Programs & Examples On #Android controls

How to check whether an object is a date?

You could check if a function specific to the Date object exists:

function getFormatedDate(date) {
    if (date.getMonth) {
        var month = date.getMonth();

Windows Application has stopped working :: Event Name CLR20r3

This is just because the application is built in non unicode language fonts and you are running the system on unicode fonts. change your default non unicode fonts to arabic by going in regional settings advanced tab in control panel. That will solve your problem.

what does Error "Thread 1:EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)" mean?

In my case this was caused by an integer overflow. I had a UInt16, and was doubling the value to put into an Int. The faulty code was

let result = Int(myUInt16 * 2)

However, this multiplies as a UInt16, then converts to Int. So if myUInt16 contains a value over 32767 then an overflow occurs.

All was well once I corrected the code to

let result = Int(myUint16) * 2

Convert Data URI to File then append to FormData

toDataURL gives you a string and you can put that string to a hidden input.

Can I use library that used android support with Androidx projects.

If your project is not AndroidX (mean Appcompat) and got this error, try to downgrade dependencies versions that triggers this error, in my case play-services-location ("implementation ''") , I solved the problem by downgrading to'

ArrayList insertion and retrieval order

If you always add to the end, then each element will be added to the end and stay that way until you change it.

If you always insert at the start, then each element will appear in the reverse order you added them.

If you insert them in the middle, the order will be something else.

Generate random numbers with a given (numerical) distribution

(OK, I know you are asking for shrink-wrap, but maybe those home-grown solutions just weren't succinct enough for your liking. :-)

pdf = [(1, 0.1), (2, 0.05), (3, 0.05), (4, 0.2), (5, 0.4), (6, 0.2)]
cdf = [(i, sum(p for j,p in pdf if j < i)) for i,_ in pdf]
R = max(i for r in [random.random()] for i,c in cdf if c <= r)

I pseudo-confirmed that this works by eyeballing the output of this expression:

sorted(max(i for r in [random.random()] for i,c in cdf if c <= r)
       for _ in range(1000))

UNC path to a folder on my local computer

I had to:

Find the unique values in a column and then sort them

sorted return a new sorted list from the items in iterable.


import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,1,3,2,6,2,8]})
a = df['A'].unique()
print sorted(a)


[1, 2, 3, 6, 8]

How to use KeyListener

Here is an SSCCE,

package experiment;

import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class KeyListenerTester extends JFrame implements KeyListener {

    JLabel label;

    public KeyListenerTester(String s) {
        JPanel p = new JPanel();
        label = new JLabel("Key Listener!");
        setSize(200, 100);


    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {

        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
            System.out.println("Right key typed");
        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
            System.out.println("Left key typed");


    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {

        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
            System.out.println("Right key pressed");
        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
            System.out.println("Left key pressed");


    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
            System.out.println("Right key Released");
        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
            System.out.println("Left key Released");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new KeyListenerTester("Key Listener Tester");

Additionally read upon these links : How to Write a Key Listener and How to Use Key Bindings

Converting from Integer, to BigInteger

You can do in this way:

    Integer i = 1;
    new BigInteger("" + i);

No authenticationScheme was specified, and there was no DefaultChallengeScheme found with default authentification and custom authorization

Your initial statement in the marked solution isn't entirely true. While your new solution may accomplish your original goal, it is still possible to circumvent the original error while preserving your AuthorizationHandler logic--provided you have basic authentication scheme handlers in place, even if they are functionally skeletons.

Speaking broadly, Authentication Handlers and schemes are meant to establish + validate identity, which makes them required for Authorization Handlers/policies to function--as they run on the supposition that an identity has already been established.

ASP.NET Dev Haok summarizes this best best here: "Authentication today isn't aware of authorization at all, it only cares about producing a ClaimsPrincipal per scheme. Authorization has to be aware of authentication somewhat, so AuthenticationSchemes in the policy is a mechanism for you to associate the policy with schemes used to build the effective claims principal for authorization (or it just uses the default httpContext.User for the request, which does rely on DefaultAuthenticateScheme)."

In my case, the solution I'm working on provided its own implicit concept of identity, so we had no need for authentication schemes/handlers--just header tokens for authorization. So until our identity concepts changes, our header token authorization handlers that enforce the policies can be tied to 1-to-1 scheme skeletons.

Tags on endpoints:

[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "AuthenticatedUserSchemeName", Policy = "AuthorizedUserPolicyName")]


        services.AddAuthentication(options =>
            options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = "AuthenticatedUserSchemeName";
        }).AddScheme<ValidTokenAuthenticationSchemeOptions, ValidTokenAuthenticationHandler>("AuthenticatedUserSchemeName", _ => { });

        services.AddAuthorization(options =>
            options.AddPolicy("AuthorizedUserPolicyName", policy =>
                policy.AddRequirements(new ValidTokenAuthorizationRequirement());
            services.AddSingleton<IAuthorizationHandler, ValidTokenAuthorizationHandler>();

Both the empty authentication handler and authorization handler are called (similar in setup to OP's respective posts) but the authorization handler still enforces our authorization policies.

matrix multiplication algorithm time complexity

The naive algorithm, which is what you've got once you correct it as noted in comments, is O(n^3).

There do exist algorithms that reduce this somewhat, but you're not likely to find an O(n^2) implementation. I believe the question of the most efficient implementation is still open.

See this wikipedia article on Matrix Multiplication for more information.

How can I shrink the drawable on a button?

Use a ScaleDrawable as Abhinav suggested.

The problem is that the drawable doesn't show then - it's some sort of bug in ScaleDrawables. you'll need to change the "level" programmatically. This should work for every button:

// Fix level of existing drawables
Drawable[] drawables = myButton.getCompoundDrawables();
for (Drawable d : drawables) if (d != null && d instanceof ScaleDrawable) d.setLevel(1);
myButton.setCompoundDrawables(drawables[0], drawables[1], drawables[2], drawables[3]);

What does "select 1 from" do?

select 1 from table

will return a column of 1's for every row in the table. You could use it with a where statement to check whether you have an entry for a given key, as in:

if exists(select 1 from table where some_column = 'some_value')

What your friend was probably saying is instead of making bulk selects with select * from table, you should specify the columns that you need precisely, for two reasons:

1) performance & you might retrieve more data than you actually need.

2) the query's user may rely on the order of columns. If your table gets updated, the client will receive columns in a different order than expected.

Moment.js - How to convert date string into date?

If you are getting a JS based date String then first use the new Date(String) constructor and then pass the Date object to the moment method. Like:

var dateString = 'Thu Jul 15 2016 19:31:44 GMT+0200 (CEST)';
var dateObj = new Date(dateString);
var momentObj = moment(dateObj);
var momentString = momentObj.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // 2016-07-15

In case dateString is 15-07-2016, then you should use the moment(date:String, format:String) method

var dateString = '07-15-2016';
var momentObj = moment(dateString, 'MM-DD-YYYY');
var momentString = momentObj.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // 2016-07-15

Create Map in Java

I use such kind of a Map population thanks to Java 9. In my honest opinion, this approach provides more readability to the code.

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<Integer, Point2D.Double> map = Map.of(
        1, new Point2D.Double(1, 1),
        2, new Point2D.Double(2, 2),
        3, new Point2D.Double(3, 3),
        4, new Point2D.Double(4, 4));

Labeling file upload button

Pure CSS solution:

.inputfile {_x000D_
  /* visibility: hidden etc. wont work */_x000D_
  width: 0.1px;_x000D_
  height: 0.1px;_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  z-index: -1;_x000D_
.inputfile:focus + label {_x000D_
  /* keyboard navigation */_x000D_
  outline: 1px dotted #000;_x000D_
  outline: -webkit-focus-ring-color auto 5px;_x000D_
.inputfile + label * {_x000D_
  pointer-events: none;_x000D_
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" class="inputfile">_x000D_
<label for="file">Choose a file (Click me)</label>


SharePoint 2013 get current user using JavaScript

U can use javascript to achive that like this:

function loadConstants() {

    this.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    this.clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    this.oWeb = clientContext.get_web();
    currentUser = this.oWeb.get_currentUser();  
      completefunc:this.clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this,this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this,this.onQueryFailed));


//U must set a timeout to recivie the exactly user u want:

function onQuerySucceeded(sender, args) {

function onQueryFailed(sender, args) {


//By using a proper timeout, u can get current user :

function ttt(){ 

    var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    var groupCollection = clientContext.get_web().get_siteGroups();
    visitorsGroup = groupCollection.getByName('OLAP Portal Members');

    t=this.currentUser .get_loginName().toLowerCase();

    console.log ('this.currentUser .get_loginName() : '+ t);      


Android: I lost my android key store, what should I do?

You can create a new keystore, but the Android Market wont allow you to upload the apk as an update - worse still, if you try uploading the apk as a new app it will not allow it either as it knows there is a 'different' version of the same apk already in the market even if you delete your previous version from the market

Do your absolute best to find that keystore!!

When you find it, email it to yourself so you have a copy on your gmail that you can go and get in the case you loose it from your hard drive!

Adding subscribers to a list using Mailchimp's API v3

BATCH LOAD - OK, so after having my previous reply deleted for just using links I have updated with the code I managed to get working. Appreciate anyone to simplify / correct / refine / put in function etc as I'm still learning this stuff, but I got batch member list add working :)

$apikey = "whatever-us99";                            
$list_id = "12ab34dc56";

$email1 = "[email protected]";
$fname1 = "Jack";
$lname1 = "Black";

$email2 = "[email protected]";
$fname2 = "Jill";
$lname2 = "Hill";

$auth = base64_encode( 'user:'.$apikey );

$data1 = array(
    "apikey"        => $apikey,
    "email_address" => $email1,
    "status"        => "subscribed",
    "merge_fields"  => array(                
            'FNAME' => $fname1,
            'LNAME' => $lname1,

$data2 = array(
    "apikey"        => $apikey,
    "email_address" => $email2,
    "status"        => "subscribed",                
    "merge_fields"  => array(                
            'FNAME' => $fname2,
            'LNAME' => $lname2,

$json_data1 = json_encode($data1);
$json_data2 = json_encode($data2);

$array = array(
    "operations" => array(
            "method" => "POST",
            "path" => "/lists/$list_id/members/",
            "body" => $json_data1
            "method" => "POST",
            "path" => "/lists/$list_id/members/",
            "body" => $json_data2

$json_post = json_encode($array);

$ch = curl_init();

$curlopt_url = "";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $curlopt_url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json',
'Authorization: Basic '.$auth));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'PHP-MCAPI/3.0');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json_post);

print_r($json_post . "\n");
$result = curl_exec($ch);

var_dump($result . "\n");
print_r ($result . "\n");

Accessing JSON elements

import json
weather = urllib2.urlopen('url')
wjson =
wjdata = json.loads(wjson)
print wjdata['data']['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']

What you get from the url is a json string. And your can't parse it with index directly. You should convert it to a dict by json.loads and then you can parse it with index.

Instead of using .read() to intermediately save it to memory and then read it to json, allow json to load it directly from the file:

wjdata = json.load(urllib2.urlopen('url'))

How to check a channel is closed or not without reading it?

I have had this problem frequently with multiple concurrent goroutines.

It may or may not be a good pattern, but I define a a struct for my workers with a quit channel and field for the worker state:

type Worker struct {
    data chan struct
    quit chan bool
    stopped bool

Then you can have a controller call a stop function for the worker:

func (w *Worker) Stop() {
    w.quit <- true
    w.stopped = true

func (w *Worker) eventloop() {
    for {
        if w.Stopped {
        select {
            case d := <
                //DO something
                if w.Stopped {
            case <-w.quit:

This gives you a pretty good way to get a clean stop on your workers without anything hanging or generating errors, which is especially good when running in a container.

Simple proof that GUID is not unique

This will run for a lot more than hours. Assuming it loops at 1 GHz (which it won't - it will be a lot slower than that), it will run for 10790283070806014188970 years. Which is about 83 billion times longer than the age of the universe.

Assuming Moores law holds, it would be a lot quicker to not run this program, wait several hundred years and run it on a computer that is billions of times faster. In fact, any program that takes longer to run than it takes CPU speeds to double (about 18 months) will complete sooner if you wait until the CPU speeds have increased and buy a new CPU before running it (unless you write it so that it can be suspended and resumed on new hardware).

How do I compare a value to a backslash?

If message.value[] is string:

if message.value[0] in ('/', '\'):

If it not str

Telling gcc directly to link a library statically

You can add .a file in the linking command:

  gcc yourfiles /path/to/library/libLIBRARY.a

But this is not talking with gcc driver, but with ld linker as options like -Wl,anything are.

