In the context of Scala you will find the following to be the simplest definition. Basically flatMap (or bind) is 'associative' and there exists an identity.
trait M[+A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B] // AKA bind
// Pseudo Meta Code
def isValidMonad: Boolean = {
// for every parameter the following holds
def isAssociativeOn[X, Y, Z](x: M[X], f: X => M[Y], g: Y => M[Z]): Boolean =
x.flatMap(f).flatMap(g) == x.flatMap(f(_).flatMap(g))
// for every parameter X and x, there exists an id
// such that the following holds
def isAnIdentity[X](x: M[X], id: X => M[X]): Boolean =
x.flatMap(id) == x
// These could be any functions
val f: Int => Option[String] = number => if (number == 7) Some("hello") else None
val g: String => Option[Double] = string => Some(3.14)
// Observe these are identical. Since Option is a Monad
// they will always be identical no matter what the functions are
scala> Some(7).flatMap(f).flatMap(g)
res211: Option[Double] = Some(3.14)
scala> Some(7).flatMap(f(_).flatMap(g))
res212: Option[Double] = Some(3.14)
// As Option is a Monad, there exists an identity:
val id: Int => Option[Int] = x => Some(x)
// Observe these are identical
scala> Some(7).flatMap(id)
res213: Option[Int] = Some(7)
scala> Some(7)
res214: Some[Int] = Some(7)
NOTE Strictly speaking the definition of a Monad in functional programming is not the same as the definition of a Monad in Category Theory, which is defined in turns of map
and flatten
. Though they are kind of equivalent under certain mappings. This presentations is very good: