1 (Using GUID)

I usually avoid this way as I have to search for the GUID in the registry... which I hate LOL. More on GUID here.

Topic: Add a VBA Reference Library via code


'Credits: Ken Puls
Sub AddReference()
     'Macro purpose:  To add a reference to the project using the GUID for the
     'reference library

    Dim strGUID As String, theRef As Variant, i As Long

     'Update the GUID you need below.
    strGUID = "{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"

     'Set to continue in case of error
    On Error Resume Next

     'Remove any missing references
    For i = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Count To 1 Step -1
        Set theRef = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Item(i)
        If theRef.isbroken = True Then
            ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Remove theRef
        End If
    Next i

     'Clear any errors so that error trapping for GUID additions can be evaluated

     'Add the reference
    ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid _
    GUID:=strGUID, Major:=1, Minor:=0

     'If an error was encountered, inform the user
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case Is = 32813
         'Reference already in use.  No action necessary
    Case Is = vbNullString
         'Reference added without issue
    Case Else
         'An unknown error was encountered, so alert the user
        MsgBox "A problem was encountered trying to" & vbNewLine _
        & "add or remove a reference in this file" & vbNewLine & "Please check the " _
        & "references in your VBA project!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error!"
    End Select
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Way 2 (Directly referencing the dll)

This code adds a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5

Option Explicit

Sub AddReference()
    Dim VBAEditor As VBIDE.VBE
    Dim vbProj As VBIDE.VBProject
    Dim chkRef As VBIDE.Reference
    Dim BoolExists As Boolean

    Set VBAEditor = Application.VBE
    Set vbProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject

    '~~> Check if "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" is already added
    For Each chkRef In vbProj.References
        If chkRef.Name = "VBScript_RegExp_55" Then
            BoolExists = True
            GoTo CleanUp
        End If

    vbProj.References.AddFromFile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\vbscript.dll\3"

    If BoolExists = True Then
        MsgBox "Reference already exists"
        MsgBox "Reference Added Successfully"
    End If

    Set vbProj = Nothing
    Set VBAEditor = Nothing
End Sub

Note: I have not added Error Handling. It is recommended that in your actual code, do use it :)

EDIT Beaten by mischab1 :)

Retrofit 2.0 how to get deserialised error response.body

                ResponseBody response = ((HttpException) t).response().errorBody();
                JSONObject json = new JSONObject( new String(response.bytes()) );
                errMsg = json.getString("message");
            }catch(JSONException e){
                return t.getMessage();
            catch(IOException e){
                return t.getMessage();

sql searching multiple words in a string

Here is what I uses to search for multiple words in multiple columns - SQL server

Hope my answer help someone :) Thanks

declare @searchTrm varchar(MAX)='one two three ddd 20   30 comment'; 
--select value from STRING_SPLIT(@searchTrm, ' ') where trim(value)<>''
select * from Bols 
    FROM STRING_SPLIT(@searchTrm, ' ')  
        BolNumber like '%'+ value+'%'
        or UserComment like '%'+ value+'%'
        or RequesterId like '%'+ value+'%' )

Pass Model To Controller using Jquery/Ajax

As suggested in other answers it's probably easiest to "POST" the form data to the controller. If you need to pass an entire Model/Form you can easily do this with serialize() e.g.

$('#myform').on('submit', function(e){

    var formData = $(this).serialize();

    $.post('/student/update', formData, function(response){
         //Do something with response

So your controller could have a view model as the param e.g.

 public JsonResult Update(StudentViewModel studentViewModel)

Alternatively if you just want to post some specific values you can do:

$('#myform').on('submit', function(e){

    var studentId = $(this).find('#Student_StudentId');
    var isActive = $(this).find('#Student_IsActive');

    $.post('/my/url', {studentId : studentId, isActive : isActive}, function(response){
         //Do something with response

With a controller like:

     public JsonResult Update(int studentId, bool isActive)

How to get the selected item from ListView?

Since the onItemClickLitener() will itself provide you the index of the selected item, you can simply do a getItemAtPosition(i).toString(). The code snippet is given below :-

    listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {

            String s = listView.getItemAtPosition(i).toString();

            Toast.makeText(activity.getApplicationContext(), s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            adapter.dismiss(); // If you want to close the adapter

On the method above, the i parameter actually gives you the position of the selected item.

WCF ServiceHost access rights

Another solution is to use the address

http://localhost:8732/Design_Time_Addresses/YOUR_ADDRESS .

.NET Framework (3.5) automatically register this address (http://*:8732/Design_Time_Addresses) for debugging scope. This is useful when you need to host services inside visual studio for debugging or testing. Don't use this on production...

Get the last non-empty cell in a column in Google Sheets

I went a different route. Since I know I'll be adding something into a row/column one by one, I find out the last row by first counting the fields that have data. I'll demonstrate this with a column:


So, let's say that returned 21. A5 is 4 rows down, so I need to get the 21st position from the 4th row down. I can do this using inderect, like so:


It's finding the amount of rows with data, and returning me a number I'm using as an index modifier.

Calling functions in a DLL from C++

Can also export functions from dll and import from the exe, it is more tricky at first but in the end is much easier than calling LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress. See MSDN.

When creating the project with the VS wizard there's a check box in the dll that let you export functions.

Then, in the exe application you only have to #include a header from the dll with the proper definitions, and add the dll project as a dependency to the exe application.

Check this other question if you want to investigate this point further Exporting functions from a DLL with dllexport.

Regular expressions inside SQL Server

Try this

select * from mytable
where p1 not like '%[^0-9]%' and substring(p1,1,1)='5'

Of course, you'll need to adjust the substring value, but the rest should work...

CRON command to run URL address every 5 minutes

Here is an example of the wget script in action:

wget -q -O /dev/null "" > /dev/null 2>&1

Using -O parameter like the above means that the output of the web request will be sent to STDOUT (standard output).

And the >/dev/null 2>&1 will instruct standard output to be redirected to a black hole. So no message from the executing program is returned to the screen.

How do I count unique visitors to my site?

I have edited the "Best answer" code, though I found a useful thing that was missing. This is will also track the ip of a user if they are using a Proxy or simply if the server has nginx installed as a proxy reverser.

I added this code to his script at the top of the function:

function getRealIpAddr()
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))   //check ip from share internet
    elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))   //to check ip is pass from proxy
    return $ip;
$adresseip = getRealIpAddr();

Afther that I edited his code.

Find the line that says the following:

// get the user name if it is logged, or the visitors IP (and add the identifier)

    $uvon = isset($_SESSION['nume']) ? $_SESSION['nume'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']. $vst_id;

and replace it with this:

$uvon = isset($_SESSION['nume']) ? $_SESSION['nume'] : $adresseip. $vst_id;

This will work.

Here is the full code if anything happens:


function getRealIpAddr()
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))   //check ip from share internet
    elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))   //to check ip is pass from proxy
    return $ip;
$adresseip = getRealIpAddr();

// Script Online Users and Visitors -
if(!isset($_SESSION)) session_start();        // start Session, if not already started

$filetxt = 'userson.txt';  // the file in which the online users /visitors are stored
$timeon = 120;             // number of secconds to keep a user online
$sep = '^^';               // characters used to separate the user name and date-time
$vst_id = '-vst-';        // an identifier to know that it is a visitor, not logged user

 If you have an user registration script,
 replace $_SESSION['nume'] with the variable in which the user name is stored.
 You can get a free registration script from:

// get the user name if it is logged, or the visitors IP (and add the identifier)

    $uvon = isset($_SESSION['nume']) ? $_SESSION['nume'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']. $vst_id;

$rgxvst = '/^([0-9\.]*)'. $vst_id. '/i';         // regexp to recognize the line with visitors
$nrvst = 0;                                       // to store the number of visitors

// sets the row with the current user /visitor that must be added in $filetxt (and current timestamp)

    $addrow[] = $uvon. $sep. time();

// check if the file from $filetxt exists and is writable

    if(is_writable($filetxt)) {
      // get into an array the lines added in $filetxt
      $ar_rows = file($filetxt, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
      $nrrows = count($ar_rows);

            // number of rows

  // if there is at least one line, parse the $ar_rows array

      if($nrrows>0) {
        for($i=0; $i<$nrrows; $i++) {
          // get each line and separate the user /visitor and the timestamp
          $ar_line = explode($sep, $ar_rows[$i]);
      // add in $addrow array the records in last $timeon seconds
          if($ar_line[0]!=$uvon && (intval($ar_line[1])+$timeon)>=time()) {
            $addrow[] = $ar_rows[$i];

$nruvon = count($addrow);                   // total online
$usron = '';                                    // to store the name of logged users
// traverse $addrow to get the number of visitors and users
for($i=0; $i<$nruvon; $i++) {
 if(preg_match($rgxvst, $addrow[$i])) $nrvst++;       // increment the visitors
 else {
   // gets and stores the user's name
   $ar_usron = explode($sep, $addrow[$i]);
   $usron .= '<br/> - <i>'. $ar_usron[0]. '</i>';
$nrusr = $nruvon - $nrvst;              // gets the users (total - visitors)

// the HTML code with data to be displayed
$reout = '<div id="uvon"><h4>Online: '. $nruvon. '</h4>Visitors: '. $nrvst. '<br/>Users: '. $nrusr. $usron. '</div>';

// write data in $filetxt
if(!file_put_contents($filetxt, implode("\n", $addrow))) $reout = 'Error: Recording file not exists, or is not writable';

// if access from <script>, with GET 'uvon=showon', adds the string to return into a JS statement
// in this way the script can also be included in .html files
if(isset($_GET['uvon']) && $_GET['uvon']=='showon') $reout = "document.write('$reout');";

echo $reout;             // output /display the result

Haven't tested this on the Sql script yet.

Comma separated results in SQL

Use FOR XML PATH('') - which is converting the entries to a comma separated string and STUFF() -which is to trim the first comma- as follows Which gives you the same comma separated result

            ORDER BY sortOrder
        FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS listStr


Here is the FIDDLE

Remove the last three characters from a string

Easy. text = text.remove(text.length - 3). I subtracted 3 because the Remove function removes all items from that index to the end of the string which is text.length. So if I subtract 3 then I get the string with 3 characters removed from it.

You can generalize this to removing a characters from the end of the string, like this:

text = text.remove(text.length - a) 

So what I did was the same logic. The remove function removes all items from its inside to the end of the string which is the length of the text. So if I subtract a from the length of the string that will give me the string with a characters removed.

So it doesn't just work for 3, it works for all positive integers, except if the length of the string is less than or equal to a, in that case it will return a negative number or 0.

how to kill hadoop jobs

Simply forcefully kill the process ID, the hadoop job will also be killed automatically . Use this command:

kill -9 <process_id> 

eg: process ID no: 4040 namenode

username@hostname:~$ kill -9 4040

How do I start a program with arguments when debugging?

for .NET Core console apps you can do this 2 ways - from the launchsettings.json or the properties menu.


enter image description here

or right click the project > properties > debug tab on left

see "Application Arguments:"

  • this is " " (space) delimited, no need for any commas. just start typing. each space " " will represent a new input parameter.
  • (whatever changes you make here will be reflected in the launchsettings.json file...)

enter image description here

android.os.FileUriExposedException: file:///storage/emulated/0/test.txt exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()

Just paste the below code in activity onCreate()

StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder builder = new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder(); StrictMode.setVmPolicy(;

It will ignore URI exposure

Singleton in Android

As @Lazy stated in this answer, you can create a singleton from a template in Android Studio. It is worth noting that there is no need to check if the instance is null because the static ourInstance variable is initialized first. As a result, the singleton class implementation created by Android Studio is as simple as following code:

public class MySingleton {
    private static MySingleton ourInstance = new MySingleton();

    public static MySingleton getInstance() {
        return ourInstance;

    private MySingleton() {

How to easily consume a web service from PHP

This article explains how you can use PHP SoapClient to call a api web service.

How to convert An NSInteger to an int?

Ta da:

NSInteger myInteger = 42;
int myInt = (int) myInteger;

NSInteger is nothing more than a 32/64 bit int. (it will use the appropriate size based on what OS/platform you're running)

Browse and display files in a git repo without cloning

GitHub is svn compatible so you can use svn ls

svn ls

BitBucket supports git archive so you can download tar archive and list archived files. It is not very efficient but works:

git archive [email protected]:repository HEAD directory | tar -t

What is the easiest way to encrypt a password when I save it to the registry?

I have looked all over for a good example of encryption and decryption process but most were overly complex.

Anyhow there are many reasons someone may want to decrypt some text values including passwords. The reason I need to decrypt the password on the site I am working on currently is because they want to make sure when someone is forced to change their password when it expires that we do not let them change it with a close variant of the same password they used in the last x months.

So I wrote up a process that will do this in a simplified manner. I hope this code is beneficial to someone. For all I know I may end up using this at another time for a different company/site.

public string GenerateAPassKey(string passphrase)
        // Pass Phrase can be any string
        string passPhrase = passphrase;
        // Salt Value can be any string(for simplicity use the same value as used for the pass phrase)
        string saltValue = passphrase;
        // Hash Algorithm can be "SHA1 or MD5"
        string hashAlgorithm = "SHA1";
        // Password Iterations can be any number
        int passwordIterations = 2;
        // Key Size can be 128,192 or 256
        int keySize = 256;
        // Convert Salt passphrase string to a Byte Array
        byte[] saltValueBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(saltValue);
        // Using System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes to create the Key
        PasswordDeriveBytes pdb = new PasswordDeriveBytes(passPhrase, saltValueBytes, hashAlgorithm, passwordIterations);
        //When creating a Key Byte array from the base64 string the Key must have 32 dimensions.
        byte[] Key = pdb.GetBytes(keySize / 11);
        String KeyString = Convert.ToBase64String(Key);

        return KeyString;

 //Save the keystring some place like your database and use it to decrypt and encrypt
//any text string or text file etc. Make sure you dont lose it though.

 private static string Encrypt(string plainStr, string KeyString)        
        RijndaelManaged aesEncryption = new RijndaelManaged();
        aesEncryption.KeySize = 256;
        aesEncryption.BlockSize = 128;
        aesEncryption.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
        aesEncryption.Padding = PaddingMode.ISO10126;
        byte[] KeyInBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(KeyString);
        aesEncryption.Key = KeyInBytes;
        byte[] plainText = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainStr);
        ICryptoTransform crypto = aesEncryption.CreateEncryptor();
        byte[] cipherText = crypto.TransformFinalBlock(plainText, 0, plainText.Length);
        return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherText);

 private static string Decrypt(string encryptedText, string KeyString) 
        RijndaelManaged aesEncryption = new RijndaelManaged(); 
        aesEncryption.KeySize = 256;
        aesEncryption.BlockSize = 128; 
        aesEncryption.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
        aesEncryption.Padding = PaddingMode.ISO10126;
        byte[] KeyInBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(KeyString);
        aesEncryption.Key = KeyInBytes;
        ICryptoTransform decrypto = aesEncryption.CreateDecryptor(); 
        byte[] encryptedBytes = Convert.FromBase64CharArray(encryptedText.ToCharArray(), 0, encryptedText.Length); 
        return ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypto.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedBytes, 0, encryptedBytes.Length)); 

 String KeyString = GenerateAPassKey("PassKey");
 String EncryptedPassword = Encrypt("25Characterlengthpassword!", KeyString);
 String DecryptedPassword = Decrypt(EncryptedPassword, KeyString);

MySQL - sum column value(s) based on row from the same table

This might be seen as a little complex but does exactly what you want

  DISTINCT(p.`ProductID`) AS ProductID,
  SUM(pl.CashAmount) AS Cash,
  SUM(pr.CashAmount) AS `Check`,
  SUM(px.CashAmount) AS `Credit Card`,
  SUM(pl.CashAmount) + SUM(pr.CashAmount) +SUM(px.CashAmount) AS Amount
  `payments` AS p 
  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ProductID,PaymentMethod , IFNULL(Amount,0) AS CashAmount FROM payments WHERE PaymentMethod = 'Cash' GROUP BY ProductID , PaymentMethod ) AS pl 
    ON pl.`PaymentMethod` = p.`PaymentMethod` AND pl.ProductID = p.`ProductID`
  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ProductID,PaymentMethod , IFNULL(Amount,0) AS CashAmount FROM payments WHERE PaymentMethod = 'Check' GROUP BY ProductID , PaymentMethod) AS pr 
    ON pr.`PaymentMethod` = p.`PaymentMethod` AND pr.ProductID = p.`ProductID`
  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ProductID, PaymentMethod , IFNULL(Amount,0) AS CashAmount FROM payments WHERE PaymentMethod = 'Credit Card' GROUP BY ProductID , PaymentMethod) AS px 
    ON px.`PaymentMethod` = p.`PaymentMethod` AND px.ProductID = p.`ProductID`
GROUP BY p.`ProductID` ;


ProductID | Cash | Check | Credit Card | Amount
    3     | 20   |  15   |   25        |  60
    4     | 5    |  6    |   7         |  18

SQL Fiddle Demo

Difference between PACKETS and FRAMES

A packet is a general term for a formatted unit of data carried by a network. It is not necessarily connected to a specific OSI model layer.

For example, in the Ethernet protocol on the physical layer (layer 1), the unit of data is called an "Ethernet packet", which has an Ethernet frame (layer 2) as its payload. But the unit of data of the Network layer (layer 3) is also called a "packet".

A frame is also a unit of data transmission. In computer networking the term is only used in the context of the Data link layer (layer 2).

Another semantical difference between packet and frame is that a frame envelops your payload with a header and a trailer, just like a painting in a frame, while a packet usually only has a header.

But in the end they mean roughly the same thing and the distinction is used to avoid confusion and repetition when talking about the different layers.

How to replace NaN values by Zeroes in a column of a Pandas Dataframe?

It is not guaranteed that the slicing returns a view or a copy. You can do

df['column'] = df['column'].fillna(value)

Bower: ENOGIT Git is not installed or not in the PATH

I had the same problem and needed to restart the cmd - and the problem goes away.

ImportError: No module named tensorflow

with python2

pip show tensorflow to check install

python to run test

with python3

pip3 show tensorflow to check install

python3 to run test

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

c = np.array([[3.,4], [5.,6], [6.,7]])
step = tf.reduce_mean(c, 1)                                                                                 
with tf.Session() as sess:

Or, if you haven't install tensorflow yet, try the offical document

What is aria-label and how should I use it?

As a side answer it's worth to note that:

  • ARIA is commonly used to improve the accessibility for screen readers. (not only but mostly atm.)
  • Using ARIA does not necessarily make things better! Easily ARIA can lead to significantly worse accessibility if not implemented and tested properly. Don't use ARIA just to have some "cool things in the code" which you don't fully understand. Sadly too often ARIA implementations introduce more issues than solutions in terms of accessibility. This is rather common since sighted users and developers are less likely to put extra effort in extensive testing with screen readers while on the other hand ARIA specs and validators are currently far from perfect and even confusing in some cases. On top of that each browser and screen reader implement the ARIA support non-uniformly causing the major inconsistencies in the behavior. Often it's better idea to avoid ARIA completely when it's not clear exactly what it does, how it behaves and it won't be tested intensively with all screen readers and browsers (or at least the most common combinations). Disclaimer: My intention is not to disgrace ARIA but rather its bad ARIA implementations. In fact it's not so uncommon that HTML5 don't offer any other alternatives where implementing ARIA would bring significant benefits for the accessibility e.g. aria-hidden or aria-expanded. But only if implemented and tested properly!

how to put focus on TextBox when the form load?

Set Tabstop to True and TabIndex to the minimum to the control on which you need focus.

e.g. If you have 2 TextBoxes : TextBox1 and TextBox2, set Tabstop to True for both and TabIndex to 0 and 1 respectively. When the form loads, the focus will be on TextBox1 and on the press of 'Tab' key, the focus will move to TextBox2.

WPF Check box: Check changed handling

I know this is an old question, but how about just binding to Command if using MVVM?


<CheckBox Content="Case Sensitive" Command="{Binding bSearchCaseSensitive}"/>

For me it triggers on both Check and Uncheck.

how to add jquery in laravel project

To add jquery to laravel you first have to add the Scaffolded javascript file, app.js

This can easily be done adding this tag.

<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

There are two main procesess depending on the version but at the end of both you will have to execute:

npm run dev

That adds all the dependencies to the app.js file. But if you want this process to be done automatically for you, you can also run:

npm run watch

Wich will keep watching for changes and add them.

Version 5.*

jQuery is already included in this version of laravel as a dev dependency.

You just have to run:

npm install

This first command will install the dependencies. jquery will be added.

Version 6.* and 7*

jQuery has been taken out of laravel that means you need to import it manually.

I'll import it here as a development dependency:

npm i -D jquery

Then add it to the bootstrap.js file in resources/js/bootstrap.js You may notice that axios and lodash are imported there as well so in the same way we can import jquery.

Just add wherever you want there:

//In resources/js/bootstrap.js
window.$ = require('jquery');

If you follow this process in the 5.* version it won't affect laravel but it will install a more updated version of jquery.

Is there a JavaScript strcmp()?

How about:

String.prototype.strcmp = function(s) {
    if (this < s) return -1;
    if (this > s) return 1;
    return 0;

Then, to compare s1 with 2:


TypeError: window.initMap is not a function

For me the main difference was the declaration of the function....


function initMap() {


window.initMap = function () {

Combine multiple Collections into a single logical Collection?

You could create a new List and addAll() of your other Lists to it. Then return an unmodifiable list with Collections.unmodifiableList().

Difference between nVidia Quadro and Geforce cards?

Hardware wise the Quadro and GeForce cards are often idential. Indeed it is sometimes possible to convert some models from GeForce into Quadro by simply uploading new firmware and changing a couple resistor jumpers.

The difference is in the intended market and hence cost.

Quadro cards are intended for CAD. High end CAD software still uses OpenGL, whereas games and lower end CAD software use Direct3D (aka DirectX).

Quadro cards simply have firmware that is optimised for OpenGL. In the early days OpenGL was better and faster than Direct3D but now there is little difference. Gaming cards only support a very limited set of OpenGL, hence they don't run it very well.

