I created different versions of how to reverse a string in python in my repo: https://github.com/fedmich/Python-Codes/tree/master/Reverse%20a%20String
You can do it by using list-comprehension or lambda technique:
# Reverse a string without using reverse() function
s = 'Federico';
li = list( s ) #convert string to list
ret = [ li[i-1] for i in xrange(len(li),0,-1) ] #1 liner lambda
print ( "".join( ret ) )
or by doing a backward for loop
# Reverse a string without using reverse() function
s = 'Federico';
r = []
length = len(s)
for i in xrange(length,0,-1):
r.append( s[ i - 1] )
print ( "".join(r) )