This answer is ideal because it extends String
and all of its Subsequences
) in one extension
public extension StringProtocol {
public subscript (i: Int) -> Element {
return self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: i)]
public subscript (bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> SubSequence {
let start = index(startIndex, offsetBy: bounds.lowerBound)
let end = index(startIndex, offsetBy: bounds.upperBound)
return self[start...end]
public subscript (bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> SubSequence {
let start = index(startIndex, offsetBy: bounds.lowerBound)
let end = index(startIndex, offsetBy: bounds.upperBound)
return self[start..<end]
public subscript (bounds: PartialRangeUpTo<Int>) -> SubSequence {
let end = index(startIndex, offsetBy: bounds.upperBound)
return self[startIndex..<end]
public subscript (bounds: PartialRangeThrough<Int>) -> SubSequence {
let end = index(startIndex, offsetBy: bounds.upperBound)
return self[startIndex...end]
public subscript (bounds: CountablePartialRangeFrom<Int>) -> SubSequence {
let start = index(startIndex, offsetBy: bounds.lowerBound)
return self[start..<endIndex]
var str = "Hello, playground"
// Prints ","