Programs & Examples On #Yajl

yajl is an event-driven C JSON parser and generator

Why do I get a "permission denied" error while installing a gem?

After setting the gems directory to the user directory that runs the gem install, using export GEM_HOME=/home/<user>/gems, the issue has been solved.

How to delete a folder in C++?

The C++ Standard defines the remove() function, which may or may not delete a folder, depending on implementation. If it doesn't you need to use an implementation specific function such as rmdir().

Laravel check if collection is empty

This is the best solution I found so far.

in blade

@if($mentors->count() == 0)
    <td colspan="5" class="text-center">
        Nothing Found

in controller

if ($mentors->count() == 0) {
    return "Nothing Found";

How do I create a new line in Javascript?

Use a <br> tag to create a line break in the document


Here's a sample fiddle

How to get a random number between a float range?

Most commonly, you'd use:

import random
random.uniform(a, b) # range [a, b) or [a, b] depending on floating-point rounding

Python provides other distributions if you need.

If you have numpy imported already, you can used its equivalent:

import numpy as np
np.random.uniform(a, b) # range [a, b)

Again, if you need another distribution, numpy provides the same distributions as python, as well as many additional ones.

Troubleshooting "program does not contain a static 'Main' method" when it clearly does...?

In my case (where none of the proposed solutions fit), the problem was I used async/await where the signature for main method looked this way:

static async void Main(string[] args)

I simply removed async so the main method looked this way:

static void Main(string[] args)

I also removed all instances of await and used .Result for async calls, so my console application could compile happily.

Generate random password string with requirements in javascript

Any password generated with Math.random() is EXTREMELY BAD.

This function uses the system time as a seed for the random number generator. Anyone who knows the time the password was generated can easily brute-force the password.

In almost all cases, this data is easily available - just take the registration_time column in a hacked database, and test out all the values generated by the Math.random() algorithm using the times from 15 to 0 minutes before.

A password generated with Math.random() is completely worthless because the time the password was first used is enough for cracking it.

Allowing the "Enter" key to press the submit button, as opposed to only using MouseClick

There is a simple trick for this. After you constructed the frame with all it buttons do this:


For each frame, you can set a default button that will automatically listen to the Enter key (and maybe some other event's I'm not aware of). When you hit enter in that frame, the ActionListeners their actionPerformed() method will be invoked.

And the problem with your code as far as I see is that your dialog pops up every time you hit a key, because you didn't put it in the if-body. Try changing it to this:

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
    if (e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_ENTER){

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null , "You've Submitted the name " + nameInput.getText());


UPDATE: I found what is wrong with your code. You are adding the key listener to the Submit button instead of to the TextField. Change your code to this:

SubmitButton listener = new SubmitButton(textBoxToEnterName);

Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5

check here:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

How to display errors for my MySQLi query?

Just simply add or die(mysqli_error($db)); at the end of your query, this will print the mysqli error.

 mysqli_query($db,"INSERT INTO stockdetails (`itemdescription`,`itemnumber`,`sellerid`,`purchasedate`,`otherinfo`,`numberofitems`,`isitdelivered`,`price`) VALUES ('$itemdescription','$itemnumber','$sellerid','$purchasedate','$otherinfo','$numberofitems','$numberofitemsused','$isitdelivered','$price')") or die(mysqli_error($db));

As a side note I'd say you are at risk of mysql injection, check here How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP?. You should really use prepared statements to avoid any risk.

How do I check if file exists in jQuery or pure JavaScript?

Here's my working Async Pure Javascript from 2020

function testFileExists(src, successFunc, failFunc) {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            if (xhr.status === 200) {
            } else {
    // xhr.error = function() {
    //     failFunc(xhr);
    // }
    // xhr.onabort = function() {
    //     failFunc(xhr);
    // }
    // xhr.timeout = function() {
    //     failFunc(xhr);
    // }
    xhr.timeout = 5000;           // TIMEOUT SET TO PREFERENCE (5 SEC)'HEAD', src, true);
    xhr.send(null);               // VERY IMPORTANT
function fileExists(xhr) {
    alert("File exists !!  Yay !!");
function fileNotFound(xhr) {
    alert("Cannot find the file, bummer");
testFileExists("test.html", fileExists, fileNotFound);

I could not force it to come back with any of the abort, error, or timeout callbacks. Each one of these returned a main status code of 0, in the test above, so I removed them. You can experiment. I set the timeout to 5 seconds as the default seems to be very excessive. With the Async call, it doesn't seem to do anything without the send() command.

Arduino COM port doesn't work

Abstract: Steps of How to resolve "Serial port 'COM1' not found" in fedora 17.

Today install the packages for Arduino in Fedora 17. (yum install arduino) and I have the same problem: I decided to upload an example to the chip. and got the same error "Serial port 'COM1' not found".

In this case when I run Arduino program, some banner appears which warns me that my user is not in 'dialout' and 'lock' group. Do you want add your user in this groups? I click in add button, but for some reason the program fail and not say nothing.

Step1: recognize the Arduino device unplug your Arduino and list /dev files:

#ls -l /dev

plug your Arduino and go and list /dev files

#ls -l /dev

Find the new file (device) that was not before plugging, for example:

ttyACM0 or ttyUSB1

Read this properties:

ls -l /dev/ttyACM0

crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Dec 24 19:25 /dev/ttyACM0

the first c mean that Arduino is a character device.

user owner: root

group owner: dialout

mayor number: 166

minor number: 0

Step2: set your user as group owner.

If you do:

groups <yourUser>

And you are not in 'dialout' and/or 'lock' group. Add yourself in this groups run as root:

usermod -aG lock <yourUser>
usermod -aG dialout <yourUser>

restart the pc, and set /dev/<yourDeviceFile> as your serial port before upload.

Removing cordova plugins from the project

You can do it with bash as well (after switching to your Cordova project directory):

for i in `cordova plugin ls | grep '^[^ ]*' -o`; do cordova plugin rm $i; done

How to return images in flask response?

You use something like

from flask import send_file

def get_image():
    if request.args.get('type') == '1':
       filename = 'ok.gif'
       filename = 'error.gif'
    return send_file(filename, mimetype='image/gif')

to send back ok.gif or error.gif, depending on the type query parameter. See the documentation for the send_file function and the request object for more information.

How to show all privileges from a user in oracle?

You can use below code to get all the privileges list from all users.

select * from dba_sys_privs 

cancelling a handler.postdelayed process

Another way is to handle the Runnable itself:

Runnable r = new Runnable {
    public void run() {
        if (booleanCancelMember != false) {
            //do what you need

"Sources directory is already netbeans project" error when opening a project from existing sources

I faced the same issue:

Sources directory is already NetBeans project (maybe only in memory).

The solution is:

Netbeans creates a folder in your project named "nbproject". Once you delete that, restart the IDE and you're good to go.

SimpleDateFormat parsing date with 'Z' literal

I provide another answer that I found by api-client-library by Google

try {
    DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parseRfc3339(date);
    dateTime = new DateTime(new Date(dateTime.getValue()), TimeZone.getDefault());
    long timestamp = dateTime.getValue();  // get date in timestamp
    int timeZone = dateTime.getTimeZoneShift();  // get timezone offset
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {

Installation guide,

Here is API reference,

Source code of DateTime Class,

DateTime unit tests,

How to use string.substr() function?

You can get the above output using following code in c

int main()
  char *str;
  printf("\n Enter the string");
  for(int i=0;i<strlen(str)-1;i++)
    for(int j=i;j<=i+1;j++)
  return 0;

How to filter wireshark to see only dns queries that are sent/received from/by my computer?

I would go through the packet capture and see if there are any records that I know I should be seeing to validate that the filter is working properly and to assuage any doubts.

That said, please try the following filter and see if you're getting the entries that you think you should be getting:

dns and ip.dst== or dns and ip.src==

Reading local text file into a JavaScript array

Using Node.js

sync mode:

var fs = require("fs");
var text = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt");
var textByLine = text.split("\n")

async mode:

var fs = require("fs");
fs.readFile("./mytext.txt", function(text){
    var textByLine = text.split("\n")


As of at least Node 6, readFileSync returns a Buffer, so it must first be converted to a string in order for split to work:

var text = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt").toString('utf-8');


var text = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt", "utf-8");

What is an opaque response, and what purpose does it serve?

Opaque responses can't be accessed by JavaScript, but you can still cache them with the Cache API and respond with them in the fetch event handler in a service worker. So they're useful for making your app offline, also for resources that you can't control (e.g. resources on a CDN that doesn't set the CORS headers).

Word-wrap in an HTML table

A solution which work with Google Chrome and Firefox (not tested with Internet Explorer) is to set display: table-cell as a block element.

Difference between 2 dates in seconds

$timeFirst  = strtotime('2011-05-12 18:20:20');
$timeSecond = strtotime('2011-05-13 18:20:20');
$differenceInSeconds = $timeSecond - $timeFirst;

You will then be able to use the seconds to find minutes, hours, days, etc.


I tried to use CMake to build GammaRay for Qt on Windows with mingw. So, I had the Qt installed. And I had the same problem as other users here.

The approach that worked for me is launching cmake-gui from Qt build prompt (a shortcut created by Qt installer in "Start Menu\All programs\Qt{QT_VERSION}" folder).

Is it possible to use "return" in stored procedure?

In Stored procedure, you return the values using OUT parameter ONLY. As you have defined two variables in your example:

   outstaticip OUT VARCHAR2, outcount OUT NUMBER

Just assign the return values to the out parameters i.e. outstaticip and outcount and access them back from calling location. What I mean here is: when you call the stored procedure, you will be passing those two variables as well. After the stored procedure call, the variables will be populated with return values.

If you want to have RETURN value as return from the PL/SQL call, then use FUNCTION. Please note that in case, you would be able to return only one variable as return variable.

How to create CSV Excel file C#?

I added ExportToStream so the csv didn't have to save to the hard drive first.

public Stream ExportToStream()
    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
    stream.Position = 0;
    return stream;

Convert string to integer type in Go?

Converting Simple strings

The easiest way is to use the strconv.Atoi() function.

Note that there are many other ways. For example fmt.Sscan() and strconv.ParseInt() which give greater flexibility as you can specify the base and bitsize for example. Also as noted in the documentation of strconv.Atoi():

Atoi is equivalent to ParseInt(s, 10, 0), converted to type int.

Here's an example using the mentioned functions (try it on the Go Playground):

s := flag.Arg(0)

if i, err := strconv.Atoi(s); err == nil {
    fmt.Printf("i=%d, type: %T\n", i, i)

if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64); err == nil {
    fmt.Printf("i=%d, type: %T\n", i, i)

var i int
if _, err := fmt.Sscan(s, &i); err == nil {
    fmt.Printf("i=%d, type: %T\n", i, i)

Output (if called with argument "123"):

i=123, type: int
i=123, type: int64
i=123, type: int

Parsing Custom strings

There is also a handy fmt.Sscanf() which gives even greater flexibility as with the format string you can specify the number format (like width, base etc.) along with additional extra characters in the input string.

