[java] How to get request URI without context path?

The Method request.getRequestURI() returns URI with context path.

For example, if the base URL of an application is http://localhost:8080/myapp/ (i.e. the context path is myapp), and I call request.getRequestURI() for http://localhost:8080/myapp/secure/users, it will return /myapp/secure/users.

Is there any way we can get only this part /secure/users, i.e. the URI without context path?

This question is related to java servlets

The answer is

If you use request.getPathInfo() inside a Filter, you always seem to get null (at least with jetty).

This terse invalid bug + response alludes to the issue I think:


I suspect it is related to the fact that filters run before the servlet gets the request. It may be a container bug, or expected behaviour that I haven't been able to identify.

The contextPath is available though, so fforws solution works even in filters. I don't like having to do it by hand, but the implementation is broken or


getPathInfo() sometimes return null. In documentation HttpServletRequest

This method returns null if there was no extra path information.

I need get path to file without context path in Filter and getPathInfo() return me null. So I use another method: httpRequest.getServletPath()

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException
    HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;

    String newPath = parsePathToFile(httpRequest.getServletPath());


With Spring you can do:

String path = new UrlPathHelper().getPathWithinApplication(request);

May be you can just use the split method to eliminate the '/myapp' for example:

string[] uris=request.getRequestURI().split("/");
string uri="/"+uri[1]+"/"+uris[2];

A way to do this is to rest the servelet context path from request URI.

String p = request.getRequestURI();
String cp = getServletContext().getContextPath();

if (p.startsWith(cp)) {

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