When you tell gcc or ld -Ldir -lLIBRARY, linker will check both static and dynamic versions of library (you can see a process with -Wl,--verbose). To change order of library types checked you can use -Wl,-Bstatic and -Wl,-Bdynamic. Here is a man page of gnu LD:

To link your program with lib1, lib3 dynamically and lib2 statically, use such gcc call:

gcc program.o -llib1 -Wl,-Bstatic -llib2 -Wl,-Bdynamic -llib3

Assuming that default setting of ld is to use dynamic libraries (it is on Linux).

80-characters / right margin line in Sublime Text 3

Yes, it is possible both in Sublime Text 2 and 3 (which you should really upgrade to if you haven't already). Select View ? Ruler ? 80 (there are several other options there as well). If you like to actually wrap your text at 80 columns, select View ? Word Wrap Column ? 80. Make sure that View ? Word Wrap is selected.

To make your selections permanent (the default for all opened files or views), open Preferences ? Settings—User and use any of the following rules:

    // set vertical rulers in specified columns.
    // Use "rulers": [80] for just one ruler
    // default value is []
    "rulers": [80, 100, 120],

    // turn on word wrap for source and text
    // default value is "auto", which means off for source and on for text
    "word_wrap": true,

    // set word wrapping at this column
    // default value is 0, meaning wrapping occurs at window width
    "wrap_width": 80

These settings can also be used in a .sublime-project file to set defaults on a per-project basis, or in a syntax-specific .sublime-settings file if you only want them to apply to files written in a certain language (Python.sublime-settings vs. JavaScript.sublime-settings, for example). Access these settings files by opening a file with the desired syntax, then selecting Preferences ? Settings—More ? Syntax Specific—User.

As always, if you have multiple entries in your settings file, separate them with commas , except for after the last one. The entire content should be enclosed in curly braces { }. Basically, make sure it's valid JSON.

If you'd like a key combo to automatically set the ruler at 80 for a particular view/file, or you are interested in learning how to set the value without using the mouse, please see my answer here.

Finally, as mentioned in another answer, you really should be using a monospace font in order for your code to line up correctly. Other types of fonts have variable-width letters, which means one 80-character line may not appear to be the same length as another 80-character line with different content, and your indentations will look all messed up. Sublime has monospace fonts set by default, but you can of course choose any one you want. Personally, I really like Liberation Mono. It has glyphs to support many different languages and Unicode characters, looks good at a variety of different sizes, and (most importantly for a programming font) clearly differentiates between 0 and O (digit zero and capital letter oh) and 1 and l (digit one and lowercase letter ell), which not all monospace fonts do, unfortunately. Version 2.0 and later of the font are licensed under the open-source SIL Open Font License 1.1 (here is the FAQ).

How to remove a virtualenv created by "pipenv run"

You can run the pipenv command with the --rm option as in:

pipenv --rm

This will remove the virtualenv created for you under ~/.virtualenvs


Java Hashmap: How to get key from value?

It sounds like the best way is for you to iterate over entries using map.entrySet() since map.containsValue() probably does this anyway.

Count records for every month in a year

This will give you the count per month for 2012;

FROM table_emp
WHERE YEAR(arr_date)=2012

Demo here.

VS Code - Search for text in all files in a directory

If you have a directory open in VSCode, and want to search a subdirectory, then either:

  • ctrl-shift-F then in the files to include field enter the path with a leading ./,


  • ctrl-shift-E to open the Explorer, right click the directory you want to search, and select the Find in Folder... option.

Sending a mail from a linux shell script

On linux, mail utility can be used to send attachment with option "-a". Go through man pages to read about the option. For eg following code will send an attachment :

mail -s "THIS IS SUBJECT" -a attachment.txt [email protected] <<< "Hi Buddy, Please find failure reports."

Java Reflection Performance

Yes, it's slower.


(Well, may be tied with #1 for DRY)

I swear, if someone came up to me at work and asked me this I'd be very watchful over their code for the next few months.

You must never optimize until you are sure you need it, until then, just write good, readable code.

Oh, and I don't mean write stupid code either. Just be thinking about the cleanest way you can possibly do it--no copy and paste, etc. (Still be wary of stuff like inner loops and using the collection that best fits your need--Ignoring these isn't "unoptimized" programming, it's "bad" programming)

It freaks me out when I hear questions like this, but then I forget that everyone has to go through learning all the rules themselves before they really get it. You'll get it after you've spent a man-month debugging something someone "Optimized".


An interesting thing happened in this thread. Check the #1 answer, it's an example of how powerful the compiler is at optimizing things. The test is completely invalid because the non-reflective instantiation can be completely factored out.

Lesson? Don't EVER optimize until you've written a clean, neatly coded solution and proven it to be too slow.

Linux Script to check if process is running and act on the result

I adopted the @Jotne solution and works perfectly! For example for mongodb server in my NAS

#! /bin/bash

case "$(pidof mongod | wc -w)" in

0)  echo "Restarting mongod:"
    mongod --config mongodb.conf
1)  echo "mongod already running"

how to draw a rectangle in HTML or CSS?

In the HTML page you have to to put your css code between the tags, while in the body a div which has as id rectangle. Here the code:

   all your css code
<div id="rectangle"></div>

convert string to char*

There are many ways. Here are at least five:

 * An example of converting std::string to (const)char* using five
 * different methods. Error checking is emitted for simplicity.
 * Compile and run example (using gcc on Unix-like systems):
 *  $ g++ -Wall -pedantic -o test ./test.cpp
 *  $ ./test
 *  Original string (0x7fe3294039f8): hello
 *  s1 (0x7fe3294039f8): hello
 *  s2 (0x7fff5dce3a10): hello
 *  s3 (0x7fe3294000e0): hello
 *  s4 (0x7fe329403a00): hello
 *  s5 (0x7fe329403a10): hello

#include <alloca.h>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>

int main()
    std::string s0;
    const char *s1;
    char *s2;
    char *s3;
    char *s4;
    char *s5;

    // This is the initial C++ string.
    s0 = "hello";

    // Method #1: Just use "c_str()" method to obtain a pointer to a
    // null-terminated C string stored in std::string object.
    // Be careful though because when `s0` goes out of scope, s1 points
    // to a non-valid memory.
    s1 = s0.c_str();

    // Method #2: Allocate memory on stack and copy the contents of the
    // original string. Keep in mind that once a current function returns,
    // the memory is invalidated.
    s2 = (char *)alloca(s0.size() + 1);
    memcpy(s2, s0.c_str(), s0.size() + 1);

    // Method #3: Allocate memory dynamically and copy the content of the
    // original string. The memory will be valid until you explicitly
    // release it using "free". Forgetting to release it results in memory
    // leak.
    s3 = (char *)malloc(s0.size() + 1);
    memcpy(s3, s0.c_str(), s0.size() + 1);

    // Method #4: Same as method #3, but using C++ new/delete operators.
    s4 = new char[s0.size() + 1];
    memcpy(s4, s0.c_str(), s0.size() + 1);

    // Method #5: Same as 3 but a bit less efficient..
    s5 = strdup(s0.c_str());

    // Print those strings.
    printf("Original string (%p): %s\n", s0.c_str(), s0.c_str());
    printf("s1 (%p): %s\n", s1, s1);
    printf("s2 (%p): %s\n", s2, s2);
    printf("s3 (%p): %s\n", s3, s3);
    printf("s4 (%p): %s\n", s4, s4);
    printf("s5 (%p): %s\n", s5, s5);

    // Release memory...
    delete [] s4;

How to copy file from HDFS to the local file system

bin/hadoop fs -put /localfs/destination/path /hdfs/source/path 

Check key exist in python dict

Use the in keyword.

if 'apples' in d:
    if d['apples'] == 20:
        print('20 apples')
        print('Not 20 apples')

If you want to get the value only if the key exists (and avoid an exception trying to get it if it doesn't), then you can use the get function from a dictionary, passing an optional default value as the second argument (if you don't pass it it returns None instead):

if d.get('apples', 0) == 20:
    print('20 apples.')
    print('Not 20 apples.')

How to define custom configuration variables in rails

I like to use rails-settings for global configuration values that need to be changeable via web interface.

How to force a component's re-rendering in Angular 2?

Other answers here provide solutions for triggering change detection cycles that will update component's view (which is not same as full re-render).

Full re-render, which would destroy and reinitialize component (calling all lifecycle hooks and rebuilding view) can be done by using ng-template, ng-container and ViewContainerRef in following way:

  <ng-container #outlet >

<ng-template #content>

Then in component having reference to both #outlet and #content we can clear outlets' content and insert another instance of child component:

@ViewChild("outlet", {read: ViewContainerRef}) outletRef: ViewContainerRef;
@ViewChild("content", {read: TemplateRef}) contentRef: TemplateRef<any>;

private rerender() {

Additionally initial content should be inserted on AfterContentInit hook:

ngAfterContentInit() {

Full working solution can be found here .

How to use Ajax.ActionLink?

Sure, a very similar question was asked before. Set the controller for ajax requests:

public ActionResult Show()
    if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) 
        return PartialView("Your_partial_view", new Model());
        return View();

Set the action link as wanted:

                 new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "GET", 
                 InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, 
                 UpdateTargetId = "dialog_window_id", 
                 OnComplete = "your_js_function();" })

Note that I'm using Razor view engine, and that your AjaxOptions may vary depending on what you want. Finally display it on a modal window. The jQuery UI dialog is suggested.

How to remove all event handlers from an event

I found another working solution by Douglas.

This method removes all event handlers which are set on a specific routet event on a element.
Use it like

Remove_RoutedEventHandlers(myImage, Image.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent);

Full code:

/// <summary>
/// Removes all event handlers subscribed to the specified routed event from the specified element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">The UI element on which the routed event is defined.</param>
/// <param name="RoutetEvent_ToRemove">The routed event for which to remove the event handlers.</param>
public static void RemoveRoutedEventHandlers(UIElement UIElement_Target, RoutedEvent RoutetEvent_ToRemove)
    // Get the EventHandlersStore instance which holds event handlers for the specified element.
    // The EventHandlersStore class is declared as internal.
    PropertyInfo PropertyInfo_EventHandlersStore = typeof(UIElement).GetProperty(
        "EventHandlersStore", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    object oEventHandlersStore = PropertyInfo_EventHandlersStore.GetValue(UIElement_Target, null);

    // If there's no event handler subscribed, return
    if (oEventHandlersStore == null) return;

    // Invoke the GetRoutedEventHandlers method on the EventHandlersStore instance 
    // for getting an array of the subscribed event handlers.
    MethodInfo MethodInfo_RoutedEventHandlers = oEventHandlersStore.GetType().GetMethod(
        "GetRoutedEventHandlers", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    RoutedEventHandlerInfo[] RoutedEventHandlerInfos = (RoutedEventHandlerInfo[])MethodInfo_RoutedEventHandlers.Invoke(
        oEventHandlersStore, new object[] { RoutetEvent_ToRemove });

    // Iteratively remove all routed event handlers from the element.
    foreach (RoutedEventHandlerInfo RoutedEventHandlerInfo_Tmp in RoutedEventHandlerInfos)
        UIElement_Target.RemoveHandler(RoutetEvent_ToRemove, RoutedEventHandlerInfo_Tmp.Handler);

How can I get around MySQL Errcode 13 with SELECT INTO OUTFILE?

Which particular version of Ubuntu is this and is this Ubuntu Server Edition?

Recent Ubuntu Server Editions (such as 10.04) ship with AppArmor and MySQL's profile might be in enforcing mode by default. You can check this by executing sudo aa-status like so:

# sudo aa-status
5 profiles are loaded.
5 profiles are in enforce mode.
0 profiles are in complain mode.
1 processes have profiles defined.
1 processes are in enforce mode :
   /usr/sbin/mysqld (1089)
0 processes are in complain mode.

If mysqld is included in enforce mode, then it is the one probably denying the write. Entries would also be written in /var/log/messages when AppArmor blocks the writes/accesses. What you can do is edit /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld and add /data/ and /data/* near the bottom like so:

/usr/sbin/mysqld  {  
    /var/log/mysql/ r,  
    /var/log/mysql/* rw,  
    /var/run/mysqld/ w,  
    /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock w,  
    **/data/ r,  
    /data/* rw,**  

And then make AppArmor reload the profiles.

# sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload

WARNING: the change above will allow MySQL to read and write to the /data directory. We hope you've already considered the security implications of this.

Can't push to GitHub because of large file which I already deleted

Make your local repo match the remote repo with:

git reset --hard origin/master

Then push again.

jQuery.each - Getting li elements inside an ul

Given an answer as high voted and views. I did find the answer with mixed of here and other links.

I have a scenario where all patient-related menu is disabled if a patient is not selected. (Refer link - how to disable a li tag using JavaScript)

// jqvery
$("li a").addClass('disabled');
// remove .disabled when you are done

So rather than write long code, I found an interesting solution via CSS.