This is great for parsing custom strings holding a number. For example if your input is provided in a form of "id:00123" where you have a prefix "id:" and the number is fixed 5 digits, padded with zeros if shorter, this is very easily parsable like this:

s := "id:00123"

var i int
if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(s, "id:%5d", &i); err == nil {
    fmt.Println(i) // Outputs 123

Make cross-domain ajax JSONP request with jQuery

Your JSON-data contains the property Data, but you're accessing data. It's case sensitive

function jsonparser1() {
        type: "GET",
        url: "",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (xml) {
            result = xml.Code;
            document.myform.result1.value = result;

EDIT Also City and Code is in the wrong case. (Thanks @Christopher Kenney)

EDIT2 It should also be json, and not jsonp (at least in this case)

UPDATE According to your latest comment, you should read this answer: by Abdul Munim

Error : Index was outside the bounds of the array.

public int[] posStatus;       

public UsersInput()    
    //It means postStatus will contain 9 elements from index 0 to 8. 
    this.posStatus = new int[9];   

int intUsersInput = 0;   

if (posStatus[intUsersInput-1] == 0) //if i input 9, it should go to 8?    
    posStatus[intUsersInput-1] += 1; //set it to 1    

How Do I Insert a Byte[] Into an SQL Server VARBINARY Column

You can do something like this, very simple and efficient solution: What i did was actually use a parameter instead of basic placeholder, created a SqlParameter object and used another existing execution method. For e.g in your scenario:

string sql = "INSERT INTO mssqltable (varbinarycolumn) VALUES (@img)";
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("img", arraytoinsert); //where img is your parameter name in the query
ExecuteStoreCommand(sql, param);

This should work like a charm, provided you have an open sql connection established.

How do you get the magnitude of a vector in Numpy?

You can do this concisely using the toolbelt vg. It's a light layer on top of numpy and it supports single values and stacked vectors.

import numpy as np
import vg

x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
mag1 = np.linalg.norm(x)
mag2 = vg.magnitude(x)
print mag1 == mag2
# True

I created the library at my last startup, where it was motivated by uses like this: simple ideas which are far too verbose in NumPy.

How can I hide a TD tag using inline JavaScript or CSS?

Same way you'd hide anything: visibility: hidden;

must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

In Postgres, you can also use the special DISTINCT ON (expression) syntax:

    cname, wmname, avg
    cname, avg DESC ;

What is the format specifier for unsigned short int?

Try using the "%h" modifier:

scanf("%hu", &length);

ISO/IEC 9899:201x -

Specifies that a following d , i , o , u , x , X , or n conversion specifier applies to an argument with type pointer to short or unsigned short.

How to implement a read only property

In C# 9 Microsoft will introduce a new way to have properties set only on initialization using the init; method like so:

public class Person
  public string firstName { get; init; }
  public string lastName { get; init; }

This way, you can assign values when initializing a new object:

var person = new Person
  firstname = "John",
  lastName = "Doe"

But later on, you cannot change it:

person.lastName = "Denver"; // throws a compiler error

MongoNetworkError: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017] on first connect [MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED]

This worked for me.

mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
    { useNewUrlParser: true, useCreateIndex: true, useUnifiedTopology: true}).then(db => {
      console.log("Database connected");
    }).catch(error => console.log("Could not connect to mongo db " + error));

I was using localhost, so i changed it to:


How to get current working directory in Java?

I just used:

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;


Path workingDirectory=Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath();

Unescape HTML entities in Javascript?

All of the other answers here have problems.

The document.createElement('div') methods (including those using jQuery) execute any javascript passed into it (a security issue) and the DOMParser.parseFromString() method trims whitespace. Here is a pure javascript solution that has neither problem:

function htmlDecode(html) {
    var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
    html= html.replace(/\r/g, String.fromCharCode(0xe000)); // Replace "\r" with reserved unicode character.
    textarea.innerHTML = html;
    var result = textarea.value;
    return result.replace(new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(0xe000), 'g'), '\r');

TextArea is used specifically to avoid executig js code. It passes these:

htmlDecode('&lt;&amp;&nbsp;&gt;'); // returns "<& >" with non-breaking space.
htmlDecode('  '); // returns "  "
htmlDecode('<img src="dummy" onerror="alert(\'xss\')">'); // Does not execute alert()
htmlDecode('\r\n') // returns "\r\n", doesn't lose the \r like other solutions.

How to change the size of the radio button using CSS?

Not directly. In fact, form elements in general are either problematic or impossible to style using CSS alone. the best approach is to:

  1. hide the radio button using javascript.
  2. Use javascript to add/display HTML that can be styled how you like e.g.
  3. Define css rules for a selected state, which is triggered by adding a class "selected" to yuor span.
  4. Finally, write javascript to make the radio button's state react to clicks on the span, and, vice versa, to get the span to react to changes in the radio button's state (for when users use the keyboard to access the form). the second part of this can be tricky to get to work across all browsers. I use something like the following (which also uses jQuery. I avoid adding extra spans too by styling and applying the "selected" class directly to the input labels).


var labels = $("ul.radioButtons).delegate("input", "keyup", function () { //keyboard use
        if (this.checked) {
    }).find("label").bind("click", function (event) { //mouse use

function select(el) {


<ul class="radioButtons">
        <label for="employee1">
            <input type="radio" id="employee1" name="employee" />
        <label for="employee2">
            <input type="radio" id="employee2" name="employee" />

Angular 2: How to write a for loop, not a foreach loop

You could dynamically generate an array of however time you wanted to render <li>Something</li>, and then do ngFor over that collection. Also you could take use of index of current element too.


   <li *ngFor="let item of createRange(5); let currentElementIndex=index+1">
      {{currentElementIndex}} Something


  var items: number[] = [];
  for(var i = 1; i <= number; i++){
  return items;

Demo Here

Under the hood angular de-sugared this *ngFor syntax to ng-template version.

    <ng-template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="createRange(5)" let-currentElementIndex="(index + 1)" [ngForTrackBy]="trackByFn">
      {{currentElementIndex}} Something

How to fix committing to the wrong Git branch?

If the branch you wanted to apply your changes to already exists (branch develop, for example), follow the instructions that were provided by fotanus below, then:

git checkout develop
git rebase develop my_feature # applies changes to correct branch
git checkout develop # 'cuz rebasing will leave you on my_feature
git merge develop my_feature # will be a fast-forward
git branch -d my_feature

And obviously you could use tempbranch or any other branch name instead of my_feature if you wanted.

Also, if applicable, delay the stash pop (apply) until after you've merged at your target branch.

How to switch from POST to GET in PHP CURL

Make sure that you're putting your query string at the end of your URL when doing a GET request.

$qry_str = "?x=10&y=20";
$ch = curl_init();

// Set query data here with the URL
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' . $qry_str); 

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
$content = trim(curl_exec($ch));
print $content;
With a POST you pass the data via the CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS option instead 
of passing it in the CURLOPT__URL.

$qry_str = "x=10&y=20";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');  
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);

// Set request method to POST
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

// Set query data here with CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $qry_str);

$content = trim(curl_exec($ch));
print $content;

Note from the curl_setopt() docs for CURLOPT_HTTPGET (emphasis added):

[Set CURLOPT_HTTPGET equal to] TRUE to reset the HTTP request method to GET.
Since GET is the default, this is only necessary if the request method has been changed.

How to make responsive table

To make a responsive table, you can make the width of each td 100% and insert a related heading in the td on mobile browsers (that are less 768px width.)

Here is a website that demonstrates this technique:

jQuery location href

This is easier:

location.href = '';


location.replace(''); // <-- No history saved.

How to convert a byte to its binary string representation

You can work with BigInteger like below example, most especially if you have 256 bit or longer:

String string = "10000010";
BigInteger biStr = new BigInteger(string, 2);

System.out.println("binary: " + biStr.toString(2));
System.out.println("hex: " + biStr.toString(16));
System.out.println("dec: " + biStr.toString(10));

Another example which accepts bytes:

String string = "The girl on the red dress.";

byte[] byteString = string.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
System.out.println("[Input String]: " + string);
System.out.println("[Encoded String UTF-8]: " + byteString);

BigInteger biStr = new BigInteger(byteString);
System.out.println("binary: " + biStr.toString(2)); // binary
System.out.println("hex: " + biStr.toString(16));   // hex or base 16
System.out.println("dec: " + biStr.toString(10));  // this is base 10


[Input String]: The girl on the red dress.
[Encoded String UTF-8]: [B@70dea4e

binary: 101010001101000011001010010000001100111011010010111001001101100001000000110111101101110001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110010011001010110010000100000011001000111001001100101011100110111001100101110
hex: 546865206769726c206f6e20746865207265642064726573732e

You can also work to convert Binary to Byte format

try {
   System.out.println("binary to byte: " + biStr.toString(2).getBytes("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

Note: For string formatting for your Binary format you can use below sample

String.format("%256s", biStr.toString(2).replace(' ', '0'));  // this is for the 256 bit formatting

rails simple_form - hidden field - create?

= f.input_field :title, as: :hidden, value: "some value"

Is also an option. Note, however, that it skips any wrapper defined for your form builder.

Reset par to the default values at startup is the best function, but it clears also all plots. If you want to keep plots in your window, at the beginning save default par settings:

def.par = par()

Then when you use your par functions you still have a backup of default par settings. Later on, after generating plots, finish with:

par(def.par) #go back to default par settings

With this, you keep generated plots and reset par settings.

How do I implement charts in Bootstrap?

Github did this using the HTML canvas element.

This specification defines the 2D Context for the HTML canvas element. The 2D Context provides objects, methods, and properties to draw and manipulate graphics on a canvas drawing surface.

If you use a browser inspector, you see inside every list element a div with a canvas element.

<div class="participation-graph">
   <canvas class="bars" data-color-all="#F5F5F5" data-color-owner="#F5F5F5" data-source="/mxcl/homebrew/graphs/owner_participation" height="80" width="640"></canvas>

With CSS (z-index, position...) you can put that canvas in the background of a li element or table, in your case.

Do a search about jquery pluggins that fit your requirement.

Hope this pointers help you to achieve that.

Combine [NgStyle] With Condition (if..else)

I have used the below code in my existing project

<div class="form-group" [ngStyle]="{'border':isSubmitted && form_data.controls.first_name.errors?'1px solid red':'' }">

TypeError: worker() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

class KeyStatisticCollection(DataDownloadUtilities.DataDownloadCollection):
def GenerateAddressStrings(self):
def worker(self):
def DownloadProc(self):

How do I push a new local branch to a remote Git repository and track it too?

I simply do

git push -u origin localBranch:remoteBranchToBeCreated

over an already cloned project.

Git creates a new branch named remoteBranchToBeCreated under my commits I did in localBranch.

Edit: this changes your current local branch's (possibly named localBranch) upstream to origin/remoteBranchToBeCreated. To fix that, simply type:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/localBranch


git branch -u origin/localBranch

So your current local branch now tracks origin/localBranch back.

Google map V3 Set Center to specific Marker

geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) {
    if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
          map: map,
          position: results[0].geometry.location
    } else {
      alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);

No restricted globals

This is a simple and maybe not the best solution, but it works.

On the line above the line you get your error, paste this:

// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals

Copy or rsync command

Especially if you use a copy-on-write filesystem like BTRFS or ZFS, rsync is much better.

I use BTRFS, and I have this in my ~/.bashrc:

alias cp="rsync -ah --inplace --no-whole-file --info=progress2"

The important flag here for CoW FSs like BTRFS is --inplace because it only copies the changed part of the files, doesn't create new for small changes between files inodes, etc. See this.

