[java] How to get a reversed list view on a list in Java?

I want to have a reversed list view on a list (in a similar way than List#sublist provides a sublist view on a list). Is there some function which provides this functionality?

I don't want to make any sort of copy of the list nor modify the list.

It would be enough if I could get at least a reverse iterator on a list in this case though.

Also, I know how to implement this myself. I'm just asking if Java already provides something like this.

Demo implementation:

static <T> Iterable<T> iterableReverseList(final List<T> l) {
    return new Iterable<T>() {
        public Iterator<T> iterator() {
            return new Iterator<T>() {
                ListIterator<T> listIter = l.listIterator(l.size());                    
                public boolean hasNext() { return listIter.hasPrevious(); }
                public T next() { return listIter.previous(); }
                public void remove() { listIter.remove(); }                 

I just have found out that some List implementations have descendingIterator() which is what I need. Though there is no general such implementation for List. Which is kind of strange because the implementation I have seen in LinkedList is general enough to work with any List.

This question is related to java list collections iterator reverse

The answer is

I know this is an old post but today I was looking for something like this. In the end I wrote the code myself:

private List reverseList(List myList) {
    List invertedList = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = myList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    return invertedList;

Not recommended for long Lists, this is not optimized at all. It's kind of an easy solution for controlled scenarios (the Lists I handle have no more than 100 elements).

Hope it helps somebody.

Use the .clone() method on your List. It will return a shallow copy, meaning that it will contain pointers to the same objects, so you won't have to copy the list. Then just use Collections.



If you are using a List and don't have access to clone() you can use subList():

List<?> shallowCopy = list.subList(0, list.size());

For small sized list we can create LinkedList and then can make use of descending iterator as:

List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("One", "Two", "Three"));
         forEachRemaining(System.out::println); // Three, Two, One
System.out.println(stringList); // One, Two, Three

You can also invert the position when you request an object:

Object obj = list.get(list.size() - 1 - position);

Collections.reverse(nums) ... It actually reverse the order of the elements. Below code should be much appreciated -

List<Integer> nums = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Tosort the collections uncomment the below line



Output: 15,94,83,42,61

If i have understood correct then it is one line of code .It worked for me .


java.util.Deque has descendingIterator() - if your List is a Deque, you can use that.

I use this:

public class ReversedView<E> extends AbstractList<E>{

    public static <E> List<E> of(List<E> list) {
        return new ReversedView<>(list);

    private final List<E> backingList;

    private ReversedView(List<E> backingList){
        this.backingList = backingList;

    public E get(int i) {
        return backingList.get(backingList.size()-i-1);

    public int size() {
        return backingList.size();


like this:

ReversedView.of(backingList) // is a fully-fledged generic (but read-only) list

You can also do this:

static ArrayList<String> reverseReturn(ArrayList<String> alist)
   if(alist==null || alist.isEmpty())
       return null;

   ArrayList<String> rlist = new ArrayList<>(alist);

   return rlist;

Its not exactly elegant, but if you use List.listIterator(int index) you can get a bi-directional ListIterator to the end of the list:

//Assume List<String> foo;
ListIterator li = foo.listIterator(foo.size());

while (li.hasPrevious()) {
   String curr = li.previous()

Use reverse(...) methods of java.util.Collections class. Pass your list as a parameter and your list will get reversed.


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