CAD companies, e.g. Dassault with SolidWorks actively push high end cards by offering no support for DirectX with any level of performance.

Other CAD companies such as Altium, with Altium Designer, made the decision that forcing their customers to buy more expensive cards is not worthwhile when Direct3D is as good (if not better these days) than OpenGL.

Because of the cost, there are often other differences in the hardware, such as less use of overclocking, more memory etc, but these have relatively minor effects compared with the firmware support.

Importing xsd into wsdl

import vs. include

The primary purpose of an import is to import a namespace. A more common use of the XSD import statement is to import a namespace which appears in another file. You might be gathering the namespace information from the file, but don't forget that it's the namespace that you're importing, not the file (don't confuse an import statement with an include statement).

Another area of confusion is how to specify the location or path of the included .xsd file: An XSD import statement has an optional attribute named schemaLocation but it is not necessary if the namespace of the import statement is at the same location (in the same file) as the import statement itself.

When you do chose to use an external .xsd file for your WSDL, the schemaLocation attribute becomes necessary. Be very sure that the namespace you use in the import statement is the same as the targetNamespace of the schema you are importing. That is, all 3 occurrences must be identical:


xs:import namespace="urn:listing3" schemaLocation="listing3.xsd"/>


<xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:listing3"

Another approach to letting know the WSDL about the XSD is through Maven's pom.xml:


You can read more on this in this great IBM article. It has typos such as xsd:import instead of xs:import but otherwise it's fine.

Method has the same erasure as another method in type

I bumped into this when tried to write something like: Continuable<T> callAsync(Callable<T> code) {....} and Continuable<Continuable<T>> callAsync(Callable<Continuable<T>> veryAsyncCode) {...} They become for compiler the 2 definitions of Continuable<> callAsync(Callable<> veryAsyncCode) {...}

The type erasure literally means erasing of type arguments information from generics. This is VERY annoying, but this is a limitation that will be with Java for while. For constructors case not much can be done, 2 new subclasses specialized with different parameters in constructor for example. Or use initialization methods instead... (virtual constructors?) with different names...

for similar operation methods renaming would help, like

class Test{
   void addIntegers(Set<Integer> ii){}
   void addStrings(Set<String> ss){}

Or with some more descriptive names, self-documenting for oyu cases, like addNames and addIndexes or such.

String concatenation of two pandas columns

This question has already been answered, but I believe it would be good to throw some useful methods not previously discussed into the mix, and compare all methods proposed thus far in terms of performance.

Here are some useful solutions to this problem, in increasing order of performance.


This is a simple str.format-based approach.

df['baz'] = df.agg('{0[bar]} is {0[foo]}'.format, axis=1)
  foo  bar     baz
0   a    1  1 is a
1   b    2  2 is b
2   c    3  3 is c

You can also use f-string formatting here:

df['baz'] = df.agg(lambda x: f"{x['bar']} is {x['foo']}", axis=1)
  foo  bar     baz
0   a    1  1 is a
1   b    2  2 is b
2   c    3  3 is c

char.array-based Concatenation

Convert the columns to concatenate as chararrays, then add them together.

a = np.char.array(df['bar'].values)
b = np.char.array(df['foo'].values)

df['baz'] = (a + b' is ' + b).astype(str)
  foo  bar     baz
0   a    1  1 is a
1   b    2  2 is b
2   c    3  3 is c

List Comprehension with zip

I cannot overstate how underrated list comprehensions are in pandas.

df['baz'] = [str(x) + ' is ' + y for x, y in zip(df['bar'], df['foo'])]

Alternatively, using str.join to concat (will also scale better):

df['baz'] = [
    ' '.join([str(x), 'is', y]) for x, y in zip(df['bar'], df['foo'])]

  foo  bar     baz
0   a    1  1 is a
1   b    2  2 is b
2   c    3  3 is c

List comprehensions excel in string manipulation, because string operations are inherently hard to vectorize, and most pandas "vectorised" functions are basically wrappers around loops. I have written extensively about this topic in For loops with pandas - When should I care?. In general, if you don't have to worry about index alignment, use a list comprehension when dealing with string and regex operations.

The list comp above by default does not handle NaNs. However, you could always write a function wrapping a try-except if you needed to handle it.

def try_concat(x, y):
        return str(x) + ' is ' + y
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return np.nan

df['baz'] = [try_concat(x, y) for x, y in zip(df['bar'], df['foo'])]

perfplot Performance Measurements

enter image description here

Graph generated using perfplot. Here's the complete code listing.


def brenbarn(df):
    return df.assign( + " is " +

def danielvelkov(df):
    return df.assign(baz=df.apply(
        lambda x:'%s is %s' % (x['bar'],x['foo']),axis=1))

def chrimuelle(df):
    return df.assign(
        baz=df['bar'].astype(str)['foo'].values, sep=' is '))

def vladimiryashin(df):
    return df.assign(baz=df.astype(str).apply(lambda x: ' is '.join(x), axis=1))

def erickfis(df):
    return df.assign(
        baz=df.apply(lambda x: f"{x['bar']} is {x['foo']}", axis=1))

def cs1_format(df):
    return df.assign(baz=df.agg('{0[bar]} is {0[foo]}'.format, axis=1))

def cs1_fstrings(df):
    return df.assign(baz=df.agg(lambda x: f"{x['bar']} is {x['foo']}", axis=1))

def cs2(df):
    a = np.char.array(df['bar'].values)
    b = np.char.array(df['foo'].values)

    return df.assign(baz=(a + b' is ' + b).astype(str))

def cs3(df):
    return df.assign(
        baz=[str(x) + ' is ' + y for x, y in zip(df['bar'], df['foo'])]) function

For anyone trying to use with JSONP requests (like I was) you'll need enable it with this:

jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function( options ) { = true;

Keep in mind that you'll need a timeout on your JSONP request to catch failures.

Populating a ComboBox using C#

Define a class

public class Language
     public string Name { get; set; }
     public string Value { get; set; }


//Build a list
var dataSource = new List<Language>();
dataSource.Add(new Language() { Name = "blah", Value = "blah" });
dataSource.Add(new Language() { Name = "blah", Value = "blah" });
dataSource.Add(new Language() { Name = "blah", Value = "blah" });

//Setup data binding
this.comboBox1.DataSource = dataSource;
this.comboBox1.DisplayMember = "Name";
this.comboBox1.ValueMember = "Value";

// make it readonly
this.comboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;

ALTER TABLE, set null in not null column, PostgreSQL 9.1

First, Set :

How to write a SQL DELETE statement with a SELECT statement in the WHERE clause?

Shouldn't you have:

DELETE FROM tableA WHERE entitynum IN (...your select...)

Now you just have a WHERE with no comparison:

DELETE FROM tableA WHERE (...your select...)

So your final query would look like this;

DELETE FROM tableA WHERE entitynum IN (
    SELECT tableA.entitynum FROM tableA q
      INNER JOIN tableB u on (u.qlabel = q.entityrole AND u.fieldnum = q.fieldnum) 
    WHERE (LENGTH(q.memotext) NOT IN (8,9,10) OR q.memotext NOT LIKE '%/%/%')
      AND (u.FldFormat = 'Date')

Escape invalid XML characters in C#

// Replace invalid characters with empty strings.
   Regex.Replace(inputString, @"[^\w\.@-]", ""); 

The regular expression pattern [^\w.@-] matches any character that is not a word character, a period, an @ symbol, or a hyphen. A word character is any letter, decimal digit, or punctuation connector such as an underscore. Any character that matches this pattern is replaced by String.Empty, which is the string defined by the replacement pattern. To allow additional characters in user input, add those characters to the character class in the regular expression pattern. For example, the regular expression pattern [^\w.@-\%] also allows a percentage symbol and a backslash in an input string.

Regex.Replace(inputString, @"[!@#$%_]", "");

Refer this too :

Removing Invalid Characters from XML Name Tag - RegEx C#

Here is a function to remove the characters from a specified XML string:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace XMLUtils
    class Standards
        /// <summary>
        /// Strips non-printable ascii characters 
        /// Refer to for XML 1.1
        /// Refer to for XML 1.0
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">contents</param>
        /// <param name="XMLVersion">XML Specification to use. Can be 1.0 or 1.1</param>
        private void StripIllegalXMLChars(string tmpContents, string XMLVersion)
            string pattern = String.Empty;
            switch (XMLVersion)
                case "1.0":
                    pattern = @"#x((10?|[2-F])FFF[EF]|FDD[0-9A-F]|7F|8[0-46-9A-F]9[0-9A-F])";
                case "1.1":
                    pattern = @"#x((10?|[2-F])FFF[EF]|FDD[0-9A-F]|[19][0-9A-F]|7F|8[0-46-9A-F]|0?[1-8BCEF])";
                    throw new Exception("Error: Invalid XML Version!");

            Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            if (regex.IsMatch(tmpContents))
                tmpContents = regex.Replace(tmpContents, String.Empty);
            tmpContents = string.Empty;

How to resolve the "EVP_DecryptFInal_ex: bad decrypt" during file decryption

I experienced a similar error reply while using the openssl command line interface, while having the correct binary key (-K). The option "-nopad" resolved the issue:

Example generating the error:

echo -ne "\x32\xc8\xde\x5c\x68\x19\x7e\x53\xa5\x75\xe1\x76\x1d\x20\x16\xb2\x72\xd8\x40\x87\x25\xb3\x71\x21\x89\xf6\xca\x46\x9f\xd0\x0d\x08\x65\x49\x23\x30\x1f\xe0\x38\x48\x70\xdb\x3b\xa8\x56\xb5\x4a\xc6\x09\x9e\x6c\x31\xce\x60\xee\xa2\x58\x72\xf6\xb5\x74\xa8\x9d\x0c" | openssl aes-128-cbc -d -K 31323334353637383930313233343536 -iv 79169625096006022424242424242424 | od -t x1


bad decrypt
140181876450560:error:06065064:digital envelope 
routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:../crypto/evp/evp_enc.c:535:
0000000 2f 2f 07 02 54 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 29 00 00
0000020 00 00 04 a9 ff 01 00 00 00 00 04 a9 ff 02 00 00
0000040 00 00 04 a9 ff 03 00 00 00 00 0d 79 0a 30 36 38

Example with correct result:

echo -ne "\x32\xc8\xde\x5c\x68\x19\x7e\x53\xa5\x75\xe1\x76\x1d\x20\x16\xb2\x72\xd8\x40\x87\x25\xb3\x71\x21\x89\xf6\xca\x46\x9f\xd0\x0d\x08\x65\x49\x23\x30\x1f\xe0\x38\x48\x70\xdb\x3b\xa8\x56\xb5\x4a\xc6\x09\x9e\x6c\x31\xce\x60\xee\xa2\x58\x72\xf6\xb5\x74\xa8\x9d\x0c" | openssl aes-128-cbc -d -K 31323334353637383930313233343536 -iv 79169625096006022424242424242424 -nopad | od -t x1


0000000 2f 2f 07 02 54 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 29 00 00
0000020 00 00 04 a9 ff 01 00 00 00 00 04 a9 ff 02 00 00
0000040 00 00 04 a9 ff 03 00 00 00 00 0d 79 0a 30 36 38
0000060 30 30 30 34 31 33 31 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f 2f

What is the apply function in Scala?