Set Page Title using PHP

create a new page php and add this code:

function ch_title($title){_x000D_
    $output = ob_get_contents();_x000D_
    if ( ob_get_length() > 0) { ob_end_clean(); }_x000D_
    $patterns = array("/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/");_x000D_
    $replacements = array("<title>$title</title>");_x000D_
    $output = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements,$output);_x000D_
    echo $output;_x000D_

in <head> add code: <?php require 'page.php' ?> and on each page you call the function ch_title('my title');

C#: How to make pressing enter in a text box trigger a button, yet still allow shortcuts such as "Ctrl+A" to get through?

If you want the return to trigger an action only when the user is in the textbox, you can assign the desired button the AcceptButton control, like this.

    private void textBox_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ActiveForm.AcceptButton = Button1; // Button1 will be 'clicked' when user presses return

    private void textBox_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ActiveForm.AcceptButton = null; // remove "return" button behavior

MySQL - how to front pad zip code with "0"?

I know this is well after the OP. One way you can go with that keeps the table storing the zipcode data as an unsigned INT but displayed with zeros is as follows.

select LPAD(cast(zipcode_int as char), 5, '0') as zipcode from table;

While this preserves the original data as INT and can save some space in storage you will be having the server perform the INT to CHAR conversion for you. This can be thrown into a view and the person who needs this data can be directed there vs the table itself.

How I can delete in VIM all text from current line to end of file?


This will delete all content from current line to end of the file. This is very useful when you're dealing with test vector generation or stripping.

Adding a custom header to HTTP request using angular.js

What you see for OPTIONS request is fine. Authorisation headers are not exposed in it.

But in order for basic auth to work you need to add: withCredentials = true; to your var config.

From the AngularJS $http documentation:

withCredentials - {boolean} - whether to to set the withCredentials flag on the XHR object. See requests with credentials for more information.

Text not wrapping in p tag

This is not an answer to the question but as I found this page while looking to an answer to a problem that I had, I want to mention the solution that I found as it cost me a lot of time. In the hope this will be useful to others:

The problem was that text in a <p> tag would not fold in the div. Eventually, I opened the inspector and noticed a 'no breaking space entity' between all the words. My editor, vi, was just showing normal blank spaces (some invisible chr, I don't know what) but I had copied pasted the text from a PDF document. The solution was to copy a blank space from within vi and replace it with a blank space. ie. :%s/ / /g where the blank to be replaced was copied from the offending text. Problem solved.

How can I read input from the console using the Scanner class in Java?

Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
String myLine = scan.nextLine();

Reading a huge .csv file

For someone who lands to this question. Using pandas with ‘chunksize’ and ‘usecols’ helped me to read a huge zip file faster than the other proposed options.

import pandas as pd

sample_cols_to_keep =['col_1', 'col_2', 'col_3', 'col_4','col_5']

# First setup dataframe iterator, ‘usecols’ parameter filters the columns, and 'chunksize' sets the number of rows per chunk in the csv. (you can change these parameters as you wish)
df_iter = pd.read_csv('../data/huge_csv_file.csv.gz', compression='gzip', chunksize=20000, usecols=sample_cols_to_keep) 

# this list will store the filtered dataframes for later concatenation 
df_lst = [] 

# Iterate over the file based on the criteria and append to the list
for df_ in df_iter: 
        tmp_df = (df_.rename(columns={col: col.lower() for col in df_.columns}) # filter eg. rows where 'col_1' value grater than one
                                  .pipe(lambda x:  x[x.col_1 > 0] ))
        df_lst += [tmp_df.copy()] 

# And finally combine filtered df_lst into the final lareger output say 'df_final' dataframe 
df_final = pd.concat(df_lst)

Adding integers to an int array

You cannot use the add method on an array in Java.

To add things to the array do it like this

public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] num = new int[args.length];
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
    int neki = Integer.parseInt(s);
    num[i] = neki;


If you really want to use an add() method, then consider using an ArrayList<Integer> instead. This has several advantages - for instance it isn't restricted to a maximum size set upon creation. You can keep adding elements indefinitely. However it isn't quite as fast as an array, so if you really want performance stick with the array. Also it requires you to use Integer object instead of primitive int types, which can cause problems.

ArrayList Example

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArrayList<Integer> num = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (String s : args){
        Integer neki = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(s));

How to set a variable inside a loop for /F

Try this:

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion


for /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %FileName%') do (
    set z=%%a
    echo !z!
    echo %%a

C# : Out of Memory exception

3 years old topic, but I found another working solution. If you're sure you have enough free memory, running 64 bit OS and still getting exceptions, go to Project properties -> Build tab and be sure to set x64 as a Platform target.

enter image description here

How to export data from Spark SQL to CSV

enter code here IN DATAFRAME:


GET URL parameter in PHP

As Alvaro said, $_GET is not a function but an array containing the parameters So you can retrieve one element from that array using

$link = $_GET['link'];
echo $link;

Expected OP:

How to check syslog in Bash on Linux?

How about less /var/log/syslog?

How do you change the text in the Titlebar in Windows Forms?

this.Text = "Your Text Here"

Place this under Initialize Component and it should change on form load.

Turning off auto indent when pasting text into vim

If you are on a mac, macvim seems to handle it well without having to toggle paste.

brew install macvim --override-system-vim

ssh server connect to host xxx port 22: Connection timed out on linux-ubuntu

Try connecting to a vpn, if possible. That was the reason I was facing problem. Tip: if you're using an ec2 machine, try rebooting it. This worked for me the other day :)

Adding 1 hour to time variable

$time = '10:09';
$timestamp = strtotime($time);
$timestamp_one_hour_later = $timestamp + 3600; // 3600 sec. = 1 hour

// Formats the timestamp to HH:MM => outputs 11:09.
echo strftime('%H:%M', $timestamp_one_hour_later);
// As crolpa suggested, you can also do
// echo date('H:i', $timestamp_one_hour_later);

Check PHP manual for strtotime(), strftime() and date() for details.

BTW, in your initial code, you need to add some quotes otherwise you will get PHP syntax errors:

$time = 10:09; // wrong syntax
$time = '10:09'; // syntax OK

$time = date(H:i, strtotime('+1 hour')); // wrong syntax
$time = date('H:i', strtotime('+1 hour')); // syntax OK

Expansion of variables inside single quotes in a command in Bash

Does this work for you?

eval repo forall -c '....$variable'

How can I convince IE to simply display application/json rather than offer to download it?

I use Fiddler with JSONViewer plugin to inspect JSON. I don't think it is possible to make IE behave without fiddling with registry perhaps. Here's some information.

How is a CSS "display: table-column" supposed to work?

The "table-column" display type means it acts like the <col> tag in HTML - i.e. an invisible element whose width* governs the width of the corresponding physical column of the enclosing table.

See the W3C standard for more information about the CSS table model.

* And a few other properties like borders, backgrounds.

Method call if not null in C#

I have made this generic extension that I use.

public static class ObjectExtensions {
    public static void With<T>(this T value, Action<T> todo) {
        if (value != null) todo(value);

Then I use it like below.

string myString = null;
myString.With((value) => Console.WriteLine(value)); // writes nothing
myString = "my value";
myString.With((value) => Console.WriteLine(value)); // Writes `my value`

Android replace the current fragment with another fragment

If you have a handle to an existing fragment you can just replace it with the fragment's ID.

Example in Kotlin:

fun aTestFuction() {
   val existingFragment = MyExistingFragment() //Get it from somewhere, this is a dirty example
   val newFragment = MyNewFragment()
   replaceFragment(existingFragment, newFragment, "myTag")

fun replaceFragment(existing: Fragment, new: Fragment, tag: String? = null) {
    supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, new, tag).commit()

Save bitmap to file function

implementation save bitmap and load bitmap directly. fast and ease on mfc class

void CMRSMATH1Dlg::Loadit(TCHAR *destination, CDC &memdc)
CImage img;
CBitmap bm;     
CFile file2;
file2.Open(destination, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary);
file2.Read(&bFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
file2.Read(&Info, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));    
BYTE ch;
int width = Info.biWidth;
int height = Info.biHeight;
if (height < 0)height = -height;
int size1 = width*height * 3;
int size2 = ((width * 24 + 31) / 32) * 4 * height;
int widthnew = (size2 - size1) / height;
BYTE * buffer = (BYTE *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size2);
unsigned char alpha = 0;    
int z = 0;  
z = 0;
int gap = (size2 - size1) / height;
for (int y = 0;y < height;y++)
    for (int x = 0;x < width*3;x++)
        file2.Read(&ch, 1);
        buffer[z] = ch;
    for (int z1 = 0;z1 <gap;z1++)
bm.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&memdc, width, height);
old = memdc.SelectObject(&bm);   
 //bm.SetBitmapBits(size1, buffer);     
 GetDC()->BitBlt(1, 95, width, height, &memdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
 void CMRSMATH1Dlg::saveit(CBitmap &bit1, CDC &memdc, TCHAR *destination)
CFile file1;
            CSize size = bit1.GetBitmap(&bm);
 int z = 0;  
 BYTE ch = 0; = bm.bmWidth; = bm.bmHeight;
 int width =;    
 int size1 = (*(;
 int size2 = size1 * 3;  
 size1 = (( * 24 + 31) / 32) *4*;     
 BYTE * buffer = (BYTE *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size2);               
 bFileHeader.bfType = 'B' + ('M' << 8); 
 bFileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 bFileHeader.bfSize = bFileHeader.bfOffBits + size1;
 bFileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
 bFileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;   
 Info.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 Info.biPlanes = 1;
 Info.biBitCount = 24;//bm.bmBitsPixel;//bitsperpixel///////////////////32
 Info.biCompression = BI_RGB;
 Info.biWidth =bm.bmWidth;
 Info.biHeight =-bm.bmHeight;///reverse pic if negative height
 Info.biSizeImage =size1;
 Info.biClrImportant = 0;
 if (bm.bmBitsPixel <= 8)
     Info.biClrUsed = 1 << bm.bmBitsPixel;
 Info.biClrUsed = 0;
 Info.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
 Info.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
 bit1.GetBitmapBits(size2, buffer);      
 file1.Open(destination, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite |CFile::typeBinary,0);
 file1.Write(&bFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
 file1.Write(&Info, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
 unsigned char alpha = 0;    
 for (int y = 0;y<;y++)
     for (int x = 0;x<;x++)
         //for reverse picture below
         //z = ((( - 1 - y)* + (x)) * 3;          
     z = (((y)* + (x)) * 3;
     file1.Write(&buffer[z], 1);
     file1.Write(&buffer[z + 1], 1);
     file1.Write(&buffer[z + 2], 1);
     for (int z = 0;z < (size1 - size2) /;z++)
         file1.Write(&alpha, 1);
 file1.m_hFile = NULL;

npm command to uninstall or prune unused packages in Node.js

You can use npm-prune to remove extraneous packages.

npm prune [[<@scope>/]<pkg>...] [--production] [--dry-run] [--json]

This command removes "extraneous" packages. If a package name is provided, then only packages matching one of the supplied names are removed.

Extraneous packages are packages that are not listed on the parent package's dependencies list.

If the --production flag is specified or the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to production, this command will remove the packages specified in your devDependencies. Setting --no-production will negate NODE_ENV being set to production.

If the --dry-run flag is used then no changes will actually be made.

If the --json flag is used then the changes npm prune made (or would have made with --dry-run) are printed as a JSON object.

