Just wrote this for generic full outer cross ref
create table #XRefDBs(xtype varchar(2),SourceDB varchar(100), Object varchar(100), RefDB varchar(100))
declare @sourcedbname varchar(100),
@searchfordbname varchar(100),
@sql nvarchar(4000)
declare curs cursor for
select name
from sysdatabases
where dbid>4
open curs
fetch next from curs into @sourcedbname
while @@fetch_status=0
print @sourcedbname
declare curs2 cursor for
select name
from sysdatabases
where dbid>4
and name <> @sourcedbname
open curs2
fetch next from curs2 into @searchfordbname
while @@fetch_status=0
print @searchfordbname
set @sql =
'INSERT INTO #XRefDBs (xtype,SourceDB,Object, RefDB)
select DISTINCT o.xtype,'''+@sourcedbname+''', o.name,'''+@searchfordbname+'''
from '+@sourcedbname+'.dbo.syscomments c
join '+@sourcedbname+'.dbo.sysobjects o on c.id=o.id
where o.xtype in (''V'',''P'',''FN'',''TR'')
and (text like ''%'+@searchfordbname+'.%''
or text like ''%'+@searchfordbname+'].%'')'
print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql
fetch next from curs2 into @searchfordbname
close curs2
deallocate curs2
fetch next from curs into @sourcedbname
close curs
deallocate curs
select * from #XRefDBs