Mathematicians have their own little funny ways, so instead of saying "then we call function f passing it x as a parameter" as we programmers would say, they talk about "applying function f to its argument x".

In mathematics and computer science, Apply is a function that applies functions to arguments.

apply serves the purpose of closing the gap between Object-Oriented and Functional paradigms in Scala. Every function in Scala can be represented as an object. Every function also has an OO type: for instance, a function that takes an Int parameter and returns an Int will have OO type of Function1[Int,Int].

 // define a function in scala
 (x:Int) => x + 1

 // assign an object representing the function to a variable
 val f = (x:Int) => x + 1

Since everything is an object in Scala f can now be treated as a reference to Function1[Int,Int] object. For example, we can call toString method inherited from Any, that would have been impossible for a pure function, because functions don't have methods:


Or we could define another Function1[Int,Int] object by calling compose method on f and chaining two different functions together:

 val f2 = f.compose((x:Int) => x - 1)

Now if we want to actually execute the function, or as mathematician say "apply a function to its arguments" we would call the apply method on the Function1[Int,Int] object:


Writing f.apply(args) every time you want to execute a function represented as an object is the Object-Oriented way, but would add a lot of clutter to the code without adding much additional information and it would be nice to be able to use more standard notation, such as f(args). That's where Scala compiler steps in and whenever we have a reference f to a function object and write f (args) to apply arguments to the represented function the compiler silently expands f (args) to the object method call f.apply (args).

Every function in Scala can be treated as an object and it works the other way too - every object can be treated as a function, provided it has the apply method. Such objects can be used in the function notation:

// we will be able to use this object as a function, as well as an object
object Foo {
  var y = 5
  def apply (x: Int) = x + y

Foo (1) // using Foo object in function notation 

There are many usage cases when we would want to treat an object as a function. The most common scenario is a factory pattern. Instead of adding clutter to the code using a factory method we can apply object to a set of arguments to create a new instance of an associated class:

List(1,2,3) // same as List.apply(1,2,3) but less clutter, functional notation

// the way the factory method invocation would have looked
// in other languages with OO notation - needless clutter

So apply method is just a handy way of closing the gap between functions and objects in Scala.

TERM environment variable not set

Using a terminal command i.e. "clear", in a script called from cron (no terminal) will trigger this error message. In your particular script, the smbmount command expects a terminal in which case the work-arounds above are appropriate.

How to use if statements in LESS

I stumbled over the same question and I've found a solution.

First make sure you upgrade to LESS 1.6 at least. You can use npm for that case.

Now you can use the following mixin:

.if (@condition, @property, @value) when (@condition = true){
     @{property}: @value;

Since LESS 1.6 you are able to pass PropertyNames to Mixins as well. So for example you could just use:

.myHeadline {
   .if(@include-lineHeight,  line-height, '35px');

If @include-lineheight resolves to true LESS will print the line-height: 35px and it will skip the mixin if @include-lineheight is not true.

Split and join C# string

You can split and join the string, but why not use substrings? Then you only end up with one split instead of splitting the string into 5 parts and re-joining it. The end result is the same, but the substring is probably a bit faster.

string lcStart = "Some Very Large String Here";
int lnSpace = lcStart.IndexOf(' ');

if (lnSpace > -1)
    string lcFirst = lcStart.Substring(0, lnSpace);
    string lcRest = lcStart.Substring(lnSpace + 1);

Docker-Compose with multiple services

The thing is that you are using the option -t when running your container.

Could you check if enabling the tty option (see reference) in your docker-compose.yml file the container keeps running?

version: '2'
        build: .
        container_name: ubuntu
            - ~/sph/laravel52:/www/laravel
          - "80:80"
        tty: true

How to set width of a div in percent in JavaScript?

The question is what do you want the div's height/width to be a percent of?

By default, if you assign a percentage value to a height/width it will be relative to it's direct parent dimensions. If the parent doesn't have a defined height, then it won't work.

So simply, remember to set the height of the parent, then a percentage height will work via the css attribute: = '50%';

How can I pretty-print JSON using node.js?

I think this might be useful... I love example code :)

var fs = require('fs');

var myData = {

var outputFilename = '/tmp/my.json';

fs.writeFile(outputFilename, JSON.stringify(myData, null, 4), function(err) {
    if(err) {
    } else {
      console.log("JSON saved to " + outputFilename);

Android Facebook 4.0 SDK How to get Email, Date of Birth and gender of User

That's not the right way to set the permissions as you are overwriting them with each method call.

Replace this:


With the following, as the method setReadPermissions() accepts an ArrayList:

        "public_profile", "email", "user_birthday", "user_friends"));

Also here is how to query extra data GraphRequest:

private LoginButton loginButton;
private CallbackManager callbackManager;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    loginButton = (LoginButton) findViewById(;

            "public_profile", "email", "user_birthday", "user_friends"));

    callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create();

    // Callback registration
    loginButton.registerCallback(callbackManager, new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
        public void onSuccess(LoginResult loginResult) {
            // App code
            GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newMeRequest(
                    new GraphRequest.GraphJSONObjectCallback() {
                        public void onCompleted(JSONObject object, GraphResponse response) {
                            Log.v("LoginActivity", response.toString());

                            // Application code
                            String email = object.getString("email");
                            String birthday = object.getString("birthday"); // 01/31/1980 format
            Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
            parameters.putString("fields", "id,name,email,gender,birthday");


        public void onCancel() {
            // App code
            Log.v("LoginActivity", "cancel");

        public void onError(FacebookException exception) {
            // App code
            Log.v("LoginActivity", exception.getCause().toString());


One possible problem is that Facebook assumes that your email is invalid. To test it, use the Graph API Explorer and try to get it. If even there you can't get your email, change it in your profile settings and try again. This approach resolved this issue for some developers commenting my answer.

how to remove time from datetime

Personally, I'd return the full, native datetime value and format this in the client code.

That way, you can use the user's locale setting to give the correct meaning to that user.

"11/12" is ambiguous. Is it:

  • 12th November
  • 11th December

HTTP Status 500 - org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException

In Tomcat a .java and .class file will be created for every jsp files with in the application and the same can be found from the path below, Apache-Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\'ApplicationName'\org\apache\jsp\

In your case the jsp name is error.jsp so the path should be something like below Apache-Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\'ApplicationName'\org\apache\jsp\ in line no 124 you are trying to access a null object which results in null pointer exception.

binning data in python with scipy/numpy

It's probably faster and easier to use numpy.digitize():

import numpy
data = numpy.random.random(100)
bins = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 10)
digitized = numpy.digitize(data, bins)
bin_means = [data[digitized == i].mean() for i in range(1, len(bins))]

An alternative to this is to use numpy.histogram():

bin_means = (numpy.histogram(data, bins, weights=data)[0] /
             numpy.histogram(data, bins)[0])

Try for yourself which one is faster... :)

Online PHP syntax checker / validator performs syntax check and a custom check for common errors.

I'm a novice, but it helped me.

MySQL OPTIMIZE all tables?

my 1 cent, added and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' so we can skip the 'VIEW' type.

for table in `mysql -sss -e "select concat(table_schema,'.',table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('mysql','information_schema','performance_schema') and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' order by data_free desc;"`
mysql -e "OPTIMIZE TABLE $table;"

Get div's offsetTop positions in React

A better solution with ref to avoid findDOMNode that is discouraged.

onScroll() {
    let offsetTop  = this.instance.getBoundingClientRect().top;
render() {
<Component ref={(el) => this.instance = el } />

How can I format my grep output to show line numbers at the end of the line, and also the hit count?

-n returns line number.

-i is for ignore-case. Only to be used if case matching is not necessary

$ grep -in null myfile.txt

2:example two null,
4:example four null,

Combine with awk to print out the line number after the match:

$ grep -in null myfile.txt | awk -F: '{print $2" - Line number : "$1}'

example two null, - Line number : 2
example four null, - Line number : 4

Use command substitution to print out the total null count:

$ echo "Total null count :" $(grep -ic null myfile.txt)

Total null count : 2

How to send post request to the below post method using postman rest client

  1. Open Postman.
  2. Enter URL in the URL bar http://{server:port}/json/metallica/post.
  3. Click Headers button and enter Content-Type as header and application/json in value.
  4. Select POST from the dropdown next to the URL text box.
  5. Select raw from the buttons available below URL text box.
  6. Select JSON from the following dropdown.
  7. In the textarea available below, post your request object:

     "title" : "test title",
     "singer" : "some singer"
  8. Hit Send.

  9. Refer to screenshot below: enter image description here

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource- AngularJS

In my case, I was trying to hit a WebAPI service on localhost from inside an MVC app that used a lot of Angular code. My WebAPI service worked fine with Fiddler via http://localhost/myservice. Once I took a moment to configure the MVC app to use IIS instead of IIS Express (a part of Visual Studio), it worked fine, without adding any CORS-related configuration to either area.

You have to be inside an angular-cli project in order to use the build command after reinstall of angular-cli

Same as John Pankowicz answer, but in my case I had to run

npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

for the versions to match.

Using Font Awesome icon for bullet points, with a single list item element

My solution using standard <ul> and <i> inside <li>

    <li><i class="fab fa-cc-paypal"></i> <div>Paypal</div></li>
    <li><i class="fab fa-cc-apple-pay"></i> <div>Apple Pay</div></li>
    <li><i class="fab fa-cc-stripe"></i> <div>Stripe</div></li>
    <li><i class="fab fa-cc-visa"></i> <div>VISA</div></li>

enter image description here


upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream

If you're using Symfony framework: Before messing with Nginx config, try to disable ChromePHP first.

1 - Open app/config/config_dev.yml

2 - Comment these lines:

    #type:   chromephp
    #level:  info

ChromePHP pack the debug info json-encoded in the X-ChromePhp-Data header, which is too big for the default config of nginx with fastcgi.


Installing PDO driver on MySQL Linux server

That's a good question, but I think you just misunderstand what you read.

Install PDO

The ./config --with-pdo-mysql is something you have to put on only if you compile your own PHP code. If you install it with package managers, you just have to use the command line given by Jany Hartikainen: sudo apt-get install php5-mysql and also sudo apt-get install pdo-mysql

Compatibility with mysql_

Apart from the fact mysql_ is really discouraged, they are both independent. If you use PDO mysql_ is not implicated, and if you use mysql_ PDO is not required.

If you turn off PDO without changing any line in your code, you won't have a problem. But since you started to connect and write queries with PDO, you have to keep it and give up mysql_.

Several years ago the MySQL team published a script to migrate to MySQLi. I don't know if it can be customised, but it's official.

How can I generate a random number in a certain range?

Random r = new Random();
int i1 = r.nextInt(45 - 28) + 28;

This gives a random integer between 28 (inclusive) and 45 (exclusive), one of 28,29,...,43,44.

