[sql] must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

I have a table that looks like this caller 'makerar'

 cname  | wmname |          avg           
 canada | zoro   |     2.0000000000000000
 spain  | luffy  | 1.00000000000000000000
 spain  | usopp  |     5.0000000000000000

And I want to select the maximum avg for each cname.

SELECT cname, wmname, MAX(avg)  FROM makerar GROUP BY cname;

but I will get an error,

ERROR:  column "makerar.wmname" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an   aggregate function 
LINE 1: SELECT cname, wmname, MAX(avg)  FROM makerar GROUP BY cname;

so i do this

SELECT cname, wmname, MAX(avg)  FROM makerar GROUP BY cname, wmname;

however this will not give the intented results, and the incorrect output below is shown.

 cname  | wmname |          max           
 canada | zoro   |     2.0000000000000000
 spain  | luffy  | 1.00000000000000000000
 spain  | usopp  |     5.0000000000000000

Actual Results should be

 cname  | wmname |          max           
 canada | zoro   |     2.0000000000000000
 spain  | usopp  |     5.0000000000000000

How can I go about fixing this issue?

Note: This table is a VIEW created from a previous operation.

This question is related to sql group-by aggregate-functions postgresql-9.1

The answer is

The problem with specifying non-grouped and non-aggregate fields in group by selects is that engine has no way of knowing which record's field it should return in this case. Is it first? Is it last? There is usually no record that naturally corresponds to aggregated result (min and max are exceptions).

However, there is a workaround: make the required field aggregated as well. In posgres, this should work:

SELECT cname, (array_agg(wmname ORDER BY avg DESC))[1], MAX(avg)
FROM makerar GROUP BY cname;

Note that this creates an array of all wnames, ordered by avg, and returns the first element (arrays in postgres are 1-based).

I recently run into this problem, when trying to count using case when, and found that changing the order of the which and count statements fixes the problem:

SELECT date(dateday) as pick_day,
COUNT(CASE WHEN (apples = 'TRUE' OR oranges 'TRUE') THEN fruit END)  AS fruit_counter

FROM pickings


Instead of using - in the latter, where I got errors that apples and oranges should appear in aggregate functions

CASE WHEN ((apples = 'TRUE' OR oranges 'TRUE') THEN COUNT(*) END) END AS fruit_counter

For me, it is not about a "common aggregation problem", but just about an incorrect SQL query. The single correct answer for "select the maximum avg for each cname..." is

SELECT cname, MAX(avg) FROM makerar GROUP BY cname;

The result will be:

 cname  |      MAX(avg)
 canada | 2.0000000000000000
 spain  | 5.0000000000000000

This result in general answers the question "What is the best result for each group?". We see that the best result for spain is 5 and for canada the best result is 2. It is true, and there is no error. If we need to display wmname also, we have to answer the question: "What is the RULE to choose wmname from resulting set?" Let's change the input data a bit to clarify the mistake:

  cname | wmname |        avg           
 spain  | zoro   |  1.0000000000000000
 spain  | luffy  |  5.0000000000000000
 spain  | usopp  |  5.0000000000000000

Which result do you expect on runnig this query: SELECT cname, wmname, MAX(avg) FROM makerar GROUP BY cname;? Should it be spain+luffy or spain+usopp? Why? It is not determined in the query how to choose "better" wmname if several are suitable, so the result is also not determined. That's why SQL interpreter returns an error - the query is not correct.

In the other word, there is no correct answer to the question "Who is the best in spain group?". Luffy is not better than usopp, because usopp has the same "score".

In Postgres, you can also use the special DISTINCT ON (expression) syntax:

    cname, wmname, avg
    cname, avg DESC ;

This seems to work as well

FROM makerar m1
WHERE m1.avg = (SELECT MAX(avg)
                FROM makerar m2
                WHERE m1.cname = m2.cname

SELECT t1.cname, t1.wmname, t2.max
FROM makerar t1 JOIN (
    SELECT cname, MAX(avg) max
    FROM makerar
    GROUP BY cname ) t2
ON t1.cname = t2.cname AND t1.avg = t2.max;

Using rank() window function:

SELECT cname, wmname, avg
    SELECT cname, wmname, avg, rank() 
    FROM makerar) t
WHERE rank = 1;


Either one will preserve multiple max values per group. If you want only single record per group even if there is more than one record with avg equal to max you should check @ypercube's answer.

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