[groovy] Groovy method with optional parameters

I would like to write a wrapper method for a webservice, the service accepts 2 mandatory and 3 optional parameters.

To have a shorter example, I would like to get the following code working

def myMethod(pParm1='1', pParm2='2') {
    println "${pParm1}${pParm2}"

myMethod(pParm2:'a') // doesn't work as expected

The output is:


What I would like to achieve is to give one parameter and get 1a as the result. Is this possible (in the laziest way)?

This question is related to groovy syntax optional-parameters

The answer is

Just a simplification of the Tim's answer. The groovy way to do it is using a map, as already suggested, but then let's put the mandatory parameters also in the map. This will look like this:

def someMethod(def args) {
    println "MANDATORY1=${args.mandatory1}"
    println "MANDATORY2=${args.mandatory2}"
    println "OPTIONAL1=${args?.optional1}"
    println "OPTIONAL2=${args?.optional2}"

someMethod mandatory1:1, mandatory2:2, optional1:3

with the output:


This looks nicer and the advantage of this is that you can change the order of the parameters as you like.

Can't be done as it stands... The code

def myMethod(pParm1='1', pParm2='2'){
    println "${pParm1}${pParm2}"

Basically makes groovy create the following methods:

Object myMethod( pParm1, pParm2 ) {
    println "$pParm1$pParm2"

Object myMethod( pParm1 ) {
    this.myMethod( pParm1, '2' )

Object myMethod() {
    this.myMethod( '1', '2' )

One alternative would be to have an optional Map as the first param:

def myMethod( Map map = [:], String mandatory1, String mandatory2 ){
    println "${mandatory1} ${mandatory2} ${map.parm1 ?: '1'} ${map.parm2 ?: '2'}"

myMethod( 'a', 'b' )                // prints 'a b 1 2'
myMethod( 'a', 'b', parm1:'value' ) // prints 'a b value 2'
myMethod( 'a', 'b', parm2:'2nd')    // prints 'a b 1 2nd'

Obviously, documenting this so other people know what goes in the magical map and what the defaults are is left to the reader ;-)

You can use arguments with default values.

def someMethod(def mandatory,def optional=null){}

if argument "optional" not exist, it turns to "null".

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