In normal operation with package-locks enabled, extraneous modules are pruned automatically when modules are installed and you'll only need this command with the --production flag.

If you've disabled package-locks then extraneous modules will not be removed and it's up to you to run npm prune from time-to-time to remove them.

Use npm-dedupe to reduce duplication

npm dedupe
npm ddp

Searches the local package tree and attempts to simplify the overall structure by moving dependencies further up the tree, where they can be more effectively shared by multiple dependent packages.

For example, consider this dependency graph:

+-- b <-- depends on [email protected]
|    `-- [email protected]
`-- d <-- depends on c@~1.0.9
     `-- [email protected]

In this case, npm-dedupe will transform the tree to:

 +-- b
 +-- d
 `-- [email protected]

Because of the hierarchical nature of node's module lookup, b and d will both get their dependency met by the single c package at the root level of the tree.

The deduplication algorithm walks the tree, moving each dependency as far up in the tree as possible, even if duplicates are not found. This will result in both a flat and deduplicated tree.

how to measure running time of algorithms in python

I am not 100% sure what is meant by "running times of my algorithms written in python", so I thought I might try to offer a broader look at some of the potential answers.

  • Algorithms don't have running times; implementations can be timed, but an algorithm is an abstract approach to doing something. The most common and often the most valuable part of optimizing a program is analyzing the algorithm, usually using asymptotic analysis and computing the big O complexity in time, space, disk use and so forth.

    A computer cannot really do this step for you. This requires doing the math to figure out how something works. Optimizing this side of things is the main component to having scalable performance.

  • You can time your specific implementation. The nicest way to do this in Python is to use timeit. The way it seems most to want to be used is to make a module with a function encapsulating what you want to call and call it from the command line with python -m timeit ....

    Using timeit to compare multiple snippets when doing microoptimization, but often isn't the correct tool you want for comparing two different algorithms. It is common that what you want is asymptotic analysis, but it's possible you want more complicated types of analysis.

  • You have to know what to time. Most snippets aren't worth improving. You need to make changes where they actually count, especially when you're doing micro-optimisation and not improving the asymptotic complexity of your algorithm.

    If you quadruple the speed of a function in which your code spends 1% of the time, that's not a real speedup. If you make a 20% speed increase on a function in which your program spends 50% of the time, you have a real gain.

    To determine the time spent by a real Python program, use the stdlib profiling utilities. This will tell you where in an example program your code is spending its time.

Copy a file in a sane, safe and efficient way

I want to make the very important note that the LINUX method using sendfile() has a major problem in that it can not copy files more than 2GB in size! I had implemented it following this question and was hitting problems because I was using it to copy HDF5 files that were many GB in size.

sendfile() will transfer at most 0x7ffff000 (2,147,479,552) bytes, returning the number of bytes actually transferred. (This is true on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.)

Should jQuery's $(form).submit(); not trigger onSubmit within the form tag?

My simple solution:


It is work for me.

How to cancel a Task in await?

Read up on Cancellation (which was introduced in .NET 4.0 and is largely unchanged since then) and the Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern, which provides guidelines on how to use CancellationToken with async methods.

To summarize, you pass a CancellationToken into each method that supports cancellation, and that method must check it periodically.

private async Task TryTask()
  CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource();
  Task<int> task = Task.Run(() => slowFunc(1, 2, source.Token), source.Token);

  // (A canceled task will raise an exception when awaited).
  await task;

private int slowFunc(int a, int b, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  string someString = string.Empty;
  for (int i = 0; i < 200000; i++)
    someString += "a";
    if (i % 1000 == 0)

  return a + b;

How to express a NOT IN query with ActiveRecord/Rails?

To expand on @Trung Lê answer, in Rails 4 you can do the following:


And you could take it a step further. If you need to first filter for only published Topics and then filter out the ids you don't want, you could do this:


Rails 4 makes it so much easier!

SHOW PROCESSLIST in MySQL command: sleep

It's not a query waiting for connection; it's a connection pointer waiting for the timeout to terminate.

It doesn't have an impact on performance. The only thing it's using is a few bytes as every connection does.

The really worst case: It's using one connection of your pool; If you would connect multiple times via console client and just close the client without closing the connection, you could use up all your connections and have to wait for the timeout to be able to connect again... but this is highly unlikely :-)

See MySql Proccesslist filled with "Sleep" Entries leading to "Too many Connections"? and for more information.

How to select from subquery using Laravel Query Builder?

In addition to @delmadord's answer and your comments:

Currently there is no method to create subquery in FROM clause, so you need to manually use raw statement, then, if necessary, you will merge all the bindings:

$sub = Abc::where(..)->groupBy(..); // Eloquent Builder instance

$count = DB::table( DB::raw("({$sub->toSql()}) as sub") )
    ->mergeBindings($sub->getQuery()) // you need to get underlying Query Builder

Mind that you need to merge bindings in correct order. If you have other bound clauses, you must put them after mergeBindings:

$count = DB::table( DB::raw("({$sub->toSql()}) as sub") )

    // ->where(..) wrong

    ->mergeBindings($sub->getQuery()) // you need to get underlying Query Builder

    // ->where(..) correct


Mobile website "WhatsApp" button to send message to a specific number

As noted by others, the official documentation is available here: FAQ: Android -> Chats -> How to use click to chat. The documentation states:


BUT! Why don't we try copying that into a new tab in your browser and going there right now?


What gives???

Fix it easily by using one of THESE format:

No domain in this URL!

WhatsApp send text page.

How to check if Thread finished execution

If you don't want to block the current thread by waiting/checking for the other running thread completion, you can implement callback method like this.

Action onCompleted = () => 
    //On complete action

var thread = new Thread(
  () =>
      // Do your work

If you are dealing with controls that doesn't support cross-thread operation, then you have to invoke the callback method


Using parameters in batch files at Windows command line

Use variables i.e. the .BAT variables and called %0 to %9

How to use in jQuery :not and hasClass() to get a specific element without a class

You can also use jQuery - is(selector) Method:

var lastOpenSite = $(this).siblings().is(':not(.closedTab)');

Excel: last character/string match in a string

You could use this function I created to find the last instance of a string within a string.

Sure the accepted Excel formula works, but it's much too difficult to read and use. At some point you have to break out into smaller chunks so it's maintainable. My function below is readable, but that's irrelevant because you call it in a formula using named parameters. This makes using it simple.

Public Function FindLastCharOccurence(fromText As String, searchChar As String) As Integer
Dim lastOccur As Integer
lastOccur = -1
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For i = Len(fromText) To 1 Step -1
    If Mid(fromText, i, 1) = searchChar Then
        lastOccur = i
        Exit For
    End If
Next i

FindLastCharOccurence = lastOccur
End Function

I use it like this:

=RIGHT(A2, LEN(A2) - FindLastCharOccurence(A2, "\"))

Java Date cut off time information

You can do this to avoid timezone issue:

public static Date truncDate(Date date) {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
    cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
    cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
    return cal.getTime();

Although Java Date object is timestamp value, but during truncate, it will be converted to local timezone, so you will get surprising value if you expect value from UTC timezone.

bootstrap 4 row height

Use the sizing utility classes...

  • h-50 = height 50%
  • h-100 = height 100%

 <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-8 col-lg-6 B">
                <div class="card card-inverse card-primary">
                    <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image">
            <div class="col-md-4 col-lg-3 G">
                <div class="row h-100">
                    <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-6 B h-50 pb-3">
                        <div class="card card-inverse card-success h-100">

                    <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-6 B h-50 pb-3">
                        <div class="card card-inverse bg-success h-100">

                    <div class="col-md-12 h-50">
                        <div class="card card-inverse bg-danger h-100">


Or, for an unknown number of child columns, use flexbox and the cols will fill height. See the d-flex flex-column on the row, and h-100 on the child cols.

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-8 col-lg-6 B">
            <div class="card card-inverse card-primary">
                <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image">
        <div class="col-md-4 col-lg-3 G ">
            <div class="row d-flex flex-column h-100">
                <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-6 B h-100">
                    <div class="card bg-success h-100">

                <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-6 B h-100">
                    <div class="card bg-success h-100">

                <div class="col-md-12 h-100">
                    <div class="card bg-danger h-100">


How to install Jdk in centos

I advise you to use the same JDK as you may use with Windows: the Oracle one.
Go to the Java SE 7u67 section and click on JDK7 Download button on the right.

On the new page select the option "(¤) Accept License Agreement"
Then click on jdk-7u67-linux-x64.rpm

On your CentOS, as root, run:

$ rpm -Uvh jdk-7u67-linux-x64.rpm
$ alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/latest/bin/java 2

You may already have a Java 5 installed on your box... before installing the downloaded rpm remove previous Java by running this command yum remove java

Access Google's Traffic Data through a Web Service

There is no way (or at least no reasonably easy and convenient way) to get the raw traffic data from Google Maps Javascript API v3. Even if you could do it, doing so is likely to violate some clause in the Terms Of Service for Google Maps. You would have to get this information from another service. I doubt there is a free service that provides this information at the current time, but I would love it if someone proved me wrong on that.

As @crdzoba points out, Bing Maps API exposes some traffic data. Perhaps that can fill your needs. It's not clear from the documentation how much traffic data that exposes as it's only data about "incidents". Slow traffic due to construction would be in there, but it's not obvious to me whether slow traffic due simply to volume would be.

UPDATE (March 2016): A lot has happened since this answer was written in 2011, but the core points appear to hold up: You won't find raw traffic data in free API services (at least not for the U.S., and probably not most other places). But if you don't mind paying a bit and/or if you just need things like "travel time for a specific route taking traffic into consideration" you have options. @Anto's answer, for example, points to Google's Maps For Work as a paid API service that allows you to get travel times taking traffic into consideration.

How do I check if a type is a subtype OR the type of an object?


How can I implement custom Action Bar with custom buttons in Android?

enter image description here

This is pretty much as close as you'll get if you want to use the ActionBar APIs. I'm not sure you can place a colorstrip above the ActionBar without doing some weird Window hacking, it's not worth the trouble. As far as changing the MenuItems goes, you can make those tighter via a style. It would be something like this, but I haven't tested it.

<style name="MyTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">
    <item name="actionButtonStyle">@style/MyActionButtonStyle</item>

<style name="MyActionButtonStyle" parent="Widget.ActionButton">
    <item name="android:minWidth">28dip</item>

Here's how to inflate and add the custom layout to your ActionBar.

    // Inflate your custom layout
    final ViewGroup actionBarLayout = (ViewGroup) getLayoutInflater().inflate(

    // Set up your ActionBar
    final ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();

    // You customization
    final int actionBarColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.action_bar);
    actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(actionBarColor));

    final Button actionBarTitle = (Button) findViewById(;

    final Button actionBarSent = (Button) findViewById(;

    final Button actionBarStaff = (Button) findViewById(;

    final Button actionBarLocations = (Button) findViewById(;
    actionBarLocations.setText("HIPPA Locations");

Here's the custom layout:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:paddingEnd="8dip" >

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonWhite" />

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonOffWhite" />

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonOffWhite" />

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonOffWhite" />


Here's the color strip layout: To use it, just use merge in whatever layout you inflate in setContentView.