$(document).ready(function () {_x000D_
 var PatientId ; _x000D_
 //var PatientId =1;  //remove to test enable i.e. patient selected_x000D_
 if (typeof PatientId == "undefined" || PatientId == "" || PatientId == 0 || PatientId == null) {_x000D_
  $("#dvHeaderSubMenu a").each(function () {   _x000D_
  });  _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="dvHeaderSubMenu">_x000D_
     <ul class="m-nav m-nav--inline pull-right nav-sub">_x000D_
      <li class="m-nav__item">_x000D_
       <a href="#" onclick="console.log('PatientMenu Clicked')" >_x000D_
        <i class="m-nav__link-icon fa fa-tachometer"></i>_x000D_
      <li class="m-nav__item active">_x000D_
       <a href="#" onclick="console.log('PatientMenu Clicked')" >_x000D_
        <i class="m-nav__link-icon fa fa-user"></i>_x000D_
            <li class="m-nav__item m-dropdown m-dropdown--inline m-dropdown--arrow" data-dropdown-toggle="hover">_x000D_
       <a href="#" class="m-dropdown__toggle dropdown-toggle" onclick="console.log('PatientMenu Clicked')">_x000D_
        <i class="m-nav__link-icon flaticon-medical-8"></i>_x000D_
        Insurance Claim_x000D_
       <div class="m-dropdown__wrapper">_x000D_
        <span class="m-dropdown__arrow m-dropdown__arrow--left"></span>_x000D_
           <ul class="m-nav">_x000D_
            <li class="m-nav__item">_x000D_
             <a href="#" class="m-nav__link" onclick="console.log('PatientMenu Clicked')" >_x000D_
              <i class="m-nav__link-icon flaticon-toothbrush-1"></i>_x000D_
              <span class="m-nav__link-text">_x000D_
            <li class="m-nav__item">_x000D_
             <a href="#" class="m-nav__link" onclick="console.log('PatientMenu Clicked')">_x000D_
              <i class="m-nav__link-icon flaticon-interface"></i>_x000D_
              <span class="m-nav__link-text">_x000D_
            <li class="m-nav__item">_x000D_
             <a href="#" class="m-nav__link" onclick="console.log('PatientMenu Clicked')">_x000D_
              <i class="m-nav__link-icon flaticon-healthy"></i>_x000D_
              <span class="m-nav__link-text">_x000D_
     </ul>            _x000D_

Can I change the height of an image in CSS :before/:after pseudo-elements?

Here is another (working) solution : just resize your images to the size you want :)

.pdflink:after {
    display: block;
    width: 20px;
    height: 10px;

you need pdf.png to be 20px * 10px for this to work. The 20px/10px in the css are here to give the size of the block so that the elements that come after the block are not all messed up with the image

Don't forget to keep a copy of the raw image in its original size

Java Delegates?

Have you read this :

Delegates are a useful construct in event-based systems. Essentially Delegates are objects that encode a method dispatch on a specified object. This document shows how java inner classes provide a more generic solution to such problems.

What is a Delegate? Really it is very similar to a pointer to member function as used in C++. But a delegate contains the target object alongwith the method to be invoked. Ideally it would be nice to be able to say:


..and that the method methodOne would be called on ano when some specific event was received.

This is what the Delegate structure achieves.

Java Inner Classes

It has been argued that Java provides this functionality via anonymous inner classes and thus does not need the additional Delegate construct.

obj.registerHandler(new Handler() {
        public void handleIt(Event ev) {
      } );

At first glance this seems correct but at the same time a nuisance. Because for many event processing examples the simplicity of the Delegates syntax is very attractive.

General Handler

However, if event-based programming is used in a more pervasive manner, say, for example, as a part of a general asynchronous programming environment, there is more at stake.

In such a general situation, it is not sufficient to include only the target method and target object instance. In general there may be other parameters required, that are determined within the context when the event handler is registered.

In this more general situation, the java approach can provide a very elegant solution, particularly when combined with use of final variables:

void processState(final T1 p1, final T2 dispatch) { 
  final int a1 = someCalculation();

  m_obj.registerHandler(new Handler() {
    public void handleIt(Event ev) {
     dispatch.methodOne(a1, ev, p1);
  } );

final * final * final

Got your attention?

Note that the final variables are accessible from within the anonymous class method definitions. Be sure to study this code carefully to understand the ramifications. This is potentially a very powerful technique. For example, it can be used to good effect when registering handlers in MiniDOM and in more general situations.

By contrast, the Delegate construct does not provide a solution for this more general requirement, and as such should be rejected as an idiom on which designs can be based.

Error:(23, 17) Failed to resolve: junit:junit:4.12

You should to address Java to windows.

  1. Open this address: 'control panel\system and security\system'
  2. From left side choose 'Advanced system settings'
  3. In the advanced tab, choose 'Environment Variables'
  4. In opened window, below "system variables", choose 'New'.
  5. Set variable name to JAVA_HOME, and the variable value to the address you installed Java. For example, for me it is C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.8.0_66. After that, click the okay button.
  6. Restart Android Studio

Resize a picture to fit a JLabel

Assign your image to a string. Eg image Now set icon to a fixed size label.

image.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(image.getScaledInstance(50,50,WIDTH)));

Raise to power in R

1: No difference. It is kept around to allow old S-code to continue to function. This is documented a "Note" in ?Math

2: Yes: But you already know it:

#[1] 1024

In R the mathematical operators are really functions that the parser takes care of rearranging arguments and function names for you to simulate ordinary mathematical infix notation. Also documented at ?Math.

Edit: Let me add that knowing how R handles infix operators (i.e. two argument functions) is very important in understanding the use of the foundational infix "[[" and "["-functions as (functional) second arguments to lapply and sapply:

> sapply( list( list(1,2,3), list(4,3,6) ), "[[", 1)
[1] 1 4
> firsts <- function(lis) sapply(lis, "[[", 1)
> firsts( list( list(1,2,3), list(4,3,6) ) )
[1] 1 4

Python loop for inside lambda

To add on to chepner's answer for Python 3.0 you can alternatively do:

x = lambda x: list(map(print, x))

Of course this is only if you have the means of using Python > 3 in the future... Looks a bit cleaner in my opinion, but it also has a weird return value, but you're probably discarding it anyway.

I'll just leave this here for reference.

How to remove anaconda from windows completely?

  1. Uninstall Anaconda from control Panel
  2. Delete related folders, cache data and configurations from Users/user
  3. Delete from AppData folder from hidden list
  4. To remove start menu entry -> Go to C:/ProgramsData/Microsoft/Windows/ and delete Anaconda folder or search for anaconda in start menu and right click on anaconda prompt -> Show in Folder option. This will do almost cleaning of every anaconda file on your system.

ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on localhost (10061)

Go to Run type services.msc. Check whether MySQL services is running or not. If not, start it manually. Once it started, type mysqlshow to test the service.

How to create a video from images with FFmpeg?

-pattern_type glob

This great option makes it easier to select the images in many cases.

Slideshow video with one image per second

ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' \
  -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4

Add some music to it, cutoff when the presumably longer audio when the images end:

ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -i audio.ogg \
  -c:a copy -shortest -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4

Here are two demos on YouTube:

Be a hippie and use the Theora patent-unencumbered video format:

ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -i audio.ogg \
  -c:a copy -shortest -c:v libtheora -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.ogg

Your images should of course be sorted alphabetically, typically as:


and so on.

I would also first ensure that all images to be used have the same aspect ratio, possibly by cropping them with imagemagick or nomacs beforehand, so that ffmpeg will not have to make hard decisions. In particular, the width has to be divisible by 2, otherwise conversion fails with: "width not divisible by 2".

Normal speed video with one image per frame at 30 FPS

ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' \
  -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4

Here's what it looks like:

GIF generated with:

Add some audio to it:

ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' \
  -i audio.ogg -c:a copy -shortest -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4


These are the test media I've used:a

wget -O
cd opengl-rotating-triangle
wget -O audio.ogg

Images generated with: How to use GLUT/OpenGL to render to a file?

It is cool to observe how much the video compresses the image sequence way better than ZIP as it is able to compress across frames with specialized algorithms:

  • opengl-rotating-triangle.mp4: 340K
  • 7.3M

Convert one music file to a video with a fixed image for YouTube upload

Answered at:

Full realistic slideshow case study setup step by step

There's a bit more to creating slideshows than running a single ffmpeg command, so here goes a more interesting detailed example inspired by this timeline.

Get the input media:

mkdir -p orig
cd orig
wget -O 1.png
wget -O 2.jpg
wget -O 3.jpg
wget -O 4.png
wget -O 5.jpg
wget -O audio.ogg
cd ..

# Convert all to PNG for consistency.
# Hardlink the ones that are already PNG.
mkdir -p png
mogrify -format png -path png orig/*.jpg
ln -P orig/*.png png

Now we have a quick look at all image sizes to decide on the final aspect ratio:

identify png/*

which outputs:

png/1.png PNG 557x495 557x495+0+0 8-bit sRGB 653KB 0.000u 0:00.000
png/2.png PNG 664x800 664x800+0+0 8-bit sRGB 853KB 0.000u 0:00.000
png/3.png PNG 544x680 544x680+0+0 8-bit sRGB 442KB 0.000u 0:00.000
png/4.png PNG 207x238 207x238+0+0 8-bit sRGB 76.8KB 0.000u 0:00.000
png/5.png PNG 450x600 450x600+0+0 8-bit sRGB 627KB 0.000u 0:00.000

so the classic 480p (640x480 == 4/3) aspect ratio seems appropriate.

Do one conversion with minimal resizing to make widths even (TODO automate for any width, here I just manually looked at identify output and reduced width and height by one):

mkdir -p raw
convert png/1.png -resize 556x494 raw/1.png
ln -P png/2.png png/3.png png/4.png png/5.png raw
ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i 'raw/*.png' -i orig/audio.ogg -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -shortest -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p raw.mp4

This produces terrible output, because as seen from:

ffprobe raw.mp4

ffmpeg just takes the size of the first image, 556x494, and then converts all others to that exact size, breaking their aspect ratio.

Now let's convert the images to the target 480p aspect ratio automatically by cropping as per ImageMagick: how to minimally crop an image to a certain aspect ratio?

mkdir -p auto
mogrify -path auto -geometry 640x480^ -gravity center -crop 640x480+0+0 png/*.png
ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i 'auto/*.png' -i orig/audio.ogg -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -shortest -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p auto.mp4

So now, the aspect ratio is good, but inevitably some cropping had to be done, which kind of cut up interesting parts of the images.

The other option is to pad with black background to have the same aspect ratio as shown at: Resize to fit in a box and set background to black on "empty" part

mkdir -p black
ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i 'black/*.png' -i orig/audio.ogg -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -shortest -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p black.mp4

Generally speaking though, you will ideally be able to select images with the same or similar aspect ratios to avoid those problems in the first place.

About the CLI options

Note however that despite the name, -glob this is not as general as shell Glob patters, e.g.: -i '*' fails: (apparently because filetype is deduced from extension).

-r 30 makes the -framerate 1 video 30 FPS to overcome bugs in players like VLC for low framerates: VLC freezes for low 1 FPS video created from images with ffmpeg Therefore it repeats each frame 30 times to keep the desired 1 image per second effect.

Next steps

You will also want to:

TODO: learn to cut and concatenate multiple audio files into the video without intermediate files, I'm pretty sure it's possible:

Tested on

ffmpeg 3.4.4, vlc 3.0.3, Ubuntu 18.04.


Conda: Installing / upgrading directly from github

There's better support for this now through conda-env. You can, for example, now do:

name: sample_env
   - requests
   - bokeh>=0.10.0
   - pip:
     - "--editable=git+"

It's still calling pip under the covers, but you can now unify your conda and pip package specifications in a single environment.yml file.

If you wanted to update your root environment with this file, you would need to save this to a file (for example, environment.yml), then run the command: conda env update -f environment.yml.

It's more likely that you would want to create a new environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml (changed as supposed in the comments)

jQuery position DIV fixed at top on scroll

instead of doing it like that, why not just make the flyout position:fixed, top:0; left:0; once your window has scrolled pass a certain height:


      if ($(this).scrollTop() > 135) {
      } else {


.fixed {position:fixed; top:0; left:0;}


How can I create a simple index.html file which lists all files/directories?

If you have node then you can use fs like in this answer to get all the files:

const { resolve } = require('path'),
  { readdir } = require('fs').promises;

async function getFiles(dir) {
  const dirents = await readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
  const files = await Promise.all( => {
    const res = resolve(dir,;
    return dirent.isDirectory() ? getFiles(res) : res;
  return Array.prototype.concat(...files);

And you might use that like this:

const directory = "./Documents/";
getFiles(directory).then(results => {
  const html = `<ul>` + => `<li>${fileOrDirectory}</li>`).join('\n') +

  // or you could use something like fs.writeFile to write the file directly

You could call it at the command-line with something like this:

$ node thatScript.js > index.html

How to use sed to remove all double quotes within a file

You just need to escape the quote in your first example:

$ sed 's/\"//g' file.txt

How to block until an event is fired in c#

If the current method is async then you can use TaskCompletionSource. Create a field that the event handler and the current method can access.

    TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs = null;

    private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
        await tcs.Task;
        WelcomeTitle.Text = "Finished work";

    private void Button_Click2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

This example uses a form that has a textblock named WelcomeTitle and two buttons. When the first button is clicked it starts the click event but stops at the await line. When the second button is clicked the task is completed and the WelcomeTitle text is updated. If you want to timeout as well then change

await tcs.Task;


await Task.WhenAny(tcs.Task, Task.Delay(25000));
if (tcs.Task.IsCompleted)
    WelcomeTitle.Text = "Task Completed";
    WelcomeTitle.Text = "Task Timed Out";

$(this).attr("id") not working

Because of the way the function is called (i.e. as a simple call to a function variable), this is the global object (for which window is an alias in browsers). Use the obj parameter instead.

Also, creating a jQuery object and the using its attr() method for obtaining an element ID is inefficient and unnecessary. Just use the element's id property, which works in all browsers.

function showHideOther(obj){ 
    var sel = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value;
    var ID =;

    if (sel == 'other') { 
        $(obj).html("<input type='text' name='" + ID + "' id='" + ID + "' />");
    } else {
        $(obj).css({'display' : 'none'});

How do I get the full path to a Perl script that is executing?

The problem with __FILE__ is that it will print the core module ".pm" path not necessarily the ".cgi" or ".pl" script path that is running. I guess it depends on what your goal is.

It seems to me that Cwd just needs to be updated for mod_perl. Here is my suggestion:

my $path;

use File::Basename;
my $file = basename($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME});

if (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL} && ($ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} < 2)) {
  if ($^O =~/Win/) {
    $path = `echo %cd%`;
    chop $path;
    $path =~ s!\\!/!g;
    $path .= $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
  else {
    $path = `pwd`;
    $path .= "/$file";
  # add support for other operating systems
else {
  require Cwd;
  $path = Cwd::getcwd()."/$file";
print $path;

Please add any suggestions.

Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable?

This is the simple Console Application to convert List to Datatable.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace ConvertListToDataTable
    public static class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            List<MyObject> list = new List<MyObject>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                list.Add(new MyObject { Sno = i, Name = i.ToString() + "-KarthiK", Dat = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(i) });

            DataTable dt = ConvertListToDataTable(list);
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                for (int x = 0; x < dt.Columns.Count; x++)
                    Console.Write(row[x].ToString() + " ");

        public class MyObject
            public int Sno { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public DateTime Dat { get; set; }

        public static DataTable ConvertListToDataTable<T>(this List<T> iList)
            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
            PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
            for (int i = 0; i < props.Count; i++)
                PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = props[i];
                Type type = propertyDescriptor.PropertyType;

                if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
                    type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type);

                dataTable.Columns.Add(propertyDescriptor.Name, type);
            object[] values = new object[props.Count];
            foreach (T iListItem in iList)
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    values[i] = props[i].GetValue(iListItem);
            return dataTable;

Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window'

here's an updated fiddle where the user's input is saved in local storage automatically. each time the fiddle is re-run or the page is refreshed the previous state is restored. this way you do not need to prompt users to save, it just saves on it's own.

stack overflow requires I include some code with a jsFiddle link so please ignore snippet:


Can a foreign key be NULL and/or duplicate?

The idea of a foreign key is based on the concept of referencing a value that already exists in the main table. That is why it is called a foreign key in the other table. This concept is called referential integrity. If a foreign key is declared as a null field it will violate the the very logic of referential integrity. What will it refer to? It can only refer to something that is present in the main table. Hence, I think it would be wrong to declare a foreign key field as null.

How to open a Bootstrap modal window using jQuery?

Try This

myModal1 is the id of modal

$('#myModal1').modal({ show: true });

Getting JSONObject from JSONArray

When using google gson library.

var getRowData =
    "dayOfWeek": "Sun",
    "date": "11-Mar-2012",
    "los": "1",
    "specialEvent": "",
    "lrv": "0"
    "dayOfWeek": "Mon",
    "date": "",
    "los": "2",
    "specialEvent": "",
    "lrv": "0.16"

    JsonElement root = new JsonParser().parse(request.getParameter("getRowData"));
     JsonArray  jsonArray = root.getAsJsonArray();
     JsonObject  jsonObject1 = jsonArray.get(0).getAsJsonObject();
     String dayOfWeek = jsonObject1.get("dayOfWeek").toString();

// when using jackson library

    JsonFactory f = new JsonFactory();
              ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
          JsonParser jp = f.createJsonParser(getRowData);
          // advance stream to START_ARRAY first:
          // and then each time, advance to opening START_OBJECT
         while (jp.nextToken() == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
            Map<String,Object> userData = mapper.readValue(jp, Map.class);
            // process
           // after binding, stream points to closing END_OBJECT

Regex match entire words only

Use word boundaries:


Or if you're searching for "S.P.E.C.T.R.E." like in Sinan Ünür's example:


Is java.sql.Timestamp timezone specific?

You can use the below method to store the timestamp in database specific to your desired zone/zone Id.

ZonedDateTime zdt ="Asia/Calcutta")) ;
Timestamp timestamp = Timestamp.valueOf(zdt.toLocalDateTime());

A common mistake people do is use LocaleDateTime to get the timestamp of that instant which discards any information specif to your zone even if you try to convert it later. It does not understand the Zone.

Please note Timestamp is of the class java.sql.Timestamp.

pandas dataframe columns scaling with sklearn

df = pd.DataFrame(scale.fit_transform(df.values), columns=df.columns, index=df.index)

This should work without depreciation warnings.

What is the JavaScript equivalent of var_dump or print_r in PHP?

Most common way:


However I must mention JSON.stringify which is useful to dump variables in non-browser scripts:

console.log( JSON.stringify(object) );

The JSON.stringify function also supports built-in prettification as pointed out by Simon Zyx.


var obj = {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3};

console.log( JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2) ); // spacing level = 2

The above snippet will print:

  "x": 1,
  "y": 2,
  "z": 3

On you can view the browsers that support natively the JSON.stringify function:

You can also use the Douglas Crockford library to add JSON.stringify support on old browsers:

Docs for JSON.stringify:

I hope this helps :-)

Java error: Comparison method violates its general contract

I got the same error with a class like the following StockPickBean. Called from this code:

List<StockPickBean> beansListcatMap.getValue();

public class StockPickBean implements Comparable<StockPickBean> {
    private double value;
    public double getValue() { return value; }
    public void setValue(double value) { this.value = value; }

    public int compareTo(StockPickBean view) {
        return,view); //return,view);

    public static class Comparators {
        public static Comparator<StockPickBean> VALUE = (val1, val2) -> 
         (val1.value - val2.value);

After getting the same error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!

I changed this line:

public static Comparator<StockPickBean> VALUE = (val1, val2) -> (int) 
         (val1.value - val2.value);


public static Comparator<StockPickBean> VALUE = (StockPickBean spb1, 
StockPickBean spb2) ->,spb1.value);

That fixes the error.

C++ - how to find the length of an integer

Not necessarily the most efficient, but one of the shortest and most readable using C++:


How to use the ConfigurationManager.AppSettings

you should use []

var x = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["APIKey"];

HTML button onclick event

You should all know this is inline scripting and is not a good practice at all...with that said you should definitively use javascript or jQuery for this type of thing:


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="ISO-8859-1"> 
    <title>Online Student Portal</title> 
    <form action="">
         <input type="button" id="myButton" value="Add"/>


var button_my_button = "#myButton";


  //get a reference to the element
  var myBtn = document.getElementById('myButton');

  //add event listener
  myBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {

See comments why avoid inline scripting and also why inline scripting is bad

Open Excel file for reading with VBA without display

Using ADO (AnonJr already explained) and utilizing SQL is possibly the best option for fetching data from a closed workbook without opening that in conventional way. Please watch this VIDEO.

OTHERWISE, possibly GetObject(<filename with path>) is the most CONCISE way. Worksheets remain invisible, however will appear in project explorer window in VBE just like any other workbook opened in conventional ways.

Dim wb As Workbook

Set wb = GetObject("C:\MyData.xlsx")  'Worksheets will remain invisible, no new window appears in the screen
' your codes here
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False

If you want to read a particular sheet, need not even define a Workbook variable

Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = GetObject("C:\MyData.xlsx").Worksheets("MySheet")
' your codes here
sh.Parent.Close SaveChanges:=False 'Closes the associated workbook

Get button click inside UITableViewCell

This should help :-

UITableViewCell* cell = (UITableViewCell*)[sender superview];
NSIndexPath* indexPath = [myTableView indexPathForCell:cell];

Here sender is the UIButton instance that is sending the event. myTableView is the UITableView instance you're dealing with.

Just get the cell reference right and all the work is done.

You may need to remove the buttons from cell's contentView & add them directly to UITableViewCell instance as it's subview.


You can formulate a tag naming scheme for different UIButtons in cell.contentView. Using this tag, later you can know the row & section information as needed.

The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml": "Scripts"

I had a case with 3 levels a'la _MainLayout.cshtml <--- _Middle.cshtml <--- Page.cshtml. Even though doing like this:


   @RenderSection("head", false)


@section head {

and in Page.cshtml defining

@section head {

I would still get the error

The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page “~/Views/Shared/_Middle.cshtml”: "head".

Turned out, the error was for the Middle.cshtml to rely on /Views/_ViewStart.cshtml to resolve it's parent layout. The problem was resolved by defining this in Middle.cshtml explicitly:

Layout = "~/Views/_Shared/_MainLayout.cshtml";

Can't decide whether this would be by-design or a bug in MVC 4 - anyhow, problem was solved :)

Download multiple files as a zip-file using php

Create a zip file, then download the file, by setting the header, read the zip contents and output the file.

How to provide shadow to Button

Sample 9 patch image with shadow

After a lots of research I found an easy method.

Create a 9 patch image and apply it as button or any other view's background.

You can create a 9 patch image with shadow using this website.

Put the 9 patch image in your drawable directory and apply it as the background for the button.

mButton.setBackground(ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.your_9_patch_image);

SVN "Already Locked Error"

I had the same problem: I can't commit a lot of files at once.

The commit works by:

  1. Running a "clean up" from Tortoise SVN

  2. Commit each file separate. Create new root folder and commit each file or folder.

** If the error returns you should repeat action no.1-2 **

C#: How would I get the current time into a string?

Be careful when accessing DateTime.Now twice, as it's possible for the calls to straddle midnight and you'll get wacky results on rare occasions and be left scratching your head.

To be safe, you should assign DateTime.Now to a local variable first if you're going to use it more than once:

var now = DateTime.Now;
var time = now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");
var date = now.ToString("MM/dd/yy");

Note the use of lower case "hh" do display hours from 00-11 even in the afternoon, and "tt" to show AM/PM, as the question requested. If you want 24 hour clock 00-23, use "HH".

CRON command to run URL address every 5 minutes

I try GET '' Important use ' add >/dev/null 2>&1 for not send email when this activate Sorry for my English

C# '@' before a String

It also means you can use reserved words as variable names

say you want a class named class, since class is a reserved word, you can instead call your class class:

IList<Student> @class = new List<Student>();

Nested Git repositories?

You could add




that should prevent the nested repo to be included in the parent repo, and you can work with them independently.

But: If a user runs git clean -dfx in the parent repo, it will remove the ignored nested repo. Another way is to symlink the folder and ignore the symlink. If you then run git clean, the symlink is removed, but the 'nested' repo will remain intact as it really resides elsewhere.

Display a tooltip over a button using Windows Forms

The ToolTip is a single WinForms control that handles displaying tool tips for multiple elements on a single form.

Say your button is called MyButton.

  1. Add a ToolTip control (under Common Controls in the Windows Forms toolbox) to your form.
  2. Give it a name - say MyToolTip
  3. Set the "Tooltip on MyToolTip" property of MyButton (under Misc in the button property grid) to the text that should appear when you hover over it.

The tooltip will automatically appear when the cursor hovers over the button, but if you need to display it programmatically, call

MyToolTip.Show("Tooltip text goes here", MyButton);

in your code to show the tooltip, and


to make it disappear again.

How to get the focused element with jQuery?

How is it noone has mentioned..

I am using IE8, and have not tested it on any other browser. In my case, I am using it to make sure a field is a minimum of 4 characters and focused before acting. Once you enter the 4th number, it triggers. The field has an id of 'year'. I am using..

if( $('#year').val().length >= 4 && == "year" ) {
    // action here

How to check postgres user and password?

You will not be able to find out the password he chose. However, you may create a new user or set a new password to the existing user.

Usually, you can login as the postgres user:

Open a Terminal and do sudo su postgres. Now, after entering your admin password, you are able to launch psql and do


This creates a new admin user. If you want to list the existing users, you could also do


to list all users and then

ALTER USER yourusername WITH PASSWORD 'yournewpass';

XSS filtering function in PHP

I have a similar problem. I need users to submit html content to a profile page with a great WYSIWYG editor (Redactorjs!), i wrote the following function to clean the submitted html:

    <?php function filterxss($str) {
//Initialize DOM:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
//Load content and add UTF8 hint:
$dom->loadHTML('<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">'.$str);
//Array holds allowed attributes and validation rules:
$check = array('src'=>'#(http://[^\s]+(?=\.(jpe?g|png|gif)))#i','href'=>'|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i');
//Loop all elements:
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('*') as $node){
    for($i = $node->attributes->length -1; $i >= 0; $i--){
        //Get the attribute:
        $attribute = $node->attributes->item($i);
        //Check if attribute is allowed:
        if( in_array($attribute->name,array_keys($check))) {
            //Validate by regex:    
            if(!preg_match($check[$attribute->name],$attribute->value)) { 
                //No match? Remove the attribute
            //Not allowed? Remove the attribute:
var_dump($dom->saveHTML()); } ?>

The $check array holds all the allowed attributes and validation rules. Maybe this is useful for some of you. I haven't tested is yet, so tips are welcome

Export to csv/excel from kibana

FYI : How to download data in CSV from Kibana:

In Kibana--> 1. Go to 'Discover' in left side

  1. Select Index Field (based on your dashboard data) (*** In case if you are not sure which index to select-->go to management tab-->Saved Objects-->Dashboard-->select dashboard name-->scroll down to JSON-->you will see the Index name )

  2. left side you see all the variables available in the data-->click over the variable name that you want to have in csv-->click add-->this variable will be added on the right side of the columns avaliable

  3. Top right section of the kibana-->there is the time filter-->click -->select the duration for which you want the csv

  4. Top upper right -->Reporting-->save this time/variable selection with a new report-->click generate CSV

  5. Go to 'Management' in left side--> 'Reporting'-->download your csv

How to insert close button in popover for Bootstrap

Previous examples have two main drawbacks:

  1. The 'close' button needs in some way, to be aware of the ID of the referenced-element.
  2. The need of adding on the '' event, a 'click' listener to the close button; which is also not a good solution because of, you would then be adding such listener each time the 'popover' is shown.

Below is a solution which has not such drawbacks.

By the default, the 'popover' element is inserted immediately after the referenced-element in the DOM (then notice the referenced-element and the popover are immediate sibling elements). Thus, when the 'close' button is clicked, you can simply look for its closest 'div.popover' parent, and then look for the immediately preceding sibling element of such parent.

Just add the following code in the 'onclick' handler of the 'close button:



var genericCloseBtnHtml = '<button onclick="$(this).closest(\'div.popover\').popover(\'hide\');" type="button" class="close" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>';

    placement: 'auto left',
    trigger: 'manual',
    html: true,
    title: 'Alert' + genericCloseBtnHtml,
    content: 'invalid email and/or password'

How to convert (transliterate) a string from utf8 to ASCII (single byte) in c#?

I was able to figure it out. In case someone wants to know below the code that worked for me:

ASCIIEncoding ascii = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sOriginal);
byte[] asciiArray = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.ASCII, byteArray);
string finalString = ascii.GetString(asciiArray);

Let me know if there is a simpler way o doing it.

Executing <script> elements inserted with .innerHTML

It's easier to use jquery $(parent).html(code) instead of parent.innerHTML = code:

var oldDocumentWrite = document.write;
var oldDocumentWriteln = document.writeln;
try {
    document.write = function(code) {
    document.writeln = function(code) {
        document.write(code + "<br/>");
} finally {
    $(window).load(function() {
        document.write = oldDocumentWrite
        document.writeln = oldDocumentWriteln

This also works with scripts that use document.write and scripts loaded via src attribute. Unfortunately even this doesn't work with Google AdSense scripts.

Does calling clone() on an array also clone its contents?

clone() creates a shallow copy. Which means the elements will not be cloned. (What if they didn't implement Cloneable?)

You may want to use Arrays.copyOf(..) for copying arrays instead of clone() (though cloning is fine for arrays, unlike for anything else)

If you want deep cloning, check this answer

A little example to illustrate the shallowness of clone() even if the elements are Cloneable:

ArrayList[] array = new ArrayList[] {new ArrayList(), new ArrayList()};
ArrayList[] clone = array.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < clone.length; i ++) {



Switch between two frames in tkinter

Note: According to JDN96, the answer below may cause a memory leak by repeatedly destroying and recreating frames. However, I have not tested to verify this myself.

One way to switch frames in tkinter is to destroy the old frame then replace it with your new frame.

I have modified Bryan Oakley's answer to destroy the old frame before replacing it. As an added bonus, this eliminates the need for a container object and allows you to use any generic Frame class.

# Multi-frame tkinter application v2.3
import tkinter as tk

class SampleApp(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        self._frame = None

    def switch_frame(self, frame_class):
        """Destroys current frame and replaces it with a new one."""
        new_frame = frame_class(self)
        if self._frame is not None:
        self._frame = new_frame

class StartPage(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
        tk.Label(self, text="This is the start page").pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
        tk.Button(self, text="Open page one",
                  command=lambda: master.switch_frame(PageOne)).pack()
        tk.Button(self, text="Open page two",
                  command=lambda: master.switch_frame(PageTwo)).pack()

class PageOne(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
        tk.Label(self, text="This is page one").pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
        tk.Button(self, text="Return to start page",
                  command=lambda: master.switch_frame(StartPage)).pack()

class PageTwo(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
        tk.Label(self, text="This is page two").pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10)
        tk.Button(self, text="Return to start page",
                  command=lambda: master.switch_frame(StartPage)).pack()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = SampleApp()

Start page Page one Page two


switch_frame() works by accepting any Class object that implements Frame. The function then creates a new frame to replace the old one.

  • Deletes old _frame if it exists, then replaces it with the new frame.
  • Other frames added with .pack(), such as menubars, will be unaffected.
  • Can be used with any class that implements tkinter.Frame.
  • Window automatically resizes to fit new content

Version History


- Pack buttons and labels as they are initialized


- Initialize `_frame` as `None`.
- Check if `_frame` is `None` before calling `.destroy()`.


- Remove type-hinting for backwards compatibility with Python 3.4.


- Add type-hinting for `frame_class`.


- Remove extraneous `container` frame.
    - Application now works with any generic `tkinter.frame` instance.
- Remove `controller` argument from frame classes.
    - Frame switching is now done with `master.switch_frame()`.


- Check if frame attribute exists before destroying it.
- Use `switch_frame()` to set first frame.


  - Revert 'Initialize new `_frame` after old `_frame` is destroyed'.
      - Initializing the frame before calling `.destroy()` results
        in a smoother visual transition.


- Pack frames in `switch_frame()`.
- Initialize new `_frame` after old `_frame` is destroyed.
    - Remove `new_frame` variable.


- Rename `parent` to `master` for consistency with base `Frame` class.


- Remove `main()` function.


- Rename `frame` to `_frame`.
    - Naming implies variable should be private.
- Create new frame before destroying old frame.


- Initial version.

Entry point for Java applications: main(), init(), or run()?

This is a peculiar question because it's not supposed to be a matter of choice.

When you launch the JVM, you specify a class to run, and it is the main() of this class where your program starts.

By init(), I assume you mean the JApplet method. When an applet is launched in the browser, the init() method of the specified applet is executed as the first order of business.

By run(), I assume you mean the method of Runnable. This is the method invoked when a new thread is started.

  • main: program start
  • init: applet start
  • run: thread start

If Eclipse is running your run() method even though you have no main(), then it is doing something peculiar and non-standard, but not infeasible. Perhaps you should post a sample class that you've been running this way.

Check whether a table contains rows or not sql server 2005

Like Other said you can use something like that:

    --Do Something
    --Do Another Thing

throwing an exception in objective-c/cocoa

I think to be consistant it's nicer to use @throw with your own class that extends NSException. Then you use the same notations for try catch finally:

@try {

Apple explains here how to throw and handle exceptions: Catching Exceptions Throwing Exceptions

Replace X-axis with own values

Yo could also set labels = FALSE inside axis(...) and print the labels in a separate command with Text. With this option you can rotate the text the text in case you need it

axis(1, at=seq(1, 10, by=1), labels = FALSE)
text(seq(1, 10, by=1), par("usr")[3] - 0.2, labels = lablist, srt = 45, pos = 1, xpd = TRUE)

Detailed explanation here

Image with rotated labels

How to remove a key from HashMap while iterating over it?

To remove specific key and element from hashmap use


full source code is like

import java.util.HashMap;
public class RemoveMapping {
     public static void main(String a[]){
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put(1, "One");
        hashMap.put(2, "Two");
        hashMap.put(3, "Three");
        System.out.println("Original HashMap : "+hashMap);
        System.out.println("Changed HashMap : "+hashMap);        

Source :

Java array assignment (multiple values)

for example i tried all above for characters it fails but that worked for me >> reserved a pointer then assign values

char A[];
A = new char[]{'a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'q', 'r'};

How to convert a string with comma-delimited items to a list in Python?

If you actually want arrays:

>>> from array import array
>>> text = "a,b,c"
>>> text = text.replace(',', '')
>>> myarray = array('c', text)
>>> myarray
array('c', 'abc')
>>> myarray[0]
>>> myarray[1]

If you do not need arrays, and only want to look by index at your characters, remember a string is an iterable, just like a list except the fact that it is immutable:

>>> text = "a,b,c"
>>> text = text.replace(',', '')
>>> text[0]

Why doesn't git recognize that my file has been changed, therefore git add not working

I had some git submodule misconfiguration. I went to repo's root and issued these commands on the directories that had .git folders previously:

git rm --cached sub/directory/path -f

Then the directories appeared in git status.

You may want to make a copy of your repo before trying this just in case.

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name 'property_file name', locale en_US

The simplest code would be like, keep your properties files into resources folder, either in src/main/resource or in src/test/resource. Then use below code to read properties files:

public class Utilities {
    static {
        rb1 = ResourceBundle.getBundle("fileNameWithoutExtension"); 
              // do not use .properties extension
    public static String getConfigProperties(String keyString) {
        return rb1.getString(keyString);

Difference between Math.Floor() and Math.Truncate()

Math.Floor() rounds toward negative infinity

Math.Truncate rounds up or down towards zero.

For example:

Math.Floor(-3.4)     = -4
Math.Truncate(-3.4)  = -3


Math.Floor(3.4)     = 3
Math.Truncate(3.4)  = 3

How to stop java process gracefully?

Similar Question Here

Finalizers in Java are bad. They add a lot of overhead to garbage collection. Avoid them whenever possible.

The shutdownHook will only get called when the VM is shutting down. I think it very well may do what you want.

Redirect website after certain amount of time

The simplest way is using HTML META tag like this:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=" />


What is the command to exit a Console application in C#?

Several options, by order of most appropriate way:

  1. Return an int from the Program.Main method
  2. Throw an exception and don't handle it anywhere (use for unexpected error situations)
  3. To force termination elsewhere, System.Environment.Exit (not portable! see below)

Edited 9/2013 to improve readability

Returning with a specific exit code: As Servy points out in the comments, you can declare Main with an int return type and return an error code that way. So there really is no need to use Environment.Exit unless you need to terminate with an exit code and can't possibly do it in the Main method. Most probably you can avoid that by throwing an exception, and returning an error code in Main if any unhandled exception propagates there. If the application is multi-threaded you'll probably need even more boilerplate to properly terminate with an exit code so you may be better off just calling Environment.Exit.

Another point against using Evironment.Exit - even when writing multi-threaded applications - is reusability. If you ever want to reuse your code in an environment that makes Environment.Exit irrelevant (such as a library that may be used in a web server), the code will not be portable. The best solution still is, in my opinion, to always use exceptions and/or return values that represent that the method reached some error/finish state. That way, you can always use the same code in any .NET environment, and in any type of application. If you are writing specifically an app that needs to return an exit code or to terminate in a way similar to what Environment.Exit does, you can then go ahead and wrap the thread at the highest level and handle the errors/exceptions as needed.

Relative paths in Python

Consider my code:

import os

def readFile(filename):
    filehandle = open(filename)

fileDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('__file__'))
print fileDir

#For accessing the file in the same folder
filename = "same.txt"

#For accessing the file in a folder contained in the current folder
filename = os.path.join(fileDir, 'Folder1.1/same.txt')

#For accessing the file in the parent folder of the current folder
filename = os.path.join(fileDir, '../same.txt')

#For accessing the file inside a sibling folder.
filename = os.path.join(fileDir, '../Folder2/same.txt')
filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(filename))
print filename

Hot to get all form elements values using jQuery?

I needed to get the form data as some sort of object. I used this:

$('#preview_form').serializeArray().reduce((function(acc, val) {
  acc['[', '_').replace(']', '')] = val.value;
  return acc;
}), {});

Crystal Reports - Adding a parameter to a 'Command' query

Try this:

Select Project_Name, ReleaseDate, TaskName
From DB_Table
Where Project_Name like '{?Pm-?Proj_Name}'
  And ReleaseDate >= currentdate

currentdate should be a valid database function or field to work. If you are using MS SQL Server, use GETDATE() instead.

If all you want is to filter records in a subreport based on a parameter from the main report, it might be easier to simply add the table to the subreport, and then create a Project_Name link between the main report and subreport. You can then use the Select Expert to filter the ReleaseDate as well.

Copying a rsa public key to clipboard

Another alternative solution, that is recommended in the github help pages:

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

Should this fail, I recommend using their docs to trouble shoot or generate a new key - if not already done.

Github docs

Formatting a number with leading zeros in PHP

Given that the value is in $value:

  • To echo it:

    printf("%08d", $value);

  • To get it:

    $formatted_value = sprintf("%08d", $value);

That should do the trick

Android WebView progress bar

This is how I did it with Kotlin to show progress with percentage.

My fragment layout.

<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""



My kotlin fragment in onViewCreated

    progressBar.max = 100;
    webView.webChromeClient = object : WebChromeClient() {
        override fun onProgressChanged(view: WebView?, newProgress: Int) {
            super.onProgressChanged(view, newProgress)
            progressBar.progress = newProgress;

    webView!!.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() {

        override fun onPageStarted(view: WebView?, url: String?, favicon: Bitmap?) {
            progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE
            progressBar.progress = 0;
            super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon)

        override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView?, url: String?): Boolean {
            return true

        override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(
            view: WebView?,
            request: WebResourceRequest?): Boolean {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
            return true

        override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView?, url: String?) {
            super.onPageFinished(view, url)
            progressBar.visibility = View.GONE


Is it possible to insert HTML content in XML document?

You can include HTML content. One possibility is encoding it in BASE64 as you have mentioned.

Another might be using CDATA tags.

Example using CDATA:

    <title>Your HTML title</title>
        Your HTML's body

Please note:

CDATA's opening character sequence: <![CDATA[

CDATA's closing character sequence: ]]>

Passing two command parameters using a WPF binding

In the converter of the chosen solution, you should add values.Clone() otherwise the parameters in the command end null

public class YourConverter : IMultiValueConverter
    public object Convert(object[] values, ...)
        return values.Clone();


array of string with unknown size

you can declare an empty array like below

String[] arr = new String[]{}; // declare an empty array
String[] arr2 = {"A", "B"}; // declare and assign values to an array
arr = arr2; // assign valued array to empty array

you can't assign values to above empty array like below

arr[0] = "A"; // you can't do this

Convert SVG image to PNG with PHP

When converting SVG to transparent PNG, don't forget to put this BEFORE $imagick->readImageBlob():

$imagick->setBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('transparent'));

CSS Background image not loading

for me following line is working for me , I put it in the css of my body ( where image is in same folder in which my css and .html files ) :

background: url('test.jpg');

Other thing that you must care about is , be careful about image extension , be sure that your image has .jpeg or .jpg extension. Thanks

Error Running React Native App From Terminal (iOS)

For those like me who come to this page with this problem after updating Xcode but don't have an issue with the location setting, restarting my computer did the trick.

Programmatically trigger "select file" dialog box

<div id="uploadButton">UPLOAD</div>
<form action="[FILE_HANDLER_URL]" style="display:none">
     <input id="myInput" type="file" />
  const uploadButton = document.getElementById('uploadButton');
  const myInput = document.getElementById('myInput');

  uploadButton.addEventListener('click', () => {;

MySQL skip first 10 results

LIMIT allow you to skip any number of rows. It has two parameters, and first of them - how many rows to skip

How do I set browser width and height in Selenium WebDriver?

For me, the only thing that worked in Java 7 on OS X 10.9 was this:

// driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(grid), capability);
driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(0,0));
driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1024,768));

Where 1024 is the width, and 768 is the height.

How to commit changes to a new branch

If you haven't committed changes

If your changes are compatible with the other branch

This is the case from the question because the OP wants to commit to a new branch and also applies if your changes are compatible with the target branch without triggering an overwrite.

As in the accepted answer by John Brodie, you can simply checkout the new branch and commit the work:

git checkout -b branch_name
git add <files>
git commit -m "message"

If your changes are incompatible with the other branch

If you get the error:

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches

Then you can stash your work, create a new branch, then pop your stash changes, and resolve the conflicts:

git stash
git checkout -b branch_name
git stash pop

It will be as if you had made those changes after creating the new branch. Then you can commit as usual:

git add <files>
git commit -m "message"

If you have committed changes

If you want to keep the commits in the original branch

See the answer by Carl Norum with cherry-picking, which is the right tool in this case:

git checkout <target name>
git cherry-pick <original branch>

If you don't want to keep the commits in the original branch

See the answer by joeytwiddle on this potential duplicate. Follow any of the above steps as appropriate, then roll back the original branch:

git branch -f <original branch> <earlier commit id>

If you have pushed your changes to a shared remote like GitHub, you should not attempt this roll-back unless you know what you are doing.

Remove part of string after "."

We can pretend they are filenames and remove extensions:

# [1] "NM_020506"    "NM_020519"    "NM_001030297" "NM_010281"    "NM_011419"    "NM_053155"

Java: How to convert List to Map

Apache Commons MapUtils.populateMap

If you don't use Java 8 and you don't want to use a explicit loop for some reason, try MapUtils.populateMap from Apache Commons.


Say you have a list of Pairs.

List<ImmutablePair<String, String>> pairs = ImmutableList.of(
    new ImmutablePair<>("A", "aaa"),
    new ImmutablePair<>("B", "bbb")

And you now want a Map of the Pair's key to the Pair object.

Map<String, Pair<String, String>> map = new HashMap<>();
MapUtils.populateMap(map, pairs, new Transformer<Pair<String, String>, String>() {

  public String transform(Pair<String, String> input) {
    return input.getKey();


gives output:

{A=(A,aaa), B=(B,bbb)}

That being said, a for loop is maybe easier to understand. (This below gives the same output):

Map<String, Pair<String, String>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (Pair<String, String> pair : pairs) {
  map.put(pair.getKey(), pair);

How to drop a PostgreSQL database if there are active connections to it?

Depending on your version of postgresql you might run into a bug, that makes pg_stat_activity to omit active connections from dropped users. These connections are also not shown inside pgAdminIII.

If you are doing automatic testing (in which you also create users) this might be a probable scenario.

In this case you need to revert to queries like:

 SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid) 
 FROM pg_stat_get_activity(NULL::integer) 
 WHERE datid=(SELECT oid from pg_database where datname = 'your_database');

NOTE: In 9.2+ you'll have change procpid to pid.

Unable to set default python version to python3 in ubuntu

To change Python 3.6.8 as the default in Ubuntu 18.04 from Python 2.7 you can try the command line tool update-alternatives.

sudo update-alternatives --config python

If you get the error "no alternatives for python" then set up an alternative yourself with the following command:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 2

Change the path /usr/bin/python3 to your desired python version accordingly.

The last argument specified it priority means, if no manual alternative selection is made the alternative with the highest priority number will be set. In our case we have set a priority 2 for /usr/bin/python3.6.8 and as a result the /usr/bin/python3.6.8 was set as default python version automatically by update-alternatives command.

we can anytime switch between the above listed python alternative versions using below command and entering a selection number:

update-alternatives --config python

What is the difference between old style and new style classes in Python?

Important behavior changes between old and new style classes

  • super added
  • MRO changed (explained below)
  • descriptors added
  • new style class objects cannot be raised unless derived from Exception (example below)
  • __slots__ added

MRO (Method Resolution Order) changed

It was mentioned in other answers, but here goes a concrete example of the difference between classic MRO and C3 MRO (used in new style classes).

The question is the order in which attributes (which include methods and member variables) are searched for in multiple inheritance.

Classic classes do a depth-first search from left to right. Stop on the first match. They do not have the __mro__ attribute.

class C: i = 0
class C1(C): pass
class C2(C): i = 2
class C12(C1, C2): pass
class C21(C2, C1): pass

assert C12().i == 0
assert C21().i == 2

except AttributeError:
    assert False

New-style classes MRO is more complicated to synthesize in a single English sentence. It is explained in detail here. One of its properties is that a base class is only searched for once all its derived classes have been. They have the __mro__ attribute which shows the search order.

class C(object): i = 0
class C1(C): pass
class C2(C): i = 2
class C12(C1, C2): pass
class C21(C2, C1): pass

assert C12().i == 2
assert C21().i == 2

assert C12.__mro__ == (C12, C1, C2, C, object)
assert C21.__mro__ == (C21, C2, C1, C, object)

New style class objects cannot be raised unless derived from Exception

Around Python 2.5 many classes could be raised, and around Python 2.6 this was removed. On Python 2.7.3:

# OK, old:
class Old: pass
    raise Old()
except Old:
    assert False

# TypeError, new not derived from `Exception`.
class New(object): pass
    raise New()
except TypeError:
    assert False

# OK, derived from `Exception`.
class New(Exception): pass
    raise New()
except New:
    assert False

# `'str'` is a new style object, so you can't raise it:
    raise 'str'
except TypeError:
    assert False

How do I parse a string with a decimal point to a double?

I think it is the best answer:

public static double StringToDouble(string toDouble)
    toDouble = toDouble.Replace(",", "."); //Replace every comma with dot

    //Count dots in toDouble, and if there is more than one dot, throw an exception.
    //Value such as "123.123.123" can't be converted to double
    int dotCount = 0;
    foreach (char c in toDouble) if (c == '.') dotCount++; //Increments dotCount for each dot in toDouble
    if (dotCount > 1) throw new Exception(); //If in toDouble is more than one dot, it means that toCount is not a double

    string left = toDouble.Split('.')[0]; //Everything before the dot
    string right = toDouble.Split('.')[1]; //Everything after the dot

    int iLeft = int.Parse(left); //Convert strings to ints
    int iRight = int.Parse(right);

    //We must use Math.Pow() instead of ^
    double d = iLeft + (iRight * Math.Pow(10, -(right.Length)));
    return d;

Inherit CSS class

i think you can use more than one class in a tag

for example:

<div class="whatever base"></div>
<div class="whatever2 base"></div>

so when you want to chage all div's color you can just change the .base

...i dont know how to inherit in CSS

Pandas DataFrame column to list

The above solution is good if all the data is of same dtype. Numpy arrays are homogeneous containers. When you do df.values the output is an numpy array. So if the data has int and float in it then output will either have int or float and the columns will loose their original dtype. Consider df

a  b 
0  1  4
1  2  5 
2  3  6 

a    float64
b    int64 

So if you want to keep original dtype, you can do something like

row_list = df.to_csv(None, header=False, index=False).split('\n')

this will return each row as a string.

['1.0,4', '2.0,5', '3.0,6', '']

Then split each row to get list of list. Each element after splitting is a unicode. We need to convert it required datatype.

def f(row_str): 
  row_list = row_str.split(',')
  return [float(row_list[0]), int(row_list[1])]

df_list_of_list = map(f, row_list[:-1])

[[1.0, 4], [2.0, 5], [3.0, 6]]

Linq: GroupBy, Sum and Count

I don't understand where the first "result with sample data" is coming from, but the problem in the console app is that you're using SelectMany to look at each item in each group.

I think you just want:

List<ResultLine> result = Lines
    .GroupBy(l => l.ProductCode)
    .Select(cl => new ResultLine
                ProductName = cl.First().Name,
                Quantity = cl.Count().ToString(),
                Price = cl.Sum(c => c.Price).ToString(),

The use of First() here to get the product name assumes that every product with the same product code has the same product name. As noted in comments, you could group by product name as well as product code, which will give the same results if the name is always the same for any given code, but apparently generates better SQL in EF.

I'd also suggest that you should change the Quantity and Price properties to be int and decimal types respectively - why use a string property for data which is clearly not textual?

Endless loop in C/C++

They are the same. But I suggest "while(ture)" which has best representation.

Execution failed for task :':app:mergeDebugResources'. Android Studio

How to fix app:mergeDebugResources in Android Studio (Resource path could not resolved / is not accessible)

  • Go to the project folder from file explorer.
  • Delete(before delete Backup all files) .idea folder
  • If there are any .gradle folder do the 2nd step to the .gradle folder too.
  • If the Exception is referring any 3rd party library/jar file delete that also(keep a backup to add later)
  • Open the project again from Android studio as "Open an existing android studio project"
  • On right side gradle tab click "Refresh all Gradle projects".This will create the gradel project dependancies
  • Now add again 3rd party libraries to the same previous folder structure

This should resolve your Gradle issue.. good luck.

