I am a little late to the party but I thought I'd share a way of doing it, if you have identical types of conditions, i.e. checking if all, any or at given amount of A_1=A_2 and B_1=B_2, this can be done in the following way:
if len([True for i, j in zip(cond_list_1, cond_list_2) if i == j])>=nr_conds:
print("At least " + str(nr_conds) + " conditions are fullfilled")
if len([True for i, j in zip(cond_list_1, cond_list_2) if i == j])==len(cond_list_1):
print("All conditions are fullfilled")
This means you can just change in the two initial lists, at least for me this makes it easier.