Exit a Script On Error

If you want to be able to handle an error instead of blindly exiting, instead of using set -e, use a trap on the ERR pseudo signal.

f () {
    errorCode=$? # save the exit code as the first thing done in the trap function
    echo "error $errorCode"
    echo "the command executing at the time of the error was"
    echo "$BASH_COMMAND"
    echo "on line ${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
    # do some error handling, cleanup, logging, notification
    # $BASH_COMMAND contains the command that was being executed at the time of the trap
    # ${BASH_LINENO[0]} contains the line number in the script of that command
    # exit the script or return to try again, etc.
    exit $errorCode  # or use some other value or do return instead
trap f ERR
# do some stuff
false # returns 1 so it triggers the trap
# maybe do some other stuff

Other traps can be set to handle other signals, including the usual Unix signals plus the other Bash pseudo signals RETURN and DEBUG.

force css grid container to fill full screen of device

If you take advantage of width: 100vw; and height: 100vh;, the object with these styles applied will stretch to the full width and height of the device.

Also note, there are times padding and margins can get added to your view, by browsers and the like. I added a * global no padding and margins so you can see the difference. Keep this in mind.

  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: red;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);_x000D_
  grid-template-rows: repeat(3, 1fr);_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
  width: 100vw;_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
.one {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: blue;_x000D_
  grid-column: 1 / 3;_x000D_
  grid-row: 1;_x000D_
.two {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: yellow;_x000D_
  grid-column: 2 / 4;_x000D_
  grid-row: 1 / 3;_x000D_
.three {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: violet;_x000D_
  grid-row: 2 / 5;_x000D_
  grid-column: 1;_x000D_
.four {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: aqua;_x000D_
  grid-column: 3;_x000D_
  grid-row: 3;_x000D_
.five {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: green;_x000D_
  grid-column: 2;_x000D_
  grid-row: 4;_x000D_
.six {_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: purple;_x000D_
  grid-column: 3;_x000D_
  grid-row: 4;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="one">One</div>_x000D_
  <div class="two">Two</div>_x000D_
  <div class="three">Three</div>_x000D_
  <div class="four">Four</div>_x000D_
  <div class="five">Five</div>_x000D_
  <div class="six">Six</div>_x000D_

How to access PHP session variables from jQuery function in a .js file?

If you want to maintain a clearer separation of PHP and JS (it makes syntax highlighting and checking in IDEs easier) then you can create jquery plugins for your code and then pass the $_SESSION['param'] as a variable.

So in page.php:

<script src="my_progress_bar.js"></script>
$(function () {
    var percent = <?php echo $_SESSION['percent']; ?>;

Then in my_progress_bar.js:

(function ($) {
    $.my_progress_bar = function(percent) {
        $( "#progressbar" ).progressbar({
            value: percent

How to vertically center a container in Bootstrap?

In Bootstrap 4:

to center the child horizontally, use bootstrap-4 class:


to center the child vertically, use bootstrap-4 class:


but remember don't forget to use d-flex class with these it's a bootstrap-4 utility class, like so

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center" style="height:100px;">
    <span class="bg-primary">MIDDLE</span>    

Note: make sure to add bootstrap-4 utilities if this code does not work

I know it's not the direct answer to this question but it may help someone

How do you truncate all tables in a database using TSQL?

If you want to keep data in a particular table (i.e. a static lookup table) while deleting/truncating data in other tables within the same db, then you need a loop with the exceptions in it. This is what I was looking for when I stumbled onto this question.

sp_MSForEachTable seems buggy to me (i.e. inconsistent behavior with IF statements) which is probably why its undocumented by MS.

declare @LastObjectID int = 0
declare @TableName nvarchar(100) = ''
set @LastObjectID = (select top 1 [object_id] from sys.tables where [object_id] > @LastObjectID order by [object_id])
while(@LastObjectID is not null)
    set @TableName = (select top 1 [name] from sys.tables where [object_id] = @LastObjectID)

    if(@TableName not in ('Profiles', 'ClientDetails', 'Addresses', 'AgentDetails', 'ChainCodes', 'VendorDetails'))
        exec('truncate table [' + @TableName + ']')

    set @LastObjectID = (select top 1 [object_id] from sys.tables where [object_id] > @LastObjectID order by [object_id])

Why I can't change directories using "cd"?

simply run:

cd /home/xxx/yyy && command_you_want

Specify JDK for Maven to use

If you have installed Java through brew in Mac then chances are you will find your Java Home Directory here:


The next step now would be to find which Java Home directory maven is pointing to. To find it type in the command:
mvn -version

enter image description here

The fields we are interested in here is: Java version and runtime.

Maven is currently pointing to Java 13. Also, you can see the Java Home path under the key runtime, which is:

To change the Java version of the maven, we need to add the Java 8 home path to the JAVA_HOME env variable.

To do that we need to run the command:
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home in the terminal.

Now if we check the maven version, we can see that it is pointing to Java 8 now.

enter image description here

The problem with this is if you check the maven version again in the new terminal, you will find that it is pointing to the Java 13. To avoid this I would suggest adding the JAVA_HOME variable in the ~/.profile file.

This way whenever your terminal is loading it will take up the value you defined in the JAVA_HOME by default. This is the line you need to add in the ~/.profile file:
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home

You can open up a new terminal and check the Maven version, (mvn -version) and you will find it is pointing to the Java 8 this time.

How can I add new dimensions to a Numpy array?

Consider Approach 1 with reshape method and Approach 2 with np.newaxis method that produce the same outcome:

#Lets suppose, we have:
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
print('I. x',x)

xNpArr = np.array(x)
print('II. xNpArr',xNpArr)
print('III. xNpArr', xNpArr.shape)

xNpArr_3x3 = xNpArr.reshape((3,3))
print('IV. xNpArr_3x3.shape', xNpArr_3x3.shape)
print('V. xNpArr_3x3', xNpArr_3x3)

#Approach 1 with reshape method
xNpArrRs_1x3x3x1 = xNpArr_3x3.reshape((1,3,3,1))
print('VI. xNpArrRs_1x3x3x1.shape', xNpArrRs_1x3x3x1.shape)
print('VII. xNpArrRs_1x3x3x1', xNpArrRs_1x3x3x1)

#Approach 2 with np.newaxis method
xNpArrNa_1x3x3x1 = xNpArr_3x3[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis]
print('VIII. xNpArrNa_1x3x3x1.shape', xNpArrNa_1x3x3x1.shape)
print('IX. xNpArrNa_1x3x3x1', xNpArrNa_1x3x3x1)

We have as outcome:

I. x [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

II. xNpArr [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

III. xNpArr (9,)

IV. xNpArr_3x3.shape (3, 3)

V. xNpArr_3x3 [[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]
 [7 8 9]]

VI. xNpArrRs_1x3x3x1.shape (1, 3, 3, 1)

VII. xNpArrRs_1x3x3x1 [[[[1]



VIII. xNpArrNa_1x3x3x1.shape (1, 3, 3, 1)

IX. xNpArrNa_1x3x3x1 [[[[1]



Removing all line breaks and adding them after certain text

You can also try this in Notepad++

  • Highlight the lines you want to join (ctrl + a to select all)
  • Choose Edit -> Line Operations -> Join Lines

Detect Safari browser

You can easily use index of Chrome to filter out Chrome:

var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 
if (ua.indexOf('safari') != -1) { 
  if (ua.indexOf('chrome') > -1) {
    alert("1") // Chrome
  } else {
    alert("2") // Safari

json Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

I have spent the last few days trying to figure this out myself. Using the old json dataType gives you cross origin problems, while setting the dataType to jsonp makes the data "unreadable" as explained above. So there are apparently two ways out, the first hasn't worked for me but seems like a potential solution and that I might be doing something wrong. This is explained here [ ].

The one that worked for me is as follows: 1- download the ajax cross origin plug in [ ]. 2- add a script link to it just below the normal jQuery link. 3- add the line "crossOrigin: true," to your ajax function.

Good to go! here is my working code for this:

      crossOrigin: true,_x000D_
      url : ",151.195&radius=5000&type=ATM&keyword=ATM&key=MyKey",_x000D_
      type : "GET",_x000D_

How can I use tabs for indentation in IntelliJ IDEA?

For those who are having trouble indenting phpstorm here I have a tip and I hope they help ...

First you have to go to file-> settings-> keymap-> select-> windows. enter image description here enter image description here

If they are on the windows machine. If you are on mac and choose macos.

MySQL error 1241: Operand should contain 1 column(s)

Just remove the ( and the ) on your SELECT statement:

insert into table2 (Name, Subject, student_id, result)
select Name, Subject, student_id, result
from table1;

Convert a bitmap into a byte array

More simple:

return (byte[])System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(pImagen).ConvertTo(pImagen, typeof(byte[]))

How to specify a port to run a create-react-app based project?

This works on both Windows and Linux (Doesn't work on Mac)


"scripts": {
    "start": "(set PORT=3006 || export PORT=3006) && react-scripts start"

but you propably prefer to create .env with PORT=3006 written inside it

How does cellForRowAtIndexPath work?

1) The function returns a cell for a table view yes? So, the returned object is of type UITableViewCell. These are the objects that you see in the table's rows. This function basically returns a cell, for a table view. But you might ask, how the function would know what cell to return for what row, which is answered in the 2nd question

2)NSIndexPath is essentially two things-

  • Your Section
  • Your row

Because your table might be divided to many sections and each with its own rows, this NSIndexPath will help you identify precisely which section and which row. They are both integers. If you're a beginner, I would say try with just one section.

It is called if you implement the UITableViewDataSource protocol in your view controller. A simpler way would be to add a UITableViewController class. I strongly recommend this because it Apple has some code written for you to easily implement the functions that can describe a table. Anyway, if you choose to implement this protocol yourself, you need to create a UITableViewCell object and return it for whatever row. Have a look at its class reference to understand re-usablity because the cells that are displayed in the table view are reused again and again(this is a very efficient design btw).

As for when you have two table views, look at the method. The table view is passed to it, so you should not have a problem with respect to that.

Intellij Idea: Importing Gradle project - getting JAVA_HOME not defined yet

For MacOS this worked for me without the need to hardcode a particular Java version:

launchctl setenv JAVA_HOME "$(jenv javahome)"

How to implement 2D vector array?

We can easily use vector as 2d array. We use resize() method for this purpose. The code below can be helpful to understand this issue.

Code Snippet :

using namespace std;

int main()
    int row, col;

    vector <vector<int>> v;

    //v = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9}}; 

    /** input from use **/
    for(int i=0; i<row; i++)
       for(int j=0; j<col; j++)

    for(int i=0;i<row; i++)
       for(int j=0;j<col;j++)
          cout<<v[i][j]<<" ";
    return 0;

Capture Signature using HTML5 and iPad

Another OpenSource signature field is , registered jQuery plugin using Sketch.js .

How do I shut down a python simpleHTTPserver?

Hitting ctrl + c once(wait for traceback), then hitting ctrl+c again did the trick for me :)

How to get a value from a cell of a dataframe?

Not sure if this is a good practice, but I noticed I can also get just the value by casting the series as float.



3 0.042679

Name: Unemployment_rate, dtype: float64



Python reshape list to ndim array

You can think of reshaping that the new shape is filled row by row (last dimension varies fastest) from the flattened original list/array.

An easy solution is to shape the list into a (100, 28) array and then transpose it:

x = np.reshape(list_data, (100, 28)).T

Update regarding the updated example:

np.reshape([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], (4, 2)).T
# array([[0, 1, 2, 3],
#        [0, 1, 2, 3]])

np.reshape([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], (2, 4))
# array([[0, 0, 1, 1],
#        [2, 2, 3, 3]])

Git fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported


git clone fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported



(1):- Open the new terminal and clone the git repository

git clone

(2) Automatic git login prompt will open and it will be asked you to enter a user credential.

UserName : - xxxxxxx

PassWord : - xxxxxxx

Finally, cloning will start...

git clone
Cloning into 'TestGit'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.

cannot connect to pc-name\SQLEXPRESS

enter image description here

Go to services (services.msc) and restart the services in the image and then try to connect.

Best way to check if a URL is valid

Actually... filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); doesn't work very well. When you type in a real url, it works but, it only checks for http:// so if you type something like "http://weirtgcyaurbatc", it will still say it's real.

What are the most common naming conventions in C?

There could be many, mainly IDEs dictate some trends and C++ conventions are also pushing. For C commonly:

  • UNDERSCORED_UPPER_CASE (macro definitions, constants, enum members)
  • underscored_lower_case (variables, functions)
  • CamelCase (custom types: structs, enums, unions)
  • uncappedCamelCase (oppa Java style)
  • UnderScored_CamelCase (variables, functions under kind of namespaces)

Hungarian notation for globals are fine but not for types. And even for trivial names, please use at least two characters.

Sending email with PHP from an SMTP server

There are some SMTP servers that work without authentication, but if the server requires authentication, there is no way to circumvent that.

PHP's built-in mail functions are very limited - specifying the SMTP server is possible in WIndows only. On *nix, mail() will use the OS's binaries.

If you want to send E-Mail to an arbitrary SMTP server on the net, consider using a library like SwiftMailer. That will enable you to use, for example, Google Mail's outgoing servers.

How can I change the default Mysql connection timeout when connecting through python?

You change default value in MySQL configuration file (option connect_timeout in mysqld section) -


If this file is not accessible for you, then you can set this value using this statement -

SET GLOBAL connect_timeout=100;

How organize uploaded media in WP?

The plugin Media File Manager advanced is amazing and allow you to create folders and subfolders very easily and move files with a simple drag & drop.

Check it at:

Converting BitmapImage to Bitmap and vice versa

Thanks Guillermo Hernandez, I created a variation of your code that works. I added the namespaces in this code for reference.

System.Reflection.Assembly theAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom("My.dll");
// Get a stream to the embedded resource
System.IO.Stream stream = theAsm.GetManifestResourceStream(@"picture.png");

// Here is the most important part:
System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage bmi = new BitmapImage();
bmi.StreamSource = stream;

Get last record of a table in Postgres

you can use

SELECT timestamp, value, card 
FROM my_table 
ORDER BY timestamp DESC 

assuming you want also to sort by timestamp?

Get the row(s) which have the max value in groups using groupby

You may not need to do with group by , using sort_values+ drop_duplicates

    Sp  Mt Value  count
0  MM1  S1     a      3
2  MM1  S3    cb      5
8  MM4  S2   uyi      7
3  MM2  S3    mk      8
4  MM2  S4    bg     10

Also almost same logic by using tail

df.sort_values('count').groupby(['Sp', 'Mt']).tail(1)
    Sp  Mt Value  count
0  MM1  S1     a      3
2  MM1  S3    cb      5
8  MM4  S2   uyi      7
3  MM2  S3    mk      8
4  MM2  S4    bg     10

Directory Chooser in HTML page

Can't be done in pure HTML/JavaScript for security reasons.

Selecting a file for upload is the best you can do, and even then you won't get its full original path in modern browsers.

You may be able to put something together using Java or Flash (e.g. using SWFUpload as a basis), but it's a lot of work and brings additional compatibility issues.

Another thought would be opening an iframe showing the user's C: drive (or whatever) but even if that's possible nowadays (could be blocked for security reasons, haven't tried in a long time) it will be impossible for your web site to communicate with the iframe (again for security reasons).

What do you need this for?

How to send/receive SOAP request and response using C#?

The urls are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx


  • /acctinqsvc/portfolioinquiry.asmx

Resolve this issue first, as if the web server cannot resolve the URL you are attempting to POST to, you won't even begin to process the actions described by your request.

You should only need to create the WebRequest to the ASMX root URL, ie: http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx, and specify the desired method/operation in the SOAPAction header.

The SOAPAction header values are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx/ + methodName



You should be able to determine the correct SOAPAction by going to the correct ASMX URL and appending ?wsdl

There should be a <soap:operation> tag underneath the <wsdl:operation> tag that matches the operation you are attempting to execute, which appears to be GetMyName.

There is no XML declaration in the request body that includes your SOAP XML.

You specify text/xml in the ContentType of your HttpRequest and no charset. Perhaps these default to us-ascii, but there's no telling if you aren't specifying them!

The SoapUI created XML includes an XML declaration that specifies an encoding of utf-8, which also matches the Content-Type provided to the HTTP request which is: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Hope that helps!

Check variable equality against a list of values

If you have access to Underscore, you can use the following:

if (_.contains([1, 3, 12], foo)) {
  // ...

contains used to work in Lodash as well (prior to V4), now you have to use includes

if (_.includes([1, 3, 12], foo)) {

Convert UTF-8 with BOM to UTF-8 with no BOM in Python

import codecs
import shutil
import sys

s =
if s != codecs.BOM_UTF8:

shutil.copyfileobj(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)

Open S3 object as a string with Boto3

Python3 + Using boto3 API approach.

By using S3.Client.download_fileobj API and Python file-like object, S3 Object content can be retrieved to memory.

Since the retrieved content is bytes, in order to convert to str, it need to be decoded.

import io
import boto3

client = boto3.client('s3')
bytes_buffer = io.BytesIO()
client.download_fileobj(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=object_key, Fileobj=bytes_buffer)
byte_value = bytes_buffer.getvalue()
str_value = byte_value.decode() #python3, default decoding is utf-8

How to add "active" class to wp_nav_menu() current menu item (simple way)

Just paste this code into functions.php file:

add_filter('nav_menu_css_class' , 'special_nav_class' , 10 , 2);

function special_nav_class ($classes, $item) {
  if (in_array('current-menu-item', $classes) ){
    $classes[] = 'active ';
  return $classes;

More on

how to select first N rows from a table in T-SQL?

Try this.

declare @topval int

set @topval = 5 (customized value)

SELECT TOP(@topval) * from your_database

Why GDB jumps unpredictably between lines and prints variables as "<value optimized out>"?

When debugging optimized programs (which may be necessary if the bug doesn't show up in debug builds), you often have to understand assembly compiler generated.

In your particular case, return value of cpnd_find_exact_ckptinfo will be stored in the register which is used on your platform for return values. On ix86, that would be %eax. On x86_64: %rax, etc. You may need to google for '[your processor] procedure calling convention' if it's none of the above.

You can examine that register in GDB and you can set it. E.g. on ix86:

(gdb) p $eax
(gdb) set $eax = 0 

Rails 3 execute custom sql query without a model

I'd recommend using ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query instead of ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute which returns a ActiveRecord::Result (available in rails 3.1+) which is a bit easier to work with.

Then you can access it in various the result in various ways like .rows, .each, or .to_hash

From the docs:

result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query('SELECT id, title, body FROM posts')
result # => #<ActiveRecord::Result:0xdeadbeef>

# Get the column names of the result:
# => ["id", "title", "body"]

# Get the record values of the result:
# => [[1, "title_1", "body_1"],
      [2, "title_2", "body_2"],

# Get an array of hashes representing the result (column => value):
# => [{"id" => 1, "title" => "title_1", "body" => "body_1"},
      {"id" => 2, "title" => "title_2", "body" => "body_2"},

# ActiveRecord::Result also includes Enumerable.
result.each do |row|
  puts row['title'] + " " + row['body']

note: copied my answer from here

How can I delete (not disable) ActiveX add-ons in Internet Explorer (7 and 8 Beta 2)?

You could unregister the control with

regsvr32 /u badboy.ocx

at the command line. Though i would suggest testing these things in a vmware.

C++ IDE for Linux?

I am using "Geany" found good so far, its fast and light weight IDE.

Among Geany’s features are:

  • Code folding
  • Session saving
  • Basic IDE features such as syntax highlighting, tabs, automatic indentation and code completion
  • Simple project management
  • Build system
  • Color picker (surprisingly handy during web development)
  • Embedded terminal emulation
  • Call tips
  • Symbol lists
  • Auto-completion of common constructs (such as if, else, while, etc.)

How do I generate random numbers in Dart?

Here's a snippet for generating a list of random numbers

import 'dart:math';

main() {
  var rng = new Random();
  var l = new List.generate(12, (_) => rng.nextInt(100));

This will generate a list of 12 integers from 0 to 99 (inclusive).

Android check permission for LocationManager

If you simply want to check for permissions (rather than request for permissions), I wrote a simple extension like so:

fun BaseActivity.checkPermission(permissionName: String): Boolean {
        return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
            val granted =
                ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, permissionName)
            granted == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
        } else {
            val granted =
                PermissionChecker.checkSelfPermission(this, permissionName)
            granted == PermissionChecker.PERMISSION_GRANTED

Now, if I want to check for a permission I can simply pass in a permission like so:


Multiple WHERE clause in Linq

Well, you can just put multiple "where" clauses in directly, but I don't think you want to. Multiple "where" clauses ends up with a more restrictive filter - I think you want a less restrictive one. I think you really want:

DataTable tempData = (DataTable)grdUsageRecords.DataSource;
var query = from r in tempData.AsEnumerable()
            where r.Field<string>("UserName") != "XXXX" &&
                  r.Field<string>("UserName") != "YYYY"
            select r;

DataTable newDT = query.CopyToDataTable();

Note the && instead of ||. You want to select the row if the username isn't XXXX and the username isn't YYYY.

EDIT: If you have a whole collection, it's even easier. Suppose the collection is called ignoredUserNames:

DataTable tempData = (DataTable)grdUsageRecords.DataSource;
var query = from r in tempData.AsEnumerable()
            where !ignoredUserNames.Contains(r.Field<string>("UserName"))
            select r;

DataTable newDT = query.CopyToDataTable();

Ideally you'd want to make this a HashSet<string> to avoid the Contains call taking a long time, but if the collection is small enough it won't make much odds.

Two statements next to curly brace in an equation

Are you looking for

  math text

It wasn't very clear from the description. But may be this is what you are looking for

Contain an image within a div?

object-fit, behaves like background-size, solving the issue of scaling images up and down to fit.

The object-fit CSS property specifies how the contents of a replaced element should be fitted to the box established by its used height and width.

snapshot of an image rendered with all the object-fit options

.cover img {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    object-fit: cover;
    overflow: hidden;

Browser Support

There's no IE support, and support in Edge begins at v16, only for img element:

The bfred-it/object-fit-images polyfill works very well for me in IE11, tested on Browserstack: demo.