<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:background="@android:color/holo_blue_dark" />

Here are the Button styles:

<style name="ActionBarButton">
    <item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:background">@null</item>
    <item name="android:ellipsize">end</item>
    <item name="android:singleLine">true</item>
    <item name="android:textSize">@dimen/text_size_small</item>

<style name="ActionBarButtonWhite" parent="@style/ActionBarButton">
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/white</item>

<style name="ActionBarButtonOffWhite" parent="@style/ActionBarButton">
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/off_white</item>

Here are the colors and dimensions I used:

<color name="action_bar">#ff0d0d0d</color>
<color name="white">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="off_white">#99ffffff</color>

<!-- Text sizes -->
<dimen name="text_size_small">14.0sp</dimen>
<dimen name="text_size_medium">16.0sp</dimen>

<!-- ActionBar color strip -->
<dimen name="colorstrip">5dp</dimen>

If you want to customize it more than this, you may consider not using the ActionBar at all, but I wouldn't recommend that. You may also consider reading through the Android Design Guidelines to get a better idea on how to design your ActionBar.

If you choose to forgo the ActionBar and use your own layout instead, you should be sure to add action-able Toasts when users long press your "MenuItems". This can be easily achieved using this Gist.

How can I format a decimal to always show 2 decimal places?

In python 3, a way of doing this would be


Adding a stylesheet to (using Visual Studio 2010)

The only thing you have to do is to add in the cshtml file, in the head, the following line:


The entire head will look somethink like that:

         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
         <title>HTML Page</title>

Hope it helps!!

JavaScript, getting value of a td with id name

Again with getElementById, but instead .value, use .innerText

<td id="test">Chicken</td>
document.getElementById('test').innerText; //the value of this will be 'Chicken'

Is there an alternative sleep function in C to milliseconds?

You can use this cross-platform function:

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199309L
#include <time.h>   // for nanosleep
#include <unistd.h> // for usleep

void sleep_ms(int milliseconds){ // cross-platform sleep function
#ifdef WIN32
#elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199309L
    struct timespec ts;
    ts.tv_sec = milliseconds / 1000;
    ts.tv_nsec = (milliseconds % 1000) * 1000000;
    nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
    if (milliseconds >= 1000)
      sleep(milliseconds / 1000);
    usleep((milliseconds % 1000) * 1000);

Select data between a date/time range

You need to update the date format:

select * from hockey_stats 
where game_date between '2012-03-11 00:00:00' and '2012-05-11 23:59:00' 
order by game_date desc;

splitting a string into an array in C++ without using vector

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main() {

    string s1="split on     whitespace";
    istringstream iss(s1);
    vector<string> result;
    for(string s;iss>>s;)
    int n=result.size();
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
    return 0;



Manipulate a url string by adding GET parameters

$parameters = array();

foreach ($get as $key => $value)
     $parameters[] = $key.'='.$value;

$url = ''.implode('&', $parameters);

How to pass multiple parameters in thread in VB

Well, the straightforward method is to create an appropriate class/structure which holds all your parameter values and pass that to the thread.

Another solution in VB10 is to use the fact that lambdas create a closure, which basically means the compiler doing the above automatically for you:

Dim evaluator As New Thread(Sub()
                                testthread(goodList, 1)
                            End Sub)

How to count occurrences of a column value efficiently in SQL?

This should work:

SELECT age, count(age) 
  FROM Students 
 GROUP by age

If you need the id as well you could include the above as a sub query like so:

SELECT, S.age, C.cnt
  FROM Students  S
       INNER JOIN (SELECT age, count(age) as cnt
                     FROM Students 
                    GROUP BY age) C ON S.age = C.age

Offline Speech Recognition In Android (JellyBean)

Google did quietly enable offline recognition in that Search update, but there is (as yet) no API or additional parameters available within the SpeechRecognizer class. {See Edit at the bottom of this post} The functionality is available with no additional coding, however the user’s device will need to be configured correctly for it to begin working and this is where the problem lies and I would imagine why a lot of developers assume they are ‘missing something’.

Also, Google have restricted certain Jelly Bean devices from using the offline recognition due to hardware constraints. Which devices this applies to is not documented, in fact, nothing is documented, so configuring the capabilities for the user has proved to be a matter of trial and error (for them). It works for some straight away – For those that it doesn't, this is the ‘guide’ I supply them with.

  1. Make sure the default Android Voice Recogniser is set to Google not Samsung/Vlingo
  2. Uninstall any offline recognition files you already have installed from the Google Voice Search Settings
  3. Go to your Android Application Settings and see if you can uninstall the updates for the Google Search and Google Voice Search applications.
  4. If you can't do the above, go to the Play Store see if you have the option there.
  5. Reboot (if you achieved 2, 3 or 4)
  6. Update Google Search and Google Voice Search from the Play Store (if you achieved 3 or 4 or if an update is available anyway).
  7. Reboot (if you achieved 6)
  8. Install English UK offline language files
  9. Reboot
  10. Use utter! with a connection
  11. Switch to aeroplane mode and give it a try
  12. Once it is working, the offline recognition of other languages, such as English US should start working too.

EDIT: Temporarily changing the device locale to English UK also seems to kickstart this to work for some.

Some users reported they still had to reboot a number of times before it would begin working, but they all get there eventually, often inexplicably to what was the trigger, the key to which are inside the Google Search APK, so not in the public domain or part of AOSP.

From what I can establish, Google tests the availability of a connection prior to deciding whether to use offline or online recognition. If a connection is available initially but is lost prior to the response, Google will supply a connection error, it won’t fall-back to offline. As a side note, if a request for the network synthesised voice has been made, there is no error supplied it if fails – You get silence.

The Google Search update enabled no additional features in Google Now and in fact if you try to use it with no internet connection, it will error. I mention this as I wondered if the ability would be withdrawn as quietly as it appeared and therefore shouldn't be relied upon in production.

If you intend to start using the SpeechRecognizer class, be warned, there is a pretty major bug associated with it, which require your own implementation to handle.

Not being able to specifically request offline = true, makes controlling this feature impossible without manipulating the data connection. Rubbish. You’ll get hundreds of user emails asking you why you haven’t enabled something so simple!

EDIT: Since API level 23 a new parameter has been added EXTRA_PREFER_OFFLINE which the Google recognition service does appear to adhere to.

Hope the above helps.

Use bash to find first folder name that contains a string

for _dir in *"${pattern}"*; do
    [ -d "${_dir}" ] && dir="${_dir}" && break
echo "${dir}"

This is better than the other shell solution provided because

  • it will be faster for huge directories as the pattern is part of the glob and not checked inside the loop
  • actually works as expected when there is no directory matching your pattern (then ${dir} will be empty)
  • it will work in any POSIX-compliant shell since it does not rely on the =~ operator (if you need this depends on your pattern)
  • it will work for directories containing newlines in their name (vs. find)

How to subtract n days from current date in java?

this will subtract ten days of the current date (before Java 8):

int x = -10;
Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
cal.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, x);
Date tenDaysAgo = cal.getTime();

If you're using Java 8 you can make use of the new Date & Time API (

LocalDate tenDaysAgo =;

For converting the new to the old types and vice versa see: Converting between java.time.LocalDateTime and java.util.Date

Add custom icons to font awesome

Give Icomoon a try. You can upload your own SVGs, add them to the library, then create a custom font combining FontAwesome with your own icons.

Run Batch File On Start-up


RunOnce is an option and have a few keys that can be used for pointing a command to start on startup (depending if it concerns a user or the whole system):


setting the value:

reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v MyBat /D "!C:\mybat.bat"

With setting and exclamation mark at the beginning and if the script exist with a value different than 0 the registry key wont be deleted and the script will be executed every time on startup


You can use SCHTASKS and a triggering event:

SCHTASKS /Create /SC ONEVENT /MO ONLOGON /TN ON_LOGON /tr "c:\some.bat" 



Startup Folder

You also have two startup folders - one for the current user and one global. There you can copy your scripts (or shortcuts) in order to start a file on startup

::the global one
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
::for the current user
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

How do I choose the URL for my Spring Boot webapp?

In your src/main/resources put an or application.yml and put a server.contextPath in there.


When starting your application the application will be available at http://localhost:8080/your/context/here.

For a comprehensive list of properties to set see Appendix A. of the Spring Boot reference guide.

Instead of putting it in the you can also pass it as a system property when starting your application

java -jar yourapp.jar -Dserver.contextPath=/your/path/here

How to do something to each file in a directory with a batch script

Another way:

for %f in (*.mp4) do call ffmpeg -i "%~f" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "%~nf.avi"

copy-item With Alternate Credentials

This is an old question but I'm just updating it for future finders.

PowerShell v3 now supports using the -Credential parameter for filesystem operations.

Hope this helps others searching for the same solution.

Understanding checked vs unchecked exceptions in Java

Here is a simple rule that can help you decide. It is related to how interfaces are used in Java.

Take your class and imagine designing an interface for it such that the interface describes the functionality of the class but none of the underlying implementation (as an interface should). Pretend perhaps that you might implement the class in another way.

Look at the methods of the interface and consider the exceptions they might throw:

If an exception can be thrown by a method, regardless of the underlying implementation (in other words, it describes the functionality only) then it should probably be a checked exception in the interface.

If an exception is caused by the underlying implementation, it should not be in the interface. Therefore, it must either be an unchecked exception in your class (since unchecked exceptions need not appear in the interface signature), or you must wrap it and rethrow as a checked exception that is part of the interface method.

To decide if you should wrap and rethrow, you should again consider whether it makes sense for a user of the interface to have to handle the exception condition immediately, or the exception is so general that there is nothing you can do about it and it should propagate up the stack. Does the wrapped exception make sense when expressed as functionality of the new interface you are defining or is it just a carrier for a bag of possible error conditions that could also happen to other methods? If the former, it might still be a checked exception, otherwise it should be unchecked.

You should not usually plan to "bubble-up" exceptions (catch and rethrow). Either an exception should be handled by the caller (in which case it is checked) or it should go all the way up to a high level handler (in which case it is easiest if it is unchecked).

Calculate difference between 2 date / times in Oracle SQL

select to_char(actual_start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') start_time,
to_char(actual_completion_date,'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') end_time,
floor((actual_completion_date-actual_start_date)*24*60)||'.'||round(mod((actual_completion_date-actual_start_date)*24*60*60,60)) diff_time
from fnd_concurrent_requests 
order by request_id desc;  

Reading/parsing Excel (xls) files with Python

For older .xls files, you can use xlrd

either you can use xlrd directly by importing it. Like below

import xlrd
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name)

Or you can also use pandas pd.read_excel() method, but do not forget to specify the engine, though the default is xlrd, it has to be specified.

pd.read_excel(file_name, engine = xlrd)

Both of them work for older .xls file formats. Infact I came across this when I used OpenPyXL, i got the below error

InvalidFileException: openpyxl does not support the old .xls file format, please use xlrd to read this file, or convert it to the more recent .xlsx file format.

Hibernate Error: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

I met the problem because of the primary key generation is wrong,when I insert a row like this:

public void addTerminal(String typeOfDevice,Map<Byte,Integer> map) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        try {
            Set<Byte> keySet = map.keySet();
            for (Byte byte1 : keySet) {
                Device device=new Device();
        }catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception

I change the id generator class to identity

<id name="id" type="int">
    <column name="id" />
    <generator class="identity"  />

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE] even if app appears to not be installed

  1. Uninstall your app from connected device(emulator or mobile)
  2. got terminal into project folder cd android 3 next run ./gradlew clean it clean your build 4 cd.. and run below 5 react-native run-android

How to reset all checkboxes using jQuery or pure JS?

In some cases the checkbox may be selected by default. If you want to restore default selection rather than set as unselected, compare the defaultChecked property.

        this.checked = item.defaultChecked; 

Update statement using with clause

The WITH syntax appears to be valid in an inline view, e.g.

UPDATE (WITH comp AS ...
        SELECT SomeColumn, ComputedValue FROM t INNER JOIN comp ...)
   SET SomeColumn=ComputedValue;

But in the quick tests I did this always failed with ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view, although it succeeded if I rewrote to eliminate the WITH clause. So the refactoring may interfere with Oracle's ability to guarantee key-preservation.

You should be able to use a MERGE, though. Using the simple example you've posted this doesn't even require a WITH clause:

MERGE INTO mytable t
USING (select *, 42 as ComputedValue from mytable where id = 1) comp
ON ( =

But I understand you have a more complex subquery you want to factor out. I think that you will be able to make the subquery in the USING clause arbitrarily complex, incorporating multiple WITH clauses.

Update multiple columns in SQL

update T1
set T1.COST2=T1.TOT_COST+2.000,
from DBRMAST T1 
inner join DBRMAST t2 on t2.CODE=T1.CODE

How to enable curl in xampp?

First, make sure you have libcurl (see: installed. Then make sure your copy of PHP has been compiled with the --with-curl[=DIR] flag. For more info see:

If XAMPP comes pre-compiled with cURL you may just need to enable the extension in your php.ini file (usually by removing a semicolon at the start of the line which includes the extension).

Requery a subform from another form?

Just discovered that if the source table for a subform is updated using adodb, it takes a while until the requery can find the updated information.

In my case, I was adding some records with 'dbconn.execute "sql" ' and wondered why the requery command in vba doesn't seem to work. When I was debugging, the requery worked. Added a 2-3 second wait in the code before requery just to test made a difference.

But changing to 'currentdb.execute "sql" ' fixed the problem immediately.

The character encoding of the plain text document was not declared - mootool script

In my case in ASP MVC it was a method in controller that was returning null to View because of a wrong if statement.

if (condition)
    return null;

Condition fixed and I returned View, Problem fixed. There was nothing with encoding but I don't know why that was my error.

return View(result); // result is View's model

Initializing multiple variables to the same value in Java

Works for primitives and immutable classes like String, Wrapper classes Character, Byte.

int i=0,j=2   
String s1,s2  
s1 = s2 = "java rocks"

For mutable classes

Reference r1 = Reference r2 = Reference r3 = new Object();`  

Three references + one object are created. All references point to the same object and your program will misbehave.

How can I echo HTML in PHP?

There are a few ways to echo HTML in PHP.

1. In between PHP tags

<?php if(condition){ ?>
     <!-- HTML here -->
<?php } ?>

2. In an echo

     echo "HTML here";

With echos, if you wish to use double quotes in your HTML you must use single quote echos like so:

echo '<input type="text">';

Or you can escape them like so:

echo "<input type=\"text\">";

3. Heredocs

4. Nowdocs (as of PHP 5.3.0)

Template engines are used for using PHP in documents that contain mostly HTML. In fact, PHP's original purpose was to be a templating language. That's why with PHP you can use things like short tags to echo variables (e.g. <?=$someVariable?>).

There are other template engines (such as Smarty, Twig, etc.) that make the syntax even more concise (e.g. {{someVariable}}).

The primary benefit of using a template engine is keeping the design (presentation logic) separate from the coding (business logic). It also makes the code cleaner and easier to maintain in the long run.

If you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment.

Further reading is available on these things in the PHP documentation.

NOTE: PHP short tags <? and ?> are discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option. They are available, regardless of settings from 5.4 onwards.

Gets last digit of a number

here is your method

public int lastDigit(int number)
    //your code goes here. 
    int last =number%10;
    return last;

How to know user has clicked "X" or the "Close" button?

Assuming you're asking for WinForms, you may use the FormClosing() event. The event FormClosing() is triggered any time a form is to get closed.

To detect if the user clicked either X or your CloseButton, you may get it through the sender object. Try to cast sender as a Button control, and verify perhaps for its name "CloseButton", for instance.

private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) {
    if (string.Equals((sender as Button).Name, @"CloseButton"))
        // Do something proper to CloseButton.
        // Then assume that X has been clicked and act accordingly.

Otherwise, I have never ever needed to differentiate whether X or CloseButton was clicked, as I wanted to perform something specific on the FormClosing event, like closing all MdiChildren before closing the MDIContainerForm, or event checking for unsaved changes. Under these circumstances, we don't need, according to me, to differentiate from either buttons.

Closing by ALT+F4 will also trigger the FormClosing() event, as it sends a message to the Form that says to close. You may cancel the event by setting the

FormClosingEventArgs.Cancel = true. 

In our example, this would translate to be

e.Cancel = true.

Notice the difference between the FormClosing() and the FormClosed() events.

FormClosing occurs when the form received the message to be closed, and verify whether it has something to do before it is closed.

FormClosed occurs when the form is actually closed, so after it is closed.

Does this help?

SQL : BETWEEN vs <= and >=

I have a slight preference for BETWEEN because it makes it instantly clear to the reader that you are checking one field for a range. This is especially true if you have similar field names in your table.

If, say, our table has both a transactiondate and a transitiondate, if I read

transactiondate between ...

I know immediately that both ends of the test are against this one field.

If I read

transactiondate>='2009-04-17' and transactiondate<='2009-04-22'

I have to take an extra moment to make sure the two fields are the same.

Also, as a query gets edited over time, a sloppy programmer might separate the two fields. I've seen plenty of queries that say something like

where transactiondate>='2009-04-17'
  and salestype='A'
  and customernumber=customer.idnumber
  and transactiondate<='2009-04-22'

If they try this with a BETWEEN, of course, it will be a syntax error and promptly fixed.

What underlies this JavaScript idiom: var self = this?

I think the variable name 'self' should not be used this way anymore, since modern browsers provide a global variable self pointing to the global object of either a normal window or a WebWorker.

To avoid confusion and potential conflicts, you can write var thiz = this or var that = this instead.

Different names of JSON property during serialization and deserialization

You can use this variant:

import lombok.Getter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonGetter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;


@JsonProperty(value = "rr") // for deserialization
@Getter(onMethod_ = {@JsonGetter(value = "r")}) // for serialization
private String rrrr;

with Lombok getter

Provide static IP to docker containers via docker-compose

Note that I don't recommend a fixed IP for containers in Docker unless you're doing something that allows routing from outside to the inside of your container network (e.g. macvlan). DNS is already there for service discovery inside of the container network and supports container scaling. And outside the container network, you should use exposed ports on the host. With that disclaimer, here's the compose file you want:

version: '2'

    container_name: mysql
    image: mysql:latest
    restart: always
     - "3306:3306"

    container_name: apigw-tomcat
    build: tomcat/.
     - "8080:8080"
     - "8009:8009"
     - mysql

    driver: bridge
       - subnet:

How do I create executable Java program?

Write a script and make it executable. The script should look like what you'd normally use at the command line:

java YourClass

This assumes you've already compiled your .java files and that the java can find your .class files. If java cannot find your .class files, you may want to look at using the -classpath option or setting your CLASSPATH environment variable.

Search and get a line in Python

>>> for x in items:

you can also get the line if there are other characters before token


The above works like grep token on unix and keyword 'in' or .contains in python and C#


token qwerty

''' matches the following 2 lines

token qwerty

Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Not that anyone would ever have CAPS on when entering a password...but it can give this error.

How to get first and last day of previous month (with timestamp) in SQL Server

This is the simplest way I know to get the first day of the previous month:

Step 1: Move data to Postgres

Step 2:

select date_trunc('month', getdate()) - '1 MONTH'::interval;

Spark SQL: apply aggregate functions to a list of columns

Another example of the same concept - but say - you have 2 different columns - and you want to apply different agg functions to each of them i.e

f.groupBy("col1").agg(sum("col2").alias("col2"), avg("col3").alias("col3"), ...)

Here is the way to achieve it - though I do not yet know how to add the alias in this case

See the example below - Using Maps

val Claim1 = StructType(Seq(StructField("pid", StringType, true),StructField("diag1", StringType, true),StructField("diag2", StringType, true), StructField("allowed", IntegerType, true), StructField("allowed1", IntegerType, true)))
val claimsData1 = Seq(("PID1", "diag1", "diag2", 100, 200), ("PID1", "diag2", "diag3", 300, 600), ("PID1", "diag1", "diag5", 340, 680), ("PID2", "diag3", "diag4", 245, 490), ("PID2", "diag2", "diag1", 124, 248))

val claimRDD1 = sc.parallelize(claimsData1)
val claimRDDRow1 = => Row(p._1, p._2, p._3, p._4, p._5))
val claimRDD2DF1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(claimRDDRow1, Claim1)

val l = List("allowed", "allowed1")
val exprs = -> "sum")).toMap
claimRDD2DF1.groupBy("pid").agg(exprs) show false
val exprs = Map("allowed" -> "sum", "allowed1" -> "avg")

claimRDD2DF1.groupBy("pid").agg(exprs) show false

How to add conditional attribute in Angular 2?

Inline-Maps are handy, too.

They're a little more explicit & readable as well.

[class]="{ 'true': 'active', 'false': 'inactive', 'true&false': 'some-other-class' }[ trinaryBoolean ]"

Just another way of accomplishing the same thing, in case you don't like the ternary syntax or ngIfs (etc).

PHP form - on submit stay on same page

You can see the following example for the Form action on the same page

<form action="" method="post">
<table border="1px">
    <tr><td>Name: <input type="text" name="user_name" ></td></tr>
    <tr><td align="right"> <input type="submit" value="submit" name="btn"> 

     echo 'Welcome '. $name; 

How can I suppress all output from a command using Bash?

Take a look at this example from The Linux Documentation Project:

3.6 Sample: stderr and stdout 2 file

This will place every output of a program to a file. This is suitable sometimes for cron entries, if you want a command to pass in absolute silence.

     rm -f $(find / -name core) &> /dev/null 

That said, you can use this simple redirection:

/path/to/command &>/dev/null

Make browser window blink in task Bar

My "user interface" response is: Are you sure your users want their browsers flashing, or do you think that's what they want? If I were the one using your software, I know I'd be annoyed if these alerts happened very often and got in my way.

If you're sure you want to do it this way, use a javascript alert box. That's what Google Calendar does for event reminders, and they probably put some thought into it.

A web page really isn't the best medium for need-to-know alerts. If you're designing something along the lines of "ZOMG, the servers are down!" alerts, automated e-mails or SMS messages to the right people might do the trick.

How to access to the parent object in c#

You would need to add a property to your Production class and set it to point back at its parent, this doesn't exist by default.

How to check if a URL exists or returns 404 with Java?

There is nothing wrong with your code. It's the doing tricks on you. When decides that your browser is not capable of displaying PDF, it simply sends back a webpage regardless what you are requesting, even if it doesn't exist.

You need to trick it back by telling it your browser is capable, something like,

    "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009073021 Firefox/3.0.13");

Query to select data between two dates with the format m/d/yyyy

select * from xxx where dates between '2012-10-10' and '2012-10-12'

I always use YYYY-MM-DD in my views and never had any issue. Plus, it is readable and non equivocal.
You should be aware that using BETWEEN might not return what you expect with a DATETIME field, since it would eliminate records dated '2012-10-12 08:00' for example.
I would rather use where dates >= '2012-10-10' and dates < '2012-10-13' (lower than next day)

JavaFX open new window

If you just want a button to open up a new window, then something like this works:

btnOpenNewWindow.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
    public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
        Parent root;
        try {
            root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("path/to/other/view.fxml"), resources);
            Stage stage = new Stage();
            stage.setTitle("My New Stage Title");
            stage.setScene(new Scene(root, 450, 450));
            // Hide this current window (if this is what you want)
        catch (IOException e) {

jQuery: load txt file and insert into div

You could use jQuery.load():

Like this:


How to reload the current route with the angular 2 router

This works for me like a charm

this.router.navigateByUrl('/', {skipLocationChange: true}).then(()=>

How do I determine the dependencies of a .NET application?

Try compiling your .NET assembly with the option --staticlink:"Namespace.Assembly" . This forces the compiler to pull in all the dependencies at compile time. If it comes across a dependency that's not referenced it will give a warning or error message usually with the name of that assembly.

Namespace.Assembly is the assembly you suspect as having the dependency problem. Typically just statically linking this assembly will reference all dependencies transitively.

Generate a unique id

If you want to use sha-256 (guid would be faster) then you would need to do something like

SHA256 shaAlgorithm = new SHA256Managed();
byte[] shaDigest = shaAlgorithm.ComputeHash(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(url));
return BitConverter.ToString(shaDigest);

Of course, it doesn't have to ascii and it can be any other kind of hashing algorithm as well

How do I show the number keyboard on an EditText in android?

I found this implementation useful, shows a better keyboard and limits input chars.


Additionally, you could use android:maxLength to limit the max amount of numbers.

To do this programmatically:


KeyListener keyListener = DigitsKeyListener.getInstance("1234567890");

Understanding [TCP ACKed unseen segment] [TCP Previous segment not captured]

Another cause of "TCP ACKed Unseen" is the number of packets that may get dropped in a capture. If I run an unfiltered capture for all traffic on a busy interface, I will sometimes see a large number of 'dropped' packets after stopping tshark.

On the last capture I did when I saw this, I had 2893204 packets captured, but once I hit Ctrl-C, I got a 87581 packets dropped message. Thats a 3% loss, so when wireshark opens the capture, its likely to be missing packets and report "unseen" packets.

As I mentioned, I captured a really busy interface with no capture filter, so tshark had to sort all packets, when I use a capture filter to remove some of the noise, I no longer get the error.

Import a file from a subdirectory?

Create an empty file in subdirectory /lib. And add at the begin of main code

from __future__ import absolute_import 


import lib.BoxTime as BT

or better

from lib.BoxTime import bt_function

Unsupported Media Type in postman

You need to set the content-type in postman as JSON (application/json).

Go to the body inside your POST request, there you will find the raw option.

Right next to it, there will be a drop down, select JSON (application.json).

What is the python keyword "with" used for?

Explanation from the Preshing on Programming blog:

It’s handy when you have two related operations which you’d like to execute as a pair, with a block of code in between. The classic example is opening a file, manipulating the file, then closing it:

 with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
     f.write('Hi there!')

The above with statement will automatically close the file after the nested block of code. (Continue reading to see exactly how the close occurs.) The advantage of using a with statement is that it is guaranteed to close the file no matter how the nested block exits. If an exception occurs before the end of the block, it will close the file before the exception is caught by an outer exception handler. If the nested block were to contain a return statement, or a continue or break statement, the with statement would automatically close the file in those cases, too.

How to set the "Content-Type ... charset" in the request header using a HTML link

This is not possible from HTML on. The closest what you can get is the accept-charset attribute of the <form>. Only MSIE browser adheres that, but even then it is doing it wrong (e.g. CP1252 is actually been used when it says that it has sent ISO-8859-1). Other browsers are fully ignoring it and they are using the charset as specified in the Content-Type header of the response. Setting the character encoding right is basically fully the responsiblity of the server side. The client side should just send it back in the same charset as the server has sent the response in.

To the point, you should really configure the character encoding stuff entirely from the server side on. To overcome the inability to edit URIEncoding attribute, someone here on SO wrote a (complex) filter: Detect the URI encoding automatically in Tomcat. You may find it useful as well (note: I haven't tested it).

Update: Noted should be that the meta tag as given in your question is ignored when the content is been transferred over HTTP. Instead, the HTTP response Content-Type header will be used to determine the content type and character encoding. You can determine the HTTP header with for example Firebug, in the Net panel.

alt text

Make new column in Panda dataframe by adding values from other columns

Can do using loc

In [37]:  df = pd.DataFrame({"A":[1,2,3],"B":[4,6,9]})

In [38]: df
   A  B
0  1  4
1  2  6
2  3  9

In [39]: df['C']=df.loc[:,['A','B']].sum(axis=1)

In [40]: df
   A  B   C
0  1  4   5
1  2  6   8
2  3  9  12

Could not find a declaration file for module 'module-name'. '/path/to/module-name.js' implicitly has an 'any' type

Here are two other solutions

When a module is not yours - try to install types from @types:

npm install -D @types/module-name

If the above install errors - try changing import statements to require:

// import * as yourModuleName from 'module-name';
const yourModuleName = require('module-name');

Overriding interface property type defined in Typescript d.ts file

Extending @zSkycat's answer a little, you can create a generic that accepts two object types and returns a merged type with the members of the second overriding the members of the first.

type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>
type Merge<M, N> = Omit<M, Extract<keyof M, keyof N>> & N;

interface A {
    name: string;
    color?: string;

// redefine name to be string | number
type B = Merge<A, {
    name: string | number;
    favorite?: boolean;

let one: A = {
    name: 'asdf',
    color: 'blue'

// A can become B because the types are all compatible
let two: B = one;

let three: B = {
    name: 1
}; = 'Bee';
three.favorite = true;
three.color = 'green';

// B cannot become A because the type of name (string | number) isn't compatible
// with A even though the value is a string
// Error: Type {...} is not assignable to type A
let four: A = three;

Image overlay on responsive sized images bootstrap

If i understand your question you want to have the overlay just over the image and not cover everything?

I'd set the parent DIV (i renamed in content in the jsfiddle) position to relative, as the overlay should be positioned relative to this div not the window.

  position: relative;

I did some pocking around and updated your fiddle to just have the overlay sized to the img which (I think) is what you want, let me know anyway :)

Why am I getting Unknown error in line 1 of pom.xml?

answer according to current status

This issue got fixed:

Please install the m2e connector for mavenarchiver plugin 0.17.3 from

obsolete answer

A less profound change than a downgrade from Spring Boot 2.1.5.RELEASE to 2.1.4.RELEASE would be downgrading only the affected Maven JAR Plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.1.1 as long as this bug exists:

    <!-- ... -->

Serializing/deserializing with memory stream

Use Method to Serialize and Deserialize Collection object from memory. This works on Collection Data Types. This Method will Serialize collection of any type to a byte stream. Create a Seperate Class SerilizeDeserialize and add following two methods:

public class SerilizeDeserialize

    // Serialize collection of any type to a byte stream

    public static byte[] Serialize<T>(T obj)
        using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
            BinaryFormatter binSerializer = new BinaryFormatter();
            binSerializer.Serialize(memStream, obj);
            return memStream.ToArray();

    // DSerialize collection of any type to a byte stream

    public static T Deserialize<T>(byte[] serializedObj)
        T obj = default(T);
        using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(serializedObj))
            BinaryFormatter binSerializer = new BinaryFormatter();
            obj = (T)binSerializer.Deserialize(memStream);
        return obj;


How To use these method in your Class:

ArrayList arrayListMem = new ArrayList() { "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven" };
Console.WriteLine("Serializing to Memory : arrayListMem");
byte[] stream = SerilizeDeserialize.Serialize(arrayListMem);

ArrayList arrayListMemDes = new ArrayList();

arrayListMemDes = SerilizeDeserialize.Deserialize<ArrayList>(stream);

Console.WriteLine("DSerializing From Memory : arrayListMemDes");
foreach (var item in arrayListMemDes)

What is a vertical tab?

I believe it's still being used, not sure exactly. There might be even a key combination of it.

As English is written Left to Right, Arabic Right to Left, there are languages in world that are also written top to bottom. In that case a vertical tab might be useful same as the horizontal tab is used for English text.

I tried searching, but couldn't find anything useful yet.

How to avoid Sql Query Timeout

This is happen because another instance of sql server is running. So you need to kill first then you can able to login to SQL Server.

For that go to Task Manager and Kill or End Task the SQL Server service then go to Services.msc and start the SQL Server service.

Webpack how to build production code and how to use it

Just learning this myself. I will answer the second question:

  1. How to use these files? Currently I am using webpack-dev-server to run the application.

Instead of using webpack-dev-server, you can just run an "express". use npm install "express" and create a server.js in the project's root dir, something like this:

var path = require("path");
var express = require("express");

var DIST_DIR = path.join(__dirname, "build");
var PORT = 3000;
var app = express();

//Serving the files on the dist folder

//Send index.html when the user access the web
app.get("*", function (req, res) {
  res.sendFile(path.join(DIST_DIR, "index.html"));


Then, in the package.json, add a script:

"start": "node server.js"

Finally, run the app: npm run start to start the server

A detailed example can be seen at: (the example code is not compatible with the latest packages, but it will work with small tweaks)

How to highlight text using javascript

Why using a selfmade highlighting function is a bad idea

The reason why it's probably a bad idea to start building your own highlighting function from scratch is because you will certainly run into issues that others have already solved. Challenges:

  • You would need to remove text nodes with HTML elements to highlight your matches without destroying DOM events and triggering DOM regeneration over and over again (which would be the case with e.g. innerHTML)
  • If you want to remove highlighted elements you would have to remove HTML elements with their content and also have to combine the splitted text-nodes for further searches. This is necessary because every highlighter plugin searches inside text nodes for matches and if your keywords will be splitted into several text nodes they will not being found.
  • You would also need to build tests to make sure your plugin works in situations which you have not thought about. And I'm talking about cross-browser tests!

Sounds complicated? If you want some features like ignoring some elements from highlighting, diacritics mapping, synonyms mapping, search inside iframes, separated word search, etc. this becomes more and more complicated.

Use an existing plugin

When using an existing, well implemented plugin, you don't have to worry about above named things. The article 10 jQuery text highlighter plugins on Sitepoint compares popular highlighter plugins.

Have a look at mark.js

mark.js is such a plugin that is written in pure JavaScript, but is also available as jQuery plugin. It was developed to offer more opportunities than the other plugins with options to:

  • search for keywords separately instead of the complete term
  • map diacritics (For example if "justo" should also match "justò")
  • ignore matches inside custom elements
  • use custom highlighting element
  • use custom highlighting class
  • map custom synonyms
  • search also inside iframes
  • receive not found terms


Alternatively you can see this fiddle.

Usage example:

// Highlight "keyword" in the specified context

// Highlight the custom regular expression in the specified context

It's free and developed open-source on GitHub (project reference).

java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - what can cause this?

I had the same issue with one of my netbeans project.

Check whether you have correctly put the package name on all the classes. I got the same error message because i forgot to put the package name of a certain class (which was copied from another project).

How to Create an excel dropdown list that displays text with a numeric hidden value

Data validation drop down

There is a list option in Data validation. If this is combined with a VLOOKUP formula you would be able to convert the selected value into a number.

The steps in Excel 2010 are:

  • Create your list with matching values.
  • On the Data tab choose Data Validation
  • The Data validation form will be displayed
  • Set the Allow dropdown to List
  • Set the Source range to the first part of your list
  • Click on OK (User messages can be added if required)

In a cell enter a formula like this


which will return the matching value from the second part of your list.

Screenshot of Data validation list

Form control drop down

Alternatively, Form controls can be placed on a worksheet. They can be linked to a range and return the position number of the selected value to a specific cell.

The steps in Excel 2010 are:

  • Create your list of data in a worksheet
  • Click on the Developer tab and dropdown on the Insert option
  • In the Form section choose Combo box or List box
  • Use the mouse to draw the box on the worksheet
  • Right click on the box and select Format control
  • The Format control form will be displayed
  • Click on the Control tab
  • Set the Input range to your list of data
  • Set the Cell link range to the cell where you want the number of the selected item to appear
  • Click on OK

Screenshot of form control

What does %~d0 mean in a Windows batch file?

It displays the current location of the file or directory that you are currently in. for example; if your batch file was in the desktop directory, then "%~dp0" would display the desktop directory. if you wanted it to display the current directory with the current file name you could type "%~dp0%~n0%~x0".

How to match "anything up until this sequence of characters" in a regular expression?

The $ marks the end of a string, so something like this should work: [[^abc]*]$ where you're looking for anything NOT ENDING in any iteration of abc, but it would have to be at the end

Also if you're using a scripting language with regex (like php or js), they have a search function that stops when it first encounters a pattern (and you can specify start from the left or start from the right, or with php, you can do an implode to mirror the string).

Superscript in CSS only? Essentially:

position: relative;
bottom: 0.5em;
font-size: 0.8em;

Works well in practice, as far as I can tell.

Get the Year/Month/Day from a datetime in php?

Use DateTime with DateTime::format()

$datetime = new DateTime($dateTimeString);
echo $datetime->format('w');

Delete a dictionary item if the key exists

There is also:

    del mydict[key]
except KeyError:

This only does 1 lookup instead of 2. However, except clauses are expensive, so if you end up hitting the except clause frequently, this will probably be less efficient than what you already have.

How to get last 7 days data from current datetime to last 7 days in sql server

DATEADD and GETDATE functions might not work in MySQL database. so if you are working with MySQL database, then the following command may help you.

select id, NewsHeadline as news_headline,    
NewsText as news_text,    
state, CreatedDate as created_on    
from News    

I hope it will help you

How to get a reversed list view on a list in Java?

I know this is an old post but today I was looking for something like this. In the end I wrote the code myself:

private List reverseList(List myList) {
    List invertedList = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = myList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    return invertedList;

Not recommended for long Lists, this is not optimized at all. It's kind of an easy solution for controlled scenarios (the Lists I handle have no more than 100 elements).

Hope it helps somebody.

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

Since I have struggled and found a slightly different answer here it is:

I recently switched the local (intranet) server at my new workplace. Installed a LAMP; Debian, Apache, MySql, PHP. The users at work connect the server by using the hostname, lets call it "intaserv". I set up everything, got it working but could not connect my MySql remotely whatever I did.

I found my answer after endless tries though. You can only have one bind-address and it cannot be hostname, in my case "intranet".

It has to be an IP-address in eg. "bind-address=".

sudo: docker-compose: command not found

I will leave this here as a possible fix, worked for me at least and might help others. Pretty sure this would be a linux only fix.

I decided to not go with the pip install and go with the github version (option one on the installation guide).

Instead of placing the copied docker-compose directory into /usr/local/bin/docker-compose from the curl/github command, I went with /usr/bin/docker-compose which is the location of Docker itself and will force the program to run in root. So it works in root and sudo but now won't work without sudo so the opposite effect which is what you want to run it as a user anyways.

How to redirect output of an already running process


Dupx is a simple *nix utility to redirect standard output/input/error of an already running process.


I've often found myself in a situation where a process I started on a remote system via SSH takes much longer than I had anticipated. I need to break the SSH connection, but if I do so, the process will die if it tries to write something on stdout/error of a broken pipe. I wish I could suspend the process with ^Z and then do a

bg %1 >/tmp/stdout 2>/tmp/stderr 

Unfortunately this will not work (in shells I know).

php execute a background process

PHP scripting is not like other desktop application developing language. In desktop application languages we can set daemon threads to run a background process but in PHP a process is occuring when user request for a page. However It is possible to set a background job using server's cron job functionality which php script runs.

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute

I am working in python flask: I had the same problem... There was a "," after I declared my my form variables; I am working with wtforms. That is what caused all the confusion

How to set at runtime?

Another approach, if you're desperate and don't have access to (a) the code or (b) the command line, then you can use environment variables:

Specifically for java web start set the environment variable:


and for applets:



Additionally, under Windows global options (for general Java applications) can be set in the Java control plan page under the "Java" tab.

How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents?

A nasty way is to do it with reflection. Something like this worked for me.

public static <T extends Cloneable> List<T> deepCloneList(List<T> original) {
    if (original == null || original.size() < 1) {
        return new ArrayList<>();

    try {
        int originalSize = original.size();
        Method cloneMethod = original.get(0).getClass().getDeclaredMethod("clone");
        List<T> clonedList = new ArrayList<>();

        // noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach
        for (int i = 0; i < originalSize; i++) {
            // noinspection unchecked
            clonedList.add((T) cloneMethod.invoke(original.get(i)));
        return clonedList;
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
        System.err.println("Couldn't clone list due to " + e.getMessage());
        return new ArrayList<>();

How to sort the letters in a string alphabetically in Python

the code can be used to sort string in alphabetical order without using any inbuilt function of python

k = input("Enter any string again ")

li = []
x = len(k)
for i in range (0,x):

print("List is : ",li)

for i in range(0,x):
    for j in range(0,x):
        if li[i]<li[j]:
            temp = li[i]

for i in range(0,x):
    j = j+li[i]

print("After sorting String is : ",j)

How to have jQuery restrict file types on upload?

For the front-end it is pretty convenient to put 'accept' attribute if you are using a file field.


<input id="file" type="file" name="file" size="30" 

A couple of important notes:

php form action php self

You can use an echo shortcut also instead of typing out "echo blah;" as shown below:

<form method="POST" action="<?=($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])?>">

Easiest way to loop through a filtered list with VBA?

Suppose I have numbers 1 to 10 in cells A2:A11 with my autofilter in A1. I now filter to only show numbers greater then 5 (i.e. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).

This code will only print visible cells:

Sub SpecialLoop()
    Dim cl As Range, rng As Range

    Set rng = Range("A2:A11")

    For Each cl In rng
        If cl.EntireRow.Hidden = False Then //Use Hidden property to check if filtered or not
            Debug.Print cl
        End If

End Sub

Perhaps there is a better way with SpecialCells but the above worked for me in Excel 2003.


Just found a better way with SpecialCells:

Sub SpecialLoop()
    Dim cl As Range, rng As Range

    Set rng = Range("A2:A11")

    For Each cl In rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        Debug.Print cl
    Next cl

End Sub

How can I open Java .class files in a human-readable way?

You need to use a decompiler. Others have suggested JAD, there are other options, JAD is the best.

I'll echo the comments that you may lose a bit compared to the original source code. It is going to look especially funny if the code used generics, due to erasure.

Change working directory in my current shell context when running Node script

Short answer: no (easy?) way, but you can do something that serves your purpose.

I've done a similar tool (a small command that, given a description of a project, sets environment, paths, directories, etc.). What I do is set-up everything and then spawn a shell with:

spawn('bash', ['-i'], {
  cwd: new_cwd,
  env: new_env,
  stdio: 'inherit'

After execution, you'll be on a shell with the new directory (and, in my case, environment). Of course you can change bash for whatever shell you prefer. The main differences with what you originally asked for are:

  • There is an additional process, so...
  • you have to write 'exit' to come back, and then...
  • after existing, all changes are undone.

However, for me, that differences are desirable.

Why cannot cast Integer to String in java?

No, Integer and String are different types. To convert an integer to string use: String.valueOf(integer), or Integer.toString(integer) for primitive, or Integer.toString() for the object.

Remove element by id

The ChildNode.remove() method removes the object from the tree it belongs to.

Here is a fiddle that shows how you can call document.getElementById('my-id').remove()


There is no need to extend NodeList. It has been implemented already.


using href links inside <option> tag

    <select name="career" id="career" onchange="location = this.value;">
        <option value="resume" selected> All Applications </option>
        <option value="resume&j=14">Seo Expert</option>
        <option value="resume&j=21">Project Manager</option>
        <option value="resume&j=33">Php Developer</option>

How to parse a date?

You cannot expect to parse a date with a SimpleDateFormat that is set up with a different format.

To parse your "Thu Jun 18 20:56:02 EDT 2009" date string you need a SimpleDateFormat like this (roughly):

SimpleDateFormat parser=new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy");

Use this to parse the string into a Date, and then your other SimpleDateFormat to turn that Date into the format you want.

        String input = "Thu Jun 18 20:56:02 EDT 2009";
        SimpleDateFormat parser = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy");
        Date date = parser.parse(input);
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        String formattedDate = formatter.format(date);



How to view unallocated free space on a hard disk through terminal

If you need to see your partitions and/or filers with available space, mentioned utilities are what you need. You just need to use options.

For instance: df -h will print you those information in "human-readable" form. If you need information only about free space, you could use: df -h | awk '{print $1" "$4}'.

Postman: sending nested JSON object

Send it as raw data and set the type to application/json

enter image description here

Create a basic matrix in C (input by user !)

How about the following?

First ask the user for the number of rows and columns, store that in say, nrows and ncols (i.e. scanf("%d", &nrows);) and then allocate memory for a 2D array of size nrows x ncols. Thus you can have a matrix of a size specified by the user, and not fixed at some dimension you've hardcoded!

Then store the elements with for(i = 0;i < nrows; ++i) ... and display the elements in the same way except you throw in newlines after every row, i.e.

for(i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
   for(j = 0; j < ncols ; ++j) 

Get file from project folder java

Well, there are many different ways to get a file in Java, but that's the general gist.

Don't forget that you'll need to wrap that up inside a try {} catch (Exception e){} at the very least, because File is part of which means it must have try-catch block.

Not to step on Ericson's question, but if you are using actual packages, you'll have issues with locations of files, unless you explicitly use it's location. Relative pathing gets messed up with Packages.



In this example, using File f = new File("x.txt"); inside of will throw a file-not-found exception.

However, using File f = new File("src/x.txt"); will work.

Hope that helps!

How to set custom favicon in Express?

No need for custom middleware?! In express:

 //you probably have something like this already    
app.use("/public", express.static('public')); 

Then put your favicon in public and add the following line in your html's head:

<link rel="icon" href="/public/favicon.ico">

Export P7b file with all the certificate chain into CER file

I had similar problem extracting certificates from a file. This might not be the most best way to do it but it worked for me.

openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -print_certs -in <path of the file> | awk 'split_after==1{n++;split_after=0} /-----END CERTIFICATE-----/ {split_after=1} {print > "cert" n ".pem"}'