[c#-4.0] C# 4.0 optional out/ref arguments

There actually is a way to do this that is allowed by C#. This gets back to C++, and rather violates the nice Object-Oriented structure of C#.


Here's the way you declare and write your function with an optional parameter:

unsafe public void OptionalOutParameter(int* pOutParam = null)
    int lInteger = 5;
    // If the parameter is NULL, the caller doesn't care about this value.
    if (pOutParam != null) 
        // If it isn't null, the caller has provided the address of an integer.
        *pOutParam = lInteger; // Dereference the pointer and assign the return value.

Then call the function like this:

unsafe { OptionalOutParameter(); } // does nothing
int MyInteger = 0;
unsafe { OptionalOutParameter(&MyInteger); } // pass in the address of MyInteger.

In order to get this to compile, you will need to enable unsafe code in the project options. This is a really hacky solution that usually shouldn't be used, but if you for some strange, arcane, mysterious, management-inspired decision, REALLY need an optional out parameter in C#, then this will allow you to do just that.

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