Alternative without polyfill using an image in SVG

For Edge pre v16, and ie9, ie10, ie11:

You can crop and scale any image using CSS object-fit and object-position. However, these properties are only supported in the latest version of MS Edge as well as all other modern browsers.

If you need to crop and scale an image in Internet Explorer and provide support back to IE9, you can do that by wrapping the image in an <svg>, and using the viewBox and preserveAspectRatio attributes to do what object-fit and object-position do.

(The author explains the technique thoroughly, and duplicating the detail here would be impractical.)

jQuery How to Get Element's Margin and Padding?

I've a snippet that shows, how to get the spacings of elements with jQuery:

/* messing vertical spaces of block level elements with jQuery in pixels */


var jObj = $('selector');

for(var i = 0, l = jObj.length; i < l; i++) {
  //jObj.eq(i).css('display', 'block');
  console.log('jQuery object:', jObj.eq(i));
  console.log('plain element:', jObj[i]);

  console.log('without spacings                - jObj.eq(i).height():         ', jObj.eq(i).height());
  console.log('with padding                    - jObj[i].clientHeight:        ', jObj[i].clientHeight);
  console.log('with padding and border         - jObj.eq(i).outerHeight():    ', jObj.eq(i).outerHeight());
  console.log('with padding, border and margin - jObj.eq(i).outerHeight(true):', jObj.eq(i).outerHeight(true));
  console.log('total vertical spacing:                                        ', jObj.eq(i).outerHeight(true) - jObj.eq(i).height());

How can I update NodeJS and NPM to the next versions?

First check your NPM version

npm -v

1) Update NPM to current version:

View curent NPM version:

npm view npm version

Update npm to current version:

npm i -g npm

2) List all available NPM versions and make a custom install/update/roll-back

View all versions including "alpha", "beta" and "rc" (release candidate)

npm view npm versions --json

Reinstall NPM to a specific version chosen from the versions list - for example to 5.0.3

npm i -g [email protected]
  • Installing one version will automatically remove the one currently installed.

  • For Linux and iOS prepend commands with sudo

Retain precision with double in Java

Multiply everything by 100 and store it in a long as cents.

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'

I had to move domain, username, password from

client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = domain + "\\" + username; client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = password


client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = username; client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = password; client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Domain = domain;

how can I display tooltip or item information on mouse over?

The simplest way to get tooltips in most browsers is to set some text in the title attribute.


<img src="myimage.jpg" alt="a cat" title="My cat sat on a table" />

produces (hover your mouse over the image):

a cat

Title attributes can be applied to most HTML elements.

Auto-center map with multiple markers in Google Maps API v3

To find the exact center of the map you'll need to translate the lat/lon coordinates into pixel coordinates and then find the pixel center and convert that back into lat/lon coordinates.

You might not notice or mind the drift depending how far north or south of the equator you are. You can see the drift by doing map.setCenter(map.getBounds().getCenter()) inside of a setInterval, the drift will slowly disappear as it approaches the equator.

You can use the following to translate between lat/lon and pixel coordinates. The pixel coordinates are based on a plane of the entire world fully zoomed in, but you can then find the center of that and switch it back into lat/lon.

   var HALF_WORLD_CIRCUMFERENCE = 268435456; // in pixels at zoom level 21

   function _latToY ( lat ) {
      var sinLat = Math.sin( _toRadians( lat ) );
      return HALF_WORLD_CIRCUMFERENCE - WORLD_RADIUS * Math.log( ( 1 + sinLat ) / ( 1 - sinLat ) ) / 2;

   function _lonToX ( lon ) {
      return HALF_WORLD_CIRCUMFERENCE + WORLD_RADIUS * _toRadians( lon );

   function _xToLon ( x ) {
      return _toDegrees( ( x - HALF_WORLD_CIRCUMFERENCE ) / WORLD_RADIUS );

   function _yToLat ( y ) {
      return _toDegrees( Math.PI / 2 - 2 * Math.atan( Math.exp( ( y - HALF_WORLD_CIRCUMFERENCE ) / WORLD_RADIUS ) ) );

   function _toRadians ( degrees ) {
      return degrees * Math.PI / 180;

   function _toDegrees ( radians ) {
      return radians * 180 / Math.PI;

What does a just-in-time (JIT) compiler do?

JIT compiler only compiles the byte-code to equivalent native code at first execution. Upon every successive execution, the JVM merely uses the already compiled native code to optimize performance.

enter image description here

Without JIT compiler, the JVM interpreter translates the byte-code line-by-line to make it appear as if a native application is being executed.

enter image description here


Remote desktop connection protocol error 0x112f

This error may be triggered by insufficient memory on RDP server.

After few tries with this error, RDP managed to get a connection to the server and I was able to stop a bogus service consuming too much memory. This can be done also with sysinternals or sc.

How to fix Ora-01427 single-row subquery returns more than one row in select?

The only subquery appears to be this - try adding a ROWNUM limit to the where to be sure:

         AND C.I_EMPID = A.I_EMPID)

You do need to investigate why this isn't unique, however - e.g. the employee might have had more than one C.I_COMPENSATEDDATE on the matched date.

For performance reasons, you should also see if the lookup subquery can be rearranged into an inner / left join, i.e.

            ' ',
            '') AS WORKDATE,
          AND C.I_EMPID = A.I_EMPID

How to calculate a Mod b in Casio fx-991ES calculator

You can calculate A mod B (for positive numbers) using this:

Pol( -Rec( 1/r , 2πr × A/B ) , Y ) ( πr - Y ) B

Then press [CALC], and enter your values for A and B, and any value for Y.

/ indicates using the fraction key, and r means radians ( [SHIFT] [Ans] [2] )

Disable Enable Trigger SQL server for a table

Below is the Dynamic Script to enable or disable the Triggers.

select 'alter table '+ (select Schema_name(schema_id) from sys.objects o 
where o.object_id = parent_id) + '.'+object_name(parent_id) + ' ENABLE TRIGGER '+
Name as EnableScript,*
from sys.triggers t 
where is_disabled = 1

Twitter Bootstrap 3 Sticky Footer

I'm a bit late on the subject but I came across this post as I've just been bitten by that question and finally found a really easy way to get over it, simply use a navbar with the navbar-fixed-bottom class enabled. For example:

<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-bottom">
  <div class="container">
    <span class="navbar-text">
      Something useful


Best C++ Code Formatter/Beautifier

AStyle can be customized in great detail for C++ and Java (and others too)

This is a source code formatting tool.

clang-format is a powerful command line tool bundled with the clang compiler which handles even the most obscure language constructs in a coherent way.

It can be integrated with Visual Studio, Emacs, Vim (and others) and can format just the selected lines (or with git/svn to format some diff).

It can be configured with a variety of options listed here.

When using config files (named .clang-format) styles can be per directory - the closest such file in parent directories shall be used for a particular file.

Styles can be inherited from a preset (say LLVM or Google) and can later override different options

It is used by Google and others and is production ready.

Also look at the project UniversalIndentGUI. You can experiment with several indenters using it: AStyle, Uncrustify, GreatCode, ... and select the best for you. Any of them can be run later from a command line.

Uncrustify has a lot of configurable options. You'll probably need Universal Indent GUI (in Konstantin's reply) as well to configure it.

When should you use a class vs a struct in C++?

I use structs when I need to create POD type or functor.

How to get am pm from the date time string using moment js

You are using the wrong format tokens when parsing your input. You should use ddd for an abbreviation of the name of day of the week, DD for day of the month, MMM for an abbreviation of the month's name, YYYY for the year, hh for the 1-12 hour, mm for minutes and A for AM/PM. See moment(String, String) docs.

Here is a working live sample:

console.log( moment('Mon 03-Jul-2017, 11:00 AM', 'ddd DD-MMM-YYYY, hh:mm A').format('hh:mm A') );_x000D_
console.log( moment('Mon 03-Jul-2017, 11:00 PM', 'ddd DD-MMM-YYYY, hh:mm A').format('hh:mm A') );
<script src=""></script>

Unable to resolve host "<URL here>" No address associated with host name

"" it seems you are trying to resolve this host , which is invalid.

Check for rss URL

Update Following are the possibilities

1 Your browser is configured with proxy, app not

System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "1234");

2 Your browser has access to internet. not app

3 can be an SSL issue if URL is secured

Negative weights using Dijkstra's Algorithm

Consider what happens if you go back and forth between B and C...voila

(relevant only if the graph is not directed)

Edited: I believe the problem has to do with the fact that the path with AC* can only be better than AB with the existence of negative weight edges, so it doesn't matter where you go after AC, with the assumption of non-negative weight edges it is impossible to find a path better than AB once you chose to reach B after going AC.

HashMap allows duplicates?

Doesn't allow duplicates in the sense, It allow to add you but it does'nt care about this key already have a value or not. So at present for one key there will be only one value

It silently overrides the value for null key. No exception.

When you try to get, the last inserted value with null will be return.

That is not only with null and for any key.

Have a quick example

   Map m = new HashMap<String, String>();
   m.put("1", "a");
   m.put("1", "b");  //no exception
   System.out.println(m.get("1")); //b

Golang append an item to a slice

Go takes a more lean and lazy approach in doing this. It keeps modifying the same underlying array until the capacity of a slice is reached.


Output of the example from the link explains the behavior of slices in Go.

Creating slice a.

Slice a len=7 cap=7 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0]

Slice b refers to the 2, 3, 4 indices in slice a. Hence, the capacity is 5 (= 7-2).

b := a[2:5]
Slice b len=3 cap=5 [0 0 0]

Modifying slice b, also modifies a, since they are pointing to the same underlying array.

b[0] = 9
Slice a len=7 cap=7 [0 0 9 0 0 0 0]
Slice b len=3 cap=5 [9 0 0]

Appending 1 to slice b. Overwrites a.

Slice a len=7 cap=7 [0 0 9 0 0 1 0]
Slice b len=4 cap=5 [9 0 0 1]

Appending 2 to slice b. Overwrites a.

Slice a len=7 cap=7 [0 0 9 0 0 1 2]
Slice b len=5 cap=5 [9 0 0 1 2]

Appending 3 to slice b. Here, a new copy is made as the capacity is overloaded.

Slice a len=7 cap=7 [0 0 9 0 0 1 2]
Slice b len=6 cap=12 [9 0 0 1 2 3]

Verifying slices a and b point to different underlying arrays after the capacity-overload in the previous step.

b[1] = 8
Slice a len=7 cap=7 [0 0 9 0 0 1 2]
Slice b len=6 cap=12 [9 8 0 1 2 3]

Simulate limited bandwidth from within Chrome?

If you are using OSX, you can use: Network Link Conditioner

enter image description here

Here you can select different profiles ie. 100% Loss, 3G, DSL etc.

Please find the below link to download Network Link Conditioner here

Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window

With the introduction of globalThis in ES2020 you can use properties like.

For screen size:


For Window Size


For Offset:


...& so on.

alert("Screen Width: "+ globalThis.screen.availWidth +"\nScreen Height: "+ globalThis.screen.availHeight)

Override browser form-filling and input highlighting with HTML/CSS

You can disable auto-completion as of HTML5 (via autocomplete="off"), but you CAN'T override the browser's highlighting. You could try messing with ::selection in CSS (most browsers require a vendor prefix for that to work), but that probably won't help you either.

Unless the browser vendor specifically implemented a vendor-specific way of overriding it, you can't do anything about such styles that are already intended to override the site's stylesheet for the user. These are usually applied after your stylesheets are applied and ignore ! important overrides, too.

How to use a decimal range() step value?

It can be done using Numpy library. arange() function allows steps in float. But, it returns a numpy array which can be converted to list using tolist() for our convenience.

for i in np.arange(0, 1, 0.1).tolist():
   print i

angularjs - ng-repeat: access key and value from JSON array object

I have just started checking out Angular(so im quite sure there are other ways to get it done which are more optimum), and i came across this question while searching for examples of ng-repeat.

The requirement by the poser(with the update):

"...but my real requirement is display the items as shown below.."

looked real-world enough (and simple), so i thought ill give it a spin and attempt to get the exact desired structure.

angular.module('appTest', [])_x000D_
  .controller("repeatCtrl", function($scope) {_x000D_
    $scope.items = [{_x000D_
      Name: "Soap",_x000D_
      Price: "25",_x000D_
      Quantity: "10"_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
      Name: "Bag",_x000D_
      Price: "100",_x000D_
      Quantity: "15"_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
      Name: "Pen",_x000D_
      Price: "15",_x000D_
      Quantity: "13"_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<body ng-app="appTest">_x000D_
  <section ng-controller="repeatCtrl">_x000D_
        <tr ng-repeat="item in items | limitTo:1">_x000D_
          <th ng-repeat="(key, val) in item">_x000D_
        <tr ng-repeat="item in items">_x000D_
          <td ng-repeat="(key, val) in item">_x000D_

The limitTo:(n) filter is the key. Im still not sure if having multiple ng-repeat is an optimum way to go about it, but can't think of another alternative currently.

How do you remove duplicates from a list whilst preserving order?

You could do a sort of ugly list comprehension hack.

[l[i] for i in range(len(l)) if l.index(l[i]) == i]

NSUserDefaults - How to tell if a key exists

Swift 3 / 4:

Here is a simple extension for Int/Double/Float/Bool key-value types that mimic the Optional-return behavior of the other types accessed through UserDefaults.

(Edit Aug 30 2018: Updated with more efficient syntax from Leo's suggestion.)

extension UserDefaults {
    /// Convenience method to wrap the built-in .integer(forKey:) method in an optional returning nil if the key doesn't exist.
    func integerOptional(forKey: String) -> Int? {
        return self.object(forKey: forKey) as? Int
    /// Convenience method to wrap the built-in .double(forKey:) method in an optional returning nil if the key doesn't exist.
    func doubleOptional(forKey: String) -> Double? {
        return self.object(forKey: forKey) as? Double
    /// Convenience method to wrap the built-in .float(forKey:) method in an optional returning nil if the key doesn't exist.
    func floatOptional(forKey: String) -> Float? {
        return self.object(forKey: forKey) as? Float
    /// Convenience method to wrap the built-in .bool(forKey:) method in an optional returning nil if the key doesn't exist.
    func boolOptional(forKey: String) -> Bool? {
        return self.object(forKey: forKey) as? Bool

They are now more consistent alongside the other built-in get methods (string, data, etc.). Just use the get methods in place of the old ones.

let AppDefaults = UserDefaults.standard

// assuming the key "Test" does not exist...

// old:
print(AppDefaults.integer(forKey: "Test")) // == 0
// new:
print(AppDefaults.integerOptional(forKey: "Test")) // == nil

How to debug in Django, the good way?

I use pyDev with Eclipse really good, set break points, step into code, view values on any objects and variables, try it.

How to find all the subclasses of a class given its name?

This isn't as good an answer as using the special built-in __subclasses__() class method which @unutbu mentions, so I present it merely as an exercise. The subclasses() function defined returns a dictionary which maps all the subclass names to the subclasses themselves.

def traced_subclass(baseclass):
    class _SubclassTracer(type):
        def __new__(cls, classname, bases, classdict):
            obj = type(classname, bases, classdict)
            if baseclass in bases: # sanity check
                attrname = '_%s__derived' % baseclass.__name__
                derived = getattr(baseclass, attrname, {})
                derived.update( {classname:obj} )
                setattr(baseclass, attrname, derived)
             return obj
    return _SubclassTracer

def subclasses(baseclass):
    attrname = '_%s__derived' % baseclass.__name__
    return getattr(baseclass, attrname, None)

class BaseClass(object):

class SubclassA(BaseClass):
    __metaclass__ = traced_subclass(BaseClass)

class SubclassB(BaseClass):
    __metaclass__ = traced_subclass(BaseClass)

print subclasses(BaseClass)


{'SubclassB': <class '__main__.SubclassB'>,
 'SubclassA': <class '__main__.SubclassA'>}

How to uninstall Python 2.7 on a Mac OS X 10.6.4?

If you installed it using the PKG installer, you can do:

pkgutil --pkgs

or better:

pkgutil --pkgs | grep org.python.Python

which will output something like:


you can now select which packages you will unlink (remove).

This is the unlink documentation:

 --unlink package-id
             Unlinks (removes) each file referenced by package-id. WARNING: This command makes no attempt to perform reference counting or dependency analy-
             sis. It can easily remove files required by your system. It may include unexpected files due to package tainting. Use the --files command first
             to double check.

In my example you will type

pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonApplications-2.7
pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonDocumentation-2.7
pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonFramework-2.7
pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonProfileChanges-2.7
pkgutil --unlink org.python.Python.PythonUnixTools-2.7

or in one single line:

pkgutil --pkgs | grep org.python.Python | xargs -L1 pkgutil -f --unlink

Important: --unlink is not available anymore starting with Lion (as of Q1`2014 that would include Lion, Mountain Lion, and Mavericks). If anyone that comes to this instructions try to use it with lion, should try instead to adapt it with what this post is saying:

AngularJS - difference between pristine/dirty and touched/untouched

It's worth mentioning that the validation properties are different for forms and form elements (note that touched and untouched are for fields only):

Input fields have the following states:

$untouched The field has not been touched yet
$touched The field has been touched
$pristine The field has not been modified yet
$dirty The field has been modified
$invalid The field content is not valid
$valid The field content is valid

They are all properties of the input field, and are either true or false.

Forms have the following states:

$pristine No fields have been modified yet
$dirty One or more have been modified
$invalid The form content is not valid
$valid The form content is valid
$submitted The form is submitted

They are all properties of the form, and are either true or false.

"Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed" with phpMyAdmin in XAMPP

Have you recently changed your MySQL Server root password? If answer is YES, than this is the cause of the error / warning inside phpMyAdmin console. To fix the problem, simply edit your phpMyAdmin’s config-db.php file and setup the proper database password.

First answer is messing too much in my view and second answer did not work for me. So:

In Linux-based servers the file is usually located in:




Example: (My File looked like this and I changed the user fromphpmyadmin to admin, the username I created for maintaining my database through phpmyadmin, and put in the appropriate password.

$dbpass=''; // set current password between quotes ' '


How can I match a string with a regex in Bash?

To match regexes you need to use the =~ operator.

Try this:

[[ sed-4.2.2.tar.bz2 =~ tar.bz2$ ]] && echo matched

Alternatively, you can use wildcards (instead of regexes) with the == operator:

[[ sed-4.2.2.tar.bz2 == *tar.bz2 ]] && echo matched

If portability is not a concern, I recommend using [[ instead of [ or test as it is safer and more powerful. See What is the difference between test, [ and [[ ? for details.

Best way to store a key=>value array in JavaScript?

If I understood you correctly:

var hash = {};
hash['bob'] = 123;
hash['joe'] = 456;

var sum = 0;
for (var name in hash) {
    sum += hash[name];
alert(sum); // 579

Django upgrading to 1.9 error "AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet."

I tried tons of things, but only downgrading Django to 1.8.18 fixed this issue for me:

pip install django==1.8.18

It is one of the installed apps that is failing, but I could not find which one.

How to send list of file in a folder to a txt file in Linux

you can just use

ls > filenames.txt

(usually, start a shell by using "Terminal", or "shell", or "Bash".) You may need to use cd to go to that folder first, or you can ls ~/docs > filenames.txt

How to retrieve records for last 30 minutes in MS SQL?

Change this (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP-30)

To This: DateADD(mi, -30, Current_TimeStamp)

To get the current date use GetDate().

MSDN Link to DateAdd Function
MSDN Link to Get Date Function

How to set the font style to bold, italic and underlined in an Android TextView?

If you are reading that text from a file or from the network.

You can achieve it by adding HTML tags to your text like mentioned

This text is <i>italic</i> and <b>bold</b>
and <u>underlined</u> <b><i><u>bolditalicunderlined</u></b></i>

and then you can use the HTML class that processes HTML strings into displayable styled text.

// textString is the String after you retrieve it from the file

How to wait until an element is present in Selenium?

public WebElement fluientWaitforElement(WebElement element, int timoutSec, int pollingSec) {

    FluentWait<WebDriver> fWait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver).withTimeout(timoutSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .pollingEvery(pollingSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class, TimeoutException.class).ignoring(StaleElementReferenceException.class);

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        try {
            //fWait.until(ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//*[@id='reportmanager-wrapper']/div[1]/div[2]/ul/li/span[3]/i[@data-original--title='We are processing through trillions of data events, this insight may take more than 15 minutes to complete.']")));
        } catch (Exception e) {

        System.out.println("Element Not found trying again - " + element.toString().substring(70));


    return element;


Getting year in moment.js

var year1 = moment().format('YYYY');_x000D_
var year2 = moment().year();_x000D_
console.log('using format("YYYY") : ',year1);_x000D_
console.log('using year(): ',year2);_x000D_
// using javascript _x000D_
var year3 = new Date().getFullYear();_x000D_
console.log('using javascript :',year3);
<script src=""></script>

Rotating x axis labels in R for barplot

Rotate the x axis labels with angle equal or smaller than 90 degrees using base graphics. Code adapted from the R FAQ:

par(mar = c(7, 4, 2, 2) + 0.2) #add room for the rotated labels

#use mtcars dataset to produce a barplot with qsec colum information
mtcars = mtcars[with(mtcars, order(-qsec)), ] #order mtcars data set by column "qsec"

end_point = 0.5 + nrow(mtcars) + nrow(mtcars) - 1 #this is the line which does the trick (together with barplot "space = 1" parameter)

barplot(mtcars$qsec, col = "grey50", 
        main = "",
        ylab = "mtcars - qsec", ylim = c(0,5 + max(mtcars$qsec)),
        xlab = "",
        space = 1)
#rotate 60 degrees (srt = 60)
text(seq(1.5, end_point, by = 2), par("usr")[3]-0.25, 
     srt = 60, adj = 1, xpd = TRUE,
     labels = paste(rownames(mtcars)), cex = 0.65)

enter image description here

How to scan a folder in Java?

public class Test {
    public static void main( String [] args ) {
        File actual = new File(".");
        for( File f : actual.listFiles()){
            System.out.println( f.getName() );

It displays indistinctly files and folders.

See the methods in File class to order them or avoid directory print etc.