How do I create an average from a Ruby array?

Ruby versions >= 2.4 has an Enumerable#sum method.

And to get floating point average, you can use Integer#fdiv

arr = [0,4,8,2,5,0,2,6]

# => 3.375

For older versions:

# => 3.375

How do I add an existing Solution to GitHub from Visual Studio 2013

Well, I understand this question is Visual Studio GUI related, but maybe the asker can try this trick also. Just giving a different perspective in solving this problem.

I like to use terminal a lot for GIT, so here are the simple steps:


  • If it's Linux or MAC, you should have git packages installed on your machine
  • If it's Windows, you can try to download git bash software


  1. Goto
  2. In your account, create a New Repository
  3. Don't create any file inside the repository. Keep it empty. Copy its URL. It should be something like

  4. Open up the terminal and redirect to your Visual Studio Project directory

  5. Configure your credentials

    git config --global "your_git_username"
    git config --global "your_git_email"
  6. Then type these commands

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "First Migration Commit"
    git remote add origin paste_your_URL_here
    git push -u origin master

Done...Hope this helps

How to set HTML Auto Indent format on Sublime Text 3?

One option is to type [command] + [shift] + [p] (or the equivalent) and then type 'indentation'. The top result should be 'Indendtation: Reindent Lines'. Press [enter] and it will format the document.

Another option is to install the Emmet plugin (, which will provide not only better formatting, but also a myriad of other incredible features. To get the output you're looking for using Sublime Text 3 with the Emmet plugin requires just the following:

p [tab][enter] Hello world!

When you type p [tab] Emmet expands it to:


Pressing [enter] then further expands it to:



With the cursor indented and on the line between the tags. Meaning that typing text results in:

    Hello, world!

How do I convert a number to a letter in Java?

You can try like this:

private String getCharForNumber(int i) {
    if (i > 25) {
        return null;
    return css.charAt(i) + "";

How to POST form data with Spring RestTemplate?

Your url String needs variable markers for the map you pass to work, like:

String url = "{email}";

Or you could explicitly code the query params into the String to begin with and not have to pass the map at all, like:

String url = "[email protected]";

See also

Sending "User-agent" using Requests library in Python

It's more convenient to use a session, this way you don't have to remember to set headers each time:

session = requests.Session()
session.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'Custom user agent'})


By default, session also manages cookies for you. In case you want to disable that, see this question.

How can I check whether an array is null / empty?

In Java 8+ you achieve this with the help of streams allMatch method.

For primitive:

int[] k = new int[3]; -> element != 0)

For Object:

Objects[] k = new Objects[3];

How to create major and minor gridlines with different linestyles in Python

Actually, it is as simple as setting major and minor separately:

In [9]: plot([23, 456, 676, 89, 906, 34, 2345])
Out[9]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x6112f90>]

In [10]: yscale('log')

In [11]: grid(b=True, which='major', color='b', linestyle='-')

In [12]: grid(b=True, which='minor', color='r', linestyle='--')

The gotcha with minor grids is that you have to have minor tick marks turned on too. In the above code this is done by yscale('log'), but it can also be done with plt.minorticks_on().

enter image description here

Making heatmap from pandas DataFrame

If you don't need a plot per say, and you're simply interested in adding color to represent the values in a table format, you can use the style.background_gradient() method of the pandas data frame. This method colorizes the HTML table that is displayed when viewing pandas data frames in e.g. the JupyterLab Notebook and the result is similar to using "conditional formatting" in spreadsheet software:

import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd

index= ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd', 'eee']
cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
df = pd.DataFrame(abs(np.random.randn(5, 4)), index=index, columns=cols)'Blues')

enter image description here

For detailed usage, please see the more elaborate answer I provided on the same topic previously and the styling section of the pandas documentation.

How to get the parent dir location

Use relative path with the pathlib module in Python 3.4+:

from pathlib import Path


You can use multiple calls to parent to go further in the path:


As an alternative to specifying parent twice, you can use:


Can I change the Android startActivity() transition animation?

See themes on android:

Under themes.xml there should be android:windowAnimationStyle where you can see the declaration of the style in styles.xml.

Example implementation:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="...">


    <item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">@style/WindowAnimationStyle</item>


<style name="WindowAnimationStyle">
    <item name="android:windowEnterAnimation">@android:anim/fade_in</item>
    <item name="android:windowExitAnimation">@android:anim/fade_out</item>

How to install a PHP IDE plugin for Eclipse directly from the Eclipse environment?

Updated for 2019: As previously suggested, in the latest Eclipse, go to "Install New Software" in the Help Menu and click the "add" button with this URL that should show the latest release of PHP Development Tools (PDT). You might need to search for "php" or "pdt". For Nightly releases you can use

How to apply filters to *ngFor?

You could also use the following:

<template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="itemsList">
    <div *ng-if="conditon(item)"></div>

This will only show the div if your items matches the condition

See the angular documentation for more information If you would also need the index, use the following:

<template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="itemsList" let-i="index">
    <div *ng-if="conditon(item, i)"></div>


As my purpose is to get an empty version of the test database to import data from an external previous current active source (Access database) once all is fine tuned. I found that using DBCC CloneDatabase with Verify_CloneDB option fits perfectly.

Undo git pull, how to bring repos to old state

Try run

git reset --keep HEAD@{1}

eloquent laravel: How to get a row count from a ->get()

Its better to access the count with the laravels count method

$count = Model::where('status','=','1')->count();


$count = Model::count();

Capture key press (or keydown) event on DIV element

Here example on plain JS:

document.querySelector('#myDiv').addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {_x000D_
#myDiv {_x000D_
  outline: none;_x000D_
<div _x000D_
  Press me and start typing_x000D_

AND/OR in Python?

For the updated question, you can replace what you want with something like:

someList = filter(lambda x: x not in ("a", "á", "à", "ã", "â"), someList)

filter evaluates every element of the list by passing it to the lambda provided. In this lambda we check if the element is not one of the characters provided, because these should stay in the list.

Alternatively, if the items in someList should be unique, you can make someList a set and do something like this:

someList = list(set(someList)-set(("a", "á", "à", "ã", "â")))

This essentially takes the difference between the sets, which does what you want, but also makes sure every element occurs only once, which is different from a list. Note you could store someList as a set from the beginning in this case, it will optimize things a bit.

How to delete a module in Android Studio

Deleting is such a headache. I am posting the solution for Android Studio 1.0.2.

Step 1: Right click on the "Project Name" selected from the folder hierarchy like shown.
Note: It can also be deleted from the Commander View from right hand side of your window by right clicking the project name and selecting delete from the context menu.

Step 1

Step 2: The project is deleted(seemingly) but gradle seems to keep the record of the project app folder(Check it by clcking on the Gradle View). Now go to File->Close Project.

Step 3: Now you are at the start window. Move the cursor on the in recent project list. Press Delete.

Step 4: Delete the folder from the explorer by moving or deleting it actually. This location is in your_user_name->Android Studio Projects->...

Step 5: Go back to the Android studio window and the project is gone for good. You can start a new project now.

How to add new line in Markdown presentation?

How to add new line in Markdown presentation?

Check the following resource Line Return

To force a line return, place two empty spaces at the end of a line.

How does strcmp() work?

This, from the masters themselves (K&R, 2nd ed., pg. 106):

// strcmp: return < 0 if s < t, 0 if s == t, > 0 if s > t
int strcmp(char *s, char *t) 
    int i;

    for (i = 0; s[i] == t[i]; i++)
        if (s[i] == '\0')
            return 0;
    return s[i] - t[i];

FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison

My experience to the same warning message was caused by TypeError.

TypeError: invalid type comparison

So, you may want to check the data type of the Unnamed: 5

for x in df['Unnamed: 5']:
  print(type(x))  # are they 'str' ?

Here is how I can replicate the warning message:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(3, 2), columns=['num1', 'num2'])
df['num3'] = 3
df.loc[df['num3'] == '3', 'num3'] = 4  # TypeError and the Warning
df.loc[df['num3'] == 3, 'num3'] = 4  # No Error

Hope it helps.

Create a data.frame with m columns and 2 rows

Does m really need to be a data.frame() or will a matrix() suffice?

m <- matrix(0, ncol = 30, nrow = 2)

You can wrap a data.frame() around that if you need to:

m <- data.frame(m)

or all in one line: m <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 30, nrow = 2))

Breaking/exit nested for in

I've experimented with typing "exit for" a few times and noticed it worked and VB didn't yell at me. It's an option I guess but it just looked bad.

I think the best option is similar to that shared by Tobias. Just put your code in a function and have it return when you want to break out of your loops. Looks cleaner too.

For Each item In itemlist
    For Each item1 In itemlist1
        If item1 = item Then
            Return item1
        End If

Update a column in MySQL

if you want to fill all the column:

update 'column' set 'info' where keyID!=0;

Count the occurrences of DISTINCT values

Just changed Amber's COUNT(*) to COUNT(1) for the better performance.

SELECT name, COUNT(1) as count 
FROM tablename 
GROUP BY name 

C# : Out of Memory exception

While the GC compacts the small object heap as part of an optimization strategy to eliminate memory holes, the GC never compacts the large object heap for performance reasons**(the cost of compaction is too high for large objects (greater than 85KB in size))**. Hence if you are running a program that uses many large objects in an x86 system, you might encounter OutOfMemory exceptions. If you are running that program in an x64 system, you might have a fragmented heap.

kubectl apply vs kubectl create?

These are imperative commands :

kubectl run = kubectl create deployment


  • Simple, easy to learn and easy to remember.
  • Require only a single step to make changes to the cluster.


  • Do not integrate with change review processes.
  • Do not provide an audit trail associated with changes.
  • Do not provide a source of records except for what is live.
  • Do not provide a template for creating new objects.

These are imperative object config:

kubectl create -f your-object-config.yaml

kubectl delete -f your-object-config.yaml

kubectl replace -f your-object-config.yaml

Advantages compared to imperative commands:

  • Can be stored in a source control system such as Git.
  • Can integrate with processes such as reviewing changes before push and audit trails.
  • Provides a template for creating new objects.

Disadvantages compared to imperative commands:

  • Requires basic understanding of the object schema.
  • Requires the additional step of writing a YAML file.

Advantages compared to declarative object config:

  • Simpler and easier to understand.
  • More mature after Kubernetes version 1.5.

Disadvantages compared to declarative object configuration:

  • Works best on files, not directories.
  • Updates to live objects must be reflected in configuration files, or they will be lost during the next replacement.

These are declarative object config

kubectl diff -f configs/

kubectl apply -f configs/

Advantages compared to imperative object config:

  • Changes made directly to live objects are retained, even if they are not merged back into the configuration files.
  • Better support for operating on directories and automatically detecting operation types (create, patch, delete) per-object.

Disadvantages compared to imperative object configuration:

  • Harder to debug and understand results when they are unexpected.
  • Partial updates using diffs create complex merge and patch operations.

ng-change get new value and original value

Just keep a currentValue variable in your controller that you update on every change. You can then compare that to the new value every time before you update it.'

The idea of using a watch is good as well, but I think a simple variable is the simplest and most logical solution.

What's the correct way to convert bytes to a hex string in Python 3?

Use the binascii module:

>>> import binascii
>>> binascii.hexlify('foo'.encode('utf8'))
>>> binascii.unhexlify(_).decode('utf8')

See this answer: Python 3.1.1 string to hex

Kotlin Error : Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:1.0.7

In "build.gradle" file, change current Kotlin version that line and press synk:

ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.1'

/// That will look like:

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.

buildscript {
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.1'
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files

Add "Appendix" before "A" in thesis TOC

You can easily achieve what you want using the appendix package. Here's a sample file that shows you how. The key is the titletoc option when calling the package. It takes whatever value you've defined in \appendixname and the default value is Appendix.


\chapter{Lorem ipsum}
\section{Dolor sit amet}
  \chapter{Consectetur adipiscing elit}
  \chapter{Mauris euismod}

The output looks like

enter image description here

How to round up a number in Javascript?

 * @param num The number to round
 * @param precision The number of decimal places to preserve
function roundUp(num, precision) {
  precision = Math.pow(10, precision)
  return Math.ceil(num * precision) / precision

roundUp(192.168, 1) //=> 192.2

How to unzip a file using the command line?

Copy the below code to a batch file and execute. Below requires Winzip to be installed/accessible from your machine. Do change variables as per your need.

SET winzip_path="C:\Program Files\WinZip"
SET source_path="C:\Test"
SET output_path="C:\Output\"
SET log_file="C:\Test\unzip_log.txt"
SET file_name="*.zip"

cd %source_path%
echo Executing for %source_path% > %log_file%

FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir %file_name% /b') DO (
echo Processing : %%G
echo File_Name : %%G >> %log_file%
%winzip_path%\WINZIP32.EXE -e %%G %output_path%


How to display Woocommerce product price by ID number on a custom page?

Other answers work, but

To get the full/default price:


How do I make my ArrayList Thread-Safe? Another approach to problem in Java?

Whenever you want to use ant thread safe version of ant collection object,take help of java.util.concurrent.* package. It has almost all concurrent version of unsynchronized collection objects. eg: for ArrayList, you have java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList

You can do Collections.synchronizedCollection(any collection object),but remember this classical synchr. technique is expensive and comes with performence overhead. java.util.concurrent.* package is less expensive and manage the performance in better way by using mechanisms like

copy-on-write,compare-and-swap,Lock,snapshot iterators,etc.

So,Prefer something from java.util.concurrent.* package

Rendering HTML elements to <canvas>

You won't get real HTML rendering to <canvas> per se currently, because canvas context does not have functions to render HTML elements.

There are some emulations:

html2canvas project (basically a HTML renderer attempt built on Javascript + canvas)

HTML to SVG to <canvas> might be possible depending on your use case:

Also if you are using Firefox you can hack some extended permissions and then render a DOM window to <canvas>

No module named 'pymysql'

After trying a few things, and coming across PyMySQL Github, this worked:

sudo pip install PyMySQL

And to import use:

import pymysql

How to build an APK file in Eclipse?

We can a make a signed and unsigned APK file. A signed APK file can install in your device.

For creating a signed APK file:

  1. Right-click the project in the Package Explorer

  2. Select Android Tools -> Export Signed Application Package.

  3. Then specify the file location for the signed .apk.

For creating an unsigned APK file:

  1. Right-click the project in the Package Explorer

  2. Select Android Tools -> Export Unsigned Application Package.

  3. Then specify the file location for the unsigned APK file.

Filtering Pandas Dataframe using OR statement

You can do like below to achieve your result:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#use filter with plot
fg=sns.factorplot('Retailer country', data=df1[(df1['Retailer country']=='United States') | (df1['Retailer country']=='France')], kind='count')

fg.set_xlabels('Retailer country')

fg=sns.factorplot('Retailer country', data=df1[(df1['Retailer country']=='United States') & (df1['Year']=='2013')], kind='count')

fg.set_xlabels('Retailer country')

How to execute a .sql script from bash

You simply need to start mysql and feed it with the content of db.sql:

mysql -u user -p < db.sql

How to unbind a listener that is calling event.preventDefault() (using jQuery)?

You can set to form 2 classes. After you set your JS script to one of them, when you want to disable your script, you just delete the class with binded script from this form.


<form class="form-create-container form-create"> </form>   


$(document).on('submit', '.form-create', function(){ 
..... ..... ..... 


Why use argparse rather than optparse?

At first I was as reluctant as @fmark to switch from optparse to argparse, because:

  1. I thought the difference was not that huge.
  2. Quite some VPS still provides Python 2.6 by default.

Then I saw this doc, argparse outperforms optparse, especially when talking about generating meaningful help message:

And then I saw "argparse vs. optparse" by @Nicholas, saying we can have argparse available in python <2.7 (Yep, I didn't know that before.)

Now my two concerns are well addressed. I wrote this hoping it will help others with a similar mindset.

python: get directory two levels up

I have found that the following works well in 2.7.x

import os
two_up = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(__file__,'../'))

No visible cause for "Unexpected token ILLEGAL"

I got this error in chrome when I had an unterminated string after the line that the error pointed to. After closing the string the error went away.

Example with error:

var file = files[i]; // SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

jQuery('#someDiv').innerHTML = + " (" + formatSize(file.size) + ") "
    + "<a href=\"javascript: something('"');\">Error is here</a>";

Example without error:

var file = files[i]; // No error

jQuery('#someDiv').innerHTML = + " (" + formatSize(file.size) + ") "
    + "<a href=\"javascript: something('""');\">Error was here</a>";

How to check if variable is array?... or something array-like

Since PHP 7.1 there is a pseudo-type iterable for exactly this purpose. Type-hinting iterable accepts any array as well as any implementation of the Traversable interface. PHP 7.1 also introduced the function is_iterable(). For older versions, see other answers here for accomplishing the equivalent type enforcement without the newer built-in features.

Fair play: As BlackHole pointed out, this question appears to be a duplicate of Iterable objects and array type hinting? and his or her answer goes into further detail than mine.

How to check if IsNumeric

You could write an extension method:

public static class Extension
    public static bool IsNumeric(this string s)
        float output;
        return float.TryParse(s, out output);

Java Keytool error after importing certificate , "keytool error: & Access Denied"

I even run the command prompt as Administrator but it didn't work for me with the below error.

'keytool' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
 operable program or batch file.

If the path to the keytool is not in your System paths then you will need to use the full path to use the keytool, which is

C:\Program Files\Java\jre<version>\bin

So, the command should be like

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre<version>\bin\keytool.exe" -importcert -alias certificateFileAlias -file CertificateFileName.cer -keystore cacerts

that worked for me.

Appending the same string to a list of strings in Python

you can use lambda inside map in python. wrote a gray codes generator. # your code goes here ''' the n-1 bit code, with 0 prepended to each word, followed by the n-1 bit code in reverse order, with 1 prepended to each word. '''

    def graycode(n):
        if n==1:
            return ['0','1']
            nbit=map(lambda x:'0'+x,graycode(n-1))+map(lambda x:'1'+x,graycode(n-1)[::-1])
            return nbit

    for i in xrange(1,7):
        print map(int,graycode(i))

Disabling right click on images using jquery

A very simple way is to add the image as a background to a DIV then load an empty transparent gif set to the same size as the DIV in the foreground. that keeps the less determined out. They cant get the background without viewing the code and copying the URL and right clicking just downloads the transparent gif.

How to count rows with SELECT COUNT(*) with SQLAlchemy?

Query for just a single known column:


How to Execute a Python File in Notepad ++?

No answer here, or plugin i found provided what i wanted. A minimalist method to launch my python code i wrote on Notepad++ with the press of a shortcut, with preferably no plugins.

I have Python 3.6 (64-bit), for Windows 8.1 x86_64 and Notepad++ 32bit. After you write your Python script in Notepad++ and save it, Hit F5 for Run. Then write:

"C:\Path\to\Python\python.exe" -i "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"

and hit the Run button. The i flag forces the terminal to stay still after code execution has terminated, for you to inspect it. This command will launch the script in a cmd terminal and the terminal will still lie there, until you close it by typing exit().

You can save this to a shortcut for convenience (mine is CTRL + SHIFT + P).

Get values from a listbox on a sheet

Take selected value:

worksheet name = ordls
form control list box name = DEPDB1

selectvalue = ordls.Shapes("DEPDB1").ControlFormat.List(ordls.Shapes("DEPDB1").ControlFormat.Value)

Get folder name from full file path


MSDN: Path.GetDirectoryName Method

Curl and PHP - how can I pass a json through curl by PUT,POST,GET

For myself, I just encode it in the url and use $_GET on the destination page. Here's a line as an example.

$ch = curl_init();
$this->json->p->method = "whatever";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $this->json->path . '?json=' . urlencode(json_encode($this->json->p)));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$output = curl_exec($ch);

EDIT: Adding the destination snippet... (EDIT 2 added more above at OPs request)

$json = json_decode($_GET['json']);
$method = $json->method;

How to stop an app on Heroku?

If you are using eclipse plugin, double click on the app-name in My Heroku Applications. In Processes tab, press Scale Button. A small window will pop-up. Increase/decrease the count and just say OK.

Exception thrown in catch and finally clause

Based on reading your answer and seeing how you likely came up with it, I believe you think an "exception-in-progress" has "precedence". Keep in mind:

When an new exception is thrown in a catch block or finally block that will propagate out of that block, then the current exception will be aborted (and forgotten) as the new exception is propagated outward. The new exception starts unwinding up the stack just like any other exception, aborting out of the current block (the catch or finally block) and subject to any applicable catch or finally blocks along the way.

Note that applicable catch or finally blocks includes:

When a new exception is thrown in a catch block, the new exception is still subject to that catch's finally block, if any.

Now retrace the execution remembering that, whenever you hit throw, you should abort tracing the current exception and start tracing the new exception.

How can a Java program get its own process ID?

Since Java 9 there is a method Process.getPid() which returns the native ID of a process:

public abstract class Process {


    public long getPid();

To get the process ID of the current Java process one can use the ProcessHandle interface:


NGINX: upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream

I would recommend to look at the error_logs, specifically at the upstream part where it shows specific upstream that is timing out.

Then based on that you can adjust proxy_read_timeout, fastcgi_read_timeout or uwsgi_read_timeout.

Also make sure your config is loaded.

More details here Nginx upstream timed out (why and how to fix)

Convert JSON String to Pretty Print JSON output using Jackson

The simplest and also the most compact solution (for v2.3.3):

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

How to tell CRAN to install package dependencies automatically?

On your own system, try

install.packages("foo", dependencies=...)

with the dependencies= argument is documented as

dependencies: logical indicating to also install uninstalled packages
      which these packages depend on/link to/import/suggest (and so
      on recursively).  Not used if ‘repos = NULL’.  Can also be a
      character vector, a subset of ‘c("Depends", "Imports",
      "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")’.

      Only supported if ‘lib’ is of length one (or missing), so it
      is unambiguous where to install the dependent packages.  If
      this is not the case it is ignored, with a warning.

      The default, ‘NA’, means ‘c("Depends", "Imports",

      ‘TRUE’ means (as from R 2.15.0) to use ‘c("Depends",
      "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests")’ for ‘pkgs’ and
      ‘c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")’ for added
      dependencies: this installs all the packages needed to run
      ‘pkgs’, their examples, tests and vignettes (if the package
      author specified them correctly).

so you probably want a value TRUE.

In your package, list what is needed in Depends:, see the Writing R Extensions manual which is pretty clear on this.

How do I add a simple jQuery script to WordPress?

Answer from here:

Despite the fact WordPress has been around for a while, and the method of adding scripts to themes and plugins has been the same for years, there is still some confusion around how exactly you’re supposed to add scripts. So let’s clear it up.

Since jQuery is still the most commonly used Javascript framework, let’s take a look at how you can add a simple script to your theme or plugin.

jQuery’s Compatibility Mode

Before we start attaching scripts to WordPress, let’s look at jQuery’s compatibility mode. WordPress comes pre-packaged with a copy of jQuery, which you should use with your code. When WordPress’ jQuery is loaded, it uses compatibility mode, which is a mechanism for avoiding conflicts with other language libraries.

What this boils down to is that you can’t use the dollar sign directly as you would in other projects. When writing jQuery for WordPress you need to use jQuery instead. Take a look at the code below to see what I mean:

Maintain the aspect ratio of a div with CSS

While most answers are very cool, most of them require to have an image already sized correctly... Other solutions only work for a width and do not care of the height available, but sometimes you want to fit the content in a certain height too.

I've tried to couple them together to bring a fully portable and re-sizable solution... The trick is to use to auto scaling of an image but use an inline svg element instead of using a pre-rendered image or any form of second HTTP request...

svg, img{_x000D_
<div class="holder">_x000D_
  <div class="content_sizer">_x000D_
    <svg width=10000 height=5000 />_x000D_
    <div class="content">_x000D_

Notice that I have used big values in the width and height attributes of the SVG, as it needs to be bigger than the maximum expected size as it can only shrink. The example makes the div's ratio 10:5

Sql Server : How to use an aggregate function like MAX in a WHERE clause

The correct way to use max in the having clause is by performing a self join first:

select t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
from table1 t1
join table1 t1_max
  on =
group by t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
having = max(

The following is how you would join with a subquery:

select t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
from table1 t1
where = (select max(
                 from table1 t1_max
                 where =

Be sure to create a single dataset before using an aggregate when dealing with a multi-table join:

select,, t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
into #dataset
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
  on =
join table2 t3
  on =

select a, b, c
from #dataset d
join #dataset d_max
  on =
having = max(
group by a, b, c

Sub query version:

select,, t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
into #dataset
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
  on =
join table2 t3
  on =

select a, b, c
from #dataset d
where = (select max(
                from #dataset d_max
                where =

Changing color of Twitter bootstrap Nav-Pills

This is specific to Bootstrap 4.0.


<ul class="nav nav-pills">
  <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link nav-link-color" href="#about">home</a>
  <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link nav-link-color"  href="#contact">contact</a>


.nav-pills > li > {
  background-color: #ffffff !important;
  color: #ffffff !important;

.nav-pills > li > a:hover {
  color: #ffffff !important;

.nav-link-color {
  color: #ffffff;